How to prepare meat soufflé at home. Chicken soufflé - how to cook in the oven, slow cooker and steamed. Beef soufflé with bechamel sauce

Meat soufflé is a wonderful light dish that can be prepared for a holiday or for an everyday dinner, and, subject to certain cooking rules, it can be used as a dietary supplement for many diseases.

Dietary meat soufflé

This soufflé can be used for peptic ulcers. The quantity of products is indicated for one serving. 100 g of raw meat (any kind) needs to be cooked and ground in a meat grinder very finely (even several times), add a little salt and 5 g of olive oil. Then add 5 g of flour, 50 g of milk, yolk. Beat the whites separately and also add to the meat. Cook in a steam box for about 10 minutes. You can grease the dish with butter when serving, or you can add it to the soufflé.

Festive meat soufflé

To half a kilogram of minced pork and beef add pepper, seasonings to taste, salt, 2 grated processed cheese, 2 tablespoons of starch, 3 beaten eggs and a couple of chopped garlic cloves. Mix everything and fill the muffin tins, which we first grease with butter and sprinkle with a little breadcrumbs. The meat mass should be greased with mayonnaise on top. Bake for 40 minutes.

Meat soufflé with black bread

Soak 1 piece in milk and squeeze. Cook 300 g of beef in one piece and grind it together with the bread through a meat grinder. Add 1 yolk to the minced meat, pepper, salt and mix everything well. Bake in a hot oven.

Meat soufflé for the celebration

This soufflé can be served for any occasion - it is delicious and looks beautiful. To prepare it, take half a kilo of pork and beef pulp, pass them through a meat grinder, pour a glass of milk and marinate for 1 hour. Cut 2 onions and add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. When the meat is marinated, add onion, 50 g of finely chopped smoked brisket, 2 tablespoons of flour, salt, 3 eggs (raw) and pepper.

Grease a baking dish and place half of the minced meat into it. Place 8 whole hard-boiled eggs on top and cover them with the other half of the mixture. The mold should be placed on a baking sheet filled with water and in the oven for 1 hour. Before serving, the soufflé can be decorated with herbs.

Steamed chicken soufflé

This soufflé is also considered dietary. To prepare one serving, grind 100 g of boiled chicken through a meat grinder 2 times. Then beat it with 80 g yolk and 15 g butter. Lastly, add the whipped egg white, mix thoroughly and steam. Before use, add melted butter.

Meat soufflé for children

To prepare one serving of soufflé for a baby, you will need 50 g of lean meat. It could be chicken, rabbit. We remove all fat from the meat, if any, skin, etc., and boil it. Soak 20 g of the pulp of an ordinary white roll in milk and grind it together with the meat through a meat grinder. We also scroll through ¼ of a small onion (this is optional, you don’t have to add the onion at all) and add it to the meat. We also add salt, 1 quail egg, and then dilute the mixture with milk to a paste. You need to steam the soufflé by placing it in a pan filled with hot water and placing it on the fire.

Fried meat soufflé

Fry 500 g of minced meat (beef or pork-beef) in oil. Add salt, nutmeg and pepper, as well as chopped herbs. Melt 100 g of butter, add 2 tablespoons of flour to it, mix and cool, add 3 yolks. Mix the flour mixture with the minced meat, then add 3 beaten egg whites and place in the mold. Sprinkle grated cheese (100 g) on ​​top. Bake for 20 minutes.

Meat soufflé with vegetables

Meat soufflé can also be prepared with the addition of vegetables. Boil 1.5 kg of beef and grind through a meat grinder. Peel 300 g of potatoes and 100 g of beets, also scroll and mix with meat. All together we scroll through the meat grinder again. Salt and pour in 300 g of milk. Bake on a baking sheet for 20 minutes.

Beat 3 eggs with 100 g of milk and 10 minutes before the soufflé is ready, pour it over it.

Bon appetit.

The word “souffle” is of French origin; it literally translates as “touch”, “light breathing”. This is how you can describe a real meat soufflé. Perhaps many people think that soufflé is more suitable for a diet menu. But I assure you that our recipes will please even the most demanding gourmets.

Meat souffle is prepared quickly and easily. You can make it with poultry, veal or rabbit meat, it all depends on whether you cook or not. Let's look at a universal recipe.

Boiled meat soufflé


  • half a kilogram of meat (any kind - beef, pork, chicken, veal, rabbit);
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a liter of water (purified);
  • 200 ml cream (heavy);
  • salt (teaspoon);
  • 200 ml milk (fat);
  • ground pepper (black, 1/2 teaspoon);
  • seasonings

Wash the meat and cut into small pieces. It needs to be steamed and cooked for about 20 minutes until it is completely steamed. Then grind in a blender at medium speed. Add milk, cream and eggs (to a blender), pepper, salt and beat at high speed for a minute or two. Grease the mold with olive oil or butter, pour the resulting mass into it. Preheat the oven to 200°C, place the mold in it. The meat soufflé will be ready in 25 minutes.

Dietary meat soufflé

The dish according to this recipe is perfect for a diet menu; it can also be prepared for a baby, starting from 8 months of age.


  • half a kilogram of minced meat;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise (low-fat) - 100 grams;
  • half a kilogram of cabbage;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • onion (medium);
  • cheese (optional);
  • salt.

Finely chop the onion and cabbage, place them in a deep container, add beaten eggs and sour cream. Pepper, salt, mix well and place in the mold. Bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. About 5 minutes before readiness, you can sprinkle the soufflé with grated cheese if desired.

If you are preparing a meat soufflé for those on a diet, use minced poultry. Also exclude the yolk from the recipe; you can only use whipped white. Milk and sour cream can be replaced with broth (second cooking), the dish can be steamed.

Fried meat soufflé


  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • half a kilogram of minced meat;
  • 3 eggs;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • 100 grams of grated cheese;
  • nutmeg, pepper, salt, herbs - to taste.

Fry the minced meat, add herbs and spices to it. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour and mix thoroughly, place the mixture in a cool place. Now separate the whites from the yolks and beat into a strong foam, grind the yolks with butter and flour. Mix the resulting dough with the butter mixture, add proteins to it. Mix everything again, put it in the mold, sprinkle cheese on top and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Meat soufflé with cottage cheese

Another meat dish, but more original. We will need:

  • 750 grams of beef;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 25 grams of cheese;
  • 75 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of wheat bread;
  • three quarters glass of milk
  • salt.

First, boil the meat, cool it, and soak the bread in milk. Now let's pass the meat, cottage cheese and bread through a meat grinder a couple of times. Add the yolks, butter and mix everything. Beat the whites into a thick foam and carefully add to the mixture, mix again. Place in the pan, sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven.

Meat soufflé with apples


  • boiled meat - 400 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • 3 apples (large);
  • butter - tablespoon;
  • salt.

Peel the apples from the core, seeds and peel and grate them on a fine grater. Grind the meat using a meat grinder, combine with apples, and add salt. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat them and combine them with the meat mass, mix. Place the resulting mixture in a mold or frying pan, pre-greased with oil. The surface needs to be leveled. Now beat the yolk and brush the top of the soufflé. Place in the oven.

Now you know how to make meat. An airy dish with a delicate taste will diversify both the dietary table and the everyday menu.

Bon appetit!

And much more. We often eat meat fried or stewed. Less often we bake meat or steam it. Meat dishes in the oven come out more tender and not very greasy. They can be given even to small children. One of these dietary dishes is meat soufflé. If you are used to the fact that soufflé is associated with something sweet and dessert, then we will surprise you. It can be made with fish and vegetables. Moreover, this meat soufflé retains its shape perfectly and is suitable for layering sandwiches. If you constantly pack your child a small breakfast for school, it is better to give up the sausage and make him a sandwich with meat soufflé. It will not only be more delicious, but also 100% healthy.

Chicken soufflé

You can make a soufflé from any type of meat - beef, veal, pork or chicken. Let's start with the easiest and lowest-calorie option - chicken soufflé. Children like it most due to its delicate taste and not too strong aroma. To make chicken soufflé, you will need:

  • chicken meat – 200 g
  • full fat milk – 150 ml
  • yolk of one egg
  • butter 10 g
  • salt, pepper and other spices to taste

We at Bambino Story always try to select the simplest and fastest recipes for you. And our meat soufflé is no exception. In principle, it can be made from any part of the chicken by baking the dish in the oven. But you can also make soufflé in a slow cooker or even in the microwave using pieces of chicken fillet. In this case, the cooking process will not take you more than half an hour.
So, cut the chicken fillet into pieces and grind it in a blender (if you don’t have a blender, use a meat grinder). Add milk and raw yolk to the chopped meat. Thoroughly knead the base for our soufflé. Don't forget to add salt and spices to taste. In general, it is believed that for children it is better to prepare a soufflé without spices and sauces, but you can easily add chopped parsley, dill, basil or any other aromatic herb that your child loves. You can also add garlic and onion, ground in a blender, into the soufflé. Place the finished meat mixture in a greased form and place it in a cold oven set to 180 degrees. Bake the soufflé for about 30 minutes. The finished soufflé must be carefully separated from the walls of the mold with a knife and transferred to a plate. If you want to use the soufflé as a base for sandwiches, use an oblong baking dish. Then the souffle will have a square and elongated shape, convenient for cutting it into portioned pieces.

Beef soufflé

Beef, veal and pork are not as tender as chicken. Therefore, before grinding them in a blender, it is better to steam them for 20-25 minutes. But even with preliminary preparation, the meat will not lend itself very well to twisting. Therefore, immediately add a little milk or cream to the blender. This will make the process much easier. To prepare beef soufflé, take:

  • beef - 200 g
  • cream - 150 ml
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • salt, pepper, seasonings

Meat soufflé is prepared in the same way as chicken soufflé. But you can add more hot spices to it, which will highlight the taste and aroma of the meat. If you find the beef too dry, mix it with pork or even chicken.

Liver soufflé

As you know, liver is a rather risky product that not everyone likes. However, if you make a homemade soufflé with onions, carrots and spices, it will not go unappreciated. It will most likely be devoured the same day, so make a double batch!
To make liver soufflé, you will need the following products:

  • 250 g liver
  • large onion – 1 pc.
  • large carrot – 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • cream - 50 ml
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • sunflower oil
  • breadcrumbs

First, fry diced onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil. When the vegetables are browned, grind them in a blender along with pieces of fresh liver. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with cream with a mixer. Add it to the liver mixture. Salt and pepper everything to taste. Add flour to bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the soufflé base into a greased and breadcrumbed mold and bake the soufflé in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour and a half. The finished dish should be dry and airy. Enjoy your meal!

Do you still cook regular cutlets and goulash from meat? Don't know how to diversify your daily diet? Then I hasten to tell you several options for preparing meat soufflé. All you have to do is choose the recipe that suits you and start preparing this uniquely tender dish.

Recipe for meat soufflé in the oven

Kitchen appliances: bowls, mold, blender, spoon, foil, knife, parchment, plate.


Product selection

  • You can use any meat to make the soufflé. If you don't like pork, use minced chicken or beef. I recommend making minced meat yourself from lean meat.
  • Cream can be replaced with milk, but then the taste of the soufflé will not be as delicate.

Preparing meat soufflé

Video recipe

In this video recipe you will see, how to prepare meat soufflé at home.

Minced meat soufflé recipe

Cooking time: 50 minutes.
Number of servings: 10.
Kitchen appliances: bowl, spoon, two baking dishes, blender, foil.


Soufflé preparation

Video recipe

Watch this video recipe and be sure to prepare meat soufflé for the whole family.

Meat soufflé recipe for children

Cooking time: 50 minutes.
Number of servings: 4 servings.
Kitchen appliances: knife, cutting board, bowl, spoon, silicone molds, blender, whisk.


Making baby soufflé

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry 200 g of turkey fillet. Cut into small pieces.

  2. Cut off the crust from one piece of white bread. We send the crumb to the meat.

  3. Pour 100 g of milk into the blender bowl.

  4. Blend all ingredients in a blender until creamy.

  5. Separate the yolk from the white. Add the yolk to the meat and continue beating.

  6. Beat the egg whites with a whisk or fork until foam forms. Pour the whipped egg white into the meat mixture.

  7. If desired, add salt.

  8. Using a spoon, distribute the soufflé into all forms.

  9. Place in the multicooker and turn on the “steam” mode for 30 minutes. The soufflé can also be baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

  10. We take the finished soufflé out of the molds, decorate with vegetables and serve.

Video recipe

Watch this video recipe and find out how to prepare meat soufflé for a child.

Meat soufflé recipe for kindergarten

Cooking time: 50 minutes.
Number of servings: 6 servings.
Kitchen appliances: blender, mixer, spoon, knife, cutting board, molds, bowls, pan.


Soufflé preparation

  1. We wash 450 g of chicken fillet with water. Place in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove. Cook until the meat is done.
  2. Take two eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. We put the whites in the refrigerator.
  3. Finely chop the cooked chicken fillet and place it in a blender bowl.
  4. Pour a little chicken broth into the meat and puree with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Melt 40 g of butter and add 40 g of flour, mix and simmer for two minutes.
  6. Without stopping stirring the butter mixture, add a glass of milk in a thin stream.
  7. Add two yolks to the milk mixture, mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil. Mix the milk sauce with the meat mixture and leave to cool.
  8. Add a pinch of salt to two cold whites and beat until fluffy.
  9. Add the whipped whites to the meat puree and mix gently.
  10. Divide the future soufflé into small molds and bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Video recipe

And this video recipe will help you prepare meat soufflé.

Recipe for dietary beef soufflé

  • Grind the cooked beef with a blender or meat grinder.
  • Add 50 g of melted butter to the meat and mix.
  • Pour 50 ml of milk there. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  • Break 2 eggs into a bowl and beat until thick.
  • Add minced meat into the egg foam. Stir the ingredients from bottom to top.
  • Grease silicone molds with vegetable oil.
  • Fill the molds with minced meat. Bake the meat soufflé at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  • We take the soufflé out of the molds and transfer it to a plate.
  • Other cooking options

    The beauty of these dishes is that they do not require much time to prepare. Add less butter and replace the cream with milk, and you will have a tasty, dietary dish. often included in children's diets. When making soufflés for children, use animal-shaped molds - believe me, your child will be delighted.

    The soufflé can be served as an independent main course. You can also complement it with a vegetable side dish. Or you can cut it into pieces and make snack sandwiches. Very useful for children and adults. Believe me, even the most picky child will eat this dish with pleasure. I also recommend cooking. Well, if you want to try something new, then prepare. The combination of chicken and walnuts and the variety of spices will captivate your taste buds.

    Dear housewives, have you already tried making meat soufflé? Be sure to share your experience in the comments and tell us your options for preparing this dish.

    Beef soufflé- a delicious dietary dish, a real find for those losing weight: the recipe is simple, the nutritional value is high, and the calorie content is low. This dish is prepared using beaten egg whites. Thanks to its delicate consistency, it is easily absorbed by the body.

    The recipe fits perfectly into the menu of low-calorie diets and weight loss programs, and is suitable for baby and medical nutrition. This is healthy, nutritious food. Meat dishes with the addition of eggs are rich in vitamins and contain a number of essential amino acids. If you follow the recipe exactly and know the secret tricks of chefs, you can get a real airy weekend treat.

    Meat soufflé: step-by-step instructions

    Basic recipe

    You can make a soufflé from beef, rabbit or dietary poultry. For baking, a fireproof or silicone mold is used, as well as special portion molds. Bake in the oven or in a slow cooker. A double boiler is used less often.


    • 600 grams of beef
    • two eggs
    • one onion
    • seasonings (salt, pepper)

    Cooking method

    • Wash the meat, cut into pieces, remove veins and films. Cook. Cool. Grind in a meat grinder, you can immediately with onions. Add salt and spices. Mix everything.
    • Separate the yolks.
    • Beat the protein mass to stiff peaks and cool.
    • Stir the yolks into the prepared minced meat, then carefully fold in the whipped whites. Mix. Divide the resulting mass into molds.
    • Bake at t=180 degrees for 40 - 45 minutes. The “indicator” of readiness is the appearance of a golden crust.

    Meat soufflé with cottage cheese

    This recipe is unusual. At first glance, the combination of cottage cheese and meat looks unconvincing. But once you try this dish, all doubts will disappear. The dish turns out more juicy, and the light curd sourness reveals the familiar taste of beef in a new way.


    • 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
    • 200 grams of beef
    • 20 grams butter
    • seasonings

    Cooking method

    First you need to prepare the meat - cook it, cool it, grind it in a meat grinder. Place in a large bowl and mix together with cottage cheese. Puree the resulting mass with a blender, add the yolk, butter and spices. Mix again and add the whipped whites. Form small balls from the resulting paste and bake. It is recommended to cook this original dish in a double boiler.

    Meat soufflé - protein attack from Dukan

    A dietary super dish with strict calorie restrictions and high protein content. The French nutritionist recommends choosing turkey meat as the main ingredient.


    • 500 g turkey fillet
    • 150 ml skim milk (0%)
    • 1 egg
    • 1 onion
    • salt, spices, bouquet of Italian herbs

    Cooking method

    Grind the onion and meat in a meat grinder. Separate the yolks and mix with milk. Add to the minced meat. Salt everything and add spices. Stir the whipped protein mass into the minced meat. Bake at t=190 degrees.

    The resulting product tastes slightly like milk sausage. You can eat it as a “green” sandwich: pour soy sauce over a cut piece of meat and wrap it in a lettuce leaf.

    Meat soufflé “Like in kindergarten”

    A familiar taste from childhood. The recipe is suitable for babies from one year old, as well as for everyone who loves simple, healthy food. For baby food, it is recommended to use chicken fillet.


    • 100 g chicken fillet
    • half a carrot
    • z st. spoons of milk
    • 1 tbsp. tablespoons butter
    • 1 egg
    • 1 teaspoon semolina or tbsp. spoon of rice

    Cooking method

    Pour warm milk over the cereal and wait until it swells (in the version with rice, cook porridge from the cereal). Boil the fillet. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Place cooked chicken pulp, grated carrots, two egg yolks, and melted butter into a blender bowl. Puree everything in a blender until a paste-like mixture forms. Fold in the whipped egg whites. Place in a mold and place in the oven. Bake for half an hour at t=190 degrees. If you cook in a slow cooker, it will take about 40 minutes.

    Meat soufflé with cabbage

    To make the food more juicy, fresh vegetables are added to the minced meat. You can use zucchini, white cabbage or cauliflower as a vegetable ingredient.

    This recipe is a real gift for gourmets who dream of losing extra pounds. The dish involves the addition of sour cream 10% fat and cheese 5% (tofu, Chechil cheese, Dutch “gaudette” are suitable). For minced meat, you should select the leanest pieces. Instead of beef, you can use other dietary varieties meat- veal or chicken breasts. If you have calorie restrictions, you can skip cheese.


    • 500 g minced meat (chicken)
    • 500 g cabbage (zucchini)
    • two eggs
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream 10%
    • 20 g cheese
    • 1 small onion
    • seasonings (salt, pepper)

    Cooking method

    There is no need to cook the cabbage, just chop it and chop it along with the onion. Mix with minced meat. Add sour cream and two egg yolks. Bring to a smooth paste. Add whipped egg white, salt and spices. Bake at t=200-220 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese 5-6 minutes before cooking.

    Beef soufflé with bechamel sauce

    Exquisite recipe with a French accent . The dish is a delicate substance with a refined taste, not quite dietary, more high in calories. It's quite simple to prepare. Using the basic recipe, add the pre-prepared sauce to the pureed mixture just before adding the beaten egg whites. As a result, the taste of beef will acquire that special piquancy for which French cuisine is so famous.

    Bechamel sauce recipe


    • 50 grams butter
    • half a cup of flour
    • A glass of milk
    • Nutmeg and salt to taste

    How to make the sauce

    First, lightly fry the flour in a frying pan until a beautiful caramel color appears. Add the dissolved butter and grind until smooth. Reduce heat. Slowly pour milk into the resulting mass, stirring all the time and without removing from heat. Add milk 2-3 tablespoons at a time, making sure that no lumps form. The texture should be homogeneous, similar in density to sour cream. If you still cannot avoid lumps, it is advisable to strain the sauce. Stir in ground nutmeg and salt. Cool.

    Secrets from chefs

    1. The main secret to making a good soufflé is proper handling of proteins. To make the food airy and pleasantly melt in your mouth, you must:

    • carefully separate the yolks, otherwise the whites will not beat;
    • First cool the whites separated from the yolk in the refrigerator;
    • Do not immediately add whites to the meat: first beat with a mixer until stiff foam forms, and then cool again;
    • Proteins should be added immediately before baking.

    3. You cannot open the oven while baking. The airy paste may “settle” and lose its shape. The risk is justified only when you want to get a flavorful cheese crust. To do this, open the oven door 10 minutes before cooking and quickly sprinkle the risen mass with grated cheese.

    4. If you follow a strict diet and lose weight, the calorie content of the dish can be reduced by slightly adjusting the recipe. So the yolk can be replaced with light meat broth, and instead of beef you can cook veal. Instead of butter, place parchment paper on the bottom of the baking dish.

    5. The readiness of the dish is determined visually. As soon as the crust has browned, immediately remove from the oven.

    You can serve this dietary delicacy as a separate dish with lettuce and tomatoes, or with tea, with bread, like a sandwich.

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