Xxii Congress of the CPSU and its consequences. Xxii Congress of the CPSU Xxii Congress of the CPSU

April 20th, 2015

In the early 1960s, Khrushchev announced the construction of communism by 1980. At the same time, a new Constitution was being developed. The people responded vividly to these initiatives and began to offer their own options for the path to communism: free communes, confiscation of cars and dachas, transfer of bureaucrats to workers, resettlement of Jews to Israel or Siberia.

The program for building communism by 1980 was adopted at the XXII Party Congress in 1961. At the same time, the people were invited to join in the process of developing the Third Program of the CPSU. By September 15, 1961, 6 magazines and 20 newspapers had received a total of 29,070 correspondence, of which 5,039 were published. In total, 44 million people attended party conferences and meetings of workers dedicated to discussing this document, and they made about 150 thousand wishes and suggestions.

From that time on, work began on a new Constitution. It was also widely discussed by Soviet people; until 1964, about 200 thousand proposals for the document were received from them. This Constitution was truly revolutionary; it transformed the USSR into a country of democratic socialism.

The main provisions of the draft new Constitution were as follows. One of its key theses is that power must transfer from party bodies to councils of people's deputies. The issue of developing new democratic socio-political institutions was especially raised, in particular, nationwide discussions of bills, reporting of elected heads of government bodies to the population, sectoral meetings of workers, and bodies of people's control were introduced. Separately, it was said about the introduction of referendums, and the first was to be held on the adoption of this constitution.

Trade unions received the right to legislative initiative. Council commissions received control rights over the activities of ministries and departments. For the first time in Soviet history, it was planned to make the composition of such commissions permanent and transfer some of the deputies to professional activities away from the main production. Changes were introduced in the activities of the court and prosecutor's office. In particular, only the court gave the sanction for arrest, and the prosecutor's office was supposed to exercise supervision, not administrative law.

Great innovations were included and the text of the articles on the powers of the republics, which expanded significantly. In addition to the right to secede from the USSR, the Union republics received the right to carry out diplomatic and economic relations with foreign countries, have their own republican armies and, on issues not specified in the Constitution, exercise their sovereignty. Elections of republican authorities—government councils—were supposed to be held by secret ballot.

The economic section of the text was supposed to include a thesis about the introduction of personal property and private small farming.

The final draft of the Constitution was discussed at a commission meeting on July 16, 1964. However, three months later, Khrushchev was removed from all posts; the new leadership of the country, led by Brezhnev, was afraid to adopt such a Constitution, and submitted it for rework, erasing all innovative proposals from it.

As mentioned above, from the late 1950s to 1964, Soviet citizens wrote hundreds of thousands of proposals on how to build communism. For the first time since the 1920s, Khrushchev allowed the people to openly discuss state and public affairs. But the overwhelming number of workers’ proposals shocked the authorities - it was a mixture of extreme left (as they would have called it in the 1920s - Trotskyist) and fascist views on the transformation of the country.

Historian Alexander Fokin, in his dissertation work “Images of the communist future of the authorities and population of the USSR at the turn of the 1950s-60s” (Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University, Faculty of History), showed what the main proposals were for the Soviet people to intensify the construction of communism.

The partial implementation of communist ideas implied both the gradual introduction of the communist principle of distribution and its geographical localization: communism in the Soviet Union was initially supposed to be created not everywhere, but in individual places. The letters contain many proposals to begin the construction of exemplary enterprises and organize the wide dissemination of their experience, as well as “to begin, as an experiment, the creation of bases, districts and collectives where communist relations between people will take place in production and in everyday life; to form experimental areas of communism on the territory of the USSR with the participation of all races and all classes of our planet, providing these areas with everything necessary.”

For example, the communist and front-line soldier I. Romanov undertook to “lead, build and form a production team of five thousand workers with a communist way of social life on the basis of one of the new buildings.”

A clearer expression of the idea of ​​a visible but territorially limited communist way of life can be found in two letters. Comrade Zabroda suggested: “Over the next five years, i.e. from 1962 to 1966, to build in various places on the territory of the Union republics of the USSR in each SSR one, according to standard designs characterizing the national characteristics of the architecture of the republic, fifteen exemplary commune cities. People working in these cities are selected by the inspection commission of the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1968, all other citizens of the USSR, as well as tourists from abroad, can get acquainted with the conditions and orders in these commune cities.”

Communist E.I. Timoshenko turned to the editors of Komsomolskaya Pravda with the following consideration: “Somewhere in Siberia, on the banks of the Lena or Yenisei, build a communist laboratory city according to all the rules of communism, different in every way from modern cities. Only people who, in their moral and spiritual qualities, fully comply with the requirements of these rules and principles should live in this city. Drunkards and hooligans should not be allowed into this city in order to educate them there. Basically, the residents of this city should be young people in order to separate themselves as sharply as possible from everything old that, unfortunately, still exists in the life of our socialist society. And we already have such communist people, new people. Let’s bring them together in one city, and then everyone will go there, look at their lives and be inspired to live like that.”

In the above excerpts from letters, the features of a classical utopia like the “City of the Sun” clearly appear. Both versions of the people's utopia pursued didactic goals, describing the communist way of life embodied in life, they clearly demonstrated how much better it would be to live in the future.

To a large extent, the building of communism was perceived as a union of production and household communes. The editors of the magazine “Communist” received letters stating that communes are the main link of communist society, an organization through which the communist principle “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” will be practically implemented.

E.A. Liokumovich, in his work sent to the magazine “Kommunsit,” notes that “communism is presented as life in conditions of general prosperity, abundance in fraternal unity and without state power. This is a utopia of a return to the community, which was the correct understanding of the word - commune.”

Soviet communist enthusiasts often proposed a return to the utopian ideas of the 1920s, which became prohibited under Stalinism. For example, the writer F. Panferov’s visit to the Proletarskaya Volya commune near Pyatigorsk in the 1920s was cited as an example of such a society. He recalls how he wanted to ask one of the communes:

-What's her last name? - I ask the chairman.

Surname? But in our country, private names have been eliminated. Everyone has the same last name. This milkmaid is Anna Proletvolya. There, on the corner, is Tikhon Proletvolya. I'm Nikolai Proletvolya. So that!

The creation of settlements isolated from everyday Soviet reality, provided with everything necessary, unique enclaves of a fair life and universal equality, was supposed to prevent the possibility of moral decline of candidates for the role of the “new man.”

One of the main provisions in the idea of ​​the commune was justice based on complete equality. Calls for the revival of communes in which there is no stratification of property, and appeals to communists to give up their property for the benefit of society, which can also be regarded as a kind of commune on the scale of an entire country, realize the population’s desire for equality and social justice.

Social protest under the influence of the draft Party Program was expressed in an appeal to the communist future as an ideal of justice, causing part of the population to ignore one of the principles of the “Code of the Builder of Communism”: “he who does not work, does not eat.” At the same time, labor meant physical labor, and therefore knowledge workers, especially bureaucrats and managers, were perceived as quitters and parasites. Dissatisfied with this, many letter authors proposed introducing a procedure in which each managerial employee had to work one month a year as a worker or collective farmer.

There were often proposals to introduce compulsory labor for all able-bodied citizens, including all able-bodied women; the fact that many women, being the wives of wealthy people and having educational diplomas, did not work, was considered extremely intolerable.

For example, S. Rudik, not finding a direct indication of the abolition of the passport system in the draft Party Program, asked: “Will our children really come to communism with passports and police registrations? The passport system, which restricts the right of a Soviet citizen to freely choose his place of residence, does not fit in with the new attitude to work that a person will have during the period of communism.”

Calls for the creation of communes and the socialization of property were based not only on the perception of communists as “new people” for whom property was no longer important, but also on a negative attitude towards the gap in status between different groups of the population while constantly postulating the ideas of a classless society without privileged layers in Soviet society , where benefits are given only for personal merit. If some letter writers suggested that the communists voluntarily give up their property, others insisted on its forced confiscation.

Some authors developed this idea, supplementing it not only with a proposal for a one-time seizure, but also with a ban on further sales of cars, and the issuance of a law prohibiting having their own houses and renting out housing.

People who received unearned income from renting out their homes in the South during the holiday season were especially hostile, since they were both private owners and speculators. The population thirsted for justice in financial matters. There were proposals to check the sources of income of all depositors in savings banks, and “to transfer money acquired by dishonest means to the state for use in the construction of communism, and in the future to gradually replace cash with registered limit books.”

The most radical embodiment of the desire to fight parasites can be found in a letter from K.K. Lavrenko, who called for the abolition of such a “hotbed of parasitism” as disability group 3.

Much attention was paid to the national issue, primarily the Jewish one. For example, V. Syrovatkin wrote: “Jews are a privileged nation in the USSR, because they are engaged only in mental or light labor and do not work in mines, at machines, on a tractor, etc., so friendship with them is impossible.”

In the author’s mind, Jews stand out from the category of Soviet citizens, with whom you can either be friends or not; this emphasizes the foreignness of Jews within the Soviet Union. Therefore, it is not surprising that V. Syrovatkin further proposes either deporting all Jews to Israel, or gathering them in an autonomous region on the Amur River or even further north.

There were also many proposals for family reform. Thus, P.I. Grebnyuk called not only for the collective use of the products of labor and the collective education of children, but also for the elimination of the method of living in separate apartments and the elimination of the division of people into families, since the family in his understanding was the source of private property education.

The problem of alcoholism was not neglected either. Drunkenness was perceived as a great social evil, without the eradication of which communism cannot be built. Therefore, many people called for some version of “prohibition” in order to stop the circulation of alcoholic beverages above 20 degrees during the first decade of the “era of extensive construction of communism.”

Such radicalism in the views of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Soviet citizens, quite frightened the nomenklatura. One of the reasons for Khrushchev’s removal from all posts was the fear of the highest bureaucracy of the possible granting of rights to such Soviet enthusiasts of ultra-communism and fascism. The coming to power of the Brezhnev group essentially symbolized the refusal of the nomenklatura to the evolution of socialism.

Today this catastrophically primitive lie is unacceptable to the weak-minded. Communism looks primitive
a lure of thimble-makers perched on the shoulders of the working people. Today communism has been dismantled into pieces and
sold to fools piece by piece: equality between savages and academics, lovers of cutting off heads with those who have no
there are memories of life in the Stone Age, the unfortunate ones wrapped up to the top with those not wrapped up, pressing on
universal justice, to the “middle class”, to “*yyo-moe”. The leaders from the gateway simply have a khan without communism.
Today they are taking it apart piece by piece and decorating the Christmas tree of capitalism with them. And the weak-minded dance around
this tree and follow commands from televisions. Civilizations come and fall apart, but to make a person
bad and to inspire him with something like that - there are no problems. This business has been well established in the last century especially.

XXII Congress of the CPSU took place from October 17 to October 31, 1961 for the first time at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses in Moscow - 4,394 delegates with a decisive vote and 405 delegates with an advisory vote, as well as delegations of 80 foreign parties, were present.


  • Report of the CPSU Central Committee (N. S. Khrushchev);
  • Report of the Central Audit Commission of the CPSU (A. F. Gorkin);
  • On changes to the CPSU Charter (F. R. Kozlov);
  • Elections of the central bodies of the party.

N. S. Khrushchev during his speech announced that by 1980 communism would be built in the USSR.

Among the gifts to the XXII Congress of the CPSU was the construction of the Volgograd hydroelectric station, which is still the largest in Europe, and the explosion of the most powerful thermonuclear bomb in history at the test site on Novaya Zemlya.

Results of the congress

The XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union adopted:

  • The Charter of the CPSU, which, in particular, contained the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism
  • The Third Program of the CPSU was adopted. The text of the Program approved by the congress ends with the famous phrase (later removed): “The Party solemnly proclaims: the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism!”

The congress elected the Central Committee of the CPSU, consisting of 175 members and 155 candidates, and the Central Audit Commission, consisting of 65 members.

The congress strengthened measures to combat Stalin’s personality cult, begun by the 20th Congress in 1956. At the congress, Khrushchev and his supporters significantly expanded the scope of revelations compared to 1956–1957. For the first time, in radio reports and on the pages of newspapers informing Soviet people about the work of the congress, words were heard about “monstrous crimes” and the need to restore “historical justice,” as well as stories about arrests, torture and murders that took place under Stalin throughout the country. Former prisoner A. I. Solzhenitsyn was shocked: “It’s been a long time since I remembered such an interesting reading as the speeches at the 22nd Congress!” It was after the XXII Congress that cities and objects in the USSR named after Stalin were renamed (in Eastern Europe this process began earlier), monuments were removed (except for the monument in his homeland - in Gori), and his body was removed from the Mausoleum.

Removal of Stalin's body from the mausoleum

After Khrushchev’s final speech, on October 30, the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee, Spiridonov, asked to speak on an extraordinary issue, proposing to remove Stalin’s body from the Mausoleum. A delegate to the congress, a party member with almost sixty years of experience, Lazurkina said that the day before she had consulted with Ilyich, who allegedly “stood before her as if alive” and said that he was “unpleasant to lie in a coffin next to Stalin, who brought so much trouble to the party.” (“Transcript report...”, vol. 3, p. 121)


from Khrushchev's report:

The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism!Our goals are clear, our tasks are defined, let's get to work, comrades!By the end of 1965 we will have no taxes on the population.

Guests of the convention

  • A prominent political and public figure of the Russian Empire, V.V. Shulgin, was invited to the congress as a guest.


In honor of the XXII Congress, parks were named in Moscow (now Troparevsky Park) and Petrozavodsk (now Lososinsky Park), streets in Yekaterinburg, Samara, Mineralnye Vody, Bryansk, Frunze, Krivoy Rog, Kamyshin, Novoaltaisk, Stary Oskol, Omsk and Zheleznogorsk Krasnoyarsk region, as well as the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station, the Leningrad Metal Plant (LMZ) and the Chernikovsky Oil Refinery in Ufa (now Bashneft-Ufaneftekhim).


took place Oct. 17-31. 1961 in Moscow. There were 4,394 voting delegates and 405 non-voting delegates present. votes representing 8,872,516 people. parties and 843,489 candidates. Delegations from 80 foreign Marxist-Leninist parties were present at the congress as guests. Order of the day of the congress: 1) Report of the CPSU Central Committee (speaker N. S. Khrushchev); 2) Report by the Center. revision CPSU commission (speaker A.F. Gorkin); 3) Draft Program of the CPSU (speaker N. S. Khrushchev); 4) On changes to the CPSU Charter (speaker F.R. Kozlov); 5) Election center. party bodies. The congress was preceded by a general party. and national discussion of the drafts of the new Program and Charter of the CPSU prepared by the CPSU Central Committee; more than 9 million communists took part in the discussion, and in total approx. 73 million people

The XXII Congress went down in history as the congress of the builders of communism. East. its meaning lies in the fact that he failed the Majesties. the results of the labor and struggle of the owls. people, led by the Leninist Party, for the period that has passed since the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU (1956), and adopted a new Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which determined the prospects for the further movement of the Soviet Union. people and all human society towards communism.

Carrying out Lenin's general line, the CPSU mobilized the Soviet Union. people to carry out communist tasks. construction. A major milestone on the path of the country's development towards communism was the extraordinary Twenty-First Congress of the CPSU (1959), which adopted a seven-year plan for the development of the people. of the USSR. The XXII Congress, in a resolution on the report of the Central Committee, stated that the power of the Sov. The country has strengthened even more, its international growth has grown immeasurably. authority as a fighter for the cause of peace and progress, for the friendship of peoples, for the happiness of mankind.. Having approved the political. course and practical activities of the CPSU Central Committee, the congress especially emphasized that “the entire course of events confirms the correctness of the theoretical conclusions and political line of our party. The course of the 20th Congress, which was dictated by life itself, concern for the welfare of the people, and imbued with the spirit of Lenin’s revolutionary creativity, completely triumphed” (“XXII Congress of the CPSU . Verbatim report", vol. 3, 1962, p. 205).

The defining feature of modern international The situation, the congress noted, is the further growth of the forces of socialism, democracy and peace throughout the world. The peaceful competition between two opposing systems has entered a decisive stage. World socialist the system is successfully developing, strengthening and becoming a determining factor in the progress of human society; It is not capitalism, but socialism that defines ch. direction of world development. Further strengthening the unity of the socialist camp, increasing its power and defense capability remains one of the most important tasks.

The XXII Congress developed a number of the most important theoretical theories. conclusions made by the XX and XXI Congresses of the CPSU. The position about the inevitability of a deepening of the general crisis of capitalism was fully confirmed. Under powerful blows, the national liberation will take place. movement, the colonial system actually collapsed. Class. struggle in capitalist countries is becoming increasingly widespread and acute. The entire course of societies and development has shown the correctness of the conclusion about the diversity of forms of countries' transition to socialism. The Congress reiterated that the working class and its vanguard - the Marxist-Leninist Party - are striving to implement socialism. revolution in a peaceful way and in a number of capitalist ways. countries have the conditions for this; at the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind another possibility - a non-peaceful transition to socialism, which will depend not so much on the proletariat as on resistance, reaction. circles the will of the majority of the people. Noting the significance of the Communist Conferences. and the workers' parties of 1957 and 1960 and the documents developed by these Conferences, the congress emphasized that an irreconcilable, consistent struggle on two fronts - against revisionism and against dogmatism and sectarianism - is decisive for the triumph of Marxism-Leninism. At the congress, the actions of the leaders of the Albanian Party of Labor, which, contrary to the documents signed by them at the Conference of Communist Representatives, received fair condemnation. and workers' parties in 1957 and 1960, descended into unfounded and slanderous. attacks on the CPSU and its Leninist Central Committee.

“The CPSU sees its international duty in every possible way to strengthen the solidity of the international communist movement, to fight against everyone who is trying to weaken the unity of communists of all countries” (ibid., pp. 209-10).

The struggle of the socialist countries and all peace-loving forces against the imperialists' preparation for a new war constitutes the main content of modern world politics. Events after 1956 proved the correctness of the conclusion of the XX and XXI CPSU Congresses about the possibility in modern times. era to prevent war. An important guarantee of world peace is increasing economic efficiency. and military the power of the USSR and other socialist. countries The decisive force in the struggle for peace is the peoples. The congress emphasized the need to continue to steadily and consistently implement the principle of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems as the general foreign policy. USSR politics.

Characterizing the results of the internal policies developed by the 20th Congress, the 22nd Congress stated that the most important feature of the period after the 20th Congress was the acceleration of the pace of communism. construction. Great successes have been achieved in all sectors of the people. h-va, the material and spiritual needs of the owls began to be more fully satisfied. of people. The matter of creating material and technical equipment. the base of communism is placed on a solid foundation. In the 6 years preceding the XXII Congress, prom. USSR production increased by 80%. A lot of technical work has been done. re-equipment of all sectors of material production. Capital construction has unfolded in the country on an unprecedented scale. The course for accelerated development is being implemented. forces east districts of the country. The Congress approved what was carried out by the Central Committee and the Council. the restructuring of industry and construction management, the creation of economic councils. The congress stated that in the USSR the task of catching up and overtaking the most developed capitalist systems is being successfully solved. countries by production per capita. The USSR has already overtaken the United States in terms of pace and absolute annual growth in production.

The congress resolution noted the great work carried out by the Central Committee to raise the village. x-va: strengthening logistics. bases of collective and state farms, reorganization of MTS, increasing the role of state farms in agriculture. production, the introduction of a new agricultural planning procedure. production, restoration of the Leninist principle of material interest of collective farmers and workers of state farms, strengthening of collective farms and state farms with specialists, restructuring of agricultural work. bodies, increasing the role of science in the village. x-ve. Of great importance for the expansion of agriculture. production was the development of virgin lands. As a result of the measures taken, the gross output of the village. over 5 years, the economy has increased by 43% compared to the previous five years. Carrying out the directives of the congress on the all-round rise of the village. x-va, the March Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee (1962) made important decisions on restructuring the management of the village. x-vom in the country - the creation of territories. departments for agricultural management production and production in the village. x-wu; The plenum condemned the grass-based farming system and decided to transition to a rational structure of sown areas.

The congress noted the outstanding achievements of the Sov. science and culture, which found its most vivid expression in the unprecedented, first-ever flights of owls. astronauts. The congress approved the restructuring of the people. education and strengthening the connection between school and life.

Much attention in the work of the congress was paid to the issue of development and improvement of socialist societies. relations in the USSR during the transition from socialism to communism. The report of the CPSU Central Committee and the CPSU Program adopted by the congress indicate that as a result of the completion of the construction of socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat in the USSR fulfilled its historical purpose. the role also ceased to be necessary from the point of view of internal development. Sov. the state has turned into a national socialist. democracy, into a nation-wide state. During the communist period construction continues to maintain the leading role of the working class, acting in alliance with the collective farm peasantry, with the entire Soviet Union. by the people. The congress approved the course for further strengthening and rapprochement of the people. and collective farm-cooperative forms of socialism. property, on sequential implementation of the principle of material interest, further development of socialism. democracy and increased participation of the people. masses in managing all the affairs of the country, to strengthen the friendship of peoples, to bring closer together and comprehensive mutual enrichment of the culture of the Sov. socialist nations, strengthening moral and political. unity of owls society, for the active formation of communist. began in the work, everyday life, and consciousness of owls. of people. “The creation of the material and technical base of communism, the development of socialist social relations, the formation of a person in a communist society - these are the most important tasks facing the party in the field of internal policy during the period of extensive construction of communism” (ibid., p. 220).

Firmly taking the path of restoration and further development of Leninist party norms. life and principles of collective leadership, the party openly and boldly condemned the mistakes, perversions and methods alien to the spirit of Leninism, generated in the context of the personality cult of Stalin, overcame the mistakes and perversions of the past and implemented measures that would completely eliminate the possibility of repetition of such mistakes in the future . The XXII Congress of the CPSU finally debunked the personality cult of Stalin. In N. S. Khrushchev’s report on the work of the CPSU Central Committee and the final speech on the report, in the speeches of the congress delegates, numerous were given. facts indicating gross abuses of power committed by Stalin. The importance of graduation was emphasized at the congress. clarification of all the circumstances related to the serious mistakes made by Stalin and abuse of power, the need for truthful coverage of all issues of the history of the party. The Congress fully and completely approved the great and fruitful work carried out by the Central Committee to restore and develop Leninist principles in all areas of the party, state. and ideological. work, which opened up a wide range of creativity. initiative of the party and the people, contributed to the expansion and strengthening of the party’s ties with the masses, and increased its combat effectiveness.

The Congress fully approved the decisions adopted by the Central Committee. measures to expose and ideologically defeat the anti-party group of Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov and others, who opposed the Leninist course outlined by the 20th Congress. The congress condemned the subversive faction. Anti-Party activities. group and stated that the party will continue to steadily implement Lenin’s law of preserving the unity and purity of the parties. ranks, to fight irreconcilably against all manifestations of groupism and factionalism.

At the congress it was noted that in recent years the party has implemented decisions. turn to specific leadership people. x-vom, and special attention was paid to the need to improve work with personnel, to their selection and education, to the paramount importance of the party, state. and societies. control. The congress emphasized the growing role of mass organizations of workers - Soviets, trade unions, Komsomol - in the construction of communism, in strengthening the general people. state and communist. education of owls of people.

An important place in the decisions of the congress was occupied by the issues of raising the level and strengthening of ideological. work. The resolution of the congress emphasized that in ideological work must be guided by desks. the principle of ideological unity. and organizational work. The congress unanimously and with great satisfaction approved the fruitful theoretical work. The creative work of the CPSU Central Committee received its most complete expression in the new Party Program. Guided by the Leninist principle of the unity of theory and practice, the party considers defense and creativity. the development of Marxism-Leninism as its most important duty.

According to the report of N. S. Khrushchev “On the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,” the congress was adopted on October 31. 1961 new (3rd in the history of the CPSU) Party Program. The previous program, adopted in 1919 at the VIII Congress of the RCP (b), was implemented by the party and the Soviets. people in the process of building a socialist society in the USSR. The New Program of the CPSU is a great plan for building communism. society in the USSR and is a document of primary theoretical importance. and practical importance. It includes 2 main. parts: 1) The transition from capitalism to communism is the path of human development; 2) Tasks of the Communist. Sov party Union for the Construction of Communist society. Specific tasks for creating material and technical equipment. the basis of communism, providing an abundance of material and cultural benefits for the entire population, is designed to be realized during the twenty years 1961-80. The program of the CPSU, like the resolution of the congress on the report of the Central Committee, ends on a note. with the words: “The Party solemnly proclaims: the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism.” The CPSU program, which represents the highest achievement of Marxist-Leninist theory, determined the general course of the Soviet movement. society towards communism, brightly illuminated the prospects of the entire international. communist movements.

According to the report of F.R. Kozlov, the congress approved the Charter of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, presented by the Central Committee of the CPSU. All changes and additions made to the Charter of the CPSU are intended to raise the organizational level. the work of the party to the level of great communist tasks. construction outlined by the CPSU Program. Provided by the Charter systematically. the renewal of the party's elected bodies is intended to further promote consistency. implementation of the principles of collective leadership.

Oct 30 1961, on the initiative of the Leningrad and other parties, the congress adopted a resolution “On the Mausoleum of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.” The congress recognized it as inappropriate to continue preserving the sarcophagus with Stalin’s coffin in the Mausoleum, since there were serious violations by Stalin of Lenin’s covenants, abuse of power, and massive repressions against honest people. people and other actions during the period of the personality cult make it impossible to leave the coffin with his body in the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin.

The congress elected the Central Committee of the CPSU in the amount of 175 members. and 155 candidates. and Center. revision commission of 65 members.

The XXII Congress and the documents adopted by it have a huge international impact. meaning. The Marxist-Leninist teaching on communism received further creativity at the congress. development taking into account the experience of building a new society in the USSR, in all socialist. countries and the experience of the struggle of fraternal communists. and workers' parties. The New Program of the CPSU, for the first time in Marxism, gives a detailed picture of communism. society, indicates the ways and means of building communism. The experience of the USSR, whose peoples were the first in history to build communism. society, represents the excluded. value for all socialist. countries and the entire world communist. movements. The leading figures of fraternal communists who spoke at the congress. and workers' parties emphasized that the CPSU Program adopted by the congress indicates that everyone should be communist. and the workers' parties must follow a path. The new Program of the CPSU was rightly called Communist. Manifesto of the 20th century. Representatives of delegations of foreign parties emphasized that eliminating the consequences of Stalin’s personality cult is of paramount importance not only for the USSR, but also for the entire communist world. movements.

The XXII Congress and its decisions are of great importance for the further development of societies. sciences, including for history. Sciences. The materials of the XXII Congress, its decisions represent a most valuable source, they determine Ch. scientific direction research and contain a huge amount of theoretical knowledge. and specifically-ist. material for correct generalizations and assessments. The materials and documents of the congress contain a wealth of material for an in-depth study of the history of the CPSU, for correct coverage of the development of the Soviet Union. society, international revolutionary and national liberation. movement and the entire course of societies. development of humanity.

Lit.: XXII Congress of the CPSU. Shorthand. report, vol. 1-3, M., 1962; XXII Congress of the CPSU and ideological issues. work. Materials of the All-Union Conference on Ideological Issues. work 25-28 Dec. 1961, M., 1962; Ilyichev L.F., XXII Congress of the CPSU and ideological tasks. works, in the book: XXII Congress of the CPSU and ideological issues. works, M., 1962; Suslov M. A., XXII Congress of the CPSU and the tasks of the departments of social sciences, "Communist". 1962, No. 3; International figures communist movement on the XXII Congress and the CPSU Program, "Communist", 1961, No. 16; Sov. ist. science from the XX to the XXII Congress of the CPSU. History of the USSR. Sat. Art., M., 1962; Ponomarev B.N., Problems of history. science and preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of history, "VI", 1963, No. 1.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

    RSDLP RSDLP (b) RCP (b) All-Union Communist Party (b) CPSU History of the party October Revolution War communism New economic policy Lenin's call Stalinism Khrushchev thaw Period of stagnation Perestroika Party organization Politburo ... ... Wikipedia

    - (b) took place from March 18 to March 23, 1919 in Moscow. There were 301 delegates with a casting vote and 102 with an advisory vote, representing 313,766 party members. By the beginning of 1919, a network of party organizations was created, built taking into account... ...

    - (b) took place from March 18 to March 23, 1919 in Moscow. There were 301 delegates with a casting vote and 102 with an advisory vote, representing 313,766 people. parties. Order of the day: 1) Report of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) (speaker V.I. Lenin); 2) Program of the RCP (b) (speakers V.I.... ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia - (USSR, Union of SSR, Soviet Union) the first socialist in history. state It occupies almost a sixth of the inhabited landmass of the globe, 22 million 402.2 thousand km2. Population: 243.9 million people. (as of January 1, 1971) Sov. The Union holds 3rd place in... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917. Formation of the Soviet Socialist State The February bourgeois-democratic revolution served as the prologue to the October Revolution. Only socialist revolution... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The basic law of the internal life of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (See Communist Party of the Soviet Union), which determines the duties and rights of a party member, its organizational principles, norms of internal party life and its methods... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

At the extraordinary XXI Congress of the CPSU in January 1959, it was announced that socialism had already been built in the USSR. In this regard, the question arose about the adoption of a new party program. This issue was raised even under Stalin, but was not resolved then. By the fall of 1961, a new draft program, prepared by a special commission, was prepared and published. In October 1961, in Moscow - in the newly built Kremlin Palace of Congresses - the XXII Congress of the CPSU was held, which considered and adopted the third party program. In particular, it stated: communism is a classless social system, with common means of production and complete social equality. Work for the common good must become a conscious necessity for all people. The basic principle of society is “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” To achieve such a society, one must take first place in the world in labor productivity, move to communist self-government, and educate a new, comprehensively developed person. Communism was mainly planned to be built by 1980!

At the congress, issues of a gigantic rise in industrial and agricultural production were also discussed, and a new party charter was adopted, obliging party members to actively participate in the construction of communism. Noting the successes of the USSR in industry and the development of virgin lands, Khrushchev also turned to the problem of further debunking the cult of personality: the actions of both and the participants of the “anti-party group” were again criticized. The congress decided to remove Stalin's body from the mausoleum and bury it near the Kremlin wall. A massive renaming of cities and streets that bore the name of the leader began. In 1962, the First Secretary of the Central Committee made a proposal to develop a draft of a new Constitution of the USSR, which would place even greater emphasis on democratic norms and the creation of conditions for the transition to communism. However, Khrushchev did not have time to achieve its adoption.

Khrushchev's successes in the political arena gave him the illusion of universal support and strengthened the voluntaristic tendencies of his leadership. All this caused discontent among other senior party and state leaders. They looked with fear at his irrepressible energy, manifested in all areas. Dissatisfaction also accumulated in connection with Khrushchev’s desire to introduce into the Party Charter the principle of mandatory rotation of leading officials - with each election, change 1/3 of the composition of party committees at all levels.


“The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism”!

“Our goals are clear, our tasks are defined, let’s get to work, comrades!”

“By the end of 1965 we will have no taxes on the population!”


Comrade delegates!

The discussion of the Report of the Central Committee of the Party and the report on the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which took place at a high political level, ended. Many congress delegates spoke from this rostrum. What can you say about these performances? I think you will agree with me that each of them can be called a kind of report, a report to the party. Everyone who came to this podium spoke about the most exciting, the most necessary things that had been done and what was yet to be done. These speeches were imbued with an unshakable conviction in the triumph of communism. (Prolonged applause).

All speakers unanimously approved both the political line and practical activities of the Central Committee, and the draft Program of our Party - the program for building communism. The XXII Congress is the clearest demonstration of the unity of our Leninist party and the unity of the entire Soviet people around it. (Applause). With the entire content of its work, the 22nd Congress confirmed its unshakable loyalty to the line of our party that was worked out by the 20th Congress. (Applause). Now it has become even more obvious that the 20th Congress, having removed all the layers of the period of the cult of personality, opened a new page in the history of our party and had a beneficial effect on the development of our country, the entire world communist and labor movement.


“It is considered inappropriate to continue preserving the sarcophagus with the coffin of I.V. in the Mausoleum. Stalin, since Stalin’s serious violations of Lenin’s covenants, abuse of power, mass repressions against honest Soviet people and other actions during the period of the cult of personality make it impossible to leave the coffin with his body in the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin"


Communism is on the horizon!

What is a horizon?

This is a line that moves away as you approach it

Khrushchev at the XXII Congress:

Comrades, every five-year plan is a step towards communism!

Reply from the audience:

There are five kilometers left to go...

“In his iconoclasm, Khrushchev was faced with the need to replace damaged idols with something else.”

K. Linden, American political scientist

took place in Moscow on October 17-31, 1961. There were 4,394 voting delegates and 405 advisory delegates present, representing 8,872,516 party members and 843,489 candidate party members.

Composition of delegates to the congress (with voting rights): by occupation - 1158 party workers, 465 Soviet workers, 104 trade union and Komsomol workers (including 6.3% - workers of central party and government bodies), 1391 industry workers, transport, communications, construction (including 984 workers, foremen, foremen, i.e. 22.3% of all delegates with a casting vote), 748 agricultural workers (including 469 collective farmers, state farm workers, foremen , heads of farms, i.e. 10.6% of all delegates with a casting vote), 45 figures of art and literature, 305 military personnel; by education - 2312 with higher education, 230 with incomplete higher education, 665 with secondary education, i.e. 72.8% of all delegates with a casting vote; by age - up to 35 years 22%, from 36 to 40 years 16.6%, from 41 to 50 years 37.9%, over 50 years 23.5%; by party experience - 42 delegates joined the party before the Great October Socialist Revolution, 1.3% of delegates in 1917-20, 7.7% in 1921-30, 22% 1931-40, 26.6% in 1941-45, 23 .1% in 1946-55, 18.4% in 1956 and later. 1073 women were elected delegates to the congress (22.3% of all delegates). Among the delegates to the congress are 99 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 478 Heroes of Socialist Labor. The congress was attended by delegations from 80 foreign communist, workers, and national democratic parties.

Order of the day: Report of the CPSU Central Committee (speaker N. S. Khrushchev); Report of the Central Audit Commission of the CPSU (speaker A. F. Gorkin); Draft Program of the CPSU (speaker N. S. Khrushchev); On changes to the CPSU Charter (speaker F.R. Kozlov); Elections of the central bodies of the party. The congress was preceded by an all-party and national discussion of the draft new Program and Charter of the CPSU prepared by the CPSU Central Committee.

The 22nd Congress approved the political course and practical activities of the CPSU Central Committee, summed up the work and struggle of the Soviet people, led by the Communist Party, for the period since the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU (See Twentieth Congress of the CPSU) (1956), and adopted a new Program of the Communist Party Party of the Soviet Union (See Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) , which defines the prospects for the further movement of the Soviet people towards communism.

In the resolution on the report of the Central Committee, the congress stated that the power of the Soviet country had become even stronger, and its international authority as a fighter for the cause of peace and progress had grown immeasurably. The congress noted that the defining feature of the modern international situation is the further growth of the forces of socialism, democracy and peace throughout the world. The world socialist system is successfully developing, strengthening and becoming the leading force for the progress of human society; It is not capitalism, but socialism that determines the main direction of world development. Further strengthening the unity of the socialist camp, increasing its power and defense capability remains one of the most important tasks.

The Congress developed a number of the most important theoretical provisions adopted by the 20th and 21st Congresses of the CPSU. The position about the inevitability of a deepening of the general crisis of capitalism was fully confirmed. Under the powerful blows of the national liberation movement, the colonial system actually collapsed. The class struggle in capitalist countries is becoming increasingly widespread and acute. The entire course of social development has shown the correctness of the conclusion about the diversity of forms (peaceful and non-peaceful) transition of countries to socialism. Noting the enormous importance of the Communist and Workers' Party Conferences of 1957 and 1960 and the documents developed by these Conferences, the congress called for an irreconcilable, consistent struggle on two fronts - against revisionism and against dogmatism and sectarianism in the international communist and workers' movement. The congress called for every effort to strengthen the solidity of the international communist movement and to fight everyone who is trying to weaken the unity of communists of all countries.

The documents of the congress emphasize that the struggle of the socialist countries and all peace-loving forces against the imperialists’ preparation for a new war constitutes the main content of modern world politics. Events after 1956 proved the correctness of the conclusion of the 20th and 21st Congresses of the CPSU about the possibilities available to the peoples of the world in the modern era to prevent thermonuclear war. An important guarantee of world peace is the growing economic and military power of the USSR and other socialist countries. The Congress noted the need to continue to steadily and consistently implement the principle of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems.

Describing the results of domestic policy, the congress stated that in the 6 years (1956-61) preceding the 22nd congress, industrial production of the USSR increased by 80%. A lot of work has been done on the technical re-equipment of all sectors of material production. Capital construction has unfolded in the country on an unprecedented scale. The course for the accelerated development of the productive forces of the East is being implemented. regions of the country. The material and technical base of collective and state farms has been strengthened. Gross agricultural output for 1956-60 increased by 43% compared to the previous five-year period.

The congress noted the outstanding achievements of Soviet science and culture, which found its most striking expression in the unprecedented, first-ever flights of Soviet cosmonauts.

Much attention at the congress was paid to the issue of developing and improving public socialist relations in the USSR during the transition from socialism to communism. It was pointed out that even during the period of communist construction, when the state became a national one, the leading role of the working class, acting in alliance with the collective farm peasantry, with the entire Soviet people, continued to be preserved. The course was approved for the further development of socialist democracy, for strengthening the friendship of peoples, for bringing closer and comprehensive mutual enrichment of the culture of Soviet socialist nations, strengthening the moral and political unity of Soviet society, for the active formation of communist principles in work, life, and the consciousness of Soviet people, Approving the work of the Central Committee party to overcome the consequences of the cult of personality, to restore and develop Leninist principles in all areas of party, state and ideological work, the congress approved the measures taken by the party Central Committee to expose the anti-party group of V. M. Molotov, L. M. Kaganovich, G. M. Malenkov and others, who opposed the Leninist course outlined by the 20th Congress.

The congress adopted on October 31, 1961 a new (3rd in the history of the CPSU) Party Program. The previous Program, adopted in 1919 at the 8th Congress of the RCP (b), was carried out by the party and the Soviet people in the process of building a socialist society in the USSR. The New Program of the CPSU includes 2 main parts: 1) the transition from capitalism to communism - the path of human development; 2) the tasks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to build a communist society. The CPSU program determined the general course of movement of Soviet society towards communism. The transition from socialism to communism requires the solution of three mutually interrelated tasks: the creation of the material and technical base of communism, the transformation of socialist social relations into communist ones and the education of all working people in the spirit of high communist consciousness,

The congress adopted the Charter of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in a new edition. The Party Charter defines the basic duties and rights of a communist and sets out organizational norms governing the procedure for admission and expulsion from the CPSU. The Charter provides for an increased role and responsibility of communists, the further development of internal party democracy, Leninist principles and norms of party life. The Charter especially emphasizes that the highest principle of party leadership is the collectivity of leadership, which guarantees the party and all its bodies from making unilateral, subjective decisions and actions. The Congress elected the Central Committee of the CPSU in the number of 175 members and 155 candidates; Central Audit Commission consisting of 65 members. The 22nd Congress and the documents adopted by it are of enormous international significance. The New Program of the CPSU gives a detailed picture of communist society and indicates the ways and means of building communism. The decisions of the congress received popular approval in the USSR and were supported by the fraternal communist and workers' parties.

Lit.: XXII Congress of the CPSU. Verbatim report, vol. 1-3, M., 1962.

M. E. Struve.

  • - took place on October 25-27, 1917 in Smolny. Based on the victory of the October armed uprising of 1917 in Petrograd, the congress proclaimed the establishment of Soviet power in the country...

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  • - took place in Petrograd on November 26. - 10 Dec. 1917. Preparations for the congress began in October. 1917. Right Socialist-Revolutionary Central Executive Committee of the Soviets cross. deputies were delaying the convening of the congress...
  • - took place on October 25-27. 1917. The congress began in October. armed uprising in Petrograd...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - took place illegally abroad on July 17 - August 10. 1903. Until July 24, the congress worked in Brussels, but at the request of the Belgians. police left Belgium and moved its meetings to London. A total of 37 meetings of the congress took place...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - took place in Moscow on January 26. - Feb 2 1924. Order of the day: report of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR; approval of the USSR Constitution; USSR budget; about the establishment of the Center. agricultural jar...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - took place on October 5-14. 1952 in Moscow. Due to the violation of Leninist norms of the party. life in the conditions of Stalin’s personality cult, the congress was convened 13 years after the Eighteenth Congress of the All-Union Communist Party...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - took place in Petrograd on November 26 - December 10, 1917. The congress, in addition to the delegates who arrived from the field, included all the delegates of the Extraordinary All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Peasant Deputies...
  • - took place on October 25-27, 1917 in Smolny in Petrograd, played a world-historical role and opened the era of socialist revolution...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - took place July 17 - August 10, 1903. Until July 24 he worked in Brussels, but the Belgian police forced the delegates to leave the country; The congress moved its meetings to London. There were 37 meetings in total...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - workers, peasants and army deputies took place in Moscow on January 26 -February 2, 1924. 2124 delegates were present. Order of the day: 1) Report on the activities of the Soviet government...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - took place in Moscow on February 14-25, 1956. There were 1,349 delegates with a casting vote and 81 delegates with an advisory vote, representing 6,795,896 party members and 419,609 candidate party members...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - took place in Moscow on January 27 - February 5, 1959...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - took place in Moscow from March 29 to April 8, 1966. There were 4,619 delegates with a casting vote and 323 delegates with an advisory vote, representing 11,673,676 party members and 797,403 candidate party members...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - took place March 30 - April 9, 1971 in Moscow. 4,740 delegates with a decisive vote and 223 with an advisory vote were elected to the congress. The congress represented 14,455,321 communists...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - the supreme body of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - twenty "twenty n" yat - two "twenty w"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

"Twenty-second Congress of the CPSU" in books

XXVIII Congress of the CPSU

From the book How it Was... To the history of the Communist Party of the RSFSR - Communist Party of the Russian Federation author Osadchiy Ivan Pavlovich

XXVIII Congress of the CPSU Ten days after the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, on July 2, 1990, the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU opened at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. 4675 delegates were elected to the Congress. Among them were a few workers and peasants. In this regard, it was decided to invite

1. XX Congress of the CPSU

From the book by N.S. Khrushchev: Political biography author Medvedev Roy Alexandrovich

XX Congress of the CPSU

From the book Utopia in Power author Nekrich Alexander Moiseevich

XX Congress of the CPSU Already in forced retirement, Khrushchev, turning to the past, said: “Stalin committed crimes, crimes that would have been punishable in any state in the world with the exception of fascist states, such as Hitler and Mussolini.” This is

XIX Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) - CPSU

From the book The Diaries of Beria confirm: Viktor Suvorov is right! author Winter Dmitry Franzovich

XIX Congress of the CPSU (b) - CPSU The party congress has not been convened since 1939, and there are serious reasons to think that Stalin did not plan to convene it until the completion of the new Great Purge, just as the previous, XVIII, congress was convened only after the end of the Great Terror. According to the plan

XX Congress of the CPSU

From the book The Times of Khrushchev. In people, facts and myths author Dymarsky Vitaly Naumovich

XX Congress of the CPSU Shock and shock - these are the feelings that Khrushchev’s report, which he made on the last day of the XX Congress of the CPSU on February 25, 1956, aroused first among the delegates, and then throughout the whole country. It exposed Stalin's personality cult, and this event shocked the whole world. Behind

5. XX Congress of the CPSU

From the book New “History of the CPSU” author Fedenko Panas Vasilievich


From the book Nikita Khrushchev author Lavrinenko Natalya Evgenevna

XX CONGRESS OF THE CPSU Khrushchev played in a peasant way, in a simple way, that the country would support the one who told the truth. Anatoly Utkin, historian Back in July 1955, the people were announced about the convening of the next, XX Congress of the CPSU. At the congress it was planned to hear the traditional

XX Congress of the CPSU

From the book History of the Soviet Union: Volume 2. From the Patriotic War to the position of the second world power. Stalin and Khrushchev. 1941 - 1964 by Boffa Giuseppe

XX Congress of the CPSU


From the book History of the Ukrainian SSR in ten volumes. Volume nine author Team of authors

2. XX CONGRESS OF THE CPSU. STRENGTHENING AND DEVELOPMENT OF LENINIST NORMS OF PARTY AND STATE LIFE. XIX CONGRESS OF THE CPSU OF UKRAINE The tasks of the further struggle of the party and people for building communism in the coming five years were expressed in the Directives of the XX Congress of the CPSU on the sixth

XX Congress of the CPSU

From the book 100 Famous Symbols of the Soviet Era author Khoroshevsky Andrey Yurievich

XX Congress of the CPSU In November 1957, speaking at a session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a report dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev said: “The party has fought and will fight with everyone who will slander Stalin, who

Twenty-second Congress of the CPSU


Twenty-first Congress of the CPSU

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DV) by the author TSB

Twenty-third Congress of the CPSU

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DV) by the author TSB

Twenty-fourth Congress of the CPSU

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DV) by the author TSB

Congress of the CPSU

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (Sb) by the author TSB

Congress of the CPSU Congress of the CPSU, the supreme body of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Regular congresses, according to the CPSU Charter (approved by the 22nd Congress in 1961, partial changes were made by the 23rd Congress in 1966 and the 24th Congress in 1971), are convened by the Central Committee of the CPSU at least once every 5 years.

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