Phone number of the admissions committee of the Ussuri Medical College. Striving for more

In 2015, the Ussuri Medical College was included in the Unified National Register of Leading Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of 2016 - among the best healthcare institutions in Russia. The college is expanding its area and improving its material and technical base. Such a large number of applicants strive to enroll here that many of them, due to lack of places, unfortunately have to be denied admission.

Hereditary health worker

In less than a month, the college will celebrate its 80th anniversary. On the eve of the holiday, the director of the Ussuri Medical College spoke about the successes and achievements of the institution she heads. Irina Burkutova.

Irina Timofeevna is a hereditary medical worker. Her mother, a pediatrician by training, devoted more than 40 years to medicine. She came to Primorye on a Komsomol voucher, starting her career in the Lazovsky district of the region. Her two aunts, who also have a medical degree and currently work in western Russia, have extensive experience in healthcare. Doctor - and sister of Irina Burkutova. Soon her second daughter, a fourth-year student at the Pacific State Medical University (TSMU), will also become a certified specialist in the field of medicine.

Irina Burkutova herself is a general practitioner by profession, a graduate of the Vladivostok Medical Institute, from which she graduated with honors in 1988. She worked a lot at the Ussuriysk City Hospital: in the emergency department, as a doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine. Since 2005, she moved to the Ussuri Medical College as a methodologist in the advanced training department. Since 2008, she has already been its head, and since 2013, the director of this educational institution.

She was awarded Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Department of Health of the Primorsky Territory, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Primorsky Territory, and the Duma of the Ussuri Urban District.

Certificate as a pass to the profession

Ussuri Medical College works in two areas of activity - it trains specialists in basic professional educational programs and provides additional vocational education services for citizens with secondary medical or pharmaceutical education.

Currently, they train here in six main professional educational programs, graduating health workers in the specialties of “general medicine”, “nursing”, “obstetrics”, “pharmacy”, “laboratory diagnostics”, as well as “orthopedic dentistry” with the qualification “ Dental Technician".

Training is conducted on the basis of both ninth and 11th grades. Admission to such specialties as “general medicine”, “obstetrics”, “laboratory diagnostics” and “orthopedic dentistry” is carried out only after the 11th grade. For the nursing specialty, applicants are recruited on the basis of 9th and 11th grades. We have experience recruiting a group of 9th grade graduates majoring in pharmacy. A similar experiment was conducted four years ago. This year, these students are expected to take final exams and receive diplomas.

The college is accepted both on a paid and free basis. Training in the specialties “pharmacy” and “orthopedic dentistry” is exclusively commercial. Education in other specialties can be obtained free of charge. There are no exams - enrollment is based on a competition of certificates of basic general education. In particular, in 2016, the entrance score for the specialty “general medicine” was “4.2”.

Over the past seven years, about 100 applicants have been admitted to the college annually on a budgetary basis. But the number of people wishing to become medical workers is so large that many of those who could not get the opportunity to study for free are accepted on a paid basis. The cost of training is acceptable for the family budget and ranges from 39 to 60.5 thousand rubles for one academic year. Currently, 705 students are studying at the college. Of these, 355 were accepted into budget places, the rest study for a fee.

Striving for more

The medical college could train more students. The only obstacle to this is the limited number of audiences. The educational institution owns a sports complex, a dormitory building with classrooms located in it, and almost three floors in a five-story office building on Sovetskaya Street, 77. After moving here in 2000, the college occupied two floors - the fourth and fifth. In 2016, the educational institution acquired an additional almost thousand square meters of space on the third floor. However, Irina Burkutova believes that this is not enough. Over time, if the necessary financial resources are available, they would like to buy the entire building.

Our task is for a young specialist to enter practical healthcare with the ability to work - with the practical skills that we taught him as part of the educational program,” says Irina Timofeevna. - Therefore, educational and industrial practice is very important. Educational practice is our simulation classrooms. In them it is possible to carry out professional activities or its elements in accordance with the procedures for providing medical care in conditions as close as possible to the real production environment. We have a very large video library, an excellent library. But until the student repeatedly repeats the same manipulations, we will not be able to achieve the desired result in his training.

The educational institution became one of the first among medical colleges in the Primorsky Territory to organize simulation rooms. The “Pharmacy Point” was the first to open in 2016. Now the environments of a nursing ward, a treatment room, a gynecological office, an individual maternity room, a pharmacy, etc. have been simulated.

Attention - to everyone

Boys and girls receive practical knowledge within the framework of social partnership agreements on interaction concluded by the college with various medical organizations of the Primorsky Territory. Currently, the educational institution has concluded more than 30 such agreements, which gives students the opportunity to do internships in almost all municipalities of Primorye. Many young specialists return home after completing their studies and work in those health care facilities where they honed their practical skills as students.

The cooperation established by the college with the Primorsky Association of Nurses provides enormous assistance in training. Chief nurses of various institutions in the region share their experience at conferences and lectures organized at the college.

Medicine is a complex science, and not all young men and women who have already entered it find it easy. Therefore, during the learning process there is a fairly large dropout of students. The college has a program aimed at adapting applicants to the educational process. It consists of trainings, psychological conversations, questionnaires, and work with group curators.

A social teacher and educational psychologist help students overcome various difficulties. The children have a psychological relief room at their disposal, where each of them, if necessary, can anonymously talk about their problems and receive psychological help. You can also use the helpline or the complaints and suggestions box located in the lobby.

Students should not be left without attention, emphasizes Irina Burkutova.

Pride in students

Almost all young professionals find work immediately after receiving a diploma of secondary vocational education. Guys are drafted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, some graduates express a desire to continue their studies in order to obtain a higher medical education, some girls go on maternity leave. All others are employed in their specialty.

Irina Timofeevna notes that according to Rosstat, in 2015, on average, 54% of vocational education graduates found employment in the country. At the Ussuri Medical College, over the past five years there have been from 80 to 90 percent.

Among the graduates of UMK there are chief doctors and chief nurses working in various medical institutions of the Primorsky Territory, and there are a lot of senior nurses. In just 80 years, more than 11 thousand people graduated from the walls of this educational institution. The Ussuriysk Medical College is proud of its graduates.

The college monitors the fate of its students. For these purposes, a Graduate Employment Assistance Center was established here. A job fair is held annually to which representatives of various medical organizations in Primorye are invited. The next such fair will take place the other day - March 3, 2017.

On the same days, the II Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” of the Primorsky Territory will be held in Vladivostok, including in the specialty “Medical and Social Care”. Among its participants will be students of the Ussuri Medical College.

The second area of ​​activity of the medical college is the provision of services for obtaining additional professional education to persons with secondary medical or pharmaceutical education.

In 2015, just over a thousand people improved their qualifications at this educational institution; in 2016, 997 students studied here. Employees of the department of additional education (advanced training) conduct training not only on the basis of their institution, but also as part of on-site cycles. The latter regularly take place almost throughout the Primorsky Territory. Specialists from the advanced training department were received by health care facilities in Arsenyev, Anuchino, Pokrovka, Kamenya-Rybolov, Mikhailovka and Nakhodka.

Teaching Staff

The college is also proud of its teachers, most of whom have the first and highest professional categories. Many of them came to education from practical healthcare and spent 30 or even 40 years working with students.

Among them is an anatomy teacher Galina Rakhmanova, teacher of Latin and English languages Galina Tribunskaya, deputy director of the college for academic work, teacher of the highest category, honorary worker of secondary vocational education Irina Kobzar, holders of Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Health, teachers of fundamentals of nursing Irina Baidikova And Natalia Rybel, teacher of pediatrics Natalya Lisitsa.

Part-time teachers working at an emergency medical station and in a city hospital share their vast life, practical and professional experience. Among them are honored doctors of the Russian Federation, honorary residents of the UGO Victor Golovachev And Vitaly Usoltsev. Vitaly Nikolaevich is a graduate of Ussuri Medical College.

To improve the methodological support of the educational process, develop pedagogical skills over the past two years, two methodological platforms have been created on the basis of the college within the framework of the non-profit partnership “Board of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of the Primorsky Territory”: a methodological association of teachers of chemistry, biology, ecology and a methodological association of teachers of general professional disciplines in enlarged group of specialties “Clinical Medicine”. Meetings are held annually, methodological literature and assessment tools are prepared.

Creative and athletic youth

Much attention is paid not only to the educational process, but also to youth policy and support for talented and energetic children. The best students who have demonstrated themselves in sports, creative, social and scientific life are awarded UMK scholarships. There are scholarship holders from the government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Ussuri urban district.

A cash prize is awarded to the winner of the annual “Best Medical College Student” competition. A lot of competitions are held among students living in the dormitory. And according to the results of 2016, the hostel itself was recognized as the best among similar institutions of secondary specialized educational institutions in the city district. Residents have at their disposal rooms for self-study, leisure activities, and household rooms equipped with microwave and electric ovens, and automatic washing machines. There is a large assembly hall for events. There is a gym nearby. Here in the adjacent territory there are volleyball and small basketball courts, a tennis court, and jogging tracks.

Women's team of the medical college, led by the head of physical education Anna Zagovalko, is the leader among women's basketball teams of secondary specialized educational institutions of Ussuriysk. And the silver medalist of the championship among secondary schools of the Primorsky Territory. Three students are holders of gold and one - silver TRP badges. Twice a week, college staff also engage in physical education in the sports section.

The youth center existing at the UMC covers a wide variety of movements: volunteer, sports, patriotic, creative and many others. The educational institution has a volunteer group “Care and Mercy”, a social club “Position”, a public association that performs the functions of voluntary people’s squads, a shooting club, and a theater studio, in which more than 30 students are involved in performances. Repeated winner and diploma winner of festivals at various levels is the Sibelius music studio. The college staff has established cooperation with veterans of the Afghan war. The guys and employees are caring for the monument in honor of those who died during the Great Patriotic War, installed on Gubria Street in the area of ​​Novonikolskoye Highway.

Waiting for the holiday

On March 27, Ussuri Medical College turns 80 years old. In honor of the anniversary on March 31 at the Drama Theater of the UGO named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya will host a colorful gala event, which is unlikely to leave indifferent everyone who visits it. On the eve of this significant date, a book dedicated to the history of this educational institution is being prepared for release. The holiday promises to be unforgettable!

The regional state budgetary professional educational institution "Ussuri Medical College" is still one of the educational centers of the Primorsky Territory, the main activity of which is determined by the issues of professional training and retraining of mid-level medical specialists for medical institutions of various profiles and different forms of ownership of the Ussuri urban district, others settlements of Primorye, Russian Federation.

Official evidence of the development and growth of the college - events and dates that provide a historical background of the educational institution:

1937 is the year of the formation of the Regional Obstetrics Two-Year School, which revealed to its graduates the secrets of professional excellence in the field of obstetrics.

1942 is the year when the midwifery school was renamed the Medical Obstetrics School. Wartime graduates - paramedics and nurses - they, along with the entire Soviet people, stood up to defend the Fatherland from the Nazi invaders, fulfilling their civic and professional duty on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, in field hospitals and rear medical institutions of their country.

Year 1954 - The Ussuri medical and midwifery school was given the status of “school”, the main goal of which in these years was related to the issues of expanding the range of services provided in the market of secondary vocational medical education in Primorye.

To achieve this goal, in 1993 a department of advanced training was opened at the college, which to this day operates in 21 specialties.

And in 2004 we became a college!

New status - new plans and prospects that were destined to be accomplished in a short time. Thus, in 2005, the first graduation of young specialists – dentists – took place; since 2007, the college has been graduating certified specialists in the field of pharmacy, and since 2010, graduates of the specialty “Medical Laboratory Technician” have received educational diplomas.

The stages of life of an educational institution include the creation, expansion and modernization of its material and technical base:

— in 1976, medical students had the opportunity to live in a 5-story dormitory designed for 300 people. It would not be superfluous to note that over the past years it has been recognized as one of the best student dormitories in the city of Ussuriysk.

Indicate the word in which the letter U is written in the blank space

Exercise 1 of 5

(branches) sway...

(friends) support..t



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In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Find this word

Exercise 2 out of 5

paste over



I was waiting

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Indicate the word in which the letter E is written in the blank space

Exercise 3 out of 5





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Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence. In 1894, the Literary and Theater Museum (2) was founded in Moscow (1) which (4) was made up of a collection on the history of Russian and Western European theater by A.A. Bakhrushin.

Exercise 4 out of 5
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