Three variations on the theme: "Chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles." Cook together! How to make delicious mushroom soup with chicken broth

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Regular chicken soup is prepared lightly, in a clear broth, with a small amount of vegetables. It is good in such a simple form, but if you add small pasta and fried mushrooms to it, the soup takes on a completely different taste.

Chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles, the recipe with photo of which we offer, turns out thick and satisfying. As a rule, it is these types of combined dishes that become favorites.

You can add any vegetables of your choice to this soup. It can be either fresh seasonal or frozen mixture; there is no difference in preparation. The only thing you need to take into account is that frozen vegetables cook faster, and you need to be careful not to overcook them. Add any pasta to chicken soup; you can add not only vermicelli, but also homemade noodles or not very large horns. Well, the mushrooms will be the most common ones - champignons, they are available all year round and are relatively inexpensive. In addition, these mushrooms cook very quickly. By the way, let us remind you that last time we prepared.


  • chicken breast – 400-450 g;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • onion (for broth) – 1 piece;
  • celery stalks – 5-6 pcs (in broth);
  • carrots – 1 small;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs;
  • onions - 1 small onion (for frying);
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh champignons – 7-10 pieces (small);
  • fine paste - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • finely chopped dill greens - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

We will cook the chicken breast whole, without separating it from the bone, so that the broth turns out rich and the meat is juicy. Fill with cold water. We wait until it starts boiling and immediately reduce the heat to minimum. Using a slotted spoon, collect the foam two or three times.

For taste and color, add unpeeled onion and celery stalks to the broth. Be sure to rinse the onion with hot water, trim the root collar, and clean the bottom of any remaining roots. Let it boil again, add salt to taste. Turn down the heat so that the boil is low and leave to simmer, loosely covering with a lid.

In 40-45 minutes the breast will be ready. Strain the broth. We select the meat, throw away the onion and celery.

Place the broth on low heat, and while it is boiling, wash and chop the vegetables for the soup. Chop the carrots into thin strips and chop the onion into small cubes.

Cut the potatoes into strips, not very finely. Cut the champignons into slices. Leave small mushrooms whole or cut in half.

Place the potato strips into the boiling broth. Cook at a gentle simmer for ten minutes.

While the potatoes are cooking, let's fry the vegetables. As soon as the broth with potatoes boils, pour oil into the frying pan and pour in the onion cubes. After two to three minutes, add the carrots and simmer over low heat for about five minutes.

We spread the mushrooms. Mix with vegetables, increase the heat slightly to evaporate the mushroom juice. Lightly fry the champignons or leave them light – a matter of taste.

Transfer the vegetables and mushrooms to the broth and stir. Let it boil again, taste for salt, and add more salt if necessary.

Immediately after boiling, add vermicelli to the chicken soup (in our case, we added small horns). Stir so that the pasta does not collect on the bottom and cook the soup for 5-6 minutes until the pasta is half cooked.

Turn off the fire. Pour finely chopped dill into the soup, cover and let it brew. While the soup is infusing, the fine paste will be ready and become soft.

Cut the chicken into pieces or separate it into fibers and add it to soup or plates. Pour in thick, delicious soup and serve. Bon appetit!

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Mushroom noodles with chicken is a very tasty first course, suitable for a warm family dinner, when everyone in the household gathers at one table. They will definitely like it, they will even ask for more. Try it, you won’t regret it! Write down the recipe for mushroom noodles with chicken and vegetables soon!


  • chicken meat – 1 kg;
  • champignons – 200 gr.;
  • onion (medium) – 2 heads;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • celery - petiole;
  • parsley root – 1-2 pcs.;
  • dill, parsley - a small bunch;
  • ghee – 3-4 t.l.;
  • peppercorns – 5-10 gr.;
  • ground allspice – 5 gr.;
  • salt - to taste.
  • for noodles: wheat flour – 300 gr.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

How to cook noodles with mushrooms and chicken:

Preparing chicken broth for mushroom noodles
Wash the chicken meat under running water, place in a small saucepan, add filtered water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, drain the liquid, add fresh liquid and boil again. Turn the heat down and cook until done.

Peel one onion and carrot from all excess, finely chop or grate. Grate the celery and parsley root on a coarse grater. Place all processed vegetables along with peppercorns into boiling meat broth. When ready, strain the chicken broth and cut the chicken meat into small pieces.

Preparing vegetable dressing for chicken noodles with mushrooms
Peel the remaining onions and carrots and cut into medium cubes. Wipe the champignons with a napkin and cut into thin slices.

You can use any mushrooms to make noodles. Noodles with porcini mushrooms are very aromatic. And if you don’t have fresh ones on hand, you can cook mushroom noodles from frozen or dried mushrooms. It will be very tasty!

Heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, add the onion, slightly reduce the frying temperature and cook for about 5 minutes. Then add carrots and fry the same amount.
Place the prepared vegetables on a plate, add a little oil to the frying pan and place the mushroom plates. Fry for no more than 10 minutes. Add the onions and carrots, simmer a little and transfer to the meat broth. Place the latter on the stove, turning on low heat.

Preparing homemade noodles for soup

To prepare real homemade noodles for soup at home, you need to combine pre-sifted flour with salt, fold it into a “slide,” and make a depression in the middle. Pour in the egg and add a little purified water. Knead the dough. Cover with a clean towel and let it sit for half an hour.
Roll out the dough for homemade noodles well, cut into strips 5 cm long. Place on the kitchen table and let dry. Boil water, add salt, add homemade product and boil for no more than 3 minutes. Transfer to a colander.

Rinse the greens thoroughly under water and chop. Place homemade noodles along with chopped chicken and fried vegetables into meat broth, bring the mushroom soup to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Before serving, add herbs, pepper and salt to the mushroom noodles with chicken at your discretion.

Now you know that the recipe for mushroom noodles with chicken is very simple and easy to prepare. Prepare this delicious hearty soup for your home.

Watch the video: mushroom noodles from frozen mushrooms in a slow cooker in 30 minutes


Mushroom dishes occupy a place of honor in the national cuisines of many peoples around the world. They love mushrooms for their nutritional value, easily recognizable taste and great aroma. In this article we will present several options for preparing delicious, satisfying and rich chicken soup with mushrooms and vermicelli, using recipes from Russian, Polish and even Chinese national cuisines. Let's cook!

Chicken soup with mushrooms in Polish

Polish cuisine is similar to Russian and Ukrainian: baked goods and porridges, hearty second and first courses are prepared using technologies that are close to our hearts and, let’s be honest, our stomachs. Any meal in Poland begins with a rich, aromatic soup. In addition to the traditional czernina, holodnik and żurek, Poles especially respect soups with wild mushrooms. The range of the latter can vary greatly depending on the time of year and the preferences of the cook. In autumn, local seasonal mushrooms are used - chanterelles, boletus, russula or noble white mushrooms. In winter, they are successfully replaced with widely available champignons and oyster mushrooms, or dried preparations are used.

Let's get acquainted with Polish cuisine and learn how to cook one of its dishes - chicken soup with noodles and mushrooms. You will definitely like the recipe!

Ingredients required for the dish

Chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles in Polish is prepared quickly, simply and turns out extremely tasty and rich. For its preparation will require the following components:

  • 500 g mushrooms;
  • 600 g chicken meat (fillet is possible);
  • small caliber vermicelli - 2 or 3 tbsp. l.;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • two good heads of onions;
  • tomato paste - 6 tbsp. l. or 2-3 fresh tomatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper, bay leaf;
  • favorite greens - parsley, dill, etc.

Technology for preparing chicken soup with mushrooms in Polish

Let's take care of the chicken meat first. Wash it well and place it in a pan with cold water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, cook for 45 minutes, adding bay leaf, salt and pepper. If the chicken is not homemade, we recommend using a second broth for the soup, and draining the first one after boiling.

While the chicken is cooking over low heat, let's start with the vegetables. We clean and wash the onions and carrots. Chop the vegetables into cubes. We inspect the mushrooms, sort them and wash them thoroughly. We cut them into not too thin slices.

Attention! If you plan to use dried mushrooms, you must first soak them in cold water to swell.

In a separate frying pan, fry the onions and carrots in a small amount of vegetable (or butter). Add tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, previously peeled and grated, to the vegetables.

Meanwhile, the chicken meat was cooked. Take it out of the pan. Add sautéed vegetables and mushrooms to the broth. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces and place it in the pan. Let the broth simmer for 10 minutes.

It's time for vermicelli. Add it to the broth and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Taste the soup for salt and add if necessary. Let the chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles brew for 20 minutes. At this time, chop the greens. Serve hot, sprinkled generously with herbs. Bon appetit!

Mushroom soup according to a Russian cuisine recipe for your table

Since ancient times, both fresh and dried mushrooms have been loved and widely used in many dishes of Russian cuisine. They were used with porridge, game, poultry and, of course, added to cabbage soup, vegetable soups and even flavored fish soup with them! Mushrooms gave any, even the most ordinary dish, a delicious taste and unsurpassed aroma.

Let's try to cook chicken soup with mushrooms, potatoes and vermicelli according to one of the most common recipes in Russian cuisine.

Required Ingredients

To prepare an excellent aromatic soup you will need the following products:

  • fresh forest mushrooms (boletus, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms) - 600 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • chicken meat - 500 g;
  • small vermicelli - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 70 g.

Also, don’t forget about bay leaf, salt and your favorite seasonings. Although without the latter, chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles turns out very rich and aromatic. Before serving, we will flavor the finished dish with sour cream and fresh herbs. So don’t forget about parsley, dill and fermented milk products!

Method for preparing mushroom soup

Wash the chicken and place in a container with cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam. Add bay leaf and salt to the boiling broth. Leave on low heat for 40 minutes.

Wash the mushrooms and inspect them for stains and damage. We don’t use bad mushrooms for food! We cut good specimens lengthwise, coarsely, so that the shape of the mushroom is clearly visible in the finished dish.

We prepare potatoes, onions, carrots - wash, peel, and cut not very finely. Melt butter in a frying container. We first place the onions in it, then the carrots and mushrooms. Fry until beautiful golden brown.

Remove the poultry meat from the finished broth. Let it cool a little and cut into cubes. Add potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms to the broth. We also add chicken meat there and a couple of minutes before it’s ready - a small amount of vermicelli.

Let it brew a little, generously season with herbs and sour cream. What a tasty and aromatic chicken soup we made! The photo, unfortunately, does not convey this incomparable “forest” smell, but take my word for it: it is incomparable! This soup is definitely worth making and pampering your household.

Original Chinese recipe: chicken soup with shiitake mushrooms

Gourmets and lovers of Asian dishes will definitely love this interesting recipe for delicious chicken noodle soup with mushrooms.

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • chicken thighs - 400 g;
  • dried shiitakes - 4 pcs;
  • Udon noodles - 100 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc;
  • ginger root;
  • 50 ml soy sauce;
  • lemon;
  • salt;
  • green onions.

Techniques for making Chinese mushroom soup

We cut up the chicken thighs, separate the meat from the bones and chop coarsely. Boil the bones in one and a half liters of water. Strain the finished broth and remove the bones.

Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms for half an hour in warm water, then remove the remaining tight stems and cut into strips. Fry the chicken meat over medium heat in a small amount of oil. Add shiitake, chopped garlic, ginger root, and a small amount of chili pepper to the pan. Simmer for 5 minutes, add soy sauce.

Boil the Udon noodles for 4-5 minutes, rinse with water, and place on individual deep plates. Add the meat fried with mushrooms and hot broth. Season with lemon juice and garnish with green onions. Bon appetit!

With mushrooms, which they will certainly appreciate. The dish is not only aromatic and tasty, but also very healthy. It does not require much time or ingredients to prepare it. We offer several variations of this first dish.

Chicken soup with mushrooms (classic recipe)


  • medium carrot;
  • one onion;
  • chicken legs - 3 pieces;
  • 400 g porcini mushrooms;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • favorite spices.

Chicken soup with porcini mushrooms is prepared as follows:

1. Fill a deep pan halfway with water. Defrost the legs and divide them into several parts. Put it in a saucepan. Cook the meat until it is completely cooked. This will take approximately 40 minutes.

2. While the meat is cooking, let's process the vegetables. We clean and wash the mushrooms. If these are champignons, then chop them finely and fry them. If you bought mushrooms of a different type, boil them whole in a separate pan.

3. Peel the carrots and then grate them. Remove the skins from the onion. Cut the pulp into cubes. Place the chopped vegetables in a frying pan for further frying. Simmer for several minutes. At the very end, add salt and pepper.

4. Peel the potatoes, rinse with water and cut into cubes. Place in a saucepan with broth. We take out the meat and chop it. Cook the soup until the potatoes are ready.

5. Mushroom frying should be added to the broth 10 minutes before the end of the process. After this, mix the ingredients. Before serving, the dish should sit for 15-20 minutes. Pour the soup into bowls. In each of them we put pieces of chicken meat and chopped herbs.

Chicken noodle soup with mushrooms

Product set:

  • medium bulb;
  • parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • 150 g champignons;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 0.5 kg chicken;
  • one carrot;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pieces;
  • one chicken egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • spices.

Practical part:

1. Rinse the chicken. Place it whole in a deep saucepan and boil until tender. Then we take the meat out of the broth. Remove the seeds. Cut the resulting fillet into cubes. Strain the broth.

2. Peel the vegetables. Cut celery and carrots into strips. And you can simply chop the onion. Place all these ingredients in a frying pan and fry, adding a little oil.

3. Clean, wash and chop the mushrooms.

4. Place the pan with broth on the stove. We wait for the liquid to begin to boil. Now turn down the heat and add the following ingredients: mushrooms, frying, peppercorns and spices. We time it for 10 minutes.

5. Sift the flour using a sieve. Place in a mound on a cutting board. We make a small depression in the middle. Beat an egg into it. Add water and a little salt. Knead the stiff dough. Immediately roll it out and make small noodles.

6. Add tomato paste, pieces of chicken meat and chopped garlic to the broth. We also send the noodles we prepare there. Salt and pepper. We time it for 10 minutes. Chicken soup with mushrooms is served hot. Pour into plates, garnish with chopped herbs.

Multicooker recipe

Grocery list:

  • medium bulb;
  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • 0.5 kg chicken breast;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • one carrot;
  • toast;
  • processed cheese - 2 pieces;
  • spices.

Recipe for chicken soup with mushrooms in a slow cooker:

1. Lay out the necessary products on the table. Let's start by processing the chicken. We wash it with water and cut it into pieces.

2. Peel the vegetables. Grate the carrots. Chop the potatoes (preferably into cubes). And we just chop the onion.

3. Mushrooms deserve special attention. They must be thoroughly washed and debris removed. Cut the mushrooms into slices.

4. Place chicken meat and chopped vegetables into the multicooker bowl.

5. Pour in 2 liters of boiled water. Salt. Close the lid. We launch the “Extinguishing” mode. Set the timer for 1 hour.

6. After the beep sounds, you need to open the lid and add finely chopped processed cheese to the broth. The soup should sit for 20 minutes. During this time the cheese will melt.

7. Add chopped herbs to the broth. Now you can pour the dish into portioned plates. This soup is served with croutons or croutons. Sour cream or tomato sauce is suitable as a dressing.

Cream soup with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

  • 400 g potatoes;
  • one onion;
  • 400 g mushrooms;
  • 300 ml cream;
  • chicken legs - 2 pieces.


1. Wash the legs, divide into parts and fry in a frying pan, adding oil. We constantly turn the pieces over to one side or the other. Then pour in a little water and simmer the meat for 30-40 minutes.

2. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into cubes.

3. Now let's take care of the mushrooms. We wash and clean them. Transfer to a frying pan. Add chopped potatoes. Pour boiling water over it. The water should cover the mushrooms and potatoes. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

4. Carefully pour the broth from the potatoes and mushrooms into a bowl. Take the meat out of the pan. And pour the broth into a bowl with potato broth.

5. Remove the peel from the onion. Cut the pulp into cubes and then fry until golden brown.

6. Separate the meat from the bones. We tear it into fibers with our hands. Place mushrooms, potatoes, pieces of chicken and onions into a blender for grinding.

7. Pour the broth into the pan again. We spread the resulting mass. Add cream. We are waiting for the boiling point. As soon as this happens, turn off the heat and salt the soup. You can pour it into plates and treat your household.

Don't know what first course to cook for lunch? Cook vermicelli soup with chicken. It is filling and very tasty. In addition, preparing it is quite simple, and the necessary products can always be found in the refrigerator. Let's look at several proven recipes for the perfect soup.

Principles of preparing the first course

Nutritionists advise including light first courses in your diet, which contribute to the smooth functioning of the digestive tract. One of these dishes is vermicelli soup with chicken. Its calorie content is quite low and ranges from 40-85 Kcal, depending on what ingredients are added to it. By the way, this soup is recommended for people who have undergone surgery, as well as for patients with gastritis and ulcers.

Experienced housewives are happy to share with us tips on how to prepare noodle soup with chicken:

  • For broth, you can use any part of the bird: breast, thighs, wings, etc. You can also easily purchase a ready-made soup kit.
  • Chicken meat harmoniously combines taste with almost any ingredients. So, you can safely add mushrooms, any canned food, including fish, canned peas, corn and even beans to this soup.
  • Soup with chicken and noodles will acquire a unique delicate taste if you add melted cheese to it at the end of cooking.
  • Among vegetables, you can add carrots and onions to the soup, which must first be sautéed, as well as bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. It is better to cut vegetables finely.
  • Chicken soup with pasta should be cooked on the lowest burner level with the lid closed.
  • All products are added to the first course one by one. Vermicelli should be added at the very end so that the soup does not turn into porridge.
  • Add the spice mixture, salt and herbs 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • To make the broth beautiful and transparent, when cooking meat you need to put a whole onion and carrots in the pan, which are then removed.
  • Pasta should be added in small quantities, as it will boil too much. Choose the highest grade vermicelli.
  • To make the soup aromatic, first fry the vermicelli in a frying pan without adding oil.
  • If you cook noodle soup with chicken in a slow cooker, you must first sauté the vegetables in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode.

Classic recipe

How to cook noodle soup with chicken quickly and tasty? Nothing could be easier! We offer you a classic recipe for its preparation. Vegetables can be sautéed first, but we will cook a dietary soup that can be given to small children.


  • 0.5 kg chicken meat;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 100 g thin vermicelli;
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water;
  • greenery;


  1. We wash the chicken meat. You can use wings or thighs. Place the meat in a saucepan and pour in filtered water.
  2. Let the broth simmer, lightly salting the water and adding bay leaves. The whole process will take about 40 minutes. The main thing is to remove the resulting foam.
  3. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes.
  4. Peel and chop the carrots using a large-caliber grater.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

  6. Remove the finished chicken meat from the pan and chop it, separating it from the bone if necessary.
  7. Strain the broth and put it back on the fire. Place the vegetables in the pan and cook the soup for 15 minutes.
  8. Salt and season the dish with a mixture of peppers. Add the vermicelli and cook the soup until it is ready.
  9. Add meat and chopped herbs to the soup and after a minute turn off the burner.
  10. Chicken soup with mushroom notes

    Let's diversify the taste of your favorite soup by adding mushrooms and spinach. This chicken noodle soup recipe is easy to make and the results are simply amazing. By the way, we won’t add potatoes, but if you wish, you can make soup with root vegetables.


  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • 50 g thin vermicelli;
  • 300 g fresh mushrooms;
  • spinach to taste;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • spice mixture and table salt.


  1. Cook the soup for 2-3 minutes, taste it and add a little salt if necessary.

Cooking soup with tomatoes and vermicelli

You can cook not only tasty, but also colorful, beautiful soup if you add tomatoes to it. This first course will certainly not leave anyone indifferent.


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 g thin vermicelli;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • bulb;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • greenery;
  • a mixture of peppers and table salt.


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