The meaning of the word lightning. Zarnitsa: new rules of the old game Zarnitsa sparkles

The older generation, who grew up in the Soviet Union, is well aware of the Zarnitsa game. What it is? The game gained massive popularity due to a combination of interesting outdoor games and military-patriotic education. Previously, everyone played it - both pioneers and octobers. And to what extent are these competitions adapted for modern children and adolescents?

"Zarnitsa". What is it today?

Zarnitsa is a military sports game for children of different ages, aimed at teaching the basic principles of military affairs in a playful way.

With the collapse of the USSR, the game did not lose its popularity. Now many schoolchildren to the question: "Zarnitsa" - what is it? "- they enthusiastically answer that this is one of the best school games. These are not boring lessons and not military drill, but an incredibly interesting competition, during which you can get a lot of useful skills and knowledge.

Zarnitsa is a game of many generations and different scales. It can be played both by one class and by the whole state, starting with first-graders and ending with fifth-year students of universities. There are a huge number of ready-made scenarios for participants of different ages. All of them contain intellectual, sports or strategic tasks. By doing them, the guys train the mind, body and ingenuity. Competitions can last for several hours, days and even weeks. They may involve personnel and even military equipment.

History of occurrence

For the first time "Zarnitsa", a game of Soviet youth, was held in 1964, although it was officially recognized in the USSR in 1967. Its author is a teacher from Zoya Vasilievna Krotova. She also developed the rules of the game.

Very quickly, "Zarnitsa" gained popularity among young people, having received the status of the All-Union. And it is no coincidence: in addition to being entertaining, the game had a clear political connotation - the Soviet spirit among schoolchildren. In addition, it was the first stage of preparation for military service. Repeatedly competitions were held on the territory of military units with the involvement of weapons and special equipment.


"Zarnitsa" is a game, the rules of which imply the division of participants into teams with the same number of players. The number of teams depends on the number of declared participants. Each of the teams chooses a commander, thinks over an emblem and a name.

At this time, the "command" in the person of the teaching staff of the school or camp develops a scenario for the game, draws up plans, and creates individual tasks for the teams.

The beginning of the games is a solemn line, during which the banner is carried out to the sounds of the anthem. Further, the "commander in chief" announces and sets the main task. Captains receive route plans.

After the start, a competition begins in which teams move from one stage of the game to another, gaining points or receiving trophies for completed tasks. It can be either sports standards of a military orientation.

The result of the game can be the capture of the banner, the conquest of a certain number of points, etc.

Main stages of the game

Zarnitsa is a game whose purpose is to teach the military craft, so its main stages include tasks that can instill useful skills. For example:

A performance that includes the presentation of the symbols and emblems of the team and opposing teams.


An obstacle course that tests the physical fitness of the participants, teaches mutual assistance and camaraderie: the strong must help the weak, otherwise the whole team will lose.

- (PMP) to a wounded comrade. PMP skills are practiced for bleeding, burns, wounds, fractures, etc. Proper transfer of the victim to a safe area.

Putting on a gas mask for speed.

Setting up the tent and packing the backpack.

The ability to quickly light a fire and boil water.

Ability to navigate on the map and compass on the ground.

Military song.

Further, depending on the age of the participants and the goals of the event, such stages as assembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle, military mountaineering, digging trenches and trenches, skills in handling military equipment and weapons, etc.

Useful Skills

The military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" is aimed at educating a strong spirit, a strong body and a flexible mind. In addition, it instills positive moral values: responsibility, team spirit, patriotism, courage and courage.

"Zarnitsa" - what is it? A role-playing game in which each stage develops certain skills and abilities that can be useful not only for military service (combat training, weapon handling skills, obstacle course, etc.), but also in any life unforeseen situations (the ability to navigate the terrain , put up a tent and pack a backpack, provide first aid, kindle a fire).

Choose a ready-made scenario or write it yourself - enjoy the game!

The meaning of the word "lightning" is interesting to many. What is it? This word has more than one meaning.

A natural phenomenon

In nature, lightning is a very short flash of light that can be observed in the night sky near the horizon. This flash is not lightning that flashed at a very distant distance, but a reflection of this lightning that occurs from behind the clouds. It is for this reason that lightning, which can be synonymous with a flash or flash, seems very far away.

When this phenomenon occurs, thunder peals are not heard due to the great distance, but flashes of lightning are visible, the light of which is reflected by the tops of rain clouds. All this can be seen at night, especially in the last month of summer, when it's time to harvest. That is why, among the people, lightning was timed to coincide with the beginning of the collection.

Military sports game "Zarnitsa"

Many people know this word precisely for such a holiday, which children in schools are looking forward to with great impatience. The game evokes a lot of positive emotions and allows the children to show their individual skills in military training, imagine the course of real hostilities, and also improve sports and military-patriotic work at school.

The course of the game is as follows: students are divided into teams and participate in competitions in various sports of a military-applied nature. Year 11 students can help teachers organize and conduct events. The game gives both boys and girls the opportunity to prove themselves, who can feel like a close-knit team, learn how to make decisions in difficult situations, and also gain first aid skills for injured people.


All participants are divided into several teams, in which there is an equal number of players. Usually the same team includes students from different classes. Eleventh graders are responsible for running the game, and teachers are the heads of garrison services. Each team chooses a name for itself, draws an emblem and chooses a commander. At the beginning, a ruler passes, on which the anthem sounds and the banner is carried out. The team leaders submit a report, and the players greet them. Then the military instructor announces and sets a task for the teams, and the commanders receive sheets with the image of the route. Participants are invited to start.

Stages of the game

At the first stage, as already mentioned, each team introduces itself, shows the emblem and greets its rivals. The greeting should be prepared in advance and preferably in the form of a poem.

At the second stage, the teams pass Each student runs it for a while, and the total time affects the final result. Zarnitsa is a good way to introduce children to physical education.

The next stage is the provision of medical care to a person who has fractures, injuries, burns and bleeding. The team is given theoretical and practical questions. Then the participants begin to provide assistance to the victim, and the jury evaluates the correctness of the actions.

Stage four - carrying the victim. After rendering assistance, it must be transferred on a stretcher to a certain place. First, the students lay out the stretcher, then correctly lay the victim and carry him. The organizers are counting the time.

The fifth stage is drill training. At the signal of the commander, the entire team shows their skills in building, turning and moving in line. At the same time, a slogan and a marching song are needed. Grades are given for the correct performance of all actions. "Zarnitsa" is a game that allows you to rally the guys.

The sixth stage is very loved by many students. This is an assembly machine. Here the guys have to quickly and correctly assemble weapons for a while.

The next step is putting on a gas mask. On command, children must quickly and correctly put on personal protective equipment. Time is calculated according to the last person who completed the task.

Setting up a tent is the eighth stage of the competition. Here, the teams single out several people who must quickly and smoothly correctly put up the tent and pull it up.

Another interesting competition is lighting a fire and boiling water. Here everything is also done for speed. "Zarnitsa" is not only a sport, but also the skills necessary in life.

Stage eleven - orientation with a compass. Each team receives the coordinates of the opponent's reserves. You need to navigate the compass and find these reserves.

The last competition may be the performance of the song. Each team prepares a military song in advance, which must be presented in some way. Here you can judge by many criteria: costumes, originality, design, performance.

Game results

The winner of the game is determined by counting the points for all contests in total. You can also calculate penalty points that will affect the final result.

The military sports game "Zarnitsa" is a wonderful event for both children and teachers.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


lightning, f. An instantaneous flash of light illuminating the horizon in the evening or at night, like lightning, but without thunder; reflection of a distant storm. The sky, full of thunderstorms, was trembling from lightning. Tyutchev.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Y, well. A distant flash in the sky - a reflection of distant lightning. Lightning plays on the horizon.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


and. A flash of light on the horizon during a distant thunderstorm.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


a flash of light on the horizon during a distant thunderstorm; lightning is not seen and thunder is not heard.


a brief flash of light seen in the night sky near the horizon. Caused by lighting of the atmosphere by lightning in places located beyond the horizon; thunder is not audible due to the distance.


Zarnitsa (game)

"Zarnitsa"- pioneer military sports game in the USSR. It was an imitation of military operations, similar to military exercises. During the game, the pioneers were divided into teams and competed in various military-applied sports with game elements. The game was part of the system of primary military training for schoolchildren in the USSR. At present, with the departure of pioneer organizations from schools, "Zarnitsa" or games similar to it are usually held by military-patriotic clubs and other similar organizations.

An analogue of "Zarnitsa", held for high school students, was the military sports game "Eaglet".


Zarnitsa is an ambiguous term.

  • Zarnitsa - a reflection of night lightning.

Zarnitsa (type of river vessels)

Zarnitsa- a type of river passenger ships on a skeg air cushion, project 1435. Designed for local passenger transportation along shallow rivers.


Ship repair and shipbuilding plant named after. M.S. Uritsky

Total built: over 100 ships (71 known)

Description and list of vessels on the website of the river fleet:

In general, the ship was unsuccessful. In particular, even despite the use of an air cushion, the hydrodynamic resistance turned out to be large. As a result, the ship's speed was low. In May-June 1969, the ship passed official trials on the Sura River. On a measured mile with a full number of passengers, a speed of about 36.6 km / h was obtained with a main engine power of 256 hp. The economic indicators turned out to be worse than those of the faster gliding ships of the Zarya type. A relatively small series was released. A further development of the 1435 Zarnitsa project was the Luch ships.

Zarnitsa (Gomel region)

Zarnitsa- a village in the Zyabrovsky village council of the Gomel district of the Gomel region of Belarus.

Zarnitsa (Zaporozhye region)

Zarnitsa- village, Barvinovsky village council, Novonikolaevsky district ((}Новониколаевский район, Запорожская область, Украина.!}

The KOATUU code is 2323680403. The population at the 2001 census was 92.

Zarnitsa (Vitebsk region)

Zarnitsa- a village in the Gorodoksky district of the Vitebsk region of Belarus. It is part of the Gurkinsky village council.

It is located 1 verst south of the village of Lahi.

Zarnitsa (kimberlite pipe)

Kimberlite pipe Zarnitsa- the first kimberlite pipe found by scientists in the USSR. The pipe is located in Yakutia, in the Daldyn-Alakitsky region, on the territory of the watershed of two small streams that flow into the Daldyn River.

The kimberlites of this pipe contain diamonds, however, at the moment there is no practical interest in them.

Zarnitsa (radar station)

"Zarnitsa"- small-sized surveillance radar station for torpedo boats. Purpose - detection of surface targets and generation of data to control a torpedo attack. The first Soviet ship station, which was served by one person.

Developed in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 10, 1946 at NII-10. Chief designer - A. K. Balayan.

According to the results of state tests conducted on the Black Sea Fleet in April - June 1948, the detection range of a destroyer was 75 cabs, a minesweeper - 58 ... 93 cabs, a torpedo boat - 34 cabs, a submarine in a cruising position - 26 ... position - 20 ... 25 cab, aircraft at an altitude of 100 ... 300 m - 90 ... 170 cab. Resolution in range - 0.85 cab, in direction - 20 °. The maximum error in determining the coordinates by distance is 1.38 cab, by the heading angle - 2 °. Dead zone - 1.7 cab.

The station equipment is made in the form of compact blocks with a total weight of 57 kg. The antenna device was placed on the mast, the main units - on the deck of the boat. The length of the emitted wave is 10 cm, the radiation power is 80 kW.

For this work, A. K. Balayan and the team of employees were awarded the titles of laureates of the USSR State Prize.

On the basis of the Zarnitsa radar, in the early 1950s, the Shtag-B shipborne radar rangefinder was created.

Examples of the use of the word lightning in the literature.

She could see a spiraling cloud of dust, an accretion disk, plummeting into a black hole of incredible size, lit up by bursts of radiation like a summer night. lightning bolts.

In the slate-black sky, golden lightning, the stars are falling, reflected in the flowing rapids of the Don.

The terrible witch lifted Vart higher, intending to do with him as he was told, and at that very moment, in the kitchen, with a hiss, but without a crackle, the summer lightning and Merlin appeared on the threshold.

We’ll walk now,” he said confidently, and we headed for the river where Kuchum was barking. lightning, unexpectedly opening the whole sky, the entire depth of the valley to the very Dzhugdzhur ridge, and again everything was drowned in even greater darkness.

And then one day, when Isaiah was praying in the temple, as if lightning broke the darkness and it was revealed to him that He who is here, that He truly dwells among His people, walks next to man.

Schiller, Goethe, Klinger - with young eagles awakened by the approaching lightning bolts Great French Revolution.

She slowly but uncontrollably ascends, supported by bright, like flashes. lightning, piano responses.

In the future, we met in public quite often, and for some reason some depressingly joking tone wound up between us - and in general, we never agreed with him before art, but now it's too late, and the hero goes out into another garden, and blaze lightning, and then he rides to the station, and the stars burn menacingly and marvelously on the coffin velvet, and something bitter smells from the fields, and in the infinitely sympathetic distance of our youth, roosters crow to the night.

A porous liver the color of an umbilical cord breathed nearby, mercury lightning, sparklers, dashing awns in bloody spots were exposed in the background, matte mother-of-pearl shone on the sides of some goblet.

Since childhood, I remember how you lie on a stuffy summer evening, it happened, you watch flashes lightning in the west and you wait, you will not wait for a fertile thunderstorm.

In fact, when our eyes became accustomed to the mild heat, distant flashes everywhere became visible - not that lightning, or fires, - and ominous shadows flew in space, and melancholy approached from all sides.

Zarnitsa slowly faded, and again - darkness, viscous sand underfoot, howling wind in the headphones.

And then one day from the Misty Mountains In the whitish caps of glaciers A weary traveler cast a glance At the forest, glowing sparkling Under the sleepy canopy of clouds, Above the foamy lace of streams He dreamed lightning In the magical form of the earth.

After all, there were wars, hard times, distant lands, icy cold, death and destruction, and Gorodets with a garden, with silence, arose only recently, as a late lightning on the edge of life.

Sometimes Davydov, from under his hoarfrost-covered eyelids, saw purple lightning bolts the wings of rooks rapidly rising from the road flared in the sun, and again sweet slumber closed his eyes.

Many residents of the Moscow region often had to see strange flashes in the evening sky, on the horizon line.

Sometimes they are bright, occupying most of the sky, and sometimes they only slightly illuminate the very edge of the horizon with a glow. As a rule, they can be seen in the summer, during the period. The flashes resemble the sparkling of lightning, but no thunderous sounds are heard. The old people call them lightning bolts.

What is a lightning bolt?

Summer lightning is a beautiful and unusual sight, which can often be observed in the evening or night sky. Many are surprised by the fact that the sky during the lightning remains clear and cloudless, and no thunder is heard. What is this atmospheric phenomenon, and can it be dangerous?

Although lightning is not lightning, it is directly related to it. As a rule, this is a reflection on the lower surface of the clouds of those lightnings that sparkle at a very long distance from the observer, as a rule, beyond the horizon line. The great distance does not make it possible to hear the sound, but the light reflected from the cloud layer freely reaches the eyes of observers. Most often, lightning can be observed in the second half of summer, before or during the harvest.

In our latitudes, flashes of lightning usually appear on the horizon and always remain at the very edge of the sky. In tropical countries, this phenomenon sometimes covers a significant part of the sky, reaching the zenith.

This is not an independent phenomenon, but only a reflection of a powerful atmospheric effect - a lightning discharge.

What is lightning?

As you know, lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that occurs between a thundercloud and the earth. Its electrical voltage can reach hundreds and even thousands of gigawatts, and its current strength can reach hundreds of millions of amperes. The power consumed by one or two in a fraction of a second is generated by all nuclear power plants in the world during the year. This is an incredible force that pours into space without any purpose, accompanied by the brightest flash and the strongest sound effect.

Most often, the energy of lightning goes into the ground without harming anyone, but sometimes fires start due to a charge hitting a tree or a building, especially if the weather has been dry and hot for a long time before the thunderstorm. In any case, the light emitted by a lightning discharge is so bright that it can be seen for tens of kilometers.

Why can we see lightning?

Lightning flashes become available for observation when:

- in the over-horizon layer of the atmosphere there is "muslin" cloudiness, i.e. very light, almost invisible clouds from the surface, which, nevertheless, perfectly reflect the light of lightning;

- between the lightning and the observer there are high cumulonimbus clouds, the lower part of which serves as a reflector that transmits the reflection of the flash, but dampens the sound wave;

- lightning discharges occur at high altitude in dry transparent air (the so-called dry thunderstorm), so the sound does not reach the surface of the earth.

The most common lightning can be observed in July, when the wheat harvest takes place, so in the old days lightning had another name - bakers. If the outbreaks continued throughout the night, it was called sparrow night.

A thunderstorm can cause fear in a person of any age. Peals of thunder and lightning can frighten even the most courageous. Zarnitsa is, watching which does not cause fear, because the formidable element is too far from its viewer.

distant harbingers

Zarnitsa is called bright and fast flashes of light on the horizon, indicating an approaching thunderstorm. The people call them bakers, since their appearance falls on that period of summer, when the bread in the fields has already ripened.

Lightnings, as a rule, are not accompanied by peals of thunder. This can be explained by the fact that the speed of light is higher than the speed of sound. If the storm is at a sufficient distance, a person may perceive only a flash and not hear thunder. It is possible to see an unusual phenomenon even with a completely clear sky. High layers of rarefied steam are usually invisible from the ground. With bright flashes during thunderstorms, they reflect light well. As a result, lightning that is far away from the viewer appears closer.

In Rus', lightning is a natural phenomenon associated with a considerable number of signs:

  • July 30 was considered the day dedicated to Saint Marina. On this day, the peasants never looked at the sky if they worked in the field. According to the sign, the lightning on Marina could deprive her of sight.
  • It was considered a bad sign to see lightning during a drought. Such a sign indicated that an even greater drought was coming.
  • Frequent lightning without drought in the first months of summer portends a bountiful harvest.

Varieties of lightning

In most cases, lightning can be observed in the warm season: in late spring, summer (especially in July) and early autumn. Lightning is divided into 2 types, according to the reasons that caused this phenomenon:

  1. Silent reflections of lightning . They are so far away that the sound dissipates before it reaches the viewer.
  2. Silent electrical discharges , which can be observed between thunderclouds. According to some scientists, these flashes have nothing to do with a thunderstorm. It is likely that such lightning is a consequence of the interaction of two cloud layers that are close to each other. This kind of lightning can be reproduced in the laboratory even at school in the classroom. The second type of lightning is often observed in the equator region.

Lightning is a natural phenomenon, the occurrence of which on the horizon indicates that a thunderstorm is approaching from the side of bright flashes. Sometimes, despite the fact that the lightning continues for several hours, the thunderstorm passes by. If bright flashes illuminated the sky all night, but the rain did not come, such nights are called "sparrow nights".

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