Residential rental agreement form. Apartment rental agreement: sample download. Payments and settlement procedures

Here you can view and download a template of an apartment rental agreement (tenancy of residential premises) for 2018 in a format convenient for you. Remember that you can always get our legal assistance, including filling out this form, by contacting us at the phone numbers listed on the website.

New sample 2019



g. ________g “______” ________________

We, the undersigned:


1.1. The Landlord provides the Tenant with premises consisting of ____ room(s), (in a ______ room apartment) located at ___________________, street ___________________________________ house ____ building ___ fraction ___ building ____ apartment ______ for a fee, for temporary use for residential purposes.

1.2. The premises belong to the Landlord on the basis of:

1.3 . During the entire rental period, the following will live in the apartment together with the Tenant:


1.4. The rental period for the specified premises is established from _____ _____________200 ___.

by _____ ____________200___g.

1.5. If the parties agree, the term of the Agreement is extended independently.



  • Provide the specified premises to the Tenant from _____ ____________ 200 __.
  • Provide the Tenant with free access to the premises;
  • Visit the premises no more than once a month, notifying the Tenant at least 24 hours before the intended visit ;
  • Protect the Tenant from property and other claims of third parties who also have ownership rights to the rented premises.

The landlord also confirms that the premises are not under arrest, are not collateral or the subject of legal proceedings, and he is its full owner.


  • Use this premises only for the purpose specified in clause 1.1.
  • Do not sublease the premises and do not transfer the rights of use to third parties, and do not accommodate other persons without the consent of the Landlord;
  • Obtain written permission from the “Landlord” to keep animals in the apartment, while the “Tenant” bears full responsibility for damage caused to the apartment by his pets.
  • Do not carry out alterations or re-equipment without the written permission of the Landlord;
  • Do not install any equipment (replacing locks, lock cylinders, strengthening doors, installing alarms, etc.) without the prior consent of the Landlord.
  • Assume full financial responsibility in the event of your absolute fault for renting or using this residential premises and for all possible consequences of this rental or use, excluding force majeure circumstances arising in accordance with clause 5.2;
  • Take full financial responsibility for all property transferred to him and located on the premises, keep it in good condition and clean.
  • Comply with fire safety rules;


3.1. The monthly payment for the use of the premises is _____________________________________

Russian rubles, all calculations are made in Russian rubles.

3.2. In the future, payments will be made monthly, no later than ____ date of each current month.

3.3. At the time of signing this Agreement, the Tenant transferred to the Landlord an amount in the amount of ___________________________ rubles of the Russian Federation

3.4. The rent amount cannot be changed without written agreement of both parties.

3.5. Utility payments are made by____________________.

3.6. Payment for long-distance, international, mobile telephone calls, and other paid telephone services, including the Internet, is paid by _____________________

3.7. The subscription fee for using the telephone line is paid by _______________________

3.7.1. The subscription fee for on-net telephone connections according to the established tariff and invoice (emphasize: Time-based, Combined, Unlimited) is paid by _______________________

3.8. Electricity is paid for by _________________________


4.1. In case of early termination of employment and termination of this Agreement, each party is obliged to notify the other party no later than thirty calendar days prior to the date of expected termination of employment.

4.2 . Early termination of employment and termination of this Agreement is possible in cases of violation by the Landlord or Tenant of their obligations under this Agreement.

4.3. In the event of early termination of this Agreement at the initiative of the Lessor, earlier than the specified expiration date, due to his personal, unforeseen circumstances, but subject to the Lessor's compliance with all of his obligations specified in clauses 1.4; 2.2; 3.2; 3.7; 3.8; 3.9, The Landlord undertakes to return to the Tenant part of the previously paid payment for the use of the residential premises for the time actually unlived, while the Landlord is obliged to allow the Tenant to live in the apartment for fifteen calendar days in excess of the paid period on a free basis.

4.4. In the event of early termination of this Agreement at the initiative of the Tenant, but subject to compliance by the Landlord with all its obligations specified in paragraphs 1.4; 2.1; 3.5, advance rent for unlived, prepaid days is not returned to the Tenant.

4.5. For late payment of rent, the Tenant shall pay penalties at the rate of 1% of the overdue amount for each day of delay. In case of delay in payment for more than ten days, the Lessor has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally

4.6. The parties mutually checked personal documents and documents confirming the right to dispose of this apartment.

4.7. The Landlord confirms the consent of the persons registered or having the right to dispose of this apartment with the terms of this Agreement, and also that this premises has not been sold, not mortgaged, is not the subject of a legal dispute and is not under arrest.

4.8. The parties confirm that they are familiar with all the terms of this Agreement, fully agree with them and are personally responsible for their compliance.


5.1. If disputes arise that are not provided for by the terms of this Agreement, the Lessor and the Tenant resolve them independently by mutual agreement or in the manner prescribed by law.

5.2. In the event of force majeure circumstances, namely: the introduction of martial law or a state of emergency, natural disasters, changes in current legislation that make it impossible for the parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement or significantly affect their fulfillment, as well as other force majeure, the parties are not liable for the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.

5.3 . Listed in paragraph 1.3. of this Agreement, persons living together with the Tenant bear all obligations for its execution on an equal basis with the Tenant.

5.4. This Agreement is drawn up in ______ copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.



Electricity meter readings on the date of entry ________________________________________________________________________________


residential premises Gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Employer", on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Landlord", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Landlord transfers to the Tenant and the persons indicated below: residential premises, which are: located at the address:, consisting of: rooms, total area - sq.m., living area - sq.m., kitchen - sq.m., (hereinafter – “Object”) for temporary paid possession and use for residence.

1.2. Availability of telephone: tel. No.

1.3. The characteristics of the Object at the time of its transfer to the Tenant are indicated in Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement - the Transfer Act, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

1.4. The object belongs to gr. gr. (Full name): legally based on .

1.5. The Lessor transfers the Property with the property specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

1.6. The period for hiring the Object is set from "" 2019 to "" 2019.

1.7. The Tenant inspected the “Object” before concluding this Agreement and has no complaints about its location, technical characteristics and condition.


2.1. The lessor undertakes:

2.1.1. Transfer to the Tenant, under a deed of transfer, an object suitable for living, meeting the necessary sanitary and technical requirements usually required for residential premises.

2.1.2. When the Tenant leaves the Property, return the security deposit to him (clause 6.1 of this Agreement) after the Tenant presents to the Landlord paid bills, receipts, in accordance with clause 4.5 of the Agreement and confirmation of the safety of the property leased, minus the corresponding debts of the Tenant for payments and/or compensation property damage.

2.1.3. Notify the Tenant in writing no later than days before the expiration of this Agreement about your intention to renew the Agreement on new terms or refuse to enter into a new agreement, as well as about the upcoming alienation of the Object (exchange, sale, donation, etc.) for three months before alienation.

2.1.4. Be responsible for the shortcomings of the leased Property and the property located in it that impede its use, even if at the time of concluding the Agreement the Lessor was not aware of these shortcomings.

2.1.5. Eliminate the consequences of accidents and damages that occurred through no fault of the Tenant and/or persons living with him, using his own efforts.

2.1.6. Provide the Tenant with the opportunity to reside in the Property within calendar days from the date the Tenant receives from the Landlord a notice of early termination of this Agreement. The notification must be in writing.

2.2. The Lessor has the right to check the condition of the Property and the property located in it once a month at a time previously agreed upon with the Lessee.

2.3. The Lessor guarantees that at the time of signing this Agreement: it disposes of the Property on a legal basis - the document of law specified in clause 1.4 of this Agreement. The object is not leased, not alienated, is not under collateral, is not under arrest, and is not the subject of any dispute; the consent required by law from all owners and/or adult users of the Facility to conclude this Agreement has been obtained.


3.1. The employer is obliged:

3.1.1. Use the Facility only for personal residence and residence of persons specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.

3.1.2. Timely pay the fee for the use of the Facility (hire fee), in the manner agreed with the Landlord, as well as payments in accordance with clause 4.5 of this Agreement and provide paid invoices and receipts for these payments upon the Landlord’s request.

3.1.4. Treat the Lessor's property located in the Property with care.

3.1.5. Eliminate the consequences of accidents that occurred at the Facility due to the fault of the Tenant and/or persons living with him.

3.1.6. Do not violate the rights and interests of the owners of adjacent premises when using the Facility.

3.1.7. Freely admit the Lessor to the Property in accordance with clause 2.2 of this Agreement.

3.1.8. Return to the Lessor the Property, the property located therein, the keys to the Property in the same condition in which they were transferred to the Tenant, taking into account their natural physical wear and tear, upon expiration of the rental period established by this Agreement.

3.1.9. In case of detection of theft, damage to the Lessor's property as a result of fire, flood, illegal actions of third parties, etc., immediately notify the Lessor about this, and in his absence, report this to the relevant competent authorities.

3.1.10. Transfer to the Lessor all documents and postal items, as well as any information relating to it.

3.2. The Tenant has no right, without prior written consent from the Landlord:

3.2.1. Install any equipment in the Facility (strengthening doors, installing alarms, security systems, etc.).

3.2.2. Transfer the Object to third parties, as well as sublease the Object.

3.2.3. Carry out redevelopment and reconstruction of the Facility.

3.2.4. Move into the Facility other persons not specified in clause 1.1 of this Agreement.


4.1. The rental fee for the Object per month is rubles.

4.2. Payment for renting the Object is made: no later than the date of the current month in advance.

4.3. The established fee for hiring the Object is not subject to change during the entire rental period, unless otherwise provided by an additional agreement of the Parties.

4.4. Payment of rent, telephone subscription and utilities, with the exception of those specified in clause 4.5 of the Agreement, is carried out by the Landlord.

4.5. Payment for long-distance and international telephone calls, other paid telephone services, including the Internet, as well as consumed electricity is carried out by the Tenant, according to the tariffs of the relevant organizations.

4.6. If, at the time of the Tenant’s departure from the Property, there are any debts and/or unpaid bills, the obligation to repay the payment of which, in accordance with the Agreement, is assigned to the Tenant, the corresponding amounts of money are subject to withholding by the Landlord from the amount of the security deposit (clause 6.1 of this Agreement).


5.1. Early termination of the Agreement is possible due to its early termination or due to the unilateral refusal of either Party to fulfill it on the grounds specified in this Agreement.

5.2. Unilateral refusal to fulfill the Agreement before the expiration of the period specified in clause 1.6 of the Agreement may be made by any Party if the other Party systematically violates the terms of this Agreement.

5.3. Termination of this Agreement by way of unilateral refusal is carried out by sending one of the Parties to the Agreement to the other Party, a corresponding written notice indicating the reason for the refusal, no later than calendar days before the date of termination of the Agreement.

5.3.1. In the event of a unilateral refusal to fulfill the Agreement at the initiative of the Tenant, provided that the Landlord complies with the terms of this Agreement, the return to the Tenant of a portion of the money proportional to the unused rental period can be made by the Landlord only at his voluntary request.

5.3.2. In the event of a unilateral refusal to fulfill the Agreement at the initiative of the Landlord, subject to the Tenant's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Landlord returns to the Tenant the portion of the amount paid by the Tenant for the unused rental period and pays a penalty in the amount of the monthly rent for the Object.

5.4. The Tenant bears full financial responsibility for damage caused to the Object and/or the property of the Landlord, for damage caused to the owners of adjacent premises, regardless of whether this damage is the result of intentional actions or the result of negligence of the Tenant and or persons living with him.

5.5. In case of delay in payments under this Agreement, the Tenant shall pay the Landlord a penalty in the amount of % of the amount due for each day of delay.

5.6. Termination or termination of this Agreement does not relieve the Tenant from fulfilling the obligation in accordance with clause 5.5 of this Agreement.

5.7. If during the execution of this Agreement it is revealed that the Lessor has violated clause 2.3 of the Agreement, namely the fact that he has provided false information that prevents or makes it impossible to use the Facility, the Lessor is obliged to pay the Tenant a fine in the amount of the monthly rental rate of the Facility.

5.8. If the Tenant discovers, in the process of executing this Agreement, the Landlord's debt in payments for the Property, which complicates or makes it impossible for the normal use of the Property for residence (electricity, gas, etc.) to be used, the Tenant has the right to independently repay the identified debt at the expense of the amount of payment due to the Landlord for hiring the Object.

5.9. The Parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement if the cause of this was force majeure events and/or factors beyond their control and beyond the control of the Parties, such as: natural disasters, armed conflicts, regulations of government authorities and public administration, significantly complicating or making impossible the fulfillment of obligations assumed under the Agreement.


6.1. At the request of the Landlord, the Tenant undertakes to transfer to him a security deposit to secure payment for long-distance, international telephone calls, other paid communication services, including the Internet, provided to the Landlord's telephone number, other paid services for servicing the Facility, the obligation to pay for which lies with the Tenant, and also to ensure the safety of the property transferred to the Tenant and the property of the owners of adjacent premises. The security deposit is the amount of rubles.

6.2. In order to obtain legal guarantees under this Agreement, the Tenant shall personally verify the authenticity of the documents submitted by the Landlord on the right to the Property and check their contents before signing this Agreement.

6.3. The persons listed in clause 1.1 of this Agreement and living together with the Tenant bear all obligations under this Agreement on an equal basis with the Tenant.

6.4. Inseparable improvements made to the Property by the Tenant without written consent from the Landlord are transferred to the Landlord without reimbursement of their cost.


7.1. The parties have read the text of this Agreement and fully agree with it.

7.2. This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties.

7.3. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided they are in writing and signed by both Parties.

7.4. If disputes arise, the Parties will strive to resolve them through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, in court.

7.5. On issues not covered by this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.6. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each Party.



Landlord Registration: Postal address: Passport series: Number: Issued by: By: Telephone:



Landlord _________________

Gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Landlord", on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:
  1. The Lessor leased to the Tenant an apartment owned by him by right of ownership on the basis of a certificate from the housing cooperative (or: a registration certificate issued by the Bureau of Technical Inventory of the District dated ""2019"), located at the address: . Apartment with an area of ​​sq.m., consisting of room(s) with a living area of ​​sq.m.
  2. The apartment is rented for a period of years with monthly payment in rubles. The contract amount is rubles. The tenant is obliged to pay rent to account No. or in person no later than the date of each month for the previous month.
  3. The apartment is rented to the Tenant for living, and he is prohibited from using the residential premises for another purpose, as well as subletting.
  4. The tenant is obliged to keep the apartment clean, the equipment in good condition and to carry out routine repairs at his own expense.
  5. Changes in the terms of the contract or its termination may take place by agreement of the parties.
  6. The Landlord may demand modification or termination of the contract if the Tenant does not carry out routine repairs, deteriorates the condition of the residential premises, does not pay rent within the period stipulated by the contract, or uses the apartment for other purposes.
  7. The costs of notarization of this agreement are paid by the Tenant.
  8. The Agreement is drawn up in copies having equal legal force. An integral annex to the contract is a list of furniture and things located in the rented apartment.

By deciding to rent out your apartment to a legal entity or individual, you get many “advantages”: firstly, by renting out an apartment under a rental agreement (and not under an agreement, for example, a lease), you can get more money; secondly, persons renting an apartment under a lease agreement are a priori more solvent than citizens entering into a rental agreement.

We will try to briefly consider how a simple apartment rental agreement is drawn up.

Rules for drawing up a simple apartment rental agreement

  1. This agreement must be drawn up in writing. It must be signed by all parties to the transaction.
  2. If you are going to rent out an apartment for a period of more than 1 year, then the agreement you have concluded should be registered in the prescribed manner.
  3. The contract is usually accompanied by an act of delivery of the object. There it is best to note the existing shortcomings of the object, its non-compliance with established standards (for example, if you see a burnt ceiling, then this should be written about in the contract).

Structure of an apartment rental agreement

  1. "Subject of the agreement." Here you should clearly identify the property that you are going to rent out: indicate the exact address of the apartment, provide information about its state registration (here you must indicate the number of the state registration certificate and the date of issue of the document).In addition, it should be established whether the apartment has any encumbrances.For example. The owner's mother lives in the apartment. She is not the owner of the apartment, but is registered in it. She has no other place to live. The woman actively protests against the provision of an apartment for rent. The recorded fact that there is another person permanently residing in the apartment on the territory of the apartment must be reflected in the lease agreement. Also in the “Subject of the contract” paragraph it is worth establishing the characteristics of the apartment and its properties.
  2. "Rights and obligations of the parties". It is usually established that the tenant must maintain the property in proper condition, pay certain payments, and make routine repairs. Major repairs are usually undertaken by the landlord.
  3. "Payments". The law allows for wide variability in payments. They can be produced monthly, once a quarter.
  4. "Liability for breach of contract." Perhaps the most important point. When concluding your contractual relationship with your partner, we advise you to carefully inspect the apartment. This is not a sign of any disrespect for the tenant, these are banal rules established by law.If the tenant seriously violates the requirements established in the contract, then he faces the sanction provided for in the clause on liability for breach of contract. For example. Your partner independently (without your consent) rented the apartment to someone else. This is a serious blow to your contractual relationship.
  5. "Final and transitional provisions."

A detailed study of a sample apartment rental agreement reveals the current legislative norms on this topic. The latter apply to standard and specific rights and obligations of the parties, the characteristics of the leased property, as well as the specifics of the contractual terms. A sample apartment rental agreement can be downloaded in the public domain.

What you need to know about the lease agreement

Formed and mutually signed agreements (samples of which can be downloaded on the website) are subject to state registration. Otherwise, they are considered invalid and cannot be challenged if a dispute arises. That is why all participants are interested in such an operation. In addition, registration is necessary to record income and pay taxes. This is the only way to legalize entrepreneurial activity.

The stage of concluding an agreement, its content, resulting guarantees and obligations are regulated by the Civil Code. A popular method of state registration is now considered to be applying to the MFC. Next, to report to the Tax Inspectorate, the person renting the apartment should fill out a 3-NDFL declaration (and you can download it for free).

The inconvenience of legalizing the transaction for the owners lies in the need to register new settlers at their place of residence in the event of a long-term stay in the given territory. The registration will be temporary with the exact dates of departure indicated. However, it gives new residents certain privileged rights that the official owners do not really want to give them.

As for the standard course of the lease, the main issues here are the dates and amounts of payment, responsibility for the property, as well as to each other among the parties to the agreement. However, non-standard issues regulated by a legal contract are also possible. For example, early termination of its operation, repurchase of a rented home, exercise of pre-emptive rights.

Regarding the latter, it should be noted that the person (or group of persons) renting an apartment has an advantage over other people in renewing an expired lease. This circumstance is achievable under equal conditions for applicants and high-quality execution of agreements by an already established tenant.

It is worth noting such a specific situation as the replacement of parties to the agreement while leaving the latter in force. This norm is enshrined in Art. 617 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Here it is allowed to change the owner who rents out the apartment, and even transfer the rights and obligations from the deceased tenant to the heirs (by will and law). It is almost impossible to refuse such an heir.

A similar picture is also typical for renting a residential apartment (which will be discussed later), which is facilitated by. According to it, it is possible to replace exclusively the user with an apartment. The original employer may be replaced upon death or departure. The distribution of rights occurs between individuals who lived together with him.

A citizen moving in should know his rights, which extend beyond the boundaries of a rented or rented apartment (part of it, or a room in a communal apartment). After signing a formalized agreement, a person has access, on an equal basis with the owners of other apartments in an apartment building, to the use of common areas and premises (based on).

First of all, contracts may differ depending on the type of property being leased (by object). It is acceptable to provide the tenant with the following real estate: vehicles, buildings and premises (residential and non-residential), enterprises, etc. To carry out the delivery of all named objects, the owner must have documentary ownership rights in relation to them.

It is argued here that the drafting of a tenancy agreement for a period of less than one year negates certain restrictions and privileges. For example, the need to list all persons living with the tenant is removed; all of them are deprived of preferential rights to extend the contract, as well as the possibility of freely replacing the central person responsible for renting, etc.

Against the background of the classic version of a standard apartment lease agreement, there is the concept of sublease, which implies a temporary assignment of the rights to use the premises. That is, the current tenant transfers the property to the subtenant, but with the consent of the original owner and the presence of such an opportunity in their cooperation agreement. You can download such a sample, but, as a rule, it concerns non-residential premises.

How to draw up a standard housing agreement

The term “standard” means that there is a standardized set of clauses included in a lease or rental agreement. You are allowed to download such samples, taking their text in full or using it as a basis for additions. The content of the documentation is not unified by the government apparatus, and therefore is subject to independent correction.

Key provisions in a rental agreement

The law does not contain strict samples and forms of such documents, or specific restrictions on their content. Therefore, participants can include their own conditions here that do not contradict the law and the needs of third parties (for example, roommates). Here it is worth explaining the clauses of the agreement that take into account the basic interests of everyone.

The object of the agreement is specific (and not abstract) real estate, and the goal is its allocation on the basis of a lease. It is necessary to most accurately describe the apartment or part transferred for use from one person to another. In addition to its location (full address: region, city, street, numbering), a description of additional characteristics of a residential apartment is allowed: status, area, number of rooms, etc.

In addition, it will be useful to indicate the entire composition of the property being leased when delivering not only the apartment, but also the contents: furniture, household appliances, etc. The certified agreement may contain a whole list of things issued with the right to use. Of course, responsibility for its safety also falls on the shoulders of the person filming, which also provides for compensation in case of damage.

In a different situation (inaccurate description of the apartment or lack of indication of the contents in it), it will be difficult to use the agreement for judicial proceedings in a full format. After a conflict situation arises and one of the citizens appeals to the court, the institution will not accept for consideration a paper with undefined tasks. If household and household items are not taken into account, only the apartment agreement will be considered.

Such a simple parameter as periodic payment for a rented apartment must be indicated in the contract to protect the interests of all participants in legal relations (unless we are talking about gratuitous rent under Article 689 of the Civil Code). Here it is more convenient to write down the amount in the current currency in the country in order to avoid unnecessary calculations with conversion from a foreign equivalent (taking into account the constantly changing rate)

As part of the payment rules, you should indicate the specific amount of money paid monthly (or at other intervals). It is important to set clear dates for making payments. In this situation, the interests of both parties are taken into account. For example, the tenant is guaranteed to maintain the rent level throughout the term of the contract or increase it not unilaterally, but on the basis of preliminary agreements.

In the same block, it is recommended to mention whether utilities and other similar payments are included in the total rental price or whether they are paid by residents separately. The final rental price often depends on seasonality, since housing and communal services tariffs increase during the winter heating season.

In addition to the monthly money paid, do not forget about the previously mentioned compensation for damage to the property used, as well as additional costs for carrying out repairs in the apartment, if such paragraphs were included in the text. The latter can be used to pay for rent or as excess expenses.

The term of the apartment lease agreement was discussed a little earlier. Let us recall that the agreement regarding this issue can be urgent or indefinite. The second circumstance arises in the event of refusal to directly specify the terms of the lease. This situation is fundamentally different from the document of the rental agreement for the apartment. In the latter case, the Civil Code of Russia approves the five-year validity of the agreement without specifying the terms.

At the request of all parties, other conditions may be included here: the procedure for changing agreements, the possibility of keeping pets, a list of persons living together with the tenant and the tenant. For the option of renting an apartment for a long period of time, the latter standard is mandatory for adult citizens (an exception is made for minor children).

Sample apartment rental agreement completed form

You can download the sample both in case of hiring and renting real estate in the form of an apartment. After downloading, you can only change the variable characteristics (information about participants and real estate, as well as the amount and dating of settlements) or supplement the text with your own paragraphs (or shorten it, simplifying it).

Key points of the rental agreement for an apartment with or without furniture:

  1. Object and subject (purpose) of the agreement.
  2. Responsibilities and rights of the lessor/tenant.
  3. Responsibilities and rights of apartment users.
  4. Payment system: amount and frequency of payments for the operation of the apartment, method and nature of transactions performed.
  5. Duration of maintaining agreements.
  6. Procedure for amending already signed agreements.

This listing is not immutable. Some items may be excluded, merged, renamed, or swapped. The above list only maximally reflects the interests of the parties involved in renting and renting an apartment. Participants in legal relations need to decide on the content that is suitable for them and download the required sample in Word format for free.

As a result, the text of the document (after downloading the sample and, probably, changing it) can be located on one A4 page or occupy up to several pages. It all depends on the volume of property transferred for use (except for the apartment itself, as well as its contents), the list of standard and specific rights and obligations of the parties, independently approved by them.

Grounds for termination of the contract

Regulates the premature termination of an existing lease at the request of the owner. At the same time, it considers the termination of agreements by the opposite party to the legal relationship. Often, stopping a running contract is possible during court hearings and debates. Thus, the interested party is obliged to initiate legal proceedings.

Reasons for termination of the contract arising from the tenant:

  • the tenant uses the landlord's property in violation of certified agreements or for other purposes (primarily not for living);
  • or worsens the quality characteristics of the leased property: causes damage to the structural elements of the apartment or contents (furniture, etc.);
  • the landlord periodically does not receive timely payment in the agreed amount and on the required dates;

The listed reasons are the leading ones for apartment rental agreements. However, they may also contain specific conditions, which are also required to be fulfilled by the individual or legal entity acting as the tenant. For example, during a major renovation of an apartment, etc.

Reasons for terminating the contract from the tenant's point of view:

  • the landlord does not comply with the provisions of the contract, for example, does not give the apartment for use on the required dates or replaces the property;
  • the property given for use revealed shortcomings that were not discussed when signing the contract (perhaps they were hidden on the day of viewing the apartment);
  • the landlord does not maintain the rented premises in proper condition after delivery (unless the owner’s obligations under the agreement are assigned to the user of the apartment and this does not contradict the law);
  • the rented property has lost its suitability for reasons beyond the control of the tenant: the apartment has received damage as a result of the influence of external circumstances or third parties, or has acquired the status of an emergency and subject to resettlement.

Similar grounds for both representatives of barter relations are also suitable in the case of renting a residential apartment. Increasing requirements and restrictions when hiring complicates the process of renting out and operating an apartment, which increases certain grounds for suspending the contract (for example, the intended use of the apartment).

When termination is initiated by the tenant, he is obliged to send the opposite party written notice of this fact in advance. If one of the opponents is not satisfied with the claims for early termination of the contract, then he has the right to defend his interests in court. This proves the illegality of termination.

How to initiate legal proceedings:

  1. Write a statement of claim addressed to a carefully selected authority (a sample of which can also be downloaded in the public domain).
  2. Prepare a package of applications reflecting the events described in the claim and proving the plaintiff’s case.
  3. Deliver the collected documentary case to the office, where a mark of acceptance will be affixed.
  4. Wait for further procedural steps from the government agency.

In addition, the cancellation of an existing lease agreement for both parties is subject to the rules for general civil contracts described in Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, this article additionally mentions only a bilateral decision on this act - the termination of previously signed agreements.

Legal details of an apartment rental agreement

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Product removed CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE ANALYSIS Nutritional value and chemical composition of "edible beef bones [PRODUCT...
Potato recipes are varied and easy to prepare if you cook the potatoes in the oven. It is baked whole, stuffed with meat and...
All land plots in the country must be registered in the cadastre. This is necessary to create a unified database of cadastral territories. All...
The Dutov clan and family The Dutov clan dates back to the Volga Cossacks. Since ancient times, the Volga has been the most important waterway in Eastern Europe and has...