Hemorrhoid patch. Chinese patch for hemorrhoids Chinese patches for hemorrhoids in pharmacies

Recently, Chinese alternative medicine has become very popular among patients. Patients consider them safer, since they consist only of natural ingredients.

Such remedies include the transdermal Chinese patch for hemorrhoids (anti hemorrhoids), which affects such manifestations of the disease as pain, itching and swelling in the anus. In addition, when using this remedy, the root of the problem is affected, that is, blood circulation in the pelvis is normalized.

We propose to consider what properties this miracle drug has, how to use it and where to buy it, as well as what experts and patients say about it.

Healing composition

Chinese patch for hemorrhoids is an alternative medicine consisting mainly of ingredients of natural origin and one synthetic component - papaverine hydrochloride.

Among the natural components of the patch, it is worth highlighting such as borneol, burnet root, berberine hydrochloride and Chinese gall.

Go to the official website

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of the Chinese patch against hemorrhoids are due to its healing composition, so let’s look at each component in more detail.

Borneol is an organic chemical compound obtained by processing camphor-containing plants.

According to Eastern healers, borneol activates the vital energy of Yang and normalizes blood circulation in the human body.

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Borneol exhibits many beneficial properties that are used in medicine, namely:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • healing.

Borneol affects almost all manifestations of hemorrhoids, and also prevents bacterial complications, which are often associated with inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones.

This substance can only be used externally, as it can cause poisoning.

Burnet root is a powerful natural hemostatic agent, which is very important for hemorrhoids. The active substances of this plant not only eliminate rectal bleeding, but also increase the regenerative abilities of the affected tissues, accelerating the healing of tears, erosions and ulcers of the anus.

Chinese healers widely use this plant for bleeding from internal organs, as well as for the treatment of ulcers of the lower extremities, eczema, burns, frostbite, cuts and other wounds.

Berberine hydrochloride belongs to the group of plant alkaloids that effectively eliminate the inflammatory process in tissues. In addition, this substance prevents cancerous transformation of cells and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Berberine relieves swelling, hyperemia, itching and pain, and also reduces the size of hemorrhoids.

No less important is the effect of Chinese gall on hemorrhoids, because the plant contains a huge amount of tannin. Due to this, the plant has astringent, hemostatic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Galla chinensis quickly relieves irritation of the skin of the anorectal area, stops bleeding of hemorrhoidal cones, and relieves itching and burning in the anus.

Papaverine hydrochloride is a synthetic antispasmodic that is obtained from poppy seeds. The drug eliminates spasm of the smooth muscle fibers of the rectum, relieving pain caused by hemorrhoids.

The patch is applied to the skin near the navel. The active substances of the drug are absorbed into the blood and sent to the tissues of the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum.

Thus, the Chinese patch, thanks to the organically selected composition of active ingredients, helps to get rid of the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids. In addition, this remedy improves the functioning of almost all systems and organs of the body, accelerating recovery.


The anti hemorrhoids patch for hemorrhoids can be used both for treatment and for primary and secondary prevention of the disease.

This miracle remedy from Chinese manufacturers is effective for internal and external hemorrhoids with acute or chronic course, anal tears, anorectal eczema, varicose veins of the lower extremities and other diseases.

Chinese patch for hemorrhoids: instructions for use

The patch is glued to the skin of the umbilical area. This place of application is explained by the fact that in this area there are localized points that are responsible for the functioning of vital organs, and also pass through energy paths.

All Chinese patches operate on the basis of these laws.

The undoubted advantage of the transdermal patch is its simplicity and ease of use.

If there is hair on the skin, it is recommended to remove it with a razor. Also, the area of ​​application must be washed with warm water without soap and dried with a towel or napkin.

After hygienic procedures, they begin to apply the patch. To do this, you need to remove the patch from the packaging, remove the paper from the sticky side and stick it on the skin.

The patch is used once a day, as its effect lasts 24 hours. The course of treatment is 9 days (8 patches).

After removing the patch, the skin should be rinsed again with warm water.

The next patch can be applied no earlier than after 3 hours, and no later than after 24 hours.

In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, it will be enough to take 1 course, but in later stages of the disease you will need 2 to 3 courses of treatment with a Chinese patch.

Judging by patient reviews, the effect of this therapy is noticeable after the first patch: pain in the anus decreases and hemorrhoidal bleeding stops.

Despite the manufacturers' claims that the patch can be used as monotherapy for hemorrhoids, before use you still need to consult with your attending proctologist.

Side effects

Clinical studies revealed the only side effect of the patch - an allergy to its ingredients, which is manifested by hyperemia, swelling and itching in the area of ​​application, as well as dermatitis and urticarial rashes.

In the first minutes after applying the patch, a slight tingling sensation may be felt. This reaction goes away within 5-6 minutes and is considered normal.

Restrictions on use

To avoid negative effects on the body, it is strictly forbidden to use the patch for persons who have a history of allergic reactions to the ingredients of the product, as well as for those who are prone to allergies.

When applying the patch, you need to ensure that there is no damage to the skin in the area where it is applied.

Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications to treatment with this remedy, but the patch can only be used under strict medical supervision.

During treatment, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, and drinking alcohol and smoking should be prohibited, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the patch.


The hemorrhoid patch from China has a number of advantages, namely:

  • safety, as it practically does not cause adverse reactions and has a minimal number of contraindications;
  • Convenience and ease of use - you just need to stick it on the skin;
  • rapid onset of effect - relief comes literally after the first application of the patch;
  • complexity of action - the patch affects the symptoms and pathogenesis of hemorrhoids;
  • effectiveness in all stages and forms of hemorrhoids;
  • The patch is recognized by proctologists in all countries.


The hemorrhoid patch is sold in pharmacies in our country. The product can also be purchased in online stores. But it is best to order it on the manufacturer’s official website, as this will protect you from counterfeits.

The cost of the patch depends on the supplier and your region.

Experts' opinion

Many proctologists and coloproctologists have verified its effectiveness in practice.

Experts consider this remedy to be an excellent option in cases where it is impossible to use local external medications. Doctors also note that the patch not only eliminates the manifestations of hemorrhoids, but also acts as a pathogenetic agent, which helps to completely get rid of the problem.

In addition, the patch can be prescribed not only for acute hemorrhoids, but also during remission to prevent exacerbation of the process.

Chinese transdermal patches for hemorrhoids are an innovative product made according to ancient Tibetan recipes, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, prevents complications of the disease, and also strengthens the body and activates the functioning of all organs of the body.

To be honest, this form of the drug did not inspire confidence in me. But I still decided to try it out of curiosity.

I applied the patch once a day below the navel. Literally after the second use, I noticed that the pain had gone away, and a few days later the lump disappeared. This is the miracle of Chinese medicine. I recommend to all!"

Dmitry, 43 years old: “I have been suffering from external hemorrhoids for more than 10 years. Despite treatment, exacerbation of the disease occurs 1-2 times a year.

Since I had already lost faith in the effectiveness of antihemorrhoidal drugs, I decided to look for an effective alternative remedy. My searches led me to some forum, I don’t remember the name, and there were a lot of positive reviews about transdermal patches, including those for hemorrhoids.

I ordered a Chinese anti-hemorrhoidal patch on the official website, it was cheaper. I immediately purchased 8 patches to complete the full course.

I used it as the instructions say. One course was enough for me: the hemorrhoidal cones decreased in size, the cracks healed, the pain and itching went away.”

Marina, 37 years old: “I have known about hemorrhoids for a long time, since my mother suffers from it, so I did not rule out that this disease could be passed on to me by heredity. To reduce the risk of hemorrhoidal bumps, I led an active and healthy lifestyle. But pregnancy and childbirth gave me not only joy, but also hemorrhoids.

Immediately after the maternity hospital, I felt an unpleasant feeling in the rectum, and over time, pain and itching after bowel movements. Suspecting that it was hemorrhoids, I turned to a specialist who recommended a Chinese patch.

Since caring for a child takes a lot of time and effort, applying the patch was very convenient - I stuck it on and forgot for a day.

I completed a full course of treatment and still forgot about hemorrhoids, and this has already been for 3 whole years. I advise everyone!".

Beware of fakes! Original Chinese transdermal patches can be obtained from.

Go to the official website

Chinese patch for hemorrhoids, reviews from users and doctors, where to buy, official website of the manufacturer. Composition, how the patch works, what the effect is after application. Many people are interested in the question of how the patches work and what healing properties they contain. There are many positive reviews, but there are also negative ones.

Hemorrhoids and its treatment

In recent decades, the world has been changing, more people are starting to live passively. Such behavior cannot pass without a trace, and doctors note an increase in the number of cases of hemorrhoids. Transdermal patches for hemorrhoids are gaining popularity.

According to statistics, there are about 10% of people in the world with this pathology. Their number is constantly growing.

Hemorrhoids are a well-studied pathology. Doctors give the causes of the disease:

  • improper diet;
  • low human mobility;
  • inflammation of the rectum resulting from untreated constipation;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • smoking, alcohol.

The disease represents nodes that arise directly in the rectum of the body. Moreover, in the first stages of the disease it is almost impossible to notice. Medical diagnostics often do not provide concrete results. Basically, people learn about the disease at the moment when blood begins to flow from the anus or hemorrhoids fall out.

Hemorrhoids are usually considered one of the most common ailments. The disease not only causes severe discomfort and severe pain, but also creates a risk of developing anemia. With hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes and varicose veins are recorded in the hemorrhoidal veins.


Vascular pathology is the main factor in the development of the disease. When the normal outflow of blood is disrupted, the damaged veins stretch significantly. The resulting nodes gradually increase in volume and become inflamed.

  1. Hemorrhoids are formed due to constipation and malignant neoplasms.
  2. Often, congestion appears in the veins of the rectum due to an inactive lifestyle, forced immobility and sedentary work.
  3. Excessive overexertion during sports activities can also provoke the onset of the disease.
  4. Often pregnancy becomes a key cause of pathology.


With external hemorrhoids, nodes form around the anus. This form is characterized by the presence of burning, itching and pain. Internal hemorrhoids usually form on the walls of the rectum due to the proliferation of the choroid plexuses. The clinical picture is extremely weak.

In the combined form, a combination of signs of external hemorrhoids with internal nodes is recorded.


The formation of the first manifestations of the disease begins with minor discomfort and itching. At this stage, the appearance of nodes is not yet noticed. Painful sensations appear much later, when the second stage of the disease develops. Nodes fall out. They can be easily inserted into the rectum. During this period, local treatment (gels, suppositories, ointments) helps to effectively cope with pain.

The third stage is characterized by prolapse of nodes not only during defecation, but with minor physical overload.

In the final stage, severe complications occur. There is bleeding and severe pain. It is useless to use any conservative treatment at this time; only surgical intervention should be prescribed.

Diagnosis of the disease

Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and irrigoscopy are performed. The need for each of these procedures is determined by a proctologist.

  1. In the initial stages, painkillers and drugs to eliminate inflammation are used.
  2. To strengthen the tone of the venous wall, Troxerutin, Detralex or Proctosedyl are used.
  3. Anticoagulants are prescribed if there is a risk of thrombosis.
  4. Regulax is used for constipation.
  5. Enzyme agents, Creon and Pancreatin, are used for indigestion.

Spices, canned food, hot sauces, cheeses and spices are removed from the diet. It is advisable to increase physical activity. Bleeding of prolapsed nodes, the occurrence of anemia and the lack of effect from the use of conservative therapy are strong arguments for surgery. The purpose of surgical manipulation is to block the blood supply to the hemorrhoid.

The most common treatment methods:

  • injection sclerotherapy;
  • photocoagulation;
  • ring ligation;
  • disarterization;
  • laser coagulation.

The disease is treated better and faster in the initial stages. Mostly medications are used, the effect is to suppress the process itself and reduce the accompanying symptoms. These include suppositories, ointments, and tablets.

If there is no proper result, the doctor may additionally prescribe surgery or resort to a minimally invasive method. Photocoagulation and sclerotherapy.

Medicines based on Chinese medicine methods are gaining particular popularity. This is a transdermal Chinese patch for hemorrhoids.

The experience showed positive results for all stages of hemorrhoids. In patients of the fourth stage, good dynamics were observed. The manufacturer of the patch says that in the first stage of the disease, the pathology disappears completely after using the product.

Patients do not need to undergo unpleasant and painful procedures. Medicinal transdermal Chinese patches for hemorrhoids are applied to the upper abdomen. The active substances are absorbed into the skin and reach the blood vessels. They then spread throughout the body, reaching foci of inflammation. The process itself is painless for humans.

The drug is able to affect deep tissues, increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

Composition of the patch

The hemorrhoid patch has a unique composition. When creating, the manufacturer used the knowledge of Tibetan monks and the achievements of modern medicine. The components are carefully selected. Each has a beneficial effect on the body. Reduces symptoms, increases protective functions and enhances the effect of substances.

The components are of natural origin. The creator of the transdermal Chinese patch for hemorrhoids only reduced the size of nanoparticles, increasing the ability to penetrate into the deepest tissues.

Has three layers:

  1. Storage tank.
  2. Membrane.
  3. A layer that connects components.

Composition of the patch:

  • burnet root.

It is an effective remedy for suppressing inflammatory processes. The root restores blood circulation in the body and relieves pain. Used to treat wounds, including prolonged bleeding and hemorrhoids.

  • galla chinensis.

The plant is a rich source of tannin, which has astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects. Often used to treat open skin wounds.

  • borneol.

Borneol is an extract extracted from the camphor tree. Has an antiseptic effect. Borneol tones the body, destroys viruses, and relieves pain. With the remaining ingredients, the plant quickly restores intestinal tissue damaged during the development of hemorrhoids.

  • Barberine hydrochloride.

Taken from poppy plants. The substance has pronounced antifungal and antiviral properties. Often used to treat pathologies affecting the intestines. Features: Barberine hydrochloride. It prevents the occurrence of complications after hemorrhoids.

This component does not allow the development of tumors of various types. Helps cope with swelling.

  • papaverine hydrochloride.

The substance is obtained by artificial synthesis. Relieves itching, helps eliminate pain, and reduces the likelihood of spasms. It has a quick reaction, thanks to which relief comes within a couple of minutes after administration. The substance strengthens the blood vessels themselves, the walls of blood vessels, and normalizes blood flow.

The action of the transdermal Chinese patch for hemorrhoids is aimed at relieving pain and reducing the process itself. Additionally, the drug strengthens the patient’s body, reducing the likelihood of infection.


How it works

The Chinese patch for hemorrhoids is placed near the navel. There are a large number of vessels there, thanks to which the drug substances reach the sites of inflammation faster. The membrane holds the components of the patch, the binding element is activated under the influence of body temperature.

The medicine, reduced to microscopic size, begins to melt and quickly penetrates the blood vessels.

The peculiarity of hemorrhoid patches is that they act slowly, reducing to zero the likelihood of an overdose. The effect lasts for 24 hours. This approach allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms characteristic of the pathology.

Due to the influence of active components, blood vessels begin to cleanse, blood flow and the supply of nutrients are accelerated. Body tissues are strengthened.

At the same time, Chinese patches for hemorrhoids get rid of the cause that caused the pathology to arise. Medicine cannot always completely cure a disease. Efficiency is determined by many factors, the last role being played by the individual characteristics of the patient and the current form of the disease.

Sometimes hemorrhoids do not disappear, and it is necessary to select another therapy.

The product helps with itching and problems associated with bowel movements. When stagnation occurs in blood vessels localized in the pelvic area.

Chinese hemorrhoid patch is based on natural ingredients. The composition does not exclude the possibility of side effects. People with individual intolerance to individual components of the patch are prone to this occurrence.

Side effects manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction:

  1. Urticaria at the site of application of the drug.
  2. Skin itching.
  3. Swelling in severe cases.

When the first signs of discomfort appear, the patch should be peeled off and no longer used. The drug is contraindicated in cases where the patient has open wounds or scratches near the navel.

Therapy assumes that the patient will give up alcohol and smoking. They reduce the effectiveness of the drug and worsen the course of the disease.

When first applied to the navel area, patients may feel a slight tingling sensation. Over time, the effect goes away on its own. The presence of severe itching indicates a developing allergic reaction.

Healing properties

According to studies, the transdermal patch for hemorrhoids has the following advantages:

  • immediate effect on the body.

The effect is achieved after several patches. Recovery occurs in most patients within a relatively short period of time.

  • ease of use.

Treatment with the Chinese patch requires compliance with the conditions. Otherwise, the patient’s lifestyle remains virtually unchanged.

  • wide spectrum of action.

The active substances of the drug relieve hemorrhoids and have a positive effect. Destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The patch should be used to treat hemorrhoids at any stage of development.

  • safe.

Except in cases of allergic reactions, the Chinese patch does not cause harm.

  • certified.

Transdermal Chinese patches for hemorrhoids have passed the necessary tests and studies.

The healing properties are determined by the effects that its components have. Regular use of the Chinese patch helps:

  1. Restoration of blood circulation located in the pelvic area. The drug normalizes the outflow of lymph from this area, reduces the likelihood of the formation of stagnant processes, which results in the appearance of foci of inflammation.
  2. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and cleansed of toxins.
  3. Elimination of hemorrhages. The patch relieves swelling, inflammation and pain.
  4. A systematic decrease in the size of hemorrhoids, which leads to complete disappearance.
  5. Removing toxins from the body.
  6. Healing of open wounds and cracks localized in the anus.

It is also used for preventive purposes.

To achieve the best effect, the drug must be glued near the navel; there are many blood vessels here. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be cleaned of dirt and thoroughly dried, otherwise the patch will not stick. If possible, it is recommended to remove hair from the area where the product is applied.

Should be kept for no more than 24 hours. If discomfort occurs, you need to check whether an allergic reaction has occurred.

At the end of the specified period, it is recommended to clean the area where the patch was applied from any remaining adhesive. The repeated procedure is carried out no earlier than 3-4 hours after removing the drug. The course of treatment involves at least 8 sessions. In difficult cases, it is recommended to repeat therapy 3-4 times.


The price does not exceed 1000 rubles.

Instructions for use

Detailed instructions for using the patch, how to use it.

The transdermal patch for hemorrhoids causes some skepticism among patients. The drug belongs to traditional medicine, which most doctors do not approve of.

New drugs are manufactured only for the purpose of profit; their effectiveness is minimal at best. At worst, such drugs only harm the body. After the first few uses, the opinion about the patch changes dramatically.

As you can see, transdermal Chinese patches for hemorrhoids are really useful in treating pathology. It is only important to comply with the conditions of use and slightly change your lifestyle. The drug itself treats the disease, without distracting the patient from everyday worries and without requiring additional effort.

Where can I buy

Today, transdermal Chinese patches for hemorrhoids can be found and bought in pharmacies, which confirms their high quality. In specialized places, the cost of the drug is too high. The price is probably due to the great popularity of the Chinese product. It is better not to buy a patch for hemorrhoids on Ali Express; there is a possibility of ordering a fake.

You can buy a patch for hemorrhoids on the navel in all CIS countries: Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Samara), Belarus (Minsk), Kazakhstan (Almaty), Ukraine (Kiev, Kharkov).

To save money and also protect against purchasing counterfeits, you should go to the official website of the patch manufacturer. It’s worth trying the transdermal Chinese patch, the reviews are mostly positive and have proven themselves well.

Modern medicine offers some innovative treatments for hemorrhoids. Previously, pharmacies offered mainly ointments, creams and oral medications. Today, the hemorrhoid patch is widely used, and its use is considered by many to be convenient and effective.

Patches for hemorrhoids have not yet received recognition from official medicine and should be considered the same as any folk remedies. This development of Chinese medicine is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhoids and its prevention.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids that the manufacturer says the patch can treat include:

  1. formation and prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  2. blood and/or mucous discharge from the anus;
  3. itching and burning;
  4. pain when sitting, especially when defecating;
  5. constipation and other bowel problems.

Indications for the use of hemorrhoid patches are based on the concept of a transdermal therapeutic system. This system involves the use of drugs in such a way that the active substances penetrate the body gradually and in small quantities. Penetration into blood vessels occurs through the skin.

Release form

Hemorrhoid patches are similar in shape to regular patches. They consist of several layers:

  • lining;
  • compartment with medicine;
  • semi-permeable membrane;
  • binding liquid;
  • protective strip.

The patch is sold individually, in reliable packaging with thermal protection.

Anti hemorrhoids

The Chinese “ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS” patch, which has already become famous all over the world, was developed not so long ago. The specialists who worked on the drug presented a copy ready for human testing in 2013. Then an experiment was conducted in the Netherlands, which was observed by doctors from different countries.

2,000 people who suffered from hemorrhoids were invited to participate, and their disease was at different stages, and it was both internal and external. All of them used the “ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS” patch for 10 days. The developers announced results according to which 95% of patients noticed effective results, the main of which was the resorption of hemorrhoids.

Doctors were skeptical about the use of “ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS”, so official medicine never recognized the remedy.

Chinese transdermal patch

The transdermal patch is based on Chinese philosophy, which is often used in traditional Chinese medicine. The developers explain that the human body is a bundle of energy mass and it is possible to influence the foci of the disease by regulating it. Thus, the “Qi” energy is concentrated in the navel. Once in this clot of energy, the active substances of the drugs are immediately distributed throughout the body, while most of them are sent to those internal organs in which the inflammatory process has begun.

The Chinese transdermal patch “ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS” causes a lot of controversy, and those who do not trust such treatment products can be understood. Chinese traditional medicine is radically different from what we are used to. The only similarity is that it is also based on the use of natural ingredients, often plants. The same applies to the transdermal Chinese patch. Its composition is completely natural and, perhaps, this is the most frequently cited argument for its use.


The hemorrhoid patch contains a tablet with active ingredients, which provide a therapeutic effect. Under the influence of heat, they transform into a gel and penetrate into the body.

It is noteworthy that most of them are not even familiar in our area. So, the active components of the drug are:

  1. Burnet root. Improves blood circulation, normalizes blood composition. Due to this effect, bleeding stops and its resumption is prevented. Burnet root also speeds up the process of resorption of hemorrhoids.
  2. Galla chinensis. Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, heals the area affected by cracks, and relieves the inflammatory process. The plant also has an antiseptic effect. The wounds gradually dry out and heal.
  3. Berberine hydrochloride. It is considered one of the key components of the composition. Prevents the occurrence of complications and the transition of hemorrhoids to more severe stages. Prevents the formation of puffiness, tumors and acute inflammatory processes.
  4. Papaverine hydrochloride. The main effect is analgesic and spasmodic. The effect of the substance is powerful and manifests itself immediately after entering the human body. Helps eliminate itching, burning, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and dramatically reduces pain.
  5. Borneol. Has a beneficial effect on the rectum: accelerates recovery processes in the tissues of the mucous membrane. Borneol also protects the affected area from infection and infection with staphylococci and streptococci.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using the transdermal patch for hemorrhoids are simple, but require strict adherence. It is glued to the skin near the navel. Before gluing the patch, it is necessary to prepare the skin. To do this, you need to wash it with warm water and baby soap. It is advisable that there is no hair in the desired area. If there is a lot of hair there, you will have to remove it. Otherwise, the hairs will prevent the drug from penetrating inside.

The product lasts for a day. During this time, the active substances of the drug exert their effect and are gradually absorbed, penetrating into the body. The patch is removed easily, without pain. The next one needs to be glued after 3 hours, having first cleansed the skin again.

The manufacturer claims that the minimum duration of treatment with a transdermal patch is 8 pieces. If the disease has progressed to stage 2 or higher, it is recommended to take several courses in a row.

Divorce or not?

Many of those who consider the treatment of hemorrhoids with a transdermal patch to be a scam argue that the disease affects the rectum, and the patch is glued to the navel. The natural question is: where is the rectum and where is the stomach?

The Chinese use human energy as the basis for all treatment methods; among the residents of our region, few people take seriously the information about the “Qi” energy and other subtleties of using the patch.

It is hardly reasonable to believe that a transdermal patch for hemorrhoids can cure a disease of any stage. However, positive reviews from those who have experienced its effect on themselves prove that the drug really allows you to get rid of the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids. The best option would be to use a patch to alleviate the condition, but it cannot be a complex therapy.

Reviews from doctors

Transdermal therapy has nothing in common with official medicine. My attitude towards traditional methods of treatment has always been and remains biased. This is partly because patients often do not see the line between when it is still possible to use such methods, and when the disease has reached a serious stage, where it is impossible to do without the intervention of specialists. Many people perceive Chinese patches for hemorrhoids as an innovative remedy, but few people pay attention to the fact that you cannot find them in any pharmacy. Why? Yes, because hemorrhoids are too dangerous a disease with which it is better not to experiment. It is always necessary to contact a proctologist, who will establish the causes that provoked the disease, determine its stage, and only then select a full-fledged therapy.

Valery Igorevich

Some of my patients who come to me with hemorrhoids ask about the advisability of using a Chinese transdermal patch. Moreover, in most cases it turns out that they have already bought it and now decided to consult for the sake of decency. I see no point in dissuading them. Firstly, the base of the patch is natural, that is, there should be no side effects. Secondly, no one has canceled the placebo effect. Self-hypnosis is a really powerful thing, and it helps many people. If a person sticks a patch on and sincerely believes in its effectiveness, why should I dissuade him? Of course, when I hear that some people treat hemorrhoids exclusively with a patch, I am shocked.

Andrey Vitalievich

Vladimir Yurievich

Average price in pharmacies

The Chinese transdermal patch is not sold in pharmacy chains. The cost when ordering online for 1 unit is about 150 rubles. Sometimes the patch can be found in some stores or from individuals, but the price there is usually several times higher.

Where can I buy

It is recommended to buy a Chinese transdermal patch on the official website of the manufacturer. To order, simply go to the website and leave a request, indicating the required number of pieces.

This method of purchasing attracts many people. Some people are simply embarrassed to take their delicate problem to the pharmacy. And others don't have time. It only takes a few minutes to place an order online.

In addition to the manufacturer’s official website, offers for the sale of Chinese transdermal patches can also be found on other resources. However, in this case there is no guarantee of purchasing the original product.


Contraindications to the use of hemorrhoid patches are:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components included in the composition;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • smoking and poor diet.

As for diet, using the patch requires excluding fatty, fried and spicy foods from the diet. This will allow you to get rid of waste and toxins in the body, so the medicine will work more effectively.

Pros and cons of the patch

The main disadvantage of hemorrhoid patches is their dubiousness. It is one thing to buy patented, certified drugs, and another thing to buy non-drug products. Doubts about the effectiveness cause some to abandon the idea of ​​ordering a Chinese transdermal patch. Moreover, the drug does not eradicate the disease, but only eliminates the symptoms. At the same time, those who have already experienced its effect on themselves highlight the following advantages:

  • Performance. Painful symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear after the first few uses;
  • Convenience. Applying ointments, gels and using suppositories are intimate procedures that you don’t always have the time and opportunity to perform;
  • Safety. The natural basis of the drug minimizes contraindications for use;
  • Complex impact. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and other effects of the patch have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Real reviews

When I encountered hemorrhoids, I immediately went to the doctor, who prescribed comprehensive treatment. I also decided to order a Chinese transdermal patch, asked the proctologist, he said that he could not prescribe a non-medicinal drug, but if I decided to order it, he would not object. Delivery is fast, I placed an order in a few clicks and within three days I had it. I understood the instructions quickly, the patch is really very simple and easy to use. I took a shower, wiped the area near my navel dry and applied the first patch. I glued it and forgot, there was no discomfort or feeling of heaviness. A day later I took it off, waited a few hours and glued a new one. There were no side effects; perhaps, using the patch turned out to be the most pleasant procedure for treating hemorrhoids.

I encountered psoriasis at a young age and did not take the necessary measures in time. When I went to the doctor, it was too late, the disease had entered the third stage, and I had to endure a long course of treatment. All this time I reproached myself for not being serious, I had to endure so much pain and torment, itching, burning, I couldn’t even just sit on a chair. After completing therapy, the doctor recommended taking preventive measures. To do this, I go on a diet and order a Chinese patch for hemorrhoids twice a year. Why him? Because of all the possible means, it is the easiest to use. What could be simpler than just sticking a patch on your stomach and forgetting about it for a day? The disease has not returned, I will continue to use the patch.


I hear a lot of negative reviews about the hemorrhoid patch. I myself use it when the first signs of illness appear and recommend it to all my friends. Many simply do not have sufficient information about human energy capabilities. As a person who has devoted his entire life to esotericism, I can say that the navel area in our body is a unique area in which a clot of energy accumulates. When the active substances of the drug penetrate into it, they spread to all internal organs. This process occurs gradually, unlike taking regular pills. Before abandoning such a simple way to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is better to weigh all the pros and cons. It may turn out that the Chinese patch for hemorrhoids is the best treatment option for you.

I found out about Chinese patches for hemorrhoids and immediately became interested. Without even thinking, I decided to try it. Do you know why? Yes, simply because this method of treatment seemed modern to me. My father suffers from hemorrhoids and regularly visits a proctologist. I tried to persuade my dad for a long time, but when hemorrhoids appeared again, he agreed. I ordered 10 pieces of patches on the official website, delivery was quite fast. It turned out to be easy to use; dad would stick a patch on the area near the navel and forget about its existence. This procedure turned out to be much simpler and more pleasant than using candles, ointments, etc. The product turned out to be really effective! The symptoms of hemorrhoids, especially severe itching and pain during bowel movements, disappeared immediately. Both he and I were satisfied. You should not believe prejudices about the dangers of “pills from the Internet.” Better try it first.


Negative reviews

I finished “being treated” with a Chinese patch for hemorrhoids a few weeks ago, but I still can’t get over it. I won’t even tell you that the effect of use was zero. But I also encountered another problem - burns. I kept the first patch on for a day; when I took it off, the skin was red, but I thought that was the way it should be. After 3 hours, as required by the instructions, I glued the next one and went to bed. In the morning I woke up from a feeling of severe burning in the abdomen. I immediately took off the bandage and couldn’t believe my eyes - it turned out to be a real burn. Naturally, no one returned the money, and the consultants of the official website did not particularly want to answer my questions. As a result, I went to the hospital to see both a proctologist and a dermatologist. It’s better not to take risks; hemorrhoid patches are a real scam.

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Hemorrhoid patch Recently it has been gaining more and more popularity in our country. Most people who choose this method of treatment note its high efficiency, fast action and ease of use.

Chinese hemorrhoid patch

According to statistics, 50% of people have experienced symptoms of hemorrhoids at least once in their lives. People leading a sedentary lifestyle are especially susceptible to this disease. Heavy physical activity is also often the cause of hemorrhoids. Pregnancy and childbirth can also provoke pathological changes in the hemorrhoidal veins of the anus.

Hemorrhoid patches can be used both at the initial stage of hemorrhoids and can significantly improve the condition in case of a protracted illness. The use of stickers relieves pain and promotes recovery. Patches for the treatment of hemorrhoids have a natural composition and are very easy to use. The patch is glued to the area near the navel, adheres securely to the skin and does not stain clothes. The use of hemorrhoidal patches facilitates rapid access to the problem area and persists throughout the entire period of use of the patch. The effect of one patch lasts 24 hours. Patches can be used as an independent method of prevention or in complex therapy of hemorrhoidal disease.

The patches do not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, do not cause discomfort and are very easy to use. The use of the patch is recommended for persons over 18 years of age.

Before you start using Chinese patches to treat hemorrhoids, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct and consult with your doctor.


  1. borneol;
  2. berberine hydrochloride;
  3. burnet root;
  4. galla chinensis;
  5. papaverine hydrochloride.

Let's look at the active ingredients in more detail:

  • Borneol has analgesic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, helps accelerate regeneration processes and reduces the risk of relapses.
  • Berberine hydrochloride is an alkaloid extracted from plants. It has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects, stops inflammatory changes in hemorrhoids.
  • Burnet root is collected in China in the Tien Shan mountains. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, astringent and hemostatic effects. In folk medicine, burnet extract is used as a wound healing agent, as well as in the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • Galla chinensis is an irreplaceable source of tannin. Tannin has a good astringent effect, reduces swelling of inflamed tissues, and helps stop bleeding. Galla chinensis relieves itching and irritation of the skin in the problem area.
  • Papaverine hydrochloride is a myotropic antispasmodic, that is, it reduces painful contractions of smooth muscles. Relaxes the muscles of the internal organs of the respiratory, urinary, reproductive, digestive systems and blood vessels. The drug is prohibited for young children and the older generation who are over 75 years old. The latter are at risk of developing hyperthermia.

Mode of application

One of the main advantages of the hemorrhoid patch is the simplicity and convenience of its use.

  1. It is necessary to wash with soap and dry the area where the patch is applied (the navel area or near it);
  2. Open the package with the patch along the cut line, remove the protective layer from the adhesive surface of the patch;
  3. Place the patch on the navel area and press lightly (the patch cannot be used on open wounds or irritated skin);
  4. One patch is enough for 24 hours;
  5. After 24 hours, the patch must be removed and the area of ​​application thoroughly washed. The next patch can be used 3-6 hours after removing the previous patch.

The course consists of 8 patches. If necessary, you can make 2-3 courses.


  • AV block;
  • glaucoma;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • coma;
  • liver failure;
  • intolerance to components.

Before starting treatment for hemorrhoids, it is recommended to decide on the methods that will be used for this. The hemorrhoid patch is one of the methods that is distinguished by its effectiveness and ease of use.

This remedy is unique in that it eliminates the need to inject anything into the anus or apply the drug to external inflamed tissue. The entire treatment process is limited to the fact that the patch is glued to the skin near the navel, remains there for a certain time, and then is simply removed.

Before purchasing such a product, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. Medicinal preparations of this type are essentially a dietary supplement consisting of natural ingredients that are safe for human health. The patch is a sticky plate with a medicinal substance applied to one side.

The patch contains extracts of medicinal plants that have the properties to influence negative changes in blood vessels caused by hemorrhoids, as well as other components whose action is aimed at eliminating itching, inflammation, swelling and other disorders in the rectal mucosa.


There are many different types of patches with antihemorrhoidal properties, which are determined by the name of the remedy, the company that produces it and its composition. As a rule, they have no differences in their fundamental action - the active substance penetrates the bloodstream through the skin, and with the blood flow it is delivered to the location of the anus.

Transdermal patches, such as Bohai and Anti Hemorrhoids, are considered the most popular and in deserved demand among consumers, due to their therapeutic effects and the rapid onset of the desired result.

Transdermal patch for hemorrhoids

To eliminate all the symptoms of this disease, the transdermal patch is glued with the sticky side to the area of ​​skin located near the navel. Under the influence of, the active components applied to one of its sides are converted into, which allows them to easily penetrate the blood through the skin. This is also facilitated by the fact that the active substance is formed from nanoparticles that can penetrate without resistance into any hard-to-reach place located in the anorectal area. According to the instructions, the use of the patch confirms its effective action in the shortest possible time. Thanks to the patch, the initial stages of hemorrhoids can be eliminated within a week, and more severe forms of advanced disease can be eliminated within a month.

The benefits of using the patch are not limited only to the treatment of hemorrhoids and stopping the development of this disease. This method is able to influence the factor that served - to normalize the tone of the hemorrhoidal veins and eliminate congestion in them.

There are other advantages of the transdermal patch over other drugs used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, namely:

Chinese patch

Patches produced in China are able to have a complex effect on the patient’s body, so their effect is very effective. Thanks to its composition, it has a significant general strengthening effect and stimulates the functioning of various organs and systems.

As indicated in the instructions, the Chinese patch contains the following components:

Instructions for use

Before using the patch, you must first prepare the surface for gluing it. To do this, the skin around the navel is washed using soap and water, and then dried thoroughly. The patch is removed from the top protective layer and the sticky side is pasted onto the area of ​​skin located under the navel. After 24 hours, it is removed and the skin underneath is washed again. The entire course lasts eight days, and if necessary, after a short break it can be repeated.

When treating hemorrhoids using Chinese patches, you must avoid fatty foods, drinking alcohol and smoking.


Despite all their advantages and effectiveness in eliminating the disease, Chinese patches also have some contraindications for use.

They may be the following states:

Therefore, in order to avoid a negative reaction of the body to the treatment process using the patch, before use it is necessary to consult with. Only a specialist is able to assess the possibility of an incorrect reaction of the body in the form of individual intolerance, minimize the risk of side effects and determine the feasibility of this method of treating hemorrhoids.

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