Jamon: what is it? How is jamon traditionally prepared, and can it be prepared at home? What is jamon

Humanity's culinary preferences sometimes reach the most unimaginable heights. True gourmets are willing to pay huge amounts of money and even fly to other continents to try the most exquisite tastes of incredible dishes. The chefs work hard; it may take more than a year to prepare this or that dish, but it will certainly be worth it.

Almost every country can boast of something special. Some people have the best coffee, while others have mastered winemaking or cheese making. For example, in China they prepare the most delicious Peking duck, in Japan - sushi, and in Italy - the most tender Parma ham. But what is Spain famous for, for example? Any gourmet (or just a tourist) will tell you that the most delicious dish in the Spanish kingdom is jamon. What it is?

In the best traditions

Any Spaniard has been familiar with jamon since childhood. This dish decorates not only holiday tables, but also often appears on everyday tables. The difference is in price; the cost of such a treat depends on the type of jamon. Expensive varieties with excellent aging decorate ceremonial feasts - they are treated to invited guests. And those that are cheaper appear in homes as often as our chops. It is considered good manners to present the owner of the house as a gift with an exquisite delicacy - jamon. What is it and what is it eaten with?

His Majesty - jamon

Jamon is a dried ham prepared using a special technology from marbled meat of an Iberian pig. It has a rich red color and aroma. Each piece of ham literally melts in your mouth thanks to the special cooking method. It is not surprising that this delicacy has gained recognition in all corners of the world.

Jamon is prepared at home or on specialized farms. This type of business is often family-owned, and knowledge and practice are kept in the strictest confidence. At first glance, it seems that there are no particular difficulties in preparing dried meat. So why is jamon so famous, what is it really, and what is its special feature? Let's get curious.


A delicacy is prepared from the hind leg of a pig. In principle, the technology for preparing all its varieties is the same. The only difference is the raw materials from which the jamon will be prepared. The ham recipe called Jamón serrano involves using meat from regular pigs. These treats are affordable and often appear as everyday snacks.

But Jamón ibérico is a completely different variety; it is the most valuable jamon. The recipe for preparing such a delicacy requires using only the ham of Iberian pigs. These pigs are distinguished by their pedigree, black skin, hair and hooves. Their living conditions are truly royal. They live free-range, graze almost all their free time and feed on nothing but acorns. It is from their meat that the famous jamon is prepared. It is very difficult to raise such a pig at home. Thanks to their pedigree, their special type of maintenance and feeding, the meat acquires marbling and a taste reminiscent of beef. This is the main secret of jamon.


Jamon is prepared only from the hind leg of pork. It is first prepared - a certain amount of fat is cut off, but in such a way that the meat can be well salted and not dry out in the future. After the ham is salted. Experts in this regard also have several secrets of proper salting, but they are kept in the strictest confidence. After all, jamon is a dish with worldwide popularity.

After salting, the legs are sent to dry in a ventilated cellar, tied to the ceiling by the hoof. At the same time, temperature and humidity conditions are strictly observed. If everything is done correctly, after a while a fungus appears on the meat. He also takes an active part in the ripening of the delicacy. Periodically, the excess is washed off and the future jamon is dried again. The recipe for this delicacy is by no means quick. Everything will take at least a year, all processes must be carefully followed. The readiness of the jamon is determined by a specially trained person - a maestro-bodeguero. The degree of readiness corresponds to the aging period; the meat should acquire a certain aroma of jamon. When the hams are ready, they are put up for sale.

Spanish delicacy

This kind of meat is not produced in our region, but ready-made jamon is sometimes brought to supermarkets from Spain. How to cook such a dish yourself, and is it possible? It must be said that you won’t be able to cook real Iberian jamon, if only because you won’t find the meat of a black pig raised on free grain and fed on acorns here. But you can dry a pork ham the Serrano style.

Homemade jamon

You will need a pork leg (hind) weighing 5 kg, a large container in which this leg can fit, and coarse sea salt. You need a lot of it, about 10-20 kilos. In general, as much as is needed to completely cover the ham with salt.

Now you should cut off the skin and some of the excess fat. This is purely individual; each ham may have a different amount of fat, as well as meat. The thickness should be a finger or two. Then thoroughly rub the meat with salt on all sides. Pour some salt into the prepared container. Place your leg in it and sprinkle a layer of salt on top. It will stay like this for about 2 weeks. Afterwards, the legs need to be removed and washed.

The meat should be dried by hanging it up with the hoof. You need to use a well-ventilated, dark room, ideally an attic. The jamon will mature for 6 months to a year. This is purely individual and depends on the room temperature, humidity and the ham itself. The finished jamon should be placed in the basement; it can be safely stored for up to 3 years. Although, most likely, it will be eaten much earlier.

This meat is called exactly that - jamon. You already know what it is, but it’s up to you to cook it yourself or, perhaps, it’s better to buy it in a store. The only thing you can be sure of is that jamon will certainly captivate you with its exquisite taste forever, because it’s not for nothing that it is so popular all over the world!

If it occurs to someone to make a list of the most famous delicacies in the world, then Spanish jamon will almost certainly be in the top ten. Dried Spanish ham of a black Iberian pig, with an intriguing aroma, a powerful taste, thin veins of quickly melting fat, similar in composition to olive oil - its worldwide fame is well deserved. And that’s why I answer the Spaniards’ questions evasively.

— How much do they love jamon in Russia? - they ask me a question.
“In fact, many people haven’t heard of it at all,” I answer cautiously, and seeing my interlocutor’s eyes widening in horror, I hasten to add: “This is probably due to the fact that it’s not easy to find good quality jamon for a reasonable price here.”
- How much does one leg cost you? — the Spaniard, who has already come to his senses a little, asks.

Well, how does he, a Spaniard, know that we practically don’t sell jamon by the “legs”, and if they do sell it, they almost never buy it? Among the Spaniards who try jamon for the first time in early childhood, there are many such lovers that they eat it two or three times a week, or even more often. It would seem that each of them knows everything about jamon! But in reality the situation turns out to be somewhat different: the production of jamon is a technologically complex and expensive process, full of carefully guarded secrets. I was very lucky: at the invitation of the Cinco Jotas brand, I went to a farm where pigs are bred for the best jamón ibérico bellota according to the Spanish classification, and saw with my own eyes thousands of hams that mature in the company’s cellars.

And since we are talking about classification, it’s worth starting with it.

Ham classification

Strictly speaking, the word jamón simply translates to “ham” in Spanish, so don’t be surprised if you see a familiar word on packages of cooked ham. However, the word “jamon” all over the world means primarily it - a delicious dry-cured ham, which is cut into the thinnest, translucent slices. Being a gastronomic treasure of Spain, jamon is protected by origin and has a strict classification that allows you to clearly separate the varieties of jamon.

Black Iberian pig, the meat from which produces real jamón ibérico

The two main types of jamon are − jamon serrano And jamon ibérico.

The first is made from the ham of white pigs fed on mixed feed, and is an inexpensive delicacy for every day. According to traditional technology, they tried to build the premises where the jamon was cured on elevations, which explains the name - serrano translates as “mountain”. Other words may appear in the name of serrano jamon, such as curado, reserve or extra, but since their use is not regulated in any way, their presence (or absence) means nothing.

Jamon in the cellars of Cinco Jotas

Jamón ibérico is a more expensive type of jamon made from the ham of black Iberian pigs. Keeping and raising such pigs is time-consuming and expensive, which is why Iberico jamon is valued much higher than Serrano jamon. In turn, Iberico jamon is divided into the following varieties:

  • jamon ibérico de bellota- the best of the jamons, which is made exclusively from the hams of free-range Iberian pigs that ate only acorns;
  • jamon ibérico de recebo— jamon from the meat of free-grazing Iberian pigs, whose diet was mixed — acorns and grains;
  • jamon ibérico de cebo- jamon made from the meat of Iberian pigs, which were fed with natural food.

Ibérico jamón production accounts for less than 10% of the total jamón produced in Spain, and is what is sold in gourmet food stores, given as gifts, and eaten on holidays.

All of the above fully applies to ham made from the front legs of pigs - paleta - but don’t even try to call paleta jamon in the presence of a Spaniard: it has a different taste, texture, aroma, and in general: paleta is not jamon!

Pigs live in oak groves, where they indulge in gluttony almost 24 hours a day.


As we have already seen, the breed of pig is a key factor in the production of quality jamon. For Jamón Serrano, which is produced from local breeds of white pigs that are inexpensive and unpretentious, the pedigree of the animals is not that important.

Jamon Iberico is a completely different matter. The law sets a minimum threshold - the breed of pigs from which Iberico jamon is produced must contain at least 75% of the genes of the black Iberian pig, but the producers of the best jamon (including Cinco Jotas) make jamon only from purebred pigs. In this case, a record of the pedigree of each animal is kept, no worse than that of breeders of purebred dogs or cats, and by using a special tag on the ham you can always recognize the parents and the entire history of the family that gave the world such a worthy offspring.

When you get tired of eating, you can sleep

Thus, the production of Jamón Ibérico begins at the animal breeding stage. The actual birth and first days of the little piglets take place on the territory of the manufacturing company and under the control of its specialists - all this in order to be completely confident in the origin of the product.

Why is the Iberian breed so good? Because black Iberian pigs are very special animals. As mentioned above, their cultivation requires more time and attention and is much more expensive than in the case of other breeds of pigs aimed at intensive livestock farming - however, the meat that these semi-wild pigs produce does not at all resemble ordinary pork. The meat of the black Iberian pig is not pink, but a rich, dark red color with pronounced marbling and a very strong meaty taste that does not resemble pork, but rather a steak from the best beef. Salting and drying the ham helps these qualities to reveal themselves even more, but, believe me, this is clearly noticeable in dishes made from fresh pork.

From the meat of the black Iberian pig you can make not only jamon, but also ordinary - very tasty - dishes

After the piglets become stronger, they are handed over to farmers who can provide them with a decent and happy life in accordance with the norms regulated by law. Several more years will pass before jamon hits the shelves...

Lately, the word “jamon” can be heard more and more often from the lips of the modern man in the street. What is it and what is it eaten with? Jamon is the national Spanish dish, an exquisite delicacy that has gained worldwide fame, primarily due to its bright taste. But few people know that in his homeland, Spain, he is appreciated not only for this. Jamon is also a dietary product, and its composition is a set of things necessary for life support, which makes it not only tasty, but also healthy. Even the Nobel laureate, the famous Spanish doctor Gregorio Marañon, called jamon a medicine for its nutritional value and easily digestible properties.

A little history

The history of this dish goes back more than two thousand years. Naturally, it is overgrown with legends and traditions. This exquisite delicacy was served to the table of great emperors and served as a mandatory diet for Roman legionnaires and Spanish soldiers. The recipes that existed in those days have reached us completely intact even now. When you eat jamon, you can rightfully consider that you have attended an imperial dinner party.

Some experts claim that jamon appeared in those days when they began to be used extensively for winter preparations and long-term storage of food. Salted meat was often the only salvation for many in times of famine.

Others tell a legend about how they caught a drowning pig in the river. This eccentric could not get out of the water for a long time. The river originated in salt deposits, and the pig, wallowing in its waters, became thoroughly saturated with salt. Allegedly, it was then that they tasted salted food for the first time.

It was only in the 18th century that mass exports of dry-cured pork to different countries began. And I liked it so much that it is still very popular all over the world.

Description and varieties of jamon

Essentially, jamon is a dry-cured pork ham. But such recipes exist among many nations, why did the Spanish version become world famous? It turns out that it’s not just about the correct cooking technology. An important role is played by the breed of pigs from which it is made and the individual environmental conditions of their cultivation. Often the taste of jamon is affected by their feeding on acorns from Spanish cork oak trees. There is practically no grass on the pastures where they are fed, but there are plenty of acorns there. To prevent pigs from damaging tree roots, their snouts are pierced, making the digging process almost impossible.

The rear leg of pork is usually called jamon, while the front leg is called paleta or delantero. However, outside of Spain, the common name “jamon” has firmly stuck to them. Dried pork shoulder also has its own name - lomo.

There are two main types of jamon:

  • Serrano – made from white pig meat;
  • Iberico or Pata Negra (black leg) - black pig meat is used for its preparation.

Iberico is considered the best variety of jamon. The pigs from which it is prepared have a black hoof, hence their name. In turn, this jamon can also be divided into two varieties, which differ in the principles of feeding and diet:

  • bellota - pigs fed exclusively on acorns are used for cooking;
  • de cebo - pigs to prepare this ham are fed both acorns and fodder.

Jamon is produced in almost all of Spain, except the coast. Each province has its own quality standards, which guarantee that natural jamon is produced here and that all traditions and rules are observed when preparing it. Each jamon, like elite brands of Spanish wines, has a tag, the so-called quality mark - Denominacion de Origen. It contains all the main characteristics of jamon:

  • provinces;
  • pasture;
  • pig number;
  • weight of the ham before salting;
  • salting start date;
  • deadline for sending to the camera;
  • exposure duration.

Several of these quality marks can be distinguished: cecina de León, guijuelo, jamón de Teruel, dehesa de Extremadura, jamón de Huelva, jamón de Trevélez.

Cooking process

The process of preparing elite, high-quality jamon begins with proper and high-quality fattening of pigs. For this, a special diet is used, thanks to which they gain a certain weight. Pigs are released onto pasture during the ripening period of acorns - from approximately mid-October to mid-February. It is recommended not to crowd the animals - no more than fifteen are allowed per hectare. To obtain elite jamon, such pigs must be slaughtered before the end of March.

Cutting a pork carcass is also a kind of art. The ham must have its classic shape. Also, a tuft of wool is specially left on it, as evidence that it is made from a black pig of the Iberian breed.

The very first and most important step in its production is salting. To do this, sprinkle it thoroughly with salt to remove excess salt. The time allotted for this process depends on many factors: the weight of the ham, the climate and others. On average, it takes about one day per kilogram of jamon. After this, the excess salt is washed away, and the meat is sent to rooms with a low temperature and stable humidity for drying.

It is best to start the drying process in winter or early spring, as it is characterized by a slow and gradual increase in temperature. This process lasts from six months to three years, depending on weather conditions, geographic location and weight of the delicacy.

After drying, the jamon is moved to the lower floors in special cellars, where it undergoes the ripening process. It is hung and left for the period necessary for ripening. It is determined for each “leg” separately, depending on its weight and quality. Thanks to the specific microclimate in the cellars, jamon acquires its unique taste and exquisite aroma.

To determine the readiness of the meat, it is pierced in three parts with a thin and long needle. It is by the aroma emanating from the jamon that the completion of the drying process is determined.

Jamonera and cortadora

Ham is usually consumed cut into thin slices. Cutting it is a whole art, and specially trained people do it. For the process, a stand of the required length is used, which is called a hamonera. It should only be cut manually using this stand and a special knife, since mechanical cutting can ruin the taste of the jamon.

Hamoners are mainly made of wood, about 50 cm long and about 20 cm wide. There is a screw on the bracket that serves to secure the “leg”. By loosening it, you can turn the ham over for slicing from different sides.

The art of cutting jamon is a very delicate art. And it is carried out by people who have trained in this. They are called cortadores. The cutting is carried out parallel to the fixed “leg”; the cortadora’s left hand is always higher than the right. For left-handers, this rule is reproduced exactly the opposite. It is imperative to ensure that the ham is tightly secured to the stand: it does not wobble or slide to the sides. Slicing is done with a long, sharp knife with a thin blade. They cut it into very thin slices, and the bone left after cutting is great for making broth or various soups. There are even special establishments that serve jamon - jamoneria.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

In Spain, jamon is considered a dietary product. It is only 160 kcal. it contains about 16 grams, - 31 grams, and only 1 gram.

Ham contains in large quantities, which helps improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. It also takes an active part in the regeneration and restoration of cells, slowing down the aging of the body and prolonging its youth. Regular consumption of this delicacy has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Almost 70 percent of jamon fat consists of fat, which is completely absorbed by the body and also participates in all its metabolic processes.

This acid is famous for the fact that it cleanses the body and removes harmful substances from it, due to which it can help prevent various diseases, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.

How to properly store and serve the product

The fact that special stands are used for slicing jamon has already been discussed above. But what to do if there is a lot of meat left on the leg. You can't eat the whole ham at once. Usually, at the end of the meal, the jamon is wrapped in parchment soaked. Store it in the refrigerator at temperatures up to 10 degrees. It is customary to cover the cut, which was previously removed. The shelf life of the cut product should not exceed five months.

Jamon is not served cold. Before serving, the ham is heated to room temperature, so it fully reveals its unique taste and exquisite aroma.

Many people, having bought jamon in a store, paid attention to the mold that covered the leg. It appears during the process of drying meat in the basement, and it is this that is an indicator of the quality and naturalness of the product. This mold is of noble origin and will not cause harm to the body. To remove it, just wipe the ham with a napkin with olive oil.

Jamon in national cuisine

The most traditional combination in Spanish cuisine is jamon with. Sweet melon will perfectly complement the salty delicacy and fully reveal its taste. This dish will satisfy the taste of even the most sophisticated gourmets. Olives, various herbs and cheeses are also recommended for consumption with jamon. You can use it with vegetables, especially green beans. Sometimes it is consumed with fried potatoes, as well as with Italian pasta.

Various varieties go well with this delicacy, especially dry red varieties, sherry and.

Harm and contraindications

This dish should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance to pork or people who are prone to excess weight. It should be used with caution in case of atherosclerosis, hypertension and diseases of the digestive tract.


Jamon is an exquisite Spanish delicacy that has won the hearts of gourmets all over the world. Moreover, it is valuable not only for its luxurious taste. Its excellent composition makes it a very useful product, provided, of course, that it is consumed in moderation. In Spain, it is generally considered a very dietary product, and it is also recommended for consumption in various age categories. There are even diets based on the consumption of jamon. Because, thanks to its high digestibility and great influence on metabolic processes, it will really be useful for weight loss. And the Spanish doctor, Nobel laureate Gregorio Marañon mentioned in his writings that the high-quality composition of jamon turns it practically into a medicine. Of course, you should not abuse this product, especially if you have diseases of the digestive system. Hypertension and atherosclerosis can also serve as contraindications to consuming this delicacy. However, a small piece of such a delicacy is unlikely to cause serious harm to the body. Everything is good in moderation. And if you follow this rule, then you can safely eat this delicious dish without risk to your health.

Jamon is a unique delicacy of Spanish cuisine, rightfully considered one of its main calling cards. Often, knowing the name jamon, we have difficulty imagining what it is. And this is the name given to pork prepared using a special technology, or more precisely, the hind leg of a pig.

Due to the long production process and the climatic conditions of the country of origin, a unique taste of the product is achieved, which, once tried, cannot be confused with anything else, unless, of course, it was real jamon and not a fake.

By the way, using a similar technology, the Spaniards prepare a product from the front legs of pork, but the difference between the finished products in all respects is so great that what is obtained from the front leg is even given a separate name - paleta. This option is also not bad, but real jamon is obtained only from the pork ham from the hind leg.

The type of finished product that should be obtained as a result of the production cycle depends on the breed of the pig and its fattening.

It is customary to distinguish two types of jamon:

  1. Serrano jamon, or mountain jamon.
  2. Jamon Iberico (“black leg”).

Visually, they differ from each other in the color of the hoof: the Serano has a white hoof, and the Iberico has a black one.

In turn, serrano is divided into the following subspecies:

  • curado;
  • reserve;
  • bodega.

They differ from each other in the aging period: seven, nine and twelve months, respectively.

Iberico has two varieties:

  • de cebo;
  • belloto.

The difference in their preparation is determined by the fact that pigs for the first option in Spain are fed acorns and fodder, while for the second, only acorns are suitable for the animals’ diet.

The breed of the pig also matters. To prepare Iberico, animals of the same breed are used, the meat of which has a unique texture. For cheaper Serrano, outbred individuals are also suitable.

How the Spaniards prepare jamon

The technology for preparing the national Spanish delicacy consists of six long stages:

  1. Salting.
  2. Flushing.
  3. Salting out.
  4. Drying.
  5. Maturation.
  6. Tasting.

At the first stage, excess fat is trimmed from the pork leg, after which it is covered with copious amounts of sea salt and left for a couple of weeks in a cool room. During this time, excess moisture leaves the ham.

At the end of the process, excess salt is washed off the meat under running water and hung in a vertical position.

When the water has drained, the meat is placed in special chambers with a special temperature regime, which ensures uniform distribution of salt throughout the entire volume of the future product. This process takes up to two months.

But the most interesting is yet to come. The jamon is then hung out to dry. It lasts from six months to a year, and during this time subcutaneous fat is absorbed into the meat.

And then the half-finished product is placed in a cellar with a special microclimate, which ensures the ripening of the meat and what the manufacturer wants to get as a result.

In general, it can take up to three years to produce high-quality jamon.

Tasting completes the process. The manufacturer pierces the meat with a special bone needle and assesses how ripe it is by smell.

As you can see, this process is not easy and slow. So, no matter how strong the interest in how to cook jamon at home, perhaps it is worth delegating these powers to professionals. Of course, you can try to make it yourself, but how authentic will the resulting product be?

In addition, climatic conditions are of great importance in the production of jamon, and here they are very different from Spanish ones. Therefore, even if you do everything correctly and strictly according to technology, nothing can be guaranteed. In addition, it is not enough just to prepare the product; it is important to know how to store the jamon. Whether to start homemade jamon production is up to everyone to decide.

Where can you try jamon?

Since jamon, due to the exclusivity of its manufacturing technology and high taste, is a premium product, you cannot expect it to be cheap.

And it’s not easy to get it in today’s conditions. After all, as a result of the events of 2014, it, like many products produced in the European Union, came under sanctions and was banned from importing into Russia.

However, even before the sanctions and the fall in the ruble/euro exchange rate, the price of jamon in Russian supermarkets was considerable - up to 15 thousand rubles for one leg weighing about 8 kilograms.

It won’t be cheap even if you try it directly in your homeland, that is, in Spain. You can buy it without any problems; the calling card of local cuisine is sold in any butcher shop or large supermarket. But the price, adjusted for the current ruble exchange rate, is impressive - from 150 euros for a leg of the simplest variety to 300 or more for Iberico.

However, for the first test, you can not take the whole leg, but order some chopped jamon at a local restaurant. And in Spain it is available in every self-respecting establishment. And how much it costs there is determined by both the level of the cafe or restaurant and the type of product.

It must be borne in mind that in Spain it is produced in all provinces except those located directly by the sea. The country is very sensitive to the quality of the product; each province marks its products with a special sign and strictly ensures that manufacturers do not harm its reputation.

How to eat jamon

It is important not only to prepare jamon in accordance with technology, but also cut correctly. How to cut jamon is a whole science.

It needs to be cut very thin slices. Only in this form can it preserve the entire range of flavors. For this you need a cutting board and a special knife.

Naturally, one cannot help but arouse interest in what jamon can be eaten with. And this question is not idle. For example, the one we are used to when eating meat products bread is not recommended for it. The Spaniards themselves like to use it in combination With figs or slices of ripe melon. It is believed that their sweetness complements the taste of the product itself in the best possible way.

Analogues of jamon in other countries

The closest gastronomic relative, so to speak, of jamon is the Italian dish porciuto. It is also called Parma ham, but this is only partly true. To be completely precise, only one variety of porsciuto fully corresponds to ham in the usual sense - cotto. Before salting and drying, Italian culinary masters boil it.

And here is the variety crudo It is prepared using a technology similar to jamon, with the only difference being that the Italians dry it for a maximum of 14 months. And some difference in taste with Spanish jamon is provided by the breed of pigs, their feeding technology and the climatic features of Italy.

Jamon is a true gourmet's dish. This is not lard with garlic! There are a number of rules for eating cured Spanish ham. After all, it is so breathtakingly expensive that it would be truly a pity if you do not feel its delicious aroma to the fullest.

What helps to “reveal” the taste of jamon? Oddly enough, these are fruits. Take a piece of ham and wrap a fig or melon in it. Pieces of pear or dates will do. Pierce the roll with a skewer. After making several of these rolls, place them on a plate on the table. You can put several large olives on the dish - for beauty.

Of course, you need to serve alcohol with the ham. Just what? It would be natural to serve Spanish wine with Spanish ham. White or red? It's a matter of time of day. White wine can be drunk during the day, but dry red wine can be drunk in the evening. Sherry and even traditional Russian vodka, as well as grapa, are also suitable.

However, do not think that only Spanish and Italian wines can be consumed with jamon and prosciutto. Moldavian or Crimean wines are good. The main thing is to choose a quality bottle.

A glass of red Bardot or Amontillado sherry will perfectly complement the festive aroma of ham. Don't buy too expensive wine. A simple taste of alcohol can best reveal the taste of ham. After all, an exquisite wine requires special attention, while the ham itself is a bouquet of aromas. One more thing: if you try Sareano ham, you can choose almost any wine. Sparkling champagne will also not be out of place. But Iberico is a completely different matter. The piquant aroma can drown out the taste of sweet wine. So choose something low in sugar. The strength of the drink depends on your preferences – and the time of day, of course.

To prevent the table from being “boring”, you can make a salad. Also, using jamon. For this you will need salad greens, cucumber and pear. It is necessary to remove the core of the pear and cut it into slices. The cucumber should be cut into rings, the salad should be coarsely chopped. There is no need to stir the salad, place it on a dish in layers and decorate with ham “buds”. Add some lemon and olive oil.

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