Archive of cadastral plans of territories. Archive of cadastral plans of territories, USRN files Help for education program center archive of KPT

All land plots in the country must be registered in the cadastre. This is necessary to create a unified database of cadastral territories. All data on cadastral plans of territories is stored in a single database, which greatly simplifies the work process for engineers. Such a collection is the KPT archive, which cadastral engineers use during voluntary ambushes.

The CPT archive includes thematic blocks or territories within a certain cadastral block, which are created on a cartographic basis with a significant amount of data. Specialists - cadastral engineers - work on them.

Important! CPT is one that includes important data about a particular area.

Without a registration certificate, it will not be possible to register even if you have a number that confirms the right to own the land plot. The CPT is created in electronic form (it is this copy that is stored in the virtual archive) or in paper form. Contents of the document:

  1. Pages with text - here information is provided regarding the size of the plot, address, etc.
  2. Schemes are a visual representation of a site with an accurate depiction of nearby objects.

Test site to help cadastral engineers

Of course, the engineer does not carry out all the work on creating a CPT manually; the extensive Polygon software comes to his aid. Among the key features of the programs:

  • Formation of an electronic document that is transferred to the archive. Moreover, Polygon users have greater opportunities to work with the archive.
  • Signing and verifying the authenticity of files.
  • Creation of ZIP archives.

You can try out the Polygon program in a demo version and, which is very convenient, there are tips that help you in your work. This will make the job easy and fast. The Polygon developers have prepared a detailed video tutorial that will help you understand the functioning of the program even better.

Important! The smooth and fast operation of Polygon is supported by a whole support team, and consultation can be obtained free of charge.

Procedure for working with the archive

In order to get started, you should register and enter the following data in the form provided:

  1. Login.
  2. Password, including confirming it.
  3. E-mail address.
  4. First and last name.
  5. Company name.
  6. Enter the captcha.

As you can see, the process will take hardly more than a couple of minutes. Registration is necessary in order for points for using the system to be awarded to a specific person who conducts cadastral activities.

In order to download files you need to follow this sequence:

  • Select a file. Moreover, this could be an archive or an electronic document. You can download no more than 1000 files at a time.
  • Click "send".

Downloading documents has the following order:

  1. Select your region from the list.
  2. Select the one you need from the list of cadastral blocks.
  3. Click on the required document and you can view the object’s statistics.
  4. Download.

It is worth noting that the portal works for free, but to popularize it, the developer is asked to share a link to it on social networks and forums, write reviews and tell colleagues about such a service.

Operating rules

There are certain rules for working with the archive, including:

  • A participant in the archive, if he is registered, can download exactly as many files as he has uploaded.
  • Working with the archive is voluntary.
  • When downloading a file, it is understood that any other user can download it, free of charge. Documents are stored on the portal for an unlimited period; they are not deleted.
  • The previously downloaded file can be downloaded as many times as you like.
  • The creators of the archive are not responsible for the safety of documents and their accuracy, since the KTP is uploaded by portal participants.
  • There is a limit on the number of downloaded files.
  • You can upload any number of files.


The KPT archive is currently a convenient repository for a huge number of cadastral plans. Working with the portal is extremely convenient and understandable, and does not require huge resources and knowledge.

KPT Archive

Archive of cadastral plans of territories, USRN files

KPT files ///

% of Rosreestr

9016574 other cadastral files

Exchange CPT and extracts with colleagues: upload your file to our archive, download another file you need, see a printout or drawing here. Store your XML files in our archive, they will not be lost here. It's free.

23237 cadastral engineers are participants in the archive. Thank you for your trust!

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Point cost 21 rub. when purchasing from 5 to 49 points, then cheaper... up to 11 rub. for a point. Points are awarded instantly, the limit on the number of downloads is lifted for a day. Payment by cards or QIWI. Other payment methods are available for amounts starting from RUB 3,000.

Upload files

You can upload up to 1000 files at a time by clicking on the first file in the list, then holding down the key Shift, click on the last one. Upload any XML files or ZIP archives (archives in archives are possible), as well as electronic signature files (but only together with XML files).

Download files

Download the file, to do this, indicate here the cadastral number of the block or property, or find it below in the list of regions, districts, blocks, objects. To download CBT for a list of neighborhoods, use the tool.


The service is free, but you can thank us:

  • Share the link on social networks
  • Write on the forums about this service
  • Tell your colleagues about the existence of this service
  • Write a review on .

For ordinary owners or tenants of real estate or land, it is of no value, since by itself it is not useful anywhere. This document can be used for cadastral work. Therefore, in most cases it is ordered by cadastral engineers in the process or preparation. Read more about the cadastral plan of the territory below.

What kind of document is this?

The cadastral plan of the territory is an extract from the State Property Committee, which contains certain data on land plots and real estate objects within the cadastral quarter.

A cadastral quarter is a compact territory, which is the smallest unit of cadastral division, the boundaries of which, as a rule, coincide with natural or artificial actual boundaries (roads, rivers, etc.). In the cadastral number, the block number is located before the plot number and has 6 or 7 digits - 50:28: 3220039 :12.

A list of what is indicated in the cadastral plan is given below. It is worth noting that, unlike, if an object is removed from the cadastral register, it will not be indicated on the CPT.

In fact, the graphic and some text parts of CBT duplicate. But the main data - coordinates - is not there.

What is it for?

As mentioned above, this is a necessary document for preparation and plans. It provides cadastral engineers with comprehensive information about the cadastral boundaries adjacent to the property being registered. This allows you to unambiguously determine the location of the property under study and the presence of overlays or other cadastral errors.

Accordingly, the “shelf life” of this document is very short - after all, even immediately after its receipt, some object in a given cadastral quarter may “stand up” on the cadastre. And the CBT received will no longer be fully relevant.

Where and in what form can I get it?

CBT can be ordered in paper or electronic form.

In both forms, CBT has the same legal force. The paper must contain the seal and signature of the official who prepared it. The electronic form must have a file with the electronic signature of the official (with the .sig extension).

1. It is ordered on paper at the nearest branch of the cadastral chamber (for the Moscow region) or at the MFC (in Moscow). This is usually a large document and is rarely ordered in paper form. It is much more convenient to work with it electronically. Moreover, the preparation time and cost of the paper version are many times greater than the electronic version.

2. Electronically - on the official website of Rosreestr in the “Public Services” section.

3. Our cadastral engineers can also order CPT for you in electronic form. The cost of 1 CPT is 500 rubles. Receipt time is up to 15 working days. But this is the maximum period - usually about 7 days (it all depends on the efficiency of the cadastral registration authorities). For reference, you can see an example of the CPT in the form in which it is prepared by Rosreestr specialists. It is often not easy to independently convert what is issued in electronic form into a human-readable format. To get a normal document you need to run it through the program and get .

What does the cadastral plan of the territory look like?

Typically, CBT consists of forms CPT.1-CPT.5. Below is a brief description of these sections.

CBT 1.1 and CBT1.2 contain data on land plots and capital construction projects (CCS), respectively. The cadastral numbers, address, category of land, permitted use, area and cadastral value of all objects located in the quarter are indicated here.

KPT.2.1-KPT.2.4 contain a plan (drawing) of the boundaries of the cadastral quarter, land plots, OKS and linear structures with protective land right of way. Moreover, when opening xml. document (if there is an Internet connection), these plans can be scaled. In printed form, it will most likely look like a jumble of lines and inscriptions, which is hardly possible to understand.

KPT.3.1-KPT3.3 contain the coordinates of the boundaries of land plots and public buildings of interest to cadastral engineers, their fixation with boundary signs (temporary, permanent or its absence) and the accuracy of determining boundary marks (with which cadastral engineers calculated their coordinates).

contains the coordinates of the cadastral quarter and the boundaries of security zones of linear structures. Separately, the boundaries of security zones of linear structures are highlighted due to the fact that most often they pass through several cadastral blocks and their boundaries are not closed. It also indicates what restrictions are imposed within the security zones. This is often important for owners of land plots through which some communications pass. Perhaps due to restrictions, it will not be possible to erect permanent structures or lay underground communications.

The company’s specialists can order for you a CPT of a land plot for any purpose. The cost of 1 plan is 500 rubles. Ordered electronically. Call 8 903-253-35-84.

XML to DXF Converter (AutoCAD)

Converter XML files to DXF format (AutoCAD)

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05/05/2019 The maximum upload file size and speed have been increased. It is recommended to upload XML files with electronic signatures. Previous version of the service. An analogue of the service in the form of a program installed on a computer.

In this version, the color of objects is converted "by layer", you can select the color of each layer. You can shorten the cadastral numbers and save the converter settings. Previous version .

This version uses blocks and their attributes. Previous version .

To select the color of layers, you must use another browser (does not work in older versions of Internet Explorer).

Do you need to transfer a drawing from an XML file to AutoCAD?

Here you can convert the graphic contents of any XML file issued by Rosreestr, as well as any submitted to Rosreestr: boundary plan, technical plan, etc. The service converts all types of files, recognizes all types of objects: sections, multi-contour sections, sections with withdrawn parts ( holes), parts, boundaries of a cadastral quarter, subject (municipal entity, settlement), boundaries of territorial and other zones, capital construction projects, their parts and contours, as well as points of the support boundary network. As a result, you receive a DXF file with object coordinates (POLYLINE - closed and open polylines, CIRCLE - circles for structures).

How to display section labels and point designations?

In this version of the web service, you can output not only graphic objects to a file, but also in separate layers: signatures, point designations. To do this, check the boxes object signatures and/or point designations. Cadastral numbers of objects can be abbreviated, for example, :123. See more details.

How to convert geodetic basis?

At the request of cadastral engineers, we have improved the service: now you can convert reference boundary markers, to do this, check the box geod. network (OMS). Signs will be displayed dots in one layer, and their signatures in another. See more details.

How to find out the mean square error of points?

At your request, we have added a mean square error to the drawing so that you can find out whether the position accuracy of a particular point is sufficient. Check the box point error, and the error value will be indicated after the point designations.


Using the button Review select source XML file, from which information needs to be taken, or ZIP archive, containing one or more XML files, set the parameters - check the boxes, if necessary, select the color of each layer (click on the color box), click on the button Convert. After this, the page will refresh and the screen will display Download link the resulting DXF file. To save the file, right-click on the link and select Save via link (as).

CBT is better to archive and download first ZIP archive, preferably together with an electronic signature (sig file). This is faster and more reliable, since the source XML file is large and will take a long time to load.

Note: if a ZIP archive contains several XML files, then one common DXF file will be formed from them.

Warning: By downloading the XML file, you automatically agree to the terms of service. Paid analogue of this service: Polygon Pro: XML Converter.

Attention: Transferring the file to the server and the conversion process may take some time (even several minutes depending on the file size). After clicking the Convert button, do not close the browser window and do not click on the links.

The service is free. The number of converted files is unlimited.

The service is free, but you can thank us:

  • Share the link on social networks
  • Write on the forums about this service
  • Tell your colleagues about the existence of this service
  • Write a review on

Jan 21, 2016 11:36


When receiving documents for real estate, in particular land, many hear the following phrase: “You need to have cadastral plan of the territory! What is it and why is a cadastral document needed?

What information does the cadastral plan of the territory contain?

According to generally accepted rules, the cadastral plan of the territory contained, in the old model, V sections, each of which had unique characteristics. Currently, you can order both a cadastral plan of the territory based on the coordinate points of the site, and an expanded USRN extract, which contains elements of the cadastral plan of the territory. The general structure of cadastral documents is as follows:

  • The structure responsible for cadastral registration.
  • Cadastral number of the object of right.
  • Territorial location.
  • Area and boundaries.
  • Summarizing data on the characteristics of the boundaries of the object under study.
  • Data on actual boundaries, as well as data on adjacent areas in text format.
  • Information and information about the object of right about the site in text version
  • Diagrams, planograms, and public graphics that show the boundaries of each parcel element that are combined into a single parcel

All information on the cadastral plot is available in open form through the Unified State Register of Real Estate

Currently, the elements of the cadastral plan, according to the new Federal Law, are reflected in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which replaces previously valid cadastral documents, including cadastral passport of the object rights, certificate of state registration of property.

You can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate in electronic form or on paper, and the delivery time for the document will be from 5-10 minutes, depending on the category of the document - (simple, with a stamp on paper, in the digital signature of Rosreestr, etc.). All document data is current on the day the request is made.

How to order a cadastral plan of the territory

Currently, the cadastral plan of the territory can be ordered both in the form of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and as a separate document - Cadastral plan of the territory of the block indicating the coordinate points of the object of law. Below is a scheme for ordering a USRN extract.

  • If you know the cadastral number, you can enter it on the order page to complete the document (go to the order page).

  • If the number is unknown to you, enter the physical address of the object in the search field, use the pop-up tips if necessary, and click the “Find” button. After that, click the “Order documents” button. The search is located at the top of the page.

  • We select the document type “USRN Extract”; if necessary, you can order another type of document.

  • Select the document type. Electronic media: simple form - delivery on the day of order. With the digital signature stamp of Rosreestr - within 5 days. Paper carrier: delivery by courier in Moscow within 5 days; within Russia - through the Russian Post service - from 6 working days.

  • Fill in the recipient's details - first and last name, as well as postal delivery or email address.
  • We select payment methods - bank card, payment terminal or e-wallet.
  • We receive the document “Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate”.

The extract contains 4 sections of information, including general characteristics of the land plot, information about land rights, and a graphic part of the land plot. The cost of the service includes state duty. The relevance of the data in the USRN extract is 30 days for presentation upon request.

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