How to quickly return your wife to the family with prayers. Read the conspiracy for your wife. How to bring back your beloved with spells and prayers

There are many prayers with which a husband or wife can be returned to the family. But you should remember that different situations may arise in life. And very often one of the spouses leaves the family when love disappears in the soul. This is a very honest act, so in this case, it is unlikely that anything should be done. It would be better to understand and let go of your loved one, and then try to start building your life from scratch. But if the departure of a spouse is associated with some kind of misunderstanding in life, which is also very common, then you can try to restore family relationships with the help of prayers.

Is it possible to bring back a husband or wife through prayers?

With prayers you can quickly return your wife or husband to the family, but only on the condition that your other half still has a feeling of love in their soul. In addition, restoring family relationships with the help of prayers is possible if you do not feel anger towards your partner. Therefore, it is very important to analyze relationships in order to understand your own feelings towards a person. You should not turn to prayers if you have a desire to return your spouse to the family out of a sense of revenge. In this case, prayers will be useless, and bitter disappointment may remain in the soul.

If you are married or simply in a secular marriage

Returning your spouse to the family will be more effective if you are married or in a legal secular marriage.

To do this, use a prayer to Matrona of Moscow, which sounds as follows:

“I am addressing you, Servant of God (my own name), All-holy dear Mother Matrona. I ask you to pray for me before the Lord. May he return God's Servant (name) to me. Let him cleanse the heart of my betrothed (betrothed), destined for me, from bad thoughts and desires. Let my husband (wife) become kinder to me and let him (she) want to live with me again. Let strong feelings for me awaken in his (her) soul again, and he (she) will be drawn to me. Let my beloved husband (wife) miss a calm family life filled with harmony and love. Do this, Holy Matrona, so that my husband (wife) believes in my strong and sincere love. Amen".

If a loved one was taken away using magic

If you realize that your soulmate was taken away from the family using magic, then you should not rush to use magical methods. They can greatly harm a believer. For a very long time after this you will have to beg for forgiveness for the sin committed.

Even if you are convinced that your enemies are using magic, you can return your spouse to the family through prayers. They are safe means and cannot harm. There is a very powerful prayer, but it should only be used when you feel that you can forgive your loved one and live with him or her in harmony and love for the rest of your life without any reproach.

The prayer is read immediately after waking up and before going to bed for a week. In addition, you need to read this prayer at least once a week in the temple, where you place a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

“Lord God, Almighty and All-Powerful, my intercessor. I believe in the Servant of God (proper name) and pray to you, hoping for your intercession. I trust in you with all my soul, I expect help from both the Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints. I pray to all the powers of heaven for my protection and support. I address you with sincere prayer, coming from the depths of my heart. It contains a request for help in a difficult time for me. Return my beloved husband to the family. Let him leave the evil homewrecker who is holding him close to her with witchcraft spells. Reunite our destinies forever, do not let enemies destroy our relationship forever. Lord Almighty and Most High, Most Holy Theotokos and Holy Wonderworkers, overcome the evil forces. I pray to you and hope for a miracle. May my husband appear to my joy on the threshold of our home and remain forever. Deliver from the spell of witchcraft given to me by God, remove from his soul a passion that is not natural, but alien. Save the good heavenly forces of our seven and his soul from demonic obsession. Amen".

It is very important, when reading such a prayer, to banish any thoughts of harming the homewrecker or the homewrecker. When visiting church, you should light candles for the health of your spouse. But if you understand that there is no sincere forgiveness in your soul, then it is better not to do anything. Prayers will be useless.

How to prepare for such a prayer

If you nevertheless decide to return your husband or wife to the family, then you should prepare in advance. The right attitude will enhance the energy of prayer, and it will be more effective. First, you need to analyze your relationship with your partner over the last few years of marriage. You need to understand the reasons for the departure of your spouse. This must be done in order to calm down. After all, emotions and depression are not the best background for prayer.

To return your wife, you can use the following strong prayer, which is recommended to be read in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia:

“Lord Jesus, All-Merciful, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I ask you, Servant of God (proper name), hear my prayer from my heart directed to you, forgive me my known and unknown sins and help me in reuniting my heart with my heart my wife. I ask you to instill in her heart forgiveness towards me and exclude veneration. I ask you to give her a sign that I love her very much. I sincerely repent of hurting her, I repent of all my behavior. Grant me, Lord, one more chance. I really want to live for her and show sincere care for her. I really want to give her my love again. Lord Almighty and All-Powerful, you betrothed me to my wife, she is my betrothed. Since you have united our destinies, do not leave me without a legitimate wife. Resurrect our relationship and fill our souls with former love. If enemies have destroyed our family with spells and witchcraft, then deliver us from them and cleanse our monastery. Please return my beloved wife to our joint home, grant us a long life together. Amen".

How many times should you read it?

It is very difficult to say specifically how many times the prayer will need to be read and what period it will take to do this. But most often, if the breakup happened recently, a week is enough. A prayer for the return of a husband or wife must be read morning and evening. If your spouse’s departure from the family is associated with the use of magic, then prayers for the return of your soulmate will need to be read for a long time.

Always, before you start reading prayers for the return of your wife or husband to the family, you need to visit the temple and take communion. If there is a desire to confess in order to cleanse yourself of inner anger, then this should also be done. You need to purchase several candles in the church. You will need to light them when you pray at home. One candle can be used several times.

How often to ask the Saints for help

You can ask the Saints for help to save your family as many times as you like. This will only strengthen the relationship. Moreover, prayers will help prevent the breakdown of relationships. When you have a feeling in your soul that something is going wrong in your relationship with your spouse, and suspicions arise about a possible divorce, you should immediately turn to Saint Peter and Fevronia in prayer.

The prayer is very simple, but it must be learned by heart. This will allow you to fully concentrate. You can read it at any time, every day, several times. But this must be done in a secluded place.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“The Most Holy Peter and Fevronia, glorified by their sincere love and received the reward of God, hear my prayer for the salvation of love and family. Please help me save our marriage. Grant me and my wife (husband) a life in harmony and protect us from separations and breakups. Strengthen our marriage bonds, sealed by the Almighty Himself. Grant us understanding and respect, save us from quarrels and conflicts. Teach us forgiveness and humility. I, Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name) bow before you. I look forward to your help and your blessings for a happy future life. Amen".

The prayer should be read until the relationship improves. But if no changes occur in the relationship within a month, then you need to carefully analyze the situation and try to understand the true cause of the problem. Most likely, after this the desire to maintain family relationships will disappear.

Is it necessary to observe fasting or other church canons?

Any prayer is effective only for believers. Therefore, it is imperative to observe all church canons and, of course, fasting. You need to regularly visit the temple, where you light candles for the health of all members of your family.

It should be remembered that a believer should pray morning and evening. As a rule, in the morning hour prayers are offered, in which a request is made to receive a blessing for the affairs of the coming day. In the evening before going to bed, you should definitely thank God for your day. During fasting, the obligatory prayers should be given more attention.

In addition, it is important to constantly fight the numerous temptations that await a believer in everyday life. For prayer for the return of your spouse to be effective, you must strive to live in a positive mood. Any negativity can push a person away and will not allow him to return.

Options for prayers for the return of a beloved husband to his legal family

More often, life situations arise when it is necessary to return the husband to the family. But you need to do this with the help of prayers only if you are sure that your spouse’s feelings for you in your soul have not completely cooled down.

The most powerful prayer for the return of a husband to the family is considered to be a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which sounds as follows:

“Most Holy Theotokos, I praise you for giving birth to the Son of God, the intercessor and protector of the human race. You yourself are the protector and conqueror of all those who suffer and you always hear the plea of ​​everyone who needs your help. You strive from the heights of heaven to help and support every well-behaved and believing family in difficult times. I, the Servant of God (my own name), also pray for your help in family matters. Bless my husband to return to his family. I sincerely repent of all my known and unknown sins, I pray for the cleansing of my soul. Help, Holy Mother of God, restore our family relationships. Grant us mutual and pure love for our entire earthly life. Save our souls from unclean desires and protect us from misfortunes and the eye of evil. Amen.

There is a very strong prayer for the return of a husband to the family, which must be read on the icon of the Savior. You need to be alone indoors while praying. In addition, before reading the prayer, you should light 12 church candles and close all doors and windows tightly. The prayer text must be spoken repeatedly until a feeling of relief arises in the soul, which will mean that the prayer has achieved its goal.

The prayer goes like this:

“Lord Almighty and All-Merciful, I, Servant of God (proper name), trust in your help and support. I expect help from the Holy Mother of God, as well as from all the Saints. On behalf of myself, unworthy and sinful, I offer a prayer to the powers of heaven and ask for protection for my family in this difficult hour. Do not leave me in difficult times, give me strength to withstand and return my husband, the Servant of God (name of spouse), to the family. Cleanse his soul from harmful temptations and vicious passions. May we live our entire earthly lives in harmony and health. Amen".

Various magical rituals allow you to cast a love spell on your wife. But before you start searching for or performing a ritual, analyze your behavior and your relationships. It may be possible to establish family relationships without the use of magic.

If it happens that, due to circumstances beyond your control, your beloved’s feelings have faded or a rival has appeared, then it is quite logical to look for support and help in the field of magic.

Bring your wife back - love spell

Most love rituals are intended to bring a spouse who has left or gone on a spree back into the family, but there are often cases when it is not the husband who leaves the house, but the wife. In this case, husbands feel unhappy and are looking for a sure way to get their wife back.

Love magic has a whole range of magnificent means to reunite a family or prevent adultery on the part of a wife.

Bring your wife back prayer

May the days of May, the nights of winter, let the servant of God (name) always be with the servant of God (name), her lawful husband, and no one will cool her love for him. And whoever decides to harm will burn in hell. Forever and ever. Amen.

I light a candle in front of the icon, I call on the heavenly angels for help: help the servant of God (name) into the family, bring back the servant of God (name), her lawful husband, so that they can reconcile, fall in love and never be apart.

How to bring your wife home with a love spell spell and prayer

If your wife has left you, you can return her using any of the methods described below, and all of them have an almost 100% magical effect if the above method is performed correctly, all you have to do is choose and read a love spell or prayer to return your wife, which will quickly make her return to you even from a very rich lover. We will tell you how to get your wife back using the magic of love and the second way to restore your relationship with your loved one.

Prayer for the love of a wife, husband

O great archangel of God, Archangel Barachiel! Standing before the Throne of God and bringing the blessings of God into the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and victory and defeat of enemies, and will preserve us for many years, always.

Prayer for the return of your beloved girl

Love, strong family relationships, romance are an integral part of life, often bringing extremely positive emotions. A man happy in love endures any difficulties, knowing that in his love nest the only woman who supports him and is willing to help is waiting.

And separation leads a man of any age to serious problems in all areas of life. Fortunately, there is more than one valid prayer for the return of a loved one.

Prayer to bring back your loved one

When a loved one leaves us, we are ready to do anything to get him back. Of course, conversations are the first to be used, but very often they do not help. Then we do some things, even go to the sorcerers, and again nothing changes. It is at this moment that we can only hope for prayers to return our loved one.

Everyone has a different attitude towards such things, and some don’t believe it at all.

Orthodox miraculous prayer for your wife to return

You can return your loved one and dear one with Jesus’ prayer of repentance. Pray together with the wife who left you, or with the girl who, for reasons known to her, does not want to communicate with you, and in prayer ask for forgiveness before her and God.

“To you, saints without silver and miracle workers Cosmo and Damiana, as to a quick helper and a warm prayer book for our salvation, we, unworthy, bend our knees and, falling down, earnestly cry out: do not despise the prayers of us sinners.

A strong conspiracy to return your beloved wife, 2 conspiracies

For this reason, you must be sure that you want to return the woman not for “temporary use,” but to return the one who is called a faithful wife.

I return my wife back - with love and pain, longing and confusion, as well as an occult and black creation. Let her grieve like me and not be able to go to bed calmly. She will return to me, forgive all insults, I will be sad - and let her be sad.

Topic: What prayer can you use to bring back a loved one?

It so happened that a person dear to me left me. I understand that it’s my own fault and it’s all God’s will. But this person is very dear to me and I want to ask God for this person to return to me. What kind of prayer can this be done, please tell me.

Excuse me, but why did you decide that if any troubles come into life, this is necessarily the will of God? Is that so?

A person's attitude towards marriage often depends on the example by which he was raised. If his parents lived their whole lives in love and fidelity, then he himself will strive for the same scenario of family life. No matter how brutal a man is, breaking family ties often causes him unbearable pain. Don't fall into despair right away. There are many ways to return your wife to the family.

Return your beloved

There are many reasons why a couple breaks up. Despite modern mores and

emancipation of women, most often they leave the family because of resentment towards their husband or because of misunderstanding on his part. If a man is ready to reconcile and return his wife, prayer to God will help him.

Let's try to return our beloved girl with prayers or a conspiracy. Although we live in the age of modern technology, old grandmother’s methods still work to this day. Moreover, strong faith in a shared future and the saint to whom you are making a request do their job. It is precisely turning to God with the words about the wife’s return home that works miracles.

Rules for reading prayers

Each prayer is a kind of ritual. Making a request requires following some rules that are easy to remember. Before you start appealing to the saints, decide exactly whether you need the person you want to return. If you ask the Almighty to restore a lost connection, and then decide that you don’t need it, you won’t get another answer from above.

Basic rules for reading prayers:

Who to contact for help

There are many saints in Christianity. Each of them helps the laity with some problem. WITH

In prayer for your beloved girl, you can turn to the following saints:

  1. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  2. Matrona of Moscow.
  3. Holy Mother of God.

Nikolai Ugodnik

He helps not only in love, but also in all human needs. He is revered all over the world, because during his lifetime he was a noble assistant. Regarding the split of the social unit, you can also turn to this saint. Nicholas the Wonderworker will definitely help you.

Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow most often responds to requests for help in returning her wife and restoring a “healthy” climate in the family. The main condition before offering prayer to this saint is repentance . This will allow you to return your loved one to your home.

Appeal to the saints for your beloved girl and her return:

If you are thinking about how to quickly return your wife to the family with prayers, you can resort to prayers dedicated to several saints at once. For example, during a church service, read the following appeal to the Higher Powers. It can also be read during church services on major Orthodox holidays.

Prayers for your beloved girl It is customary to read on major church holidays during services:

Blessed Virgin Mary

A request to the Virgin Mary is considered strong.. Orthodox Christians turn to her as a heavenly patroness. She always helps those who believe in her and her strength. She is the intercessor and helper of all people on Earth.

The Blessed Virgin Mary helps even when there is no longer any faith in anything. She, like the last hope, helps desperate people. In case of despair, you can turn to her for help:

It is not necessary to know the prayers of this saint by heart. It is enough to speak from the bottom of your heart and with pure thoughts. The most powerful prayer will be said within the walls of the temple. Believe, pray and your spouse will return.

If you prayed a lot, but your wife did not return, then you do not need to become an atheist. More likely In all, fate has prepared for you a new stage in life and a new partner. If you worked out karmic lessons with your spouse, then she left for a reason. This is the will of the Higher Powers. Here, no matter how much you ask, she will not be returned, because God does not want it that way. He already has another plan for you. While you are trying to hold on to the departed half, grasping at the past, you will not come to the future. And it most likely contains your happiness and new strong love.

Don't resist fate. If the person does not want to return, let him go. This place will certainly be filled with happiness again. The sooner you say goodbye to the past, the sooner a new stage in your life will begin.

Attention, TODAY only!

In every, even the most prosperous, family, quarrels and disagreements periodically occur. In most cases, conflicts against the background of mutual love can be quickly extinguished. But very often there are situations when a beloved wife decides to leave the family after another man appears in her life. Therefore, for a loving husband, the question of how to get his wife back in order to save the family becomes very relevant.

You can use magic in this case. A love spell to get your wife back is a very effective remedy, but before you use it you need to be sure that you can forgive your wife. That is, you will need to abandon any reproaches and completely let go of grievances.

Options for effective rituals

Any love spell to get your wife back needs to be cast on the waxing moon. This will allow you to quickly revive mutual love feelings. In addition, as the moon grows, the attraction to each other will intensify, which will eliminate the possibility of separation again.

Ritual with candles

A love spell aimed at getting your wife back is more effective if the ritual is carried out at night with lit candles.

If there is a serious discord in the family, and against the background of it the beloved wife has a desire to leave the family, then the following ritual can be performed. The ritual takes place at midnight and for this you need to retire to a separate room and light three church candles. After this, you should, without taking your eyes off the flame of one of the candles, imagine the image of your beloved wife.

“As the flame of candles burns and glows with heat, so let my wife’s passion and love for me flare up in her heart, tenderness awaken in her soul. From this moment and forever. Amen!"

After reading the plot, you need to put out the candles and go to bed in complete silence. If such a ritual is carried out on time, before the spouse leaves the family, then nothing will threaten your family happiness anymore. All problems will be resolved on their own, compromises will be found on all issues, and you will live a long, happy life together.

Love spell with a lock

If your wife has already left the family, you can try to get her back by performing a ceremony with a padlock. In addition to this, you will need to use wax candles in the ritual.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room at midnight, you need to light candles and, looking at their flames, visualize the image of your wife. After this happens, you need to take the open lock in your left hand, and the key to it in your right hand.

After this, you need to say the following magic words:

“As soon as the key turns in this lock, my wife will return to me forever. And until this lock opens, our love will not stop. Amen!"

After the words are spoken, the key must be turned in the lock. Next, you need to leave the attribute next to the candles, which should burn out naturally. While they burn out, you need to sit in absolute silence and dream about how happy and harmonious family life will become after your wife returns to the family. Then you need to go to bed without talking to anyone after the ceremony. And early in the morning you need to collect all the candle stubs and the lock, wrap them in a bag and go to the nearest natural reservoir, where you throw them as far from the shore as possible.

This ritual is considered very strong, so soon the spouse will return to the family. The main thing is to set yourself up in such a way that her return will not be followed by reproaches and showdowns.

Using wedding attributes

If your wife’s departure, in your opinion, is not associated with the loss of love feelings, but, most likely, caused by resentment, then you can try to return your spouse using the energy of wedding attributes. Indeed, on this day, the love of two people, in most cases, is at its peak, so wedding items are not only filled with love energy, but also store it for a long time.

To carry out the ritual, you need to retire to a separate room and light candles. Next, you need to sit down at the table and lay out various wedding attributes in front of you. These could be wedding rings, gifts and other accessories. Then you need to take wedding photographs, and looking at them, remember the happiest moments of your life together. In the process of this, you need to utter any phrases that are filled with a sincere desire to be together with your beloved wife.

At the end of the ceremony, you should take a wedding photograph in which you are depicted with your wife, and roll it into a tube, tying it with red thread. Such an attribute should be placed under the bed, it should remain there until the wife returns to you. After this, the photograph must be put away in an inaccessible place; it will serve as a talisman of your family happiness.

Remember that if there is even the slightest hope of returning your beloved woman without the use of magic, the love spell ritual should be abandoned. But, if you nevertheless made a decision to use magic to return your spouse, then you should remember that only a positive attitude and complete confidence in success will make the magical effect effective.

Religious reading: bring back your wife, prayer, conspiracy to help our readers.

No matter how carefully men treat magic, there are life situations when even representatives of the stronger sex turn to magicians for help.

With the help of magic you can bring back your beloved girl

A man’s brain is designed in such a way that it is easier for them to believe in what is proven and what is felt materially, but magic is not an easy matter.

You cannot expect lightning-fast results from any prayer or conspiracy. You should completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the sent energy. If you think and set yourself up correctly, the result will not take long to arrive.

How to choose the right plot

Today there are many different rituals that are aimed at bringing back the woman you love. Before you start choosing the necessary spell, you need to imagine your loved one; it’s good to have a photograph with you to make it easier to recreate the image. A conspiracy to return a beloved woman is a powerful magical ritual that is carried out in an atmosphere of complete concentration. The right attitude will help you choose exactly the option that is ideal in a particular case.

Correct execution of the ritual is the key to success

When a person has chosen a ritual that, in his opinion, ideally suits his specific life situation, it does not hurt to properly prepare for its implementation:

Before performing the ritual, a man needs to rest properly

  1. If the ritual is performed at home, you should mentally prepare for it: relax and tune in to the problem that worries you.
  2. Love spells and conspiracies are magical rituals. In order for them to be safe, it is better to use white magic prayers. White magic texts do not wish harm to the charmed person, while black magic prayers can carry a bad meaning. For example, for a woman who left to wither and dry up without a man.
  3. It is best to perform rituals during the period when the moon is waxing in the sky. It is a symbol of growth, as well as the growth of a woman's love for a man.

You should not use love spells that are associated with a cemetery. There is a possibility that due to lack of experience, the ritual will harm your loved one.

A conspiracy to bring back the woman you love

This ritual has its roots from ancient times. The men performed it in the field, they went far, so that there was not a soul around, and began to read certain words. The conspiracy served not only as a talisman for the relationship between a man and a woman, but also as protection from the influence of outsiders. Such a ritual binds a woman to a man and eliminates all thoughts of betrayal.

Today, the conspiracy is carried out in several stages: the prayer must be read for two weeks. Waking up early in the morning, go outside and read the necessary words.

You should never drink water before the ritual.

You cannot wash, eat or drink before the ritual. Here are the words of the conspiracy:

"God! Gracious and kind! Protect my family from evil fate. Cover with your protection and will, so that (name) and I do not have another share! So that they love, cherish their feelings, respect each other, and give birth to children. Lord, I'm in trouble! Beloved (name) is gone forever! I trust only in Your will, I wish to return my beloved! Lord, I will humble myself and submit to you! Judge by your own will and kindness! And bring my beloved into my arms. Lord, keep our love forever. I bow to You, Your faithful man. (Your name) I pray, come to help! Open the way for my beloved! Amen!".

After the beloved woman has been returned, it is strictly forbidden to tell anyone about the ritual.

Conspiracy to get your wife back

A conspiracy to return your wife is carried out using anise oil and white bread.

In the evening, cut off a piece of bread and apply a few drops of anise oil to it.

In the bedroom shared with his wife, crumble this bread on the bed. The crumbs should be scattered so that they are on the sheets and pillows. At this time, you are supposed to read the prayer:

“The Lord brought us together! I forbade tearing. As the Lord's Will is good, so strong is our love. She will tan with her former strength again! As soon as your head touches the sheet, you will feel dizzy with love! I crown my wife (name) with the name of the Lord; I forbid the destruction of the family! The angels are behind me, standing as one wall! Amen!".

After the ritual, collect all the crumbs in a handkerchief

These words are read slowly and need to be repeated seven times. After finishing the prayer, the crumbs are collected in a handkerchief, which is tightly tied and hidden away from human eyes. If possible, try to add them to your wife's food. If the wife does not spend the night at home, she must somehow be lured, because in order for the conspiracy to work, she must lie in bed. Only when the woman spends the night on the charmed sheets is the ritual complete.

Powerful love spell on your beloved woman using water

In the bedroom, a glass of water is placed at the head of the bed. The water is first spoken with the following prayer, read three times:

“Animal passion of the servant of God (name), wake up, take hold of me.”

At night you need to be in an excited state and imagine scenes of intimacy with your beloved woman. Water is the best element for absorbing any information. In the morning, a man must spill half a glass of water on himself, and the other half on the desired object. This strong love spell will lead to the fact that the woman will not be able to think about anything other than intimacy with a man.

Spell on the hair of a beloved woman

This ritual is quite simple, the only difficulty is that it requires the hair of the woman whom the man plans to conjure.

The spell with a comb is one of the most powerful

The ritual is performed like this: take a comb and wrap the woman’s hair around it, saying:

“I’m calling for swamp mud, thick cobwebs, forest twigs. I reel in ardent love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Just as the hair of a slave (name) with the hair of a slave (his name) is tightly intertwined and does not get tangled, so the love of (his beloved’s name) for a slave (his name) stretches, winds and grows.”

After the ritual, comb your hair with this comb. The result should be expected soon.

Conspiracy in the photo

The most effective rituals are those that use photographs. It is important to choose the right photo. The photo should only show the woman they want to talk to. The presence of not only strangers, but also animals and inanimate objects is excluded.

The only one whose presence in the photograph is allowed is the man performing the ritual.

This ritual must be performed during sunrise

The ritual is carried out in the morning, at sunrise. On the back of the photograph, write down the text of the conspiracy and read:

“As the sun rises in the morning, so love flares up in the heart of the slave (Name). Just as the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. Just as the sun dries the earth, so you will dry out and yearn without me. Just as people are drawn to the red sun, so you will be drawn to me. You will have no life without me, just as people have no life without the sun. My word is strong and firm. Amen!".

Before yesterday comes, the photograph should be wrapped in a dark cloth and hidden under the mattress or under the bed. She will be there until she manages to return her beloved woman.

Love spell on fire

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies to get your wife back. Several small candles are placed on the table near the mirror. One of the main conditions of the conspiracy is that it is carried out in complete darkness.

The spell for church candles must be done at night, in complete darkness.

Seven church candles are placed in the middle of the table and lit. Peering at your reflection in the mirror, you should imagine the appearance of your beloved and shout her name seven times. After each cry, one church candle is extinguished. They walk around the table counterclockwise seven times, repeating the prayer:

“Just as the flame does not go out without my knowledge, so you, the servant of God (name), will not take a single step without me! You will burn with fire when you see me! I'll cool you down! Until then it will be like this forever and ever! Amen!".

The remaining candles are left to burn out and cannot be extinguished. The remaining seven church candles are placed under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, the effect of the love spell will be noticeable and soon your beloved will be returned.

Orthodox prayer for the return of a wife to the family

It is not difficult to get your wife back with the help of very strong prayer. They must read it before the icon, every day:

“Oh, great miracle workers, saints of God, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Bring prayers about me, a sinful servant (your name), to the Lord God himself and the Mother of God, the Mother of the Virgin Mary. And ask the goodness of God’s servant (wife’s name): Faith and truth, hope, goodness, unfeigned love! Help my heart and my beloved, God's servant (wife's name), to be together. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

During prayer, a candle is lit. When the wife returns, you should visit the church and thank all the saints for their help.

An ancient plot to return a wife to the family

This ritual is very simple, but effective and will help bring back the wife who left the family. So that the beloved burns with the same feelings and cannot think about anyone, they take her photograph and put it in front of them.

Take holy water to bring back your loved one

Holy water is poured into a glass, three sips are taken and a prayer is read over the remaining water:

“Just as a person cannot live without water, so this servant of God (name), without the servant of God (name) cannot live. Amen".

This ancient, powerful prayer will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time. After reading, you need to sprinkle holy water on the photo three times and hide it so that no one can see. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed even after you succeed in getting your wife back.

Conspiracy for the new month

In order to return a woman who left recently (more than six months have passed since the breakup), they carry out a powerful conspiracy for the new month.

To do this, at exactly midnight, looking at the month, say the following words:

“The month is young, the month is the strongest, help me. Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns to me, the servant of God (name). I can’t live without her, I can’t live without her, I feel sadness, my heart aches from misfortune. Bring her back to me so that we can live and not grieve. They knew no troubles, they knew no sorrows. Help me, month, help!

This plot is read nine times, after which, without talking to anyone, they go to bed. This ritual is performed for a week without missing a single day. Results will be visible in a few weeks.

If a woman leaves and holds a grudge

Bringing back an offended woman is not easy, but this powerful plot will help you reconcile in the shortest possible time and restore your love relationship. Quarrels and grievances are represented in the form of a black ball and separated from oneself. Mentally placing this ball in the snow. And they say these words:

“It will be covered with snow, it will calm down. It will be covered with ice until the right time.”

The plot helps to freeze accumulated anger and resentment and will lead to a constructive dialogue between husband and wife. To prevent the resentment from returning, it is better not to enter that place after the snow has melted, so this ritual should be performed away from the places where you often visit.

Bringing back your beloved woman using a love spell is not difficult. If the spell is carried out correctly, the result will be visible very quickly.

But before turning to magic, you should analyze the relationship in detail and understand what exactly pushed the woman to leave. If you do not correct the mistakes that caused quarrels in relationships, the effect of any love spell will not last long.

  • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person so that he can.
  • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.
  • 12/09/2017 and the authors’ obscurantism is impressive. black magic devils.
  • 12/08/2017 Aki I want to kill God.

Greetings. My name is Valery.

I was trying to solve the problem of unrequited love. There was little hope: I was of no interest to my chosen one, and at some points I even caused rejection. She liked a completely different type of guy, which I did not fit into. The love spell changed her character. She started to like me.

We started meeting regularly and spending time together. After some time, we started living together and she introduced me to her parents. We are currently married and expecting a child.

I would like to recommend to those who are looking for a way out of a difficult situation the proven psychic and sorcerer George.

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Seven nine nine nine zero forty two forty two twenty three. Sorcerer Georgy

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How to bring your wife home with a love spell spell and prayer


If your wife has left you, you can return her using any of the methods described below, and all of them have an almost 100% magical effect if the above method is performed correctly, all you have to do is choose and read a love spell or prayer to return your wife, which will quickly make her return to you even from a very rich lover. We will tell you how to get your wife back using the magic of love and the second way to restore your relationship with your loved one. This is an ancient Orthodox prayer that can return a beloved wife to the family and improve family relationships. To restore relationships, you can use any of the methods we described, but under no circumstances read the entire “cocktail” of conspiracies and love spells at once in order to bring your dear wife back under your wing and awaken her old feelings and love for you. If you don’t know how to get your girlfriend or wife back, use any option and it will definitely turn out to be correct and very soon you will be together.

Conspiracies on how to return your wife to your family at home

This quick and easy to carry out plot, the effect of which occurs very quickly, will help you bring back your beloved who has left you. The words of the conspiracy are ancient, special, to kindle the smoldering fire in the heart of your beloved, and to attract her love to you with renewed vigor. For a love spell, take a photo of your beloved, where she is alone, put the photo in front of you. Fill a cup with holy water, you can take it to church or bring a bottle of plain water with you and stand through the entire service, thus consecrating the water for a love spell. Take a sip of water from the cup three times, and say the words of the love spell to bring back your beloved wife three times over the remaining water:

So that this servant of God (name) without the servant of God (name).

Sprinkle this water on the photograph of your wife three times, then hide the photo so that no one else sees her and wait, soon the wife will return on her own. Never tell anyone how you were able to get your wife back or that you yourself read a plot to get your beloved back.

How to return your wife to the family love spell

When your wife leaves home for someone else, don’t waste time before something irreparable happens; you need to quickly read a love spell that will help you quickly bring your wife home and force her to make peace with you. There are a lot of magical ways to get your wife back, and on this site the choice is huge, but the fastest way to cope with this task is this love spell to get your wife back, the words of which you need to memorize before the start of the return ceremony for your beloved wife.

God you are my Lord my protection and my faith

On which I place my trust and my hopes,

The Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints.

I offer my prayer to you and ask for help in this bitter moment,

Bring back my beloved servant of God (name of wife).

Do not leave my prayer unattended, hear my prayer.

Lord, Mother of God and all Saints,

Please show the servant of God (name) the way home to me.

Orthodox prayer on how to return a wife to the family

A prayer for the return of a loved one, which you need to read yourself, can be done at home, but always in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia. The text of the prayer for the return of the wife to the family is as follows:

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia!

I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope.

Report me, the sinful slave (your name),

Prayers to the Lord God himself and the Mother of God Virgin Mary.

And ask the goodness of God’s servant (wife’s name):

Faith, truth, hope, goodness, unfeigned love!

Help my heart and my beloved, God’s servant (Name), to be together.

LOVE SPELL ON SOMEONE ELSE'S HUSBAND Attention: this love spell is only suitable for bewitching someone else's husband to you. If you are ready to take on such a sin and destroy someone else’s happiness (a wife may love her husband very much and not know about his infidelities, and there may also be children in the family), this love spell using a spell and a love decoction will help break up the family and bewitch

A conspiracy to call or write If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped calling and does not write and is avoiding meeting you in every possible way, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person calls you urgently, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This plot must be read to force your loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. This

LOVE SPELL TO RETURN YOUR LOVED ONE This love spell is cast independently if the husband or beloved man has left home for his mistress. A strong conspiracy will very quickly return a wandering man to his family and can cool off feelings for another woman. A love spell to bring back a loved one is classified as black magic, so it is very important not to go to church or pray for three days during the ritual.

LOVE SPELL FOR YOUR LOVED ONE TO MARRY How to get married? Years go by and no one proposes marriage, which means it’s time for you to do something. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or adult man, make this easy but very strong and effective love spell to get your loved one to marry. A love spell guarantees that your loved one will not only reciprocate your feelings, but

LOVE SPELLS TO SPELL YOUR FAVORITE PERSON BY YOURSELF By making a love spell yourself, you can easily bewitch your beloved man and get married quickly. In love as in war, all methods are good and the best weapon is love spells; a loved one who does not pay attention to you will not be able to resist and will soon do it

LOVE SPELL ON YOUR BELOVED HUSBAND If the husband has begun to live his own separate life, albeit under one roof, a love spell to return the love of a husband whose heart has grown cold will help to bring him to reason. This ritual is recommended to be done if the man is already middle-aged - over 35 and the family has not been well for a long time. You need to read a love spell for your husband’s love at night, after midnight, 9 times for 9 days, breaking 9 branches each

HUSBAND'S LOVE SPELL FROM HUSBAND'S LOVER If the husband has been on a spree and does not show up at home or has left the family for another woman, a love spell on the husband from his mistress will help, it is done at home and, of course, on your own. There are many ways to bewitch your husband to yourself, and we have already told you how to make a lapel from your rival, if this method is not acceptable, do this love spell ritual on

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Love spell to return your husband to your family from your mistress on your own If your husband has gone to live with his mistress, this strongest and most powerful love spell will help you get him back, capable of returning your husband to your family in the shortest possible time and stopping your mistress from loving him. You can independently perform this love spell between a husband and his wife from his mistress only once in a lifetime, and if the beloved husband leaves for his mistress not for the first time

LOYALTY CONSPIRACY The fidelity plot can be read independently if you suspect a loved one of treason. The fidelity plot is suitable for reading only on a loved one and it does not matter whether it is a husband or a wife or a man and a lover with whom you have been dating for a long time and want to tie your life with family ties. This is a kind of love spell that will make a person faithful and

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