Diet for patients with hepatitis c. Nutrition for hepatitis C - healthy and prohibited foods. Potato balls with pollock

Each of us has been on a diet at least once in our lives. Diets are different, depending on the goal set for a person. But there is a category of dietary restrictions associated with diseases present in the body. In most cases, a special menu is necessary if a person has any problems with the digestive system.

One of these serious problems in the body is the development of hepatitis C. With this diagnosis, patients are prescribed a special menu that helps rid the body of this disease. It is the adherence to a special diet and the exclusion of certain types of foods from the patient’s diet that serves as the cornerstone in the treatment of the disease. In this article, we will look at the features of the development of hepatitis C in the body, and also create an approximate diet of dishes that will help improve the patient’s condition and speed up his recovery.

Hepatitis C is a rather complex disease that develops in the human liver. This disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

The nature of the development of the disease directly depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the factors affecting him. The disease develops as a result of a virus entering the body through the blood, causing damage to liver cells.

This virus can also enter the body through sexual intercourse with frequent changes of partners. Once it enters the human body, and then into the blood, an incubation period begins in the body, which lasts differently for different people. It usually lasts from five to ten years. It can only be detected in the body by examining a sample of a person's blood.

Hepatitis C often reveals itself by the following signs:

  • Yellow skin in the face area.
  • Attacks of fatigue.
  • Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes.
  • Frequent depression.
  • Unreasonable temperature fluctuations.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

Hepatitis C is quite insidious. Its threat to the body lies in the ability of transition to and subsequent cancer of a given organ. In other words, when the liver is damaged by hepatitis C, its irreversible destruction occurs in the body. Unlike other forms of hepatitis, hepatitis C is difficult to treat, even if the patient unquestioningly follows all the recommendations of the attending physician.

The patient has to go on a special diet and stick to his own menu for a long time, only in this case it will be easier for him to cope with this disease.

World-renowned scientists and numerous studies in the field of medicine have discovered a variety of drugs that can suppress the development of hepatitis C in the body, but many of them are quite expensive and can have side effects on the body. Therefore, you should not get by with just taking medications for hepatitis C.

Having discovered hepatitis C in the body, doctors try to structure treatment in such a way that, first of all, the body’s immune system is strengthened. One way to enhance it is to correct the patient’s diet. People with hepatitis C are prescribed special diets and menus that do not contain foods that are harmful to the liver. By following the menu for this disease, a person experiences a significant improvement in well-being and the load on the liver is reduced.

Features of the patient’s nutritional menu

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of getting rid of hepatitis C depends on the correctly selected menu for the patient. Specialists and nutritionists have been working on creating a dietary menu for hepatitis patients for several years.

They have already presented the results of their activities at various seminars and forums, where they received many positive responses and recognition.

The basis of the menu for patients with hepatitis C is:

  • A light diet that can relieve the activity of liver cells. But, despite its ease, this menu must fully provide the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins, since it is very weakened and needs support. At the same time, the patient’s diet should not contain foods that are difficult to process by the cells of the diseased liver.
  • Fatty foods are gradually eliminated from the diet.
  • People whose bodies develop hepatitis C should not go to catering establishments for “snacks” or lunches, since the cooking technology in these establishments does not provide for compliance with the standards of patients with hepatitis C. It is best to dine at home, following your own menu and cooking technology , as well as saving the family budget.

With hepatitis C, most of the liver tissue is affected by the inflammatory process, which in chronic form can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. You can support the injured organ and not burden healthy hepatocytes with the help of nutrition. The diet for hepatitis C is aimed at restoring smooth liver function and alleviating the patient’s general condition.

Proper nutrition for hepatitis C is the main support for an injured liver

Proper nutrition for hepatitis C

Inflammation of the liver adversely affects the physiological process during which food undergoes physical and chemical changes and is absorbed into the blood.

For patients with hepatitis C, table No. 5 is considered the most gentle diet - a balanced but strict diet, which has its own characteristics:

The more varied the daily menu, the more vitamins and nutrients the body receives, and the better the liver functions. A strict diet is based on drinking plenty of fluids - up to 2.5 liters per day - and minimal salt intake.

What should you not eat if you have hepatitis C?

The fifth number of the diet does not allow the consumption of foods that provoke stagnation in the bile ducts, place a heavy load on the liver, digestive tract, or have an irritating effect.

Prohibited products for any form and type of hepatitis (acute, chronic, viral, toxic) include:

  • fatty meat and fish broths;
  • high-calorie dairy products;
  • fatty fish and meats, smoked offal;
  • canned food, pickled foods (mushrooms, olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut), hot spices and herbs, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • beans, beans, sorrel, spinach, radishes, garlic, green onions, mushrooms, radishes, hot peppers, horseradish, corn;
  • yeast, butter baked goods, chocolate, cream products, ice cream;
  • carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • animal oil and by-products, palm extract.

You cannot eat barley, barley porridge, fried or chicken eggs, sour fruits, ginger, pomegranate.

What can a sick person eat?

The advantage of dietary table No. 5 is the content of products that restore the liver:

The list of permitted foods is extensive, which allows you to eat a varied and balanced diet.

You can eat:

  • lean soups with vegetables, grains;
  • boiled, baked, as well as steamed or raw vegetables - carrots (carrot juice), tomatoes (tomato juice), onions, beets, potatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage;
  • oatmeal, rice, semolina, buckwheat, pasta;
  • low-fat fish (pollock, pike perch), dietary meat (veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey);
  • baked goods without baking and yeast, crackers, marmalade, honey, marshmallows, yesterday's bread (with bran, wheat);
  • skim milk, low-calorie kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, yogurt, butter.

You need to eat dried fruits, walnuts, pumpkin and nuts, drink fresh juices from fruits and berries, green tea with honey, jelly, still mineral water. It is allowed to season salads with olive, peach or flaxseed oil; it can also be added to soups and main courses.

Types of diets for viral hepatitis

Based on the severity, the forms of hepatitis and diets differ. During the remission stage, the list of allowed foods is more varied than during an exacerbation, when patients have to follow not only a strict diet, but also calculate the number of calories consumed per day.

Fasting is a strict contraindication for any form of hepatitis

Fasting for any form of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis is strictly contraindicated.

For chronic hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis C occurs latently - mainly during a period of remission of the disease. Nutrition is aimed at maintaining the affected organ and preventing its irritation (exacerbation of pathology) - table 5 with a daily calorie content of up to 3100 kcal.

For acute hepatitis

An acute inflammatory process in the liver requires not only emergency drug treatment, but also nutritional adjustments - table No. 5a is used.

Diet No. 5a - a more rigid form of nutrition for acute hepatitis

The diet is characterized by strict food restrictions:

  • the total amount of fat consumed should not exceed 70 g per day;
  • protein concentration – within 80 g;
  • the share of carbohydrates in the total diet is 330–350 g;
  • daily amount of salt consumed – up to 8 g;
  • The maximum calorie content of food per day should not exceed 2500 kcal.

With diet No. 5a, the main dishes are boiled vegetables, lean soups and porridges (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat). You can eat fresh, baked fruits, drink jelly, juices. All food should be ground to a mushy state and taken at intervals of 2.5-3 hours.

Compliance with dietary requirements for acute hepatitis reduces the load on the liver and has a gentle effect on its work, which allows you to transfer the pathology into remission and avoid the development of cirrhosis.

Recovery after treatment

During the rehabilitation period after an exacerbation of hepatitis, diet No. 5a continues for the first 2–3 weeks, but without grinding food into a liquid mass. As soon as the symptoms subside and the disease goes into remission, you can move on to table 5, which should be followed for at least 6–12 months.

The recovery period requires increased consumption of pharmaceutical preparations with vitamins:

Vitamin complexes stimulate regenerative processes in the injured organ, improve its functioning and maintain the general condition of the body.

Menu for a week to support the liver

The strict restrictions of diet No. 5 are not a reason to refuse delicious food. From the healthy foods that you are allowed to eat, you can create a varied menu for every day.

Table "Weekly diet"

Day of the weekList of dishes
MondayBreakfast: vegetable soup with rice, bread, jelly, savory cookies
2nd breakfast: banana, green tea, crackers
Lunch: pasta, steamed rabbit cutlets, marshmallows, rosehip infusion
Afternoon snack: baked apple, honey, compote
Dinner: meat soufflé, rice, still water
TuesdayBreakfast: oatmeal with vegetables, meatballs, herbal tea, cookies
2nd breakfast: yogurt, grapes, pumpkin seeds
Lunch: milk soup, boiled fish, salad with tomato, cucumber and sesame seeds
Afternoon snack: fermented baked milk, baked goods without yeast
Dinner: buckwheat, cottage cheese casserole, compote
WednesdayBreakfast: seafood soup, baked fruit, kefir, croutons
2 breakfast: jelly, marshmallow, apple
Lunch: stuffed peppers, wheat porridge, green hour with honey and lemon
Afternoon snack: citrus soufflé, yogurt, still water
Dinner: milk soup, crackers, compote
ThursdayBreakfast: buckwheat with boiled chicken breast, tomatoes, carrot juice
2nd breakfast: oatmeal cookies, kefir
Lunch: steamed potatoes, lazy cabbage rolls, tomato juice
Afternoon snack: baked fruit, tea with honey
Dinner: buckwheat soup, milk, crackers
FridayBreakfast: casserole with cottage cheese and dried fruits, green tea, cookies
2nd breakfast: lemon and orange soufflé, chamomile infusion
Lunch: rice soup, stewed rabbit, marmalade, carrot juice
Afternoon snack: tomato, cucumber and lettuce, dressed with olive oil, tomato juice
Dinner: seafood soup, baked fish, kefir
SaturdayBreakfast: oatmeal with raisins, dried apricots and dates, green tea
2nd breakfast: banana, avocado and orange salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, compote
Lunch: turkey cutlets, boiled potatoes, jelly, oatmeal cookies
Afternoon snack: marshmallows, green tea
Dinner: milk soup, honey, crackers, still water
SundayBreakfast: buckwheat, chicken cutlets, marmalade, fruit juice
2nd breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, chamomile infusion
Lunch: beet soup, meat soufflé, grapes, tomato juice
Afternoon snack: savory cookies, kefir
Dinner: pasta, chicken fillet with vegetables, fermented baked milk, croutons

The more varied the daily menu, the more vitamins and nutrients the body receives, and the better the liver functions.

Dish recipes

Boiled, baked and steamed dishes can be very tasty if you combine the ingredients correctly and follow the proportions.

Lazy cabbage rolls

Lazy cabbage rolls with diet No. 5

You will need: cabbage (300 g), minced chicken (500 g), carrots (1 pc.), onion (1 pc.), tomato juice (1 l).

Using a coarse grater, chop the cabbage, carrots, and finely chop the onion. Add minced meat (you can use any minced meat - chicken, beef, rabbit or turkey), a little salt, and mix. Pour 5-7 tbsp onto a baking sheet. l. tomato juice and spread over the entire surface, lay out the cutlets formed in the form of cabbage rolls, pour the remaining juice over the tomato. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Vegetable casserole with chicken

Simple vegetable casserole with chicken

Cut 1 carrot, half a head of cauliflower, 1 onion into medium pieces. Over low heat, simmer the vegetables with butter (20 g) until half cooked. Prepare 300 g of minced chicken, place on a baking sheet, and place stewed vegetables on top. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Creamy soup with cauliflower and rice

Creamy soup with cauliflower and rice - a delicious lunch for a diet

Boil a medium head of cauliflower and 3 potatoes, grind with a blender. Grind the pre-cooked rice to a mushy mass. Pour boiled milk (500 ml) over all ingredients and mix.

Pumpkin dessert with dried fruits

Delicious pumpkin dessert with dried fruits

Boil 1 liter of milk, add 200 g of pumpkin, cut into cubes, after 3-5 minutes add 3 tbsp. l. semolina, cook until done. Pass dried apricots and prunes (100 g each) through a meat grinder and mix with the milk mass. Pour the prepared mixture onto a baking sheet greased with olive oil and bake

Vegetable salad with sesame seeds

Cut the tomato and cucumber into medium pieces, tear the lettuce leaves, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. l. sesame seeds and season with olive oil. If desired, you can add mussels, shrimp, and boiled fish to the salad.

Potato balls with pollock

Potato balls with pollock for breakfast when dieting

Ingredients: fish fillet (200 g), jacket potatoes (4 pcs.), 1 raw egg, flour (2 tbsp.), salt.

Grind the fish in a meat grinder, add half the egg, mix. Grind the potatoes on a grater, mix with flour and the remaining egg, and add salt. Make flat cakes from the potato mixture, place 2 tsp in the middle of each. minced fish and make small cutlets. Place the meatballs on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes (temperature – 180 degrees).

Steamed beef cutlets

Steamed beef cutlets - a meat solution in a diet

Add onions, potatoes, carrots, ground in a meat grinder, to 300 g of minced meat. Form cutlets from the prepared mixture and cook in a double boiler for 20 minutes.

Diet recipes can be easily prepared at home and you can eat well without harming your liver.

Viral liver inflammation is a serious disease that negatively affects the entire human digestive system. It is possible to avoid unpleasant symptoms and prevent serious complications if you adhere to a strict diet.

Diet is the path to liver health with hepatitis C

For pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, table No. 5 is considered the most effective - strict but gentle nutrition. Excluding harmful foods and following the principles of the diet will help achieve long-term remission and restore the organ affected by the virus.

Diet for hepatitis A is necessary for adults and children. A special treatment program for this viral disease has not yet been developed, so eating recommended foods will be the key to recovery in a short time.

Experts' opinion

It is important to consider how to eat properly during the acute course of hepatitis A. Experts recommend doing the following:

Children during illness need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Below we will consider which products are allowed for consumption.

Allowed foods

It is important to know what you can eat and what recipes exist for hepatitis A:

With such a list, it is quite possible to provide a balanced diet rich in useful microelements for hepatitis A in adults.

What is prohibited for consumption?

It is important to remember about prohibited dishes and products when a person is sick with hepatitis A:

If there are complications of the disease

In some cases, a stricter diet is required. It is important to consider dietary guidelines if patients experience complications:

  1. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat pureed milk porridge.
  2. For lunch, prepare pureed vegetable soup. The cutlets are steamed. The meat dish can be supplemented with a vegetable side dish. For dessert, jelly based on berries or fruits is recommended.
  3. Dinner should be light. You can eat rye bread with jelly.

It is advisable to have a fasting day once a week. This procedure will get rid of toxic substances that poison the liver.

Diet after illness

What should be the diet after hepatitis A in children? Even during the recovery stage, the body needs a gentle diet.

The liver still cannot function fully, as some of its cells remain affected. The main goal of patients is to restore liver function and normalize metabolic processes. Therefore, it is important to follow these rules:

Treating hepatitis A is difficult. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct diet and time interval for taking appropriate dishes and products.

It is important to follow the instructions of a specialist to avoid disastrous consequences. Do not neglect consultation with a specialist when thinking about your long-term health.

The liver is the main exocrine gland that produces enzymes for digesting food. Its other function is detoxification of harmful substances. With hepatitis, some of the cells of this organ cease to perform their functions. The load on the remaining healthy hepatocytes increases. In order to “help” liver cells perform their work in emergency mode, a person must reduce the load on the organ. The best way to do this is through diet.

A diet for hepatitis can significantly slow down the spread of the pathological process during chronic inflammation. By following a therapeutic diet, a person can significantly shorten the recovery time during acute hepatitis and reduce the risk of complications.

Diet for chronic process

Liver inflammation rarely occurs in isolation. Therefore, for chronic hepatitis, a diet is prescribed that spares all parts of the digestive tract. The following are the basic principles:

  • Products must be well crushed.
  • The temperature of the dishes is average (chilled or hot foods are not allowed).
  • Alcohol ban.
  • Balance in main ingredients.
  • Avoid rich broths.
  • Minimum content of cholesterol (eggs, offal), oxalic acid (cocoa beans), essential oils (garlic, onion).
  • Predominance of plant fibers.
  • Five meals a day.
  • Limit salt to 4 g per day.
  • You should drink 2-2.5 liters of water.

Nutrition for acute inflammation

Viral hepatitis A is an acute process. With proper treatment, a complete cure is possible. Therefore, following a strict diet is of utmost importance. Approaches to nutrition do not differ from the diet during a chronic process. You should strictly limit prohibited foods, which we’ll talk about below. The fat content should be less than in the chronic process.

Another type of acute inflammation in the liver is toxic hepatitis. This is a serious condition that can only be treated in a hospital setting. Not only alcohol, but also smoking is strictly prohibited.

For hepatitis B, C, D

Most viral liver injuries have a long-term chronic course. Viral hepatitis B is a serious disease that occurs when infected through blood, has severe symptoms and lasts almost a lifetime.

Hepatitis C is more secretive and does not manifest itself for a long time. But in terms of the frequency of irreversible complications, this pathology is in first place.

Hepatitis D depends on the “donor” virus, which is hepatitis B. This infection can only be combined and causes irreversible pathology of the organ.

Periods of exacerbation of these diseases are replaced by long-term stable remission. Above we described the diet for chronic hepatitis. It fully corresponds to all viral hepatitis during the lull period. If the inflammatory process worsens, then nutritional requirements become more stringent. Fats are limited, and the consumption of certain foods is strictly prohibited.

What is table number 5

In medicine, the use of certain products for various diseases is combined with the concept of “table”. For chronic hepatitis, patients are prescribed table No. 5. An acute process or exacerbation of a chronic one requires the appointment of table No. 5a, which is more strict and restricts the consumption of fats and salt.

Which products are suitable

Proper nutrition for hepatitis of any etiology can be tasty and varied. You can eat:

  1. Black and white bread. Fresh pies.
  2. Vegetable broths.
  3. Boiled chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey.
  4. Boiled and baked lean fish.
  5. Milk and its products are limited only by their fat content.
  6. One egg omelette.
  7. Cereals (except legumes).
  8. Vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, onions.
  9. Sugar in moderation, replace some with xylitol.
  10. Weak teas, juices.
  11. Butter and vegetable oils.

What foods should you exclude?

List of foods that a person should forget about:

  1. Baking.
  2. Rich broths with meat and fish.
  3. Lamb, pork, fatty beef, smoked and canned meat products.
  4. Cod, trout, mackerel and other types of fatty fish.
  5. Milk with a high percentage of fat content.
  6. Fried or hard-boiled eggs.
  7. Legumes.
  8. Garlic, green onions, spinach, sorrel, radish, radishes, mushrooms.
  9. Ice cream, chocolate, all products with cream.
  10. Horseradish, mustard, pepper.
  11. Animal fats, palm oil, margarine.

The diet of children with liver diseases is similar to the diet of adult patients.

Example of a weekly diet

Here is a tentative menu for the week:


  1. boiled piece of chicken with buckwheat, juice;
  2. cheesecakes, tea;
  3. oatmeal, jelly;
  4. steamed zucchini, juice;
  5. pumpkin porridge, tea;
  6. cottage cheese with raisins, tea;
  7. porridge, jelly.
  1. vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, a piece of stewed fish, compote;
  2. puree soup with pumpkin, stewed chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad, fruit jelly;
  3. dietary potato soup, beef cutlets, boiled rice, tea;
  4. rice soup, steamed fish, salad, jelly;
  5. vegetable broth soup, rabbit stew, tea;
  6. pumpkin puree soup, beef meatballs, salad, tea;
  7. milk soup, boiled chicken, salad, tea.

  1. cottage cheese casserole, weak tea;
  2. baked chicken breast with prunes, salad, jelly;
  3. boiled chicken with vegetables, tea;
  4. fish cutlets with vegetables, tea;
  5. pilaf with beef, jelly;
  6. baked fish, salad, tea;
  7. oatmeal, kefir.

TOP 3 diet recipes No. 5

To ensure that your diet is not only healthy, but also tasty, we present popular recipes that meet all the requirements of diet No. 5.

  1. Curd pudding. Pour three tablespoons of semolina with milk (0.5 cups) and leave for 15 minutes. Beat cottage cheese (0.5 kg) in a mixer. Separately, beat 3 tablespoons of butter and two eggs. Mix all ingredients, sugar to taste, raisins, lemon zest. Divide the resulting dough into molds and bake at 200C for 20 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal soup with pumpkin. Cook pre-washed and chopped pumpkin without peel (100 g) until half cooked. Then place the pumpkin in a frying pan (do not pour out the broth), add half a teaspoon of oil and simmer a little. Add two tablespoons of oatmeal and a little of the remaining broth. Cook like oatmeal. Grind the mixture in a blender until smooth, add a little more butter.
  3. Beef cutlets. Grind the meat several times in a meat grinder. Add grated potatoes, soaked yesterday's bread, and salt. Place the formed cutlets on a baking sheet, fill half with water and place in the oven. Bake until done.

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that causes severe liver damage and is caused by a special virus entering the body. It often becomes chronic and requires long-term treatment. This is due to the fact that the restoration of basic liver functions, which are impaired by hepatitis C, occurs very slowly. Proper nutrition is important.

    You should avoid fried and heavy foods. You need to eat more often, but the portions should be small. You can include vegetable soups, buckwheat and oatmeal in your diet. Meat is the main source of protein, which must be present on the menu, but only low-fat varieties are suitable for patients with hepatitis C. It can be baked, cooked into cutlets or steamed meatballs. Meat dishes should be alternated with fish. However, fish should also be of low-fat varieties.

    Dairy products are rich in calcium and protein. Of these, preference should be given to cheese, low-sour cottage cheese, and kefir. It is necessary to choose low-fat dairy products. Mayonnaise and hot sauces are replaced with sour cream. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, but they should be pureed, but make juices, fruit drinks and compotes from fresh berries and fruits. Smoked meats and pickles should be excluded from the diet. In addition, you will have to give up spinach, legumes and sorrel. Sweets, coffee, ice cream, baked goods - all these products are also prohibited. In case of chronic hepatitis C, dishes should be wiped and chopped.

    The diet should be balanced, and a third of the daily fat intake should be of plant origin. You shouldn't give them up completely. After all, it is fats that help normalize the metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins. There should also be enough animal protein. It is necessary for the synthesis of blood and tissue proteins, which is carried out in the liver. The source of animal protein is lean meat and fish. Varieties such as lamb, goose, pork and all dishes prepared from them will not benefit patients with hepatitis C.

    Pickled mushrooms and vegetables, chocolate and sweet baked goods have a negative effect on the liver. To prevent excess fluid from accumulating in the body, you should limit your salt intake. You can cook an omelet, but you need to remove the yolks from the eggs. For those who have a sweet tooth, it is recommended to eat jam, preserves or honey. However, you should not abuse these products. It is better to eat fruit or jelly made from it for dessert.

    If the patient's condition does not improve, the daily fat intake should be reduced and honey, milk and jam should be abandoned. It is recommended to choose complex carbohydrates. These include whole grain products, oatmeal, and durum wheat pasta. Such products provide the body with energy for a long time, and they are healthier than simple carbohydrates, which are found in sweets, baked goods, chocolate and candies.

Recipes for dishes useful for hepatitis C

Buckwheat casserole with chicken

To prepare this simple, but tasty and nutritious dish, it is better to use chicken breast. It should be boiled and peeled. Stew finely chopped cauliflower and onion in a small amount of butter. Grind the breast in a blender and place in a mold. Place stewed vegetables on top of the meat, which should first be mixed with egg whites, and bake in the oven.

Vegetable puree soup

Cauliflower and potatoes should be boiled, chopped in a blender, and then simmered in vegetable broth. Cook rice separately. It needs to be pureed and added to the vegetable puree along with a small amount of butter and warm milk. After this, the dish can be served.

Steamed cabbage cutlets

Simmer chopped cabbage in milk with a tablespoon of butter. When it is ready, add semolina and cook a little more. Grind the resulting mixture in a blender, cool and add egg whites to it. From this minced vegetable you need to form cutlets and steam them. They can be served seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

Pumpkin dessert with prunes

Due to the presence of dried fruits in this dish, it will be especially useful for patients suffering from constipation. The pumpkin must be finely chopped and stewed in milk. When it is almost ready, add semolina to it.

Boil pitted prunes and then chop. Add dried fruits to the resulting mixture of pumpkin and semolina, and pour in the egg whites. You can add a little honey to make the dessert sweeter. Bake the resulting mixture in the oven, placing it in a non-stick pan and spreading low-fat sour cream on top.

Zucchini pudding

Another option for a tasty and healthy dessert for patients with hepatitis C. Peeled and seeded apples and zucchini should be stewed in milk until they become soft, and then add semolina to them. Cool the resulting mixture and mix with eggs. The dish should be steamed. For sweetness, you can add a little sugar to the mixture, but it is better to add natural jam or honey to the pudding when serving.


    Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea without sugar

    Second breakfast: apple

    Lunch: vegetable borscht with sour cream, low-fat fish with steamed vegetables, freshly squeezed juice

    Afternoon snack: unsweetened yogurt

    Dinner: toast from toasted white bread with cheese, vegetable salad, tea without sugar


    Breakfast: cottage cheese with nuts and honey, berry jelly

    Second breakfast: cabbage casserole

    Lunch: vegetable soup, chicken breast with, tea without sugar

    Afternoon snack: unsweetened cookies with kefir

    Dinner: durum wheat pasta, berry juice


    Breakfast: steamed egg white omelette with vegetables and herbs, tea with milk

    Second breakfast: cottage cheese with baked apples

    Lunch: cabbage cutlets, mashed potatoes, tomato soup, fruit jelly

    Afternoon snack: yoghurt with natural fruits

    Dinner: buckwheat casserole with chicken, glass of whole milk


    Breakfast: squash pudding, carrot juice

    Second breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, tea

    Lunch: steamed minced chicken cutlets, stewed vegetables, cream soup, freshly squeezed juice

    Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, kefir

    Dinner: homemade noodles, chicken breast, glass of whole milk


    Breakfast: pumpkin dessert with prunes, tea without sugar

    Second breakfast: rice porridge with milk

    Lunch: vegetable borscht, cabbage cutlets and boiled rice, still mineral water

    Afternoon snack: apple

    Dinner: fish cutlets, vegetable salad, kefir


    Breakfast: applesauce, dried fruits, carrot juice

    Second breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots

    Lunch: steamed meat cutlets, buckwheat, vegetable puree soup, tea without sugar

    Afternoon snack: kefir with unsweetened cookies

    Dinner: steamed cheesecakes with sour cream, fruit jelly


    Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, tea without sugar

    Second breakfast: white omelet

    Lunch: lean fish, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht, fruit juice

    Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with apples

    Dinner: milk soup with noodles, kefir

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

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