Pork with pasta original recipes. Navy style pasta with minced pork Navy style pasta with minced pork

If you want to cook something quickly and tasty, naval pasta is what you need. There are many varieties of their preparation. Just today I will tell you several classic methods.

We will prepare pasta using different methods. The meat we will use is pork and beef. I'll tell you how to make the meat juicy and not dry.

Having mastered these easy cooking tips, you will be able to show off your skills more than once in front of your friends.

Let's get started already.

Navy pasta with minced pork

There are many options for preparing this dish. But this classic recipe uses minced meat and large pasta. Feathers or horns are most suitable here.

Required ingredients:

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the onion into small cubes. Chop the garlic.
  2. Heat a frying pan over a fire and fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Next, put a pan of water on the fire, add a pinch of salt and wait until it boils.
  4. Then pour the pasta into the pan and boil it according to the instructions on the package. I use horns.
  5. Place the frying pan on the fire, pour in vegetable oil, and fry the minced meat. Salt and pepper to taste. If you want to add some spice to the dish, add one teaspoon of mustard.
  6. You can use different types of meat here. Add fried onions with garlic and butter to the minced meat.
  7. We also put the boiled horns there. Mix everything thoroughly and serve.

Bon appetit!

Navy pasta with minced beef

And so our second recipe will be the same pasta, only with minced beef. I think this dish is for real men, for men who are not afraid to cook themselves not only scrambled eggs, but also an omelet with cheese.

But today, dear friends, we will cook pasta the navy way. And not only in a family setting, but also in a masculine setting, this dish will be extremely appropriate. Before cooking, don’t forget to put on an apron; if you don’t have one, you can wear an old T-shirt, which will then go either in the trash or in the washing machine.

What we need:

  • pasta (hard varieties) - 300-400g
  • meat (beef) -400g
  • 2 large onions
  • one tablespoon of tomato paste
  • teaspoon black peppercorns
  • sunflower oil

So, let's start cooking:

As for the frying pan, it should be thick-walled so that it has good walls and a good bottom that will distribute the heat evenly. Therefore, the main criterion when choosing a frying pan is, of course, weight; the heavier it is, the better it is.

4. So, throw the onion into the frying pan, and while it is frying, we will start chopping the meat. We need a piece of beef. This meat is good for our dish. Again I cut it just how, I don’t care much about the shape now. This is not goulash, this is not some kind of dish of chopped meat, you can just chop it completely mindlessly. After that, we leave him to wait in the wings.

Cooking pasta

Roasting meat

  1. After the onion is fried, place the meat directly on it. It is very important to understand that when you want to fry meat with onions, you need to start not with meat, but with onions. Then the meat loses less liquid and will simply taste better. And the onion will never burn, because cold meat falling on the onion lowers the temperature in the frying pan, and everything will be fried as it should. At first, I don’t stir the meat so that it sticks to the onion. Remember this technique: onions first, then meat, not vice versa.
  2. Now you can salt the beef. Under no circumstances should you salt it when the meat begins to fry, because it will lose a lot of juice. I sometimes wonder why this dish is called naval pasta, but obviously it was probably invented on ships, because the dish is hearty and nutritious.
  3. After the pasta is cooked, you can strain through a colander. Or you can take a bowl, put a sieve on it and pour the pasta into it.
  4. After you have poured them out, rinse them with cold water, then the cooking process will stop.
  5. So our meat is ready, let it cool a little and transfer the contents into a blender to grind it. The beef is now turning into nice coarse minced meat. I don't like it when meat is too ground into a paste, so I prefer to do it with this device than with a regular meat grinder.
  6. Next, we go to the stove and take with us the same frying pan in which we fried the meat. Add a little vegetable oil and a spoonful of tomato. It will give such a bonding effect. We heat it in a frying pan, this is good for the tomato, then excess acid leaves it.
  7. Next, throw in the chopped meat; if you don’t have a tomato, you can simply forget about it. If you have a tomato, you can chop it finely and fry it in a frying pan, and then the meat. Fry for a few minutes.
  8. You also need to put some good black pepper in there, black pepper is an extremely masculine thing. There is no need to add rosemary and thyme, just black pepper. Be sure to add it with peas.

Tricks for using black peppercorns

  1. Place a small frying pan on the burner, turn up the heat and add a little pepper to a completely dry frying pan. When it hits the pan, it becomes rounder and larger in size, and more flavorful and brittle. You can roll it a little so that it heats up evenly. There should be a slight aroma.
  2. After this it needs to be crushed. Take a cutting board, cover it with a napkin, and carefully pour in the pepper. We'll grind it up. Cover the top with a napkin and take something heavy, such as a rolling pin. We begin to roll the pepper through a napkin; between two layers of paper it will not crumble anywhere. After that, sprinkle it on the meat to taste. You can carefully wrap the remaining pepper in paper and leave it for another time.
  3. Mix our minced meat. Now comes the final moment, because we put the pasta directly into the frying pan for the meat.
  4. Turn on the stove and warm up our mass a little.

It turns out such a delicious thing called naval pasta. Done, you can put the pasta on plates and treat your guests. It is convenient to eat this dish from a plate that is not completely flat, because then it is easier to catch them. Navy pasta contains meat. Meat is protein, and pasta is carbohydrates, a very masculine combination. I recommend preparing a little more salad, cucumbers with tomatoes and onions, vegetable oil and a little vinegar so that there is a slight vegetable note.

Navy pasta classic recipe in a slow cooker

The third and final method, we will have it cooked in a slow cooker.

In general, meat, onions, pasta - this is a classic recipe, and then you can add any vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and tomato paste is also used. The finished dish is sprinkled with cheese, but this is a departure from the classics; we are preparing a classic dish.

You will need

Let's start cooking:

  1. First, finely chop the onion.
  2. Pour about 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Fry the onion and minced meat. Select the frying mode. As soon as the multicooker heats up, fry the onions.
  4. After 5 minutes, add minced meat to it and fry the onion together for about 3 minutes. If desired, you can add tomato paste at this stage and fry along with it. My total frying time was 8 minutes.
  5. Add the pasta on top, and now you need to sprinkle with 2/3 tablespoons of salt. As you noticed, I did not salt the minced meat.
  6. Add a little black pepper and fill it all with hot water. Why is it hot, because we already have fried onions with minced meat, and so that there is no temperature difference, we pour boiling water over it. It took me exactly a liter of water. Pour in so that all the pasta is covered with water and close the lid.
  7. We will cook on the cereal / rice mode. 25 minutes will be enough, after the allotted time the dish will be ready. Click Start.
  8. After time has passed, open the lid and mix all the contents thoroughly.

You can serve it to the table. Pasta goes very well with a light vegetable salad.

An easy to prepare, but very successful dish for the family table is navy pasta with minced meat. Short cooking time, affordable ingredients and great taste are the main positive features that come to mind. You can quickly and deliciously prepare this dish by simply looking at the recipe below. Perhaps this is the simplest and fastest cooking method that can exist in the world. Only the most necessary ingredients are used to make the dish satisfying and tasty!

To learn how to cook pasta with minced meat, read the page below and see step-by-step photos.


  • pasta - 1 tbsp;
  • minced meat - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • seasoning for meat - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.

To prepare delicious navy-style pasta, take high-quality minced meat and put it in a saucepan or frying pan. If necessary, defrost the minced meat.

Add vegetable oil and finely chopped onions to the minced meat.

Add the required amount of seasoning for meat, ground black pepper and salt.

By the way, meat seasoning and pepper are not required ingredients. You can completely do without it.

Over medium heat, fry all ingredients until half cooked.

Separately, boil the pasta and place it in the fried minced meat. Before adding them to the saucepan, of course, drain the liquid from them using a colander.

Pasta is the simplest and most classic dish. It’s hard to surprise anyone with such a concoction. But once you cook them with pork, add sauce, you get a dish worthy of a restaurant.

Pasta with meat in a slow cooker

Simple recipe step by step

  • pasta “horns” - 400 g;
  • oil – 30 ml;
  • medium bulb;
  • spices, salt;
  • pork tenderloin – ½ kg.

Time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 293.4 kcal.

  1. You should start cooking by boiling the pasta. This must be done following the instructions on the package;
  2. The meat component must be thoroughly washed and chopped into small strips;
  3. Heat a frying pan and coat it with oil;
  4. Fry the pork over high heat until golden brown;
  5. While the meat is frying, you need to peel the onion and cut it in any way;
  6. Add the chopped vegetable to the pork, season, add some salt and continue cooking over low heat under the lid;
  7. 5 minutes before readiness, add the boiled pasta to the mixture in a frying pan and mix generously.

Fried pasta with pork in a frying pan

  • pasta “spirals” - 200 g;
  • onion – 1 small head;
  • pork pulp – ¼ kg;
  • oil – 30 ml;
  • carrots – 1 small root vegetable;
  • salt;
  • dried herbs, pepper.

Time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: 262.3 kcal.

  1. Before you start cooking, you should prepare the ingredients. The meat ingredient must be washed and chopped into pieces, the size of which suits you. We remove the peel from the carrot root crop, wash it and chop it using a grater. Remove the onion head from the peel, pour over water and chop into a medium cube;
  2. We pour oil over the bottom of the frying pan, which we place on the stove. Place the chopped pork on a hot vessel and gild it over high heat;
  3. We supplement the meat frying with chopped vegetables and, changing the heat level to minimum, sauté them until soft;
  4. We send the pasta to the meat and vegetable mixture, flavor it with dried herbs, add salt, pepper and mix generously;
  5. Add about ½ tbsp to the pan. water, cover with a lid and simmer until the “spirals” are ready;
  6. If necessary, add a little more water if the pasta is not done. If the pasta is cooked and there is still water left, it is important to increase the heat to maximum and evaporate the remaining moisture.

Navy pasta with pork

  • pasta “nests” - ½ kg;
  • dill greens – 20 g;
  • pork tenderloin – 1/3 kg;
  • salt and favorite spices;
  • oil - for frying;
  • large onion.

Time: 35 minutes.

Calorie content: 298.7 kcal.

  1. We remove the onion from the husk and chop it into several parts;
  2. We wash the pork pulp and cut it into small pieces;
  3. Place the freshly prepared ingredients and washed dill into the blender bowl. Grind to a minced consistency;
  4. Coat the bottom of the frying pan with oil, place it on the fire and transfer the chopped meat and onions;
  5. Season with spices and add salt. Fry the ground pork until lightly browned;
  6. While the mince is golden, it is important to boil the pasta. The instructions on the package will help you do this;
  7. Add boiled pasta to the meat frying and mix generously.

Pasta with pork in tomato sauce in the oven

  • onion – 1 large head;
  • tomato paste – 300 g;
  • pork pulp – ½ kg;
  • broth - 1 tbsp.;
  • pasta – ½ kg;
  • oil – 40 ml;
  • larva leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • dried herbs, salt.

Time: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 227.9 kcal.

  1. We wash the pork tenderloin and cut it into medium pieces;
  2. Chop the onion into large cubes, having previously separated it from the peel;
  3. Place a frying pan that can be placed in the oven over high heat and pour in fat;
  4. Sauté the chopped vegetable until transparent, add the meat pieces and give them a light golden color;
  5. We dilute tomato paste in the broth and pour this mixture over the fried pork;
  6. Add some salt, season with spices, add a bay leaf, mix and place in the oven, which is heated to 190°C for 20 minutes (until the meat component is soft);
  7. While the pork is simmering in the oven, you need to boil the pasta. Dealing with this is as easy as shelling pears: follow the instructions on the pack;
  8. Add cooked pasta to the meat stewed in sauce, stir and keep in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Pasta in creamy sauce with meat

  • “spirals” from durum varieties – ½ kg;
  • seasonings;
  • cherry – 5 pcs.;
  • pork neck – 400 g;
  • “Parmesan” – 100 g;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • cream – 150 g;
  • “Dor Blue” – 100 g;
  • oil – 40 ml.

Time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 290.7 kcal.

  1. Remove the fat from the meat component, wash it, blot it with napkins and cut it into pieces;
  2. We coat each piece of meat in flour and place it in a frying pan, the bottom of which must be coated with oil;
  3. Give the pork a golden brown color, remembering to stir;
  4. Fill a small saucepan with cream and heat it well;
  5. Cut Dor Blue into small pieces and add to warm cream, stir constantly until the cheese dissolves;
  6. We wash the cherry tomatoes and chop each tomato in half;
  7. We add tomatoes to the meat frying and add spices;
  8. Continue to simmer the ingredients until soft;
  9. Pour the creamy sauce over the pork and tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes until the pasta is boiled;
  10. Place the boiled pasta into the frying pan with the prepared ingredients and, after stirring, cook for another 5 minutes;
  11. Grind the Parmesan on a fine grater and sprinkle it over the finished dish.

  • pasta comes in different varieties and shapes. Therefore, they will take different times to cook. To cook pasta correctly, you must follow the instructions on the package;
  • if cooked pasta according to a recipe needs to be stewed in sauce along with meat, it is better to reduce the cooking time by 1-2 minutes;
  • If desired, it is not forbidden to add your favorite vegetables and herbs. This way the dish will acquire a taste that you will like;
  • if you couldn’t get the meat from the “soft” part of the carcass, then you should simmer it additionally by adding a little water or broth;
  • As for the method of cutting ingredients, everyone chooses the method that he likes;
  • Does the recipe not include your favorite spices? Feel free to use them.

Tired of regular boiled pasta? Make a new pasta and pork dish for your family and treat them to a delicious hot dish based on an original recipe.

Some of the best ways to prepare unusual dishes from ordinary ingredients:

All ingredients in the recipes given are given in approximate quantities; use your own taste to determine the amount of food you need.

“Fried” pasta with pork in a frying pan


Pork – 200 grams;
Pasta – 0.3 kilograms;
Carrots – 1 piece;
Onions – 3 pieces;
Salt and spices to taste;
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
Drinking water.


1. Heat the oil over medium heat and fry the finely chopped pork in it.

2. Peel the onions and carrots, chop them and send them to fry with the meat.

3. When the pork and vegetables are browned, pour boiling water from the kettle (about a liter) and let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes.

4. Salt the broth, add your favorite spices (this can be black peppercorns, cumin, coriander and others).

5. After waiting for two minutes, add the pasta. The water should cover them about the width of two fingers. Mix well and cover with a lid.

6. From time to time, the pasta and pork need to be stirred without allowing it to stick to the bottom. When all the liquid has boiled away, test for doneness; if it’s a little damp, you can add more boiling water and cook for additional time.

“Fried” pasta with pork meat is ready! Serve with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Pasta with pork in a slow cooker

The beauty of cooking in a slow cooker lies in the fact that you put everything in a miracle pot and forgot about it until the beep. Therefore, we will use a recipe in which you do not need to pre-boil or fry the pork. And since pork meat takes much longer to cook than pasta, we grind it either using kitchen appliances (meat grinder/processor) or by hand, trying to keep the pieces literally tiny.


Pork – 200 grams;
Pasta – 300 grams;
Vegetables – 200 grams;
Vegetable oil or melted butter – 50 grams;
Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking pork with pasta:

1. Pour oil into the multicooker. If you took butter, keep in mind that it should be liquid.

2. Place the meat in a bowl, distributing it evenly along the bottom.

3. Salt and add pasta spices.

5. Sprinkle pasta on top. It is best if it is pasta made from durum wheat, so you will be sure that it will not boil into porridge during cooking.

6. Fill with water. It should completely cover the pasta, slightly exceeding the level.

7. Close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode, so the multicooker will turn off the heating itself when all the water has boiled away and the meat and vegetables are slightly fried.

8. After the sound signal, open the lid, mix and determine the readiness of the pasta. If necessary, you can add boiling water and cook for 5 minutes on the “Steam Boiler” mode, but, as a rule, this is not required.

Recipe in spicy tomato sauce


Pork – 400 grams;
Garlic – 2-3 cloves;
Onion – 2-3 heads;
Carrots – 1-2 root vegetables;
Fresh tomatoes – 2 pieces;
Sun-dried tomatoes to taste;
Tomato paste – 2 tablespoons;
Boiled pasta – 600 grams;
Salt and spices;
Vegetable oil for frying.

Step by step recipe

1. It is best to take pork meat with fat, and cut it so that each piece contains both fat and meat. Fry it in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil over low heat, so that not only the pieces turn golden, but also the lard melts and becomes translucent.

2. Add finely chopped garlic, onion and carrots in half rings. Fry over low heat.

3. When the onion becomes transparent, add chopped fresh tomatoes. Simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Dilute tomato paste in half a glass of water. Pour into the pan.

5. Add salt and spices. If desired, sun-dried tomatoes.

6. Simmer over medium heat until the liquid evaporates.

7. Place boiled pasta (al dente stage) into the prepared tomato sauce with pork, mix, cover with a lid and let the dish soak for two minutes. And then, removing from heat, let it brew for another 2 minutes.

Place on plates and serve hot with white wine and fresh vegetables.

Pork with pasta in the oven

You will need:

Pasta Nests – 8 pieces;
Pork – 200 grams;
Olive oil – 2 tablespoons;
Vegetables – 200 grams;
Milk or cream – 200 grams;
Butter – 1 tablespoon with a large slide;
Wheat flour – 1 heaped tablespoon;
Nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon;
Salt and white pepper to taste.

Cooking step by step:

1. Boil the nests until half cooked so that the core inside remains solid.

2. Crumble the pork and fry over medium heat until a crust appears.

3. We take vegetables to our taste, for example, onions, carrots, tomatoes, celery. Cut into smaller pieces and add to the meat. Let's pass.

4. In a separate ladle, melt the butter and slowly add the flour, stirring constantly. As soon as the mixture becomes nut-colored, remove from heat and pour in milk in small portions. Having achieved a homogeneous state, heat it over the fire. After the sauce has boiled, add salt, pepper and nutmeg. If lumps appear in the mass, it should be strained through a fine sieve.

5. Place the pasta nests tightly into the baking dish. Place meat and vegetable filling in the center of each. Pour cream sauce over the nests.

6. Place in the oven preheated to 220°C until a crust forms.

Arrange in portions, decorating with herbs and pouring the remaining sauce from the mold. Gourmets can recommend sprinkling the dish with parmesan, grated using a fine grater.

Pasta and pork casserole recipe


Pork (boiled or fried) – 150 grams;
Pasta (boiled) – 400 grams;
Eggs – 2 pieces;
Cream – 0.5 cups;
Salt to taste;
Tomatoes – 1 piece;
Hard cheese – 150 grams;
Mayonnaise – 4-5 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil or butter for greasing the mold.

Preparing the casserole:

1. Mix eggs with cream. Salt if desired. In fact, the dish includes mayonnaise and cheese, and the prepared meat and pasta are already salted, so there is no need to add additional salt.

2. Add half of the coarsely grated cheese.

3. Place the pasta boiled until half cooked in a greased baking dish, and the next layer is pieces of meat. Pork for casserole can be boiled, fried, or even left over from lunch, the main thing is to cut it into small cubes.

4. Pour in the egg-cheese mixture.

6. The last layer is the remaining grated cheese.

7. Place in the oven. The casserole is cooked at 220°C until golden brown.

Cut into portions. Serve the pasta and pork casserole hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Navy pasta with pork


Pork – 300 grams;
Lard – 100 grams;
Onion – 300 grams;
Pasta – 500 grams;
Salt and ground black pepper;
Vegetable oil.

How to cook pork with navy pasta:

1. If you prefer dishes with minced meat, then grind the meat, lard and onion in a meat grinder and fry in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. If you are a fan of cracklings and pieces of meat, then we offer you another option. Place the crumbled lard on a greased frying pan and wait until it melts as much as possible, releasing its fat. Next, chop the pork and onion and add to the browned cracklings. Stirring, fry until golden brown.

2. In a separate pan, cook your favorite pasta by placing it in boiling salted water. Boil according to package directions.

3. Rinse the finished pasta in a colander under cold running water. Let the moisture drain, shaking lightly with a colander, and then transfer to the pan with the meat and onions.

4. Heat together, stirring so that the products “share” their aromas with each other.

It is believed that it was the ship's cooks who came up with the recipe for pasta with twisted meat. Today, this dish is prepared not only by coquis, but also by ordinary housewives. And if you don’t know how to cook navy-style pasta with minced meat, then a step-by-step recipe will help you appreciate the taste of a hearty dish.

Navy pasta with minced meat and tomato paste

A dish like naval pasta is a real lifesaver when you need to quickly, satisfyingly and tasty feed your family. Tomato paste can be replaced with fresh vegetables and thereby prepare a navy-style dish with minced meat and tomatoes.


  • 540 g homemade minced meat;
  • 325 g pasta;
  • spices, oil;
  • bulb;
  • two tbsp. spoons of tomato paste (sauce).

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, you can use purchased minced meat or twist the meat together with onions.
  2. If you have purchased minced meat, then first sauté the diced onion in a thick-bottomed pan until transparent, and then add the minced meat to it, season with spices, and fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Then pour hot water and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Add tomato puree (sauce), stir, simmer for five minutes and add already boiled pasta, mix, simmer for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat.

Recipe in a slow cooker

Navy pasta is a hearty dish familiar to many housewives. We offer you the option of cooking in a slow cooker. For the recipe, we will take any minced meat and durum pasta.


  • 325 g minced meat;
  • bulb;
  • 25 g tomato puree (ketchup);
  • 25 g ghee;
  • spices, water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour oil into the bowl of the kitchen appliance and turn on the “Frying” mode for 15 minutes. For the first five minutes, overcook the chopped onion; for the remaining time, cook it together with the minced meat. Five minutes before the end of the program, add tomato puree (ketchup) and spices.
  2. After the signal, pour in dry pasta, add a piece of melted butter, pour in half a liter of water and cook the dish in the “Stew” mode for 15 minutes.

Navy pasta with spaghetti

Navy pasta can be not only a tasty dish, but also healthy. Selected varieties of pasta contain many lipids and proteins that we need for proper digestion.


  • 420 g spaghetti;
  • 720 g minced meat (any kind);
  • two small onions;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • spices, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into quarters, garlic into small cubes. Fry the vegetables until translucent, then add the twisted meat and fry until the meat ingredient is ready.
  2. Then season with spices, fry for another five minutes and add spaghetti, boiled until al dente, that is, do not cook the product for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Pour water from the spaghetti, cover and simmer the dish for 15 minutes.

Frying pan recipe

Navy pasta can be cooked in a casserole, in a slow cooker or in a regular frying pan, the main thing is that it is deep.


  • 380 g minced meat;
  • 210 g pasta;
  • half a glass of tomato sauce (spicy);
  • seasonings, oil;
  • onion head.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, heat it and add finely chopped onion, sauté until transparent.
  2. Lay out the minced meat, fry until brown, but not too dark, then pour in the sauce, simmer for a couple of minutes and pour in the pasta.
  3. Fill in water so that it is one centimeter higher than the total mass. Cook the dish until all the ingredients are fully cooked, adding water if necessary.

Delicious navy pasta recipes

Many housewives love navy pasta for its speed of preparation. All you need is any minced meat, vegetables and pasta.
with minced pork.


  • 325 g pasta;
  • 425 g minced pork;
  • two small onions;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 25 g ghee;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the onion and a slice of spicy vegetable, fry the vegetables until golden.
  2. Add minced pork, spices, for piquancy you can add a spoonful of mustard, mix and fry until the meat component is ready.
  3. Then add melted butter, add the already boiled pasta, stir, heat for a couple of minutes and serve the navy pasta with minced pork to the table.

with minced chicken


  • 380 g minced chicken;
  • bulb;
  • spicy vegetable (two cloves);
  • ripe tomato;
  • 370 g pasta;
  • oil, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the onion, cut the spicy vegetable in any way. Pour the vegetables into the heated oil and sauté for five minutes.
  2. Then add the minced chicken, fry for 15 minutes, then add the chopped tomato pulp, and after two minutes, season the mixture with seasonings and pour in half a cup of water.
  3. As soon as all the liquid has evaporated, add the prepared pasta, keep it on the fire for five minutes and remove from the stove.
  4. When serving, navy-style pasta can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

with minced beef


  • 325 g pasta;
  • 420 beef;
  • two onions;
  • 20 g tomato puree;
  • peppercorns (tsp);
  • salt, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. First, boil the pasta in salted water until al dente. When pasta is served with cheese, it will not do any harm to your figure.
  2. Now in a large frying pan with oil already heated in it, sauté the chopped onion until light.
  3. Then add the pieces of beef, do not stir so that the meat sticks to the onion. As soon as this happens, salt the pieces of beef, stir and continue to fry until cooked.
  4. Then we give it time to cool a little and pour it into a blender, turning the meat pieces into coarse minced meat.
  5. We return to the frying pan, we put the minced meat in it, sprinkle with ground black pepper, add pasta, add tomato paste, mix, heat for five minutes and get a hearty, tasty dish.

Delicious dish with minced meat and mushrooms

Today, in addition to the traditional navy pasta recipe, there are other cooking options. One such interesting way involves adding mushrooms.


  • 285 g pasta;
  • 285 g minced meat;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • 125 ml sour cream (20%);
  • onion head;
  • 185 g mushrooms;
  • 95 g cheese;
  • onion greens, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry chopped onion and cloves of spicy vegetable in oil.
  2. Combine the minced meat with chopped mushrooms and add to the vegetables, pepper, salt and fry until the meat is cooked.
  3. Then add the green onion rings and fermented milk product, stir and after five minutes mix the fried ingredients with the boiled pasta, keep on the fire for a couple of minutes, sprinkle with cheese shavings, crush and turn off the heat.

If you are not yet familiar with such a dish as naval pasta, then be sure to cook it for your family. They will be delighted with such a hearty dinner, especially the male half.

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