Help from wealthy people. Help with money from rich people. Is there a rich millionaire who gives away money?

Unfortunately, the need for financial assistance among the Russian population is becoming a frequent occurrence. More and more people find themselves in difficult financial situations for various reasons. Some are losing their earnings due to job cuts, others are simply ruining their lives with “bad habits” (alcohol/drugs), and naturally no employer will keep such an employee in the workplace. Force majeure situations associated with loss of housing for various reasons, serious illnesses and much more, there are many reasons. There is only one result - another situation when a person needs financial help.

You can count on two main ways: gratuitous financial assistance from the rich or specially organized financial structures. We list the main options:

  • Contact credit/financial organizations (banks, microfinance structures, etc.)
  • Government agencies that provide benefits for certain cases / private charitable foundations
  • Help with money from rich people in Russia

If the first method requires the collection of documents, a lengthy analysis of suitable conditions and mandatory further fulfillment of one’s obligations in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement, then the second and third methods will be an option for free financial assistance. The option with private charitable foundations and money from rich people in Russia is less bureaucratic. But it also takes time to consider the situation and you definitely need to find a person who deals with these issues.

How to contact private charities?

If everything is more or less clear with the search for private charitable foundations, there is a lot of information in the media / Internet resources / you can find the addresses of the location offices and directly contact the institution, then in order to receive free financial assistance from rich people 2017 Russia, you will need more inventive, but nevertheless, simple ways of contacting.

Many people believe that it is impossible to get money from rich people, that this is just a myth?! However, if you look at the reality, the reality is that many private charities are organized by wealthy, private individuals. Some of them organize such funds to increase the company’s rating, their own popularity, and so on. And someone just wants to help ordinary people who find themselves in difficult financial situations.

Where can I turn, besides contacting funds?

Today, in 2017, in Russia, money from rich people can be received online on special forums on the Internet. To do this, you need to leave your request/message and if the person who can provide it is interested in your request, he will definitely respond. You can also receive funds free of charge by writing a regular letter with an appeal and outlining the situation.

Charity, sponsorship or fundraising are particularly relevant concepts recently. In 2015 alone, more than $500 million was donated from the United States. Today, most people feel awkward when it comes to asking strangers for money. Modern conditions and the development of technology have contributed to the emergence of new ways to borrow money or receive finance without repayment. The Internet, mobile communications, television will all allow you to reach a wide audience to receive free financial assistance. Funds can be received by electronic transfer to a card, to a WebMoney wallet or to a Yandex wallet.

How to via the Internet ask rich people for money? In order to urgently receive financial resources for any purpose: for treatment, for a yacht or for your dream. Before organizing the receipt of help without registration, it is necessary to determine a list of Internet sites or forums, potential sponsors from whom it is better to ask for money free of charge. In the list, it is necessary to identify the most popular sites or financially stable sponsors. To attract possible sponsors, especially foreigners, it is necessary to describe as accurately as possible the exact purpose of the funds and the problem they solve. It must be remembered that popular sites where you can ask for money often require registration or sending a confirmation SMS to a real phone number.

Today, in order to increase the chances of receiving finance without return, it is necessary to describe as fully and in detail as possible the reason for receiving free financial assistance, what you have done to resolve the current situation. Try to engage as much as possible the feelings of those reading your ad or story. Indicate the details for receiving it (webmoney or Yandex wallet, bank card details), in addition, it is advisable to place your contact information. Perhaps a potential patron of the arts will want to contact you and communicate personally. The text asking for help should be placed on popular sites where you can ask for money.
Many people believe that it is almost impossible to receive money without a refund on the Internet, but this is not true. There are many reviews of people grateful for the urgent help. It is logical to assume that if someone thinks of someone to ask for money for free, then probably someone has the opportunity to lend money or without repayment.

To receive a certain amount irrevocably or as a loan, it is not enough to simply place the text “Help for a dream”, you need to carry out an analysis sites where you can ask money, write a reasonable and motivating request, and if potential patrons contact you, make them believe in the need to donate funds.

Comments to the article - (254)

Hello. I am very ashamed to ask for money, but I no longer have a choice. I have two children and would like to buy my own home. But the bank won’t give me a mortgage, they say I need a down payment of 400,000 thousand, help me at least a little bit, please. Living with two children without housing is difficult. Help me please. I wish everyone health and prosperity. Thank you in advance Sberbank card 4276 8080 1817 8587.

06 May 2016, at 09:37 Andrey writes:

There is no more strength to strangle loans. I work 2 jobs. We sold the car, half of the furniture and household appliances. There is no way to get out of this hole. Please help anyone, payeer account P25678850, yndex 410011837556634. Thanks in advance.

07 May 2016, at 18:06 Sabina writes:

Good afternoon. I am a widow and I have three sons between me, I receive a pension and work part-time as a waiter. My mother lives with me; she is sick and receives a pension of 7,000, which almost all goes towards medicine. There is a catastrophic lack of money. I have a small house that just needs a lot of repairs. There is no water in the house, it needs to be installed and this requires 30,000 rubles. Gas 50,000. In general, we really need help. If it's not difficult, please help. No matter how much it’s a pity. This is the Sbercard number 639002309014178964. Thank you very much in advance.

07 May 2016, at 21:45 Lyuba writes:

Hi all! I really need help! I’m 21 years old, I’m a single mother, plus an orphan since I was three years old, I got an apartment but have nothing to pay, and I also need to raise my child for something! Help for God's sake, even with a ruble to the Sberbank card 5469 1800 1277 9040

May 08, 2016, at 14:44 Timofey writes:

Hello, I am asking for financial assistance in the amount of 12,000 rubles to purchase a stroller and crib. Otherwise the baby sleeps with his mother and I’m on the floor. I will return it within 5 months. card details 4276 2600 2605 8767. Thanks in advance.

Surely many of you, at least once in your life, have found yourself in a difficult situation that you cannot cope with on your own. You urgently need money for surgery, treatment, business - the problems may be different, but the solution does not always seem obvious.

And when you can’t borrow from relatives and friends, banks refuse to issue a loan, you can try asking rich people for free financial assistance.

How can you get it? Are there really people in Russia and other countries who simply give away their money to those in need?

Everything is not so simple, however, there is still a chance to receive the amount you need, and today we will tell you how you can find a sponsor.

What options are there for receiving money?

If you have financial problems, there are several options to solve them:

  • The first thing that comes to mind is to find an additional source of income. But family circumstances, health status, education, and city of residence do not always allow this.
  • Next, try to borrow from friends or relatives. At the same time, not everyone has such close people who own a large free amount of money to borrow. Besides, sooner or later it will have to be given back.
  • Then - contact them, but they will require you to provide collateral, guarantors, and a bunch of certificates from work. The overpayment here will be significant, especially if the money is needed urgently (up to 35-40% per annum). In addition, your credit history must be clean; if not, you will be denied.
  • If your credit history is damaged and you have no official employment, citizenship, or registration, you can visit. Here, according to your passport, they will give you a loan of up to 50 thousand, however, the interest for this will be rather large - up to 2% per day.
  • If you have property, you can try to sell it to a pawnshop or pledge it; the interest rates will be more favorable than in an MFO.

If all these options are not suitable, people begin to look for other ways to get money. They ask friends, search on social networks, and now, on the Internet, they may come across advertisements asking to help people in need. How does this happen?

Rich people helping with money in difficult situations

Today there are many of our fellow citizens who need financial assistance for a variety of reasons. And if they have no one to turn to, they place their ad on special websites, in the hope that millionaires will pay attention to them, for whom the requested amounts will be a trifle, but for others - a real salvation.

Indeed, for some, the amount of 100,000 rubles seems small, many receive much more per month, and can afford to spend it on charity. But for some, such an amount seems overwhelming, because it takes several months to collect it, and the goals can be urgent - paying for treatment, buying food, paying for services, etc.

How to find sponsors? To do this, you need to post your call for help on all available Internet resources; the more there are, the higher your chances that someone will respond to your request.

What are these sites? These are special Internet platforms where anyone can post their request for help completely free of charge. Among the most popular are:


What is the essence of their work?

Anyone who needs sponsorship can register and leave their application here. In it, he describes in great detail what happened in his life, why he himself cannot cope with this situation, how much money he needs to resolve difficulties.

The advertisement must include:

  • a brief description of your problem,
  • contact and personal details of the requester so that he can be easily contacted and make sure that his situation is real.
  • in addition, the details by which the transfer can be made must be written down - cards, bank accounts,
  • if there is such an opportunity on the website, you can attach photographs from hospital reports, extracts, etc. to the recording.

After publishing his call for help, the author can only wait for the rich man to pay attention to his letter. And this is very difficult, because there are dozens and hundreds of such letters, and each contains a real problem.

Please note that you should only use sites where registration and publication of advertisements is free. If you are asked for money, even a symbolic 50-100 rubles for access to a supposedly secret database of rich millionaires, immediately pass by, because these are scammers who are trying to profit from someone else’s misfortune.

Do they really help?

It’s hard to believe that someone can disinterestedly give away their money to anyone, because millions don’t just appear, they are earned through serious knowledge and hard work. Therefore, simply hoping that a millionaire will go to one of these sites and send you money is quite naive.

It’s a completely different matter - through which rich people engage in charity. They transfer donations in the form of considerable sums to their accounts, and representatives of the foundations decide who and what to use this money for.

How to get there? It's simple - you need to find a fund in your city/region/country that deals specifically with your problem.

Most of these organizations have a clear direction of work - with children, the homeless, cancer patients, young families, single mothers, etc. Once you have found their contact information, try calling them by phone, emailing them, or visiting their office in person to see how they can help you.

If your problem is worthwhile, then they will definitely pay attention to it, and either help themselves or introduce you to rich people who can give you money for free.

Add your review or comment below:

  1. How do loans and the banking system affect people's souls? When can you take out a loan? And when you can’t take it!

24751 entries.

Ivan from Barnaul wrote on 05/25/2019 at 00:10:

The family Galdak Ivan Sergeevich and Galdak Natalya Valerievna and son Egor ask for your help. We live in the Altai region of the city of Barnaul, Shumakova street 24, on December 9, the apartment burned to the ground, all things, all furniture, everything burned down. We need financial help to make repairs and purchase at least the most necessary furniture. We really need your help 4276 0202 2375 8068. tel 89132750908 Thank you in advance for your help.

Alexander from Moscow wrote on 05/25/2019 at 00:00:


Faith from the city of Ust-Kut wrote on 05/24/2019 at 23:27:

Hello! I urgently need money to pay off rent arrears of about 100,000. I am on maternity leave, my husband was laid off, now he works part-time at night unloading cars. Our city is not big, it’s difficult to find a well-paid job, and we’re also taking out two loans. Thank you in advance to everyone who responded, thank you. My details: 2202200259229118 (Sberbank)

Alexander from Moscow wrote on 05/24/2019 at 21:27:

Help raise money for education, whoever can help. Thanks in advance to those who still transferred here the qiwi wallet number +79696563845

Irina from the city of Vladimir wrote on 05/24/2019 at 21:04:

Hello good people, I need your help, please help me, I’m raising 3 children alone, it’s very difficult, and in the worst case I have bilateral pneumonia and Asma will help with medicines and injections, but I don’t have the opportunity to buy help, I ask you Sberbank 5469 1000 1371 1271, thanks in advance for good health to you and your loved me belittle...

Help from the city of Glazov wrote on 05/24/2019 at 20:56:

I will provide you with financial assistance. [email protected] Write

Victoria from the city of st. Khadabulak wrote on 05/24/2019 at 18:39:

Hello. Help, I urgently need 40,000 rubles to pay for a rented apartment and kindergarten. Thanks in advance. Here is the Sberbank card number 2202201631341860

Victoria from the city of st. Khadabulak wrote on 05/24/2019 at 18:26:

Hello. Please help. I urgently need 40,000 rubles to pay for a rented apartment and kindergarten. Thanks in advance. Here is the bank card number 2202201631341860

Alexander from Kaluga wrote on 05/24/2019 at 17:24:

I'm from the city of Kaluga, please help me with money, I need more than 50,000 debts, close everything, card number 5599005026310487)) God bless you

Alex from the city of sankt-petersburg wrote on 05/24/2019 at 15:17:

I am a student. Six months ago I tried to start my own business. Opened a cafe-bar accessible to many. For students and families. A little over a month ago, one “fine” day, the landlord of the premises, without notifying me, changed the lock and issued bills for debts that could not possibly apply to me. Now he has filed a lawsuit. The police and prosecutors have done nothing and refuse to do anything. All money goes to the fight for justice. Anyone who can help in any way will be grateful. I will thank you for your free financial assistance as soon as I return the cafe with a discount or cover the clearing. When transferring, write down your data, as soon as I get it right, I’ll fill it in full. 4276 5500 1428 8594 Thank you in advance! God bless you, friends!

Help from the city of Glazov wrote on 05/24/2019 at 14:45:

I will provide financial assistance. [email protected] write me I will help you

Tatiana from the city of Tynda wrote on 05/24/2019 at 14:35:

Hello, please help me close loans and microloans. My debt is 350,000 thousand rubles. Thank you very much in advance. Card number 4817760089719227.

Julia from the city from Ust-Koksa wrote on 05/24/2019 at 14:35:

Hello, I need money very urgently, please help, this is how the circumstances have developed, the amount is not large but there is no place to get 10,000 thousand rubles. Maybe there will be someone who cares and will help me, card number 2202 2015 9476 3415

Tatiana from the city of Tynda wrote on 05/24/2019 at 14:29:

Hello, please help me close loans and microloans. My debt is 350,000 thousand rubles. Thank you very much in advance. Card number 48177600089719227.

Svetlana from Moscow wrote on 05/24/2019 at 14:16:

Good afternoon! I found myself in a difficult situation. I was laid off from my job, and I have to pay them back the loan of 150,000, which I took out to get a mortgage. I haven’t found a job yet, there are few vacancies, and salaries have fallen. They are dragging me out of work to pay back the loan and pay 30,000 for the mortgage. Please help me, even with a ruble. VTB card number 5368 2900 4039 6618

Anatoly from the city of Goryachiy Klyuch wrote on 05/24/2019 at 14:02:

Good afternoon I have been dreaming about a motorcycle trip for a very long time and starting a YouTube channel about it or a photo slide with the beautiful landscapes of our country. To do this, I need an amount of 95,000 rubles for a small and quite practical motorcycle. I already have a small Chinese one, but the money collected and the sale of it are not enough to purchase the desired equipment. I work two jobs and still can’t get the required amount because... a young family requires investment. Who can help in any way to make another dream of a person, an enthusiast and a traveler come true. I thank everyone in advance, with respect Nikolaev Anatoly Sergeevich 08/04/1986. Sberbank: 5469300010268065, yandex: 41001670621763.

Tatyana from the city of Chita wrote on 05/24/2019 at 12:20:

Hello! I want to ask for money. I've already run into scammers twice. I am a single mother with two children. We live in a rented apartment. There are a lot of debts.... Loans... Help as much as you can. Please. My card 676280749002172112

Andrey from Perm wrote on 05/24/2019 at 10:47:

You only need 1 ruble. My WebMoney R272100241918 or QIWI +79223544716 or 410019030993860. All the best)

Is there free money from rich people?

Some “enterprising” individuals who love easy money will answer this question in the affirmative. “Don’t teach me how to live, it’s better to help me financially,” said the famous hero, who knew many ways to take money from the population and at the same time respected the Criminal Code.

More scrupulous citizens who do not know how to ask or deceive do not know the answer to such questions. But they also sometimes need financial help and support, especially in difficult life situations, when money is needed like air, but there is nowhere to get it. Still others are looking for initial capital that will allow them to realize a promising idea.

In all of these cases, government projects and charitable foundations of influential and wealthy people will provide an invaluable service.

Financial assistance to people in difficult life situations

Anyone can find themselves in a difficult financial situation: adults, children, families, and single people. This refers to truly serious situations that arose due to circumstances beyond a person’s control: illness, orphanhood, natural disasters, etc. Providing such social assistance and support is mainly the prerogative of the state:

  • eighteen-year-old orphans leaving orphanages are legally entitled to a certain amount of money and housing;
  • victims of terrorist attacks, floods, and fires receive ready-made housing from the authorities to replace the destroyed one or material assistance that partially or fully compensates for the damage;
  • sick people have the right to free medical care. In addition to government programs, there are charitable foundations that help seriously ill people: “Give Life”, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation and others.

In order for those who are truly in need to receive the necessary help, they need to contact social support authorities.

What about others? After all, a rich millionaire who gives out money to everyone he meets rarely gets in his way.

The solution is to go online and look for the websites of foundations offering grants or other material support based on competitive selection.

Foundations of famous entrepreneurs providing free financial assistance

There are quite a lot of such structures. A number of famous names from the Forbes list have their own foundation. Let's name a few that, in addition to social or cultural programs, also implement projects for promising and talented people.

1. RUSAL Charitable Foundation “Center for Social Programs” provides financial and other support in the cities where the company operates under the following programs:

“Formula of the Future” - helps schoolchildren, students, and young professionals to identify new leaders and ensure their professional development, and implement creative youth initiatives.

"Center for Innovation in the Social Sphere" - supports entrepreneurship in social sectors. There is a school of social entrepreneurship, a mentoring institute, and investment sessions, during which you can receive financial and consulting support for the implementation of a business project.

2. Charitable Foundation of AFK Sistema, project “Elevator to the Future”. The goal is to find talent to work in knowledge-intensive industries. The program is aimed at schoolchildren and students studying natural sciences and exact disciplines.

3. Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation. He started working among the first in Russia. Among the fund's projects:

  • issuance of free scholarships to excellent students of leading state universities;
  • promoting the introduction of fundraising technologies in Russia, training in the creation of endowment funds, which include free financial assistance from rich people.
  • Budget competitions for the issuance of free grants

The state also does not lag behind the rich in finding talented personnel and implementing promising ideas.

Skolkovo is implementing a program called “Global Education” in five specialties needed in our country: engineering personnel (including IT), science, pedagogy, medicine and entrepreneurship in the social sphere. The winner of the competition receives federal funds (grant) for studying abroad.

Regional authorities of Russia, striving to develop science and new technologies, support talents in all areas of activity, establish their own awards and grants and implement their own competitions and programs. To get acquainted with them, just go to the Internet.

The main thing is not to be lazy

The main thing that public and private grant programs have in common is the need for potential participants to take some action to receive funds (simply asking the rich for money will not work). This is their difference from massively distributed projects that offer honest and fraudulent charity sites.

Success without work is impossible, and money is practically not given for nothing. At a minimum, a detailed project needs to be developed, an application has been prepared, and multi-stage competitive tests have been passed.

And you won’t have to relax after receiving the money either. Depending on the purpose of the competition, you will either need to implement a project and present its results with a report on the funds spent, or undergo training and defend the project at graduation (receive a diploma).

Thus, financial gratuitous assistance from rich people exists. But to get it you need to prove your success and leadership.

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