What party does Matvienko belong to? Assessment based on biography. In the ranks of the party

The diplomat and public figure was born in the Ukrainian city of Shepetivka in 1949. Valentina's father was a military man; he died when the girl was 6 years old. My mother earned money by selecting wardrobes in the theater. After her father's death, Valentina's mother raised her three daughters herself. At that moment, Valentina Matvienko’s family was experiencing great difficulties, especially financially. The girl received a secondary education and entered medical school, trying to master her profession as quickly as possible and start earning money on her own. After graduating from college, Matvienko entered the medical institute in Leningrad. Then, as a student, she began to actively participate in the social activities of the institute. Realizing that medicine was not her calling, she decided to study at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Next, he takes courses for diplomatic workers.

Before Valentina Matvienko reached the heights, she worked hard and achieved everything herself.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko and personal life

In the mid-80s, Matvienko slowly but surely began to integrate into political life. Having received the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the City Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad, she was involved in culture and education in Leningrad. Then, she climbed higher and higher up the career ladder.

12 years later, Valentina Matvienko is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. She worked in this position for 5 years. Despite regularly changing officials, she managed to maintain her post and continue her work.

Further, Matvienko holds the post of governor of the city of St. Petersburg. After the crisis of the 90s, Valentina wanted to restore the city. To do this, by her order, several old buildings were demolished, and in their place beautiful shopping centers and other objects grew, to which the public reacted very violently. Valentina Matvienko was accused of destroying the architectural value of the city. Also, during bad weather conditions, Governor Matvienko called on everyone, including students, to clear snow. Which also caused a storm of indignation.

Three years later, Valentina Matvienko could not stand it and wanted to resign, but then her application was not accepted, so she remained in her previous position for a second term. In 2011, Valentina Matvienko took over as Chairman of the Federation Council.

After receiving this position, she becomes a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Valentina Matvienko is the first woman in Russia to occupy the post of Speaker of the Supreme House of Parliament.

Matvienko is persona non grata in the European Union and the United States, due to the political ups and downs in Ukraine in 2014. This happened because she took an active part in the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

The biography of Valentina Matvienko and her personal life is of interest to many. Everyone is interested in how and how the leading lady of the Russian Federation lives. She arranged her personal life during her student years. The chosen one was Vladimir Matvienko. He taught at the Military Medical Academy. Having become a pensioner, the man built a dacha near St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, he became disabled and today he cannot move independently.

Who is Valentina Matvienko’s husband: who was he and how old is he?

Valentina decided to tie the knot with Vladimir Matvienko in her 5th year of study. Vladimir graduated from the Leningrad Military Medical Academy. He taught lectures and even rose to the rank of colonel. After the 2000s, my husband retired and built a dacha near St. Petersburg. Because of work, Valentina Matvienko often had to be anywhere but home. It was a difficult but testing period for the couple, which they passed quite successfully. Despite everything, the couple are happily married to this day. Now Matvienko’s husband is 66 years old.

Son of Valentina Matvienko

In 1973, the Matvienko couple had a boy, who was named Sergei. One child in the family received everything he needed. The parents tried to ensure that the young man had a good education. Today, Sergei Matvienko has several degrees in economics. Then, the young man entered the field of entrepreneurship, having at his disposal a fairly profitable business. Evil tongues accuse him of stealing state property, which he succeeds with the participation of his influential mother. But, apart from words, there is no evidence to confirm this.

Valentina Matvienko's son married Yulia Zaitseva. In 2010, the young couple gave Valentina Matvienko a granddaughter, who was named Arina.

Despite her heavy workload and all the responsibility that Valentina Matvienko bears every day, she finds time for her family and hobbies. A woman carefully monitors her health and beauty. To always stay in shape, she often visits both the pool and gyms. Valentina Matvienko is also attracted to cooking, painting and housekeeping.

Thanks to her hard work, skills and perseverance, Valentina Matvienko is today considered the most influential representative of the fairer sex in the Russian Federation. She always communicates and cooperates with the country's top officials. But at the same time, he does not forget to take care of his family. After all, a career is an important matter, but what awaits each of us at home is not that, but loving and close people who always give strength for difficult work days.

Thanks to today's article, our readers will be able to get acquainted with the personality of Valentina Matvienko. Many people know her as a Russian politician who participates in the political and diplomatic activities of the Russian Federation. In 2011, she was entrusted with a position in the Federation Council, and at the same time she is a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Before receiving these positions, Matvienko was the chairman of the government in St. Petersburg. Many note that she is the most influential woman in the country’s political arena, and her opinion carries sufficient weight. Especially when making important decisions.

Political people rarely attract citizens with their external data - for the people, the activities of this or that person are more important. But, nevertheless, such information cannot be ignored when citing the biography of a famous person. Our case will not be an exception, and we will present to you what height, weight, and age a political woman is. How old is Valentina Matvienko? Those who follow politics inside Russia wonder.

The politician's height is about 170 centimeters, and his approximate weight is 65 kilograms. How Valentina Matvienko has changed over the 68 years of her life (photos in her youth and now will help with this), you can see for yourself. We assure you that changes are not always noticeable the first time.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko

The biography of Valentina Matvienko begins in the spring of 1949. At that time, her family lived in Shepetivka, a Ukrainian village in the Khmelnitsky region. Father Ivan and mother Irina were not connected with political life in the country.

Some time after Valya's birth, the family leaves for Cherkassy. A little later, the father dies, and the mother of the future politician has a hard time - she herself needs to raise three daughters. Financial difficulties pushed the girl to quickly get an education and earn money, thereby helping her family.

After graduating from school, Valentina Matvienko enters medical school. Studying was easy and she graduated from college with honors. In order to continue to develop in the chosen direction, the girl leaves for Leningrad, where she enters a university, and after that she is assigned to graduate school.

Already at the institute, she understands that she is less interested in medicine, and more in social work. Valentina decides to radically change her educational vector and begins studying at the Academy of Social Sciences. After graduating, she takes courses for diplomatic staff to improve her skills.

This is where Matvienko’s political growth begins. At first she was an ordinary member of the Communist Party, and with maximum perseverance and desire, Valentina became secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee. Of course, even then many rumors appeared. The most famous of them is associated with the fact that the woman loved to drink, especially after making any important diplomatic decisions. But you can’t really blame Valentina here - at that time this was often practiced, and the woman simply did not want to be a “black sheep.”

The year 1986 was marked by the fact that a woman found herself in the world of big politics. With the receipt of a new position, Valentina Matvienko is engaged in culture and education in the Soviet Union, and at the same time, she is the chairman of the Committee on Family Protection. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, the woman was a diplomatic ambassador.

Returning to Russia, she becomes Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Here she has been involved in social policy for almost five years. In 2003, Valentina Matvienko wins the gubernatorial election and takes the corresponding position. An important task fell on her shoulders - to restore the former Leningrad and bring it into its modern form.

After some time, a woman is elected chairman of the Federation Council. Since then, she has received membership in the State Council of Russia, due to changed legislative acts. After the events on the territory of Ukraine, Valentina Matvienko falls under sanctions. In addition, all accounts and real estate in America were frozen. Despite this, she continues to lead a political life and establish connections with Russian citizens in every possible way.

Personal life of Valentina Matvienko

Although Valentina Matvienko’s personal life is full of stability, along with her political career, many are interested in how it turned out. Everything here is extremely simple and transparent - when she was studying at the chemical institute, she met Vladimir Matvienko. After a while, the young people got married.

Since then, both spouses have lived in a happy marriage. And if any disagreements arise, they try to resolve everything as quickly as possible. In 1973, the couple had a son, which we will talk about below.

Family of Valentina Matvienko

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Valentina Matvienko’s family was not connected with politics or public life. In addition, until a certain point, the woman herself did not think that she would connect her activities with such a profession. Mom had a little connection to art - she was engaged in sewing costumes for performances.

Valentina's father, Ivan Tyutin, was a front-line soldier, and when the girl went to second grade, he died. This turn of fate put the family's financial situation at a very disadvantage. Therefore, young Valentina wanted to get a diploma as soon as possible in order to earn her own money.

Children of Valentina Matvienko

The children of Valentina Matvienko are a rather interesting topic, especially for those citizens who follow the political arena within the country. As you already know, in 1973, a political woman gave birth to a son, who was named Sergei. His parents love him very much and help his career in every possible way. In addition, he has two higher education degrees in neighboring fields.

Already in 2008, Valentina Matvienko was lucky enough to become a grandmother. The marriage of Sergei and an ordinary student brought them a daughter, Arina. Since then, the politician has been trying to devote time to all members of his family, regardless of their age - as they say, from young to old.

Valentina Matvienko’s son – Sergei

You probably already know that Valentina Matvienko’s son, Sergei, was born in 1973, and this year he will turn 45 years old. From early childhood, both parents took care of their son and always found free time for him. As a result, Sergei has two higher education degrees in economics.

After graduating from universities, the son of a politician held the position of vice president of St. Petersburg, a popular bank in the city of the same name. Afterwards, he was one of the managers at Vneshtorgbank. Also, it is worth noting the fact that he is the owner of the “Empire” - a fairly well-known structure. It includes several dozen divisions that are engaged in various activities - providing cleaning services, software development and logistics. Of course, there were some evil tongues - there were rumors about illegal activities and so on. By the way, to date, not a single one of the “information bombs” has been confirmed.

From 2004 to 2006, Sergei was married to a singer who later became widely famous - Zara. The second marriage continues to this day, and the granddaughter of Valentina Matvienko was born.

Valentina Matvienko's husband - Vladimir Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko’s husband, Vladimir Matvienko, studied with her in the same course. At that time, the future politician was studying at a chemical institute and was just thinking about a career change. It is logical to assume that the spouse was not involved in such activities.

After graduating from high school, Vladimir began teaching at the Military Medical Academy. In 2000, he retired and began to improve his dacha plot in the Leningrad region. Now, Matvienko’s husband uses a wheelchair. Lives in the very house he built.

Many famous personalities resort to the help of plastic surgeons to keep their appearance under control. For our today’s heroine, this is also relevant, therefore, requests like “Photos of Valentina Matvienko before and after plastic surgery” are popular.

It is not surprising, because, despite her respectful age, the politician is not subject to his influence. Although she herself denies that she had plastic surgery. In turn, experts say that Valentina Matvienko in her youth - photos confirming this are on the Internet - and now she has hardly changed. They note that injections with special drugs that reduce wrinkles are noticeable. Also, you can notice that Valentina managed to tighten the oval of her face - it remained practically unchanged over such a time.

But we can’t say for sure. The woman herself says that she manages to keep her face youthful thanks to regular exercise. Not surprising, because politicians do not like to talk about such manipulations with their appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valentina Matvienko

Politicians and government officials rarely use social networks. That is, they most often have pages, but all activities on them are carried out on behalf of secretaries and other persons.

Despite the fact that today’s politician does not have an official page on social networks, the queries “Instagram and Wikipedia of Valentina Matvienko” are quite popular. Not surprisingly, you can find an exhaustive amount of information about activities in the public domain. Moreover, it is interesting to read Valentina’s achievements, both during the USSR and after the collapse of the Union.

As always, any public figure is subject to criticism - expert conclusions can also be found on the Internet. This is especially true for those who are planning to study life in the Russian political arena.

A tragedy struck the family of Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko - her husband, Vladimir Matvienko, died.

The death of the senator’s husband became known from the press service of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. It was reported that in a telephone conversation with the head of the upper house of the Russian parliament, the Belarusian leader “expressed deep condolences to her in connection with the death of her husband.” Lukashenko also conveyed words of support to all the relatives and friends of Vladimir Matvienko.

Later, information about the death of Matvienko’s husband was confirmed by Parlamentskaya Gazeta. It is reported that the Federation Council is “receiving condolences in connection with the death of the husband of the chairman of the chamber.”

What is the cause of death of Vladimir Matvienko?

After his retirement, the man built himself a dacha at the Gromovo station in the Leningrad region and began to further engage in science there. Over the years, his health began to deteriorate and as a result, Vladimir Matvienko ended up in a wheelchair. Perhaps a long illness was the cause of death. Until the last days of his life, he remained true to himself, lived quietly in the village and never boasted about his famous wife and son.

What is known about Matvienko’s husband: who he is, biography

Very little is known about the head of the Council’s husband. He, unlike his wife, was not a public person. As you know, Valentina comes from Ukraine, where she graduated from school and came to St. Petersburg to become a pharmacist. Here she met her future husband. When the future politician entered her fifth year, she decided to agree to marry Vladimir. The marriage produced a son.

Little is known about the wife of the head of the upper house of parliament: he was a retired colonel. He worked at the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. But he couldn’t sit still and started building a house near St. Petersburg. There he spent his last time before his death.

In recent years he has become very ill. It is unknown what disease struck him, but it got to the point where the man ended up in a wheelchair. This disease ultimately led to death. For Valentina and her husband, this marriage was the only one in their lives: they lived together for 45 years. They had a son and granddaughter.

More is known about their son: he is already 43 and has had two marriages. He received an economic education, and after that he was in the management of several large banks. In addition, he owns a company that was engaged in different areas of business.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko

The biography of Valentina Matvienko begins in the spring of 1949. At that time, her family lived in Shepetivka, a Ukrainian village in the Khmelnitsky region. Father Ivan and mother Irina were not connected with political life in the country.

Some time after Valya's birth, the family leaves for Cherkassy. A little later, the father dies, and the mother of the future politician has a hard time - she herself needs to raise three daughters. Financial difficulties pushed the girl to quickly get an education and earn money, thereby helping her family.

After graduating from school, Valentina Matvienko enters medical school. Studying was easy for her and she graduated from college with honors. In order to continue to develop in the chosen direction, the girl leaves for Leningrad, where she enters a university, and after that she is assigned to graduate school.

Already at the institute, she understands that she is less interested in medicine, and more in social work. Valentina decides to radically change her educational vector and begins studying at the Academy of Social Sciences. After graduating, she takes courses for diplomatic staff to improve her skills.

How did Valentina's political career begin?

This is where Matvienko’s political growth begins. At first she was an ordinary member of the Communist Party, and with maximum perseverance and desire, Valentina became secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee. Of course, even then many rumors appeared. The most famous of them is associated with the fact that the woman loved to drink, especially after making any important diplomatic decisions. But you can’t really blame Valentina here - at that time this was often practiced, and the woman simply did not want to be a “black sheep.”

The year 1986 was marked by the fact that a woman found herself in the world of big politics. With the receipt of a new position, Valentina Matvienko is engaged in culture and education in the Soviet Union, and at the same time, she is the chairman of the Committee on Family Protection. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, the woman was a diplomatic ambassador.

Returning to Russia, she becomes Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Here she has been involved in social policy for almost 5 years. In 2003, Valentina Matvienko won the gubernatorial election and took the corresponding position. An important task fell on her shoulders - to restore the former Leningrad and bring it into its modern form.

After some time, a woman is elected chairman of the Federation Council. Since then, she has received membership in the State Council of Russia, due to changed legislative acts. After the events on the territory of Ukraine, Valentina Matvienko falls under sanctions. In addition, all accounts and real estate in America were frozen. Despite this, she continues to lead a political life and establish connections with Russian citizens in every possible way.

ARI, where our analysts tried to determine the figure of the most likely successor to Vladimir Vladimirovich, initiated a large flow of correspondence to the editorial office. Mostly, readers ask us questions - they try to clarify something, they ask when the promised continuation of the material will be. However, one of the respondents sent a letter that raised a lot of questions for us. We were completely at a loss, because we were faced with extremely ambiguous and contradictory information - in any case, contrary to the ideas about the past of the governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko. In order not to intrigue the reader, we decided to present this letter to everyone, and then try to somehow comprehend or refute the information contained in it.

Dear editors! Once I accidentally came to your resource through one of the links on the forum of a local electronic newspaper, where the ethnogenesis of the “Ukrainian” people was discussed. Since then I have been reading you regularly. I am Russian, I live in “Ukraine”, I have been living here for decades, and I am sometimes amazed by your ability to correctly recognize the processes taking place here - unlike many of us, “Ukrainians”, so to speak. In particular, at one time I was deeply outraged by your proposal to the Russians in “Ukraine” to vote for our current “president”, and I won’t hide it - I even stopped coming to you for some time. However, life has shown that you were right and now we are entering an interesting time.

At the same time, sometimes you, gentlemen, fall into a puddle, not seeing what is happening right under your diarrhea. We are talking about your recent publication about Putin’s successors, where you suggested that the current governor of St. Petersburg “Matvienko” actually traces his ancestry not from Ukraine, but from Poland. You're a little wrong here. But first I will explain everything in order.

I am a builder by profession, and at one time I traveled all over the country on business trips - then the USSR. At my last place of work (for reasons that are clear below, I would not like to name it, as well as my passport details), fate brought me together with an elderly man who worked part-time as a watchman at our trust. We called him Petrovich, but to my shame I didn’t bother to find out his first and last name. Petrovich was an eccentric old man, and often said things that we could not listen to without laughing. So one day, having come to our department and seeing Matvienko (Deputy Prime Minister of Russia at that time) on TV, Petrovich whistled and exclaimed: “Oh, look - Valka Tyutkay is already in Moscow!” Then we took this remark as another eccentricity of the grandfather, and some time later, I went to Petrovich’s storeroom and over a cup of tea began to tease him, saying, Petrovich - what kind of Valka Ttkay is this? And the old man told the following story.

Immediately after the war, a camp of Slovak gypsies came to their village - at first they lived in Western Ukraine, where they escaped from the Germans, then Bendera pushed them further to the East. The blacksmith Mykhai Tyutkai and his son Vanko also came to the village with the camp. Tabor then left, but Mykhai stayed - he had both documents and a profession - Mykhai forged horses for the gypsies, and at the same time the villagers began to turn to him for their needs: someone to repair a plow, someone to straighten a saw. Mykhai completed his documents back in 1939 - then the NKVD called him and told him: either take your passport or go back to the Germans. The NKVD refused to accept the surname Tyutkai and Mykhai was recorded as Mikhail Tyutkin, and his son Vanko as Ivan. But his people called him Mykhay, and the villagers also called him Mykhay. Vanko first worked with his father in the forge, and then left with one of the camps - there were many of them passing through the village at that time. He was gone for three years, and then he returned – with his wife Radka. This Radka was still in the city, they pulled her to the NKVD - a car came for her. Vanko said that in 1945 Radka helped catch a detachment of Bendera men, and then they took her for identification. They also wanted to present Radka to the order for this, but then they changed their minds. And then Vanko and Radka gave birth to Valka - Valentina Ivanovna Tyutkina, according to documents. Since the late fifties, Petrovich had not seen Valka, but during Gorbachev’s time some party lady came to their village - in a Volga, with guards. The lady gathered people in the club and told something about perestroika. At that time, many of the old people had already died; almost no one recognized Valka in this lady: so many years had passed. And Petrovich just shout, “Great, Valka.” And how can he not shout, he says - before his eyes the brat has grown! So the guards then grabbed him and took him to the city, where they kept him in a bullpen for three days and beat him. And then they told me to shut my mouth, otherwise they would put me in a madhouse.

Then Petrovich was very offended by Valentina Ivanovna Tyutkina. Maybe my grandfather was confused, or maybe he really found out - who knows. Then I didn’t believe Petrovich: I decided that the old man had lost his mind. And now I looked carefully at this Matvienko of yours (after all, she was Tyutkina) - in your profile - like a gypsy. She loves outfits - this is definitely from Radka: Petrovich said that Vanko was completely exhausted with his wife - she spent all the money on rags. So, apparently, it was in vain that I didn’t believe my grandfather then. I don’t know whether you’ll believe me now: it’s crazy how a gypsy woman became the mayor of such a big city, and you say they’re also tipping her for president. But the gypsies in the Kremlin are already too much for their democracy.

"Ivan Kononenko"

As you can see, there is something to be perplexed about. In addition, the letter asks more questions than it answers. But we, in fact, have nothing to answer it with, since the official data on the biography of Valentina Ivanovna is extremely meager, as if we are talking about some ancient political figure from the time of Pericles. By going to the personal website of any governor of the country, we can easily find out who his father and mother were, what the names of his grandparents were, and how they worked to earn a living. At the same time, in the case of Valentina Ivanovna, there is no information about her relatives anywhere, and if there is, it is a little strange.

For example, in the publication spic-centre.ru (“The First and Only”) we read: Her father, front-line soldier Ivan Tyutin, died of paralysis shortly after the end of the Great Patriotic War - then Valentina was 7 years old. If we add 7 years to 1949 (the official date of birth of Valentina Ivanovna), we get 1956. Is this really “shortly” after the war? The following quote is from the same place: The first and only woman of the Russian government, dubbed “our Thatcher” by her colleagues, was born in a small Ukrainian town, by the way, the birthplace of Pavka Korchagin, Shepetovka. We have never been to Shepetivka - it must be a wonderful city. However, in the official biographies of party functionaries of the CPSU, toponymic names such as Boyarka (Pasha Korchagin worked there), Krasnodon (underground worker Oleg Koshevoy worked there), and Ulyanovsk very often appear. Many party leaders seemed to come from “there” and hid their biography.

We could cite quite a lot of such oddities in the official biography of Valentina Ivanovna - if we set ourselves the task of proving that this biography is a complete fake. But we don’t think so; on the contrary, we would like to prove that the story sent to our editor is a fake. Alas, this is extremely difficult, even almost impossible.

Let's look carefully at the photographs of Valentina Ivanovna from different years: even her enemies note that Mrs. Matvienko is a very flashy woman, who probably broke many men's hearts in her time. But this catchiness is definitely non-Slavic: natural dark skin, high cheekbones, huge, dark, but slightly slanted, clearly non-Slavic eyes, an aquiline nose. In general, the whole type of Mrs. Matvienko’s face reflects something oriental. Valentina Ivanovna's plasticity is clearly unusual for Russian lands - how she holds herself, how she walks, how she knows how to present herself. It seems that put a colorful sundress on her, monisto, and here you have the embodiment of the diva of the Romen Theater or the hand-drawn fortune teller from the old cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

The same mystical magnetism of the gaze, the same gestures. Even when Valentina Ivanovna was shown at meetings of the country’s Cabinet of Ministers, the cameraman could not resist and kept turning the lens’s gaze to Ms. Matvienko. It is no coincidence that the aristocrats of pre-revolutionary Russia went crazy for beautiful gypsies, which was reflected in Russian (and not only Russian) classics. If this is so, we don’t even understand why Valentina Tyutkai hides her roots, as if she is ashamed of them - the gypsies, in general, are quite good people: they sing great, they tell fortunes, and in general half the country is delighted with the series “Carmelita”.

The assumption that Valentina Ivanovna Tyutina is actually Valentina Vankovna Tyutkay can be confirmed by a number of indirect evidence (which cannot but be considered, since there is no direct or even indirect evidence to refute such an assumption). For example, let’s take almost the only story about the family from Valentina Vankovna’s meager official biography: Valentina Ivanovna’s mother raised three daughters alone; in total there were five children in the family, but two died. The post-war years in Ukraine were, of course, difficult times, but excuse me - two out of five children in Little Russian families did not die after the war. In the families of gypsies and residents of Central Asia in the USSR, this was quite common.

Another example is the well-known proposal of Valentina Vankovna, who recommended that residents of St. Petersburg fill the bathtub with water and take turns bathing there with the whole family. To recommend this to residents of a metropolis in the 21st century, you need to have special personal life experience - an experience in which bathing the whole family in one bathroom is the norm. Such norms existed in Japan in the 10th century, and the gypsies have such norms today. And this does not happen at all due to the uncleanliness of the gypsies - it’s just a tradition among the gypsies: a kind of closure of vital energy within the family circle. Therefore, advice that would not occur to any Russian governor turned out to be quite natural for the Roma governor. In addition, Valentina Vankovna, judging by her official biography, graduated from medical school and pharmaceutical institute - that is, educational institutions where they explain to students: bathing five people in one bath is a direct road to mass epidemics. Does Valentina Vankovna really not know this? Or maybe she just didn’t study to be a nurse or a pharmacist? We really don’t know what to think.

Well, the hysteria created by Valentina Vankovna regarding the daughter of a Tajik drug dealer does not fit into the usual framework of grief for the leader of the largest subject of the Russian Federation. If not for one small addition, the Tajiks were, as they say, actually gypsies from Tajikistan. It is in the tenacious hands of the gypsies that drug trafficking from Central Asia to Russia and St. Petersburg is located.

The letter correctly noted that Valentina Vankovna really likes to dress beautifully - although this is noted with a somewhat negative connotation, one cannot help but notice that this is so. The wardrobe of the Queen of England and the wife of Bill Gates does not even hold a candle to Valentina Ivanovna’s wardrobe. Maybe this was passed on to her from the Rada?

Thus, a detailed analysis of the facts presented in the letter does not allow a reasoned and clear refute of the author. Even obvious inconsistencies and contradictions work in his favor. Let's say, in a letter, an incognito author claims that the official maiden name of Valentina Vankovna is some kind of “Tyutkina,” while we know: Valentina Vankovna officially bore the maiden name Tyutina. If this letter had been fabricated by the ill-wishers of Mrs. Matvienko-Tyutkai, they, without a doubt, would have asked what the real official name of Valentina Vankovna was. So this apparent contradiction also testifies in favor of the reality of the author of the document - the reality of the persons described. And with all our desire, we are unable to prove the opposite until Valentina Vankovna herself considers it necessary to speak before voters and lift the veil of secrecy over her pedigree for them - to present her grandparents. If the secret is not revealed, then the author of the letter is right, with Petrovich. Maybe she is shy about her grandfather Mykhaya Tyutkaya? So why be ashamed of him? In Russia there are many governors and ministers from Jews, Tuvans, Kalmyks, Yakuts and other representatives of different nations. Why can’t Russia have a Roma governor, or even a prime minister?

As Valentina Vankovna said in one of her brilliant interviews, she has a huge potential to do good to people whom, according to her, she loves very much, the main thing is not to interfere. And Valentina Vankovna’s word does not diverge from deeds: the latest initiative of the governor of St. Petersburg is to make funeral services as cheap and simple as possible for city residents. We believe that with such potential, Valentina Vankovna Tyutkai has a direct path to the Kremlin.

Nowadays, the once exotic combination of “woman-politician” no longer surprises many people. Moreover, the woman who will be discussed in this article managed to become the most influential woman in Russia, to whom all the top officials of the state listen.

In addition, she is a worthy example of how to properly combine serious work, a happy personal life, health and a toned body. All this is about politician Valentina Matvienko, whose biography is full of dizzying political ups and downs.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko (in childhood Tyutina), half-Ukrainian by nationality, Aries by horoscope, was born in 1949 in Ukraine. Valya is the third daughter and youngest child in the family. Valentina Matvienko's parents had nothing to do with the country's politics: father Ivan, a military veteran, mother Irina, a theater costume designer. In addition to Valya, the family had two more daughters - Zinaida and Lydia.

Valentin practically does not remember his father. He died when the girl was 7 years old. Then all worries about raising and providing for children fell on the mother’s shoulders. Seeing how her mother was tired, receiving pennies, the youngest daughter passionately dreamed of becoming successful and starting to earn money herself, helping her family.

At school, the girl studied very well and graduated with a silver medal, after which she decided to connect her life with medicine and entered college. After graduation, she decided to continue her education and in 1972 applied to the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, where she easily entered. However, soon the girl was offered a job in her native village, in the district Komsomol committee, to which she instantly agreed.

Good studies and active social activities played a significant role in the fate of the future politician. Having been at the institute a Komsomol member of the faculty and the chairman of the Komsomol committee of the university, Matvienko understands that she does not want to connect her life with medicine. And again she becomes a student, but now at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. In addition, the girl attends diplomatic courses at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she studies several languages ​​at once.


Having worked in the regional Komsomol committee for five years, in 1977 deputy Matvienko received an offer to become secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol of Leningrad. For 10 years, Matvienko overcame the thorny path to success. As a result, by the end of the 80s, she became deputy head of the executive committee, where she managed cultural issues, and soon, as head of the committee, she resolved issues related to women’s affairs and family protection.

In the 90s, the politician became the ambassador of the USSR and then the Russian Federation in Malta. Upon returning to his homeland, Matvienko heads the department for relations with the regions of the country at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Governor's new path

At the beginning of the 2000s, a female politician became the governor of the cultural capital of Russia. And she immediately decides to transform St. Petersburg. Having become the head of her beloved city, Matvienko decided to seriously engage in its changes after the “difficult 90s”.

Despite numerous innovations in the life of the city, many of its residents and famous personalities were dissatisfied with the work of the new governor: during her years in power, a huge number of ancient buildings in St. Petersburg were demolished, and new ones were built in their place. Politician Valentina Matvienko incurred the wrath of local residents because she destroyed historical buildings and built modern shopping centers in their place.

At the same time, the politician had to solve the problem of winter collapse. In the winter of 2011, an unprecedented amount of snow fell in the northern capital of Russia. The governor ordered students and homeless people to be involved in the cleaning. With this, Matvienko wanted to solve the problem of employment of the above categories of the population. However, public activists in the country criticized the governor’s idea.

In 2010, Valentina Matvienko took the post of Chairman of the Federation Council. Her candidacy was proposed by the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, who was supported by the president. The political career of the “Iron Lady” took off. Two years later, with the active participation of Valentina Ivanovna, the “Dima Yakovlev Law” was adopted, which prohibits the adoption of Russian children by US citizens. The document was approved by the Federation Council.

Two years ago, news appeared in the media that Matvienko spoke out about unacceptably low salary bonuses for officials in Russia. She said that “high salaries can attract real specialists,” and “cheap officials cost the state dearly.” These statements by the Speaker of the Federation Council were critically received by the public.

In 2016, Valentina Ivanovna proposed a bill banning any physical influence on debtors by debt collectors. Initially, the draft document completely prohibited collection activities, but was finalized, since in the first version it would have provoked the emergence and development of criminal groups.

Men in the life of politics

Valentina Ivanovna firmly linked her fate with one single man. Valentina Matvienko’s personal life is stable. In 1971, while still a student, the girl tied the knot with her classmate Vladimir Matvienko. Their marriage lasts to this day, and their family is an example for many.

Valentina Matvienko’s husband worked as a teacher at the institute until the beginning of the 2000s. Having retired, he began building a dacha. Today Vladimir is in the shadow of his wife and fully supports her.

Valentina and Vladimir Matvienko became parents in 1973. Their only son, Sergei Matvienko, was born. Having matured, the young man received two economic educations. Today he is one of the most successful and richest people in the country - the vice president of several banks and the owner of several structures of large companies.

At the beginning of 2004, Sergei got married. His chosen one was the famous singer Zara. True, the marriage did not last long. Two years later, Sergei and Zara filed for divorce, citing as the reason that they “didn’t get along.” A few years later, Sergei Matvienko reappeared in the registry office. This time he decided to get engaged to a young student, Yulia Zaitseva. In 2009, their daughter Arina was born.

Today Valentina Matvienko is the first female deputy in Russia, Speaker of the Federation Council, and permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. She is not only a successful politician, but also a happy wife, mother and grandmother. Despite her age, 68 years old, she loves to do housework, cook delicious food and paint pictures. In addition, she monitors the condition of her body, adheres to healthy eating rules, regularly swims in the pool and goes to the gym, thereby keeping herself in good shape. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

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