Who was behind the murder of Vlad Listyev: influential people or “criminal boys. Vladislav Leaf - biography, information, personal life How Vlad Leaf died

Vladislav Nikolaevich Listyev. Born on May 10, 1956 in Moscow - killed on March 1, 1995 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian TV presenter and journalist, first general director of ORT, entrepreneur. Author and first presenter of the programs “Vzglyad”, “Rush Hour”, “Field of Miracles”, “Theme”.

Father - Nikolai Ivanovich Listyev (1931-1973), was the head of the regional headquarters of the Committee of People's Control, a foreman in the galvanic shop at the Dynamo plant. At the age of 42, he committed suicide by poisoning himself with dichloroethane.

Mother - Zoya Vasilievna Listyeva (1934-1996), a copyist in the design organization at the Dynamo plant. After retiring, she got a job as a cleaner in the metro at the Kakhovskaya station. On June 30, 1996, at the age of 62, she was hit by a car. She died on the way to hospital No. 7; a high percentage of alcohol was found in her blood.

The Listyev family had problems due to their mother's drinking - because of this, his father committed suicide. For many years, Vladislav knew nothing about the true cause of his father’s death.

The mother remarried a young man - the stepfather was only 10 years older than Vlad and abused alcohol and drugs. Listyev's mother drank with him.

It is known that Vladislav’s birth was difficult; the boy was dragged with forceps, which is why marks remained on his temples for a long time.

He graduated from the boarding school named after the Znamensky brothers of the Spartak sports society in Sokolniki, a candidate for master of sports in athletics. He was the USSR champion in 1000 meters running among juniors.

Then he worked as a physical education instructor for the Spartak sports society.

He served in military service near Moscow in the Taman Guards Division.

After the preparatory department, he entered Moscow State University (MSU) at the international department of the Faculty of Journalism. He was a sports organizer for the course and a foreman at the “potato plant” (traditionally, students of the journalism department helped the Borodino state farm harvest the crops in September-October; first-year students of the international department and then the entire second year went on such a long business trip).

In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism with a degree in literary television.

After graduating from university, he worked as an editor for radio broadcasts to foreign countries at the Main Propaganda Editorial Office of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

In 1987, he went to work at the Youth Editorial Office of Central Television as one of the hosts of the “Vzglyad” program.

Inspired by the success of the Vzglyad program, Listyev and his colleagues founded the VID television company (an abbreviation for Vzglyad And Others), which to this day produces television programs for Channel One.

Since 1991, Listyev has been the general producer of the television company, and since 1993 - its president.

During his work at the VID television company, Listyev was the author and first presenter of such television programs as “Field of Miracles”, “Theme” and “Rush Hour”, as well as the creator of the programs “Starry Hour”, “L-Club”, “Silver” ball" and "Guess the melody"; During the same period, he began to conflict with his company partners. In the book “Vlad Listyev. Biased Requiem” it is said that Listyev was “displaced” from the position of president of the company by his colleagues - his place was taken by Alexander Lyubimov.

In 1994, he initiated the “Racing for Survival” auto show, which has been held annually since 1996 in various cities of Russia.

In January 1995, Listyev left the VID television company, becoming the general director of the new ORT television company. A version was expressed that Berezovsky chose Vlad for the post of general director of ORT, since of all the candidates he was the only one who had the titular fifth point.

Listyev immediately initiates serious changes in the company's economic policy. The Board of Directors of ORT, at the proposal of Deputy General Director Badri Patarkatsishvili, makes an unprecedented decision - to introduce a moratorium on advertising on the first federal channel from April 1, Vlad Listyev approves this order. This decision was directed primarily against the association of advertising agencies that controlled the placement of 100% of advertising on ORT.

“Of course, he had the main talent of a presenter, namely the ability to “break through” the screen and find himself sitting next to every single viewer... Every time he was a presenter, the program gained absolutely enormous popularity... He found the key to the viewer , knew how to interest this viewer, and he did it in a highly professional manner,” he said about him.

He was repeatedly invited to the jury of the KVN Major League.

Vlad Listyev. Parting

Personal life of Vladislav Listyev:

Was married three times.

After Listyev’s death, much was revealed about his personal life. This handsome man and darling of fate was actually not such a happy person. Listyev's first two marriages broke up. Vlad Listyev maintained friendly relations with his second wife Tatyana after the divorce. They had to go through too much together. They had two sons. One of them died at age six. And this crippled Listyev for a long time, essentially breaking up his second family. Only the artist and producer Albina Nazimova, who became his third wife, was able to pull him out of serious binges. But Vlad did not communicate with his first wife Elena Listyeva at all, although the showman had a daughter, Valeria, from his first marriage.

First wife- Elena Valentinovna Esina. They got married in 1977 after Vlad graduated from boarding school, their marriage broke up two and a half years later. The couple had a son, who died immediately after birth.

In 1981, the couple had a daughter, Valeria, a manicurist. Vlad did not take part in her upbringing. Valeria has children: Anastasia and Bogdan.

Elena Valentinovna said: “Vlad and I met when I was 16 years old. We got married when we were still students. But Vlad was interested in women and drank. When our daughter was born, I filed for divorce. He went to his mistress Tatyana Lyalina, who later "she became his second wife. We no longer communicated with Vlad... Vlad did not take part in raising the child. He paid alimony, but never saw his daughter."

Elena Esina - the first wife of Vladislav Listyev

Valeria - daughter of Vladislav Listyev

Second wife- Tatyana Lyalina. We met as students during the 1980 Olympics. The couple had two sons. The first, Vladislav (1982-1988), died at the age of six.

The farewell ceremony took place on March 2-3, 1995 at the Ostankino concert studio. On March 4, 1995, a funeral service was held in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on Uspensky Vrazhek and a funeral at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Funeral of Vladislav Listyev

According to investigator Boris Uvarov, who was assigned to investigate the murder of Listyev in 1995, when he reported to... O. Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko that the case was practically solved, and asked to sign a number of sanctions for arrests and searches of suspects, and was immediately forcibly sent on leave.

After Listyev’s murder, a number of criminals confessed to his murder, but then retracted their testimony. For example, the suspect in the murder of deputy Yuri Polyakov confessed to the murder of Listyev, but then he refused to testify.

On April 21, 2009, the investigation into Listyev’s case was suspended, but a new investigator may decide to resume it. The Investigative Committee believed that the prospects for the Listyev murder case looked “vague”, since many of the defendants in this case were dead.

The main suspect in ordering the murder of Vlad Listyev was Boris Berezovsky.

In 1996, an article “The Godfather of the Kremlin” appeared in Forbes magazine, in which Paul Klebnikov expressed the opinion that Boris Berezovsky slowed down the payment of the penalty to Listyev to Lisovsky. According to the article, the situation "definitely looks" like Berezovsky is running the founders of criminal networks in Russia. Berezovsky sued the magazine, and subsequently withdrew his lawsuit in agreement with the defendant, who published a refutation of his own words about Berezovsky’s responsibility for the Listyev murders, for any other murders, as well as descriptions of Berezovsky as a mafia boss. The colleague Glushkov mentioned in the article was not found guilty of theft of state property in 1982, as Khlebnikov had previously claimed.

In 2000, Khlebnikov published the book “Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky, or the History of the Plunder of Russia,” where he outlined his point of view on Berezovsky’s activities.

Khlebnikov argued in his book that the idea of ​​privatizing Channel One originally belonged to Vlad Listyev. Being the leading producer of the channel and the author of the idea of ​​its privatization, Listyev was the main candidate for the post of head of the new company. According to Khlebnikov, the management of Logovaz pushed Berezovsky’s ally, producer Irena Lesnevskaya, into this position. However, Listyev was appointed general director, and Berezovsky was appointed deputy chairman of the Board of Directors.

Khlebnikov quoted Alexander Korzhakov, who claimed that the privatization of Channel One took place in the winter of 1995, and that Berezovsky sold shares without competition to structures of entrepreneurs convenient for him. Since, according to Russian law, privatization must be carried out through a public auction, ORT was, from a formal point of view, privatized illegally. According to Khlebnikov, Berezovsky gave preference to the banks Menatep, Stolichny, Alfa and National Credit, Gazprom and the National Sports Fund. Khlebnikov claimed that Berezovsky refused to compete with his interests from the banks Lukoil, Onexim Bank and Inkombank.

According to Khlebnikov, ORT's total share capital was $2 million. Berezovsky's companies bought 16 percent of the shares. Berezovsky also controlled another 20 percent. According to Klebnikov, with an investment of about $320,000, Berezovsky acquired control of the main Russian television channel, and the state received 51 percent of the shares. Khlebnikov claimed that Listyev’s negotiations with the head of Advertising Holding, Sergei Lisovsky, dragged on. It was assumed that the state, having 51 percent of the shares, would continue to make massive injections into the budget of the television company.

In the book “Vlad Listyev. Biased Requiem" denies Lisovsky's involvement in the murder of Vladislav Listyev.

Immediately after the privatization of ORT, General Director Vlad Listyev decided to focus on activities due to which the channel was losing millions of dollars: selling advertising time. He began negotiating with the head of Advertising Holding, Lisovsky. The advertising tycoon apparently offered to pay ORT compensation for the right to manage advertising on the channel and thereby retain sole control. On February 20, 1995, Vlad Listyev introduced a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT develops new “ethical standards.” Korzhakov argued that “the cancellation of advertising (on ORT) meant for Lisovsky and Berezovsky personally the loss of millions in profits.”

According to Khlebnikov’s materials, in one of the reports, an employee of the capital’s RUOP noted that Listyev was afraid of an attack and at the end of February he told his closest friends why he could be killed. When he decided to end the advertising monopoly, Lisovsky came to him and demanded damages in the amount of $100 million, threatening him with violence. Listyev said that he had found a European company that was willing to pay much more for the right to manage advertising time on ORT - $200 million. According to Khlebnikov, Listyev turned to the chief financier of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, with a request to carry out an operation to pay 100 million to Lisovsky. Khlebnikov wrote that the money was transferred to the account of one of Berezovsky's companies, and that Berezovsky promised to transfer the funds to Lisovsky in three months.

Khlebnikov claimed that, according to the analytical service of Onexim Bank, Listyev’s ban on advertising on ORT was explained by the fact that he was seeking more favorable offers for the right to manage advertising on ORT. Lisovsky offered ORT 100 million dollars, but Listyev was counting on 170.

Khlebnikov wrote that Berezovsky was at that time negotiating with several criminal groups, and that at the beginning of 1995, a gangster boss in prison announced that he had received a request to kill Listyev from Berezovsky’s assistant Badri Patarkatsishvili. However, Badri was arrested during a large-scale cleansing of Moscow from criminal elements and placed in prison. According to Khlebnikov's book, on February 28, the day before Listyev's murder, Berezovsky met with a thief in law named "Nikolai" and gave him $100,000 in cash.

According to Klebnikov, Berezovsky claimed that he gave the money to “Nikolai” in order to find those responsible for the explosion of his car near the Logovaz building last summer. Khlebnikov wrote that Berezovsky met with the thief in law in the presence of two police officers and ordered two of his security agents to videotape the meeting “to prove that he was being blackmailed.”

Khlebnikov claimed that at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when Berezovsky returned from the funeral service to the LogoVAZ building, there were many policemen from the RUOP and riot police. They presented a search warrant and permission to interrogate Berezovsky as a witness in the Listyev case. The oligarch demanded an explanation, and his security (including FSK employee, Alexander Litvinenko) did not let the policemen through. The confrontation continued until midnight. In the end, the Ruopovites asked Berezovsky and his assistant Badri to come to the police station for questioning. Khlebnikov claimed that Berezovsky called acting Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko, and that the latter ordered that statements be taken from Berezovsky and Badri at the Logovaz office, and not at the police station.

According to Klebnikov, Berezovsky asked Irena Lesnevskaya, a friend of Yeltsin's wife and one of the main producers of Channel One, to appear with him. Khlebnikov wrote that Lesnevskaya accused Vladimir Gusinsky, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the KGB of the murder of Vlad Listyev. As a result of the video message from the leaders of the investigation, Moscow Prosecutor Gennady Ponomarev and his deputy were fired, and the police were ordered to leave LogoVAZ and Berezovsky alone. Khlebnikov quoted Korzhakov as saying that Berezovsky “openly used his political connections to avoid legally required interrogation.” Berezovsky hid from investigators that he met with Listyev at the LogoVAZ reception house on the eve of the murder.

There were other suspects in the Listyev case - on the day when an attempt was made to search the LogoVAZ building, the police also raided the work of advertising tycoon Sergei Lisovsky with a search. Khlebnikov wrote that after the murder, law enforcement agencies never questioned Gusinsky in connection with the murder.

Paul Klebnikov was killed in Moscow by unknown assailants on July 9, 2004. As of 2016, the crime remains unsolved.

Another suspect in the murder of Vlad Listyev is Sergei Lisovsky.

On April 4, 2013, the website of the magazine “Snob” posted an interview between journalist Evgeniy Levkovich and the director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, from 2008, where the latter allegedly claimed that Sergei Lisovsky was the mastermind behind the murder of Vlad Listyev. After the scandal broke, Snob removed the material from its website, but the text of the interview, taking into account its increased significance, was reproduced by the Kommersant newspaper. Ernst disputed the authenticity of the central fragment of the text (but not the interview itself), the journalist did not provide an authentic audio recording of the key quote, Lisovsky again denied his involvement in the crime.

On July 31, 2013, on the Dozhd TV channel, former Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov, under whom the investigation into Listyev’s murder was conducted, stated that the version of Lisovsky’s involvement in Listyev’s murder, attributed to Ernst, is close to his own.

Lisovsky was one of the defendants in the criminal case; his lawyer was Anatoly Kucherena. Lisovsky was repeatedly mentioned in the media in connection with the high-profile murder, he was interrogated more than once as part of the criminal case, while Lisovsky never hid from the investigation, which distinguished him from the alleged operatives of the organizer of the murder - the authority of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group Igor Dashdamirov and the alleged perpetrators, brothers Alexander and Andrey Ageikin.

After the resignation of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Skuratov in 1999, during which the main investigative actions were carried out and a circle of suspects was established, the press again circulated a version about the involvement of four main defendants in the crime, the first of whom was called Lisovsky. According to Skuratov, the investigation was hampered by the Kremlin because the alleged customer was a sponsor of Yeltsin's presidential election campaign in 1996.

Reflecting on the motives for the physical removal of Listyev and the threads leading to Lisovsky, Paul Klebnikov quoted Alexander Korzhakov, who claimed that the privatization of Channel One took place in the winter of 1995, and that B. Berezovsky sold the shares out of competition. Khlebnikov claimed that Listyev’s negotiations with the head of Advertising Holding, Lisovsky, dragged on. On February 20, 1995, Listyev introduced a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT develops new “ethical standards.” Korzhakov argued that “the cancellation of advertising... meant for Lisovsky personally the loss of millions in profits.”

Listyev's murder became one of the most notorious murders of the 1990s and remains unsolved to this day.

Later, one of those convicted in the case of the murder of Galina Starovoytova, Yuri Kolchin, a member of the Tambov group led by the “authority” Barsukov (Kumarin), testified regarding the murder of Listyev. As reported in the press, Kolchin told law enforcement officers that Vlad was ordered by Boris Berezovsky, and the murder was planned by Kumarin and thief in law Yakovlev (Grave), and the perpetrators were the St. Petersburg shooters.

According to Kolchin, Berezovsky turned to St. Petersburg thief in law Yakovlev (Mogila) with a request to deal with Listyev. Yakovlev, in turn, at a meeting in which Kolchin participated, reminded a certain “authority” Kanimoto that he owed him, and offered to repay the financial debt by completing the job - killing Listyev. Kanimoto contacted fighters from the Tambov group of the “authority” Kumarin, having received the go-ahead from the head of the gang. Listyev was shot in Moscow, according to Kolchin, by Eduard Kanimoto, Valery Sulikovsky and another St. Petersburg shooter. And Berezovsky, Mogila and Kumarin are named as customers.

In October 2009, the investigation into Listyev’s murder was entrusted to investigator Lema Tamaev. “It’s too early to put an end to this matter; it cannot be stopped. The investigation of the criminal case has been suspended, while instructions have been given to the operational services, and as soon as significant information appears, the investigation will be resumed, so the work continues,” explained Vladimir Markin, official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, on January 15, 2013.

Vlad Listyev. A look after twenty years

On March 1, 2015, on the 20th anniversary of Listyev’s death, the biographical documentary “Vlad Listyev. A look in twenty years." Commenting on the 20-year unsuccessful attempts of the investigation to solve the crime, he again announced that he has his own clear and logically consistent version of the unsolved murder, but there is no legally significant evidence, so he cannot publicly voice it.

Valuables and a large amount of cash in his possession remained untouched, leading investigators in the case to believe the murder was related to the TV presenter's business or political activities. Despite numerous statements by law enforcement agencies that the case is close to being solved, neither the killers nor the masterminds have been found.

The events surrounding Listyev's death and funeral were accompanied by wide public outcry. On March 2, all central Russian television channels stopped broadcasting. All day long, on the country's screens there was a portrait of the general director of ORT with the accompanying inscription below: “Vladislav Listyev has been killed.” Only emergency news broadcasts were broadcast. No other event in the modern history of Russia has caused the complete cancellation of the broadcast of all Russian television channels. In the evening at 19:00 “Rush Hour” was released without Vlad Listyev. The program described Listyev's life and programs. Next, at 19:25, live from the concert studio “Ostankino” and the studio of the “Rush Hour” program, simultaneously on all television channels in the country, a program in memory of Vladislav Listyev “Russia’s Rush Hour” was broadcast with famous journalists, politicians, and artists. Earlier in the day, a statement regarding Listyev’s murder was made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin. On March 3, a funeral service took place; the coffin with the body of the TV idol of the 90s was exhibited in the Ostankino concert hall. Listyev's funeral took place on March 4 at the Vagankovsky Cemetery.


According to investigator Boris Uvarov, who was assigned to investigate the murder of Listyev in 1995, when he reported to... O. Prosecutor General Alexey Ilyushenko that the case was practically solved, and asked to sign a number of sanctions for arrests and searches of suspects, he was immediately forcibly sent on leave.

After Listyev’s murder, a number of criminals confessed to his murder, but then they retracted their testimony. For example, the suspect in the murder of deputy Yuri Polyakov confessed to the murder of Listyev, but then he refused to testify.

On April 21, 2009, the investigation into Listyev’s case was suspended, but a new investigator may decide to resume it. The Investigative Committee believed that the prospects for the Listyev murder case looked “vague”, since many of the defendants in this case were dead.

Suspect No. 1: Boris Berezovsky

Articles and books by Paul Klebnikov

In 2000, Khlebnikov published the book “Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky, or the History of the Plunder of Russia,” where he outlined his point of view on Berezovsky’s activities.

Khlebnikov argued in his book that the idea of ​​privatizing Channel One originally belonged to Vlad Listyev. Being the leading producer of the channel and the author of the idea of ​​its privatization, Listyev was the main candidate for the post of head of the new company. According to Khlebnikov, the management of Logovaz pushed Berezovsky’s ally, producer Irena Lesnevskaya, into this position. However, Listyev was appointed general director, and Berezovsky was appointed deputy chairman of the Board of Directors.

According to Khlebnikov, ORT's total share capital was $2 million. Berezovsky's companies bought 16 percent of the shares. Berezovsky also controlled another 20 percent. According to Klebnikov, with an investment of about $320,000, Berezovsky acquired control of the main Russian television channel, and the state received 51 percent of the shares. Khlebnikov claimed that Listyev’s negotiations with the head of Advertising Holding, Sergei Lisovsky, dragged on. It was assumed that the state, having 51 percent of the shares, would continue to make massive injections into the budget of the television company. In the book “Vlad Listyev. Biased requiem refuses Lisovsky’s involvement in the murder of Vladislav Listyev.

Immediately after the privatization of ORT, General Director Vlad Listyev decided to focus on activities due to which the channel was losing millions of dollars: selling advertising time. He began negotiating with the head of Advertising Holding, Lisovsky. The advertising tycoon apparently offered to pay ORT compensation for the right to manage advertising on the channel and thereby retain sole control. On February 20, 1995, Vlad Listyev introduced a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT develops new “ethical standards.” Korzhakov argued that “the cancellation of advertising (on ORT) meant for Lisovsky and Berezovsky personally the loss of millions in profits.”

According to Khlebnikov’s materials, in one of the reports, an employee of the capital’s RUOP noted that Listyev was afraid of an attack and at the end of February he told his closest friends why he could be killed. When he decided to end the advertising monopoly, Lisovsky came to him and demanded damages in the amount of $100 million, threatening him with violence. Listyev said that he had found a European company that was willing to pay much more for the right to manage advertising time on ORT - $200 million. According to Khlebnikov, Listyev turned to the chief financier of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, with a request to carry out an operation to pay 100 million to Lisovsky. Khlebnikov wrote that the money was transferred to the account of one of Berezovsky’s companies, and that Berezovsky promised to transfer the funds to Lisovsky in three months.

Khlebnikov claimed that, according to the analytical service of Onexim Bank, Listyev’s ban on advertising on ORT was explained by the fact that he was seeking more favorable offers for the right to manage advertising on ORT. Lisovsky offered ORT 100 million dollars, but Listyev was counting on 170.

Khlebnikov wrote that Berezovsky was at that time negotiating with several criminal groups, and that at the beginning of 1995, a gangster boss in prison announced that he had received a request to kill Listyev from Berezovsky’s assistant Badri Patarkatsishvili. However, Badri was arrested during a large-scale cleansing of Moscow from criminal elements and placed in prison. According to Khlebnikov's book, on February 28, the day before Listyev's murder, Berezovsky met with a thief in law named "Nikolai" and gave him $100,000 in cash. According to Klebnikov, Berezovsky claimed that he gave the money to “Nikolai” in order to find those responsible for the explosion of his car near the Logovaz building last summer. Khlebnikov wrote that Berezovsky met with the thief in law in the presence of two police officers and ordered two of his security agents to videotape the meeting “to prove that he was being blackmailed.”

Khlebnikov claimed that at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when Berezovsky returned from the funeral service to the LogoVAZ building, there were many policemen from the RUOP and riot police. They presented a search warrant and permission to interrogate Berezovsky as a witness in the Listyev case. The oligarch demanded an explanation, and his security (including FSK employee, Alexander Litvinenko) did not let the policemen through. The confrontation continued until midnight. In the end, the Ruopovites asked Berezovsky and his assistant Badri to come to the police station for questioning. Khlebnikov claimed that Berezovsky called acting Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko, and that the latter ordered that statements be taken from Berezovsky and Badri at the Logovaz office, and not at the police station.

According to Khlebnikov, Berezovsky asked Irena Lesnevskaya, a friend of Yeltsin's wife and one of Channel One's main producers, to appear with him. Khlebnikov wrote that Lesnevskaya accused Vladimir Gusinsky, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the KGB of the murder of Vlad Listyev. According to Khlebnikov’s book, as a result of a video message from the leaders of the investigation, Moscow prosecutor Gennady Ponomarev and his deputy were fired, and the police were ordered to leave Logovaz and Berezovsky alone. Khlebnikov quoted Korzhakov as saying that Berezovsky “openly used his political connections to avoid legally required interrogation.” According to Khlebnikov, Berezovsky hid from investigators that he met with Listyev at the Logovaz reception house on the eve of the murder.

There were other suspects in the Listyev case - on the day when an attempt was made to search the LogoVAZ building, the police also raided the work of advertising tycoon Sergei Lisovsky with a search.

Khlebnikov wrote that after the murder, law enforcement agencies never questioned Gusinsky in the murder case.

Paul Klebnikov was killed in Moscow by unknown assailants on July 9, 2004. As of 2016, the crime remains unsolved.

Statement by the convicted person

Evgeny Vyshenkov from the Agency for Investigative Journalism reported on the testimony of Yuri Kolchin, convicted in the case of the murder of Galina Starovoitova. Kolchin, according to Vyshenkov, said that one of the disgraced oligarchs, Boris Berezovsky, ordered the murder of Listyev to crime boss Konstantin Yakovlev, and that the latter organized the murder at the hands of Eduard Kanimoto, Valery Sulikovsky and an unnamed third perpetrator. According to Kolchin, he and another crime boss, Vladimir Kumarin, witnessed the conversation between the organizers and the customer. The motive was Listyev's ban on advertising on ORT. Vladimir Kumarin himself told the investigator that the version was frankly fictitious, since according to medical documents in the second half of 1994 and almost until the end of 1995, he was treated in a hospital in Germany, where, after a severe bullet wound, he first lay in a coma and could not move independently. Subsequently, Yuri Kolchin unsuccessfully passed polygraph (lie detector) tests, which showed the deliberate unreliability of the story of the witness being tested.

Colleagues' opinion

Suspect No. 2: Sergei Lisovsky

Lisovsky was one of the defendants in the criminal case, his lawyer was Anatoly Kucherena. Lisovsky was repeatedly mentioned in the media in connection with the high-profile murder, he was interrogated more than once as part of the criminal case, while Lisovsky never hid from the investigation, which distinguished him from the alleged operatives of the organizer of the murder - the authority of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group Igor Dashdamirov and the alleged perpetrators, brothers Alexander and Andrey Ageikin. After the resignation of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Skuratov in 1999, during which the main investigative actions were carried out and a circle of suspects was established, a version of the involvement of four main defendants in the crime, the first of whom was called Lisovsky, again spread in the press. According to Skuratov, the investigation was hampered by the Kremlin because the alleged customer was a sponsor of Yeltsin's presidential election campaign in 1996.

Reflecting on the motives for the physical elimination of Listyev and the threads leading to Lisovsky, Paul Khlebnikov quoted Alexander Korzhakov, who claimed that the privatization of Channel One took place in the winter of 1995, and that B. Berezovsky sold the shares out of competition. Khlebnikov claimed that Listyev’s negotiations with the head of Advertising Holding, Lisovsky, dragged on. On February 20, 1995, Listyev introduced a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT develops new “ethical standards.” Korzhakov argued that “ The cancellation of advertising... meant for Lisovsky personally... the loss of millions in profits» .

Suspect No. 3: Alexander Korzhakov

Alternative versions

Latest Events



  • "Peak hour. Who killed Vlad Listyev? (V. Ivanov, M. Lernik, 1995)
  • “Who killed Vlad Listyev?...” (Vladimir Belousov, 1995)
  • “The Murder of Listyev” (“The Listyev Murderers”) (Viktor Kulikov, 1995)
  • "Who killed Vlad?" (Yuri Skuratov, 2003) ISBN 5-98318-001-0


  1. The case of the murder of Vladislav Listyev. Reference (undefined) . RIA Novosti (November 27, 2013). - Directory. Retrieved April 14, 2017.
  2. Kondrashov A. I. TVEating. Children of sausages (about the book by E. Yu. Dodolev) (undefined) . // Literary newspaper, No. 25 (6373) (2012-06-20) (TV book). Retrieved September 8, 2013.
  3. Uvarov knows who killed Listyev
  4. Kommersant - Cossacks confessed to murder a deputy // Kommersant, March 10, 1999
  5. “Godfather of the Kremlin?” , Forbes, December 30, 1996

20 years ago Vladislav Listyev was killed...
How it all came together - on the night of February 27-28, Boris Nemtsov was killed, February 28 is the birthday of Natalya Estemirova, a Chechen human rights activist, whose murder has still not been solved, and March 1 is the murder of Vlad Listyev...

On the evening of March 1, 1995, at 20:38, while returning from filming the “Rush Hour” program, Vladislav Listyev was killed in the entrance of his house on Novokuznetskaya Street. The first bullet hit the hand, the second - the head. Valuables and a large amount of cash in his possession remained untouched, leading investigators in the case to believe the murder was related to the TV presenter's business or political activities. Despite numerous statements by law enforcement agencies that the case is close to being solved, neither the killers nor the masterminds have been found...

The events surrounding Listyev's death and funeral were accompanied by wide public outcry. On March 2, “Rush Hour” was released without Vlad Listyev. The program described Listyev's life and programs. A statement regarding Listyev's murder was made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Listyev's funeral took place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Many were shocked by the death of the young and charming journalist and showman. There was clearly no politics there; Listyev did not get involved in political squabbles. But then he got involved in something else, which cost him his life...

As a rule, the version that is circulated is that Listyev was killed on Berzovsky’s order, because of business. They say that Listyev did not agree on the price of advertising with the oligarch, and imposed a moratorium on advertising, thereby causing billions of dollars in losses to Berezovsky...

However, there is no evidence, and attempts to link Kumarin and Kolchin, who allegedly acted on the orders of BAB, to this murder turned out to be unfounded.

Listyev’s colleague Mukusev doubted this version.
TV dissident Vladimir Mukusev in an interview with Evgeny Yu. Dodolev, he recalls how and when he last communicated with a colleague on the legendary “Vzglyad” program.

– January 1991. I cannot forget the showdown in my native “youth” (the youth editorial office of the Central Television - E.D.), when they discussed my interview with the magazine “Ogonyok”, in which I told how “Vzglyad” is dying. He dies because they started making money there. By the end of the fourth year of Vzglyad’s existence, the guys, including Vlad, began to earn money from the program: custom stories, plus commercial structures that sold and bought something on behalf of Vzglyad... After that meeting in the style of 1937, I took Listyev out into the corridor and said: “Vlad, I suggest you forget about everything and come with me to Novosibirsk, start making a new “Vzglyad”, from scratch.” As best I could, I told him about my ideas, that I wanted to create an independent television company, because VID was already under the total control of the authorities. To which he, taking out of his pocket (which I saw for the first time) an unopened stack of hundred-dollar bills, asked rhetorically: “Do you want me to exchange this for Siberia?” At the same time, he looked at me over his glasses in such a way that, although we were about the same height, it seemed to me as if he was looking down on me, as if I were a not very smart, completely sick person who did not understand basic things.

I already knew that the constituent documents of the company we created had been illegally rewritten, and not only had I ceased to be one of its owners, but my name was not on the list of shareholders. I said: “You know, Vlad, if things go like this, sooner or later you will shoot each other.” And the next time I saw Listyev lying in a coffin. And exactly with those glasses. Some mischievous hand put these glasses on him. Could I then take him to Novosibirsk? Don't think. But I know for sure that I had no right to utter the phrase that became prophetic.

There are other versions

Alexander Litvinenko
, a former lieutenant colonel of the FSB, in his book “Lubyansk criminal group” indirectly accused Alexander Korzhakov of organizing the murder of Listyev.
According to Yuri Felshtinsky and Vladimir Pribylovsky, senior KGB/FSB officers Alexander Korzhakov and Alexander Komelkov organized the murder of Listyev at the hands of the Solntsevskaya Bratva. The authors imply that the motive for the murder was to cover up the theft of revenue from television advertising and the use of these funds for the campaign for the election of Oleg Soskovets as president of Russia. The authors write that Korzhakov organized the assassination attempt on Berezovsky and, after an unsuccessful attempt, accused Berezovsky of Listyev’s murder.

In 2010, Berezovsky, in turn, accused Vladimir Putin of the murder of Vladislav Listyev (1995), although why at that time the first deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg needed the murder of a journalist, he did not explain...

In April 2013, the blog of Snob magazine published an interview with Konstantin Ernst, given back in 2008, in which he stated that he knew who ordered Listyev’s murder. Having asked to turn off the recorder, according to the journalist, Ernst said that the murder was ordered by an entrepreneur at that time, now a member of the Federation Council, Sergei Lisovsky. Soon, however, Konstantin Ernst refuted the statement, calling the published interview a provocation. “Snob” closed access to the blog article for the following reasons: “so as not to receive complaints from colleagues. It’s unethical to write phrases taken off the record; the same Channel One can sue us.”
Lisovsky declined to comment. Later, the text of the interview was removed from the Snob website, and later removed from the search engine cache. Journalist Evgeniy Levkovich, citing social significance, published a recording of the interview on YouTube.

Big money as a cause of death? Maybe so. The customer has still not been identified...

Some kind of fate dominated Listyev: his father poisoned himself, his mother was hit by a car, his stepfather drank...
The first wife is Elena Esina. They got married after Vlad graduated from boarding school. Alas, the son from this marriage died after birth. Valeria's daughter is a manicurist. Vlad did not take part in her upbringing. On this line - granddaughter Anastasia, grandson Bogdan.
Second wife - Tatyana Lyalina. We met as students, during the 1980 Olympics. Son Vlad was born on May 12, 1982, and died at the age of six due to complications from the flu, after which he lost his hearing and vision. According to another version, due to a medical error. Son Alexander several times had problems with the law due to drunk driving. There is a granddaughter of Alexandra on this line.
Third wife - Albina Nazimova, artist, producer, interior designer. She was married to Andrei Razbash.
Big money did not bring happiness to the Listyev family...

The first bullet hit the hand, the second - the head. Valuables and a large amount of cash in his possession remained untouched, leading investigators in the case to believe the murder was related to the TV presenter's business or political activities. Despite numerous statements by law enforcement agencies that the case is close to being solved, neither the killers nor the masterminds have been found (as of 2011).

Mikhail Osokin was the first to report Listyev's murder on television.

Listyev's death and funeral were accompanied by wide public outcry. Tens of thousands of people attended the funeral, which took place on Saturday March 4, television broadcasts were stopped, March 2 was declared a Day of Mourning, broadcast throughout the entire day on Channel 1 Ostankino, as well as in prime time on other channels (RTR, NTV) showed a portrait of a journalist and the words: “Vladislav Listyev has been killed.”

Listyev's funeral took place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.


According to investigator Boris Uvarov, who was assigned to investigate the murder of Listyev in 1995, when he reported to... O. Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko that the case was practically solved, and asked to sign a number of sanctions for arrests and searches of suspects, he was immediately forcibly sent on leave.

After Listyev’s murder, a number of criminals confessed to his murder, but then retracted their testimony. For example, the suspect in the murder of deputy Yuri Polyakov confessed to the murder of Listyev, but then he refused to testify.

Version about Boris Berezovsky

Articles and books by Paul Klebnikov

In 2000, Khlebnikov published the book “Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky, or the History of the Plunder of Russia,” where he outlined his point of view on Berezovsky’s activities.

Khlebnikov argued in his book that the idea of ​​privatizing Channel One originally belonged to Vlad Listyev. Being the leading producer of the channel and the author of the idea of ​​its privatization, Listyev was the main candidate for the post of head of the new company. According to Khlebnikov, the management of Logovaz pushed Berezovsky’s ally, producer Irena Lesnevskaya, into this position. Berezovsky was appointed deputy chairman of the Board of Directors.

According to Khlebnikov, ORT's total share capital was $2 million. Berezovsky's companies bought 16 percent of the shares. Berezovsky also controlled another 20 percent. According to Klebnikov, with an investment of about $320,000, Berezovsky acquired control of the main Russian television channel, and the state received 51 percent of the shares. Khlebnikov claimed that Listyev’s negotiations with the head of Advertising Holding, Sergei Lisovsky, dragged on.

On February 20, 1995, Vlad Listyev introduced a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT develops new “ethical standards.” Korzhakov argued that “the cancellation of advertising (on ORT) meant for Lisovsky and Berezovsky personally the loss of millions in profits.”

According to Khlebnikov’s materials, in one of the reports, an employee of the capital’s RUOP noted that Listyev was afraid of an attack and at the end of February he told his closest friends why he could be killed. When he decided to end the advertising monopoly, Lisovsky came to him and demanded damages in the amount of $100 million, threatening him with violence. Listyev said that he had found a European company that was willing to pay much more for the right to manage advertising time on ORT - $200 million. According to Khlebnikov, Listyev turned to the chief financier of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, with a request to carry out an operation to pay 100 million to Lisovsky. Khlebnikov wrote that the money was transferred to the account of one of Berezovsky's companies, and that Berezovsky promised to transfer the funds to Lisovsky in three months.

Khlebnikov claimed that, according to the analytical service of Onexim Bank, Listyev’s ban on advertising on ORT was explained by the fact that he was seeking more favorable offers for the right to manage advertising on ORT. Lisovsky offered ORT 100 million dollars, but Listyev was counting on 170.

Khlebnikov wrote that Berezovsky was at that time negotiating with several criminal groups, and that at the beginning of 1995, a gangster authority sitting in prison announced that he had received a request to kill Listyev from Berezovsky’s assistant Badri. According to Klebnikov, on February 28, the day before Listyev's murder, Berezovsky met with a thief in law named "Nikolai" and gave him $100,000 in cash.

Khlebnikov claimed that at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when Berezovsky returned from the funeral service to the LogoVAZ building, there were many policemen from the RUOP and riot police. They presented a search warrant and permission to interrogate Berezovsky as a witness in the Listyev case. The oligarch demanded an explanation, and his security (including FSK employee, Alexander Litvinenko) did not let the policemen through. The confrontation continued until midnight. In the end, the Ruopovites asked Berezovsky and his assistant Badri to come to the police station for questioning. Khlebnikov claimed that Berezovsky called acting Prosecutor General Alexei Ilyushenko, and that the latter ordered that statements be taken from Berezovsky and Badri at the Logovaz office, and not at the police station.

According to Klebnikov, Berezovsky asked Irena Lesnevskaya, a friend of Yeltsin's wife and one of Channel One's main producers, to appear with him. Khlebnikov wrote that Lesnevskaya blamed Vladimir Gusinsky, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the KGB for the murder of Vlad Listyev. According to Khlebnikov’s book, as a result of a video message from the leaders of the investigation, Moscow prosecutor Gennady Ponomarev and his deputy were fired, and the police were ordered to leave Logovaz and Berezovsky alone. Khlebnikov quoted Korzhakov as saying that Berezovsky “openly used his political connections to avoid legally required interrogation.” According to Khlebnikov, Berezovsky hid from investigators that he met Listyev at the Logovaz reception house on the eve of the murder.

Khlebnikov wrote that after the murder, law enforcement agencies never questioned Gusinsky in connection with the murder.

Paul Klebnikov was killed in Moscow by unknown assailants on July 9, 2004. As of 2011, the crime remained unsolved.

Statement by the convicted person

Evgeny Vyshenkov from the Agency for Investigative Journalism reported on the testimony of Yuri Kolchin, convicted in the case of the murder of Galina Starovoitova. Kolchin, according to Vyshenkov, said that one of the disgraced oligarchs, Boris Berezovsky, ordered the murder of Listyev to crime boss Konstantin Yakovlev, and that the latter organized the murder at the hands of Eduard Kanimoto, Valery Sulikovsky and an unnamed third perpetrator. According to Kolchin, he and another crime boss Vladimir Kumarin witnessed the conversation between the organizers and the customer. The motive was Listyev’s ban on advertising on ORT. . Vladimir Kumarin himself told the investigator that the version was frankly fictitious, since according to medical documents in the second half of the year and almost until the end of the year, he was treated in a hospital in Germany, where, after a severe bullet wound, he first lay in a coma and could not move independently. Subsequently, Yuri Kolchin unsuccessfully passed polygraph (lie detector) tests, which showed the deliberate unreliability of the story of the witness being tested.

Colleagues' opinion

Other versions

The investigation into the murder of TV journalist Vladislav Listyev has been entrusted to investigator Lema Tamaev, Rosbalt reports, citing a source in the Investigative Committee at the prosecutor’s office (currently [ When?] Tamaev heads the headquarters for the investigation of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station; also L. Tamaev is a brother [significance of the fact?] famous investigator Ruslan Tamaev, who investigated the so-called “

At the funeral, the ladies mourned him in threes

20 years ago, the most famous Russian television journalist and producer, Vladislav LISTYEV, was killed: on March 1, 1995, he was shot at the entrance after returning from the broadcast of his author’s program “Rush Hour”. Former “Vzglyadovets” Evgeny DODOLEV (author of the books “Vlad Listyev. Biased Requiem” and “Vlad Listyev. Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools”) is making an unusual documentary about his legendary colleague. This is what our conversation is about.

- What is the point of another film about Vlad, has new information appeared about the person who ordered the crime?

The customer has been known for a long time, but it is better to keep such a case in the status of “under-solved”, since at any moment another character can be involved in the crime. This is convenient, especially for those interested in eliminating Listyeva there were many, including almost the entire television elite (with the exception of those who worked with him on the same team Ernst, Ugolnikova and others). After all, many applied for the high post that Vladislav occupied: Anatoly Malkin, Irena Lesnevskaya, and the candidate from “VID” was Andrey Razbash. For them, Listyev's appointment came as a surprise. And most of the oligarchs who were in competitive relations with Berezovsky were unhappy with the situation - Vlad was his creature.

- And Boris Abramovich himself?- Well, he was the customer... - But you already talked about this version on the pages of Express Newspaper!- Indeed, that publication was noticed even in London and overseas. The fact is that Berezovsky and Badri Patarkatsishvili They didn’t expect that the TV presenter would be so actively involved in financial flows, and decided to push him aside: they planned to simply scare him, but the performers overdid it. The day before the murder, Listyev and his wife were in the reception area of ​​Logovaz, Berezovsky’s headquarters, which is five minutes from their home, where the assassination attempt took place. Vlad did not want Boris Abramovich to solve his problems on his behalf and behind his back. However, the movie that we conceived with Larisa Krivtsova, not about that. We want to give the floor to people who, due to various circumstances, were not featured in numerous video memoirs, but at the same time remained close people: his surviving relatives, friends and associates. - Why did Krivtsova, known as the discoverer of the talents of Andrei Malakhov, take on such work?- For any professional television broadcaster, Listyev is an iconic figure. Not to mention that in the late 80s Eduard Sagalayev planned to involve young Krivtsova in the so-called Tuesday broadcasts of Vzglyad. All these years, the monopoly on family memories belonged to the widow, Albina Nazimova, which, of course, played the role of Pygmalion: “CEO Vlad Listyev” became her personal project. Without her, Vladislav Nikolaevich really would not have become the head of Channel One.

Alimony discord

Albina also influenced personnel policy. Vitaly Vulf, for example, is her creature. Nazimova, even after Listyev was killed, communicated both with Wulf himself and with his common-law husband, the head of the New Drama Theater Boris Lvov-Anokhin. And Albina's new husband - Andrey Razbash personally attended Boris’s funeral in April 2000.

- People with wild imaginations significantly recall Vlad’s close friendship with lawyer Andrei Makarov, about whom Alexander Nevzorov wrote as a sexton nicknamed “Tatyana”, because of his orientation. - Makarov was also Albina's choice. In general, she was attracted to extravagant characters. I remember with Valentin Gneushev she introduced me; the circus director seemed to her like a kind of “new Viktyuk" As for Vlad himself, he once received a note from the audience at a meeting with the audience with the question: “How do you feel about homosexuals?” And he answered: “We are not one of them.” This caused such uproarious laughter that Listyev kept the note and practiced this number over and over again. To the disappointment of fans who came to see his performances a second time.

Oral releases during the Vzglyadov period were the main source of income for Listyev and his partners. Then, when advertising appeared, the situation quickly changed. Vlad became a millionaire by the mid-90s, but he never became obsessed with money.

- But he refused to even pay alimony to his daughter...- When it was? During my student years. WITH Valeria Vladislavovna Listyeva I met her on the set of an episode of “Battle of Psychics” dedicated to the death of her father. Our acquaintance determined the concept of our film with Krivtsova. I realized that even if Vlad’s children know so little, then new generations do not understand at all what kind of person the TV idol of the 90s was. Let's say about alimony. He didn't refuse to pay his ex-wife Lena Esina, just tried to reduce the amount: he, a journalism student, had to get money for a new family. Tatyana Lyalina She bore him two sons: Vladik (who was disabled) and Sasha. At the same time, the two boys also had a brother - Kolya Lyalin, just a year older than Vlad Jr. Clearly it was difficult.

Appearance is not important

- Was Vlad generous?

When he had money, he squandered it left and right. But that’s not the only reason women liked him. Producer Rimma Shulgina, who was just a friend to him, recalled: “When we went somewhere together, I felt like his woman.” Sometimes he could attack his employees, offend, even humiliate. But everything was forgiven to him: an ocean of charm. Director of "Vzglyad" Tanya Dmitrakova, co-author of "Themes" Maya Lavrova, again Shulgin - they all remember Listyev with nostalgia. Rimma took part in his fate even after Vlad’s death. It was she (through acquaintances from Petrovka) who organized the farewell to Vlad of his last lover - Vera Ogryzkova: The investigation was underway, and no one was allowed into the morgue. I voiced her last name for the first time, you still won’t find her on social networks. After Vlad’s murder, Vera was convincingly “explained” what would happen if she began to “glow.” Nazimova was the official widow; this was not discussed. But Vera still came to the funeral secretly.

- So Nazimova knew about this novel?- Certainly. One day Albina even arrived at the airport, knowing that her husband would fly back from a romantic business trip with his passion. She simply walked up to Vlad, ignoring Vera, and took him home.

Marina PENKINA (present day)

She knew about her husband's many hobbies. Despite the fact that for Vladislav these were not some kind of affairs, he really fell in love and fell in love with himself. He made women happy, and sometimes made himself unhappy. Although, of course, like any bohemian character (and Vlad was one, unlike, for example, his colleagues in “Vzglyad” Dima Zakharov or Sasha Politkovsky), he regularly had one-time “oversleeps.” There was a period when Listyev often hung out in the studio Nikas Safronova on Gruzinskaya. So the owner of the workshop was constantly besieged by girls in love with Vlad, asking for his phone number...

He met Vera, whose code name was “Veranda,” because of his passion for tennis. And they met at a party, where Vlad came with another of his passions - a VGIK graduate Marina Penkina.

- Where did Penkina come from?- Listyev first saw her at Kinotavr. Mark Rudinshtein invited Listyev to host the opening ceremony of the festival together with Tatiana Dogileva. And after the festival, Marina came under Vlad’s wing and worked at the VID company even after his death. She worked on the talk show “Tema” together with Maya Lavrova, a student of Andrei Razbash. She also attended the funeral.

- Did all Listyev’s women have something in common?- It depends on how you look. Albina is a petite woman, and Vera, on the contrary, is large. Nazimova is a brunette, Penkina is fair-haired. Vlad himself liked to repeat that a woman’s appearance does not matter to him, the “zest” is important to him. But these ladies had something in common. You'll never guess. Imagine - Vera Ogryzkova - “Veranda” was the gynecologist of her friends: both Marina Penkina and Albina Nazimova!

“Night” - Albina

- This is strong! But, I think, Vlad chose his girlfriends according to other criteria.

Undoubtedly! He and his companion should not be bored. And, of course, she must be a like-minded person. I think that’s why Listyev broke up with his first wife, Elena. After all, it was a youthful hobby, “hormonal”; there were no common interests. By the way, the first-born from his second wife, Tatyana Lyalina, was born on May 12, 1982, when she was not yet a wife. The divorce from Lena took place almost six months later - on October 14. Let me remind you that Vlad Jr., at the age of three months, became blind and deaf due to the negligence of doctors, and six years later the child died... By an evil irony of fate - on the night when Vlad was sleeping off after a report from a children's hospital, which he was filming for “Vzglyad” . - Did he really love Tatyana Lyalina?- Yes, it was a long and strong relationship. Because of them, Vlad was almost expelled from the university: while working at the 1980 Olympics, the couple was found in a room in one of the Olympic hotels. The official wife, Lena Esina, and mother-in-law were called to the pulpit - what a scandal. After this, Listyev’s internship in Cuba was closed. Instead, he went to work in Belarus, to a meeting of veterans. On July 30, 1980, the young people celebrated their anniversary; on March 18, 1981, daughter Lera was born. And the fruit of the love of Vlad and Tatyana - Vladislav Jr. - saw the light the following year. It may seem to some that Vlad was dishonest, but the fact is that he did not hide his throwing from women, the stars just aligned. And who is without sin?

- So it was always about love at first sight?- It’s unlikely... When the music editor of “Vzglyad” introduced Vlad to Nazimova, they did not like each other, only later did an affair begin. It seems to me that Albina loved him, but as a pet to which the owner is attached. She is cold, it’s not for nothing that they called her Night in the youth team. And in some matters she held the leash tightly. The same Shulgina recalls how, during a joint vacation in Hawaii, Listyev joyfully said: “Alya got sunburned, she’ll be in her room all evening, so she can have a couple of cocktails with dinner!” Albina cannot stand drunkards, which is why Vlad was “reformatted”. Of course, if he had not met Nazimov, he would not have become the head of ORT at the end of 1994. Maybe he would have stayed alive, or maybe he would have drunk himself to death. It was a time of stress and change. Time for daring challenges. She herself recalled how at night after the appointment she found her husband awake and asked: “Well, donkey, are you scared?” After which they laughed and fell asleep. This was their favorite family joke. - Which one?- There was a donkey in the forest that fucked everyone indiscriminately. The animals bowed to the Serpent Gorynych and complained about the big-eared one. The owner of the forest found the donkey, blew flames out of his nostrils and asked: “Well, are you scared?” Donkey, trembling with fear: “Scary. This is the first time something this terrible has happened... I will.” That is, these two, even if “the love passed and the tomatoes withered,” remained friends and partners.

The fate of children

- Are Listyev’s children friends?

No, unlike the five children of Razbash (who, by the way, was a much bigger heartthrob than his illustrious colleague), son Alexander and daughter Valeria, alas, do not communicate. And Listyev’s grandchildren, accordingly, too. Both Lera and Sasha have two children. Valeria relatively recently gave birth to a son, I thought he would name him after his famous father, but his parents chose the name Bogdan. This is her second marriage, the first was not the most successful: her betrothed turned out to be an avid gambler. Well, Alexander Vladislavovich told me that he intends to divorce Janoy Shandruk(they had been married for four years) and moved to Kyiv: his new betrothed was the daughter of a famous Ukrainian politician. He, in my opinion, also had his eye on a job there on TV. - He was involved in a number of drunken racing scandals...- Yes, I served a couple of weeks. At this age (Sasha is now 32) his father was the same dashing hussar, he could go on a drinking binge, have an affair, disrupt the broadcast, so genes take their toll. Not yet evening. Vladislav Listyev managed to become the most famous television personality, the favorite of the state. Alcohol and journalism go together. And we also talk about this in our film. - Is the film about Listyev timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of his death?- Initially they planned to broadcast on March 1, but I found out that he is a wonderful director Konstantin Smilga is filming a new version of his film about Vlad for Channel One, and decided to time our work with Krivtsova to coincide with another anniversary: ​​in the spring of next year - Listyev’s 60th anniversary, and the story about his family is more suitable in format for his birthday than for the anniversary of his death.

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