Advantages and disadvantages of the Unified State Exam. Unified State Exam (USE) Advantages of the Unified State Exam over other forms of control

It is probably impossible to find a person today who has not heard anything about the Unified State Exam, or Unified State Exam. The pros and cons of such testing have been discussed for years - on television, in schools, and also in everyday life. Let's talk about them, but first let's look at the history of its origin.

When was the Unified State Exam introduced?

Few people know, but the Unified State Exam was first held back in 2001. True, the experiment did not cover the entire country, but only several republics: Yakutia, Chuvashia and Mari El. It was also used in two regions: Rostov and Samara. The very next year, the scope of coverage increased - now the Unified State Exam was held in sixteen regions of Russia. The number of regions increased every year: 47 in 2003, 65 in 2004. As a result, by 2006, schoolchildren from 79 regions of the country took the Unified State Exam, and two years later their number exceeded a million - a single exam was introduced throughout the Russian Federation.

If from 2001 to 2008, representatives of the Ministry of Education in each region independently established the list of subjects covered by the Unified State Exam, but later it was approved by the minister himself.

What is the Unified Exam?

In essence, the Unified State Exam is an ordinary test. Schoolchildren receive a list of questions and must choose the correct answers, indicating them on a specially issued form.

The answers received not only influence the grade in the subjects taken at the end of school and the issuance of a certificate of secondary education, but are also considered as the main indicator for admission to universities. True, in some institutes, taking into account the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam, you have to write an essay (for example, when applying to the Faculty of Journalism) and additionally pass some exams.

It is mandatory for graduates to take the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, as well as mathematics (there are basic and specialized options). He can also optionally write a test in subjects such as chemistry, history, physics, computer science, biology, social studies, literature, geography and foreign languages. Specific subjects are selected depending on which higher educational institution the student plans to enroll in, based on the results of the Unified State Exam.


The exam is conducted in specially equipped rooms. The contents of the collections of questions remain unknown to the last even to the persons conducting the testing - the seals are removed in the presence of authorized persons immediately before distribution to graduates.

Along with the collection, examinees receive a form - they need to enter their data in block letters, and also mark those answer options that the student considers correct.

The process is monitored very strictly: a variety of equipment is used, and observers are brought in from other regions. Any attempt to cheat, use cheat sheets, call up friends or look for answers on the Internet immediately leads to the fact that the exam for a particular person is terminated and he is removed from the audience.


Speaking about the Unified State Exam, the pros and cons inherent in it, it is worth noting the rather complex grading system: it is needed primarily in order to fill out a certificate of secondary education.

Primary and test scores are used for grading. The maximum test score is always one hundred. The primary one is converted into a test one using a certain coefficient. Moreover, it can vary significantly for different objects. For example, in 2011, for the Russian language exam, 30 primary points were equal to 49 test points, while in mathematics, in order to score 49 test points, it was enough to get 10 primary ones.

Of course, this not only significantly complicates the counting procedure, increasing the possibility of error, but also seriously confuses schoolchildren, who are already very confused and frightened by the upcoming procedure.

Now we can talk about the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam.

Potential Benefits

The main advantage is the opportunity for graduates to take only one exam - it is taken into account both when graduating from school and when entering universities. Quite convenient, because before the introduction of the Unified State Exam, they had to not only take the exam at school, but also go to the reception office of the chosen institute to go through the procedure there again.

In theory, the introduction of the Unified State Exam should have eliminated the possibility of admission “through pull” - the scores speak for themselves, and only the more talented student, who has scored a greater number of correct answers, can count on a place at the university. Alas, in practice it turned out to be completely different - some students receive correct answers in a timely manner or are even allowed to use cell phones or cheat sheets during the exam.

When passing the Unified State Exam, the assessment is on a 100-point scale, and not on the classic 4-point scale. This makes it easier to distinguish between excellent students, almost excellent students and successful good students.

Thanks to a single standard, it becomes easier to compare performance in different cities and regions.

This is where the main advantages of the decision ended. But in order to objectively assess the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam (the Main State Exam, taken after completing the 9th grade), it will be useful to talk about important disadvantages.

Obvious disadvantages

The corruption that flourishes in this environment has already been mentioned. In addition, university teachers now do not have the opportunity to select truly worthy students from among applicants - having in hand a certificate with high scores, even a person who obviously does not have high mental abilities can easily enter an elite university. True, in some cases they allow them to sort out additional exams, essays and compositions - this does not affect the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam, but allows them to expand the area of ​​influence of the examiners.

But, according to many experts, what is much worse is that the new testing format is killing the existing education system. For example, if the advantages of passing an exam in the exact sciences (mathematics, chemistry, physics) can still be debated, then the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam in English, history and literature tend to favor the latter. A student does not need to know the entire scope of the school curriculum - it is enough to remember only a few point facts, which destroys the holistic knowledge of the subject.

Also, in some subjects, for example social studies, there are quite controversial questions that do not have a clear answer - during an oral exam, a talented applicant could easily justify his point of view, but during testing he must simply shade one of the answers, hoping for luck.

Scandals related to the Unified State Exam

Of course, when talking about the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam, one cannot fail to mention the series of scandals associated with it.

For example, in 2010, in different regions of the country (Rostov and Perm regions, the Republic of Dagestan) hundreds of teachers were detained who were trying to pass an exam for their students, receiving a reward for this.

In 2013, graduates from the Far East posted answer forms on the Internet, which schoolchildren from other regions could use due to the significant difference in time zones.

Very often, university teachers complain that among applicants who come from the Caucasian republics, many have high scores in the Russian language, but at the same time they do not know how to write correctly, and sometimes they simply do not speak spoken language.

Despite the fact that the Unified State Exam was introduced as an experiment back in 2001, and it became mandatory for all schoolchildren to graduate in 2009, the controversy surrounding the advantages and disadvantages of the innovation does not subside. Teachers, parents and schoolchildren themselves opposed the Unified State Exam. Entire cities wrote open letters to the president; requests to cancel the reform were signed by school directors, institute researchers, honored workers of science and higher education, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education.

They started talking about the Unified State Exam again in connection with the proposal of schoolgirls to cancel the unified exam. During a “direct line” with Vladimir Putin, three students from one of the schools in St. Petersburg said that the final exam on tickets makes it possible to further reveal the knowledge of graduates, and asked the president to consider the possibility of refusing to conduct the Unified State Exam. Putin agreed that the system needs to be improved. Similar statements are heard from officials at various levels, but things are still there.

Beneficial, but not for everyone

The shortcomings of the Unified State Exam today are no different from those that were talked about a year, two or three ago. “All the challenges that the unified exam faces remain the same,” says Vladimir Burmatov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education. “The situation is only getting worse year after year.”

Burmatov considers corruption to be the first and main drawback of the Unified State Examination. “There are three types of corrupt business on the Unified State Exam,” explains the deputy. - The first type is the existence of numerous sites that sell supposedly up-to-date answers to the exam, and we understand that if they receive these answers, they are somehow connected with those who store the answer database, that is, with officials of the Ministry of Education. Another type of such business is the existence of companies that engage in so-called guaranteed preparation for the Unified State Exam. We recently caught the hand of Deputy Minister of Education Klimov, who came during his working hours to participate in the presentation of one of these commercial companies.”

Solutions manuals are also a way of corruption on the Unified State Examination. Vladimir Burmatov gives an example: “You can go to any bookstore and see solution books for the Unified State Exam, the authors of which are the officials of the Ministry of Education themselves, they themselves put the stamps of the organizations under their jurisdiction on these manuals, and publishing houses are ready to pay a lot of money to sell these solution books , because they have a bar on them. This is, at a minimum, a conflict of interest clause.”

Demonstration of the operation of a video surveillance system for the progress of the Unified State Examination in city schools at the Communications Network Management Center. Photo: Svetlana Kholyavchuk / TASS

Indeed, such manuals are sold in bookstores, and online bookstores also offer a huge number of solution books for the Unified State Exam. For example, the bestseller of one large online retailer for preparing for the exam is “Russian Language. Grade 11. 50 standard options for exam papers to prepare for the Unified State Exam.” The author of the manual is Alexander Yuryevich Biserov, who holds the position of deputy head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. To prepare for the exam using the manual of a high-ranking official will cost 252 rubles - a good price for a paperback publication on newsprint.

Every year, more and more fabulous sums are spent on conducting the exam. The expert report prepared by the public movement Obrnadzor provides the following figures: last year, a record amount of 1,240,643,800 rubles was allocated from the federal part of the budget for the organization and conduct of the Unified State Exam 2014, which is four times more than in 2013 .

However, the level of organization has not changed much. “We already spend more than a billion rubles a year on the Unified State Examination. The number of scandals and violations increases every year, despite these unprecedented measures. Meanwhile, this money comes out of our pockets,” comments Vladimir Burmatov.

Killer exam

We seem to have become accustomed to a terrible fact: since the end of May, the media have begun to write about a wave of suicides among high school students. Some did not pass the exam, others passed but did not receive the results. “Look, the Unified State Exam is being held in the mode of a military special operation, this is not an exaggeration, it really is so. District police officers are on duty, metal detectors are installed, video cameras are installed, there are observers in the classrooms, and schoolchildren are escorted to the toilet. Absolutely incredible hysteria is being whipped up around this,” notes Burmatov.

The rules for taking the exam change literally every year. The system is being debugged, but at this time schoolchildren and, importantly, teachers simply do not have time to adapt.

Impact on education

Discussion of the destructive consequences of the Unified State Exam for education has already become commonplace. “There is such a law: within one task it is impossible to check the achievement of different goals,” comments Alexander Abramov, candidate of pedagogical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education. “The final exam is a test for the presence of elements of general culture, and admission to a university is a test of the level of pre-professional training, that is, a completely different task is solved within the framework of this exam.”

Experts believe that a person whose knowledge has been tested using a test should not be admitted to university. “All universities in the world, in addition to national tests, conduct their own university tests,” says Professor Alexander Logunov, Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities. “You will be screened out based on your scores when submitting documents, but if you want to study at a higher institution, also write an introductory paper.”

Students before taking the Unified State Exam in English in one of the Moscow schools. Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS

Logunov adds that testing reveals only two things: “the student’s information stock and the ability to quickly remember the required fact. You can’t check anything else with the test,” the expert is sure.

“The Unified State Exam demonstrates a decline in the quality of education and becomes an indicator that the teaching in schools has become worse,” says Burmatov. - A classic example of this is the forced reduction of minimum scores in Russian and mathematics last year. In addition, we have now introduced a basic and specialized exam in mathematics, because some eleventh-graders are not able to solve a problem for the sixth grade.”

On the website of Rosobrnadzor they write that “the basic level exam is not a lightweight version of the profile one, it is focused on a different goal and a different direction in the study of mathematics.” As the general director of Expert magazine, dean of the Higher School of Journalism, Alexander Privalov, writes in his column, “many merry fellows have already conducted a simple experiment: they gave final exam tests to junior high school students, and even preschoolers (here with a reservation - gifted ones). The result, they say, is always the same: most children score a C.”

We are talking specifically about a basic level test in mathematics. School graduates, future university students, are asked to solve the following problem: “25 school graduates took the Unified State Examination in Physics, which is a third of the total number of graduates. How many graduates of this school did not pass the physics exam?

Educational goals are replaced - instead of full-fledged education, eleven years of school turn into preparation for the “most important test.” “I recently saw the book “Preparing for the Unified State Exam” for second or third grade,” says Burmatov. - The emasculation of education begins already from primary school, this, of course, is a disgrace. A unified exam is just a way to test knowledge, and there should be no training for the Unified State Exam from the first grade.”

The President noted during the “direct line” that the Ministry of Education and Science is trying to correct the weaknesses of the unified exam, the final essay has been returned to schools, leading Russian universities have been given the right to conduct their own exams and take into account the results of school Olympiads when enrolling applicants. Experts think this is not enough.

“Unlike Vladimir Vladimirovich, I believe that the improvement he calls for is a meaningless process,” shares Alexander Abramov. - Because it is impossible to improve the exam with such a structure and such views. “Putin used the word ‘discipline’, and indeed, we are preparing lazy, illiterate scolders, so the consequences will be terrible.”

The Unified State Exam has long become mandatory, and it seems like it’s time to get used to this form of final certification. But every summer the Russian public is involved in another conflict related to the conduct and results of the Unified State Exam. At first it seemed to us that this was temporary, at a transitional stage. However, enough time has passed since 2009, and the “passion” for the Unified State Exam does not subside, but, on the contrary, is growing.

As we know, any conflict situation only leads away from a concrete solution, and today, it seems to us, people are already arguing not so much about the pros and cons of the Unified State Exam, but about those violations that are revealed every year. Therefore, our task is to abstract ourselves from emotions and try to objectively evaluate the Unified State Examination again, based on the experience of conducting this exam in our region.

Of course, it is impossible not to appreciate the advantages of the Unified State Exam:

    Uniform requirements for any graduate . First of all, those who live in the provinces benefited: knowing their results, they can now objectively assess their capabilities and apply to the chosen university, and even several. In this case, sending documents electronically provides significant assistance. The graduate does not have to spend extra money on travel, accommodation, etc.

    Openness of the demo version, codifier, and Unified State Exam specifications in the subject gives the graduate a clear idea of ​​the structure of KIMs, evaluation criteria, and transfer to a 100-point system. In addition, the threshold for compulsory subjects is approved in advance, and the graduate evaluates his results throughout the year, working from collections.

    Opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Exam Any graduate also has: the availability of training collections, online testing, a trial Unified State Exam (based on materials sent by FIPI), consultations and courses. Even working independently, with access to the Internet, you can achieve good results.

    Independent examination of Unified State Examination results is also a positive thing. Bias disappears, since the expert does not know whose work he is checking. Parallel checking of the work (Part C) by two experts makes the result more objective.

    Writing the Unified State Examination at separate points (PPE), presence of observers , registration of uniform forms by graduates - all this should contribute to objectivity and the creation of equal conditions for all graduates.

Indeed, the idea of ​​the Unified State Exam is largely positive, and much more can be said about the advantages of this exam. However, the experience of recent years makes us think about the other side, about the disadvantages of the Unified State Exam.

Among these negative “sides” one cannot fail to note the following:

    With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, the deadlines for the final certification have moved: The first exam begins 2 days after the “Last Bell”. Previously, graduates finished attending classes on May 24-25, held a festive assembly and prepared for the exam for almost a week, attending only consultations. Today, we can’t count on these days, and such an important (compulsory) subject as the Russian language is “shifted” in terms of timing as close as possible to the last day of school. It's no secret that many graduates do not have time to recover after the school year and prepare at night. As a fact, one can recall the increased frequency of fainting among graduates and the call to the ambulance exam.

    Variation in the choice of subjects dictated by the university , forces a graduate, preparing for one specialty, but in different educational institutions, to choose additional Unified State Exams. The time between elective exams, again, does not always allow the student to take a break, which leads to overwork of especially strong students and affects the result of the Unified State Exam.

In addition, everyonethe exam takes several hours , and all students must come to the PPE in advance. The total time a graduate spends on exams often leads to overwork, lack of sleep, hunger, etc. For example, if a graduate passes 5 exams, thenhe will spend approximately 16-17 hours at the PES, taking into account the collection time - 21-22 hours.

If we compare it with the traditional form, the graduate could come to the exam of his choice either at the beginning or later (by agreement with classmates) and pass it within 1 hour. At the same time, while waiting to enter, the student communicated with classmates, could ask something else, and receive moral support. Now the graduate finds himself in a strange audience, where there are almost no familiar faces, and experiences moral discomfort.

    The “elective” exam itself is devoid of any choice. We meanlack of various forms of passing the exam: presentation, essay, interview. By choosing such forms, the graduate could realize himself more and demonstrate research skills, computer literacy, the ability to conduct a “live” dialogue, etc.

    Written examination of the Unified State Exam , unfortunately, does not always show the success of a graduate in a real life situation. As a result, many universities that have not yet included creative tests have received “silent” future journalists, teachers, psychologists, etc. The 1st year was the most unpredictable for university teachers: graduates who received high Unified State Exam results sometimes lacked the necessary skills for competent dialogue, the ability to work in a group, and solve non-standard problems. As a result, the number of students who failed the first session and were subsequently expelled for poor performance increased sharply.

    We consider one of the “weakest” aspects of the Unified State Examinationlack of opportunity to demonstrate individual qualities, demonstrateCreative skills . A standardized exam tests only patterns, and a creative graduate with out-of-the-box thinking may find himself at a disadvantage with the bulk of students. Part C in humanities subjects will be especially difficult for such a child, since such a graduate cannot possibly be satisfied with an essay following a strict algorithm. In search of his own expression, a student may deviate from the given criteria and not score the required points.

    Unified exam for graduates of schools and lyceums of various subject areas puts students in unequal conditions: both a graduate of a humanitarian gymnasium and a student of a physics and mathematics lyceum perform the same level in mathematics. I would like the Unified State Exam to include different levels for applicants to a specialized university or other educational institution (for example, C1 and C prof.)

    Surprisingly, the Unified State Examination result does not affect the final grade in the subject on the certificate (excluding failures in Russian language and mathematics)and does not translate into a school 5-point scale. It turns out that even for a “gold medalist” the main thing is not to fail! We know that “100-point students” are not always medal winners and the marks in the certificate do not always correlate with the results of the Unified State Exam.

    It should be noted thatUnified State Exam (Russian and mathematics)had a dramatic impact on obtaining a certificate . The outflow of students in the 10th grade has increased: more often than not, the school is not interested in a weak student reaching the Unified State Examination, so he is offered in advance to transfer to Suz. At the same time, let us remind you that the number of suzs has only decreased recently, and the student does not always have a worthy alternative.

    With the introduction of the Unified State Exam the number of appeals has increased , which requires additional time and expense.

Thus, having given only some examples of the obvious “disadvantages” of the Unified State Exam, we draw attention to the fact that this form of exam is still very imperfect: it does not reflect the individual capabilities of the graduate, deprives him of choice (oral presentation, presentation, interview), leads to conflict situations and overwork . As for universities, the Unified State Exam may have simplified the admission process for applicants, but at the same time it has so veiled the image of a future freshman that it has become more difficult to predict further success or failure.

I would like for our graduates to take exams in a more relaxed atmosphere in the near future, and for the KIMs (along with solutions and answers) not to appear on the Internet before the exam.

The idea of ​​replacing the usual final school exams with unified state exams came at the beginning of the 21st century in Russia. Only nine years later this program was put into practice. Throughout this period, there was heated debate about how effective this program was. This innovation still has fans and opponents today. This can be explained since every phenomenon always has both pros and cons.

Advantages of the Unified State Exam

What is the main advantage of the unified state exams? The fact is that they significantly increase the chances of admission to higher education institutions for all graduates, regardless of where they live. Thanks to these exams, applicants living in remote areas, where the level of education is, of course, lower than in big cities, are protected from discrimination. Such students receive an excellent incentive to study subjects better. It’s also good that the textbooks in all schools are the same, and information from the Internet is available to everyone. One more undeniable advantage of the Unified State Exam can be named. This is the objectivity of the assessments that were obtained during its passing upon admission to any higher Russian institution.

Currently, applicants can apply for admission to several higher education institutions at the same time. Recently, many prestigious higher education institutions have also administered their own entrance exams, which applicants must take separately.

Disadvantages of the Unified State Exam

As for critics of the Unified State Exam, they are skeptical about the objectivity of the unified state exam. This opinion is explained by the fact that in a large number of cases the correct answer in the proposed test can be selected using the elimination method. It turns out that not only the graduate’s knowledge is subject to assessment, but also his ability to think logically. As a result, we obtain an estimate of the graduate’s intellectual quotient. Many people express the opinion that test exams related to the humanities, as well as social disciplines, are not relevant at all, since many issues can be discussed. When conducting a regular exam, a student is given the opportunity to express several of his opinions on a topic, then, according to the rules of the unified state exam, a graduate can choose only one option, which, quite possibly, is controversial.

Public opinion polls have shown that there are slightly fewer people who are opponents of the Unified State Exam than those who are its supporters. This may be due to the fact that graduates from previous years are more accustomed to traditional exams. The second reason is that so far, the Unified State Examination methodology is not perfect due to the novelty of this idea.

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Unified State Exam: advantages and disadvantages. Project.



In recent years, our country has been living in a world of reforms. Changes have affected almost all aspects of life, and they have not spared education. Currently, the topic of the quality of Russian education has become popular among teachers, scientists and society in general. In a market economy, the quality of Russian education has become dependent on the quality of life, i.e. material well-being. All this determines the current problem - the formation of an independent system for assessing learning outcomes, which will increase the accessibility of vocational education for all territorial and social strata of society.

Unified State Exam... This short abbreviation appeared in the life of schools and universities under the slogan of establishing the principles of objectivity and fairness towards children when they pass important final school and college entrance exams.

Recently, a large number of options for testing learning outcomes have been developed and proposed, but only the Unified State Exam (USE) has passed all the tests. This is fundamentally new in the field of education and, like any new thing, requires changes in all directions.

Despite the fact that the experiment on holding the Unified State Exam (USE) was first carried out in 2001, and since 2009 the exam has lost its status as an experiment and has become a mandatory form of certification in all schools in Russia, disputes and discussions around it have not subsided to this day por.

The Unified State Exam is a test, a form of testing knowledge and skills established by the state, common to all graduates, combining the functions of final certification and entrance examinations.

Perhaps, more than one pedagogical problem has ever caused such a public outcry in the field of education.

Project activities are aimed at studying the advantages and disadvantages of the Unified State Examination (USE) learning outcomes assessment system in order to improve the quality of Russian education. The relevance of the study is that at the moment there is no consensus and it is necessary to analyze all the pros and cons.

During the study, a telephone survey of city residents was conducted, and the following questions were asked (see Appendix No. 1):

    • How do you feel about the Unified State Exam?
    • What do you see as the advantages of the Unified State Exam?
    • What do you see as the disadvantages of the Unified State Exam?

The purpose of this project is to analyze the problem of the state of the Unified State Examination today and develop methodological recommendations

Project objectives :

To identify the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the Unified State Exam in Russian schools

Summarize various types of work on this problem and formulate methodological recommendations


  • Stage 1 - preparatory (introduction to project activities)
  • Stage 2 - main (project implementation)

    Work with periodicals (articles about the Unified State Exam, its advantages and disadvantages) (May 10-25)

  • - Stage 3 - final (summarizing the results of project activities)

Suggest ways to eliminate shortcomings, develop methodological recommendations (May 31 - June 1) ;

During the implementation of the project, the following difficulties arose:

    • it is difficult to analyze all the pros and cons, because even one respondent has two opinions about taking the exam in the form of the Unified State Examination;
    • difficulty in processing information.

1. Unified State Exam in Russian school

The introduction of the Unified State Exam has several goals. Firstly, this helps to ensure equal conditions when entering a university and taking final exams at school, since when conducting these exams throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and a single rating scale are used, allowing all students to be compared according to their level of preparation. In addition, the Unified State Examination is conducted under conditions that ensure the reliability of the results. The results will be checked on computers (answers to tasks of type “A” (choice from options) and type “B” (short free answers), answers to tasks of type “C” (extended free answers) are checked by independent experts. This will reduce the so-called “targeted tutoring” (for the purpose of admission to certain universities) and bribery.

Another goal is an attempt to improve the quality of education in Russia through more objective control and higher motivation for its successful completion. Children need to be well prepared for exams so that they pass them successfully so that their results can be compared, and learning how to perform such exams is a new task for our teachers.

Finally, an important consideration is to relieve the workload of graduate applicants by reducing the number of exams; instead of final exams and entrance exams, they will take State exams; their results will be taken into account both in the school certificate and when entering universities. A more distant goal is to promote a fair redistribution of financial flows between universities. At the same time, more money will go to strong universities following stronger applicants (according to the GIFO mechanism - “state registered financial obligations”).

The controversy surrounding the Unified State Exam has not subsided since its introduction in 2001. Its defenders cite many arguments in favor of the exam, the main of which are the opportunity to avoid corruption and evaluate the student’s knowledge as objectively as possible. In addition, according to the latest data released by the Ministry of Education and Science, the introduction of a unified state exam in Russia will allow families of applicants to save about $100 million a year on tutors.

According to supporters of the Unified State Exam, many unfounded myths have been created around it. One of them is built around the question of why entrance exams to universities are needed at all (Russia is one of the few developed countries that have the practice of entrance exams). It is believed that the entrance examination system ensures the selection of the best applicants. This opinion, however, is easily debunked by figures expressing the ratio of places in universities and the number of graduates in schools. Now these figures are almost equal: in 2008, universities admitted 110–120% of school graduates1. Of the approximately 1 million 100 thousand first-year students last year, a little less than 600 thousand are “state employees”, the rest study for a fee. These numbers indicate that we are not talking about selecting the most talented guys.

Despite the long-term duration of the experiment in a number of regions of our country, the Unified State Exam still brings some social tension into society and is assessed very ambiguously by experts. The positive aspects of the Unified State Exam include the following:

  1. The Unified State Exam helps to avoid corruption and arbitrariness when entering universities;
  2. The Unified State Exam evaluates a student’s knowledge and abilities more objectively than traditional types of exams;
  3. The Unified State Exam stimulates students to prepare for the exam, including independent preparation;
  4. The Unified State Exam allows you to compare the quality of education in different schools and regions;
  5. The Unified State Exam allows graduates to enroll in universities located at a considerable distance from their place of residence, without spending money on travel, but simply by sending the Unified State Exam certificate by mail;
  6. The Unified State Exam makes it possible to determine the strengths and weaknesses of teaching and to guarantee control over the quality of education, since the knowledge of students is tested by an independent commission, and not by the teacher who taught them.
  7. Strengthening the attention of all authorities, the public, the media, and the parent community to education and the state of affairs in educational institutions
  8. The use of information technologies in the education system and the formation of a unified information educational space are expanding. The results of the Unified State Exam are used to refine general education standards and educational programs and create a new generation of educational literature.

Over the course of almost 10 years of experiment (more precisely, the gradual introduction of the Unified State Exam), the mood of society and the media regarding the Unified State Exam has not improved, and in some cases even changed for the worse. If at first there were approximately equal numbers of supporters and opponents, then in 2009 The Unified State Exam, according to some polls, is already supported by less than a third of Russian citizens. Why? It would be strange to see the hand of some university corrupt officials behind this, cleverly manipulating public opinion. Of course, the Unified State Examination stepped on their interests, but corruption schemes are difficult to publicly defend. Another group of opponents of the new order was formed by quite decent rectors, who over many years have learned to solve the problems of their universities through a system of favors during admissions (“administrative currency”). But representatives of universities are not very influential in public opinion - surveys generally prove the opposite.

Opponents of the innovation believe that the level of corruption during the Unified State Exam is not reduced, but is only transferred from universities to schools, and the exam itself tests the knowledge of students, but not their ability to reason and think. Meanwhile, it was the Unified State Exam, according to the Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko, despite all its shortcomings, that for the first time revealed all the flaws in the structure of education.

The industrialization of learning processes and knowledge testing is inevitable, and from this point of view, the Unified State Exam (USE) is perhaps the only possible option. But along with the national test, common to everyone, a group of elite universities will most likely remain, which will retain “their” exams. In fact, this situation has already developed in a number of countries that, earlier than Russia, switched to a system of national testing at the exit of school.

One of the biggest problems of the Unified State Exam remains the testing of the so-called “C” part, which consists of tasks that require a detailed answer, which cannot be automated. In total, you can score a maximum of 20 points in Part C. Part C inspectors are selected from school teachers and university staff. As a rule, now each of them checks work on the Unified State Exam twice a year (at the “rehearsal” test and at the main test) and undergoes preparation for the test twice. Preparation includes checking trial assignments and “calibrating” the examiners, as well as familiarizing them with the principles of verification and grading criteria.


1. Unified State Exam in Russian school

2. Advantages and disadvantages of the Unified State Exam



Appendix No. 1

Editor's Choice
It is probably impossible to find a person today who has not heard anything about the Unified State Exam, or Unified State Exam. Advantages and disadvantages...

1 slide 2 slide Monopoly (from the Greek mono - one, poleo - seller) is the exclusive right to carry out any type of...

Introduction 3 1 The concept of public debt and its types 5 1.1 External debt of the Russian Federation 10 1.2 Internal debt of the Russian...

Primary school teacher Filipova E.A. MBOU Glinkovskaya Secondary School of Hygiene - goddess of health Daughter of the sage and doctor Asclepius. In the name of this goddess...
Let's talk about functional illiteracy? Let's start, perhaps, with an excerpt from a letter from one tenth grader who prepared a review of...
PROCLAMATION OF THE REPUBLIC 1946 – referendum on the form of government, election of the Constituent Assembly, abolition of the monarchy...
Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born in 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province (see). His parents were peasants and had...
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov A naive and passionate soul, In whom beautiful thoughts were boiling, Persevering, worrying and hastening, You honestly walked towards...
Anna Akhmatova The first collection of poems by Anna Akhmatova, “Evening,” published in early 1912, was soon sold out. Then her poems appeared...