Why dream of swimming in a dream? Swimming in cold water in a dream. Phoebe's Big Dream Book What does Swimming mean in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Swimming in the dream book:

To dream of swimming in a calm and clean sea - good luck awaits you in any endeavor. Swimming in the warm sea means you will make a good profit.

Why dream of swimming in a muddy and dirty sea - people will envy you, there will be gossip about you.

Seeing Swimming in a dream - “Swimming shallowly” - small plans, deeds, achievements.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Swimming in a dream:

Swimming - Joy, success in business, profit // for worse, you will be drunk, a long road, misfortune is in a hurry, anxiety; swim ashore - end of work; swim in muddy water - you will receive unpleasant news on the road; in rapids - danger, illness; swimming with someone means separation from him.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Swimming:

Interpretation of the dream book: Swimming - In the sea, river, pond or lake there is a sign of pleasure, joy and voluptuousness.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about Swimming: Dream book: Swimming if you dream

According to the dream book, why do you dream about Swimming - An image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism. You can only swim in water, and water is a symbol of female genitalia and desires for sexual interaction. A person who sees himself as an excellent swimmer reflects his belief in sexual attractiveness and competence. If a person sees that he is swimming towards something or someone, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. It can also be an expression of sexual desire towards that person. If a person floats away from someone or something, this shows his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation or to escape from the realities of life in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to remove (to film another person's sexual conquests), or a feeling that people are asking too much of him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who swims? Why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? What objects appear more often?

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does it mean to swim

Swim - Success in business, income; lovers swim together - to an unexpected separation.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Swimming, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: Swimming – Positive eroticism, desire for sexual relations. An excellent swimmer. Belief in your sexual attractiveness. Swim towards something. The desire to achieve a goal. Drown. Dive into the unconscious.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing swimming in a dream

Why do you dream about Swimming - A calm life, a successful career

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Swimming in a dream

Swim - In clean water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning is misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; to see people floating - your aspirations will come true; in running water - a difficult path in life.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Swimming in a Dream

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about Swimming - Good luck in business

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Swim - The course of daily affairs, relationships (depending on the nature of the movement and place). Swimming with someone means separation from this person.

What does it mean when you dream of Swimming, floating (with someone) - To separation, alienation from this person.

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Swimming in the dream book:

Seeing Swim (float) in a dream - “Swimming like a fish in water” - to navigate the situation well; “swim” (pleasure). “swim against the tide” - enter into conflict with others, internal disagreements. “It just floats into your hands” - easy success. “swim shallow” - inability to accomplish something significant. “go with the flow” - agreement with others or lack of will, laziness, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Swimming:

Solves the dream book: Swimming in clear water - Good luck in business; in muddy - trouble, quarrel


Swimming in a dream means the implementation of your plans and the fulfillment of desires. Everything you have planned will be realized in reality, luck will accompany you in any matter.

Where did you swim in your dream? What was the water like when you swam in it in your dream? When you were swimming in a dream, was there someone else next to you? What happened to you in your dream? Were you dressed while swimming in your dream? How did you swim in your dream?

Where did you swim in your dream?

Swim in the ocean Swim in the river Swim in the sea Swim in the pool

Swimming in a pond in a dream

Why do you dream of swimming in a pond? When communicating with the opposite sex, you will experience awkwardness, embarrassment and confusion. Try to gain courage and determination, otherwise failure in love will await you.

What was the water like when you swam in it in your dream?

Swim in icy water Swim in dirty water Swim in muddy water Swim in clear water Swim in clear water

Why do you dream of swimming in blue water?

Why do you dream of swimming in blue water? The dream indicates anxiety. You should try to worry less. Most fears are unfounded. Otherwise, it may lead to a nervous breakdown, take care of your health.

Swimming in warm water in a dream

If you dreamed about swimming in warm water, you will soon be able to rest. There will be an opportunity to change activities and take a breath. If you want to go on vacation, now is the time. You will be able to relax and have fun.

Swimming in cold water in a dream

The Felomena dream book considers swimming in cold water as an impending danger in reality. You may find yourself involved in a dark matter. It is better to refuse assistance to dubious people - save your nerves and money.

When you were swimming in a dream, was there someone else next to you?

Swim with the fish Swim with the dolphins

Swimming with sharks in a dream

Dreaming about swimming with sharks is a warning. One of the enemies, after a long wait, is preparing to attack. If you spend most of your time with your beloved, then someone will try to destroy your idyll by weaving intrigues behind your back.

I dreamed that I swam with whales

Swimming with whales in a dream - in reality you will need to make an important decision almost without hesitation. Rely on hunches if you don't have time to make a rational choice.

I dreamed that I swam with a killer whale

Why dream of swimming with a killer whale? The dream is favorable in all respects. Fall in love, enjoy harmony at home, and earn extra money. If you ride a killer whale, you have nothing to worry about.

Swimming with seals in a dream

If you dreamed about swimming with seals, in reality you want more. Perhaps your desire for a better life is hasty, and first you need to hold on to what you have.

Swimming with a man in a dream

According to the dream book, swimming with a man means experiencing serious disappointment. But later it turns out that it is not worth your worries, and it is better to throw it out of your mind.

What happened to you in your dream?

Learned to swim

Were you dressed while swimming in your dream?

Swimming in clothes in a dream

A dream about swimming with your clothes on foretells a dangerous situation in which you can find yourself. It will be caused by your own mistakes made due to absurd coincidences.

I dreamed that I swam naked

Swimming naked in a dream is an indication of the dreamer's strong will, as well as adherence to moral principles. Your conscience is clear and calm. Diving naked - in reality you will find yourself drawn into an adventurous enterprise; you should be careful.

How did you swim in your dream?

Swim underwater

I dreamed that I swam at night

If you dreamed about swimming at night, your future seems unclear. Something will happen in the near future that a narrow circle of people, including you, will know about.

I dreamed that I was floating on my back

Felomena's dream book interprets swimming on her back as an alarming sign. In the near future you will lose your authority. For bosses, vision is a harbinger of transfer to a less prestigious position.

Why do you dream of swimming on the waves?

If you dream that you are floating on the waves, you will soon be able to take control of your enemies. Perhaps they will soon see you as a role model.

Diving in a dream

The dream in which you are diving suggests that current problems can be solved in a creative way. Dive into clear water - the idea will not be entirely legal, but safe. If you dive into the dirty, this idea will not end well.

Swim fast in a dream

Swimming fast in a dream is a positive sign. Thanks to the efforts made, as well as your skills and abilities, you will be able to achieve your plans. We managed to swim to the shore - an important enterprise will reach the completion stage.


Why do you dream when you swim?

They say that if a person sees himself floating in water, then this portends good news. Of course, such a dream can have many different interpretations. It all depends on the circumstances. But in most cases, such a dream does not promise great sadness and disappointment.

Often, when you swim in a dream, you feel a certain lightness. And this is not accidental, because in real life a person can expect quick relief from all worries and problems. For example, Tsvetkov’s dream book says that seeing yourself floating in a dream means success in business. If a person swims not alone, but with his significant other, then in real life they will have a strong and lasting relationship. Meneghetti's Italian dream book will also please you. It says that swimming in a dream means a happy life. It is desirable that the water be clean and transparent, because such a sign speaks of the sincerity of human relationships. And Hasse’s dream book predicts a life without worries. That is, there will be no unexpected and serious problems in the near future. But it is not advisable to swim in muddy water. This means that some obstacle will arise at work. Perhaps a person will appear who will try to involve the owner of the dream in some adventure. If in the dream there are children splashing in the water, then soon your loved ones will make a pleasant surprise that will greatly please you. Martyn Zadeki’s dream book will also console you. The author of this book is sure that swimming in a dream is a sign of fun and delight.

It is very important to pay attention to where a person is swimming. That is, it could be a river, or it could be a swimming pool. Do not exclude a bathtub and a jacuzzi. Despite the fact that these are only little things in a dream, the accuracy of the prediction in many cases depends on them. So it is advisable not to forget all the details of the dream.

The dream book of Simon Canaanite has a lot of positive reviews. It says that when you swim in a dream, good luck comes in real life. If the place for swimming is a river, then soon there will be worries about love. Although the outcome will be favorable. And if the place for swimming is a pool, then in the future you will meet a person who will be close in every sense of the word. It is also a very good sign when children are swimming. This dream usually happens before the owner of the dream wants to make a large purchase. It happens that dogs swim in the river. This means that there will soon be a meeting with an old and good friend. It is undesirable to see fish in the river. This foreshadows rivalry. That is, perhaps they will offer a highly paid position at work, but there will be enough applicants for it. If a person is swimming in a river and suddenly gets carried away by the current, then soon he will go on a long-awaited journey. Even while swimming, you can get caught in the mud. This sign suggests that you cannot start all over again. It is necessary to think carefully about everything again. Well, if the owner of the dream saw a crow, then he will have to prepare for some serious conversation.

They say that when you swim in a dream, you cannot turn around, otherwise you may not wake up. Roza Lyulyakova, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project, says that such a dream does not portend danger. Sometimes he dreams of a change in weather. In general, swimming in a dream means guessing some secret in real life. But if a person swims in troubled waters, then something is being hidden from him. There were cases when a person was swimming in a river and was bitten by a fish. This suggests that a good friend will soon deceive or spread bad rumors. But you absolutely cannot drown in your sleep. This sign is considered bad. He predicts that an accident will happen soon, and you should be a little more careful. It’s also not very good when, in addition to the owner of the dream, there are a lot of people swimming in the water. This suggests that you will have to share your own happiness with someone. In most cases, this concerns couples in love. In their real life, they are expected to separate, because another person will come and do everything to destroy their relationship. If a dream shows how someone saves someone, then soon news will come that will change life for the better.

Dreams are different. And sometimes you don’t want bad dreams to come true. To do this, you need to turn on the water tap and say: “Where the water flows, let the dream flow.” You need to repeat it three times, and then read the “Our Father” prayer. In this way, a person protects himself from the upcoming danger.

Astrologers advise to always look at what this or that dream is about. They say that sometimes correct currentling saves a person’s life. Therefore, you should not be skeptical about dreams. After all, in this life everything happens for a reason.


Why do you dream of swimming in water?

Dreams are often called the mirror of the soul, a reflection of our worries and experiences. In a dream, the subconscious sends us different signs, which sometimes are just a set of abstract symbols, and sometimes make us think about what awaits us in the near future.

Dream interpretation has been practiced since ancient times. Particular attention was paid to dreams in which there were elements that could bring destruction (for example, a hurricane wind that destroys houses, or a flood that washes away crops). Shamans made predictions about future harvests or diseases based on dreams. Water has always occupied an important place in people’s lives, so it is not surprising that there are a great many interpretations of dreams with water. As in other cases, you need to consider the dream of each individual person who saw water in his dream. After all, some are afraid of the water element, while others feel calm and free with it. Some people happily plunge into a river in a dream, while for others the mere sight of water fills them with horror.

Most people want to know why they dream of swimming in water in their dreams. Water, in most dream books, is a symbol of purity and renewal, therefore swimming in clean, clear water means success in new endeavors, joy and carefreeness.

Muddy water is associated with troubles and illnesses. In Tsvetkov’s dream book, swimming in muddy water means disappointment in some business or person. The great seer Vanga believed that water washes away all sins and cleanses the human soul.

Therefore, swimming in water in a dream means striving for renewal, rebirth in reality. It is also worth paying attention to what body of water the person seeing water in a dream is bathing in. If he swims in the sea, then for a man this means quick success for his wife, and for a girl such a dream predicts a successful marriage. Swimming in water poured into a pool means getting rid of ailments and anxiety that haunt a person in reality. Swimming in the river may mean that you will soon have a misunderstanding with your superiors. You just need to insist on your opinion and show your best side. Minor changes in life and personal relationships are foreshadowed by swimming in the lake. If a person takes a bath in a dream, then this promises minor troubles.

The temperature of the water in which a person bathes in a dream also matters when interpreting dreams.

Cold water is a harbinger of violent emotions. However, they will be short-lived. Also, some dream books interpret swimming in ice water as a symbol of imminent victory over enemies and ill-wishers. Swimming in water that has a pleasant temperature means a calm life and a warm relationship with your lover.

For girls dreaming of a child, swimming in water in a dream is a very good sign. Soon all your dreams will begin to come true. For sick people, such dreams promise hope for a speedy recovery. The main thing is that the water is clean and does not cause fear. The attitude with which a person enters the water is very important. The calmer a person gets into the water, the more comfortable he feels. Such dreams mean that in real life this person is pleasant to talk to, he is loved and appreciated by friends and colleagues.

If in a dream a person is ready to swim in the water for a long time without going ashore, this means that he is very tired and thus his brain sends him signals that it is time to stop and just give himself a break.

Perhaps it's time to take a vacation and swim in the real sea. If bathing gives a person unpleasant sensations, it means that he needs to part with his unloved activity in reality, free himself from depressing work that does not bring pleasure.

It turns out that in almost all dream interpreters, swimming in water in a dream means changes in the real life of the person who had this dream. What these changes will be depends largely on the person’s mood, on his desire to change his life.


Why do you dream of swimming underwater?

Dreams in which a person swims usually have a positive interpretation. What matters here is what kind of water you swim in. If it is clean and transparent, a person will be “afloat” in life; if it is cloudy, obstacles in life may await him.

If a person sees in a dream how he can swim under water, this may mean that he is a creative and extraordinary person, who has his own independent opinion and is ready to develop. A person who feels confident on and under water in a dream is usually confident in himself and in his goals in life. Water in a dream reflects a person’s emotional state at the current moment. If she is calm, everything in life will flow as usual, without shocks. If the water is cloudy, choppy, or the wind is blowing, you need to prepare for instability and unfavorable changes.

Water is a controversial symbol. Water can also be life-giving, cool, the basis of life, the place of its origin. But there may also be a destructive force of a tsunami, the ninth wave, an all-consuming abyss. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams where there is water or a person is swimming can have opposite meanings.

Due to the inconsistency of water, almost opposite meanings of dreams with its participation arise. Dream books give the following interpretation - such dreams can lead to success in business and profit, or to a long journey and worries, to the fact that an unlucky streak in life is coming. If a person sees himself swimming ashore in a dream, this may mean that he will soon complete some work. It is also important to swim in a river, sea or pond. Swimming in the sea means change, excitement, in the river - a person can experience falling in love without knowing it.

Swimming underwater is a symbol of positivity, a sign of freedom and eroticism. Water is a symbol of sexual desires. Therefore, it is very interesting why you dream of swimming underwater, in this case. A person who sees himself skillfully swimming under water feels himself knowledgeable in matters of love. If a person sees that he is moving in the water towards some object, this indicates his determination. Or, it may be a sexual desire towards the object. If a floating person moves away from the object, he is trying to avoid an undesirable situation or hide from life’s adversities in general.

If a person sees himself swimming underwater with a loved one, this is a very pleasant dream, but, unfortunately, the dream indicates that he will have to part with this person in the future. In general, oddly enough, swimming with someone in a dream means separation.

Dream books have many interpretations. Water is a symbol of life, sexual energy, and the energy of destruction. Dreams about swimming in water can plunge you into the unconscious. When interpreting dreams, it is important to understand who is swimming, where, and how objects in a dream interact with each other.


What's the point of swimming in a dream?


sola bakinskaja

Serene joy and protection from poverty!
In short, this is for well-being!

Andrienko Natalia

In clean water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning is misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; to see people floating - your aspirations will come true; in running water - a difficult path in life.

If a young woman dreams that she is swimming with her friend, who is better at swimming, then her charm will be appreciated, and those around her will turn a blind eye to her sins.
· If in a dream you are swimming, but you do not have enough strength to stay on the surface of the water, then you will be disappointed.
drowning is a misfortune
· If you dream of a pleasant swim, this means success.
· see people floating - your aspirations will come true
· In running water - a difficult path in life.
· Scuba diving is a symbol of struggle.
· In muddy water - obstacles
· In raging water - you will be even more active
· In clean water - life without worries


To joy, to a pleasant pastime.

Dasha Safonova

Medium miss Xacce

In clean water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning is misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; to see people floating - your aspirations will come true; in running water - a difficult path in life

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Success in business, income; lovers swim together - to an unexpected separation.

Modern dream book

Swimming in dreams portends success if you do not experience any unpleasant sensations. If, while swimming, you dive under water, then you will be disappointed. For a young woman to see that she is swimming with a friend - a good swimmer - means that she will be loved for her charm, and her friends will turn a blind eye to her little love sins. Swimming underwater predicts struggle and anxiety.



I dreamed that an unfamiliar woman was floating face down to the water, on her stomach. drowned woman or corpse! and rises sharply into the sky! what is it for?


Swim with fish in a small pond! See a very big fish there


Swim underwater in muddy green water and see a pile of shit lying on the bottom


I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was a shipwreck. My two friends and I were floating in the middle of the ocean, for some reason it was very difficult to raise our eyes to look around. I found several items that would help to stay on the water and distributed them to the girls, and for myself I took an oblong stack of papers (about 15*40 cm), quite dense, and rowed with it, like an oar, quite quickly. Only then, with difficulty, I raised my eyes and saw that I was approaching the beach, a fairly shady beach with trees, without the scorching sun and several vacationers. my friends swam behind me and from time to time tried to grab my legs, but I didn’t mind; it wasn’t too difficult to help them a little. a man was swimming underneath me and he pinched me hard on my leg and I woke up from this. what does my dream mean?


My husband and child and I are swimming in green water (although I have another husband and no children in my life), then I stop watching the child, he floats forward and is hit by a train, then I see a dead child and try to inform everyone about the trouble, but I can’t, I run to the place where the child was lying, he is no longer there, the tables are set, people are eating


I dreamed that my beloved was swimming with a friend in the river, and I was standing on a hill and watching. She undressed and wanted to go down to them, but fell into a hole. I’m standing with my feet in a puddle, and there are a lot of small and medium-sized fish in it. I called the guy and they pulled me out. We went into the water with him. I don’t know how to swim, but I trusted him, he hugged me and we swam happily together and kissed in the water. After swimming, I swam to the shore and he decided to swim some more, but he had a cramp and in order to save him, I swam to him and pulled him to the shore. although I can't swim. Three sad men were sitting on the shore and waiting for us. We decided to return home.


In general, it was like this: at first we were traveling in a bus very quickly down some mountains or something. We arrived at the beach (it was not summer, but probably late autumn) it was cool outside for swimming. Well, in general, when we arrived there was little water, it was some kind of hole like that, there was only one way out. When entering there there was immediately sand and a very steep descent, so we flew almost to the water. In general, there were some small islands and some small cafes appeared. I changed into a swimsuit and wanted to swim and went to the water, it was cold, muddy, dirty and it was deep there. I returned and wanted to go to the toilet. And everyone who was there (faces I knew) JUST EVERYONE LOOKED at me. and I remember the beginning very vaguely...


I dreamed that my friends and I went swimming in the river. And suddenly some young man grabs my hand and we swim so fast, at the same time we swim around all the obstacles - people, algae. I didn’t make any effort on my own, but the young man, most likely a stranger and I don’t remember his face, directly dragged me along with him when we swam with him.


I dreamed that I was swimming in a pond. I swam in this pond as a child. I swam there with my sister and relatives who live far from me, and I rarely see them.
There was muddy and dirty water near the shore, I swam further from the shore and there was such clear water that I could see the bottom.


I swam in big water (sea or ocean, I just felt that it was something big), although I don’t know how to swim very well. I was surprised that I was swimming and not getting tired, I was able to do it and I was calm and confident.


I dreamed that I was swimming with my loved one... There were other friends next to us. There was some kind of tension. My beloved was nearby. And then he said don’t you dare flirt with them, and I said “then be close” and swam away.


hello, I had a dream that I was swimming in dirty water, where there were a lot of fish, there was an uneasy feeling, and when I came out of the reservoir it turned out that I had caught 3 large fish in a bucket, they were still alive.


I swam against the current in the sea, for some kind of reward. I swam for a long time, but then I swam, and in the end it turned out that what I swam for could easily be bought for little money.


I swam in the blue sea, then came to the shore where my niece was standing. I took her hand and we went into the sea. There were a lot of syringes on the shore, I also thought when going into the sea so as not to step on needles. There were no needles on the syringes. Near the shore the water was a little muddy, then it turned pale blue. We swam. She floated off somewhere to the side, and I began to look for her. then I met my ex-man and we had a desire for intimacy. whether intimacy occurred - I don’t remember.


Today and yesterday I dreamed that I was swimming in green unclean water. The pond is 10-15 m in diameter, there are people around, they look, but they don’t go into the water. I swim alone. I remember that the swimsuit will not be washed, and I wake up. The waters are without waves, but there is movement. but not a swamp

Maria Klimenko:

I swim in a huge pool with clean transparent water in a beautiful white wedding dress, I get a huge charge of energy and pleasure.


I swam in a dream in a beautiful river with my ex-boyfriend, and we talked very pleasantly and hugged, and around us were his friends and my father. I had the feeling that it was as if he and I were starting to date again, although in real life I don’t plan on this! and in a dream I saw my ex-husband there in the river, but he wasn’t there! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday.


I was walking with my loved one, a puddle appeared in front of us, there was no way around it, and we walked along it, but it didn’t end, it became bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper, it became so deep that we had to swim. There was a lot of water, the water was cloudy, like in a puddle. We continued swimming and I woke up.



I swam in the river and got great pleasure from it, everything was easy. I swam at night alone, in clothes. Then I swam to a house where there were a lot of people.


I swam in the river and got great pleasure from it, everything was easy. I swam at night alone, in clothes. Then I swam to a house where there were a lot of people.


Hello! At first I dreamed of a storm, high waves, then everything calmed down, the water was transparent blue, and we swam, a classmate and her husband swam with me, although we had not seen her for 2 years, when I swam, all kinds of garbage bothered me, I stumbled over the bottles. Why do I dream about this?


I had a dream about my work, they came to help me rearrange the display cases. They put up a display case that smoothly descends to the water, I placed cakes there, two of them fell into the water but did not drown, I swam after them, a cell phone fell but it drowned, and the cakes floated past a passing woman motor boat. I was upset, but then a man brought me cakes that had floated away, and the phone was broken. I was very happy


I dreamed that I was steering a large ship in winter and we were being pursued by another ship, but we were leaving it. I had a dog and a grandmother with me.


swam in the river and then looked into the water and there were a lot of big small gray fish and unusual fish, and the water became clear, everything was visible.


I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea, there were a lot of people, I remembered that there were a lot of small crustaceans and I touched them with my hands, then I remember that the water was draining somewhere, into some kind of stone room


In general, I dived into some building, there was clear water inside the building, I could see, at first I swam stupidly, there was oxygen, I saw a staircase also under water, I swam a little and returned along a different path back because the oxygen was running out, then I saw a small girl , I began to understand that I had my eyes open and began to see poorly, I also thought that my glasses had been lost under water, but I immediately stopped thinking about it, I had already let out a little air through my mouth and swam to save the girl, and the girl was playing and I think she breathed underwater. I took her in my arms and swam up, I jerked up, but I couldn’t because the girl was heavy and was pulling her down. I decided to relax so that I would be pulled up along with the girl, but she fidgeted in my arms. I was completely running out of oxygen, I decided to let her go to get oxygen and dive back after her because I saw that she didn’t care that she was under water, she lives well there, I made a jerk upward and again I couldn’t, why I don’t know I was pulled down then awoke!


I dreamed about some kind of platinum, or some kind of recreation center, where in the end I was floating on the water. and something bit you on the legs! and the current carried me along, they couldn’t pull me out!


I am standing on the top of a rock, very high, I look down there is a large lake, clean, many people swim in it, I also see forests, a very beautiful landscape, I think how I can go down, a man to leave, but not down but to the top, I see a road along in the middle of her husband (sunbathing in his shorts), several men with boys walk past him, one man takes my husband by the head and breaks his vertebrae, I cry bitterly, feeling sorry for my husband.


Good afternoon I dreamed that I was sailing with a man through the stakes. There was a clear feeling that the man was nearby, I felt his support or care... I don’t remember what the water was like
the next fragment was he was walking through the water (where it was shallow) and I shouted to him a little offended. And me?! Wait for me
The next thing was a dream about how I was drying and styling my hair, it was really thick (black) and shiny. Something like this)


Mne prisnilsya son chto ya plivu bo bolshoi reke na korable, vmeste s moiimi rotsvinekami. Nebo very krasivoye i ya starajus ego sfotorafiruvot’, nu ne poluchaetsya. V drug, korabil nachinaet resko shatatsa i perevorachivoetsa. Ya upala v vodu vmeste s moimi rotsvienkomi, i nebo stalo strashnoe i temnoe. Moya babushka menya pondnyala s vodi, mi snova seli na korabil i poplili dalshe, nu lodka uzhe bila menshe po rozmeri i nebo doseh por bilo strashnoye.


I went into the pool, it turned out to be a muddy lake, with bushes making it difficult to swim and it was not deep, I swam and came to a dead end where there were 2 trains and a bridge with a staircase leading to it, like a railway station, I walked there between the trains that were starting to move, it was scary and swam back to someone something I met on the way, i.e. I wasn't swimming alone


I dreamed that I was just swimming the whole dream, the water was warm, it was comfortable in the water, and I swam, although I don’t know how to swim!
the water was the same color as the night sky, only a little lighter
swam alone
there was no one around
there was water all around
and I felt great


Hello! I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea, the sun, very good feelings, a guy (my acquaintance) was standing on the shore and shouting something to me. And then the water becomes cold.


I dreamed that I was swimming in a stormy river with my ex-husband.
I wanted to tell him something, I remember he answered rudely and I was carried away by the current.


I dreamed that I was swimming naked in the sea with my loved one, the water was warm. We swam holding hands and admired the sunrise. We sailed for a long time, it felt like we were returning home. Then we swam out into some kind of backwater, cozy and small, and it felt like it was like our home. My soul felt very calm and peaceful.


I dreamed that my loved one was pushing me into the water, I resisted, but he pushed me and, holding my hand, fell with me... in the water we hugged, kissed, he was always next to me. It was on the lake, the water was blue, clean .
after that I dream that we are on the river, swimming again, hugging, kissing, but the water was muddy
then I dream that he and I are in the pool, and the pool runs out of water... but then I watch how they fill it up again, but more into a small pool


My husband and I unexpectedly decided to swim in the sea, which looked like a marsh color, expecting cold water, but when we entered the sea and swam, the water turned out to be emerald clear and very warm


I dreamed that I was standing on the shore and then men arrived on scooters and started jumping into the water, after which their scooters turned over and began to float away, and I jumped into the water and wanted to get the scooter (to help the guys), but he dragged me under the water and I him I let go, after which I found myself in the center of the river and it was very difficult to swim back to the shore, there were a lot of people on the shore, but no one heard me when I asked for help... then it’s not clear how I stood on the shore.


I swam across a small lake, then swam underwater to a glass tunnel; behind the glass there was clear blue water, beautiful ornamental fish and colorful bright algae and corals. I walked through the tunnel, at the end there was the same glass wall.


I dreamed that my friends and I were swimming in a river and they were swimming in front and I was behind. Suddenly small waves start but then the waves become very large. One of the waves picks me up and carries me to the sky, but the water suddenly disappears somewhere and I fall, and the dream ends


Good afternoon, I swam in the sea with my younger brother in the sea, the water was a bluish-milky beautiful color, it was not transparent, but not dirty either. There were also a few guys nearby, they were talking loudly and annoying me. Then my brother dived deep, I was very scared, I didn’t see him, then he finally surfaced and in his hand was a bottle of clear, clean water.


my husband dreamed that I was swimming in a storm, and for some reason without clothes, supposedly by the wind - my clothes were carried away, but I swam easily and comfortably


I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend and I were swimming in a lake, and then when I got out of the water, some kind of snake bit me on my shoes


in a dream I swam with a guy I barely know. I saw it once. I swam very confidently and was very happy in my dream. Sometimes she supported him. Then she left him and swam on her own. I swam very
quickly, as if I were a fish. And then I saw people on the shore and it made me even more happy. I picked up speed and swam in a circle, and then jumped up, as if someone had pushed me out, high.


At first I swam along the river myself. It was easy for me and I quickly picked up speed, and then the river itself carried me with the current, like in a water park on a roller coaster. It’s noteworthy that the water in the river was blue and transparent, like in a swimming pool. I liked the feeling in the dream cool water and sliding through the water at speed, then a girl (my age) appeared on my way, I grabbed her by the arms and we swam together. She laughed a lot at what was happening, and then I noticed that two more were swimming behind me person, i.e. We swam together, but I felt comfortable and happy. Behind me were two teenage girls, one 12 years old, the other 17. The speed increased and the river twisted more and more, I woke up at the moment when we were supposed to dive from waterfall, but I didn’t wake up from fear.


Hello..today I had a dream that my son was swimming in the water on his back...what is all this for...I don’t remember exactly the water but it seems clean...and he is joyful, he loves swimming in real life...I’m waiting for an answer, thank you...Aliya..here my address [email protected]


Hello. I dreamed that my husband and I were swimming in a clean river, there were many trees around, the water was clean. Thank you.

Antip Burdovsky-Manatee:

Hello, Tatyana, I have a very delicate question for you, what if in a dream under water I copulated with a manatee. You'll think I'm preoccupied, but I'm not, because I'm part manatee. What should I do, I'm at a dead end. I have a wife and three children.


I dreamed that I was lying sunbathing on a beautiful beach around piski, the sun was shining. Then I decided to go for a swim, the water was very clear. And I was dressed in a very beautiful yellow-colored swimsuit. And my husband was looking at me from the side.


Good afternoon. I dreamed of swimming in a pool in the rain. The rain is very pleasant and joyful. The weather is sunny. I enjoy. And then suddenly I find myself on ice slides and try to ride them with a smile. (but it didn’t work out, I somehow got stuck on the slides)) I had a lot of fun. The dream is colorful and bright.


Hello, I often have a dream that I am swimming in a river, the water is so turquoise! ​​In real life, I don’t know how to swim, so in my dreams I’m very scared, I always try to hold on to stones or swim in a vest


I can’t swim at all and today I dreamed that I quickly learned to swim and do it well. I was even surprised myself


I swam in the sea with my wife, my wife was on an inflatable ring and we were both wearing life jackets. The general feeling was that we deliberately swam like on an attraction


I dreamed that I was swimming in a muddy pond, in which in reality I would never swim and my friends shouted to me: you haven’t swam here before


swam from the shore towards the house in unclean water. In the water there were spiders of different sizes, thin builds on thin long legs.


the water was warm, sea water. At first there were small waves, and then there was complete calm and sunshine. I was happy that I could swim (because, basically, I’m afraid) and invited someone to swim with me.


Hello, I dreamed that I was jumping from a bridge on our lake in a wedding dress at night, and then, when I got out of the water, I saw a snake behind me, but I didn’t notice it right away! But thank God I ran away from her! After this I woke up (


My husband and I came on vacation to Turkey, we waited a long time for the bus that brought us to the sea, I swam with my husband in the clear sea, and many people swam nearby, the water was clean and clear. And while we were waiting for the bus, Yuya saw either a goat or ram, I don't remember


At first I swam in the sea with my husband holding on to him. And then I swam alone in the pool and was very happy because in my life I don’t know how to swim


I came with friends to the headquarters. At first the water was clear, like in a swimming pool, but when I already bent the water, it became cloudy, like in the headquarters. When I bailed out, I could not swim back to the shore, the current to my friends was strong and I decided to swim across it. At the same time, It was a little scary that it would drown. But still, he successfully swam across it and went ashore.


I swim at depth in the sea or ocean, I feel calm and comfortable, I swim easily, then I begin to rise to the surface, where I see the sunlight that I was striving for.


I had a dream in which I was swimming with my very good friend in a river. At the same time, I was only in the lower part of the swimsuit. We fooled around, then had pleasant conversations, and then fooled around again. There was a state of peace. After which my mother gives me my little brother (3 months old) and we continue swimming with him as if nothing had happened. We're fooling around again and talking about something. The dream itself was very colorful. It left a good impression


Today I dreamed about how I was swimming under water and breathing under it, everything was very colorful there, a lot of colored fish, we swam there with my best friend the day before, I dreamed about how I was drowning in muddy green water, I almost suffocated there, but I still managed swim out

[email protected]:

I’m swimming among a lot of people, they stand waist-deep in this water, it’s either muddy or bright, I saw a couple of acquaintances and famous people, I saw how I was sitting on Instagram in steam and the water was also pleasant everywhere. The man saw how frightened Fedora Bondurchik dived into the water and found herself naked, trying to put on her dress. It took a long time but then it worked out


Hello! Lately I've been having similar dreams, in each of them I'm swimming. In one of the dreams I swam in a river, I don’t remember the circumstances, in another I was in the sea near an island (apparently my boyfriend and I came to this island to relax and one evening we decided to swim and swam to another small island very close and we almost swam we saw underneath us teeming with various dangerous poisonous fish, we climbed onto an island where we spent the whole night, in the morning we were noticed and taken away.), in another dream I also swam, but I don’t remember whether it was in a pool or a water park. Please tell me what does this mean? and please help me decipher one more dream, although this one does not relate to swimming, it is very important, I had a dream yesterday: I dreamed about my late grandfather, he died 2 years ago, we always had a good relationship with him, I love him very much. In general, I dreamed that supposedly I came to the dacha, my grandfather met me in his hands with a large fried fatty pork ham, he was dressed usually, he greeted me with a smile and open arms, as always, he was happy, we went to the table (on the street) near the Christmas tree with a barbecue , there were a lot of people at the table, on the way to the table near the dacha I noticed some girl who was so gloomy, painted with a black pencil, her lips were also painted almost black, as if they were sewn up, and her hair was long black, in general, my first thought I was at the sight of her that this was death, I asked her with a smile and with fear inside why she was so gloomy, it would be better if she washed herself, she didn’t even smile, she said nothing and went into the dacha itself, I went further to the table, then the same girl only came out already without makeup, I smiled and said something better, she said nothing again and sat down to my right, and my grandfather was sitting on my left, I hugged my grandfather’s hand, put my head on my shoulder and said how good it is that grandfather returned to us, but to myself continued, from the other world, And this girl answered me with such a grin on her face - came back? really? and at that moment, looking at everyone, it seemed to me that it was not he who had returned, but me who had died. Grandfather was silent at this moment. What does this all mean?


I myself don’t know how to swim, but I had a dream that I was swimming after some child, I somehow felt uneasy and there were a lot of big fish at the bottom


In my dream I swam in outerwear in a pond. Moreover, in real life I don’t know how to swim, and I knew this very well in a dream. At first I swam in shallow water. Then, when I saw that I could swim normally, I began to swim to greater depths. So she swam from the shore to the middle, and back. In the middle of the pond there was an obstacle - either a wall or a fence. Moreover, it did not block the entire pond in half, but only part of it, the middle. There were also people swimming on the sides of this wall and behind it. At a certain moment, I swam to this wall, the water began to carry me over it, but I resisted the current and swam ashore. And at the moment when she “chose” a normal depth for herself, she saved a man - she swam to the shore with the drowning man, he remained alive.


I swam along the river to my loved one and it was very difficult to swim, and when I swam, he hugged me very tightly and squeezed me in his arms and did not let me go for a very long time.


I dreamed that I was swimming in the river at night, the water was very dark and cold, but there were a lot of people on the beach and in the water, just like during the day, they didn’t seem to notice that it was night and cold and, in fact, it was already autumn. It’s hard to swim further from the shore; the body is frozen. It’s easy to swim to the shore, but instead of going ashore and not swimming, for some reason I continue to swim further and further.
Literally the next night I dreamed that I was already swimming during the day in a warm, calm sea, the further from the shore the easier and more pleasant it was. and sometimes I dive, although I don’t like diving in life, in my dream I liked it.
I think these two dreams are somehow connected.


I dreamed of green water, I swam in it, then I dreamed of the same water and I saw very beautiful fish in it, mostly large ones, and this water was no longer green but transparent. I spent a long time looking at very beautiful fish in it. After this dream, I dreamed of a man (he is no longer there he was rich while alive) he looked very respectable with a pleasant smile, he congratulated me on a large inheritance and kissed me on the cheek. In my dream, I didn’t feel him dead. Thank you!


Hello. At first I swam in the pool, so huge and the water was clear blue, then I saw that some fish were swimming there, but I don’t remember whether they were dolphins or not, but they were kind, I was a little afraid of them, but they approached me and still didn’t do anything bad. And I thought how cool it is to come and swim with the children.


From the beginning, I saw myself in a dream for about 11-12 years, after which there was a living cancer lying on its back, moving its legs. Well, after that I swam with my friends, the river was beautiful, blue, wide, and I seemed to be swimming fast. Then from the shore on the horizon I saw an explosion


Hello, I dreamed that a friend died. But we brought his body to the water and he came to life, and dived into the river, sea or lake, I don’t remember. And he called me, I dived into the water, he hugged me and we swam in the water itself very very quickly, when I didn’t have enough oxygen, he lifted me into the air, I got some air and again we swam underwater very quickly


I saw myself in the water in a dream... but I definitely remember a fish swimming with its belly up... and even in a dream it was disgusting for me


I dreamed that I was going to swim with some guy I know, I called him but I didn’t call him by name, I went into the water as I went, took off my clothes and swam in the warm water and got high


Hello! I dreamed that I was floating on the sea with the current and I said how cool it was, I haven’t swam for a hundred years and then for some reason I turned around. And today I dreamed about a store and I bought a ram of fish there.


In the dream, I swam as if I was performing in a circus... the pool was round, and I jumped out of the water like a dolphin, almost reaching the ceiling with my feet, and the bottom was beating like a trampoline, I pushed off with my hands and jumped out of the water again


I had a dream that I was swimming in a vegetable garden that was flooded with water, with relatives. In this water I saw many large fish. Then the water went away and I walked around the garden; there were beds that were simply bursting with fruit. Very lush on the greens!


I saw that I was swimming with my beloved man in dark water, naked, and before that some young woman in a blue flowered dress was spinning in front of him and was clearly flirting with him, but for some reason I was completely calm and he was striving for me, but there was someone else there, what did that mean?


Hello! I dreamed at night that I was swimming in a pool with warm water. Before that, in a dream, my mother gave me a one-time subscription to the pool. But for some reason I was late and went into the building there, found a pool and started swimming there, but it turns out that I was supposed to swim in a completely different pool which was located on the street


I dreamed that I was swimming in the river and swimming very well. My husband was swimming nearby. the river became wide. I was very pleased to be in the water and I got a lot of pleasure from it. then we swam out and stood on the shore.


I swam like a professional surfer. At first, not so confident, then like a professional, I even learned to breathe under water. I saw a young, unfamiliar guy in a dream. There was also a wedding


I dreamed that I was swimming either in a lake, or in the sea, or in a river. But there was a lot of water around me, there were mountains. There was a girl swimming with me. There were many fish swimming around. They had long tails. I caught one fish by the tail with my hands and held it for a while, then released it.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was swimming underwater, and consciously diving deeper, as if lying with my back down, away from the girl with whom we were playing tag. My eyes are open, the water is not cloudy, slightly greenish. She tries to touch me - to “hush” me, but I easily dive deeper and elude her). There is no anxiety or fear, I feel normal in this environment, despite the fact that it becomes a little darker deeper and there are algae. The girl who was trying to catch up with me gives up trying and goes up. I pull back a little, then I’m going to surface. I smoothly wake up, still in my sleep, beginning to realize that this is a dream. Thank you!


I’m on the shore of the beach, it’s late in the evening, but it’s still light, they offer me to swim in the sea, as if they were someone I knew, but they’re not friends, I go into the sea, the sea is warm and calm, there are a lot of people around. then I swim to the depths, and I see that the waves are rising, and that it is impossible to return to the shore, waves in both directions, both to the shore and from the shore to the sea. One of the men I know is with me. He decides to swim for us together not towards the shore, where the waves are, but supposedly there is another shore nearby)) and that’s where we end up. I'm thinking about how long it will take to get back to the beach.


with an interval of two or three days I have a dream about me swimming in the sea, in the first case I am swimming with a company, in the second I am alone and another unfamiliar woman


Good afternoon, Tatyana.
I dreamed that I was swimming in a river or in the sea or in a large pool. Moreover, I can swim so fast that I overtake everyone and no one can catch up with me. According to my inner feelings, I feel drive and joy, I feel like a fish)


I serve in the army, a ship came to us that was supposed to evacuate us, but it arrived empty without fuel and we were given the order to take the cargo to underwater mines
when we arrived at the site, the mine was flooded and we decided to swim through it, the water was dark, but when I dived in, I saw an intersection
and it was so light there it’s hard to believe and small areas with air were visible, but when I tried to breathe I woke up


I dreamed that I was swimming along a deep river, with a waterfall ahead. But I’m not swimming on my own, but the water is holding me. Instead of banks, the river has abysses, but a calm current carries me forward to the waterfall. I’m scared to swim to the waterfall. In fact, I don’t know how to swim , but I didn’t experience fear in the dream. I felt very calm and pleasant being in the water.


In a dream, I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend with whom we broke up a long time ago. I also dreamed that I was floating on an air mattress so that my legs were in the water and the rest of my body was above the water. There were not big waves. I supposedly swam next to someone close to me. Moreover, I experienced very positive emotions. and then we had to swim back, there were many children playing in the water around. After that, I decided to return to the shore and we swam. We swam for a very long time, I supposedly even got a little tired. And on the shore the sand was yellow, so beautiful, clean everywhere. Then my boyfriend (and this was a long-time ex-boyfriend) and I went home. My mother was waiting for me at home, and for some reason she started scolding me in front of everyone because I didn’t help her in any way. In the dream, I always felt the presence of friends and other people, but I didn’t really see anyone.


I dreamed that my friend and I went to the sea in Anapa, there was a water park there
we rode down the slides and had fun, then they wanted to steal my bag. We went swimming in the sea, it was very warm.)


i dreamed of how I was swimming in the river next to the bridge with my girlfriend and we had a happy, carefree feeling, and the color of the water didn’t matter, but it seemed like it was transparent. and all this happened on a sunny day and turned into a beautiful sunset


I was walking down the street and I saw a blue sea, there were guys swimming there, one called me and I went into the water, it was icy but clean, the guy hugged me and I felt the warmth from him, he warmed me in a dream, the guy was a stranger.


I saw in a dream how a father and son were swimming in the pool. In the dream, the father was an athlete and he taught his little son (3-5 years old) to swim.


I swim in the pool on my back along the road even quickly..... the coach praised me and said that if only I became a champion with such speed.... water has a pleasant bluish color and clarity


Men prisnilos, kak byd-to ya lejala na dambe v obnimky so svoim drygom, i potom videla sebya plivychei v chistom spokoinom more, plila dolgo, mestami bilo techenie, na vode mestami belie flajki. V kakoi-to moment, viidya iz vodi, ya okazalas v obchistve svoih podryg, i ponyala chto ya v svoem rodnom gorode Sochi


I dreamed that I was swimming in a lake with a crowd of girls. At the end of the dream, I was playing and running away from a classmate in this lake, she was diving, and I was running away. In principle, it was a fun dream, but I dream about this lake very often and almost always I get caught into it, I either fall from the bridge, or I jump off without permission and swim there).


Hello Tatyana, I saw a very large expanse of clear birch-blue water and my husband was swimming towards me under the water, I saw his hands under the water and then he emerged and then he swam next to me and I walked on the water and saw a building along the water like a hangar of something large and there was a group of women walking along the building in the hangar itself, opposite to our movement.


swam on the lake and river in a swimsuit and swam to the shore, and there was a chapel, I went out to it, and there were traces of my friend’s men’s shoes


I am swimming in the water, the space is large, but I don’t understand what it is. The water is cool, little ducklings fall into the water. after they fall into the water, they have feathers instead of fluff and they swim


I dreamed that my friends and I were sailing on a boat to another friend, the water was muddy and there were several drowned people in the river


I was sailing on a ship, suddenly a storm began, and the ship began to rock strongly, but then I found myself on the lake, and calmly sailed with friends to some kind of celebration


I swam against the current on some object. The flow looked like a stream from a sewer hatch (?) Then I realized that the water was clean.


I dreamed that I came to visit with a little girl and a boy a little older than the girl, they were dear to me in the dream, but in reality I don’t know them, there was a woman there, I realized that she was the mistress of the house, then a man came, we all swam together (except for the mistress of the house ) in the pool it was not deep, there were algae, the water was clear with waves, then we stayed to sleep as a guest, and in the morning I was framed and accused of murder, and all because the owner of the house was jealous of the fact that the children treated me very well very I was loved


Hello. I don’t know how to swim, but I dreamed that I was in clean, transparent water. The person I love was also in the water. When I realized that I was shoulder-deep in the water, I was scared. My lover told me, swim
And I felt like I was floating


I dreamed that my boyfriend married someone else, I cried, told him, screamed, and he said that everything was fine, and I was his girlfriend. Then we swam in muddy water.


Hello, In my dream I swam with fish, I can’t say which ones, there were several of them, they were large in size, they treated me friendly, at first I was afraid of them, then I stroked them, all this happened in low light, in a river or pool I don’t remember, I woke up calmly, there was no feeling of discomfort, anxiety.


Hello. I'm floating along the sidewalk in clear, clear water. Happy. I smile. I swim slowly. I look at everything around me. Thank you.


Nothing special.. in my life I can’t swim, but in a dream I learned at great depths and I succeeded. When I was worried about leeches, I realized that it wasn’t summer and they weren’t there.. when I saw the path into the forest, I thought how good it was along it take a walk with a friend and began to swim further... for some reason I also thought about my mother and the colander...


I dreamed that I was swimming with my brother and his girlfriend on a wooden boat on a river or lake, where there were algae closer to the shore. (It seems to me that I saw this river/lake in real life). At first, the three of us swam, but Afterwards, my brother swam in the water, and his girlfriend and I were left alone in the boat and tried to “get away” from the algae. And on the shore at that time my brother’s father, that is, my uncle, was standing with some man.


I was swimming in either a large pool or a lake, swimming away from someone. At some point, this person wanted to drown me, I was afraid of drowning, because I subconsciously knew that I was a bad swimmer, but I swam away from him. Back in In the dream there were many different spiders crawling along the wall.


Hello. I dreamed of my ex-husband and son, they jumped from a bridge into the water together and I saw them from below through the water, how they were swimming together.


I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea not far from the shore on which the house stands, and this is my house, the dream is sunny, the water is clean, then I’m in the house and it starts to rain and I’m standing with someone on the veranda and watching the drops hitting the water. The dream left a pleasant feeling


I dreamed about how I was taking part in a competition and one part of it was to swim across the river and deliver some kind of cargo there (I had a children’s backpack and there were some chocolates in it, etc.) all this despite the fact that I don’t know how to swim, there was water warm and I was afraid for a very long time that these things would get wet, then some guys picked me up in a closed motor boat and took me almost to the end of the river, but when I jumped out and swam, I realized that I had forgotten my backpack, and when I returned - I couldn’t find it, and the inside of the boat looked like a castle with a bunch of rooms, like this


In the evening I swam in very warm, clean, pleasant water, it was very comfortable and I thought that despite the evening, I was very warm.


A very large lake, I am swimming underwater, the water is muddy, but everything is so bright, light, joyful. I swim for a very long time, as if I even breathe underwater. Very happy and pleasant on the soul.


Hello, I had a dream: I was walking around the village where I live, but then it turned out I had to return home, but I couldn’t find the road, and I saw a river that I needed to cross. The water was muddy, and on the other side there was a girl who stole my cat and I wanted to take it from her. I started to cross the river, I knew that it was not deep, but I was knocked down and fell and began to swim to the other side, they pulled me out of the water and I don’t remember anything else. This is not the first time I have dreamed of a familiar area, but in reality such a place does not exist. Then I remember in fragments, I remember that there was water, but it was already clean, and I collected gold underwater and found a lot.


I dreamed that I was swimming in the river. I can do everything very quickly and well, although I can’t swim myself. then it was as if someone started rolling me on water, I liked it. then it seemed like I went into the water again, lay down on the surface, and it was hard, and I said, where is the water, but after making a few movements, I swam again, the water was dark, either by itself or because it was time for night.


The day before I had a dream that my sister and I were passing by on a train, and outside the window there was a blue sea and huge seagulls flying over the shore. Last night I had a dream that I was swimming in the sea near the shore, and I felt that I could swim for a long time and at the same time I was afraid to sail far from the shore.


ia begala ot bivchi mujchini dumala on bejit za mnoi shtobi rugatsia. ia ne videla taxi i videla jenchina chornom machine i ana ostanoviala machinu i ia posidela. ana bila pianna i mi utopili vodoi. prejde chem mi upopoli ia otkrila dver machini ia onga machina utopila ia spokoina plavala na drugom beregu.


I dreamed that I was swimming in some kind of paddling pool, it was very deep, there were some large tanks in the river, and it was as if the water was going into them, making large funnels, I was very scared, but I swam across them, further in the water there was a fence, above the surface, like a small fence, I climb over it and swim further) I meet my mother’s cousin, she warns that there are more funnels further) in general, I swim to the shore and my father calls me, with whom I hardly communicate and says how he loves me and offers to move in with him.


I plunged into the warm but muddy water, expecting a woman to spit at me, and suddenly a large fish swam to me from afar, stopped next to me, and with that I woke up


I dreamed that I was fishing with my son and the fish pecked so hard that the spinning rods were already being pulled in and I blamed the guy for not holding them and I immediately dived after them, after which I pulled them out along with the fish, at first it seemed like I was carried in by the current for a moment, and then I I got the hang of it and then even after the fish I pulled out the cats, this place on the river was familiar to me


I swam with a circle in the sea, I didn’t navigate it well, but I balanced, there were people swimming there, but they were also swimming, I and they were swimming on their own, there were also fish there, and the water was blue!


I dreamed that I was swimming on a raging sea, then I was swimming underwater and I saw a boy about 10 years old, he was riding a bicycle underwater and calling me somewhere where they would look after me


I'm sailing on a ferry, but I don't know which end of the shore. then I jumped up and swam. Actually I can't swim. Birch leaves are scattered throughout the water. the bank is very steep, I'm wondering how to get up


I swam in a pond teeming with fish, I even felt in my stomach how a school of fish was swimming under me. The fish was large


I swam with my beloved man (we are not in a relationship). He was my first man. We floated along a very beautiful river before sunset, the sky was orange-pink with blue flowers. The water was not cold, it was easy and pleasant to swim, we talked with him (I don’t remember exactly what). We swam to some shore, but never got out of the water, I woke up. But before this picture, I saw him with another woman (with his current woman). He left her and swam with me. This dream haunts me. The day before we talked on the phone. We call each other every 2-3 weeks.


it was raining and I was sailing in a storm, trying to swim across the sea, but I was choking, and then some young man saved me and I ended up on a ship


I swam in a reservoir of clean water, racing with someone... The reservoir was located among the ruins. She dived headlong into the water, held the air in her lungs, and opened her eyes in the water. The water was clear, everything was successful and good


At first I was flying, there were some obstacles, then the water was something like a lake, but not the water, I didn’t see the water completely, but I felt it directly. And I flew as if in reality. The pond was as if after ice. Something like a flood. I wanted from someone At first I couldn’t fly away, then I took off... which I vaguely remember later...


I dreamed that I was fishing, then my fishing rod grabbed hold of me
og unhook my work colleague then I went for a swim the water was clear


I very often swim in my dreams so skillfully and at such speed, although in reality I don’t know how to swim at all


I remember an indoor pool, I was swimming back and forth, from one end of the pool to the other. I had a friend with me (I don’t know such a girl in my life and in fact I don’t know how to swim in my life) and at the bottom of the pool I saw a face (I only remember the face), took it for this friend and dived in to save, and it turns out to be a mannequin, either a mask, but not a person, and I see this friend with a group of some people relaxing in this pool laughing at me, since it was her joke.


I swim in the ocean, in clear water, there are different fish around and I’m afraid of them. The water is clear, you can see the rocks at the bottom. A red coin fell into the water. Then somewhere on a stone I found an ordinary coin (not red) worth 5 something (kopeck).


I dreamed that my husband and I were sailing on the sea, the water was covered in greasy stains. We are sailing into the distance where in the middle of the sea there is a shop with souvenirs... and we want to buy something there.


I swam in a clean, warm river with my husband, then we swam into a closed space where there was ice on the water, but we felt so good, the water there was cooler, we swam a few meters and returned back to the warm water. Then we swam ashore and went into some small building. Then my husband came out for a short time and brought a huge rosehip, I was so surprised, it was the size of a Victoria.


I dreamed of my ex, we broke up with him more than a year ago, he was with his new girlfriend at my dacha, as it turned out I was dating a guy who had previously dated that girl and he loves her, we swam in green water with sand, it was a very bright and warm sun, my boyfriend invited his ex to get together, since he still loves her, but she refused him. Then everyone left and I went for a run alone, almost fell off a cliff into the water, also green and it was very deep there , but I held on and ran home... I don’t remember anymore


came fishing with a friend. I didn’t catch it, but swam to the other side. I met a stranger there. returned only at night. the water was calm. I seemed to be floating in the dark. Upon my return, my friend was fishing and didn’t worry that I was gone for a long time, my fishing rods seemed to have been thrown into the lake.


Hello, I had a dream the other day, I dive into the waves, swim in the sea and see high waves and dive into them again!! Warm, positive dream, complete absence of any fear!? Thank you for the interpretation of my dream!!)


Hello! I had a dream in which I was floating along the street (on the sidewalks), as if there was a flood, but there was no panic, people calmly swam along these “rivers”, as if walking. I was in no hurry either. I was with a young man (unknown to me), although in life I am married, in love and loved. We supposedly just met him, but there was already some kind of warmth between us. Tell me, what could this mean? Thank you.


I saw it from the side floating under water, in the lake, right off the shore. The water was clear. The whole person was visible. I especially remember his overly long arms stretched forward above his head. The man was swimming face down. The bottom was visible - sand and pebbles.


I’m going down a steep rocky mountain to a body of water that looks more like a lake, because I see a shore not far away, and around... water with slush... I need to cross, that’s how I feel. Women close to me easily swam across the river in front of me... I don’t remember who exactly now ..maybe a sister and a friend..I’m afraid to go into the water, realizing that it’s icy..but when I enter it, I feel that it’s warm and I’m swimming..but I don’t remember the shore..It’s all gray and dirty..With a lot I tried hard to get to my goal (probably home)


Snilosi shto plavaiu v ledeanoi vode, po vsiudu bili malenkie kuski lida, no k udivleniu mne sovsem nebilo holodno, toliko oshiushenie svejesti i prieatnoi prohladi. Bili greaznie uceastki vodi, bili i cistie uceastki vodi, ea plavala po vsiudu staraiasi izbegati greaznie, no ne vsegda polucealosi.


Hello, today, closer to waking up, I already had a strange dream... I’m swimming, I think I’m on the seashore, I don’t know for sure... I have a baby in my arms, by the way, I wasn’t sad, the baby and I had fun, we laughed... the baby was in my arms all the time hands... but the strange thing is that suddenly the water began to rise, and of course so did we, but we were not afraid... the water rose very high and went away abruptly, we remained in the air and I tried to swim through the air so that we could fall closer to the shore (not we were afraid)...after we managed to fall closer to the shore...and the baby and I continued to swim safely...by the way, nearby, WE AND THE BABY found some kind of cage (in the sea) and there was a man in it, but it seems we couldn’t save him...well, then they woke me up 🙂 I was terribly wondering if we saved the guy 😀


Hello, I only remembered a short excerpt from a dream. I am swimming underwater, it seems to be a large pool, in the open air, the water is blue, clean and so transparent that it doesn’t hurt me to swim with my eyes open. I am swimming confidently and well. I feel good at this moment, I like everything. Someone else was swimming next to me, but I couldn’t make out their face. I swim straight and emerge at the end of the pool for a breath of fresh air. I don’t remember further... Please explain what this could mean. Thank you.


We were sailing on some kind of ship, there were enough people, but I don’t remember how I ended up in the water, but I was swimming, the sea/ocean was calm, the water was a little muddy, a young guy came down to help me and helped me get onto the ship, what then it was, I don’t remember.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was with a child (I don’t see him, but I understand that he is also swimming) in a pool with clear, transparent blue water. And around the pool, like in a jungle, there were trees, birds and snakes. And that night my husband dreamed that he was swimming in the river.


I am sailing on the sea with my son, mother and someone else. The water is blue-blue, shimmering from the bright rays of the sun. I understand that it’s very deep, but I’m not very afraid. Ahead in the sea there is an ordinary mountain, I want to swim and see what kind of beauty is here. We got there quickly. Behind the mountain a boundless sea opened up, so beautiful, light, sparkling. Not far away they saw a long, low ship. I wanted to see what was behind it. When they swam up, they grabbed the side of the ship. They turned out to be as light as an inflatable pool. And when we looked overboard, we saw dolphins frolicking nearby. Everything was so bright, warm, indescribably beautiful.


I swam across a larger body of water, the water was icy, but I wasn’t cold, there was a whirlpool ahead of me, I swam away, it became dark and I lost the shore, I called my husband and he helped me swim out with the movement of the water, but I wasn’t scared


Hello! I had a dream that I ask you to help me solve. I was swimming along the river, sitting on a board, paddling with my hands, the water was very muddy, my hands touched something in the water and this gave me fear, and someone else was swimming behind me; when I reached the shore, I jumped out and felt relief, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.


In the dream, I was swimming with my friend. It was at night, it was very dark, so I can’t say what the water was like. I swam faster, but she held my hand, which prevented me from swimming forward. Eventually we swam ashore.


I dived under the water a lot, I saw a light there, through it I had to swim away and the weather suddenly turned bad, a huge cloud of weeds moved in through this light, we were looking for some unfamiliar little girl, she had three beads


I dreamed that I was in some establishment with a huge pool, the water in it was clear... I was swimming in it, and then I jumped out of the water high, high and dived into the water again, and so on several times... When I jumped out, I saw a lot of people who were watching watching what was happening and wondering how this was possible... and I liked it, both the feeling of flying and the feeling when I dived and swam.


I swam underwater, quite deep. I felt good. The water is clear. I saw some kind of animal and tried to photograph it on my mobile phone, but the mobile phone was not mine, but a friend’s. It was the sea. Then I surfaced. She saw the shore and swam to it. I'm not a good swimmer in real life. And in this dream I really enjoyed swimming.


I dreamed that I was at the dacha and swimming on the lake. Well, the water is certainly not crystal clear, like on an ordinary river or on the same lake. At first I just jumped into the water and it was somewhere up to my chest. Then I swam (a short distance), the emotions were joyful.


Hello, at first my front tooth was just loose - it and 2-3 more front teeth were brown... but looking “deeper” in the mirror I saw that new white teeth were growing from below, then I dreamed that same night (i.e. today) that I crossed to some bank, I saw everyone there standing and arguing, I went through the crowd to find out what they were arguing about, in the end they were arguing with each other that none of them would swim across this river and in front of me stood a really clean and very deep, slightly long river and I looked at the depth and was very scared, as in life itself I am afraid of the depth, but I was confident in myself that I could easily swim across it, I climbed into the water and began to swim, it was easy to swim as if I knew how to do it, but I didn’t swim to the middle I remembered that cramps can seize in the water and they seized me, I stopped and it seemed to me that I was sinking a little, but with a little diligence I was able to straighten my legs and then swam to the middle and quite calmly swam across this river, went ashore, turned back and with a cheerful grin he walked on, what would this be for?


In short, I dream that I’m in the zone or in the house, or in the house, then suddenly the doorbell rings, I open the door and there’s no one there, and there’s a book on the threshold and it says Chernobyl, then I go to bed, a man appears in the room and says chaes chaes chaes then I wake up


I dreamed that I was swimming, not in deep water, and not in shallow water, although in fact, I don’t really know how to swim... What does this mean?


I swam with my ex in the sea, while fooling around and kissing him, we were happy! The sea was calm and beautiful. What is it for?


Today I dreamed that my common-law husband was swimming in clothes with another woman, a second passed and then I saw that he was swimming alone, but as if wearing fins and scuba gear.


I’m swimming in a muddy, dirty river from one bank to the other, I’m swimming easily and the shore is very close, but when I almost swam to it I felt that if I now lower my feet to the bottom, then instead of a normal bottom (sand for example or pebbles) there will be muddy, dirty , black bottom and I’ll get stuck there. I turned around and swam back and suddenly I see that the shore from which I was swimming for some reason is very far away, I don’t want to go back, but I’m swimming back and thinking: now I’ll swim to the middle and that’s it... I woke up .


I dreamed that I was running away from someone, and dived with a friend into the river, it was green like a swamp, we swam as if on a bridge, and we swam quickly, and I saw some kind of device coming out of this green water who listens, and I speak quietly to my friend, and smoke came out of her mouth as if she had smoked, and this device noticed her and took her away, and the dream switched to another, it was as if I was with my friends on some unfamiliar I’m in an apartment in some deep forest, and I get ready and say we need to run away from here, now they’ll come and we’ll be in trouble


I dreamed that I was swimming in a pool with not very clean water. I had a feeling of fear, fear of something, I wanted to go out and wash, but there was no shower anywhere...


I swam in the water when other people didn't swim. I had a dream on Friday, August 14th. the mountains were visible and she swam with pleasure.


I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, as if I was swimming with a young girl in a pool, the water was clean and pleasant in temperature. On Friday I saw this girl at work, a new employee.


I was dragged into the water (warm, muddy) by a large fish, swallowed me, then spat me out into this water, and many more large fish swam around, they swam past, but did not swim up to me.


Hello. I swam in the sea. Everyone said it was cold, but despite their prohibitions, I went in. The water was warm. And on the surface of the water there were a lot of dead wasps. I don’t remember anything else


I dreamed that I was floating along a river, the river was wide, clean and there were small waves on it. And suddenly I saw my late mother. She also swam in the river and called me somewhere and said something, I don’t remember what. Then, in the middle of the water, there was an object that looked like pure wood, without skin, mom grabbed it and disappeared


swam in the sea...everything around was colorful (red, green...) and a big house on the water, I felt warm and was very surprised in my dream


I dreamed that I was floating in a circle on a mattress. And my friend is swimming next to me and asking about my ex. She claims that he is hiding his feelings for me.


I dreamed that there were some kind of competitions like the fear factor; I jumped from a helicopter from a height into the water. The water was very clear. My mother and I vacationed at sea 3 years ago and in my dream there was an exact copy of the bottom. Small pebbles rock. There was a hole in the rock through which we swam with friends. and after I swam ashore the place immediately changed and I found myself at a competition from my sport of triathlon



I was driving a car, drunk. Two of my uncles got into my car, Nikolai (alive) sat behind me, and Anatoly (dead) sat next to me in front.


I dreamed that I ran up to the sea and it was very cold, there were very strong waves in the sea, I ran up and the waves splashed me and I ran away from it..


At first I swam in clear water, leaning on a small boat, the man who was guiding me swam next to me. A hostile ship appeared, but it ran aground and exploded. The guide said that the shoal was mined. Then we swam further and the water began to turn into mud. The dream ended with us got there


I dreamed that I was walking with one of my friends on the seashore, suddenly I went into the water and began to swim. In the dream, I was surprised that I could swim, since in reality I cannot swim, and this fact made me happy. The sea was clean, the water was clear. The strange thing was that near the shore the water was almost at the level of my height, which is actually not possible. It was evening, the sun had set, and the wind began to rise. We came to some house, there I saw my boyfriend. The sky became cloudy, a thunderstorm began and my boyfriend said that he would leave for 5 minutes. I started asking a friend if minibuses were running at such a time so that I could return home, since tomorrow it was very important for me to be at the university. To which he replied that the next minibus is only tomorrow at lunchtime. A very strong wind rose and it began to rain. We looked for my boyfriend for a long time, and when he finally arrived, the weather immediately improved, he said that everything was fine.. Then I woke up. That's all.


in real life I don’t know how to swim, but I dreamed about how I went into the water and then pushed off on a cliff in the water and swam, the water was crystal clear.


I dream about swimming in the big sea. At first, small waves lift sand from the bottom, and then everything calms down. The sea is smooth, clean, bright


I swam very quickly on my back and everyone stood and watched as I moved very quickly. I remember that the water was greenish, and when I swam on my back I was holding someone with my legs


I kill a man but everyone helps me hide along the road, I see my parents and old friends, I also see an accident, like a little boy crashes on a white bicycle, then I float through a clean swamp and see a nursing woman, in a dream a state of awareness and correctness (I killed very bad person)


sea ​​Seething water I slide into the water with a child in my arms child girl swimming trying to get out The sea is seething but I swim calmly


people with weapons climb into a bunker or shelter, one falls and they look at him and say that he is sleeping. Then the shelling begins and these warriors are already aiming at me, I hide around the corner, and at the same time I hear someone’s advice to hide. I hide and realize that I can be seen, I hide, I see a pistol in my right, strong hand. I’m in some room, no longer in a bunker, next to me is some woman about 40-45 years old, but I don’t see her face. there is a knock on the door, the woman says that a girl was supposed to come, I open the doors, a young girl is standing in her hands giving me photographs, I take them and the woman says “fire!” and the warriors, like zombies, begin to shoot at this girl before my eyes. I again hid around the corner, but I could see the execution process itself, blood was flying, the girl was screaming “for what? It hurts me!” And the woman says “that’s how it should be!” I’ll check everything here, I see everything in order and presses the bag with clothes on the sofa so that the bag bursts. I look at the photographs and see that in each photograph there is a cute girl sitting, holding a toy. The woman says this will happen to everyone. I understand that she wants to give me military training, I’m afraid to go out, I wake up. I lay there for a while and immediately got into my husband’s car, but the driver was an unknown driver and a woman I knew, the car was full, but I didn’t see any people in particular, I was sitting in front. We arrived at some pond, my dad was standing there, and my mom was swimming. I see green flowering water, I go for a swim, and my mother says, where are you going, the water is dirty, I see an incomprehensible bubble of clean water, and then I want to get out of the green water, but I can’t. I ask dad to help. Dad gave me his hand and pulled me out of the water. I woke up.


I dreamed that my wife and I were swimming in a river, as if in the mountains because there were large stones, the river was clean and transparent, then my wife was carried away with the current, I held her hand and lost sight of it, then I lost my hand and came out with one hand


Hello! I dreamed that the whole family (mother, father, brother, husband) came to the dacha to relax. The weather is summer, my brother and I went for a swim in the river near the house. Happy, joyful, we go swimming :) And the water is cloudy, light brownish in color, with dead fish (small and medium size).


I woke up in the sea, not far from the shore, at first I swam against the current, but then, seeing that the shore was not far away, I swam back, easily came out of the sea and looked around, seeing a house in the distance, I went there, the house was surrounded a dark garden of trees, the house itself was also dark. Having walked around him from all sides, it seemed to me that someone was watching me, it turned out that it was a girl, he told me that everything here is usually beautiful and colorful and there are a lot of butterflies here. she said that we need to catch one of the nicknames, and something extraordinary will happen. I saw a large brown butterfly on a tree branch. Having caught it, I felt a bitter and unpleasant taste in my mouth. Then I woke up, this dream was not an ordinary dream with a plot. I rarely have such dreams, I decided to contact you, thank you in advance.


swam with a girl I liked in the pool alone, whom I forgot a couple of years ago. and such a joke, this morning I went to work and saw her, although I haven’t seen her for about a year. what is this for?


Ya plyvu v reke. No v deistvitelnosti, ya plavat’ ne umeyu i vo sne ya eto ponimayu, shto ya kak to plyvu. I v reke plivet ryadom so mnoi mnogo rybi. i v konze ya doplivayu do berega, i vihozhu na bereg. Thank you.


Good evening! My name is Nadezhda. Today in a dream I saw how I had to enter the water and swim from the island to the shore. Although I understood that I could not swim, I jumped into the water, at the first moment something worked, I mean, I swam. And suddenly it began to go under the water, and there the water was so clear, amazingly beautiful. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a fish appeared, NOT the usual light, and pink. It swam around me in a circle, and I grabbed this fish, by the tail. And we We swam to the shore. Already on the shore I grabbed her, she said bite a piece and swam away. And the meat was so tasty.


Swimming in the river with a guy you like. For some reason there were waves on the river. Then we dived and I began to choke, tried to emerge, but could not make a single sound. But we surfaced, everything was fine. The guy didn’t know that I liked him, he was talking about the girl he’s with now. The colors outside were light blue.


Hello, Tatyana! I periodically dream that I am swimming, sometimes drowning, sometimes in ordinary, and sometimes in muddy and dirty water. It happens. I can’t crawl ashore. This time I dreamed that I was swimming alone in a big river and enjoying it, although in life I am not a very good swimmer. The next night after this dream, I dreamed of a thunderstorm, that I lived with my children in some gloomy warehouse with a large utility yard, where I was guarded by a huge shepherd dog (angry, aggressive, not letting anyone through) - this dog ran after me with the children and barked , we hid in this warehouse, locked ourselves, and she broke the window, stood with her front paws on the windowsill, and even though the dog could climb into the room, she stood barking at us and did not move further. Then she became completely silent and stopped being angry. In advance, thank you very much for interpreting dreams!


The child falls and collides with a floating fish in a shallow river and begins to swim.


I dreamed of a loved one, then turning around I see 5 corpses wrapped in something, then I see a lake and a feeling of cold, I want to stay with that person but I have to run away from him, I jump into the boat
I row with my hands, I swim away from him, he chases me, I swim, then without a tray, ships appear around the rocks, forest hills, and a man swims after me, I hide behind the ship and hope that he won’t find me and the dream is over


Hello, I had a dream. In the dream, I was swimming away from a person I didn’t know, he tried to catch me, I was also not alone, there were about 10 people there, 5 of them were strangers, they got on the boat and sailed away, but I didn’t have time to sit down and swam behind them, they noticed this and grabbed me by the hand and took me along, This is the last part of the dream, and now I will tell you about the first part of the dream, In the first part of the dream, it was as if I was playing this game, but then I was transported there, in general there was a policewoman there (we were sailing on a boat), as if I knew her, she said hello, and they immediately corrected me and told me to contact YOU. Well, I apologized, then those 10 people from the second part of the dream came and it began. This is the dream I had , I don’t know what this is for, but I hope you can help me! Goodbye!


I have a dream where I am in beautifully colored water, the sea, which is a 20-minute drive from my house - I am swimming with the person I love, we have a lot of joy, we are frolicking, playing tag, for some reason they are sitting on the shore my parents are watching this, what could this mean for me?


I was swimming along the river, near the shore, with a friend on my back. I got out of the water and didn’t feel tired, I wanted to repeat it again, although the distance was very long. then I ran along the embankment, a steamer sailed past me, and the water from the sea seemed to want to take me away


I was floating along a calm river as a scout and was looking for a videotape. I swam professionally and found the tape. I felt like a fish in water.


I collect red succulent leaves from a tree in a bag, then I find myself in a pool half filled with water, I swim with pleasure in a swimsuit, the water is clean


I dreamed that at first I was with a friend at her place and I saw very large hanging bunches of yellow-green finger grapes, soon I eat them and feel their sweet taste. Later I find myself with her in the depths of a blue, amazingly clear lake (stava), I don’t think about the lack of air and swim, doing interesting exercises. I swim out and see the beauty of nature near him: green mixed forest, bushes and everything like that.


In my dream I swam as if under water, as if very deep, but still part of my body was on the surface. There were pleasant sensations, but when I went away, it was as if I saw the silhouette of the face of my loved one in the depths. After I saw it, I got scared and floated to the surface of the water, which was already so dark by the time of day and the water was very dark. Although before that, when I swam, the water was deep blue.


I dreamed of a pond with clear water with vegetation, I dived into a deep place and under the water I saw a cave and my son was sitting there with his sons and playing chess, I swam about five meters underwater and my son gave me his hand and helped me get out


I swam all night at night, I don’t understand whether it was on the lake or the sea, but the water was clear, it was only night and dark, like a motor pubis I can swim on my back and on my stomach and it wasn’t very deep
And I also wanted to go to the bathhouse, but apparently it was expensive, so I didn’t go


I got into the water and a guy swam up to me, we started swimming and then kissed


swam with two girls along the river in a boat, I was interested in one of them


First, I went to a birthday party that took place on the shore of an open reservoir, there were a lot of very tasty sweets and a guy who was quite interesting in conversation, nearby there were pools with water of different densities, in one it was impossible to enter the water because it was very densely, then it started to rain and I swam in another pool with normal water. The sweets were also incredibly tasty and an old drinker and for some reason my father’s sister was always near me, then in the morning I cut a tree in my garden, feed it, decorate it, my father is nearby He says, “I have an owl at home, your children need it, let me bring it to you.” The tree I plant is cherry. Alarm.


In the dream I needed to hide some things (the need arose suddenly) there was a river nearby, most likely it was a beach because... then I found buoys in the water. Swimming in the water, I threw everything I wanted into it, even swam further away, moving the buoys, but then I felt danger and returned. I didn’t feel cold in the water and the water itself was dark but not cloudy


I swam alone in the sea or the lake was very deep and far from the shore


I swim with my work colleagues and my daughter in the warm, clear water of the ocean and I don’t want to go out, it’s so nice. The color of the water is emerald-transparent


I saw myself swimming in a clear, bright ocean with dolphins. The ocean simply sparkled with the rays of the sun. The water was so clear. I swam happily with the dolphins.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that my husband and I were sailing on a liner on our honeymoon. It was a cold night. I stopped near the store and looked at the dresses, but didn’t try on or buy anything, then I went onto the deck and saw four people jump overboard and swim, but the water was cold because it looked like an ice hole, this was visible because of the moonlight. Overboard I saw houses, they were very close, a girl stood next to me, I told her “wow, how close the shore is,” and she answered me that the shore is far away, it seems so because of the moon, because it is far away. I was wearing a long light dress in a fashion that seemed to be from the 20s. then I walked along the deck and woke up....while I was writing, I remembered everything in more detail)))) I hope you can help me understand what’s what.


I dreamed that I was sailing on a ship with my loved one. Another woman (mistress) was sailing on the same ship. I watched as she smiled at him and waved her hand, and he handed her a wedding ring from his finger, which fell into the water (the water was clear), she took it out. Then I went to look for him on the ship and saw them kissing. I approached them and asked what we would do after this. He told me that you still wanted to leave me.


I dreamed that I was swimming on the lake and I saw a whale swimming up, I dive and hide, I try to swim underwater between them and hold my breath well, but I understand that sooner or later I will have to surface and they will see me on the surface (whales and dolphins)!!! no worries or excitement, just swam without fear!!!


I swam through calm and muddy water on an inflatable ring... The dream was on the night from Friday to Saturday.


I swam in clear water’ even though I can’t swim’ it was a pleasant feeling


My beloved and I stood in the water, hugged and kissed, and I poured water on him, while a woman I knew watched us


Good afternoon, I dreamed about how I put my girlfriend on my neck or grabbed her by the belt and we swam, or rather, I took him on me to the sea)


There was a water park and I fell into the water. The sun was shining brightly. I went with the class.
I wasn't in a swimsuit. I


I dreamed that I was swimming in the river well and I was very happy about it, but in reality I don’t know how to swim


It was morning, scarlet sky, morning fog. There was either rye or reeds all around, and I entered the river in my shorts, it was slightly muddy, I swam on my own, it was good.


I dreamed that my class and I went out into nature (even though I graduated from school 5 years ago), there was a lake there. not the river. The lake was not very deep, the water was not clear, there were algae (or as they call long branched plants under water in rivers). There were also fallen inflorescences from the trees. I entered the water up to my waist and dived. Although in life I don’t know how to swim and in a dream I realized this, but for some reason I knew what would happen, and it did. My mother also came to see me there, so I showed it to her. I also dreamed of beautiful blue waves, but for some reason I knew that it was not time to swim there yet.


I dreamed that on the way to the pool I met a former classmate, he was glad to see me, he went with me. We swam in the pool together, I dived under the water and it was very difficult for me to swim, but I breathed under water. A classmate supported me and helped me get out of water


Hello! I remember part of the dream, A large body of water, probably a pond or a lake or a small river, I swam calmly, looking for something or someone, There were a lot of people, but mostly men, I didn’t talk to some of them for long , then I woke up, I don’t remember what I asked.


I swam in the river on my back where there were a lot of fish scales


I constantly dream of small children, caring, worrying, babysitting, sometimes it’s like my child, sometimes not mine. But all the time I worry about the child


Hello! In a dream, I remember that during a trip, my daughter and I were sailing in a boat along the river, at first the place was not wide, and then we floated out into the vast expanses of the river, it was as if we were in China (we had never been there in real life). The water in the river seemed cloudy, as if the color of diluted clay. And then we found ourselves in the water, as if the boat was full and we swam on our own, we still had inflatable rings


I swam across the ocean... sailed into an area unfamiliar to me... I needed to return home. but there was nothing to sail on.. I bought cellophane from a stranger... for 100 rubles, I had a lot of money in my hands..... I was never able to return home


I dreamed of a beautiful landscape where the sun was already beginning to set. I was swimming in a beautiful lake with a guy who likes me and who likes me. But in real life we ​​don’t meet, but we have sympathies. The lake is large, deep, clean, blue-transparent. Although in reality I don’t know how to swim very well, in the dream I felt very confident and swam towards the guy.


In reality, I don’t know how to swim, but today in my dream I swam so professionally, and I was so glad that I could swim. Truth swam in the pool

[email protected]:

I dreamed that I was swimming in my sleep. I can’t say for sure what it was - a pool or a river. But the water was clean and even a little blue, I was pleased to be in this water. I felt confident in the water, even though in real life I’m not that good at swimming. I had to swim back and forth...
I remember that the dream was vivid.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the dreamer dream about swimming in a dream?

Swimming - swimming in a dream means success in business. Sailing in a boat means going on a long journey. If the water is cloudy, you will receive unpleasant news on the road. Swimming with someone means separation from him. Swimming and suddenly starting to sink means serious obstacles. Swimming on land is a sign that success will come to you with great difficulty.

Striving to swim to the buoys in a dream means that in reality you will be lucky and you will achieve your goal, but only on the condition that you swim to them. If not, then temporary difficulties may await you, and achieving your goal will be postponed to a later date. Swimming across a river or lake in clothes is a sign of the need to seek shelter; without clothes, naked is a sign of strength of will and peace of conscience.

In a dream, diving into the depths of the sea or river means in reality embarking on a rather risky undertaking. Being at a swimming competition means that a large influx of intense work will not allow you to relax.

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream of Swimming in a dream

Swim - Swimming in calm water in a dream promises you serene joy and protection from poverty and everything that can lead to it.

If you are sailing on a small ship, then your desires will exceed your capabilities and cannot be satisfied.

Why dream that you are making a sea voyage, then in reality you will receive an inheritance.

A dream about sailing during which a disaster occurs promises an inability to accomplish anything and an insincere lover.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream that you swam in the sea?

While images of small bodies of water are associated with wealth and success, the sea or ocean symbolizes inviolability. It is natural that the interpretation of what it means to dream of swimming somewhere is linked to the characteristics of the reservoir and the actions of the dreamer.

  • In a dream, swimming in a beautiful pool, you dived and splashed with pleasure - this means moral satisfaction and financial well-being.
  • Swimming and confidently staying on the surface is a sign of successful completion of the task, and your behavior and the state of the water will indicate the nuances.
  • In a dream, swimming in the company of a lover? Such a plot usually foreshadows a separation.
  • If you swim in a calm sea in your dreams, it means that an old dream will soon come true.
  • High waves or a storm while sailing are an omen of trouble.
  • The dreamed image of a cozy boat is interpreted as a coincidence of interests, and sailing on a big ship is interpreted as global changes, marriage or cohabitation.
  • If you dream of swimming calmly in a calm and clear sea, good luck awaits you in any endeavor.
  • Swimming in troubled waters means you will make a good profit.
  • If you dream of swimming in a muddy and dirty sea, people will envy you and there will be gossip about you.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Why did you dream that you were swimming?

According to interpretations of psychoanalytic sources, dreams of swimming with a whale are most often a positive symbol, although its emotional load often depends on the behavior of the dreamer. The place where you swim is also important. For example, a swimming pool is a limited body of water, which means it symbolizes a lack of freedom: splashing around in it, you seem to be choosing between two strong emotions, torn from fear of making a mistake, and in the end never come to a result.

  • Why do you dream that you were swimming in the clear waters of the ocean? This is the personification of spiritual purity and mental well-being. Such a plot can be regarded as evidence of the successful self-improvement of the sleeper.
  • A single swim in a dream reflects the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with everyday life and routine: if you move confidently among the waves, you will achieve success, and if you are pulled to the bottom, you will be disappointed.

Romantic dream book

Dream about swimming in a dream

I dreamed of swimming in water, according to the interpretations of love dream books - a two-sided sign, in which, just like in a coin, there are many different (and sometimes contradictory) symbols.

  • Plots with swimming in the river symbolize some kind of unjustified devotion, when the dreamer completely surrenders to feelings for a single person who is unlikely to deserve it.
  • Dreaming of swimming in azure waters when the sea is calm and warm is a good omen: future family life will be serene, not subject to external circumstances.
  • When a man feels like a swimmer, he confidently moves towards his goal and can easily win his soul mate.
  • A girl dreams of having fun swimming in the company of a swimmer friend - in reality she will meet love.
  • Dreaming of swimming in a beautiful pool? Such a plot promises the beginning of a relationship with a rich and noble person.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of Swimming

An image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism. You can only swim in water, and water is a symbol of female genitalia and desires for sexual interaction. A person who sees himself as an excellent swimmer reflects his belief in sexual attractiveness and competence. And so, why do you dream of swimming, the dream book gives such interpretations.

  • If a person sees that he is swimming towards something or a person, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. In addition, this is an expression of sexual desire towards this person.
  • If a person floats away from someone or something, this shows his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation or to escape from the realities of life in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to remove (to film another person's sexual conquests), or a feeling that people are asking too much of him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who swims? Why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? What objects appear more often?

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Swimming in a dream

In general, swimming and dreams about it represent your life, personal circumstances and your ability to cope with them. However, the meaning of the dream partly depends on whether you actually know how to swim, and on the circumstances in which you swam in the dream. Have you been to a swimming pool or been at the mercy of nature in the sea or river? Did you feel good in the water or did you have to fight the waves and current?

If in reality you know how to swim, but in a dream you couldn’t, then are you trying to cope with problems, floundering, trying to stay afloat, or feel like you are being carried along by the current? Also, if in reality you cannot swim, but in a dream you were an excellent swimmer, it means that you are in control of your life, even if the waters around you are stormy and unsafe.

If you swim underwater, then you are trying to immerse yourself in your own feelings and soul. If you are experiencing difficulties - you cannot get to the surface, you do not have enough air - do you really feel that you are drowning, that you are being swallowed up by circumstances and responsibility? What can you do to solve this problem? See also Swimming Pool; Sea, ; other water areas – NATURE.

Creative dream book

Swimming in a dream - what does it mean for the dreamer

Do you dream of swimming according to a dream book? Freud believed that swimming in a dream is associated with sexuality, but it is even more associated with an unconscious need for freedom. In general, we open up to energies far beyond our conscious Being, then ascend beyond our desire. We are in a state of complete relaxation and allow events to simply carry us along with the flow.

Since we cannot control our direction, we cannot decide anything. We may need to think more carefully about our actions and relationships with others. Sailing against the wind means creating difficulties for yourself. If we sail with the wind, it means we are using everything we can. Being outside the body, feeling spiritual freedom.

Soothing water and a feeling of pleasant weightlessness when swimming in a dream most often promise peace and satisfaction with life in reality. Most dream books interpret swimming in a dream as a symbol of achieving success in business after certain events.

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But other important elements of a dream can radically change its meaning. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret such a dream, it is necessary to understand all its details.

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      Central image of the dream

      Usually in dreams a person swims in water, although there are exceptions. You can swim, for example, in the sand. Such bathing foreshadows pleasant surprises, interesting events and spiritual harmony.

      But still, the central symbol of night visions of swimming can be considered precisely water - a swift stream or a peaceful backwater.

    1. 1. Water in a dream is interpreted as a kind of “essence of life” - a substance that gives all living things the ability to exist.
    2. Therefore, dreams about water, depending on the details of the dream, can be interpreted differently. In some cases, they mean well-being and regularity of life, the presence in it of everything necessary; in others, on the contrary, they warn about the lack of something extremely necessary for normal existence.

    2. Dreaming of water symbolizes the flow of thoughts and feelings that accompany a person throughout life. The nuances of interpretation often depend on the type and condition of the water.

    • To correctly explain the dream, it is important to pay attention to some details, for example:
    • what was the appearance of the water, its quality, color;
    • where exactly the dreamer swam;
    • who was nearby: familiar and unfamiliar people, animals, mystical creatures;
    • what clothes the dreamer was wearing;

    where he was sailing.

    There are times when one sign is quite favorable, while the other promises something bad. Only by taking into account all the nuances can you accurately interpret the dream.

    But Miller’s dream book does not tie the meaning of the dream to those details that other dream interpreters usually pay attention to. According to this dream book, you should not look closely at the little things, it is better to remember the feelings that the person experienced in his dream.

    Pleasant emotions when swimming in a dream mean that the dreamer will soon experience joy in reality. If you dreamed of a pleasant time with friends while swimming, such a dream promises positive emotions from meeting you in real life.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Dream books assign an important role in the interpretation of dreams about swimming to the appearance of water. Whether it is clean or dirty, calm or seething - every detail gives the meaning of a dream a special shade, and can even radically change its interpretation.

    Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

    Clean or dirty

    Depending on whether the dreamer swam in clear water, or in muddy, dirty water, the interpretation of the dream can differ radically:

    1. 1. Swimming in clean, clear water means a calm life, the absence of any worries or problems. The dream foreshadows well-being and harmony of physical and spiritual state.
    2. 2. Swimming in dirty, muddy water means possible health problems. A dream can also warn of some obstacles on the way to your goal or indicate certain doubts, misunderstanding of your inner state, your feelings.
    3. 3. Swimming in a muddy pond - the dream warns that people have appeared around the dreamer, spreading false rumors and weaving intrigues. You should be more careful about your actions and words.

    Calm or seething

    Calm water promises calm and regularity in everyday affairs.

    But the seething one warns the dreamer that many dubious projects await him in reality. Just as dangerous is the dream of a rapid stream that can sweep away a person, so in real life the dreamer can be “whirled” by big troubles. You should be careful not to succumb to the flow of life recklessly.

    Cold or warm

    If the water in which the dreamer swam is cold, he should be wary. Such a dream usually foreshadows some hidden danger or event that may interfere with the implementation of his plans.

    When the water is not icy, but refreshing, and the dreamer enjoys swimming, then there is no need to worry - such dreams promise improved health. This may concern not only recovery after a long illness, but also general health promotion. The dream suggests that it is time to stop senseless worries, find inner harmony and relax after prolonged nervous tension.

    Swimming in warm water is a good sign. In reality, you will have the opportunity to have a good rest and relax after exhausting hard work. Such a dream may hint that it is time to take a vacation, go on a trip, forgetting about everyday worries.


    A dream in which the dreamer bathes in blue water takes on an interesting meaning. Usually this is how the subconscious tries to warn a person about impending nervous tension, about the anxieties and worries that torment him.

    This may be related to health. If you have such dreams, a person needs to rest and stop burdening himself with even minor problems.

    Bathing places

    A very important detail is not only the water itself - the central image of the dream. In many ways, the options for interpreting a dream depend on the place where exactly the dreamer swam. It could be an infinitely huge ocean or a quiet body of water, a swimming pool or a bathroom.


    A river in dreams always foreshadows certain changes. That is why such dreams predict big changes in life. And the faster the river flows, the faster you will have to encounter them, the faster you will have to adapt to them. Whether these changes in life will be good or bad depends solely on the dreamer’s attitude towards his dream. If he floats down the river in high spirits, then in reality one should expect positive and joyful changes. If the mood is bad, or a person is swimming against the current, expending a huge amount of energy, then in reality one should expect difficulties on the way to something new.


    A lake in a dream is a good sign. This is a symbol of calm and inner harmony, unity with one’s “I”, and comprehension of wisdom. If the dreamer swam in a picturesque lake, he should expect enlightenment in reality. He will understand something important for himself, make a discovery, or find the root of all problems somewhere within himself, learn to solve them and find the necessary peace.


    Swimming in the sea can also be considered a favorable sign. The sea means good luck or grandiose undertakings that are sure to end in success. Usually such a dream indicates that the dreamer is standing in the way of a big project, but doubts its success. This is a kind of “kick” from the subconscious: it’s time to grab your head and move towards your achievements.


    The ocean in a dream, as in reality, is more uncontrollable than the sea or any other body of water. This is a whole element that mercilessly absorbs a huge mass of events and impressions. Swimming in the ocean is often an unfavorable dream; it speaks of a possible influx of difficulties and problems. It is important not to get confused, not to be frightened by the sight of the elements, but to calmly and judiciously look for a way out of difficult situations.


    Swimming in the pool portends meeting a new interesting person who will have a huge influence on the dreamer. For a woman, such a dream is a sign that now is the best time for her to make important acquaintances, charm the desired man, or gain universal popularity.

    Shower, bath or sauna

    Washing in the shower also indicates future success. This is a warning that you can safely start a project, take on a profitable business, discover or introduce something new, because fate favors this.

    But staying in a bathhouse always speaks of certain health problems that the dreamer does not pay due attention to. It is worth undergoing a medical examination and starting treatment, otherwise unpleasant consequences are possible.

    The bathroom, oddly enough, is also an unfavorable sign. If the dreamer bathes in the bathtub, then in reality he will be disappointed in people. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to your surroundings.

    The dreamer's actions in the water

    It is also important for the correct interpretation of the dream what the dreamer did in the water: swam on the surface of the reservoir or under water, in what style, quickly or slowly, whether he dived.


    Swimming underwater does not bode well. The thickness of water (emotions and impressions) seems to press on the dreamer. In reality you should expect anxiety and disappointment.

    But if a person swims underwater and watches the underwater world with interest, this indicates that he will soon receive important information from strangers.


    Swimming on your back means a possible loss of authority. Such dreams are typical of male bosses. They warn that there is a possibility of decreased popularity and recognition from subordinates.

    Absolutely the opposite meaning appears in a dream where the dreamer swims in the waves. This indicates an imminent increase in authority; that a person will learn to influence people and will even be able to control the behavior of ill-wishers and envious people.


    Diving in a dream means creativity in reality. This dream suggests that some unconventional business decision will soon be made or something will change in the dreamer’s daily life.

    If some major project is planned, then it is worth paying attention to what water the dreamer is diving into. If it’s clear and transparent, then the undertaking will end in success; if it’s cloudy, you should expect failure.

    Diving in a dream can also indicate possible anxieties and a desire to avoid problems in real life.

    Fast swimming

    A dream in which a person swam quite quickly foreshadows the rapid achievement of intended goals, determination and desire to do important work.

    Sailing companions

    The dreamer may be accompanied on the voyage by close or unfamiliar people or animals. The interpretation of the dream also depends on this.

    Swimming with fish always promises happiness and many pleasant events. The dream foretells success in everyday affairs, meeting interesting people, making friends and mutual understanding.

    Dolphins in a dream are loyal friends you can count on in reality. Swimming with dolphins in a dream is a very good sign. Such a dream reminds that the dreamer has support, in any difficult situation they will lend a helping hand and help him with practical advice.

    But swimming with sharks in a dream warns of your enemies’ readiness to strike. There is a possibility that the dreamer has intrigues and evil conspiracies weaving behind his back. You should be on your guard and prepare for unpleasant events.

    Whales are harbingers of change, so a dream about swimming with them says that in reality you will have to make a very important decision for the future. Moreover, you will need to do this almost without hesitation. Therefore, you should rely on intuition, which will manifest itself very clearly during this period.

    Swimming with a killer whale in a dream is another auspicious sign. It can have many meanings - success at work, falling in love, a long-awaited vacation. Killer whales always bring only good news, so the dreamer can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy life in the near future.

    A very negative image in a dream is a snake. Swimming with a snake means in reality being close to your enemies, feeling the danger that comes from them.

    If a woman bathes with a man, such a dream may indicate imminent disappointment. But you should not pay attention to this dream. It’s better to forget right away and move on with your life.

    Swimming with a loved one in a dream is a good sign. The dream may foreshadow an imminent wedding or an event that will be decisive in the relationship for both the dreamer and his other half.

    Other details of dreams about swimming

    Swimming in clothes in a dream is not the most favorable sign. Such a dream speaks of possible problems that will haunt a person solely because of his own mistakes. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your actions, which can have very unpleasant consequences.

    If the dreamer swimmer was naked in a dream, his soul, like his thoughts, is pure. This subconscious once again emphasizes: a person has a strong will and strong moral principles.

    Swimming at night indicates some uncertainty in reality. Both the dreamer's feelings and actions are vague. You need to figure it out and bring clarity to your life.

    Seeing other people swimming in a dream is an excellent opportunity to get along with ill-wishers and envious people in reality. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer will find a way to win over people, even those who did not treat him very well.

    If the dreamer bathed but was unable to cleanse himself, then he should reconsider his way of life. This is how the subconscious mind warns that a person who is not accustomed to bringing his affairs to the end cannot fully realize his goals. And that doesn't make him happy enough.

    Dreams in which the dreamer bathes someone take on an interesting meaning. Bathing a baby means forgiveness from people whom the dreamer once offended. To bathe an old man is to forgive your enemies yourself.

    When you dream about the shore that the dreamer has reached, you can talk about him achieving certain goals.

    Interpretations of dreams about swimming for men and women

    Although dreams of swimming in water are considered universal, they are still more characteristic of women. After all, water has long been considered a female symbol, personifying the flexibility and changeability of nature.

    For women, dreams in which they swim, hoften are an impulse to action. Such dreams indicate that the dreamer is full of energy and will be able to achieve great heights.

    Swimming in the pool with another woman can warn the dreamer about the appearance of a competitor in her life.

    And if she dreamed of bathing in the shower, problems with women’s health will soon disappear on their own.

    A pregnant woman need not worry about childbirth if she swims in her dream.

    Men most often have such dreams for sexual reasons. Perhaps the dreamer will soon find a faithful life partner or achieve the attention of the object of his adoration. A striking example of a dream foreshadowing sexual success is a vision of a fish swimming in the water.

    If a man sees himself as an excellent swimmer, this means that he is confident in his attractiveness to the opposite sex. Transparent and clean water promises him a lot of pleasure and attention.

    Swimming in a dream means unity with water, with your emotions and feelings. Every detail of such a dream brings something special to its interpretation. Taking into account each of them, a person will be able to correctly understand his dream and prepare for life changes in time.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

success in business; income; lovers swim together - to an unexpected separation.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Is a symbol of birth.

Seeing water in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If a dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or anxiety, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water. At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. People die from thirst much faster than from hunger. It was even more important to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the food was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. Travel by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas claimed the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems. If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach? If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water. Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a boat, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity. Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths. The exception to the general statements above are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the tap effectively, then we can assume that he feels that he is not in control and is unable to cope with simple circumstances, or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap. If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Water in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Water is a symbol of life. To see crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream foretells favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of a glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in the future. Walking on water and seeing schools of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger that you will discover a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly seething water is a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.

I dreamed about water

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clean water in a dream foretells that a joyful prospect of prosperity and pleasure awaits you. If the water is cloudy, you will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy. If you see that the water has flooded your house and is rising, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are becoming wet, this portends troubles, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to prevent them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the muddy water filling the ship. Falling into troubled water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset about it. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh water is a sign of the favorable completion of the wildest hopes. Playing sports in water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love that will end happily. The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed as follows by a young woman studying dreams: “It is unknown how in a dream I ended up in a boat floating through clear blue water to a pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely judged for this. The blue water and the beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.

Why do you dream about water?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

drink clean, cold - fortunately, health; cloudy, warm - to illness; walking in troubled waters is a disappointment for the better; immersion in water - getting into a difficult personal situation; plunge headlong - avoid danger; getting wet is a shame in love, betrayal and collapse of personal plans; wash your face - to joy, liberation; pour - to shame, mistake; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible encounter; splashed on the head - unexpected passion; drawing water - grief; drawing water from the River means money from someone; from a well - unfortunately; drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness; seeing something underwater is the past; pops up - renewal of relationships or litigation, regret about the past; see scoop; (flowing from a well) - loss of property; unhappiness with loved ones; (flows from where it is not supposed to flow) - troubles depending on the location of the leak: from the wall - troubles from the husband or in the family; from the ceiling - from the authorities; from under the floor - troubles from enemies or betrayal of friends; from the pipes - slander and slander against the sleeping person.

Why do you dream about water?

according to Vanga's dream book

Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away sins and oblivion. In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new quality, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of an impending wave of cosmic influence, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous throughout the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw water flooding your house, then in reality expect a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water means in reality resisting the natural course of events, as a result of which your health will be damaged and your life will be shortened. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of water in a dream means you will have difficulty withstanding the coming changes, but by surviving this stormy event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.

I dreamed of a dolphin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

The meaning of a dream about a dolphin

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that in sex you lack the thrill of sensations and you are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm. If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will motivate you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on this. But in vain! By the way, water sex gives you an unforgettable experience!

Seeing a dolphin in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Savior and psychopomp, guide of souls in the underworld, savior of shipwrecked people, king of fish. Symbolizes sea power, safety and speed. Two dolphins looking in different directions represent the duality of nature. A dolphin with an anchor means speed and slowness, two dolphins together - the middle between the extremes of “hurry slowly”. In Celtic epic, the dolphin is associated with the worship of springs and the powers of water. In Christianity, this is Christ, the savior of souls, carrying them through the depths of death. A dolphin with an anchor or ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor signifies the crucified Christ. The dolphin taking the place of the whale signifies resurrection. Among the Egyptians it is an attribute of Isis. In Ancient Greece, he was a psychopomp who escorted souls to the Isles of the Blessed. It has both lunar and solar characteristics: in connection with Apollo of Delphi, it symbolizes light and the sun; being consonant with the word womb - lunar beginning. Has erotic symbolism if depicted with the “woman of the sea” Aphrodite or Eros. Attribute of the sea lord Poseidon and Dionysus. Naked Tethys swims through the sea on a dolphin. In Minoan culture, it represents power on the seas. In Mithraism it is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light. For the Romans, it symbolizes the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the Isles of the Blessed. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the dolphin was used instead of fish in presentations of Ea-Oannes. It is an attribute of Ishtar and dedicated to Atargatis.

Why do you dream about a dolphin?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

stranger's messenger; other people's influences (good or bad depending on the direction they are sailing to).


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Sailing on a boat or ship in calm water in a dream portends good luck, and in troubled water it portends trouble. Falling into water in a dream means great danger.

I dreamed about a boat

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are in a boat with other rowers, it means that the company of cheerful people who do not neglect earthly pleasures will bring you a lot of joy. If your boat capsizes, it threatens you with financial ruin, as you will get involved in a tempting but risky venture. If in a dream you become a winner in a speed rowing competition, this means that your beloved will lose interest in your opponent. Once you become a winner, you will easily win women’s hearts, and your affairs will turn out in the most favorable way. If in a dream you are kayaking on calm water, self-confidence will not leave you for a long time, helping your luck. Sailing in a boat with your chosen one promises you an early marriage and a happy life. If you are sailing on stormy waves, the “taming of the shrew” awaits you; and only after that - happiness. If the oar falls into unclean water, expect disappointment in business. A shallow and fast river promises rash and frivolous actions, an easy hobby that will only bring annoyance. In general, seeing water around you is a sign of significant events in the future. In these dreams, it is important to sail through clear and calm waters. If a ship or boat with a bright light on its bow is sailing towards you, everything will be fine if the water is calm. Stormy waves threaten you with worries in reality. A very favorable dream is in which you, alone or with friends, board a ship or board a boat - a series of successes awaits you. Falling overboard is a bad omen, unless you take the dream as a warning.

Why do you dream about a boat?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sailing with a tailwind - your plan will come out; to be in a boat - hope, short-lived loyalty; (together with whom it is unclear) - change of home, residence; empty - to death or illness; water in a boat - to profit; a sick person in a boat - to death; swim across the river - success in business.

The meaning of a dream about the ocean

according to Freud's dream book

If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities in sexual life are limited, although you don’t even know it. Your sexual intercourse is fleeting, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to the point of intercourse. But you recover very quickly and are ready for the next “feat”. You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, this will help prolong your pleasure and avoid future conflicts with an unsatisfied partner. Incontinence must be combated primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means great excitement caused by an upcoming date with a person she really likes.

I dreamed about the ocean

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a calm ocean in a dream is good news; a pleasant and successful voyage awaits the sailor. A business man will be pleased with the progress of his affairs, and a young man will enjoy the charm of his beloved. Sailing far in the ocean and hearing the waves crash against the side portends misfortune in business life and a stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watching from the shore how the ocean waves roll over one another portends your imminent deliverance from the machinations of ill-wishers. If you dream that the ocean either becomes shallow like a river that can be forded, or reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves recede, this means that prosperity and prosperity will be interspersed in your life with sorrows and difficulties. Sailing on a calm ocean always means favor in all endeavors.

Seeing the ocean in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The ocean is the cradle of all life on Earth. According to Jung, the ocean is a place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary belonging to the collective forms of life that originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism is easily traced. Moreover, this approach taken by individuals to dream interpretation is imperfect due to the insufficient number of connecting links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with types of entertainment such as ship cruises, yachts, and scuba diving, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a person who sees the ocean in a dream associates it with entertainment and does not at all perceive it as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they cannot swim, the ocean carries a connotation of fear and ill omen. Its endless expanses, combined with the inability to float on water, can be a symbol of the struggle against the insurmountable that you wage in real life.

Dream Interpretation Online Swim

To understand why you dream of swimming, you need to remember exactly the details of the dream and your own behavior in the water. Almost any dream book interprets swimming as a positive symbol. But there are some moments in a dream that warn of health problems, the machinations of two-faced friends or sudden changes in life.

If you dreamed of swimming, then the dreamer can be confident in his broad outlook and special sensitivity. Because not everyone has such dreams.

The main symbolic interpretation is to navigate well in any life situations.

When interpreting, it is also important to pay attention to your own efforts. If the process is easy, any endeavors will be successful and there will be no obstacles. And making incredible efforts to get to the shore means that achieving what you want will be very difficult.

Interpretation depending on bodies of water

If you swam in a dream

Almost any dream book understands swimming as an active process and the dreamer’s life situation. But not a single interpretation of what dreams of swimming can do without analyzing the reservoir and water quality. This determines which area of ​​the dreamer’s life you need to pay attention to first.

In general, water, according to Miller’s dream book, can mean a transition from one world to another. The psychotherapist justifies his interpretations by the fact that the child enters the environment from amniotic fluid. And the transition to existence after life should also feel like birth. Therefore, in some interpretations one can find such an explanation as “to drown - to die.”

The amount of water seen in a dream also matters. To find out why you dream of swimming, you need details and terrain. Interpretation, in this case, will be based on:

  • solving immediate problems;
  • further actions for the near future;
  • the main direction of life.

Swimming pool - changes in life

Swimming location is important

A swimming pool, like a bathtub, symbolizes changes that do not depend on the dreamer. And only he chooses the path that will either lead to what he wants faster, or this process will be long and painful.

The larger the pool you dream about, the more serious the changes will be. It is possible to change jobs, move, buy or sell a home, or have children.

If in a dream you happen to see a stranger swimming in a pool, it means that a new acquaintance will soon appear in the dreamer’s life, who will play an important role in a new project. Strangers swimming in muddy, but not dirty water - a meeting or party with plenty of alcohol.

Swimming in the pool yourself is a new circumstance that will greatly influence your future fate.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of the water in the pool.

Seeing a person swimming in a dirty pool in a dream means that the dreamer will observe someone's illness. If the person is unfamiliar, it is possible that the sleeping person will witness a car accident.

Swimming in dirty water yourself means illness. The worse the water quality, the more serious the disease. Swimming from dirty water to clean water means healing.

For a pregnant woman before giving birth, to see herself swimming in a pool in a dream means a quick happy birth if the water in it was clean. If it was cloudy, there will be complications.

In the sea or ocean

If you swam in the ocean

Seeing yourself floating in the sea or ocean is a good sign. If the water is calm and the process gives you a pleasant feeling, then you don’t have to use a dream book to understand why you dream of swimming. This is a sign that the dreamer feels like a fish in water in life..

Seething waves and an exhausting struggle with the elements indicate that the vicissitudes of life’s circumstances can drive the dreamer into a frenzy. To win and get to the shore means that the machinations of your competitors will be of no use to you, and the dreamer will survive all obstacles with special dignity.

Saving a floating person from a raging disaster means the birth of a child or an iconic person will appear in life.

Swimming alone with your lover means problems in your relationship. It is quite possible that you will have to separate, like ships at sea.

Drowning or reaching the bottom is a bad omen. It may mean that the dreamer will have to hit rock bottom in life: relationships, work and housing will be lost. Pushing off from the bottom is an opportunity to start from scratch and restore social status.

In a mountain river

Mountain river

A mountain river in a dream symbolizes life's ups and downs and obstacles. This dream is very rare for people who lead a measured lifestyle. Most often, it appears in the dreams of pilots, fans of extreme sports and those involved in dangerous work.

The faster the river moves in a dream, the faster events in the dreamer’s life will change. This could be long business trips or travel, a string of significant events that follow one after another, or a difficult test consisting of several stages (for example, a very difficult competition for a new position).

Sailing a kayak and going through rapids - no tests can unsettle the dreamer.

To save a person who has fallen from a boat - you will have to make a decision that will affect someone’s fate.

For a woman to sail in the same boat with a man on a mountain river is unforeseen strange circumstances that will lead to a new long-term relationship.

Explanations of different dream books

It's good if you swam in clean water

Almost every dream book says that swimming in a dream is a good sign. If you see the water clean and transparent, the dream promises good physical and mental health. Dirty or cloudy water symbolizes illness or illness.

Actively moving means being the master of your own decisions.

Ancient Slavic dream book - fate for the next two weeks

The ancient Veles dream book says that swimming in a dream is an approximate interpretation of the near future (about two weeks). During this time, significant events may occur or important decisions may be made.

  • swimming in a muddy river means drunkenness;
  • swimming in clean, clear water means good health and joy;
  • seeing people swimming is a great feast;
  • standing knee-deep in a mountain river - resistance to an authoritative decision;
  • falling into the water means rash actions.

Miller's interpretation - connection of times

Everything that is connected with the flow, or movement of water, according to Miller, is the personification of time and the connection of generations. Coming out of the water means birth. Diving is death. This is a very rough comparison, which is practically never used in its pure form, but this is the main focus of the psychotherapist.

  • swimming in calm, clear water is a pleasure;
  • watching people swim - a noisy party or a meeting of like-minded people;
  • fight the waves - litigation;
  • getting a drowned person out of the water is a significant meeting;
  • a foul odor from a pond is a serious illness.

The appearance of various kinds of reservoirs in a dream can symbolize the very near future and significant events in it. It is important to listen to your own feelings. In any case, muddy and dirty water, like the people in it, predict health problems (symbolize a hospital), and clean, calm water speaks of a favorable situation and pleasant changes.

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