What does a ripe passion fruit look like? Passion fruit, an exotic fruit: beneficial properties, what it looks like and how to eat it. Consumption and storage of passion fruit

Learning to eat passion fruit correctly - rules for eating the fruit. Passion fruit is a fruit native to Brazil. Its cultivation requires a lot of heat and light, since it develops well only in conditions of long daylight hours and at high temperatures.

There are about 100 varieties of this fruit - passion fruit is available in stores with fruits of different colors and flavors, which differ significantly from each other. Delicious fruits can be identified by several external signs.

Fruit selection

To choose delicious passion fruits, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Most often, dark fruits are found on the market. Yellowish or greenish may indicate that the passion fruit is unripe - a good fruit will be dark purple in color.
  • It is important that the passion fruit is not brown - this means that the fruit is overripe and the fruit will not be tasty.
  • The skin of the sweet fruit will be slightly wrinkled. In this case, you should pay attention to dents and bruises - there should be no damage.
  • The smell of ripe passion fruit is distinct and pleasant. If the odor is too weak, the fruit may be sour (unripe).
  • The tasty fruits are soft and elastic to the touch.

Whole ripe fruits should be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. If the passion fruit is unripe, it can be kept at room temperature for several days. Opened pulp or juice is best consumed immediately, but can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a day.


Passion fruits can be eaten in their pure form. It is important to know that:

  • Fruits must be washed before use.
  • Carefully, immersing the knife 0.5-1 cm, you need to cut the fruit into two parts. It is advisable to do this as soon as possible so that the juice does not leak out.
  • Separate the halves with a quick movement to retain the passion fruit juice inside.
  • The edible part of the fruit is yellow pulp with seeds and juice. They can be eaten with a spoon straight from the fruit halves or used in other dishes.
  • The outer dark part of the peel, as well as the inner white part, are inedible and should be discarded.

Cooking recipes

In addition to eating passion fruit fresh, the pulp of the fruit can be used to prepare dishes such as:

  • Fruit sauce. Passion fruit goes very well with kiwi.
  • Fruit salad. In order not to lose aroma and freshness, passion fruit pulp is added to the dish last, before eating.
  • Pies and cakes. This exotic tropical fruit adds a rich, sweet aroma to baked goods.
  • Jam. The pulp, crushed in a blender, is used to serve with toast or cookies.
  • Yogurt. Fresh yoghurts with passion fruit pulp will appeal to both adults and children.

Passion fruit juice is usually drunk pure (with ice) or used to make cocktails.

Passion fruit is an exotic Brazilian fruit, widely known throughout the world. Passion fruit, passionflower, purple granadilla - the fruit has many names. The unique taste, alluring smell, sweet juice, and, of course, the benefits of passion fruit remain unchanged. Indeed, it will be very difficult to find a person who has not tried yogurt or aromatic tea with the addition of an exotic beauty.

Like everything unknown, passion fruit has its own secrets, wrapped in uniquely beautiful flowers.

How does passion fruit grow?

Many centuries ago, monk Ferrari arrived from Italy in sunny Brazil. It was he who gave the name “fruit of passion”, but not at all for the inflaming properties of the fruit. The strange flower reminded the monk of the torment and pain of Jesus. Thin flower petals symbolized the bloody crown of thorns, strong stamens were like the nails of a crucifix, and the most delicate white petals expressed innocence.

Over time, the religious legend was forgotten, passion fruit spread throughout the world and, thanks to its bright taste, attractive aroma and spectacular appearance, retained its passionate name. By the way, in many countries, passionflower is used as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Today, passion fruit is cultivated in tropical countries and delights residents with beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. The tree itself is a cluster of vines that grow up to 10-12 meters per year. During the growth period, the plant grows small tendrils and carefully wraps itself around everything. Over time, numerous fragrant flowers form on the branches, from which fruits appear after 3 months.

Passion fruit season in Thailand

One of the developed areas of passion fruit is Thailand, where it is considered the most aromatic fruit. Immediately after the end of the rainy season, the growing period begins, which lasts from December to April. At this time, ripe passion fruit appears on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. This is a rare fruit for Thailand, but tourists will be able to enjoy it. The price of granadilla varies depending on the time of year.

What does passion fruit look like?

Externally, the passion fruit fruit looks like a large yellow or deep purple color and reaches 12 cm in length and 3 cm in width.

The dense peel of passion fruit preserves the contents of the fruit from damage and is also a kind of indicator of ripeness. An unripe fruit has a perfectly smooth skin, while a ripe fruit is completely covered with small wrinkles.

Depending on the variety, the weight of passion fruit varies between 35-50 grams. Most of it is jelly-like orange pulp with small seeds. Yellow large fruits contain more pulp, but purple ones are much sweeter and juicier.

Other members of the Passionflower family are very similar to passion fruit. For example, an oblong banana granadilla grows 12 cm in length and 4 cm in width. The shape of the fruit can resemble an elongated light yellow or cucumber with velvety dark green skin. Inside the peel contains bright orange pulp in the form of numerous small droplets with seeds.

And the giant granadilla, living up to its name, has a truly impressive size. The fruit grows up to 30 cm in length and up to 12 cm in width and resembles a small melon. Unlike passion fruit, the yellow or green skin of the giant granadilla is thinner. But, like most edible varieties of passionflower, the large fruit contains aromatic, sweet and sour pulp with brown or purple seeds.

Composition and calorie content

Passionflower is distinguished not only by its bright appearance. Its rich composition itself answers the question of whether the fruit has beneficial properties.

The rich content of vitamins, mineral complexes, beta-carotene, antioxidants, flavonoids and fiber help cope with many ailments and maintain health. 100 grams contain:

  • 2.4 g protein,
  • 0.4 g fat,
  • 13.4 g carbohydrates,
  • 78 g water,
  • 1.5 g dietary fiber.

At the same time, passion fruit has low calorie content. Only 68 kcal per 100 grams of fresh pulp. This feature makes the fruit attractive to people who are losing weight or watching their figure.

Diabetics need to watch more than just what is in their foods. Due to the high carbohydrate content, it is necessary to limit the consumption of passionflower so as not to cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.


Passion fruit contains numerous vitamins, some of which provide up to 25% of the daily value.

  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens vision, improves skin condition and stimulates the immune system.
  • Vitamins B1 regulates the functioning of the nervous system and is involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B2 is part of enzymes, an active participant in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, giving the skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Vitamin PP improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous activity, and is part of the enzymes involved in cellular gas exchange.
  • Vitamin B5 regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the synthesis of enzymes involved in fat and amino acid metabolism.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in hematopoiesis and protein metabolism, improves immunity, and activates mental activity.
  • Vitamin E – protects blood vessels from damage, strengthens the immune system, activates physical and mental activity
  • Biotin makes skin and hair healthy.
  • Vitamin K synthesizes substances involved in blood clotting.
  • Folic acid helps synthesize hemoglobin and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates the immune system, strengthens blood vessels and bone tissue, regulates cholesterol levels, and participates in the synthesis of hormones.


Passion fruit contains mineral complexes, which, together with vitamins, protect health. When eating fruit, the body replenishes reserves of macro- and microelements that are not independently synthesized.

  • Calcium is part of bone and cartilage tissue and provides nerve conduction to muscles.
  • Potassium strengthens the heart and promotes proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Magnesium regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Sodium is involved in water metabolism and transports cellular substances.
  • Phosphorus is part of ATP, bone and nerve tissue, and promotes the contraction of muscle fibers.
  • Sulfur is a beauty mineral, improves body tone, nourishes skin cells, hair and nails.
  • Chlorine activates the enzyme amylase and promotes digestion, and is part of the blood plasma.
  • Iron is one of the most important components of hemoglobin and carries out gas exchange in cells.
  • Iodine is part of thyroid hormones.
  • Manganese helps vitamins and minerals to be absorbed, participates in the synthesis of insulin, as well as in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Zinc promotes the synthesis of most hormones and enzymes and ensures muscle function.
  • Fluoride is part of tooth enamel, protecting teeth from caries.
  • Copper, together with vitamin C, is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, strengthens vision, and promotes the beauty of skin and hair.

How to eat passion fruit

It is impossible to describe the taste of passion fruit in one word. It resembles a combination of your favorite fruits and berries. The freshness of kiwi, the sourness of sea buckthorn, the airy sweetness and juiciness of gooseberries, the tartness of plums and the tenderness of strawberries give a rich sweet and sour taste. Such a vibrant composition explains why granadilla is a gourmet favorite.

The fruit must be peeled before use. The peel is considered poisonous, but chefs have learned to use some varieties in the preparation of desserts. However, you should not take risks and experiment with exotic foods on your own.

To ensure safety during transportation, passionflower is treated with chemicals, so it must be thoroughly washed.

The peel is carefully cut in a circle so as not to split the fruit in half. This is done to preserve more fresh juice. From each half, eat the remaining core with a small spoon. Passion fruit seeds are eaten along with the jelly-like aromatic pulp.

How to choose passion fruit

To please yourself with exotic delicacies, you need to understand how to choose it correctly. The ripe fruit is covered with a slightly wrinkled, rough shell without damage. Smooth passion fruit is sour in taste, but becomes sweeter as it ripens.

Can you eat passion fruit seeds?

The Brazilian guest has a contradictory effect. The pulp itself invigorates and tones, and the seeds have a hypnotic effect. The soft, miniature seeds are used in cooking to garnish pastries, desserts and cocktails. In addition to beauty, they are a source of Omega acids and vitamins.

What is made from passion fruit?

The fruit is often used in preparing a variety of dishes - desserts, salads, baked goods, casseroles and sauces. Its unique taste makes it a worthy addition to any kitchen. Passion fruit goes well with dairy products and seaweed, so it is often used in cocktails, smoothies and juices.

How to store passion fruit

In the homeland of the fruit, it is stored in a cool place to maximize its shelf life. Peeled passion fruit can be refrigerated for up to five days. And if you freeze the pulp along with sugar, all the important substances and benefits will be preserved for a long time.

What are the benefits of passion fruit?

The tropical fruit of passion can rightfully be called the fruit of health. Fresh passion fruit regulates nervous activity, strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, and activates the liver. The juice has a mild diuretic and laxative effect on the body. And dietary fiber stimulates the digestive system and promotes the elimination of waste and toxins.

The increased amount of antioxidants that protect not only from viruses and bacteria, but also from cancer, allows us to safely say that passion fruit and benefits are inextricably linked.

Also, passionflower has medicinal properties. The fruit reduces the development of inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of asthmatic attacks, and helps cope with severe headaches without medications.

The benefits of passion fruit for women are invaluable. During menstruation, it relieves the condition and eliminates cramps. In adulthood, regular consumption of the fruit will help cope with severe signs of menopause.

Passion fruit will enrich the expectant mother’s body with essential vitamins. At the same time, it is worth remembering that an exotic product can cause allergies, so you should not abuse it.

And of course, don’t forget about the amorous action. Passion fruit is considered a strong aphrodisiac. It is possible that the passionate title of the fruit of passion was preserved precisely because of this influence.

Areas of use

Passion fruit has found favor in almost all areas of life, from medicine to cooking.

In cosmetology

The fruit is a real helper for female beauty. The juice and pulp are actively used for the production of creams and masks that help rejuvenate and refresh the skin. The oil is used in the creation of nourishing and strengthening hair products.


During weight loss, nutrition is limited, and the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. A minimum of calories and a maximum content of nutrients allows granadilla to be included in the list of dietary products.


In addition to culinary masterpieces, food with passion fruit is used for medicinal purposes in people with heart disease, gastrointestinal tract and oncology. This helps alleviate acute conditions and rehabilitation periods after operations.

Harm of passion fruit

Like any product, passionflower has contraindications for use. Allergy sufferers, diabetics and nursing mothers should be careful and eat the fruit in limited quantities.

With the development of transport links, it became possible to bring various exotic fruits of African and South American plants to European countries. One of them is passion fruit, scientifically called passionflower, granadilla and passion flower. The benefits and harms of passion fruit are determined by the chemical composition of the pulp of its fruits, the presence in them of biologically active substances with beneficial properties, minerals and dietary fiber.

What does passion fruit look like and where does it grow?

Nowadays, passion fruit, which is considered to be native to the South American continent, is intensively cultivated in Israel, Macaronesia, New Zealand and Hawaii. You can find passion fruit plantations in the Galapagos and Sri Lanka.

It is a large evergreen vine that grows in tropical environments and has beautiful three-centimeter flowers and dark green curly leaves with serrated edges.

The benefits and harms of passion fruit for the human body are considered in relation to its fruits - spherical or oblong fruits, depending on the type, having a wide range of colors: from bright yellow to dark purple.

Ripe passion fruit has a slightly soft core, a slightly wrinkled peel (possibly with small cracks), and a small size. The presence of juice makes the healthy fruit heavy.

Attention! Light fruits are evidence of their staleness and drying out.

The passion fruit peel is dense and thick, reliably retaining the internal aroma. There is practically no benefit to it; its botanical property is to protect the pulp to preserve the viability of the seeds.

In some types of passion fruit, the peel is considered poisonous, unsuitable for food, and can cause harm to the body. However, there are many useful varieties.

Composition and calorie content of passion fruit

Passion fruit pulp is a real storehouse of health. It contains a lot of useful substances:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fructose.

Useful minerals are represented by both micro- and macroelements.

Important! By consuming 3-4 passion fruits per day, a person meets 36% of the need for vitamin C, 42% for dietary fiber, 10% each for iron, nicotinic acid, B vitamins, and phosphorus.

Passion fruit cannot be called low-calorie. 100 g contain 68 kcal, which makes it a complete source of energy for people with an active lifestyle.

Passion fruit juice contains serotonin, a substance that strengthens the spirit, regulates mood, and softens the effects of stress. This is a particularly useful property during physical and mental stress, and when living conditions change.


The value and benefits of the vitamin composition are explained by the presence of vitamins C, PP, K, A, E, and group B in passion fruit.

In addition to the benefits of vitamin C (increasing immunity, launching regenerative processes, strengthening muscles, antioxidant activity), passion fruit fruits are valued for their content of vitamin E - a well-known guardian of beauty. With the help of its properties, the aging of the body is inhibited, the skin is healed, hair is strengthened, and resistance to environmental harm is increased.

Vitamin A in passion fruit helps slow down vision deterioration and improve the functioning of the endocrine glands. Thanks to B vitamins, important chemical reactions that support metabolic processes at any level are intensified, for example, B6 regulates digestive processes, has a positive effect on mental activity, and is beneficial in the process of hematopoiesis.

The beneficial properties of vitamin K improve blood characteristics (regulate clotting factor).


The most important minerals contained in passion fruit are iron, copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, and sulfur. Using the calcium present in the pulp, a person strengthens the musculoskeletal system, stabilizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism with the help of potassium, and sulfur improves the nutrition of skin and hair cells.

A well-known health aid, iron, is involved in hematopoietic processes.

Passion fruit is highly valued for its iodine content, a beneficial element for thyroid function.

The benefits of the intake of copper, fluorine and zinc into the body - natural minerals involved in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, hematopoiesis and strengthening of muscle fibers - are not exaggerated.

The properties of an active participant in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism - manganese - help the absorption of vitamins and microelements, and sodium is involved in the transport of substances into tissue cells.

What are the benefits of passion fruit for the body?

Due to its rich biochemical composition, passion fruit is beneficial for almost any organism. True, you should not consume it in unlimited quantities, so as not to cause allergies and thereby harm the body.

The health benefits and harms of passion fruit are based on its chemical composition, thanks to which you can not only strengthen the body, but also treat the symptoms of certain diseases, prevent pathologies, and help maintain your youth and attractiveness.

The main health benefits come from passion fruit pulp. Thanks to the wide range of components it contains, consumption will help:

  • cope with intestinal and stomach spasms;
  • normalize stool;
  • restore the body's defenses after illness;
  • improve metabolism;
  • overcome hyperthermia;
  • relieve muscle pain after significant physical activity;
  • normalize temporary surges in blood pressure;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • improve vision.

In addition, passion fruit is a tasty and pleasant fruit that provides a comfortable tonic effect that quenches thirst. Its juice can be mixed with other juices or taken on its own.

Important! The benefit of passion fruit for men is to protect the body from cancerous growths of the prostate, lung and rectal cancer. Passion fruit pulp is rich in lycopene, an enemy of atypical cells and a stimulator of cellular defense.

Benefits of passion fruit for weight loss

Due to the fact that the calorie content of passion fruit is 68 kcal per 100 product, and the amount of fat is almost zero, it is included in diets for weight loss, maintaining weight at constant levels, without causing harm to the body.

The beneficial properties of passion fruit in matters related to dietary nutrition combine a rich biochemical composition and low calorie content. The body does not have a reason to gain weight if the chemical and physiological composition of its internal environment is stable, and the harm from the side effects of passion fruit is minimized.

The use of passion fruit in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of passion fruit leaves and seeds are widely used in folk medicine. Their inclusion in the composition of medicinal products is an enhancement of the homeopathic component, the natural direction of the action of the medicine without harm to other organs or systems.

Passion fruit leaves have beneficial abilities to relieve pain and calm the nervous system. They contain passionflower, which gently and effectively helps both adults and children relax and fall asleep.

The use of extracts from passion fruit leaves is due to their ability to heal bruises, normalize intestinal disorders, and relieve pain during menstruation.

Passion fruit peel is no exception. It contains a significant amount of vitamin C, the properties of which are beneficial in strengthening the body.

Passion fruit in home cosmetology

The benefits of passion fruit for women are not limited to taking it internally. Due to the rich content of fatty oil obtained from the fruit, the properties of passion fruit are often used in cosmetology. Passion fruit oil is rich in essential acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. Its benefits in the fight against problematic facial skin, hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, and early aging are enormous.

The beneficial properties of creams, lotions, foams, and face masks prepared on such an oil basis provide an anti-inflammatory effect, revitalize tired skin, fight an increased tendency to fat formation, nourish, and saturate it with health.

Face masks

The beneficial properties of passion fruit for the face are due to the oils contained in the seeds. They contain vitamins, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and unsaturated fatty acids in abundance.

  • For the purpose of lifting, it is recommended to prepare a mask: take passion fruit and banana pulp in equal quantities, add half the dose of almond oil and starch. Mix everything well and apply to cleansed facial skin.
  • A refreshing vitamin mask can be made from 3 tablespoons of passion fruit, 1 tablespoon of avocado, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and honey.
  • To obtain a whitening effect, mix 10 g of passion fruit oil, a tablespoon of pure yogurt and a teaspoon of parsley juice.

Hair masks

Passion fruit oil has a beneficial effect on hair. Its benefits include restoring their damaged structure, adding shine, facilitating combing, normalizing the processes of sebum formation, and combating split ends and breaking off.

Passion fruit oil is included in many masks. The so-called Brazilian version is interesting: mix passion fruit oil, rice oil, and acai oil in equal parts. When heated, apply to the hair roots and distribute throughout the entire volume. To increase the effect, wear an insulating cap.

How to eat passion fruit

Only passion fruit pulp is eaten. Therefore, it is important to get it out carefully and as completely as possible. To do this, the passion fruit peel is lightly cut with a knife, then broken in half, after which the contents are eaten with a spoon.

If you decide to prepare a dish with passion fruit, its pulp is mixed with the selected ingredients and distributed into portions.

Do you eat passion fruit seeds?

They eat the passion fruit pulp along with the seeds. According to nutritionists, they increase the adsorption properties of food and promote intestinal motility.

What can you make from passion fruit?

The exotic taste of passion fruit, its juiciness and beneficial nutritional properties have aroused the interest of chefs and simply lovers of cooking something delicious.

Among these recipes are desserts made with passion fruit:

  • passion fruit with whipped cream;
  • egg cream with passion fruit;
  • jelly and passion fruit ice cream;
  • fruit cake with passion fruit.

Harm of passion fruit and contraindications

Along with its enormous benefits, passion fruit can cause harm to human health. First of all, this applies to those who are characterized by intestinal poisoning, digestive disorders, bloating and diarrhea.

People with a tendency to allergic reactions may have food intolerance to one or more components of passion fruit juice.

The benefits of passion fruit for pregnant women are obvious. However, women should not start taking passion fruit to avoid harm if their intestines were not familiar with the fruit before pregnancy.

Due to the fact that passion fruit can have a slight diuretic effect, as well as weaken stools and promote increased bowel movements, those who already have a similar pathology should be careful.

Patients with diabetes should use passion fruit with caution.

Attention! No matter how enormous the beneficial properties of passion fruit are, in the presence of pathologies or chronic diseases, it is recommended to eat the exotic fruit only with the permission of a doctor, so as not to harm the body.

How to select and store passion fruit

Fresh, ripe passion fruit has a slightly wrinkled skin and feels soft when pressed. You can shake the fruit a little. You will feel the movement of iridescent liquid under your hand. This juice is tasty, healthy and refreshing.

Passion fruit should not be light and hard. This is evidence of its drying out or immaturity. In both cases, passion fruit contains very few beneficial properties, but can cause significant harm to the digestive system.


The benefits and harms of passion fruit are an interesting question that concerns connoisseurs of exotic foods. Passion fruit is a treat that nature itself prepared. Its benefits are worthy of bringing fruits from distant countries, and the rich, bright taste has made the small fruits a favorite treat for many Europeans.

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Passion fruit is a plant fruit that belongs to the perennial passionflower family. This fruit is native to the subtropical wild areas of South America, Paraguay. Passion fruit is also called passionflower or granadilla purpurea. This fruit has a pleasant taste and aroma.

In nature, there are more than 400 varieties of passionflower, differing in size, color, shape and taste. Most of them are edible.

The passion fruit plant itself is very beautiful, climbing, which, like grapes, produces tendrils during growth and wraps around everything that comes in its way. It blooms with white-green flowers with a bright aroma. The average lifespan of a plant is from 5 to 7 years.

The fruits have a smooth waxy surface and oval shape, their diameter is usually 4-8 cm, about the same as a lemon, and their weight is 35-50 g.

Nowadays the most popular ones are passion fruit with yellow and purple flowers of the fruit. Yellow fruits are most often larger than purple ones and can reach the size of a grapefruit as they grow. But the pulp of purple fruits is more juicy and sweet, and also has a pronounced taste and aroma. Inside the fruit there are membrane sacs that contain juice and seedless seeds.

Passion fruit: photo

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Passion fruit: beneficial properties

  • The beneficial properties of passion fruit lie in its chemical composition. The fruits of this plant are rich in vitamins, mainly ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, it contains slightly less vitamins A, B1, B6, B5, B2, E, H, K. Passion fruit has a lot of potassium, which plays an important role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system . This fruit also contains macroelements such as sodium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus and magnesium. The fruit contains the most zinc and iron, and less manganese, iodine, fluorine, copper, etc. 100 g of product contains approximately 68 kcal.
  • Due to its balanced mineral composition and high potassium content, nutritionists advise eating passion fruit for disorders of the liver, urinary tract and cardiovascular system. Also, due to its high nutritional value and low calorie content, this fruit can be consumed for weight loss.
  • Passion fruit has antimicrobial, antipyretic and laxative effects, and also improves the functioning of the digestive system, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, helps cleanse the body of toxins, uric acid and other metabolic products.
  • The pulp of this fruit contains a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber helps remove cholesterol from the body and also protects the mucous membrane of the large intestine. This fruit also contains a lot of vitamin C, and it strengthens the immune system in the fight against influenza and other colds and infectious diseases. Flavonoids and vitamin A are needed to maintain good vision and proper nutrition of the mucous membranes.

Passion fruit: taste

You need to choose the fruits of this plant that are ripe and heavy. More often than not, fruits with wrinkled skin are tastier and sweeter. They must be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 1 week. To store the fruit for a long time, it must be sprinkled with plenty of sugar and frozen.

Fruit juice is also a valuable product. It is added to desserts, fermented milk products, juices, creams and cocktails. If it is not possible to buy this fruit, then you can look for finished products with its addition.

Eating passion fruit is very simple - you need to take a small knife, insert it 0.5 cm into the wide part of the fruit and start cutting it in a circle, and then very quickly open it into 2 parts. Then use a spoon to scoop out the yellow pulp. The seeds of the fruit are also quite edible, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them, as this can cause drowsiness.

Eating passion fruit is contraindicated for people who are prone to allergies and have an individual intolerance to this fruit.

Passion fruit is a delicious and very healthy fruit, and it is also quite affordable nowadays. Another advantage is its low calorie content. Fruits can be included in the diet during the diet.

Thailand produces many delicious, healthy and inexpensive fruits. Passion fruit is one of them. The Thai word for passion fruit is Sauv-va-root.
What does passion fruit look like? When is it in season in Thailand, how to choose the right passion fruit and what are the benefits?
Can passion fruit be given to children? How to use passion fruit in cosmetology? Will passion fruit grow in Russia?
If you are not very familiar with this amazing fruit, then this article is for you!

Origin and season of passion fruit

In Thailand, the passion fruit season is in autumn-winter, at which time passion fruit is sold in markets and supermarkets
at the lowest prices and costs from 40 baht per kg.
However, no matter what time you come to Thailand, you will not be left without passion fruit; it is sold here all year round, although of course
may cost more. Prices for passion fruit in Thailand reach up to 300 baht per kg.

Purple passion fruit is common in Thailand, like this:

Passion fruit can also have other colors on the outside, for example, orange-yellow, but this is rare here.

What does passion fruit look like? - photo

Passion fruit looks rather inconspicuous. Very often at the market a tray of passion fruit is a pile of wrinkled dull purple
fruits that look very lost and it is unclear why the price is so high.
Appearances can be deceiving, and so it is in this case.
The passion fruit is an oval about 7-13 cm with smooth or wrinkled skin.
The most juicy, aromatic and ripe passion fruits look the least presentable.
If you doubt the ripeness and taste of the passion fruit you are purchasing, ask the seller to open one fruit and let you try it.

Passion fruit stores well. Even ripe fruit will last in the refrigerator for a week.

How to eat passion fruit correctly?

You don’t need a lot of imagination to eat passion fruit. The fruit is cut in half and the pulp is eaten out with a teaspoon.
In the same way, the pulp is removed for other needs - cooking, cosmetology, passion fruit is even used for medicinal purposes.

There is a more advanced way of eating passion fruit. It is most often found on the islands. Large and ripe fruits
Passion fruit is pierced with a straw and drunk without opening.

Benefits of passion fruit

Passion fruit is a low-calorie and very vitamin-rich product.

Passion fruit can be consumed by absolutely everyone, except those who are allergic to it. So
Try the fruit with caution the first time. This is especially true for young children.

Passion fruit pulp contains almost 50% juice, vitamins B, C, A, P, K, as well as iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Just a few passion fruits completely cover a person’s daily need for vitamin C, A, and is well absorbed
group of vitamins B From passion fruit, which is known to be simply necessary in our stressful times. (B vitamins help fight drowsiness,
depression, irritability, normalizes sleep, gives tone and mood).

Passion fruit for various diseases:

The benefits of passion fruit are obvious for people suffering from lack of concentration, tired, and elderly people.
Passion fruit normalizes blood pressure, tones and gives energy.

It’s a paradox, but passion fruit also has a mild sedative effect, since passion fruit seeds contain
a substance that is responsible for a restful and healthy sleep.

Passion fruit has long been taken by the aborigines as an antipyretic, as a remedy for “lazy” intestines,
helping with diseases of the urinary tract, cardiovascular system and liver.

Passion fruit also has a proven antimicrobial effect.

Passion fruit in cosmetology

Of course, it will be difficult for girls living in Russia to find passion fruit in stores at a normal price, but for those
For those who live in Thailand, recipes for using passion fruit for cosmetic purposes are quite suitable.

Passion fruit hair mask:

2 tablespoons coconut oil (or any hair oil - olive, apricot kernel, sesame, etc.)
+ 2 tablespoons of cream + pulp and juice of 1-2 passion fruits.
Apply to hair roots and along the entire length, leave under a cap for 30 minutes, rinse.

Regular passion fruit hair masks help hair become strong, thick and shiny.

Passion fruit face mask:

Masks with passion fruit are recommended for girls with oily, acne-prone skin, as passion fruit improves skin hydration, increases elasticity, tone, and tightens pores.

Mix the pulp of 1-2 passion fruits in equal proportions with sour cream and oatmeal. Apply to face, let dry, rinse,
Wipe with moisturizing lotion or apply cream.

By the way, passion fruit juice makes an excellent tonic, although it doesn’t last long.

The smell of passion fruit is the smell of passion fruit

For me, if I see creams, soaps, shower gels, creams, whatever! with passion fruit, I buy it most often.

There is no more pleasant, delicate, tasty and juicy aroma in the world. It is impossible to describe it in words!
I want to eat passion fruit cream with spoons)

Boots sells a simply brilliant body cream from Champnews. They have now changed the packaging and the smell has changed a little,
but the old one is still there somewhere.

This is what my favorite body oil and shower foam looks like. The smell is delicious!!!

You simply cannot find a more fragrant, delicate, softly absorbing and moisturizing-saturating body butter!
There is a shower foam from the same series, which is also a complete delight.

Passion fruit in cooking

In Thailand, passion fruit is used everywhere. Most often these are, of course, refreshing smoothies that will be whipped right into a wonderful shake.
My favorite flavor is mango passion fruit.

You can make anything from passion fruit; it will decorate any table.
Makro in Pattaya sells bricks of fresh frozen passion fruit juice, all natural. 1 kg only 100 baht.

And you no longer need to pick out the pulp from each skin or wait for the right passion fruit season.

You can prepare many dishes from passion fruit. It works great for decorating and filling cakes,
I recommend using passion fruit as a gelling top.

The aroma of passion fruit will add a wonderful taste and smell to any baked goods - cupcakes, marshmallows, cakes, puddings, etc.

For children, the easiest way to prepare something from such a healthy fruit is to simply freeze passion fruit in molds
for fruit ice.

You can freeze pure juice or dilute it 1/1 with water, sugar if desired;
After all, passion fruit is sour, I always add sugar.

Passion fruit makes an excellent sauce for meat; there are many variations on the theme.
My opinion is that I can’t even think of a place where passion fruit wouldn’t fit. It comes in handy almost everywhere.

How to grow passion fruit yourself?

I can imagine that after your holiday in Thailand you will love passion fruit, its taste and smell so much that
don't want to leave.
No problem.
Simply collect the fruit pits (the small seeds inside the fruit) in a cloth and moisten it with water.
After a few days, the seeds will germinate and can be transplanted into a small pot, and then into a deeper one.

The passionflower family to which passion fruit belongs is a liana. It grows well even in Russia on a windowsill.
It grows quickly and confidently, blooms with beautiful flowers, like these:

Of course, don’t expect any fruits, there won’t be enough sun, but there will be as many passion fruit flowers as you like.

I hope you found this article useful and interesting.

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