Prayer for warts. We get rid of the growth with the help of a wart spell. Why do warts occur?

In this article:

Warts can cause a lot of trouble. They are difficult to get rid of and can cause discomfort and even pain.

A conspiracy to help get rid of them is an ancient magic that was used by our distant ancestors. With the help of special rituals you can easily and quickly get rid of such a scourge.

More recently, when the Internet was not so widespread, conspiracies were used only in villages, so many people from cities visited the outskirts, found ancient old women who got rid of warts. Today, anyone can take advantage of such rituals.

Magic against warts

There are many different magical rituals that will help you rid your body of this problem. Like other rituals, such conspiracies have their own characteristics, most of them are mentioned in the very description of the magical action, but if you find only one conspiracy, without a description of the time of the ritual and other features, it is worth remembering that:

  • a woman should perform the ceremony only on special women’s days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday;
  • a man must perform rituals on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday;
  • performed on the waning moon, unless otherwise stated in the description of the ritual;
  • you need to believe in the effectiveness of the chosen ritual.

In addition, you should always remember that in each individual case, conspiracies and rituals can act differently, so if some magical ritual does not bring the necessary results, you should try to get rid of warts in another way.

Conspiracy against warts

To perform this ritual you will need a cotton thread about 30 centimeters long. During the waxing moon, you need to go outside (or stand by an open window), touch all the warts with a thread and tie as many knots on the thread as there are anywhere on your body.

After this we read the words:

“A month, a month you are young, take my warts with you.”

The spell is pronounced three times, after which the thread must be buried in the ground, at a depth of 20–25 centimeters. After that, all that remains is to wait. As soon as the thread rots in the ground, your problems will go away. This is an old method that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness.

Ritual with celandine

In order to get rid of warts on the hands, a well-known ritual that uses celandine is suitable. You need to squeeze out all the juice from the plant and let it brew for at least a day.

During the waxing moon, you need to go outside, wet all the warts on your hands with celandine juice, stretch your hands towards the month (palms up) and say the words of the spell three times:

“You’re an early month, you’re a young month, take me with you quickly, take the warts away from me, and bring me home quickly.”

Ritual with potatoes

To perform this ritual you will need one medium-sized potato, as well as as many matches as there are warts on your body. Now you need to go to the nearest crossroads during the waxing moon. We take one match, touch it to the first growth and stick it with the same end into the potato, saying:

“One match is one wart.”

All this needs to be done with each wart on your body, and then throw the potato at the intersection, turn your back to it and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Here is a precious gift for you, take it wherever you want, just don’t come back to me with it, and if you do return, then get away from me as quickly as possible. Let it be so. Amen".

This method has been tried many hundreds of times. The result is excellent.

Now you need to quickly leave this intersection and not look back. You shouldn't talk to anyone on the way home. Soon all the growths will disappear from your body and will never appear again.

Ritual on the waning moon

This ritual should be performed during the waning moon. The performer must pick a small bunch of old grass after sunset and select the longest blade of grass from it. Now you need to take turns touching each wart on your body with this straw and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The grass is dry, it will no longer become young, just as a fish will not turn into a bull, just as you will not get milk from a rooster. So you, wart, should not sit on my body, you will die in the damaged month. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As said, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with an apple

To carry out this magical ritual you will need an apple that fell from the tree itself. The fruit must be cut into three equal parts, touch the apple pieces to each wart and say the words:

“Which apples are eaten, and which fruits dry up on their own. So my warts will first dry out and then die completely. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell for the treatment of warts on a Thursday egg

With a Thursday colored egg you need to baptize every wart on your body, pronouncing the magic spell:

“Warts. Get off my body, quickly run to the Khven mountains, go to a dry tree, over the mosses and swamps, hurry away from me. Lord God, my intercessor, I trust in you alone, deliver me from all pain and sorrow, from evil people and speeches, from their plans, from warts. Now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with castor oil

First you need to smear all the warts on your body, then cross them with the handle of a knife and pronounce the words of the spell:

“Luzhnoe, wild, of no use to me or anyone else, screw up the warts, screw up. Turn into a black whirlwind. Fly away from me as quickly as possible, from other people and animals, stay away. Ride once through deserted steppes, and finally drown in bottomless pools.”

Try not to wash off the oil for a while

This ritual will help not only against warts, but also against subcutaneous wen.

Strong rite

If a lot of growths suddenly appeared on your body, this could be the result of severe damage.

To remove this effect you need to use a special magical ritual.

To carry out the ritual, 13 knots are tied on a long thread.

Each knot is knitted over one of the warts, then a piece of thread with a knot is torn off and tied to the leg of a live frog (13 frogs will be needed in total), after all the animals must be released at the edge of the forest and the words of the spell must be pronounced:

“13 brothers of devils, harness 13 swamp toads, and let each one go along his own path. Remove warts from God's servant (name). Just as these 13 toads will not converge in one place, so the warts will never return to me. Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so".

Conspiracy after sunset

This ritual should be performed immediately after the sun disappears behind the horizon, but it is still quite light outside. Take an old bone and move it over all the warts on your body, saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Where you warts came to me from, that’s where you leave me.”

After this, you need to pass the bone through yourself.
In the ritual, you can only use a bone that you found on the street; after the ritual, the bone must be taken to the same place where you took it and try to put it exactly as it lay before you.

Ritual with a bath broom

This magical ritual must be performed in a bathhouse. Steam a new broom and then pour water from a ladle or cup onto it.

One of the ancient methods used by our distant ancestors

Immediately after this, place the vessel under a broom so that the water drains from it.

Then pour the water onto the broom again. The procedure must be repeated three times.

After the water has drained from the broom into the vessel for the third time, you need to lubricate the warts on your body with the remaining water.

When the broom is watered, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Just as water runs from this broom, so let all the warts run away from my body and never return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for the new month

On the first day after the new moon, you need to squeeze the juice out of the celandine herb, let it brew for two nights, and then rub the juice on the warts and read the words of the spell:

“Young month, master month, you see everything, you hear everything, but you’re just silent. Take everything into yourself, hear everything, see everything, and pour it out with the young dew. Behind the mountains, beyond the distant seas, a frog sits, looking at the sky with its eyes. Once that frog croaks, my warts will fall to the ground, two times that frog croaks, the warts will be carried away by the wind. Three croaks - it will eat all the warts. Let it be so".

A person’s appearance, along with his inner content, plays an important role, because it is not in vain that they say: you are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted by your mind. Representatives of the fairer sex are especially attentive to their appearance. And how much disappointment arises when a hated wart forms on your face. After all, it’s unlikely that anyone would enjoy communicating with a person who is covered in warts and papillomas.

Unlike pimples, warts and papillomas do not go away on their own; treatment is necessary. And here there are two options: either seek help from a clinic, or get rid of the disease with the help of The conspiracy against papillomas has already been tested by more than one generation, and its effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Previously, medicine did not exist at all, and people turned to healers to heal diseases. One of the main goals was to get rid of warts. Since early childhood, everyone has heard about such wonderful healers, to whom people turned not only with serious illnesses, but also with minor ailments. However, you don’t have to go to your grandmother; you can use the spell yourself. Today, there are various conspiracies and prayers for warts and papillomas, among which you can easily choose the appropriate method, depending on the availability of the necessary items for the ritual.

Why do warts occur?

It was previously believed that warts were transmitted from person to person. However, over time, it was found that warts are a virus, and most of the sexually active population are its carriers.

However, the carrier of the virus, if he has good immunity, may not be subject to the appearance of papillomas. As soon as immunity decreases, the virus makes itself known by the appearance of formations on the skin.

Women very often develop gynecological diseases when taking hormonal drugs.

There are more than 60 types of papillomavirus, some of which can cause malignant tumors. It is almost impossible to stop the spread of the virus, but it is possible to get rid of tumors on the skin; conspiracies and rituals for papillomas will help with this.

Treatment methods for warts

Warts and papillomas can be removed in various ways:

  • physical (laser therapy, cryodestruction);
  • chemicals (medicines);
  • combined (combination of different treatment methods);

How does the conspiracy work?

The best conspiracy for papillomas is the one recommended by people who have tried it from their own personal experience.

Warts don’t just disappear; they need to be transformed into something. The essence of the conspiracy is to, by pronouncing certain words, treat the wart with some means. Thus, the disease is transferred to him.

Rules of conspiracies

Why is it that there are so many cases of getting rid of papillomas with the help of conspiracies? No matter how much research has been carried out, traditional medicine still cannot find an effective medicine that would quickly and permanently relieve the disease. In addition, after using certain drugs, warts become even larger. For this reason, patients who are disillusioned with medicine seek help from conspiracies.

For a conspiracy against warts and papillomas to be effective, you must believe in its action, and if you are skeptical, then there is no point in resorting to this method at all.

Faith and following all the rules will help you achieve the desired result. Conspiracies are selected depending on the intensity of the disease, so you should carefully consider the choice of a specific method.

It is also very important to focus on the lunar phases when treating. Conspiracies are best read during the waning moon, since at this time they have maximum power.

You should not abuse such methods; if the problem does not disappear immediately, it is better to try again during the next phase of the waning of the Moon or change the plot.

Spell with a dry blade of grass

To cast a spell against papillomas, you need to be extremely concentrated on the desire to eliminate the disease, after which you should go out into the field or go into the forest. There we look for a dry blade of grass or a spikelet. When we arrive home, we apply a blade of grass to each wart, repeating: “As this blade of grass dries up and dries up, so does the servant of God (name) itself wither away.” Then we look for a dried grass bush on the street, make a hole near it, put a blade of grass and bury it. After it rots, the warts will disappear.

Conspiracy with thread

To read this plot against papillomas, you need to find a 30 cm cotton thread. In the waxing moon phase, you should go outside, run the thread over all the warts, count the formations and tie the same number of knots on the thread. Then we say three times: “A month, a month, you are young, take my warts with you.”

After this, you need to bury the thread in the ground at a distance of about 20 cm from the surface. When the thread rots, then you can wait for the warts to disappear.

Potato conspiracy

For this you will need three potatoes. Take the first one and cut it in half. Move the half over the warts while reciting the “Our Father” prayer, then bury it, and throw the other half over your head, saying: “You, little potato, fly, but the wart of God’s servant (name) or a baby, a youth, will disappear.” Repeat for two more days.

There is another way. You will need potatoes and matches, their quantity is calculated based on the existing warts. It is necessary at a fork in the road to touch a wart with a match and stick it into a potato, while saying: “One match - one wart.” Do the same with the rest of the matches. After that, leave the potatoes at the fork, turn your back and say: “Here are the roads for you, go wherever you want, but don’t come back to me, and if you come back, get out.” Without looking back, you need to go home.

Conspiracy with a coin

A spell for papillomas using a coin is also considered quite effective. To do this, you need absolutely any coin; you need to apply it to the wart and say the text: “From my womb to someone else’s. From an itchy, painful place to a clean, dry place. As the hands change, so the ailments will dissipate.”

After this, you should throw the coin into a crowded place, and when someone takes it, then the warts will go away.

For each wart you should use a new coin, but no more than 9 at a time. If there are more papillomas, then you can repeat the spell after 40 days.

Conspiracy with celandine

For this plot against papillomas to work, you will need celandine. Squeeze the juice out of it and leave it for a day. When there is a new moon in the sky, you need to go outside in the evening and smear the juice on all the warts. Then you need to stretch out your hands to the moon and quickly say three times: “A month is a young month, take me with you, take away the warts, and bring me back quickly.”

Apple plot

The spell of warts and papillomas using an apple is performed as follows. Take a red apple, a red thread and cut the apple with it. Rub the fruit halves onto the warts, then connect them together and tie them with the same thread. Next, you need to bury the apple on the road. Once the apple rots, the warts will disappear.

Conspiracy with rowan

You can get rid of warts with the help of the forces of nature, for example, rowan. You need to go to the tree, christen each wart with a needle three times, repeating three times: “Rowan-rowan, I’m spoiled, remove all the warts from me!” After this, you should stick the needle into the bark of the tree and leave without turning around. A week after the ritual, the warts should dry out and disappear.

Various ailments overtake a person suddenly, and it is not always possible to urgently seek help from a doctor, and in some cases, traditional medicine is of little help. However, you can always use all kinds of conspiracies that our ancestors used. Anyone can perform spells on their own; other than that, you don’t need any incredible attributes.

Conspiracy with a bow

You will need a purple onion and a knife. It is necessary to cut the onion in half and grate the warts, saying: “Into the onion, warts, into the onion!” You should read over each wart three times. After this, you need to leave the bow on an empty road and return home without turning around or talking to anyone along the way.

If you have been tormented by a question for a long time, a conspiracy will help solve this problem. The effectiveness of such methods has been tested for generations, so there is no doubt about their effectiveness.

People have resorted to alternative medicine at all times. It is difficult to say that such methods help everyone unconditionally. However, there is no smoke without fire, so there are people who have been healed of illness and those who need another method. In any case, there is no single remedy suitable for everyone. nevertheless, it will be possible to find that same golden mean and be healed of the annoying illness.

The problem of the occurrence of the disease, as well as conspiracies for warts, is familiar to many. The disease appears both in adolescence and old age. In a mature person, warts can occur as a result of infection with the HPV virus (human papillomavirus).

Many sources describe methods removing cones using medical and folk methods. They are quite effective, but do not provide the main thing - guarantees against relapse.

Conspiracies will tell you how to get rid of the disease. Special treatment for these formations usually ensures complete healing without the appearance of growths in the future. These methods are recognized in our medicine time, because they are based on the most powerful means - self-hypnosis.

The sounds that we make during a conspiracy are energy. If directed correctly, it will help the treatment. When the patient firmly believes in healing, the tumors disappear.

Healing with spells is a safe and clean method. There is no need for surgery, anesthesia, or taking chemically unsafe drugs. Spells can cure tumors on any part of the body, for adults and children. But you should know how to speak to a wart correctly and with great effect.

Typically, the reading method is used when there are multiple warts that would otherwise have to be removed surgically. A conspiracy against warts is a manifestation of magic. If there are any beliefs, you can pick it up from a pharmacy. This is just a chemical reaction.

Attention: You cannot perform the ritual on any day of the week. Women are allowed to read the plot only on Wednesday and at the end of the week - on Fridays and Saturdays, men - only at the beginning of the week - on Mondays and Tuesdays, and on Thursday.

You can believe in it or not, but if the patient decides to resort to magical powers, some rules must be followed:

How to get rid of a wart. Spells and reading

Important: the actions of the ritual must be performed strictly according to the instructions. The slightest deviation from the procedure and the ritual will not help.

For this ritual, find or buy red wool yarn. Tear off a piece yarn with a length of 20 to 30 cm. Wait for the waxing moon phase, when the month is still very short. Take the yarn, go out into the yard, hold the thread over the growth and say to it: “Growing moon, calling with you, take all my warts to you for good.”

Then a piece of yarn is buried in the yard to a depth of 20 cm. When the thread undergoes the process of rotting, the source of the disease will begin to disappear. It will completely disappear after the piece of yarn rots. A man for himself learns how to charm a wart with a thread.

Main: believe, but scroll through your head and imagine that the stain has disappeared. Read the spell for warts out loud, understanding every word.

There are several options for phrases that need to be spoken. For example: “The young moon is shining in the sky, taking away warts from me forever.” If there are a lot of growths, you need to tie knots in the yarn according to the number of growths.

Wart spell. Read on apple

Most often, a green apple is used for this purpose, but other colors are also possible. The fruit is cut into 2 halves, rub the formation in the middle. During the rubbing process, you must say: “Little apple, help me, take away the wart. The red fruit will wither, the skin will become clear. Amen!"

Then the used fruit is placed in a cup or plate and left there until it withers. When the fruit completely withers, it must be buried in the ground.

Conspiracy of warts with potatoes

The ritual is performed with a medium root crop. For this procedure you need potatoes and thin sticks. You can use matches or sharp sticks. There should be the number of spots. With this arsenal you need to go out onto the road at the crossroads. Then touch the growths with matches: touch the first wart with the first stick, the next - the next formation, and so on.

Dangerous: if they appear, then there is no need for experiments. You should consult a doctor immediately.

Say: “The first toothpick is the first wart” and so on. All used matches (toothpicks) must be stuck into the potato, so it is easier to perform the ritual with sharp toothpicks. Studded with toothpicks you need to throw a potato under the wheels of cars and say: “The road is long, the beauty is clear. Take all dirt away from me."

There is another potato conspiracy. You need to take a potato and a thread. Cut the vegetable in half and grate the cut side into the formation. At the same time, say: “I wash my hands with potatoes, the warts fade little by little. Amen!".

Then both halves of the vegetable crop are tied together with stored thread and bury in the ground with the words: “When the potatoes rot, then my wart will go away.” The moon must be waning.

Conspiracy to remove warts with celandine

The ritual with celandine is well known and often used. They stock up on medicinal plant juice in advance and infuse it. During the waxing moon, a ritual ceremony is performed. They leave the house. All other species smear the juice of the plant, saying: “Clear young month, I’ll go for a walk with you. You send all the warts far away so that there is go home for me it's easy to walk."

Important: as mentioned earlier, most rituals are performed on the waning moon. If the time is not specified in the description of ritual actions, then this is the waning moon by default. A conspiracy to remove warts with celandine is also done according to this rule.


Most simple ritual during the period of the waning moon - a spell for grass. It is performed in the warm season, when the grass is growing. The patient picks a bunch of any grass from the ground and finds the longest grass in it. With it, he touches each formation on the skin in turn with the words: “Dry grass will not become young, but a bull will become a calf.” don't become, autumn does not turn into summer. And the wart will leave me, melt, disappear.”

Ritual with a branch

This ritual combines a conspiracy for a thread and a branch. You need to get some thread and a branch of some tree. Then the patient counts all the formations on his body. Knots are made on a piece of yarn according to the number of cones.

A thread with knots is twisted around a branch, after which the branch is buried in the ground. When burying, you need to say: “The branch will not be forever green. And decay will take the string, and my wart will disappear.” As gradual rotting branches will lose growths.

According to another version, you need to wrap the yarn around the branch so that there are as many turns as there are formations on the skin, and you don’t have to make knots. When burying this structure in the ground, you should say: “ The twig is rotting, the rope is smoldering, and with them my warts.”

Wood and water

This spell is used by a healer from Siberia, who has successfully used it more than once. It requires water infused for 11 days. During the waning month, they take water with them outside and look for a birch tree nearby.

Near the tree you need to sit down and wash the infected areas of the skin with prepared water with the sentence: “Water washes dirty hands, makes them clean, warts go away. They will flow into the ground from me forever. Amen!».

You need to say this 9 times until the water you bring runs out. After a month, the formations will begin to disappear. If you need to understand quickly, then you should turn to antiviral drugs for internal and external use.

Castor oil

You need to take a bottle of castor oil, lubricate the foci of the disease with it, cross each formation with the handle of a knife and say: “Spin, turn black, spin, swirl away. Me in leave me alone and do not be deceitful with other people. Run through the wide fields, drown yourself in the deep pool.”

Maundy Thursday Ritual

It is effective to remove tumors from the skin during Holy Week, namely, on Maundy Thursday. On this day, Orthodox believers paint eggs for Easter and consecrate them in the Temple. With such a colored egg you need to cross all the formations on the skin, saying: “Get away, warts, from my body, through the valleys, through the swamps, through the forests and through the fields.

Lord God, heavenly father, intercede for me, protect me from sadness and pain, from evil people and caustic speeches, from cruel plans and from deep warts. Now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Readable text removes tumors quite quickly. You can carry out a conspiracy without auxiliary items.

Conspiracy against warts on the waning moon

During the period of the waning moon, when the full moon has not yet ended, it is necessary to go out into the yard after sunset and turn around so that the moon illuminates the growths and multiple formations on the skin. Then they need to be moistened with saliva and spat over the left shoulder.

At the same time, you need to say 7 times: “Wart, you sit a little, and then moonlit path leave". The enchanted growth disappears within a month.

Spells on food products

  • Meat. The night of a lunar eclipse is suitable for the ritual. It must be completely dark. You need to go out into the yard, rub the meat on the new growths and say: “The meat will rot, the wart will go away.” The product is then buried as deep into the ground as possible.
  • Bones. Chicken bones or someone else's bones will do.

Important: the bone must be found on the street, and not brought from home. In the yard it is necessary touch all the growths with the bone and say: “Where you, dear ones, came from, turned there that night. Perish, all warts! After which the bone must be taken to the same place where you found it.

  1. Millet seeds. Skin growths can be cured using regular millet. To do this, rub the infected areas of the skin with grain, and then say: “ Delicious grains grew up in the sun. Satisfy your hunger, birds, take away warts.” Used grain should be fed to chickens or wild birds.
  2. The ritual with potatoes and reading on an apple have already been described.
  3. Onion. The onion head is cut in half. Rub the growths into pieces and say 3 times: “Run away, warts, into the onion forever!” Then the vegetable is taken outside and thrown on roadway.

Warts are the result of damage

Healers believe that multiple warts are a consequence of damage to a person. If you remove the damage, then the neoplasms will disappear.

Removing damage is a more complex process, but its effectiveness is also higher. You need to catch 13 live frogs. To begin, place it in a wide-necked jar. Then take a piece of yarn and tie a knot over each new growth. There should be 13 such knots in total. Tear the thread into pieces with a knot on every.

Tie one piece of thread to the leg of each frog. After this, release the animals into the wild in the forest and say: “Go away, toads, to hell. Let every devil choose his own path and not walk close to God. He will take a wart from the servant of God (name). Everyone runs away in different directions, the growths fly away with them forever. Language. Lock and key. Will truly so!».

Important: If this is not to your liking, you can take it and use traditional medicine.

Prayer for warts

No magical items are required for reading. The prayer for warts is simple. You just need to get up early and go out into the field at dawn. There, read the prayer three times: “Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit, deliver me, the servant of God (name), from such dirty tricks. Help me overcome it."

Here you need to point your finger at the wart or papilloma. The prayer is repeated 3 times. After reading the prayer, you can go home. After a month, the growths begin to disappear. If reading does not help, repeat the procedure again in a month.

This Siberian sorceress practices a spell for warts on meat, which was described above. The second method she suggests is the ritual with peas and lard. You need to boil the peas, then put the lard in there. At the same time, say: “I cook lard in peas so that warts do not appear. Amen".

There are several ways to get rid of such a common, but at the same time unpleasant thing as a wart.

The first is a visit to the doctor who will help remove this small growth.

Secondly, you can always turn to traditional medicine, which, in combination with magical effects, also suggests certain results.

A spell for warts, as a rule, is accompanied not only by the reading of a prayer, but also by some ritual actions. We will talk below about how to get rid of warts using magical rituals, and which of them are most effective.

Features of healing rituals

Before making a conspiracy against warts, you need to prepare for the ritual and become familiar with the main features of this ritual.

don't abuse magic.
Healing rituals should not be done too often. If within a month after performing the ritual, the results do not appear, then only in this case can you repeat it or choose another ritual.
period of the waning moon.
The main part of the magical rituals for these growths and the prayers of the Siberian healer should be performed during the waning month. As a rule, rituals performed at this time are distinguished by their strength and effectiveness.
faith in the result and the power of magic.
For any spell to work on a wart, a prerequisite is the belief that magic will help solve your problem. If there is no faith, then there is no point in performing the ritual either.

The above describes the basic rules for performing rituals of healing magic. Conspiracies against warts must be carried out in strict accordance with all the rules for their implementation.

Even the smallest deviations can have a negative impact on performance. In addition, all rituals aimed at healing are quite specific and any errors and doubts affect their effectiveness.

It is believed that the female body is most susceptible to the magical effects of a healing nature, and a spell against warts will be most effective if it is done by a woman, both in relation to herself and in relation to a man.

Naturally, the ritual should be performed by a loved one who harbors neither malice nor envy. Otherwise, the number of growths may increase. If there is no such opportunity, then the correct execution of the ritual by a man on his own will bear fruit.

Ritual in the field

This wart spell does not require the use of any specific components. To fulfill it, just wake up at dawn and go to the field, where you should repeat the words of the prayer in a loud voice:

“Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, deliver me the servant of God (name)
From a nasty misfortune, help overcome it (pointing to the growth).

You need to repeat the words three times, after which you can go home. You can get rid of these unpleasant growths within a month. And if this does not happen, then repeat the ritual one more time. Please note that this spell for a wart must be performed during the waning month.

Rite of Withering

Spells for wilting warts are considered very effective. And to complete them you may need some fruit or vegetable.

The first version of this ritual involves the use of an apple.

Choose the first apple you find that you like.

At home at dawn, cut it into two halves.

Rub the first half onto the wart with the words:

“Apple-apple, take the wart, take it away from me forever.
As the apple withers, it will not exist.

Repeat the words of the spell three times. Now the half that was used to rub the growth must be placed on a saucer in a well-lit place and not touched until it withers and dries completely. The other half can be eaten. When the apple dries, it needs to be buried away from the house. By this time, your wart should be gone.

The wart spell can also be done using potatoes. For the ritual you need one potato and a strong thread. The ritual is best performed early in the morning.

Cut the potato into two halves and wipe off the growth on each half, repeating the words three times:

“Just as I wiped my hands with potatoes, let the warts go away too!

After reading the magic words, the two halves of the potato are folded and tied into a single whole with thread. After this, it needs to be buried in a place where no one will touch or move it. City residents can use a regular pot. When burying, you need to say:

“Just as potatoes rot, so will the wart go away!”

When the potato rots completely, then the wart will go away.

You can use this ritual to get rid of growths not only on your hands, but also on any other parts of the body.

Ritual on a twig

If you have more than one, several warts, you can deal with them using the following ritual. To perform a spell for warts, you will need a thin twig and a woolen thread.

First count the number of growths. As many warts as there are, the same number of turns of thread around the branch must be made, after which the structure is buried in the ground, with the words:

“Just as a rope and a twig rot, so will all my warts rot!”

Thus, all the disease and growths are taken away by the branch and rope, and not a trace of them will remain on your body.

Make sure that no one disturbs the place where you bury the twig. If this is not possible, then use a flower pot.

Tree ritual

The rituals of the Siberian healer are especially popular because they are considered the most effective. To perform one of these rituals you will need water. The water should be infused for eleven days before performing the ritual. As a rule, this ritual is used to charm a wart on the hands.

At dawn during the waning month, you need to find a birch tree on the street. Squat down near its base and wash your hands with infused water and say:

“I wash my hands, wash them with water, wash off the warts!
They are leaving me, leaving my body!
Into the land with water, where their place is!

You should repeat the words of the spell nine times while washing your hands. All water should remain in the ground. The ritual should take effect within a month, and if the warts do not go away completely, they will be on their way to it.

Full moon ritual

This ritual is one of the few that is not performed during the waning month. It should be done on the full moon. At this time, you should go outside and position yourself so that the light of the moon falls on your wart. The words of the prayer must be said seven times:

“The wart sat down, sat down, sat and flew away on moonlit legs towards them along the path!”

After each reading, you need to moisten the wart with saliva and spit over your left shoulder. It is advisable to repeat this ritual three full moons in a row for best results.

Ritual with onions

If you have several warts, then the onion ritual will help you. To complete it you will need one purple onion and a knife. Cut an onion into two halves and rub each half on each wart with the words:

“Warts in the onion, warts in the onion!”

The words should be repeated three times for each growth. After completing the ritual, the onion must be taken to a deserted intersection and left there.

Magic rites and rituals have always been used as a treatment against warts. Correct execution of the entire magical action and strict adherence to all recommendations is a guarantee of high-quality results and relief from this unpleasant scourge.

And since, from a medical point of view, warts in small quantities are not dangerous to the human body, getting rid of them is an aesthetic need. And magic is perfect for such purposes.

Many people are familiar with the problem of warts. These small formations often cause major physical and aesthetic problems. There are many medical methods for combating growths, which include both drug and surgical treatment. For those who do not want to “put themselves in the hands of doctors,” there is another method of combating these unpleasant phenomena - a conspiracy against warts.

How to get rid of a wart using a spell

Treatment of warts with spells is one of the most famous methods of traditional medicine. Its essence is to attract natural and even magical forces to get rid of growths. Many people consider this approach unscientific, charlatan and ridiculous. However, there is plenty of evidence that it produces excellent results. Almost all rituals aimed at getting rid of warts using spells can be easily performed independently at home, which is their big “plus”.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to get rid of warts using a spell. These ancient methods help to quickly remove formations on the hands, face, and feet (plantar or chicken warts). The safety of this method allows you to charm warts for both adults and children. Today, there are many rituals for removing formations that use spells for warts. In most of them, to enhance the effect of treatment, additional “ingredients” are used: millet, potatoes, apples, thread, peas, meat, soap or, as Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova suggests, bread.

In addition to additional “ingredients,” there are a number of basic rules for performing rituals using spells against warts:

  1. The phases of the moon are of great importance, of which there are four: new moon, waxing moon, waning moon and full moon. To correctly spell warts “on the Moon”, you need to take into account each of these phases. During the new moon and the period of the waxing moon, such rituals are not recommended. The full moon is suitable for some specific rituals, but the waning moon phase is the best time to get rid of these unpleasant formations.
  2. It is better to carry out the ceremony alone, so that no one distracts or interferes.
  3. Prayers and spells for warts need to be memorized, and not read from a piece of paper.
  4. When conducting such rituals, boundless faith that everything will work out is of great importance.

Millet spell

The folk conspiracy against warts on millet, according to reviews of those “fighting” these growths, is one of the most effective. Rituals with millet are performed on the waning moon. To remove warts in this way, you will need a few pinches of dry millet and a small clean handkerchief, over which you will carry out all the manipulations. With the help of millet you can remove formations on the arms, legs, and face.

Lay out a handkerchief and begin to lightly rub the growths with millet grains. In this case, you need to read the plot for warts:

“I sort through the grains, I move my illness into them. Just as birds peck the grains, so all illnesses will go away from me.”

After the words of the conspiracy have been spoken, pour all the grains into a handkerchief and throw them in a place where birds could peck them. Try to do everything carefully so that not a single grain falls and remains in the house.

Potato conspiracy

The potato spell for warts is one of the simplest and most popular. To carry it out, you will need one potato and matches, the number of which should be equal to the number of formations you have. Rituals with potatoes are carried out on the waning moon at the crossroads. Removal of formations will occur according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take a match, touch its head to the growth and say the words: “The first match is the first wart.”
  2. After this, stick the “counted” match into the potato with the head facing inward.
  3. Then take the second match, touch the next formation and say the words: “The second match is the second wart” and, in the same way, stick it into the potato.
  4. Then you follow the same “scenario”.
  5. When all the matches have been “counted” and stuck into the potato, you will have to look for a “secluded” place, inaccessible to people, where you will throw the charmed potato.
  6. Take the potato in your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder with the words: “Take this gift from me, take it away from here. He will never return to me, he will remain with you forever.”
  7. Then quickly leave without looking back or talking to anyone.

Conspiracy on a string

Let's look at how to charm a wart with a thread. To perform the ritual you will need black cotton or wool thread. A spell for warts with black thread is done at night on the waning moon. Choose a time when the sky is clear and the moon is clearly visible. To read the spell for warts with a thread, you will need to go outside and stand at the crossroads of four roads.

Touch the thread in turn to each of the warts you have, wherever they are: on a finger, face or foot. Then tie knots on the thread, and their number should be equal to the number of formations you have. If it is not possible to count the warts, tie thirteen knots. After all the knots are tied, read the following plot for warts on a thread:

“I will tie the knots tightly and command the warts to disappear. I’ve been asking for help for a month to get the warts away.”

Then leave the thread at the intersection and quickly return home.

Spell on an apple

The spell for warts on an apple is probably one of the most famous ways by which you can quickly get rid of annoying growths. To carry out the ritual, you will need a beautiful juicy apple and faith that everything will work out. Cut the apple in half, eat one half and set the other aside. After you have “refueled”, take the other half of the apple and tune in to the ritual.

Rub the apple in turn on each formation on your body, while saying the following words:

“Healthy apples are eaten, but sick ones dry up. As soon as this apple dries up, all my warts will die immediately.”

After reading, put the apple in a clean scarf and take it outside. Under no circumstances should you touch the enchanted apple with your bare hand. On the street, throw away the apple along with the scarf out of reach of people.

Soap plot

The ritual of removing warts with soap will take you several days. Before carrying out it, it is necessary to collect two or three small remnants. When the phase of the waning moon comes, you will need to lather the formations with these remnants several times a day and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I cleanse my body with foamy soap, I wash off warts.”

Then the areas with growths are thoroughly washed, and the remnants are hidden. All manipulations are repeated until the soap pieces are completely washed off.

How to get rid of warts? Just

☼ HOW TO REMOVE WARTS - Spells and Folk Magic

Conspiracy for meat

You can also get rid of growths on your body using meat. For these purposes, you need to cut off a small piece of fresh pork or beef and rub it on the formations on the body. In this case, you need to constantly repeat:

“As soon as the meat rots, the wart will go away from me.”

Then the piece of meat should be wrapped in a scarf, taken outside and buried.

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