Menu for pancreatitis for a week. Dietary standards for inflammation of the pancreas What diet for inflammation of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that tends to be chronic.

Nutrition for pancreatitis not only provides the body’s energy needs, satisfies gastronomic desires, but also functions as a medicine.

Basic food requirements

In chronic pancreatitis, the main task of the diet is to maintain a state of stable remission and prevent exacerbations of pancreatic disease. To do this, strictly adhere to proper nutrition.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

At the onset of the disease or during exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas, fasting for 1-2 days is recommended. This will relieve pain. At this time, you can drink water in small portions, up to 1 liter per day.

After acute phenomena in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract subside, the diet is gradually expanded. Enter into the menu:

  • mashed porridge with water, skim milk, or low-fat milk;
  • vegetarian pureed soups without the use of white and red cabbage and legumes, then possibly based on finely chopped vegetables;
  • dishes made from lean fish, first minced into minced meat, then into small pieces;
  • meat soufflés, with expansion to finely chopped dishes - cutlets, meatballs;
  • dairy products;
  • half-diluted non-acidic fruit juices, rosehip infusion, mint.

Steaming and boiling are allowed.

During the period of exacerbation and recovery after it, do not use:

  • meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables without heat treatment;
  • stewed, fried, baked dishes due to their ability to cause increased secretion by the digestive organs;
  • sour foods, canned food, marinades, smoked meats, hot seasonings and vegetables - garlic, mustard, pepper, horseradish, radish, radish;
  • grapes, dates, pears, figs, mushrooms, peas, beans, lentils - even heat-treated ones;
  • animal fats.

After an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, a strict diet lasts at least six months. When stable remission occurs, the diet is slightly expanded.

Nutrition during remission of pancreatic diseases

The basic principles of the diet that you need to adhere to throughout your life in order to avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis are as follows:

  • increased amount of protein – up to 150 g per day;
  • sufficient intake of carbohydrates (without exceeding the norm) - 300 - 350 g per day, with a limitation of easily digestible sugars - honey, refined sugar, jam, etc.;
  • exclusion of juiced products - strong broths (meat, fish, vegetables), sauces based on them;
  • refusal of mechanically irritating substances to the mucous membranes - large pieces of food, fried, salted, smoked, etc.;
  • fractional nutrition - regular intake of nutrients at approximately equal intervals, excluding large single portions;
  • exclusion of long breaks in food intake, fasting - except for periods of the onset of exacerbation, when refusal to eat should not exceed 2 days;
  • regular use of products that prevent constipation - fresh fermented milk drinks (no more than 24 hours from the date of production);
  • complete abstinence from alcohol;
  • limiting strong tea and coffee; their use with low-fat milk is acceptable.

Read also: The use of antibiotics for pancreatitis

During the period of remission of pancreatitis, diet allows:

  • bread – preferably wheat, dried or yesterday’s bread – up to 300 g/day;
  • soup - from vermicelli, vegetable, from cereals, - with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream;
  • meat - beef, turkey, chicken, and other lean - boiled or steamed;
  • fish - in addition to boiled, steamed and chopped, can be in pieces - lean sea and river species;
  • egg - an omelet made from whites, the yolk is occasionally included in other dishes;
  • milk – whole milk rarely, as an additive to drinks or water when preparing porridges and sauces, fermented milk compositions are preferred – cottage cheese, drinks, mild cheese;
  • fat – approximately 80 g/day, taking into account hidden animal lipids in protein and dairy products, vegetable oils (purified sunflower and olive) are used without heat treatment;
  • vegetables - potatoes (source of potassium), carrots (carotene), beets (cleansing effect and prevention of constipation), zucchini (mild laxative), pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli - cooked;
  • cereals and flour - semi-liquid porridge with low-fat milk or water with milk from semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled pasta or milk soup with noodles;
  • fruits – baked sour apples, sometimes bananas;
  • desserts – berry jelly, compotes, jellies using sweeteners;
  • drinks - rosehip decoction, chamomile tea, mint infusion, oatmeal jelly (without fermentation) are very useful.

Important! The preparation of medicinal drinks should preserve beneficial substances and make them available for absorption by the body.

Read also: Homemade diet for patients with pancreatitis

Preparation of rosehip decoction

Rinse the berries, without soaking, under the tap, place in an enamel (not metal!) container. Add boiling water, close with a tight lid and put on fire. Cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, leave on the stove, do not remove the lid for 2 - 3 hours. Then strain the broth and squeeze out the fruits. The drink is ready to drink.

For 100 g of fresh fruit – 1 liter of water.

As you can see, the range of permitted food is quite wide. With the right approach to organizing meals, you can avoid the effect of institutionalization, restrictions and necessity, and enjoy food.

Nutrition management for pancreatic diseases

Therapeutic nutrition schemes have been developed by nutritionists and are successfully used in practice in the treatment of acute pancreatitis in hospital hospitals and chronic inflammation of the pancreas in medical institutions - dispensaries, rest homes, and sanatoriums.

A person suffering from pancreatitis has to adhere to therapeutic principles in food throughout his life. This means that the recommended food should be included in the daily diet, and you should learn how to cook it.

So that the diet is not perceived as a punishment, but brings joy, you can master the process of cooking, achieve good taste of dishes from permitted products, without using what you cannot eat.

To optimize the cooking process, you need to purchase the necessary equipment in addition to the existing cookware and use it for its intended purpose:

  • steamer - options are possible in the form of a separate kitchen appliance or simply in the form of a folding grill used with any pan available on the household - the main device in the kitchen;
  • blender - there are electrical and mechanical devices - necessary for grinding pieces of food;
  • kitchen scales for determining the mass of solid foods and portions;
  • measuring utensils with a volume scale for measuring the amount of liquids;
  • molds for preparing portioned dishes.

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that leads to serious disruption of the digestive system. However, such a diagnosis is not a death sentence. The disease can be treated if it is identified in time, and diet therapy plays an important role in the treatment of pancreatitis: proper diet and systematic nutrition.

Attention! We will talk about a diet for chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation, because acute inflammation of the pancreas or exacerbation of chronic inflammation implies the appointment of fasting for 1-3 days.

The pancreas is an important element of the digestive system, and its treatment is ineffective without serious adjustments in dietary habits

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

The menu for pancreatitis can be very varied, it can be:

  • salads;
  • puree;
  • vegetable soups;
  • low-fat meat dishes;
  • vegetable oils;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • milk oatmeal;
  • buckwheat with milk;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • chicken egg whites;
  • compotes;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • not sour apples containing a lot of iron;
  • White bread.

Food must be fresh and the meal schedule must be consistent

What not to eat if you have pancreatitis

The importance of proper nutrition in diseases of the digestive system is difficult to overestimate. When choosing food products, you should be guided by the following rules. Food should not be:

  • heavy (containing pork or beef fats);
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • smoked or fried.

Note. It should also be noted that it is better to exclude canned foods from the diet.

The diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas should include a balance of:

  • fat - no more than 80 g per day;
  • carbohydrates - no more than 380 g per day.

A diet for pancreatitis is prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosing the disease. Such changes in the patient’s life do not mean that you can’t eat tasty food, you just have to give up some dishes and products.

Diet No. 5p for pancreatitis of the pancreas

This diet was developed during the Soviet era by Soviet nutritionists and includes not only a list of acceptable foods, but also recipes for dishes that best promote a speedy recovery. On its basis, diet No. 5p was developed for pancreatitis of the pancreas and cholecystitis, because these diseases often go hand in hand.

Important! The norm of proteins should be no more than 560 g, fats up to 420 g and carbohydrates no more than 1400 g per week. Total fluid intake (including liquid in first courses) should not exceed 14 liters.

The uniqueness of this diet is that the dishes are prepared mainly from pureed products.

The diet may include:

  • soups with pureed vegetables;
  • steamed meat or fish cutlets;
  • boiled lean meats;
  • boiled fish;
  • white, slightly stale bread;
  • pureed vegetables (steamed, boiled or stewed);
  • liquid porridge from any cereals, except millet and pearl barley;
  • chicken egg omelet;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • boiled pasta.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis

In the case of an acute course of the disease, treatment prescribes complete abstinence from food in the first 1-3 days of exacerbation. In this case, nutrients are supplied by drip into a vein. You can consume still water and rosehip infusion, but not more than 1 liter per day. When remission begins, the menu is added as described above.

Important. How long should you follow a diet for pancreatitis? In acute forms of the disease, the diet must be followed for 2 to 6 months, including the period of treatment. In case of chronic pancreatitis, the diet should be followed for life.

Nutrition for pancreatitis of the pancreas: menu for the week

It is very important for effective treatment to follow a diet. For patients with gastroenterological diseases, five meals a day are usually prescribed. The menu for pancreatitis may be as follows.

Breakfast (options):

  • beet salad, dried fruit compote or fresh fruit;
  • cottage cheese with milk, rosehip tincture;
  • steamed chicken egg omelet;
  • tea with biscuits or oatmeal cookies;
  • oatmeal with or without milk, jelly;
  • pumpkin porridge;
  • Buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet.

Breakfast is the basis for the whole body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend starting the day with oatmeal, rich in carbohydrates.

Second breakfast (options):

  • boiled rice with raisins;
  • carrot salad (without vinegar);
  • baked apple, maybe with dried apricots;
  • carrot-pumpkin puree;
  • boiled beets;
  • beaten egg whites.

Lunch (options for first and second courses):

  • lean (vegetable) soup or borscht;
  • chicken soup;
  • rice with fish;
  • steamed beef cutlets or boiled lean meat;
  • casserole with cottage cheese;
  • steamed chicken cutlets;
  • Navy pasta with lean meat.

Afternoon snack (options):

  • fruit jelly;
  • roll with vegetables;
  • jelly;
  • fruit pudding;
  • baked potato;
  • sandwich with hard cheese and light butter;
  • bean or pea puree.

Dinner (options):

  • apple puree or yogurt;
  • rice with raisins;
  • matsoni and vinaigrette;
  • cauliflower stewed in water or pureed soup made from it, yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • omelette, fermented baked milk.

Important! The interval between meals should not be more than 3 hours. Systematic nutrition is already 80% of the success of effective treatment of gastroenterological diseases.

Recipes for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Below are recipes for simple dishes allowed for pancreatitis.


100 g of oatmeal for two glasses of milk or water. The liquid is poured into the pan and brought to a boil, after which the oatmeal is added. Cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. After which it is removed from the heat and left for 20-25 minutes.

Steamed omelette

Prepare like a regular omelette. Take 2-3 chicken eggs, beat them, add 30-50 ml of milk, pour the mixture into a hot frying pan and cover with a lid for 5-7 minutes. After which the omelette should be turned over, remove the frying pan from the stove and bring to readiness under the lid. After 7-10 minutes the omelette is ready.

Beet salad

Take the beet root, wash it thoroughly and place it in a pan. The root crop is filled with water so that it covers it by 2 fingers. The beets are cooked for about an hour.

Advice! You can check readiness by piercing it with a knife or fork; If the knife goes in easily, it means the beets are ready.

The finished vegetable should be cooled (it is best to boil the beets in the evening); to do this, you can place it in cold water for 20-25 minutes. Then you need to peel it and grate it on a coarse grater. You can pour a little liquid low-fat sour cream or cream on top.

Liquid buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet

For 100 g of buckwheat, 2.5 glasses of water. The cereal must be washed several times and filled with water. Put on fire and cook for 15-20 minutes until done.

Take 200 g of minced chicken without onions and form cutlets (4-5 pieces). You can roll them in semolina, after which they are placed in a double boiler. Prepare in 30-40 minutes. You can add water as needed, but then it will take longer to cook the cutlets.

Advice! If you don't have a steamer, you can cook the cutlets in a saucepan. To do this, 300-400 g of water is poured into the pan, and the cutlets themselves are placed in a colander, which is placed in a pan of boiling water and covered with a lid. Water should not touch the cutlets.

Cottage cheese casserole

To prepare it you will need:

  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of semolina.

The cottage cheese is thoroughly mixed with the eggs, after which sugar is added. After mixing these ingredients, add semolina and mix until smooth. The resulting mixture should be left for 15-20 minutes. The oven is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. The casserole takes half an hour to prepare.

Important! Cottage cheese, like oatmeal, are foods rich in slow carbohydrates, so they are not recommended for dinner in order to avoid the development of obesity.

Bean puree

For 250 g of beans you will need one chicken egg, 30 g of butter and soy sauce to taste.

Secret! It is best to soak the beans the night before. Soaked beans cook much faster, and this approach also avoids flatulence.

The beans should be washed several times, removing everything unsuitable for food. Filled with drinking water, it needs to be soaked for 10 to 12 hours, and it is advisable to change the water every 2 hours. For 250 g of beans you need 750 ml of water. After the beans swell, they are washed with running water and transferred to a saucepan or saucepan, filled with drinking water in a ratio of 1:3. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the dish for 1.5-2 hours until cooked, depending on the type of beans. The liquid is drained.

You can grind the beans in a blender or meat grinder. After this, egg and butter are added to the puree. All this is whipped until smooth. Instead of salt, soy sauce is best. Can be served with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Even with chronic pancreatitis, you can sometimes indulge in your favorite dish, the main thing is to do everything right

Note. This information will be useful for salty food lovers. It is worth giving up excessively salty foods for 10 days and replacing them with soy sauce or other products containing salt or having a salty taste, and a person will no longer crave excessively salty foods, because... receptors will sense the taste to the fullest.


Pancreatitis, whether acute or chronic, does not mean at all that the patient will be prescribed to eat only lean broths. Even with chronic pancreatitis, a patient can indulge in both barbecue and sturgeon, but it should be remembered that this can only be done during a period of stable remission and not every day. A diet for pancreatitis in adults can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

For people suffering from inflammation of the pancreas, a special dietary table No. 5 was developed. Thanks to the correct selection of ingredients, it is possible to stabilize the condition and gain weight for those who are experiencing rapid weight loss due to hunger and lack of energy value of the food they receive.

About diet No. 5 for pancreatitis

This diet is advisable not only for, but also for treatment. It helps normalize metabolism and relieve the inflamed organ. It involves eating predominantly protein-rich foods, with a serious limitation on sweets and starchy foods.

A balanced diet is prescribed simultaneously with medication treatment. This involves the exclusion of foods that can lead to complications and decreased functioning of the pancreas.

All ingredients must be pureed and finely chopped. They should be boiled or cooked using a steamer. In this case, beneficial components are better preserved, cholesterol production and the burden on the gastrointestinal tract are reduced.

The diet has two parts. The first one is softer and more gentle. You can start it from the fourth day after the acute symptoms have subsided. Assumes a watery or semi-watery consistency. In the second, a greater variety of products is allowed. Relevant during the period of normalization of the condition.

Nutrition rules

In the stage of manifestation of vivid symptoms and during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the leading principles of diet therapy are:

  • Hunger during the period of acute symptoms (first days), only parenteral nutrition is possible.
  • Gradual expansion of the diet with the introduction of new dishes.
  • Compliance with the rules for determining the volume and energy value of food.
  • Follow all the advice of nutritionists and gastroenterologists to reduce the load on the pancreas.

The table for pancreatitis strictly prohibits alcohol-containing drinks and smoking, as they irritate the suffering organ. It is worth consuming foods that are rich in antioxidants.

Since liquid and carbohydrate foods pose minimal danger to the secretory function of the organ, after hunger you can supplement your diet with dishes that contain carbohydrates in addition to proteins. These can be slimy soups, liquid porridges, jelly, vegetable purees.

Hot spices and seasonings, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, grape juice, alcohol and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

Menu for the week

FirstPuree buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese soufflé.Soup with semolina, steamed cutlets with potatoes.Protein omelet, semi-liquid porridge.
SecondPuree rice porridge, cottage cheese with fruit sauce.Soup with buckwheat and grated carrots, pumpkin puree, jelly.Boiled hake, mashed potatoes.
ThirdProtein omelet, milk porridge with rice.Zucchini soup, boiled chicken, grated buckwheat.Fish cutlets, mashed potatoes, cookies.
FourthPorridge with the addition of a small piece of butter, unsalted cheese, omelet.Soup with meatballs, beef roll, grated carrots.Steamed fish with milk sauce, mashed potatoes.
FifthOatmeal milk porridge, cottage cheese with jam.Soup with sour cream and vegetables, meat soufflé with zucchini puree.Minced fish cutlets, boiled rice.
SixthBuckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with jam.Milk soup with meat puree, meat cutlets, rice porridge.Fish cutlets, vegetable puree.
SeventhOmelet, semolina pudding.Soup with vegetables and cereals, chicken soufflé.Steamed fish meatballs, side dish of rice.

At night every day it is recommended to drink fermented milk products without sugar. Since the diet requires a second breakfast and an afternoon snack, in the intervals between meals you can eat cottage cheese, biscuits, baked apples, drink jelly or diluted juices.

Table food recipes

Milk soup with meat puree is tasty and nutritious. It's easy to prepare.

First, the boiled beef is passed through a meat grinder several times and blended in a blender. Mashed rice and slimy broth are added to the puree. The resulting composition must be boiled well.

Wait for the dish to cool down a little. All that remains is to add a mixture of beaten egg and milk and add to the soup. You will get a delicate consistency.

The puree soup has good taste. Boil potatoes and carrots until fully cooked. The vegetables are rubbed with the broth, and a little milk is added if desired. You need to bring the soup to a boil, add salt. To enhance the flavor, do not add pepper or other seasonings.

For pancreatitis, clear soups made with recycled broth help well. To prepare the dish, you need to place a piece of boiled meat without fat in a pan with clean water. Bring to a boil and drain. The meat must be cooked a second time. After this, add potatoes and onions. When the potatoes are cooked, add a little durum noodles. It remains to cook for another 5 minutes, turn off the heat.

The following recipes are used as second courses:

  1. Chicken dumplings with added curd mass. Turn chicken meat into minced meat, add grated cottage cheese. Stir the mixture well, add a beaten egg and a piece of good butter. The dumplings are steamed and served with sour cream sauce.
  2. Beef roll. Add eggs and salt to the minced meat. The minced meat is laid out 2 cm thick on a wet towel and covered with boiled omelette. Using a towel, roll the minced meat to form a roll. Make several punctures and steam for 25 minutes.
  3. Semolina pudding with apples. First you need to cook semolina with the addition of grated apples, egg yolk and sugar. The mass is mixed, whipped egg whites are added to it. Place it in molds and steam for 30 minutes.

Thus, diet No. 5 is balanced and can be used for a long time. It reduces the load on the pancreas. Disadvantages include the long cooking time for some dishes.

Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas is a prerequisite for treating the disease. The degree of dietary restrictions in each specific case depends on the form and severity of pancreatitis. For chronic pancreatitis, diet 5 table is used, and during an exacerbation of the disease, the recommendations of therapeutic nutrition 5 p are followed.

The main goal of the diet when pancreatitis occurs is to reduce pancreatic secretion and create maximum rest for the pancreas. A number of foods that irritate the gland are excluded from the diet, namely:

  • fats of animal origin, which cause increased secretion of pancreatic enzymes;
  • meat, fish and mushroom broths;
  • difficult-to-digest animal proteins (fatty meat, sausages, etc.);
  • hot spices;
  • sour fruits and fruit juices;
  • concentrated drinks (coffee, black tea), carbonated drinks, alcohol.

The general rules that govern nutrition for pancreatitis are as follows:

  • Small meals (4 times a day), while during meals they focus on the feeling of hunger.
  • A small amount of food, since large portions cause a more intense and prolonged secretion of pancreatic juices.
  • The diet should consist mainly of easily digestible carbohydrates, fiber, and dietary proteins. The calorie content of the daily diet is 2400-2800 kilocalories.
  • Proteins in the diet are limited to 100-120 grams per day. In this case, meat (fish) is allowed every other day, as are cottage cheese, eggs, and fermented milk products.
  • The amount of carbohydrates consumed should reach 300-400 grams per day. The main source of carbohydrates for pancreatitis are cereals and flour products.
  • Vegetable fat consumption is allowed (up to 50 grams per day).
  • Vegetables are a source of fiber and vitamins, so you should eat different types of vegetables in boiled, stewed and raw form every day.
  • Fruits and berries are consumed in small quantities as a separate meal.

With the help of a diet for pancreatitis, inflammation is relieved, pain symptoms disappear, fermentation of gastric and pancreatic juices is reduced, which makes it easier to work and the general condition of the pancreas.

What you can and cannot eat (table)

Proper nutrition for pancreatitis is gentle on the pancreas and all organs of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Violation of the diet immediately leads to exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Categories What is possible What not to do
Meat and poultry Veal, turkey, rabbit, chicken Fatty meats, smoked, salted, fried
Fish Cod, pike perch, hake Fatty varieties, smoked, salted fish, semi-finished products
Fats Vegetable and creamy (limited) Pork and beef lard, fresh and overcooked
Flour products Day-old or dried white bread, unpalatable pastries Pastries made from rich, puff pastry, cakes and pastries with butter cream
Eggs The menu for pancreatitis of the pancreas does not limit egg whites and only one yolk is allowed per day More than one egg yolk per day
Cereals Semolina, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice
Dairy Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, mild cheese Fat sour cream
Seasonings Basil, dried dill Mustard, horseradish, pepper, hot sauces with pepper and vinegar
Vegetables Carrots, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, white and cauliflower, green peas. Green parsley, dill Pickles, preserves. Radish, onion, garlic, radish, horseradish, sorrel, beans, dried peas, chickpeas
Fruits Apricots, plums, peaches, apples, pears. Dried fruits, dried apricots, raisins Bananas, sour fruits
Berries Blueberries, strawberries, rowan, blackberries, mulberries, cherries Sour berries: cranberries, gooseberries, cherries
Dessert Ice cream, chocolate
Dessert Jam, jam, marshmallow, marshmallow Ice cream, chocolate
Beverages Chicory, compote of sweet fruits and berries, rosehip infusions, jelly, diluted fruit juices Strong coffee, strong tea, cocoa, concentrated juices, soda. Alcoholic drinks, beer

When preparing dishes, preference is given to boiling, stewing, and baking in the oven (in foil, in a baking bag). When served, food and drinks should not be too hot or cold.

Nutrition for acute pancreatitis

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, it is necessary not only to use drug therapy and maintain bed rest, but also to adhere to a special diet consisting of several stages.

Hunger. Complete exclusion of food is practiced for the first 2-3 days, depending on the patient’s condition. At this time, the patient is allowed warm drinks (weak tea without sugar, rosehip infusion), still water and mineral water. In acute pancreatitis, you are allowed to drink up to 5 glasses of liquid per day.

Mucus diet. After fasting in the following days (3-5 days), patients with pancreatitis adhere to a diet that includes only pureed and pureed foods:

  • puree soups from cereals, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, without salt and oil;
  • liquid grated porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina;
  • chicken, turkey, rabbit fillet puree;
  • liquid milk jelly, as well as jelly made from sweet berries;
  • tea, rose hip decoction, diluted fruit juices.

The diet for the treatment of acute pancreatitis should be multiple: 8 small meals. The serving at this stage of therapy is no more than 150 grams of food at a time.

After 7-10 days of gentle nutrition, acute pancreatitis of the pancreas goes into remission. Next, the patient is allowed to expand the diet by consuming fruits, vegetables, and a minimum amount of flour.

Sample menu for a week for pancreatitis of the pancreas


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with dried apricots and prunes, pear,
  • Lunch: steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes, cucumber and tomato salad, marshmallows,
  • Afternoon snack: milk porridge,
  • Dinner: stewed zucchini.


  • Breakfast: crumbly rice porridge with dried apricots, sweet apple,
  • Lunch: fish meatballs, vinaigrette, berry jelly,
  • Afternoon snack: milk soup with semolina,
  • Dinner: green pea soup.


  • Breakfast: curd with dried fruits, grapes,
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, cabbage rolls with beef, lettuce, pastila,
  • Afternoon snack: noodles with milk,
  • Dinner: Cauliflower puree.


  • Breakfast: carrot soufflé with cottage cheese, juice,
  • Lunch: baked cod, beetroot salad, jam,
  • Afternoon snack: milk porridge with melon,
  • Dinner: stewed carrots.


  • Breakfast: rice pudding with apples,
  • Lunch: boiled turkey, potatoes, cabbage salad, berry jelly,
  • Afternoon snack: buckwheat porridge with milk,
  • Dinner: pumpkin and carrot puree.


  • Breakfast: lazy dumplings with jam, sweet berries,
  • Lunch: fish dumplings, pearl barley porridge, salad, tea with honey,
  • Afternoon snack: pumpkin soufflé,
  • Dinner: potato salad with green peas.


  • Breakfast: curd pudding with fruit, tea,
  • Lunch: meat stew with vegetables, biscuits with jam, compote,
  • Afternoon snack: vinaigrette,
  • Dinner: salad of pike perch and potatoes.


The diet for pancreatitis includes many dishes from cereals, vegetables and dairy products. For stable remission in chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to introduce dairy and vegetable soups, vegetable stews with meat, etc. into the diet. In this case, meat and fish are prepared in the form of meatballs, steamed cutlets, and meatballs.

Milk rice soup

Milk soup with rice is prepared in two versions: pureed and regular. The pureed or blended dish is served in the first week after an exacerbation of pancreatitis of the pancreas. During the period of remission of the disease, you can prepare milk soup as usual. Both versions of the dish are prepared according to the same recipe.

For preparation you will need: half a liter of milk, 3 tbsp. rice, salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 teaspoon butter, glass of water.

Rice cereals are washed, poured with cold water and cooked for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Next add milk, salt, sugar and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Before serving, add butter to the porridge.

Hake fish balls

To prepare meatballs you will need: half a kilo of hake fillet, egg, onion, 1 carrot, 3 tablespoons of rice, salt, herbs. For the gravy: a glass of water, a teaspoon each of sour cream and tomato.

The cereal must first be boiled for 15 minutes in salted water, drained in a colander and allowed to drain. Preparation of minced meat: wash the hake fillet, cut into pieces, peel and chop the onion and carrots. Grind the fish and vegetables in a meat grinder or chop using a food processor.

Before serving, hake meatballs are sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Cauliflower puree

To prepare the puree, you will need: a medium-sized head of cauliflower, a third of a glass of milk, a tablespoon of butter, salt, herbs.

Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, rinse and cook in salted water for 7-8 minutes. After this, the water is drained and the cabbage is crushed using a blender, adding milk and butter. The puree should be salted and sprinkled with herbs.

Puree can be prepared for all forms of pancreatitis, since mucous dishes put less strain on the pancreas.

Potato salad with green peas

Products needed: 2 potatoes, medium-sized carrots, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. green peas, 3 tbsp. sour cream, salt, herbs.

Carrots and potatoes are pre-boiled, peeled and cut into cubes. The eggs should also be hard-boiled, the whites separated and cut into cubes, but the yolks should not be used for the salad.

All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with sour cream, salted, sprinkled with chopped dill or parsley.

Turkey stew with vegetables

To prepare the stew, you need: 400 grams of turkey fillet, 4-5 pieces of potatoes, 250-300 grams. white cabbage, medium zucchini, onion, carrots, salt, a tablespoon of tomato.

Turkey fillet should be washed and cut into small pieces. Peel and cut vegetables: potatoes, onions and zucchini into cubes, cabbage into strips, and carrots are chopped using a grater. Vegetables and turkey are poured with a small amount of water so that the water slightly covers the stew, and salted.

The dish is simmered over low heat for 40-50 minutes, stirring regularly. 20 minutes after you start cooking the stew, add the tomato to the pan. To thicken the vegetable stew, remove the lid for 7-10 minutes at the end of cooking.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana and apple

For the casserole you will need: 200 grams of cottage cheese, banana, apple, 1 tbsp. honey, 3 tbsp. flour, 2 eggs, powdered sugar.

To prepare the dessert, the banana is peeled and cut into small pieces, and the apple is grated. Cottage cheese should be mixed, ground with an egg and knead the dough, adding honey, flour, banana and apple.

Place the dough in a greased pan and bake for 20 minutes. Sprinkle the top of the cottage cheese casserole with powdered sugar.

During problems with the pancreas, the diet for pancreatitis becomes an important addition to general therapy. It is not followed from time to time - the correct menu becomes a way of life.

The failure that occurred in the digestive system is provoked by various factors. But more often these are violations in the diet. Insufficient production of gastric juice complicates the breakdown of food, leading to the acute stage of the disease. If you continue to ignore the diet, the disease becomes chronic.

To make it easier for the duodenum to perform its direct function, you will have to take as a basis therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis, interpreted by the following rules:

  • fatty, fried, smoked foods are excluded;
  • Only dietary recipes are used in cooking;
  • the principle of fractional nutrition is introduced - small portions every 3 hours;
  • only pureed food is consumed in a warm state;
  • do not eat on the go, chewing food slowly;
  • We do not wash down the food we eat.

It is important to comply with energy standards in products - on average 350 g of carbohydrates and 80 g of fat. In parallel with pancreatitis, due to poor nutrition, stomach problems arise, inflammation of the bile ducts occurs, and diabetes develops. This is taken into account when selecting a treatment menu - diets are prescribed based on associated problems.

Diet for the acute stage

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, the patient is transferred to a 2-day fast. The patient is allowed only drinks - rosehip decoction or infusion, teas and filtered water (up to 5 doses per day). The next couple of times, food is introduced drop by drop. After this, the diet is gradually supplemented with low-calorie food in small doses.

Diets for pancreatitis in the acute phase vary from the 2nd week. The main nutritional elements are:

  • protein products (in particular, steamed fish fillet or chicken cutlets);
  • fruits high in antioxidants;
  • from drinking - green teas, fresh juices, liquid jelly.

Diet for the chronic stage

  • Every day the body is saturated with proteins in the amount of 130 g (of which 2/3 are of animal origin);
  • Butter is allowed in small quantities - it is added to porridge;
  • milk is not recommended in its pure form - it is better to cook recommended dishes with it, make sauces;
  • fresh low-fat kefir is useful;
  • Recommended laxative products are dried plums and apricots.

Food for mild chronic pancreatitis is varied and contains cheeses, steamed omelettes, etc. When the disease worsens, restrictions are imposed on foods. For two days the patient survives only on drinks. From the 3rd day, liquid meals prepared in milk diluted with water are given in small portions. When the pain subsides, diets for pancreatitis in adults vary, but pureed dishes, although dense in consistency, are allowed.

Authorized Products

When choosing a menu for pancreatitis, first make a list of products allowed for consumption. It looks approximately as shown in Table 1.

Dishes Recommendations
Cereals (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice) They are boiled using a water base followed by the addition of milk. A semi-viscous consistency is recommended. Instead of grain cereals, flour - rice or buckwheat - is sometimes used. Porridge is an excellent base for delicious soufflés, served with jelly (but also with jam)
First They are cooked exclusively in vegetable broths. The basis of the dishes are permitted cereals, which are best ground into a puree. It is recommended to add chopped vegetables, but do not sauté them. It is allowed to season with animal oil or milk (sometimes cream)
Vegetables Of the permitted fruits, include potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, squash and pumpkin, and beets into the diet. They are first completely boiled, then ground. Sometimes the doctor allows chopped cucumbers and tomatoes without peel
Fruit Only sweet apples can be fresh and baked. If they take dried fruits, they grind them. Other fruits are only suitable for jams, marshmallows, mousses, and jelly. They are undesirable raw.
Meat Recommended are chicken, veal, lean beef, rabbit, and only in crushed form. Meat soufflé is made from minced meat, and various semi-finished products are steamed. If there is no exacerbation stage, you can eat boiled rabbit and chicken in small pieces
Fish Only low-fat representatives of reservoirs are selected. The fish is either boiled and eaten in small pieces, or cutlets are formed from fresh fillets (exclusively steamed)
Dairy The basis of the diet is low-fat fermented milk drinks. Use milk only for seasoning dishes. Cottage cheese (the best option is calcined) is an excellent preparation for casseroles and puddings. Hard cheeses in the patient’s diet should be of non-spicy varieties and consumed only in grated form. Sour cream is used for dressings (in small quantities)
Eggs You can cook a steam omelette from 1 product per day
Sauce dressings Prepared only with vegetable broths with the addition of unfried flour, as well as milk or sour cream.
Bakery The bread is wheat, but baked 1-2 days ago. Biscuit varieties are allowed from cookies

Allows you to create a varied menu. If you take into account the recommendations for their preparation, you can avoid exacerbation of the disease for a long time.

Fully or partially limited products

The table above offers a guide to diet for pancreatitis. There is also a list of products that are partially permitted or completely prohibited:

  • broths based on fish, mushrooms, meat, and dishes prepared with them, as well as okroshka;
  • everything fried, stewed and containing fats;
  • smoked meats, pickles, spices;
  • sausages, fish caviar, preserves;
  • ; Other cereals are allowed in crumbly form;
  • due to the high cholesterol content, by-products are removed from the diet;
  • fruit and berry assortment in raw form is introduced with caution and not constantly;
  • The patient should exclude foods and dishes containing coarse fiber (mushrooms, legumes, most root vegetables, blue cabbage, white cabbage);
  • simple carbohydrates contained in dates, all varieties of grapes, bananas provoke bloating;
  • Milk with a high percentage of fat, spicy-salty cheese, and sour cottage cheese are not recommended;
  • completely exclude boiled, and even more so fried eggs;
  • It is not advisable to consume cooking fats and lard, and it is better to use vegetable oil in small quantities for seasoning dishes;
  • completely exclude chocolate and butter products, flour products (baked and fried), all types of ice cream;
  • Fresh baked goods are not recommended, and products made from rye flour are completely avoided;
  • There is a taboo on black tea, grape juice, coffee drinks, soda and alcohol.

Although the above list is called partially limited, for this disease it is better to completely exclude the ingredients included in the list from the menu. This will help avoid many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

(diet). Some patients complain that the menu for pancreatitis is too poor. But it is also easy to diversify by alternating types of porridges, introducing either meat or fish dishes. If you correctly distribute foods by day of the week, your diet won’t seem so bland.

All permitted foods are included in the “food pyramid”, so the menu turns out to be quite balanced, this is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The restrictions (or prohibitions) that are introduced do not impoverish the diet at all. With the removal of harmful foods and drinks from consumption, harmful factors that negatively affect the functioning of the diseased gland are only eliminated. Table 2

Menu sample

As can be seen from the above menu for a diet for pancreatitis, there is nothing new in its preparation. It is better to diversify the side dishes introduced twice into the daily diet (in the morning, for example, semolina, and in the evening buckwheat). Instead of porridge, it is sometimes recommended to make mashed potatoes.

A sample menu simply makes it clear the principle of selecting dishes, and they are varied when compiling a weekly diet. The main thing is to proceed from the position of observing the basic nutritional rules of the recommended diets.

Diet recipes

Basic tips on how best to use the foods that make up the diet for patients with an inflamed gland were given above. They should be followed when preparing dishes. Below are sample recipes for pancreatitis, taking into account specific features.

Soup ration

Liquid porridge, season with milk and put in a little butter. Rice soup cooked with milk has an original taste if you add a little chicken puree to it. Below is an algorithm for preparing an original first course of vegetables:

  • chop the zucchini, grate the carrots;
  • cabbage is disassembled into small inflorescences;
  • the ingredients are placed in a cauldron, poured with boiling water and put on fire;
  • after boiling until softened, cool slightly and beat with a blender to a puree-like consistency;
    add milk to the soup, add some salt and boil again.

When serving the puree soup, make a dressing from sour cream (low-fat) or add a little butter.

Beet cutlets

Such dishes are prepared not only from meat or fish. It turns out very tasty if you make balls from vegetables:

  • cleanse;
  • grind on a grater;
  • add a spoonful of semolina, add some salt and let it brew;
  • Having formed the cutlets, they are rolled in semolina.

The dish is made exclusively by steaming and served with sour cream.


A light fortified dessert is prepared according to this recipe:

  • simmer finely chopped carrots with water for 15 minutes;
  • apples are peeled and seeded, cut and added to the root crop;
  • Having brought to softness, the fruits are rubbed to a puree state;
  • , bring to a boil;
  • semolina is gradually introduced, boiled for a couple more minutes and removed;
  • First, add the yolks and then the whipped whites to the dessert, cooled to 80 °C;
  • placed in a container and steamed.

Each of the following dietary recipes will also be of interest to children with pancreatic problems.

For children

– Children also suffer from this disease, although this phenomenon is rare in this group. All of the above dietary recommendations also apply to young patients. To make the dishes prepared for them with pancreatitis appetizing, you will have to use your imagination.

Chicken soufflé

The dish turns out to be tender and pleasant to the taste if you prepare it in this way:

  • Boil the chicken (turkey will also work);
  • separating the fillet from the bones, turning it into minced meat;
  • make a sauce from milk, adding a little flour and egg yolk;
  • mix minced meat, sauce and a little animal oil;
  • After thoroughly mixing, add the whites, whipped into a stable foam;
  • The mixture is filled into a container in which the soufflé is steamed.

A similar recipe is also suitable for boiled fish fillet (it needs to be lightly salted during cooking).

Curd pudding

Most children love cottage cheese dishes. The proposed pudding is an excellent alternative to cheesecakes:

  • cottage cheese (necessarily low-fat) is rubbed using a sieve;
  • diluted with milk in a ratio of 3:1;
  • add a spoonful of semolina and add the whites (after beating);
  • mix, place in a baking container and keep in the oven for no more than 10 minutes.

When choosing a treatment for pancreatitis, take the menu for children 1-3 years old as a basis. It is precisely selected taking into account its gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract and complies with the rules of dietary nutrition.

Therapeutic fasting

Having problems with the pancreas, it is necessary to periodically introduce fasting days in order to facilitate the work of the diseased organ. In the stage of severe exacerbations, therapeutic fasting is recommended for pancreatitis. This allows you to relieve pain symptoms.

When there is no need to digest food, the system goes into “sleep mode.” She spends all her energy on bringing the problem organ back to normal and starting the process of tissue regeneration.

The method of fasting and duration is determined by the attending physician. In a mild form, which takes no more than 3 days, you can fast at home, excluding all physical activity. A longer period using this method requires presence in the hospital - constant monitoring of his condition is necessary.

Having achieved the necessary therapeutic effect, the patient gradually returns to his therapeutic diet. First, a glass of water (necessarily warm) is allowed with the afternoon snack, after an hour - broth (vegetable), after another hour light soup (can be cereal).

The next morning, the patient suffering from pancreatitis returns to the usual menu, introducing food in small portions into the menu on the first day. You cannot carry out therapeutic fasting on your own; this will lead to depletion of the body and provoke the development of ulcers.

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