From the fronts of the Jewish Empire - one billion: the people of dugouts and mud huts. From the fronts of the Jewish Empire, China, which is being raped by Trotskyists


RIA News.

“A man detained on suspicion of murdering showman Rakhman Makhmudov in Moscow confessed to his crime, Tsyplenkova, an official representative of the Main Investigation Department (GID) of the Investigative Committee for the city, told reporters on Friday.

Makhmudov was found dead on Tuesday evening in an apartment on Leningradsky Prospekt. He organized parties and various shows in Moscow and was involved in business projects. In addition, he worked as the art director of Leps Bar.

Art director of LEPS BAR Rakhman Makhmudov (Rahman Neimark-Cohen…).

Or here's another:

Ukrainians Rinat Akhmetov and Petro Poroshenko, who are among the richest people in Eastern Europe, were outraged by the inclusion of their names in the list of Jewish billionaires compiled by the Israeli editors of the magazine Forbes.

You can’t argue with the fact that all of the above rich people have Jewish roots, and they themselves do not hide their nationality at all. For example, the same Friedman in 2012, together with the Israeli governmentestablished"Jewish Nobel Prize"

Mikhail Fridman

sings Ashka's songs

during the Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem

Russian and other businessmen

through the Negev Desert in the Arava Valley

However, along with these “unconditional” Jews, the list also included several people who would never have considered themselves Jews. Thus, Israeli Russian-language media immediately drew attention to the inclusion of Russians Alisher Usmanov and Mikhail Prokhorov on the list. The first, apparently, was in the ranking because in some biographies Usmanov is called a Bukharian Jew, and the second - because he himself said that his maternal grandmother was Jewish.

The publication had reasons for such a feint, to include Prokhorov in the list of the richest Jews, but these were just formal reasons: if you wish, you can find Jewish relatives on your mother’s side in almost half of all people from the Soviet intelligentsia. The scheme is simple: if you are so smart, then why are you so poor. It is not thieves and bandits who are rich, only smart people are rich. Hence the conclusion - Jews are the smartest on the planet.

No one would have paid attention to the numerous “mistakes” of the Israeli editorial staff of Forbes magazine if the rating had unexpectedly not been noticed in Ukraine. Two local billionaires were outraged by the publication: Tatar Rinat Akhmetov and Petro Poroshenko, who was born in the Odessa region in the family of Alexei Ivanovich and Evgenia Sergeevna.

The press services of both billionaires, according to Ukrainian media reports, sent biographical information about Akhmetov and Poroshenko to Israel. According to Anton Nosik, the press service of Alisher Usmanov also joined them, but representatives of the richest man in Russia did not speak publicly about the Israeli rating.

One way or another, Forbes Israel was made to face the table, and he had to pretend to be the virgin of the bride..."

"I am a proletarian cannon, I shoot here and there.” ( Green)

Our website has been saying for several days now that there are two Islams in the modern world. The second Islam is Zionist. It was made by Zionist rabbis in the silence of very guarded synagogues, like ours on Poklonka. The Zionists concocted a Zionist Islam parallel to true Islam. By the way, according to the living Tsarnaev, they carried out the terrorist attack “for the sake of protecting Islam.”

Why do Zionists need their Islam - Zionist? For one thing: to fight him, to discredit him, to frame him, to demonize true Islam, to turn the true Koran into a codec for criminals, mosques into culinary schools on “pressure cookers,” and Muslims themselves into bandits, murderers and extremists. And yet, somewhere they succeed.

In Zionist Islam - the Zionist Koran in a colorful binding, supposedly published in Pakistan, or even in India, in fact - published in the depths of closed Zionist printing houses, or even openly, as in a bazaar, in anticipation of the darkness of the masses.

In Zionist Islam, mosques are closed to those who are especially curious, usually in private apartments or private houses behind a high fence.

In Zionist Islam - mullahs with dual Israeli citizenship for life.

In Zionist Islam - private, certainly elite, madrassas.

I hear from all sides: there is also Russian Islam. Do they, these Russians, have their own Koran, their own mosques, their own mullahs, their own madrassas, like the Zionists? But Zionists, Zionism is a structure, it is a phalanx, it is the special forces of the WORLD ASHKINAZ KHAGANATE of Moshiach Rothschild.

Moshiach Rothschild with his gang at theThe USA legally prints the world currency - dollars - on cotton machines, on wagons, on steamships, on transport planes, like toilet paper.

THE WORLD KAGANATE can create and maintain its own Islam, its own Mecca, its own Russian Orthodox Church, its own Vatican without strain... . He can build the appropriate infrastructure for them, maintain his Islam - from dudes to turbans and skullcaps.

And what about the so-called Russian Islam? He does not have any Islamic structures of his own, and in his pocket there is a louse on a lasso, not even enough for a rosary. Without a lot of money you can’t create even a tiny combi party like “Parnas”. With the money of Moshiach Rothschild, entire religions can easily be created.

When we talk about Russian Islam, we are talking about Zionist Islam.

There is no Russian, Kyrgyz, Chechen Islam. There is Islam. One for everyone. Shiites and Sunnis are not two Islams, but two groups fighting for the top in Islam. People say: power has not been shared. The relatives did not divide Muhammad's inheritance.

Almost every fifth person in today's world has true Islam. Over the past 50 years, the Muslim population of the globe has increased by 235% and currently stands at 1.6 billion. There are 16 million Muslims living in Russia. Other sources give slightly different figures. According to BBC data for 1999, there are 26 million Muslims living in Russia.

Zionist Islam can only have adherents who are recruited, lured, bought, blackmailed, terrorized. marred by life, prisoners. Why does Zionist Islam need these recruits and captured prisoners?

Exclusively for war, and for nothing else. Zionist Islam was created by the Zionists for the war against true Islam. Zionist Islam is at war with true Islam in the Caucasus. Islamist Zionists. This is especially significant in Chechnya.

In this sense, the example of the brothers is indicativeTsarnaev. Where did they come from in the same States, and why do they need those States personally? Are they from Kyrgyzstan? It seems like no, they disowned them there. Are they from Kazakhstan? The same thing, it seems - no, they disowned them there. Kadyrov said that he does not know such Chechens in Chechnya.

Why don't Muslims know the Tsarnaevs? Because the entire Tsarnaev family is from Zionist Islam.

Report: The Tsarnaev brothers may be involved in the murder of three Jews. The crime was committed on the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks and was considered unsolved.

As Frontpage Mag writes with reference to ABC News, during the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing, new details of the terrorist activities of the Tsarnaev brothers began to emerge. In particular, information was obtained about their involvement in the murder of three American Jews - Brendan Mess (25), Eric Weizmann (31) and Raphael Teken (37)...).

We understand: the reader wants specifics, he always wants to feel with his hands what it is, for example, the same Zionist Islam. This is fine.

“Wait, children, just give me time:There will be a pipe for you, there will be a whistle.”

For now - on parallels.

The Zionists cheated, like gypsies, an old nag for the market, a Soviet Jew, an old Zionist, now a citizen of Israel, Dina Rubin, to the size of Voltaire especially for the Russians. She has a lot of rings in her nostril: she and..., she and..., she and..., in a word - Voltaire of the Russian language. And you, Russians, with your tongue, shut up and listen to me... “total dictation.”

The Zionists came up with a “total dictation” for Russians. “Voltaire,” the old Zionist Rubin, was assigned to implement the project. It doesn’t matter that in Russian it is... well, let Zoshchenko himself speak out:

"The Engineer" (1925)

“Mama Volodkina, a lady, one might say, doesn’t understand science at all, and she confirmed about her vocation.”

They even determined the capital of “Dina Rubin’s total dictation” is Novosibirsk, the place of the Siberian academic town and hereditary prisoners.

You don’t have to have a special mind not to understand why the Zionists organized this “total dictation” project. There is a wild attack on the Russian language. It turns out that the entire “vertical of power” in the country “Russian language” consists entirely of Dvorkovichs and Friedmans. From RAS to school teacher.

A program has just been broadcast on TV “Meanwhile” with Arkhangelsky - rabbis from Arkhangelsk. The program is about the norms of the Russian language. A bunch of people discussing it, read it all - from the Ashkas, from the Zionists. These Mordechai and Esterki in the Russian language joyfully admitted that the most hated lesson in school for them was the Russian language. Me too. I didn't understand anything in Russian lessons. I, Russian, was taught Russian by Esther: Albats, Novodvorskaya, Herbert... I came to school from a home where everyone spoke Russian, and at school during Russian lessons I absolutely did not understand this crow language of the Russian language teacher Madame Esther. We were all Russian at home, and Yiddish at school. Do locals hear that way? But Russians don’t hear that way. I only remember - “Eumenes” and “glass, tin, wood - this is an exception.” For some reason these three words must be written with two “Ns”. Can you explain why with two "N"?

But where does it come from - this “NN” among us, around us?

By the way, before the occupation of Russia by the shtetls, the Russian language did not exist as a subject for study and teaching in the same gymnasiums. There was a subject called “literature”.

The Russian language became a subject of study and teaching after power in Russia was seized by small-town and former prisoners: the Trotskys, the Krupskys, the Lunacharskys. Their native language was Yiddish - garbage from Polish, Russian, German, Tatar, Persian, in one word - gibberish. They, the rabbis-teachers of the Russian people, in order to teach, enlighten and lead to the light, interrogate, harass, shout from a tower in the zone, urgently needed to learn at least a few words of the “brushwood” language.

After the October revolution, 3-5 years later, the capital's little thing, Ellochka the cannibal, already had a vocabulary of 27 words. And so - all of Moscow. This is not a fiction or fantasy of Ilf and Petrov. They got to the point: the Maly Theater, in defiance of the Russian language of the shtetls, announced that its Russian language is the standard language, and it is necessary to speak as they speak in the Maly Theater.

Officially, the Russian language of the shtetls was called “newspaper” - as if legitimized. Why? Because all the media were already completely Ashkinazi, Zionist. It’s too lazy to list only the chief editors; there were no Russians there, as they are now. All are Venediktovs. Nothing has changed today. You can check for yourself how many words the Russian media now have - 27: verified - no minutes.

Shtetl shredded the Russian language into pieces: literary, colloquial, scientific, clerical, obsolete, regional, camp, prison, professional, southern, northern, western, eastern, local... Each of the shtetl took for himself a piece of the Russian language to study, depending on of which cell of the vertical of power the synagogue - the party assigned him to. We came up with a methodology for studying and teaching the Russian language.

Of course, this had nothing to do with the Russians. The locals memorized words and entire sentences from the language of “brushwood”: “in order to sail further into the revolution.” The locals memorized Russian words in class, and the Russians always spoke and thought in these words.

Naturally, the locals studied the Russian language not according to Russophiles and Slavophiles, not according to Aksakov, for example, but exclusively - according to Rosenthal, according to the Rosenthals.

And I am the same, I learned the Russian language of the shtetls at school according to Rosenthal, they knocked out of me the language of my mother and my father, my Russian ancestors, they knocked out of me with Rosenthal. It was only when I became a journalist, working with language, that I once realized what a tragedy it was. What was seen and heard on business trips, as a special correspondent for Red Star, from Ratmanov Island to Chop and Kaliningrad, on constant business trips to the hot spots of the planet, could not be expressed in Rosenthal’s language. Moreover, representatives of all the republics of the USSR worked in “Red Star”, but by the language in which we all wrote, it was impossible to distinguish a Moldovan from an Uzbek, a Russian from a Latvian. For some reason, there were a lot of small-town people in the editorial office - obvious, and even more - hidden, but they also wrote their materials in the same language as the Ukrainian, Russian and Moldovan Dementey. Everyone knew the rules of the Russian language according to Rosenthal, and no one knew the Russian language.

« If you have a vacancy, hire only a Jew. If you cannot do this, eliminate the position. If you can’t do either one, take an Asian. If there is no such thing, take a Pole, a Ukrainian, or, at worst, a Belarusian - these have their own scores to settle with the Russians. After a little processing they will become your allies. All of them are anti-Semites only in their homeland. In Russia it is more profitable for them to be internationalists. In this way they will provide themselves with the necessary sphere of existence. Use this path."

(Catechism of the Jew in the USSR)

Nobody had a linguistic individuality, and everyone was scalding in Rosenthal style. Vocabulary - 27 words. This was impenetrable universal literacy according to Rosenthal.

Tractor in the field - holes-holes-holes

You are for peace and I am for peace

We'll fly to the moon

We'll plow up virgin soil there

And to all capitalism

Let's insert this enema...

I'm not exaggerating - it was even worse.

“In any team, take power into your own hands and manage it in our interests. The administrative and creative part of the production process must be carried out by us. Let the goyim provide the rough, material and technical basis for our creativity. Let them monitor the cleanliness of work areas and protect the fruits of our labors. Let them be no higher than the janitor and cleaning lady.

(Catechism of the Jew in the USSR)

To get out of this verbal treacle from Rosenthal, at the age of 40 I had to remember how they spoke to me: my mother, how my father and all my relatives spoke to me. But teaching a “scientist” only spoils…. This is how I live - bilingual, with two Russian languages. The language of the mother and father, and the language of Rosenthal is “newspaper”. The disabled person of the great Russian language Rosenthal.

Rosenthal's language is the language of overseers, the language of inspectors, the language of sentries on the towers, the language of guards. In Rosenthal's language you can only knock, for example, denunciations, telegrams: so many were shot, so many were imprisoned, so many were brought in, the language of barking orders. Among the shtetls, there is still an unshakable belief today: you should only speak with Russians in obscene language; they supposedly don’t understand any other language.

In this regard, the famous educational program still needs to be dealt with and dealt with. The Trotskys give the following statistics: They received a completely illiterate Russia, ignorant of neither writing nor reading, I don’t know how many two and two.

Since 1912, it was planned to spend 10 million rubles annually on schools, textbooks and teacher training - terrible money at that time, I mean huge. The creation of the material base should have been completed by the end of the 1920s (the Bolsheviks managed to introduce universal education in 1932).

1939, Jews, 1.8% of the total population, accounted for 20% of students in higher educational institutions of the USSR. And this means that literally everyone: lame, crooked, hunchbacked, stupid small-town people were students, received higher education, so that they could later become factories, steamships and other very big bosses - drivers of the Russians.

For example, in 1937, almost without exception, the plenipotentiaries (ambassadors) of the Soviet Union in the rest of the world were Jews: Maisky in England, Surits in France, Yurenev in Germany, Stein in Italy, and Rubinin in Belgium. The Soviet delegates to the League of Nations were, with one exception, Jews: Finkelstein-Litvinov, Rosenberg, Stein, Marcus, Brenner, Hirschfeld, Galfand, and Svanidze, who was Georgian. Litvinov was also the head of the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs. (Wild, p. 222)

During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the Soviet ambassador was Marcel Rosenberg, the military attaché was Lvovich (pseudonym Loti). The Red Army officers commanded by the international brigades were: division commander Lazar Stein (Emil Kleber), other Jewish commanders Grigory Stein (Grigorovich), Corps CommanderYakov Smushkevich (Douglas), Red Army General Batkin (Fritz) and others. Abram Slutsky (Chernigovsky), head of Soviet foreign intelligence, the NKVD, also arrived and joined the NKVD resident General Alexander Orlov, who supervised the personal Alkalade in prison. (Wild, p. 223)

Russians were primitively screened out only for the fact that they were Russian: they were rejected by the mandate commission from the shtetls, only because you were of the wrong color, of the wrong origin, not from the working people. Proletarian origin: “from the workers” and “from the peasants” - the examination committee screened them out, expelling them “due to poor academic performance.” The method is clear, right?

Form your national cadres. Personnel is the holy of holies. Personnel decides everything. Personnel today is our tomorrow. Every laboratory, every department, every institute should become a forge of our national personnel.

Prepare Jewish youth to take up the baton of generations. Let every generation of non-Jews face our defense in depth. Every time the older generation leaves the scene, it must be replaced by an even more powerful cohort of young Jews, prepared in advance and strengthened. To do this, it is necessary to promote our young people to leadership positions as early as possible, proving their maturity and genius...

(Catechism of the Jew in the USSR)

Doctor, Maurice Fishburg, about the Jews:

“Among Jews there are a disproportionate number of the mentally ill, idiots and imbeciles” - “Eugenic Factors In Jewish Life.”

In his speech, Trotsky announced the opening of the world's first statue of Judas Iscariot. Similar statues appeared in other cities. The people, however, could not object, because the law on anti-Semitism meant execution or prison.

The local authorities adopted the Decree on educational programs “in order to provide the entire population with the opportunity to consciously participate in the political life of the country.” In order to immediately enlighten everyone politically, young and old, new alphabets and primers were written. Pre-revolutionary ones contained prayers and commandments - such as, for example, the famous “Golden ABC”, published in 1903 in Moscow by Sytin’s printing house.

The exhibition at the State Historical Museum also includes the “New Visual Russian Primer,” published in Moscow by Ryabushinsky’s printing house. This primer, for which the artist Vasnetsov made 500 drawings, received a gold medal at the international exhibition in Rome in 1911.

Near hanging with them is an amazing exhibit taken from the funds of the Historical Museum - in the revolutionary alphabet-poster, opposite the letter “t” it is written not “grass”, as in the good old primers, but “Trotsky”, next to the letter “l” - not the usual “bream” ", and "Lenin, friend of the peasants", and with the letter "u" - a cheerful agitation of a fratricidal war "hurray, the enemies are on their heels, everyone is running away without looking back." And the first Soviet primer for adults began with the words “we are not slaves,” known to us from childhood. Its author, an employee of the People's Commissariat for Education, Elkina, was sent to the front to introduce literacy among the fighting Red Army soldiers. In response to the children's “Masha was eating porridge,” as the teacher recalled, the soldiers showered her with obscene language. And the famous phrase, according to legend, was born as a result of the ensuing political discussion.

Not bream, but Lenin. Not grass, but Trotsky

The local authorities adopted the Decree on educational programs “in order to provide the entire population with the opportunity to consciously participate in the political life of the country.” So that everyone can read Trotsky in the original.

In order to immediately enlighten everyone politically, young and old, new alphabets and primers were written. Pre-revolutionary ones contained prayers and commandments - such as, for example, the famous “Golden ABC”, published in 1903 in Moscow by Sytin’s printing house. The exhibition at the State Historical Museum also includes the “New Visual Russian Primer,” published in Moscow by Ryabushinsky’s printing house. This primer, for which the artist Vasnetsov made 500 drawings, received a gold medal at the international exhibition in Rome in 1911.

Next to them hangs an amazing exhibit taken from the funds of the Historical Museum - in the revolutionary alphabet-poster, opposite the letter “t” it is written not “grass”, as in the good old primers, but “Trotsky”, next to the letter “l” - not the usual " bream”, and “Lenin, friend of the peasants”, and with the letter “u” - a cheerful propaganda of fratricidal war “hurray, the enemies’ heels are sparkling, everyone is running away without looking back.” And the first Soviet primer for adults began with the words “we are not slaves,” known to us from childhood. Its author, an employee of the People's Commissariat for Education, Elkina, was sent to the front to introduce literacy among the fighting Red Army soldiers. In response to the children's “Masha was eating porridge,” as the teacher recalled, the soldiers showered her with obscene language. And the famous phrase, according to legend, was born as a result of the ensuing political discussion.

“Lost between the tall loaves
Our poor village
And it accidentally came upon us.
Bitter grief wandered around the world
And it accidentally came upon us...”

In 1916, already 80% of conscripts were literate. A questionnaire produced by the Soviets in 1920 established that 86% of youth from 12 to 16 years old knew how to write and read, and they learned this before the revolution, and not during the civil war.) [Nazarov M. Russia on the eve of the revolution and February 1917 . Our contemporary" N2. 2004].

The fame of Nikolaev gymnasiums is still alive. There were gymnasiums in all county (district) cities, which many European countries could not boast of.

But there were also central schools - parochial schools, four-year schools. There were 40,000 of them. Russians received primary education at the Central School of Music. Yes, the Law of God was studied at the TsPS. But she did not assimilate the Law of the Devil, the “Law of the Jungle,” “The Law of the Taiga,” “The Law: Man is a Wolf to Man.” The TsPS did not educate money-grubbers, money grabbers, covetous people, future embezzlers, financial cheaters and swindlers.

Famous parochial school students:

Vasily Blukher - Soviet marshal;

Alexander Vasilevsky - Soviet military leader. He studied at the parish school of the Ascension Church in Novopokrovsky;

Kuzma Derevyanko - Soviet lieutenant general, Hero of Ukraine;

Leonid Kirensky is a Soviet physicist. He studied at a parish school in Amga, Yakutia.

Alexey Novikov-Priboy - writer;

Lidiya Ruslanova - Russian singer;

Alexander Seregin - Soviet colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union;

Vasily Surikov is a Russian artist. He studied at the parish school of the All Saints Church in Krasnoyarsk.

Bato-Dalai Ochirov is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the 2nd convocation.

Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov...

After 1917, the TsPS were completely liquidated by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of December 24, 1917 “On the transfer of the matter of upbringing and education from the spiritual department to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat for Education.”

With the beginning of the 1990s, a revival of primary church schools began. The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church (late 1994) ordered “to expand the network of parish Sunday schools, catechetical circles and other suitable parish structures providing religious education at the parish level.” The establishment of such institutions is the responsibility of each parish.

With the collapse of the USSR, such schools reappeared in Russia. An example of this is a non-state educational institution, a secondary school, Parish School No. 1 named after. Konstantin Pobedonostsev in Moscow.

Metropolitan Pitirim, may he rest in heaven, took me to one of these schools at a monastery near Moscow. I attended the lessons. I listened to the school choir. I looked at the drawings and artistic crafts of the students... it is, as the Serbs would say, “sajno”, shining, beautiful.

Who is the “genius” of the Russian language, like Pushkin, like all the Russophiles and Slavophiles, and even higher - this same Rosenthal?

D.E. Rosenthal was born on December 19, 1900 in the city of Lodz (Poland). He spent his early childhood in Poland.

He considered Polish to be his native language, he said this in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets shortly before his death. Rosenthal is lying, He, a shtetl, could not speak Polish, he, a shtetl, could only speak Polish Yiddish, like Trotsky from the remote province of Little Russia, from the town of Yanovka, could not speak either Ukrainian or Russian, he could speak only Russian Yiddish.

In Moscow - since 1914. In 1914, in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, he came to Moscow with his mother and younger brother Oscar, where he lived permanently.

Scientific works: Rosenthal created a textbook Italian languages ​​for universities, Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian dictionaries; translated works of Italian writers into Russian.

Rosenthal is the founder (together with Professor K.I. Bylinsky) of practical stylistics, one of the main developers and interpreters of the rules of modern Russian spelling. Author of more than 150 textbooks (published since 1925), manuals, reference books, dictionaries, popular books, as well as research works on the Russian language, speech culture, stylistics, spelling, linguodidactics.

Rosenthal's works are devoted to the diverse aspects of studying the Russian language. His main scientific merit was the development of a new linguistic discipline - “Practical stylistics of the modern Russian literary language.”

D.E. Rosenthal directly participated in the preparation of the current “Code of Rules of Russian Orthography and Punctuation” of 1956.

In May 1962, Rosenthal headed the “Russian Language Abroad” office at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University.

He taught Russian and spoke at conferences in Italy, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia.

From 1962 to 1987, Ditmar Elyashevich headed the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, then became a professor in this department. He remained at this department as a consulting professor until the end of his life.

The scientist died in July 1994 in Moscow. Buried at Vostryakovsky cemetery

Books signed with the name of D.E. Rosenthal continue to be published in revised editions. The copyright for the works of D. E. Rosenthal belongs to the Israeli heir Yu. Rosenthal.”

“Total dictation” as a result of the implantation of the Russian language by the Polish Ashka Rosenthal, as the fruit of the teaching of the Russian Jew Rosenthal to the Russian language and everyone living on the territory of Russia.

Over the weekend, in 80 cities of Russia and the world, more than 30 thousand people took part in a Zionist literacy test called “Total Dictation.” The results of the mass test were discouraging: two-thirds of the participants received a failure (61%).

10% got a B, 28% got a C. Whereinexcellent received only 1%.

I would not be at all surprised if 100% of the participants failed.

Where is the short meaning of this long speech? Thus, the true Russian language was replaced with the language of the Polish Jew Rosenthal and his entire gang of Zionists. The Russian language did not accept the infection of Rosenthal and his Zionist gang. They neither wrote nor spoke the Russian language of the Polish Jew Rosenthal and his Zionist rogues.

wrote “Total Dictation” no worse and no better than usual: out of more than 30 thousand participants, only 335 people received “A” marks. “The number of participants in the “Total Dictation” has reached 32 thousand 280 people, including 2 thousand 564 abroad. At the moment, more than 90% of the works have been checked. 335 participants received A’s. The organizers expect that the total number of “excellent” marks after the end checks will increase to 400,” the organizers of the action told Interfax. They explained that "1-2% of A's is the traditional ratio for Total Dictation."

The head of the project, a die-hard Zionist, Rebkovets, said that the participants had to overcome some difficulties in order to test their literacy.

"Total Dictation" is an annual educational event in the form of a voluntary dictation for everyone. The purpose of the action is to give every person the opportunity to test their knowledge of the Russian language and awaken interest in improving literacy.

Based on the results of the dictation, it became clear that the participants had the greatest difficulty writing words such as “confidant”, “existential”, “communism” and “too much”.

In turn, the chairman of the expert commission, another Zionist Koshkareva, noted that the dictation participants had difficulty writing words denoting key cultural realities. In particular, in Irkutsk the word “Gospel” turned out to be the “record holder” for mistakes made. In Novosibirsk, some participants wrote the word “forests” instead of “heavenly tabernacles”, or, as in the text of the dictation, “tabernacles”. “Suddenly it turned out that the word ‘communism’ was being spelled incorrectly; it was impossible for us to imagine the incorrect spelling of this word 10 years ago,” she said.

It also turned out that some of the writers do not know the word “confidant”, as well as the fact that in the phrase “Ancient Greece” both words are written with a capital letter.

As for the difficulties with placing punctuation marks, Koshkareva noted, they were associated with such moments as dashes between the main parts of a sentence, non-union complex sentences, accumulation of punctuation marks, for example, when you need to put a comma and a dash at the same time, and so on. Many participants did not understand the dialogue included in the dictation text.

Famous modern writers have been preparing texts for “Total Dictation” for the fourth year now. In 2010, the author of the text was Boris Strugatsky, and in 2011 Dmitry Bykov dictated his essay to the participants, in 2012 the text was written by Zakhar Prilepin - he stuck. The last dictation was given with her own hand, sitting in the deserts of Israel, by the legislator of the Russian language, Zionist Rubin.

A letter containing the results of a dictation of first-year students from one of the journalism departments is being actively distributed on social networks. According to the author, out of 229 first-year students, only 18% made eight or fewer errors per page of text. The remaining 82%, including 15 100-point USE students, made an average of 24-25 mistakes. He also gives examples of errors: “krytsa” (rummage), “pozient” (patient), “udastsa” (succeed), “vrochi” (doctors), “nez nayu” (I don’t know), “geniral” (general), “too much” (too much), “to arrest” (to arrest). It is noted that this university has a “strong” intake - the average score of applicants in the Russian language is 83 points, and a “five” is considered a result of 65 points...

In short, it’s a complete bummer with the replacement of the Russian language with the languages ​​of the small-town Zionists from the town of Yanovka.

ChapterDepartment of State Scientific and Technical Policy and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Alexander Naumov reported that parliamentarians in the first reading approved a bill according to which changes will be made to the spelling rules of the Russian language.

Naumov explained that the main innovation will be the principle of spelling

“As we hear, so we write.” As we hear Russian, we write

According to the head of the department, the current spelling rules should be reoriented...

He emphasized that language acquisition depends on the status and function of language in society, and since today spelling literacy cannot facilitate communication between people, they decided to abandon it. He noted that Russians understand each other better not by observing, but by breaking spelling rules, a perfect example of this is social networks.

Naumov said that no one is going to cancel the existing rules, just the associative nature of cognition will be put at the forefront of everything.

As an example of words whose spelling will soon be carried out according to the new rules, Naumov cited sontse, lesnitsa, malako, brashura, parachute, aftor and others.

Scientists have not yet agreed on the new rules, but some of them quote the words of the Soviet artist-architect B. Nikolaev:

“Russian graphic speech is as much a collective creativity of the people as oral speech...”

Well, thank God, it seems that they have sorted out the small-town, Zionist Russian language that replaced the Russian language. We will speak Russian again. Once again we will understand each other perfectly.


Kogan proposes training muftis and rabbis in Russia

Vice-President of the Congress of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations of Russia Zinovy ​​Kogan, speaking today at the United Russia Media Forum, proposed to begin training Jewish and Islamic clergy in the Russian Federation.

According to him, at present, the training of Islamic clergy takes place outside of Russia, in particular, in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jewish clergy are also trained abroad.

“We need to conclude bilateral agreements with the parliaments of the CIS countries on the training of clergy in Russia, we need to show off not only stadiums, but also universities that can train clergy,” Kogan said.

Either stand or fall: what is on the Zionists’ mind is on Kogan’s tongue. Which clergy in Jewish religious communities is Kogan talking about? Judaism is an organization, a corporate cooperative, the Ashkinazim have their own, the Sephardim have their own, the Hasidim have their own, the mezdrahi have their own... Every synagogue has its own religion, its own quarterly Moshiach

What kind of religion are we talking about in Jewish communities anyway? Yes, both have their own rabbis, but these are positions elected by the people of a given synagogue. Kogan intends to break this, established over thousands of years? They have one Moshiach, but each has his own. Ashkinazim, for example, today have Moshiach Rothschild. Why? Because he prints dollars and distributes them among Ashka synagogues, and they distribute them for local projects, events, including, for example, “total dictation”, NGOs, and regular assistance to synagogue members. Otherwise, there will be no obedience; they will run away. There are local moshiachs, for example, the oligarch, regional moshiach Friedman, who sits in St. Petersburg. All Ashkinazi oligarchs in Russia are local Rothschilds, local Moshiachs. They don't print dollars. They rob and steal, and from what is stolen from the Russians I make sure to deduct 10% from all types of income.

Of course, Kogan knows all this better than me. And he is not talking about the training of “Jewish clergy,” but about “Islamic clerics.” Arrogance, as we know, has no boundaries. The Zionists felt their strength in Russia if they openly talked about training “Islamic clerics.” Here is a clear example of Zionist Islam. Secretly, underground, behind the scenes, the Zionists have been training “Islamic clerics” for a long time; they have gained strength and are talking about openly training Islamic clerics.

But it seems I'm breaking into open doors. Muslims have long and openly received their Zionist education in Zionist universities. All this has been around for a long time. The Maimonides State Classical Academy, which opened in Moscow in 1992, is named after Maimonides. In 1983, the Bank of Israel issued a 1,000 shekel banknote with the image of Maimonides. In 1986, after redenomination, it was replaced by a banknote of 1 new shekel. Maimonides is almost the Torah, Talmud and Shulchan Aruch in one bottle. This “classic” is led by the Zionist Kogan.

By the way, Medvedev has just issued an order, instead of financing the domestic innovation cluster, to allocate 1.6 billion rubles in the form of grants to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But that's not true. Massachusetts - this is true, but not to the institute, but to the Maimonides school in Massachusetts.

The school was founded in 1937 by Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik and his wife Tonya Soloveitchik. The school is named after Rabbi Maimonides Moses.

Today, Maimonides is a world-renowned Torah institution. Approximately 600 students from kindergarten through grade twelve, and more than 1,700 alumni, including several Rhodes Scholars, national academic merit, renowned professors, scientists and business leaders. About 200 of them live in Israel. There seem to be no Chechens at the school; there are mainly Orthodox students there. Maimonides School (in Hebrew:ישיבת רמב " ם ) is a coeducational place for Modern Orthodox.. The school is located in Brookline, Massachusetts.

Institute at the School - for a fool, camouflage, screen. Now the Institute is facing claims for 3.5 billion rubles, but it stands like a piss and doesn’t even moo. Because the Institute never saw this money. They are all in the Schools of Maimonides. Just now

Vice President of the Zionist Foundation Seda Pumpyanskaya was the first to flee Iznograd after an audit by the Accounting Chamber, which revealed violations during the conclusion of the agreement between Skolkovo and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Where?

By the way, the Maimonides State Academy, which opened in Moscow in 1992 - the state of Russia, lives and smells at the expense of Russian taxpayers, with our money, we pay for this Zionist kublo Maimonides is located next to the Kievsky railway station. According to some sources, half of the students at the Academy near the Kievsky railway station are Chechens, according to others - 90%. You understand - a secret. It is near the Kievsky railway station that clashes almost regularly occur between Muscovites and Muslim students of the Zionist Higher Party School named after Maimonides with the indispensable participation of riot police. This is how Zionist Islam is done.

One of the ministers of Zionist Islam just sent me a letter.

"Mr. General!

Now there are active discussions about the abolition of the position of Amir of the Caucasus Emirate. Dokku Abu Usman on the ban on terrorist attacks against the Russian civilian population.

You have connections. carry out explanatory work.

This is my letter, which I personally sent to the Amir of the Caucasus Emirate.

Take action.

May Allah help us. May he guide us on the right path


Bismillahi rahmanir rahim.

Assalamualaikum brothers of Iman.

I am a simple Muslim from Kyrgyzstan. I would like to tell you about some events in our country and ask some questions.

About a month ago, a special conference was held in Kyrgyzstan on the initiative of the Minister of Religious Affairs. It was about banning the activities of Jamaat Tabligh and sharply tightening control over the activities of mosques and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, as well as establishing total control over Muslims...

Representatives of the OSCE and Russia attended the conference. Representatives of Russia were “simple Russian guys” with surnames like Rubinstein and Zolotorev (Goldstein).

Kyrgyzstan is only formally an independent state. The entire banking system is under the control of foreign banks (Halyk Bank, KazKom, Bakai Bank, Finca, KIBS), regardless of the name of the Jewish Freemasons under their control.

The government of Kyrgyzstan is stuffed with Jews like Fox-Ryabinovich, Gurevich, Goldberg, Zavgaller and others. The Minister of the National Security Service has a Jewish lover; former President Bakiyev, expelled by the people, was married to a Jewish woman. His half-Jewish son Max Bakiev almost created a concentration camp out of the country...

The goal of the Judeo-Masonic conference to strangle the sprouts of Islam in Kyrgyzstan has not yet been achieved. All that they think about this at the conference were expressed by the Ulama of Kyrgyzstan Maksat Dambylda and Surajiddin Dambylda. Both of them studied in Pakistan for 7 years in a madras school in Karachi at Dar-ul-Uloom.

The Jewish scum in Kyrgyzstan is doing everything possible to discredit Islam and is trying to wage a fairly tough information war. The flutterers smashed and set fire to a bottle of gasoline in the synagogue courtyard and tried to blame it on the Kyrgyz. At the same time, the Jews called it a terrorist act, although at most it amounted to hooliganism.

There have also been attempts to ban the wearing of headscarves in schools. Again they tried to scare us with Afghanistan and terrorists.

Praise be to Allah! None of the plans of the fluttering Jews were successful.

I would also like to ask a question about the situation of Muslims in the Caucasus and Russia. I read an article about the “War against houses, women, children and the elderly” in which some brothers ask Dokka Abu Usman to cancel the provision prohibiting operations against Russian civilians.

Brothers! I very much doubt that Russia exists as a dependent state. And I have strong doubts that the majority of Russians have survived spiritually as a nation. If we take Kyrgyzstan for example, I am sure that not a single Kyrgyz minister in his life would have thought of organizing a conference on the adoption of laws against Muslims. Also in Russia, the Jewish President Putin-Shalomov or Prime Minister Medvedev-Mendel with various kinds of Jews such as Zhirinovsky, Abramovich, Surkov-Dudaev, Friedman, Chubais, Lebedev, Rogozin, Nabiullina, Nemtsov and others are pursuing a policy aimed at the physical destruction of Muslims.


At the same time, the Jewish press and television constantly talk about transferring 5 trillion rubles to the Caucasus, which causes hatred towards the peoples of the Caucasus. If we add to this a huge number of crimes - rapes, murders, robberies, committed by the worst representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus, it is clear that Jews will calmly manipulate public opinion in Russia... (We have no problems of ethnic crime in Kyrgyzstan now. Kyrgyz have been around for a long time they don't talk. They'll slaughter the whole family purely on ethnic grounds and that's it. Only a couple of years ago they burned the houses of the Meskhetians. They really burned a few houses, no more than 50 houses. I especially emphasize that we did not commit any genocide)

Although some people have the opinion that Jews are weakening Russia and allegedly unwittingly helping Muslims get rid of Russian occupation, I BELIEVE THAT RUSSIA DOES NOT EXIST.

I view Russia as nothing more than a fragment of the World Jewish Empire of Rothschild and his rabid dogs. Russia, like the European Union or the United States, is under the JUDO-MASONIC yoke.


And the profits are made exclusively by Jewish corporations like Shell, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron-Texaco, Halliburton, MacDonnell-Douglas and their associated banks... For Jews, it makes no difference who kills whom. Chinese Americans or Russians Germans. For Jews, we are all, regardless of nation, only Akum (feeble-minded), Nokhri (strangers) or Shabesgoi (devoid of strength and honor). For Jews, only Jews are considered people, and everyone else is considered slaves...

Jews control over 70% of capital in the United States and over 90% of capital in Russia. They also control 100% of the media, especially television. We are losing the information war and this allows the Jews to kill us from Palestine to China. It is the Jews who finance the operations to exterminate Muslims in the Caucasus, it is the Jews who raise the salaries of the security forces, it is the Jews who refuel the planes and armored personnel carriers—it is the Jews who have financial control. And the Russians are cannon fodder...

And the Kyrgyz, represented by the minister, are also cannon fodder... And the security forces are something like Barbos, who barks and bites the ration bowl...

Allahu Akbar! And the owner of this Barbosa is the Jew Putin-Shelomov with his friend Medvedev-Mendel.

I want to ask you for a position not for the destruction of Barbos, but for the destruction of the Jewish owners of this Barbos. Otherwise it turns out like in the song of Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat: “You don’t need a knife for a fool, you tell him three big lies, and do what you want with him.” whatever you want..." They lied about Muslims, accused them of terrorism and sent Ivanushka the Fool to fight with Muslims... You say, fight, while we take Russian girls into sexual slavery in Israel, and oil, gas, timber and so on.. Fight, Ivanushka the Fool... Your enemies are there, not in the Kremlin or in the synagogue...

I know that the Jewish scum curses the Kyrgyz in the synagogue every Saturday. I know that it is the Jews who are trying to pit Kyrgyz against Kyrgyz and sow confusion. I am sure that the explosion near the Sports Palace and the subsequent accusations of this against the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan is a Jewish provocation... And the conference is also a provocation...

Some people tell me that Jews are supposedly people too. And don't bother ordinary Jews. At the same time, the fluttering ones curse the Kyrgyz, are citizens of Israel and do everything to destroy Muslims. Every Jew is a citizen of Israel and, accordingly, a soldier of the IDF and, ACCORDINGLY, a KILLER OF PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS. SPY OF ISRAEL, FIFTH COLUMN

And now how the Jews use attacks on Russian civilians somewhere in Uryupinsk. Well, a couple of drunks will die. Well, ten.




Brothers! Give me some advice. Tell me when we will start killing Jews.


To be honest, it's nothing new. When the WORLD ASHKINAZI KAGANATE burned Moshiach Rothschild with napalm and dropped bacteriological and chemical bombs on people’s heads: in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Zionists had a military doctrine, excuse the expression:

“Asians should kill Asians!”

Like this? In Korea there was a Korean army - northerners, and a Korean army - southerners, put together by the Zionists, the Zionists played them off - they killed each other. This happened in Vietnam: the North Vietnamese killed the South Vietnamese. But the civil war in Russia was fought according to the same Zionist doctrine:

“Russians must kill Russians!”

It's the same with Zionist Islam. The doctrine goes like this:

"Islam against Islamism!"

The notorious Zionist Pipeschews:

"Our main question is:

"How do you propose to defeat Islamism?"

Those who make the whole of Islam their enemy not only succumb to simplistic and mechanistic illusions, but also have no means of defeating it. We who focus on Islamism see World War II and the Cold War as models for taming a third totalitarianism. We understand that radical Islam is the problem and that moderate Islam is the solution. We are working with Muslims and anti-Islamists to defeat the global scourge. We will triumph over this new barbarism, and a modern form of Islam may emerge.

In the USSR, the Zionists worked to breed a “new man.” Now they are busy “breeding a new breed of Mohammedan,” that is, obedient to the Zionists, “cannon fodder” in the war against true Islam.

On I highly recommend the topic of “Resistance” regular issues of “Proletary” .

Our site often takes materials from there. But there they are of better quality, undamaged.




A recent message from the Ashki-Sephar World War shocked and tossed: “ China strongly opposed the rapprochement between the United States and Russia.”

China and against the USA!? China, as it were, is an enemy of the United States!? What China? Which USA?

And just yesterday they fraternized and together attacked the USSR on Damanskoye and Lake Zhalanashkol.

And yesterday they, like brothers in arms, fought together against the USSR in Afghanistan.

They fought against the USSR, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder in Vietnam - in the Sino-Vietnamese War...

True, I was not at Damansky, but correspondents from my newspaper “Red Star” were there. They told what could not be published then. But I was in Afghanistan and spent the entire Chinese-Vietnamese war on 3 of its fronts - there were so many of them in Vietnam against China. I can testify: the Chinese and the Americans were in the same trench in that “war”. This same Trotskyist Deng Xiaoping was just a man from Rothschild’s hallway.

The entire “Cultural Revolution” of Mao Zedong - “fire on headquarters”, was a “cultural revolution” - “fire on synagogues”, “fire on Zionist centers”, on the Zionist underground in China.

Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China is Stalin’s “1937” year in the USSR, when Stalin drove the Zionists and Trotskyists to where Makar did not herd calves.

But Stalin died, the Trotskyist Khrushchev seized power. But Mao died and the Trotskyist Deng Xiaoping came. Trotsky, Khrushchev, Deng Xiaoping are not people, but milestones, road signs to the world of bread rationing, Gulags, crises and wars. Khrushchev almost started a world atomic war. Literally hours and minutes separated.

The Trotskyist Danm instantly restored the all-Zionist nests and Trotskyist viper houses that Mao destroyed during the “cultural revolution.” The revenge took place. From Chinese China, only the portrait of Mao on the Red Square of Beijing remained in China as a screen.

With the advent of Deng, Ashkinazi “Jews” re-emerged in China. With the introduction of bazaar relations by the Trotskyist Deng, the old psychosis about the connection of Jews with money was revived. As the unforgettable Zhirinovsky used to say: “The Jews have all the money.” Shanghai is awash with Jewish investments, and the Ashkinazis declared Haifen a “Jewish economic zone”, with their Dvorkovich, Surkov, Siluanov (Siluan is a place in Israel). Not only economic, but also racial things came to life.

After returning from the Sino-Vietnamese War, I was invited to the CPSU Central Committee so that I could tell what I saw, what I heard, what thoughts and conclusions I drew from my business trip to “fighting Vietnam.” Using facts and examples, I showed that there was no war between China and Vietnam. And there was a deception. The Vietnamese deceived the USSR in order to quietly modernize their entire economy at the expense of the USSR. China deceived the United States in order to modernize its entire economy under the guise of the so-called war with Vietnam.

Now I think that China did not deceive the United States. The Ashkinazim of China were in cahoots with the Ashkinazim of the USA - one Kaganate for all. The Ashkinazim of the USA had to convince the Americans in the US Congress to allocate money for the modernization of the economy of their China, the argument - China is at war with the worst enemy of the USA Vietnam, taking revenge on Vietnam “Uncle Ho” for the disaster of the USA in Vietnam. And the Americans bought it.

The fact is that at the height of the war between Vietnam and China, a man appeared at the USSR Embassy in Hanoi, in front of whom the ambassador pressed himself against the wall when this man walked along the corridor. God forbid, I don’t know who this man was, but he wanted to meet with me, and I was brought to his office. I don’t remember now what questions he asked me. In my opinion - none. But I told him that I’m not leaving the front, I’m only coming to Hanoi to deliver another report to Red Star. I have been to the main seaport of Vietnam, Haiphong, several times. The line for unloading our ships stretches from Haiphong to Vladivostok. They unload not only weapons, but also metal, machine tools, industrial equipment, trucks, a container with rice and shirts...

The Vietnamese Prime Minister in Kosygin's office pounded his fist on the table: we have no time to deal with the economy - we are at war, we are defending the holy borders of the socialist camp... The USSR and the entire socialist camp must deal with the economy of Vietnam, we are bleeding, we are defending the Cape with arms in our hands, both the USSR and the socialist camp as a whole...

I told him, the man who was looking at me without blinking:

“There is no war here, there is deception. At the expense of the USSR, they want to completely modernize their economy free of charge. You can see this for yourself: by announcing in Moscow tomorrow that you are stopping supplies of non-military cargo to Vietnam, and after tomorrow the war between Vietnam and China will end...”

Through his glasses, the man silently looked at me, without blinking. Now it seems to me that he was probably thinking: does this lieutenant colonel understand that through the ambassador, through the representative of the KGB and the GRU, completely different information is knocking on Moscow: there is a war going on, heroic Vietnam is fighting with China, defending the world socialist camp on its far borders. The fact is that the Vietnamese locked up all foreigners within Hanoi and fed them with information from their telegraph agencies, that is, complete “misinformation”. And I was a guest of the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense. I had options...

The man left, and I remained in Vietnam. And two weeks later, the Vietnamese-Chinese war suddenly stopped - as if it had been cut short.

In general, if we consider the events in one historical piece, we get a picture: Stalin, expelling Trotsky, pushing the Zionists into the Gulag, gave birth to Mao, inspired him, showed him how you can liberate your Motherland from Ashka’s occupation.

Stalin and Mao gave birth to Obama, showed him - and he saw how in modern conditions the Sephardim could organize a second holocaust for the Ashkinazim.

True, there is such a dirty trick on the part of the Ashkinaz: they, with their finger in their nose, say in a nasal voice that China is not “theirs” at all - not Ashkinazi, not the king of the Ashkinazi Rothschild, but that China belongs to the Sephardim, who are from the Arabs, and they, the Sephardim, came to China, they say, from...Damascus and Baghdad, from the banks of the Nile and Euphrates, because they, Ashki, are from the “other shore” and even from Bukhara. What should we call this Ashkinazi novel? By polluting the brains of the goyim.

However, what happened? What didn’t the “Chinese” share with the “Americans” now, today?

“Jews” - Khazars, came to China in the 10th–11th centuries, or rather, after the defeat and destruction of the Khazar Kaganate by Prince Svyatoslav in the war of 965-967. “Jews”, that is, Khazars, that is, Ashkinazis... fleeing from Prince Svyatoslav, ran to China from the lower Volga. We did not come to China empty-handed. With the loot, with the stolen - with the treasury of the Khazar Kaganate. After August 1991, out of 2,300 tons of gold alone, exactly 130 tons remained in the USSR treasury. They carried out jewelry from Gokhran in buckets, which they rented from the local cleaners.

“We must always be ready to leave the anger and hatred of the goyim, to go where we will be accepted in the hope of reviving the economy with our capital. Periodically changing countries in search of more favorable living conditions is part of our strategy. This is the symbol of the “eternal Jew” - Agasfer - an inexhaustible optimist and eternal wanderer.

But we must leave, if necessary, not poor and sick, but healthy and rich. Money is our legs. We shift our center of gravity to where our money, our capital, was previously transferred. Having strengthened materially in the countries of dispersion, having collected our tribute from them, from time to time we gather on the land of our ancestors in order to strengthen our spirit, our strength, our symbols, our faith in unity.” (“Catechism of the Jew in the USSR”)

In China, in a “new place” they began to dig in, create a bridgehead: using what was stolen from Khazaria, they “bought” the land of the city of Kaifeng. And they immediately staked out a stake - they built a synagogue in the center of the city. It then stood for 700 years.

China provided the “refugees” – the Ashkinazi Khazars, with full opportunity to bear fruit and the opportunity to multiply, to work without interference, to do their own business, to trim their own affairs, since China for those Ashkinazi Khazars was a “country of unafraid monkeys”, which was also the Turkic Khazaria before the Ashkinazi capture. They had never even heard of anti-Semitism in China, because there, indeed, there was not a single product of the Egyptian priest of Moses - the “Jews”. They haven’t arrived yet.

The Ashkinazis, strictly according to the program laid down in the product by the Egyptian priests - the “Jews”, covered China with usury - they began to make money from money. Almost instantly, from this mental work - fraud, they became fabulously rich. And, as they now say, total corruption began. A bribe in China, with the accession of the Ashkas, has become a kind of salary. Bribery as a salary in China has not been eradicated to this day. Even members of the Central Committee are caught for bribes and sometimes, for the sake of order, they are even publicly shot. Of course, all those shot were Chinese. You won't find any of them

One of the emperors of the Ming dynasty, for very large donations to the emperor’s treasury, granted seven Chinese surnames to the Jews. The descendants of Kaifeng (Odessa) Jews bear these surnames to this day. Here are the seven names:

Ai, Gao, Shi, Zhao, Zhang, Li, Jing. In recent years, several owners of these ancient Chinese surnames have immigrated to Israel.For example, Ehud Olmert. True, Ehud’s father Mordechai Ashka is from the Russian Empire, from Poland. Until recently, Ehud was the Prime Minister of Israel. His father, Mordechai, is buried in China. Mordechai fled from Russia in 1917, naturally, not to Sephardi Germany, but to China - to his own people, to the Ashkinazim. Or maybe he didn’t run at all, but was sent to start a “WORLD FIRE.” The dark affairs of the WORLD ASHKI KAGANATE Rothschild.

As the Prime Minister of Zionist Israel, Ehud regularly traveled to China, formally to the grave of his own father, Mordechai Olmert. But in fact, Ehud is just one of the darkness of Rothschild’s “watchers”.
Now in the Chinese leadership there are surnames: Ai, Gao, Shi, Zhao, Zhang, Li, Jing , as we had in 1917, under Lenin’s government, “Jews, with Russian surnames like Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Kamenev. Openly, like ours, Nemtsov or Medvedev...

But there are hidden ones. Xao (pseudonym)

“Hao (Chinese tr.: 號; Chinese tr.: 号 ; pinyin: hào) is an alternative middle name that is commonly used as a nickname. (Trotsky) Most often, it consists of three or four hieroglyphs and may have initially become popular because many people often had the same middle names. People most often chose Hao for themselves and could have more than one nickname.

Hao had nothing to do with a person's birth name and middle name; rather, the nickname was something personal, sometimes eccentric. (Brod, Sandwich, Briner, Kiselbriner, Tabakov, Tabakmaher, Rybakov, Rybnikar (editor-in-chief, owner of the newspaper and media concern "Politics" (Belgrade, Serbia), Medvedev...) Choosing a pseudonym could embody an allusion, or contain a rare hieroglyph, just as it could suit a highly educated writer (Koltsov, Svetlov, Rybakov...)

Another possibility is to use the name of the person's place of residence as a pseudonym; thus, the pseudonym of the poet Su Shi is Dongpo Jiushi (that is, “Dongpo Residence” (“On the eastern slope”)) - the residence that he built while in exile. (Minsky, Borisov, Belotserkovsky, Sverdlov Slutsky...) Authors often used their pseudonyms in the titles of collections of their works.

And in China there are millions of shabez goys, like us, like Shuvalov, Ryzhov, Chirikova, Gudkov...

But let's return to our sheep:

Ai, Gao, Shi, Zhao, Zhang, Li, Jing.

Chairman of the People's Republic of China HuJing b tao.

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee - HuJing b tao.

Premier WenJing bao.

The Communist Party of China is guided in its activities by Marxism-Leninism, the thought of Mao Zedong, the theory of Deng Xiaoping and the “theory of three representations”Jing Zemin

By the way, the surname of Mao Zedong's wife isJing Qing, like our Molotov, his wife is Polina Semyonovna Zhemchuzhina (real name Pearl Semyonovna Karpovskaya), the daughter of a Jewish (ashka) tailor. Stalin ironized her. Jing was the leader of the Gang of Four, whose soul wasZhang Chunqiao. Mao sentenced his own wife to death, but the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment; after the death of Mao and the coming to power of the Trotskyist Deng Xiaoping, she was released and rehabilitated. In 1991, she committed suicide.

By the way, the two wives of the second person after Mao - Minister of Defense Marshal Lin Biao, the first wife was Wang C zine- yi, second - Zhang May…

« Stalin and Zionism

But Stalin opposed Zionism; he understood the real threat to the USSR from the USA and Zionism. Thanks to the creation of Soviet nuclear weapons, and the foundation for its creation was laid by I. Stalin, the fate of both our country and the world was determined for many decades. At the same time, during these years he said: “World Zionism, personified today by the United States, striving for world domination, will take revenge on us for our successes and achievements. World Zionism will strive with all its might to destroy our Union so that Russia can never rise.”. .

But this question was not clear-cut, since the Jews supported Zionist tendencies in one way or another. “Many have Jewish wives - Voroshilov, Andreev, Rykov, Kirov, Kalinin... This is not without reason. Among the Jews, there were more oppositional and revolutionary elements in the mass than among the Russians. Offended, injured, oppressed, and they are more resourceful, they, so to say, they penetrated everywhere... These are city people - they lived in cities for centuries. Life trained them so well that they became very active, unlike the Russians, who first need to scratch their heads..." .

Moreover, all of Stalin’s Russian associates had non-Russian wives (everyone except Kalinin’s wife was Jewish):

This is at the level of the Areopagus. But I know: at the levels below - to the secretary of the district party committees, security officers, almost all of them were assigned as Jews (Ashkinazis, Zionists).

“So, for every promising Russian - a Jewish girlfriend (wife) or friend (“my wife Vanyushka”, by the way, Nevzlin’s “wife Vanyushka” was Khodorkovsky). If every Russian brings along at least one Jew, we will all be settled . (Putin: Medvedev, Dvorkovich, Surkov, Timokov...)

Give them bribes, give them gifts, give them cognac and vodka, or better yet, government-issued alcohol. They will sell everything and their Russia too for trinkets and potions”...

The goyim must work under our leadership and benefit us. Anyone who does not benefit us must be expelled. There is no public benefit outside of our interests! Anyone who is not with us is against us! An eye for an eye! Tit for tat! (“Catechism of the Jew in the USSR”)

The Shenzhou-9 crew included an experienced astronautJingHaipeng - ship commander,

Currently, the members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee are:

Hu Jingtao - Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Secretary General of the CPC, Chairman of the Central Military Council of the People's Republic of China

Wu Bangguo - Chairman of the National People's Congress

Wen Jingbao - Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

Jia Qinglin - Chairman of the All-China Committee of the People's Political Consultative Conference of the People's Republic of China

Lee ZhangChun - CCP propaganda chief

Si Jing b pin - Deputy Chairman of the People's Republic of China, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee

Lee Katz- Yang (KATsnelson) - Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

He GotsYang - Head of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Zhou Yun kan (Cohen) (Strauss-Kahn) - Head of the Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs of the CPC Central Committee

Members of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee: XiJing b ping, Wang Gan, Wang Lequan, WangZhawow, Wang Qishan, Hui (Hui) Liangyu, Liu Qi, Liu Yunshan, Liu Yandong, Li Changchun, LiKatzYang, Li Yuanchao, Wu Banguo, Wang Yang,ZhangGao whether, ZhangDejiang, Zhou Yun Kang (kohen), Hu (Hui)Jing y tao, Yu Zhang Sheng, He GotsYang, Jia Qinglin, Xu Caihou, GuoBosYun, Wen Jiabao, Bo Xilai.

Europeans learned about the existence of Chinese Jews from the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, who met in 1605 a young Kaifeng (Odessa) Jew namedAyTien. Jews were a kind of symbol for Chinese reformers in the 90s. XIX century Reformer LiangShiChao, after a trip to the United States, said that the Chinese should learn the art of survival from the Jews. Better yet "become Jews" to control the world economy and politics. In this project of assimilation of foreign experience, the future of China was projected onto the myth of “Jewish power.”

Created in 1915, the “New Culture Movement,” which united the Chinese, mainly urban intelligentsia, rejected the Confucian heritage and called for the dissemination of modern knowledge, which included the “science of races.” One of the leaders of the Movement, Hu Shi, considered the Jews to be an “intellectual race” with high mental abilities and entrepreneurship. This latest image of a Jew among the new Chinese intelligentsia was associated with their deep experience of the backwardness of China, caused, as they believed, by “intellectual reasons.”

“Jews can control world politics and economics because the Jewish race is able to quickly understand the situation, think rationally, evaluate correctly and act quickly,” this is how Yu Xiong, one of the leaders of the New Culture Movement, characterized the Jews.

The duping of the Chinese was complete and total. The Chinese shabez goi and eugenicist scientists of the 1930s, including Pan Guangdun (1898–1967), endowed Jews with genius traits. Speaking of “positive eugenics,” he cited the superiority of the “Jewish race” as an example.

Another Chinese shabez goy intellectual, Yu Sunhua (By the way, in the Chinese language there is no pronunciation “hua”, there is a pronunciation “hui”. Not the Red Guards, the Huiwenbins...) argued that the “Jewish race” is eugenically the most gifted in the world, since for many For centuries it has been capable of producing the greatest talents. Unlike other ancient civilizations, the “homeless” Jews not only did not disappear from the face of the earth, but also, having survived thousands of years of discrimination and persecution, retained the vitality of their “race.” China must learn from the Jews the art of surviving and moving forward. Pan Guangdun argued that the “Jewish race” was largely viable because the Jews had a strong family tradition as the basis of their culture. Such traditions contain a healthy attitude towards sex, and Talmudic principles contribute to the conclusion of “successful marriages” and the emergence of offspring with high intellectual inclinations.

But let’s return to the number of Svanidzes, Albats, Rodzikhovskys, Brodys, Kasparovs -

Ai, Gao, Shi, Zhao, Zhang, Li, Jing,

in modern China.

How many are there in China now? The Zionists assure - exactly 30 pieces in caps under their caps, just like we have Luzhkov in a kippah under his cap. And everyone believes that there are 30 “Jews” in China.

In the USSR and the USA, almost the same number of products of Moses - “Jews” - fought. If officially, then 6 million pieces per snout. And the total population in the USSR and the USA was almost the same: 270-280 million. In percentage terms, officially in both the USSR and the USA, “Jews were 1.5-2% of the total population. In general, this is the case in Germany, and in Canada, and... in China: 1.5-2% of the total population of the country. There are now 1 billion 350 million people in China. 1.5% - how much does it accumulate? Under 1.5 million. But world experience shows: in each country of residence, the number of “Jews” who show their true “5” column does not exceed 10%. And the rest were hidden underXao(pseudonym).

In Israel there are now 6-7 million Ashkinazim and Sephardim (80% Ashkinazim, 20% Sephardim). In China today there are only “5” columns, almost 10 Israel. In China, at least 50 million items of Egyptian priests – “Jews,” Ashkinazis and Sephardim – are now in use. Sephardim in China, as in Russia: one or two and - miscalculated. China, like Russia, like Israel, is an Ashkinazi state. China. Like Russia, like Israel, it is one of the “fragments” of the WORLD ASHKA KHAGANATE of Tsar Rothschild.

China is against Russia's rapprochement with the United States.

And what is the opposite - “non-closeness” between Russia and America? Should everyone take their corner in the ring to start the fight? So that, like two rams, they rest on the bridge, with their horns down?

Remember that you are “cannon fodder”. Having perpetrated a complete holocaust on the Ashkinazim in World War II, the Sephardim still lost, and the Ashkinazim put them on the bench of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

When they say today that the Germans, Latvians, and Estonians are thirsty for revenge, don’t believe it—it’s all Zionist stuff. Germans, Latvians, Estonians... Russians in the 2nd World War were only “cannon fodder”, therefore they cannot dream of any revenge. It is not the Germans who crave revenge for defeat in World War II. Sephardim thirst for revenge for defeat in World War II. This revenge does not have to take place on the fields of Europe. And the revenge of the Sephardim took place... in the USA.

Having crushed the Ashkinazim, Sephardic Obama is running for a second presidential term. Today he is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful army in the world, almost like Alexander the Great, who created his World Empire with his army.

The USA today is a Sephardic state. The goyim need to know this.

"Obama Arms the People" - with such a hysterical headline an article was published in the Ashkinazi newspaper “Jewish World” that had just been published. The author of the “Soviet Jew” - Ashkinaz, writes:

“Under Obama, new jobs are being created in weapons factories. Last year alone, 16.5 million guns were sold in the United States. In the first five months of this year, 10% more barrels were sold in the country than in the same period last year. Weapons manufacturers are knocking their socks off, but still can't keep up with demand. The famous company Sturm, Ruger & Co sold a million guns in the first quarter of this year (this is 50% more than the year before). The demand was so overwhelming that from March to May she had to stop accepting orders for her product. A similar traffic jam occurred at Smith and Wesson. Why do Americans, as if breaking free, run to gun stores? Yes, because they are afraid of Obama's second term, when he will no longer be threatened by the wrath of voters, and he will go all out. In general, goodbye to weapons. That's why they shop. Thanks Obama... I am for gun rights, but not for everyone. We can have it, but punks and criminals cannot.”

I repeat, the author of the panicky and stupid article is an Ashkinazi, for him all Sephardim are “punks and criminals” and fascists, just like Russians in Russia are for the same Ashiks. The article is stupid, like all articles by “Soviet Jews”. It turns out that the black kid and the “Gishpans” are arming themselves, - Pisarchuk exercises. But neither the black kid nor the “Gishpans” know who the president is in the USA and whether he exists in the USA at all. I walked around New York, looked into the most “black” streets. I know what I'm saying. So, who's frantically arming himself ahead of Sephardi Obama's second term? Maybe this black kid and the Spanish guys are Beitar people? Mossad? Ashkinaz underground of the USA? Like we did in 1991 and 1993.


“Citizen of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Kodirov, accused of plotting to assassinate US President Barack Obama, was sentenced by a court in the US state of Alabama to 15 years in prison,” the Associated Press reported on Saturday night.

Previously, Kodirov pleaded guilty to three counts of threatening to kill the president, possession of automatic weapons and providing material assistance to terrorists. The guilty plea helped 22-year-old Kodirov, who was detained in July last year, avoid a possible life sentence.

According to Kodirov, the idea to kill the American president came to him after communicating on the Internet with representatives of one of the radical Islamic groups, which is included in the list of terrorist organizations in the United States...”

About the Internet - nonsense. For some, this is a fantasy - an illiterate boy from an Uzbek village, without a Simak in his pocket, it is unclear how he received a visa, having flown to the United States to kill US President Obama. This cannot be understood unless you know that an Uzbek boy can be a Shiite. If you don’t know that the Shiites are the “cannon fodder” of the Ashkinazis by ancestry.

Secondly, there is no such surname Kodirov, there is Kadyrov. Ulugbek is as much an Uzbek as I am a Chukchi. This Kodirov is, at best, a Bukharian Jew. He flew to Alabama because Alabama has one of the largest diasporas of Bukharian Jews in the United States, that is, Ashkinazis. It seems they even publish their own newspaper there. What does the Internet have to do with it? If American investigators had dug deeper into this “Uzbek,” it is very possible that the Uzbek would have turned out to be a Beitar citizen from Uzbekistan. From Bukhara?

Ashkinazis have fled the United States today. The Sephardim hit the Ashkinaz in the very heart - at the press for printing the world currency - dollars, which, since 1913, belongs entirely to the Ashkinazi, the company of their king Rothschild.

Presidential elections are approaching in the United States, after which the Sephardim will take over the United States for another 4 years, at least (the war with the Sephardim Hitler and his many allies among the Ashkinazis lasted 4 years, ended with the defeat of the Sephardim in Germany. The Sephardim had to flee Germany) the Sephardim will now be replaced by the fanatics Rothschild - dollars, for their candy wrappers - "Amero". They have already been printed and Mount Kazbek is in storage. For the Ashkinazim, this will be a Holocaust from the Sephardim, just like XX century, in the Second World War, now in the twentieth I century.

By the way, our site, at one time, wrote about hundreds of thousands of coffins prepared in the USA and stored throughout the USA. Not otherwise than under the “apples” of the future Holocaust. From Ashkinazi? From Sephardim? Our site, at one time, wrote with photographs about brand new, newly built concentration camps throughout the United States - awaiting the delivery of Holocaust products?

“We must always be ready to leave... But we must leave, if necessary, not poor and sick, but healthy and rich. Money is our legs.

We are shifting our center of gravity to where our money, our capital, was previously transferred.” (“Catechism of the Jew in the USSR”).

This is “WE” - to the question of the “Chinese miracle” in the economy, China’s miraculous victories on earth, in the skies and at sea. “The successful completion of manned flights of Russian and Chinese cosmonauts once again emphasized the reliability of Soviet space technologies and their unconditional promise for the further exploration of near-Earth space,” - says information received from Shanghai...

And there is no mystery why the USSR rebuilt China. Because the Ashkinazi USSR rebuilt Ashkinazi China. And there is no mystery that the United States has now modernized China to the point of a “miracle.” Because “miracles” are created in Ashkinazi China by the Ashkinazi USA. And the USA, and China, and the USSR, and Israel are “fragments” of the WORLD ASHKINAZ KAGANATE, as they say – one country. Why is it now that the US Ashkinazis rushed to create “miracles” in China? They are in a hurry to equip themselves with a “reserve airfield,” as they say, with the latest technology, because mass Ashkin will have to disappear from the United States, in the United States, during the second presidential term of Sephardi Obama.

Everyone says that the destruction of the USSR began with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Or maybe it began with open wars in the Far East - on Damanskoye and on Lake Zhalanashkol? It's like the Second World War - no one can say exactly when it started and when it ended. But why did Ashkinazi China, Deng Xiaoping’s Trotskyist China, attack its seemingly benefactor, the USSR on Damansky? In fact, then the entire Soviet-Chinese border tensed up for war.

The “Jewish” wing in the Central Committee of the CPSU began to lose, Russia began to rapidly sprout into Russians. Russia was turning towards its own path. After Damansky, the USSR installed atomic mines along the Soviet-Chinese border, in its most dangerous sections - 500 km, dissuading China from such a Chinese wall. I have been on business trips to the Red Banner Far Eastern Military District many times. I was in the Jewish Autonomous Okrug, in Birobidzhan. We had a motorized rifle division stationed in Bir. Further tens of kilometers across the plain lay China. I was taken around fortified areas - defensive structures against an attack on the USSR by China. The fortified areas were empty, like unnecessary basements. They explained to me that the fortified areas were replaced with nuclear mines along the border. They are more reliable.

In general, this Jewish Autonomous Region is another mistake of nature, a mystery of nature. Why was it created by Stalin, and then Khrushchev expelled almost all the Jews from it, as a “failed experiment”? The same Khrushchev, whom Mao Zedong treated as an animal. Now there are almost no Jews in the Jewish Autonomous Region, so they are up for divorce, but there are Jewish Autonomous Regions, although all the Jewish Autonomous Regions were abolished long ago. Is this someone's springboard? Is this someone's project? This Eastern Israel was supposed to bind the entire Far East, as Israel has now tied the entire Middle East? By the way, Georgia is called upon to play the role of Israel in the Caucasus, and Georgia plays: like Israel, but one way or another, it is at war with all its neighbors or is intensively preparing to fight.

Today the question is being raised about the transformation of the Jewish Autonomous Region into the Jewish Republic, which Georgia was within the USSR. Do you understand anything: a Jewish Republic with only Dvorkovich in it, and then as Saakashvili, a Jewish Republic in the Far East? Is this somehow connected with Ashkinazi China? Israel, Georgia, the Jewish Republic in the Far East are what are called “military bases”, “checkpoints”. This is not some Manas. They are the WORLD JEWISH (ASHKINAZ) KAGANATAROTSCHILD. And the Sephardim, and Sephardi Obama, how do they monitor, track this? After all, no one will believe that the creation of the JAO was a touching concern for “the working Jews of the whole world,” much less the current transformation of the JAO into a Jewish Republic, like Israel or Georgia. Saakashvili once stated publicly: Georgia is Israel in the Caucasus. Saakashvili did not lie or exaggerate: Georgia is Zionist Israel in the Caucasus. Putin understands this correctly, because in matters with Georgia he rubs shoulders with his boss – Zionist Israel.

They fought desperately for the role of Israel in the Caucasus, and even now Georgia and Azerbaijan are fighting among themselves. So far, Rothschild has preferred Georgia. Georgia has already fought with Russia, but Azerbaijan has not yet fought with Iran. But it will still be there.

The deterioration of Iranian-Azerbaijani relations is increasing. Iran has recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mohammed Bagheer Bahrami. The reason for the recall of the ambassador is the insult of the spiritual leader during a recent protest in front of the Iranian Embassy in Baku. It is believed that the diplomat has been summoned to Tehran for consultations. Let us recall that last week several protests by the opposition and diaspora organizations of Azerbaijan took place in front of the Iranian Embassy in Baku, accusing Iran of anti-Azerbaijani policies and infringement of the rights of the Azerbaijani population of this country. During the protests, photographs of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khomeini were used with indecent comments.

Iran is moving its submarines to the Caspian Sea. The combat duty square is in direct sight of the palace of Azerbaijani President Aliyev. Then, perhaps, Azerbaijan will qualify for the competition.

Uzbekistan is now also participating in the competition for the right to be a Zionist Israel - here the Israel of all Central Asia is being created. Uzbekistan is now vying for this role.

In this regard, where does Medvedev’s Ashkinaz come from in such agility in the “Far East” direction? Fukushima, as you know, was blown up by Ashkinaz. Japan has just officially announced at the government level: the cause of the Fukushima disaster is not an earthquake or prices, the cause of the explosion is the “human factor”, like we had at Chernobyl. Fukushima was blown up by the Ashkinazi USA, our website wrote about it in detail and in person. Japan for the WORLD KAGANATE Rothschild - the eternal Pearl Harbor. There are two Japans. One, visible, is Pepsi. The second, invisible, is Pearl Harbor and Unit 731. Japan is not a “fragment”. Why is Ashkinaz Medvedev openly attacking from behind Russia’s back? Japan? Moreover, that Japan, which is Pearl Harbor? Who is blackmailing whom in the Kuril Islands?

By the way, where did Ashkinaz Khodorkovsky run when the security officers were on his tail? To London, like Berezovsky? To Tel Aviv, like Gusinsky? To Vienna, like Smolensky?

“On October 25, 2003, Mikhail Khodorkovsky was arrested at Tolmachevo airport. His plane was flying from Nizhny Novgorod to Irkutsk, landed in Novosibirsk for refueling, where FSB special forces boarded it.” Khodorkovsky fled from the “prison of nations” to China. The fuel tanks failed and turned out to be too small - we had to land to refuel. To which China “He fled in fear...”? To the China of the Chinese Mao Zedong? No - to China of Trotskyist Deng, to China of Shkinaz HuJingtao... To our own. Didn't make it to China, but got a good landing in Novosibirsk (Russia).

According to research from Shanghai University, the number of Christians in China has increased from 16 million to 40 million over the past two years. Since 2007, at the initiative of Benedict XVI, the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China has been held at Easter time.

A very interesting picture: Over the past two years, the number of Christians in China has increased from 16 million to 40 million. What kind of people are these people who are pouring into Christianity? Why did they start feeding them honey there too?

In China, freedom of religion is currently set out in the constitution only for the following religions recognized by the state: Catholicism and Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Buddhism, Taoism and Islam, forming the so-called “patriotic union”. These government organizations also include the “patriotic “movement of the three” and the “patriotic association of the Catholic Church,” formed already in 1951. After the Cultural Revolution, they again became officially permitted institutions for the Christian minority in China. At the same time, Catholics who remained loyal to the Vatican (their in China there are about 10 million against 4 million “patriotic Catholics”), are still subject to repression: priests and laity are arrested, their improvised house churches are closed. The PRC government constantly accuses the Vatican of having ties with the “criminal regime” of Taiwan and of interfering in internal China's affairs: The 2001 canonization of Chinese Catholic martyrs who died between 1648 and 1930 was called "offensive" by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and strongly protested on behalf of the "government, people and Catholic Church of China."

Ashkinaz cannot be a Catholic. Only a Moran who is Sephardic can be a Catholic. In China, the Ashkinazim are pressing the Sephardim to the fullest. In this war, the Sephardim and Ashkinazim are being courted by the Russian Orthodox Church both by Obama and Rothschild. Which of them has now suddenly launched a frontal attack on the Russian Orthodox Church, including in such a primitive form as the watch on Cyril’s hand and the Sabbath in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior? Ashkinaz, WORLD ASHKI KAGANATE. Why? For only one reason: the Sephardic Morans - the Vatican - are making some progress on the path of ecumenism with the Russian Orthodox Church. Ashkinazim are raising Orthodox Christians against Sephardim. They raise the patriotism of the Orthodox. They raise the Orthodox to fight for the “purity of faith” - they make the Orthodox “cannon fodder” in the war against their programmatic enemies, the Sephardim.

Personally, I don’t give a damn: who is raising the Orthodox against the Russian Orthodox Church - Ashkinazim or Sephardim, or “both together.” Most likely - “both together”.

Today, the Russian Orthodox Church, like the USSR once upon a time, has begun to rapidly grow into Russian, Slavic, and Orthodox Christians.

They don’t need Kirill in spirit, because he is not von Ridiger - Alexy II - a cross from Catholics, like the Morans-Catholics - the rulers of the current Vatican, from Sephardim.

“In 1941-1944, Alexy was an altar boy in the church, accompanied his father during visits to camps for displaced (!?) persons, where thousands of Soviet citizens were being transported to Germany for forced labor. According to Metropolitan Cornelius of Tallinn and All Estonia, who was 5 years older than Alexei Ridiger, knew him from childhood and helped Ridiger the elder in the matter of “nurturing” the Russians who ended up in these camps, several priests were rescued from captivity, who were then assigned to Tallinn churches".

In other words, Alexei Ridiger, together with his father, traveled to the concentration camps of Soviet prisoners of war and “nurtured” them - taught them submission to the occupiers - the authorities. There were a total of 150 concentration camps in Estonia during the Nazi occupation. In the absolute majority these are 102 concentration camps of prisoners of war; 48 concentration camps, prisons, ghettos and camps for civilians, of which 21 are concentration camps according to the international classification, such as Vaivara, Klooga, Kiviõli, Tallinn, Narva, Lagedi.

Who is Patriarch Kirill?

In the world, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev. Born on November 20, 1946 in post-siege Leningrad, where people still continued to die from dystrophy, in the family of the chief mechanic of the Leningrad plant named after M.I. Kalinin (later an Orthodox priest) Mother - Raisa Vladimirovna Gundyaeva (November 7, 1909 - November 2, 1984; nee Kuchina) teacher of German at school.

It must be especially said that the arrival of Patriarch Kirill is Second liberation ROC from the occupiers. The first was when the Greek occupiers were driven out of the patriarchate. Saint Job became the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (January 26, 1589), and until that day patriarchs were brought to the Russian Orthodox Church exclusively from abroad. From that moment on, the occupation - the canonical subordination of our Church to Constantinople was abolished. Metropolitan Job of Moscow and All Rus' became the first Patriarch in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This event was visible - the Russian Orthodox Church passed into the hands of the Russians, expelling the Greek occupiers from the Russian Orthodox Church. The arrival of Kirill to the Russian Orthodox Church is the same event that happened on January 26, 1589. But it happened not so publicly and demonstratively, not so visible to others. Why? Because all of secular Russia is still an occupied country. But the arrival of Kirill was— Second liberation of the Russian Orthodox Church from the occupiers. the return of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Russians. An end has been put to the ecumenism of Alexius and the Morano Vatican. It was under Alexy in Ukraine that a split occurred in the Russian Orthodox Church. It was under Alexy that the Serbian Orthodox Church was crushed by the Morano Vatican. With the advent of Kirill, an era of a different ecumenism within Orthodoxy began. If translated into secular language - the restoration of the Soviet Union on the territory of the Slavs, on the territory of Orthodoxy. USSR - Russian Orthodox Church. Russian Orthodox Church - USSR. This should inspire Putin.

There is a very interesting verbal construction: “Capital flight.”

There is a very interesting expression: “Transfer of production abroad.”

The most interesting thing is that this mainly concerns the USA and China. “Capital is fleeing” from the USA to China. “Production is being transferred” again from the USA to China. Something small, to divert attention, can be found, for example, in Japan, in South Korea. But at the level of “transfer of production abroad,” this is characteristic only of the “US-China” pair. Hong Kong is the same as China. Taiwan is the same as China. RBC, a Russian business television channel recorded by Rothschild for Ashkinaz Prokhorov, recently said in plain text what our website has been talking about for many days and years: “China and the USA are one state.”

In fact, in the US it is the Treasury Department. In China - the Ministry of Industry. In the USA - Chinese finances. In China - USA production. USA - Design Bureau. China is its industrial zone. But in general, this is a single and indivisible WORLD KHAZAR KAGANATE. It will continue to be this way if the Ashkinazis manage to defeat and expel the Sephardim from the White House in the upcoming presidential elections, and again saddle the USA. And if they don’t burn out? Today, Ashkinazim are suffering a crushing defeat from the Sephardim in the United States.

Today, cadets from the coolest educational institutions in the USA and England must undergo an internship at corporations in Shanghai and Beijing before graduation. The final screenings take place there. From the graduates who passed the examination in Shanghai and Beijing, the so-called elite of the WORLD ASHKH KAGANATE is then formed. As a rule, they go there in groups under the watchful eye of their KGB agent. During the internship, some are offered jobs and prestigious positions right in Beijing or Shanghai. Not through Harvard and Cambridge, but through companies in Beijing and Shanghai - into the elite of the WORLD ASCHKA KAGANATE of Tsar Rothschild.

Have you been to China recently? Today China is no longer China. Today in China, Ashkinazis and Trotskyists have trampled everything Chinese. Go to the cinema. Turn on the TV. Go to a bookstore. There's nothing Chinese there. In Beijing and Shanghai today people are ashamed to be Chinese. Everyone wants to be American. Confucius and Confucianism, Buddha and Buddhism are forgotten there. Mao and Maoism. Above all is Trotsky. Above everything is the slogan: "Get rich!"

Will there be a war between China and the US?

Between Ashkinazi China and Sephardic USA, the war is blazing to the skies today. Specifically, in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Africa, the USA... Even the blind can see this.

It is now fateful for Russia: they will avoid, as, for example, in the case of Iraq, not to become “cannon fodder” for either the Ashkinazim or the Sephardim. Putin succeeded with Iraq. It turns out the same with Afghanistan. It didn't work out in Georgia. It’s not working yet in the North Caucasus. Why did Uzbekistan, which is covered in Chinese noodles made by Trotskyists, just leave the SCO? Why is Kazakhstan the best strategic friend and brother in the USA? On US TV every day they broadcast laudatory materials about Kazakhstan, as if it were California or Miami? Why does Turkmenistan squat under the walls of Beijing around the clock?...

Syria... “The Red Cross regarded the conflict in Syria as a civil war.” This is exactly so: there the Ashkinazim and the Sephardim came to blows: the Ashkinazim were their Shiites, the Sephardim were their Sunnis. These are age-old things. What do we have to do with it? Russia is being “lured” into war, as it was in Iraq. Russia is the target here. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria are just bait and hook. Catch the furniture dealer's army for complete and final destruction. And the hour of Saakashvili, Bandera, and the Baltic fascists will come...

And sometimes it begins to seem that it is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) that is that cunning Zionist little thing, with the help of which Russia will be drawn into the war between the Ashkinazis and the Sephardim. And it doesn’t matter whose side you’re on. Through organizations of this kind: UN - troops (Korea), NATO - troops (Yugoslavia), "Coalition" - troops (Iraq), Ashkinazis and Sephardim, directly or indirectly, constantly drag people into wars. Now the UN is busy inciting it against Israel, against Iran, against Syria. First they create Israel, and then they fight around it. First they accept Yugoslavia as their members, and then destroy it. They call it “collective responsibility”, “collective security”, “solidarity”, “peace enforcement”... Using this trick they drive people to fight.

“Russians don’t know how to live and don’t know how to set goals for themselves. We set ephemeral tasks for them, and they try to solve them. Because of empty principles, they committed suicide. Let them keep doing it!” « Catechism of the Jew in the USSR."

The Jew hanged himself for company.

Why do we need it?


Prince Charles will help the Jews

“Prince Charles of Wales has become a patron of the Jewish World Relief charity. It is noted that this is the first time that a representative of the royal family has become a patron of a Jewish organization whose activities are carried out outside the United Kingdom.

"His Royal Highness's support further demonstrates the connection between the royal family, Jewish World Relief and the UK Jewish community," said the charity's vice-president Nigel Leighton.

And the head of World Jewish Relief, James Libson, noted that now he and his organization will be able to implement their projects even more effectively, including assistance to victims in Ukraine and Nepal.

It should be noted that the organization World Jewish Relief (WJR) provides material support to distressed representatives of Jewish communities, mainly in the countries of the former USSR, as well as in global disaster zones.

According to the Jewish Chronicle, this organization donated more than 500 thousand pounds to help victims of the devastating earthquake in Nepal, and also helped more than 2 thousand people in Ukraine.”

This is fascinating. I sit with my mouth open, and they can’t close it even with two hands.

The intuition of an old military journalist, who at one time visited all the hot spots on the planet as a special correspondent for Krasnaya Zvezda, tells me that the article “Who are you with, Soviet Rabinoviches?” (06/19/2015) on our website, we touched some very important nerve of Russia’s enemies. To put it in military language: without planning, we carried out “reconnaissance in force,” and, it seems to me, we identified the main firing points of those who every day draw the map of a disjointed Russia into 17 pieces.

Almost the next day (07/01/2015) the first response came: 40 thousand Soviet Jews now living in Israel turned to Putin with a request to allow them to return to Russia, specifically to Crimea. I think it was a sincere impulse. But we had to clarify in the second article WHAT WE WERE ABOUT in the first article “Who are you with, Soviet Rabinoviches”?

What's the point? Soviet Jews, now scattered all over the world, must finally decide who they are with: with their Motherland - Russia and Putin, or - against their Motherland - Russia and Putin? There is no need to express this in Russia, or even more so in Crimea - in Crimea, for example, more than 98% of the population is for Putin. What was meant is that Soviet Jews who now live all over the world, at their place of residence, at their place of work, at their place of study, will say in concrete terms - who are they with? Like the Weiner brothers during the war.

40 thousand Jews who turned to Putin is a concrete matter.

What does "specific matter" mean?

The US has always paid for help from Russia with betrayal

New York University Professor Steven Cohen

“Russia did more to help the Americans during the operation in Afghanistan than any NATO country. It was President Vladimir Putin who was one of the first world leaders to offer help to George W. Bush after the September 11 tragedy. New York University professor Steven Cohen stated this in an interview with the Huffington Post.

At the same time, as the historian notes, Bush’s gratitude was rather strange. In particular, in 2002, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the treaty on the limitation of missile defense systems, which was the “cornerstone” of Russia’s national security.

Cohen noted that this is not the only time in recent decades that Americans have “shamelessly betrayed” Russia. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama broke the agreement that NATO would not expand an inch eastward after German reunification. In addition, the United States overthrew Gaddafi, although it promised Moscow not to do this if it agreed to accept a UN Security Council resolution on the creation of an unmanned zone over Libya.

All these facts must be taken into account when considering the current Ukrainian crisis, which, the professor warns, could develop into a real war between Russia and the West. At the same time, he emphasizes that “if Washington admits that its point of view [about events in Ukraine] is 50% false, and therefore the Russian point of view is 50% correct, then this will initiate negotiations and allow success to be achieved.” .

As Dan Kovalik, the author of the article, notes, despite his deep knowledge of Russian history, Cohen is effectively cut off from access to mainstream media. They, like almost all American politicians, “denigrate” Russians and Putin, who is “absolutely absurd” compared to Adolf Hitler.

Meanwhile, the historian assures that, contrary to popular belief, the United States has a “very interested and capable potential partner” in Moscow. “Not long ago, Bill Clinton said that while communicating and doing business directly with Putin, he could not remember him being disingenuous, breaking his word or breaking promises,” Cohen explains.” And this is against this background:

“On Wednesday, General Joseph Dunford, the nominee for chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, called Russia, China, North Korea and the Islamic State the main threats to his country at a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

He recalled that “the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons.”

If you want to talk about a country that poses a real threat to the United States, I'll have to point to Russia - General Joseph Dunford

"We need a new model of behavior to respond to Russia's actions," he said, calling it a "hybrid threat" that includes "political tools, the use of specialized weapons and tactics, and support for separatists."
US Air Force Secretary Calls Russia 'Biggest Threat' to National Security

Dunford's opinion is shared by US Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee. As she said in a published interview with Reuters, Washington must strengthen its military presence across Europe, even if NATO allies face financial problems.

According to her, the United States is responding to the latest "troubling actions" from Russia by increasing its military presence in Europe and will continue to deploy F-16 fighters.
In this global information war, Cohen's article is a bomb in the camp of our enemies. The man has made up his mind. The Jew took his trench in the global information war.

Or here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche, a Jew.

Americans want to join BRICS

“On the eve of the 7th BRICS summit in the United States, activists began distributing a petition calling on Washington to unite with the organization in the name of economic development of the world. More than two thousand people have already signed the statement.
“The purpose of the petition “Calling the US and Europe to abandon geopolitics and cooperate with BRICS” is to tell people about an alternative to the current policy of confrontation with Russia and China. Today we face two interrelated threats: the relatively rapid collapse of the transatlantic system and the danger that current NATO policies against Russia, as well as growing tensions with China, will lead to a war that will end the human race. This geopolitical approach has already led to two wars in the 20th century,” said petition initiator Helga Zepp-LaRouche.”

Or here’s another – the Jew Volsky. The article worked. It's too big for a quote. But there are no big and small articles, there are bad and good articles. I will give it here in full also because no one here will write such an article. Worse or better, but exactly like this - no one except the Jew Volsky:

Lumpenization of America

Victor Volsky

Degradation of culture is a harbinger of the collapse of society

At the first showing of the famous film “Gone with the Wind” in 1939, a loud scandal occurred: one of the heroes (Rhett Butler), angry with the heroine (Scarlett O'Hara), throws in her face an unthinkably blasphemous phrase at that time: “I don't “give a damn” is a rare audacious challenge to the norms of public morality, equivalent to saying “Fuck you!” There was no limit to the indignation of society.

This was the first reconnaissance in force, designed to test how tenaciously society clings to its moral values. It turned out to be quite tenacious. Yes, even in the early 60s, any foul language, including blasphemy, was still absolutely unacceptable in public discourse, and among cultured people - even in private conversations. The use of unprintable words and expressions was considered bad form, the height of vulgarity.

Just a few decades have passed and everything has changed. One of the most striking phenomena of the last half century has been the moral, spiritual and cultural impoverishment of American life. Nowadays, the reproach of all previously unshakable moral norms, public sex and thick obscenities constitute her usual background.

Popular films consist of a continuous series of bloody and pornographic episodes, somehow connected by obscure dialogue and a poor plot. Swearing abundantly fills the pages of popular books and magazines, and flows in stormy streams from the screens of cinemas and televisions. The texts of popular songs and plays are full of obscenities, glamorous celebrities of both sexes publicly use obscenities, and obscenities are increasingly appearing in television news reports. And there’s no need to talk about private communication. In order to be considered one of the people in enlightened circles and to easily maintain small talk, it is now quite possible to get by with just two words: fuck and shit with their derivatives.

The famous debates between Lincoln and Douglas in 1858 attracted spectators from dozens of miles away. If, at the behest of a pike, the modern intelligentsia were transported to that era, I am ready to guarantee that today’s intellectuals - unlike the spectators of those years, the vast majority of ordinary farmers - simply would not be able to follow these competitions in oratory, they would be so inaccessibly difficult for them the syntax and vocabulary of the language of that time.

The invasion of vulgarism of the lowest quality into the vocabulary of even cultural (or rather, educated) strata does not pass without leaving a trace. The language in which the intelligentsia communicates is noticeably poorer, the number of grammatical and phonetic errors is growing, and speech is becoming more and more meager and inexpressive. This is understandable: why puff and strain, coming up with elegant turns of phrase, when you can express all shades of emotions in one or two strong words. But, as George Orwell correctly noted, language is a mirror of the thinking apparatus; The more wretched and pale the speech, the more pronounced the impoverishment of thought.

Mass culture matches the language. In this area, historically there has been a constant trend: culture was created at the top of society and trickled down drop by drop, being absorbed in a simplified form by the lower classes. This is how the cultural potential of society was supported, this is how civilization was nourished.

The Flemish merchants, who became rich, adopted from the aristocracy the habit of decorating their homes with portraits of its inhabitants, still lifes and landscapes. The demand for painting, as usual, gave rise to supply. It is estimated that during the 17th century, Flemish artists created one and a half million works of the highest quality. Among the “bourgeoisie” - imagine! – it turned out to be excellent taste, they didn’t accept hack work.

Bach, Telemann and other classics of the German Baroque wrote their compositions, in large part, on orders from the bourgeoisie, mainly from various guilds. Mozart composed operas for the court in Italian, and for the common people in German. The courtiers listened to Don Giovanni and The Marriage of Figaro, while the common people enjoyed The Abduction from the Seraglio and The Magic Flute. There is no need to talk about Italy at all - the gallery understood music no worse than the stalls and was no less demanding.

But now the vector of culture has changed 180 degrees. The pitiful remnants of classical culture have emasculated themselves, falling into suicidal shocking and arrogant self-isolation: the main thing is in no case to indulge the “base” tastes of the common people, not to stoop to their level. As a result, “high” culture has largely degenerated into a parody of itself. As for mass culture, it has simply turned into an echo of ghetto culture; it is fed from the bottom up, from the cesspool to the salons.

The intelligentsia and nobility diligently imitate cultural models created at the bottom of society. Young people from prosperous white families idolize “rap,” enthusiastically listening to the fearful black thugs who, gesticulating threateningly and constantly grabbing their crotches (they say, male power is bursting, there is no urine!), wheeze about blood and violence, chanting brutal sex, calling to beat to death those who think they are “sluts” and “to crush the cops.”

Fashion is now dictated by the underclass. Women dress according to panel canons, competing to see who will look even more extravagant, who will bare even more provocatively. Tattoos and piercings have become the norm for both genders. Whole jeans, not riddled with holes and cuts, are perceived as a manifestation of philistinism. Ghetto tastes, borrowed straight from prison life, are decisively invading the sphere of high fashion.

An equally striking change occurred in morals. There was a time when society adhered to a certain strict code of conduct and an unshakable concept of honor. A true gentleman was distinguished by such qualities as courage, loyalty and honesty, a willingness to be responsible for his words and not to deny his guilt. It was impossible to offend a woman, beat a man down and publicly cry about fate. A gentleman's word was stronger than a written contract.

When the Titanic sank, men gave up their places in the lifeboats to women and children and, smilingly saying goodbye to their loved ones forever, calmly sat down on the deck in anticipation of death. Self-esteem and unshakable concepts of honor overcame the fear of death.

Sitting on the neck of society was considered shameful. Even during the Great Crisis of the 1930s, desperate people accepted public handouts only with great shame and sought to get off benefits at the first opportunity. Out-of-wedlock motherhood was almost unknown, and the single mother was an object of public scorn. By condemning individual dissolute women, society successfully defended its foundations.

But time passed, and the old code, which served as the main bond of morality, collapsed. The moral vacuum was filled with new rules, society adopted the mores of the underclass: grab what you can; everything that lies badly is yours, everything that you can tear off is bad; look for ways to wrest more benefits from the state; hit the downtrodden, trample the weak, lie, deceive; winners are not judged... The morals of the lower social classes are now perceived by society as a set of role models.

All these are trivial, well-known facts. But what explains them? Why did it happen? The answer was proposed many years ago by the famous English historian Arnold Toynbee. One of the chapters of his 12-volume opus magnum “Comprehension of History” is called “Split in the Soul.” This section on the crisis of civilizations describes the process that Toynbee called "the proletarianization of the dominant minority." This is the main symptom of the collapse of society, in which the “dominant minority,” as Toynbee calls the elite of society, lose faith in their destiny and begin to imitate the declassed “bottom.”

According to Toynbee, in the growth stage, civilization is led forward by a creative minority, self-confident, inspired by the consciousness of its virtue and the ideal of public service. The passive majority follows in the wake of the elite, mechanically and superficially imitating the patterns of behavior and tastes offered by the leaders. But when civilization enters a phase of collapse, the creative minority degenerates, becomes depressed, loses self-confidence and ceases to position itself as a model

for the general public. The elite loses its former idealism, plunges into cynicism, ceases to believe in its civilizing mission and lays down the burden of responsibility for the fate of society.

At the same time, it capitulates to the forces of lack of culture and vulgarization of morals, art and language, imitating the lower classes of society that generate them - the “proletariat”. Toynbee calls this process “proletarianization,” although, in my opinion, it would be more accurate to call it “lumpenization.”

The lumpen are admired, imitated, they dictate new values ​​to society, they feel like masters of life. A holy place is never empty: the vacuum created by the destruction of the dilapidated cultural code of the elite was quickly filled by the eternal code of lumpen culture. In any revolution, the initiative is always seized by a minority, usually insignificant, which imposes its goals on the inert mass and leads it along. Likewise, in the current degradation of Western culture, the conductors are a tiny but active minority of the population, dynamic, self-confident and, in the absence of resistance, setting the tone. The avant-garde declared itself hegemon, and society submitted to the new masters without resistance.

It was not for nothing that the British historian called the phenomenon he described “a split in the soul.” The degradation of society, the decay of civilization, is by no means a monolithic process. Toynbee points out that a sure sign of a collapsing civilization is a split in culture. While the bulk of the ruling class begins to adopt lumpen culture, the few remnants of the elite, “fragments of what was broken to smithereens” (in the words of Arkady Averchenko) are rushing around, feverishly trying to find solid ground under their feet. Some of them fall into utopianism, others into religious searches and asceticism (hence the craze for Buddhism and Krishnaism among the intelligentsia), others cling to the rudiments of the old culture, covering their ears so as not to hear the bestial roar of the lumpen crowd.

But it's all in vain. The fiery words “Mene, mene, tekel, fares” inscribed on the wall inexorably foreshadow the imminent end. Attempts to, if not repel, then at least contain the enemy’s onslaught, are just rearguard battles of a defeated and retreating army. They are unable to turn the tide of the war. The lumpen won a decisive victory and imposed their cultural code on society. In the face of reality, the former rulers of thoughts had no choice but to adapt to the new regime, which they themselves raised and nurtured. All they can do is follow the wisdom of the weak: if you can’t win, join the winners.” July 2015

I repeat, here they can write better, here they can write worse, but they can’t do that, and in journalism the only journalist is the one who can write like no one else. But there is a very big trick here. Place where the article was written. If Volsky had written this article in Russia, it would have passed as propaganda. They would simply shut her up here. Our “fifth column” is strong – the media.

The article was published in the Jewish World newspaper. Volsky lives somewhere in the states. He also lashes out at Russia and scoffs at Putin. A depressing little thing at the level of gossip: Hillary said, Kerry said... But how did he shoot that slingshot of his

Lumpenization of America!

Not an article - an anatomical conclusion. Scale of thinking! The author is not a journalist, but a world pathologist of the United States of America. The autopsy he performed showed. Die - you can't do better.

Everything that Volsky wrote “before” will disappear, and this is “The underclassification of America will remain. And it will live even when the USA disappears, like “a water pipeline built by the slaves of Rome.” (Mayakovsky).

At this point in my article, Volsky, like a steppe horse, will perk up and snort: Do you, Filatov, want to make the Jews “not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer” of your “Russian World”?

There is a “Jewish world”, which, naturally, is without Russians. Let him remain that way. Retraining a master will only spoil it. If only for a minute I had thought that Jews could be propagandists and agitators of the “Russian World”, I would have hanged myself at that very moment. God save us from friends, and we will fight off our enemies ourselves. But to be honest, Volsky’s article could have been successfully called: “The Lumpenization of Russia.”

"I'm Russian…"

“Baturina revealed something about Crimea that even the EU can’t argue with

The wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, billionaire Elena Baturina, in an interview with the German magazine Spiegel, supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia. The publication insists that this is Baturina’s first big interview after Luzhkov’s scandalous dismissal from office in 2010.

“I am Russian, and for us, Russians, Crimea was and remains Russian. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, my husband voted in the forefront against its transfer to Ukraine. In the Federation Council, he tried unsuccessfully to prevent the adoption of an agreement on the inviolability of borders,” Baturina told the publication. In response to the reproach about the annexation of Crimea, she said that “Europe also did not look at international law when it separated Kosovo from Serbia.”

Baturina said that she flies to Russia every month. When asked what would happen if she were again offered a solid position there, the ex-mayor’s wife replied: “It depends on who makes the offer.”

The talk on our website now is not about the “Russian World” and Jews, it is about the “Jewish World,” and even more specifically, about Israel.

For a hundred years now, our website has been repeating at lunchtime that Israel is sentenced to destruction, that Israel is sentenced to disappear from the face of the earth, that Israel’s enemies have been proclaimed to the whole world:

"The future is without Israel." Well, at least this:

“Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies believe that in the near future Israel will no longer exist.

The New York Post quotes Kissinger word for word:

"Within 10 years, there will be no more Israel."

Kissinger's statement is flat and unqualified. He doesn't say that Israel is in danger, but could be saved if we would just give them trillions of dollars more and defeat enough of their enemies with our military. He doesn't say that if we elect Netanyahu's old friend Mitt Romney, then Israel could somehow be saved. He doesn't say that if we bomb Iran, Israel might survive. He doesn't offer a way out. He is simply stating a fact: by 2022, Israel will no longer exist.

The US intelligence community agrees, although not specifying 2022 as a target date. Sixteen US intelligence agencies with a combined budget of more than $70 billion produced an 82-page analysis entitled "Preparing the Middle East for a Future Without Israel."

A US intelligence report notes that 700,000 Israeli settlers are illegally entrenched in land stolen in 1967 and that the world agrees with Palestine. Israel is not going to quietly pack up and leave and the world will never accept their continued Israeli presence on stolen land, just like South Africa did in late 1980.

The extremist Likud party that rules Israel, says a US intelligence report, largely condones and supports the rampant violence and lawlessness of illegal settlers. The report argues that settler brutality and crimes, such as apartheid and all other draconian systems, are inexcusable and inconsistent with American values.

Sixteen US intelligence agencies believe that Israel cannot withstand the upcoming pro-Palestinian multi-ton truckload of the Arab Spring, the awakening of the Islamic world and the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The US Intelligence Community report says that in light of these realities, the US government simply does not have the military and financial resources to continue supporting Israel against the will of more than a billion of its neighbors. In order to normalize relations with 57 Islamic countries. The report says the US will have to follow its national interests and give up on Israel.

Interestingly, neither Henry Kissinger nor the authors of the US intelligence report give any indication that they intend to mourn Israel's demise. This is remarkable considering that Kissinger is Jewish and has always been seen as a friend (if sometimes a tough friend) of Israel, and that all Americans, including those working for the intelligence agencies, have been influenced by a strongly pro-Israel media.

What explains such complacency?

Americans who pay attention to international affairs - a category that includes, of course, Kissinger and the Intelligence Report's writers - are fed up with Israeli intransigence and bigotry. Netanyahu's bizarre speech at the United Nations is widely ridiculed. He was there waving a cartoon caricature of a bomb in such a way that he himself looked like a caricature of a "crazy Zionist." It was the latest in a series of gaffes by Israeli Leaders who seem prone to overacting.

The second factor is the long-standing resentment of many Americans to feel dominated by the Israel lobby in the public dialogue. Every time a prominent American journalist is fired for an anti-Israel script, as happened to Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez, the largely unseen reaction, like a tidal wave of ripples beneath the surface of the ocean, grows in strength. And every time the Israel lobby is slammed down by someone like Maureen Dowd, who recently noted that the same Israel-fanatics who dragged the US into the Iraq war are now trying to do the same to Iran. The more people are starting to wake up and realize that people like Dowd, Thomas, and Sanchez are telling the truth.

A third reason for complacency in the face of Israel's impending demise: The American Jewish community is no longer united in support of Israel and is much smaller than its Likudnik leadership. Sophisticated Jewish journalists and analysts like Philip Weiss recognize the insanity of Israel's current leadership and the hopelessness of their situation. Recent reports indicate that it is no longer fashionable among young American Jews to care about Israel. And despite Netanyahu's desperate attempts to coerce Jewish voters into voting for Mormon Mitt Romney, polls show Obama, who is at an all-time high, "hates" the "liar" Netanyahu and will have an easy time winning a majority of the Jewish vote.

Finally, we come to the least obvious - but most powerful - reason for Kissinger and the CIA's complacency in blowing up Israel: the inexorable trickle down of knowledge that Israel and its supporters, not radical Muslims, carried out the 9/11 attack under the false flag of a Muslim attack .

Increasingly, and these are not anti-Semitic groups, but high-level responsible observers who are saying the same thing that Alan Sabrosky, the half-Jewish former director of strategic studies at the US Army War College, came on my radio show to say what he was discussing with his colleagues and there is “100% confidence” that it was Israel and its supporters who did 9/11.

Alan Hart, former BBC Middle East correspondent (and personal friend of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat) also comes on my radio shows to break the official story. He also knows that it was Israel and Co. that organized 9/11.

Today we even have a presidential candidate, Merlin Miller, who is on record saying that it was Israel, not al-Qaeda, that carried out the 9/11 attack.

The main purpose of 9/11 was to tie blood, an unbreakable emotional bond between the US and Israel, in a desperate attempt to ensure Israel's survival, triggering long-term US wars against Israel's enemies. As it became known, the “dancing Israelis” were arrested for celebrating the 9/11 operation and they tried to convince the police:

"Our enemies are your enemies, the Palestinians are your enemies."

But more and more Americans, including members of the U.S. intelligence community as a whole, now recognize that Israel's enemies (more than 1.5 billion people in the entire Muslim world, along with much of the non-European world) should not be enemies of the United States. In fact, the US is harmed by sacrificing thousands of lives in Israel's wars. This is damage, not assistance, to US strategic interests. (One of these interests, of course, is to buy oil and gas from stable, cooperative governments.)

There is growing recognition that 9/11 was not carried out by radical Islamists, but was a despicable act of bloody, traitorous supporters of Israel. American policymakers, following in the footsteps of Kissinger and the sixteen intelligence agencies, recognize the obvious: Israel has reached the end of its existence."

Let's note the particulars, leave the main thing - “Carthage must be destroyed” (Latin: Carthago delenda est, Carthaginem delendam esse). Israel must disappear, approximately by 2022. They want to then cover the land of Israel with salt so that even grass will not grow there, as the Romans did with CARTHAGE after capturing it.

Who needs this?

I came across live, face to face, Palestinians in Iraq, in Baghdad, during the bombings. They splashed angry saliva in my face, pressing me with the question: why doesn’t Russia enter the war? It turned out that we should have fought for the Palestinians, instead of the Palestinians. It was not for nothing that Saddam Hussein later called the Palestinians traitors who stabbed Iraq in the back. I will go on reconnaissance with the Rabinovichs. With a Palestinian - no.

So who needs it for Israel to disappear?

Just not Russia, if only because there are at least 1.5 million Soviet Jews in Israel, and all the Helutzim - settlers-migrants - are Soviet Rabinoviches, citizens of Russia with the “fifth column”. But there are also many Russians and Soviets in Israel—wives, husbands, and their relatives. And in 1988, the completely Russian village of Ilyinka left Russia, because its inhabitants had converted to Judaism in the old days (Russian filmmakers made an interesting documentary on this topic). And they are all now considered Jews in Israel. So it will be all 2 million.

They wanted to destroy Israel...

For real, who is this Kissinger?

Rothschild's right hand. Yukos is the property of Rothschild and his junior partner Kissinger. I feel sorry for Khodorkovsky, he’s probably not a bad guy, but he drove a YUKOS car under Rothschild’s power of attorney. The Rothschilds are still holding him in case they overthrow Putin, and in Putin’s place, they drag Khodorkovsky from the closet to the Kremlin.

“Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,

Bowlegged and lame,

The washbasin runs out

Shakes his head:

"Oh you ugly one, oh you dirty one,

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself:

There's polish on your neck,

There's a blot under your nose,

You have such hands

That even the trousers ran away,

Even pants, even pants

They ran away from you." (Korney Chukovsky).

They, Kissinger + 16, will destroy Israel...

How is that?

Israel now has about 7 million people. Where are they going? To Crimea? To Vojvodina? To Madagascar, as Churchill planned?

Now the European Union is fighting over the invasion of refugees - no one needs them, no one even wants them. Even after scoring a stake in Schengen, they are restoring their national borders, each building their own “Maginot Line” against the tsunami of refugees.

I'm trying to find the logic behind the destruction of Israel.

The USA has something to do with the operation “World without Israel” because the USA is a colony of England, whatever London orders them to do, the USA will answer “Yes!” Don't believe me?

There is such an anti-Semitic Clinton. As they write, “she absorbed anti-Semitism with her mother’s milk.” It seems that our Volsky also wrote this. Clinton may very well become after Obama. She calls Jews nothing other than “Jewish face.”

Prince Charles will help the Jews

“Prince Charles of Wales has become a patron of the Jewish World Relief charity. It is noted that this is the first time that a representative of the royal family has become a patron of a Jewish organization whose activities are carried out outside the United Kingdom...”

Sieg Heil, Frau Wow!

President Clinton will fight boycott of Israel

“Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sent one of her potential campaign donors, Jewish tycoon Haim Saban, a letter expressing her concern about attempts at an economic and academic boycott of Israel.

"BDS seeks to punish Israel and dictate the rules of how exactly the Palestinian-Israeli conflict should be resolved. This path will not lead to peace, because the long-term security and future of Israel depends on the creation of two states - for two peoples. But this can only be achieved "through direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. Not from the outside or through unilateral actions," writes the former Secretary of State.

In addition, she asked Saban for advice on exactly how to reverse the trend of information attacks and anti-Israel propaganda and once and for all stop attempts to isolate and delegitimize Israel. Clinton added that she opposes “dozens of anti-Israel resolutions” at the UN and other international organizations.

“I am against the biased Goldstone report [a report on Israeli “war crimes” during Operation Protective Rock]. We must dot all the i’s - Israel has its right to self-defense. And I am confident that the United States stopped all unilateral attempts by the Palestinians to UN about declaring its own statehood,” the presidential candidate emphasized, and added that America will always continue to support Israel, and in particular if it becomes the next president.”

Now look at the dates:

I’ll be bold and repeat: our website published an article “Who are you with, Soviet Rabinoviches”

Let’s say, the answer didn’t take very long to brew in the shards of London, but what a performing discipline in the colonies of the British Empire! Like on cotton plantations!

The rat brain of our enemies immediately sensed danger, because for colonial England the Jews are their atomic bomb, which they explode every minute throughout the empire, for example, against Russia.

It turns out that for colonial England there is no question here; colonial London knows exactly who the Soviet Rabinoviches are with. As soon as we whistle, so it will be.

It seems that our site really gave a shit about the English desktop and wrote on their operational map. London will have to fight for the votes of Soviet Rabinoviches, and not only Soviet ones.

For the colonial British Empire, Jews were always a bung in every barrel. Aw! Khodorkovsky! How do you feel about your jeans there in London? Berezovsky really liked the scarf. And Litvinenko, he was fed some kind of rubbish, and he also threw off his hooves...

I just can’t understand: what’s the difference for Jews: Hitler’s Berlin and Elizabeth’s London, Queen of England? They don't catch up.

But does a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor think and hear?

No wonder the world wants to kill you Jews

You have always been the source of all kinds of trouble.
US President Barack Obama
“To succeed in politics, you need thick skin. The higher you go, the thicker the skin should be. So you can imagine that I acquired a certain toughness and a certain tolerance for criticism. Not when it comes from you Jews. In such cases, I understand why everyone always wants to kill you.
I expect opposition from Republicans. This is, in general, their job. But you impudent Jews do not feel any gratitude that I did not crush you like bedbugs. I could, you know. It was I who gave the order to remove bin Laden. I could do this for each of you. If you don't shut up and play dead, it's only natural that everyone will want to make you dead. This is a tradition. Jews understand what tradition is. Therefore, your indignation at this fact is incomprehensible.
You have always been the source of all kinds of trouble. When the rest of the world was happily worshiping multiple powers as competing gods, you needed to insist on a single god. When the Romans, Byzantines, Almoravids, Crusaders, and Kings tried to suppress your culture, you developed the richest intellectual and moral traditions the world has ever seen. No wonder everyone resents you and wants to kill you. Nobody likes someone who is too virtuous.
This continued in our time. Hitler came closer to the solution than others, but then bam, and after a few years you built your own state. Then suddenly you become leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship, as if this is important for the betterment of human existence. Do you think I don't know that Israel is a leader in low-cost generic alternatives to important drugs? I know about you, Teva Pharmaceuticals. Do you think I admire you? I hate you. Everyone hates you.
Don't call it discriminatory treatment. Discrimination is something that Muslims suffer from. When civilians are attacked in the name of Islam, our primary concern is the potential anti-Muslim backlash that may arise. You Jews will be fine. It will only be wrong if you ask for it yourself. Who gave you permission to be Jews anyway?
Note that there are also good Jews. These are the ones who blindly support me, no matter how disastrous my policies may be for them and for Israel. You should all try to be like them. And if not, well, then wait for the consequences.

As I said before, we have been helping you and if you want us to help you more, do as I say.”

Translation: +Elena Lyubchenko

And to you, Obama, a descendant of a black slave, who speaks? A whole chain: Bush told our Gorbachev, London told Bush.

By the way, an ironclad opinion: the Gorbachev couple in London were caught in the rags and were recruited. It was during their student exchange trip there. According to publicly available information, Gorbachev in 1984, being one of the leaders of the Soviet state, joined abroad... in a Masonic lodge called “Great East”, that is, in some secret foreign organization. Gorbachev was, as Lyndon LaRouche put it, “the first General Secretary of the CPSU, whose trustworthiness was checked in advance by the Queen of England” (during Gorbachev’s trip to London in 1984, a few months before he assumed the throne). Bill Clinton spoke to Yeltsin, London spoke to Clinton...

How does Obama fit in with Prince Charlie and Clinton? One performance - different roles. One Shakespeare - different plays. One Stanislavsky - on two sites. Play everyone off - the winner is always ours, as in the war between southerners and northerners. In any case, ours won there.

Jews are the smartest nation on the planet! Usually with these words - you are the smartest, you are the most beautiful, you are the best... doctors in mental hospitals reassure patients. Otherwise, how to understand this list:

“... The famous Kharkov Jew Khodos said:

“The main result of the “revolution of dignity” is 306 Jews in the Verkhovna Rada. That’s what the president, prime minister and speaker are like!”

Hodos is good for everyone, if only he would operate not just on “Jews” - there are none, but there are Ashkinazim and Sephardim. And the 306 Jews in the Verkhovna Rada are not Jews, they are Hasidim. An evil and very aggressive sect that operates under the banner of “Jews”. Hasidim are enemies of the Jews. A Jew will not let a Hasid enter the door, he will not shake hands with him. Maybe Hodos Hasid? He really attacks Jews, and hides Hasidim with the word “Jews.”

List of Jews who are subject to the International Court of Justice under the article Genocide, for its initiation and continuation of the destruction of the Slavs in the territory of Little Russia and Novorossiya:

Barack Obama, President of the United States and executor of all orders of Jacob Rothschild, one of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in the world.

Victoria Nuland is the granddaughter of Jewish emigrants Meyer and Witzsche Nudelman, her father Sherwin Nuland-Nudelman, and her grandfather Meyer Nudelman had mental disorders due to the last stage of syphilis. US Assistant Secretary of State Kerry - Vicki Nuland-Nudelman is married to the famous Jew Robert Kagan - a graduate of Yale University, a member of the Skull and Bones Society, now a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment, a fellow at the German Marshall Fund, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. , as well as the notorious “American Committee for Peace in Chechnya”. It was Nuland who “pushed” the Jew Bakai-Yatsenyuk into prime minister. One of the curators of the Slavic genocide in the world.

Head of the World Structure of the Order of Malta, 79th Grand Master Fra Matthew Festing, one of the curators of the genocide of the Slavs in the world.

The main freemason of Europe, Peter Goldscheider, is the curator of the genocide of the Slavs in Europe.

Angela Merkel, Hitler’s own daughter, and the great-granddaughter of Solomon Rothschild, who was raised in the family of a pastor-stepfather, through Merkel and her entourage, world Jewry is trying to build the 4th Reich, one of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in Europe.

Vladimir Gundyaev, nephew of Jewish Politburo member Grigory Romanov, Jewish high priest, diamond-tobacco-alcohol-oil financier and part-time head of the Moscow Patriarchate, one of the main leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in the world.

Robert Singer, President of the World Jewish Congress, the main leader of the genocide of the Slavs in the world.

Leonid Finberg, “Director of the Center for Judaic Studies” at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, created with US grants and “donations” from oligarchs.

Shmuel Sisso, General Director of the ORT World Network (Society for the Propagation of Labor among Jews in Russia). One of the main curators of the Slavic genocide in the world.

David Benish, head of the World ORT representative office in the CIS and Baltics. One of the curators of the genocide of the Slavs in Little Russia and Novorossia.

Igor Kolomoisky, President of the European Jewish Congress and ex-governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region, where he built the world's largest Jewish center, finances organized crime groups and resettles Jews from the United States to the territory of Little Russia and Novorossiya. One of the main leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in the world.

Joseph Zisels, a family friend of ex-President Yushchenko, curator of the Kiev Center for the History and Culture of Eastern European Jewry, based at the Institute of Judaic Studies and the Department of Jewish Studies of the National Library of Ukraine, head of the VAAD and the Zionist Organization of Ukraine, one of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in Little Russia and Novorossiya.

Leonid Kravchuk (Blum), ex-president and king of the Jews in Little Russia and New Russia. One of the main leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossia.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, manager of the late owner of YUKOS Chernomyrdin (Schleer), nephew of Kirshblat. One of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in the world.

Leonid Kuchma (Kuchman), ex-president of the territory of Little Russia and Novorossiya, nephew of Golda Meer, the president of Israel. One of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and New Russia.

Renat Akhmetov, a relative of Kuchman, finances terrorist organized crime groups and supports the Jewish elite in the DPR, one of the organizers of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Novorossiya.

Victor Pinchuk is Kuchma’s son-in-law, a friend of Israeli President Shimon Peres and the main freemason in Little Russia and Novorossiya. One of the main leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossia.

The Prime Minister is Arseniy Yatsenyuk (Bakai), deputy chief mason in Little Russia. Yatsenyuk’s mother, Maria Grigorievna Bakai, belongs to an ancient Jewish family, which is known to the world thanks to the most authoritative interpreter of the Talmud, Rabbi Bakai.

Yatsenyuk’s wife is Teresia Gur “Hasidic princess”. GUR is a dynasty of Tzaddik (spiritual leaders of Hasidic communities) from the city of Gura Kalwaria (30 km southeast of Warsaw).

The founder of the Gur dynasty was Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg Alter, the son of the Gur rabbi, a follower of Levi Yitzchak ben Meir from Berdichev. Yatsenyuk is one of the main leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in Little Russia and Novorossia.

The President is Petro Poroshenko (Waltzman), the main leader of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossiya.

Ex-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, ex-acting president, head of the National Security and Defense Council - Turchynov (Kogan). (Turchinov’s father, Valentin Ivanovich Turchinov, served in the 447 punitive battalion of the Wehrmacht, fought against the partisans of the Bryansk region. The indictment contains 11 episodes of Turchinov’s participation in punitive expeditions. On February 10, 1951, Valentin Turchinov was convicted by the Military Tribunal of the Trans-Baikal Military District under Article 58-1 “b” of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR /treason to the Motherland - going over to the side of the enemy/ He was sentenced to imprisonment for 25 years.

Released in 1955, during a mass amnesty). One of the main leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossia.

Valentin Nalivaychenko, US citizen and ex-head of the SBU, career CIA agent, one of the direct leaders of the genocide of the Slavs in Little Russia and Novorossia.

German Gref, head of Sberbank of Russia and Andrei Kostin, head of VTB, finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the culprit of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossiya.

The head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, pumped free of charge in the spring the amount of gas Ukraine needed for the military-industrial complex of Ukraine, thanks to which a huge number of old armored vehicles were repaired, and the reproduction of new ones began, which brought new deaths to Donbass.

The Ministers of Finance - the former Alexander Shlapak and the current employee of the State Department and the CIA, Natalya Yaresko, finance the genocide in Little Russia and Novorossia.

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada - Vladimir Groysman. One of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and New Russia.

Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, homosexual. One of the direct leaders and perpetrators of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossia.

The chief of staff of President Waltsman is Sergei Pashinsky. One of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and New Russia.

Yulia Tymoshenko (Tsilya Kapitelman), finances the organized crime group of the 34th terrorist battalion “Batkivshchyna”. One of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossia.

Vitaliy Klitschko (Etinzon), finances the organized crime group “25th terrorist battalion Kyiv-2” and the organized criminal group 12th terrorist battalion “Kyiv-1”, one of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Novorossiya.

Oleg Tyagnibok (Frotman), a career CIA officer, receives money from Kolomoisky. One of the leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and New Russia.

Dmitry (Avdim) Yarosh, a relative of former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. One of the direct leaders of the genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia and Novorossia.

Three “European defense ministers” Koval, Geletey and Poltorak, direct leaders and perpetrators of the genocide of the Slavs in Little Russia and Novorossiya. Former Jewish minister Geletey “Ilovaisky” purchased an estate in England for 23 million pounds sterling near Imingham (Lincolnshire). The apartments of Rinat Akhmetov, one of the richest Jews in Ukraine, are located nearby; the daughter of ex-President Kuchma has an apartment in London. The fugitive prosecutor Makhnitsky from the Svoboda party, after his dismissal from the GPU, also bought himself housing on the banks of the Thames, and also the most luxurious Hyatt hotel in the center of the capital.

The large-scale and cynical genocide of the Slavs on the territory of Little Russia, Novorossiya and, most importantly, in the Donbass, is taking place under the supervision of the chief rabbi of Donbass - Pinchas; the rabbi of the Kyiv Brodsky synagogue Moshe-Reuven Azman, who brought up to 300 Israeli special forces with him to the “Maidan”; rabbi-provocateur V. Kapustin; and the oligarch - Vadim Rabinovich; Chairman of the Conference of European Rabbis, head of the rabbinical court in the CIS and Baltic countries, chief rabbi of Moscow - Pinchas Goldschmidt - subordinate in status to the President of the European Jewish Congress - Ben Kolomoisky!

It is important to emphasize that for many years it was the adviser to the President of Ukraine, a Jew, Anna German, and the adviser to the President of Ukraine, the head of the main department of international relations of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, a Jew, Andrey Goncharuk, who were the link between the Administration of the President of Ukraine and the leadership of Israel.

The Israeli intelligence community is represented in Ukraine by residents, employees and agents of Mossad, military intelligence Aman and the general security service Shabak, Shin Bet (counterintelligence), as well as a special service that is particularly active in the Russian direction - Nativ (Bureau for relations with the Jews of the CIS and Eastern Europe at the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, headed by Nativ in Ukraine Shmuel Polishchuk).

The leading position is occupied by the foreign intelligence service Mossad - the only reconnaissance and sabotage organization in the world that, in addition to obtaining secret information, is engaged in the physical elimination of world Jewry on order. For this purpose, the secret operations department “Komemiyut” (“Sovereignty”) was created. The Israeli Military Intelligence Service, Haman, is an independent intelligence agency reporting to the Prime Minister.

The main goal of Jews when Ukraine joined the European Union was property restitution. These are tens of thousands of objects that will be returned to their pre-revolutionary owners from Jewish clans: forests, lands, factories, buildings - in kind or in the form of monetary compensation. The rest of the citizens of “Ukraine” will once again pay for this.

In starting the war in Ukraine, Jewish organizations and their leaders were the provocateurs, ideologists and financiers. In addition to the prospect of cleansing Ukraine from “Slavic goyim” to create a New Khazaria (the Promised Land or New Zion) and the resettlement of “Israelis” by 2022, when, according to Henry Kissinger’s warning, the Jewish state will cease to exist, there is another reason that many have forgotten. The fact is that the EU accession agreement presupposes the restitution of pre-revolutionary property. So, in the near future, the “Ukrainian serfs” will have “real owners” who will have to return their lands, forests, factories and buildings. Or buy them back from the “real owners of Ukraine”... (From what Ignat Shetudinov sent to me. 07/07/2015).

Anti-Semitism? Libel? Of all the “Jews” named on the list, I did not find a single Jew. These are all Hasidim who primarily fight the Jews. Why do they need to destroy the Jews? Why did Christians destroy the pagans? Why did the Bolsheviks destroy the Orthodox Church? Trotsky was not a Jew, he was a Hasid.

Devastating refutations and accusations of all the mortal sins of the damned anti-Simites are accepted by our site, and will be published on the site with precision to the last point. What if this is a lie again? God forbid. How about Lev Nikolaevich: “I can’t remain silent!”

Vasily Vereshchagin / Vasily Vereshagin
Defeated. Memorial service for fallen soldiers

On the territory of its colonies, the colonial empire of England created the GREAT SHII CALIFATE. This happened in 1972 in Paris. Our site has written about this deal between the Rothschilds and Ayatollah Khomeini 100 times. I don’t want to 101. Briefly: as a result of this deal, the Shiites got the GREAT SHIITE CALIPHATE, and the Rothschilds got all the oil on the territory of this entity. There was one interesting point in this deal - Israel. He territorially found himself in the center of this very GREAT SHIITE CALIPHATE. In other words, a synagogue stuck out in the middle of a Shiite mosque. They decided to remove the synagogue. Kissenger said by 2022. We're waiting, sir.

By the way, Gorbachev and Kudrin, on instructions from London, planned the destruction of Russia even faster - before 2019.

And where should a poor Jew go?

In the detachment to Putin.

Sholokhov has a brilliant novel “Virgin Soil Upturned”. There is a hero in the novel - grandfather Shchukar. Such an episode: People from the center came to the Gremyachiy Log farm to agitate for the creation of a collective farm on the farm. There is a meeting in Gremyachey Log where the creation of a future collective farm is discussed. The meeting takes a long time, the agitators speak for a long time. Finally, the leader of the meeting asks the Cossacks, who wants to speak? Silence. Long silence. Grandfather Shchukar raises his hand. He's in the front row. Grandfather speaks at length, saying that the Cossacks are for the collective farm with all their hearts, they are happy about the collective farm, but is it possible to organize this collective farm in a neighboring village.

So is Prince Charles: he is for the Jews with all his heart, but in a neighboring village, in Ukraine on fire and in... Nepal, where the Hindu Kush is the highest mountain in the world, and nothing more... “Away from our land.”

“I won’t tell you for the whole of Odessa,” but during the occupation of Ukraine by Bandera’s followers, Israel took Jews out of there by plane. Saved. Thank God, the Ukrainians are little by little beginning to drive Bandera’s followers into their eternal hiding places - in the Carpathians. Probably not even the rabbi knows how many Jews are in Ukraine now. Probably not all of them left. Read the list above.

But I am especially touched by Prince Charles about the Jews in Nepal.

Information about the largest nationalities in Nepal is collected in the following table:

The most numerous ethnic groups and castes of Nepal

Percentage relative to population
Main habitat
language group

46 %
throughout the territory

12,8 %
throughout the territory
Indo-Europeans, Tibeto-Burmese

Mountain Bahuns
12,7 %
throughout the territory

7,1 %
midwest mountains

6,8 %
western terai

5,6 %
Kathmandu Valley and Central Mountains

5,5 %
Kathmandu Valley

In addition, mention should be made of such nationalities as the Gurungs, Sherpas, Limbu and Rais.

And where did the head of World Jewish Relief, James Libson, and the prince find the Jews whom the prince rushed to help? Minor: why study geography - the cab driver will take you there.

“Our answer to Chamberlain”: I would now give the topic of Ukraine, the war in Ukraine against Bandera’s followers, to the Jews - in the sense that reporting from Ukraine would be carried out by reporters of Jewish nationality. Natanzon is very good in this role. He was already reporting from Kyiv - “and it was good.”

It is necessary that reports from Donetsk, from Lugansk, from Kyiv - from Ukraine, be conducted by reporters of Jewish nationality, with real Jewish surnames, like Natanzon. These will be completely different reports. For the Hasidim of Ukraine, for the Banderaites it will be. like a knife to the balls. I wouldn't send Russian reporters there at all. No other nationalities - only Jews. How Putin doesn’t send Russian soldiers there. With this we would put a big “wick” on colonial Britain. We are in a global information war. Natanzon in this war is like the sniper Zaitsev in that one. Natanzon from Vienna - so what? Does not work. Natanzon from Davos - so what? Does not work. Not that high.

Solovyov is doing the right thing; he invites Jews in his political show in droves, even whistles from Israel itself. He puts them against Bandera’s followers – it works. All of Solovyov’s ashkinazs are good. True, Solovyov has one Sephardi, he represents the USA - Misha Bom. But Ashkinaz Soloviev makes a chop out of Sephardi journalist Bohm in each of his programs. This is a normal battle between Ashkinazim and Sephardim.

But he will never invite, for example, the Jew Svanidze, the Hasid Shenderovich, or the Hasid Albats. Why? Because they are angry biomass. Angry at everything around you. And journalism is not malice, but intelligence. Anger clouds the mind. If they get on Solovyov’s political show, they will instantly destroy the intellectual level of both the show and Solovyov himself. After all, Putin said to the editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio, Hasid Venediktov:

“You know, Alexey, you are not a traitor. You are the enemy."

Intellect “Echo of Moscow is the intellect of Psaki - she is also a journalist. The intelligence of Echo of Moscow listeners is the same as that of Psaki’s listeners - the intelligence of turkeys.

In Soviet times, I knew a lot of people who had never read anything other than the newspaper Pravda. Having read Pravda in the morning, they were smart all day. Very convenient and not troublesome. “Echo of Moscow” is the level of undergrowth of Prince Charles, adventurer and criminal Saakashvili, Bandera member Yarosh. During the war, Echo of Moscow would broadcast from Berlin. During the Cold War, “Echo of Moscow” would have landed from Munich, Washington, London... Now it’s an information war. The enemy is not near Moscow. The enemy is in Moscow.

Reports from Ukraine by correspondents, Russians by nationality, are a failure in the work of the editorial staff. Complete nonsense. Not understanding the moment. Lack of understanding of information warfare. In an information war, it is also important who speaks and who writes.

Jews in the global information war are a special kind of weapon. It must be used wisely. It is no good to fire a cannon at sparrows. The General Staff should work with them, not the platoon staff. There is a story that Hitler considered the journalist Levitan a personal enemy, and promised that when he captured Moscow, he would be the first to hang the journalist Levitan. This makes a lot of sense.

Before bombing Yugoslavia, the Americans, NATO members, on the night of April 23, 1999, bombed the building of the Serbian state television and radio company RTS. They killed 16 journalists - everyone who was in the building. The building of the state television and radio company RTS of Serbia was listed first on the list of NATO military targets. Then they bombed bridges and everything else.

There was also such a journalist as Julius Fucik. The Nazis suppressed him in 1942. He wrote a book there, “Reporting with a Noose Around His Neck.” In 1943, the Nazis killed him. Julius Fucik was executed by guillotine in Plötzensee prison in Berlin on September 8, 1943. Only because he was a journalist.

“To the comrades who will survive this last battle, and to those who come after us, I firmly shake hands. We have fulfilled our duty. We lived for joy, we went into battle for joy, we die for it. Let therefore sadness never be associated with our name... People, I loved you. Be careful!” (Julius Fucik)

Why were our journalists killed in Donbass? Because they were journalists. Journalism is a deadly profession.

And where should a poor Jew go?

Nowhere - sit still. Don't leave. Don't run. Do not throw. Don't leave. Today there is nothing more valuable than territory. Today governments are being overthrown because of territory. “Jewish World” and “Russian World” - side by side and together. Without Putin's Russia, Israel will not survive. In the global information war, Jews and Russians must be in the same trench. As it was during the Great Patriotic War. In percentage terms, Jews - Heroes of the Soviet Union - are in first place. This should be the case now – in the global information war that is being waged against Russia. “Hero of the World Information War” - like the Hero of the Soviet Union... in percentage terms.

By the way, where did they go? I don't see them for some reason.

In one of the central districts of Ashdod, on May 5, 2013, an obelisk was opened in honor of Matvey and Yevsey Vainrub, tank brothers, Heroes of the Soviet Union.


A unique case in the history of World War II, and even more so in the history of Jewish military glory: two siblings were awarded the highest military rank of Heroes of the Soviet Union. This happened on the same day - April 6, 1945. And before that there were Stalingrad and the battles for Warsaw, the Vistula-Oder operation and the capture of Berlin. Both brothers went to the front in June 1941. As a commander of armored units, Matvey Vainrub particularly distinguished himself during the defense of Stalingrad and during the Vistula-Oder offensive operation. The commander of the tank brigade, Colonel Yevsey Vainrub, showed heroism in the battles for the liberation of Poland, in the Vistula-Oder operation, and in the battles for the capture of Berlin. The tank brigade, led by Colonel Vainrub, was awarded the honorary name “Berlin”.

The stronger Putin, the stronger Israel.

From the fronts of the Jewish Empire.

General Filatov.Based on materials: 05/23/2005

Krasnoyarsk: fivefold ritual murder

"A terrible discovery in Krasnoyarsk.

The bodies of several people were found in the sewer.

It is possible that the bodies belong to Krasnoyarsk schoolchildren who mysteriously disappeared on April 16..."

“On Saturday - the eve of Passover, as on any other Saturday, you need to have three Shabbat meals. Times for the year 5765 (2005) (Jerusalem and surrounding area, summer time)

It is necessary to finish eating chametz Before 9.53 on Saturday, April 23 (the end of the first third of the day) It is necessary to destroy all remnants of chametz and cancel the chametz. Until 11.15 on Saturday 23 April (end of first 5/12 days)

You can’t eat anything starchy (and don’t overeat anything else either). Starting from 15.45 on Saturday 23 April (beginning of the last quarter of the day). Lighting of holiday candles from the fire left in advance and the beginning of the Seder. Not before the end of Saturday at 19.51"

On Monday, a source in law enforcement agencies told RG that we are talking about five dead, presumably teenagers. The final answer must be given by an expert examination. According to Igor Fedorov, an employee of the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, forensic experts have already begun work. Now law enforcement officials are trying to establish how the remains of the victims ended up in the sewer. There are several versions - the yet unknown killer, covering his tracks, burned the bodies of the victims. Another accident resulted from a fire. Meanwhile, the parents of the teenagers who disappeared in mid-April are anxiously awaiting the results of the examination. There is still hope that the bodies are not those of the missing boys. Let us remind you that students of school No. 50 Maxim Talmanov, Safar Aliyev, Galash Mamedgasanov, Alexander Lavrinov and Dmitry Makarov disappeared on April 16. Several thousand people were involved in their search: law enforcement officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, officials, utility workers, representatives of the Azerbaijani national diaspora. Forests and dacha areas, islands on the Yenisei were combed, basements and attics of houses were checked. Governor Alexander Khloponin announced a reward of one hundred thousand rubles for information about teenagers. They searched not only in Krasnoyarsk and the region - the missing children were put on the federal wanted list. The prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory opened criminal cases under Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Kidnapping of a knowingly minor” and Article 105 “Murder of two or more persons.” The first version was supported by the testimony of one of the schoolchildren, who allegedly saw his comrades getting into a foreign car. In addition, law enforcement agencies had two more versions: “leaving home” (a classmate of the guys said that they were preparing for “travel”) and “accident.” It should be noted that the children lived in the Leninsky district. And it was here that on May 8 the bodies were discovered in the sewer. According to some reports, the collector has already been checked several times during search raids, but then nothing suspicious was found in it.

TRACTATE Yoma, Sheet 3:

“There is an unusual day in the Jewish calendar - the day of Lent. This is the holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the Day of Atonement. In Beit Hamikdash (Temple) korbanot (sacrifices) were made on this day. The word korban comes from the Hebrew healer (to draw near). And it means that the Creator, through sacrifice, gave people the opportunity to get closer to Him. All the material components of our world took part in the sacrifice - animals, plants (bread, wine, incense from herbs), minerals (salt). And the man offered it all up on the mizbeach (altar)... Moshe Rabbeinu saw letters written with black fire on white fire, heard the voice of the Almighty and wrote everything down under the dictation of the Creator. His record compiled the Pentateuch, the Torah. And in the Torah, as we know, there is nothing superfluous... A distinctive feature of the Jewish tradition is continuity. The events of today go back tens of centuries. And the crown of this tree stretches into the future.”

TREATISE Sotha Leaf 44

The Almighty gives in the Torah an absolute hierarchy of values, showing what and for what one can sacrifice... So, let's say, human sacrifices are strictly prohibited... Why does the Torah so often mention blood when describing sacrifices? “The soul of the body is in the blood...” says the Almighty (Vayikra, 17-11). Hence, by the way, the ban on eating blood - “I told the children of Israel about this. None of you should eat blood..." (Vayikra, 17-12). (And - drink? V.F.) However, the blood of a sacrificed animal (we are talking about an animal, and not about human (Jewish) blood) is indeed according to the plan of the Almighty, it receives the ability to atone for sins and human misdeeds. “I gave you (blood) ... blood in the soul is redeemed” (Ibid.). Blood... redeems the soul...

TREATISE Yoma Sheet 24: The world is not a chaos of random probabilities. There is an order established by the Almighty in it. The laws of service in the Temple are its reflection. Avoda (as the Torah calls service in the Temple) is performed by kohanim (descendants of Aaron - the main, first kohen in the Jewish people, on the paternal side). The Creator commanded Aaron: “You and your sons with you will participate in every matter related to mizbeach (in a conventional translation - an altar) and what is inside, behind the veil (And what is this? Behind the scenes? Basement? Abandoned sewer? V.F.)) ... and you perform this service, I will give you this service as a gift” (Bamidbar, 18-7). Violation of the order established by the Creator inevitably entails irreversible consequences. A Zar (literally “stranger,” i.e., not a Kohen) who performs work in the Temple instead of a Kohen deserves death sent down from Heaven. As it is said: “...And the stranger who approaches will die...” (Ibid.). (And who is a kohen in the Krasnoyarsk Territory? V.F.) The Rav said: there are four types of avodah, for the fulfillment of which the zar deserves death sent from Heaven. This is, firstly, zrika (when the blood of sacrificial animals is splashed out on the mizbeah). It is said: “...Blood redeems the soul” (Vayikra, 17-11). Secondly, avoda includes aktarah (the burning of internal organs, internal fat of korbanot and flour offerings on the fire of the “altar”). The third type is the libation of water on the mizbeah during the morning korban tamid (standing offering) on ​​the holiday of Sukkot. This action is a request for rain (after Sukkot comes winter - the period of rains in the Land of Israel), communion with the spirit of wisdom (water is a symbol of the Torah). The fourth type of avoda is pouring a libation of wine on the “altar.” This work was carried out throughout the year. Everyone who performed the korban ola (burnt offering), shlamim (peace and harmony offering), hatat (purification offering) was required to pour some wine over the mizbeah. Levi added to the list: to the four types of avoda he added the cleansing of the “altar” from ashes. The Rav, the Gemara clarifies, draws conclusions from the above fragment: “But you and your sons...”, seeing here an indication that a stranger, not a Kohen, who performed one of the types of works associated with the Mizbeach or the Holy of Holies, will be punished by Heaven. The Gemara provides the experience of a subtle and comprehensive analysis of every word spoken by the Almighty. The word matana in the above passage can be translated as “gift” - “... As a gift I will give you this service...”. On the other hand, with the same right, this word can be interpreted as netina (literally, “giving”). Hence the Rav teaches that the zar receives death from Heaven if he “gives” something, that is, puts it or pours it on the mizbeah (korbanot, blood, wine, water). If he “removes” something from him - in this case, removes the ashes - heavenly punishment will not befall him. Analysis of the quote reveals other details. The words “and you will serve (vaavadtem)”, at first glance, seem redundant here. It’s already clear what we’re talking about. However, the sages decompose the Hebrew expression vaavadtem into its components: vaavad tam - “a complete service that completes any work.” For example, the four types of activities of kohanim listed by Rav are splashing of blood, incense, libation of water and wine. The splashing of the blood on the “altar” completes the work associated with the blood of the animals intended for the offering. In the same way, certain actions are completed by incense of internal organs, libation of water and wine. Removing the ashes from the “altar” does not complete the action. It is rather preparation for another type of activity. The Gemara analyzes Levi's logic. Levi emphasizes the words “...keep your service in everything related to mizbeach.” “In everything,” he emphasizes. This means that this also includes cleaning the “altar” from ash. But doesn’t Rav notice the words “in everything”? Of course he read them. But it does not belong to the general list of works associated with the “altar”, but to the enumeration of the types of activities of the kohanim - sevenfold sprinkling of blood inside the heichal (see the layout of the Temple) and on the veil; and the libation of blood of the korbanot, which the metzora brings, cleansing itself of its illness (tzaraat is a disease that arises as a result of slander; for details on the website, see the weekly chapter “Metzora”)... Where does Levi teach about sprinkling blood on the veil? He draws his conclusion from the words “...keep your sacred service in everything (lechol davar) that is connected with mizbeach.” The word davar (work) adds to the four types of work considered avodah the cleansing of the mizbeach from ash; the word kohl (everything, every thing) adds the action - sprinkling blood on the curtain.” If we ignore all this rabbinic vomit for a moment, this is what we are talking about. There is a gangster law; for example, the SS and Gestapo men followed it when they recruited ours. This law is called:


“The Easter sacrifice unites the Jews into a people.” - this is Asya Entova, almost Esther. I drank, ate on Passover - and shut up, do what the rebbe said, otherwise... “In the Torah, at the beginning of the book “Exodus” (“Shemot”), it tells about the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. an establishment is given about the constant celebration of Passover and the offering of the Paschal sacrifice:



Asya-Esther, like a bander, chews the law with her:

“Tie everyone with the same blood”: “Thanks to the provision “...and if the household is too small,” the Law allows for self-determination in the family system. “One may not slaughter (the Passover lamb) on behalf of an adult son or daughter, or on behalf of a Jewish slave, man or woman, or on behalf of a wife, without their express consent” (Pesachim 88a).

And here is another specialist in the interpretation of the law “Tie with blood” according to the laws of Passover - Rabbi Sh. . The command to gather “a lamb for your father’s house” is not only of a practical nature (eat all the meat without leaving a trace). The joint offering of the Passover sacrifice is also the unification of yesterday's slaves within the family and within the people. The slave is isolated, he does not have freedom even for family connections - his master determines whether he can or cannot start a family, his master is also responsible for the slave and his family. In the holiday of Passover, the emphasis, as a rule, is on freedom - the “Feast of Liberation.” But freedom alone is not enough for a full-fledged person. Historians and sociologists know of numerous cases where former slaves turned out to be the most terrible tyrants and despots. A person also needs responsibility, self-restraint, the meaning of life; it is not for nothing that the whole culture is a set of all kinds of restrictions. For a free person, restrictions must be voluntary. They come when a person perceives as value something other than himself: loved ones, friends, people, our entire world created by the Almighty, when he is not alone, but is involved in a system of internal connections in a free society. In order for former slaves to become a people and a state, and not a crowd subordinate to a leader, numerous horizontal connections between people are needed, based on feelings of community and responsibility, what sociologists today call “civil society.” The most basic type of such connections is family. G-d sought to create His people not simply from free and independent individuals, but from free and independent families formed on the basis of blood ties or free personal choice. Only within the framework of the family, created by the free will of its members, can an individual achieve such perfection that he will be able to receive satisfaction from the awareness of himself as a person. This idea must be expressed in symbolic form, for which the blood of the lamb is collected and sprinkled on the doorposts and lintels of the house in which the people who performed the sacrifice will eat the lamb’s meat.”

“Family” is also about Yeltsin. “Family” is the entire Jewish community of Krasnoyarsk. “Family” means all Jews on the territory of the Russian Federation. “Only such a cemented society, guarded by justice and bound by righteousness, will give rise to a formal national structure capable, together with its leaders, of becoming “the assembly of the community of Israel... Whoever eats the Passover sacrifice becomes an integral part of the Jewish people.” “The Creator commanded Aaron : “You and your sons with you will participate in every matter related to the mizbeach (in conventional translation - the altar) and what is inside, behind the veil... and you will carry out this service, I will give you this service as a gift” (Bamidbar , 18-7).

But a Jew would not be a Jew... “And it came to pass after these events that the Most High tested Abraham and said to him: Abraham! And he answered: here I am! And He said: I ask you to take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac; and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains about which I will tell you” (Genesis, chapter 22, v. 1-2). The story of the “offering of Isaac” (in Hebrew - akedah), which is told here, is one of the central events in Jewish history. Moreover, perhaps this event is the greatest merit of the Jews before the Almighty. It is so great that in moments when we pray to the Creator for something very important to us, for something that will require His special indulgence, we remind Him of the merit of the akedah. Prayers on the holiday of Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year, the Day of Judgment - are a clear example of this. On this day we say: “Remember the Akedah of Isaac today, when his children are before You, remember the Alliance that You concluded with us...” Indeed. Later, on the very spot where Abraham laid out the wood for the offering, where Isaac lay bound, the Temple was built.

If he can “contact” with the Creator at this level, he is able to accept and feel His Presence. Therefore, it is said that as a result of this test the Temple was built - in order to make offerings to the Almighty in it, they can receive the Divine presence. Since the Akedah was not completed, it created a connection between our world and the world of Tehiyat HaMetim - at a very high level of spiritual experience. If the culmination of the Akedah were to be realized, our world would acquire a physical connection with the world of Tehiyat HaMetim, and then there would be no need to die at all. Therefore, Abraham was actually disappointed when the Almighty, through the malakh, conveyed the news of the reversal of his command. Abraham carried out the service using an animal as an offering (which replaced Isaac on the kindled fire). And when the offering procedure was completed, Abraham said a prayer: “May it be Your will, God, that You accept what I do as if I were doing it with my son Isaac; as if it was my son Isaac who was slaughtered, as if it was his blood that I sprinkled on the mizbeach (in conventional translation - the altar), as if it was his skin that was removed and as if it was his body that was burned and turned to dust.” Let us remind you that students of school No. 50 Maxim Talmanov, Safar Aliyev, Galash Mamedgasanov, Alexander Lavrinov and Dmitry Makarov disappeared on April 16.

“Abraham perceived the cancellation of the command by the Almighty as a temporary measure. He realized that by the akedah the Almighty was teaching him a lesson for a long time to come, that the akedah was an essential aspect of Abraham's service to the Almighty, but at that moment he could realize this act of service only symbolically. The idea of ​​akeda is actually even deeper.”

“13.05.2005 09:50 | Five children who disappeared in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, were killed. Five schoolchildren whose remains were found on the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, Russia, after three weeks of searching, were killed. This statement was made on Friday, May 13, at a press conference in Krasnoyarsk by Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Vladimir Kolesnikov. The Deputy Prosecutor General confirmed that the remains of five people found in an abandoned sewer belong to children who disappeared in April. Without an expert opinion, the research results of which will appear within the time frame determined by the test procedure itself, we can confidently, based on visual data and initial expert data, believe that the bodies belong to these teenagers, Kolesnikov said. I have no doubt about it. At the moment, important examinations are being carried out: it is necessary to determine the remains in order to give them to their parents as quickly as possible. We cannot speak unequivocally about the causes of death, but it is obvious that this is murder,” said the Deputy Prosecutor General. The criminal case under Article 105 (murder) was initiated lawfully, he added. Vladimir Kolesnikov also reported that the criminal case under Article 105 was combined with the criminal case initiated in April 2005 under Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - kidnapping. “We will do everything possible to respond to the family and find the criminal as soon as possible,” the official said. As previously reported, five schoolchildren left home on April 16 and did not return. Ten-year-old Dmitry Makarov and Maxim Talmanov, nine-year-old Galash Mamedgasanov and Safar Aliyev and Alexander Lavrenov (12 years old) were first put on the regional and then federal wanted list. The prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Art. 126 kidnapping, while three main versions were developed: children escaping from home, kidnapping and an accident.

More than a thousand police officers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as volunteers from local residents, were involved in the search for children. For help in finding the children, the regional governor offered a reward of 100 thousand rubles. However, the bodies in the Krasnoyarsk sewer were discovered on May 8 after the duty station of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the city received several anonymous calls with a proposal to look for the children who disappeared in April there. It was not specified who exactly found the bodies in the sewer. According to unofficial information - scrap metal collectors. At first, the belonging of the bodies found in the sewer to the missing children was not officially confirmed. In addition, it was reported that no traces of violent death were found on the corpses, as stated today by the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia. Thus, in a statement released by the press service of the prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on May 9, it is said: During the initial examination (of the bodies), no signs of violent death were found. Everything found in the sewer (where the remains were found) was delivered to the Krasnoyarsk Forensic Bureau. During the inspection of the scene of the incident, one charred corpse and fragments of several bodies subjected to severe thermal effects, the remains of a white metal chain, a burnt 300 ml canister, and poorly preserved fragments of clothing were discovered and seized. According to unofficial data, the children's bodies were dismembered.

The suspicions of the children's relatives are caused by the fact that, according to them, this place was previously repeatedly examined by both police officers and other people who were looking for missing schoolchildren. Sasha Lavrenov’s father told Novye Izvestia that he last visited this place on May 7, accompanied by two police officers with dogs. We searched everywhere, but found nothing. The case is being investigated by an investigative team under the leadership of an investigator for particularly important cases of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Prosecutor's Office. It is under the personal control of Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Vladimir Kolesnikov.” The main and most picturesque ritual is the eating of the Easter lamb.” The “lambs” from Krasnoyarsk were 9 and 12 years old. By the way, the Torah commands: on Passover, every Jew, starting from the age of 8, is obliged to drink “wine” and always red. For the stupid goyim, so that they, like Kolesnikov and Nazarov, would not suspect something or get to the bottom of it, the rabbis wrote: on Passover, drink no more than 4 glasses of “red wine”. Here, of course, we’re talking about blood by the glass. Every Jew knows that this - for later and in general - is not about wine. Probably not all of them are like this, but how do you determine the color of a cat in a dark room? And none of them wants to turn on the light of exposure. And it’s true - they will kill you. They will cut it down to the 7th knee. “The path of knowledge leaves no choice - only a warrior can follow it.” (Carlos Castaneda - Jew)

“The lamb was supposed to be slaughtered in the Temple courtyard in the afternoon and roasted whole, and at nightfall it was eaten at a large family celebration. Crowds of joyful pilgrims filled Jerusalem on Easter. The priests of the Temple masterfully passed the lambs from hand to hand - it was necessary to provide all of Jerusalem and all pilgrims with Easter lambs in a few short afternoon hours (during which this ritual was supposed to be performed). In the Temple, the priests and Levites prepared the meat in a special way, with special precautions to ensure that it was clean. The laity brought offerings of gratitude and offerings of atonement to the Temple servants and burned some pieces of meat on the great altar. Moses and the prophets continually pointed out that G‑d is not interested in sacrifices unless the sacrifice is a symbol of the sanctification and purification of the people. The pilgrims ate lamb meat as prescribed by the Torah, eating it with flatbread prepared without yeast and bitter herbs. Although the ritual of eating lamb is a thing of the distant past, modern Judaism has maintained the tradition of celebrating Passover as a large family celebration, and we still eat... flat cakes prepared without yeast and bitter herbs on Passover. The law requires that adults during the holiday tell children about how G-d led the Jews, led by Moses, from Egypt; from year to year this story is repeated again and again, so that the memory of their liberation never fades among the Jews. This custom has been around for three millennia. Almost every Jewish child who has reached the age of eight knows in every detail the story of the Exodus and understands that it is the story of his people.” This is all about snacks. What about booze? “Matzah is the bread of freedom!” when they ate. There is open talk only about snacks, like “meat with a bone” for Passover. The Jews have a whole science, it is called: “CODES OF THE TORAH.” This science is chewed on by Jewish boys and Jewish girls in all their closed educational institutions. It is taught exclusively by rabbis with gray sidelocks. Every Jewish boy and every Jewish girl knows that the concept of “man” refers only and only to Jews, even before they open the first page of the Torah and Talmud, because without knowing this, it is impossible to initially understand anything in the Torah, not in the Talmud. In all descriptions of sacrifice with a white patch on black there is a refrain: “Human sacrifice is strictly prohibited by the Torah.” But the slaughterhouse and the “knife like a razor” here is that according to the Torah: only the Jew is human, the rest are animals. The maxims with the words “man”, “people”, “people” in the Torah and in the Talmud are only about the “Jew-man”, about the “chosen people”, and a non-Jew, a goy, according to both the Torah and the Talmud, is only an animal, which experts cut in a special way under the supervision of a rabbi or Hasidic rabbi...

“The Rebbe’s names merged with the names of their hometowns, as if these people were counts or dukes: Lubavitch Sky Rebbe, Lublin Rebbe, Berdichev Rebbe, (Krasnoyarsk Rebbe. V.F.) - reports one specialist on Hasidim. “They became the founders of dynasties, and often when the Rebbe died, his position in the community was inherited by a son or son-in-law.” Benjamin Leib Wagner - Rebbe of Krasnoyarsk. Aaron Wagner - Rebbe of Irkutsk... “The seed of a goyim is the seed of cattle...” “Only the Jews deserve to be called people, and the goyim, descended from evil spirits, have the right to be called only pigs.” (Tr., Yalkut ben Sira, 8). “What is “goy”? Literally - cattle. The original meaning is not Jewish." “Your misunderstanding of my words is rooted in the very essence of our differences: we are talking from two different worlds,” one rabbi lectures. - You are from this world and interpret the words of the Torah according to your understanding, but I am from the upper world and interpret the Torah on a different level. In many places, Kabbalists, in particular Baal HaSulam, say that “Where in Kabbalah it is said impossible, it means impossible.” If it is said that a goy cannot bless the Creator, this means that a person is in such a state called “goy” that he is not able to bless Him. And since there cannot be more than two states in the spiritual, i.e. In a true connection, man is the Creator, then if he does not bless, then he curses. It is only in our world that it is possible to be completely out of touch with the Creator, in a state of unconsciousness regarding the spiritual. (A goy is an animal, and an animal has no faith in God - that’s the whole philosophy. V.F.) .)

In Kabbalah, a goy is an uncorrected soul of a person (an animal, and Yehudi, Israel is a corrected soul. In Kabbalah, the concept “impossible” means impossible, due to the lack of spiritual forces, corrections. A goy, due to his uncorrection, is unable to bless the Creator, because he thinks only about your own good. You can study everything that is written and freely sold, because it does not refer to the secret part of the Torah, about which nothing is written anywhere, but refers to the “Taamei Torah”, that part of the Torah that must be revealed to everyone , because only on its study depends the improvement of our condition, elevation to the level of the Creator. Therefore, these books are not secrets and are accessible to everyone. The human soul consists of small desires to give, called “Israel,” and large desires to receive, called “Goyim.” All Kabbalistic sources constantly indicate that goyim and Jews are a division, respectively, into the uncorrected (animal) and corrected parts of the soul. Who is a Jew? And you ask the Creator! After all, you must distinguish at what level you ask: if the question “Who is a Jew?” is given at the animal level, the level of our world, then, as is customary, a Jew is considered to be someone born from a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism (a Jew by meat). If the question is asked on a spiritual level, i.e. who is a Jew by heart, I give a definition not of mine, but of the Book of Zohar, the definition of “Yehudi” from the word “Ihud” - unity with the Creator, a Jew - from the word “Ever”, “because of” - a person who has passed over the Machsom from this world into the spiritual. As they say, the first Jew was Abraham - that’s what those who inhabit Eretz Israel, the spiritual world, called him, because Abraham came from Mesopotamia, from beyond the Machsom, and rose from our world.” “In the Talmudic text about the inadmissibility of marriages between a Jew and a non-Jew, there is a quote from the Book of Genesis when Abraham tells his companions “stay with the donkey.” The Talmudic author adds “because she looks like a donkey.” The Talmud compares all non-Jewish women to donkeys, and marriage with them is bestiality.”

“The Talmudic sage Rabbi Hanna considered the Jews to be a divine people. In his opinion, a goy who hits a Jew must die, since hitting a Jew is tantamount to hitting God. (Treatise Sanhedria 58: b o) “In Tractate Sanhedria (57: a) it is ordered: for the murder of a goyim, a Jew cannot be executed. The head of the yeshiva “Still Joseph Lives” in Nablus, now located in Kirit Arba, is Rabbi Isaac Ginzburg, the author of the book “Baruch HaBever” (“Baruch the Hero” or “The Blessed Man”, since the name Baruch means blessed), blessing the murder of peaceful pilgrims in Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Rabbi Ginsburg teaches: “The goyim have an innate ontological filth in the essence of their being. The people of Israel are the pinnacle of humanity, both in mind and in feelings, and Ishmael (goy) is a people of slaves with the soul of a slave, unbridled and wild.” Ginzburg finds justification for his theories in references to the Torah and Talmud when he states that the murder of a goy and a Jew is not at all the same thing. In the first case, the Torah will not approve of the action, but in the second, it categorically prohibits it.” A researcher of Israeli religious extremism, Professor Savitsky, writes about Hindenburg as a more dangerous person than Kahane, an intellectual, a charismatic personality with many supporters. Similar ideas are common among rabbis and students at other yeshivas, particularly the Temple Yeshiva, which trains priests to serve in the revived Third Jerusalem Temple. There are quite a few supporters of similar views among the messianic part of the Lubavitcher Hasidim.” “I accused Jews of the ritual murder of children from Krasnoyarsk in the article “Live without fear, Jewish!” (Russian Line newspaper, May 12, 2005). M. Nazarov, author of the famous " Letters 500-5000-15000", believes that it is the Jews who are to blame for the "disappearance on April 16, a week before the Passover holiday (April 23), of five non-Jewish children in Krasnoyarsk, where there is a large Jewish community." As the Jewish SOVA Center reports, in proof of its version M Nazarov refers to the Beilis case of 1913, “which clearly revealed the practice of ritual murder by Jews.”

“Beilis Menachem belonged to the same Lubavitcher-Hasidic direction in Judaism, which is now represented by Berl Lazar, who operates with the “support of local oligarchs, the Krasnoyarsk rabbi Wagner and the Jewish governor A. Solonin”... “With such a governor, can one hope for an honest investigation of a crime, if the police already declare its absence and hide all information, as well as about the ritual murders of children in the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region after the Chabad congress was held there? "

To be fair, Peloponnese, after some time, stated that information about the ritual murder was hidden from him (!?) Is it really possible that “Uncle Styopa is a policeman” again? This Sanya Peloponnese is still that ferret. Born in March 1965 under a tea bush in Colombo (Ceylon), dad was not a lawyer - transporting the Soviet trade mission. This tea rose is blue, active, registered: Moscow, st. Krylatskoye Hills, house 47, apt. 60. You're welcome. In 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of International Economics of the Moscow Financial Institute. He studied in group No. 222 together with the future leaders of the In Terros group. “Flapper, you’re going North, or you’re going back to your jeans co-op,” his Catch 222 friends once told him. On the eve of victory, another Khlopushin: “friend, move - I’ll lie down,” the Moscow Rebbe Lazar, on behalf of the rabbinate, came with an inspection of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the entire Western Siberia with a view to further strengthening Jewish power in this territory.

“Lazar met with the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexander Voronin, and held negotiations with him on a wide range of issues relating to the revival and further development of Jewish life in the city and the region,” reports the press service of the Chief Rabbi. - The conversation was attended by Executive Vice President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) Alexander Boroda, Rabbi of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory Benjamin Leib Wagner and Director of the Kras Air aviation company Boris Abramovich. The meeting participants discussed the role of the Jewish community in the life of the city and region, its contribution to improving the economic potential and raising the living standards of the region’s population. Having touched upon the problem of the emergence of various missionary and sectarian organizations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the interlocutors expressed a unanimous opinion that their activities are inadmissible. Having considered the issue of completing the construction of the Jewish Community Center in Krasnoyarsk, the parties agreed that the center would be completed through the joint efforts of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia and local sponsors. In addition, it was decided that the provision of a building for a Jewish secondary school would be dealt with in the near future by a working group, the decision to create which was made at the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Berl Lazar and Alexander Peloponnes emphasized the constructive nature of the dialogue that took place.” The clocks are synchronized: “To work, comrades, to double the GDP!

And how will “the soul calm down?” “The time will soon come when even those (non-Jews) who today celebrate the birthday of a man whose existence I, for example, doubt, and about whom the “early Christians” created a myth, will forget about it and turn to the One Creator of the world. And all religions will disappear into oblivion. Perhaps this will happen very soon, perhaps in a few years, in any case - in 100-200 years, no later... Well, at the end of days everyone will come to the Temple of the Creator, and as the prophet said, the goyim will bring the sons of Israel on their shoulders. After Colonel General Kolesnikov called the deaths of Maxim Talmanov, Safar Aliyev, Glash Sarvangasana, Sasha Lavrinov and Dima Makarov a murder, Khloponin jumped out with a refutation: no, it was not a murder, it was an accident. But when Nazarov clarified that this murder was ritual, no more bastard writes five lambs on the altar. For this reason, the Zionist leaflet “Saturday” begins publications about ritual murders, on which the Vatican allegedly rests. Goy! Eyes from Krasnoyarsk to the Vatican! The killers won't be found.

Rothschild's WORLD JEWISH EMPIRE, apart from Rothschild's false dollars, like any empire, rests on rituals. THE WORLD'S JEWISH EMPIRE has these rituals. And you won’t do anything like you did 100 years ago in a similar case with Beilis. The host of Vitkov Hugos will come running with their “I – ​​I accuse”, of course – the Kolesnikovs, Talmanovs, Aliyevs, Mamedgasanovs, Lavrinovs, Makarovs... There is one more aspect, as they say, in this five-fold ritual murder. “In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, more than a thousand children run away from home every year,” said Alexander Gorovoy, head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Main Internal Affairs Directorate, at an extraordinary meeting of the session of the regional parliament. - We find almost all the children. But there are cases when we cannot find the child, and then criminal cases are initiated. At the moment, four criminal cases have been opened in the region regarding the disappearance of children: in the Yenisei and Kozul regions." And who ate these “lambs” at the ritual table at the festive table? Why did they choose Muslim children together with Orthodox children? Why this time they decided to perform the ritual not in a dark forest, not with “lambs” straying from their mothers and fathers, but defiantly, impudently, in a businesslike manner in the middle of the yard? Of course, this is a demonstration of the strength of the WORLD JEWISH EMPIRE. Of course, this is a signal. The reaction of the JEWISH EMPIRE to the publication has already followed Mikhail Nazarov. The Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, the Holocaust Foundation and the Russian section of the International Society of Human Rights sent a letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Ustinov demanding that a case be opened under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against Mikhail Nazarov, the Jewish News Agency reports. They demand that Nazarov be prosecuted for publishing books and articles with anti-Semitic content over the past 5 years.” The authors of the letter ask the Prosecutor General's Office to analyze Nazarov's book "The Secret of Russia", published in 1999, the article "Fascism from Shulchan Arukh", published in the newspaper "Zavtra" in 2002, and the last article "Living without fear of the Jews." The Beilis case broke out in 1913 year. Exactly one year later - in 1914, the First World War began, which buried the Great Russian Empire in trenches and trenches. What are they signaling today? What have they prepared for Russia in the years 2006 - 2008? It won’t be long to wait. “The time will soon come when ...all religions will go into oblivion... this will happen very soon... Well, at the end of days everyone will come to the Temple of the Creator, and as the prophet said, the goyim will bring the sons of Israel on their shoulders. The dismemberment of “Russia-Pig” will begin not by geography, but by surname: Luzhkov, Khlopotin, Abramovich, Gromov, Prusak, Matvienko, Evdokimov and Lapshin who joined them. The slave kisses the master's whip. General Viktor Filatov. 05/23/2005

In the 20th century, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook wrote that "The difference between the soul of a Jew and the souls of all non-Jews, regardless of their level, is greater and deeper than the difference between the soul of a person and the soul of an animal." Works on Kabbalah contain even more significant distinctions between Jews and non-Jews. Talmud: “Jews stand as high above people as all other people stand above animals.” The largest Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" - Issue June 28, 2005. She openly admits that the penalty for non-Jews studying Torah is DEATH! What is the Torah? This is the Pentateuch of Moses, that is, part of the Christian Bible! The one that Christian children study in Sunday schools. Think about it! There is a lot of talk about the fact that we are a multinational country. According to official UN documents, if the share of one ethnic group in a country exceeds 67%, then it is a mononational state! Fortunately, there are still more than 80% of Russians in Russia.

“For Russia, 15 million people are enough” , said British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. But there are now 145 million of us! Even Adolf Hitler was more “generous” - his “limit” was as many as 25 million Russian slaves, whom he “allowed” to live!
Where should the rest go? What fate awaits me, you, your friends?
Note. The secret of Margaret Thatcher's popularity. She was so pro-Israel that even in thoroughly Jewish England, when she became prime minister, many were afraid that maybe she shouldn’t advertise her connections with Jewish organizations so much, otherwise people would think that she was a crypto-Jew. But these people miscalculated, it turned out that it was this “e” factor that was a huge advantage, and the Iron Lady, even in the USSR, received the most positive image of all possible. This clear example shows that if you come across a positive image of a figure in the “civilized” media, this is a 100% guarantee that he is a pro-Israeli subject. And vice versa, all the enemies of Israel are denigrated and defamed from the top down. /december05.htm

The transnational companies (TNCs) that control the world, owned by Judasonic clans, are planning to “cleanse” the territory of Russia from us in the coming years! Modern “technology” allows this to be done at a rate of approximately a million or two people per year. If they use the experience described in the Old Testament, the Talmud, and the methods used during the “development” of America, then they will be able to cope with this task, reducing the population in a few years even more radically than M. Thatcher planned. In the encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia” in Putin’s speech V.V. At a meeting with members of the Russian Government, the leadership of the Federal Assembly and members of the Presidium of the State Council, he summarized the essence of four national projects. The main one is modern healthcare. “I consider it necessary to pay special attention to the development of primary health care, primary medical care, disease prevention, including vaccination and effective medical examination of the population. We are obliged to significantly reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases, including HIV infection, others, introduce new programs medical examination newborns" see Putin and his team..., RAVINS... /poisk_show.php?&namer_id=enc4_2433&code=all&name=Putin

Healthcare of the family, mothers and newborns, the state program of family planning, fertility - all this is in fact mass propaganda of abortion. According to official statistics: for every five children born in our country, seven children are killed; in European countries, one is killed. Half of Russian women have never been married; in the coming decades, the number of potential mothers will decrease by half, then three times. Low fertility and high mortality lead to population decline, and the size of each subsequent generation decreases. After 2005, a rapid decrease in the number of women of reproductive age began, and this, in turn, will entail a decrease in the size of the Russian population as a whole and, accordingly, childbirth will be even smaller. In this regard, the population of Russia, which has been declining by one million per year since 1992, will continue to decline. These are official statistics from the head of the Center for Demography and Human Ecology of the Institute of National Economic Forecasting, Anatoly Vishnevsky /russia/03mar2005/stat.html Only 6.6% of families in Russia have 3 or more children,

according to the Federal Statistics Service. According to the moderate forecast of the UN population service, population decline by 2025 will exceed 21 million people. Russia's population decline has all the hallmarks of a “demographic shock,” reflecting dramatic changes as a result of an important, system-shattering historical event. This shock is not a temporary shock. Current trends determine what has become the norm in the country. The birth rate fell from 2.19 in 1986-87 to 1.17 in 1999. Can we hope for a reverse process under more favorable political and economic conditions? It is possible, but there are many obstacles to getting healthier. Firstly, the poor health of Russians in general also affects the area of ​​reproductive health, which means that infertility is a more serious problem in Russia than in Western countries. According to recent reports, 13% of married couples in Russia are infertile, almost double the American figure in 1995. Many Russian women consider abortion the most reliable means of contraception. As experts note, up to 20% of women in Russia become infertile after abortions. Add to this the prevalence of curable sexually transmitted diseases. According to official data, in 2001 there were 100 times more cases of syphilis in Russia than in Germany.
Secondly, over the last generation in Russia, ideas about the family have formed that are unfavorable for the emergence of large families. Young people are less likely than before to get married and are more likely to get divorced. In 2001 in Russia, for every four marriages there were three divorces, now there are four. Only education in the fulfillment of religious commandments and principles guarantees large families... Back in the 50s, we could afford the luxury of discussions about what form to introduce religion to children in a secular school. Today it is a question of the survival of the people: either religious education, or there will simply be no one to educate...

Currently, the birth rate in Russia is 1.22 per woman. In 2025 it will be 1.17. For population reproduction in Russia, 2.11 is needed.

Less - the nation dies out and perishes. /article25661.htm Facts about the degeneration of the nation, the acute demographic crisis, infertility, the need for religious education, polygamy in the Russian Federation - .ua/spiritual/degeneration.htm

New medical programs for the health of newborns - the desire to accelerate, for example, within an hour or two, the passage of childbirth. Before the revolution in Russia, births took from eight hours to a day, without speeding up. Nowadays people give birth at an accelerated pace under powerful pumping of hormones and drugs. New combinations - up to forty types of drugs, alcohols, toxic substances. Much more effective than in previous years is programming a tendency toward drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, and lifelong dependence on medications, with a probability of implementation up to 80-90%.

During accelerated labor, parts of the brain are partially destroyed and the spine is deformed. The child's immunity and health are also destroyed by artificial feeding and mass vaccination. Vaccines are prepared on the tissues of the organs of killed children, during abortions in late pregnancy,

the vaccinated person's immunity is destroyed with dangerous post-vaccination complications. Expert doctors (mostly from the management) do not give themselves or their children modern mass vaccinations.

In the United States, new programs for newborns have led to the fact that for every one born, one is killed in the womb; rabbis are en masse circumcising newborn boys with ritual blood sucking from the penis. Our press, which usually filters such information, reported massive lawsuits by parents of children against a rabbi who infected the children with herpes, the source of which was in his mouth. It is also widely known in the USA

about the so-called “children of rabbis” - children begin to age quickly, become freaks and die by

13 years old (progeria). For detailed official medical descriptions, see the file. RAVENS, children, photo - / USA _ IUDA _ K 1. doc

The salvation of a dying nation depends on its selflessspiritual guides,

from the practical conscious fulfillment of spiritual commandments in personal life.

Childbirth without violence!An alternative system of obstetric care and preparation for childbirth by Russian obstetricians. Center"Renaissance". Over 25 years of practice, thousands of healthy children. Cm. , writeradolub@

radolubie . people . ru - spiritual midwifery, lotus birth (magi, priests, and rulers have been born in this way for thousands of years).

What if the masses realize that they are being exterminated en masse and civil resistance begins?

What can we expect in the near future - a bloody turmoil, during which many people will perish?

After all, a “velvet”, in the sense of a bloodless, revolution in Russia is unlikely to happen. Perhaps it will all start with orange tents on the Russian “Maidan”. Or what other color will they come up with for us this time? Everything is the same - it will be, like in 1917, bloody. What happens next is even more terrible: people will begin to die in the tens of millions. (See the book The Idea of ​​Survival in the Power section)
The Russians are trying to intensify the activities of law enforcement and tax authorities to search for and return funds illegally taken out of the country by international transnational capital. The amounts are astronomical – trillions of dollars. The export of capital is at the same time tax evasion. The scheme is simple: a one-day company is created, they sell it oil, metal, raw materials ten times cheaper than the market value, then this company resells the goods to the West and disappears after three months. And so hundreds of billions of rubles are constantly being wasted. Meetings were held with the participation of foreign experts and officials from relevant departments. So far not a single ruble has been returned. And we have a catastrophic lack of investment - five times less than it was before the reforms, three times less than what is needed for simple reproduction of economic potential. At the current level of investment, in three years we will lose a quarter of our production capacity, and in eight years our economy will be halved. Chief Advisor to the President Illarionov says that the more we export, the better off Russia will be.

Different conclusions were drawn from this. One of them is a lack of authority; the Constitution needs to be changed, expanding the list of rights. But it is not the powers that need to be raised, but the responsibility. The flaw of our system of government is that there are great powers, but no responsibility. People's electricity is turned off, their gas is turned off, they are freezing, dying on operating tables, and the government is again following Chubais' lead, pushing through his plan for restructuring RAO UES.

In two years, the time will come for large payments on external loans. It is possible that the situation on the commodity market will change not in our favor, and then energy troubles will seem like an innocent “joke”. There is still an opportunity to pull Russia out of the periphery of the world market, where it remains as a raw material appendage and semi-colony. There may not be another moment. In two to three years, the country’s potential will shrink by another quarter, and this is an irreversible process. Decisions must be made today. Or better yet, yesterday...

children... Biography. http:/ ... video ... idiot ... use ... rus/doc/0012/001a/00120196. htm ... RU.0001.01BI00.” In this document ... photo ... download ... video materials ... ritual ... North ... Radulova ...

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