Features of the course of cervical cancer of the second stage. All about stage 2 cervical cancer Rshm stage 2 can it be cured?

Stage 2 uterine cancer is an oncological disease that develops against the background of uncontrolled, abnormal division of endometrial cells and is accompanied by the formation of a malignant tumor in the tissues of the organ. The disease ranks second after breast cancer and is detected in every eighth woman per 100 thousand population.

Characteristic signs of this stage

Depending on the extent of the process, uterine cancer (CC) is divided into stages 2A and 2B. In the first case, cancer cells spread from the cervix to the upper parts of the vagina, in the second - to the periuterine space and body of the organ (metastases are not observed either in nearby lymph nodes or in distant tissues).

As the pathology progresses, women begin to worry about the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of bloody, foul-smelling discharge after sexual intercourse, lifting heavy objects, before menstruation or immediately after its completion;
  • pain of aching nature, periodic in nature and intensifying against the background of excessive physical exertion;
  • Irregularities of the menstrual cycle - its lengthening or shortening, prolonged heavy menstruation.

In addition, there are signs characteristic of all types of malignant neoplasms:


Various techniques are used to detect uterine cancer. So, women may be recommended:

In this case, a biopsy will be the main diagnostic tool. The procedure is performed at the slightest suspicion of oncology, except in cases where it is not possible to perform it.

Contraindications to collecting biological material are:

  • menses;
  • the waiting period for the child;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

The optimal time for performing a biopsy is 5-7 days from the first day of menstruation (in this case, the injured tissues will have time to recover before the start of the next menstruation).

The procedure is performed within the walls of a medical institution (if necessary, local anesthesia is used). After collecting biological material, a sick leave certificate is issued for several days (up to 1 week).

After confirmation of the diagnosis, women are examined for the presence of metastases, including in organs located at a distance. For this purpose use:

  • chest x-ray;
  • computed tomography of the abdominal cavity;
  • skeletal scintigraphy.

Treatment methods

If uterine cancer is detected at stage 2A, treatment is carried out through surgery (the uterus is removed). used as a supplement, in this case they combine brachytherapy (introduction of a radiation source into the affected organ) and superficial irradiation. If there is a tumor with a diameter of more than 4 cm, it is added. In some cases, the pelvic lymph nodes are removed.

When the disease moves to stage 2B, a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is used. External irradiation is rarely used. Then doctors monitor the patient’s condition - the presence of positive dynamics allows for Werthemer’s surgery (removal of a malignant tumor, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, upper third of the vagina, ligaments and lymph nodes).

If the disease relapses, women undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

In addition to these methods, photodynamotherapy can be used - introducing a photosensitive component into the tumor and exposing it to a laser.


Complications of uterine cancer develop both as a result of the progression of the pathology and during its treatment. In the first case, new organs will be involved in the process, which ends in the death of the sick. In the second, the consequences are determined by the impact of certain therapeutic methods on the body.

The results of chemotherapy are:

  • baldness caused by damage to hair follicles;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bleeding and the appearance of hematomas.

As a result of exposure to radiation therapy, women experience:

The consequences of surgery may be:

  • fistulas;
  • adhesive bowel disease;
  • bleeding;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • problems with excretion of feces and urine;
  • the onset of menopause.

In addition, you should remember the psychological aspect. Detection of the disease entails depressive states, and after the operation, many sick women experience emotional devastation. In this case, they need the help of psychologists.


Prevention of uterine cancer allows you to minimize the likelihood of developing pathology. In this regard, women are recommended:


The answer to the question of how long people live with stage 2 uterine cancer is ambiguous and depends on a large number of factors. Factors influencing life expectancy include:

  • speed of contacting a doctor and the latter’s qualifications;
  • age of the patient;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • adequacy and timeliness of prescribed treatment;
  • and living conditions;
  • state of the immune system;
  • individual psychological attitude towards healing.

Some women recover completely and continue to lead almost full lives, while others’ bodies cannot cope with the disease, resulting in death. Survival rates range from 45 to 75% of cases.

When women are diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer, most often they begin to panic. Indeed, the disease is quite complex, but it is curable. According to statistics, approximately 75% of patients can continue to live a full life with appropriate treatment. The tumor grows so large that it leaves the uterine cavity. The disease is very insidious and at stage 0 or 1 it is asymptomatic. But at stage 2, the first signs of an oncological process in the body appear.


general characteristics

Stage 2 cervical cancer is divided into several substages. Thus, the following additional classification of the disease is distinguished:

  • 2A. In this case, the tumor size is less than 2 cm. However, it is localized either in front of the entrance to the uterus or in the exocervix area. However, the tumor has not reached a critical size. In addition, this group includes tumors measuring 2-5 cm, but which have not left the uterine cavity.
  • 2B. The size of the tumor is up to 5 cm. The neoplasm begins to spread beyond the cervix, grows into the muscle tissue, but does not yet reach other pelvic organs. Damage to the parametrium is observed.
  • 2B. This is a condition between pathology 2 and 3 degrees. The tumor is large - more than 5 cm and has almost reached the other pelvic organs, but has not yet grown into them. At this stage, metastases have not yet formed.

In addition, the type of cancer depends on the type of tumor. For example, benign tumors are distinguished - fibroma, lipoma and others. But the most dangerous are sarcoma and carcinoma, which are classified as malignant neoplasms.

Patient survival

The life expectancy of patients is calculated as follows: the number of patients diagnosed with cancer is compared with women who survived after treatment. For example, according to 2012 data, Korea is in the lead - in this country, the survival rate of patients is 76%.

How long do people live with carcinoma in Russia? In 2016, about 19 thousand cases of the disease were diagnosed in the country. Of these, approximately 13,000 patients survived. Therefore, the survival rate after uterine cancer in Russia is 70%.

Symptoms of manifestation

If the first degree of pathology is practically asymptomatic, then stage 2 uterine cancer has some manifestations. The tumor increases significantly in size and begins to compress neighboring organs. As a result, there is some discomfort. In addition, the following signs of the disease appear:

  • During reproductive age, light discharge of blood from the vagina may occur. If a woman has menopause, the discharge appears at any time and contains blood impurities. This symptom is due to the fact that as the tumor grows, it penetrates the muscle layer, damaging the blood vessels.
  • Bleeding after sex. They are usually light and last only a few minutes. Such bleeding is associated with minor trauma to the walls of the neoplasm if it has spread to 1/3 of the vagina.
  • Dyspareunia. Pain during sex is due to the fact that the vaginal microflora is disrupted due to the neoplasm. Due to excessive dryness in this area, the woman experiences extremely unpleasant sensations.
  • Constant aching pain in the pelvis. As a rule, they are tolerable, but worsen with sudden movements. Sometimes they radiate to the lower back and stomach.
  • Menstrual irregularities. This condition is associated with hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Menstruation may become more frequent or, conversely, absent. The amount of discharge often changes.

In addition, many patients complain of fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, and loss of appetite. The same symptoms are observed with any other type of cancer.


Stage 2 uterine cancer is a complex disease. The most severe consequence after it is death. However, in most cases, patients survive the five-year mark. In addition, the woman becomes infertile, since the uterus almost always has to be removed to treat the pathology.

Another difficulty is that the pathology in the early stages is asymptomatic. And the signs of the second stage are erased, so many women do not pay attention to them. As the cancer process progresses, metastases can form - the appearance of tumors in the area of ​​other organs.

To avoid such serious complications, you should contact your doctor immediately after any symptoms occur. And to prevent many gynecological diseases, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once a year.

First, the doctor examines the patient’s cervix using mirrors and a colposcope, a magnifying device. In addition, for diagnostic purposes, the doctor takes a smear from the vagina and a scraping from the cervix. Both materials are sent for cytological analysis. It is best for a woman to see a doctor in the second half of the menstrual cycle, since during this period the test results are considered the most accurate.

If the gynecologist finds a tumor, a biopsy is performed. Typically, a small area of ​​tumor tissue is removed during a colposcopy. Histological examination examines the cellular composition of the neoplasm, so it is possible to determine whether it is benign or malignant.


After diagnosis, the doctor selects the most optimal treatment regimen for the patient. Painkillers are used to reduce discomfort - Ketanov and the like. If such drugs no longer help, they move on to opioid drugs - Codeine and Tramadol. To achieve optimal pain relief, they must be taken every 10-12 hours.

Hormonal medications containing estrogen and progesterone can be used to reduce the size of the tumor. However, in most cases, surgery is used to treat cervical cancer. There are several options for the operation:

If there is a high probability of metastasis, radiation therapy is indicated. With its help, cancerous foci are destroyed. In addition, relapses are rare after radiation therapy.

In the absence of qualified treatment, cancer cells continue to multiply. They penetrate deeper into the muscle layer, affecting healthy tissue. As a result, stage 2 cancer progresses to stage 3 and then stage 4. And at the last stage, the survival rate is very low - only 10%.

Recovery prognosis

In most cases, stage 2 carcinoma has a favorable prognosis. If the treatment regimen is chosen correctly, the patient will live 5 or more years after surgery. In 70-75% of cases, women recover almost completely, and the disease does not affect their quality of life.

But sarcoma is considered more malignant. In this case, mortality rates increase by 2 times. That is, recovery occurs only in 35-40% of situations.

A disease that is insidious in its course and dangerous with severe complications and consequences in women is stage 2 cervical cancer. Indeed, up to half of cases of malignant process are asymptomatic. Therefore, the disease is diagnosed at a late stage, which significantly worsens the prognosis for five-year survival.

Only timely consultation with a gynecologist, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, helps to overcome cervical cancer and recover.

Symptoms and prognosis

At the second stage of malignant lesions, clinical signs are minimally expressed, many women are not even aware of their illness. The severity of symptoms varies, but experts identify the most characteristic manifestations that can be used to suspect the emergence of a focus of atypia:

  • periodic discharge from the uterus - mucous, with bloody streaks or with impurities of pus;
  • acyclic uterine bleeding - should be especially alarming in women in the premenopausal period of life;
  • an unpleasant, repulsive odor in the discharge - caused by the disintegration of cancer cells occurring in the uterine cavity, the addition of inflammatory processes;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the perineum, sacral spine - pulling, aching in nature;
  • increased pain impulses during sexual intercourse and physical activity.

How pronounced the clinical signs of cervical cancer will be depends on the area of ​​the malignant focus and the involvement of neighboring organs and tissues in the process. Among the nonspecific symptoms that are considered alarming are the appearance of constant weakness, feelings of fatigue, persistent dizziness, decreased appetite and gradual loss of body weight.

However, a positive point in the question of how long people live with stage 2 cervical cancer is that the chances of recovery are quite high - up to 70-80%. The earlier a cancer is detected, the better the five-year survival prognosis.

Stages of cervical cancer and their prognosis

The focus of atypia in the tissues of the uterus can be provoked by various factors, but its localization at stage 2, as a rule, does not leave the uterus. However, there are possible variations in the course of the disease at this stage. Using modern diagnostic procedures - ultrasound, colposcopy, hysteroscopy, specialists carefully examine the area of ​​tissue suspected of stage 2 cervical cancer and make a full diagnosis.

Thus, it is customary to divide the course of the disease into three stages, which will determine how long a woman has to live:

  1. With stage 2A cancer in the cervix, the spread of the malignant neoplasm occurs towards the vagina, however, it does not extend beyond the cervix itself. This improves the prognosis of five-year survival with timely complex treatment procedures.
  2. At stage 2B of the cancer process in the cervical area, the tissue of the uterus itself, as well as the vagina, is involved in the process. Lymph structures are practically not affected, but single atypia cells can be diagnosed in them. This situation requires an immediate decision on treatment tactics. Otherwise, the prognosis worsens significantly.
  3. With stage 2B of neoplasm in the tissues of the cervix, the picture of the disease is much more serious - the cancer process is detected throughout the entire thickness of the uterus, the walls of the vagina and the tissues of nearby organs, as well as the lymph nodes, are affected. The five-year survival rate is much shorter, not even reaching 60%.

However, even at this stage of cervical cancer, a woman may live and not suspect her illness, since she does not develop any specific warning signs of the disease until very recently. Only a timely consultation with a gynecologist and a full comprehensive examination puts everything in its place - at what stage of the disease, its prevalence, whether the course of the disease is prognostically favorable.

Treatment tactics and prognosis

Not only the prognosis, but also the tactics of complex treatment, which will be chosen by a specialist, directly depends on the degree of progress of the cancer focus in the cervix. Thus, at stage 2A, preference is given to surgical excision of the tumor focus. Additionally, courses of radiation therapy may be carried out. In most cases, it is possible to achieve long-term remission of the disease, with a high five-year survival rate.

Whereas the life of a woman with stage 2 B-C of cervical cancer can be saved exclusively by the complete removal of not only the uterus itself, but also the adjacent vaginal tissue, as well as lymph structures. Complex treatment necessarily includes chemotherapy and radiation exposure to the lesion.

In many ways, the prognosis for a woman’s future life after a diagnosis of stage 2 cervical cancer will depend on the correctness, as well as the speed, of the decision made by the specialist regarding the tactics of treatment for the patient. The age of the patient and the characteristics of her body - the tolerance of treatment procedures, as well as the presence of concomitant somatic diseases - are also influenced. 45–70% of cancer patients manage to survive the five-year mark.

And even with a successful surgical intervention, there is a risk of relapse of the malignant process in the cervix. To avoid such a complication, following the recommendations of the attending physician, a woman leading a healthy lifestyle, including in the sexual sphere, and increasing immune barriers help.

Having learned about your disease - stage 2 cervical cancer , Don't despair. Advances in medicine today are such that almost every patient has a chance of recovery. The prognosis will also depend on the mood of the woman herself - carefully following all the recommendations of the gynecologist-oncologist, eating right and getting plenty of rest, she contributes to her health. Whereas refusal to carry out medical procedures, for example, for religious reasons, will lead to a natural outcome - rapid progression of the disease and death.

Stage two of cervical cancer means that the tumor has spread beyond the organ into the surrounding tissue. But it has not yet affected the muscles or ligaments that line the pelvis (the area between the thigh bones) or the lower part of the vagina.

To select the most effective treatment for stage 2 cervical cancer, this stage of the disease is divided into subtypes.

  • Stage 2A—The cancer has spread to the upper part of the vagina. This stage, in turn, is divided into 2 A 1 (the tumor has spread to 4 cm or less) and 2 A 2 (the tumor is more than 4 cm).
  • Stage 2B—The cancer has spread to the tissue around the cervix.

To select the right treatment, in addition to the stage, the type of cells in which the cancer began to develop, the presence of known mutations, the location of the tumor and the general health of the patient are also determined. The average life expectancy for stage 2 cervical cancer depends on all these factors.

Treatment for stage 2A cervical cancer

The main methods at this stage of the disease are surgery and combined chemoradiotherapy. Surgery for stage 2A cervical cancer usually means that the patient's uterus and cervix will be removed (radical hysterectomy). The surgeon also removes lymph nodes around the cervix (pelvic lymph nodes). This is because there is a risk of cancer spreading to adjacent areas of the lymphatic system. In modern clinics, this procedure is performed in a minimally invasive way: using a laparoscope or the Da Vinci robotic system.

Combined chemoradiotherapy consists of daily sessions of external radiation for 5 weeks, excluding weekends. Concurrent chemotherapy for stage 2 cervical cancer helps increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation therapy. At the end of the course, internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) is often prescribed. Beads containing a radioactive substance are injected into the cervix and left near the site of the tumor. Depending on the radiation dose, the time the granules remain inside the patient’s body also varies.

The prognosis for stage 2 cervical cancer, if comprehensive treatment is carried out correctly, is 63% of surviving patients within 5 years.

Treatment of stage 2B cervical cancer

If cancer has spread around the cervix, chemoradiotherapy is performed without prior surgery. Doctors try to shrink the tumor with drugs and radiation so that they can perform more effective surgery (remove all the cancer cells). The prognosis for stage 2B cervical cancer is about 50% of patients.

Targeted therapy for the treatment of stage 2 cervical cancer

When specific mutations are detected in a patient’s cancer cells, modern clinics prescribe targeted therapy. These drugs target specific mechanisms in the tumor and therefore have fewer side effects than chemotherapy. For example, rapid growth of cancerous tissue requires new blood vessels. This process is called angiogenesis. Some targeted drugs (angiogenesis inhibitors) block the development of new blood vessels, thereby stopping tumor growth.

Stage 2 cervical cancer is a complex but curable cancer. According to statistical information, in 75% of cases, women continue their usual lifestyle and maintain a full regime with timely completion of appropriate therapy. Cancer can grow and spread beyond the uterine cavity. At the initial stage, the pathology is asymptomatic. Starting from the second stage, the disease is accompanied by characteristic signs of an oncological course in the female body.

Following the results of multiple studies and experiments, the cause of cervical cancer in 95% of diagnosed cases is called the human papilloma virus. In modern medical practice, the emergence of a focus of infection by HPV strains acts as a cause of oncological disease, which subsequently reduces the life expectancy of patients. HPV is divided into thousands of types. Certain types of strains contribute to the formation of warts and papillomas. The rest (strains 16 and 18) are capable of causing malignant pathology. Such varieties are characterized by an increased level of oncogenicity.

However, a woman with an established HPV strain does not necessarily develop cervical cancer. In 85-95% of situations, the viral outbreak goes out on its own, and the affected cells are eliminated from the body by the immune system. With a prolonged presence of the virus in the body, the presence of diagnosed disorders of the immune system and the action of provoking mechanisms, the likelihood of an oncological process is high.

There are the following causes of cervical cancer:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • destructive ecological atmosphere;
  • use of tobacco products;
  • precancerous condition and regional pathology of the uterine cervix;
  • prolonged process of inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • combination of genital infections;
  • the influence of smegma carcinogens on the structures of the cervix in the absence of proper hygiene in the sexual partner;
  • dysfunction of the immune system.

In particular, a combination of unfavorable mechanisms has a detrimental effect. Elimination of negative influence factors after completed therapy prevents further possible relapse.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

The symptom appears when the cancer disease reaches stage 2-3. Signs of a cervical tumor are divided into general and specific. Symptoms of stage 2 cervical cancer include:

  • Atypical discharge after exposure to infectious bacteria.
  • Severe, incessant leucorrhoea as a result of injury to the lymphocapillaries.
  • Discharge with blood clots of acyclic type.
  • Bleeding.
  • Discharge accompanied by a putrid odor due to the death of the growth.
  • Pain localized in the lumbar region, sacrum or lower abdomen.
  • Painful manifestations during sexual intercourse.
  • Contact discharge due to increased susceptibility of cancer cells.
  • Frequent urination, accompanied by severe pain, constipation, the presence of blood clots in stool and urea.
  • Hydronephrosis.
  • Deterioration of the body condition in women, weakness in the body, fever, dizziness.
  • Loss or decreased appetite.
  • Reducing body weight.
  • Anemia.

The occurrence of clinical symptoms indicates that the development of a malignant neoplasm is at stages 2-4. At the same time, the prognosis characterizing the patient’s life expectancy is unfavorable. The early stage of oncology occurs without symptoms.

Stages of development of cervical cancer

The oncological process is provoked under the influence of many factors. However, the location of the lesion in stage 2 does not advance beyond the uterus. Here the course of the disease has different options. Modern diagnostic measures (ultrasound, colposcopy, hysteroscopy) allow doctors to carefully and in-depth study and examine cervical cancer, recognize the localization area and establish a final diagnosis. Oncological disease occurs in three stages. Each stage sets its own measurement of life expectancy in women:

  • 2A - a malignant growth spreads towards the vagina. In this case, the cancerous tissue does not extend beyond the boundaries of the cervix. This increases the positive probability of five-year survival if the necessary complex therapeutic procedures are carried out on time.
  • 2B - in the oncological process, the tissues of the uterus and vagina themselves are directly affected. Lymphatic structures are not affected, but a negligible number of atypical cells are diagnosed. In such situations, it is necessary to immediately make a decision regarding the choice of treatment method. Otherwise, predicting a successful cure gives a worse result.
  • 2B - the clinical symptoms of the pathology take a serious turn. The oncological course is observed throughout the entire surface of the uterus. The walls of the vagina and materials from neighboring organs, including lymph nodes, are involved. The five-year survival rate drops to less than 60%.

Even at the last stage of the disease, women live without suspicion of cervical cancer, since special and suspicious symptoms of oncological pathology do not arise until the condition completely deteriorates. Therefore, women should consult a gynecologist in a timely manner, undergo a full and thorough examination, undergo comprehensive tests in order to obtain a final diagnosis and immediately begin further treatment. The doctor will determine the stage of development of the disease, the area of ​​spread of cancer cells and the nature of the course of the disease according to prognostic data.

Diagnosis of the disease

Successful recovery and removal of cancer depends on timeliness and responsibility. Early diagnosis of the oncological process and rapid initiation of treatment help improve the prognosis of survival and increase the patient's life expectancy. Diagnosis of the disease includes the following research methods:

  • Assessing the state of the body, accepting a complaint, whether surgery is possible or impossible, and the patient’s medical history help the doctor identify a dangerous oncological process. Hereditary predisposition plays a central role, primarily provoking the gradual formation of cancerous tumors.
  • A medical examination by a gynecologist is important to find the tumor in its final stages. If pathology is missed, the visual manifestation of atypical changes increases - the release of clots, elevation of the skin and soft tissues, uneven color.
  • Colposcopy is carried out in two types - traditional and extended. The procedure involves analyzing the condition of the genital organs under a microscope. If atypical changes are detected, a solution of acetic acid is applied to the epithelial tissue. The appearance of whitish spots indicates infection with HPV. Symptoms of atypia are areas of the skin that have not turned brown after using Lugol.
  • A cytological examination is performed by taking a smear for oncocytology. The doctor takes the necessary materials from individual parts of the mucous membrane using a special cytobrush. A smear is applied to a glass slide. In laboratory conditions, tissues are stained and examined under a microscope for the presence of pathology and inflammatory focus.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs helps visualize the formation and assess activities and actions, as well as check the condition of the reproductive organs.
  • Curettage of the cervical canal is performed if glandular cancer is suspected.

In addition to the above diagnostic procedures, the following methods for diagnosing cancer cells and organ lesions are widely used:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • X-rays of light;
  • cystoscopy;
  • rectoscopy;
  • urography.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes a blood test to assess the amount of tumor markers. The study gives a specific assessment and notes the effectiveness of the treatment courses being taken. However, the examination does not make sense as a method for primary diagnosis.

Cervical cancer treatment

After carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor searches for and draws up a more suitable and effective treatment regimen for the woman. To relieve uncomfortable symptoms, painkillers are prescribed - Ketanov, etc. If previous drugs are not effective, they are replaced with opioids - Codeine and Tramadol. To obtain the expected analgesic effect, medications are taken every 10 hours. Hormonal drugs based on estrogen and progesterone help reduce the size of the tumor growth. But often surgical excision is performed to remove cervical cancer. The operation is divided into techniques:

  • Laser tumor removal is considered the most suitable and universal treatment method. After surgery, relapses are rare. During surgery, the doctor simultaneously cauterizes the injured tissue, which prevents further bleeding.
  • Cryodestruction - during the procedure, the tumor formation is frozen through liquid nitrogen. The therapy is effective when the tumor size is no more than 20 mm in diameter.
  • Electrocoagulation - during therapy, the tumor is treated by applying electric current to the cells. As a result of the procedure, oncological tissues lose moisture and subsequently die.
  • Complete removal of the cervix - this method is used when dangerous deformations appear on the membranes of the organ.
  • Removal of the uterus - after the operation, a woman loses the opportunity to become a mother. The operation is performed if there are no results from previous treatment methods. Excision is also prescribed if the patient has passed the age category of over 45 years.
  • Complete removal of the uterus together with appendages - according to medical practice, the method shows the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of oncology of the reproductive organs in women. Surgery is indispensable if cancer cells have spread to another pelvic organ.

If the risk of metastasis is high, radiation therapy or chemotherapy is prescribed. The procedure effectively destroys the cancer focus. After radiation therapy, the likelihood of relapse decreases. With insufficient qualified treatment, tumor tissues continue to actively progress. The cells move deeper into the muscle structures, attracting healthy materials. As a result, stage 2 cancer progresses to stages 3 and subsequently 4. If cancer is detected late, patients will be able to live in 10% of cases.


The selection of an effective treatment method, the effectiveness and the further life of a patient with cervical cancer is based not only on the speed and intensity of oncology development. The prognosis for recovery from cervical cancer depends on:

  1. Primary education locations:
  • ectocervix (outer side of the cervix) – favorable result;
  • endocervix (internal canal of the organ) - worsens the outcome.
  1. Histological typology of growth:
  • squamous cell carcinoma – high probability of recovery;
  • adenocarcinoma (glandular) – low probability of recovery;
  • poorly differentiated cancer – lack of reliable indicators.
  1. “Grade” of neoplasm (G) is the malignant level:
  • G1 – well-differentiated cancer – positive prognosis;
  • G2 – moderately differentiated – average probability;
  • G3-4 – low differentiated – worsening outcome.

G is calculated through immunohistochemical examination of tumor cells. The choice of surgery, rehabilitation period, and survival depend on the condition of the lymph nodes. First of all, the position of the pelvic lymph nodes is examined. The nodes are excised during surgery and sent for histological analysis.

The latest diagnostic technologies, together with radiation contrast agents, help detect sentinel lymph nodes through a gamma probe, carry out further cytological and histological examination through a microscope and defeat oncology. The absence of lesions in sentinel species means a normal condition in the residual lymph nodes of the regional collector. This facilitates the first stage of cervical cancer surgery in a gentle manner and reduces the regularity of postoperative manifestations. Differences in prognosis depending on the condition of regional lymph nodes:

  • the absence of tumor tissue in the area of ​​the sentinel nodes is a positive factor;
  • the presence of metastatic cells in the pelvic lymph nodes is a negative symptom;
  • the presence of cancerous tissue in the para-aortic lymph nodes is an unfavorable prognosis due to metastases.

Diet and proper nutrition

It is recommended to fill the diet for cervical cancer with dishes that have an anti-cancer effect. It is advisable to consume products grown and produced in environmentally friendly conditions. A special diet has a positive effect on the female body and helps stop the subsequent active spread and growth of cancer. Doctors recommend adjusting the menu and adding products:

  • Carrots have reserves of the pesticide, falcarinol, which slows down the division of atypical cellular structures and reduces the likelihood of cancer progression.
  • Red hot pepper has a destructive effect on pathological tissue from the inside and improves the treatment of oncological pathologies.
  • Beetroot is a source of the component betadine. The element colors the vegetable in a burgundy hue. The product in the fight against cancer helps to slow down the progressive spread of affected structures throughout the human body and accelerate the rehabilitation period.
  • Green tea – has reserves of flavonoids that have a blocking effect on the development of cancer. This substance effectively cleanses the female body of toxic microelements and prevents the death of structures at the cellular level.
  • Turmeric – has a powerful antioxidant effect and blocks the formation of metastatic cells in various parts of the human body.

In addition to the above products, it is important to fill your diet with healthy products during and after treatment:

  • tomatoes;
  • nuts – hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, almonds;
  • onion and garlic;
  • legume family products – peas, beans;
  • cabbage;
  • greens - dill and parsley;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • pumpkin.

To prevent and maintain the healthy performance of the human body when diagnosed with cancer, it is recommended to take as many products of plant origin as possible every day.

A woman’s menu should include brightly colored fruits and greens containing many antioxidants and chlorophyll. The components help stop the process of formation and division of tumor tissues, including preventing the malignant modification of a benign growth. In cervical cancer, it is important to consider fatty acids.

The diet needs to be filled with seafood and vegetable oil. You need to consume more dairy products. Milk is considered a source of essential protein for the female body. It is better to reduce the amount of meat in case of oncology and choose low-fat varieties.

Prohibited Products

In case of cervical cancer, it is recommended that women’s diets be cleared of foods that are difficult for the female body to tolerate. You will need to get rid of sweet products. Sweets are a source of carbohydrates that are easily digestible and quickly absorbed by atypical tissues. Over time, the cancer will begin to progress intensively and provoke the subsequent spread of atypia throughout the organs.

Doctors advise avoiding consumption of red meat products – beef. When this meat enters the stomach, increased production of insulin occurs, which activates the subsequent proliferation of malignant tumors. A deterioration in the body condition and well-being of a woman with cancer is observed after consuming the following products:

  • various pickles;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery products;
  • chocolate and products containing cocoa;
  • fast food;
  • unhealthy food;
  • dishes are spicy and with a lot of fat;
  • overly strong black tea.

If a person has cancer, it is strongly recommended to minimize the amount of sugar and salt consumed.

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