Old New Year's spells for beauty, money and well-being in the home. On spruce branches. Conspiracy to attract wealth for the old New Year

January 13 and 14, and especially the night between them, are an extremely favorable time for various types of witchcraft. Any conspiracies, rituals and ceremonies work for the old New Year. This day is suitable for using magic to improve your health, attract financial flows and good luck in all your endeavors. This is a time of magic, when dreams come true and you can get a powerful charge of luck that will last for the whole coming year.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    General rules for conducting rituals

    Conspiracies for the old New Year always work more effectively than on other days. External factors such as day of the week, lunar phase, time of day can influence the result. In addition, magic can be significantly weakened by the intervention of other people, even if it is unconscious. To increase the likelihood of success, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • Day of the week. Men, if they perform the ritual for themselves, should perform it on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday are more suitable for women. You should not practice magic on Saturday and Sunday; these days of the week are more suitable for reading prayers.
    • Lunar cycle. Spells designed to get rid of illnesses and troubles, and remove negativity will work better during the waning moon. Rituals to improve your financial situation and improve your health, on the contrary, should be carried out when the moon is in its waxing phase.
    • Secret. You should not tell everyone around you about the ceremonies and secret rituals performed. Their thoughts, skepticism or envy can disrupt the action of subtle energies and can distort the effect of spells and conspiracies.
    • Precise execution. An incorrectly spoken spell word will ruin the whole work. You need to learn all the texts in advance and prepare the necessary tools and ingredients.

    If during the ritual everything falls out of hand, and the words of incantations and spells are confused, this is a sign that this ritual is not worth performing at the moment.

    If you want to conduct a magical ritual from January 13 to 14, you need to find out what the current cycle of the moon is, take into account the day of the week and select those rituals that are best suited for implementation at this time. There is no need to worry about the result; with an effort of will you should focus on correctly completing all the planned actions

    Clearing negative energy

    The beginning of a new year is the best time to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated over the past year. It is necessary to cleanse both the home and everyone living in it of negative energy. By January 13, broken, obsolete and damaged items in the house should be selected and prepared for disposal. After sunset, the cooked food is taken outside and left there.

    For additional cleaning, you can perform a ritual to get rid of damage and negativity. For it you will need:

    • salt;
    • two containers with water: one for washing the floor, the other for washing;
    • candles (one for each room);
    • incense.

    Shortly before midnight, they place a lit candle in each room, fumigate all corners with incense, and read a short prayer over the water:

    “Our heavenly Father, bless this water, let it cleanse this house, its owners and children from all filthiness received in the past year, give all the best to the house and those living in it in the coming year. Amen.”

    They say something about salt like this:

    “The power of salt, the power of the earth, as you preserve from all rotting, decay and damage, so cleanse and preserve this house and those living in it (names of all inhabitants), so be it.”

    The salt is poured into a container with water, without stirring. Everyone is washed in turn using one dish, and all the floors in the house are wiped with another water. The remaining water is poured out. Cleaning and washing must be completed before midnight.

    Getting rid of problems

    To remove any troubles and problems accumulated over the year, you can perform a burning ritual. Prepare in advance for the last day of the New Year holidays:

    • church candle;
    • large fireproof dish;
    • small pieces of paper, on each of which is written one of the problems that I would like to get rid of.

    After waiting for the sun to set, they sit down at the table and light the candles from the fire one by one, placing all the pieces of paper on a plate. When the last of them is burned, they make a short speech in which they thank the Lord that there were no more troubles, and sincerely ask that everything be fine in the coming year. At the end of the ritual, peace of mind always sets in, and the energy is cleared of accumulated negativity.

    The magic of numbers

    You can use numerology when decorating your home. Different numbers have different effects on life. You can lay out the desired number with various objects, put the required number of candles, or simply draw the desired numbers on pieces of paper and place them around the house. The following numbers can be used:

    • 4 - used for stability in life, if last year there were too many events or changes are not required, the four will bring peace.
    • 7+1 or 8 - for growth, increasing something. To improve your financial situation, stacks of eight coins or bills are laid out; for new love, you can hang 8 red ribbons.
    • The number 777 is also used to attract money. You can write these numbers on a banknote and put it under the Christmas tree.
    • 10-1 - this formula is depicted to get rid of unnecessary things - to be healed of diseases, to lose excess weight.
    • 21 is depicted to fulfill a cherished desire, attract good luck in all endeavors.
    • 91 is used by those who want to do everything next year if in the past they constantly did not have enough time.
    • 77- in order to find a great job, you need to draw two sevens on the bend of your elbow.
    • 2, 5, 8 - numbers are suitable for those who need to strengthen marriage relationships, make them conflict-free and stable.

    You can decorate dishes on the festive table with selected numbers, cut out garlands consisting of numbers from colored paper. The scope of imagination here is not limited by anything, and a positive effect will definitely manifest itself.

    Whisper to the Moon

    When you go out for a walk on the night of January 13-14 and see the moon, you can say a special whisper for good luck. This is a special type of conspiracies that is pronounced quietly, in an undertone. Therefore, they can be read in front of strangers without attracting unnecessary attention. On the old New Year, looking at the night star, you can quietly whisper:

    “Just as the moon can’t shine without the sun, so I can’t be without luck all year round, just as the moon can always fly near the earth, so I (my name), if I’m lucky in love (money, work), can be there all year round.”

    It is important to choose only one direction of luck - love, money or work. One plot is read for only one wish. If there are several desires, then the plot must be read as many times as necessary.

    Runic rite

    Hibu Auja "The Bringer of Good Luck"

    Runes are an ancient system of magic and fortune telling. They still haven't lost their power. For people who do not have knowledge about this direction of magic, it is recommended to use ready-made formulas and spells. To attract luck in anything into your life, it is enough to write on a piece of paper the runic formula “Hibu Auja”, which means “bringer of luck”, and in the middle write a wish about what kind of luck you need.

    Exactly at midnight from January 13 to 14, the paper must be burned and the ashes thrown into the wind. The power of the runes and the old New Year will definitely work, and your wish will certainly come true.

    Rituals for money

    The most popular rituals during New Year celebrations are to attract wealth. A correctly and timely ceremony will help you attract invisible energy to yourself and your loved ones, which brings good luck in financial matters.

    Not every year the moon is in its waxing phase on January 13th and 14th. If you have such luck, you need to perform as many rituals and ceremonies for financial well-being as possible. On the old New Year and with the waxing moon, they will be incredibly effective.

    Washing with coins

    Throughout the year, they collect coins of any denomination and accumulate them, counting until they get 777 coins. On January 31, the money is put in a bag and hidden under the tree, where it should remain until the old New Year. When the time comes, they are taken out and washed with money seven times, reading the words of the conspiracy: “I wash myself with money, I clothe myself in wealth, I marry with wealth. Word, deed, key, lock. Amen.”

    Having finished washing, the change is poured back into the bag and put away for 12 months, until the next celebration. Every year the coins will act more and more powerfully. This ritual will bring money, wealth, prosperity.

    There is another option for washing your face if you don’t want to scratch your face with hard metal or you haven’t been able to save up 777 coins. You can wash your face with water and money. To do this, seven coins are placed in a bowl of water and the following is said:

    “Voditsa, water, you let me drink, you let me wash. So give me, voditsa, seven cartloads of coins, seven bags of bills, seven bales of gold and always live richly. I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word. Amen".

    Everyone who wants to wash themselves with water, the remains are drained and the floor, walls and door frames are wiped. Coins are put away in a secluded place until the next use.

    Conspiracy for aroma

    Many scents have the ability to attract the energy of money. If such an aroma is enhanced by a spell, and even on the right day, the effect will not take long to arrive. You need to purchase aromatic oils in advance with one of the “money” scents:

    • cedar;
    • rosemary;
    • bergamot;
    • orange;
    • patchouli;
    • pine;
    • ylang-ylang.

    Take candles, preferably green, and rub them with the chosen oil. You can use a combination of several scents. During the rubbing process, read the plot:

    “Jesus’s support, heavenly hope and support, let them bring bags of gold to me, untie them and dump everything out. I walked not far, collected the money, brought it to me, put out the candles. Burn, candles, burn, coins, fly into the house. Amen ".

    Candles are placed around the house, and they must also be placed on the festive table. Shortly before midnight before the arrival of the old New Year, they are lit. They should burn until they go out themselves.

    To avoid fire, the candle should be placed on a separate ceramic dish.

    After New Year's dinner

    Our ancestors honored the traditions and customs associated with the old New Year. There is a simple and effective ritual, popular with our grandmothers, for which no additional preparations are required. The family should gather at a richly laid table and celebrate the advent of the old New Year, as is usually done. At the end of the banquet, the plates are removed from the tablecloth; as many crumbs from the prepared dishes as possible should remain on it. The tablecloth is taken outside or shaken off the balcony, reading the words of the conspiracy:

    “So many crumbs on the tablecloth, so much wealth and happiness for our home!”

    The ritual after the festive dinner is considered completed after the tablecloth is brought back into the house.

    According to popular belief, grain scattered on the floor on the night of January 14 will bring good luck and abundance to the house.

    For love

    In order to get married, get rid of loneliness, attract love next year, find your one and only, you can perform a ritual to gain family happiness. To do this, you need to burn something from your underwear, take a pinch of ash, pull out three hairs from the left side of your head and roll it all into a wax ball made from wax taken from a candle.

    After waiting until midnight, they recite the spell:

    “I remove suffering and loneliness, and bring love closer to myself.”

    After this, the wax ball is thrown out the window. Over the course of the year, a person will definitely appear in your environment who is ideal for living together. If there is already a chosen one, you should use other rituals.

    Find out the name of your betrothed

    If love has not yet been found on the path of life, on the night of January 13-14, you can perform a ritual that allows you to see your destiny and find out the name of your future husband. To do this you need to prepare in advance:

    • table mirror;
    • candle;
    • pie;
    • glass of wine.

    After sunset, a lighted candle, a dish of food and two glasses of wine are placed on the table. Behind all this, a mirror is installed so that the candle, the wine, and the food are reflected in it. They sit down at the table, try the pie, take three sips of wine and read the plot:

    “Betrothed mummer, come to me for dinner, step over the threshold, taste the pie, show me your face, tell me a word, not a novelty, not an epic, but your full name, not half.”

    They repeat this spell seven times, then close their eyes and listen, looking through closed eyelids at the candle fire. At some point, a man’s face will flash before your mind’s eye, and a voice will be heard in your ears, pronouncing a name. This will be the face and name of the future spouse.

    If you didn’t succeed in hearing and seeing your betrothed, you need to go to bed without clearing the table. Perhaps the man you are about to marry will appear in a dream.

    New Year's love spell

    To revive faded feelings, tie your husband to you, stop conflicts and ensure peace in the house, you can perform a special New Year’s ritual and bewitch your husband or lover. To do this you need to prepare in advance:

    • incense;
    • four candles;
    • a bottle of red wine.

    On December 31, wine is placed under the Christmas tree to imbue it with the holiday atmosphere. On the morning of January 13, they harass him and slander him. To do this, place four candles on the table in the corners, place a bottle in the center, sit down at the table and, touching the bottle with your fingertips, read:

    “Just as wine intoxicates, intoxicates and amuses, so I am a slave (my name), beautiful, beautiful and good for a slave (name of my beloved), as the slave (name) drinks this wine, so he will become obedient to me, affectionate and obsequious. Eyebrow on He won’t frown at me, he won’t look at anyone else, he will live with me all his life. As it is said, so it is done, as it is done so it will be, as it will be fulfilled, so it will be.”

    This wine should be drunk on the night of the old New Year only together with your husband. Immediately throw the empty bottle out of the house. This love spell can be done at any time, but only on the old New Year it has a strong effect and without side effects.

    To be beautiful

    The ritual intended to bring beauty is especially powerful on the night of all New Year's holidays. To carry it out you will need:

    • mirror;
    • comb;
    • two natural wax candles.

    On the night of January 13-14, a mirror is placed on the table, with lit candles placed to the right and left of it. Combing your hair, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there stands a strong tower of black stone, a cold, indestructible stone. In that tower there is a cold, hopeless dungeon. In that dungeon sits a maiden of unprecedented beauty. The dungeon is guarded by three dogs, three fierce, gray animals with burning eyes They don’t let the girl go out and show off her beauty. You, first dog, calm down, cool down! You, second dog, fall asleep!

    You, third dog, get out! Come out, beauty maiden, from the dungeon into the light through the night-midnight, through the sea-ocean, through the fire of dope, through the enchanted mirror. Fall on (name’s) hair, give me youth and beauty, give me the power of slander, so that everyone, and especially my beloved (name), will be loved and good. So that he marvels at my unprecedented beauty, so that it is sweet and desirable to him and to everyone else, now and forever. Amen".

    The ritual has a dual effect. At the same time, it eliminates imperfections in appearance, promotes weight loss, and beautiful hair and skin. On the other hand, it imparts the charm of an inner smile on its owner, making her more attractive in the eyes of all persons of the opposite sex.

    For pregnancy

    To successfully get pregnant and bear a healthy child, a special spell is used. For the ceremony you need to prepare:

    • large pelvis;
    • ladle;
    • spring water.

    At night, having stripped naked, they stand in a basin and pour water over themselves, reading the words of the conspiracy:

    “Just as the water from me, God’s servant (name), drains, rolls and slides, so the unfruits will roll, merge, slide. I trample with my feet, I wash with my hands. As the new year begins, God’s servant (name) will conceive. Jesus Christ, help! Our Lady, autumn! Amen".

    This ritual can be performed from December 29 and done every day until January 14. Even if you fail to conceive, this ritual will improve your health and prepare you for future motherhood in the years to come.

    From alcoholism

    To get rid of drunkenness, you can drink a bottle of alcohol during the holidays and give someone who is addicted to the green serpent to drink from it. The conspiracy is performed as follows: the vessel is taken in hand and the words are read:

    “Mother Queen, dawn lightning, remove the accursed power from God’s servant (name), do not destroy him by drinking. Untie your drunken passion, tie it to the gravestone. Intoxicated girlfriends and friends, leave this house, forget the way here. My word is strong. Amen".

    Additionally, you can use a runic amulet against drunkenness. A symbol is drawn on a piece of wood, bone or piece of paper with blue paint or your own blood:

    The object is picked up and the plot is read:

    “From now on (person’s name) is free from destructive passion; let alcohol be disgusting to him.”

    The amulet should be placed under the patient’s pillow or hidden in bed under the mattress.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

The Old New Year is a very favorite holiday not only among Russians, it is celebrated by millions of people all over the world. And the point is not only that you can once again arrange a magnificent feast, but also plunge into the atmosphere of mysticism and mysteries that are full of the night from 13 to January 14. The evening on the eve of the Old New Year is also called Vasily's evening, in honor of the memory of St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea. Our ancestors firmly believed that all wishes made on Vasily’s Day, which can influence the entire next year, come true, and dreams come true. Old New Year: rites and rituals - forgotten means for happiness, which are very effective. They will attract health, luck, wealth and love into your life, so let's not miss this opportunity!

Rituals for the Old New Year

The night from January 13 to 14 is full of miracles and magic, and if you direct this great energy in the right direction, you can easily attract to yourself everything you dream of and “agree” with the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire! In order to take advantage of magical help and correct shortcomings in various aspects of your life for the better, on the Old New Year it is customary to perform certain rituals that are no different in effectiveness from those used at Christmas.

Happy Old New Year to all those who are waiting for the continuation of the holiday!

May this year be more successful for all of us!

And for this we will perform several ceremonies and rituals!

Because the Old New Year has no less magical power than the transition from December 31 to January 1!

And it’s not even a matter of tradition! January 14th is just coming Vasiliev's day and he is able to influence the entire next year!

Since ancient times, it was customary on this day to set a rich table with various dishes, in which pork occupied a special place. Basil the Great is considered the patron of cattle breeding. Stuffed piglets were prepared for the table and folk festivities were held. In our modern times, the practice of remembering a church holiday is unfortunately forgotten, but the idea of ​​a celebration in honor of the celebration of the next New Year remains.

This means that we need to take advantage of the miracles of the Old New Year and “agree” with the Universe about the fulfillment of your most cherished desire!

Ritual of burning your problems.

It is possible that some of you are already familiar with this ritual, but on the eve of the Old New Year, on the night of January 13-14, it is simply necessary! Take a small plate for this purpose and cut small pieces of paper. On each piece of paper, write down everything that you would like to leave behind in the past year (fears, illnesses, tears, disappointments). But you need to write all this not in a general sense, but specifically for each situation from which you would like to get rid of. If, for example, you quarreled with such and such a person, then write that way. If you are worried that there is no good job, we complain about unemployment. That is, you need to enter a specific situation.

Then you need to burn each leaf in a prepared plate while saying words of gratitude, because with the fire you will not just get relief, but a solution to all your pressing problems!

Ritual to fulfill your wishes in the Old New Year.

Before midnight, fill your glass. Remember that it is not necessary to drink alcohol; you can simply fill the glass with some compote or juice. Blow on what will be in your glass and say out loud (or silently, if you are not alone) your wish.

At 00:00, drink the contents to the bottom and then go to bed quietly... The Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your wish.

Star of wish fulfillment.

On Old New Year's Eve (before the clock strikes 12), you need to take a colored sheet of paper and cut out your own star from it; you determine the size, color and shape yourself.

Think about what kind of dream you want to make come true and formulate your desire. Do not use negatives or the tricky word “I want.” The dream should sound short and concise. Example: “I’m buying a car,” “I’m going on vacation to the Bahamas.”

Immediately after midnight, when the Old New Year comes, place your star on your palm and open the window (you can go outside or onto the balcony) and say: “Just as the wishing star lights up on New Year’s Eve, so does my dream come true!”

After this, “Light” your star using fire (matches, lighter), and scatter the ashes to the wind. In the end, don’t be embarrassed by the fact that you have to burn it. On this magical night, she will transform into a guiding star and will light the way to the fulfillment of your desires. Remember, when you remember your dream, what is up there, you already have your own heavenly patron.

Ritual: “I give - I receive, I make my dream come true!”

The Old New Year is not a day off, but this does not stop us from taking one more step towards a better future.

Therefore, before leaving for work, or when you wake up, you need to take some bread crumbs in your hand (I crush cereals, or crumble a cookie), go outside, or to the balcony and think about your desire to throw these crumbs away with the words: “I give - I receive, I’m making my dream come true!”

All! Nothing more is required from you! Let the sparrows or pigeons feast on your wonderful treat, and at this time you will already take your most important start towards realizing your goal.

Magical blank slate.

There is another good ritual for the Old New Year. To do this, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and within an hour, after the onset of the Old New Year, write on it in capital letters: “New Era - New Me!”

Below, point by point, you enter everything from how you would like to see yourself in the new year. Do you want health? Just write: “I’m healthy.” Do you dream of being slim? — We write: “I am slim and attractive.” Do you want love? - " I am loved". If you want money or something else, write about that too. The main thing is that all phrases are written in the present tense!

The Old New Year is a wonderful time that allows you not only to look into your future, but also to change it. Spells for good luck and wealth will help you turn your dreams into reality.

Despite the fact that New Year's Eve has already passed, we will still have the opportunity to get what we want and make our dreams come true. The Old New Year will give you a chance to believe in a fairy tale again and attract capricious Fortune and prosperity..

Attracting wealth and money in the Old New Year

Our ancestors used many spells and rituals for the Old New Year in order to attract wealth and monetary luck. Of course, there are countless of them, but we will present to your attention the most effective ritual that will allow you to get rid of debts, lack of money and poverty. You will need:

  • green candle;
  • scarlet satin scarf.

In order for the ritual to bring tangible results, esotericists recommend cleaning the house on the eve of the holiday, sorting out things, throwing away trash, clearing the space for cash flow. On the night of January 13-14, walk around the apartment, illuminating all corners of the house with a candle you have lit. When cleaning the apartment, read the plot:

“Fire flame, cleanse my house from other people’s envy and poverty. Burn to the ground grievances, anger, bad desires. Drive away the lack of money from my home and family. May my house be filled with light, and may money come to this light. I, (name), am ready to accept all the riches striving for me. My words are strong, my thoughts are pure. As it was said, so it will be.”

The ritual must be repeated three times, then wrap the candle in a scarlet scarf and hide it in the closet on the farthest shelf. The attributes must be preserved until the next Old New Year.

Good luck spells for the Old New Year

In order for luck to become a constant companion for the whole year, esotericists recommend using ancient but very effective spells for luck.

The first conspiracy. At midnight from January 13 to 14, say the following words in front of the front door:

“Heavenly powers, show luck the way to my home, she is lost, lost and cannot find me. Let the starry sky illuminate the path, and she will come to my doorstep in the new year 2019. I believe in ambulance help.”

Second conspiracy. This plot is read at the festive table over a candle flame:

“Just as a flame burns clearly, so luck would appear in my life, life would be sanctified and the path would be shown.”

Third conspiracy. The next hex is read on spruce needles. So that luck smiles on you all year, it is best to put enchanted fir needles in a red satin bag and keep it with you as a talisman of good luck. A conspiracy that must be read on the night of January 13-14 will help you turn ordinary needles into an amulet. The text of the conspiracy goes like this:

“As fir needles decorate the Christmas tree, so let luck decorate me. May good luck be with you in the coming year, so that I don’t know grief.”

Dreams also come true on the Old New Year, if you believe that all wishes are destined to come true. As soon as you have read any of the above-mentioned conspiracies, try to mentally imagine that everything you wished for has come true. The result will be stunning. Good luck in the new year, and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.01.2019 05:20

At all times, people have attached special importance to superstitions, since thanks to many of them it is possible...

Thanks to the “quarrel” between the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar for the fact that this event gave us another wonderful winter holiday!

The night from January 13 to 14 is also called Vasily's evening, in honor of the memory of St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea, canonized. Fortune telling and rituals on this night are very effective, so let's not miss this opportunity!

Of course, we will definitely set the festive table! After the meal, we go out onto the balcony or onto the street and shake out the tablecloth, repeating 3 times:

How many crumbs are on the tablecloth, so much wealth and happiness in our home!

In addition, collect all the bones left after the festive dinner. In the morning you will bring them under a luxurious tree growing not far from the house. It is advisable to take boiling water with you in a thermos to thaw the frozen ground a little. Place the bones in the hole and say over them:

How can this tree grow stronger,

So I should bring good things into the house!

The tree can live and live,

I want to meet love and happiness!

Bury the bones and go home, trying not to talk to anyone along the way.

If it is very difficult to perform this ritual on the street, you can replace a trip to a tree by burying a few seeds in a flower pot.

But choose a perennial plant, preferably with a tree trunk, such as ficus, laurel, hibiscus.

A day before the Old New Year, tie a ribbon made of natural fabric to your left hand. After 12 hours, remove it and burn it in a metal dish, saying:

I take off the tape and separate the trouble from myself.

The tape burns out and frees me from melancholy.

The ribbon smolders, I get healthy.


At 12 o'clock, open the door of the house, stand on the threshold, you can even become the whole family and say:

The new year is passing, and the problems are gone.

The New Year is coming, bringing good luck!

Instead of the word “problems,” you can list all the bad things that happened in the past year. This simple plot can be used as toast!

On the eve of the celebration, if you decide to start cleaning, do not forget to add a few drops of essential oil to the water. Do you want to get married and are waiting for your intended groom to visit? Add orange oil to the water. And not only in the water for cleaning, but also in the bath, which you will then take.

If you are baptized, say the following over the water for cleaning:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the Jordan River flows, washes the banks, moves mountains, rolls stones, so you, water, wash my home with a generous river, clean water. Health, bring me luck; Take illnesses, illnesses, lessons, slander and quarrels with you. My word is strong. Let it be so! Amen.

An important area of ​​our life is financial. A love spell on money can be just as important as a love spell on a loved one, without whom you see no point in living.

If you are worried about your income, on the eve of the Old New Year or Epiphany, go to the church and give alms to at least three beggars. When serving, be sure to say to yourself:

“To whom Christ is not a father, I am not a mother”

With this simple ritual, you will definitely attract money to yourself from where you were not expecting at all.

There are special scents that money loves. It smells of rosemary, bergamot, cloves and orange. Add a few drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of sugar or, better yet, honey. Let it absorb, then dissolve in a jug of water, which you will use after your shower. Throw several yellow coins of small diameter into the same jug.

After taking water procedures, pour water on yourself and read the plot:

Just as sweet water flows and washes me, so money flows to me and sticks to me.

Just as the Jordan River flows and there is enough water for everyone, so a lot of good things come to me.

The water flows, I take care of the good.

After this, collect the money, put it in a beautiful pot and place it in a dark place. Don’t forget to shake the pot sometimes and show the money to the full moon.

It is very good to burn green and gold candles in the old New Year to attract money into the house, and pink and red ones to attract love.

Seeming little things are not so, as they program your consciousness for what you want!

Therefore, make the holidays beautiful, and let your whole life become so.

Happy Old New Year to you! Blessings and GOOD LUCK to you all!

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Many people believe that the old New Year is a useless holiday, and people celebrating it are simply looking for a reason to repeat...
Why do you dream of a pistol Miller's Dream Book A pistol in a dream is an unlucky sign. If we are talking about your own pistol, it means in life...
Why do you dream about a glass jar? In most cases, the interpreter interprets this symbol as a warning about upcoming...
Groats in a dream If a girl dreams of some kind of cereal, in reality her boyfriend is infatuated with someone else. Sprinkle the cereal If in a dream you...
Did you dream about a bag and don’t know what it could mean? For a detailed interpretation, many details are important. In this...
Often, vivid and emotional dreams indicate impending changes that can dramatically affect the usual way of life...