After long-term treatment with antibiotics, what are the side effects? How to deal with the side effects of taking antibiotics? Rules for treating babies

Sometimes the use of antibiotics leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know in what situations you should refrain from taking antibiotics or ask your doctor to choose the most gentle drug.

– drugs that are indispensable in the fight against dangerous bacterial diseases. But in some cases, taking antibiotics can harm your health, causing serious problems in the body.

Antibiotic (antibioticum) translated from Latin means “against life.”

The first antibiotic (penicillin), obtained from mold, had a narrow spectrum of action and was safe for human health. However, modern new generation antibiotics kill all bacteria without exception that are in the body, including beneficial ones. After taking them, the microflora is disrupted, and the immune system is greatly weakened.

To prevent taking antibiotics from worsening the patient’s condition, it is important not only to observe the correct dosage, but also to have an idea of ​​the possible consequences of treatment.

Antibiotics - benefits and harms, side effects

Antibacterial drugs are effective for:

  • treatment of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx
  • severe diseases of the skin (furunculosis, hidradenitis) and mucous membranes
  • bronchitis and pneumonia
  • genitourinary system infections
  • severe poisoning

Antibiotics are often used thoughtlessly and uncontrollably. There will be no benefit from such “treatment”, but it can harm the body. Antibacterial drugs are absolutely ineffective in the treatment of viral diseases. For example, using them to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza only adds stress to the body and complicates recovery.

Side effects of antibiotic therapy:

  • dysbacteriosis
  • allergic manifestations
  • toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, ENT organs
  • development of microbial resistance to antibiotic action
  • intoxication of the body resulting from the death of microbes
  • violation of the formation of immunity
  • high probability of relapse after antibiotic treatment is completed

IMPORTANT: Long-term use of antibiotics will certainly have side effects, the main one of which is harm to the intestinal microflora.

Video: Antibiotics benefit and harm

How do antibiotics affect and act on viruses and inflammation?

Virus- a protein structure containing a nucleic acid inside. Viral envelope proteins serve as protection for the preservation of hereditary genetic information. When reproducing, viruses reproduce copies of themselves, also equipped with parental genes. To successfully reproduce, viruses have to get inside healthy cells.

If you try to use an antibiotic on a cell infected with a virus, nothing will happen to the virus, because the action of antibiotics is aimed solely at preventing the formation of a cell wall or suppressing protein biosynthesis. Since viruses have neither cell walls nor ribosomes, the antibiotic will be absolutely useless.

In other words, the structure of viruses differs from the structure of bacteria sensitive to antibiotics, therefore, special antiviral drugs are used to suppress the work of viral proteins and interrupt their life processes.

IMPORTANT: Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat viral diseases. This is done to overcome a bacterial complication that occurs against the background of a viral disease.

How do antibiotics affect and act on the heart?

It is a mistaken belief that taking antibiotics does not affect the state of the cardiovascular system. Proof of this are the results of an experiment conducted by Danish scientists in 1997 – 2011. During this time, researchers processed the treatment results of more than 5 million people.

For the experiment, volunteers aged 40 to 74 years took antibiotics often used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and ENT infections for 7 days. The experiment revealed that taking antibiotics such as roxithromycin and clarithromycin increases the risk of cardiac arrest by 75%.

IMPORTANT: During the experiment, it turned out that penicillin is the least dangerous for the heart. Doctors should pay attention to this fact and, if possible, choose this drug for treatment.
In addition, antibiotics slightly increase the electrical activity of the heart, which can trigger arrhythmia.

How do antibiotics affect intestinal microflora and protein digestion?

Antibiotics inhibit the growth of intestinal microflora, gradually destroying it. These drugs are hostile to intestinal bacteria and at the same time resistant to their influence. Thus, taking antibiotics is a step towards suppressing the activity of beneficial microbes and their death.

Normal microflora will not be able to recover immediately due to a “hole” in the immune system.
Against this background, new diseases often break out and the normal functioning of systems, organs and tissues is disrupted.

All dietary macroelements, including proteins, are digested in the upper part of the small intestine. In this case, a small amount of proteins enters the colon undigested. Here, undigested proteins are broken down into amino acids by microbes that inhabit the large intestine.

As a result of the breakdown of proteins in the colon, compounds that are dangerous to human health can be formed. Their number is so small that with normal microflora they do not have time to cause harm.

However, long-term use of antibiotics can reduce the diversity of the microbiome, making it difficult to digest proteins and slow the elimination of harmful compounds from the intestines.

Taking antibiotics disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

How do antibiotics affect conception, spermogram, pregnancy, fetus?

Taking antibacterial drugs slightly reduces, but does not eliminate, the likelihood of pregnancy. If the father or mother was exposed to strong antibiotics at the time of conception, a miscarriage is likely to occur.

The greatest danger from antibiotics for the fetus is up to the 13th week, the most negative period is 3 – 6 weeks. During this period, the child’s organs are formed, and exposure to potent antibacterial drugs will provoke the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Taking antibiotics causes inhibition of spermatogenesis. Male fertility is reduced for a long time if antibacterial drugs are taken at an early stage of spermatogenesis.

Video: The effect of antibiotics on sperm parameters

Against the background of antibiotics, spermatozoa in most cases are damaged and lose their mobility. These defects lead to spontaneous miscarriage if such sperm take part in fertilization.

After taking antibiotics, the quality of sperm is restored and the spermogram returns to normal, it takes about 3 months. It is after this time that it is permissible to plan a pregnancy. If conception occurred earlier and the development of the embryo proceeds without pathologies or abnormalities, then everything is fine with the sperm.

How do antibiotics affect breast milk?

If a woman needs antibacterial therapy during breastfeeding, then she should not refuse this type of treatment. All antibiotics can be divided into 2 groups:

  • allowed during lactation
  • prohibited during lactation

The first group includes:

  • Penicillins (Augmentin, Ospamox, etc.) - penetrate into breast milk in small concentrations, but can cause allergic reactions and cause loose stools in the child and mother.
  • Macrolides (Erythromycin, Clarithromycin) - penetrate well into breast milk, but do not have a negative effect on the baby's condition.
  • Cefolasporins (Cefradin, Ceftriaxone) penetrate into milk in negligibly small doses and do not affect the growth and development of the child.

Antibiotics prohibited during breastfeeding include:

  • Sulfonamides - disrupt the exchange of bilirubin in the baby’s body, which can cause the development of jaundice.
  • Lincomycin penetrates into milk in large quantities and disrupts the functioning of the child’s intestines.
  • Tetracyclines penetrate into milk and destroy the baby’s tooth enamel and bones.
  • Aminoglycosides are highly toxic and negatively affect the condition of the child’s hearing organs and kidneys.
  • Fluoroquinolones penetrate into milk in quantities unsafe for the child’s health and disrupt the normal development of cartilage tissue.
  • Clindomycin causes the development of colitis.

If a nursing mother is prescribed antibiotics of the second group, there can be no talk of any breastfeeding during the treatment period.

When taking drugs from the first group during breastfeeding, the following rules must be observed:

  • inform the attending physician that the child is breastfed
  • do not change the prescribed dose of the drug yourself
  • take the medicine immediately after breastfeeding

IMPORTANT: To ensure a supply of breast milk during treatment, express excess milk after each feeding and store it in the freezer. After completing the course of antibiotics, lactation can be completely restored.

Almost all antibiotics are excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, if their work changes even slightly, the body is likely to show signs of intoxication.

Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines can damage kidney tissue. The risk is especially high when drugs from these groups are combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs. Then the urine test will show elevated levels of red and white blood cells, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

IMPORTANT: Some antibiotics can change the color of urine (rifampicin makes it bright orange, and nitroxoline makes it deep yellow) and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. During and after taking sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin and nitroxoline, epithelial cells, red blood cells and protein are found in the urine.

Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics can cause the absence of urobilinogen in the urine.
Antibiotics cannot significantly affect the results of a general blood test. The only thing you should pay attention to is the ESR and leukocyte formula. It is likely that these data will be somewhat distorted.

How do antibiotics affect hormones?

Some medications can affect hormones, but antibiotics are not one of them. Before taking hormone tests or undergoing any treatment, you must tell your doctor that you are taking an antibacterial drug. But, definitely, the hormonal background will not change in any way from antibiotics of any group.

Antibiotics do not affect the menstrual cycle. It's quite simple to explain. The menstrual cycle has two phases. In the first phase, follicles mature in the ovary under the influence of the pituitary gland. At the same time, the endometrium grows in the uterus under the influence of estrogens. The second phase is characterized by the release of luteotropic hormone in the pituitary gland and the appearance of a mature egg.

Apart from hormones, nothing can affect the process of egg maturation. Since hormones are not changed by the action of antibacterial drugs, taking them will not affect the menstrual cycle.

How do antibiotics affect potency?

Serious antibiotics can negatively affect male potency. But if, after taking antibacterial drugs, a man notices a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, which causes reluctance to have sex, then there is no need to worry too much. Within a short period of time after the end of treatment, your sex life will return to normal.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that potency is restored almost immediately after finishing taking antibiotics, planning a pregnancy will need to be delayed. The qualitative composition of sperm will be restored only 3 months after the end of treatment.

How do antibiotics affect the immune system?

Antibiotics kill indiscriminately all bacteria, both harmful and beneficial, that inhabit the intestines and maintain balance in the body. As a result, a serious breakdown occurs in the immune system.

The uncontrolled growth of yeast fungi disrupts the functioning of the intestines - allergic reactions to food products occur, intestinal permeability increases, diarrhea and abdominal pain appear after eating. Women often develop thrush while taking strong antibiotics. At the same time, a general deterioration in health, lethargy and poor appetite are normal phenomena.

IMPORTANT: The immune system will suffer more the longer it is exposed to the antibiotic. In this case, the method of administration of the drug does not matter.

To somewhat soften the blow to the immune system, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage of the antibiotic and take probiotics and vitamins prescribed by the doctor.

How do antibiotics affect blood pressure?

If the patient strictly follows the doctor’s instructions, he will not notice any serious changes in his body while taking antibiotics. However, even a slight deviation from the rules for taking antibacterial drugs can lead to serious consequences.

Thus, the pressure may rise sharply, and malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system will appear if, during antibiotic treatment, the patient drank an alcoholic drink or independently added any medication.

If the patient notes that each antibiotic intake is accompanied by a change in blood pressure, he should inform the doctor about this. Perhaps the prescribed treatment regimen needs correction.

How do antibiotics affect the stomach and pancreas?

The pancreas and stomach are the most sensitive organs to antibiotics. Disturbances in their work occur due to a decrease in the protective resident flora and an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, a number of complex chemical reactions take place in the gastrointestinal tract that are impossible in the case of normal functioning of the organs.

IMPORTANT: Signs that negative changes have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract after taking antibiotics are stomach pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and diarrhea. To minimize the risk of developing these side effects, probiotics are prescribed.

How do antibiotics affect the liver and kidneys?

Liver- This is a kind of filter in the body. If the liver is absolutely healthy, it will be able to withstand increased load without problems for some time, neutralizing toxic substances. But if liver functions are impaired, antibiotic therapy must necessarily be accompanied by the use of hepatoprotectors (Urosan, Gepabene, Karsil).

Kidneys– an organ that cleanses the blood of harmful substances and maintains the acid-base balance in the body. With healthy kidneys, short-term use of antibiotics will not have a negative effect.

However, diseases of the urinary system or long-term use of antibiotics can cause changes in the processes of excretion and absorption of chemical elements and the development of pathological reactions.

IMPORTANT: Signs that antibiotics have impaired kidney function include lower back pain, changes in the amount and color of urine, and an increase in temperature.

How do antibiotics affect the nervous system?

To find out the effect of antibiotics on the nervous system, scientists at the Center for Molecular Medicine conducted a series of studies, which revealed the following:

  • short-term use of antibiotics does not affect the functioning and condition of the nervous system
  • long-term use of antibiotics not only destroys intestinal bacteria, but also slows down
  • production of brain cells, leading to memory impairment
  • restoration of the functioning of the nervous system is facilitated by taking immunomodulators and probiotics during the recovery period, as well as physical exercise

Long-term use of antibiotics may cause memory impairment

How do antibiotics affect hearing?

It has been proven that some antibiotics can accumulate in the fluid of the ears and cause pathological changes leading to weakened hearing and deafness. Such drugs include:

  • streptomycin
  • kanamycin
  • neomycin
  • kanamycin
  • gentamicin
  • tobramycin
  • amikacin
  • netilmicin
  • sisomicin
  • tetracyclines
  • erythromycin
  • azithromycin
  • vancomycin
  • polymyxin B
  • colistin
  • gramicidin
  • bacitracin
  • mupirocin

The fact that the drugs have side effects in the form of hearing impairment is stated in the instructions for the medicine. However, they are widely used in therapeutic and pediatric practice.

How do antibiotics affect teeth?

To find out the effect of antibacterial drugs on the condition of teeth, medical scientists from Finland conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which it turned out that:

  • Taking penicillin and macrolide by children aged 1 to 3 years increases the risk of developing tooth enamel defects
  • in school-age children, taking antibiotics in many cases leads to demineralization of the enamel
    most often, demineralization occurs after taking macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, clarithromycin)
  • Each new intake of antibacterial drugs increases the risk of developing enamel defects
  • Frequent treatment of children with antibiotics results in molar-incisal hypomineralization and caries
  • restoration of damaged teeth quickly deteriorates after a course of antibiotics

The negative effect of antibiotics on the tooth enamel of people over 14 years of age is not so pronounced, but their long-term use can also cause harm.

Long-term use of antibiotics reduces hemoglobin. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the body tries to recover on its own, consuming organic iron compounds for this. Iron is necessary for the formation of leukocyte nuclei.

Accordingly, the more serious the treatment, the more the functions of organs and systems are disrupted by antibiotics, the more iron the body will use to attempt recovery.

The hemoglobin level will return to normal faster if you add pomegranate, beef and dried apricots to the menu. Medicinal iron-containing preparations such as Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer, Totema and others will also help.

The rate at which antibiotics are eliminated from the body is affected by its form, group and method of administration. Many injectable drugs are eliminated from the body within 8 - 12 hours after the last injection. Suspensions and tablets act in the body for 12 – 24 hours. The body is fully restored only after 3 months after treatment.

IMPORTANT: How long the drug will remain in the body depends on the age and condition of the patient. The elimination of antibiotics slows down in people suffering from diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, kidneys, as well as in young children.

To remove the antibiotic as soon as possible, you must:

  • drink plenty of water and herbal teas
  • restore liver function with medications
  • use probiotics
  • eat enough dairy products

How to cleanse and restore the body after antibiotics?

After finishing taking antibiotics, you need to take care of the body’s recovery. If this is not done, a new disease may develop soon.

First of all, in order to exclude conditions favorable for the development of pathogenic flora, a diet should be organized. To do this, you need to remove confectionery and bakery products, sugar, and potatoes from your diet. Replace milk with fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. They stick to this diet for about 3 months.

Together with dietary nutrition, the restoration of the body is facilitated by the intake of immunomodulating drugs, vitamin complexes and bacteriophages, which suppress pathogenic flora.

Only an integrated approach can give a lasting positive result in solving the problem of cleansing and restoring the body after antibiotics.

Video: What happens after antibiotics?

The invention of antibiotics helped people cope with many previously incurable diseases and their consequences. But taking medications without the supervision of a doctor can negatively affect the body and cause harm to it, so you need to be aware of the consequences of incorrectly selected treatment.

What are the dangers of antibiotics for the body - the effect on organs and systems

It is worth taking antibacterial drugs only if the benefits outweigh the possibility of complications from taking them. They not only stop the proliferation of microbes, but also cause some disruptions in the human body.

First of all, antibiotics affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but often cause harm to other systems. Therefore, despite successful treatment of the underlying disease, the patient may feel unwell and have unpleasant symptoms.

Liver and kidneys

The liver is the main “filter” that protects the body from poisons and toxins. Antibiotics are dangerous for her because they can cause destruction of her cells and disrupt the production of bile, glucose, vitamins and other vital substances and enzymes she produces. Long-term use of medications can cause inflammation of the organ, and damaged cells are restored with great difficulty.

The kidneys also perform a cleansing function. Antibacterial drugs have a detrimental effect on their internal epithelium, causing the death of the cells lining it. This disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys, and they take some time to recover. If their work is disrupted, swelling of the limbs occurs and urination is impaired.

Stomach and pancreas

After taking the pills, stomach pain and nausea are sometimes felt, which are caused by damage to the gastric mucosa. Its long-term damage and irritation can lead to the formation of erosion (ulcers). It is possible that if unpleasant symptoms appear, you will have to choose another medicine or administer the drug intravenously so that it immediately enters the blood.

It is not recommended to take antibiotics on an empty stomach, as this contributes to even greater irritation of its walls. During therapy, it is better to refrain from salty, sour, fried and other irritating foods. In addition, when exposed to the pancreas, acute pancreatitis may develop.

Intestinal microflora

The intestines contain many bacteria that help with digestion. When taking antibacterial drugs, all microorganisms die - both harmful and beneficial.

If the normal balance of microflora is not restored after taking medications, a person may suffer from dysbiosis, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation. Immunity decreases - it has been proven that it depends 70% on the state of the microflora and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cardiovascular and nervous systems

The effects of antibiotics on the heart and nervous system are not as obvious as on the gastrointestinal tract. But, according to recent research by scientists, a long course of treatment slows down the formation of new brain cells and provokes memory problems. This is due to metabolic disorders, including as a result of the destruction of intestinal microflora.

Macrolides (clarithromycin, roxithromycin) are a group of drugs that have long been considered quite harmless, but it turned out that they can be harmful to the heart. They increase its electrical activity and cause arrhythmia, which can lead to its sudden stop.


A certain group (aminoglycosides) can cause damage to the inner ear. Substances penetrate there through the bloodstream, contributing to impaired or loss of hearing, tinnitus, and headaches. Similar symptoms are observed with otitis media.


Tetracyclines are known to have negative effects on teeth. They form compounds with calcium, as a result of which the enamel becomes thinner and darker, and tooth hypersensitivity occurs.

The negative effect is especially strong in children (for this reason, tetracycline drugs are now prohibited for younger patients), however, drugs in this group can also cause harm to adults when used for a long time.

Genitourinary system

In men, antibiotics can negatively affect potency and sperm quality, disrupting the formation of sperm and thereby reducing the chances of conception. Therefore, after completing therapy, it is advisable to take a spermogram to ensure that normal spermatogenesis has been restored.

Planning pregnancy is also undesirable when treating a woman with antibiotics. They do not affect the menstrual cycle, but they disrupt the natural process of egg formation and can cause miscarriage or pathology in the embryo. It is better to wait to conceive until the end of the course of treatment and a few more weeks after it.

Harm during pregnancy

It is known that antibacterial drugs are prescribed to pregnant women only in exceptional cases, since there is always a danger of negative effects on the fetus and problems in its development. The harm of antibiotics to a child is explained by the fact that they disrupt normal cell division.

Many medications are prohibited for women during breastfeeding, as they can be toxic to the infant’s fragile body.

Effect on joints in children and adolescents

The negative impact on joints in children leads to the development of arthritis, a disease that usually affects older people. Therefore, drugs are prescribed in childhood with extreme caution and, if possible, no more than once a year.

Possible consequences of taking antibiotics

Therapy with antibacterial drugs, especially long-term therapy, can lead to some undesirable consequences, including:

  • Stool disorder. Diarrhea is caused by irritation of the intestinal walls. Dysbacteriosis may also occur, the symptoms of which include both diarrhea and constipation.
  • Nausea and vomiting. They signal irritation of the gastric mucosa, which may be accompanied by bloating and abdominal pain. In addition, they, together with the appearance of edema and difficulty urinating, may be signs of kidney damage.
  • Fungal infection. Due to an imbalance of microflora in the body, fungi can begin to multiply, the activity of which is normally suppressed by beneficial bacteria. The infection most often appears in the mouth (stomatitis) or in the vagina in women. Symptoms are burning, itching, white coating in the mouth and on the tongue, with vaginal candidiasis in women - curdled white or translucent discharge, while with vaginal dysbiosis it is brown.
  • Weakening of the immune system, which is caused primarily by the death of intestinal microflora. May be accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue and the development of side infections. In addition, antibiotics disrupt the acid-base balance (promote acidification of the body), and if immunity is reduced, the risk of cancer increases.
  • Superinfection. This is the proliferation of any microorganisms that are resistant to the antibiotic being taken. Its development is caused by the fact that the growth of harmful bacteria or fungi is no longer restrained by beneficial microflora, and resistance to the drug appears when taken for a long time. Infections often develop in the urethra and bladder.
  • An allergic reaction to a specific antibiotic or group of antibiotics. It manifests itself in skin rashes, redness of the skin, and runny nose. A red tongue is also a symptom. Allergies can lead to more severe consequences, including anaphylactic shock, if the medication is not stopped in time.
  • Dizziness. It may be a sign of the drug’s effect on the central nervous system or on the ears (in this case, tinnitus and hearing impairment are also present).
  • Decreased effectiveness of contraceptives. To prevent unwanted pregnancy during therapy with certain antibiotics, it is better to use a barrier method of contraception.

How to minimize side effects

The main rule to follow is that it is important to coordinate the use of antibiotics with your doctor and inform him of all unpleasant symptoms. The duration of the course and dosage are also determined by the specialist. Under no circumstances should you take expired medications.

The doctor must take into account the compatibility of the prescribed antibiotics with other drugs that the patient has been taking for a long time. There is such a thing as antagonism - some medications reduce the effect of each other on the body, as a result of which their use becomes useless and even harmful.

Before, during and after the course of treatment, it is advisable to conduct a blood test for hemoglobin, the number of red and white blood cells, ESR, etc., in order to monitor basic blood parameters. This will help you notice deviations in the body’s functioning in time.

Meals during antibiotic therapy should be regular. You need to avoid spicy, too salty, fried foods, eat more dairy products and drink water more often. The medications should be taken after meals and not on an empty stomach.

Probiotics will help maintain normal microflora in the intestines while taking medications. These include both special products containing large quantities of beneficial bacteria and fermented milk products. Sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, and kombucha have a good effect, as they are rich in enzymes. Yogurt, kefir, porridge with milk, bread, vegetables and fruits (not sour), soups, steamed fish soften the stomach and eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Tips on how to support the body during antibiotic therapy:

  1. To restore the liver after treatment, use hepatoprotective agents containing phospholipids. These substances revive the cell membrane and bring liver cells to a normal state. In order not to aggravate the harmful effects, during and after the course of treatment you should completely avoid drinking alcohol and eating spicy foods. Milk thistle seeds and preparations based on them are very beneficial for the liver.
  2. To prevent a decrease in immunity, together with antibiotics, take immunomodulating agents, a complex of vitamins and minerals prescribed by a specialist.
  3. If an allergic reaction occurs, immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor, who will select another remedy taking into account the characteristics of the body.
  4. If a fungal infection occurs, take antifungal drugs and probiotics to restore normal microflora.
  5. To restore your kidneys, drink more fluids. You can also use decoctions of medicinal plants - orthosiphon staminate, rose hips. Warming should not be done, as it will only increase the load on the kidneys and can lead to the proliferation of microbes.

During pregnancy, the number of approved antibiotics is very limited, so when the first signs of a bacterial infection appear, you should use “natural” help: eat garlic, onions, ginger, honey, St. John’s wort, horseradish, mustard.

Thus, after taking antibiotics, the body needs to recover. Therefore, you should not take them without a good reason, “to strengthen the immune system,” or self-medicate. The use must be justified and, if possible, safe for health.

Drugs of this pharmaceutical group require a balanced approach to prescription, but there are cases when you cannot do without them. These are bacterial infections that cause an inflammatory process with purulent discharge, tissue damage, and a rise in temperature.

Diseases for which antibiotics are used:

    Otitis media,

    Streptococcal acute tonsillitis,



    Bacterial sore throat.

Viral diseases are not treated with antibiotics due to the futility of such measures. It should be remembered that antibacterial drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account side effects and contraindications.

Is it possible to take antibiotics and antivirals at the same time?

It is acceptable to take these drugs at the same time if superinfection occurs. This situation occurs during primary viral infection. The invasion of viruses weakens the immune system, against the background of which pathogenic microflora is activated.

Superinfection occurs during the development of secondary bacterial pneumonia against the background of ARVI, or during HIV infection. When a person is infected, bacterial diseases also become active.

The human body reacts by increasing temperature to infection by viruses and microbes, to the development of tumor processes, etc. The immune system initiates a similar reaction. Before starting antibiotic treatment, the cause of hyperthermia should be determined. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Pain and sore throat, cough, chills are characteristic signs of influenza and ARVI, in 90% of cases caused by viruses, not bacteria. Taking antibiotics for these symptoms is not only useless, but also dangerous - immunity will decrease and beneficial microflora will be destroyed.

If a combination of a viral and bacterial infection is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. Determining this fine line is not easy even for a specialist with a medical education. One of the signs of bacterial infection is hyperthermia, which does not decrease within a week, or temperature fluctuations.

When prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor focuses on clinical symptoms and laboratory results. If the drug is prescribed correctly, after 1.5-2 days the temperature begins to decrease. The lack of positive dynamics indicates that the antibiotic was prescribed incorrectly and needs to be replaced. If the course of treatment is completed too early, the disease may become chronic or relapse.

Is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics?

Treatment of bacterial tonsillitis, which is diagnosed in 90% of cases of this disease, must be carried out with the use of antibacterial drugs. It is caused by the pathogenic bacterium beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A. Symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis: severe pain when swallowing saliva and food, purulent deposits on the tonsils.

Complications of sore throat when refusing antibiotics:

    Peritonsillar abscess is a formation filled with pus that causes high fever and severe pain in the throat.

    Acute rheumatic fever - affects the brain, heart, bone and joint apparatus.

    Acute glomerulonephritis is a disorder of urinary function due to an inflammatory process in the glomeruli of the kidneys.

The frequency of taking these drugs is not regulated. If, during an illness, while taking antibacterial drugs, the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, there may be an incorrect diagnosis. Here it is already necessary to re-use antibiotics, and clarify the diagnosis by conducting laboratory tests.

The type of bacteria that led to re-infection and their sensitivity to antibiotics is determined by culture of physiological body fluids (urine, feces, sputum, scraping of the mucous membrane). If the disease is viral in nature, even frequent use of antibacterial agents will not give any result.

3 consequences of frequent use of antibiotics:

    It is important to know that frequent use of drugs in this group will lead to addiction, and in a serious situation they will not affect the causative agent of the disease.

    With frequent use, allergization of the body increases.

    Antibacterial agents cannot differentiate “bad” bacteria from “good” ones, and act with equal intensity on pathogenic and beneficial microflora. Therefore, dysbiosis becomes a frequent companion of patients who abuse antibiotics. Diarrhea, bloating, and unstable stools often occur as a result of frequent use of such drugs.

After what period of time can you take antibiotics again?

You don’t have to make any gaps between courses at all, if necessary. The only condition is a mandatory change of drug. If an antibiogram was done at the beginning of the disease, then by the end of the first course of treatment it will already be ready, and the prescription will be justified.

How many times a year can you take antibiotics?

In case of emergency, antibacterial drugs are taken repeatedly, repeating courses of treatment one after another. Naturally, repeated courses of treatment are carried out with various drugs to prevent resistance to bacteria. With frequent courses of treatment, the body needs to be supported by taking vitamin supplements, hepatoprotectors, and probiotics.

How soon can I get tested after antibiotics?

The effectiveness of treatment is monitored 2-5 days after the end of the course of drug therapy. Bacteriological culture of urine for flora will give objective indicators if taken no earlier than 10-14 days after finishing taking antibacterial agents. These drugs have a minimal effect on blood tests - a shift in the leukocyte formula and ROE indicators is possible.

What to drink with antibiotics for microflora?

Normalization of beneficial microflora is carried out by lacto- and bifidobacteria contained in probiotics and prebiotics. These biological products are not taken simultaneously with antibacterial agents, since the active substance of the drug will destroy beneficial bacteria along with the pathogenic flora. They are consumed no earlier than 2 hours later, or the flora is restored after completing a course of antibiotic therapy. It is advisable to take biological products for at least 14 days, ideally up to 30 days. In most cases, the patient’s immunity itself restores the balance of microflora.

10 rules - how to take antibiotics correctly

    You should take medications only as prescribed by your doctor. It is important to remember that antibacterial agents are used only in exceptional cases. The main indication for their use is a severe form of bacterial infection that cannot be treated on its own.

    Signs of acute bacterial infection:

    • Purulent process;

      Persistent and prolonged hyperthermia;

      Changes in the blood count - pronounced leukocytosis, shift to the left in the leukocyte count, increased ROE;

      Deterioration of the patient's condition after a temporary improvement in health.

    Viral infection with ARVI, influenza, and intestinal disorders is not treated with antibiotics.

    It is necessary to record information about previously taken antibiotics. Information about previous courses of treatment with antibacterial drugs, time of administration, diseases, side effects, the presence or absence of allergic manifestations, dosage is very important. Such data is especially valuable for a pediatrician. Using this data, the doctor will be able to more accurately select medications if necessary.

    There is no need to insist on prescribing antibiotics when visiting a doctor. It is quite possible that the doctor, playing it safe, will prescribe the drug at the patient’s request. It is possible that such a measure will speed up recovery, but will bring negative consequences. It’s also not worth replacing medications on your own with more “effective and powerful” ones. They may have a different composition and dosage.

    Before choosing an antibiotic, you need to undergo a bacterial culture test. Determining the causative agent of the disease by bacterial culture to determine sensitivity to antibiotics will allow you to accurately select the drug. The only negative is that the study takes from 2 to 7 days.

    Strict adherence to the frequency and time of taking the medication is required. To maintain a constant concentration of the active substance in the patient’s blood, the frequency and time intervals between doses of the antibiotic must be observed. Taking the drug three times does not mean that it is taken during breakfast, lunch and dinner. This condition means an 8-hour period of time between taking the medicine. Two-time dose – 12-hour period.

    The length of time you take antibiotics is determined by your doctor. On average, this period is 5-7 days, in some cases it reaches 10-14 days. Long-acting antibacterial drugs (Sumamed, Hemomycin, Azithromycin, Ecomed, Azitrox, Azicide, Zi-factor) are taken once a day for 3-5 days. In some cases, the following regimen is used: 3 days of taking the drug with 3 days off, 3 times.

    The course of treatment cannot be interrupted. Even if the patient feels a persistent improvement in his condition, the medication cannot be interrupted. The course of treatment is extended for 2-3 days after recovery. And, conversely, if the effect of taking the drug is not felt within 3 days, then the causative agent of the disease is not sensitive to this antibiotic and it should be replaced.

    You cannot independently change the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Too small a dose causes bacterial resistance, too much leads to an overdose and side effects.

    Taking antibiotics depends on the timing of meals. Instructions for the use of antibacterial drugs clearly define their dependence on the time of food intake:

    • While eating;

      1-1.5 hours after a meal or an hour before a meal;

      Take the medicine only with clean still water;

      Most antibiotics should not be taken with tea, coffee, fruit or vegetable juices, milk or dairy products, although there are exceptions to this rule.

    During treatment with antibacterial drugs, be sure to take probiotics. To restore the normal balance of intestinal microflora, probiotics are taken: Linex, Acipol, Narine, Rela Life, Rioflora-Immuno, Gastrofarm. The need for such measures arises because antibiotics destroy beneficial microflora. An additional measure is the consumption of fermented milk products. For the best effect, you should take probiotics in between taking antibacterial drugs or after a course of treatment.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician at the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016 he has been working at diagnostic center No. 3.

With the discovery of penicillin in 1928, a new era in people's lives began, the era of antibiotics. Few people think about the fact that before this discovery, for thousands of years, the main danger to humans was precisely infectious diseases, which periodically took on the scale of epidemics, mowing down entire regions. But even without epidemics, mortality from infections was extremely high, and the low life expectancy, when a 30-year-old person was considered elderly, was due precisely to this reason.

Antibiotics turned the world upside down and changed life, if not more than the invention of electricity, then certainly no less. Why are we wary of them? The reason is the ambiguous effect of these drugs on the body. Let's try to figure out what this effect is, and what antibiotics have actually become for people, salvation or curse.

Anti-life drugs?

“Anti bios” translated from Latin means “against life”, so antibiotics are anti-life drugs. Chilling definition, isn't it? In fact, antibiotics have saved millions of lives. The scientific name for antibiotics is antibacterial drugs, which more accurately corresponds to their function. Thus, the action of antibiotics is not directed against a person, but against microorganisms that penetrate his body.

The danger is that most antibiotics affect not just one pathogen of a particular disease, but entire groups of microbes, which contain not only pathogenic bacteria, but also those that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

It is known that the human intestine contains about 2 kg of microbes - a huge number of mainly bacteria, without which the normal functioning of the intestine is impossible. Beneficial bacteria are also present on the skin, in the mouth and vagina - in all places where the body may come into contact with an environment foreign to it. Different groups of bacteria coexist in balance with each other and with other microorganisms, in particular fungi. An imbalance leads to excessive growth of antagonists, the same fungi. This is how dysbiosis develops, or an imbalance of microorganisms in the human body.

Dysbacteriosis is one of the most common negative consequences of taking antibiotics. Its particular manifestation is fungal infections, a prominent representative of which is the well-known thrush. That is why, when prescribing antibiotics, the doctor usually prescribes drugs that help restore the microflora. However, such drugs should not be taken during antibiotic therapy, but after it.

It is clear that the more powerful the drug is taken and the wider its spectrum of action, the more bacteria will die. That is why it is advisable to use broad-spectrum antibiotics only in cases of extreme necessity, and in all other situations to select a narrow-spectrum drug that has a targeted effect only on small, necessary groups of bacteria. This is an important measure to prevent dysbiosis during antibiotic therapy.

Harmful effects of beneficial drugs

It has long been established that harmless drugs do not exist in nature. Even the most harmless drug, if used incorrectly, causes unwanted effects, let alone such powerful drugs as antibiotics.

It should be understood that side effects are a possible, but not necessary, consequence of taking antibacterial agents. If a drug has been tested and accepted into clinical practice, this means that it has been unequivocally and convincingly proven that its benefits for most people significantly outweigh the possible harm. However, all people have their own characteristics, the reaction of each organism to a drug is determined by hundreds of factors, and there are a number of people whose reaction to the drug, for one reason or another, turned out to be rather negative.

Possible negative reactions are always listed in the list of side effects of any medicine. Antibiotics have a very strong ability to cause side effects, since they have a powerful effect on the body.

Let's look at the main undesirable consequences of taking them:

  1. Allergic reactions. They can manifest themselves in different ways, most often it is a skin rash and itching. Allergies can be caused by any antibiotics, but the most common are cephalosporins, beta-lactans and penicillins;
  2. Toxic effects. Particularly vulnerable in this regard are the liver, which performs the function of purifying the blood from poisons in the body, and the kidneys, through which toxins are eliminated from the body. In particular, tetracycline antibiotics have a hepatotoxic effect, and aminoglycosides, polymexins and some cephalosporins have a nephrotoxic effect. In addition, aminoglycosides can cause irreversible damage to the auditory nerve, leading to deafness. Fluoroquinolones and antibacterial agents of the nitrofuran series also have an effect on nerve structures. Levomycetin has a toxic effect on the blood and the embryo. Antibiotics of the amphenicol group, cephalosporins and some types of penicillin are known to have a negative effect on the process of hematopoiesis;
  3. Immune suppression. Immunity is the body’s defenses, its “defense” that protects the body from the invasion of pathogenic agents. Immune suppression weakens the body's natural defenses, which is why antibiotic therapy should not be excessively long. To one degree or another, the immune system is suppressed by most antibacterial drugs, the most negative in this regard is the effect of tetracyclines and the same chloramphenicol.

Thus, it becomes clear why doctors insist that patients never, under any circumstances, self-medicate, especially self-medicate with antibiotics. If used thoughtlessly, if the existing characteristics of the body are ignored, the medicine may turn out to be worse than the disease. Does this mean that antibiotics are harmful? Of course no. The answer is best illustrated by the example of a knife: few tools have been and remain so necessary and useful to a person, but if used incorrectly, a knife can become a murder weapon.

When are antibiotics harmful?

So, antibiotics are rather useful for humanity, although they can be harmful under certain conditions. However, there are conditions when taking antibiotics is definitely not necessary. These are the following pathologies:

  • Viral diseases, including influenza, which doctors call ARVI, and people not associated with medicine call the common cold. Antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses; moreover, they reduce immunity, which is the main antiviral tool;
  • Diarrhea. As we found out earlier, taking antibiotics can lead to dysbiosis, one of the manifestations of which is diarrhea. For intestinal disorders, antibiotics, if taken, are only prescribed by a doctor after the pathogen has been accurately identified;
  • Fever, headache, cough. Contrary to popular belief, an antibiotic is neither an antipyretic, nor an analgesic, nor an antitussive. Fever, cough, headache, muscle or joint pain are just symptoms inherent in many diseases. If they are not caused by bacteria, taking antibiotics is completely useless, and given the side effects, it is rather harmful.

To summarize, it must be said that antibiotics are a powerful and effective medicine, whose effect on the body depends entirely on how correctly it is used.

The consequences of taking antibiotics can be very different and manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, nausea or rash on the skin. Such drugs are used to treat many pathologies, but they often provoke the development of side conditions. After antibiotic therapy, a set of measures is necessarily selected aimed at eliminating the consequences of such treatment and restoring normal intestinal functioning. There may be antibiotics in meat and animals, so they can enter the human body without his knowledge. What dangerous consequences can cause taking such drugs, and how often can you take antibiotics?

Digestive problems

Treatment of pathology with the help of such drugs often leads to the development of negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. The patient begins to complain of the appearance of:

  • diarrhea;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence.

Such side effects appear after the use of many broad-spectrum drugs and this is due to their irritating effect on the mucous surface of the digestive system. Typically, such unpleasant consequences appear when treated with antibiotics in the form of capsules or tablets, so to avoid them, you should take medications after meals or in the form of injections.

After completing the course of antibacterial treatment, the functioning of the digestive system is usually restored. If this does not happen, this may indicate a violation of the intestinal microflora. Dysbacteriosis is considered the most common consequence of antibiotics, and develops as a result of the inhibitory effect of antibiotics on pathogenic microorganisms and natural inhabitants, which are simply necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. To restore microflora, specialists can prescribe the use of probiotics, and they are often taken simultaneously with antibiotics.

The danger of dysbiosis after the use of antibiotics lies not only in the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the digestive system, but also in the development of more dangerous consequences. The intestine is the site of synthesis of vital vitamins and parahormones, and disruption of this process negatively affects the functioning of various organs and systems. In order to avoid this, when carrying out antibiotic therapy in adults, multivitamin complexes are prescribed in tablets. It is imperative to check with your doctor which antibiotic is best to take for a particular disease, and which ones should be avoided.

Allergies and decreased immunity

Some people may develop allergies to antibacterial drugs such as cephalosporins and penicillin. In addition, experts say that it is possible that meat contains antibiotics. Characteristic manifestations of an allergic reaction when taking antibiotics are:

  • rash on the skin;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • rhinitis;
  • wheezing;
  • fever.

Studies have confirmed the existence of a connection between fetal exposure to antibacterial drugs during pregnancy or early childhood and the subsequent development of asthma. If a person has allergies, antibiotics should be used as little as possible to treat pathologies. If any adverse reactions occur, be sure to inform your doctor and change the medicine to a safer one.

It is in the gastrointestinal tract that a large number of bacteria live, which take an active part in the formation of the human body’s immunity. The course of treatment usually lasts 7-10 days and it is better to take the medicine 3 times a day. Indiscriminate and uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the destruction of both harmful and beneficial bacteria. All this reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and increases the risk of developing secondary bacterial pathologies.

Intoxication of organs and tissues

Such drugs have a negative effect on the functioning of many organ systems, and only a doctor determines which antibiotics to take. This is due to the fact that the medicine itself is toxic and at the same time the body is poisoned by particles of cells destroyed by bacteria. The greatest danger to the body are those antibiotics that act directly on the liver and kidneys, and disruption of their functioning can cause the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • feverish condition;
  • loss of appetite or its complete absence;
  • high levels of creatinine and urea in blood tests;
  • decrease or increase in urine volume;
  • strong thirst;
  • yellow coloring of the skin;
  • dark urine and colorless stool.

Many antibacterial drugs also negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system. Self-medication with antibiotics can cause the patient to experience headaches and dizziness, as well as problems sleeping. Among the dangerous consequences of taking antibiotics are damage to the auditory and visual nerves.

Other effects of treatment

With prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs, oxidative stress is possible, which increases the risk of developing various cancers in men and women. It is important to remember that such medications are not allowed to be taken when fighting viral infections, or at will.

Some drugs that can be used to treat many pathologies can provoke the development of urinary tract infections, especially in childhood. This is due to the fact that under the influence of active substances, beneficial bacteria living near the urethra are destroyed. All this contributes to the fact that dangerous microorganisms begin their active growth in the organs of the urinary system. It is possible to avoid the development of a urinary tract infection by observing good personal hygiene.

It should be remembered that taking antibacterial drugs may affect the effectiveness of birth control pills. It is for this reason that if such treatment is necessary in women, they should switch to other methods of contraception for a while.

Taking antibacterial drugs can cause the development of diseases such as thrush or candidiasis. Fungi live on the mucous membranes of the mouth and vagina, and when beneficial bacteria die, their number begins to grow rapidly. Characteristic signs of candidiasis are:

  • white discharge;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning in the genital area;
  • pain during urination;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

With the development of candidiasis in the mouth, you may notice the formation of a white coating both on the tongue and on the gums and cheeks.

Rules for antibacterial treatment

When treating with antibiotics, you need to remember that taking them can cause various side effects and complications, and this is determined by the individual characteristics of the human body. During this treatment, it is recommended to consume as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration. In addition, you will have to give up coffee, alcohol and spicy foods for a while.

It is important to remember that all antibacterial drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. In case of an overdose of antibiotics, the consequences can be very different, so you should follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor and not take medications for longer than prescribed. It is not allowed to stop treatment when the patient is relieved, but you must complete the entire course to the end.

Usually, three doses of medication are prescribed and it is best to do this at the same time, which will allow maintaining a constant level of medication in the body. In order to avoid problems with intestinal function and the negative effects of the drug on the body, it is best to combine the use of such medications with probiotics. Some drugs that are successfully used to treat adults can be quite dangerous for newborns and infants.

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