Spells for the back and sore joints. For osteochondrosis Prayers or conspiracies for osteochondrosis

Vertebral displacement (subluxation) is a pathological condition that is accompanied by displacement and rotation of the vertebrae, as well as narrowing of the intervertebral canal, leading to pain and disorders of the internal organs. It must be said that most often displacement of the vertebrae occurs in the cervical spine. This pathology is quite insidious, since it may not manifest clinically immediately, but provoke disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems of the body. Displacement of the lumbar vertebrae and vertebrae in the chest area is less common.

Why does the bias occur?

Among the causes of vertebral displacement are the following factors:

  • spinal injuries such as fractures or dislocations;
  • degenerative changes in the spine in the presence of certain diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, when the tissue of the intervertebral discs poorly performs the function of fixation;
  • displacement of the cervical vertebrae in infants is most often associated with a sharp movement of the head back, so parents must be able to hold the baby correctly in their arms;
  • operations that violate the integrity of the supporting complex of the spinal column, for example, laminectomy;
  • dysplastic processes that cause disruption of the normal structure of the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs or ligaments of the spine;
  • Displacement of the cervical vertebrae in newborns most often develops as a result of birth trauma, when the child is entangled in the umbilical cord or takes an unusual position in the womb. It must be said that hyperextension in the cervical spine, which occurs during the pathological course of labor, can cause cerebral palsy;
  • in adults, vertebral displacement is often observed in car accidents and falls on the back;
  • lifting weights and heavy physical labor also contributes to the occurrence of displacements in the spine;
  • congenital weakness of bone structures can also cause displacement of the cervical vertebrae;
  • age-related changes in the intervertebral joints, which are accompanied by narrowing of the spinal canal, pinched nerves and paralysis, are the most common cause of the development of this pathology in adulthood;
  • hereditary defects of the spine, for example, spondylolysis, which is characterized by non-fusion of the vertebral arches, which in most cases leads to displacement of the lumbar vertebrae;
  • this lesion can occur during sudden temperature changes;
  • sharp contraction of the back muscles;
  • long stay in a forced position.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

It must be said that quite a lot of time (even several years) can pass from the moment of displacement of the vertebrae to the first manifestations of the lesion, which, accordingly, complicates diagnosis and treatment.

The symptoms of this pathology depend on the location of the pinching. Thus, the main symptoms of displacement of the cervical vertebrae are headache, migraine, runny nose and sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue and memory impairment in the form of amnesia. Quite often, when displacement develops, pain in the neck occurs, sensitivity and function of the upper extremities are impaired.

May occur:

  • disorders of the blood supply to the head;
  • damage to the eyes and organs of hearing, which is manifested by ear pain, deafness, strabismus and certain types of blindness;
  • lesions of the trigeminal nerve, causing the development of neuralgia and neuritis;
  • damage to the nose, which explains the appearance of catarrhal phenomena with displacement of the vertebrae;
  • damage to the vocal cords and pharynx, which leads to hoarseness, as well as laryngitis or sore throat;
  • damage to the neck muscles, manifested by a stiff neck;
  • damage to the thyroid gland;
  • disruption of the innervation of the synovial bursae of the shoulder, which leads to bursitis.

These signs also belong to the symptoms of displacement of the cervical vertebrae.

If the thoracic region is affected, the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcers, as well as damage to the pancreas in the form of acute pancreatitis, increases.

With displacements in the lumbar region, fractures of the articular process first occur, after which the spinal disc is displaced, which leads to pain in the legs and lameness, which prevents patients from moving normally. Chronic pain in the lower back also appears, and sensitivity below the location of the pathological process is impaired. There may be a sharp weakening of the knee or Achilles reflex. Among the symptoms of displacement of the lumbar vertebrae, it is necessary to highlight back pain, which is difficult to respond to pain therapy.

In addition, there are general signs of vertebral displacement:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • chronic damage to internal organs;
  • poor posture;
  • development of scoliosis;
  • manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • development of radiculopathy;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Diagnosis of vertebral displacement

How to treat displacement of the cervical vertebrae or structural units of another part of the spine should be determined only by a traumatologist or orthopedist after performing a series of examinations. Among them, the most indicative are the following methods:

  • radiography, which should be carried out during neck movements (flexion and extension);
  • X-ray with functional tests;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan;
  • anterior spondylogram, which helps diagnose vertebral displacement in the lower back.

The examination methods listed above help to establish the localization of damage to the spinal column, its degree and nature, to diagnose concomitant pinched nerves, and also help to establish the cause of this damage.

Of course, to make a diagnosis of vertebral displacement, one must take into account the clinical manifestations that determine treatment tactics.

Principles of treatment of such pathology

This pathology in any part of the spinal column requires immediate treatment.

Treatment for cervical vertebrae misalignment involves restricting head movement. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and eliminate inflammation of muscles and nerves. If numbness of the upper extremities develops and a tingling sensation appears in the arms, then an epidural injection of cortisone, which is a steroid hormone, is indicated - this drug quickly relieves the swelling and inflammation that inevitably arise with displacement.

When vertebrae are displaced in any location, the use of manual therapy, reflexology, and therapeutic exercises is indicated. These techniques help relax and strengthen the muscles that surround the spine, fix displaced vertebrae, alleviate the clinical manifestations of the disease and restore damaged body functions.

When treating displacement of the lumbar vertebrae, it is forbidden to lift heavy objects, bend the body sharply, or play sports. Thus, a period of rest can facilitate the progression of this lesion. Physiotherapy is also prescribed to help strengthen the muscles of the lower back and abdominals. It is recommended to wear a corset, which secures the lower back and speeds up recovery.

Massage has a good therapeutic effect when vertebrae are displaced.

If therapeutic methods of treatment do not give the desired effect, surgical treatment is performed. In most cases, surgical therapy is indicated for congenital spinal defects and severe displacements, which are manifested by severe symptoms. During the operation, anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae are eliminated, and vertebrae that have shifted are fixed. For this, metal plates are used. It is worth noting that surgical treatment is effective in most cases, but provokes the development of various complications and is more difficult for the body to tolerate than non-invasive treatment methods.

It must be said that treatment of displacements of the cervical vertebrae should be aimed at simulating the process of formation of connective tissue in damaged spinal discs. To ensure rest for the neck muscles, it is recommended to wear a properly selected orthopedic device - a Shants collar. In case of severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and blockades with novocaine are also used. To ensure blood flow to the lesion, hirudotherapy is used, which not only saturates the displaced area with oxygen, but also has an analgesic effect.

To correct displacement of the cervical vertebrae, kinesiology is used, which involves manual muscle testing. This technique helps to painlessly return the vertebra to its place. In addition, kinesitherapy is successfully used - the essence of this treatment method is spinal traction, in which displaced vertebrae independently assume the correct position. It is worth noting that such therapy methods can only be used by highly qualified chiropractors, since if carried out incorrectly, it can only worsen the course of vertebral displacements.

The treatment process for any displacement of the vertebrae takes quite a long time - its success depends not only on the qualifications of the specialist doctor, but also on the patient’s desire to follow all recommendations and adhere to the chosen treatment tactics.

Protrusion of the cervical spine: treatment and consequences

The main support of the human body is the skeleton, consisting of a large number of bones. The most important part of the skeleton, thanks to which all other bones fully function, is the spine. It is this that serves as the basis of the entire musculoskeletal system and takes on most of the load.

  • Mechanism of disease development
  • What can lead to cervical protrusion?
  • Signs and consequences
  • How to treat?

The human spine consists of the following sections:

  1. cervical;
  2. chest;
  3. lumbar;
  4. sacral;
  5. coccygeal

Each of these departments performs its own functions and is responsible for providing support for certain parts of the body. The structure of the spine involves the presence of 33 vertebrae, between which intervertebral discs are located. These discs are formed by ring-shaped plates consisting of connective and cartilaginous tissue. Thanks to such discs, the spine has its mobility and plasticity.

The spine is a vital element of the human body, as the spinal cord is located inside it. The nerve processes extending from it transmit impulses to all human organs, both internal and external. But, of course, the transmission of any impulses from the spinal cord can only occur after a corresponding signal from the brain.

Mechanism of disease development

Only two parts of the spine have high mobility: the cervical and lumbar. The rest are practically motionless. The cervical region is the area of ​​the spine most susceptible to adverse effects. After all, the diameter of the vertebrae that form it is the smallest compared to other sections. And there are much more nerve fibers here.

The cervical spine, like all others, is surrounded by muscle tissue. They are designed not only to protect the spine, but also to ensure the supply of nutrients to it. Useful microelements are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which do not have blood vessels. Thus, the condition of the spine largely depends on the muscles surrounding it.

For certain reasons, the tissues around the spinal column may weaken as a result of poor circulation. And then the intervertebral discs lose the ability to receive nutrients in the volume necessary for normal functioning. As a result of this, they lose their plasticity, become thinner and stiffer, which significantly hinders human movements.

The fibrous ring as part of the intervertebral disc has to endure a lot of pressure, as a result of which it begins to collapse. Such processes lead to protrusion of the intervertebral disc. Very often this happens in the cervical region. In this case, a disease called protrusion of the cervical spine develops.

What can lead to cervical protrusion?

It is known that protrusion of the cervical spine does not begin abruptly and unexpectedly. In the vast majority of cases, the development of such a disease is caused by factors that have had a negative impact on the spine for a long time. This may be a period measured in years. Often a person unknowingly loads the cervical spine and does not think about the consequences. But one of the most common causes of bulging intervertebral discs is incorrect posture. With this position of the body, a very large load is placed on the cervical spine, for which these vertebrae are not designed.

In addition, such improvident human actions, for example, sudden lifting of weights, lead to protrusion. In this case, the load on the spine is distributed incorrectly. Systematically carrying heavy things in this way for several years is fraught with pathological changes in the cervical spine. High heels, which many women prefer to take off only in rare cases, can also lead to protrusion of the cervical spine.

A sedentary lifestyle is another reason for the development of the disease we are describing. If your job involves spending a long time in a chair, then you should think about your spine. Frequently changing positions and regular at least small warm-ups can protect you from possible protrusion.

But there are also reasons for protrusion of intervertebral discs in the cervical region, which are less dependent on the person himself. These include all kinds of spinal injuries and various diseases affecting internal organs. Many diseases cause disruption of metabolic processes in the body, which impairs the supply of nutrients to the constituent elements of the spine. As a result, the intervertebral discs lose their healthy appearance, flatten and bulge.

Signs and consequences

In the initial stages, when the disease has not taken its active form, that is, when the intervertebral disc in one place or another has not yet gone beyond the vertebrae, the person does not experience severe pain. Patients often note a crunching sensation in the cervical spine when turning the head or bending the neck. When a disc bulges, severe pain in the neck begins, which becomes chronic. Movements become more constrained and difficult. In many cases, the pain begins to radiate into the arm, especially in the shoulder area.

In addition, people suffering from protrusion note that the muscles of the upper extremities begin to noticeably weaken, and sometimes numbness of the hand, in particular the index finger, appears. Because of this, a person cannot perform many usual movements. Also, against the background of a bulging intervertebral disc in the cervical spine, frequent headaches and sudden changes in blood pressure begin to appear. Dizziness, bad mood and nervousness are noted. This is how the nerve endings are affected by the intervertebral disc, which has changed its natural location.

If the necessary measures are not taken in time, protrusion can lead to very negative consequences. Thus, a strongly protruded disc can harm the artery that runs through the neck. Clamping it is fraught with serious diseases such as stroke and paralysis. In addition, protrusion can provoke inflammation of the paravertebral muscles, resulting in the development of cervical radiculitis.

How to treat?

Treatment of spinal protrusions is a fairly lengthy process. Despite the fact that this is a very serious disease, it is quite treatable. Of course, if these are timely and correctly selected therapeutic measures.

Before the doctor decides on a treatment regimen, he must conduct a full examination of the cervical spine and identify the specific location where the protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurred. For this purpose, the patient is subjected to magnetic resonance imaging. After diagnostic measures and an accurate diagnosis, the process of active medical intervention begins.

In case of protrusion, surgical intervention is not required, since conservative methods will be quite sufficient. Treatment of this disease is aimed at reducing pain and swelling of nearby tissues, as well as establishing the normal functioning of the vertebrae in the cervical spine. To do this, first of all, a special collar is put on the neck, which will fix the correct position of the neck and reduce the load on the damaged vertebrae. As a result, the pain will be significantly reduced.

At the same time, drug treatment is used. A patient with protrusion is prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In this way, the process of inflammation in the tissues is neutralized and pain disappears. However, with the help of medications only the main symptoms of the disease are removed. To give the cervical vertebrae a healthy appearance, many other procedures are necessary, such as massage, courses of physiotherapy and reflexology, as well as special gymnastic exercises.

After the degree of protrusion has significantly decreased, all responsibility falls on the person himself. The condition of his spine will depend on the degree of his mobility and the regularity of gymnastics. In order not to cause re-protrusion of the intervertebral disc, it is important to control the degree of load on the cervical spine and monitor your work and rest schedule.

How to deal with pain using folk remedies?

Many people try to treat protrusion at home. This treatment is fully justified if you want to relieve pain and relieve tissue inflammation. Here are a few recipes using these products:

  1. Grind the garlic until a mass weighing 300 g is formed and mix it with vodka (150 ml). This composition must be left in a dark place for at least 10 days. After this, you can apply compresses to the neck in the painful area for half an hour.
  2. Take 10 g of baby soap, grate it and pour in a liter of boiling water. To the resulting mixture add salicylic alcohol (1% solution), 200 ml of turpentine and a couple of tablespoons of salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour into a bath of warm water. You need to lie in this liquid for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Apply honey and crushed garlic to the sore spot in a ratio of one to two, respectively.

Good folk remedies for the treatment of protrusions are the leaves of Kalanchoe, as well as maclura. However, do not forget that all this can only alleviate your general condition. For complete treatment, it is still better to consult a specialist.

Lower your chin to your neck. Turn your head first 5 times to the right and then 5 times to the left.

2. Raise your chin a little. Again turn your head to the right 5 times, then to the left 5 times.

3. Tilt your head to the right, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear - 5 times, then to the left 5 times.

4. Head straight. Overcoming the resistance of tense neck muscles, press your chin to the jugular fossa. The top of the head stretches upward.

5. Press your forehead into your palm and tense your neck muscles. Perform the exercise 3 times for 7 seconds.

6. Straining your neck muscles, press your left temple onto your left palm (3 times for 7 seconds). Now press your right temple onto your right palm (3 times for 7 seconds).

7. Chin straight, hands on the back of your head. Press the back of your head onto your hands 3 times for 7 seconds.

8. Place your hands, joined at the fingers, under your chin. Press your chin onto your hands 3 times for 7 seconds.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Neck hurts - what to do? This question is asked by many older people. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by pain when turning the head, a decrease in the viewing angle on the left and right, impaired circulation of blood supplying the brain, with all the ensuing consequences.

The fact is that this problem also affected me. A feeling of tightness in the neck, pain when turning my head, a decrease in the angle of vision - all this began to bother me. Constant morning prayers for the healing of the cervical spine provided only temporary relief, and then everything returned to its previous state.

The other day the Lord brought to my mind an incident when, through the prayer of faith, I received instant healing from a disease in the knee joint of my left leg. Here is a link to this testimony. It turns out that everything is very simple: you need to take power over the disease and cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ, while at the same time showing living faith in the confirmation of healing, that is, begin, no matter what, no matter what painful symptoms, to do what you had not done before. could do, namely: move the diseased organ, whether an arm, a leg, or a neck, in various directions: left, right, forward, backward, make rotational movements, etc. Do all this with the support of the Holy Spirit, being in full confidence that He insures you, guides you, and strengthens you.

I will explain with my personal example how, within about twenty minutes, I received complete relief from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and acquired freedom of head movement in all directions.

Being in a calm prayerful state, I first asked the Lord to indicate the most problematic place in the neck area. The Lord pointed to the left side of the neck in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra. Then a prayer flowed from my lips:

Holy Spirit cover this place of prayer with the cloud of Your glory.

Fill me with Your power from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

Soak me in Your healing oil.

Touch powerfully every cell of my being.

Spirit of cervical osteochondrosis! I command you, by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, leave my body and never return again.

My body is the temple of the living God, and you have no part in me.

I am a child of God, washed, cleansed in the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. By His stripes I am healed, and I do not need to bear this disease. The Son of God took it upon himself.

I am completely free from cervical disease.

The Lord is the sun of righteousness, and in His rays is my healing.

Holy Spirit, direct Your healing light to the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra and remove everything that is causing the disease.

May all darkness dissolve in Your light, may every barrier to the movement of blood to the brain be destroyed.

May all pain in the cervical region go away.

(Simultaneously with the proclamation of healing, I began to make rotational movements with my head, swaying, bending, despite the pain).

Holy Spirit, warm all the tissues of my cervical region, direct your lubricant to each spinous process.

May they move freely, without any friction.

May all nerve endings be freed from pinching and receive adequate nutrition through oxygen-rich blood.

Let all arteries, capillaries, and vessels carrying blood to the brain be free.

Holy Spirit, direct your cleansing fire along the entire spine and cleanse the entire spinal column. Fill it with Your power.

May I be luscious and fruitful in my old age.

May my youth be renewed like the eagle.

I proclaim youth, strength, health to my spirit, soul and body.

Lord, my strength is in You! Renew me from head to toe.

(At this stage, I felt the pain begin to go away from the cervical region, head movements in different directions became freer and more confident).

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and love towards me. Thank you for complete healing from cervical osteochondrosis. Your power has healed me. Your grace filled me like a deep river.

Thank You for everything You do in my life. Praise be to You, honor and greatness, and glory forever. Amen.

After such a little prayer, I was completely healed. Thanks God!

Dear friend, it is the will of the Heavenly Father that you be healthy. The devil is trying to separate us from communication with the Father with only one goal: to deprive us of the source of life, from which rivers of living water flow, so necessary for everyone for a full life.

God does not need any religious rituals to achieve our healing. He needs our simple childlike faith that His Son has already done everything for us on the cross, and we just need to release our faith and begin to walk by faith. People are used to complicating everything: “if the priest doesn’t lay his hands on me and pray, then I’m unlikely to be healed.” “If I have some kind of unrepentant sin, then it is unlikely that God will heal me. “This is all the rubbish of the human mind. God only needs faith in obedience to the Word of God. And the Word of God says:

“But so that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins,” he says to the paralytic:

I say to you: get up, take up your bed and go to your house.

He immediately got up and, taking the bed, went out in front of everyone, so that everyone was amazed and glorified God, saying: “We have never seen anything like this.”

May this testimony of the glory of God in my healing from cervical osteochondrosis serve those who are now ready to receive. May God be glorified in everything!

When medicine becomes powerless, and special medications no longer help against osteochondrosis, magic and rituals come to the aid of people. Constant sedentary work brings many to this state and people are simply forced to turn to traditional medicine.

Strong conspiracies for osteochondrosis

A spell for osteochondrosis will help relieve pain and improve the patient’s condition. Also, simultaneously with the rituals, it is allowed to take pills; by such actions, a person increases all chances of recovery.

Traditional recipes come to the rescue

Every day, scientists are making progress and inventing new drugs to help suffering patients. People are used to taking pills to cure various diseases, but they may not always have the best effect. In such cases, patients are simply forced to resort to the help of folk recipes, prayers and spells. Such rituals do not help everyone, but they still have positive dynamics and relieve pain.

Traditional medicine also does not stand still; recently it has become quite popular, and those recipes that are passed on by our grandmothers from generation to generation have become real saviors. A conspiracy against osteochondrosis adjusts the psychology of people to believe and trust such a ritual. There is nothing complicated about them, they will not worsen the patient’s condition, but it’s always worth a try. Several reasons why you should turn to the advice of our grandmothers are presented below.

  1. In ancient times, people used only popular advice and, strangely enough, they only helped them. The rituals show good results, and people are satisfied with them.
  2. Modern medicine produces quite expensive medications that many people cannot afford. Conspiracies and rituals for osteochondrosis do not require a lot of cost and time. The ingredients used for treatment can be found in any field or garden. The main thing is to prepare them correctly and then use them.
  3. Every patient must have a prescription option for osteochondrosis.

Ritual for healing from osteochondrosis

It is customary to pronounce a spell against osteochondrosis on the waning moon and on a slice of bread. The sore spot is rubbed with bread and then fed to the dog. You need to carry out this ritual until the pain completely goes away. When the disease is not in an advanced state, the ritual helps quite quickly. To do this you should read these words:

“Mother of God, I beg you to take away my illness and give it to the dog. Let my words be strong, sticky, as strong as a slice of bread. My illness will leave me just as it came. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Bread will help in healing

In addition to such a conspiracy, copper coins are a great help. They are applied to the sore spot and secured with a plaster. You need to wear it for a long time and not remove it. To place them on a weak spot, they are cleaned with chalk until they shine.

We treat chronic osteochondrosis

To begin this ritual, measure the length of the patient’s back with a rope. The clothesline they take is the clothesline on which the laundry has recently been hanging out. They start from the neck and go down to the tailbone, the rest of the rope is cut off. On the night when the moon is falling, they go into the forest, measure a branch with a rope, and tie it to the branch for the same duration. Then they say the following prayer:

“The branch has no pain in either the arms or the back. The neck does not twist or pull anything. May I, the servant of God (name), have absolutely no pain, may the illness leave me completely. My body won’t hurt until someone hangs laundry on this line to dry.”

When you have completed everything correctly, return home silently. You definitely don’t need to not talk to anyone or even say hello. Don't go to the store or other place. When you enter the apartment, you can start talking. After a while, perform the ceremony again, and again in a month. The ritual must be performed three times, every month, and then the disease will completely release you.

Bay leaf will help

When there is no time to carry out a conspiracy, you can use the method using bay leaves. To begin, take a sheet and fill it with plenty of hot water. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a dark place to infuse. If possible, it is advisable to take the infusion to a cold place for infusion. You need to keep the drink all night. The prepared tincture is drunk three times every day. It is important not to drink the decoction with anything or have a snack.

The duration of treatment is seven days. It is important to know that you need to fulfill all the requirements clearly, drink three times and throughout the week. It is prohibited to increase or decrease the course of treatment. By such actions you can harm yourself and only worsen the disease itself.

It will also be useful to drink and at the same time apply compresses to sore spots. The sheet is applied and wrapped in something warm so that the sore spot is constantly warm. It is advisable to keep it longer: the longer, the better. After a while, the pain will no longer be so strong, and then everything will go away.

We turn to magic for help

Osteochondrosis can be removed with the help of special prayers and spells. Very often rituals are performed using salt. They put it in a bag, not too big, and warm it overnight. You can heat it in a frying pan or in any other way. At the moment of heating the salt, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer.

You need to consult a doctor

Remember that the duration of treatment should never be interrupted. It is also worth using traditional methods simultaneously with medications and exercise. The only thing you need to do is go through all the examinations and consult a doctor. Only in this way will you not harm yourself during self-medication.

Prayer for osteochondrosis

This method has a positive effect on the patient’s condition and begins to act very quickly. To carry out a conspiracy to heal osteochondrosis, you will need a stick broken from a tree, for example, aspen. Take one that has a knot. The stick is placed on the sore spot and the necessary prayer is said.

“The twig should not cause harm through illness and bad weather. May I, the servant of God (name), lose my illness and receive excellent health. Let my sore back find peace and the disease go away. Living with a bad back is hard, and it hurts to move. You bitch help me. My word will always be like this. Let the pain recede forever and never come again. The branch lying on my back and neck will save me. I need my neck for work and normal life. I have already said all the right words, and soon my strength will return. Amen".

Prayer for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

When healing yourself with massage and acupuncture, read an Orthodox prayer for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The pain will subside by the will of the Lord God.

My dears, winter has come, and with it the risk of exacerbations.

You are probably being treated by a neurologist and taking bitter pills.

Most likely non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Osteochondrosis requires sincere faith in the final result.

A prayer addressed to Matrona of Moscow comes to the rescue.

Go to an Orthodox Church and buy an arbitrary number of candles.

Immediately set aside at least one for home prayer.

Place candles at the icon of the Blessed Elder.

Silently say these prayer lines.

Holy Matrona, heal me from neck pain, according to God’s gracious will. Amen.

Apply the sign of the cross to yourself.

Collect holy water and go back.

When you have free time, retire to a locked room.

Light the remaining candles. Place the image of the Blessed Matrona and a decanter of holy water nearby.

Believe that the intercession of Jesus Christ will certainly descend upon you.

You will be healed from cervical osteochondrosis by accepting the Son of God as Savior.

Start reading the prayer repeatedly and slowly.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. My neck hurts and my head is foggy, original sin nests inside me. My spine is hunched and tight, as if someone is tightly pressing me to the ground. Have mercy and help me heal, and teach me how to pray heartily. I glorify you and the Kingdom of Heaven, take away corruption and evil deceit from your soul. Grant me health, strength to rise, and to part with pain in my joints forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself three times and drink holy water.

Sprinkle it on the cervical spine.

Blow out the candles. Take their cinders back to the Orthodox Church.

And continue the course of treatment prescribed by your doctors.

Conspiracy for osteochondrosis

Many people ask whether it is possible to cure osteochondrosis with the help of conspiracies? Yes, you can. You just need to read such conspiracies regularly, once every few months.

This one is read on the waning moon over a piece of black bread. Read the spell for osteochondrosis on bread, then rub it on the sore spot.

“Most Holy Mother of God, I turn to You in prayer,

I ask you to take away the disease from my body,

Yes, give it to the dog.

Go, pain, with the servant of God (name)

By order of the Mother of God.

Her word drives the pain away from me,

God's servant (name) from illness and pain

Be my words strong, molding,

Tenacious to a piece of bread.

Get rid of the disease from me (name),

Cling to the bread.

Key. Lock. Language.

After you have read a plot against osteochondrosis on a piece of bread, you need to give it to the dogs.

Here is another conspiracy for osteochondrosis, which is read on the waning moon. You will need a rope on which to dry clothes. Place it on the upper vertebra of the patient's back and measure his back to the tailbone. Go into the forest and find a tree with long branches. Attach the rope with which you measured the back of the patient with osteochondrosis to its branch. At the place where the rope ends, tie it to a branch, saying the words of the spell for osteochondrosis.

So, the words of the conspiracy for osteochondrosis.

“Like yours, branch, your back doesn’t hurt,

The hand doesn’t prick, the leg doesn’t pull,

So it is with the servant of God (name)

The disease will go away through the rope.

Until they hang the clothes on this line to dry,

Then until that hour my body will not ache, ache,

To suffer from pain and illness.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After you have read the conspiracy for osteochondrosis, return home and do not talk to anyone. You need to perform this ritual 3 times, that is, 3 months in a row.

If you distrust conspiracies for osteochondrosis, then try to get rid of it with 5 ruble coins. Rub the coins until they shine with chalk or tooth powder, and then stick them on the back with adhesive tape. Wear it for a day without taking it off.

For osteochondrosis

Move the aspen stick between the shoulder blades and say:

Mudra for osteochondrosis

Mudra for osteochondrosis Indications: this mudra is used for osteochondrosis to relieve aching pain, muscle spasms, numbness and aches in the arms and legs. With cervical osteochondrosis, the head often hurts and feels dizzy, the vision becomes dark, and the pressure rises. For thoracic osteochondrosis

Collection for osteochondrosis

Collection for osteochondrosis Horse sorrel root – 20 g Silver birch buds – 20 g Lingonberry leaves – 20 g Peppermint leaves – 20 g Willow bark – 20 g Corn silk – 20 g Meadowsweet flowers – 20 g 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection, pour 300 g of boiling water, cover the dishes with a pillow,

Conspiracy for osteochondrosis

Spell for osteochondrosis This spell must be read in the bathhouse, while whipping the patient with a bath broom. “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I will not be baptized with a cross, but with a broom. Hey, stabbing, whining, get out of me, servant of God (name). Hey grinder

For osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis, move an aspen stick between your shoulder blades and say: Oh, you aspen knot, you have no sorrows, no illnesses, no burdens, no aches, no burning, no bruising. So my back wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t burn, it wouldn’t ache. Where did the pain come from, go there, don’t

Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis

Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis Most often, the patient experiences severe dull pain during physical activity, as well as during absolute rest. The disease can develop over many years, sometimes manifesting itself as pain that appears and disappears in the back, lower back,

External remedy for osteochondrosis

External remedy for osteochondrosis Rub ointments and tinctures into the bloodstream. In the lower body area - from the heels to the hips. Pay special attention to the fact that your hands should be warm when rubbing the ointments. Do not put the finished ointment on sore spots. Witch Doctor holding

Conspiracy for osteochondrosis

Conspiracy for osteochondrosis The master and the patient go to the bathhouse. There the patient begins to steam, and he and the master shout out the following incantation twelve times in a row: I don’t cross myself with a cross, I whip myself with a broom. Get out, pound, Get out, grind, Stretch, moan, Get out

For osteochondrosis

From osteochondrosis I am like a strong, strong, young tree, full of strength to stand up to my full height, to be straight, strictly vertical, slender, and at the same time flexible and mobile. My spine is strong and strong, and at the same time elastic. Health energies fill

22. Divine healing from osteochondrosis

22. Divine healing from osteochondrosis The Lord God pours into me a colossal, gigantic Divine power of life in a round-the-clock, year-round continuous stream. I am completely filled with the gigantic Divine power of life. And the Lord God with great speed, 50 times

Tea for osteochondrosis and arthritis

Tea for osteochondrosis and arthritis Prepare a mixture for daily tea: cinquefoil grass, horsetail, knotweed grass, linden color, lilac color, hawthorn fruits, coltsfoot grass, peppermint, thyme, black currant leaves, wild strawberry flowers, leaf raspberries - all

Prayer for cervical osteochondrosis

Good day, dear visitors! On my page you can find the information you are interested in about Tarot cards, Marie Lenormand cards, the Playing Tarot - their origin, description and meanings of the cards. You can get acquainted with various fortune-telling layouts.

In the “Runes” section you will learn how to make runes with your own hands and activate them correctly so that they help you in various life situations, and you will also find a lot of fortune telling on runes.

The “Palmistry” section consistently describes the main elements of palm reading (lines, bumps, signs, etc.) and provides options for their interpretation. You will acquire hand reading skills and learn how to make palm prints correctly.

“Lithotherapy” will take you to the world of stones. He will tell you about their unusual properties and teach you how to properly handle stones. It will also tell you how to choose the right stone.

“Horoscopes” will help you understand how a person’s date of birth influences his character and destiny. Also here you can get acquainted with various options for horoscopes.

“Numerology” will help you find the dependence on your date of birth, first name, last name and show how to use it to determine the most favorable time for making important decisions. Numerology explains the influence of numbers on people's lives, business, health and happiness. It will also tell you which numbers will bring good luck and which ones should be avoided.

"Chakras" will introduce you to the seven human energy centers. They will describe in detail what each chakra is responsible for. And also, with the help of special exercises, they will teach you how to open these chakras.

The “Amulets” section will introduce you to various types of amulets, talismans, and amulets. He will teach you how to make them with your own hands for different life situations and will help you correctly activate them so that they help their owner.

"Dream Book" will help you understand the most mysterious dreams.

Section “Women's Secrets” - This section presents articles about relationships, love and marriage. Sex and relaxing massage. Hairstyle, accessories, image, clothes, jewelry, makeup. .

Section “Compatibility” - will tell you about the partnership of zodiac signs and the eastern horoscope, and introduce you to techniques for life. .

Section “Tattoos” - Most modern tattoos that have magical powers came to us from ancient times. A tattoo can change not only your body, but also your life...

Section “Hypnosis” - Almost anyone can learn hypnosis techniques and become a hypnotist. To do this you will need honesty, diligence and determination.

Section “Traditions” - will introduce you to secret and hidden teachings: Sufism, Slavs, Maya, Martial Arts, Enlightened Ones, Shamanism, Buddhism.

Section “Paths and Schools” - they will give an introduction to Reiki, Cosmoenergetics, Feng Shui, Yoga and will introduce you to the works of Gurdjieff and Castaneda.

Section “Development of Perception” - will introduce you to meditation methods, help develop memory and attention, and teach you how to stay in lucid dreams.

Section “Awareness” – will introduce you to psychotechnics, psychosomatics, enlightenment, psychology.

Section “The Art of Therapy” - they will teach you how to use sound therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy, herbal medicine and origami in your interests and will give you the opportunity to help other people.

Conspiracies for osteochondrosis

Knead rye flatbread, to which add a pinch of dry mustard and rock table salt, whispering from time to time (3-5 times): It will be baked not in a frying pan, but on the back; You won’t get oil, but you’ll take away the pain; That is your business and glory. Amen.

Then place this cake on the sore spot of the spine and fix it overnight, and if after a few minutes instead of pleasant warmth you feel an unbearable burning sensation, then remove the cake, rinse the area on your back with warm water and prepare another similar cake mixed with flower (preferably linden) honey . Do this once a day, at night. The course is a week.

Conspiracies for osteochondrosis

Prepare small (5-7 cm) sticks from birch branches, sharpened at the end like a pencil. In case of illness of the neck and cervical spine, take three sticks together and, lightly tingling your legs with them, say: Sticks-pleasers, take the pains, take them to the fast rivers, the blue sea. Let it be so! The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes, carried out 3-5 times a day.

Lie on the threshold and say three times: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Father, damask axe, remove my internal pains and sorrows, bone, veins, brain. Just as a damask ax does not hurt anything, so the servant of God (name) does not hurt or ache. Stand up, all the bones, veins, in their place. Just as a baby doesn’t hurt anywhere, his bones don’t ache, so the servant of God (his name) doesn’t hurt or ache anywhere. May my words be strong, sculpted, stronger than a gray stone and a sharp damask knife, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

You need to measure the person’s back with the rope on which the laundry was previously hanging. You need to measure from the top vertebra to the tailbone. Cut off the excess part. During the bad month, go to the forest, measure a branch with a rope and tie it to the branch at the same length. Say: Just as your back doesn’t hurt, branch, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t pull, your neck doesn’t move, so for me, God’s servant (my name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. After these words, go home, dear, don’t talk. Don't answer greetings, don't go into the store. When you enter your house (apartment), you can start talking. In a month, repeat everything again. And then a month later, the third and last time.

If a person has a tendency toward spinal disease, then during an exacerbation of the disease, place him on the threshold, place a worn broom on top of the sore spot, tap it with an ax and say three times: What are you doing? Ducks. Flog him in the right way so that it lasts forever.

At night, warm up a bag of salt and say the Lord’s Prayer three times. After this, apply it to your back or other sore spot and read the spell: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! I dissuade the influx day, night, counter, transverse, midday, midnight, water, interior, hourly, half-hourly. I am not dissuading the influx, the influx is dissuaded by Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the whole heavenly chariot dissuades it. I send the tributary to the sea, to the ocean, to the island of Buyan, to the white stone Alatyr: there they will receive the tributary of 77 fellows, one fellow locks the tributary with 77 locks, with 77 keys, sends the tributary to the Okiyan Sea, to the white fish: there for you, tributaries , live well, freely. You, flowers, will not bloom, you, tributaries, will not win back my death. Heaven and earth, the key! Amen!

For any applications to the affected areas, you must first whisper to them: Shel Chondrosis, sat down to rest. He sat and suddenly flew away to where wolves don’t howl, birds don’t fly, wild dogs don’t bark, and only witches carry their dung. That's where your Chondrosis flew away. Amen. They whisper three times. Course - up to 10 days. Treatment should begin on the waning moon, but in such a way that the final days fall on the waning lunar phase.

Cross the joint affected by osteochondrosis repeatedly and whisper for five minutes: Cross for illness; go, disease, into the red forest, there the blue demon is waiting for you. Amen three times for seven rains. Do this twice a day. Start on the waning moon. Course - days. If necessary, repeat treatment after a week, regardless of the lunar phases.

Tapping the edge of any palm on the affected area, whisper sternly, peering closely at these coordinates, six times: I will chop, I will chop, I will chop! I'll hammer, I'll hammer, I'll hammer! I knock, I knock, I knock! I don’t scare you, because I know my business. For now it’s a whisper, then it’s a talk. True. Do this once a day at noon or immediately before starting any physical therapy session. Course - 10 days. The phases of the moon in this case are not of fundamental importance.

This plot helps to completely cure a vertebral hernia. They read it in a heated bathhouse on the waning moon, whipping the patient with an oak broom: You hernia, hernia, get out of the servant of God (name). Come out without legs, without arms. Go out without a head, onto the bath shelves, into a hot stove, into a fierce fire, and don’t touch the servant of God (name) again. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. After these words, put the broom in the oven and leave. This needs to be done three times.

Another way. This spell can be used to treat any hernia in a child. On Wednesday after sunset, take a red rag in your right hand. Circle it around the hernia counterclockwise and read the spell: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on earth are three relatives and keels, three vile inguinal hernias, the second, and the third umbilical hernia ache, gnaw, pinch and rush at all God's people. I will get up, blessing myself, I will walk, cross myself, put on a cross, and go out into the surrounding area. There I will find a stone hole, I will call the first sister: here you, hernia, live, here you, hernia, live. I’ll find a dry tree in the forest, call the hernia, my second sister: here you, hernia, should be, here you, hernia, should live. And I’ll kill the third sister hernia with a red rag. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Do this three evenings in a row, then burn the rag. 3*



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Osteochondrosis is degenerative damage to the intervertebral cartilage. There are osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis:

When the cervical spine is affected, pain in the back of the head and neck, limited neck mobility, and numbness in the fingers are typical. With thoracic osteochondrosis, the patient experiences increased fatigue, pain along the spine, and the inability to remain in an upright position for a long time. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, pain with sudden movements, first slight, then severe.

Traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis:

Reduced physical activity, bed rest in the acute period, pain relief, drugs that reduce reflex muscle tension, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.

Non-traditional and traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis:

Home remedies for osteochondrosis

  • A compress of grated raw potatoes with honey (1:1), which is kept on the sore spot for 1 - 2 hours, has an analgesic effect.
  • Prepare a mixture of 0.25 cups of vodka, 0.5 cups of honey, 0.75 cups of finely grated radish and 2 tablespoons of salt. Use it as a rub 2 times a day and orally: 1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day for 1 week during exacerbation.
  • Fry the ginger powder in melted butter and mix in a 1:1 ratio with garlic, crushed into a paste. Rub the ointment in case of lumbago or lumbago (a disease characterized by acute pain in the lower back). It is useful to tie grated garlic to your lower back; you should remove it when it starts to burn.

Herbs and herbs for osteochondrosis:

  • Pour the bitterness of finely chopped oregano into 0.5 liters of sunflower or olive oil, leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Squeeze the remaining herbs well. Rub oil on your back.
  • Brew 1 tablespoon of chopped wild strawberry leaves or 1 tablespoon of dried wild strawberry fruits with 1 glass of boiling water as tea. Leave for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 glasses a day.
  • Grind 1 tablespoon of hop cone powder with 1 tablespoon of unsalted lard or fresh butter. Lubricate painful areas with osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, and lower back pain.

Reflexology with pepper patch:

This method of relieving pain from osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, and myositis came to us from the East. The pepper patch contains capsicum extract, thick belladonna extract, arnica tincture, natural rubber, pine rosin, lanolin, vaseline oil and other components that are applied to pieces of cotton fabric. Before applying the patch, the skin must be degreased with alcohol, ether, cologne and wiped dry.

There are two ways to apply the patch:

1. You can stick the entire large sheet of plaster onto the pain area, while capturing part of the surrounding painless space.

2. Stick small pieces of the patch (approximately 1×1 cm) only on specially selected biologically active points. For osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, it is recommended to apply pieces of the plaster to points located below the spinous process. Finding these points is very simple: tilt your head forward, press your chin to your chest and use the tip of the index finger of your right hand to move from top to bottom along the midline of your neck. At the end of the neck, at its base, you can easily feel the protruding cervical vertebra - the spinous process. Place a piece of pepper plaster into the depression below this protruding vertebra. This is one of the main points of acupuncture, which has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Now swipe your finger down from this point. Once you've passed the next protruding spinous process, place another square of pepper plaster in the hole below it. Here is a point that is effective for cervicothoracic radiculitis, tension and contracture of the back muscles, migraines and headaches, memory impairment, neurasthenia, influenza and some other diseases. After this, you need to find the pain points. They are located on the back and sides of the neck and thoracic back, approximately to the middle of the shoulder blades. Using the tip of your index finger, feel for small depressions in the soft tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle. The sensations in these pits can be different: strong, sharp pain even with a light touch, an unpleasant ache, or just a feeling of discomfort. You need to cover all the pain points found with pieces of pepper plaster. Only then will the pain disappear.

Attention! If the burning sensation is severe, remove the patch and lubricate the skin with Vaseline. Do not apply pepper patch to birthmarks.

For acute and chronic pain in the lower back, first of all, you need to find a general strengthening point on the back (at waist level), which is located in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, and stick a square of pepper plaster into this depression. This point relieves pain in the lumbar region well. Now we need to find point 1, which is located in the depression between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. This point has a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine (for acute and chronic pain), diseases of the genitourinary system and large intestine. Having pasted the plaster on these two points, you should find all the pain points in the lumbar region throughout the entire space - from the lower ribs to the level of the gluteal fold - and seal them with squares of pepper plaster.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis should first of all be treated with special exercises.

These exercises can be included in the complex of morning exercises. They help keep the spine flexible and healthy.

  1. Stand up, put your hands on your hips. Move your pelvis forward and backward - 10 times in each direction.
  2. Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward, pull your stomach in. Fold like a pocket knife. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  3. Lying on your back, press your knees bent to your chest.
  1. Standing on all fours, straighten your arms and legs, raise your pelvis and stretch your spine. “Open” your chest and relax your shoulders, neck and face, letting your head hang freely. Remain in this position for at least 1 minute, then return to all fours.
  2. Lie on your back so that the back of your head protrudes beyond the edge of the bed or couch, place a pillow under your shoulders. If the position is taken correctly, you will feel a slight stretch in the neck, but there should be no tension in the forehead or eyes. Stretch in this position for 1 minute, then put your hands behind your head and, helping yourself with your hands, rise.
  3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward, arms hanging down freely. The neck is helped to stretch by the weight of the head. After a minute, inhale and rise.
  1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Take a shallow breath, tense your muscles, inhale and relax. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Lying on your back. Straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Bend your legs at the knees and clasp your arms. Then pull it towards your stomach. Raise your head and touch your forehead to your knees. Smoothly return them to their original position. Repeat 4-5 times.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees, spread your arms to the sides. Turn your torso to the right and left. Turn in each direction 4 - 5 times.
  4. Lying on your back with your knees bent, grab the edge of the sofa or the headboard with your hands. Slowly raise your torso, trying to reach your hands with your feet. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight. Place your hands along your body. Leaning on your legs, stomach and lower body, raise your head and shoulders. Repeat 5 times.
  6. Lying on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Turning your torso slightly to the left, reach your left palm with your right hand. The same is true in the other direction. Repeat 5-6 times.
  7. Stand between two chairs. Feet together, hands on the backs of the chairs. Rise up on your toes and rotate your pelvis in one direction or the other. Repeat 4-5 times.
  8. Sit on the bed. Place your arms along your body, tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Slowly tilt your head back. Repeat 5-10 times.
  9. Lie on your back, placing a wooden cushion covered with soft fabric under your shoulder blades. Pressing on it with your back, roll the roller towards the neck and back.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle:

The shoulder joint has great mobility. Connecting the collarbone, shoulder blade and arm bones, it allows the arms to move in almost any direction. With age, the mobility of the shoulder joints decreases. Slouching and stiff shoulders are the result of incorrect posture, which has developed over the years. Older people begin to hunch more and more, causing their shoulders to move forward and their chests to become concave. Tension in the shoulder girdle limits the mobility of the ribs, making it difficult to breathe. The habit of tense shoulders and hunching is very difficult to eradicate. The exercises below will help relieve muscle stiffness. The exercises should be performed slowly and carefully, gradually increasing the range of movements. You cannot forcefully twist your shoulders. If you have previously dislocated or injured your shoulder, do not start stretching without your doctor's approval. You should stretch in each position for 1-2 seconds, then repeat the exercise. As you increase shoulder mobility, you can increase the length of each stretch.

Before performing the exercises, you should try to relax your shoulders as much as possible. To do this, kneel on a folded blanket or rug and place a stack of pillows in front of you. Lean forward and rest your head on the pillows, trying to find a comfortable position. Place your folded hands on the pillows so that your elbows are higher than your head. As you lean forward and relax, you will feel a slight stretch in your shoulders. In this position, there is no need to press hard on the pillows, trying to go lower. Relax.

  1. Wrap your elbows with a wide belt so that when it is pulled, your elbows are shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight above your head with your palms facing inward. Try to spread your arms, overcoming the resistance of the belt. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders.
  2. Stretch your arms forward at shoulder level, clasp your fingers together with your palms facing outward. Take a deep breath, then as you exhale, raise your arms above your head. Stretch your hands, bend your fingers. Repeat the exercise, clasping your fingers with your palms facing inward.
  3. Bend your right arm behind your back so that your forearm and hand form a vertical line, palm facing out. As you inhale, extend your left arm above your head, as you exhale, bend it and clasp the fingers of both hands behind your back. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can grab the ends of the belt with your hands. Repeat, changing the position of your hands.

Exercises to relieve back pain:

Before you start doing the stretching exercises below, remember that they can only provide relief if you know your diagnosis. If back pain worsens towards the end of the day, it is recommended to relax before starting exercise. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs and rest your feet on the floor. In this position, the pelvis tilts back and the pressure on the lower back is reduced. Take a few deep breaths, releasing the tension that has accumulated during the day, and begin to stretch.

  1. This exercise relieves lower back pain by strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Having previously relaxed, lie on your back, bend your legs and place your arms along your body. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks and lift your hips and pelvis off the floor, without bending at the waist, lift your pelvis above your stomach. Stay in this position for as long as possible, breathing freely. Then, as you exhale, gently lower your pelvis to the floor.
  2. To perform this exercise you will need some kind of weight, such as books. Lie on your back on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, pulling in your tailbone and trying to press your back to the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles, raise your arms up, stretching your spine. You can put a weight on your hands: this will help you not take your hands off the floor while doing the exercise. Stretch, trying not to arch your back. At the same time, you should feel how your abdominal muscles retract and tense. Continuing to stretch, straighten your legs and remain in this position until you feel tired. Breathing is free.
  3. This exercise relieves pain in the lower pelvis. Lie on the floor, on your stomach, with your arms extended along your body, palms up. Stretch your legs and tighten your buttock muscles. As you exhale, lift your shoulders and legs off the floor without bending your knees. The spine should stretch evenly along its entire length, and therefore you should not raise your head much higher than your legs. They must be on the same level. Move your head forward, stretch your neck and hold this position for several seconds. Breathe calmly and evenly. Try to feel the stretch in the sacrum area.

Exercises for the thoracic spine:

  1. Get on all fours, arch your back as much as possible, and remain in this position for 2-3 seconds. Keep your head straight. Repeat 5-7 times.
  2. Lie on your stomach and, resting your hands on the floor, bend strongly back, trying to lift your torso off the floor.
  3. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Bend your thoracic spine and lift your head and legs up. Repeat 5-7 times.

An effective remedy for osteochondrosis is hanging exercises. The crossbar is easy to install in the doorway. When performing exercises, women keep their hands shoulder-width apart, men - slightly wider.

  1. Move your legs back and forth, to the sides, together. Bend your knees. Throw your head back, bend over. Make body turns. Feet together.
  2. Bend your legs to the right and left. Twirl your legs, sometimes together, sometimes separately. Pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach.
  3. Pull yourself up above your chin.
  4. Pull yourself up, throwing your head back and bending, trying to touch the bar with your stomach.
  5. Raise your legs and stretch them forward, making an angle. In this position, make circles with straight and closed legs.
  6. “Walk” on your hands along the crossbar. In the “corner” position, rotate the body.

These exercises develop the flexibility of the spine and will help maintain the mobility of the joints of the arms and legs. The length of the jump rope (or rope) should be 1.5-2 m.

  1. Stand with your feet apart and a jump rope folded in four in your hands bent behind your head. Raise your arms up and, pulling the rope, turn to the right, pulling yourself up. Return to starting position. Then the exercise must be repeated in the other direction (5-6 times in each direction).
  2. Stand with your feet apart and hold a double-folded jump rope in your bent arms behind your head. Raising your hands up and pulling the rope, make two springy bends to the left. Return to the starting position (repeat 5-6 times in each direction).
  3. Stand with your feet apart, arms up, with a rope folded in half. Swing your right leg forward and lower your arms in front of you so that your leg touches the rope. Return to starting position. Do the same with your left leg (5-6 times with each leg).
  4. Stand with your legs apart, hands with a rope folded in four below your back. Pull your arms back, bend over, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
  5. Standing on your knees, hold the rope folded in half in your lowered hands. While stretching the rope, raise your arms up, extend your right leg to the side, place it on your toes and make two springy bends to the right. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.
  6. Lying on your back, stretch your arms up with a folded rope. Bending your right leg, move it over the rope and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times with each leg.
  7. Stand with your feet together, hands with the rope down, the middle of the rope should be under the heel of your left foot. Spreading your arms to the sides and pulling the rope, take your right leg back and bend over. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg.

They float in the bathhouse and shout in turns. The master, and then the patient, and so 12 times:

I am not baptized with a cross, but rather whipped with a broom. Get out, stab. Get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen."

Knead rye flatbread, to which add a pinch of dry mustard and rock table salt, whispering from time to time (3-5 times):

It will be baked not in a frying pan, but on the back; You won’t get oil, but you’ll take away the pain; That is your business and glory. Amen."

Then place this cake on the sore spot of the spine and fix it overnight, and if after a few minutes instead of pleasant warmth you feel an unbearable burning sensation, then remove the cake, rinse the area on your back with warm water and prepare another similar cake mixed with flower (preferably linden) honey . Do this once a day, at night, for seven days.

Prepare small (5-7 cm) sticks from birch branches, sharpened at the end like a pencil. For diseases of the neck and cervical spine, take three sticks together and, lightly tingling your legs with them, say:

Sticks-pleasers, take the pains, take them to the fast rivers, the blue sea. Let it be so!"

The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes, carried out 3-5 times a day.

A conspiracy against osteochondrosis on the threshold.

Lie down on the threshold and say three times:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Father, damask axe, remove my internal pains and sorrows, bone, veins, brain. Just as a damask ax does not hurt anything, so the servant of God (name) does not hurt or ache. Stand up, all the bones, veins, in their place. Just as a baby doesn’t hurt anywhere, his bones don’t ache, so the servant of God (his name) doesn’t hurt or ache anywhere. May my words be strong, sculpted, stronger than a gray stone and a sharp damask knife, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Spell for osteochondrosis on a rope:

You need to measure the person’s back with the rope on which the laundry was previously hanging. You need to measure from the top vertebra to the tailbone. Cut off the excess part. During the bad month, go to the forest, measure a branch with a rope and tie it to the branch at the same length.

Just as your back, branch, doesn’t hurt, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t pull, your neck doesn’t stiffen, so for me, God’s servant (name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After these words, go home, dear, don’t talk. Do not respond to greetings, do not enter the store. When you enter your house (apartment), you can start talking. In a month, repeat everything again. And then a month later, the third and last time.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov:

Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you and was inconsolable from your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for throughout the entire end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: Oh, most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you! Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is beneficial in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen."

You will need half a bucket of ripe wheat for the entire cycle of rituals. Pour some water into the pan, add 1 glass of honey. When the water boils, add 4 cups of previously washed wheat. After 1 minute of boiling, drain the water, and place the still warm wheat on the sore spot of the spine, reading the plot at this moment.

Bone fence, interior worm. Pull the salt, bonehead, go to the wheat. Peck her magpies, eat her crows. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While reading the plot, lightly press the area above the tailbone and spit three times over your left shoulder.

There is a crunch, I tripped on a bush, the bone went crazy, the pain was released. I lock the bone frame with a holy key, with a golden lock. The earth does not hurt, the water does not ache. Just as the sky does not suffer from illness, so the servant of God (name) will not become ill. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prepare a decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of motherwort into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil until 1/3 of the water has evaporated. Cool and rub the decoction into sore areas with the words:

Nettle grass, burn what is not mine; what you burn, you will take to the owner. Amen.

On the waning moon, when you take a steam bath, ask them to whip you on the sore spots with a broom. Taking turns with the broom massaging (healing you), you must loudly shout out the spell 12 times:

I am not baptized with a cross, but rather whipped with a broom. Get out, get out, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen.

Please note: you must say the spell word for word as written above, but the massager-healer must pronounce the spell like this:

I don’t baptize with a cross, but I fly with a broom. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan out from the slave (name) of the body, from the slave (name) of the deed. Out! Amen.

Perform the ritual monthly on the waning moon until the pain disappears.

Before you go to bed, hard boil an egg. Read the spell over it three times and, while the egg is warm, roll it along the sick person’s spine, repeating the spell 12 times. The patient should also repeat the words after you.

I am not baptized with a cross, but with an egg. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen.

Read the plot on the waning moon for a piece of bread. Then rub the sore spot with this piece and give the bread to the dog. Repeat the ritual until recovery.

Mother of God, I ask you to take away my illness and give it to the dog. Be my words strong, molding, tenacious to a piece of bread. Get rid of me, sickness, and stick to food. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Perform the ritual on the waning moon. Measure the length of the patient’s back from the top vertebra to the tailbone with a rope on which clean underwear was previously hanging. Cut off the excess. In the forest, tie a rope to a branch and make a hex. After a month, repeat the ritual, then again after a month.

Just as your back, branch, doesn’t hurt, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t strain, your neck doesn’t stiffen, so for me, the servant of God (name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pin the pin on the left side near the lower back and read the hex.

Snake, curl up, wrap around your slave (name). Lie down on your waist, become a help, get off the road, fall, crawl away, take away the pain, take away the ailments. Amen.

Lightly tapping the sore lower back with the edge of your palm, read the hex.

What he chopped, he crossed, so that he could chop harder, so that it wouldn’t happen for the whole century. Amen.

Do the slander in the bathhouse, moving a broom along the lower back. Then burn the broom.

From the sound - to Kuzmikha, from the blow - to Varvara, sound, sound, don’t be reckless, don’t walk on the bones, don’t break the bones of the slave (name). Amen.

Read the spell before going to bed three times with salt applied to your back. Repeat the ritual for three days, select the days of the waning moon.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I dissuade the influx day, night, counter, transverse, midday, midnight, water, interior, hourly, half-hourly. It is not I who dissuade the influx - Archangel Michael himself, Archangel Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the entire Heavenly chariot. I send the influx to the Okiyan sea, to the island of Buyan, to the white stone-alatyr. There are 77 young people taking in the influx. One fellow closes the tributary of the Okiyan Sea with a white fish: there, tributary, you can live well and in freedom. You, flowers, cannot bloom, you, tributary, cannot win back my death. Heaven, earth, key, lock. Amen.

Measure the thread around your lower back and tear it off so that the end touches the floor. Wrap the sharp ends of a new fork with this thread, then, while reading the hex, bury the thread in a secluded, deserted place, and give the fork to the poor.

Christ’s white body and lower back do not prick, so the slave (name) would not ache, prick, or hurt anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read this plot in front of an oak tree, in front of an oak stick or an oak board at dawn three times and three times at sunset. Repeat the ritual 9 days in a row, select the days of the waning moon.

Oak pillar, forgive and release the servant of God (name) from the tributary, from the hitka. Come out, tributary, come out, hitka, from the bones, from the relics, from the veins of the dead. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen. Holy water, damp earth, forgive the servant of God (name) from the tributary, from the hitka. Come out, tributary, come out, hitka, from the bones, from the relics, from the veins of the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then apply the oak board to the sore spot.

Read the curse on the wind on Wednesday.

Do not break, wind, branches, do not break bones, relics, back, lower back, joints, half-joints, bones, half-bones, knees and knees, arms and legs, the entire human body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lie down on the threshold and say a conspiracy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Father, damask axe, take away my pains, internal sorrows, bone, vein, brain. Just as a damask ax doesn’t hurt or pinch anywhere, so the servant of God (name) wouldn’t hurt or pinch anywhere. Stand up, all the bones, veins, in their place. Just as nothing hurts in a baby, no bones ache, so the servant of God (name) would not ache or ache anywhere. Be my words strong, sculpted, stronger than a gray stone, sharper than a damask knife. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On Thursday, use a birch, aspen or fir tree broom in the bathhouse to slap the patient on the back with the words:

You, a man of God, born by a mother, baptized in the church, ruined by labor, worn out by work. You have worked, you have labored, sent, sent, thought, guessed, I will whisper to you, charm you, born, prayerful, baptized servant of God (name). I will put you in your place, man of God, so as not to ache your back, not to drink the disease of red blood, not to dry out your white body, not to languish your cheerful heart. Rise up for yourself quietly, rise up for yourself lightly, stand in your place, on the holy chair, where you were born, where you were baptized, where the Lord punished you and sent you to the throne. There you should live, there you should be, there you should live out your life. Just as the damp earth does not ache, does not hurt and does not burn, so you, a man of God, born and baptized by your own mother, do not get sick or burn. Just as the damp earth will not move from its seats, so the slave (name) will not get sick. Amen.

On Sundays, during the waning moon, before sunrise, move all the vertebrae of the patient from top to bottom with both hands and read the plot 7 times.

Adam's ribs did not hurt or ache when they divided him in two. I divide your back into seven parts, into seven Adam’s bones, into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (and so on until Sunday). Amen.

In the bathhouse, whip the sick person with a broom and say:

Don’t tear, don’t break, but take your health from the devil. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the four corners of the barn, take four armfuls of hay, put the hay on the patient’s shirt and set it on fire with the words:

Ovin, Ovin, take the duck from the servant of God (name). I’ll burn the sheep, I’ll take the duck. Amen.

Make a curse on the water.

With God's word, with pure deeds, I speak to the servant of God (name), all his duck, all the strength of his strong shoulder, his strong arm, his straight back, his whole white body, the strength of his bones, his red blood. Go from the veins, from the half-veins, from the joints, from the semi-joints, from the vertebrae, from the cartilage, from the tailbone. Amen.

Make a curse on the water.

You, duck, you, splash, from the back - to the threshold, from the threshold - to the road, the road - to the field. There will be a duck there, there will be a spit there, but there will never be a duck in (name’s) back. I stand by my word, I don’t allow it into India. Oak tables, brocade tablecloths, baked pies, green wines - eat duck, drink splack. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. From this hour, from God's order. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In an aspen grove, place a penny under a stone with the words:

Stone, buy the pain from my back. Amen.

Place your hand on the sore spot, stroking it, read the spell three times.

Ignat has a house full of good things: shaking and fire, buzzing and buzzing, but the lumbago has not yet arrived here. Come on, while the shot is still intact, go to Ignat’s hut. They are waiting for you there! Amen.

On the full moon, read the hex.

Bright angels, pure angels, cover the legs of the playful slave (name) with your wings, so that they don’t ache, don’t hurt, so that the joints don’t creak. Amen.

Give the beggar at the church new slippers. In church, light a candle for your health. Standing with your right foot on the threshold of the house, say three times:

The beast has four legs, the snake has none.

Osteochondrosis— degenerative damage to the intervertebral cartilage. There are osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis:

When the cervical spine is affected, pain in the back of the head and neck, limited neck mobility, and numbness in the fingers are typical. With thoracic osteochondrosis, the patient experiences increased fatigue, pain along the spine, and the inability to remain in an upright position for a long time. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, pain with sudden movements, first slight, then severe.

Traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis:

Reduced physical activity, bed rest in the acute period, pain relief, drugs that reduce reflex muscle tension, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.

Non-traditional and traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis:

Home remedies for osteochondrosis

  • A compress of grated raw potatoes with honey (1:1), which is kept on the sore spot for 1 - 2 hours, has an analgesic effect.
  • Prepare a mixture of 0.25 cups of vodka, 0.5 cups of honey, 0.75 cups of finely grated radish and 2 tablespoons of salt. Use it as a rub 2 times a day and orally: 1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day for 1 week during exacerbation.
  • Fry the ginger powder in melted butter and mix in a 1:1 ratio with garlic, crushed into a paste. Rub the ointment in case of lumbago or lumbago (a disease characterized by acute pain in the lower back). It is useful to tie grated garlic to your lower back; you should remove it when it starts to burn.

Herbs and herbs for osteochondrosis:

  • Pour the bitterness of finely chopped oregano into 0.5 liters of sunflower or olive oil, leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Squeeze the remaining herbs well. Rub oil on your back.
  • Brew 1 tablespoon of chopped wild strawberry leaves or 1 tablespoon of dried wild strawberry fruits with 1 glass of boiling water as tea. Leave for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 glasses a day.
  • Grind 1 tablespoon of hop cone powder with 1 tablespoon of unsalted lard or fresh butter. Lubricate painful areas with osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, and lower back pain.

Reflexology with pepper patch:

This method of relieving pain from osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, and myositis came to us from the East. The pepper patch contains capsicum extract, thick belladonna extract, arnica tincture, natural rubber, pine rosin, lanolin, vaseline oil and other components that are applied to pieces of cotton fabric. Before applying the patch, the skin must be degreased with alcohol, ether, cologne and wiped dry.

There are two ways to apply the patch:

1. You can stick the entire large sheet of plaster onto the pain area, while capturing part of the surrounding painless space.

2. Apply small pieces of the patch (approximately 1x1 cm) only to specially selected biologically active points. For osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, it is recommended to apply pieces of the plaster to points located below the spinous process. Finding these points is very simple: tilt your head forward, press your chin to your chest and use the tip of the index finger of your right hand to move from top to bottom along the midline of your neck. At the end of the neck, at its base, you can easily feel the protruding cervical vertebra - the spinous process. Place a piece of pepper plaster into the depression below this protruding vertebra. This is one of the main points of acupuncture, which has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Now swipe your finger down from this point. Once you've passed the next protruding spinous process, place another square of pepper plaster in the hole below it. Here is a point that is effective for cervicothoracic radiculitis, tension and contracture of the back muscles, migraines and headaches, memory impairment, neurasthenia, influenza and some other diseases. After this, you need to find the pain points. They are located on the back and sides of the neck and thoracic back, approximately to the middle of the shoulder blades. Using the tip of your index finger, feel for small depressions in the soft tissues of the neck and shoulder girdle. The sensations in these pits can be different: strong, sharp pain even with a light touch, an unpleasant ache, or just a feeling of discomfort. You need to cover all the pain points found with pieces of pepper plaster. Only then will the pain disappear.

Attention! If the burning sensation is severe, remove the patch and lubricate the skin with Vaseline. Do not apply pepper patch to birthmarks.

For acute and chronic pain in the lower back, first of all, you need to find a general strengthening point on the back (at waist level), which is located in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, and stick a square of pepper plaster into this depression. This point relieves pain in the lumbar region well. Now we need to find point 1, which is located in the depression between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. This point has a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine (for acute and chronic pain), diseases of the genitourinary system and large intestine. Having pasted the plaster on these two points, you should find all the pain points in the lumbar region throughout the entire space - from the lower ribs to the level of the gluteal fold - and seal them with squares of pepper plaster.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis should first of all be treated with special exercises.

Exercises for the lower back:

These exercises can be included in the complex of morning exercises. They help keep the spine flexible and healthy.

  1. Stand up, put your hands on your hips. Move your pelvis forward and backward - 10 times in each direction.
  2. Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward, pull your stomach in. Fold like a pocket knife. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  3. Lying on your back, press your knees bent to your chest.
  1. Standing on all fours, straighten your arms and legs, raise your pelvis and stretch your spine. “Open” your chest and relax your shoulders, neck and face, letting your head hang freely. Remain in this position for at least 1 minute, then return to all fours.
  2. Lie on your back so that the back of your head protrudes beyond the edge of the bed or couch, place a pillow under your shoulders. If the position is taken correctly, you will feel a slight stretch in the neck, but there should be no tension in the forehead or eyes. Stretch in this position for 1 minute, then put your hands behind your head and, helping yourself with your hands, rise.
  3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward, arms hanging down freely. The neck is helped to stretch by the weight of the head. After a minute, inhale and rise.
  1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Take a shallow breath, tense your muscles, inhale and relax. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Lying on your back. Straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Bend your legs at the knees and clasp your arms. Then pull it towards your stomach. Raise your head and touch your forehead to your knees. Smoothly return them to their original position. Repeat 4-5 times.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees, spread your arms to the sides. Turn your torso to the right and left. Turn in each direction 4 - 5 times.
  4. Lying on your back with your knees bent, grab the edge of the sofa or the headboard with your hands. Slowly raise your torso, trying to reach your hands with your feet. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight. Place your hands along your body. Leaning on your legs, stomach and lower body, raise your head and shoulders. Repeat 5 times.
  6. Lying on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Turning your torso slightly to the left, reach your left palm with your right hand. The same is true in the other direction. Repeat 5-6 times.
  7. Stand between two chairs. Feet together, hands on the backs of the chairs. Rise up on your toes and rotate your pelvis in one direction or the other. Repeat 4-5 times.
  8. Sit on the bed. Place your arms along your body, tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Slowly tilt your head back. Repeat 5-10 times.
  9. Lie on your back, placing a wooden cushion covered with soft fabric under your shoulder blades. Pressing on it with your back, roll the roller towards the neck and back.

The shoulder joint has great mobility. Connecting the collarbone, shoulder blade and arm bones, it allows the arms to move in almost any direction. With age, the mobility of the shoulder joints decreases. Slouching and stiff shoulders are the result of incorrect posture, which has developed over the years. Older people begin to hunch more and more, causing their shoulders to move forward and their chests to become concave. Tension in the shoulder girdle limits the mobility of the ribs, making it difficult to breathe. The habit of tense shoulders and hunching is very difficult to eradicate. The exercises below will help relieve muscle stiffness. The exercises should be performed slowly and carefully, gradually increasing the range of movements. You cannot forcefully twist your shoulders. If you have previously dislocated or injured your shoulder, do not start stretching without your doctor's approval. You should stretch in each position for 1-2 seconds, then repeat the exercise. As you increase shoulder mobility, you can increase the length of each stretch.

Before performing the exercises, you should try to relax your shoulders as much as possible. To do this, kneel on a folded blanket or rug and place a stack of pillows in front of you. Lean forward and rest your head on the pillows, trying to find a comfortable position. Place your folded hands on the pillows so that your elbows are higher than your head. As you lean forward and relax, you will feel a slight stretch in your shoulders. In this position, there is no need to press hard on the pillows, trying to go lower. Relax.

  1. Wrap your elbows with a wide belt so that when it is pulled, your elbows are shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight above your head with your palms facing inward. Try to spread your arms, overcoming the resistance of the belt. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders.
  2. Stretch your arms forward at shoulder level, clasp your fingers together with your palms facing outward. Take a deep breath, then as you exhale, raise your arms above your head. Stretch your hands, bend your fingers. Repeat the exercise, clasping your fingers with your palms facing inward.
  3. Bend your right arm behind your back so that your forearm and hand form a vertical line, palm facing out. As you inhale, extend your left arm above your head, as you exhale, bend it and clasp the fingers of both hands behind your back. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can grab the ends of the belt with your hands. Repeat, changing the position of your hands.

Before you start doing the stretching exercises below, remember that they can only provide relief if you know your diagnosis. If back pain worsens towards the end of the day, it is recommended to relax before starting exercise. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs and rest your feet on the floor. In this position, the pelvis tilts back and the pressure on the lower back is reduced. Take a few deep breaths, releasing the tension that has accumulated during the day, and begin to stretch.

  1. This exercise relieves lower back pain by strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Having previously relaxed, lie on your back, bend your legs and place your arms along your body. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks and lift your hips and pelvis off the floor, without bending at the waist, lift your pelvis above your stomach. Stay in this position for as long as possible, breathing freely. Then, as you exhale, gently lower your pelvis to the floor.
  2. To perform this exercise you will need some kind of weight, such as books. Lie on your back on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, pulling in your tailbone and trying to press your back to the floor. Tighten your buttock muscles, raise your arms up, stretching your spine. You can put a weight on your hands: this will help you not take your hands off the floor while doing the exercise. Stretch, trying not to arch your back. At the same time, you should feel how your abdominal muscles retract and tense. Continuing to stretch, straighten your legs and remain in this position until you feel tired. Breathing is free.
  3. This exercise relieves pain in the lower pelvis. Lie on the floor, on your stomach, with your arms extended along your body, palms up. Stretch your legs and tighten your buttock muscles. As you exhale, lift your shoulders and legs off the floor without bending your knees. The spine should stretch evenly along its entire length, and therefore you should not raise your head much higher than your legs. They must be on the same level. Move your head forward, stretch your neck and hold this position for several seconds. Breathe calmly and evenly. Try to feel the stretch in the sacrum area.

Exercises for the thoracic spine:

  1. Get on all fours, arch your back as much as possible, and remain in this position for 2-3 seconds. Keep your head straight. Repeat 5-7 times.
  2. Lie on your stomach and, resting your hands on the floor, bend strongly back, trying to lift your torso off the floor.
  3. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Bend your thoracic spine and lift your head and legs up. Repeat 5-7 times.

Exercises on the horizontal bar:

An effective remedy for osteochondrosis is hanging exercises. The crossbar is easy to install in the doorway. When performing exercises, women keep their hands shoulder-width apart, men - slightly wider.

  1. Move your legs back and forth, to the sides, together. Bend your knees. Throw your head back, bend over. Make body turns. Feet together.
  2. Bend your legs to the right and left. Twirl your legs, sometimes together, sometimes separately. Pull your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach.
  3. Pull yourself up above your chin.
  4. Pull yourself up, throwing your head back and bending, trying to touch the bar with your stomach.
  5. Raise your legs and stretch them forward, making an angle. In this position, make circles with straight and closed legs.
  6. “Walk” on your hands along the crossbar. In the “corner” position, rotate the body.

Exercises with a jump rope:

These exercises develop the flexibility of the spine and will help maintain the mobility of the joints of the arms and legs. The length of the jump rope (or rope) should be 1.5-2 m.

  1. Stand with your feet apart and a jump rope folded in four in your hands bent behind your head. Raise your arms up and, pulling the rope, turn to the right, pulling yourself up. Return to starting position. Then the exercise must be repeated in the other direction (5-6 times in each direction).
  2. Stand with your feet apart and hold a double-folded jump rope in your bent arms behind your head. Raising your hands up and pulling the rope, make two springy bends to the left. Return to the starting position (repeat 5-6 times in each direction).
  3. Stand with your feet apart, arms up, with a rope folded in half. Swing your right leg forward and lower your arms in front of you so that your leg touches the rope. Return to starting position. Do the same with your left leg (5-6 times with each leg).
  4. Stand with your legs apart, hands with a rope folded in four below your back. Pull your arms back, bend over, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
  5. Standing on your knees, hold the rope folded in half in your lowered hands. While stretching the rope, raise your arms up, extend your right leg to the side, place it on your toes and make two springy bends to the right. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.
  6. Lying on your back, stretch your arms up with a folded rope. Bending your right leg, move it over the rope and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times with each leg.
  7. Stand with your feet together, hands with the rope down, the middle of the rope should be under the heel of your left foot. Spreading your arms to the sides and pulling the rope, take your right leg back and bend over. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg.

Conspiracies for osteochondrosis.

They float in the bathhouse and shout in turns. The master, and then the patient, and so 12 times:

I don’t cross myself with a cross, but I whip myself with a broom. Get out, stab. Get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen."

Conspiracy for osteochondrosis.

Knead rye flatbread, to which add a pinch of dry mustard and rock table salt, whispering from time to time (3-5 times):

, It will be baked not in a frying pan, but on the back; You won’t get oil, but you’ll take away the pain; That is your business and glory. Amen."

Then place this cake on the sore spot of the spine and fix it overnight, and if after 15-20 minutes instead of a pleasant warmth you feel an unbearable burning sensation, then remove the cake, rinse the area on your back with warm water and prepare another similar cake mixed with flower ( better than linden honey. Do this once a day, at night, for seven days.

For cervical osteochondrosis:

Prepare small (5-7 cm) sticks from birch branches, sharpened at the end like a pencil. For diseases of the neck and cervical spine, take three sticks together and, lightly tingling your legs with them, say:

, Sticks-pleasers, take the pains, take them to the fast rivers, the blue sea. Let it be so!"

The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes, carried out 3-5 times a day.

A conspiracy against osteochondrosis on the threshold.

Lie down on the threshold and say three times:

, In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Father, damask axe, remove my internal pains and sorrows, bone, veins, brain. Just as a damask ax does not hurt anything, so the servant of God (name) does not hurt or ache. Stand up, all the bones, veins, in their place. Just as a baby doesn’t hurt anywhere, his bones don’t ache, so the servant of God (his name) doesn’t hurt or ache anywhere. May my words be strong, sculpted, stronger than a gray stone and a sharp damask knife, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Spell for osteochondrosis on a rope:

You need to measure the person’s back with the rope on which the laundry was previously hanging. You need to measure from the top vertebra to the tailbone. Cut off the excess part. During the bad month, go to the forest, measure a branch with a rope and tie it to the branch at the same length.


, Just as your back, branch, doesn’t hurt, your arm doesn’t ache, your leg doesn’t pull, your neck doesn’t stiffen, so for me, God’s servant (name), all my illness will go away. Until people hang their laundry on this line to dry, until that hour my body will not ache. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After these words, go home, dear, don’t talk. Do not respond to greetings, do not enter the store. When you enter your house (apartment), you can start talking. In a month, repeat everything again. And then a month later, the third and last time.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov:

Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one was tired of you and was inconsolable from your departure, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for throughout the entire end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: Oh, most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you! Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is beneficial in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now in everlasting glory you shine, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen."

When medicine becomes powerless, and special medications no longer help against osteochondrosis, magic and rituals come to the aid of people. Constant sedentary work brings many to this state and people are simply forced to turn to traditional medicine.

A spell for osteochondrosis will help relieve pain and improve the patient’s condition. Also, simultaneously with the rituals, it is allowed to take pills; by such actions, a person increases all chances of recovery.

Traditional recipes come to the rescue

Every day, scientists are making progress and inventing new drugs to help suffering patients. People are used to taking pills to cure various diseases, but they may not always have the best effect. In such cases, patients are simply forced to resort to the help of folk recipes, prayers and spells. Such rituals do not help everyone, but they still have positive dynamics and relieve pain.

Traditional medicine also does not stand still; recently it has become quite popular, and those recipes that are passed on by our grandmothers from generation to generation have become real saviors. A conspiracy against osteochondrosis adjusts the psychology of people to believe and trust such a ritual. There is nothing complicated about them, they will not worsen the patient’s condition, but it’s always worth a try. Several reasons why you should turn to the advice of our grandmothers are presented below.

  1. In ancient times, people used only popular advice and, strangely enough, they only helped them. The rituals show good results, and people are satisfied with them.
  2. Modern medicine produces quite expensive medications that many people cannot afford. Conspiracies and rituals for osteochondrosis do not require a lot of cost and time. The ingredients used for treatment can be found in any field or garden. The main thing is to prepare them correctly and then use them.
  3. Every patient must have a prescription option for osteochondrosis.

Ritual for healing from osteochondrosis

It is customary to pronounce a spell against osteochondrosis on the waning moon and on a slice of bread. The sore spot is rubbed with bread and then fed to the dog. You need to carry out this ritual until the pain completely goes away. When the disease is not in an advanced state, the ritual helps quite quickly. To do this you should read these words:

“Mother of God, I beg you to take away my illness and give it to the dog. Let my words be strong, sticky, as strong as a slice of bread. My illness will leave me just as it came. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

In addition to such a conspiracy, copper coins are a great help. They are applied to the sore spot and secured with a plaster. You need to wear it for a long time and not remove it. To place them on a weak spot, they are cleaned with chalk until they shine.

We treat chronic osteochondrosis

To begin this ritual, measure the length of the patient’s back with a rope. The clothesline they take is the clothesline on which the laundry has recently been hanging out. They start from the neck and go down to the tailbone, the rest of the rope is cut off. On the night when the moon is falling, they go into the forest, measure a branch with a rope, and tie it to the branch for the same duration. Then they say the following prayer:

“The branch has no pain in either the arms or the back. The neck does not twist or pull anything. May I, the servant of God (name), have absolutely no pain, may the illness leave me completely. My body won’t hurt until someone hangs laundry on this line to dry.”

When you have completed everything correctly, return home silently. You definitely don’t need to not talk to anyone or even say hello. Don't go to the store or other place. When you enter the apartment, you can start talking. After a while, perform the ceremony again, and again in a month. The ritual must be performed three times, every month, and then the disease will completely release you.

Bay leaf will help

When there is no time to carry out a conspiracy, you can use the method using bay leaves. To begin, take a sheet and fill it with plenty of hot water. Cover the container with a lid and put it in a dark place to infuse. If possible, it is advisable to take the infusion to a cold place for infusion. You need to keep the drink all night. The prepared tincture is drunk three times every day. It is important not to drink the decoction with anything or have a snack.

The duration of treatment is seven days. It is important to know that you need to fulfill all the requirements clearly, drink three times and throughout the week. It is prohibited to increase or decrease the course of treatment. By such actions you can harm yourself and only worsen the disease itself.

It will also be useful to drink and at the same time apply compresses to sore spots. The sheet is applied and wrapped in something warm so that the sore spot is constantly warm. It is advisable to keep it longer: the longer, the better. After a while, the pain will no longer be so strong, and then everything will go away.

We turn to magic for help

Osteochondrosis can be removed with the help of special prayers and spells. Very often rituals are performed using salt. They put it in a bag, not too big, and warm it overnight. You can heat it in a frying pan or in any other way. At the moment of heating the salt, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer.

Remember that the duration of treatment should never be interrupted. It is also worth using traditional methods simultaneously with medications and exercise. The only thing you need to do is go through all the examinations and consult a doctor. Only in this way will you not harm yourself during self-medication.

Prayer for osteochondrosis

This method has a positive effect on the patient’s condition and begins to act very quickly. To carry out a conspiracy to heal osteochondrosis, you will need a stick broken from a tree, for example, aspen. Take one that has a knot. The stick is placed on the sore spot and the necessary prayer is said.

“The twig should not cause harm through illness and bad weather. May I, the servant of God (name), lose my illness and receive excellent health. Let my sore back find peace and the disease go away. Living with a bad back is hard, and it hurts to move. You bitch help me. My word will always be like this. Let the pain recede forever and never come again. The branch lying on my back and neck will save me. I need my neck for work and normal life. I have already said all the right words, and soon my strength will return. Amen".

Ritual for the cervical vertebra

Break out small sticks from birch and sharpen them like a pencil. The sticks should be five to seven centimeters in size. When your neck and vertebrae hurt badly, take three of these twigs and begin to carefully prick your legs, and at the same time pronounce certain words.

“Stick-twigs, pleasers, take away the pain and carry it from it to the distant river. Let it be as I said."

This prayer needs to be repeated three to five times a day, and the duration of the procedure on the legs is one to two minutes.

Speak your threshold

To cast a spell on a threshold, you need to lie down on the threshold itself and whisper special words three times:

“Father, strong axe, deliver me from torment and inner regret. Just as nothing hurts with a strong ax, so for my servant of God (name), everything stopped aching in an instant. Straighten out all the bones and veins. Like a little child, nothing will bother me. Hear my request, strong axes."

The magic is quite strong, and the rituals performed are performed very often. The main thing is to do everything correctly and as written. If you perform the ritual not according to the rules, you can only harm yourself and others. A person who is sick with osteochondrosis must understand what he is doing. Of course, if the pain is unbearable, many will go not only to the hospital, but also to professional fortune-tellers, and will also begin to say prayers and spells themselves.

Conspiracies against osteochondrosis help many if you believe in them. Be careful during the ritual, and then your illnesses will all go away and a new and happy life will begin.

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