Rituals with a voodoo doll. How a voodoo doll is made and what it is used for. What is the name of a voodoo doll?

The creation and use of a voodoo doll is the darkest and most mysterious ritual of black magic. With the help of such a doll you can influence a person in various areas. Holding a correctly made voodoo doll in your hands, you have enormous power over the person for whom the doll was created.

With the help of a voodoo doll, you can either bewitch and heal a person, or harm him, even to the point of death. This is a huge responsibility and errors in the manufacturing process or ritual can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Be careful and extremely attentive. This article provides instructions for making a voodoo doll, as well as some rituals associated with it. If performed incorrectly, black magic can cause irreparable harm not only to your client, but also to yourself.

What it is?

Classic doll

One of the integral elements of every ritual is a Voodoo doll. This is a small schematic model of a person, serving as a vessel for a “guest” (a messenger from other dimensions or, in other words, “loa”).

  • Loa were called to solve any problems and issues. It was believed that these spirits, who became captives of the doll, were for some time enslaved by the priest and forced to carry out his orders.

If a loa does not want to obey, its physical embodiment can be punished with pain (piercing the doll with needles).

  • After the death of the priest, his subordinate spirit, along with the doll, is transferred to other hands. In order for the loa to begin to obey the new owner, it is necessary to perform a special ritual.

Modern voodoo dolls

When creating a Voodoo doll, a person can pursue several goals. The most common of them is causing harm to a specific person. The impact on the doll is a projection of the impact on the person.

Thus, rituals performed on a small copy can undermine the health or even lead to the death of the prototype. Dolls created for the purpose of revenge also interact with spirits (not to be confused with Volts, which work on the aura level).

Their connection with the victim is due to the presence in the doll’s body of the personal belongings of the prototype person.

Dolls can also serve as a talisman that attracts money, luck or love. In this case, the owner’s personal belongings are sewn into the body of the Voodoo manipulator, and the amulet itself is hidden from prying eyes.

Preparation for creation and behavior during the process

How to make a Voodoo doll for a person?

First of all, a cross-shaped base for the doll is created (from twigs or sticks). Tie the junction with coarse thread. The branches from which the base is collected must be half alive (not fresh, but not dried out either).

The doll's body is “layered” onto the base. It can be modeled with scraps of fabric or flexible straw. It’s very good if you know where the birthmarks or moles are located in the prototype person. They can be designated by beads or beans.

The doll's body should not display distinctive human characteristics acquired during life, such as tattoos and body modifications.

In order to bind the Voodoo doll and the victim with the strongest ties, you need to obtain biological material: hair, nails, blood of a person who serves as a prototype for the doll.

In some cases, photographs and personal belongings of the victim are used, which are attached to the Voodoo miniature. However, blood is considered the most reliable and effective method.

The entire time you are making the doll, mentally associate it with the image of the victim.

To death

In order to make a Voodoo doll that will bring death to a person, you will need two elements:

  • Blood.
  • Photo of the victim.

The blood must be sewn into the puppet's body, and the photograph must be cut out and attached to the head, or tied with a mourning ribbon and attached to the doll's body.

Once the auras of the voodoo doll and the person are linked, you will have to bury the puppet. This will act as a curse (the doll will pull the person along with it into the grave).

For love

In order to make a love spell on the doll, sew a red heart on the left side of the puppet's chest. Next, light two black candles, placing them on both sides of the table on which the ceremony is being performed.

Leave your loved one asleep and mentally connect his image with the image of the doll. After the mental connection has been established, use a needle to make a puncture on the thumb of your right hand.

When a drop of blood appears, press your finger to the heart of the Voodoo puppet. Your blood should be completely absorbed.

How to destroy it?

When you have completed the ritual and achieved your goals, do not rush to throw away the doll. It is especially dangerous to bury, burn, or dismantle the body of a Voodoo puppet. The spirits you have summoned can harm the prototype person in the same way that you got rid of the doll.

If you want to break the Voodoo connection between the puppet and the person with whom it is connected, you need to sprinkle the doll with spring water, then clearly say three times: “I cleanse the doll with water, I deprive it of its given name. She no longer has power over (name)!”

After the auras are broken, the magical object must be consigned to earth or fire.

We recommend watching the video - “How to make a Voodoo doll at home?”:


Making a ritual doll

Dolls can be made at home from various materials: wood, rag, wool, wax. But all varieties of Voodoo dolls have something in common; they all must be made using particles of the person with whom the doll is identified. These are nails, hair, secretions (saliva, blood, sperm), as well as particles from clothes that the object of identification has worn for a long time. Very often, in addition to the Voodoo doll, a photo of a person is attached to the face of the ritual doll.

Since there is no fundamental difference in action depending on the type of doll, the easiest way is to make a doll from wax, as an option you can also use plasticine, but unfortunately there is no reliable information about how it will work, and since plasticine is not a natural material , then it’s better to use wax.


To make a Voodoo doll from melted wax, you need to mold the likeness of a human figure so that you can clearly distinguish the head, arms, legs and torso. Nails, blood and secretions are added to the wax, depending on what you managed to get. The hair is implanted into the doll's head, creating a semblance of hair. After the figure is molded, you can still dust it with dust from the shoes of your object of witchcraft and wrap it in a piece of fabric from his clothes.

But the most important thing in making a real Voodoo doll is to give it a name. Or, to put it another way, to baptize. During the manufacturing itself, you need not just sculpt the doll, you need to remember that you are making the likeness of a certain person and put every effort into this process to saturate the doll with the necessary energy.

After that, give her a name, saying:

“From now on, your name (person’s name), you are one with this doll,
As with the doll, so with you. Let it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!”

Do not forget that a doll is a strong energy channel connecting you with the object of witchcraft, so you need to take care of it and not trust anyone, only you must perform rituals on it, those that you need, for good or evil! Otherwise, the consequences can be tragic, including the death of a person.

If you have questions about the topic how to make a voodoo doll, leave comments and we will answer you!


Due to the fact that a lot of repeated questions are asked in the comments, and there is neither time nor desire to answer them a hundred times, we have collected the most necessary, important and popular questions and created a FAQ on them! Repeated questions in the comments, or simply stupid questions that will not bring any benefit to any of the users, by the administration will be ignored! Read for your health!!!


  1. Is it possible to use a Voodoo doll to cause harm on purpose or kill a person?
    It’s possible, you probably won’t have enough energy to kill, but you can cause harm, just make sure you don’t have to repent for what you did later! Voodoo magic for destroying a person is very dangerous, and we do not give techniques on how to harm someone and do not advise you to do this!
  2. I am a Christian, is it a sin to practice magic and make a Voodoo doll in particular?
    Yes, it’s a sin, Christianity does not recognize magic! Pray and God will help you, and forget about magic!
  3. I am a Muslim, Buddhist, Catholic, etc., can this somehow affect the success of the ritual?
    No way! Religion has nothing to do with it!
  4. Is it possible to make a doll for yourself? And what to do with it then?
    You can make a doll in the likeness of yourself! Pay attention to the conspiracy in the ritual, it says: “What happens to the doll, so does to you” - therefore, if you simulate certain circumstances for the doll, then they will be attracted to you!

Here is an example from one user’s comments of what to do with your doll (the same can be done with dolls for people whom you wish well):

I knitted a doll, about 15 cm, the doll represents me, spat a little, added a little hair, put it in a box, filled the box with not real money, I made it myself. She put a crown on her head, put on her jewelry that she once wore, and what do you think? I now have my own business, I recently bought a brand new Lacetti, and before that I was unemployed, I couldn’t find a normal job, I lived from penny to penny. So people, make dolls for good, let them help you in life.

How to get rid of a Voodoo doll?

To destroy a Voodoo doll, just sprinkle it with holy water, saying:

“I cleanse the doll with holy water,
I’m releasing you (name),
there is no more power over you,
and now your name is not given to her. Amen".

The plot is repeated three times, after which you can do whatever you want with the doll without causing any harm to the person.

When will the rituals that I do with the Voodoo doll work and will they work at all?

The time and power of any magical ritual depends primarily on the person who performed it! Or rather, from his energy and abilities for magic! Therefore, to answer the question: when exactly will the ritual begin to take effect, where the Voodoo doll was used? - No one can do it for you! If within a month there are no results, then everything was in vain, the ritual did not work.


Why are voodoo dolls created?

As a rule, a person who decides to create such a doll has a firm intention to physically and psychologically influence another person. The doll can be created from any materials, but at the same time it will be a prototype of the real person whom it symbolizes.

Only a professional should create a doll, because in the hands of an amateur, such a “toy” can cause a lot of trouble. In order for a doll to be effective and have power, in the process of its creation it is necessary to use part of the biological material of the person on whom it is planned to influence. The most common methods used are a strand of hair or fingernails.

Facial features

By additionally painting the facial features of the selected person on the doll, the magician gains almost unlimited power over the object. In order to firmly connect the created figurine with the prototype of a real person, the sorcerer additionally recites the necessary spells.

  • After the ritual, the magician has unlimited power over the person identified by the “toy.”
  • Followers of this magical teaching believe that if a voodoo doll is pierced with needles, the human victim will also feel severe stabbing pain in the same places.
  • Sometimes the doll is burned in a fire, and then the person can simply burn out from the fever in a couple of days.
  • By squeezing the doll's head in his hand, the magician provokes severe headaches in the victim.

You can often hear voodoo magic being called idolatrous. It's easy to explain. Many films and books show voodoo practitioners in a negative light. In reality, not all Wooddists choose to serve the dark side. Although it’s hard to argue with the fact that most of them serve the forces of evil.

History of Voodoo Magic

Girl in a voodoo costume Many will be surprised, but true voodoo magic was never dark. This is a relatively young religion that originated about 1000 years ago on the African continent. Local residents successfully practiced their magic until the time of colonial wars came. For some time, their continent was dominated by the French, who forbade Wooddists to practice magic.

Dark-skinned slaves were forced to obey the invaders, but secret magical knowledge never disappeared. Magic rites and rituals were carried out secretly from the colonialists. But the long-term presence of Europeans among African tribes could not help but leave its mark.

  • Over time, voodoo magic mixed with European traditions, forming a new religious movement.
  • The followers of this movement had already distorted views on magical postulates.
  • Another, more popular branch of voodoo beliefs spread from Latin America.
  • This religious movement became famous there after the colonialists began to populate their possessions with dark-skinned slaves.
  • It is noteworthy that the very first version of the voodoo religion had nothing to do with black magic and was practiced exclusively as white witchcraft for healing and attracting wealth.
  • Voodoo magic also adopted some features from Catholicism.
  • The final touches to the transformation of this magical trend were made by the yellow press and cinema.

Ritual of creating a voodoo doll

A person who decides to create such a doll needs to know some of the features of such a procedure. The product can only be crafted from energetically pure objects. That is, all threads, fabrics, paints and buttons must first be cleaned and the remnants of foreign energy removed from them. During the production process, all textile materials and plastics pass through a huge number of hands. You can clean objects using incense, earth, salt or sandalwood oil.

  • If you decide to use a voodoo doll, it is better to make it by hand rather than buy it in a store.
  • The store-bought product does not have the necessary strength and energy.
  • When creating a doll, it is important to put all your emotions into the product and focus on a specific person.
  • Put all your intentions and emotional experiences into the doll.
  • Thus, the material from which the “toy” is made will absorb the necessary energy.

After the doll is ready, you need to paint the facial features of the intended person. If you are making a doll for yourself, in order to attract good luck and financial well-being, then during the process you need to concentrate all your thoughts on money and financial success.

Think that soon you will pay off your debts, receive a sudden increase in your salary, or find a large sum of money.

The last step in creating a voodoo doll is its consecration.

This is a difficult ritual that needs to be taken seriously. It is important that no one is near you during the ritual. Someone else's energy can interrupt yours and prevent you from doing what you intended. To consecrate the doll, you need to light the candle brought from the church. It is desirable that the candle is white. While it is burning, raise the doll high above the fire so that the smoke reaches it. In this case, you need to recite the spell:

“I consecrate you for long service, for doing your share, for obedience to your master (say your name). I conjure you to serve me as faithfully as the four elements serve the world. In the name of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, I command you to obey and help me.”

The spell must be cast exactly seven times

After this, you should smoke the doll with pine needles or incense. Be sure to come up with a name for the doll. If you make it for yourself, then give it your name.

Having its own name, the doll will gain a soul and become “alive.” Talk to her and treat her with care. It is important that no one but you sees your product. You can communicate with a voodoo doll only in complete solitude. Hide it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes.

How to make a voodoo doll

Voodoo doll with pins. A variety of materials are used to create a doll. If there is a need to make a doll urgently, then you can use any available materials.

  • The main thing is to follow the procedure correctly.
  • But in the classic version of creating a voodoo doll, you will need a scrap of fabric, a rope or piece of thread, buttons or beads, glue, scissors, two cut wooden sticks and moss.
  • The most important component of a voodoo doll is human biological material - hair, nails, skin, saliva, blood.
  • Voodoo masters create dolls using moss; in our latitudes, moss is easily replaced with cotton wool.

Before you start creating a doll, think about your state of mind. It is very important that you do not experience hatred and aggression.

You can start the ritual only if you are absolutely sure that you are able to control your thoughts and emotions.

Under no circumstances should you curse someone at this moment or wish harm. It is also important to cleanse materials not only on an energetic, but also on a physical level, that is, remove all dirt from them and the smallest foreign objects.

Robust design

  1. To create a doll, you need to fasten two wooden sticks with a rope.
  2. To make the structure strong, the rope must be fixed with hot wax.
  3. After this, you need to take moss (or cotton wool) and wrap the rope from the middle to the intended head.
  4. Then - from the middle to the feet.
  5. So you will get a wooden cross, vertically wrapped with cotton wool.
  6. After this, you need to wrap the cotton wool with scraps of fabric coated with glue.
  7. Next, draw facial features on the “head”, embroider with thread or draw a mouth.

Buttons, beads or buttons can serve as eyes. When the product is ready, it is necessary to “infuse” a soul into it. To do this, you need to perform consecration rituals. After this, you can be sure that you own a real voodoo doll.

Another important feature is that if you are making a doll with the goal of attracting good luck, wealth and health, then it is better to make it during the waxing moon. If you want to get rid of problems, then you need to make a voodoo doll on the waning moon.


How it works?

The action of a Voodoo doll is based on establishing a strong energetic connection with a specific person. In European countries in the Middle Ages, this effect was called rapport. That is, by performing certain actions during its manufacture, the effect of an “energy double” is achieved, and any action is projected onto the person who is going to be influenced.

Manufacturing methods

There are several ways to make a Voodoo doll at home. Depending on the availability of materials, a doll can be made from fabric, wood, paper, clay, wax or plasticine. Traditionally, in the Caribbean, where Voodoo magic is especially widespread, they are made from cloth and straw. This technology has long been used in our country to make all kinds of amulets and toys. When making a Voodoo doll with your own hands, you should follow the basic
requirements to achieve a positive effect.

  • During manufacturing, it is necessary to add pieces of nails or hair of the person on whom it is planned to influence.
  • This will allow you to establish the necessary energetic connection.
  • In addition, it is highly recommended to sew clothes for the voodoo doll from pieces of that person's old, worn clothes.

Why worn? Because in this case, the clothes are saturated with a person’s energy and remain connected to him for some time by thin energy threads.

From plasticine (clay, wax)

This is the most popular method of making a doll, given the prevalence and availability of materials. The doll must be molded, achieving some resemblance to the desired person. Please note that similarity should be given not only in physique and figure, but also in facial features.

From paper

A paper doll is made only if there are no other possible materials. This is the simplest method, but also the least effective. As a rule, when making from paper it is very difficult to make it resemble a person; you have to draw. This gives the doll a certain semblance of a toy and affects the power of influence.

Sewing rules

When studying how to make a Voodoo doll correctly, it is worth turning to the thousand-year experience of pagan magicians.

  1. Traditionally, a doll made of cloth and filled with straw and grass is considered the most effective.
  2. You can make a face using wax, or simply painting it with natural paints to achieve a portrait resemblance.
  3. Try to give her obvious features of a woman or a man, depending on who you are going to influence.
  4. Here, of course, you can go without frills.
  5. It is enough to make a figurine with broad shoulders or wide hips to indicate that it belongs to the masculine or feminine gender.

Ritual with a Voodoo doll

Despite what is said about the use of this magic in films, it is worth considering that when carrying out these actions, the most powerful energy is involved. Even experienced magicians are not always able to control such forces.

We recommend using a Voodoo doll for love rituals or healing. Do not under any circumstances try to harm another person with it. The consequences of using negative influences can be simply frightening. If you try to harm another person, you are very likely to

expose yourself and the people you love to a reverse energy strike of colossal force, far superior to the one you initiated. This is how magic works. In addition, no matter what religion you belong to, you should not stain your karma with bad deeds and take sin on your soul.

No matter what actions a person commits, we do not have the right to take on the functions of divine justice and try to change the course of events. Believe in the best, and evil will definitely be punished even without your participation.


Preparation for production

Americans call the voodoo doll Voodoo Poppet, which is similar to the translation “baby”, “baby”. Taking the African ancient religion as a basis, imparting magical properties to masks, dolls and other objects, Hollywood, through cinema, presented us with a certain combined product, contact with which must necessarily end in failure for a person. And although a voodoo doll is not considered a toy, by knowledgeable people it is used for rituals associated with human energies).

If you want to have your own doll with powerful energy, you need, firstly, to carefully prepare yourself from a psychological point of view, and secondly, learn in detail how to make a voodoo doll. It is known that a raw chicken egg takes away negative energy, so before you start making a toy, you need to break the egg into water and place a glass near your head overnight so that all the negative emotions and negativity are taken away by the water with the raw egg.

The contents of the glass must be thrown into the toilet the next morning; the glass must not be left on the table, given to animals or poured onto the ground. After the “energy cleansing” procedure, you can begin the actual production of the doll.

First stage

In order for the merger with the ancient voodoo culture to be complete, you need to light aromatic candles next to the table and turn on the drum sound so that the perception is maximum. In order for Loa (the patron of voodoo) to be favorable to you, you need to put sweets on the table, which are destroyed at the crossroads after midnight.

  • Focus on the goal: protect yourself, bewitch your loved one, gain trust and affection, love, etc.
  • Then come up with words that you will constantly say while making the toy: may there be love, may we be together - me and you, may Loa protect me from evil spirits, may he and I (name) have mutual sympathy from this day forward .
  • Next, you need to put all the components on the table: two medium-sized sticks, a piece of fabric, rope, beads or buttons, threads, needles, glue and any filler (moss, cut pieces of fabric, cotton wool, padding polyester).
  • If you want to bewitch someone, you will need to sew up hair, nails, or any small object that is very dear to that person.

It is better if no one disturbs you while sewing, and your thoughts will be occupied only with what you are trying with all your might to accomplish. Voodoo production loves the waning moon if you need to turn someone away from you, and the waxing moon if you want to attract a person or situation to you.

Detailed instructions for production

Classic voodoo doll

A classic voodoo doll is not sewn together; the fabric is wound around a cross, which is tied with rope before the ritual itself begins. On one side the fabric should be soft, the other, on the contrary, rough and smooth.

First, the cross is wrapped in stuffing, which is usually Spanish moss, which, according to ancient legend, absorbs energy better than other living things. They start from the head and end in the middle, in the area of ​​the heart, then knitting threads, thin pieces of fabric tied together, and ropes are wound up.

The crown of the head is a small ball of thread that is placed on top of the made cross; it can be decorated at your discretion. In the classical sense, the doll should resemble the object of your “care”: if the person has a receding hairline, the doll should also have bulging eyes - mark this with large buttons, glue a piece of your chosen one’s hair to the doll’s head.

Terms of use

No matter how you feel about ancient beliefs, your thoughts, even if they are evil, insidious and aimed at destroying another, will help you achieve your plans.

Remember: in our world there is a boomerang rule - evil thrown at someone will definitely return to you, so things like voodoo dolls can only be used for peaceful purposes and for the good. The energy invested in what you did with your own hands, and even with the involvement of an ancient ritual, becomes several times more powerful.



Here is a case when you can use ancient magic without any fear. Don't pay attention to the stories and opinions that exist in society thanks to Hollywood films.

In fact, such things as “destruction” or “enslavement” of a person are not often used in voodoo magic.

  • Of course, this occurs, but it all depends on the purpose and the spirits attracted.
  • After all, it is not necessary to call out those who live “on the dark side.”
  • In any case, love magic is based on lighter and purer forces.
  • To attract the desired person, you need to make and correctly speak a voodoo doll.
  • There are certain rules that must be followed.
  • That is, not just the composition of the material, but also the name of the Spirit who will help you.
  • You should carefully read about how to make a voodoo doll on a person for a love spell before the action itself.

It is unacceptable to change the composition of ingredients or violate technology. The fact is that the Voodoo Spirits that are called upon have a slightly different, “not our” nature. Don’t try to grasp them with logic. It’s better to act as written, then the result will be as intended.


A voodoo doll is a double of the person being bewitched. She has a complete direct connection with him, which occurs at the moment of performing the ritual. We must remember that everything that happens to the doll will definitely affect the object of the love spell. Not necessarily as directly as they show in the movies, but energy will still flow into the field. Therefore, the voodoo doll must be handled with care and not subjected to unnecessary shaking or other actions that could cause aggressive consequences.

To make a voodoo doll, you need to have human body parts. Commonly used are nails, hair, blood, and so on. If it is not possible to get all this, then you need to collect dust on the road along which he passed, maybe the remains of coffee from his cup (it contains saliva), clothes, or other objects with which the person came into contact. Without these attributes, the doll will be practically dead. Unfortunately, these are the rules.

The main material for making a doll is usually wax. For love spells, it is recommended to add flower pollen and honey to it. It is advisable to take a walk in nature and collect pollen or nectar from fresh flowers yourself. Just don't use ones that have already been cut. This is dead material; it cannot help you. It will only interfere with the creation of an energy channel.


When learning how to make a voodoo doll for a love spell, you should understand that this is not for everyone. There is such a thing as personal power. So, you should have it in stock. Otherwise, you will not be able to do the most important thing - to connect the doll you made with the object of the love spell. How to determine the presence of such an opportunity. There are several simple tests that are used in voodoo schools.

  1. For example, if you remember for sure that you have had a prophetic dream at least once in your life, then there is no problem, you can practice voodoo magic.
  2. If in doubt, try to “disperse” the clouds.
  3. You just need to go out into the open air on a cloudy day.
  4. Try to focus on “moving” any (specific) cloud.
  5. There is no need to strain yourself too much. Just imagine it melting or floating beyond the horizon.
  6. After fifteen minutes, look at the result.

Happened? Then you can start making a voodoo doll.


If you remember how to sculpt from plasticine, then the process itself to make a doll should not cause any difficulties for you. The doll is made in the shape of a man with clearly expressed characteristics. That is, you need to sculpt the head and torso, arms and legs. Magical elements are added to the wax in the same order as in a living organism. Namely, nails should be in the hands, hair on the head, blood in the body, and so on.

When a small semblance of the victim is ready, it can be sprinkled with the material that was collected from under the victim’s feet (dust, sand, and so on). If you have elements of saliva (for example, coffee), then add it to the piece from which you will make the head. It is necessary to sculpt the face so that it is clear how to handle the doll. The genitals are also an important point. It is in these parts of the doll that honey or pollen is added.

Personal item

The voodoo doll needs to be wrapped in prepared pieces of clothing or other things that the victim has touched (in extreme cases, a napkin will do).

  • Next, it is advisable to put your “creativity” in a special box.
  • Take the time to line it with a piece of beautiful fabric, lace, and the like.
  • The atmosphere of external beauty will only spur magical powers.
  • After manufacturing, you need to create a communication channel.
  • To do this, while still working, you need to try to imagine the object, associate the details with real parts of the body.

When you take care of his face, head, hair, imagine what is going on in his thoughts. Imagine in detail how he (or she) will “burn” with love for you.

Now you need to cast the spell:

“I name you (the name of the victim). From now on, you and he (her) are one! I call on the Spirit of Oshun for help! Connect (name) with the doll! Breathe life into it!”

Various attributes are used in witchcraft. Voodoo doll, or volt as it is also called, is one of them. This is a model of a person, the principle of which is the influence of the magician on the energy field of the object. Used with good and bad intentions. You must follow all the rules of use, otherwise you may harm yourself.

Purposes of creating an attribute

It is better that the production of the magical attribute is carried out by. Sometimes they do it to help in different areas of human life:

  • improving well-being;
  • gaining fame;
  • protection from negative influences, etc.

But more often, a Voodoo doll is used to harm someone. With its help they perform

  • damage;
  • bringing a person to death, etc.

What does a voodoo doll look like?

It’s easy to explain what a Voodoo doll is. This is a prototype of the person they plan to influence, his energy double. This attribute looks different because there are many options for its implementation.

The doll does not have to look scary. It all depends on the purpose of production, capabilities and cultural traditions. For example, a doll to attract abundance is made with large breasts and genitals. Volt is manufactured according to .

Appearance doesn't really matter. It is made from different materials:

  • wax;
  • plasticine;
  • wood;
  • fabrics;
  • animal bones, etc.

It is important to use details that will give the attribute magical abilities. These include the biological material of the object: blood, saliva, sperm, strands of hair, nails, skin particles. Personal items and fragments of a person’s dirty clothing are also suitable. They are placed on the doll according to certain rules. The features of a person are drawn on the face, which will provide the magician with greater power over him.

Volt Creation Ritual

Purchased attributes do not have great magical abilities and are saturated with third-party energy, so they are made independently. A real Voodoo doll will work if you take into account the specifics of its creation.

  1. Actions are performed in private so that other energy does not change intentions.
  2. For the volt, energetically pure materials are selected. Threads, fabric, buttons, paints are pre-cleaned. To do this, use incense, earth, salt or sandalwood oil.
  3. When performing manipulations, you need to concentrate on the object. By investing your desires and experiences into the attribute, you will imbue it with the necessary energy.
  4. After completion of the work, the attribute must be consecrated. For this purpose, they use a white candle that was brought from the church. It is lit and the doll is held over the fire so that the smoke reaches it. During these actions the following words are spoken 7 times:

    I consecrate you for long service, for doing your share, for obedience to your master (say your name). I conjure you to serve me as faithfully as the four elements serve the world. In the name of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, I order you to obey and help me.

  5. Next, you need to smoke the product with pine needles or incense.
  6. A real doll needs to be revived - baptized with the name of the person it represents. They put the volt in front of them and say:

    I baptize you with [name]. You are who I want you to be. I am the one who commands the desires, dreams and actions of [name]. From now on, you are my humble servant and my family, your life is for me and my thoughts.

They use their own name for the doll if it is intended for themselves. The magical attribute is hidden from prying eyes. It requires constant communication. They do it in private.

If new elements are added to the volt or changed, it is worth reading all the conspiracies again.

When you do not plan to use the attribute immediately, you need to hide it by wrapping it in white cloth.

Master class on making

To make it you need wax - one of the most commonly used materials. It has the ability to accumulate, transmit and store information. The following is also prepared for work:

  • 3 white candles;
  • 4 sticks of small thickness and different lengths;
  • natural thread;
  • things of a person.

Manufacturing is carried out step by step.

  1. Take a long stick - the basis of the doll. Using a thread, another one is tied to it. You should get a cross. The remaining sticks - legs - are attached to the bottom.
  2. The candles are broken into pieces and the wick is removed. Place in an iron vessel and put on fire. Wait until the mass softens and becomes suitable for modeling. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Wax is applied to the frame, attaching substances belonging to the person. For example, hair is attached to the head, nails to the arms, legs, etc.
  4. Dress the doll if there are fragments of clothing.
  5. Draw a face. It is still being embroidered. Using a needle and thread is not prohibited. Buttons and beads are often used for the eyes.

Sometimes a part of a photograph of the target is attached to the doll’s face. For greater resemblance, birthmarks are applied. Places of tattoos or changes from plastic surgery are not noted.

Application in practice

This attribute should not be managed by beginners. Before using a Voodoo doll, you need to understand that magical manipulations can have irreversible consequences. Magic can only be used when a person truly believes in it. Otherwise, the spirits will take revenge.

First you need to protect yourself. To do this, draw a circle with chalk so that it fits freely in it. The finished doll is placed in it. 3 candles are placed outside, 2 crystal or glass glasses with salt are placed on the sides.

The person must enter the circle and focus on the object. The field of this pronounces his name three times and presents an insurmountable barrier between itself and him.

  • do not tell others about the attribute, perform rituals in private;
  • do not perform rituals in a cemetery unless you have special knowledge;
  • get rid of a broken pupa;
  • do not perform rituals that will lead to the death of the object - they have a serious impact.

You need to understand that the Volt doll can start working after a certain time - a week, a month, even a year. It depends on the strength of the person who did it and the ritual itself.

How to perform rituals with a doll

Before using a Voodoo doll, you need to consider that magic is closely related. When they provide assistance, they demand payment for it. People who constantly perform rituals know how to pay off.

For an ordinary person, such manipulations threaten with bad consequences. This could be illness, financial loss, or even the death of someone close. You shouldn’t turn to magic for trifles. Before carrying out even the simplest ritual to achieve certain goals for a beginner

For love

A doll can help in your personal life. It is better to perform the ritual on Friday - the day of Venus, because then love magic has a strong effect. During production, you need to constantly think about your beloved.

The doll is made soft and beautiful. A smile is drawn on the face and a red heart on the chest. You can sew it on by moistening it with a drop of your blood. To do this, lightly pierce the thumb of the right hand and apply it to the fabric.

You need to name the doll after the desired object. Be sure to use human things. At the end of the process, read the following plot:

Now your name is (such and such). And with this doll you are an indivisible whole. What happens to this doll happens to you. Let it be this way and not otherwise! Ago, Ago, Ago!

You can perform the ritual in another way. To do this, sprinkle the doll with cinnamon and say:

I wish that the cinnamon that has been in my hands will kindle the flame of love in your heart (the name of the person to whom the ritual is directed). May he (or she) not be able to find peace of mind until his love unites him with me.

The ritual is repeated 3 weeks in a row on Fridays. During this period, you need to meet your loved one - an important condition for the magic to work. If a person does not have a betrothed, then a Voodoo doll will help find him. To do this, you need to carry it with you.

For weight loss

The doll is made large, highlighting problem areas. To get rid of excess weight, volts are made during the waning moon. When the attribute is ready, they pick it up and imagine themselves thin and beautiful. At the same time, pinch off the wax from problem areas and say the following words:

The sides come off, the fat is killed, the fat is burned, the gluttony melts away. A small belly is beneficial.

To your health

When creating a toy, mint, hops and dandelion leaves are placed inside. It is better to do this during the waxing moon. While performing manipulations, it is necessary to imagine how a person is being healed. Volta is presented to the sick person so that he keeps the attribute near him.

To attract money

Used only when the financial situation is very difficult. The Voodoo doll should be green and preferably sewn with golden threads. Fill it with moss, parsley and comfrey. Coins of different denominations are also placed inside.

On the sheet they write the amount that the person needs, as well as the period by which it must be received. It is placed inside the product. Sew up and wrap in green or golden cloth.

To make the doll work faster, you need to lubricate it with the following mixture:

  • vanilla, cinnamon, grape seed, almond oil;
  • ramishia tincture;
  • pyrite;
  • dye alkane.

For damage

When rituals are performed, the doll can be pricked with hot gypsy needles, burned, planted in pepper, or cut with a knife. Then a person in real life can feel pain, burn from high body temperature, etc. When the doll’s head is squeezed, the object feels severe headaches. Rituals are accompanied by conspiracies and sacrifices.

For the ritual of hexing, a Voodoo doll must be made from grass that is taken from the cemetery. They cover it with fabric, consecrate and revive it. The finished attribute is buried in a cemetery between two graves of opposite-sex dead, pronouncing the spell:

I took it from the graveyard, I return it to the graveyard. I curse the enemy (name). He shouldn’t live in this world, but go to his cramped home as soon as possible. The grass is dry and dead, my work is strong and faithful. I seal my work with a cherished word, and I bury my enemy and remember him. Things are getting better. It will be as said. Amen!

At home, the wake is celebrated according to all the rules. Then they give three things of the object of damage to the poor and ask them to remember it.

How to protect yourself from Voodoo magic

To protect yourself from magic, you should also make a volt. It will help protect against such problems:

  • negative consequences from Voodoo dolls;
  • other magical influences;
  • malice and gossip of ill-wishers.

For the attribute they create a kind of house where you can hide it. The toy is placed inside with the belief that all troubles will be avoided. Magical accessories are hidden.

When a person accidentally finds a Volt, one should not pick it up. It could be a lining. It's worth it right. On Saturday, the doll is wrapped in white cloth and generously sprinkled with salt. Then, in a place where people do not walk, they dig a hole, place a magical attribute and burn it.

What remains of the volt is sprinkled with sacred water and covered with earth. The person who performed the ritual should take a bath with milk and salt upon his return.

Damage caused by a doll is removed in this way:

  • make a toy;
  • they name her after the patient, but vice versa - if Katerina, then Aniretak;
  • taken to the cemetery;
  • buried on a grave where there is a deceased with the same name;
  • give a ransom and ask for forgiveness for the trouble;
  • arrange a wake for Aniretak at home.

How to get rid of Volt

It is forbidden to throw away a magical toy, even if it has fulfilled its purpose. The connection at the energy level with the person remains. You can get rid of the doll in this way.

  1. Pour holy or charmed water into the vessel.
  2. Dip a magical attribute into it for a while, reciting the spell:

From now on, I order you, you are no longer (name of person). Your bonds are broken and now you are (material), for all time and forever and ever. I conjure!

How to Summon a Spirit

The toy serves as a kind of container. These are invisible spirits who act as intermediaries between the gods and man. They are called upon to help in a given situation, using special rituals. The Loa become prisoners of the doll and must follow the magician's orders. If they do not obey, the sorcerer affects their physical manifestation with needles.

You need to summon spirits starting from . Then they turn to other Loa. To do this, read special texts-calls. They present them with gifts. The process will end successfully if everything is done correctly and the spirits like the gifts.

Voodoo, in our minds, is inextricably linked with evil and death. However, upon closer acquaintance with the voodoo religion, not from Hollywood thrillers and horror stories from the Internet, it turns out that this ancient religion has all the features of humanity - both good and evil, light and dark principles, sacrifices and healing. So, voodoo doll: what is it, how is it used, and can it serve a good purpose, contrary to popular belief?

Voodoo is a religious system that originated in western Africa, mainly in Togo, Benin and Ghana, based on very ancient beliefs. In colonial times, the cult of voodoo intricately mixed with Catholic trends and became extremely popular in West Africa. These days he has around 30,000,000 followers.

During the colonization of the New World, many Africans were forced to leave their homeland and move to North and South America. They took their religion with them, and voodoo is now common in the eastern southern United States, mainly in Louisiana, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and some other Caribbean islands. New World Vodou consists of two distinct branches of the religion: Haitian and Louisiana.

Voodoo means a certain force, great and unknown, which at any moment can affect a person’s life and his destiny. The pantheon of voodoo gods is very numerous. It is divided into three parts, headed by a supreme deity, one and incomprehensible to mere mortals. In the middle are spirits who are closely associated with mortals and occupy the third, lowest level. Voodoo widely uses rituals, music, dancing, and animal sacrifices.

Voodoo magic

There is a lot of speculation and exaggeration surrounding voodoo. The famous black magic of voodoo, zombies, and voodoo dolls actually exist, but only as a separate branch of the cult, which is not the main one. His followers use magical powers mainly to heal those who are sick in body or soul and to call upon spirits to help with ordinary life matters - giving birth to children, attracting money and good luck.

A voodoo doll is one of the main tools of voodoo magic. It is used not only to cause damage, but also for good purposes, for example, to strengthen the financial situation or heal. The doll itself does not carry negative or positive energy and does not represent a specific person, as the vast majority of people believe.

Voodoo priests use dolls as a vessel for the spirit to assist people in many activities, both good and bad. The spirit can protect its owner or cause harm to others at its command.

How it works? The voodoo priest “lures” the spirit into the body of the doll and imprisons it within it. Then, with the help of needles, he inflicts physical suffering on the spirit, taming and suppressing its resistance. Thus, he becomes the full owner of the spirit and forces it to fulfill any of his demands.

In order to “tie” a doll to a specific person in order to have an effect on him, either bad or, conversely, beneficial, you need to attach some part of this person to it - nails, hair, a photograph. With the help of such a “copy” a person can be cured of an illness, protected from harm or wrong actions, or brought to death.

How to make a voodoo doll?

A classic doll is made as follows:

  1. The “skeleton” for the doll is two sticks folded in a cross and tied in this position.
  2. Next, the cross is wrapped in soft material, making it a “body” (in the original - Spanish moss), which is wrapped in strips of fabric.
  3. Then they draw or embroider the face - eyes and mouth.
  4. They dress a doll, attach to it something connected with a person (if they want to influence someone), or an object that serves another purpose (for example, a bag of coins to attract money).
  5. Perform proper ritual according to the purpose.

It is not difficult to make a voodoo doll at home, but to do it correctly so that it serves magical purposes and its action does not turn against its creator is impossible without special knowledge. The rituals are complex and can only be performed by experienced priests.

Is it worth doing voodoo rituals yourself, for example, a voodoo doll: figure out what it is, make a doll and solve your problems, guided by descriptions found on the Internet? No and no again. Voodoo, indeed, has enormous power accumulated over thousands of years, and only those who have secret knowledge and abilities can practice it. All others can achieve results directly opposite to those desired, and incur the wrath of the spirits. The consequences of an error when making a voodoo doll can be irreparable and will affect the entire life of the person and his loved ones.

The Siberian witch knows firsthand about the incredible power of the magic of a Voodoo doll. It turns out that Voodoo dolls have been used in magical rituals since ancient times. According to Elena Golunova, with the help of a Voodoo doll you can influence any person. Many people are skeptical about such magic, but if you make a doll and perform the ritual correctly, you can achieve incredible results.

The action of a Voodoo doll is based on an energetic connection with a person. Thus, any actions and manipulations with the doll can also affect the person with whom it has a connection. How to make a Voodoo doll at home and how to bind it energetically to a specific person?

You can make a Voodoo doll from any available material: clay, wood, fabric, paper, plasticine. According to Elena Golunova, the most effective option is a doll made of fabric and straw. You need to sew a small figurine of a man and fill it with straw. In order to establish a Voodoo connection with a person, it is necessary to place the hair or nails of the person on whom the magical effect is planned, along with straw, inside the doll. To strengthen the connection, you can sew clothes for the doll from this person's old, worn things. Thus, his energy will be closely connected with this doll.

There is an opinion that Voodoo magic is used only for negative effects, in order to harm a person and make him suffer. Such rituals require great energy power. Elena Golunova believes that not everyone can take upon themselves the courage to send harmful energy to another person. Moreover, all this threatens with big karmic problems. This is worth remembering before undertaking any negative manipulations with a Voodoo doll.

However, Voodoo magic can be used for the benefit of a person. For example, to heal a sick person, you can make a doll from animal bones and name it after the sick person, but vice versa. For example, if the patient’s name is Ivan, then the doll should be named Navi. After this, Voodoo needs to be placed in an improvised coffin (any box can serve as one) and buried. Thus, the disease will be buried along with this doll.

Despite the benefits that a Voodoo doll can bring to a person, it is still more often used to cause harm. For example, in order to send illness to a person, sorcerers usually take cemetery soil and stuff a doll with it. A person will not die from this, but there is a high probability that he will become seriously ill.

In order to punish a gossip or an envious person, you can stuff the doll's mouth with a piece of meat. After this, a person will not be able to connect even two words.

In order to take revenge on a mistress or a traitor, sorcerers make a Voodoo doll with distinctive gender characteristics. The doll's genital organ is sewn up with black thread and after this the person does not lose sexual attraction to the object of his love.

All these methods, according to Elena Golunova, are powerful, so Voodoo magic should be taken seriously. This power can destroy any person. Moreover, the consequences of magic can negatively affect the sorcerer himself. The only exception is good intention in using Voodoo magic.

The origin and essence of the Voodoo religion are not exactly known. Currently, these are religious and magical cults that are official in African countries. For example, among the Ewa people, who live in the southern and eastern parts of Ghana. The Voodoo religion is also practiced in Nigeria.

This trend became widely known after the export and use of blacks as slaves. There was a fusion of African worldviews with the practice and mythology of Indian shamans, as well as with Catholic Christianity. That is why what is referred to as Voodoo in the West is not an exclusively African phenomenon.

What is Voodoo?

Contrary to popular belief, Voodoo was never black magic or an evil teaching. In reality, it is a complex of beliefs and practices aimed at merging man and higher metaphysical forces. They can help, give answers to difficult questions, heal, force you to do something.

Traditional Voodoo mysteries last a long time and are aimed at periodically placing adherents into a state of trance. Music and poetic spells, which are accompanied by rites of ritual magic, play a large role in the practice. Voodoo priests make sacrifices and use special magical attributes.

In traditional African Voodoo, the main role is given to priests. If it is a man, then it is called “Hungan”, and if it is a woman, then “Mambo”. Another role associated with practical magic is played by the Bokora sorcerers.

One of the attributes of magical activity is a special doll. Magic dolls are used by representatives of almost all areas of shamanism. In Europe they were most often called "volts".

The Slavs also had their own magic dolls. Their main functionality is to establish a connection with a person. The doll becomes a symbol and agent of the unconscious person, fulfilling its mission in it. She is assigned the role of a “connector” who establishes interaction with archetypes. In this regard, the practice of magic is a real psychotherapy or psychological counseling. This is the secret of why magic works. With its help it is impossible to build a nuclear power plant, but it can make people's work more efficient. You won't be able to create food, but you can develop the skills to go without food for a long time. It is impossible to restore an amputated limb, but somatic diseases can be healed.

Magic or psychology?

When today someone asks the question of what a Voodoo doll is, then most often we are talking about a conglomerate of views of Africans, Indians and white Christians. It should be noted that Voodoo in Haiti and in Louisiana, in the Congo and Nigeria were different in those days, and they are still significantly different now.

The main thing is to understand the principle of operation and what role it plays. In addition, you need to be aware of the seriousness of the practice and its theoretical foundations. The psyche consists of many levels, and there is also an unconscious state in it. At the heart of modern psychoanalysis or dynamic psychology is the idea that images and symbols that “live” in the unconscious state can influence our everyday life. This influence can be positive or negative.

Let's imagine the unconscious state of a person who suffers from some kind of mental disorder. Everything looks like a china shop that a clumsy elephant has visited. The task of a shaman and a psychotherapist is approximately the same - to put everything in its place. It is possible that you can “break” things through carelessness or malicious intent.

It is worth considering two main points that are necessary for successful practice. We use the power of intention. We will not act explicitly, but will only create symbols of our actions. Our doll is a symbol. This is why you should never make magic dolls just for fun or as a souvenir. If it’s for fun, then make the toy that way; if it’s for magic, then the doll should match our mood. We will be very serious or everything will happen playfully, we need to understand the main goal.

Stages of creating a doll

Papa Carlo made a real magic doll. Pinocchio got up and walked away. Why was this possible? Because the creator endowed the doll with energy and showed feelings for it. It was then that Pinocchio became a protector and a hero.

The process of creating a magic doll can be divided into several stages:

Putting yourself in proper condition. This can be achieved with the help of music, breathing practices, and spell casting. That is why the Voodoo priest or sorcerer mutters something under his breath. However, everything must happen for real. It is necessary to ensure that a certain working trance arises, a slight excitement, a slight euphoria appears.

It is necessary to consider the materials for production as natural forces that will turn into the body of the doll. For this reason, they themselves must be natural.

Adequacy of the doll and its role. This is someone's image, it must correspond to the original.

Some elements of the person it will portray are “implanted” into the doll.

From a technical point of view, everything is very simple. Take a sheet of cardboard and make a pattern. The pattern is applied to the fabric and two silhouettes are made. Cut with scissors and sew with thread. We stuff hay inside. Now the base is ready. So simple? Yes, the simpler the better.

If you come up with some kind of freak that evokes negative feelings, and that’s what you need for practice, then great. In the case when positive emotions are needed for work, but the doll does not evoke them, then dismantle it. This is also one of the rules.

Destroying any doll is a magical act. If it didn’t work out, but you sewed it, then the doll needs to be disassembled. The threads are pulled out, the parts are separated, and the straw is thrown into the field. If you burn or bury it, then this is ritual murder. Bad consequences may occur.

How does a doll come to life?

To do this, two main symbolic acts are performed. The first is “implanting” the hair or nails of someone with whom you establish a connection. You can also make clothes for the doll that will resemble the characteristic features of a particular person’s clothing. Voodoo witches also use blood. This could be a drop of blood from a specific person or the blood of a ritual animal.

Caribbean voodoo created a whole “theater” of killing white roosters. The fact is that chickens were the only type of poultry that slaves were allowed to raise. In Africa, a variety of ritual animals were used, including pigs and rabbits. However, the animal should not be a totem animal. For example, if a tribe’s totem animals are dogs or wolves, then they cannot be used for this purpose. The blood is carefully collected in a cup; sometimes all those gathered took a few sips from it.

Let's reveal one secret. The theatricality of ritual magic has only one goal - bringing a person into an altered state of consciousness. It is the basis for performing magical actions.

What do you do with Voodoo dolls?

They are created for the purposes of healing, protection and attack, travel in dreams, as well as solving a variety of practical problems. The latter should be considered most broadly. In the natural conditions of Africa, sorcerers and sorcerers were subordinate to priests, who controlled their worldview and controlled the ability to perform magical acts. Having been torn out of their ancestral habitat, they found themselves not only in slavery, but also in a state of complete lack of control in the moral aspect. The concepts of life and death, honor, dignity have changed. This became the basis for black magic to come into use in the widest possible way. Voodoo themselves call such magic red, not black.

Every person who is even slightly interested in magic has a rough idea of ​​how a doll works in terms of causing evil. You need to stick needles into it, stab it with knives, beat it and imagine that it is the victim who is suffering. Try to sew the image of your unloved boss in the form of a doll and do all this. And make sure for yourself that nothing will happen to him. What's the point then?

A doll, as mentioned above, is a person’s “agent” in the world of unconsciousness. At the moment of performing a ritual magical manipulation, the adept sends requests to an unconscious state. Almost the same as entering data into a computer. That's where the answers come from. They do not refer to what happens to someone physically, but to what experiences he experiences. Receiving some kind of answer is equivalent to the fact that the experiences themselves change. To do this, the Voodoo sorcerer must merge with him, lose his shell and acquire someone else’s.

In its pure form, without any intermediaries in the form of objects, the magician would have to “become” someone else for a while, realize the experiences he needs, experience them on behalf of another person and return to himself again. If this works, then the person, for reasons unknown to him, will experience similar sensations. This is how love spells work, for example.

In order to make someone fall in love, the sorcerer forgets about himself, becomes that subject, falls in love on his behalf, and then returns to his usual world and simply waits for the result. Waiting in this context is one of the phases of a magical session. However, the idea that a magician becomes someone is a bit like nonsense. And this is quite fair. It is literally impossible to achieve this if we mean the physical body, consciousness and subconscious.

The Voodoo religion of representatives of many different cultures and ethnic groups was not similar to our worldview. Voodoo is viewed as a person as a system of constituent elements. Personalities that are fully and completely conscious belong to a specific person. To the one who can say “I exist.” Another thing is unconscious individuals. They do not belong to anyone and exist in the form of components that affect the psyche of all people. These elements do not have their own consciousness, they are its elements. You can also turn to them and ask or force them to become something for someone.

Jung called these entities "archetypes." They cannot think or reason, since they themselves are parts of the thinking process. Being in an altered state of consciousness, the magician comes into contact with some significant archetype and points him to the doll. At the same time, the archetype is activated in his consciousness, in the consciousness of his client, if he is fulfilling someone’s order, in the consciousness of the audience, if they are present. A dialogue goes something like this:

Here's Pedro! He is the manager of Señor Ronaldo's sugar cane plantations. Oh, how his heart hurts! Oh, how it hurts!
Poor Pedro! - the blacks nearby sing along

If you go through all this at the level of jokes, the manager won’t even notice anything. However, black slaves take the situation quite seriously. The point here is not that they believe or do not believe in the success of their magical action, but that they send information about the illness of their manager to an unconscious state that does not belong to anyone. Coronary heart disease or a heart attack will not arise from this, but somatic diseases may very well appear.

Blacks do not set themselves the task of removing the evil manager precisely at the physical level. Diseases of a psychosomatic nature are quite enough for them. The main thing is that he suffers.

Of course, a person always remains a person. Voodoo magic has never been exactly evil. Rather, this was the very life of slaves, and Voodoo only reflected and reflects reality.

The views of the Indians, which the slaves brought from West Africa encountered, were an archaic mixture of religions and philosophies of ancient religions, Christianity, as the Indians understood it, and various tribal primitive beliefs.

In many ways, the practice of shamanism was associated with the use of drugs, which are designed to “shatter” consciousness and block the possibility of making value judgments and skeptical analysis. It is also needed in magic, but not when the act is being carried out. When combined, this gave a new twist, priests and sorcerers of a new school appeared.

Real ritual with a Voodoo doll. Louisiana 2002

Next we will describe a ritual that was performed in 2002 in Louisiana. The main problem that the sorcerer solved was the syndrome of chronic bad luck. Strange things began to happen to one person. He suddenly started drinking, lost his job, started talking, and didn’t see any prospects in life. To add to all his troubles, the sufferer also broke his leg.

Very bad for the man! The sorcerer talked with him for a long time. He believed that he had been jinxed or damaged. The sorcerer made a different “diagnosis”. He said that the unfortunate man was possessed by an angel of destruction.

The ritual was held in the courtyard of the house and a doll was used. She was molded from clay. At the same time, the sorcerer claimed that he was the Creator of all things, God. No delusions of grandeur. This is a kind of Louisiana Voodoo theater. It is from African culture that there is almost nothing in it - a vivid example of how blacks in the 18th century perceived Christianity and mixed its postulates with their own.

The doll was ready when Mr. Lee - that was the sorcerer's name - cut it with a knife. He exclaimed something and rushed to the unfortunate patient. The eyes were dead, the arms suddenly seemed to become longer. His spell was a mixture of French, Latin and English with some African terms thrown in. The sorcerer's hand darted to the unlucky man's throat. In fact, it felt like he had ripped something out of him. This is not a soul, but a spirit, the force of life. She was “placed” in a clay doll, and the cut was covered in a very original way. The sorcerer put his thumb into the sufferer's mouth and covered and covered the incision line with saliva. Now the spirit is in the doll.

A stick appeared in the sorcerer's hand. He broke the doll's leg with it. It feels like something has cracked in the air. Then he spoke in completely modern English. The spirit of destruction gripped the body, mind and blocked the soul. Connections between these levels and the doll were created one by one.

The assistant and assistant came out into the yard. They were wearing old, pre-civilian kaftans, sewn together. They began to hum and spin around. Like that...

Spirit of Saint Parfion,
Spirit of the fifth Pope,
Spirit of the angel Gra!
Become bridges and be in the blood!
The blood of the Savior flows from the wounds.
We spin the way the leaves spin in autumn.
Darkness and silence surround us.

Another assistant ran out into the yard. In his hands was a small coffin. The doll of the unfortunate man was placed in it and the blacks began to dance with the coffin. They took turns passing it from hand to hand. "He died!"

After this, the chief priest became important and detached. He read a long speech about how long and absurdly the “deceased” had been hanging around. Now he is gone, and all the sorrows have gone with him. The coffin was stuffed into an old, some kind of “antediluvian” van. The sorcerer's assistant was driving. This van was “decorated” with mourning ribbon.

The unlucky man lost consciousness. He himself or the sorcerers quietly added something to him, but he lay there and did not move. He was also loaded into the van. The car drove into the forest. There they dug a grave and buried the “deceased”. At parting, the coffin was opened and everyone kissed him on the forehead.

The funeral procession returned to Mr. Lee's house. The black man busily invited everyone to the table. A standard Louisiana fish dish was served. Everyone laughed nervously. My hands were shaking a little. It’s actually scary when adults bury a doll, and even as if their sanity had left them forever. Mr. Lee was brief. He explained to the suffering and unlucky man that there was nothing to be afraid of. He died". Now all the fears and sorrows will fall into his grave, and the angel of destruction himself saw that there was nothing to do here.

Time flew by somehow unnoticed. When the ritual ended, it was impossible to determine whether it was already morning or even evening. The participants did not even understand how long all this lasted.

This example of working with a Voodoo doll shows quite well what magic is like among the black diaspora of the modern United States. There, in Louisiana, or more precisely in Abbeville, the dolls have another role. This is a very long practice, which was born even before the time when Louisiana became the 18th state, and Abbeville itself was then called La Chapelle.

A little about lucid dreaming

The doll is also used as a way to get into a lucid dream. Imagine a poorly fired clay toy, incongruously painted with natural dyes like onion skins. This is a work of magical art of a special kind. An absurd and naive craft, gloomy, personifying the life of slaves in the 19th century. Looking at her I just want to sing the blues:

“Oh, mom, how black I am,
I am a black black man, mom! "

Well, something like that... She has a black bowler hat on her head, in the fashion of a forgotten time. Some ridiculous little shoes. The adept looks at the doll for a long time and enters into an incomprehensible spiritual connection with it. After that, he hums some kind of song - something between a prayer and the blues.

The rhythm either takes him to sleep, or brings him to the surface of everyday consciousness. Then he “let go” of himself and falls into sleep, as if by accident. His task is to see this doll there. Depending on the mood of the practice, on the situation, you can either ask her questions or give orders. The questions, as we understand it, are answered by the unconscious state.

You don't have to think that Voodoo are so bloodthirsty. Why is black magic necessary? They treat depression, help with somatic diseases, remove the crown of celibacy and the syndrome of chronic bad luck. Those same ritual magical funerals that were described above were performed on the verge of reality. No psychotherapist, as we understand it, could afford this.

In the USA, Voodoo sorcerers are real psychoanalysts without higher education. It should be noted that the confrontation between Christians and magicians is exaggerated in the world. Historically, they got along very well with each other. Many Christian preachers actively taught blacks, including Voodoo sorcerers. They hoped that they would bring them the light of the truth of Christ. The blacks joyfully absorbed the teaching, but immediately remade it in their own way. Every god in West Africa has found an analogue in the form of saints and angels.

In Louisiana, dolls are sculpted from clay, sewn from rags, and made from sticks that are tied together with ropes. Here, lovers of aesthetics will be seriously disappointed. The dolls are very clumsy and strange, but somehow cute.

It is interesting how the mysteries of the classical cult were transformed in this environment. Dancing around the pillars with water pouring over the area around them is replaced by rotation around its axis. Louisiana Voodoo are surprisingly reminiscent of spinning top dervishes - they can also spin. Drums sometimes replace their own thighs. The songs contain many French folk inclusions and individual phrases from classical prayer books.

Voodoo has its own Virgin Mary - this is Aida Webo. There is also a Pope - Legba. Louisiana voodoo monotheists. They believe that there is one God who has many forms of expression. Pope John Paul II praised the Woods and emphasized their virtue. The analogue of Christ in Voodoo is the serpent Damball, who was called by God to create the world.

Become a different person

Interesting work happened in the same 2002. A Voodoo sorcerer and a girl who came to him took part. She asked him to perform a red magic ritual. In general, Voodoo is not black and white. They call this evil practice red. A priest and sorcerer is a kind person, but he simply “out of duty” cannot send away a person who comes to him with something.

He told the girl that it was impossible to strike at nothing. For him to reach someone, she needs to give part of her spirit. To do this, she must become that person - think like him, live his life, see the world through his eyes. The whole practice boiled down to the fact that the woman became a different person - evening after evening. In the end, she said that this is a very bad person, she is not interested in him at all. Whether he is alive or well, rich or poor, she doesn’t care. There's no business...

The sorcerer was very pleased and told the client for a long time that she could do this herself, without his help. The fact is that she did not see the world as if through his eyes, but in fact fell into his consciousness, understood his desires and habits. Hatred gave way to indifference - the subject was very primitive. Hating someone like that is the same as hating a dog or a fish in the sea.

This depth of Voodoo practice is very well explained by the fact that they did not have the limitations of modern civilization. Even at the time of their arrival in Louisiana or Haiti, whites had to make an effort to believe in God or perceive the unconscious as part of the human world, but they never thought otherwise. For them, gods and spirits were an objective reality. This is how this cult arose in its modern version. What is more in it - mysticism or psychology - is impossible to say. In this world, mysticism and psychology are one whole.

Well, what about dolls? They are made from any available materials. The physical side is important only in the aspect in which the craft is capable of evoking emotions. In addition to clay, rags and sticks, wax and straw are used. Some dolls are very small. They are put into bags and carried with them as amulets. This is another function of dolls - to be a “lightning rod”. At a certain moment, the “path of fate” can lead to a crisis, then the forces of evil fall not on the person, but on the doll. It is burned or buried, as in the above example with a ritual around an unlucky person.

When it comes to dreams, anyone can try this. Make a doll, go to bed with full confidence that you will see it in your dreams and be able to talk. After awakening, you will understand very well what a Voodoo doll is and what kind of symbol it is. This is not a figurine made of rags at all, but something more, capable of transmitting information and giving answers to very necessary and important questions.

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