Presentation on the topic of personal hygiene. Presentation "personal hygiene rules" Download presentation on personal hygiene

Primary school teacher Filipova E.A. MBOU Glinkovskaya Secondary School

Hygieia - goddess of health, daughter of the sage and physician Asclepius. The science of Hygiene is named after this goddess. Hygieia was depicted in mythology, entwined with a snake, as a symbol of wisdom, purity and inviolability. The snake bites the one who violates the laws of Hygieia.

Do you know what Hygiene is and why people need it? Hygiene (healthy from Greek) is a combination, a combination of hygienic rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health. Personal hygiene - includes rules for the hygienic maintenance of the body, oral cavity, and the use of shoes, underwear, clothing, and housing.

Always keep it clean!

Personal hygiene items

Wash your hands often! Most intestinal infections and even the flu are transmitted through the hands! It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet, interacting with animals, before preparing food and before eating, after going outside, cleaning the premises, and in all cases when your hands are dirty. Regular hand washing and nail care will protect against many diseases.

Rules of body care For washing, use toilet soap or gel. Take a shower daily, especially after work that involves dirty skin and heavy sweating. Wash your body with warm water, soap and a washcloth at least once a week. After washing, put on clean underwear.

How to brush your teeth correctly? Brush your teeth every morning and evening using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Rinse your mouth after eating. Cleaning duration is at least 3 minutes. At the first signs of dental and gum disease, contact your dentist immediately.

make sweeping movements from the gum to the tooth. The toothbrush is positioned vertically, the direction of movement is from the gum to the edge of the tooth. The toothbrush is placed horizontally and brushing movements are made back and forth.

Hair care You should wash your hair with warm, soft water. Long hair should be combed starting from the ends, and short hair should be combed from the root. The comb should not have sharp teeth, it should be sparse. It is unacceptable to use someone else's comb. Cold, sun, sea water, wind, dust, etc. makes hair brittle and dull.

Clothing and footwear Clothing must correspond to the climatic conditions of the environment and the nature of the work. It is better to choose clothes and shoes made from natural fabrics and leather. Keep your underwear clean and change your socks daily. Dirt and sloppiness in clothing is disrespect not only for yourself, for your health, but also for the people around you.

Keep your room and classroom clean! Clean your shoes from dust, dirt and snow when entering the room. Don't litter on the floor. Do not allow dust to accumulate, do wet cleaning. Ventilate the room more often. Wipe chalk off the board with a damp cloth. Sweep the floor with a damp broom or brush wrapped in a damp cloth.

He lay down in his pocket and guarded: Roaring, crying and dirty. They will have streams of tears in the morning, I won’t forget about the nose. Riddles from Moidodyr

I take on the labor: I rub my heels and elbows with soap and scrub my knees, I don’t forget anything. Smooth and fragrant, washes very clean. Everyone needs to have - What, guys?

I wipe, I try After the boy’s bath. Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled - There is no dry corner. I walk and wander not through the forests, but through my mustache, through my hair, and my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears.

Who counts our teeth in the mornings and evenings. It looks like a hedgehog, but does not ask for food. It will run through your clothes, and they will become cleaner.

Test yourself Hygieia is... an earthly goddess, a woman, an actress

Duration of brushing teeth - ... 30 sec 1 min 3 min

How often should you shower? 1 time a week every day 1 time a month

How often should you change socks and underwear? 1 time per month 1 time per week 1 time per day

What kind of rag should you use for cleaning? wet large dry

Proverbs and sayings Cleanliness and health are sisters. Be as clear as glass, be as bright as the sun. Sadness passes when it is expressed, dirt - when it is washed away. Don’t sit at the table without washing your face. Living in poverty is not shameful, but living in dirt is shameful. Don't hang beads on a dirty body.

There is a law in our school: Sluts are prohibited from entering!

Information resources

Presentation on the topic “Human Hygiene” Daughter of Asclepius, who gave birth to her already in his posthumous divine state, as the god of healing. Hygieia herself became the goddess of health, or “preventive medicine.” She always accompanied her father, took care of his snakes and actually acted as his female form along with her sister Panacea. In this role he acts in the sky, replacing the priest in the constellation Ophiuchus. Hygiene is the science of preserving and strengthening people's health. Its main task is to study the influence of living and working conditions on people's health, preventing diseases, ensuring optimal conditions for human existence, preserving his health and longevity. Personal hygiene includes: a rational daily regimen, body and oral care, hygiene of clothes and shoes, giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, etc.).Knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene is necessary for every person, so how strict adherence to them promotes health, increases mental and physical performance and serves as a guarantee of high achievements in any type of activity. Oral hygiene. After each meal, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with slightly warm water. You should know that diseased teeth can cause diseases of the heart, joints, and kidneys. From the age of six, children begin to replace their milk teeth with permanent ones. Quite fragile, they are easily susceptible to disease and can lead to damage to nearby permanent teeth. Regarding dental care, primary schoolchildren must learn the following rules: -Everyone must have their own personal toothbrush, which is stored in a special case. -Food must be chewed on both sides of the jaw. -For better preservation of tooth enamel, food should not be too hot; It is undesirable to chew hard nuts, sugar, and sweets with fragile children's teeth; eating raw carrots, apples, and cabbage is good for your teeth. Body care. Body hygiene promotes the proper functioning of the body, improves metabolism, blood circulation, digestion, breathing, and the development of a person’s physical and mental abilities. A person’s health, performance, and resistance to various diseases depend on the condition of the skin. The basis of skin care is regular washing of the body with hot water, soap and a washcloth. It is carried out at least once every 4-5 days in a shower, bath or sauna. It is necessary to change your underwear after this. Hair care includes timely cutting and washing. It is unacceptable to use laundry soap or synthetic detergents intended for washing clothes to wash your hair. It is recommended to use toilet soap or shampoo. If dandruff appears, oily hair can be washed with medicated shampoos 1-2 times a month. After playing sports, be sure to take a shower. Hygiene of clothing and footwear. - It is mandatory to go to school in a school uniform made of woolen fabric containing 10-25% synthetic fiber. Together with cotton underwear, the school uniform provides sufficient warmth when the classroom temperature is 17-21%. -After returning from school, you need to change clothes and hang your school uniform in a certain place. -Come to physical education lessons only in sportswear. -When doing housework or self-care at school, wear a robe or apron. -When eating or washing dishes, you should not wipe your hands on your clothes; you should use napkins and a towel. - Sit only on a clean chair; You cannot sit on the ground, on the floor. -Constantly monitor the serviceability of clothes, clean them from dust with a brush (not in the living room). Select shoes according to your foot size. Tight or loose shoes interfere with normal leg growth and make movement difficult. To prevent flat feet, wear shoes with low heels of 1.5-2 cm.

on the topic: “Personal and public hygiene.
Hygienic basics of physical

Prepared and carried out
Belozerova Ekaterina Anatolyevna
Kurganinsk, x. Red Field, 2017

"Hygiene" from the Greek word
hygieinos, which means "healing,
bringing health"

Find out how personal hygiene can help
avoid diseases


Personal hygiene
includes rules
hygienic maintenance
Skin hygiene
Oral hygiene
Hygiene of clothing and shoes
Linen hygiene

Water hygiene
Food hygiene

Hygienic requirements

Removing dust from any surface
Cleaning plumbing fixtures, bathroom cleaning and
toilet room, wiping kitchen
headset, microwave oven,
electric stoves
Mopping floors
Carpet cleaning
Cleaning upholstered furniture
Cleaning air conditioners, batteries

Hygienic requirements
To keep skin clear
you should take a shower daily
Washing is the main type of care
skin, in which from its surface
removes dust, germs, sweat, skin
lard, various contaminants
You need to be careful when
using soap and shower gel,
because their abuse is annoying
skin, leading to dryness and
The skin of the hands must be washed with soap and
water at room temperature
The skin of your feet should be washed daily in the evening.
before bedtime

Personal hygiene items

It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after
toilet, communication with animals, before
cooking and before eating, after
streets, cleaning premises and in all
cases when hands are dirty.
Watch your hands carefully.
Nails should be clean and short
Wash your hands often!
Regular hand washing and nail care
protects against many diseases.
Don't forget your feet. They sweat often
an unpleasant odor appears, so
also need to be washed daily

Rules of care
Use the toilet to wash
soap or gel.
Take a shower daily
especially after work related
with skin contamination and severe
Wash your body with warm water and soap and
washcloth at least once a week.
After washing, put on clean underwear

Hair care
You should wash your hair with warm, soft water.
Long hair should be combed
from the ends, and short ones from the root.
The comb should not have sharp teeth,
must be rare.
It is unacceptable to use someone else's
Cold, sun, sea water, wind, dust
etc. makes hair brittle and dull.

Hygienic requirements for clothing and

Warm in the cold
Do not interfere with heat transfer
Beautiful and comfortable, the materials from which
clothes are sewn, must be natural
(cotton, wool)
Lightweight and practical
Pleasant to people and others
Clothes must be washed regularly
dry clean
You should always take good care of your shoes
(dry with care), clean
Shoes designed for permanent use
wearing, should be light, fit
size and have a heel no higher than 3–4 cm
It is unacceptable to use other people's clothing and

Clothes and shoes
Clothes must match
environmental climatic conditions
habitat, nature of work.
It is better to choose clothes and shoes from
natural fabrics and leather.
Keep your underwear clean
change your socks daily.
Dirt and sloppiness in clothing is
disrespect not only for oneself, for
to your health, but also to those around you
to people.

Hygienic requirements for water
Have no smell
Refreshing taste

Dissolves many chemicals

Removes toxins from the body
Participates in thermoregulation

Hygienic requirements for

Most food should be consumed in
boiled or steamed
You should eat raw vegetables and
Eat at certain times
It is harmful to eat a lot of food at once
At lunch it is important to eat the salad first and then
You shouldn't be forced to eat
Storing food without refrigeration
It is harmful to read and watch TV while eating
or get angry
It is important to chew your food well and take your time
when taking it
Food hygiene rules are necessary
observe for adults and children

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Conversation on the topic: “Rules of personal hygiene”

The word “hygiene” came to us from Ancient Greece and means “healing, bringing health.” Hygiene is one of the oldest areas of human knowledge. Its origins go back to ancient times. Even before the birth of hygiene as an independent science, experience in hygiene recommendations had been accumulated. These recommendations appeared in the process of observations, generalizations, and transfer of life experience to subsequent generations.

Skin hygiene All parts of the skin that are not protected by clothing: face, neck and hands should be kept clean at all times. The face, ears and neck should be washed in the morning and evening, before going to bed. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet with cool water. This achieves not only cleanliness, but also hardening of the body; Hands must be washed after coming from outside, before and after each visit to the toilet, and before eating;

Once a week, be sure to wash your entire body with warm water and soap: wash your hair; neck; torso and arms and finally legs.

Skin hygiene The towel should be clean, soft, and should only be used by its owner. Perform intimate toileting at least twice a day! - Carry out water procedures in the morning: rubbing, dousing or showering, strengthening and tempering the entire body! - Take care of your hands and nails! Trim and remove dirt from under your nails regularly with a special brush!

Hair hygiene - Wash your hair not with hot, but with pleasantly warm water! - Free your hair from the stress of coloring and perming! - Try to use a hairdryer as little as possible in winter! A large amount of dust accumulates in the hair, especially in summer. Mixing with sweat and sebum, dust forms a coating (film) on the scalp and hair, in which various microorganisms can develop. - You need to comb your hair every morning and keep your hair in order all the time! - Keeping your hair neat is one of the most important means of preventing scalp disease!

Hygiene of clothing and footwear Clothing and footwear protect the human body from exposure to cold, excess heat and moisture. At the same time, clothing and shoes protect the body from contamination. Clothes should not restrict the human body! Clothes and shoes should always be kept clean! Underwear needs to be changed daily! Washing clothes must be done skillfully and rinsed well!

Dental and oral hygiene Maintaining oral hygiene is the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and exacerbations of chronic diseases of internal organs.

To prevent dental diseases, you need to regularly: - chew food thoroughly for a long time, be sure to include hard vegetables and fruits in your diet; - reduce the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, etc.), they are good food for the development of pathogenic microflora; - drink more, doing it slowly, retaining liquid in the mouth (maximum germs are washed away); - After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth with water.

Dental and oral hygiene: brush your teeth in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (after dinner). You should start brushing your teeth on one side of the molars, gradually moving the brush towards the front teeth, the same procedure is done on the other side of both jaws; The chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned in two directions lengthwise and with sweeping movements;

Dental and oral hygiene - toothpicks are designed to remove large particles of food from interdental spaces; - rinse your mouth between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner; do therapeutic exercises for the teeth and jaws, squeezing the teeth first weakly and then tightly several times, closing the mouth easily and with great force, moving the lower jaw to the side; To prevent diseases of the gums and other soft tissues, constantly strengthen the body’s defenses by doing sports and hardening.

Take care of yourself! Practice good hygiene! And be healthy and beautiful! By choosing one or another lifestyle, diet, physical activity, personal hygiene, mental and emotional disposition, everyone individually determines the duration of their life.

“Sanitation and hygiene in enterprises” - Retail premises. Sanitary and hygienic principles. Ways of food poisoning. Nutritional supplements. Dangerous and harmful production factors. Hygienic requirements for the design of retail establishments. The most important nutritional disorders. Physical activity rate. Classification of categories of work in production.

“Personal hygiene of a schoolchild” - Mint. Clean water is a disaster for sick people. Home hygiene. 40,000 pathogenic microbes. Dental care. Oral journal. The bathhouse washes, the bathhouse warms, sickness and ailments will be overcome. White basket. Man and his health. An indispensable “bath” rule. How often is it recommended to wash your hair? Personal hygiene. Rules for dental care.

“Human Personal Hygiene” - Hygiene. Daily distribution of diet. Infection of the external integument. Respiratory tract infections. Infectious diseases. Clothing hygiene. Food hygiene. Purity. Intestinal infections. Proper preparation. Isolate patients in a timely manner. Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Maintaining body cleanliness.

“Hygiene for girls up to one year old” - After washing and bathing, lay on the back for 10-15 minutes. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of girls in the first year of life. Swelling of the external genitalia. Protective cream. Adequate toilet of the baby's skin. Differential diagnosis - mastitis of newborns. Schematic representation of the microscopic structure of the ovary.

“Personal hygiene of the patient” - Hair care. Washing feet. Nail cutting. Ear treatment. Hand washing. Seriously ill patients. Personal hygiene. Shaving. Wiping the skin. Necessary equipment. Be healthy. Personal hygiene of the patient. Change of linen. Caring for the external genitalia. Treatment of the nasal cavity. Treatment of the oral cavity. Self-help skills.

“The History of Hygiene” - The Renaissance undoubtedly brought freshness to thoughts. What hygiene procedures do you know? Proverbs of the peoples of the world. Pope Clement V dies of dysentery. Periodically, all its noble residents left the Louvre. Sinkwine "Hygiene". Medicine. Cesspools were dug in rural areas. Make up harmful advice on the topic.

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