How to correctly specify runes so that they work? Ready-made clauses Runic staves and clauses

A correctly drawn up runic clause in compliance with the basic rules and nuances is a necessary condition for successful practice in graphic magic. A runic clause helps to concretize, prescribe in detail or speak out the intention of the practitioner, where runic energies serve as a tool for bringing this intention to life.

What do you need to know when creating a competent clause?

1. Clearly define your tasks and, if necessary, break them down into components. Such a unique plan of action will help you once again more carefully analyze your intention for its successful implementation.

2. Using diagnostics (fortune telling), we select a runic formula (stav) or a complex of runic works in general. Don’t forget to take into account their compatibility with other stakes that you are going to install in a complex or on previously used works. This point must be included in the general clause. For example, “This runic formula (stav) works effectively and harmoniously without interfering with the work of other staves.” or “This runic formula (stav) works comprehensively, effectively and harmoniously with other staves aimed at...”

3. Having selected the desired runic work, we carefully read the recommendations of the master who created the stave or formula. As a rule, the author prescribes the direction of the work, the order of applying the runes, activation method, type of reservation. The clause can be runic, where the action of each rune included in the formula (stava) is stipulated, or general, where your goal is described briefly or in detail (depending on the situation). Often, the author offers a ready-made clause. I think that feedback from practitioners who have already used this work is quite valuable. The experience of others will help you use the formula correctly, become familiar with the nuances of application and avoid mistakes.

4. If there is an appeal to the Northern Gods, then familiarize yourself with the pantheon in advance so that you know what God is responsible for, what he controls, and why he is being called upon. And, of course, don’t forget about gifts.

5. In the clause, it is advisable to indicate the type of activation and deactivation of runic work, in case something suddenly goes wrong or circumstances change.

6. In the case when work is done for another person, especially of a protective nature, it is necessary to separately stipulate the possibility of your further unhindered influence on the object, including diagnostics (fortune telling). It roughly looks like this: “After activation and start of work, this runic formula gives me the opportunity to freely carry out absolutely any type of influence and diagnosis.”

7. It is important to stipulate and take into account when selecting runic work that the action of the runes is gentle and harmonious without harm to physical, mental health, well-being, etc. (indicate everything that is dear to you). The following phrases are also suitable: “This formula works harmoniously and positively” or “When I get what I want, I feel comfort and pleasure.”

8. “So be it!” – these words are usually pronounced at the end of a slander, in order to “put an end to it” and let go of the intention.

What is a reservation anyway? A reservation is a verbal description of what is desired. This is a rune action program that you yourself lay down in words, based on your goals and the desired result you want to get.
In short, this is a way to express in words how the runes will work, the ability to set a specific task, the direction vector with which the runes will begin to work.

Types of clauses:

1. Porunny. In this type of reservation, you need to stipulate each rune separately, set a specific task for each rune, based on its magical meaning and role in the formula/status.
2. General. Each rune is not specified here separately, a clear specific task is given to the entire formula/formula as a whole, and the general purpose of the runes’ work is specified. But when writing each rune, you need to know what it is responsible for and what function it performs in a specific runic formula.
3. Disclaimer. Usually a visa is composed in poetic form, this is a verse that describes what you want to get from the runes. Often used in ritual appeals to the gods.

For example, the well-known formula “The Joy of Communication” (authored by Dmitry Voron), consisting of the runes ansuz, gebo, vunyo:

Forget all grievances and quarrels in this moment,
I remove the shackles of doubt (Ansuz).
You strive for me, you are open in relationships (Gebo).
Only with me is this joy in communication (Vunyo). © Visa taken from the Internet

4. Complex clause. This is a combination of two types of slander - specific and general. First, you specify each rune separately, and then set the overall goal for the work of all runes as a whole.

Why is it important to spell runes correctly?
And how to make a reservation to them

A reservation is one of the components of the correct, competent and, accordingly, successful operation of runes.
Looking at the composition of the runes, a formula that was intended for good can be classified as damage, and vice versa. That is why a lot depends on the reservation.
Not a single expert in the field of runes will immediately tell you how to specify runes for you personally, because... This is in each case, in each individual situation individually.
There are only certain nuances, rules, or whatever you like to call it, thanks to which you can achieve a positive result.

Intention. It is very important for the runes to work exactly as they should. You need to be internally confident that the result will be exactly as you specified. You need to throw away all fears, all uncertainty. If you doubt the reality of achieving your plans, then I give 99% that you are unlikely to get the desired result, even with a competent reservation. Because the runes will not think of anything for you, but will follow the path of least resistance. Therefore, when working with a slander, and in general when working with runes, a positive attitude is important. And intention is an integral part of the clause.

What must be included in the clause:

  • stav/formula activation method (breath, fire, ritual - more about the activation method)
  • decontamination method (washing off, burning, etc. also in)
  • clarifications - you can clarify that becoming works without harm to mental and physical health (yours, your loved ones or the object on which you influence in a positive way), as positively and harmoniously as possible, in order to protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences of magic; You can also specify the validity period (from the moment of activation until the result is fully received, until deactivation).
  • Some people like to give runes specific time limits, for example, 3 days, but personally I prefer not to limit the runes in time, because... they need time to unwind and this depends on many factors, and if something goes wrong, they can be washed off/burned at any time.

More. Important point. It is advisable to make reservations in the present tense.
For example: “thanks to these runes, I get a job / get a job in this organization” (I didn’t get it, but I’m getting it, I didn’t get a job, but I’m getting a job), “Vasya calls me,” (I didn’t call, but I’m calling) “Petya and I are dating” (we haven’t met, but we are meeting), “Styopa is communicating with me” (not communicating, but communicating). Some people like to make slander like this: “these letters influence the situation so that Styopa calls me” - and this is fundamentally wrong. It would be more correct: “with the help of this runic formula, Styopa begins to communicate with me and get in touch.” It is advisable not to indicate exactly how he will get in touch; leave that to the runes. I think the point is clear.

Disclaimer template

This runic formula/becoming
without harm to me and without harm to my health, as harmonious and positive as possible for me
does this and that
activated this way, deactivated this way

Example of a clause

This runic formation, without harm to my health (mental, physical), is done in the most harmonious, gentle, positive way, and affects in this way (list everything you need).
I launch this runic in such and such a way, deactivate it in such and such a way with gratitude (although deactivation, in principle, can not be indicated, it is enough to know in advance how you will stop the action of the runes). Let it be so! (Necessarily).

Ready-made clauses for protective bets

1. Let, by the power of the runes and the power of the Gods, this becoming protect me from absolutely all hostile and harmful witchcraft and magical influences of any nature, of any nature and origin, directed at me, from sources known to me and hidden from me, with the aim of destroying and remove my defenses from me.

2. Let, with its power, this becoming protect me from absolutely all witchcraft influences of any nature, of any nature and origin, from any sources, directed at me, hostile and harmful to me; from black magic rituals and influences, from any influences through the cemetery, from looped witchcraft, from damage to death, from all kinds of witchcraft influences on financial collapse, on a beggarly lot, widowhood and divorce, from all kinds of curses, from the evil eye, from complementary foods, from love spells, lapels, linings, marks and fools, from conspiracies, slander, whispers, sentences, spells, incantations, from witchcraft and magical influences on submission, on the transfer of witchcraft, illness, deformity, old age, malice, poverty, poverty, lack of money and unemployment, and with his power, becoming returns everything back to my enemies.

3. Becoming protects me from any attempts to direct negative, hostile and harmful witchcraft influences at me in order to deprive me of well-being, prosperity, luck, success and happiness at all levels and in all areas of my life, in order to close my paths and roads, close my money channels, financial flows and prevent my prosperity, well-being and the free flow of money to me, as well as close my paths and roads, and set obstacles, blocks and obstacles for my employment, and with my strength, becoming returns everything back to my enemies .

4. Let, with its power, this becoming protect me from absolutely all hostile and harmful witchcraft influences directed at me, of any nature, of any character and origin, from any sources, with the aim of depriving me of health, physical, vitality and energy, beauty , charm, as well as any abilities, qualities, virtues, prospects, respect and recognition of people around me, highly paid work, rich, monetary, generous clients and employers, professional, social, personal and financial growth, success and prosperity, and with his power, becoming returns everything back to my enemies.

5. Let, with its power, this becoming protect me from the magical, mystical, astral influences of the planets that are hostile and harmful to me, including from the influences of nature, character, origin and sources hidden from me, from any creatures existing, spirits, demons, ghosts, phantoms, cubes, succubes, implants, sub-settlers, programs, subprograms, any items, objects, subjects, energies, matters, as well as from their penetration into my body and my subtle bodies.

6. Having become, with its power, protects me from all kinds of negative, magical, witchcraft, hostile and harmful influences from the outside... (... if you want to clarify exactly from whom, then list the names of your enemies...) and their assistants, from all negative, magical, witchcraft, hostile and harmful influences on me from enemies known to me and hidden from me, from all sorcerers and witches from whom anyone has ordered, is ordering and will order witchcraft that is hostile to me and at any attempt harmful influence on me, becoming takes away luck, physical and vitality from the one who is trying to harm me and with his strength, becoming returns everything back to my enemies.

7. Becoming protects me from deception, slander, gossip, betrayal, intrigue, envy, from magical damage to death and from any other physical and mental threats, warns me, reveals to me all enemies, their actions, punishes them, and with its strength, becoming returns everything back to my enemies.

8. Becoming protects and warns me about any witchcraft and magical invasion, influence, hypnosis, scanning, about any attempt to look through all types of fortune telling and witchcraft on the part of my enemies and their assistants, punishes those attacking me with all sorts of health problems, takes away from them all benefits, property, well-being, closes all their paths, roads and money channels, multiplying the effect of reverse damage and directing it back to the attacker, his family and friends.

9. It works instantly, warning me of any danger, creates a protective atmosphere of inviolability around me, leaving me free access to material benefits and privileges, wealth and treasures, prosperity and the free flow of money, financial and material benefits to me from all kinds of sources, comfortable and in ways that are easy for me, and also leaves free access to me to all those who can bring me any material, physical or spiritual benefit.

10. Having become, with its power, protects me from absolutely all kickbacks, reverse strikes, side and binary manifestations of staves and witchcraft influences and my magical and witchcraft mistakes, redirecting all kickbacks, reverse strikes, side and binary manifestations of stakes and witchcraft influences, my magical and witchcraft mistakes, my misfortune, poverty, beggarly lot, bad luck and unemployment, magical effects on the transfer of witchcraft and illnesses, all my problems and illnesses on my enemies, on their relatives and friends.

11. Be, with your power, protect me from all kinds of scandals with anyone around me, people familiar to me and strangers to me, from all kinds of problems with the authorities and authoritative bodies, from lawsuits with anyone, from all kinds of fines, financial damages and losses, from dismissal from work, from obstacles, blocks and obstacles of any nature, origin and nature.

12. Let, with its power, this runic becoming protect me from any refusals of anything from anyone, including refusals to get a job, instantly stopping any attempts at a hostile, negative attitude towards me and refusal to give me sides of all potential employers, including... (..list if you want to get a job with a specific employer...) and all other employers known to me and hidden from me, and at any slightest attempt to refuse me and interfere with my employment, this runic becoming punishes, takes away their success, luck and all material benefits.

13. Let this runic form, with its power and the power of the Gods, pump out luck, success, vitality and the energy it needs for work from my enemies, and also take energy from space, constantly filling me with positive energy and physical strength.

14. Let, from the moment of activation, become work under the protection and patronage of the Gods, gently and harmoniously for me, without harm to my physical and mental health, without harm to the physical and mental health of my family and friends (override), without harm to our well-being, well-being and property, without interfering with the work of other stakes activated by me.

15. Becoming, without hindrance, allows me, by my own will, to produce absolutely any impact on any objects, items, people, groups of people and animals.

16. I activate this by becoming ..... (with my breath) and the power of the Gods () of the name of Odin, it begins its action right now and will stop it when I tell him this (it will be burned with gratitude).
Let it be so!

How to draw up a clause for rune staves and formulas

1.Check through diagnostics whether this course will help you achieve the desired result.
2. If the answer is yes, make a reservation and check with diagnostics how it will “lay down” to the situation.
3. After you launch it, be sure to check its effectiveness.
Regularly monitor the operation of the system and, if necessary, update its work. It is best if the reservation is drawn up by you personally. No one else will feel your situation as well as you will, knowing all its subtleties.

Scheme for drawing up a clause:
1. So let’s look at what runes are involved initially.
2.Next, let’s look at what each rune does in this formula.
3. After we analyze the formula and understand what each rune does in a given stave.
4. Let’s move on to creating a clause.
There are two ways in this matter -
a) We simply give a task to each rune, understanding how they interact. Then we do not need to indicate the general operation of the formula, but the main thing at the end is to indicate how we activate this formula and turn to the gods according to the ritual (some forget this fact of work) Example - In the name of the Great Odin, so be it. Those. we call Odin as a witness on the one hand, and on the other hand we enlist his support and with our gifts we then receive help in realizing our intention. After all, runes are, if you like, only a tool in our hands. An energy flow that we weave and direct in the direction in which we want it to produce a certain effect.
b) We give the general operation of this formula. This runic pattern “does this.”
5. We agree on the duration of the stav.
a) This runic stave begins its work from (we indicate from what moment) and until (we indicate until what moment). I activate this by becoming the path (...). In the name of the Great Odin, so be it.
b) This runic stave begins its work from (we indicate from what moment) and until (we indicate until what moment). Activate by breathing, burning, etc. In any case, you understand the very structure of the work of this formula and what you do not say is a message in your subconscious desire and understanding of the work.

If you do not have much experience in runes, you should not stipulate becoming a rune. It is better to stipulate it as a single magical drawing. This will be more effective from a practical point of view.
Example: Author of the example "Propezina"

So let’s look at what runes were initially involved: Soul, Laguz, Teyvaz, Raido, Naut, Berkano, Dagaz, Gebo, Ansuz, Algiz
Next we look at what each rune does in this formula.

1. Soulo-fire, not just fire, this rune allows you to destroy (burn out) what is harmful and outdated. It burns something that no longer has a place (a kind of natural selection). Here it is akin to the Hagalaz rune. The difference is that the Hagalaz rune corrects sins and mistakes, and the Sowilo rune eliminates what impedes the Creative Movement. If we remember that this rune is the rune of the sun, we will understand that this is the energy of the sun; if there is too much of it, it will burn us (the closer we are to the sun, the more unbearable the heat), General healing. Fills the body with energy, restoring lost energy. Affects the physical and etheric bodies: Instant strengthening of VP, expansion and compaction of ET. Soulo is associated with Thor, the thunder god. Therefore, Soulo can be used to invoke Thor, especially in situations where quick retribution is required. If you feel the rune inside yourself: It illuminates “littered corners” from the inside. Gives strength to action.

2. Laguz - Laguz is the rune of the water element, a fluid force rising from the well of the Subconscious. It cleanses and refreshes all levels of being, for it is a carrier of vital energy. Powerful energy flow. Stabilizes an emotionally or mentally unfavorable situation. Helps establish new friendships and restore old ones. Acts as a merger with the element of water, enhances the programming effect. Provides secret, hidden management of the situation, management of chance, luck. Allows you to create an event flow or manage a similar flow. With the help of Laguz you can try to expand this flow. It is also used to make the magician’s actions unobvious and secret. Masks magical effects. Assistance in programming others (ESD, troika) Effective for finding or revealing what has been hidden (both on the physical and mental level) 2 Laguz that form Soulo - liquid + solar energy in its initial state (when there is a lot of it), together they form magma - liquid fire (we give the fluidity a little hard soul). Those. We now understand that we have created a certain flow that is molten, strong, the principle of magma. Then we must direct it (this stream that sweeps away everything in its path) in the direction we need. And here the runes Raido and Naut come to our aid.

3. Raido - sets the direction. Raido helps to set in motion or eliminate certain objects, as well as direct magical energy in the right direction. Its main element is fire, its additional element is air; fire manifests itself through the medium of air, and therefore, intuition and enthusiasm in the sphere of this rune manifest itself through the medium of intellect and will. Northern peoples identified this rune with travel or movement. But this is not only the path - the road chosen by the traveler, but also the “road of fate” - the Vyurd thread that the Norns spin, or even some kind of network or fabric woven from these threads. This is the rune of leadership (direction), control (management) and purpose. Potential for movement and direction. This is a movement in space-time that determines the existence of the Four Directions, proportion and orientation. It is what defines the four seasons and measures the passage of time. This is the force that controls the Four Elements. It is movement and direction without which we would not know where we are. It is the force that creates rhythmic action. It is the ability to keep energy under control to achieve a specific result. Seeking Justice in various matters

4. Naut - coerces. It will help limit and bind the person who launched the magical attack. Nautiz, like Thurisaz, is the “shackles of war”, and the combination of these two runes can stop any aggression. Nautiz acts very directly and absolutely effectively. Her patron goddess is the norn Skuld. To help you achieve your goals. For guard. Gives strength to survive a difficult period of life, to get out of the crisis safely. Magnet. We place the rune on the object of influence, create a goal in space - a task that the object must complete, and the rune, like a magnet, drags it to where it is indicated. Nautiz is the force behind the instinct of self-preservation, the need to survive at any cost. Here, as was said before, it is used as a rune of coercion. Here the use of the rune is unconditional and absolute. A rune placed by an operator (the person applying the rune) on an object acts as a tool of coercion.

On the one hand, we force the flow to go in the direction we need, and precisely in the one we need, we create comfort for the magma (this is the fiery rune of Raido that gently directs this energy), on the other hand, the same rune of coercion helps us protect ourselves , it will be cleansed, in addition, nautiz helps us stop any aggression that arises towards us. If we take into account the fact that any negative that was inflicted on us has a connection with the one who planned and created this negative, then we can see a clear connection (binding to this negative), then in fact the magma ignites this binding and gives the so-called return - Raido shows from where, and directs the negative in the opposite direction, nautiz just forces this negative to go back, but in addition, it holds and forces our opponent to accept all the nasty things in an enhanced version. If we consider that here we have the Soul rune as a basis, then Soul + Raido is a very fast return))) and the more negativity, the faster everything will go to our opponent)

5. 2 Teyvaz - gives effort to destroy the negative. Achieving the goal only by legal, fair and correct methods. Action within the framework of the Law, and within the framework of the System. By Teyvaz you need to clearly understand in the name of what the action is being performed, for what purpose, what global or personal problems it solves. Works as a guide to the goal. It's being towed, the speed is enormous, like water skiing behind a boat. Will protect you from an unfairly imposed curse, “damage”, “evil eye”
And again, we see that Teyvaz, whether we want it or not, gives us an increase in clearing the negative, but again here we act strictly according to the law (we only give away what was introduced to us artificially, or blocked in addition to our desire or what was originally destined for us) . We clearly understand what we need to do - for example, cleanse our channel of self-realization. It (this channel) can suffer for many reasons - for example, a banal love spell that, for example, went wrong. The channel cannot work normally because they wanted to prevent a person from realizing himself in the way he wants and can, but acting only within the framework that was imposed on him. Therefore, this becoming cleanses out the negative with its powerful energy flow and sends it back, but we have the option of cauterizing the wound, and not stopping on the path of cleaning.

6. 2 Berkano is an update and also plays a defensive role. For all types of protection. Provides cleansing and renewal. The magical effect of the Berkan rune extends to everything that can be described in words: growth, development of the fetus, movement towards ripening, blossoming. It promotes physical development, mental improvement, and spiritual insight. This rune, in addition to protecting us from the fact that, for example, our opponents are trying to influence us again in a negative destructive way while the formula is working, but also gives us the opportunity to put in order, renew, heal this channel, and give us the opportunity to develop, work and move on. This is both the so-called treatment and the opportunity to move on renewed.

8. Gebo - balance, harmony. The Gebo force ensures balance: its design symbolizes the great Wheel of the Universe rotating around its hub. There is a process of equal exchange of energy through which everything comes into being. It is a force that both binds and guides towards harmonious balance, setting limits to this process. Work is underway aimed at normalizing the operation of the channel, energetically restoring the balance in the energy of this channel. But, we must not forget that this channel (of self-realization) will only be cleared, therefore, if we give the installation to clear only this channel, this rune will be responsible for preventing our magma from flowing further. Those. this rune limits and again gives a clear boundary for the work of this formula, which is a safeguard against problems that may arise (side effects from the use of this formula)

9. Ansuz - “intelligence”. can be used to remove shackles, including psychological ones (such as subconscious anxiety or fear that impede the growth and spiritual development of the individual). This is the rune of expansive thought. Not just active, moving, but all-encompassing and thirsty for embodiment: in a new quality of situation. With the help of this rune, we give, so to speak, on the one hand, the person on whom we apply this formula a more normal psychological state, i.e. we remove what bothered him on a subconscious level and destroyed his general psychological background, but we also give the opportunity to give a signal to Yera that that’s it - the formula is finishing its work and has cleared out all the destructive magic in this channel.

10. Yera - the beginning and end of cleansing, also gives energy. Rune of time and time management. Opens up paths. Helps you accurately calculate time. Strengthens and consolidates the result. This rune clearly calculates the operating time of this formula, and with the help of other runes it develops a clear version of what enhances the work of the formula and gives cyclicity, the energy that this formula needs. And it also opens up new opportunities for a person that were closed until this moment.

11. Vunyo - Cause joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood. A state of joy accompanies new energy - energy that was previously blocked. Causes cleansing of the astral body, removal of energy blocks, improvement of well-being. Removes energy blocks. Returns forces that were wasted. This rune not only clears and allows new energy to flow in this channel, but also removes all possible blocks that were caused from outside, and also by the person himself (cockroaches, his own attitudes that a person gives himself, personal negativity). And it allows a person to return what he spent in vain (for example, if you are hooked on a channel and simply feed on you, your abilities, or if it is a money channel, then, if possible, he returns what was taken from you - see above when we We give the return, and through this channel we take it back.)

12. Algiz - This rune is a powerful conductor, a channel through which the energy of the gods comes to man, and the energy of man to the gods. The runic power of ALGIZ is firmly connected with the survival instinct and its basic mechanisms. This instinctive defense is inherent in all living beings, including humans. But we also have another protection that comes from the Spirit in the form of insight or silent knowledge. This means that our survival is not entirely dependent on fight-or-flight, but also relies on intelligence and creative thought. This is also the power of the rune. The force of attraction connecting the individual Spirit with the human community. She operates on the earthly plane and protects the four aspects contained in the primary act of Creation: body, mind, soul and Spirit. It is very important that when connecting with our higher, spiritual self, we stand firmly on the ground, otherwise our inner balance is threatened. Algiz provides protection from pride and spiritual egoism. The power of the rune is firmly connected with the survival instinct and its basic mechanism. It also means personal and vitality. Capable of empowering a person, wrapping him in a cocoon of protection. It will create barriers to the possible invasion of harmful forces into your life. be filled with such powerful healing energy. Strengthens the protective shell. Acts as a destroyer of influence In magic, Algiz is one of the most powerful runes for projection to four or eight cardinal directions: it will strengthen and reliably protect the boundaries of the magic circle.

Here again there is a clear defense and an appeal, if you like, to a version of what we are asking for: that they give us something that was forcibly taken away from us, closed, or interfered with in a foreign way that is originally ours. Everything goes according to the highest court. According to the laws of the Universe. Now about what formulas we form from those runes to which we assign tasks

–SOWILO-NAUTHIZ SOWILO-DAGAZ-WUNJO: A successful way out of the situation.

And also the expelling cross, which throws out of us all the destructive magic that was aimed at our resolution. After we analyze the formula and understand what each rune does in a given position, we move on to creating a clause. There are two ways in this matter -
1. We simply give a task to each rune, understanding how they interact. Then we do not need to indicate the general operation of the formula, but the main thing at the end is to indicate how we activate this formula and turn to the gods according to the ritual (some forget this fact of work) Example - In the name of the Great Odin, so be it. Those. we call Odin as a witness on the one hand, and on the other hand we enlist his support and with our gifts we then receive help in realizing our intention. After all, runes are, if you like, only a tool in our hands. An energy flow that we weave and direct in the direction in which we want it to produce a certain effect.
2. We give the general operation of this formula. For example, as in this MAGMA formula. This becoming removes, cleanses out any destructive magical, psychological interference that destroys or does not allow the channel to work stably (for example, self-realization, or we simply indicate the order of channels that are blocked for us, or do not work as they should. Then the financial channel, the channel of self-realization, the love channel, etc.). Returns all destructive interference back to the one from whom it came, protects me (or the name of the one on whom we apply the formula) and from any destructive interference that will occur during the operation of this stave, helps us normalize the work of the channel, gives additional energy for successful work channel (listing), also helps us normalize the external and internal emotional plane (name). Returns to us everything that was taken away from us, damaged or by any other interference in the key of a destructive impact on (______) with the trinity. This runic stave begins its work from (indicate from what moment) until (____). I activate this by becoming the path (_______). In the name of the Great Odin, so be it. In any case, you understand the very structure of the work of this formula and what you do not say is a message in your subconscious desire and understanding of the work.

Any clause consists of the following parts:
1. An introductory part in which you indicate that magic is performed using runes. This part may sound like this: “This runic formula...”, “Let under the influence of this runic formula...”, “By the power of the runes...” and so on. Here you can add objects on which the formula should act, or conditions under which it acts. For example, "Let these runes act on Misha Kozakov every time Misha yawns."
2. Main part. Here you describe what exactly the runes should do. Here you also add, if necessary, circumstances, conditions or validity periods for the result of the formula.
3. Formal part. In it you specify the conditions for activation and deactivation of the formula. For example, “The formula is activated by my breath and ends with gratitude when rinsed off.”
4. Security part. Some people add it all the time, some don’t use it. I prefer to introduce it depending on the magic I'm doing. The point of this part is to protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences of your magic. It may sound like this - “The formula works without harm to my health (relationships, income),” or, in a more general format, “... without harm to me.”
Most authors indicate a template for the main part of the clause. Some people add other parts at their own discretion.

So, the general template for a runic formula slander will look like this:
(1) This runic formula
(2) does something
(3) activated this way and deactivated this way
(4) without harm to such and such.

Note: it is necessary to remember that in runic magic the analogies adopted in ritual and spell magic are almost never used. If you want results, your clause should be as close as possible to your desires. What can be rephrased this way - “say directly what you want.”

Stage 1 - goal setting:
1. Define clearly what you want from the upcoming magical work (in this case, from the runic formula). Ask yourself the question: “What exactly do I want to achieve with this runic formula (stava)?” Be sure to write down your answer in detailed form. If you want to achieve several goals, also write them down in detail. IMPORTANT! The setting must be formulated CLEARLY and IN ADVANCE even before you make the stav, formula, etc., because it contains a formalization of your intention. Crooked attitude = the same crooked intention, lack of a clear attitude = absence of your intention, i.e. By and large, you yourself don’t know what you want.
2. From what you have written down, you need to choose the most necessary things - if you have several goals and they are NOT in the same plane or sphere of life, then choose ONE key one, that is, the most important goal in your opinion. If you have several targets lying in the same plane, select from them
3 most important and related to each other. IMPORTANT! It is strongly not recommended to stipulate one formula or formula for solving a whole range of disparate tasks that have little dependence on each other. This should ALWAYS be avoided. Next, from what you have obtained, you need to create the stipulation itself. This is done in the following rules.

Stage 2 - drawing up a clause:
1. The installation (disclaimer) must be environmentally friendly. That is, it should not contain even a suspicion of causing harm to the world in any form for the sake of achieving your goal. To do this, the words “in a good way” are often added at the end of the clause. I recommend that you always do this.
2. If you are doing work to punish someone, that is, in fact, doing destructive destructive work, then you must indicate in the clause FOR WHAT (for what reason) the object should receive punishment, and WHY (for what purpose) he should receive it punishment. I think everyone understands that you can’t just spoil someone if someone stepped on your foot or treated you “unfairly” according to your VERY PERSONAL opinion and ideas about justice. Therefore, before doing such things, think not twice, but three times. Moreover, by “thinking” we mean precisely the complex process of carefully analyzing the entire current situation with maximum responsibility on your part.
3. The clause should not be too specific and not too abstract. On the one hand, you can’t just say “Let this guy give me more money and more money!”, and on the other hand, you can’t list specific details and accounts to which this money should go, and even within the specified period of three days after the ritual. DO NOT DO THIS DONE. Do not forget that any magical structure is an independent unit that requires “room for maneuver” and a clear goal to work. Describe as precisely as possible what you want, but without unnecessary details. The purpose of the clause is to indicate the vector in which to work, but not to limit this work by indicating specific amounts and time frames. Leave the details up to the system (the world).
4. Well, yes - avoid slang expressions and buzzwords. Express your thoughts in understandable language at a minimum, and at maximum in the language of archetypes. According to the rules, that's all.

Now let's move on to examples. Let's start with an example of what NOT to do. Here are examples of unsuccessful slander:

“Let me get some dough before Saturday.” "Let money come to me from all directions"
“Let me find the job I want” “So that he/she loves/desires/comes to me”, etc.
Correct clauses:
“To attract into my life the opportunity to get an interesting and well-paid job, in a good way”
“So that he/she begins to feel warm feelings towards me, pay attention to me, strive to be in harmony and grace with me, miss me.”
“Let this man suffer a loss in his well-being for breaking my car and not paying me fairly, so that he realizes his mistake and in the future will be more conscientious and treat people kindly.”
Here's EXACTLY how to do it right.

And finally, I’ll give you a little advice - if you want talismans to work better for you, renounce the path of the cancer cell, the path of consuming goods in an increased volume, abandon the “everything for me”, “everything for me” behavior model, etc. Switch to a model of mutual exchange with the world. There is no need to demand, wait or ask from the world, you need to interact with the world. To get something, you have to give something - the law of balance.

Disclaimers are a lifesaver for beginners.

Disclaimer for cleaning stands:
(if you are cleaning someone, for example: Ivan) This runic becoming cleanses (Ivan) from absolutely any negative energies, influences of any nature, of any nature, from absolutely any hostile witchcraft, including from any curses, evil eye, damage, love spell, turning away, slander, closing paths, depriving (Ivan) of any abilities, opportunities, prospects, as well as from any other directions towards (Ivan), hostile (Ivan), magical, astral influences, including the influences of an unknown ( Ivan) nature and character from people, both living and dead, any creatures, entities, spirits, any objects (in the case of lining), as well as from any other sources, including those unknown (to Ivan). This becoming works purely, without affecting my own magic (if there is one and it is not advisable to interrupt it) directed at me or (Ivan) does it as harmoniously as possible, without harm to my (insert your name, for example: Maria) physical and mental health, and without side effects, and also without reverse harm and damage to my well-being. I revive the runes with my breath. Let it be so! This stave begins to work right now and operates until the result is achieved, after which the stave will be destroyed by burning as a sign of gratitude.

If you cleanse yourself, then instead of the name “Ivan,” say your name.

Disclaimer for defensive bets:
- This becoming protects me from absolutely any mental, emotional pressure directed at me from the outside, protects me from absolutely any negative energy influences of any nature, of any nature, from any people, both living and dead, groups of people, any creatures, entities , spirits, any objects, energies, matter, planets, as well as from any other sources, including sources unknown to me. -This becoming protects me from any attempts at theft, seizure, pumping, selection, use of my energy, as well as from any other forms of energy vampirism on the part of any people, both living and dead, groups of people, any creatures, entities, spirits, any objects, energies, matter, planets, as well as from any other, including subjects unknown to me.

This becoming freely allows me, according to my will, to make absolutely any impact on any objects, including any energy actions, using both my own and any other energy.
1. “So be it,” we say at the end.
2. The cleaning clause is well chosen, but there are different types of cleaning, so the clauses should be somewhat differentiated. When activating the cleaning, you must either stipulate a specific period or, better yet, say that the cleaning will work until it is burned with gratitude to the runes. It is incorrect to say “until the result is achieved”, since different cleanses work differently - one can destroy this particular negative, others either cannot cope or have a different focus.
3. As a sign of gratitude, the stakes are not burned. They are simply burned and at the same time gratitude is said to the RUNES. Light the carrier with a match and say: “Runes, thank you for your work.”
Also, it is better to activate cleansing with intention or fire, no need for breathing, especially if you are cleaning someone.

If the stav is specified in its entirety, and not by rune, then we simply stipulate exactly the task, without naming individual runes or their names, say the main task of the stav, the simpler it is formulated, the better, that is, there should be no ambiguity of any kind in stipulation. If you stipulate the entire stav, then you do not just use individual names of the runes, it makes sense to stipulate by rune only when you want to emphasize some action of a certain rune, say you call a spirit, make a stav, write Algiz, this Algiz, into it we need to stipulate, say, for your protection, and we need to separately emphasize this point, then it makes sense to talk separately, but if a general action is permissible at the station, then there is no point in stipulating the rune in my opinion

What are runic staves? This is a bunch of magical formulas that allows you to actually realize everything that the runologist dreamed of. However, it will not work unless the runes are applied correctly and activated in a special way. So how to use slander to runic staves? Let's look at it in the article.

Let's look at the options for rune slander. Each of them is intended for a specific occasion.

Porn slander

This type of activation is not intended for the runic stave, but for each symbol separately. To get a favorable result, set a goal for each symbol based on its meaning and role in the bet.

General disclaimer

After drawing up the runic formula, a reservation is made, which is aimed not at each individual rune, but at the formula as a whole. However, here too it is important to know how each character is written and what it is responsible for in the stavka.


This type of slander, used for runic formulas, is the most creative of all, because it is composed in poetic form. More often written for ritual addresses and read at the new moon.


Here are examples written in free form:

  1. For success. Let the runic, becoming a strong energy, clear the way, burning all the blocks and making me a successful person.
  2. For good luck. Runic Gods, help me with your strong energy to make me a successful and happy person, luck accompanies me at all levels of life.
  3. Protection from negativity. This runic formation will protect me from negativity directed in my direction. Physical and mental pressure and cataclysm will pass me by.

How to spell runes correctly? To do this, you need to more accurately formulate what exactly you want. Runic symbols will not think of anything and will take the easiest path, which is unlikely to please you.

For example, you decided to sound a horn, but you misspoke. You will lose weight, but at what cost? It is possible that due to a serious illness that I would like to do without. Or injury to a limb.

The same thing can happen with moving. For example, you found a suitable apartment, planned a time, but again made the reservation incorrectly. As a result, the move will still happen, but due to a fire, flood or some other disaster.

Therefore, accuracy is very important here. And do not forget to mention that the runes do not cause you any harm.

How to understand that becoming works

If you don’t feel whether the stave is working, you need diagnostics. One of the current verification options is a simple test. To do this, you need to apply two runes, Uruz and Fehu, on the forearm and say to them: “I conjure you, Runes, without harm to my health, to restore and give me energy.” In this case, the runes are first applied to one forearm, and then, after a few days, to the other.

After that, see how the runes behave. If you feel a surge of energy or some other changes in yourself, it means that the runic pattern is working. If not, most likely there is a block somewhere or the channel is blocked.

Also pay attention to which hand has more sensitivity. For a right-hander, this is most often the right hand. Whichever hand reacted more is the “receiving” or working hand. She needs to apply runes.

Favorable days

When is the best time to apply and apply? Effective days are the new moon. After all, our well-being, financial condition, interaction with other people, love, and success are closely connected with the Moon.

The Moon, as a faithful companion of the Earth, has an energetic and physical effect on it. It influences our subconscious, intuition, well-being... use this knowledge, calculate the days of the new moon, and you will be able to successfully use the agreed runes.

How formulas are made

Beginners have a natural question: how to apply formulas correctly so that they are beneficial? First, decide what you want from magic. This is the most important thing to focus on. Once the goal is chosen, continue working with it in mind. The material on which you will apply the symbols is also very important. It could be glass, cardboard, a mirror, or perhaps you decide to apply symbols using a tattoo on your body. Any material will do, but only natural material - for example, plastic is completely excluded, the symbols will not work on it.

What is suitable for writing out symbols? A writing instrument is suitable - a pen, a marker, even nail polish or lipstick. The main thing is that the writing materials should be written.

When the material for work has been selected, think about the purpose and every detail. Imagine a dream - how will it come true? Under what conditions will this happen? The more clearly you formulate your requirements, the better the result will be. Try not to be distracted by extraneous things and read the symbols - a formula that is not read to the end will lead to unpleasant consequences.

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