Highwaymen. Vladimir Semenovich Golubev: the return of the bloody bandit “Barmaley” and his criminal holding company “Adamant Aka Golub, aka Sizy, aka Barmaley

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Behind the scenes intrigues are unfolding around the leadership of Rosavtodor


One can hardly boast about the quality of Russian roads. And the work of the Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Rosavtodor) raises serious questions among the country's leadership. “Top Secret” managed to find out what was going on here. It turned out that real “highway robbers” were rushing to take over the leadership of the department.

There have been a lot of complaints against Rosavtodor. Suffice it to say that the contractors for the construction of highways are chosen so “successfully” that every spring Rosavtodor has to introduce a seasonal restriction on the passage of freight vehicles on them in order to avoid destruction of the road surface.

The situation is no better in winter, when traffic regularly stops due to snow debris not cleared in time. The director of Rosavtodor, Roman Starovoyt, himself admitted the ineffectiveness of the work of contractors involved in clearing during periods of heavy snowfall. The recipe seems to be known: the leadership needs to be changed.

However, as we managed to find out, behind the disorganization of the work of Rosavtodor is the gray cardinal of the department - Deputy Director Andrei Kostyuk. It is he, who came to work in December 2012, according to informed sources, who is trying to take the chair of Roman Starovoit, exposing him to attack - and at the instigation of Deputy Minister of Transport Oleg Belozerov.

Kostyuk works using the old, proven hardware method: since the end of 2012, thanks to him, more than a dozen regional managers have lost their positions, all four deputy heads of Rosavtodor and seven heads of departments out of eight have been replaced.

The heads of the departments for information support, highway construction and administrative and personnel work were changed twice, and the heads of the legal department - even three times. Alina Malysheva, who was introduced there on February 11 of last year, barely had time to settle into her office when Andrei Sergeev replaced her on April 22 of the same year, and after the structure was renamed into the Department of Legal Support and Public-Private Partnership Projects, on December 11, 2013, it was headed by Elena Semenova.

It is obvious that the personnel rush cannot help the work of the department in any way. Rather, on the contrary, it disorganizes his work. This is precisely what Kostyuk and Belozerov, who supports him, assure.

The goal of such a leapfrog is very simple: Kostyuk, using personnel changes, replaces Starovoit’s people, placing his own people in the regions, thereby preparing the ground for the removal of the current head of the department. After all, Starovoit will be appointed responsible for the chaos on the roads, and he will have to resign.

According to all the same informed sources, Belozerov is going to go with a report to the Minister of Transport in September in order to remove Starovoit and appoint Kostyuk as head of Rosavtodor.

However, neither he, nor Belozerov, nor even the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov will actually manage the department. The owner of Rosavtodor will be the St. Petersburg crime bosses promoting Kostyuk - in particular, Vladimir Golubev (better known among his peers as Barmaley), who was convicted three times for theft, robbery and assault.

According to operational information, Barmaley is well acquainted with the deputy head of the FDA in St. Petersburg, when the young promising official Kostyuk began his career in the state institution “Directorate of Transport Construction” under the Committee for Improvement and Road Facilities of the Administration of St. Petersburg. Today, Golubev, according to the same sources, through his son is doing business with Alexander Polukeev, the scandalous former vice-governor of St. Petersburg, who oversaw the city’s road industry in the “zero” - and the career of the official Kostyuk.

REFERENCE Vladimir Golubev. Boxer, former prisoner and featured in Andrei Konstantinov’s book “Gangster Petersburg.” He is Barmaley, Dove and Gray. Born in 1955 in the city of Klintsy, Bryansk region.

He was convicted of theft, robbery and assault. He first received six years for theft and fraud in 1975 and served the entire sentence. In 1983, he was imprisoned for another six months (according to some sources, for transactions with documents), and in 1986 Golubev was sent to prison for ten years with confiscation of property and two years of exile. Exemplary behavior allowed him to be released 27 months before the end of his sentence, and also to avoid exile. A major St. Petersburg-Moscow entrepreneur. He tried to create a fund for social assistance to military personnel, controlled part of the assets of the Adamant holding (40% of shopping and entertainment complexes in St. Petersburg).

Shareholder of the development company Potok, which owns the Federation Tower and other assets of the former Mirax Group of Sergei Polonsky. Founded NPF "Verny", LLC "Moscow Gate", was the head of the representative office of the American company BIONT Corp. The media have noted many times his closeness to the Tambov group, crime bosses Kumarin and Malyshev. He first attracted media attention as a close friend of popular TV presenter and Miss World Oksana Fedorova.


In recent days, the media of St. Petersburg remembered one of their favorite heroes of the past decade. We are talking about the former vice-governor Alexander Polukeev, who installed the fence of his dacha exactly along the water's edge of the Gulf of Finland - the government of the Leningrad region recently declared this illegal.

Apparently, it was difficult for him to install the fence so that the distance to the water was the six meters required by law. The waves should splash at the porch, this has been the custom among St. Petersburg nobles since the times of Peter the Great.

However, former vice-governor Polukeev fell in love with the journalists of the Northern capital not because of a banal love for lordly manners, as in the story with the fence. In 2010, the former head of the Directorate for Traffic Management in St. Petersburg (DODD), Andrei Korchagin, who fled to London from prosecution, directly accused Polukeev of creating a system of kickbacks and preferences in the field of road construction.

This is what he wrote to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation: “Taking advantage of the high patronage (Polukeev - editor's note), companies not only won the competition, but also, using cheap materials, received maximum profits and were not responsible for the work performed. The extent of the abuses was so obvious to the city leadership that before appointing me to the post of head of the State Institution “DODD”, I was given the goal of bringing order to the current chaos.”

REFERENCE Alexander Polukeev. Employee of the staff of the plenipotentiary representative in the Northwestern Federal District. Born in 1948 in the Khabarovsk Territory. In 1971 he graduated from the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers with a degree in economics and organization of air transport. From 1982 to 1989 he worked as Deputy General Director for Personnel and Life at the Leningrad Production Association Lenmyasoprom. 1989-2003 - worked at the Agro-Industrial Committee of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and at leading enterprises of the city. Since November 2003 - head of the administration of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg. From 2006 to 2009, he served as Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg. Until now, he works in the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District.

That is, the vice-governor has been overseeing and controlling the road sector in St. Petersburg for too long. So long and scandalous that the then governor of the city, Valentina Matvienko, was forced to fire him - even though Polukeev had known her since his Komsomol youth.

However, “he didn’t all go away.” According to available information, Polukeev, over the years of supervising the road sector and housing and communal services of St. Petersburg, managed to find among his young subordinates a figure who, to this day, continues to carefully put government contracts into the deep pockets of his family’s partners. We are talking about a native of the Amur region, Andrei Kostyuk, who in December 2012 was appointed deputy head of the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor).

REFERENCE Andrey Kostyuk. Deputy Director of the Federal Road Agency (FDA). Born in Tynda, Amur Region in 1979. In 2001 he graduated from the Military Transport University of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation with a degree in bridges and transport tunnels, in 2008 - from the North-Western Academy of Public Service with a degree in state and municipal administration. From 2002 to 2006, he worked in the St. Petersburg state institution “Directorate of Transport Construction” under the Committee for Improvement and Road Facilities of the Administration of St. Petersburg, where he held the positions of specialist of the 2nd and 1st categories, engineer, engineer of the 2nd and 1st category, deputy head of the transport facilities department. It is most likely that their paths crossed with Polukeev at this time. From 2006 to 2012, deputy head and then head of the Federal State Institution (FKU) “Federal Administration of Highways North-West” named after N.V. Smirnov Federal Road Agency" (Rosavtodor). In December 2012, he was appointed deputy head of the Federal Road Agency. In 2009, he was awarded the anniversary badge “In memory of the 200th anniversary of the Administration of Water and Land Transport”, in 2013 - the insignia “For his contribution to the development of the Leningrad Region”.


By the way, like most of these officials, Alexander Polukeev is known as a person who recruits either “his own” or those recommended by influential people into his team. Why did he suddenly contribute to the appointment of an unknown young specialist from Tynda to such a lucrative position?

This is precisely the question journalists asked after Kostyuk’s appearance in the federal structures of Rosavtodor. And soon publications appeared in the media that Polukeev’s old partner, thrice-convicted crime boss and businessman Vladimir Golubev, interceded on behalf of the young official.

They say that Golubev paid attention to Kostyuk in 2005, when he decided to engage in road construction. Knowing how to be extremely charming at the right moments, Barmaley, according to media reports, quickly charmed the young official, they met several times, had joint picnics in nature, visited charming girls and dog kennels (Golubev is seriously interested in breeding dogs and helped push him to the post of head of the Russian Canine Federation another friend of his - producer and stuntman Alexander Inshakov. - Ed.).

At first glance, Golubev had no practical interest here. Indeed, at the same time, Barmaley perfectly established a common business with the Polukeev family. According to information obtained from the SPARK and Unified State Register of Legal Entities databases, in the same 2005 he established Russian Roads LLC together with his son Maxim Zhukov and partner Serik Urazov. Yulia Serykh, Barmaley’s special confidant, the main manager, and often a co-founder in the structures of Golubev and Zhukov, was appointed general director of the company. Thus, Zhukov and Serykh, together with Mr. Sergei Puzikov, own a total of 40% of Azimut Transport Association LLC.

TO "Azimut" services the construction of roads: it sells and delivers sand, crushed stone, asphalt, construction and plant soil. Previously, Zhukov was the sole owner of TO Azimut, but chose to disperse the stake: now, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company is owned (in addition to Zhukov) by Andrei and Artem Kushnarevs, Alexander Mironenko and the owner of 25%, a certain Andrei Aleksandrovich Polukeev, who belongs to Alexander Polukeev... relatives son.

REFERENCE Andrey Polukeev. Entrepreneur. Born in 1983. Graduated from the mechanical and mechanical engineering faculty of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Polukeev Jr. in 2010 was a co-founder of a number of companies, such as Astra LLC, Ideal-Standard LLC, Koko Travel LLC and North-West Fish Stream LLC (according to media reports, in particular correspondents " Fontanka.Ru." - Ed.). According to the Ruspres news agency, in 2000 he was detained by the police with heroin and was involved in a criminal case under Part 1 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In 2010, according to media publications, he was involved in the murder of the owner of the Pulkovo-3 shopping and entertainment complex, Mikhail Karachev, together with the famous St. Petersburg authority Vladimir Kulibaba. The latter has known Vladimir Golubev since the 1990s, when he was one of the leaders of the group of Konstantin Yakovlev (Kostya Mogila). Kulibaba was worked by law enforcement agencies as the organizer of the murder of Karachev, the investigation considered the version of the interest of the structures of Polukeev Sr. in this murder.

In total, Maxim Zhukov (aka Barmaley Jr.), together with Andrei Polukeev, according to the SPARK databases, became the owners of at least eight companies. Among them are LLC “Astra”, LLC “Photo-Alliance”, LLC “Cherepitsa” and five clones of “Cherepitsa”, differing only in the numbering in the name (LLC “Cherepitsa-2”, etc.). This is not counting the aforementioned Azimuth TO, where Zhukov chose to get rid of a quarter of the company in favor of Polukeev Jr. It's hard to consider this an accident. Rather, it shows how the former deputy conducts his business behind the backs of young people. Governor Polukeev and former repeat criminal Golubev.

However, Polukeev Jr. himself, according to a number of media reports, is no stranger to the criminal world of St. Petersburg. So why does Golubev, with such close contacts with the Polukeev family, need some Kostyuk? It’s all very simple: the astute Barmaley understood perfectly well that the St. Petersburg vice-governor and his son were a little less odious than himself, and the path to the federal level was barred from them. And here is a young man with a completely clean biography and an impeccable track record! Such a person should move up the career ladder without delay, which is what happens.


But debt pays off, and some companies, as Kostyuk took off, suddenly began winning billion-dollar contracts for repairs and maintenance of the road network. The “luck” of a very narrow circle of entrepreneurs moved after the flying official - first, a number of companies received money from the Federal Highway Administration “Northwest”, then from the FDA itself. After all, there are many contractors and subcontractors in the highway sector (in St. Petersburg alone there are about 30 large and well-known in the market - editor's note), there are many to choose from and a price to beat, but it is these legal entities who are lucky. And year after year. Billions.

Let's take, for example, the St. Petersburg JSC "Buer". The CJSC is the largest contractor of the St. Petersburg “Directorate of Transport Construction” (St. Petersburg State Institution “Directorate of Transport Construction”) and the Federal Institution of Highways “North-West” named after N.V. Smirnov Federal Road Agency" (FKU "Sevzapupravtodor").

The activities of both state-owned enterprises were influenced by Andrei Kostyuk. He worked at the Directorate of Transport Construction from 2002 to 2006, and at FKU Sevzapupravtodor from 2006 to 2012.

So: in 2011, CJSC Buer received more than 6 billion rubles under government contracts, in 2013 - more than 7 billion rubles. Total, about 13 billion in just two years. Moreover, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg carried out checks, officials tried to recover multimillion-dollar sums from Buer for “illegal enrichment” (let us recall the words of the fugitive official that the companies “received maximum profits” using cheap materials. - Ed.). But it didn’t work out - the company fought back and the lawsuit was withdrawn. Why is unclear: after all, Alexander Polukeev long ago lost the post of vice-governor - working in the North-Western Plenipotentiary Mission of the President, it is now much more difficult for him to influence the distribution of city orders or the recall of inspections.

The most likely version is that the company has another patron who occupies a higher position in the center. For example, the deputy head of Rosavtodor. However, it is not enough to win competitions; you also need to receive asphalt, sand and crushed stone, fuel oil and equipment on time, and hire workers. For this purpose, JSC "Buer" has a permanent and main partner - JSC "Derzhava".


The Derzhava holding specializes in construction; in addition to the CJSC, it also has the same name Derzhava-Capital LLC. These two organizations are owned by Sergei Tkachev, Tatyana Davydkina, Serik Urazov and Maxim Zhukov.

The last two, as you remember, are Golubev’s friend and son. Barmaley himself, although he lives in the capital, is unlikely to have abandoned all his affairs in his small homeland - why, when the money flows into your hands? And my son is spinning.

By the way, the SPARK-Interfax databases do not contain information about individuals who are the owners of Buer CJSC. There are no registers of this company at all, only the director is known - Andrey Kuznetsov. Some indirect insight can be obtained by analyzing the composition of Buer's subsidiaries. One of them is Transstroykapital LLC, the other is KB Financial Capital LLC. The director of Transstroycapital is a partner of the Golubev-Zhukov family, Andrei Kushnarev (co-founder of at least a dozen companies along with Maxim Zhukov), and he, together with the director of Buer CJSC Andrei Kuznetsov and other individuals and legal entities, is a shareholder of the Financial Capital bank.

However, the influence of companies affiliated with the Golubevs and Polukeevs has already spread beyond St. Petersburg. Their receipt of significant contracts for road construction and repair, bridge reconstruction, coincided with their career successes... Who do you think? That's right, the same impeccable Mr. Kostyuk. The analysis of already conducted and approved competitions looks quite clear: companies associated with these individuals through a clear circle of their partners received a clear competitive advantage from Rosavtodor. Indicative, for example, is the scheme they applied in the Pskov region. St. Petersburg LLC DorStroyEngineering, owned by the already mentioned Maxim Zhukov, Serik Urazov and Sergei Tkachev, changed participants without external reasons. They were others, however, also the above-mentioned businessmen close to the Barmaley family - Mironenko and Kushnarev. The founders were diluted by Vladimir Leiman and Razvitie LLC (25%). And now, as usual, we carefully watch our hands.


The most pronounced spread of Andrei Kostyuk’s influence was manifested in the “Far Eastern Contract” for the structures already mentioned above. Development LLC controls 30% in SGK-Avtostrada LLC, 70% in Stroygazconsulting Ziyad Manasir.

SGK-Avtostrada LLC, which had not previously won a single major tender, after the appointment of a new deputy head of Rosavtodor, already in 2013 received more than 6.5 billion rubles from the department’s structures. Moreover, in this case we are not talking about the North-Western region, where Kostyuk’s influence and, accordingly, the receipt of contracts by the structures of Golubev and Polukeev have become almost the rule. SGK-Avtostrada is to build a bridge across the Markha River on the Vilyuy highway through Bratsk, Ust-Kut, Mirny to Yakutsk in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and to reconstruct the M-56 Lena road on the Never - Yakutsk section. Those close to Golubev and Zhukov, with the hidden but noticeable support of the deputy head of the FDA, have already won these two competitions for 6.5 billion rubles.

Now SGK-Avtostrada LLC has been admitted to the next competition in the same Far Eastern region - for another 2.4 billion rubles. The winner of the competition has not yet been determined, but we are unlikely to be mistaken in assuming that local officials are unable to stop the expansion of Golubev’s enterprises - especially backed up by the powerful financial resources of Manasir (in this region) and the administrative resources of Kostyuk.

What to expect next from such an alliance? It is likely that he will pay closer attention to road and bridge construction. And with the help of Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley), Alexander Polukeev, who have worked together for a long time, and the “rising star” of Rosavtodor Andrei Kostyuk, it will not be difficult for him to bite off a significant piece of this market. At the same time, according to informed sources, Kostyuk is already buying real estate and land plots, building palaces on them. But how does all this fit in with the anti-corruption laws and rules of conduct for officials prescribed in the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service”?

Golubev and Oksana Fedorova

They say that experienced prisoners especially love sex with female police officers. But in Golubev’s diary there is nothing about this, and only the owner’s new hobby is discussed - dog breeding.

Washing under dog skin

Why shouldn't the noble don start breeding dogs of elite blood? Moreover, there are enough examples. A former patriotic TV star named Alexander Nevzorov plunged headlong into the horse business, retired liberal media tycoon Sergei Lisovsky successfully mastered poultry farming, and the great Roman Emperor Diocletian, after leaving the throne, took up cabbage farming.

A glorious military past still prevents him from making a previously quite possible political career. So we have to limit ourselves to what has been achieved. Perhaps Golubev, who has an equally stormy biography, followed the example of his moderate comrade?

Nevertheless, even if partial washing is evident, I really want to understand why it is needed. For example, the St. Petersburg oligarch Alexander Ebralidze tried to separate himself from the biography of twice previously convicted criminal Alik Rynok, and now calls himself Ebralidze. But here the motives are clear - the man is eager to become president of his native Georgia. But what does Golubev want? Since there is no smell of politics in the traditional sense in his life, the conversation most likely can be about business. And much larger than the sale of well-born dogs. Probably, the roots of this business should be sought precisely in Golubev’s past, which someone is unsuccessfully trying to correct.

Tambov fork

The head of the Dec Plus company and the owner of the Eurasia sushi bar chain, Alexey Fursov, created Kayhon LLC with Golubev. Finally, BusinessStroyService established the Golden Country Jewelers Gallery LLC, among the co-owners of which Rosenbaum and the Kupsins are found.

Cash desk under the flag of Ivanovich

In the capital, Golubev's commerce is also developing successfully, sometimes popping up in the form of rumors about roads, land and almost airports. In the following issues we hope to talk about the anti-crisis exploits of the companies “Babylon”, “Inworth Holding”, “Terra” and other companies. For now, it’s worth bringing up some funny gossip about a good business made from access to the body of a high-ranking Kremlin official, whom Barmaley easily calls Ivanovich. And about a lady who resembles the wife of a government official, accidentally discovered at a Barmaley birthday party.

But perhaps what is described is nothing more than a figment of the author’s imagination. But in fact, the correction of electronic karma was undertaken solely to raise the rating of the fashionable Adamanta shopping centers.


Dogs are out of politics

“The passion and enthusiasm of our breeders, who defend the honor of Russia year after year at exhibitions and competitions of the highest rank, cannot but arouse pride and admiration,” said Vladimir Golubev, President of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). “The fact that dog breeders do not receive any government support deserves special mention, that is, all their achievements, thanks to which our country has a reputation as one of the leading cynological powers in the world, are only their personal merit.”

"Adamant" was discovered in the Moscow region

Co-owner of the St. Petersburg Adamant holding, Igor Leitis, is entering the commercial real estate market in the Moscow region: he is buying almost half of the project for the construction of a retail cluster in the Leninsky district. It is now easier to purchase a plot outside the Moscow Ring Road than in Moscow: it will be possible to build the planned facility there for 2.5 billion rubles.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service approved the petition of the co-owner of the St. Petersburg holding Adamant, Igor Leitis, to acquire 46.5% in the capital of Expert-TRK LLC.

Golubev Vladimir Semenovich - aka the authority of Barmaley: gangster Petersburg is back

Co-owner of the notorious Adamant holding, aka crime boss nicknamed Barmaley, aka Vladimir Semenovich Golubev. In the nineties, many people knew about him; in the 2000s, the bandit lay low several times and significantly increased his capital.

The assets of the Elis Group of Companies worth 3 billion rubles were transferred to structures close to the family of Vladimir Golubev

The assets of the Alice group of companies worth 3 billion rubles became the property of structures associated with the family of Vladimir Golubev, a business partner of the co-owners of Adamant Holding Company.

The international company Victory Stratton Ltd became the owner of the commercial real estate portfolio of Alice Group of Companies. According to market participants, this offshore company may be controlled by Maxim Zhukov, the son of the famous entrepreneur Vladimir Golubev, associated with the Adamant holding. Experts estimate the market value of three Elisa shopping complexes with a total area of ​​more than 120 thousand m2 at 3 billion rubles.

Kovalchuk saves Buer

Rossiya Bank is buying out the debts of the St. Petersburg road construction company Buer, saving it from closure. The bankruptcy of the company will cost the brainchild of Yuri Kovalchuk a loss of 2 billion rubles.

The St. Petersburg road company “Buer” with an order volume of 10 billion rubles, which is in a dying state, will be saved by Yuri Kovalchuk’s Rossiya Bank. The credit institution buys out its debts, the total amount of which is 3 billion rubles. This way the bank wants to protect itself from having to pay guarantees to government customers. If Buer stops, Rossiya will lose 2 billion rubles. At the same time, the bank does not yet intend to become a shareholder of the road company.

Well mined old

Rules of the game

On July 6, 2012, the businessman announced that he had bought shares from other Potok shareholders - Maxim Temnikov, co-owner of the Adamant group Vladimir Golubev and ex-head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Roman Trotsenko - and became the sole owner of the company. The corporation then refused to disclose the terms of the agreement. This suddenly ended the patience of one of Mr. Polonsky’s oldest partners, Maxim Temnikov, who had worked with him for almost ten years.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/pda/kommersant.html?id=1982493

Reputable entrepreneur Vladimir Golubev became interested in online dog breeding

However, the “marriage” with Baskov, whose sexuality at one time caused so many rumors, may turn out to be nothing more than a screen for Fedorova’s return to her old patron - the colorful St. Petersburg-Moscow businessman Vladimir Semenovich Golubev, known in criminal circles as Barmaley.
link: http://www.compromat.ru/page_ 28408.htm

He is Dove, he is Sizy, he is Barmaley

Recently, the community of “Moscow St. Petersburg residents” was replenished with an “influential” businessman, covered in cell phones, who constantly gives valuable instructions to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. A representative man with an unruly spiky beard looks very impressive (although he sometimes has to shave - solely for the purpose of secrecy). Unfortunately, his colleagues in the ruling Moscow-St. Petersburg clan do not know him well. Probably because of the abundance of nicknames: aka Dove, aka Sizy, aka Barmaley. Actually, his name is Vladimir Semenovich Golubev.
link: http://www.compromat.ru/page_ 12305.htm

The beauty and the Beast

Oksana Fedorova still had to comment on the information that her friend is none other than the authoritative St. Petersburg businessman Vladimir Golubev. In criminal circles and operational reports (those not for the press), he appears under the nickname Barmaley. They can also call him Gray. But Oksana flatly refused to publicly name her friend’s name.
link: http://www.compromat.ru/page_ 12291.htm

The name of the lover of ex-Miss Universe 2002 Oksana Fedora has become known

He is a certain Vladimir Golubev (aka Golub, aka Sizy, aka Barmaley) - a notorious person in St. Petersburg (not to be confused with the senator from the Leningrad region Valery Golubev) and has nothing to do with the construction business. What is known for certain about him?
link: http://kompromat.flb.ru/material1.phtml?id=3074

Sergei Polonsky cleans Potok

“On Tuesday I moved all my things and will no longer be involved in the operational management of Potok,” Maxim Temnikov told Kommersant. This was preceded by Potok's statement on Friday that Sergei Polonsky became the 100 percent owner of the company, having bought shares from partners - Maxim Temnikov, co-owner of the Adamant group of companies Vladimir Golubev and former president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Roman Trotsenko (the developer's ownership structure is not disclosed ). “I remain a co-owner of Potok and have not received any letters from Polonsky,” noted Mr. Temnikov.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1978694/print

Polonsky returned to Stream

Sergei Polonsky became the sole shareholder of the development company Potok8 (ex-Mirax). The entrepreneur bought about 25% of the concern's shares from the structures of Roman Trotsenko, Vladimir Golubev and a group of top managers. Experts suggest a no-cash deal: the co-owners of Stream entrusted their papers to Polonsky.
link: http://www.gazeta.ru/business/ 2012/07/06/4672213.shtml

“Nothing came easy to me,” Vladimir Golubev, co-owner of Nazvanie.net and Adamant holding

A new player with an interesting destiny has appeared on the capital's development market. This is Vladimir Golubev, co-owner of the Adamant holding, the largest developer of retail real estate in St. Petersburg. Golubev became a shareholder of the development company Mirax Group, which this year was renamed Nazvanie.net. Little is known about Golubev, although he has been in business for almost 20 years. In the press you can only find information about his connections with the criminal world and his affair with former Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova. A long-term break in Golubev’s entrepreneurial career was spent in prison. He says that the reason for this was that he lost his father at an early age, and now advises: “Children should live with their parents to avoid many unnecessary things.”
link: http://finance.rambler.ru/news/p/94268277.html

Alexander Inshakov was given a general

In addition to Abashidze, Alexander Inshakov was accompanied at the table by the famous St. Petersburg businessman Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley).
link: http://eg.ru/daily/cadr/8711/

Vladimir Golubev will receive a stake in the former Mirax Group

Entrepreneur Vladimir Golubev may receive 25% of the former Mirax Group, Vedomosti newspaper reports.
link: http://www.bfm.ru/realty/2011/06/17/

The victims fled from the police

On Thursday, Vladimir Vecherko, chairman of the board of directors of Soyuzprominvest JSC, addressed the Moscow Khamovniki police department with a statement that he had been subjected to an armed attack. The assassination attempt itself took place on Tuesday, and was immediately classified by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Kommersant sources, in addition to Mr. Vecherko, the killer’s target could have been the St. Petersburg “authoritative businessman” Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley).
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/567993/print

"Gangster Petersburg". Life and Death of Koli-Karate

By 1987, Nikolai Sedyuk, together with his brother, nicknamed McKenna, had put together a stable group that numbered 100 fighters (in those days they were still counting by fighters, and not by shooters, as now). The ideological inspirer of the Selyukov brothers was Vladimir Semenovich Golubev, better known under the nickname Barmaley.
link: http://rospres.com/politics/5499/


In the summer of 1999, Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley) became the target of surveillance. When it was possible to establish that he most often visited the Adamant restaurant on the Moika, Tarasov first decided that a sniper from the attic of the house opposite should remove Golubev, then they outplayed it - they decided to place the sniper in a specially purchased RAF minibus. In the end, the operation with Golubev was canceled altogether. Around the same time, Oleg Tarasov received an order for Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), but Chernyaev did not take part in spying on him - Gudkov and Malysh were in charge of the operation. Here Tarasov also met with failure - Barsukov’s security guards discovered a minibus with a hidden video camera, and the operation had to be cancelled.
link: http://www.novayagazeta.spb. ru/2004/58/6

You don't need to listen to pop singers - you need to look at them

The award ceremony for the most successful entertainers became the most scandalous show of the year. Before the start of the action, famous moneybags gathered at the Olimpiysky. Businessman Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taiwanchik) walked along the path hugging another blonde (“What’s her name? Hm... You can’t remember everything”). St. Petersburg millionaire Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley), as always, hugged his longtime passion, ex-Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova.

, "Barmaley" from the presidential administration

Alexander Vasilkov

If you ask a citizen of the Russian Federation “who rules Russia today?”, he will answer without hesitation: “Moscow St. Petersburg residents.” Then he will list for a long time - the president, financial and social deputy prime ministers, the chief energy officer, the chairman of the Accounts Chamber, the ministers of internal affairs, defense, trade, and health care. But he will definitely forget one important person from two capitals. But in vain.

Recently, the community of “Moscow St. Petersburg residents” was replenished with an “influential” businessman, covered with cell phones, who constantly gives valuable instructions to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. A representative man with an unruly spiky beard looks very impressive (although he sometimes has to shave - solely for the purpose of secrecy). Unfortunately, his colleagues in the ruling Moscow-St. Petersburg clan do not know him well. Probably because of the abundance of nicknames: aka Dove, aka Sizy, aka Barmaley. Actually, his name is Vladimir Semenovich Golubev.

Vovochka's prototype from jokes

Golubev was born in the sunny Leningrad spring of 1955, exactly on International Workers' Solidarity Day. Even as a child, Vova proved that he was very difficult and very original.

It is known how well boys from Jewish families do in school. But Vova was not like that - all the years of his studies he remained a mediocre C student, eventually receiving a rather dull certificate. And as it turned out, he didn’t miss. Why bother if today Vladimir Semenovich still has a scientific degree of Doctor of Economics. He had no problems writing and defending his dissertation. The scheme has been known since Soviet times: “Put the money on the secretary. Did you put it? I see.”

But life experience at school was useful. Vova learned to accept the blows of fate - not only in a figurative sense. Golubev was regularly beaten in the women's restroom. He managed to hide there and spy on the girls for a long time. But every time the schoolgirls discovered him and ran screaming after the high school students.

Of course, this was not the only joy in little Vovochka’s life. He loved to read, his room was littered with books that were similar to one another - Mine Reid, Conan Doyle, “The Black Corsair”, “A Firm Hand” (by the way, he didn’t read Ilf and Petrov - he came up with it all on his own). Monotonous literature left an indelible imprint on the youthful mind and greatly helped the future Barmaley get to his bunk.

Having broken the traditions of the Jewish family, Vladimir did not go to college. Having saved a lot of free time as a result, I contacted the black marketeers at the famous “gallery” of Gostiny Dvor in Leningrad. Soon this seemed not enough. The impressions from children's books drew me forward and forward. Thefts were followed by robberies, and robberies followed by robberies... As a result, the corrective labor experience of citizen V.S. Golubev amounted to a certain number of years under Articles 147, 144, 195 and 174 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

Prototype of Bender, who does not respect the criminal code

In correctional institutions, Golubev in every possible way “creeped” under the thieves and onlookers. But they never accepted him into their midst. The elite of the criminal world does not value freeloaders and swindlers, and “Rock Pigeon” has not proven itself to be anything else. In addition, he was caught more than once in an attempt to gain authority by inventing all sorts of horror stories about his criminal past.

But with ordinary “men” Golubev was rude and arrogant in the zone. This is why he received his main nickname, turning from Dove to Barmaley.

After his last imprisonment, Barmaley returned to St. Petersburg. With quiet joy I discovered that even without prison you can live richly and happily. It’s not even necessary to stick your “six” to some thief in law. It is enough to join one of the organized criminal groups that divided the northern capital in the early 1990s.

However, greed got in the way - I really didn’t want to contribute the allotted share to the bandit’s common fund. Barmaley remembered his youth and indulged in writing. Having become acquainted with all the leaders of the organized crime group, he seemed to be a great authority, having served no more or less than 12 (!) years and living according to the concepts of thieves. The busy leaders of the organized crime groups did not check these tales.

St. Petersburg biographers of Barmaley (as a rule, these authors specialize in humor) said that at first Golubev joined the local watchers from the Moscow gang of thieves. He did not become one of their own for them - for the same reasons as in the zones. But the “show-off” was with all his might and got promoted.

To begin with, I tried to organize a “Social Assistance Fund for Military Personnel.” This was a failure: the military learned that Golubev had only seen the Kalashnikov assault rifle in the hands of the guard on the tower, and asked him not to fuss with providing assistance. I had to do simpler things - blackmail and women. The latter was especially successful. Vladimir Semenovich long ago lost count of even his own wives - he signed, collected valuables and left, like Ostap Bender, “for a meeting of the Small Council of People’s Commissars.” Not being a formalist or a pedant, he was in no hurry to get divorced and lived for years, scheduled with two or three women at a time. But, we repeat, I never read about Ostap Bender, he had his head on his shoulders. Only the Criminal Code, unlike Ostap Ibrahimovic, was never respected.

Having accumulated initial capital using the above methods, Barmaley began to rise. For several years, as an authoritative businessman, he “oversaw” the Adamant retail chain in St. Petersburg. Gradually he became a co-founder of this respected commercial system and had a solid income. Then Vladimir Semenovich established the non-state pension fund "Verny". As you know, the Russian social system is poor precisely because non-poor people know how to profitably use it - the case with “Verny” turned out to be typical in this regard. Moskovskie Vorota LLC has also joined the “pigeon’s nest”. And finally, Barmaley’s business culminated in the representation of the American company Biont Corporation.

Several times Barmaley tried to “approach” the king of the St. Petersburg gambling business, Mikhail Mirilashvili (Mikhail Mikhailovich is currently accused of kidnapping and murder). Once MMM even took Barmaley with him to Israel. However, the friendship did not grow together - Golubev’s unflattering reputation again interfered.

But Barmaley did not lose heart. He nevertheless managed to make friends with the leader of the most brutal gangster group in St. Petersburg - the former Komsomol functionary Volov, known in police circles as Andrei Malenky. Volov’s connections in law enforcement agencies helped Golubev establish contacts with FSB officer Baranov and the former head of the RUBOP Ivanov, and two retired generals of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate even joined Barmaley as co-founders of Adamant.

How the reputation of an “authority” was tarnished

In general, people in uniform treat Golubev more leniently than thieves and bandits. Because, probably, Barmaley freely handles the notorious “concepts”. In all cases, Bender’s method worked flawlessly - introducing himself as some son of Lieutenant Schmidt and ripping off money for it. This is how Barmaley managed to gain the trust of the coolest ones - the Tambov ones.

According to rumors, until recently he was often seen in the company of the famous “Tambov” authority, a former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, nicknamed Khokhol. The legendary Kum himself honored Golubev with an audience. Little by little, Barmaley established himself in the Tambov team as a mid-level foreman.

Taking advantage of this luck, he spread rumors about himself as the main sponsor of Tambov. But here Golubev overdid it - two years ago there was an accidental exposure at the switch in Astoria. A stern question was asked: “So who are you anyway?”

Barmaley woke up on the sparkling floor of a hotel restaurant. “Tambovites” first beat him hard in front of foreign tourists, not forgetting to pierce his private part with a fork. Then they tied Barmaley to a boat and gave him a water excursion without skis along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.

Frightened, Barmaley rushed to seek protection from the famous St. Petersburg businessman Konstantin Yakovlev. He was sincerely amazed at the naive impudence - his contempt for Barmaley is known to the whole city. Golubev had to bow again at Tambov. Yielding to tearful persuasion, the Tambovites “amnestied” him, but set strict conditions: “First, go to Moscow. Second, you will pay monthly.” Barmaley happily agreed. And in the Mother See began the brightest and most successful period of his life, which continues to this day.

Are you still alive, my capital?

They say that it is difficult for a provincial to get comfortable in Moscow. But St. Petersburg is not a province, especially now. In addition, Barmaley was greatly helped by Bender’s life experience.

Moscow opened up new horizons for him. Appearing at important events, Vladimir Semenovich constantly talks on two or three handsets at once. The conversations appear to be strictly confidential. But Barmaley is not a proud man. Turning off the device, he immediately informs the public: “I apologize. Ivanovich called from the presidential administration. He’s already fucked me.” In what sense “fucked” is not specified.

There is a luxurious hotel "National" in the capital. There is a director named Timur. And then the son of Lieutenant Schmidt comes to him, talks with “Ivanovich” from the presidential administration and offers to help expand the business. We should check, but why waste time - four mobile phones speak for themselves. A modest advance is issued immediately. And at the same time the right to free food and a separate office.

A week later it turns out that “Ivanovich” is very busy and has no time for the restaurant. But it’s too late to retreat - Barmaley confidentially informs the director that he met two “unconventional” girls who described in detail the director’s lounge and the rubber object used on vacation. The director falls silent.

There is a presidential air squad in the capital. There is a valiant commander in the detachment. And then the son of Lieutenant Schmidt comes to him again, talks again with “Ivanovich” from the presidential administration... In the meantime, Barmaley asks to place one of his friends in the office of the air detachment. Of course, you cannot refuse such an influential person. A new employee appears on the air squadron’s staff, and Barmaley’s budget includes a substantial amount for assistance in finding employment.

The winnings were not limited to money. A directive was sent to all Aeroflot institutions in the Russian Federation: V.S. Golubev arriving at the airport. meet at the VIP level. The funny thing is that this is how it is usually done. Exceptions are rare, but in such cases Barmaley gives Aeroflot employees a severe beating: “From now on, you will be punished up to and including dismissal!”

There is a large entrepreneur in the capital. He decided to become an oligarch. And then the son of Lieutenant Schmidt comes to him and talks with “Ivanovich” from the presidential administration. "Introduce me to your Ivanovich!" No problem if you have a million dollars. The businessman has a million. More precisely, it was. Now Barmaley has this million.

Soon, at one of the presentations, an employee of the presidential administration approached the businessman. He said hello, patted him on the shoulder, inquired about his health, and went about his business. The failed oligarch grabbed Golubev by the collar. But he reasonably answered: “Did you ask to introduce me? I introduced you. What can be presented?” All that remains for the businessman is to promise Barmaley a hard session of unconventional sex. But the threat turned out to be empty. That is, today it is empty. What happens next, as they say, time will tell.

However, you can’t really ask Barmaley. For example, a major shareholder of the St. Petersburg seaport, whom Golubev easily and carelessly scammed according to the same scheme, has to swallow grievances.

Suckers are not mammoths...

Vladimir Golubev has amazing luck with gullible people. In Russia today, he lives like in Japan, where you can leave a trunk with dollars on the street and return for it the day after tomorrow. It’s as if there are no certification commissions in the country that certify academic degrees, no traffic police that controls vehicle license plates, no award authorities in charge of awarding orders. And even more so, in the presidential administration and the government apparatus there are no personnel and special departments that keep records of employees and prepare appointments.

Barmaley drives around in a car with government number 001. Is he a holder of not only three Orders of Lenin, but also several military awards? True, the license plate was made in a workshop on a special order, and the award certificates were signed by the crazy communist Sazhi Umalatova (the one who calls herself the acting chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR) - but who will delve into such details? By the way, Barmaley’s guards, recruited by zone, are also decorated with orders. Vladimir Semenovich decided that he was no worse than Umalatova and opened his own awards department. Apparently, in agreement with “Ivanovich” from the presidential administration.

But all this is nothing more than a training warm-up. Vladimir Golubev has more serious matters ahead. He recently acquired a fifth, exclusive mobile phone. It’s not even “Ivanovich” who calls him on this number, but “Oskarich”. And not from the presidential administration, but from the government of the Russian Federation. [In the Government of the Russian Federation there is only one person who matches this description: his name is German Oskarovich Gref- approx. Kompromat.Ru].

This Oskarich, according to Barmaley, invited V.S. Golubev to take an important post in one of the ministries and prepared an order for the appointment (apparently, purchasing a doctorate in advance was very useful). Vladimir Semenovich has not yet made a final decision, but he has already completed his future staff - from the same zone gentlemen. It will come in handy somewhere - at least at “Ivanovich”, at least at “Oskarich”. All that remains is to get the go-ahead from the Tambovites in St. Petersburg - and forward to the White House, to Old Square.

A few days ago, the great and terrible “Ivanovich” finally showed up in real life. True, not in Moscow, but in St. Petersburg, in one of the entertainment establishments on Vasilyevsky Island. And, true, not he himself, but his wife, who came to Golubev’s birthday. All interested parties received irrefutable evidence of Barmaley’s close ties in the presidential administration. As the saying goes, “my dog ​​can climb a tree. And can you show it? I can show you the tree.”

The “deputy minister” was also at the birthday party. Which one exactly was not specified, but significant hints were heard: they say, “Oskarich” sent him to persuade him, but Semenych is not yet ready to answer - “Ivanovich” is very inviting. The problem is really complex. You have to choose not only between the presidential administration and the cabinet of ministers, but also between two friends. And this is the hardest thing.

The orchestra was playing. Periodically, the musicians loudly shouted: “Go-lu-bev-Vla-di-mir-Se-me-no-vich!” This was the order of the hero of the day - to put pressure on the guests’ brains according to the “25th frame” principle. But there was a glitch. Since $10 was paid for each shout, the musicians shouted almost every minute. So the 25th frame didn't work out. And without it, as specialist image makers say, it’s not quite the same.

But it doesn’t matter, there will be other birthdays. The flight of the resilient Vladimir Golubev is gaining altitude. It turns out that even very serious people can be deceived and let down. You can put it even more simply: suckers are not mammoths, they will not die out.

Eight years ago, the whole world started talking about Oksana Fedorova: a Russian policewoman won the prestigious Miss Universe competition. Today Oksana is also a popular TV presenter and singer. “ZhG” decided to remember Oksana’s successes in her personal life.

Refused an old dog

Oksana Fedorova felt early what it meant to be a beauty.

I really realized that I was different from other girls only in the 11th grade. A guy with whom all the girls fell in love began to study with us. But he only paid attention to me. That’s when I got everything in full: the envy of my classmates, a kind of revenge from female teachers. They tried to lower my grades and fail my exams. But I didn’t complain - I understood and forgave everything.

Despite the machinations of ill-wishers, Fedorova graduated from school with a medal and entered the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The turning point in Oksana’s life was the Miss Universe competition, where the 24-year-old beauty took first place. At that time, all news reports began with the name of Oksana Fedorova, a Russian student who managed to beat more than seventy of the most beautiful girls in the world. The noise in the press intensified when, after four months of performing the duties of the first beauty, Oksana refused the title. This was an unprecedented event in the history of beauty pageants. “She’s an incredibly spoiled bitch,” the American press took revenge on Oksana. “She doesn’t want to do anything.” The official reason for the refusal was Fedorova’s desire to return to Russia and graduate from university. According to other sources, Oksana miraculously escaped the clutches of the owner of the Miss Universe contest, billionaire Donald Trump. It's no secret that many of the first beauties became his sex slaves.

Rough sex isn't enough for love

Oksana did not respond in any way to Trump’s advances also because her common-law husband was waiting for her in St. Petersburg. Few people know that Oksana lived for seven years with entrepreneur Vladimir Golubev, who was 25 years older than her. In criminal circles, Golubev appeared under the nicknames Barmaley and Sizy. Oksana often went out with him and only once answered a question about her companion:

This is my old friend, Honored Boxing Trainer of Russia and Honored Builder of Russia. He is an outstanding person. We are friends, and our friendship has stood the test of time. We met when I was not yet famous.

As they say, Barmaley kept the girl in luxury from the age of 16 and was always aware of her affairs, having noticed Oksana at the Miss St. Petersburg competition. At that time, the life of the beauty, like most students from the institute dormitory, was not easy. But after the appearance of a mysterious stranger, everything changed fabulously: the old jacket was replaced by a mink coat, a personal driver began to take the girl around the city, and after a while Oksana got her own apartment in St. Petersburg. It was Golubev who, they say, protected her from excessive attention from men in power. And there were many attacks on the beauty. She was seen more than once in the circle of so-called thieves in law, which the former policeman still prefers not to talk about.

Soon after the world competition, Oksana became the host of the “Good Night, Kids!” program, then several more tempting offers to work on TV were received. For the sake of her career, the beauty moved to Moscow.

While participating in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” Fedorova was credited with having an affair with her partner, dancer Alexander Litvinenko. And Oksana herself stimulated rumors by kissing and hugging Alexander in public. It’s hard to say whether there was passion on Oksana’s part, but his friends said in unison that Litvinenko was ready to lead Miss Universe down the aisle. However, according to Fedorova, Sasha was too gentle and soft.

“I love it when men take me roughly and hard,” Fedorova once said after another dance number with Litvinenko. - We need more animal roughness, more sex, both in life and on the dance floor. And Sasha, unfortunately, almost doesn’t have this.

Divorced from Toft amicably

In August 2007, Fedorova married German businessman Philip Toft. When asked what the difference is between Russian women and European women, Toft replied: “There is no difference. But I didn’t understand why Oksana calls herself Russian, but at the same time she’s cold all the time and doesn’t drink.” Almost immediately, problems began in the young family.

This is not only a difference in mentality, culture, way of life, explains Fedorov’s separation. - This is also the impossibility of being truly close people. We practically never lived together. In our marriage, we were more friends than a married couple. And so as not to spoil this friendship, we divorced amicably.

In 2009, without filing an official divorce, Oksana began going out with Nikolai Baskov. “The Golden Voice” immediately announced their engagement, but Oksana herself indignantly answered questions about the upcoming wedding: “I didn’t receive any proposal!”

This spring, Fedorova divorced her legal husband and stopped hiding the fact that she lives with Baskov.

Love is present in my soul,” says Oksana. - It looks like providence. Kolya and I met on a TV shoot seven years ago. Then I immediately liked him. I also joked: “Kolya, it’s a rare case when I like a man so much, I would marry you.” When each of us passed our own part of the path, fate united us again. Now we have a relationship where we just enjoy the time we spend together. We are in no hurry to become a family on paper...”

But Oksana is disingenuous: she has admitted more than once that her main dream is a family and a child. Fedorova even once mentioned that she wanted her son to be like Baskov. Only she doesn’t tell Nikolai this: for him, children are a sore subject.

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