When removing the gallbladder, what is the diet? Diet after gallbladder removal - what can and cannot be eaten? Side effects of cholecystectomy

Nutrition after gallbladder removal is different from what it was before surgery. The patient must know what to eat, because the operation affects the digestion process, bile has nowhere to accumulate and metabolism is disrupted. During the first month, from the first days, you need to carefully monitor your diet so that unpleasant consequences do not arise and digestion is normalized.

What foods can you eat and what can you not? This question worries all people who have undergone surgery. After all, in the absence of a gallbladder, only proper nutrition will help you recover. The diet should be started in the first days after surgery.

Let's consider the features of food consumption at first and a month and a half after laparoscopy.

In the postoperative period when removing the gallbladder, it is very important to eat small portions, but often.

It is necessary to develop a regular diet so that bile flows out during meals and does not stagnate in the ducts.

The most strict diet for people who have undergone cholecystectomy occurs on the first day. To avoid overloading your digestion, you should not even drink water.

  • A day after laparoscopy, you are allowed to drink water and rosehip tea. After three days, low-fat kefir, herbal tea, chicory or dried fruit compote are allowed. At this time, you can try low-fat broth or soup, as well as mashed potatoes.
  • On the fourth day, boiled vegetables, meat and fish are allowed. A serving of the dish should not be more than 200 g, and you need to eat up to 8 times a day. You should not eat anything two hours before bedtime. All dishes should be at room temperature.
  • After five days, the patient can eat crackers made from wheat bread (no more than 100 g per day), as well as cereal porridge. If there is no bowel disorder, you can consume fermented milk products. In the first week after cholecystectomy, it is important to avoid constipation, so as not to strain the abdominal muscles; you should also give up fresh fruits, vegetables and rye bread.
  • A week after the operation, the patient can gradually switch to diet No. 5, which must be strictly adhered to for three months. If there are no complications during this period, you can expand the menu. You can try stewed pureed vegetables and white bread crackers. To diversify your regimen, you can try cottage cheese casserole, meatloaf, biokefir or yogurt prepared with sourdough, macaroni and cheese, and egg omelet.

Important! For the first two weeks, all dishes must be ground. If there are no problems with digestion, after this time, you can eat cooked foods.

Advanced diet

Two months after laparoscopy, the patient must follow diet No. 5, while maintaining the diet, eat fractionally up to eight times a day.

A diet after surgery to remove the gallbladder is required throughout life; of course, the menu can be gradually expanded and diversified, including new dishes.

You can eat the following foods: chicken, rabbit, lean veal, raw vegetables and non-acidic fruits, eggs (no more than one per day), whole milk. Dishes should be prepared by stewing or baking. To prepare vegetable salads, you can use vegetable oil or sour cream; no animal fats should be included in the diet. You can drink compotes made from dried fruits or non-acidic varieties of berries; herbal tea, chicory or rose hip decoction will also be useful. You need to drink up to 2.5 liters of liquid per day.

It is worth noting that it is chicory and rose hips that help in the first year of recovery after surgery.

No fatty, spicy or fried foods. You can forget about them for the rest of your life, not just in the first year.

The diet after removal of the gallbladder, like a diet for weight loss, involves excluding animal fats from the diet, as well as overeating. At the same time, there is a serious difference between them, because all recommendations and diet must be followed strictly throughout your life, because this is the key to successful recovery and recovery after surgery.

The diet during gallbladder removal in the first year is aimed at adapting a person to life without a gallbladder. During this period, the digestion process normalizes. After a year, only some food restrictions will remain.

A diet with a removed gallbladder is effective for weight loss, because excess fats and cholesterol are not deposited in the body.

In the first year, you should try to eat more foods rich in protein and fiber, because this helps normalize the digestion process. To do this, you need to eat more lean meats, raw vegetables (carrots, celery or sauerkraut), as well as fruits (bananas, apples, pears). You can eat yesterday's bread made from wheat or rye flour.

Wheat bran is rich in fiber and can be added to cooked dishes. Bran also reduces the likelihood of stone formation and normalizes intestinal function.

For the first course, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, vegetable borscht, and cereal soups are allowed. Porridge with water and pasta are suitable as second courses; as a side dish - meat cabbage rolls, meatballs, steamed fish, vegetable salad or stewed carrots with zucchini.

A few months after laparoscopy, if there is no bloating or diarrhea, it is allowed to consume whole milk, cottage cheese, and casseroles made from it. You can eat honey, marmalade, jam and jam. They will replace chocolate and sweets, which you cannot eat for the rest of your life after laparoscopy.

Important! A diet after removal of the gallbladder is mandatory in the first year, since at this time, due to the restructuring of the digestive organs, patients often develop a complication in the form of pancreatitis.

For a quick recovery after surgery, after three months it is recommended to undergo recovery in sanatoriums in the cities of Essentuki or Borjomi.

Approximate menu for the week

You need to create a menu for the week in such a way as to provide the body with fiber and proteins in the right quantities and at the same time help to dilute the bile.

You need to expand your diet gradually, introducing one new product every four to five days, if no pain or digestive disorders occur. Thus, during the year, only those foods that should never be eaten will remain prohibited.

What menu is suitable after surgery?

1st day.

For breakfast, buckwheat or wheat porridge, tea with milk, and hard cheese are suitable.

Lunch should be filling. Borscht, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote or chicory tea.

For an afternoon snack, you can drink a rosehip decoction with a slice of wheat bread.

For dinner, steamed fish, vegetable stew of zucchini, carrots and cauliflower, as well as tea with cottage cheese casserole are suitable.

It is useful to drink a glass of kefir at night.

2nd day.

For breakfast, milk vegetable soup, grape or apple juice.

For lunch, porridge, a salad of tomatoes and grated carrots, a piece of day-old rye bread.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat raisins or dates, and drink chicory tea.

For dinner, pasta with meat, a boiled egg, steamed carrots or celery and a baked apple.

3rd day.

For breakfast oatmeal, milk and bread.

For lunch, fish with boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, bananas.

For dinner, borscht, cabbage rolls with meat, cottage cheese casserole with tea.

4th day.

For breakfast, an omelet with a slice of bread, tea with milk.

For an afternoon snack, hard cheese with dates.

For lunch, porridge, boiled chicken, steamed vegetables, dried fruit compote.

For dinner, fish (cod, catfish), potatoes with butter are suitable. You can very rarely afford seafood (boiled mussels, shrimp or squid), because they are rich in protein.

5th day.

For breakfast, cereal soup, fruit juice or compote.

For lunch, pasta with milk sausages, fresh cabbage salad, tea with chicory.

For dinner, beetroot soup or cabbage soup, meat cutlets with chopped cabbage, kefir.

6th day.

For breakfast, milk porridge, fruit (apple, grapes, bananas).

For lunch, meat broth, egg, steamed vegetables, baked apple.

For an afternoon snack, fresh fruit mousse is perfect.

For dinner, baked jacket potatoes, meatballs, vegetable soufflé with carrots and beets, hard cheese, berry compote.

7th day.

For breakfast, buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream and tea with milk.

For a snack, fruit puree, such as banana, is suitable.

For lunch, vegetable soup, chicken with steamed vegetables, dried fruit compote.

For dinner, potatoes, steamed chicken meatballs, cottage cheese soufflé with dates, tea.

We offer recipes:

  1. Chicken meatballs with vegetables. To prepare, you need to take 300 g of chicken, small carrots and onions, 100 g of zucchini. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder, form meatballs from the resulting minced meat, and cook them in a double boiler for 25 minutes.
  2. Vegetable milk soup. To prepare, you need to take milk and water in a 1:1 ratio. After boiling, take rice, onions, potatoes and herbs. Cook until the soup thickens.

This sample menu is also suitable for weight loss.

A diet after removal of the gallbladder helps normalize digestion and create a diet, as well as relieve the body of food that is difficult to digest.

The basic principles of nutrition for people who have undergone cholecystectomy are as follows:

  • balanced, frequent and varied meals;
  • all dishes must be boiled or stewed;
  • the daily calorie content of consumed foods should not exceed the body's needs, because this leads to the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • meat, fish and dairy products must be present on the menu;

  • to replenish microelements, you need to eat seafood;
  • The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits;
  • To normalize digestion, you need fiber, which is found in bran and vegetables;
  • healthy food is natural products;
  • do not neglect the consumption of melons and watermelon, as they will help remove toxins from the body;
  • sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, for example, dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • All dishes should only be consumed warm.

But even after a year, there are products that are strictly prohibited.

List of such products:

  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • animal by-products;
  • cold drinks, ice cream;
  • fried foods and smoked foods;
  • pickles and canned food;
  • seasonings, ketchups, mayonnaise;

  • baked goods, fresh bread, cakes;
  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • among vegetables and legumes you should not eat sorrel, onions, garlic, peas, beans, mushrooms;
  • salty or fatty cheese;
  • strong brewed tea and coffee.

All of the above products can irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and cause serious consequences, such as pancreatitis or stone formation, so they should not be consumed not only in the first year after surgery, but for the rest of your life.

If you follow a dietary menu, you can quickly recover after surgery.

The human body is a fragile system and any surgical intervention leads to serious consequences. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to restore his usual functions and minimally load him during the rehabilitation period. The menu after removal of the gallbladder must be adjusted for the first month. An entire organ is excluded from the gastrointestinal tract system, which means that the process of nutrition and absorption of nutrients will never be the same. The body needs to be given the opportunity to get used to the absence of the gallbladder, and an appropriate diet will be the best assistant in this.

During gall bladder surgery, the liver does not stop creating bile, but the reservoir for its accumulation, storage and saturation with enzymes is lost. To maintain balance in the body, this function is taken over by the bile ducts. They cannot absorb concentrated bile, so some of it in small quantities regularly enters the duodenum. The enzyme composition and viscosity of this liquid changes not in a positive direction, which does not contribute to digestion in general and provokes an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to correct the diet so as not to overload the body and reduce the negative impact on a long section of the intestine.

First days after surgery

The most stringent restrictions apply to the first day. You can’t even drink water, and to prevent dehydration, the patient can moisten his lips with a sponge and rinse his mouth with unsweetened herbal infusions. This usually does not cause difficulties - after the operation is completed, the body experiences severe stress and, as a rule, there is no appetite.

There is no appetite in the first days after surgery

Every other day, plain water is introduced - carefully and in small portions, 2 sips every 15 minutes. If the body needs vitamin therapy, instead of water, a decoction of rose hips is offered. It shouldn't be sweet. It is also allowed to drink mineral water (still).

The total volume of liquid drink on the 2nd day should not exceed 1 liter.

As a last resort, the doctor may allow you to eat a little jelly or soup in the first 12 hours after removal of the gallbladder. The general recommendation is water fasting on the first day and the introduction of the 0a diet from the second day, consisting of the following components:

  • dietary meat broths with low fat content (“second” broth);
  • mucous decoctions of cereals;
  • kefir;
  • jelly;
  • jelly.

During the first week, it is important to exclude foods such as strong tea (only weak, unsaturated drinks are allowed), coffee, alcohol-containing drinks, sweets, chocolate, fried and fatty foods, as well as smoked foods, pickles, marinades, and hot seasonings. Food should not contribute to the production of excess bile, the formation of which the body is not yet ready for. Therefore, food is taken mainly pureed, steamed, at a neutral temperature.

The diet for those recovering after surgery is based on the “Table No. 1” therapeutic diet. It combines a gentle meat, fish and vegetable diet, in which it is undesirable to eat fresh fruits and berries, rye bread and other products that promote bile secretion are not recommended.

From liquids, after 3 days, a compote of dried apricots and other dried fruits without sweet additives appears and the total volume of drink can be increased to 1.5 liters. You can administer apple and pumpkin juices, boil mashed potatoes in water and offer them to the patient, and also give blended dietary soup.

The first portions are usually very small - food is introduced gradually, starting from a few tablespoons and up to 220 grams.

On the 5th day, stale white bread and dry cookies appear in the patient’s diet; from the sixth day it is permissible to eat porridge, but in a ground form (the basis is buckwheat, oatmeal or wheat). Dairy products include cottage cheese and fermented milk. The patient continues to follow the therapeutic diet of the 1st table and eat boiled protein and vegetable products, pre-chopped to simplify the digestion process.

Examples of dishes that are positively perceived by the body in the first week after surgery in the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Steamed chicken roll.
  2. Dairy steamed dishes (soups, casseroles).
  3. Steamed egg white omelette.
  4. Steamed meat soufflé.
  5. Dietary Adyghe cheese and low-fat kefir or yogurt.

At first glance, the diet is very limited. You can try combining components from several recipes - for example, try making milk and vegetable soup.

After this, it is time for a smooth transition from postoperative diet 1a to diet 1b (according to the patient’s condition - on days 5-7).

Menu for 5-7 days

Table 1a

1st meal: steamed omelette whites, liquid oatmeal (can be diluted with milk and added butter in a limited amount - 5 grams). drink - tea with lemon juice.

2nd meal: dietary cottage cheese, rosehip decoction.

3rd meal: steamed meat soufflé, soup with a slimy consistency made with semolina, rosehip decoction, dessert – milk cream.

4th: liquid buckwheat with butter, steamed fish, tea with lemon juice.

To end the day: decoction of rose hips with fruit jelly.

Table 1b

1st meal: 200 ml of liquid rice with milk (a small amount of butter is allowed, as in the previous menu), steamed whites in the form of an omelet, a drink - weak sweet tea, to which lemon juice should be added.

2nd breakfast: baked chopped apples, crushed cottage cheese with cream, rosehip decoction.

3rd meal (main, lunch menu): steamed meat cutlets, vegetable cream soup, mashed potatoes, fruit jelly for dessert.

4th reception: fruit juice with boiled chicken, previously pureed or chopped.

5th (dinner menu): pureed oatmeal porridge with butter, steamed fish soufflé, tea with milk.

Final meal: about 200 gr. kefir

Video: Diet table No. 1 What is possible? What's not allowed?

Second week menu

If the operation proceeds without complications and the rehabilitation process proceeds as standard, a natural transition to diet 5a occurs. The basic principle of the diet is a minimum load on the digestive tract (chemical, mechanical). Everything is steamed or boiled. The menu includes:

  1. Boiled and steamed protein products – meat, fish, etc.
  2. Dietary soups.
  3. Puddings.
  4. Easy casseroles.
  5. Stewed vegetable dishes and mashed potatoes.
  6. Liquid porridge (semolina is excluded). You can cook porridge in water, or you can dilute the liquid base by half with milk.
  7. Fruit jelly.
  8. Vegetable oil for dressing in small quantities.
  9. Low-fat dairy products.
  10. White bread, yesterday's bread.

If, in the presence of this diet, you still experience unpleasant symptoms of difficult digestion (gas, diarrhea, pain in the right hypochondrium), you need to reconsider its individual components or switch to the 5sch regimen, which is more gentle on the body.

Dietary nutrition for weakened patients in the second week

For the first meal: a small portion of semolina cooked in milk, steamed egg whites in the form of an omelette (about 100 g). Tea is allowed as a drink.

Second: rosehip decoction, fresh cottage cheese without additives (neutral).

3rd: pureed vegetable soup with the addition of cereals (for example, oatmeal) - a small portion or half of the main one, tender boiled meat, carrot puree, fruit jelly for dessert.

4th: oven-cooked apples.

5th: mashed potatoes with boiled fish - a small portion. weak tea.

Final meal: kefir or fruit jelly.

You should not use seasonings that provoke the secretion of bile, as well as any smoked foods, extremely hot and cold dishes.

General rules

In the first month, all patients without a gallbladder need to master a dietary nutrition system that will be relevant to them for the rest of their lives. This period is key for normalizing digestive processes. It is important to avoid breakdowns by following simple recommendations:

  1. All diets are characterized by the absence of fried foods - this is a general recommendation that should be followed in the future, when the body enters a natural rhythm and adapts to the uncharacteristic biliary process. Steaming, stewing, baking - these are the permitted methods of heat treatment of foods for a patient with a removed gallbladder. To help the patient - a steamer, oven, multicooker. Grilled food is prohibited.
  2. The consistency of dishes should be selected individually - if you feel that the food is too liquid, eat something denser.
  3. You need to eat often - 6-7 times a day, food should enter the gastrointestinal tract. Small, frequent meals are more gentle. The total number of meals can reach 8 times.
  4. The absence of a bile reservoir is the basis for introducing a diet (by the hour). The fluid that the liver produces has nowhere to accumulate, so it makes sense to accustom the body to a certain rhythm.
  5. Do not eat late - the meal should be completed no later than two hours before going to bed. Otherwise, bile stagnates in the ducts and can lead to the formation of stones.
  6. The food temperature should be neutral and comfortable for the patient.
  7. Fatty meat and fish products should be excluded and low-fat varieties should be introduced.
  8. Do not overuse broths - it is preferable to eat vegetable and dairy vegetarian soups, and eat meat and fish as a second course.
  9. Give preference to sweet fruits and berries and do not indulge in foods with a sour taste.
  10. Cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks should become a mandatory part of the diet, since when the gallbladder is removed, the body is prone to disturbances in the intestinal microflora.
  11. Drink plenty of liquid at room temperature.
  12. Coffee and tea irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so it makes sense to limit or exclude them from the diet. You need to drink a lot of water - it dilutes bile and helps improve digestion.
  13. Chew food thoroughly.
  14. Monitor the level of heat treatment - there should be no undercooked foods in the diet.
  15. Not to starve. The risk of stone formation is high with long breaks between meals and a low-fat diet, when bile accumulates and stagnates in the ducts, forming tight junctions.

Prohibited products

Both in the first month and in subsequent periods, you need to be careful with the following products:

  1. Fatty soups and meat dishes.
  2. Concentrated animal fats (pork, lamb, beef) are difficult to digest.
  3. Sausages and smoked meats.
  4. Homemade preparations.
  5. Spicy seasonings.
  6. Fatty sweets and chocolate.
  7. Alcohol.
  8. Canned food.
  9. Mushrooms.
  10. Onion and garlic.
  11. Peas, beans, radishes.
  12. Cold foods, including ice cream, cause spasms of the ducts.

If the patient has undergone open abdominal surgery, the above restrictions should be taken especially carefully.

Sometimes you can treat yourself to an unsweetened sponge cake without adding cream, or low-fat sour cream, avoiding butter and margarine in the recipe. In general, you should eat less fat and be more careful when introducing dietary fiber into your diet. You need to listen to your body and do not avoid fresh watermelons, melons, cucumbers, if these products do not worsen your health.

You can treat yourself to fresh berries if it doesn’t make you feel worse

By following the restrictions presented above, the patient not only ensures good health, but also protects the body from the formation of new stones.

The diet should include everything necessary for proper metabolism in the body. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain and will lead to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Table 1. Menu Components

ComponentWhere can I get it?
FatsDespite the fact that fatty foods are not welcome in the diet of people with a removed gallbladder, the importance of unsaturated fatty acids for human health should be remembered. They are not only a building material for cells, but also contribute to the dilution of bile, the normal functioning of the ducts, and prevent the formation of stones. The menu should include flaxseed and olive oils, and not just sunflower and corn. You should consume at least two teaspoons daily.

On the other hand, the absence of a large amount of saturated fat in the diet prevents the appearance of discomfort in the right hypochondrium, nausea, and bitterness in the mouth. In order for the patient to lead a full life, he should independently monitor the amount of fat in his diet.

CarbohydratesYou need to carefully choose those carbohydrate foods that do not lead to acidification of bile. Slow carbohydrates are preferable for the diet. Of the quick ones, the least harmful are marshmallows, jam, and marmalade.
SquirrelsComplete protein should be consumed in the body along with cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of fish, meat, and egg whites. If the patient restricts protein, this may negatively affect liver function.
Vitamin complexParticular attention should be paid to those vitamins that are involved in the processes of regeneration of liver cells, its daily work - C, group of vitamins B and K. We must remember the need to use retinol. If there is not enough of it in the diet, bile will form dense crystalline compounds.

The menu for those who have undergone surgery should consist of a quarter of proteins, a quarter of fats, and the remaining 50% consists of various types of carbohydrate foods.

A vegetarian diet, as well as a diet with plenty of legumes, oranges and nuts, prevents the formation of stones. It has been proven that these products dilute cholesterol and prevent it from forming dense clots. To eat or not to eat meat is a rather controversial issue.

Avoid meat, consult your doctor

Another controversial aspect of the diet for people who have undergone gallbladder surgery is alcoholic beverages. On the one hand, alcohol negatively affects the liver, and on the other hand, it is an excellent prevention of stone formation. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists approve of drinking alcohol-containing drinks in medicinal doses, so you shouldn’t give up half a glass of red wine at lunch.

Recipes for the first month

The dishes offered below are suitable for those who are in the rehabilitation period after surgery. It is important to choose tasty and functional food. Interesting dietary recipes will come in handy for this.

Chicken sandwich with egg. You will need 100 gr. boiled chicken meat, 100 gr. apples and tomatoes, as well as white bread (not fresh, but yesterday's bread). Also for sandwiches you need 50 ml. curdled milk, 5 tablespoons of tomato puree, whites from hard-boiled eggs (3 pieces), herbs and salt to taste (dill, cilantro, etc.), 1 onion.

First, we process chicken, proteins (2 pieces), fruits and vegetables in a meat grinder. Salt, add fermented milk sour milk, tomato puree. Spread the mixture onto dry bread, decorate with herbs and finely chopped egg whites.

For this vegetarian soup you will need beet broth (250 g), some fresh cucumbers and beets (50-60 g each), a bunch of onions, half a chicken egg, sour cream, and herbs to taste.

Beets are taken, boiled in water, then cooled and then finely chopped (straws, cubes). Green onions and cucumbers are also finely chopped. The vegetables are combined with the resulting broth, then citric acid and sugar are added to taste. The ideal addition to this lean soup is sour cream, herbs and eggs.

Beef meat, rice and butter - these simple ingredients can be used to prepare a hearty dietary dish.

The meat must first be prepared - cleaned of excess fat and tendons that are difficult to digest, and then passed through a meat grinder. Wash the rice, remove the husks and cook until the consistency of viscous porridge. When the rice has cooled, add it to the meat. Mix and form cutlets with wet hands. Lubricate the steamer grate with oil and lay out the resulting semi-finished products. Before serving, pour the steamed dish with vegetable oil.

Curd cheesecakes. For cooking you will need 100 g. low-fat cottage cheese, 15 gr. wheat flour, a third of an egg, 10 gr. raisins, 50 gr. apples Also for this dish you need sour cream and butter - 40 and 5 g. respectively.

First, pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder and then add flour and egg. From the resulting mixture (you can also include sugar in it), we make 2-3 curd “cups” and place them on a greased frying pan. At the same time, chop the peeled apples, combine them with washed raisins, add sugar (as desired and to taste). We spread the fruit mince on the curd molds, adding a sauce of sour cream and flour on top (for 15 grams of sour cream there are 3 grams of flour). Put it in the oven to bake. Ready-made cheesecakes are also served with sour cream.

Video: How to eat after gallbladder removal

What happens if you break your diet?

Overeating, lack of a diet prescribed by a doctor, non-compliance with a therapeutic diet can lead to the addition of other gastrointestinal diseases. The lack of consistency in the menu is fraught with complications in the functioning of the intestines, esophagus, pancreas and stomach - colitis, duodenitis, etc. It is worth paying close attention to your health when it comes to the normal functioning of the liver and gall bladder. The gastrointestinal tract is a general system in which the most important processes of assimilation of nutrients from food occur. If it is impossible to return the body to its original state due to surgery, care should be taken to prevent further disorders and related ailments.

Video - Features of the recovery period after cholecystectomy

Stones that have not responded to conservative treatment are the main indication for gallbladder removal. Doctors reassure: patients who have undergone such a surgical procedure recover quickly. And if they follow the doctor’s recommendations and eat right, they can live a full life. What diet is needed after gallbladder removal in the first days after surgery and in the future?

The article was prepared with the participation of an expert

Doctor of the first category, specialist of the Gastro-Line medical center, associate professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Childhood Infections of Donetsk National Medical University. M. Gorky, candidate of medical sciences. He has been practicing gastroenterology for more than ten years.

The gallbladder is a “reservoir” for storing bile. Bile is involved in digestion, ensuring a change from gastric digestion to intestinal digestion. Bile enters the duodenum through the common bile duct.

Without bile, the body cannot fully break down fats and some proteins. That is why the patient’s diet after gallbladder removal needs to limit the amount of fatty foods. Especially in the first months. Bile also promotes the absorption of vitamin K and suppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.

Why do you need to cut?

The main indication for surgery to remove the gallbladder - cholecystectomy - is cholelithiasis. Also, surgical treatment is sometimes required for cholecystitis.

The stones are disturbing

With cholelithiasis, stones form in the gallbladder or its ducts. In scientific terms - stones. They vary in size and chemical composition. There are those that are less than a millimeter. And sometimes doctors remove stones the size of a chicken egg. It takes anywhere from several months to decades to form gallstones.

Gallstones form for two reasons. Firstly, bile stagnates. Secondly, the quality and consistency of bile changes as a result of metabolic disorders.

The formation of stones is promoted by:

  • gluttony;
  • hunger;
  • irregular meals;
  • unbalanced express diets;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • sedentary work;
  • pregnancy;
  • some hormonal drugs;
  • obesity;
  • malfunction of the pancreas.

If the stones are located in the gallbladder itself and do not move, then the person may not even “feel” them. But when the stones move to the neck of the gallbladder, the symptoms will become obvious. This is a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, “lumbago” under the rib on the right.

Gallstone disease is called a lady's disease. This is due to the characteristics of physiology and hormonal levels. Mostly, stones are found in patients who are over 40 years old. However, cholelithiasis is not uncommon in childhood. For a child, the main etiological factors are heredity, abnormal development of the bile ducts, general metabolic disorders, and dietary errors.

The stones caused inflammation

Inflammation of the gallbladder is called cholecystitis. The cause of its development may be cholelithiasis, however, cholecystitis is often a predisposing factor for the formation of cholelithiasis in a patient.

The main symptoms of cholecystitis include paroxysmal pain in the right hypochondrium associated with eating.

Patients diagnosed with cholecystitis have their gallbladder removed if the disease is accompanied by cholelithiasis. Acalculous cholecystitis is usually treated with medication. Physiotherapy is also used, sanatorium treatment and a gentle diet are recommended on an ongoing basis.

Why does the entire gallbladder have to be removed just because of one stone? The German surgeon Karl Langenbuch, who first performed cholecystectomy 135 years ago, responded something like this: “The gallbladder is not removed because stones have appeared in it. But because it was he who formed them.”

Laparoscopy method: a modern approach to treatment and diet

Modern doctors support an outstanding colleague. Stones do not occur if the gallbladder is functioning normally. That is, stones are not a cause, but a consequence. And a more effective way to treat this disease than surgery has not yet been invented.

But the technology for carrying out the operation itself has leapt forward. If the first patient of Karl Langenbuch spent almost seven weeks in the hospital after removal of the gallbladder, now patients are discharged on the second or third day! Moreover, every year surgeons have more and more new opportunities in their arsenal.

Today, strip operations to remove the gallbladder are performed extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that the patient needs a long time to recover after they are performed. The risk of a number of complications also increases: postoperative hernias, adhesions, problems with conception in women.

In modern medical practice, the gallbladder is removed mainly by laparoscopy. To carry out this procedure, you only need to make a small hole. The maximum is one and a half centimeters. This allows you to shorten the postoperative recovery time and quickly transfer the patient to a nutritious diet.

Postoperative features

We asked gastroenterologist Andrei Naletov for more information about how proper nutrition is structured after removal of the gallbladder. “Most patients do not experience any problems after gallbladder removal. Of course, provided that they follow all the doctor’s orders. Such patients quickly return to duty. They are recommended to follow a simple diet No. 5, which is useful even for absolutely healthy people,” says Andrey Vasilievich.

However, there are cases when the patient exhibits postcholecystectomy syndrome. The development of this pathology can be assumed when a number of symptoms appear after surgery: changes in the nature of stool, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting at the peak of the pain syndrome, weakness, lethargy.

"Why is this happening? The question is debatable. Among the causes is dysfunction of the sphincter apparatus of Oddi. This is a kind of valve that regulates the release of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum. The patient may also have other problems of the gastrointestinal tract that were not diagnosed before surgery and, accordingly, were not solved. It cannot be denied that the cause of postcholecystectomy syndrome can be errors made by the surgeon during the operation,” says the doctor.

In case of postcholecystectomy syndrome, it is impossible to give any general recommendations on diet. It is important to carefully examine the patient and prescribe treatment and diet only based on the diagnostic results.

Diet after gallbladder removal: first week

Therefore, what follows is about nutrition only for those patients who do not have postoperative complications after removal of the gallbladder and associated health problems. The menu for the first week after cholecystectomy is structured in such a way as to delicately help the body adjust to working in new conditions.

The daily diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy is approximately the following.

  • First day. You must abstain from all food and drink. When the patient comes to, he will be bothered by dry mouth. To alleviate the condition, the caregiver wipes the patient’s lips with damp gauze swabs. They are moistened in alkaline or boiled water. After five to six hours, the patient can rinse his mouth with unsweetened herbal infusions. But you can’t swallow liquid yet.
  • Second day. Now the patient can gradually drink a warm, unsweetened rose hip drink and still alkaline water. The total volume of liquid is up to a liter. Plus, low-fat kefir, jelly, tea and compote without sugar appear in the diet. The first meal should be consumed in small portions at intervals of three to four hours. The volume of one serving is about 150 g.
  • Third - fifth day. The post-operative menu is expanding. Here's what you can already eat: mashed potatoes, low-fat boiled fish in the form of pate. They also try soups made with vegetable broth, passed through a sieve.
  • Sixth - seventh day. Now you can add dry bread. Porridge made from crushed cereals is introduced. They are made with water or milk diluted half and half with water. Cutlets or meatballs are prepared from lean meats. Low-fat milk and sour milk appear. As well as boiled and pureed vegetables. Approximately the same nutrition is provided by the “mashed” diet No. 1. Table No. 1 is usually prescribed to ulcer patients during an exacerbation.

About a week after laparoscopy, the patient moves to table No. 5. It is designed specifically for people with liver and gallbladder problems. That is why this diet is also called the “liver” diet. The menu is based on protein and carbohydrate foods. Fat consumption is minimized. You need to strictly adhere to this table for at least three to four months.

Menu for the recovery period

Diet No. 5 after surgery to remove the gallbladder is a complete, but gentle diet. The patient eats mainly boiled or steamed dishes. You can use a multicooker. This device allows you to prepare food that meets your diet requirements with minimal time. Sometimes you can bake cottage cheese or fruit. It is not advisable to eat raw food. Food needs to be chopped. For example, meat is always minced.

The calorie content of the diet is 2600 kcal. You should eat often. The minimum is four tables, and six is ​​better. Below are lists of healthy and harmful foods within the fifth table after removal of the gallbladder.

Table - Recovery after cholecystectomy: healthy and harmful foods

- Crackers;
- biscuits;
- liquid from cereals, vegetables, milk and fruits;
- lean beef;
- chicken;
- rabbit meat;
- hake, pollock, pike perch;
- low-fat milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream;
- chicken eggs - mostly white;
- buckwheat;
- semolina;
- rice;
- oatmeal;
- starchy vegetables, non-acidic fruits and berries - mainly heat-treated;
- honey;
- caramel;
- marshmallows;
- tea with milk;
- compote;
- drinking from rose hips;
- salt - up to 10 g;
- sugar - up to 80 g;
- refined vegetable oil - moderately
- Fresh bread;
- fried, butter, puff pies;
- coffee;
- soda;
- alcohol;
- green and red tea;
- fresh juices;
- fish, meat and mushroom broths;
- pork;
- salo;
- lard;
- offal;
- sausages and frankfurters;
- canned food;
- red, salted and smoked fish;
- caviar;
- crab sticks;
- shrimps;
- peas, lentils and other legumes;
- “heavy” cereals;
- fatty milk;
- sorrel;
- radish;
- eggplants;
- onion;
- garlic;
- parsley;
- dill;
- citrus fruits;
- nuts;
- chocolate;
- ice cream;
- cow butter;
- unrefined vegetable oil

An example of a daily menu for a patient recovering from cholecystectomy.

  • Breakfast No. 1. Steamed fish cutlet. Crushed boiled potatoes. Tea.
  • Breakfast No. 2. Low-fat cottage cheese, whipped in a blender to a paste.
  • Dinner . Rice soup with vegetable broth. Buckwheat porridge. Boiled beef puree. Compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Galette cookies. Drinking from rose hips.
  • Dinner . Boiled chicken breast pate. Oatmeal with water or half and half milk. Fruit jelly.
  • Two hours before bedtime. Kefir.

Here are other acceptable recipes for dishes: cottage cheese casserole, charlotte, rabbit stew, casserole of minced meat and grated potatoes, pie of grated apples and carrots.

It is better to write out the diet menu for each day after removal of the gallbladder in increments. You shouldn’t immediately go heavy on honey and caramel, even though they are allowed. And also eat kilograms of fish and meat. In general, it is better to start using vegetable oil and sour cream no earlier than after 2 months. The patient must understand that the body needs time to adapt.

How to continue to live and eat

How long is the recovery period? Everything is individual. According to reviews, some patients return to their normal lives within 1 month. At the same time, they boast on thematic forums that, as before, they allow themselves fast food, creamy desserts and even alcoholic parties on Fridays.

Doctors, to put it mildly, do not approve of such food “experiments.” Yes, patients who have undergone cholecystectomy should not eat only “porridge” for the rest of their lives.
But the diet after a month of gallbladder removal should not end as if nothing had happened. You need to get out of it gradually, over the course of a year.

For example, after about 3 months you can safely switch to chunky food, prepare regular cereal porridges and make meat first courses. It is better to introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into the menu no earlier than after 6 months. At the same time, there are categorical rules that will have to be adhered to both in six months and in ten years...

  1. There's a little bit. Now that there is no storage for bile in the body, the secretion goes directly from the liver to the intestines. This means that the bile is less concentrated. This is enough to cope with modest amounts of food. But large portions are very difficult for the body to digest. The stomach will hurt from overeating, nausea, vomiting, and disorders are possible.
  2. Eat often. At least four to five tables. This is important to avoid bile stagnation. After all, the secretion can also accumulate in the ducts, which is fraught with the formation of new stones in the intrahepatic ducts.
  3. Limit cholesterol. Again, the increased content of this substance in the body is one of the main reasons for the appearance of stones.
  4. Move and take care of yourself. A diet after removal of the gallbladder assumes that the patient will change not only eating habits, but also reconsider his attitude towards himself and his health. You need to get your weight in order, quit smoking, learn to avoid stress and get enough sleep. It is important to take care of personal hygiene and hygiene at home. Plus you need physical activity. They prevent congestion in the bile ducts. Already 1 month after the operation, you can begin to practice daily walking. In the future it is worth doing exercises. Another option is to sign up for swimming.
  5. Maintain microflora. It was said above that bile neutralizes harmful microorganisms in the intestines. After surgery to remove the gallbladder, the bactericidal function of bile weakens. As a result, the patient may suffer from constipation or, conversely, loose stools. A consultation with a gastroenterologist is required here. Perhaps the patient after cholecystectomy will be recommended medications to restore the microflora. And as a preventative measure, it is recommended to avoid desserts. It is better to replace sweets with berries.

The gastroenterologist emphasizes that problems with the gallbladder do not arise out of nowhere. And the patient comes to the surgeons for a combination of reasons. And errors in nutrition are one of the most significant. Therefore, if a patient after cholecystectomy wants to avoid new health problems, he will have to change in any case. In particular, the diet after surgery to remove the gallbladder forever places a taboo on alcohol, lard, fatty, smoked and salty foods.

If conservative therapy for severe pathological conditions of the gallbladder does not bring results, then it is carried out. After surgical procedures, the body needs to be restored and normalize the functioning of the digestive organs. To accomplish these tasks, a diet after gallbladder removal is required. However, doctors in the hospital rarely explain the nuances of nutrition. Therefore, patients are concerned about how to eat properly after gallbladder surgery.

It is important to understand that after treatment the internal organs continue to function as before. Therefore, hepatocytes produce bile for digestion and cleansing of toxic compounds. However, previously, digestive secretions accumulated in the cavity of the gallbladder and were released in doses into the duodenum. After excision of the organ, there is a continuous release of bile into the intestines, which is a provoking factor for inflammation of the mucous membrane.

After removal of the gallbladder, diet helps prevent stagnation or excessive production of digestive secretions. Therefore, it is a prevention of inflammatory bowel diseases and dyspeptic disorders. After 1-2 years, you are allowed to switch to your usual diet, which has only minor restrictions. During this time, the remaining ducts adapt and begin to perform the functions of the removed organ.

How is the rehabilitation going?

Diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy is the main component of the therapeutic recovery period. For the first 6 hours it is forbidden to eat or drink. Experts allow you to wet your lips; you should rinse your mouth over the next 2 hours.

Important! Over the next 12-16 hours, you need to drink small amounts of water in tiny sips up to 4 times per hour.

Diet therapy helps prevent complications in the postoperative period and normalize well-being. Nutrition after removal of the gallbladder is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • For 24 hours, only drinking is allowed;
  • On the second day, diet therapy involves the introduction of drinks: 1% kefir, fermented baked milk, tea, natural yogurt, jelly, herbal infusions. The volume of liquid should remain within 1.5 liters. The main principle of nutrition without a gallbladder is fractionation - food should be taken in 100 ml every 2-4 hours;
  • On the third day you are allowed to drink compote, eat broths, pureed vegetable soups, and boiled potatoes. A diet in the absence of a gallbladder consists of frequent meals - 7 times a day. However, the last meal should take place 120 minutes before bedtime;
  • On the fifth day, the following products are introduced: crackers, biscuits (up to 100 g), viscous porridge, boiled in water and homogenized. In the absence of diarrhea or constipation, low-fat fermented milk products are allowed;
  • On days 6-7, if you feel well, add pureed vegetables, boiled dietary meat, and fish. One serving should be 200 g. It is important to avoid constipation, which causes tension in the abdominal muscles.

Important! You should only eat pureed foods for several weeks after surgery.

Rules of diet therapy

If there are no signs of digestive disorders, then a week later diet No. 5 is indicated after removal of the gallbladder. Diet therapy includes fractional meals at a certain time. Food should be chewed thoroughly to facilitate digestion.

Important! If the diet is not followed, patients report pain in the abdomen, flatulence, nausea, prolonged constipation or diarrhea.

It is important to avoid eating fatty and fried foods. During heat treatment, products can be boiled, baked, stewed, or cooked in a water bath. It is recommended to eat food at room temperature. Food of high or low temperature is allowed to be introduced only after 2 months, subject to good health.

For 30 days, the diet for a removed gallbladder includes taking 1.5 liters of water, the volume of which should be increased to 2 liters within 3 months.

Diet after gallbladder removal allows:

  • Baked fruits;
  • Lean meat in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meat souffle, meatballs;
  • Baked or steamed fish;
  • Non-acidic juices, jelly;
  • Puree vegetables;
  • Viscous porridge;
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Dairy and vegetable puree soups;
  • Casseroles and puddings;
  • Honey, homemade jam;
  • Marshmallows, jelly, marshmallows, marmalade;
  • pureed compotes;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.

What fruits and vegetables can you eat?

After a month, if you feel well, the diet is expanded by adding a small amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. They must be administered slowly, 50-100 g at a time, so that the internal organs can adapt to the load.

Important! Tomatoes and apples should be peeled before eating.

Nutritionists recommend eating 100 g of chopped fruits and vegetables before your main meal. The list of permitted products includes: zucchini, cucumber, beets, carrots, tomato, celery, apple, pear, banana, watermelon, melon, strawberry, raspberry, apricot, peach.

Many patients mistakenly think that the diet when removing a gallbladder with stones involves a monotonous diet for the rest of their lives. But in practice, 1-2 years after treatment, doctors allow you to enrich your diet with familiar dishes.

What should you not eat after gallbladder removal?

Important! You will have to exclude the intake of fresh vegetables, which can increase the intensity of the production of digestive secretions by the liver.

Nutrition after surgery to remove the gallbladder, table No. 5 involves complete exclusion:

  • Smoked and spicy products;
  • Fatty fish, meat, lard, caviar;
  • Canned products;
  • Rich broths;
  • Hot spices;
  • Gribov;
  • Fast food;
  • Beans, peas, chickpeas;
  • Vegetables and fruits that are not heat treated;
  • Bread, baked goods, sweets;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cocoa, strong coffee;
  • Ice cream;
  • Alcohol-containing drinks.

Power types

If the patient has a history of pancreatitis, hypermotor dyskinesia, duodenitis, then the diet after removal of the gallbladder is prescribed according to table 5Sh. It allows you to eliminate dyspeptic disorders. Its duration is usually 2-3 weeks.

Diet therapy involves reducing calories to 2000 kcal per day, limiting the consumption of fats, easily absorbed carbohydrates, and purines. The daily amount of salt is 5 g. It is necessary to arrange a fasting day every week.

With hypomotor dyskinesia, the diet after surgery to remove the gallbladder consists of increased consumption of fats. Therefore, the calorie content of the daily diet can reach 2600 kcal. It is important to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates, baked goods, whole milk, and spices. Food should be baked or boiled; oil should be added exclusively to the finished dish.

If there are signs of an inflammatory process, then the diet after laparoscopy (table No. 5B) involves limiting the amount of food. The daily calorie intake is 1600 kcal, fat intake should be limited to 40 g per day. Cooked dishes can only be eaten pureed.

Against the background of pancreatitis, a diet is prescribed (table No. 5P), which involves increasing the protein content in the diet. Calorie content – ​​2500 kcal. It is necessary to exclude dishes that can stimulate the secretory activity of the pancreas.

Important! The diet after removal of gallstones is selected by the attending physician or nutritionist, taking into account the medical history, concomitant diseases, and the patient’s well-being.

Dietary recipes

After removal of the gallbladder, it is recommended to use the following recipes:

  • Protein omelet. It is necessary to mix 2 egg whites, whipped into a stable foam, 20 g of low-fat milk, spices to taste. Pour the prepared mixture into a baking dish. The omelette is steamed for no longer than 2-3 minutes;
  • Vegetarian milk soup. Milk is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and brought to a boil. Then add crushed rice, chopped carrots and potatoes, and add salt. Before serving, add a little butter;
  • Stewed hake. Grate 1 carrot and onion, place in a frying pan in layers, put hake steak on top, and add salt. Pour 50 ml of water into a bowl. The dish must be simmered covered over low heat until a sauce forms;
  • Chicken soufflé. Make minced meat from a whole chicken breast, add 2 egg whites, 40 g milk, 10 g semolina, salt. The prepared mixture must be whipped until smooth. The minced meat is placed in silicone molds and placed in a water bath;
  • Cottage cheese casserole. Mix half a glass of sour cream 15% with 2 tablespoons of semolina, leave the mixture for 20 minutes. Add 300 g of cottage cheese, 2 egg whites, 30 g of sugar, a little salt, baking powder on the tip of a knife into the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly. The dish is prepared for 50 minutes (temperature 200 0 C).

The diet when removing the gallbladder by laparoscopy or as part of an open operation is aimed at improving well-being and digestive processes. A balanced diet is an effective prevention of postoperative complications.

For patients who have just undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder, it is very important to take note of certain nutritional rules at first. After all, surgical intervention, as a result of which the gallbladder was removed, is a serious introduction from the outside into the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And if you ignore the diet and nutritional rules, this can provoke complications and lead to the formation of new stones not only in the bladder, but also in the adjacent bile ducts.

Thus In order to minimize the risks of postoperative complications and return to normal in a short period of time, you constantly need to monitor your diet, especially in the first weeks after cholecystectomy.

Important nutritional rules during the postoperative period

Need to understand that after the gallbladder has been removed, the patient must strictly adhere to all the instructions prescribed by the doctor, especially when it comes to nutrition. The point is that violation of regulations A specialist in terms of diet can lead to dire consequences, which include not only serious complications, but also death.

What rules should you follow?

  1. To begin with, you will have to reduce to a minimum the consumption of food that contains a lot of salt.
  2. To eliminate the possibility of complications, you will need to completely forget about drinking alcohol for the entire rehabilitation period.
  3. You should remember about the water balance in the body. The fact is that a sufficient volume of liquid helps to reduce the level of bile density. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least one and a half to two liters of fluid per day. Moreover, it is desirable that it be clean water. It is also allowed to consume mineral water with a high alkali content (other carbonated drinks should be excluded from consumption for a while), herbal teas, and natural (not purchased) vegetable and fruit juices.
  4. To quickly improve your well-being and speed up the body’s recovery process, the patient needs to avoid drinking strong drinks such as coffee or tea. All drinks high in caffeine cause contraction of the bile ducts, leading to discomfort in the bladder area and, in some cases, causing hepatic colic.
  5. You should also veto the consumption of very fatty foods and smoked meats, since the consumption of animal fats is extremely difficult to process and puts increased stress on the liver.
  6. However, you should not completely remove fats from your diet either, since the body still needs fat in minimal quantities, even after the bladder has been removed. Thanks to moderate consumption of fats, the release of bile from the bile ducts is stimulated. If there are no fats in the patient’s body, this will lead to the fact that bile will no longer be broken down. As a result, it will begin to stagnate and thicken. Thus, consuming small amounts of vegetable oil will only help speed up the rehabilitation process after surgery.
  7. The patient should not fast. It has long been proven that strict diets with a sharp decrease in the amount of food consumed in the postoperative period only cause the process of stone formation in the gallbladder. At the same time, the probable risks of stone formation increase by almost forty percent.
  8. You need to eat right: little and often. You should not take long breaks between meals. The maximum gap between meals should not exceed five to six hours.
  9. In addition, you need to eat meals in fractions, that is, from five to eight times a day, and this must be done in small portions, and during the meal you should drink a sufficient amount of liquid - then the stagnation process with a strong secretion of bile will be minimized.
  10. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to stop eating spicy foods and foods that contain cholesterol.
  11. Food will be much healthier if it is not fried, but steamed or boiled. This is especially true for people who have recently undergone gall bladder surgery. This approach will help avoid complications and re-formation of stones in the bladder.
  12. During the recovery process, patients suffering from excess body weight need to control their weight. You need to understand that excess weight only provokes the formation of gallstones. Therefore, it is important to monitor what you eat and prevent excess weight gain. To do this, you need to eat food with a minimum carbohydrate content.
  13. The diet should always be balanced and varied. You should not eat the same foods day after day.
  14. You should exclude sweets for a while, and if you really want something tasty, then it is best to replace sweets, pastries, cakes, etc. with dried fruits.
  15. Another important rule: all food should be consumed warm.
  16. To normalize the digestive process, fiber is required, which is contained in large quantities in fresh vegetables and bran.

If a patient who has undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder If he follows these nutritional principles, he will be able to restore his health in a short time and return to his usual lifestyle.

Gallbladder removal: what you can and should eat

After the operation, the patient needs to eat as much natural food as possible. At the same time, important components The daily diet includes the following products.

Adhering to the principles of good choice food, the patient will be able to recover and return to normal within four to five weeks after the operation.

Removal of the gallbladder: what is forbidden to eat

After removing the bubble Under no circumstances should you include the following foods in your diet.

If you follow the diet, the rehabilitation process after surgery will be much faster for any patient.

Basic recommendations for nutrition on the first day after bladder removal

It must be said that the first days and even hours after surgery are decisive for the body in terms of nutrition. . If the patient is able to follow the diet regimen, then the subsequent recovery process will be prompt and as effective as possible.

Only after seven or eight days after surgery and up to one and a half months after removal of the bladder, the patient is prescribed gentle diet with various foods permitted for use.

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