Technological map of potato pancakes with meat. Lesson summary “Potato dishes: potato pancakes. Potato pancakes with carrots

Subject: "Traditional Belarusian dishes"

Cooking pancakes

The purpose of the lesson: Get acquainted with:

Traditional Belarusian dishes;

Technology for preparing potato dishes;

Requirements for the quality of ready-made dishes;

Lesson objectives:

Will learn:

Prepare a Belarusian potato dish;

Use raw materials economically;

Set the table for tasting;

Serve the finished dish;



Aesthetic taste;

Creative skills

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory part of the lesson.

3.doing practical work

4. food tasting

5. summing up the lesson

Theoretical part of the lesson:

Belarusian cuisine has evolved over the centuries on the basis of its original rural cooking and under the influence of its closest neighbors - Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Poles.
Its characteristic feature is the widespread use of potatoes. Many independent delicious dishes are prepared from it (potato croquettes, village-style potatoes, potato pancakes, potato zrazy, potato fray, potato flakes, komoviki, boiled potatoes with various seasonings, potato babka, potato pies, soloniki, etc.) Potatoes are also used as main side dish for meat and fish. Dishes made from stewed potatoes are called sushanka or smazheniki.

Several dishes are prepared from potato mass. For example, tarkovan mass is raw grated potatoes, not squeezed; wedge mass - raw grated potatoes, which are completely strained in a cloth bag; boiled-crushed mass - ordinary mashed boiled potatoes.
Very often, potatoes are served in combination with another favorite product of Belarusians – mushrooms. Mushrooms are used to prepare soups, stuffed dishes and as an independent dish - fried, stewed or baked.
In addition to potatoes, vegetables, cereals, flour, milk, etc. are used.
Of all types of meat, pork is the most consumed. Lard is in great demand, eaten almost exclusively in winter, lightly salted, always with skin. Fried lard serves as a seasoning for various potato and flour dishes. Beef, veal, poultry, and game are also popular.
Belarusians hold in high esteem all kinds of egg dishes, milk porridges, and flour products (pie with fresh mushrooms, perepecha, dzyad).
Belarusian cuisine widely uses berries. A wide variety of jelly and compotes are made from apples, pears, plums, cherries, wild strawberries, and lingonberries.
Seasonings and spices in Belarusian cuisine are used sparingly, so the dishes are not spicy.
Belarusians prefer tea and coffee among drinks.
Belarusian cuisine is characterized by the predominant use of various types of dark flour: rye, barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, pea; Moreover, rye flour is most often used for making bread, and oatmeal for other flour products.

Practical work “Cooking traditional Belarusian dishes (pancakes)”

Instructional and technological map “Cooking potato pancakes”

Equipment: bowls, spoon, frying pan, spatula, plate.

Required Products : potatoes, salt, flour, egg.

Stir the resulting mass until smooth.

Heat a frying pan (pour in sunflower oil)

Take it with a spoon and pour it into a deep frying pan (like flatbreads)


Bake over moderate to low heat until golden brown.


Remove with a spatula and place on a plate


Serve with butter, sour cream, milk.


Conclusion: the dish I prepared is good quality (poor quality) ____ because it answers (does not answer) the following


Lesson summary. Summarize the final conversation about cooking pancakes.

Additional tasks:

List the methods and techniques for preparing traditional Belarusian dishes ___

Find out from adults the recipe for traditional Belarusian dishes common in your area. Write the sequence of preparation of one of them.



I like it …

It was interesting…

I learned…

I have learned that…

I was surprised...

It was unclear...

Teacher's words: Let's always remember!

Don't forget about food culture.

Food should be tasty prepared and beautifully presented.

Food is the fuel on which the body works, and anyone, especially a young person, should know about this fuel and be able to use it competently.

1. Preparation

Ingredients: everything
Cooking time: 20 min
Description of preparation

One of the most popular elements of the Belarusian meal has long been pancakes.

They are served in a variety of options - both regular and with different sauces.

In countries bordering Belarus, there are dishes very similar to potato pancakes (sometimes called potato pancakes)

One of the most characteristic features of Belarusian national cuisine is the widespread use of potatoes, which are called second bread.

It is rare to find a dish in which potatoes are not used in one form or another.

Potatoes are used to prepare independent dishes and are also used as a side dish.

Everyday dishes include boiled potatoes, potato porridge or lumps.

Belarusians especially love traditional potato pancakes (pancakes).

How exactly are pancakes prepared in Belarus?

Wash the potatoes, peel them, grate them on a fine grater.

Peel and grate the onion.

Add beaten eggs, sour cream, soda, and flour to the resulting mass.


Fry on all sides in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil.

Similar recipes

Cooking time:
Description of preparation
Stuffed potato pancakes

12 potatoes, 2 g. spoons of flour, vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 100 g of bacon, pepper, salt.

Grate raw potatoes, squeeze, add flour, salt, pepper, eggs and mix.
Spoon the resulting mass into a heated frying pan and fry like pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
Serve with cracklings.

Draniki can be stuffed with mushrooms, eggs, fish or meat.

In this case, cut the prepared potato mass into flat cakes.

Place them in a heated frying pan, put minced meat on each, and cover with potato mixture on top.

Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Place in the oven for a short time.

Mushroom mince:

30 g dried mushrooms, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat, 2 onions, 0.25 cups of mushroom broth, salt.

Sort the dried mushrooms, rinse thoroughly and soak in cold water for 3-4 hours.
Rinse the swollen mushrooms again and cook in the water in which they swollen for 1-1.5 hours.

Remove the cooked mushrooms from the broth, rinse and finely chop.

Add fried onions and mushroom broth to make the minced meat juicy and stir.

Chopped meat:

400 g pork, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. spoon of oil, pepper,

Pass the pork pulp through a meat grinder, add onions fried in oil, salt, pepper and mix everything.

Minced fish:
300 g fish fillet, 2 onions, 1 egg, 2 g. spoons

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder and fry.
Chop the onion and sauté.
Mix everything, adding chopped eggs

Minced eggs:
4 eggs, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, salt.

Hard-boil the eggs, peel, finely chop, mix with fried onions, and add salt.



OKP 91 6630




I.I. Ivanov


Potato pancakes


TU 9166-010-ХХХХХХХ-2015

Effective date: "___"________2015

No expiration date




No. Section name Page
Application area 3
1 Quality and safety requirements 4
2 Marking 7
3 Package 9
4 Acceptance rules 11
5 Control methods 12
6 Transportation and storage rules 13
Appendix A List of regulatory documents referenced in the technical specifications 14
Appendix B Energy value of products per 100 g of product 17
Change registration sheet 18

Application area

These technical specifications apply to fried potato products (hereinafter referred to as "products", "products"), intended for sale through retail and public catering networks, as well as directly to the consumer upon his pre-order, and establish requirements for product quality that ensure its safety for life and public health, and can be used when declaring the above products.

Products are produced in the following names:

Potato zrazy with mushrooms;

Potato pancakes.

These specifications are the property of LLC "XXX" , Russia and cannot be partially or fully copied, replicated or used without the permission of the owner.

An example of product designation when ordering it and (or) in other documents: « Potato pancakes" THAT 9166-010-ХХХХХХХ-2015"

1. Requirements for quality and safety.

1.1. Products must meet the requirements of these technical specifications and be manufactured in compliance with TR CU 005/2011, TR CU 021/2011, TR CU 022/2011, as well as other sanitary norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner, according to recipes (technological maps) and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. In terms of organoleptic characteristics, products must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1




Appearance and


Products are flat-round, semicircular, rectangular, square and other shapes. The edges are smooth, well sealed, without protrusions of the filling. The surface of all products is smooth, minor deviations from the correct shape are allowed. The minced meat of the products should be evenly distributed.
Taste and smell Pleasant, characteristic of the products included in the product. The taste is moderately salty according to the characteristics of the raw materials included in the products. Free from foreign tastes and odors.

1.3. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, products must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Indicator name The value of the indicator
1 2
Mass fraction of table salt, %, no more 1,2
Mass fraction of minced meat to product weight,% 35…55
Mass fraction of fat, %, no more 15,0
Presence of foreign impurities Not allowed

1.4. The content of toxic elements, pesticides and radionuclides in products (Table 3) should not exceed the permissible levels established by TR CU 021/2011 (clause 1 of Appendix 3, Appendix 4).

Table 3

Indicator name Indicator value, mg/kg, no more

Toxic elements:








Hexachlorocyclohexane (α, ß, φ isomers)

DDT and its metabolites


Cesium - 137, Bq/kg


Nitrates 250

1.5. In terms of microbiological indicators, products must comply with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011, in accordance with Table 4.

Table 4

Indicator name Norm
KMAFAnM, CFU/g, no more 5*10 2
Coliforms (coliforms) in 1.0 g not allowed
S.aureus, not allowed in the product mass, (g) 1,0

1.6 Requirements for raw materials

1.6.1. The following types of raw materials are used for the production of semi-finished products:

Wheat flour according to GOST R 52189;

Potatoes according to GOST R 51808;

- table salt GOST R 51574;

Sunflower oil according to GOST 1129;

Chicken eggs according to GOST R 52121;

Onions GOST 1723;

Breadcrumbs and mushrooms according to the manufacturer’s specifications or other regulatory and technical documentation

1.6.2. It is permitted to use other types of raw materials, including foreign ones, with similar characteristics, permitted for the production of this type of product by the bodies and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.

1.6.3. The raw materials used for the manufacture of products must comply with the safety requirements of TR CU 021/2011.

1.6.4. All raw materials of animal origin are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination and assessment by the State Veterinary Service of Russia in accordance with current norms and regulations and must be accompanied by veterinary documents of the established form.

1.6.5. Raw materials purchased for the manufacture of products must have documents confirming their quality and safety.

1.6.6. It is recommended that raw materials (food ingredients and additives) used for the production of products be monitored for the content of components obtained using GMOs.

1.6.7. During the production process, it is necessary to take into account the maximum permissible impact of waste on the environment and provide reliable and effective measures to prevent and eliminate their harmful effects, neutralization and disposal.

1.6.8. In accordance with TR CU 021/2011, when implementing product production processes related to safety requirements, the manufacturer must develop, implement and maintain procedures based on the principles of the HACCP system.

6. Transportation and storage rules

6.1. Products are transported in refrigerated or isothermal means of transport subject to the requirements for storage conditions and shelf life, in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport.

6.2. Transportation and storage of products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

GBOU RK "Feodosia Special Boarding School"


"Pancakes with MEAT (Wizards)"

Completed by a 6th grade student

Vereshchatskaya Evgenia

Teacher: Starodvorskaya E.I.



Organizational and preparatory stage

1. Project selection. Project goals

2. From the history of potato pancakes

3. Thinking star

Technological stage

4. Technology for preparing the dish “Draniki with meat (Wizards)”

5. Recipe selection

6. Selection of tools

7. Technological map for preparing the dish “Daniki with meat (Sorcerers)”

8. Cooking pancakes

9. Useful tips

The final stage

11. Economic calculation

12. Analysis and evaluation of work

Project selection

As before, so now, we try to prepare different delicious dishes for every holiday or just to pamper our loved ones. Draniki are a simple and easy to prepare dish. They are prepared quickly, simply and turn out tasty, original and everyone likes them.

Every person has all the products for them at home, even if you need to buy them, it’s quite inexpensive. Draniki are also a favorite dish of entire nations. They are very filling, also a tasty lean dish (if you do not serve the sauce), they can also be a simple breakfast if they are hot, because they cook much faster than other dishes.

Project goals

Get acquainted with the history of potato pancakes, choose a simple and economical recipe, and prepare potato pancakes with meat.

From the history of potato pancakes

Potatoes appeared in Russia later than in Europe. In the 18th century, its culture was just beginning to emerge. This event is usually associated with the name of Peter I, who allegedly learned about potatoes in Holland and sent seed tubers from there for cultivation near St. Petersburg. However, there is an assumption that the penetration of potatoes into Russia also came from the East - through Kamchatka and Alaska, where the local population was already growing it with might and main. Russian peasants were wary of the new vegetable and were in no hurry to cultivate it. Knowing about the positive European experience, the Russian government decided to “introduce” this culture from above. In 1765, a corresponding decree of the Senate was issued, and then “Instructions” were issued on growing potatoes, transporting and storing seed tubers. By the middle of the 19th century. mistrust in the new crop was overcome and the area under potato began to expand rapidly. Already in the 2nd half of the 19th century, valuable domestic varieties began to appear and were demonstrated at exhibitions abroad. Selection work was successfully continued during the Soviet period (varieties bred in the 1920s are still used). Cultivated initially in the central regions of the country, then in the middle zone, potatoes moved north and began to be cultivated almost everywhere, rightfully considered one of the most important food products - “second bread”.

Everything became more common, the first mention of potato pancakes dates back to 1830 (by Jan Schytler) and they appeared under the influence of German cuisine. This dish has other names: in different regions of Russia - kakorki; Ukraine - potato pancakes, tertiukhi, kremzlyki. Poland - tartyukhi; Israel - latkes; What is now sold in public catering outlets or published in culinary recipes has very little to do with potato pancakes.

Draniki (Belarusian draniki) - potato pancakes, a dish of Belarusian cuisine, also popular in Ukrainian, Russian, Eastern European and Jewish cuisines. Traditionally, potato pancakes are served hot with sour cream or garlic sauce, but during Lent they are served without sauces.

Ponder star

II. Technological stage

Technology for preparing the dish “Daniki with meat (Wizards)”

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Add flour, salt, pepper, eggs - mix everything well. Minced meat, salt and pepper, add finely chopped onion and mix well (you can add a little water to the minced meat). Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the potato mixture in the form of pancakes (for one potato pancake ~ 1.5-2 tablespoons of potato mixture). Form a small flat cake from the minced meat, place it on top of the potato pancake and pour ~1 tablespoon of potato dough over it. Fry pancakes on one side until golden brown. Then turn the potato pancakes over, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook until done for ~5-6 minutes.
Serve pancakes hot, with sour cream.

Recipe selection

Ingredients: - minced meat (pork + beef) - onion – 40 g
- potatoes (large) – 400 - eggs – 2 pcs.

Flour – 40 – salt – 5 g pepper – 1 g

Vegetable oil – 200 - sour cream – 30 g

Choosing kitchen appliances

To prepare we will need:

Grater Table knife Bowl 2.5 l

Frying pan Wooden spatula Beautiful dish

Cooking the dish “Draniki with meat (Wizards)”

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater, squeeze them out.

Add flour, salt, pepper, eggs - mix everything well

Minced meat, salt and pepper, add finely chopped onion and mix well (you can add a little water to the minced meat)

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the potato mixture in the form of pancakes (for one potato pancake ~ 1.5-2 tablespoons of potato mixture). Form a small flat cake from the minced meat, place it on top of the potato pancake and pour ~1 tablespoon of potato dough over it.

Fry pancakes on one side until golden brown.

Then turn the potato pancakes over, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook until done for ~5-6 minutes.

Serve pancakes hot, with sour cream and tomato sauce.

Useful tips

First cooking tip: All ingredients of the dish must be fresh. If it turns out a little expensive, take less, deviate from the recipe, but do not compromise on quality.

Second cooking tip: cook as quickly as possible! Every extra minute on the fire worsens the taste of the dish.

Cooking tip number three: stems from the second: in order for cooking to proceed without stopping, everything must be prepared in advance - washed, peeled, cut... Only then do we get down to business, and add the ingredients gradually, one by one, without a minute of delay.

Cooking tip four: don’t be afraid to experiment, any recipe is just a basis on which you can “embroider” your culinary patterns.

In my opinion, potato pancakes are a very fast, satisfying and economical dish. It is both national and general. You can experiment a lot with potato pancakes; the taste will only change for the better. A simple recipe for this dish is becoming widespread among both men and children who are just learning to cook. There are many delicious recipes for potato pancakes, and you can also have all the ingredients at home, as the recipes are simple. I advise everyone to cook them, because it is fast, convenient and tasty.

III The final stage

Economic calculation

Product name

Price, rub.)


Cost, rub.)

minced meat (pork + beef)


300 g


bulb onions


50 g




400 g




2 pcs.




40 g




5 g




1 g


Vegetable oil


200 g


sour cream


30 g


Total 144 rub.

Despite the fact that I spent 144 rubles 00 kopecks on the dish. I believe that the dish did not cost me very much with a yield of 1000 g. I assume that in a cafe it costs more, somewhere around 80 rubles 00 kopecks per 200 grams.

Analysis and evaluation of work

Cooking the dish gave me great pleasure; it turned out very tasty and original and simple in the cooking technology. I'm sure you'll like it!

For some reason, it is believed that potato pancakes are a particularly simple dish, and making it, let’s say, is a piece of cake. But the only thing that has a bluish tint and a sticky consistency is not potato pancakes. These are clumsily prepared pancakes.

By the way, several world cuisines argue about whose dish this is. Somehow it happened that it is considered a traditional Belarusian dish. But Ukrainians will correct you and say that these are not potato pancakes at all, but potato pancakes and the dish belongs to their cuisine, and Jews will answer that latkes (these are potato pancakes again) are one of the main dishes for Hanukkah, and can be ordered in the most prestigious restaurants. These are not simple ones, potato pancakes, or teruntsy, or kremzliks, or...

If you don’t get potato pancakes (or get them blue as described above), then read carefully, strictly follow the recipe and get correct, tender, sunny pancakes.

Since there are so many cooking recipes, we will narrow this circle to a basic recipe, then we will complicate it a little, and then we will change it slightly. The main goal is to understand all the principles and subtleties of making potato pancakes. Join us, it will be exciting because you will learn many secrets.

Basic recipe for potato pancakes

Be that as it may, potato pancakes are potatoes that have been grated. That's the whole secret.


  • potatoes - 5 large
  • onion - half
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • eggs - 2
  • salt, pepper to your taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes

Potatoes and onions need to be grated on a fine grater (with the smallest round holes). If you have an assistant (a food processor), then the task of making a lot of potato pancakes becomes much easier.

First, grate the onion and place it in a bowl.

Secret one. The onion, oxidizing, prevents the potatoes from darkening. Therefore, firstly, the finished potato pancakes will have a golden color, and, secondly, there is no need to rush, fearing that the potatoes will darken.

The second secret. Draniki are also called potato pancakes, hence the misconception that the consistency of pancakes should be similar to the consistency of pancake batter.

We will not be mistaken, so we will remove all the liquid from the potatoes and other products that will be used.

To do this, place the potatoes and onions in a colander, and when the liquid has drained, squeeze it out - there should be only a “dry residue” at the exit. Add salt, pepper, egg and flour, mix thoroughly.

Add salt, pepper, egg and flour, mix thoroughly.

Fry in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, adding potato pancakes with a tablespoon.

Don't make them too thick, smooth them out with the back of a spoon.

The third secret : Fry over medium heat - the potatoes should be well cooked inside.

Secret four: Place the potato pancakes on a paper napkin, which will remove excess oil, because they are best served with sour cream, and so much fat content is not very healthy, although tasty.

Secret five: If you want crispy potato pancakes, do not stack them, place them in one layer.

Draniki should be served immediately while they are hot. With sour cream, in which be sure to cut the greens.

On a note. If you need to serve a large number of fried pancakes, then turn on the oven (t 120-140), cover a baking sheet with parchment and place pancakes from the pan on it. When everything is fried, place the pan in a warm oven until serving, but not for too long so that the potato pancakes do not dry out.

Potato pancakes with filling

Yes, if you add filling to the basic recipe, you will get a new dish. And although you never get tired of potatoes, you still want variety. What filling should I use? Imagine boiled or fried potatoes, what would you eat them with? Yes with anything. It is precisely this “anything” that can be an addition. For example, Belarusians prefer to add meat; an excellent addition is a variety of vegetables: eggplant, sweet peppers, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini and others. Or sauerkraut.

Replace flour with starch to make it completely potato-like.

Recipe ingredients

  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1
  • sauerkraut - 130 grams
  • egg - 1
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes with filling

Finely grate the onion and potatoes and drain in a colander.
Chop the cabbage very finely.
Squeeze the potatoes and cabbage and place in a bowl.

Break the egg into a small bowl, whisk and pour into the potatoes. Add starch and stir.

Fry as in the first case, in vegetable oil, medium heat. Place on a napkin.
Serve hot.

Potato pancakes with carrots

Why with carrots? Because she and potatoes are a very tasty combination. Carrots give tenderness and sweetness to potatoes, and potatoes give carrots satiety.

But so that life doesn’t seem like a culinary paradise, let’s make potato pancakes, grated on a coarse grater.

Recipe ingredients

  • potatoes - 4
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste
  • egg - 1
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook potato pancakes with carrots

Grate the carrots and potatoes on a coarse grater. Place in a colander, then squeeze out and transfer to a bowl. By the way, coarsely grated potatoes produce significantly less liquid.

Add the egg and finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Stir.

Add flour and mix well again.
Fry over medium heat in vegetable oil.

Serve hot with sour cream.


After trying variations with finely and coarsely grated potatoes, you will understand which one you like best. But this is no reason to stop, because you can combine, for example, finely and medium grated potatoes - you get a soft center and a crispy top.

If some vegetables do not grate well on a fine grater, pass them through a meat grinder.

P.S. It seems that we have diligently revealed all the secrets of making potato pancakes, and they are clearly visible on your monitor. Or have we forgotten something?.. Then please remind us in the comments of everything that you consider necessary, important and useful.

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