How to bring your wife home with prayer. What rituals will help return a wife to the family? Powerful love spell on your beloved woman using water

When your wife left, you became afraid of being alone for the first time in your life. You don’t want to start a new relationship, adapt to someone, tolerate someone stranger, a person with his own habits, who is completely unfamiliar to you. Often it is the fear of change that makes people cling to past relationships. Sometimes people are ready to stay married just for the sake of children, so that they grow up in a complete family. Only now, few people think about the fact that the child understands everything; it is important for him that his parents are happy. He always feels tension between close people. But often we are talking about really strong feelings. And even if until now you were an atheist, now you begin to believe in something from above, you want to believe that there are some forces that can help you.

And you start turning to prayers. You don’t know how to do this at all, you don’t know who is best to contact, what words to say. This is what pushes you to search for answers on the Internet. And here you find a great variety of prayers. All of them are prayers of white magic. Its effectiveness is greatly exaggerated, not to mention the fact that on the Internet you are unlikely to find real effective prayers that are passed down from generation to generation by experienced healers. While you still don’t know this, praying for the saints to return your wife is already a sin. For your wife to return to you, she must want it herself, begin to experience strong feelings for you again. If this is not the case, no one will force his wife to return.

Even if you resort to strong black magic, this does not mean that your wife will begin to love you as before. She will not love you, some forces will simply force her to return to you. But don't expect it to be your sweet, gentle and loving wife. You stopped worrying your wife, she gradually began to give up intimacy with you, spent more time with her friends, and allowed other men to take care of her. These are all signs that feelings have begun to fade. But it’s not too late to return them, and you and only you can do this, and not some forces. At the initial stage, it helps some men to talk openly with their wife about their problems and try to find a way out. In addition, nothing lasts forever, it happens that the wife herself changes her mind. She understands that you are a faithful and reliable life partner, you are worthy of love.

And this understanding comes only when you try for the relationship, continue to patiently improve the relationship, and do not make scandals or sort things out. In general, you should not ask your wife provocative questions, try to get her to confess whether she cheated on you. You may hear an answer that does not satisfy you at all. And if you want to save the relationship, then this is of no use to you. It’s hard to live with such a truth later. Any hobby can mean nothing in life and pass in a matter of days. Be patient, don’t make a scandal, don’t blame your wife, but don’t humiliate yourself either. At some point, your wife will realize that you both need each other. Become loving, caring, romantic. At the same time, do not lose your masculinity, do not give up leadership to your wife, otherwise you will simply turn into a rag in her eyes. And this cannot be allowed. You must remain a man, maintain your pride and dignity. But some men get these words very wrong. They believe that being a man means commanding, humiliating your wife, forcing her to obey, and endure. Alas, this is not true. All of the above is just a manifestation of a despotic character, which often occurs in weak men. Draw a conclusion and save your marriage!

Do you think that you have already tried everything that could help you get your wife back? But faith should always live in a person no matter what!

You can believe in different things: in magic, in God, in chance, in a miracle.

And no matter how difficult it is, you can always turn to prayer to one of the saints, who will definitely hear you through it and help you.

When you don’t know how to get your wife back, and it seems to you that you have tried everything, do not lose faith that your wife will return to you.

You don't need money to read the prayer. We are all equal before God, and both rich and poor turn to him.

There are many prayers for the return of a wife, but I will tell you about the most effective ones, which have passed more than one test and have a beneficial effect on the further reconciliation of the married couple.

I want to say that before you start reading the prayer, you need to sincerely believe with all your might in its effect, because without faith, the words of the prayer will turn out to be ordinary words that will not help you get your wife back.

The Orthodox prayer for the return of a wife reads like this:

“I turn to you, holy wonderworkers Cosmo and Damian, only you can be an ambulance, a prayer for our salvation, we are not worthy to kneel before you, but do not despise the prayers of us sinners.”

This prayer is most powerful on the day of worship, where believers gather around baptism, or on one of the Christian holidays.

You must be baptized for God to hear your prayer.

And if you are not baptized, then you definitely need to be baptized for the prayer to work.

You should be baptized during the three days of Easter.

Here is another effective prayer that can help bring your wife home:

“Lord, return my wife, God’s servant (wife’s name). After all, we were together (the number of years during the entire period of your relationship, and before marriage, include the same), and I love her as before. Only you can allow my wife and I to be together. Free her from negative thoughts and reluctance to return to me. Let my wife believe me. Let her love me even more. Help her realize that I have always been and will always be faithful. Don't let her leave me forever. Give us mutual love and happiness. God help me! Thank you! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It won’t hurt you to familiarize yourself with the Bible, which has a chapter in which everything is described in detail about the family. In it you will find similar stories to your situation that will help you figure out how to get your wife back through prayer.

Start developing a relationship with God himself in order to understand whether you can completely trust him in such important matters. You must realize how great God is and what he is capable of.

Thanks to the Bible, you will be able to discover yourself completely.

Only after you get to know God better and sincerely believe in him - then you will be a winner in this situation.

Ask Jesus Christ to become your savior, teacher.

Pray for God's will to be done in your life through your prayers.

In order to get your wife back you need:

  • Let her go from your mind. Try to do it with all your might, no matter how much it hurts.
  • Forgive your wife for all past and future mistakes.
  • Give her freedom.
  • Don't blame yourself or your wife.
  • Don't become mentally attached to your wife.
  • Read the Bible.
  • Pray.

In order for the prayer to work, you must do the following:

  • Always try to be close to your wife. Perhaps you are still living under the same roof in different rooms. Or perhaps you have children together, thanks to which you can visit your wife every day.
  • If it so happens that you cannot see your wife, then use the phone. Communication should be systematic so as not to irritate the wife.

And if you move away, then no prayer will help return your wife to the family.

You need to not only count (hope) on prayer, but also act on your own and get as close to your wife as possible.

If you believe in God, in the power of prayer and in your happy life together with your beloved wife, then prayer will work and don’t even doubt it.

The main thing is to find the right approach and study in detail everything related to prayer.

You can also ask such saints for the return of your wife as: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Apostle Jude Thaddeus.

Ask for the return of your wife from the bottom of your heart in your own words that come from the soul.

Feel with all your heart and soul that you are not alone in this situation. There is a huge power next to you that can bring your wife back.

Before going to bed, imagine how your wife returns to you. Think through and describe in your thoughts every little detail, to the smallest, how all this happens.

Only faith can perform a miracle!

The reasons for divorce are varied. There are many problems that need to be solved, but spouses do not always manage to cope.

  • economic problems;
  • sexual problems;
  • constant conflict situations;
  • negative influence of the parents of one of the parties.
  • positive memories of time spent with a loved one;
  • After a divorce, everything bad is forgotten. This condition causes pain and frustration, leads to depression, the way out of which people look for in a bottle of alcohol or an unhealthy lifestyle.

The question of how to get your wife back after a divorce interests men. It is not surprising, because the departure of a spouse and the breakdown of a family has a negative impact on all areas of life, especially if the family was created thanks to mutual feelings and not cold calculation.

2. Henpecked behavior

The reasons for divorce are different. It often happens that divorce is provoked by a man’s action. A man feels guilty for doing wrong, and this is normal. However, trying to make amends by pampering your wife is wrong, especially if she decided to get a divorce. A woman wants to be carried in her arms. She will not return to the henpecked man, realizing that the good relationship will end at any moment after returning to the family.

3. Prayers for forgiveness

The problem is related to the error described above. Sometimes the departure of a wife and divorce unsettle even strong and persistent men. Many are trying to correct the situation with prayers and requests. This way you will lose respect and become an object for manipulation. This will regain favor for a while, but if a strong candidate appears on the horizon, she will leave, and begging will not help.

4. A large number of presents

Women love gifts, especially if they are beautiful or original. Some husbands use this to their advantage. Constant gifts, daily bouquets of flowers and expressions of sympathy often provide a negative effect. When you shower her with gifts, be sure that she will perceive it as an attempt to buy feelings. They won't like it and will push you away.

5. Declarations of love

An error in which it is easy to draw analogies with the previous one. A woman wants to hear from her husband that she is loved by him, but if a man is already an ex and repeats his feelings continuously, this causes negative emotions. A woman should see love in action, in actions and behavior, and not in words.

6. Law of Mutual Attraction

I think you have noticed that you are attracted to the same things as your loved one. This is exactly what you use when trying to get your beloved woman back. Think about what attracted you to her position, and try to match the result of your thoughts. This will achieve the effect and bring you closer to her, even if you are at a distance. The problem in the question is considered to be a lack of knowledge about the wife’s preferences and tastes, especially if they were hidden during married life. In this case, the advice of her relatives will help if she is not opposed to you.

7. Control

Some men think that allowing themselves to be controlled and manipulated will give their wife what she needs. To a certain extent this is true, because there is a certain type of woman who seeks to subjugate her husband. Remember, when you transfer control of yourself, you won’t be able to stand it for long. Constant control will depress you so that you yourself will want to leave her. Control is often not harmless. If you do not want scandals, quarrels, reproaches and insults addressed to you, do not allow yourself to be controlled, even if you love. Mutual understanding and finding solutions that are optimal for both parties is the best way to resolve a conflict situation.

8. Financial blackmail

Modern men do not realize that the role and function of the breadwinner and breadwinner of the family is within the power of a woman, especially if she lives alone after a divorce. Attempting to keep a wife, explaining that she will not be able to provide for herself, is a common mistake of those who want to return their beloved. This behavior makes her want to leave or prove that she does not depend on material resources. In addition, it is stupid to admit the idea that the wife will not build a career and earn a living. If your spouse has the courage and determination to break off the relationship, rest assured that she will be able to earn money.

9. Intransigence

When a woman leaves, she strives for independence. Men don't realize the need to give what she needs. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not understand women's hints. You will have to work hard to learn to see hints, since women often give the signals themselves.

Despite the fact that many men are quite skeptical about various types of magical effects, in some circumstances even pragmatic men of half the population turn to psychics and traditional healers for help. To return the wife to the family and restore the relationship, the plot can be carried out independently at home. Only by following certain rules, with the help of the right energy message, can you achieve the desired results.

Currently, there are a large number of different options for conspiracies and love spells, thanks to which you can get your wife or girlfriend back. Before you start using magic, you need to prepare a photograph, this will help you more easily recreate the image of your beloved and focus. A conspiracy to make a wife return to her husband is a powerful magical ritual. It is only important to choose the best option for yourself.

Before the ritual is carried out, you need to rest well and not be tired. There are also certain recommendations from experts:

  1. If the ritual is performed at home, you need to psychologically prepare for it, rest and relax, mentally tune in to the exciting problem, you must let go of all negative emotions.
  2. To ensure that rituals and love spells are safe and carry positive energy, it is recommended to choose options offered by white magic rather than black magic.
  3. It is better to carry out rituals during the waxing moon.
  4. Experts do not recommend using any magical actions in the cemetery. Especially if there is no experience, in this case they can harm your loved one.

It should be remembered that if she does not want a relationship, but you do, you need to first think carefully about whether the relationship with the help of magic will be honest, long-lasting, and whether it is necessary.

Effective conspiracies to get your wife back

Any love spells in a white magic ritual are carried out only during the waxing moon. This way, magic will bring the desired results - mutual feelings will come quickly, attraction will intensify. The ritual is very powerful, which is performed at night with lit candles. If your loved one has left the family or plans to do so, this version of the conspiracy will help save the marriage.

Exactly at 00 o'clock, light three church candles, looking at their flames, imagining the appearance of your beloved, read the following plot:

“As these candles burn with a clear flame, as they give warmth, so may my beloved feel love for me and glow with passion. Let reciprocal feelings flare up in her heart, now and forever. Let it be so".

After this ritual, you need to put out the candles and go to sleep in silence. If such magical actions are carried out before the time when the wife leaves, you can quickly restore lost family happiness.

Ancient conspiracy

This conspiracy to return your wife is ancient. This is a kind of amulet against the negative influence of enemies, envious people, slanderers and evil spirits. A prayer is read early in the morning for two weeks. Before reading the words, you are not allowed to drink water, eat food or wash your face.

Early in the morning, go outside and read a very effective appeal to higher powers:

"God! You are merciful to us, all-forgiving! Become a protector for my family from evil fate. Cover us so that (name) and I don’t have another share! Let love, passion, respect be mutual. God, I knew trouble! Beloved (name) is leaving! Only with your help I hope to bring back my beloved! Lord, bring my beloved into my arms. Lord, preserve our love forever and ever. I bow low to You, I pray for help! Show your betrothed the way to me, guide her! Amen!".

You can’t let anyone know that a ritual was performed and that it helped.

Wife's quick return

There is also a quick plot to get your wife back in a short time. You need to wait for the start of the service in the church or temple. Read the conspiracy only if the person is baptized, come to church and say:

“Hear me, holy miracle workers, I appeal to you and hope for help. Save my marriage, bring home God's servant (name). I will kneel before you and ask for family happiness and grace. Amen".

Ritual with ring and photo

A conspiracy to return a wife can also be carried out using attributes such as a photograph, a ring, a candle. Light a candle, place a photograph of your wife in front of it, mentally imagine the desired result, put a ring on the wick of the candle, read the following spell:

“I am united with you forever. May we never be separated from you, may separation not touch us. I follow you, and you follow me. Wherever I stop, there you are nearby. May our hearts and souls unite, no one can separate them. He said a prayer and sealed the lock. Amen".

After the candle burns out completely, you need to take the ring, wrap it in a photograph, and hide it so that no one can find or see. Do not let anyone in on the secret of the love spell.

Ritual with a castle

How to get your wife back using magic? There is another conspiracy with which you can return your wife even if she has already left the family. The right time of day to perform magical actions is midnight. You will need a padlock and a candle. Light a candle, sit in front of it, hold the lock in your left hand, and the key to it in your right. Read this conspiracy:

“I will close the strong lock with a key. When it closes, let my beloved return to me. While the castle is closed, our feelings will not fade. Let it be so".

After this, turn the key in the lock. Let the candles burn out. The next day, early in the morning, collect all the attributes, take them to a river or lake, scatter the key and the closed lock in different directions of the reservoir. Such a love spell on your beloved woman can be performed once.

Charming an oak twig

To restore former relationships, you can cast an oak twig. Light a candle, grease a twig with wax, wrap a red thread around it, reading the following text:

“In dark forests and dense forests there is a light edge. There is a spinning wheel on it, and a beautiful maiden is spinning. I will go up to her and ask her to weave my destiny. May my beloved return to me, and may our destinies, which are connected by a red thread, be reunited forever. Let it be so".

Spouse's love spell on food

For food, you cast a spell at home, after which the spouse must feed or give his beloved one something to drink:

“I’ll cook delicious food. I'll add my love to it. May my beloved taste my dish and inflame with love for me and return. My words are strong, no one can break them.”

A love spell on your beloved woman using water or food usually works in a short time.

Cemetery love spell

One of the strongest rites of return is the cemetery ritual. This is a very powerful love spell. But it is better for a professional to work with such a strong conspiracy, not an amateur, otherwise you can harm yourself and your wife.

Orthodox prayer for the return of his wife

Orthodox prayer and a prayer service ordered in the temple will help restore family happiness and save the marriage. It is recommended to read the following prayer daily before the icons:

“Hear me, merciful Lord and you, Holy Archangels! I appeal to your mercy, I ask for help! Connect the heart of my beloved (name) with my heart, and tie our souls with a strong invisible thread. Let there be only happiness, hope, goodness and kindness in our lives. May we be together forever. Amen".

In family life, disagreements and quarrels can occur, and it can even lead to divorce. Only after losing his beloved woman does a man begin to realize what mistakes he made and begins to feel a lack of warmth, care and home comfort. You can help someone who wants to return his wife to the family; to restore the relationship, a conspiracy will have to be used from the category of white magic.

Magic will help you get your wife back

Some spouses manage to reconcile, while others fail. You can then recommend using a conspiracy to return your most beloved woman to the family, although some men may be skeptical about such a technique.

To return a spouse to the family, there are many effective and efficient rituals, ceremonies and even love spells that can be used. Before the ritual, you need to focus on the problem, prepare a photograph (or thing) of your beloved woman, then read the conspiracy to return your wife.

Conspiracies of this kind are considered the most powerful magical rituals, so they are carried out with all responsibility so as not to mess anything up. Some recommendations from experts regarding the preparatory process for performing white magic on fire, water and things:

  1. Before the ritual, which is planned to be carried out at home, you should prepare the necessary attributes. Also, a man mentally and emotionally tunes in to solving his problem, avoiding negativity. Only after this will he be able to return his wife’s former attitude; his plot will definitely work.
  2. To prevent love spells from harming a man’s biological energy, white magic, which has positive energy, will help.
  3. Such rituals are best performed during the period when the moon is waxing. Only in this case will a strong conspiracy help to forever make the husband forget the woman’s infidelity and forgive her.
  4. Magic rituals taken from white magic for fire, water and things are never performed in a cemetery. Nothing associated with it is used in the attributes. If a man is afraid to carry them out on his own, he can turn to an experienced healer for help, who will not harm his beloved and will read the plot to bring his wife home.
  5. If a woman is categorically against reconciliation, then a man needs to think about whether he needs a violent relationship, because it may not bring happiness to both.

Apple drying

The apple plot will help influence a woman on an energetic level and subsequently reconcile the couple. In esotericism, there are effective additions to apples from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, which help restore peace in the family.

The apple you need to buy is the one you see first.

Such a ritual must be carried out without strangers in strict secrecy, no one should see it. You need to learn the words in advance and prepare the necessary paraphernalia. It is not recommended to read a plot to return your wife from a piece of paper. This type of drying is very effective and its effectiveness is high.

Let's look at the list of paraphernalia important for the ceremony:

  1. Buy the first red apple that catches your eye.
  2. A bright red woolen thread symbolizing passion, love and affection between men and women.
  3. Water blessed in the church (1 glass).
  4. A photograph, looking at which you will need to pray for the return of the girl who left the guy.
  5. Paper and pen.

It is advisable, when buying an apple at the market, not to take back the change. It's better to pay without change. When the preparatory stage is completed, you can begin the procedure itself.

Wash with prepared water - cleanse yourself before the ritual and go outside, where the plot will actually be read to save the family and restore the couple’s relationship. Taking an apple in your hands, you need to vividly imagine the silhouette of your beloved woman, looking at her photo.

Cut the apple in half with a knife. Write the names of the husband and wife on pieces of paper, put them between the halves and connect the apple. Tie it tightly with red wool thread. Place in the sun to dry. The faster the apple dries, the better the powerful plot will work so that the wife returns home to her husband forever.

This type of drying is a fairly strong ritual that is performed only once. Taking the bandaged apple in his hands, the man must repeat the magical text by heart, otherwise the spell will not work to bring his wife home. The words are:

“As this ripe red apple dries, so you, God’s servant (name of the chosen one), will yearn and wither for me, God’s servant (your name). So be it! Amen!"

Men who have resorted to this method of reconciliation have many positive reviews. Usually such drying took place without any serious consequences. Those who performed this ritual claim that you can read a simple ritual for the return of a person and get a positive result. If the apple begins to rot instead of drying out, it means that the spouses are destined for other couples, this union has exhausted itself.

Love spell

Healers have an effective love spell on a loved one, where they also use a red-colored apple in the ritual. Usually, drying is carried out by drying the fruit; the phase of the moon does not play a significant role.

The simplest drying method has been known among people for many centuries. An apple is taken, on which a conspiracy is cast in order to save the family and restore the relationship with the beloved. No additional attributes are required here.

At exactly midnight, a man must go out into the street with an apple. Stand facing the moon, extend your hand with the apple towards it and say the following words:

“As the apple dries up, so you, God’s servant (name of the chosen one), will miss me. Amen!"

This plot to bring your wife home is read seven times in a row. The apple must be left outside in a secluded place where it should dry. This type of drying is in demand among men because of its simplicity.

Conspiracy in the photo of your beloved

Many people know that any photograph can retain the energy of the person photographed in it for a long time. Therefore, when reading a plot to return your spouse, you should use her photo in the ritual.

For the ritual you need water in a glass

Place a photograph of your beloved woman on the table, in which she is photographed alone, without strangers. It is advisable that the photographs last up to six months. Look into her eyes. Prepare water consecrated in advance in the church; before returning the lost portion yourself, you should take 3 sips of water. The following words are said over the glass:

“Just as a person cannot live without water, so that this servant of God (name), without the servant of God (name) cannot live. Amen!"

After a strong plot is read, it will help to forever make the husband forget the woman’s infidelity and forgive her. The photo of the lady must be sprinkled with water and hidden in a secluded place.

Love spell for the new month

If the couple separated no more than six months ago, then you can use white magic to use prayers and bring back the girl who left the man. Or use a powerful love spell.

To carry out this procedure, a man needs to go outside at midnight during the period when the moon begins to rise. Looking at the new month, recite the magical text. This will definitely help someone who wants to regain their former happiness. The words are:

“The month is young, the month is the strongest, help me. Make the servant of God (name) return to me, the servant of God (name). I can’t live without her, I can’t live without her, I’m feeling sad, my heart aches from misfortune. Bring her back to me so that we can live and not grieve. They knew no troubles, they knew no sorrows. Help me, month, help! Amen!"

A love spell to save a family and restore relationships should be repeated 9 times. After this, the man returns home and goes to bed. You can also help with prayers to bring back a girl who left her boyfriend.

Prayer for the return of my wife

For those men who were unable to protect the family hearth and want to bring their wife home, you can suggest using white magic on fire, water, and the things of your beloved. Strong prayer can also help effectively. You need to stand in front of the icon, light the candles and read the following text:

“Oh, great miracle workers, saints of God, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Bring prayers for me, a sinful servant (your name), to the Lord God Himself and the Mother of God the Virgin Mary. And ask the goodness of God’s servant (wife’s name): Faith and truth, hope, goodness, unfeigned love! Help my heart and my beloved Servant of God (name of my wife) to be together. Amen!"

After the wife returns, you need to go to church and light a candle

They read a powerful plot to make the wife return home to her husband, every day for a week. Upon your wife's return, you should go to church and light a thanksgiving candle.

Conspiracy of forgiveness

If a woman is too offended by a man, then he will have to try hard to get her to forgive him. Therefore, anyone who wants to bring their beloved woman back is encouraged to read a strong conspiracy. With his help, in a short time you will be able to reconcile with your soul mate and return her home.

Mentally imagine a black cup in which all the recent squabbles and quarrels are placed. Then place it in fire or snow (mentally). Then read the magic text yourself.

“Covered in fire or snow, calm down. Until the right time it will be covered with ash or ice. Amen!"

You will need to read a simple ritual for the return of a person three times in a row. This will help get rid of accumulated mutual grievances and anger. Over time, it will be possible to negotiate constructively and come to reconciliation. If you do everything right, everything will work out.

Ancient conspiracy

To bring back a departed wife on their own, they read a special old conspiracy. This is a kind of protective amulet from the influence of enemies, ill-wishers, enemies, and it can also protect a person from the misfortunes of evil spirits.

For 14 days, it is necessary to read a simple ritual in the morning and evening for the return of a person to his home. In the morning you need to read strictly on an empty stomach, do not drink water or wash your face. Stand in front of the icon, light candles and read the following prayer:

"God! You are merciful to us, all-forgiving! Become a protector for my family from evil fate. Cover us so that (name) and I don’t have another share! Let love, passion, respect be mutual. God, I knew trouble! Beloved (name) is leaving! Only with your help I hope to bring back my beloved! Lord, bring my beloved into my arms. Lord, preserve our love forever and ever. I bow low to You, I pray for help! Show your betrothed the way to me, guide her! Amen!"

You should not tell anyone about the rituals being performed; everything is done without the initiation of strangers. A conspiracy to return your wife is a secret ritual that does not tolerate prying eyes.

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Different situations happen in life: good and not so good. One of the most unpleasant situations can be divorce or the departure of one of the spouses from the family. When a woman leaves her family, this has a very negative impact on a man’s life. They are going through this period with difficulty. It is difficult for them to find themselves and continue to live an ordinary life.

This problem can be solved in different ways. Some of them are on the Internet. It must be remembered that each proposed method has its own negative impact. Which one to choose is only your decision.

But you must always believe that the Lord will not leave you in trouble and will answer all your requests with grace. Faith should always be in your life.

Return of wife's love

The reasons for family breakdown are different and you must first identify them and try to solve them. But there is also such a moment as the cooling of the feelings of one of the partners. For the return of a husband’s love for his wife, one can and should make a petition to the saints.

The main condition in such prayers is sincerity. Requests do not require finances, because before God we are all equal.

There are many prayers on how to return a wife to the family. Before you begin petitions, you need to believe in the actions that you will carry out and the positive result that you are aiming for.

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Prayer for the return of my wife

“I turn to you, holy wonderworkers Cosmo and Damian, only you can be an ambulance, a prayer for our salvation, we are not worthy to kneel before you, but do not despise the prayers of us sinners.”

It is stronger on the day of worship, when believers gather around baptism or on another Christian holiday. To read this petition you need to be baptized so that God will send His grace to you. And if you are not baptized, then you need to be baptized. It is advisable to do this during the three days of Easter.

Here is another prayer for the wife to return to her husband

“Lord, return my wife, God’s servant (wife’s name). After all, we were together (the number of years during the entire period of your relationship, and before marriage, include the same), and I love her as before. Only you can allow my wife and I to be together. Free her from negative thoughts and reluctance to return to me. Let my wife believe me. Let her love me even more. Help her realize that I have always been and will always be faithful. Don't let her leave me forever. Give us mutual love and happiness. God help me! Thank you! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In order to get your wife back you need to:

  • Let her go from your mind. No matter how hard it may be for you.
  • Give her freedom.
  • Don't blame your wife or yourself.
  • Forgive her for all her mistakes.
  • Don't constantly think about your wife.
  • Pray.
  • Read the Bible.

Prayer on how to get your wife back should come from a pure heart and try to pronounce it in words that come from the soul. And remember that faith can work miracles!

God bless you!

Man was created for happiness, and even if evil fate puts obstacles in the way and prevents the reunification of loving hearts, there is always a way to replay the life scenario. For love magic there are no unsolvable problems, for a strong master there are no dead ends. I am a white magician Elena and my magic salon in Moscow is always at your service.

Cast aside doubts, do not expect favors from fate. This is your life and only you can decide what is more important: Mutual love, family, children or – Hateful loneliness, sorrow and despair.

I am the magician Elena, and I offer you magical help:


But I can only help if:

You will become determined to be happy.

Reject prejudices and trust God's providence and my magic!

My magical services for you may be the only hope for a successful outcome of love affairs. And even if we are geographically far from you, the help of a magician at a distance will still not become weaker. Contact me online, call. Together we are a force that can change the world!

What magician services can I offer you?

LOVE MAGIC! This is a powerful esoteric discipline, which includes not just a few love spells, but the entire range of possibilities for controlling feelings and desires.

  • Restoring relationships. Gentle correction with an impact on the energy chakras of the recipient. There are absolutely no side effects, except that it increases libido!
  • Love spells of all types, with the exception of the cemetery one
  • Egilet – the strongest sexual attraction
  • Drying
  • Lapels, cools
  • Conspiracies for a meeting
  • Rituals aimed at enhancing female charm in the eyes of the opposite sex
  • Removing the crown of celibacy
  • Removing the crown of loneliness
  • Clearing the negativity that interferes with building normal relationships
  • Protection from third party influence

And, of course, clairvoyance and fortune telling of all stripes: Tarot, Lenormand, Slavic Koschuny. etc. All this will help us choose the right way to influence the desired object. It depends only on you whether to live in love and harmony with the one and only person for you, or to vegetate in longing and sadness for unfulfilled dreams.

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