Albin, Igor Nikolaevich. Albin as a threat to Russia Albin vice governor biography

St. Petersburg Vice-Governor Albin Igor Nikolaevich is a very popular person. During his long career as a politician, he was able to make both positive and negative impressions on his voters. So, some see him as a wise and responsive deputy, ready to help those in need, while others see him as a cunning and prudent entrepreneur who wants to profit from others. Which one is right? Who really is the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin? And why do some call him Slyunyaev?

Igor Albin: biography of his early years

The life story of the vice-governor begins on October 4, 1966. It was on this day that Igor Slyunyaev was born in the city of Isilkul (Omsk region). This is exactly what his surname originally sounded like, which he bore until 2014. Almost all of Igor’s childhood was spent in the Vozvyshensky district, North Kazakhstan region. The boy’s parents were not rich people, and therefore, after graduating from school, he immediately went to work at Karaganda State University. This allowed him to attend evening courses, which were conducted specifically for university employees. Thanks to the skills he acquired, he quickly changed his position as a simple worker to the position of a university laboratory assistant.

In 1984, Igor Albin was drafted into the army. The future politician paid his debt to his homeland while serving in the airborne troops. After demobilization in 1986, he began studying at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Here he mastered the specialty of a chemical technologist, however, he did not want to work in it. In 1988, he got a job, which gave him access to Moscow higher education. In 1992, Igor Albin successfully graduated from this educational institution and became secretary of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM). From 1994 to 1996, he served as Chairman of the Board of Mossibinterbank. The period of life becomes fateful in the life of the future vice-governor, since it was during these years that he decided to go into politics.

Beginning of a political career

Igor Albin's first significant victory was his appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for cooperation with the CIS countries in 1996. Such an impetus led to the fact that the newly minted politician entered the Russian Academy of Public Administration, which he successfully graduated from in 1999. From 2000 to 2004 he worked as First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. In addition, he is a member of the federal government commission dealing with issues of the agricultural sector. In 2006, he received the position of representative of the executive power of the Altai Territory. He was also lucky to take up the position of a member of the Federation Council commission working with

As governor of Kostroma

In October 2007, Russian President V. Putin invited deputies of the Kostroma Regional Duma to consider Igor Albin (then Slyunyaev) as a candidate for the post of governor. He received excellent references from his colleagues. And already on October 25, 2007, Igor Albin became governor. Alas, the new head of the region did not live up to the hopes placed on him. While the crisis was raging across the country, Albin allowed his region to live in grand style. Frequent concerts, exhibitions, cultural events and folk festivals completely devastated Kostroma’s already depleted budget.

Another reason for the people’s indignation was the fact that Albin invested a lot of money on replacing curbs. At the same time, the concrete “curbs” were produced at his own plant, which clearly indicated the governor’s financial interest. But the biggest downfall for Igor Albin was the presidential elections held in 2012. Thus, in his region, V. Putin received the smallest percentage of votes, which cast a shadow on the reputation of the Kostroma politician. That is why in April 2012, Igor Albin voluntarily resigned as governor and left Kostroma.

Position of Minister of Interregional Policy

But, despite the failed election campaign in Kostroma, Vladimir Putin did not turn his back on the former governor. In October 2012, he appointed Slyunyaev as minister. In this position, Igor Albin showed himself to be an average politician. However, in 2013, he still received a public reprimand from the President of Russia. The reason for this was the too rapid increase in tariffs. It was possible to avoid it, but the politician did not make the necessary efforts.

Metamorphosis of Slyunyaev to Albina

According to the future vice-governor, the Slyunyaev surname brought him a lot of trouble from early childhood. For example, at school, because of her, young Igor often had to endure insults from his classmates. And even in his later years he was often embarrassed when he said it out loud. For a long time, Igor Nikolaevich did not dare to change his last name. The politician argued that this was his father’s legacy and he would not give it up just like that. And yet, in 2014, Slyunyaev turns into Albin, which immediately attracts public attention. However, this time Igor Nikolaevich has strong arguments in favor of such a metamorphosis. According to him, he conducted genealogical research, in which it turned out that Albin is the historical surname of his family.

Igor Albin - Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg

In November 2014, Albin became Over the past two years, he has received both positive and negative reviews about his work. For example, many were pleased with the fact that the new politician began to fight unscrupulous contractors who defraud shareholders. Nevertheless, negative criticism was also addressed to Igor Albin. In particular, residents of St. Petersburg are very dissatisfied with the way the housing and communal services work today. But it is this department that is controlled by the current vice-governor of the city.

Albin Igor Nikolaevich


Born on October 4, 1966 in the city of Isilkul, Omsk region. He spent his childhood on the Karaganda state farm in the Vozvyshensky district of the North Kazakhstan region of the Kazakh SSR.

  • From 1984 to 1986 he served in the airborne forces of the Soviet Army.
  • Since 1983, he worked at Karaganda State University as a worker, then as a laboratory assistant, combining work with study at the university’s evening department.

From 1986 to 1988 he studied at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

  • In 1988, he served in the internal affairs bodies, became a student and then an adjunct at the Moscow Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which he graduated from in 1992; was the secretary of the Komsomol organization and was involved in the formation of construction teams.
  • In 1999, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence, state and municipal administration, finance and credit.
  • From 1994 to 1996 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Mossibinterbank, Advisor on Economics and Finance to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
  • From 1996 to 2000 - Advisor to the Department of Affairs, Head of the Department of Financial and Credit Relations, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with CIS Member States, Head of the Department for Providing Income for Road Funds of the Federal Road Service of Russia, Deputy General Director of the Russian Road Agency.
  • From 2000 to 2004 - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation - Head of the State Road Service, member of the Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of the agro-industrial complex.
  • From 2006 to 2007 - a representative from the executive body of state power of the Altai Territory in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, was deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget, a member of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, a member of the Federation Council Commission on natural monopolies.
  • On October 23, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted Albin’s candidacy for approval to the Kostroma Regional Duma.
  • On April 13, 2012, he was voluntarily relieved of his position.
  • On October 17, 2012, he was appointed Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
  • In September 2014, he was dismissed from the post of minister in connection with the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to abolish the Ministry of Regional Development.
  • On November 12, 2014, he was approved by deputies of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly as vice-governor of St. Petersburg
Other information

In December 2011, in the State Duma elections, Slyunyaev headed the Kostroma regional group of the United Russia electoral list; in this region, the party showed one of the worst results, gaining just over 30%. In April 2012, Medvedev dismissed him early from his post as governor. But in November, Putin already transferred Slyunyaev to Moscow, appointing him minister. He has been a member of United Russia since 2007.

The media mentioned various nicknames of Slyunyaev - “Border”, which he received due to the fact that he installed curbs in Kostroma, allegedly produced at his own enterprise, as well as “Gosha the Magnificent”, “Kurolyub”, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” ".

Slyunyaev has known the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko since the times when the St. Petersburg mayor was the plenipotentiary envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. He was also the first governor to belong to the so-called “Athos Society,” which includes Poltavchenko.

By the way, on September 8, Slyunyaev held a visiting meeting of the presidium of the board of the Ministry of Regional Development in St. Petersburg. In his speech, he called “Strategy 2030,” on which Poltavchenko’s election program was based, “a reference document” and stated that “its developers are worthy of a state prize.”

Until October 2014, he bore the surname Slyunyaev. He explained the fact of changing his surname by saying that he took the historical surname of his family on the male line - Albin, which his ancestors were forced to change in the century before last. "Over the past few years, genealogical research has been carried out on my order. Research into the pedigree of my family. My ancestors were Albins, and in the middle of the 19th century, against my will, my family had to change their surname. When I became acquainted with the research, I had a desire to restore the historical justice for one’s kind,” Albin said.

He runs a rather eccentric blog. On Facebook, he actively quotes the Revelation of John the Theologian, the Gospel of Matthew, and Lev Tikhomirov’s religious and philosophical treatise “Completing the Circle of World Civilization.” He also responds to comments from his friends on Facebook. Let's say Evgeny Panarin wrote to him “The gentleman in white... hehe”, he replied “Not a gentleman, of course, but a servant of God.” There is also a mention of President Vladimir Putin. Under a photo from Putin’s visit to Athos, the user writes “Vladimir Vladimirovich is remembered and loved on the Holy Mountain, they are grateful to him for visiting Athos, for helping the monasteries. He is often called Tsar Vladimir, to be honest, I also like this address. Tsar, he and there is a King!" Albin believes that the black-yellow-white flag, which is used by nationalists and monarchists these days, “may be one of the symbols of the revival of our fatherland.”

He also speaks out about homosexuality and Russian economic policy. "Why did all attempts to modernize the economy end in failure? The answer is obvious: no ideas, no experience, no authority, no money... All previously made attempts. The exception is two periods - the pre-revolutionary reforms of P.A. Stolypin and the industrialization of I.V. Stalin The beginning of A.N. Kosygin’s reforms was successful, but the bureaucracy is very afraid of change.

This was the case in Soviet times, and this is the case today. In the best case, reforms lead to the “privatization of cash flows,” and then the principle begins to work: income goes to the private owner, losses to the state (Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, RAO EU, etc.)." He considers Kosygin "an aristocrat by spirit, perhaps by birth “, the official argues. “First ecumenism, then homosexuality, and then... the horned one is knocking on every house!” he polemicizes in the comments with another user.


Wife - Khotina Irina Vasilievna, headed the Kostroma regional public organization "Chernobyl Union";

son - Khotin Alexander Igorevich.

Compromising evidence

When Slyunyaev-Albin was governor of the Kostroma region (as governor, the public debt of the Kostroma region increased almost three times and reached 9.281 billion rubles as of December 1, 2011, exceeding the volume of the budget’s own revenues). He was also suspected of having connections with an organized crime group. The head of the region even tried to put pressure on the judges.

During his tenure as vice-governor of St. Petersburg, he called on citizens to independently perform the functions of housing and communal services workers. This statement caused a sharp

He grew up on the territory of the Karaganda state farm, located in the Vozvyshensky district of the North Kazakhstan region as part of the Kazakh SSR. In 1983, he was a student at Karaganda State University, and subsequently received a position as a laboratory assistant there, which allowed him to combine study and work. I visited the university in the evening. In 1999 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. The result was obtaining a diploma in the specialty “legislation, municipal and state administration, finance and credit.”

In 2002, he successfully defended his dissertation on the topic “Criminal movement of capital: Characteristics and social control” in order to obtain an academic degree of candidate of legal sciences in the direction of criminal law and criminology, as well as penal legislation. The work was submitted to the dissertation council organized at the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


In the period 1984-1986 he served in the airborne forces of the USSR Army. He spent the next 2 years as a student at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, receiving education at the Faculty of Chemistry. In 1988, he became an employee of the internal affairs bodies, as well as a student and subsequently an adjunct on the staff of the Moscow Higher Police School under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After graduating in 1992, he took the position of secretary of the Komsomol, and later was involved in assembling construction teams.

In 1994, he received the position of deputy chairman of the board of directors of Mossibinterbank, and also became an adviser on finance and economics to the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists.


He remained in the above-mentioned capacity until 1996, after which he became an adviser on the Administration of Affairs and a deputy minister from the department for organizing effective cooperation with CIS member countries, the head of the Office of Providing Revenue for Road Funds within the framework of the profile service, deputy general director of the Russian Road Agency, as well as Head of the Department of Financial and Credit Relations.

He resigned these responsibilities in 2000, when he accepted a job for 4 years as Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, head of the State Service for Road Affairs, and also as a member of the Government Commission on the Agro-Industrial Sector. By presidential decree of September 5, 2002, he was appointed State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

During the period 2006-2007. worked as a representative of the executive body of state power of the Altai Territory as part of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, served as deputy chairman of the Budget Committee, and was also a member of the Federation Council Commission on cooperation with specialists of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, and worked as an employee of the Commission on Natural Monopolies. Since 2007, he has been a member of the United Russia party.

Since October 23, 2007, Albin has been listed as a candidate for the regional Duma of the Kostroma region by decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On October 25 of the same year, he took the post of governor of the Kostroma region. In December 2011, during the State Duma elections, he headed the Kostroma regional group of the United Russia list. In the region, the party showed one of the worst results in terms of votes among the electorate, managing to collect just over 30%. He was released from his post in 2012 on April 13 on the basis of expressing his own desire on this issue, and already on October 17 he was appointed to the post of Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

In the fall of 2014, he was removed from the post of minister by decision of the President of the Russian Federation based on the fact of the abolition of the Ministry of Regional Development. On November 12 of the same year, he was confirmed as vice-governor of St. Petersburg by decision of the city Legislative Assembly. In the same year, he changed his surname from Slyunyaev to Albina, noting that the latter was historically correct for his family. His ancestors were allegedly forced to change it in the 19th century.

According to Igor Nikolaevich himself, for several years, on his order, research into the family tree was carried out to determine the pedigree. He found out that his ancestors were the Albins, and after receiving the results of the research, he decided to restore historical justice by returning the original family name to his family.


He is married to Irina Vasilyevna Khotina, who headed the Kostroma regional organization “Chernobyl Union”. In 1989, their son Alexander Igorevich Khotin was born, who graduated from Moscow school No. 1737, which has a more in-depth program for studying English and German, and then studied at the Moscow Financial University under the Russian government.

Igor Nikolaevich Albin maintains his own blog, which many consider quite eccentric. On his personal page on the social network Facebook, he actively quotes the Revelation of John the Theologian, as well as the Gospel of Matthew and other religious and philosophical works. In addition, he quite actively responds to messages from friends on the pages of the same portal. Repeatedly on Albin’s page, statements about homosexuality were noticed, as well as criticism of the current economic policy of the Russian Federation.


In 2003 he received the national award. Peter the Great, as well as a diploma confirming the title “The best manager of the Russian Federation in the management field.” It is noted that he made a significant contribution to the development of road construction in Russia.

In 2008, he received a medal from the Federal Drug Control Service, with the wording “For assistance to drug control authorities.” It is separately noted that Albin made a significant contribution to the implementation of measures to combat the use of prohibited narcotic substances, as well as their spread throughout the Kostroma region.

In 2009, he received the Order of Honor for achievements in labor and conscientious activities over many years. A badge of honor from the leadership of the Russian Olympic Committee for great achievements in the development of the corresponding movement in the country. The honorary title “Governor of the Year”, awarded on behalf of the International Academy of Social Sciences, as well as the “Golden Laurel Branch”.

He received the Order of Saint King Constantine in 2014 “for his love for the Church and the Serbian people.”

Albin Igor Nikolaevich is known for his activities in fairly high government positions. It’s interesting that he got his current surname in 2014; before that time, he bore the surname Slyunyaev.

Early life, studies

Igor Albin, whose biography begins from the moment of birth, October 4, 1966, was born in Siberia (Omsk region, the city of Isilkul).

He spent his childhood in Kazakhstan, his parents worked in the fields of the Karaganda state farm (Vozvyshensky district, North Kazakhstan region).

Having a secondary education, in 1983 Igor Albin got a job as a worker at Karaganda State University. Later, he entered the evening department of this educational institution, taking the position of laboratory assistant there.

In 1984, he was called up for military service in the airborne forces.
After being demobilized in 1986, he entered the chemistry department of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

Since 1988, his place of study was the Moscow Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, where he was first a student and later an adjunct. He studied there until 1992, during which time he worked as secretary of the Komsomol organization and devoted a lot of time to organizing and forming construction teams.

Labor activity

In 1994, Igor Albin took the post of deputy chairman of the board of Mossibinterbank, and also joined the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as an adviser in the field of economics and finance.

In 1996, he became an adviser to the Minister of the Russian Federation responsible for cooperation with the CIS countries, then head of the department for financial and credit relations in the same ministry.

In 1997, he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for cooperation with CIS member countries.

In 1999, Igor Albin studied at the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the Russian President, where he studied the basics of law, state and municipal administration, as well as finance and credit.

In the same year, he came to work at the Federal Road Service of Russia as head of the Department for Ensuring Revenue of Road Funds. Then he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

In 2001, he took the post of First Deputy Minister, heading the State Road Service.

Political activity

In 2005, Igor Albin became an adviser to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Since 2006, he joined the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Altai Regional Administration, where he took the post of deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget Issues.

He also joined the Federation Council Commissions dealing with interaction with the Accounts Chamber of Russia and natural monopolies.

In October 2007, by presidential decree, he was appointed governor of the Kostroma region. He held this position until April 2012, until he left it early of his own free will.

On October 17, 2012, he headed the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.
By September 2014, this ministry was abolished by decision of President Putin.

On November 12, 2014, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg approved him for the post of vice-governor of the Northern capital.

In the governor's chair

During his work as the head of the Kostroma region, Albin (at that time - Slyunyaev) showed himself to be quite active.

The economic situation due to the crisis was difficult, but the Kostroma region managed not to minimize social obligations in the field of implementing cultural and youth projects.

During 2010-2012, thematic events, concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions, etc. were held as part of the Romanov Festival.

The annual rating of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation showed that the absolute performance indicators of regional executive government structures for 2007-2011 allowed the Kostroma region to move from seventy-fifth to ninth position.

A comprehensive assessment of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia based on the results of 2011 allowed the Kostroma region to be included in the top ten subjects of the Russian Federation that have the best performance indicators of executive authorities.

Indicators of the dynamics of improvement of socio-economic data in 2011 allowed the Kostroma region to take first position in the ranking of Russian regions.

Negative points

Along with the positive aspects, during the period when Igor Albin (Slyunyaev) was at the head of the Kostroma region, negative aspects were also noted.

In particular, by the end of this period there was a threefold increase in the region's public debt. By December 2011, the region owed 9.281 billion rubles, which exceeded its budget revenues.

Reason for resignation

The election campaign to the State Duma in December 2011 was extremely unsuccessful for the party in power in the Kostroma region.

The governor was at the head of the regional party list of United Russia, performing the functions of a “political locomotive.”

Voters in the Kostroma region gave less than 31 percent of their votes to United Russia (the turnout was 58.6 percent). This figure was extremely low compared to other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the regional capital, United Russia, according to the voting results, was only in second place, receiving 25.24 percent of the votes.

After this political fiasco, Igor Albin had to resign; his powers as governor were terminated before the end of his term.

As Vice Governor

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin today resolves issues on capital construction and reconstruction work on real estate, urban planning and architecture.

His responsibilities include identifying, recording, preserving, popularizing and state protection of city cultural objects (St. Petersburg historical and cultural monuments). He is also responsible for investment policy, energy, transport and tariff regulation.

According to his functional responsibilities, he directly coordinates and controls the activities of the following Committees in the government of St. Petersburg:

  • urban planning and architecture;
  • state control, use and protection of historical and cultural monuments;
  • development of urban transport infrastructure;
  • construction;
  • St. Petersburg tariffs;
  • transport;
  • investments;
  • energy and engineering support.

Along with this, in the Committee for Tourism Development he coordinates the construction of tourism and hotel facilities in St. Petersburg, and in the Committee for Industrial Policy and Innovation - the construction of industrial facilities.

Despite the significant amount of work carried out by Igor Albin, the Governor of St. Petersburg Poltavchenko has repeatedly criticized him for mistakes and mistakes in the areas under his supervision, which caused dissatisfaction among city residents.


He spent his childhood on the Karaganda state farm in the Vozvyshensky district of the North Kazakhstan region of the Kazakh SSR.

Since 1983, he worked at Karaganda State University as a worker, then as a laboratory assistant, combining work with study at the university’s evening department.

From 1984 to 1986 he served in the airborne forces of the Soviet Army. From 1986 to 1988 he studied at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

In 1988, he served in the internal affairs bodies, became a student and then an adjunct at the Moscow Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which he graduated from in 1992; was the secretary of the Komsomol organization and was involved in the formation of construction teams.

In 1999, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence, state and municipal administration, finance and credit.

From 1994 to 1996 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Mossibinterbank, Advisor on Economics and Finance to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

From 1996 to 2000 - Advisor to the Administration, Head of the Department of Financial and Credit Relations, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with CIS Member States, Head of the Department for Providing Income for Road Funds of the Federal Road Service of Russia, Deputy General Director of the Russian Road Agency.

From 2000 to 2004 - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation - Head of the State Road Service, member of the Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of the agro-industrial complex.

In 2002, he defended his dissertation “Criminal movement of capital: Characteristics and social control” for the degree of candidate of legal sciences in the specialty “Criminal law and criminology; penal law” at the dissertation council at the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

From 2006 to 2007 - a representative from the executive body of state power of the Altai Territory in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, was deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget, a member of the Federation Council Commission for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, a member of the Federation Council Commission on natural monopolies.

On October 23, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted Albin’s candidacy for approval to the Kostroma Regional Duma. On October 25, 2007, he took office as governor of the Kostroma region.

In September 2014, he was dismissed from the post of minister in connection with the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to abolish the Ministry of Regional Development.

On November 12, 2014, he was approved by deputies of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly as vice-governor of St. Petersburg

In December 2018, he resigned as lieutenant governor.

Other information:

In December 2011, in the State Duma elections, Slyunyaev headed the Kostroma regional group of the United Russia electoral list; in this region, the party showed one of the worst results, gaining just over 30%. In April 2012, Medvedev dismissed him early from his post as governor. But in November, Putin already transferred Slyunyaev to Moscow, appointing him minister. He has been a member of United Russia since 2007. The media mentioned various nicknames of Slyunyaev - “Border”, which he received due to the fact that he installed curbs in Kostroma, allegedly produced at his own enterprise, as well as “Gosha the Magnificent”, “Kurolyub”, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” ".

Slyunyaev has known the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko since the times when the St. Petersburg mayor was the plenipotentiary envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. He was also the first governor to belong to the so-called “Athos Society,” which includes Poltavchenko.
By the way, on September 8, Slyunyaev held a visiting meeting of the presidium of the board of the Ministry of Regional Development in St. Petersburg. In his speech, he called “Strategy 2030,” on which Poltavchenko’s election program was based, “a reference document” and stated that “its developers are worthy of a state prize.”

Until October 2014, he bore the surname Slyunyaev. He explained this fact by the fact that he took the historical surname of his family on the male line - Albin, which his ancestors were forced to change in the century before last. "Over the past few years, genealogical research has been carried out on my order. Research into the pedigree of my family. My ancestors were Albins, and in the middle of the 19th century, against my will, my family had to change their surname. When I became acquainted with the research, I had a desire to restore the historical justice for one’s kind,” Albin said.

He runs a rather eccentric blog. On Facebook, he actively quotes the Revelation of John the Theologian, the Gospel of Matthew, and Lev Tikhomirov’s religious and philosophical treatise “Completing the Circle of World Civilization.” He also responds to comments from his friends on Facebook. Let's say Evgeny Panarin wrote to him “The gentleman in white... hehe”, he replied “Not a gentleman, of course, but a servant of God.” There is also a mention of President Vladimir Putin. Under a photo from Putin’s visit to Athos, the user writes “Vladimir Vladimirovich is remembered and loved on the Holy Mountain, they are grateful to him for visiting Athos, for helping the monasteries. He is often called Tsar Vladimir, to be honest, I also like this address. Tsar, he and there is a King!" Albin believes that the black-yellow-white flag, which is used by nationalists and monarchists these days, “may be one of the symbols of the revival of our fatherland.”

He also speaks out about homosexuality and Russian economic policy. "Why did all attempts to modernize the economy end in failure? The answer is obvious: no ideas, no experience, no authority, no money... All previously made attempts. The exception is two periods - the pre-revolutionary reforms of P.A. Stolypin and the industrialization of I.V. Stalin. The beginning of the reforms of A.N. Kosygin was successful, but the bureaucracy is very afraid of change. This was the case in Soviet times, and this is what is happening today. At best, the reforms lead to the “privatization of cash flows,” and then the principle begins to work: income goes to the private owner , losses to the state (Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, RAO EU, etc.)." He considers Kosygin “an aristocrat by spirit, perhaps by birth,” the official reasons. “First ecumenism, then homosexuality, and then... the horned one is knocking on every house!” he argues in the comments with another user.


Order of the Holy King Constantine (Serbian Orthodox Church, September 25, 2014) - for love of the Serbian people and the Church
Order of Honor "for achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work" (2009)
Honorary title of the International Academy of Social Sciences "Governor of the Year" and Grand Prix "Golden Laurel Branch" (based on the results of 2009)
Honorary badge of the Russian Olympic Committee "for services to the development of the Olympic movement in Russia" (2009)
Medal "For Assistance to Drug Control Bodies" of the Federal Drug Control Service "for significant contribution to the implementation of measures to combat drug abuse and their distribution in the Kostroma region" (2008)
National Peter the Great Award (diploma of “the best manager in Russia in the field of management”) “for significant personal contribution to the development of road construction and transport in the Russian Federation” (2003)

Class rank:

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 970 of September 5, 2002)


Wife - Khotina Irina Vasilyevna, headed the Kostroma regional public organization "Chernobyl Union"; son - Khotin Alexander Igorevich.

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