If it hurts between the legs in men. Itching and burning in the perineum, or harbingers of unpleasant “intimate” ailments. Birth injuries of varying degrees

Both men and women consult a urologist. One of the common symptoms in both cases is pain in the perineum and genitals. An examination, in the presence of such complaints, always shows a serious pathology, since pain in a person is the most important signal of health problems.


Perineal pain in men and women

In the perineal area are the external genitalia, urethra, and anus. Therefore, pain in this area is most often associated with diseases of these particular systems. There can be many reasons for pain.

Clarification of the localization of sensations and a clear definition of the nature of the pain helps to identify the main factor that provoked the pain. Let's consider the main causes of pain in the perineal area.

Causes of acute pain in the perineum

The occurrence of acute, sharp pain in the genital area may indicate the following diseases and conditions:

  • . During an exacerbation of prostatitis, a man experiences intense pain that spreads to the head of the penis and the anus.
  • Urethritis. A characteristic feature of pain in urethral inflammation is increased discomfort when emptying the bladder.
  • Prostate abscess. The pain is very strong and is one-sided, from the side of the suppuration site. Patients report discomfort in the spine and rectum. The condition is accompanied by difficulty urinating, constipation, hyperthermia (fever) in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Prostate cancer. Acute pain in the perineum is a sign of a late stage of oncology (prostate cancer).
  • Pinched pudendal nerve. There are many nerve endings concentrated in the perineum. Pinching of any of them causes acute sharp pain, which subsides when walking and intensifies when sitting or lying down.
  • Pregnancy, postpartum period. Pain in this area in pregnant women can be caused by compression of the sciatic nerve (during pregnancy) and be a signal for the onset of labor. Acute postpartum pain occurs in women who have suffered multiple ruptures during childbirth.
  • Perineal injuries. Any mechanical damage - bruises, ruptures, tissue cuts, etc. , cause sharp pain.

Causes of nagging pain

In men, aching, nagging pain in the perineum accompanies chronic prostatitis, urethritis and inflammation of the seminal tubercle (colliculitis). Inflammations with constant nagging pain that worsens during defecation include cooperitis. If a man experiences pain after sexual intercourse and is felt in the testicular area, he needs to be checked for varicocele.

In women, nagging pain is observed during pregnancy and can be caused by chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Stitching and aching pain in the perineum can develop with inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vaginitis).

Pain in the genitals

Soreness of the internal and external genital organs is a symptom that can affect both women and men. In the case of women, the main cause of pain and discomfort in the genitals is diseases of the reproductive system - inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and vagina. Another reason is pathology of the clitoris and labia.

As for men, pain in the genital organs (penis, testicles) can be caused by diseases associated with the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and vas deferens. Let's look at the most common causes of discomfort in the genitals for both sexes.

Causes of pain in the genital organs in women

Pain in the genital organs in women can occur with the following diseases and conditions:

  • . Nagging and aching pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen and in the genital area may not have a dangerous pathological basis, but may be a sign of menstrual syndrome.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Acute intense pain in this area, spreading throughout the entire lower abdomen, is characterized by inflammation of the uterus and appendages (endometritis and). Patients especially complain about the localization of pain in the suprapubic area. An important sign is that the pain tends to gradually intensify. Pain usually develops during the menstrual or postmenstrual period, and also often occurs in women after childbirth. Often accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, fallopian tube damage. The pain in this case develops sharply and is particularly intense, characterized as acute. The condition is very dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.
  • Ovarian tumors and twisting of the cyst stalk. Pain of a tumor nature can manifest itself for a long time as a nagging pain and radiate to the genital area. In later stages, the pain usually intensifies.
  • Endometriosis. Pathological growth of the mucous membrane lining the uterus is also accompanied by pain in the vaginal area and external genitalia.
  • Injuries. Mechanical damage to the genitals is accompanied by severe pain.
  • Bartholinitis. The disease is infectious in nature and causes pain in the external genitalia, which intensifies when walking.

Causes of pain in the genital organs in men

Representatives of the stronger sex often encounter pain syndrome of genital localization, which can be caused by various factors - from excessive stress to tumor processes. The most common causes of pain in the male genital organs:

  • testicular torsion;
  • epididymitis, which is a consequence of infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • malignant and benign testicular neoplasms;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • varicocele - a condition associated with the expansion of venous structures;
  • spermatocele is a disease of a cystic nature;
  • Peyronie's disease, accompanied by curvature of the penis;
  • inflammatory processes such as balanitis and balanoposthitis, etc.

Examination for pain in the perineum and genital organs in men and women

Treatment of any pathologies in the organs of the genitourinary system is carried out by highly specialized doctors: for men -

Pain in the perineum in men most often occurs due to various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, such as vesiculitis, urethritis, various diseases of the prostate gland, etc. Also among the main causes of pain and burning in the perineum in men are hypothermia, sexually transmitted diseases, complications of cystitis and urethritis. Pain in the perineum can be aching, sharp, itchy, twitching, pulling, throbbing, etc.

Sharp pain in the perineum

The appearance of acute and sharp pain in the perineum in men is usually associated with acute prostatitis. This disease is accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms. The pain can radiate to the penis, anus, or sacrum. Among the common causes of sharp and severe pain is urethritis. When urinating, the pain in the perineum usually intensifies. Sharp pain and burning are a symptom of suppuration (abscess) of the prostate. They can radiate to the rectum and sacrum. This disease is characterized by a unilateral location, i.e. The pain will be stronger from the localization of the purulent focus. In men, this disease is complemented by disturbances in stool and urination. Body temperature rises significantly, causing general malaise.

Very severe pain in the perineum in men is accompanied by the last stages of prostate cancer. In particularly difficult cases, narcotic drugs may be prescribed for pain relief. The cause of suddenly appearing sharp pain in men can be pinched pudendal nerve. The unpleasant sensations subside slightly if the person stands quietly. In a lying and sitting position, during walking and other activities, the pain intensifies. If a nerve is pinched, there may be a feeling of numbness in some part of the thigh. Sharp, severe pain in the perineum in men occurs with any injury:

Many nerve endings are concentrated in the perineum of men; when injured, the pain can be very severe, often people even lose consciousness.

Aching and nagging pain

In men, pain of this nature appears with chronic urethritis and prostatitis, colliculitis and some other diseases. Patients often describe these sensations as a burning sensation in the perineum. The pain, as a rule, is not very severe, but it is long-lasting and sometimes even permanent. A constant burning sensation in the perineum becomes stronger when a person sits and goes to the toilet. Increased pain in such situations is characteristic of inflammation of the bulbo-urethral gland, i.e. Cooperite. This disease is usually a complication of urethritis. With cooperitis, the burning sensation in the perineum can noticeably intensify if suppuration occurs. You should know that in men, not only diseases of the genitourinary system can be accompanied by pain and burning in the perineum. The following factors can be added to the list of reasons:

  • various diseases of the rectum: fissures, tumors, paraproctitis, hemorrhoids;
  • neuralgic pathologies, which include various types of injuries to nerve trunks, disorders of the sacrococcygeal spine;
  • adhesions in the pelvic area that appeared after surgery or inflammation;
  • psychosomatic pain;
  • muscle spasms;
  • various diseases of the hip joints.

In men, discomfort in the perineal area is in most cases associated with various prostate diseases. Such diseases are accompanied by inflammation and pain. In addition, the cause of unpleasant sensations may be the so-called. pelvic pain syndrome. It appears not only in men, but also in women. This syndrome is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, they give to the perineum. However, it is not possible to identify signs of any disease in such patients. They are usually given treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Painful sensations accompanied by itching

If pain in men is accompanied by itching, the reason may be the presence of various fungal diseases, most often thrush. Itching and burning also appear with genital herpes. Similar sensations can occur with a variety of allergic reactions, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, and genitourinary tract diseases.

Even low-quality synthetic underwear can cause burning and itching.

It causes allergies and creates the so-called. Greenhouse effect. In such conditions, pathogens of a wide variety of infections feel very good. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse synthetic underwear.

Pain in the perineum, radiating to the groin area

Unpleasant sensations in the perineal area very often radiate to the groin. There are many reasons why men may experience such unpleasant symptoms. Most often, pain of this nature appears in those men whose profession involves constant physical activity. Pain in the perineum and groin plagues many athletes. Among the most common options for the appearance of such sensations are:

  1. Hernia - it can form due to weakening of the abdominal tissues under the influence of strong physical exertion. To diagnose the disease, you do not need to conduct any serious examinations; it is enough just to examine the person in a standing position. If the hernia is hidden, it is usually detected by palpation. Another traditional method for diagnosing a hernia is a common cough. It causes a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  2. Also a common cause of pain in the perineum and groin are inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Most often they appear due to various types of infections. When affected by pathogenic microorganisms, the lymph nodes enlarge, which is why pain appears.
  3. The cause of discomfort in the groin and perineum in men may be kidney stones. Especially if they are located too low or have already penetrated the urinary tract.
  4. Pain also appears with osteochondrosis of the lumbar vertebrae. In the presence of such a disease, the vertebral discs can compress the nerve endings. Because of this, severe and acute pain appears in the groin area.

Pain when performing various activities

If burning and pain in the perineum appear during urination, it is necessary to check for urethritis, prostatitis and colliculitis. Such pain can also appear after various injuries, surgery, or as a result of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases. If discomfort appears or intensifies while walking, the cause may be fractures, bruises and other injuries to the tailbone. In men, difficulties while walking, accompanied by pain in the perineal area, appear with inflammation of the testicles and/or their appendages, with hydrocele.

Often, pain in the groin, testicles and perineum appears during or after sexual intercourse. This may be evidence of the presence of varicocele, i.e. varicose veins of the spermatic cord and testicle. Such pains are not too intense. They may intensify at rest and subside when walking. Usually the pain goes away within a few minutes. In some cases, they can cause discomfort for several hours. At some point, the sensations disappear on their own. Prostatitis can also cause discomfort in the perineum during sex.

Remember that any pain, burning sensation and other unpleasant and unnatural sensations are a sign that something is wrong with the body. There is no need to try to ignore these phenomena. It is better to analyze the situation in detail and seek help from a doctor as quickly as possible so that he can prescribe the necessary tests, conduct examinations and develop a suitable treatment program. Men with pain in the perineal area should first consult a proctologist or urologist. In some situations, you have to additionally communicate with a dermatologist and/or oncologist. Listen to your body and respond to its signals in a timely manner, because untimely treatment can lead to the development of very serious complications. Be healthy!

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in the perineum

The perineum, perineum, in the narrow sense of the word means the area of ​​tissue between the anterior edge of the anus and the posterior edge of the external genitalia or parts (the root of the scrotum in men, the posterior edge of the genital opening in women).

In topographic anatomy, the perineum, or perineum, is the area where the pelvis emerges. The area is occupied by the external genitalia and the anal part of the rectum. The crotch area is diamond-shaped; in front it extends to the lower edge of the pubic symphysis, in the back to the apex of the coccyx and on the sides it is limited by the pubic and ischial bones and the sacrotuberous ligaments, ligg. sacrotuberalia, separated from the thigh by the femoral-perineal fold.

Perineal area, regio perinealis. forms the bottom of the pelvis, thereby closing the exit from the latter, and is divided into the anterior, smaller, genitourinary region, regio urogenitalis, and the posterior, large, anal region, regio analis. The exit from the pelvic cavity is closed by muscles, fascia, fat and skin, which are located differently in each area of ​​the perineum. The slightly convex anterior line connecting the right and left ischial tuberosities is the boundary of these two areas. Located along the midsagittal line, the skin fold, suture, raphe, perineum, seems to divide the skin of this area into right and left halves. In the genitourinary region, regio urogenitalis, there are the external genital parts, the urethra and the urogenital diaphragm, diaphragma urogenitale. The urethra passes through the urogenital diaphragm in men, and the urethra and vagina in women.

What diseases cause pain in the perineum:

The main causes of pain in the perineum:

1. Pain or any discomfort in the perineum almost always indicates problems with the prostate gland, most often chronic prostatitis or seminal vesicles. Painful stimulation from the prostate gland and posterior urethra is transmitted through the sacral nerves. Localization of pain - in the perineum, rectum.
If such symptoms appear, you should definitely contact and be examined by a urologist.

2. Pain in the perineum after natural childbirth is likely to worsen in cases where the perineum is torn or cut during an episiotomy and then sewn up.

3. In acute urethritis, the pain is sharp and painful; in chronic urethritis, it is less severe and is perceived as a burning sensation. The pain may not be associated with the act of urination and may be constant - this usually happens with colliculitis (i.e. inflammation of the seminal tubercle in the posterior part of the urethra). Pain in diseases of this part of the urethra is localized in the perineum.

4. Pain in the perineum is characteristic of prostate diseases. In acute prostatitis, the pain is sharp, pulsating, radiating to the anus, sacrum, and glans penis. In chronic prostatitis, the pain is mild, long-lasting and nagging in nature.

5. Abscesses (abscesses) often occur isolated in one lobe of the prostate gland, with pain being most disturbing on the affected side. Almost always, stool is retained, gases do not pass, and urination is difficult. During the stage of active abscess formation, severe pain in the perineum is observed, radiating to the sacrum, inner thighs, and rectum with high body temperature.

6. Inflammation of the onion-urethral gland (cooperitis) most often accompanies urethritis of any origin, since the infection enters these glands directly from the urethra. If the outflow of secretion from the bulbous-urethral gland is not disturbed during its inflammation, then the patient feels moderate pain in the perineum, especially in a sitting position and during defecation.
If the outflow of secretions becomes difficult, the gland becomes suppurated, pain in the perineum and at the root of the penis increases sharply, body temperature rises, and there may be chills.

7. Traumatic injuries of the urethra and prostate gland:
- Closed injuries to the urethra most often occur as a result of direct exposure to traumatic force on the urethra (fracture of the pelvic bones, fall onto the perineum, forced insertion of a metal catheter, bougie or cystoscope, birth trauma, prostate surgery, etc.). A distinction is made between bruise, incomplete rupture, or tear, and crushing of the urethra. The main symptoms are shock, dull pain in the perineum, scrotum, sharp pain in the urethra, urethrorrhagia, acute urinary retention, frequent unsuccessful urge to urinate, overdistension of the bladder, hematoma and urinary streaks on the perineum, scrotum, and thighs.
- Open injuries to the urethra are divided into isolated and combined (gunshot, stab, cut, bruised, torn, bitten). The stab wounds are localized in the perineal area, and the penis is also damaged. Incised wounds can be complete or incomplete, and with bite wounds, mainly the spongy part of the urethra and the penis are damaged. These wounds are manifested by acute urinary retention, frequent urge to urinate, urethrorrhagia, pain in the perineum and lower abdomen, enlarged bladder, and urine discharge from the wound when urinating.
- Among the closed injuries of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, bruises and ruptures are distinguished, which most often occur with fractures of the ischial bones, a strong blow to the perineum, a fall on a hard object, as well as with forced or incorrect insertion of metal catheters, bougies, and cystoscopes into the urethra. Clinically, this type of injury is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, in the anus and perineum, frequent painful urination, micro- or macrohematuria, and hemospermia.
- Among open injuries of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, bruises, tangential, blind and through wounds are distinguished. The most common are gunshot and stab wounds, usually combined. Patients complain of pain in the perineum, urethrorrhagia and dysuria. Possible tamponade of the bladder with blood clots, urinary infiltration, urine discharge through the rectum or perineum. The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture, results of rectal examination, urethrography. Treatment consists of primary surgical treatment of the wound, stopping bleeding, removing foreign bodies and hematomas.

8. Perineal lacerations during childbirth
Scar tissue caused by tears or cuts in the perineum during childbirth. Almost all women who have undergone such an intervention experience pain in the perineum during penetration and during sexual intercourse for about three months.

9. Infringement of the pudendal nerve, which can occur suddenly or develop over time. Prolonged sitting, cycling. Repetitive movements and leg exercises can lead to pinching of the pudendal nerve.
Some people have primarily rectal pain, sometimes with problems with bowel movements. For others, pain predominates in the perineum or genitals. Symptoms may include stabbing, cramping or burning pain, tingling, numbness or sensitivity. Symptoms are usually worse when sitting and better when standing or lying down. There may be a feeling that the person is sitting on a bump.

10. With prostate cancer, pain is observed in the perineum, which can radiate to the sacrum, lower back and thighs.

Which doctors should you contact if there is pain in the perineum:

Are you experiencing pain in the perineum? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Does your perineum hurt? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolab to keep abreast of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Pain in the perineum cannot but cause feelings of anxiety. Firstly, because they are associated with reproductive function, and secondly, because they make walking difficult, and therefore, very significantly, human life.

Types of perineal pain in men

With a large number of ailments that can cause pain in the perineum, the types of discomfort can be different. In general, pain here can be divided into:

  • sharp;
  • piercing;
  • pulling.

Before talking about the types of pain in connection with certain diseases, it is necessary to clarify that the concept of the perineum can be broad and narrow. In this case, this word is used to name the location of the external genitalia, as well as the openings of the anus and urethra.

Acute pain signal

Since pain always signals problems in the body, acute pain indicates very serious diseases. The most serious of them in the case of acute pain in the perineum is prostate cancer in men (at an advanced stage). In a situation of such pathology, the patient is prescribed the most serious painkillers, including narcotics.

A serious disease such as an abscess associated with suppuration can also cause acute pain in the perineum in men. In this case, this again refers to dysfunction of the prostate gland, usually with a one-sided nature of the sensations, localized where the abscess develops. The pain may radiate to the rectum and other organs. Suppuration is accompanied by high fever and requires prompt medical intervention.

In men, acute pain is caused by prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. If we talk about this organ in more detail, then, being of a muscular nature, it secretes a special substance - a secret - to maintain the activity of male germ cells, sperm, at the proper level. In addition, this substance helps protect sperm from various negative factors.

Prostatitis is one of the most common male diseases. Having a very diverse nature, both in acute and chronic forms, it brings a lot of worries and problems to those who are sick. Therefore, acute pain in the perineum accompanying prostatitis should seriously alert you.

Representatives of both sexes may have inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra - urethritis - as a factor in pain in the perineal area. In this case, the discomfort will be more active when urinating.

Pain in the perineum of this nature is also possible in other cases, for example, in situations of trauma, various hematomas, muscle ruptures, bruises, gunshot wounds, etc. or as a result of pinching of the pudendal nerve.

Read also:

There are many nerve endings in this area, so the pain here is very intense and unpleasant. In trauma situations, they can even cause the patient to faint. Therefore, such conditions, which, among other things, may be accompanied by bleeding, require immediate intervention by a specialist.

Pain in women

Stitching and drawing pain. If we talk about this type of pain, such as negative sensations in the perineum of a stabbing nature, then they are more common in women. For example, with a disease such as vaginitis. Representing an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, vaginitis, among other things, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vagina itself, as well as copious discharge from it.

Stitching and aching pain is possible during pregnancy.

Nagging or aching pain in the perineum is often caused by chronic diseases. In this case, they are long-lasting, if not permanent. Of course, the way to get rid of them is to treat chronic ailments.

Nagging pain is caused by quite common chronic cystitis or urethritis, which have already been mentioned. The sensations in question may be postpartum or other in nature.

Sex differences

Many organs of this and adjacent areas are similar in representatives of both sexes. Therefore, specific sensations in the perineum, including those caused by diseases of adjacent systems (for example, the gastrointestinal tract), are also largely similar. However, due to the fundamental biological differences in the reproductive systems of the two categories of people, the causes of pain here can also be fundamentally different. The differences are mainly related to prostate problems.

Focusing on the problems of pregnancy in the aspect of pain in the perineum, this point is associated with the more complex reproductive processes of a woman called upon to bear a child. In addition, it is known that pain in the perineum during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is often normal, so it can be difficult to separate them from pathology.

Often, at 35 weeks of gestation, a woman may begin to experience unpleasant stabbing pain in the area in question. This is due to the normal process of fetal descent putting pressure on various biological tissues (such as muscles and nerves). Moreover, if such pain appears earlier, it may indicate a miscarriage.

There are cases when the fetus in the womb compresses a nerve (often the sciatic one), which causes sharp pain. The expectant mother has to endure this pain because medical workers can do little to help her in such a situation. You should wait for the baby's position to change.

It is known that before childbirth there is a preliminary natural expansion of the pelvic bones, which also causes pain in some women.

If we talk about the birth process itself, it is important that pain in this area serves as a signal about its beginning. Not to miss this moment means to contribute to the normal course of labor and the absence of pathologies in the child. Therefore, on the eve of the approximate date of birth, everyone is experiencing everything that is completely natural. However, ordinary stretching and swelling are different from rupture of the perineal tissue. If a rupture occurs and doctors stitch you up, the healing process, as well as the pain itself (which in this case increases with urination), will take longer.

Etiology of itching

Itching is a symptom that quite often accompanies pain in the perineum. It may indicate:

The perineum is the area in which the external genitalia, the outlet of the urethra and the anus are located.

Pain in the perineum and anus is caused by pathological conditions that develop in organs located nearby.

Causes of pain in men and women

The causes of perineal pain in men may be associated with the development of the following diseases:

  • acute or ;
  • prostate abscess;
  • oncological pathology of the prostate gland;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • prostate cysts;
  • urethritis;
  • cooperite;
  • edididymita;
  • cysts in the testicle, epididymis, spermatic cord.

Discomfort during and after pregnancy

In women during pregnancy, after 35-38 weeks, the fetus begins to descend downwards, moving towards the outlet. Sharp pain radiating to the perineum is caused by increased pressure from the growing fetus on nearby organs, including muscles.

Sometimes during pregnancy in women, the fetus occupies such a position that it causes compression of the nerve passing nearby. In this case, the pregnant woman feels strong stabbing symptoms that interfere with normal movement.

Discomfort may be present. The intensity of pain varies from woman to woman. This is influenced by the presence of perineal trauma received during childbirth.

If there was none, the discomfort disappears after 2-3 days, but if there is a rupture, the pain persists much longer. In addition, in women, the symptom may signal an inflammatory process occurring in the uterus, appendages, and vagina.

Types of pain

The source of pain in the perineal area in women and men can be determined by its type:

  1. Stitching pain. In a man, this may indicate the development of acute prostatitis, in which discomfort radiates to the sacrum, head of the penis, anus, as well as prostate abscess, acute urethritis (pain increases in intensity after urination). Stitching discomfort in a woman indirectly indicates that the nerve is pinched, the perineum is injured, and cystitis and urolithiasis are developing.
  2. Aching, nagging syndrome. Talks about chronic diseases.
  3. Acute pain symptoms. It is more often present in women and signals the development of colpitis. If abdominal pain radiates to the perineum, this indicates intestinal disease.

Discomfort after sex is a symptom of a pathology that has an infectious etiology, indicating the presence of a cyst, an abscess in the genital organ (in a woman), or insufficient relaxation during sexual intercourse.

If the child has pain

As in adults, pain in the perineum in children is a symptom of a certain disease. In boys it can be, in girls it can be inflammatory processes of various etiologies.

Self-medication of symptoms in a child is strictly prohibited. The use of potent drugs can cause serious damage to health, and the problem lies only in a banal increase in gas formation.

Only a specialist will determine the true cause of discomfort, as well as prescribe effective treatment.

Associated symptoms

The nature of accompanying symptoms depends on the primary disease. For men, these include:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • pain that occurs during urination;
  • pain syndrome localized in the lower abdomen;
  • pain syndrome that occurs during physical activity;
  • pain syndrome that occurs during sex.

In women, associated symptoms are:

  • increase or decrease in menstrual bleeding;
  • presence of uterine bleeding;
  • colic-type pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain that occurs during or after sex.

Diagnostic measures

It is possible to determine what the source of the development of discomfort is only based on the results of the diagnostic measures carried out. It is necessary to visit a therapist who, if necessary, will refer you to a specialized doctor: urologist, gynecologist, proctologist, oncologist, etc.

The doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental measures:

  • general clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • diagnosing biomaterial taken from the vagina (or urethra) for pathogenic microflora;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • blood tests for levels of tumor markers and hormones;
  • stool microscopy;
  • X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics of a specific organ;
  • colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy and gastroscopy;
  • cystography, FGDS;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

The doctor also collects information about how long ago the symptom occurred, its nature, frequency of occurrence, and intensity of discomfort. Find out what accompanying symptoms are present, as well as diseases of the pelvic organs.

The rectum and lower abdomen are palpated, which makes it possible to identify pathological neoplasms.


Therapy for pain in the perineum is assigned to different specialists depending on what disease caused it. Which doctors should you contact:

  • if discomfort appears some time after the injury or labor, see a surgeon;
  • if the pain was preceded by an injury, see a traumatologist;
  • if there is a boil or papilloma, see a dermatologist;
  • if you have allergic symptoms, see an allergist or dermatologist;
  • if there is pain during urination, see a urologist or gynecologist;
  • in case of discomfort, which is complemented by a burning sensation, numbness of the femoral region, consult a neurologist;
  • if there is accompanying pain in the lower abdomen during bowel movements, see a proctologist;
  • if discomfort occurs during pregnancy, contact a gynecologist;
  • in case of specific discharge from the genital organs, rashes on the skin - see a venereologist, gynecologist, urologist.

Inflammatory processes are treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Neoplasms present in the genital organs require surgical intervention.

How to prevent pain

You can prevent the occurrence of pain in the perineal area by taking preventive measures against provoking diseases.

General preventive measures include:

  • limiting hypothermia of the body;
  • use of barrier contraceptives during sexual activity;
  • maintaining personal hygiene of the external genitalia;
  • Regular visits to a specialized doctor (urologist, gynecologist) for timely detection and treatment of diseases.


Reasons to see a doctor are discharge from the vagina (urethra) with a specific odor, severe pain that is not relieved by conventional analgesics. The prognosis of the underlying disease directly depends on the timeliness of visiting a doctor.

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There have been endless debates about whether it is harmful to be a blood donor for many years. That is why in this article we will present to your...

Poisoning during pregnancy is dangerous for the life of mother and child. Toxins and poisonous substances can lead to miscarriage and even death...

Hymenoplasty is an intimate plastic surgery operation that is performed to restore the integrity of the hymen....

Allergies on the chin occur as a result of manifestations of various diseases, which are based on the body's immune reactions to...
In acute renal failure, protein is sharply limited to 20 g per day, and calories are provided from carbohydrates and...
Gonorrhea is an acute sexually transmitted disease that affects men and women during sexual intercourse. In most cases, attending physicians...
Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. It is important for any adult to know the signs...
Both men and women consult a urologist. One of the common symptoms in both cases is pain in the perineum and genitals....
Today, therapy for cystic breast tumors involves the use of a number of effective techniques. In addition to medications...