Flour side dishes for serving second courses. Technological process for preparing flour side dishes. Assortment of flour side dishes

Second courses - rules, technique,
supply temperature.

The main dish in every person's diet, no matter what
he had no culinary preferences - they are
hot dishes, be it meat, fish, vegetables or chicken.

When serving second hot dishes,necessary
adhere to the following sequence: fish
dishes, meat dishes, poultry and game dishes, vegetable,
dishes from cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, flour dishes.

Serving hot dishes depending on the type of service
can be individual or multi-portioned.

According to the serving temperature, main courses are served only
hot, serving temperature is not lower than 65 degrees C, so that
the dish stayed hot longer, porcelain plates
To serve a hot dish, heat it to temperature
40-50 ° C.

To keep the temperature hot longer
main courses can be served in metal dishes.
Some of the hot dishes are prepared and served in the same
same dishes. In this case, it is served on the table on a dummy
plate covered with a paper napkin.

Metal utensils get very hot, so
the waiter should be careful and accept it
only with the handbrake. To lay out such dishes, place a table fork and spoon on top so that their handles protrude
over the edge of the dish.

When serving multi-portioned dishes, the table must first
serve in small porcelain plates.From
cutlery, put cutlery or fish knives on the table and

If a hot dish is served in a portioned frying pan, then
It is possible, at the request of consumers, not to rearrange the dish
on a shallow plate, and place the frying pan on
decorative wooden stand.

Some of the hot dishes are prepared and served in
ceramic pots. The pots are placed on the table on
stand plate, which we cover with paper
napkin. Place a spoon on a serving plate


1 - Boiled fish with garnish - portioned pieces of fish
boiled in a spicy broth. Served on porcelain or
oval dish on a stand plate. As a side dish you can
Serve boiled potatoes in a round lamb. Separately in
The gravy boat is served with Polish or Hollandaise sauce. From


2 - Fried fish - portioned pieces of fish fried.
Serve on a porcelain oval dish. Separately
Serve tomato sauce or tomato sauce with vegetables in a metal gravy boat on a stand plate. From
cutlery table fork, fish knife, spoon

3 - Fish baked Moscow style. Serve in cupronickel
portioned frying pan in which the fish was cooked. When
To serve, place the frying pan on a stand plate. From
cutlery fork and knife.

The assortment of second hot courses is varied both in the types of products and in the methods of their culinary processing. Before serving the second course, the waiter removes from the table used dishes from hot appetizers or first courses, cutlery, and, with the customer’s permission, the remaining appetizer. Then he additionally sets the table in accordance with the order with cutlery or fish cutlery. If fish and meat dishes are ordered, then they should be on the table. Two cutlery (fish and cutlery).

If the guest has ordered a dish of live fish or another dish prepared with a carcass, payment is made after weighing them and determining the cost.

Hot dishes are released from production in metal containers - on a single-serving or multi-serving dish, a portioned frying pan or in a ram, as well as in ceramic dishes. Dishes can be served differently: the main product, sauce and side dish - on one dish; the main product and sauce are on one dish, and the side dish is separate; main product, sauce and side dish - in separate containers. Depending on the assortment of second courses, side dishes and sauces for them can be served hot or cold; hot - in metal dishes, cold - in porcelain.

When serving hot dishes, the waiter pays attention to their temperature. The temperature of second courses in canteens and snack bars is 60-65°C, in restaurants - 85-90°C. To maintain the required temperature when serving hot dishes, the waiter brings warmed small dinner plates from the serving tray along with the dishes.

Second courses are served using the French, English, Russian or European method.

Below are the features of serving some second hot dishes.

Boiled fish, Polish or Hollandaise sauce - a portioned piece of boiled fish is released in an oval ram with a lid. Side dish - boiled potatoes in a barrel - put in a round ram, sprinkled with herbs when leaving. Polish or Dutch sauce is brought in a cupronickel gravy boat.

Having received the dish in the serving room, the waiter goes to the utility table, removes the lid from the oval ram and places it with the indentation up on the tray, then shows the dish to the visitor, holding it on his left hand on the handbrake, which covers not only the palm, but also part of the sleeve. After display, the dish and side dish are laid out on plates on a utility table and served on the right side. To the left, place the sauce with your left hand.

Steamed fish - sterlet poached in a ring for banquets, or a portioned piece of fish poached in a steam sauce - served in a multi-portion or single-portion lamb, and in a round lamb - boiled potatoes in barrels. When on vacation, the fish is decorated with slices of peeled lemon, boiled porcini mushrooms or champignons, crabs or shrimp, and sprinkled with steam sauce. Place the steamed fish on a utility table and serve it on the right side (Fig. 40).

Sturgeon royally - portioned pieces of sturgeon are simmered in wine sauce with the addition of granular caviar. Served in an oval ram with a lid, side dish - boiled potatoes - in a round ram. On the utility table, transfer to a warmed small dinner plate, first the side dish, then the sturgeon in sauce. The method of presentation is English.

Fish fried with green oil (colbert) - portioned pieces of deep-fried fish (in the shape of a figure eight) are served on an oval cupronickel plate with French fries. A circle of green butter is placed on the fish, a slice of lemon is placed next to the dish, and decorated with a sprig of greenery. The dish is served to go. Tomato sauce is served separately in a cupronickel sauce boat or in a porcelain sauce boat - mayonnaise sauce with gherkins (tartar), placed on the left.

Fish fried in dough (orli) served on a cupronickel plate covered with a paper napkin, along with a lemon wedge and fries. Tartar sauce is served separately in a porcelain gravy boat. Having shown the dish to the guest, it is transferred on the utility table to a warmed small dinner plate. First, a plate with fish is placed on the table on the right, and then a gravy boat on the left. Orli fish can be served as a takeaway.

Grilled fish - a portioned piece of fish fried on a metal grate of an electric grill is brought on a heated oval cupronickel plate along with a side dish - deep-fried potatoes, a slice of lemon. Served using the English or European method. Separately, mayonnaise sauce with gherkins is served in a gravy boat, placed on the left.

Fish fried on a spit - portioned pieces of fish, fried over an open fire in kebab ovens, are removed from the skewers, slightly cutting the pieces of fish along the length of the skewers, and placed on oval cupronickel dishes. Garnish - whole tomatoes, onions cut into rings, green onions on skewers, lemon wedges - brought on a snack plate. The dish is served to take away. In this case, the side dish, sold separately from the main product, can be placed on the table before serving the dish by placing a device for laying on it. Tkemali sauce or tartar is served as a takeaway or placed on the table.

Original spicy skewer - even strips of salmon are marinated in mayonnaise sauce with lemon juice and spices, rolled into rolls and strung on skewers, alternating a fish roll, a peeled shrimp or crayfish neck, a piece of pineapple or tomato, and fried in a frying pan. Two skewers are released from production on a warmed shallow dinner plate with a slice of lemon, herbs, olives, olives on a lettuce leaf. Served using the European method. Shrimp or tartar sauce is served in a porcelain sauceboat, placed on the left.

Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms (in Moscow), - prepared portioned pieces of fish are fried and baked on an oval metal dish with sour cream sauce, slices of fried potatoes, boiled porcini mushrooms, fried onions and slices of boiled eggs. Served using the Russian method. The device for laying out is a fish spatula.

Mussels baked in tomato sauce. Poached mussels are fried along with onions, placed in a portioned frying pan and baked with slices of fried potatoes in tomato sauce, served using the Russian method. The portioned frying pan is placed on the appetizer plate to the guest's right. For the layout, use a tablespoon.

Scallop fries. Slices of deep-fried scallop are served on an oval cupronickel plate, piled high with French fries, sprinkled with herbs. The dish is served to go.

Crabs with rice and hollandaise sauce with cream or tomato sauce with vegetables. Place steamed rice on a small dinner plate and boiled crabs on top. The sauce is served separately in a cupronickel gravy boat. The service method is European. In his right hand, the waiter holds the plate with a handbrake, and in his left hand, a gravy boat on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin. Place a plate with a dish on the right with your right hand, and a gravy boat on the left with your left hand. The teaspoon is located in front of the gravy boat with its handle to the right.

Shrimp baked with sauce. Shrimp are baked in a portioned frying pan with fried potatoes and sour cream or milk sauce, grated cheese. The frying pan is placed on a snack plate, and a tablespoon is placed in front with the handle to the right. Served using the Russian method. The table is served with fish cutlery.

Fried lobster with seafood mousse. The lobster necks are fried, placed in the center of a shallow dinner plate, and the seafood sauce is released from a piping bag. Served using the European method.

Grilled lobster. Pieces of lobster fried in an electric grill are placed on a small dinner plate with mussels poached in cream and aromatic spices. Served using the European method. The table is served with fish cutlery.

Boiled lobsters. The necks of boiled lobsters are placed on a shallow dinner plate and served with a slice of lemon, carambola and a sprig of herbs.

When serving seafood dishes, the table is set with fish utensils.

Before serving hot dishes of meat, poultry and vegetables, the used small dinner plate and fish utensils are removed from the table.

Natural beefsteak, fillet, languette with garnish served using the French method. A heated small dinner plate is placed in front of the guest using a handbrake. The waiter approaches the guest on the left and transfers a portioned piece of fried meat along with a side dish from an oval metal dish onto a small dinner plate so that the main product is located closer to the guest, and the side dish is on the opposite side. The table is set with cutlery.

Ataman fillet with potatoes (country style). Fillet with fried potatoes and fried onions is served on a cast iron frying pan set on a taganchik with charcoal. Taganchik is placed on a small dinner plate. Served using the Russian method. A heated small dinner plate is placed in front of the guest, and on the right is a taganchik with fillet and a serving utensil (a table spoon and fork).

Veal or pork escalope served on a crouton (a slice of wheat bread fried in butter), 2 pieces per serving, on an oval metal dish with a side dish of fried potatoes or a complex side dish. The service method is French.

Lamb on ribs Withrice and vegetables. Fried lamb is served on a warmed shallow dinner plate along with cubes of vegetables (carrots, onions, beets, celery, zucchini) fried and seasoned with tomato sauce and steamed rice. Garnish with grilled fresh red peppers, pickled garlic and herbs. Served using the European method.

Fillet in duck liver sauce served in a round lamb on a crouton. The fried fillet is placed on the crouton and topped with duck liver sauce. Potatoes baked with cheese and vegetables are served separately in a portioned frying pan. Service method is English.

Beef Stroganoff brought in a round ram. Separately, fried potatoes made from boiled potatoes are served in a portioned frying pan. It is more convenient to transfer this dish on a utility table: first - a side dish, then the main dish. A plate of food is placed in front of the guest on the right.

Karski style shashlik served fried in one piece over an open fire on a skewer with half a lamb kidney and a medium-sized tomato. Separately, in a salad bowl placed on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin, a side dish is served (green onions cut into skewers or onion rings, lemon slices, herbs). Tkemali sauce or Yuzhny sauce, kebab, pomegranate juice is served in a porcelain sauce boat, dried barberry is served on a rosette.

Having shown the shish kebab to the guest, the waiter places it on a utility table, using the following technique. Using a fork or the blunt part of a knife, move the kebab towards the handle of the skewer, then remove the kebab and place it on a plate. When removing kebab from it, the skewer is held in a horizontal position with a slight inclination in relation to the plate. The plate is served with the right hand, and the side dish and sauce are placed with the left. Service method is English. Caucasian-style shish kebab and lula kebab are served similarly.

Meat, stewed Vin a pot under a puff pastry, Place the table on the right on a snack plate covered with a paper napkin, and place a wooden spoon in front for serving. The waiter carefully trims the puff pastry with a knife and places it on a plate. Puff pastry is used instead of bread. The dish from the pot is transferred to a heated shallow dinner plate.

Steam chickens released in an oval ram under steam sauce; The steamed rice is served separately in a round lamb. The dish is transferred to a heated small dinner plate on a utility table and served from the right with the right hand. Service method is English.

Cutlets fromChicken Kiev served on a cupronickel plate on croutons with potato pie and green peas in tartlets. A papillot is put on the bone. It is more convenient to transfer the dish on a utility table. When serving, you should warn the guest that the cutlet is stuffed with butter and must be cut carefully; Closer to the bone, make a puncture with a fork, allowing the oil to partially flow out, then cut off a piece at a time, starting with the sharp part of the cutlet. Service method is English.

Tobacco chickens brought on an oval cupronickel plate. Having shown the dish to the visitor, the waiter transfers it to a heated small dinner plate and places it on the table in front of the guest to the right with his right hand. Separately, on the left, the side dish is served in a salad bowl on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin and a tablespoon for serving. Garnish - tomatoes, green onions or pickled onions, cut into rings, a slice of lemon, sprigs of herbs. Tkemali sauce in a porcelain sauce boat or garlic sauce in a cupronickel silver sauce boat on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin and a teaspoon placed on the left. To the right of the guest, to rinse the fingers, place a vase with acidified warm water on a snack plate with a linen napkin folded into an envelope.

Foie gras (French - fatty goose liver) from goose liver in raspberry sauce. Escalopes made from goose liver are fried and placed on a warmed shallow dinner plate, garnished with lettuce leaves. Escalopes are poured with hot raspberry sauce and decorated with fresh raspberries and herbs. The serving method is European.

Chicken wings with bananas. Marinated chicken wings are fried and placed on a warmed small dinner plate, garnished with poached vegetables and fried banana slices. Fruit sauce is served separately in a cupronickel gravy boat. The serving method is European.

Roasted duck breast with orange sauce. The fried duck breast is cut into pieces, fanned out on a warmed shallow dinner plate, and hot orange sauce is poured on top. A side dish is placed nearby (boiled broccoli, beans, baked apple stuffed with cranberries). Decorate with orange slices and herbs.

Chicken legs stuffed with lingonberries sauce. The bones are cut off from the legs, the pulp is stuffed with spices, seasonings, apple slices, chopped nuts, shaped into a sausage, fried, coated with thick lingonberry sauce and baked. The remaining sauce is combined with cream. First, a side dish is placed on a warmed small dinner plate - rice, stewed with green peas and basil, then baked chicken legs, which are poured with the remaining lingonberry sauce and cream. The service method is European.

Chakhokhbili from chickens brought in a round ram. Place it on a utility table. They place it on the dining table on the right, and lavash is served on the left on a pie plate.

Roasted game (hazel grouse, partridge, quail) are served whole on a cupronickel platter, garnished with pickled fruits and lingonberries in a salad bowl placed on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin and a tablespoon for laying out. Lingonberry or cranberry jam is served separately V socket with a teaspoon.

Second courses of vegetables classified as vegetarian dishes. Vegetarian nutrition has deep traditions and rich choice. Scientists have proven that low consumption of fats and carbohydrates, and therefore fewer calories, reduces the risk of various diseases. Spices and seasonings are used to enrich the taste of vegetarian dishes. Vegetable dishes are prepared boiled, poached, fried, stewed and baked, which determines the characteristics of their serving.

Country-style carrots. Slices of boiled carrots are placed in a round lamb, poured with thick milk sauce and placed on the table on the right on a snack plate with a tablespoon for spreading. The table is served with a warmed small dinner plate. They eat with a table fork, which is placed on the right.

Boiled cauliflower released on a round cupronickel plate or in a round ram, which is placed on a snack plate with a linen napkin folded in an envelope. Transfer the dish on the utility table to a small dinner plate and serve on the right. Separately, in a cupronickel gravy boat placed on a pie plate, crackers or hollandaise sauce are served. The table is served with a dinner fork for the visitor, which is placed on the right.

Broccoli with lemon and nuts. Broccoli is steamed, placed in a round ram and poured with a thick sauce made with corn starch with lemon juice, sugar, zest and butter. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top and decorate with herbs. The method of presentation is Russian.

Boiled asparagus brought on a wire rack covered with a linen napkin. The grate is placed on an oval cupronickel plate or tray, on which a napkin is laid. The table is served with a warmed small dinner plate. The dish is placed on the right, laid out with tongs. Asparagus is eaten with your hands (it is difficult to hold it on the fork). Serve separately with creamy hollandaise sauce or sweet egg sauce. The gravy boat is placed on the left. To rinse your fingers after eating, serve a glass vase with acidified warm water, which is placed on the right, or a warm, damp napkin on a plate.

Asparagus in orange sauce. Boiled asparagus is placed on a warmed shallow dinner plate, poured with thick orange sauce, seasoned with zest and butter. The feeding method is European.

Vegetable cabbage rolls They bring it in a round ram, 2 pieces per serving. The lamb is placed on a snack plate. Lay out with a table fork and spoon on a utility table. There should be a dinner fork on the dining table.

Peppers, zucchini, eggplants, turnips, tomatoes stuffednew brought from production on a small dinner plate, when served, sprinkled with sour cream or sour cream with tomato sauce. The feeding method is European. The table is served with a table knife and fork.

Natural and stuffed omelettes released on a warmed shallow dinner plate. They place it in front of the guest on the right with their right hand. A table fork and knife are first placed on the table.

Cheesecakes, curds casseroles are often included in the lunch menu and served in warmed small dinner plates, placed in front of the guest on the right. Separately, sour cream is served in a porcelain sauceboat, and hot fruit sauce is served in a cupronickel saucepan.

Pancakes with meat or cottage cheese brought on an oval cupronickel plate. Having shown it to the guest, they transfer it with a spatula on a utility table to a warmed small dinner plate and place it on the right. Separately, sour cream is served in a porcelain sauce boat placed on a pie plate with a paper napkin and placed on the left. The teaspoon is placed on the plate with the handle to the right; The handle of the gravy boat is turned to the left.

Dumplings with cherries and cottage cheese served in a round ram with a lid. When leaving, pour melted butter over it. At the side table, the waiter removes the lid and leaves it on the tray. The lamb is placed on a snack plate with a paper napkin to the right of the guest. Spread with a tablespoon. There should be a warmed small dinner plate and a dessert spoon on the table. On the left, sour cream is served in a gravy boat.

Pizza - first appeared in Naples, where spaghetti was created, a popular dish of Italian cuisine. At first, the pizza was called Pizza Napoletana Verace, that is, real Neapolitan pizza. It consisted of a regular flatbread, on which tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and oregano were placed, and then baked in an oven and sold on the streets. When they started making pizza with cheese, a universal dish appeared that was accessible to everyone.

Pizza Sicily . Pizza sauce is applied to the flatbread fried until golden brown and chopped tomatoes, tuna or salmon are added. Sprinkled with grated cheese. Decorated with slices of fish, olives, sprinkled with oregano. After baking, the pizza is placed on a warmed shallow dinner plate. They put it in front of the guest. Eat with a table knife and fork.

Pizza Roman. Pizza sauce is applied to the fried flatbread, bechamel (milk) sauce is added, finely chopped ham, onions are added, and sprinkled with grated cheese. Garnished with three slices of ham and olives. The method of serving baked pizza is European.

When serving second courses, the following sequence is followed: fish, meat, poultry and game, vegetables, cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, flour. The serving order should not be violated in the absence of which and the dishes are served in single or multi-serving dishes (Fig. 139.39).

. Rice 139. Serving second courses: a - krucheniki b - baked fish; c - chicken legs d - portioning chicken

Main courses are served only hot, so small porcelain plates for serving second courses are heated to a temperature of 40-50 °. WITH

Main courses can also be served in metal dishes, in which hot dishes are well heated. Some of them cook and serve in the same dish; it is placed on a stand plate covered with a paper napkin. Metal utensils get very hot, so the waiter should only accept it with the handbrake. To spread the dish, place a table fork and spoon on top so that their handles protrude beyond the edge of the dish. When serving dishes in multi-serve dishes, the table is set with small porcelain plates, cutlery or fish knives and forks. For fish dishes, if there are no fish sets, you can use two forks.

Dishes that are served in a portioned frying pan (baked fish in Russian style, meat solyanka, scrambled eggs) can, if consumers wish, not be transferred to a small plate

Some dishes are served in pots (home-style roast) and are placed on the table on a stand plate covered with a paper napkin. Place a spoon on the plate for decomposition. The table is served with small tableware, plates and cutlery sets.

Salads, pickled fruits, and vegetables for main courses are served in a salad bowl. It is placed to the left of the dish, with sets for decomposition (spoon, fork) placed on top. Special decomposition kits make the maintenance process easier and faster.

The sauce is served in gravy boats on a stand plate on which a teaspoon or dessert spoon is placed

Table 115 describes in more detail the rules for serving main courses.

Table 115

RULES. INNINGS. Main courses *

Name of second courses

Dishes for serving main courses

Decomposition kits

Boiled fish with garnish

Portions of fish cooked in a spicy broth Served with boiled potatoes Polish or Dutch sauce served separately

Porcelain oval dish or oval lamb on a stand plate, round lamb for potatoes,


Fried fish

Portioned pieces of fish, breaded with flour and fried in oil. Side dish - fried potatoes, vegetables, boiled with fat. Separately served sauce (red main, tomato, tomato with vegetables)

A porcelain or cupronickel silver round (oval) dish, a metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right. On the left is a plate for bones


Fish in dough

Pieces of fish fillet are marinated for 20-30 minutes with the addition of vinegar, spices, herbs, and oil; immersed in liquid dough (batter), deep-fried. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins or tomato sauce is served separately.

Metal oval dish Metal sauce boat for tomato sauce (porcelain for mayonnaise sauce) on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right


Fish baked Moscow style

Portioned pieces of fried fish baked in sour cream sauce along with boiled potatoes, sliced, boiled egg, fried mushrooms, sautéed onions

Portion cupronickel frying pan on a stand plate

A spoon and a fork

Table continued 115

Name of second courses

Dishes for serving main courses

Decomposition kits

fish body

Minced fish stuffed with onions, boiled eggs and mushrooms, shaped in the shape of a crescent, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in butter. Garnish - fried potatoes, green peas. Tomato sauce is served separately.

cupronickel oval dish Metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right

Boiled meat, tongue with garnish

Portioned pieces of boiled meat (tongue) with boiled potatoes, crumbly porridge, boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes Sauces - red main, white with egg

Two metal round lambs (for the main dish and side dish) on a stand plate or cupronickel oval dish A metal gravy boat on a stand plate, on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right

Dinner spoon and fork, teaspoon

Boiled poultry, game, rabbit

Boiled carcasses are cut into portions Garnish - crumbly porridge, green peas, boiled potatoes For ducks and geese - stewed cabbage, baked apples

Round metal lamb on a stand plate, side dish can be served separately on a round platter

Spoon and fork

Fried meat

Fried portioned pieces (1-2 per serving) Garnish - potatoes boiled in milk, complex side dishes, boiled legumes

cupronickel oval dish with garnish

Spoon and fork

Beefsteak with onions

Portioned piece of fried tenderloin with a side dish of fried onions (fries) Garnish - fried potatoes or french fries, cut into circles, slices

cupronickel oval dish or portioned frying pan on a taganchika with hot coals

Spoon and fork

Fillet in sauce with garnish

Portioned piece of fried tenderloin, topped with wine sauce. Side dish - french fries.

Fillet - in a round lamb on a stand plate, side dish - in a portioned frying pan on a stand plate

Spoon and fork

rump steak

Portion-breaded fried piece of meat Served with vegetables or fried potatoes

Spoon and fork

Natural cutlets

Loin of beef, pork or lamb, sliced ​​with rib bone Fried cutlets served with a side dish of vegetables and fried potatoes

Porcelain (nickel silver) oval or round dish

Spoon and fork

Table continued 115

Name of second courses

Dishes for serving main courses

Decomposition kits

Stewed meat

Portioned pieces of meat, cut from a large piece of stew, sprinkled with your own sauce Garnish - potatoes or pasta, various vegetables, crumbly porridge

Spoon and fork

Lamb, potatoes, onions stewed in broth, stuffed with fat tail fat, peppers and herbs, eggplants and tomatoes

Single or double serving clay pot on a stand

Marinated pieces of meat, fried on a spit Garnish - fresh tomatoes, green onions, parsley Served separately with tkemali or spicy tomato sauce

Porcelain oval or round dish

A metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right

Than, fork

Beef Stroganoff

Sauce dish of finely chopped meat fried with onions and seasoned with sour cream Garnish - fried potatoes

For meat - a round lamb on a stand plate, for a side dish -

Sauce dish, which includes meat cut into cubes, stewed in tomato sauce with onions and garlic, fried potatoes and pickles

Round lamb on a stand plate

Small pieces of lamb stewed with rice, tomato and onion

Round lamb on a stand plate

Tobacco chickens

Chicken fried in a frying pan under pressure Garnish - salad or salted vegetables with garlic sauce

A porcelain (metal) dish or small dinner plate, a salad bowl on a stand plate A metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right A bowl with warm water and a slice of lemon on a stand plate, linen napkins

Dinner spoon and fork, teaspoon

Poultry, game, rabbit fried

Portioned pieces of poultry and game, sprinkled with frying juice and oil, with a side dish of fried potatoes. Salad and cucumbers are served separately.

A spoon and a fork

The Kiev's cutlets

Chicken fillet with bone, stuffed with a chilled pat of butter, double breaded and deep fried. Side dish - fried julienned potatoes, green peas

Metal or porcelain dish, salad bowl on a stand plate

A spoon and a fork

End of the table 115

Name of second courses

Dishes for serving main courses

Decomposition kits

Fried vegetables

Vegetables fried in a frying pan

Porcelain round dish

Baked vegetables

Vegetables baked in a frying pan

Portion frying pan on a stand plate

Boiled cauliflower

Cauliflower, cooked whole. Sugar-butter or hollandaise sauce served separately.

Lamb on a stand plate Metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right

Green peas, canned corn

Green peas, canned corn, heated in a lamb or portioned frying pan

Asparagus sticks boiled in salted water, placed on an asparagus rack. Hollandaise sauce or bread-and-butter sauce is served separately.

Asparagus rack on a stand

A metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right

Spoon and fork or tongs for decomposing asparagus

Vegetables in milk sauce

Vegetables, diced and boiled with milk, seasoned with oil

Round lamb or portioned frying pan on a stand plate

Potato croquettes

Boiled mashed potatoes with butter, shaped into balls, pears, cylinders, served with flour, breadcrumbs, deep-fried Can be served with sauces - tomato or mushroom

A metal dish or portioned frying pan on a stand plate A metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right

Dinner spoon and fork, teaspoon

Dumplings baked in sour cream

Dumplings filled with sour cream, baked

Ceramic pot on a stand


A dish prepared from chopped or pureed foods baked on a baking sheet or frying pan. Sauce served separately.

Porcelain round dish Metal gravy boat on a stand plate on which a teaspoon is placed with the handle facing to the right

Scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage

Pan-fried eggs with sliced ​​sausage or bacon

Portion frying pan on a stand plate

A spoon and a fork

Eggs mixed with milk, fried in a frying pan

Frying pan on a stand plate

A spoon and a fork

*. Before serving the main courses, the table is served with cutlery sets (with the exception of fish dishes, for which the table is set with fish sets) and small dinner plates

5.7. Serving second courses

Restaurants serve main (hot) courses from various products: fish, meat, vegetables, flour, cereals, eggs, etc.

Most second courses consist of a main product and a side dish, many of them are served with sauce, some are cooked in sauce. These dishes are prepared in portions, as a whole piece or as a whole (poultry, pig).

All of these conditions affect the performance. In fast food restaurants, all second courses are served in small heated dinner plates with a diameter of 240 and 270 mm along with a side dish. The weight of a serving of the main product (meat, fish) can vary from 100 g to 200 g, the weight of a side dish from 150 to 250 g. There are simple, complex and combined side dishes.

A simple side dish consists of one name - rice, buckwheat porridge, potatoes or stewed cabbage.

A complex side dish consists of a main side dish (potatoes, rice, etc.) and an additional side dish - carrots in sauce, a green pot, etc. The weight of the main side dish is 75-100 g, additional - 50-75 g.

In a combined side dish, all components are served in equal proportions, preferably at least 5 names - for example, French fries, green peas, milk corn, carrots in sauce, cauliflower with a total weight of 150-250 g.

In restaurants of the "Higher" and "Luxury" categories, the presentation of second courses is carried out in intermediate (common) metal dishes: oval and round dishes 1,3,6, 12 servings, oval and round lamb 1,6, 12 servings, frying pans 6-12 servings.

If sauce is intended for a dish, it is served separately in a metal gravy boat for 1, 3, 6, 12 servings. The gravy boat is placed on the appropriate stand with a sauce or tablespoon, and a teaspoon is placed in a single-serve gravy boat.

There are many ways to garnish main courses on plates. Pieces are portioned in steps, in a semicircle, or in a slide. Pieces of meat and fish are laid out on the steps and bitter if the side dish is served in separate plates. In a semicircle - when they give shape and an appetizing appearance. All components of the side dish are served warm, serving temperature +65 ° C.

Some main courses are served as a whole piece or whole (poultry). they are garnished on a presentation platter, presented as a complex side dish in a separate bowl. Using the English method, the waiter himself or with the help of the cook portions and presents the second course using heated small plates.

Baked dishes are always served separately from the side dish. they are baked in dishes, lamb or frying pans and portioned in full view of guests using a side table.

Main courses in sauce are served in oval (from fish) and round (from meat and offal) lamb under a lid. In order not to burn your hands, they are placed on a stand of suitable diameter and served in various ways (on the table, French or English); side dishes for the second sauce courses are also presented separately in the lamb under the lid. To transfer the dish, add side dishes or a tablespoon.

When serving one portion of a dish on the table in a metal dish, the dish, frying pan or lamb is placed to the left of the guest.

Vegetable dishes are most often served baked or fried in round plates. Bean dishes are served in round lamb (in sauce), baked in lamb and frying pans. Cottage cheese dishes are served in round plates. Second courses made from flour are served in different ways. To serve dumplings and dumplings, use ceramic dumplings with a lid; sour cream, cracklings and fried onions are served in a metal or ceramic sauce boat. Pancakes and pancakes are served in round metal dishes with lids; sour cream and jam are served separately. Pies, donuts, pasties, and open pies are served in round and oval metal dishes.

Serving temperature for second courses is +65 ° C - +70 ° C. Sometimes vegetable salads or cold vegetables are offered for second courses; they must be served in a separate bowl.

Below are the presentation features of some other hot dishes.

Boiled fish, hollandaise sauce served in an oval cupronickel dish. Garnish - boiled potatoes in barrels, placed in a round lamb and sprinkled with herbs. Serve hollandaise sauce in a gravy boat. We serve in one of three ways known to us. You can place a pie plate nearby for the bones.

The steamed sterlet is assumed to be whole. Serve as a whole in an oval plate, in pieces - in multi-portion oval lambs. In the round lamb, serve boiled potatoes in barrels, steam the sauce in a metal sauce boat. When the whole fish is released, it is decorated with slices of peeled lemon, boiled porcini mushrooms or champignons, crabs or shrimp, and herbs.

Orly pike perch (fried in dough) is served on an oval metal plate, covered with a decorative paper napkin with peeled lemon slices and fries. Mayonnaise-tartar sauce (with gherkins) is offered separately in a metal sauce boat.

Sturgeon roasted on a spit. Portioned pieces of charcoal-fried sturgeon are removed with a fork onto an oval cupronickel plate, decorated with pickle and served. On another round dish, whole tomatoes, onion slices, green onions and peeled lemon slices are served. Tkemali or tartar sauce is served in a separate sauce boat.

Pork fillet in Madeira sauce is served in a round lamb with a lid, and French fries are served separately in a portioned frying pan.

Beef Stroganoff is served in a round lamb or portioned frying pan. Separately - fried boiled potatoes in the same bowl.

Chicken Kiev cutlets are served on a round cupronickel plate with croutons (fried bread), French fries in strips and green peas in tartlets. Paper napkins are placed on the bone.

Tobacco chicken is served on a round metal plate. A side dish (fresh vegetables) is served separately in a salad bowl. Garlic sauce is served in a metal sauce boat. To wipe your hands, serve a linen napkin and water with lemon.

Fried game (partridges, hazel grouse) is served in cupronickel round dishes. Separately - Lingonberry or Cranberry jam in a rosette or bowl. In a salad bowl we will present pickled fruits - plum, apple, pear, grapes and a spoon for transferring.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are served in round lamb sauce. they are placed to the left of the guest (portioned) and in the center of the table (for a group order).

Natural and stuffed omelettes are served on oval cupronickel plates, spread out with a spatula. They are best served surrounded.

Before serving the second course, the waiter must collect the used dishes from the first courses and, with the permission of the guest, the rest of the unused appetizers, except for fresh and pickled vegetables.

Second hot courses are considered the main courses of the table, so their presentation should be given due attention.

Almost all hot and cold meat and fish dishes, as well as many appetizers, come with side dishes. To prepare side dishes, a wide range of products is used: cereals, legumes, pasta and flour products, vegetables, mushrooms, berries, fruits, eggs.

Vegetable side dishes find particularly wide application. For their preparation, fresh, salted, pickled, pickled, boiled, poached, fried, baked and stewed vegetables in a wide variety of assortments are used.

Cereal side dishes are viscous or crumbly porridges; flour products are mainly served in the form of croutons; boiled pasta is used for side dishes; legumes - used boiled either in the form of whole grains or in the form of puree.

With the exception of potatoes , the processing of which for side dishes sometimes has some minor features (straws or chips, etc.), all other side dishes are prepared according to a general recipe: for example, cauliflower, which they want to serve as a side dish, is boiled in the same way as for independent dishes.

There is no special part on our website dedicated to side dishes, since all recipes for making side dishes can be found in the corresponding sections.
But if the primary methods and methods of heat treatment have almost no differences, then the use of side dishes has its own specifics that the cook must know.

Adding a side dish means enriching the food with additional nutrients, increasing its volume and weight so that it saturates better and more fully, and, finally, most importantly, improving the taste of the dish.

The very name garnish (garnire - means to decorate) accurately defines the main purpose of this culinary product, since a garnish should improve the taste of the dish, decorate it, make it more attractive, more appetizing, and thereby increase digestibility.

It is not the preparation of a side dish, but its correct selection for a given dish, for a given product - this is the specificity, mastering which is not at all an easy matter, since the taste of the dish largely depends on the correct combination of the main dish with the side dish.

By emphasizing the features, softening or increasing the spiciness of the main product, its fat content, saltiness, acidity or sweetness, a well-chosen side dish significantly improves the taste of the dish. An unsuitable side dish with its unpleasant taste combination can significantly reduce the taste of the dish. For example, it is not customary to serve steamed sturgeon with noodles or lingonberry jam, or viscous porridge with beefsteak.

The art of a culinary specialist lies in the fact that he knows how to prepare a dish well, correctly compose its flavor bouquet, and skillfully combine the main components of the dish - the main product, sauce and side dish. Some combinations of products have long been known, which together create very attractive, pleasant taste “ensembles”. Such are, for example, combinations of rice and many chicken and chicken dishes; green peas and a variety of cutlets; stewed cabbage and fried pork or goose; champignons and many delicacies made from fish, poultry, etc. All these well-known combinations are based either on the similar qualities of the products, as is the case with rice and chicken meat, when both components are distinguished by their delicate taste, or on the ability of the side dish to soften the fat content product, as happens when combining roast goose or pork with stewed cabbage.

Potato side dishes occupy a special place in cooking. The taste qualities of this product make it an almost universal side dish, which is successfully applied to numerous and varied dishes.

But still, depending on the taste characteristics of the main product, potatoes are subjected to various culinary treatments, since it is not at all indifferent in what form the potatoes are served as a side dish. For some dishes, such as boiled tongue, sausages, ham, it is served in the form of mashed potatoes, for boiled fish, boiled potatoes are usually used, for fried fish - fried, for portioned fried meat dishes - dry fried potatoes (chips, straws, etc.).

The choice of side dish also depends on the purpose of the dish. That is why cold dishes and snacks, in accordance with their purpose in the diet - to stimulate appetite, are usually accompanied by spicy or salty side dishes, such as pickles and marinades, vegetables with various spicy dressings and sauces, etc.

When choosing a side dish for cold dishes or appetizers, you must also take into account that the products for such a side dish should be tasty and appetizing even when cold. For these reasons, crabs, eggs, crayfish tails, etc. are widely used as side dishes for cold appetizers, but cereals and pasta, which, as a rule, are not served cold, are avoided.

All side dishes can be divided into simple, that is, consisting of one product (mashed potatoes, porridge, pasta, etc.), and complex.

Typically a complex side dish consists of three to four varieties of vegetables. An example of a complex vegetable side dish is a combination of fried potatoes, carrots poached in milk sauce, boiled green peas, beans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower or kohlrabi.

Selecting a complex side dish requires special attention from the cook, since when making it it is necessary to take into account not only the flavor combinations of the side dish and the main product, but also all the components of the side dish itself.

The presentation of the side dish also requires the skill and attention of the cook, since the side dish is the main element of the design and decoration of the dish, which largely determines the attractiveness of the appearance of the dish.

A beautifully, neatly, symmetrically placed side dish gives the dish a particularly attractive, appetizing look.

In this publication, all recipes for dishes that are usually served with side dishes indicate the side dishes that best suit the taste characteristics of the dish. This, however, does not exclude replacing these side dishes with others if necessary, due to the lack of seasonal products or if the cook wants to create a new combination. It is necessary to remember that an indispensable and obligatory condition for selecting a side dish is the correct consideration of the taste characteristics of the dish and the harmony of the combination of products.

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