A miracle for Christmas: seven real stories. Miracles happen at Christmas! They say miracles happen at Christmas

Christmas night is a time of miracles. For two thousand years people have been waiting with bated breath for the stars to appear in the sky this evening. One of them is Bethlehem, the one that shone over the cradle of Christ and led the shepherds and wise men to Him. This is an event that is celebrated, albeit on different dates, by Christians all over the world - the heart of all miracles happening on earth. It is no wonder that it is on the night of Christ’s bright Christmas that everyone involuntarily awaits amazing and good events that will once again confirm that God’s Love has come to earth.

The miracles that happen at Christmas are not loud. They are quiet at night, but deep and piercing. After all, their main goal is to reach the human heart, to prepare it for the news that the Son of God has come into this world.

The miracles of this night remind us of the tenderness that reigned in the cave that became the first home for Christ. About the enthusiastic and naive worship of the shepherds. About how all earthly wisdom in the person of the three wise men came to worship the Newborn.

One of the main miracles of Christmas was that, according to legend, it was a rare year when there were no wars on earth. With His birth, Christ brought peace - not only between people, but also between man and God. But this is not the only miracle associated with His birth. According to legend, Christ was born at midnight, between Saturday and Sunday. And the whole universe remembered this night.

In the Bethlehem cave, at the very moment of the birth of the Son of God, a source of water suddenly began to flow directly from the stone. And in distant Rome, a source of fragrant oil emerged from the ground, which flowed into the Tiber, and the pagan temple, which was promised to stand forever, collapsed, and three suns appeared in the sky. That night a cloud appeared over the territory of modern Spain, shining with a dazzling light, and on the most holy land, in Israel, vineyards miraculously bloomed, although it was not at all the time for their flowering.

The Star of Bethlehem itself, which led the Magi to the cave with the newborn Christ, according to legend, lit up on the day and hour when the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God. It caught fire over Babylon, the center of pagan wisdom of those days. And she attracted the attention of three royal sages, who set off on a long journey to find an unusual star. And she led them to the cradle of Christ exactly on Christmas night.

The Gold of the Magi is twenty-eight small plates of different shapes: trapezoid, quadrangle, polygon. Each one depicts the finest filigree ornament, the pattern of which is never repeated. Frankincense and myrrh are small, nut-sized balls, about seventy in total.

Through all the past centuries, the gifts of the Magi still work miracles - they still smell fragrant, and touching them heals those who are possessed by demons.

The name of St. Nicholas of Myra-Lycia is inextricably linked with Christmas miracles.

It is to him that we owe the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas. According to legend, Saint Nicholas secretly left golden apples, sweets and money at the doors of the poorest parishioners on Christmas night. The residents of the city where the saint lived considered this a miracle - and only many years later they learned that they owed these miracles to their bishop.

The most famous story about St. Nicholas's Christmas miracle is the story of how he saved three girls from working in a brothel. Their father, despairing of poverty, was ready to send his daughters to shameful earnings. But Saint Nicholas, to whom God revealed his father’s plan, secretly threw three bags of gold into their house. By doing this, he helped the girls accumulate dowries and get married.

Of course, the main miracle of the coming night is Christmas itself. It is undeniably superior to all other events that have happened in this world. But still, probably, everyone is waiting for something for themselves - a sign that God remembers him personally and will look specifically to him. It is not without reason that on Christmas Eve Christians light candles and place them on the windowsills along with toys. This is a sign that on this night they are ready to host the Mother of God and the newborn Savior, for whom two thousand years ago there was no place in the hotel.

Miracles at Christmas are not fiction. Any Christian will confirm: faith in God works real miracles. And there is a day of the year when they happen especially often.

Important dates
6th January- Christmas Eve. On this day you should fast until the first star.
Jan. 7- Nativity. The day when the Son of God Jesus Christ was born. This time needs to be spent with loved ones.
January 8-13- In the days after the Nativity of Christ, you should continue to read prayers dedicated to the holiday.

There are many stories about miracles that happened on the day of the Nativity of Christ. They can be found on the Internet, heard from friends or acquaintances, they may one day happen to you. Each such story is another serious reason to believe that everything is possible in life and one should never despair.

On the rocks...

Olga Beloyartseva, a 54-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, says: “Several years ago there was a difficult period in my life. My husband got sick, my salary was reduced, there was no money at all. And the New Year was just around the corner... The holiday had to be celebrated in a Spartan way, they didn’t even set the table - there was nothing for it. By Christmas the situation had worsened. I remember once I went to the store with a hundred rubles in my pocket. Well, what can you buy with this money? I even started crying out of despair... Suddenly I saw a snowdrift ahead, and a bill lay right on it. I came closer - a thousand rubles. A fortune for me then! I looked around, waited 10 minutes to see if anyone would come back for what was missing. But there was not a single interested person around except me. And I realized that this money was intended for me. I went to the store and bought food for the table. At home, my husband and I modestly celebrated a wonderful Orthodox holiday. A year later, the next Christmas, everything was fine with finances, and I decided to “pay off the debt.” I transferred a thousand rubles to an animal shelter. Good must return!”

A long-awaited feeling

25-year-old Natalya Poshibaeva from Yekaterinburg happily shares her story about how she met her betrothed. The girl is sure: this is nothing less than a Christmas miracle! She says: “I didn’t want to go to the evening service on Christmas Eve a year ago. I had a headache, I didn’t feel well... But my mother persuaded me: “I feel that you need to be there!” And I was right! In the church, I looked at the parishioners for a long time and noticed a young man. He was also interested in me, but church is not a place for romantic acquaintances, so we didn’t even exchange a few phrases. And then we saw each other again in church for Epiphany. Both brought water for blessing. And we couldn’t resist - we met. This was a year ago, and now we are a happy husband and wife, married, awaiting the birth of our first child. I am sure that the Lord God himself blessed our meeting on His birthday.”

If only there was health!

“In the summer of 2015, I got sick,” 45-year-old Muscovite Irina Ponomarenko shares her story. “My legs began to bother me, and then I could barely walk at all.” Doctors shrugged their shoulders and prescribed medications that didn’t help. I was knocked off my feet: I had money for doctors and connections, but the result was zero. I cried and prayed for a long time, but it seemed to me that nothing was helping. Several months passed like this. It was leading up to Christmas, which has always been a special holiday for me, because January 7, among other things, is also my birthday. My legs hurt even more, but then there was a person in my circle who recommended a good doctor. There were holidays on the calendar, and I didn’t even hope that he would accept me. But, apparently, the Lord God helped me... The doctor not only listened to me, but also helped. I already went to the Christmas service without pain. A few days later I came to talk to my father, and he said to me: “It’s not for nothing that these trials were given to you, and it’s not for nothing that they ended by Christmas. Everything will be fine for you now, the main thing is, don’t stop believing in the Lord!” I continue to follow his instructions to this day.”

We all walk under God

30-year-old Natalya Badko from the city of Naryan-Mar has never believed in God. “My mother and grandmother are believers,” the girl shares. “They tried to bring me to church, but they didn’t succeed.” Apparently, it was my fate to come there myself. I will not forget this day two years ago for a long time. It was January 7th, Christmas. Mom and grandmother were going to work, and I was going to relax with friends in a cafe. “You’d better come with us to the service,” my mother persuaded me. But I didn’t listen to her, and in the end we quarreled. I got behind the wheel and went to see my friends. The road was snowy, there was ice under the snow. At one of the intersections I spun and the car became uncontrollable. She was thrown from side to side for only a few seconds, but it seemed to me like an eternity had passed. I was sure that I was going to crash into something and die. But suddenly the car stopped, I was safe. People began to come up to me and offer help. And I cried. I drove the car to the house, apologized to my friends and went to see my mother and grandmother at church. I still haven’t told them about this horror, so why bother them in vain? The main thing is that a miracle happened for me then, which made me think about myself and about God.”

Miracles are not magic, most likely, there is nothing mystical in them, but when pleasant stories happen on Christmas Eve, you want to believe in the victory of good over evil and the opportunity to witness something unusual. Sputnik has collected several stories of people who were delighted with a pleasant or wonderful event before Christmas.

Losing the ill-fated flash drive

Programmer Pavel Smolensky does not believe in miracles, but his holiday was almost overshadowed by work matters.

“In our company, after a long weekend, the development of a large project was planned. I participated in it, so as a developer, I kept a flash drive with the private part of the ssh key. Using it, I connected to a remote server. And it so happened that “When I came home, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t find the flash drive,” recalls Smolensky.

Because of this incident, the consequences could be very unpleasant and take time to recover data. However, a holiday is a holiday, and therefore sometimes unusual things happen. Deciding to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment just before Christmas, his wife found the ill-fated flash drive in the corner near the rug by the front door, so they celebrated the holiday in a calm atmosphere.

I saw the Christmas star and won

Another magical story happened with the athlete Alexei Shkundichev. He grew up in a believing Christian family, and therefore always treated Christmas with trepidation.

“My grandmother told me that Christmas is a day when higher powers listen carefully to all our requests. When I was at school, I was actively involved in aikido and in March I was supposed to have competitions. It was, it seems, in 2004. Then "I looked at the sky in the evening and for the first time in my life I saw a shooting star. Of course, I made a wish to win the competition," Shkundichev told Sputnik.

Of course, he eventually won the competition. Most likely, due to excellent physical preparation, and maybe for more mysterious reasons.

The escaped Pie was found

Student Alena Volynets experienced a real tragedy in her childhood before Christmas. The long-awaited kitten, which her parents gave her for New Year, escaped through an unlocked door. The family lived in a small town in which almost all the houses are private, so finding it was not so easy.

“This was at a time when there were no printers, the Internet and social networks, so I didn’t know how to look for a kitten in winter and where it ran away. But in the end, in the evening we found the fugitive. He was brought to an intersection not far from the house by a yard cat and I started licking. The kitten didn’t even know how much excitement, and then how much joy he brought me,” Volynets told her story.

The cat, whose name was Pie, is still alive and, as in childhood, loves to carry out street raids.

In honor of the holiday - everyone is welcome

It also happens that a miracle can happen at the will of an ordinary person. For Irina Filistovich, such an incident occurred during her student years, when the dean’s office set one of the exams just before the holiday.

“We had to take history teaching methodology. It’s a very difficult subject, because the teacher is strict. No one expected a freebie. But surely God heard our prayers and the teacher began offering everyone “machine machines” with different grades. It was so difficult to pass that I agreed “automatic” with a minimum score, and only the most advanced nerds remained in the audience,” Filistovich retold her story with a smile.

She admitted that the subject was not useful in life, because immediately after university she connected her life with a completely different, non-teaching profession.

Good afternoon

This is Tatyana Rusina.

Today is Christmas Eve, one of the brightest holidays for many.

According to tradition, I will cook kutya (as we call this delicious porridge) according to my favorite recipe, with the addition of honey, poppy seeds, nuts, raisins and of course the most important ingredient - love.

We are celebrating this Christmas with a small team; my daughter is now on vacation with her grandparents.

Thanks to modern means of communication, you can be “almost” nearby even hundreds of kilometers away.

And it’s all the more pleasant to receive your letters these days with congratulations, thanks, success stories...

Thank you for all the kind words in your Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings.

Santa Claus for adults

When I got into the taxi, the driver turned out to be the real Santa Claus)). The driver was wearing a red hat and had snowmen in his car. This was unexpected and, of course, I took it as a good sign.

Having talked along the way, he said that in recent days he had been traveling in full attire of Santa Claus, with a beard, in a red suit. The driver shared interesting stories - romantic and humorous - about how clients and just people in passing cars reacted to him.

This is so kind, you know, very nice, and I imagined what it would be like to call a taxi, and Santa Claus is driving you in full regalia.

He told how on New Year's Eve he arrived on a call and a couple came out, who then said that they had had a big fight before. And when they saw Santa Claus, they realized that miracles happen and made peace... Romantic, right?

It seems to me that as long as there are such human actions in the world, our faith in Miracles helps them actually happen.

And I want to wish you that in the coming year there will be many real miracles and magic in your life! And so that all the plans and desires that you want can come true in your reality!

By the way, regarding attracting reality, I recently shared with you one video, watch it and apply the technique to your desires.

How to attract a new reality to fulfill your desires

Happy holiday to you and see you!

With love, Tatyana Rusina.

P.S. Let me remind you that the special offer with the minimum price for training is valid until January 7. For a 5-hour training, this is just a gift)). Make it for yourself to get so much more! For applications and questions write to zakaz@site

P.P.S. Add miracles to your life with your own hands!

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During Christmas and New Year, incredible events often happen. The impression is that it is during this period that higher powers seek to remind us of their existence. Sometimes anecdotal, sometimes sublime, and sometimes creepy.

Amazing faces

A typical Christmas miracle is the mysterious appearance of holy faces on objects and surfaces that seem to be completely unsuitable for this. So, on December 20, 2001, shortly before Catholic Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25, English ufologist Jerry Hind discovered the face of Christ... on the windshield of his car! The image was made up of dirt and ice adhering to the glass.

Christmas 2003 in the family of a poor Spanish peasant woman, Dolores Tenario, living near Toledo, looked hopelessly ruined. When the torrential rain broke out, the dilapidated roof once again became leaky, and throughout Christmas Eve the household were mostly busy taking buckets filled with water that had spilled from the ceiling out of the house and trying to eliminate the lakes on the floor.

However, when a few days later the rain stains on the walls dried up, an amazing picture appeared before the eyes of the stunned family: on the peeling, darkened wallpaper of the living room, the features of the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms began to clearly appear.

The Catholic priest, entering Tenorio's living room, was literally dumbfounded and categorically forbade him to touch the picture that appeared on the wallpaper. He immediately began the procedure of recognizing what had happened as a miracle, but, alas, the image did not last long: as the wallpaper dried further, it began to fade, and the wallpaper itself began to peel off.

In India, where Christians make up about five percent of the population, such miracles are traditionally treated with great confidence and they do not consider it particularly necessary to seek the sanction of higher authorities in order to worship them. Maronite Sheela Antonia (a representative of one of the ancient Christian churches, in rituals more similar to Orthodoxy than to Catholicism) from the suburbs of Bangalore (South India) was preparing cakes for children on Christmas morning 2005. And suddenly on one of them, which at first seemed burnt, the face of Jesus Christ appeared.

– I couldn’t believe my eyes! – Sheela told reporters. “Excitedly, I showed the cake to my daughters and neighbors, who confirmed that it was Jesus who was depicted.

The woman took the cake to the priest Georg Jacob. Now the cake rests in a casket in the middle of the church. Thousands of pilgrims from all over India come to see the miracle.

Gifts from Santa Claus

It seems that the belief that the good Santa Claus sometimes really brings gifts, not only to children, but also to adults, is not without foundation.

A strange story happened in 2004 with Reverend Wesley Markle from the American state of Oregon. He found a golden crucifix in the cabbage stew his wife prepared as a side dish for the traditional Christmas turkey. The Markle couple contacted the manager of the supermarket where the cabbage was purchased, and he said that a foreign object could have gotten inside the cabbage while it was growing in the garden. The priest tried to find the owner of the crucifix through supermarket suppliers, but he was unsuccessful. Even a television appeal did not help - the owner of the cross, valued at 20 thousand dollars, never showed up.

However, perhaps even more surprisingly, a year later five more Oregonians found crucifixes made of gold and silver, albeit much smaller and therefore much cheaper, as part of the traditional side dish for the Christmas turkey.

On December 25, 2006, fresh fish rained down on residents of the southern Indian state of Kerala. Meteorologists just shrugged: where this small tornado came from was completely unclear - both the sea and the atmosphere along the entire coast were completely calm. By the way, fish is one of the oldest symbols of Christianity...

But in general, Saint Nicholas, while performing his numerous miracles, did not like theatrical effects, which is easy to see by looking through his life. Therefore, even today he prefers to present his gifts modestly: as if they were not from him at all, but just like that, everything happened by itself. This interesting conclusion was reached by the authors of an article in the magazine “Mond Christien”, who claim that most often people find lost or hidden things during Christmas and with the help of St. Nicholas.

For example, in 2005, having decided to sort through the rubbish that had accumulated in the attic of the family nest over many years during the pre-holiday cleaning, the Englishwoman Daisy Burden discovered one of the first editions of Byron, which today costs tens of thousands of pounds sterling. The proceeds were just enough to pay off the mortgage debt, without which the house would certainly have gone under the hammer. And in 2006, Pole Krzysztof Jędrusik, while uprooting a stump from under a Christmas tree on his property, found a real treasure - a box buried by someone unknown, filled to the brim with royal ducats. This money was used to perform an operation on his little daughter in Germany, without which the girl most likely would have died.

Myrrh-streaming icons

At the end of 2002, the Kyiv Vedomosti newspaper reported that in the village of Studyanka, Rivne region, icons were miraculously renewed. Thus, the couple Vasily and Nadezhda Kokhanets noticed for several nights in a row how a glow spread around the images hanging in their house. Soon the hundred-year-old icons sparkled with gold like new.

In the family of other local residents - the Shevchuks - the same miracle happened with an even more ancient small icon, which the owners transferred to the temple. However, they say that thirty years ago, in the house of one of the residents of Studyanka, a paper lithograph depicting the Three Hierarchs (teachers of Orthodoxy) suddenly shone on the eve of Christmas in the middle of the night and was renewed by the morning! Now she is also in the temple. At Christmas, icons can shine even if they are not prayed for, for example, in a museum. In 2005, in an art gallery in the Bulgarian city of Tarnovo, an ancient icon of the Nativity of Christ lit up on Orthodox Christmas Eve, January 6, and continued to emit mysterious rays for three whole days. It is noteworthy that the image of the Star of Bethlehem above the nativity scene with the Holy Child shone brightest on it. After this miracle, the museum staff handed over the wonderful icon to the local temple.

But the biggest miracle happened, perhaps, at the end of 2002 in Karmadon (North Ossetia). At the site of the collapse of the Kolka glacier, which destroyed many people, it was decided to hold a prayer service. For this purpose, Orthodox icons of St. George, the Iveron Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Passion-Bearer were brought here from Moscow and the Ivanovo region. And in the zone of tragedy, the icons began to stream myrrh! A fragrant liquid, usually used in religious ceremonies, appeared on them - myrrh.

The last such miracle in Ukraine is the myrrh-streaming of the crucifix in the St. Nicholas Church in Mariupol. Quite recently, myrrh began to ooze from the crucifix, and this is still happening.

According to priests, icons often “cry” at the site of joyful or tragic events. Their crying can also serve as a sign. If only one person is an eyewitness to the phenomenon, this indicates that he needs to repent of his sins or that important changes await him. If there are several, this may become a harbinger of global events, most often of a dramatic nature. Thus, abundant myrrh streaming of Orthodox images was observed on the eve of the Great Patriotic War.

Visits from the other world

New Year is considered a family holiday, and perhaps that is why deceased relatives very often choose this particular holiday to visit their loved ones.

In the Belyakov family, the father died in 2005. Six months have passed. On New Year's Day, his two sons decided to take pictures with the guests. When the photograph was developed, it showed a hand lying on the edge of the table, and above the head of one of the women there was a spot resembling a human face. The owner of the mysterious hand was wearing a jacket. They began to investigate - the hand could not belong to anyone present, everyone was wearing shirts or sweaters. And the “face” – even more so. Having looked closely, the Belyakov brothers came to the conclusion that it was their late father who came to wish him a Happy New Year - they buried him in just such a jacket.

Anatoly P. fell ill with severe pneumonia at the age of 14. On New Year's Eve the boy felt better and was allowed to go home from the hospital for the New Year holidays. All day long, Tolya was visited by friends with gifts; by the evening he was so tired that he did not wait for the chimes to strike and went to bed.

Soon Tolya felt that he was getting sick. He felt dizzy. Suddenly he realized that he could clearly distinguish all things in the dark. And then suddenly I found myself under the ceiling. He looked down at himself. His body was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and the bed was rotating clockwise. This scared Tolik, and he “floated” to the door to call his parents for help. There was no need to open the door; he easily walked through the wall. The parents watched TV peacefully, unaware of what was happening to their son. Tolya remembered that the New Year’s program included a performance by the then popular ensemble “Gems”. He listened to the song, and then, for some reason calmed down, returned to his room.

The bed no longer rotated, and the body still lay on it with its eyes closed. And then the boy’s grandfather, who died when he was very young, appeared in the corner of the room. Tolya immediately recognized his grandfather. He was dressed in some kind of white robe. The grandfather smiled and pointed to another corner. There was something like a TV there, with pictures showing on the screen. Tolik realized that these were scenes from his own life. He saw all his good and bad deeds, even those that no one knew about. Then the tape began to quickly rewind. Grandfather waved his hand towards a blank wall with no windows. Looking there, Tolik saw in its place a transparent sky with silvery clouds. A radiant light came from somewhere. He beckoned, and the boy took a step in that direction. But grandfather interfered. He gently but persistently put his hand on his grandson’s forehead and pushed him back. The teenager's head began to spin again, and the next moment he found himself on the bed. It rotated again, but counterclockwise, and finally stopped.

When Anatoly woke up, he discovered that his parents and doctors were in the room. It turned out that his mother found him lying unconscious and called an ambulance.

He was given injections, and from that day on the boy made a dramatic recovery. Now, thirty years later, Anatoly believes that on that New Year’s night a door to the other world opened in front of him, but his grandfather brought him back to life.

We create miracles ourselves

Why is the “density” of miracles so high on Christmas and New Year’s days? Of course, in the case of icons and other phenomena related to religion, the possibility of divine intervention cannot be denied. But there may be another, paradoxical, explanation: we ourselves attract miracles to ourselves! The fact is that holiday worries and expectations cause mental arousal in most people, akin to the so-called altered state of consciousness that occurs during meditation or in a hypnotic state. And this state can influence the physical reality around us. The conclusion is this: believe in a miracle, wait for it - and then it is likely to appear.

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