What is a hellish wart for in minecraft? What is a hellish wart in minecraft for? Supplies hellish mushrooms and growths

Many players who are just starting to learn the basics of Minecraft want to find a particularly important ingredient for potion making - hellish growth, but do not understand where to get it. It is used in many potions, so it is an integral part of the game itself.

Where can I find hellish growth?

He will spawn exclusively in a hellish fortress, in hell, and to get there, you will first have to make a portal to hell, then find a fortress, and already in this fortress try to find a bed on which there will be a hellish growth. There are usually about 30 of them spawned there, so this amount is enough to grow new species and get many times more ingredients. Remember that potion making is actively used in Minecraft on many servers. And if you want to find an excellent server with version 1.12.2, we recommend using the rating by clicking on the link - http://monitoringminecraft.ru/servera-1.12.2.
From one mature growth you can get from 2 to 4 units of seeds, and they can be very well determined by their height. The taller the plant, the more mature it is. Let's say that you found seeds and decided to grow them, but how to do this? Let's move on to the next point.

Growing hellish growth in the ordinary world

For the growth of hellish growth, a separate coating is needed - soul sand. It only grows on this block, so to successfully plant the seeds you will need to plant them in Hell on the soul sand or break a certain number of these blocks and plant them in the overworld.

You install the required number of blocks with soul sand and plant a hellish growth on these blocks. Moreover, it does not need light, water and other conditions. He is generally unpretentious. If you want to speed up the growth process, you can go through bone meal and get ripe fruit that can be replanted. In general, you understand the landing scheme. Each time you can increase the number of seeds by 2-4 times, and you don’t have to do it in hell.

Infernal Wart is used in the preparation of Awkward Potion, which is used to make a large number of secondary potions. Nethergrowth is a plant that grows only in hell, in hellish ruins, on the sands of time, a mature plant that can be collected without tools drops several seeds - some can be planted again, and some can be used to make potions if you dig up the unripe one plant, then only one seed will fall out. Seeds of hellish growth cannot be planted in the normal world, but can be planted in hell, in unlimited quantities, as long as the sands of time last, you need to protect yourself from hostile mobs that can destroy vegetable gardens when hunting you.

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How to get hellish growth

The most difficult thing in obtaining hellish growth is to find hellish ruins, they are in hell, but someone is lucky, and it immediately appears in hellish ruins, after creating a portal and entering it, while others will have to search for hours. If you can’t find it, then try moving the portal further away, then you will find yourself in a new place in hell. In the hellish ruins you will find two beds with planted hellish growth, wait for it to grow and collect it with your hands. Plant some of the seeds again, they can only be planted on the sands of time, you can use the beds that already exist or transfer the sands of time to another place in hell and create your own garden.

Where to find hellish growth
To get Hell Wart, you need to first go to Hell. Another name for hell is the “Nether World”. This is a dimension that was added in the Halloween Update. In this dimension there are a lot of dangers that you will have to overcome.
So, how to make a portal to Hell? You will need at least 10 obsidian blocks and flint. We place the blocks as in the picture below and set fire to the bottom block. After that, enter the portal and try to find the Nether fortress. Usually a fortress is generated with its own “surprises”. In these places you can see a lot of mobs from the Lower World, such as zombie pigs, wither skeletons, ifrits, ghasts and others. Also, these fortresses generate hellish growth, mushrooms and soul sand. More " hellishwart"can be generated in chests (approximately 3-7 pieces). Let's move on to the next point.

How to grow hellish growth
To grow a hellish growth, we don’t need much, just hellish growth and sand of souls, which we can get in the Lower World. A ripe hellish growth drops 2 to 4 seeds. To make it grow faster, you need to place the hellish growth and sand of souls in a separate dark room and fertilize it with bone meal. When the hellish growth is fully mature, it can be collected and replanted, and it does not have to be done in hell.

In the next article: What is the hellish growth for and its uses?

Infernal growth in Minecraft is the basis of potion making. It is used to create a crude potion, without it you simply cannot prepare anything. How to grow hellish growth? Find out the ways in this article!

basic information

Hellish growth cannot be created using a workbench, it can only be found. It grows exclusively in the lower world, and only in the fortress! That is, you will need to create a portal to the nether world to go there, and then find the fortress. Typically, hellish growths, also called hellish warts, grow near the stairs in fortresses.

I would like to note that the lower world is very dangerous. As soon as you get there, do not touch the zombies under any circumstances, because they are passive. That is, until you touch them, they will not touch you. But if you hit any of them, then everyone will attack! Also beware of efreets and ghasts. The fact is that there are efreet spawners in the fortresses, so there are a lot of them there. Their fiery blows can be deflected with a diamond sword. As soon as you find the hellish growth, quickly collect it and leave to return with a potion of fire resistance. Also, one should not forget about the sand of souls, because the object in question grows only on it. Collect as much of it as possible so that you don’t have to go to the lower world again later.

How to make a grow farm

The hellish growth itself is unpretentious. It can grow without water and light, the main condition is soul sand. Hell warts grow in 4 stages, the crop should be harvested in the 4th stage as more growth will fall out. Large farms should not be made, because the infernal growth is used only in potions, and you don’t need a lot of it. But you can’t do without this ingredient either, because in order to walk calmly in the lower world, you need a potion of fire resistance.

And this potion will be very helpful when mining diamonds. You can also make automatic farms using funnels and water, it all depends on your imagination - there are many ways. You can’t do without a farm if you play in multiplayer mode, where your hellish growth will always be stolen. Therefore, you should stock up on the sand of souls and hellish warts, so as not to look for it forever, because the thing you need will always be needed.

Usage example

As mentioned above, hellish growth is the basis of potion making. If you want to make a potion with any effect, then you can’t do without it. So how do you brew potions? It's actually very simple! We will need:

  • Cooking stand for brewing potions.
  • Flask with water.

We take water into the flask and place it in the cooking rack in the bottom row. We put the hellish growth in the top row and wait until we get a rough potion. It does not give any effect on its own; another component is needed. It all depends on what kind of potion you want to create.

For example, a potion of night vision. For this we need golden carrots. It is done simply, in a workbench we place carrots in the center, and gold nuggets on the sides. So, put the rough potion in the bottom row, and the golden carrot in the top row. We wait a little and after a while we get a night vision potion for 3 minutes! And with the help of red dust you can increase its duration to 8 minutes! This is how hellish growth is used in Minecraft. You can’t do without it, so every player should know how to grow it and how to use it!

Hellgrowth Seeds- this is what allows you to grow hellish growth in the required quantity. Hellish growth has no use, but here it is hell growth seeds used in potions to create a crude potion from which all others are made.

Seeds are obtained by destroying a hellish growth block, at which point it must grow so that the player receives more seeds when it is destroyed (more on this below). Infernal growth needs to be grown in order to obtain more of its seeds, which can then be used. Hellish growth- this is one of the plants of Hell (the Lower World), therefore, to find it, you will need.

Rough Potion Recipe

Where to get seeds

The seeds of the hellish growth can be taken from itself, that is, by destroying the block of the hellish growth. It grows in the hellish fortresses of the Lower World, and only on blocks of soul sand. Let me mention right away that hell growth seeds can only be planted on a block of soul sand, which is located only in Hell, so when getting seeds there, do not forget to grab a certain number of sand blocks (as many as you want to plant the growth - better with a reserve so as not to return). On long winter nights, growing growths in the Lower World, zenet carbon heaters will help you avoid freezing, which you can buy in the online household store mirzdorovia.com.ua (url). Since the seeds are used in potions quite often, it will be inconvenient to constantly go to Hell for them, so you can pull out blocks of soul sand from there and hell growth seeds, and then build in the ordinary world hellish growth farm.

How to plant seeds

Hellgrowth Seeds, as I mentioned above, they only sit on the sand of souls, but in all other respects they are not demanding. The hellish growth doesn't need light, water or tilled soil - it can grow in dreary darkness without water or air, so hellish growth farm will not take you much time - build it however you like, in any corner, focusing only on how convenient it will be for you to harvest.

After using the seeds on the soul sand, a stem of hellish growth appears there. After that, the growth has four growth phases, which can be tracked by its size (the second and third are the same in size). If you destroy a growing growth that is in the first, second or third phase of growth, it will fall out hell growth seeds, but only one item, but if you destroy a fully grown growth (the fourth period of growth), then 2-4 seeds will fall out of it, which can then be used to grow more growth or directly into potions.

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