Recipes for fried champignons. How to fry champignons: with or without onions - proper preparation, processing and cooking

Champignons are one of the most popular mushrooms in Russia. They can be easily found in stores even in winter, and they are not at all expensive. These mushrooms can be fried, boiled, eaten raw, baked in the oven, or added to pizza. Delicious soups and pates are prepared from champignons. They can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish.

These mushrooms are extremely healthy: they are rich in iron, potassium, B vitamins and vitamins PP, E and D. In terms of phosphorus content, they can compete with seafood. Champignons are a very filling product, and their calorie content is less than 30 kcal. They do not contain sugar and the amount of sodium is low, which makes these mushrooms a dietary dish. These mushrooms are a natural source of fiber that improves digestion. The folic acid they contain is beneficial for expectant mothers.

Perhaps the most popular dish is fried champignons. How to properly fry champignons so that they turn out soft and juicy?

First, you need to decide what mushrooms you will use: fresh or frozen. Frozen mushrooms are already soft on their own. Therefore, you need to cook them just a little bit - no more than 3-4 minutes. Especially if you defrost them before frying them. Frozen champignons are kept in a frying pan for at least ten minutes, during which time they will cook and even become covered with a golden crust. First they must melt and release the water, then you need to wait until all the water has boiled away, and only then can you add the oil.

Fresh mushrooms are denser and take a little longer to cook. Before frying, you should thoroughly wash, remove dirt and remove all films. If the debris is tightly stuck, you can lightly rub it with a brush. After washing, before frying the champignons, they must be dried or blotted with a napkin. If this is not done, they will absorb moisture and become watery.

Peeled mushrooms are cut. The shape of the pieces can be absolutely any, it depends only on the preferences of the cook. Before frying, the champignons can be cut into strips, cubes, divided into four parts or cut into slices lengthwise. Place the prepared mushrooms in a frying pan with heated oil. The oil can be any: vegetable, butter and even olive. It is important to remember that champignons easily absorb fat, so do not add too much oil. Then the mushrooms are fried in a frying pan, stirring occasionally for 4-5 minutes. During heat treatment, mushrooms lose a lot of moisture and, therefore, greatly decrease in size. For the same reason, you shouldn’t put too many of them in the frying pan: they release a lot of water, and the mushrooms turn out to be stewed rather than fried. To avoid this, they are fried in small portions over high heat.

If you add onions and vegetables before frying the mushrooms, the mushrooms will turn out much more tasty. To do this, cut the onion into half rings or cubes, grate the carrots and add them to the mushrooms a few minutes before they are ready. When the onion darkens, the pan can be removed from the heat. Mushrooms prepared in this way can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish of potatoes or rice. Those who like to experiment can add spices, herbs, dry and fresh herbs to the champignons: basil, celery, parsley. Ready mushrooms can be sprinkled with grated cheese; When the dish cools down a little, a very appetizing crust forms on it.

Champignons are an excellent nutritious and dietary product. If you know how to properly fry these mushrooms, you can prepare a tasty and satisfying dish at any time of the year. It only takes a few minutes to fry them, which significantly saves time and makes life easier for housewives.

Surely each of us has eaten mushrooms at least once in our lives. For most, they have become a favorite dish because they are incredibly tasty and tender. But here the point is not at all in which mushrooms to fry, but in which ones to use for this, since not every mushroom cooks equally well in a frying pan. Today we will tell you how to fry champignons, because they are the ones that are best suited for frying.

Information on the topic

Champignons are small round mushrooms. They are available to us in fresh form almost all year round, since they are grown on an industrial scale. So, if you decide to fry mushrooms, we recommend that you choose the type described above, and we will tell you further about how to properly fry champignons. It is not recommended to use pickled mushrooms for frying, as they have a pronounced sour-salty taste. As a result of heat treatment, they lose their shape and turn into mush. Although it should be noted that some housewives still try to use pickled mushrooms by putting them on pizza. This is probably the only case where you can use both pickled and fresh mushrooms.

We cook deliciously

Now let's talk about that, right. Most often, these mushrooms are cooked whole due to their miniature size. They are cut in half and fried with the addition of vegetable or olive oil. If champignons are used in any dish for decoration, then usually only the caps are fried. There are a lot of ways to fry champignons correctly. Some people prefer the recipe with the addition of sour cream, while other housewives bake them in their own juice. Any of them will do, the most important thing is that you like it yourself. You can fry or stew mushrooms in a frying pan, in a cauldron, or in the oven. The result is almost the same - tasty and aromatic mushrooms. Separately, it is necessary to say about spices. They must be added only in small quantities and only special mushrooms, otherwise our dish (side dish) will lose its wonderful smell.

Another way

Below is a recipe for how to fry champignons. To do this, we need to take about 300 grams of the caps of these delicious mushrooms, two small onions, vegetable oil, sour cream and spices to taste.


It is easiest to fry peeled mushrooms in a cauldron, since it is easier to mix them there. Heat a cauldron, pour vegetable oil into it, lay out mushrooms and onions cut into rings. You cannot add spices right away, otherwise by the end of cooking the dish will again become tasteless. You can just add a little salt and pepper. If you are wondering how long to fry champignons, then you should focus on their appearance. In general, they are fried for about 20 minutes until fully cooked. 5 minutes before the end you can add spices and a small amount of sour cream. Mix the mushrooms carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the caps, after which you can place them on a plate as a side dish.

For some reason, many housewives undeservedly ignore such delicacies as champignons. Perhaps they are despised for their foreign origin, preferring their native whites, chanterelles and saffron milk caps. Meanwhile, it is more easily absorbed by the body than any other type of mushroom.

Get your notebook of recipes ready, today I will talk about how to fry champignons in a frying pan.

Preparing mushrooms for frying

So, we brought fresh champignons from the store. What's next?

First, they must be quickly rinsed under running water and allowed to drain. Better yet, dry it gently with a paper towel. Because mushrooms absorb excess liquid very quickly and then their flesh becomes watery. By the way, this is why the most “advanced” chefs advise not to wash the champignons, but to peel the top layer from the caps using a small knife with a thin blade.

Now the mushrooms need to be chopped. First we separate the leg. If the champignons are large, cut the leg into two or three transverse pieces, and the cap in half, and the halves into slices. If the mushrooms are small, you don’t have to cut the stem, but simply divide the caps into quarters. Primary processing is completed.

Now let's find out how to fry champignons in a frying pan with sour cream.

Mushrooms with sour cream - a classic combination

The taste of mushrooms in itself is so subtle, original and rich that complex additives only spoil mushroom dishes. But the combination of mushrooms with sour cream or cream is so successful that it has long become a classic.

For this recipe we will need products according to this simple list:

  • fresh champignons – half a kilo;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – approximately 100 g, a little more is possible;
  • salt - to taste;
  1. Finely chop the onion. The smaller the onion cubes, the tastier the dish will be. But! You must chop the onion with a knife, not in a food processor.
  2. In a deep frying pan (we use a frying pan with a ceramic coating), heat two or three tablespoons of oil (use whichever you like best). And fry the onion until golden brown.
  3. Add chopped mushrooms to the onions. First, they will release a certain amount of liquid, and the mushroom pieces will become noticeably smaller. Then the liquid will evaporate and the champignons will begin to fry. Remember to stir occasionally so that everything cooks evenly.
  4. Add salt and pepper to the mushrooms that have begun to fry, stir, and pour in sour cream. Cover the pan with a lid and let the sour cream boil.
  5. In principle, our fried champignons with sour cream are already ready and can be served. You can make small additions to make the dish more sophisticated. For example, sprinkle with grated cheese, it will melt in sour cream and the taste will be simply divine. Or pour in a quarter glass of dry white wine, let it bubble a little under the lid - and now you have magnificent French “champignon-a-creme” ready to serve. Enjoy!

The important subtlety of an elementarily simple dish

It would seem, well, what subtleties can there be in such a simple task as frying champignons in a frying pan with onions. But there is. Especially if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and avoid extra calories. For a low-calorie diet, vegetables are mainly steamed, and meat, poultry and fish are grilled. What about mushrooms? Is it possible to cook them with minimal addition of oil?

Maybe. Let's use a Chinese frying pan - wok. The wok has a very advantageous shape - a deep round bowl. What would require two to three tablespoons of oil to fry in a regular frying pan will cost you one teaspoon in a wok. This is Eastern wisdom.

  • fresh champignons – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 2 heads;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;

Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a wok.

  1. We clean the onion, cut it into quarter rings and throw it into the wok. Fry until golden brown.
  2. We divide the washed and dried champignons into stems and caps, cut them into thick strips if possible and add them to the onion.
  3. Stirring, wait until the juice evaporates and the mushrooms begin to fry.
  4. Fry pieces of mushrooms with onions, constantly stirring everything with a spatula from bottom to top, like a seasoned Chinese chef.

You can serve champignons fried in this way with onions either on their own or as a side dish for grilled meat.

Champignons “in a simple way”

And finally, the most “native” recipe: how to fry champignons in a frying pan with potatoes. There are no frills in this recipe, but it is the most satisfying. Without potatoes - nowhere!

  • champignons – half a kilo;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • potatoes – 400 gr.;
  • salt;
  • pepper.
  1. Wash the champignons, cut into slices, fry with onions, put in another bowl.
  2. We peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them as usual for frying and fry them in the pan where the mushrooms were cooked.
  3. When the potatoes are almost ready, add mushrooms and onions to them and fry them together for a while.
  4. Place on a plate, sprinkle with your favorite herbs and serve.

Tasty and healthy mushrooms - champignons, can be bought at any store. Recently, the demand for this product has increased, so champignons began to be grown even at home. Mushrooms are baked, boiled and fried - every housewife must learn how to prepare this healthy product.

How to fry champignons in a frying pan - where to start and how to properly prepare mushrooms

Choosing a product in the store - choose mushrooms that are firm, light and without dark spots. There is an opinion that it is undesirable to wash mushrooms in water, but then you need to be 100% sure of the product, and this is almost impossible. Therefore, you need to either rinse the mushrooms under the tap, and then wait for the water to drain, or carefully wipe each mushroom with a damp towel. Why is it undesirable to wash mushrooms and take such care? Mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb liquid and therefore become watery after extensive washing.

How to do it right: quickly rinse the mushrooms under the tap or wipe each one with a wet towel, then, armed with a sharp small knife, peel off the top layer from the cap.

Slicing mushrooms: First you need to cut off the stem, then cut the cap into 2 parts. If the mushroom is large, then into 3 equal parts. Small mushrooms are left without cutting.

If the mushrooms are taken out of the freezer, do not defrost them before frying, but immediately place them in a frying pan with heated oil. These champignons are fried under an open lid, stirring so as not to burn.

How to fry champignons in a frying pan

Mushrooms and sour cream are a classic; we’ll use a simple and proven recipe to cook champignons.

We will need:

  • fresh champignons – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to properly fry mushrooms:

  • First, we clean and chop the onion, you need to chop it as little as possible, then the mushrooms will turn out juicier and tastier. But you only need to chop the onion with a knife; it is not advisable to use a blender or food processor.
  • We use a deep frying pan for frying. You need to pour 3 tbsp into it. oil, place over medium heat.
  • When the oil is hot, add the onion and fry until beautifully golden brown.
  • We have time to simultaneously monitor the onions so they don’t burn and prepare the champignons for frying.
  • Once the onions are ready, add the mushrooms. They will immediately release a little liquid and decrease in size, this is how it should be. Gradually the liquid will evaporate and the mushrooms will begin to fry. We recommend not to skip this moment so that the champignons cook evenly.
  • Now is the time to add salt and spices, mix the mushrooms, pour in the sour cream and mix gently again.
  • Next, cook the mushrooms under a closed lid so that the sour cream reaches the boiling stage. That's all, the champignons are ready, all that remains is to add some zest to the finished dish. For example, pour 3 tbsp into a frying pan. dry white wine or sprinkle the finished dish with grated cheese.

Frying champignons in a frying pan in a simple way

There is a quick way to cook champignons, which housewives on a diet will be happy to use. To prepare mushrooms, you do not need sour cream; the amount of oil is used to a minimum.


  • champignons – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

How to fry mushrooms:

  • Take a thick-walled wok frying pan, pour oil into it, and place it on the stove.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings or cut each half into 2 parts, and place in a frying pan. Fry until slightly golden brown.
  • We wash the mushrooms, dry them, separate the stems, cut them into strips, and put them in a frying pan.
  • Mix everything, waiting for the liquid to evaporate. Fry the mushrooms together with the onions, remembering to stir occasionally, add salt and spices to taste.

Such mushrooms are used as a side dish or as an independent dish.

Champignons are more often found on our table than other mushrooms. Firstly, this circumstance is due to their taste, and secondly, the undoubted benefits of champignons, because they contain minerals and amino acids.

And also vitamins, thirdly - versatility, because they can be used as an independent dish, or you can prepare soups and all sorts of snacks based on them, make a filling for baked goods, add to salads, and so on, and fourthly, this The type of mushroom is the most common on the shelves of our stores.

Champignons can be boiled, marinated, there are even recipes with raw champignons, but the brightest taste and aroma, undoubtedly, comes from fried mushrooms. Let's take a closer look at how to do this correctly. True, before preparing champignons, you need to choose them correctly.

Rules for choosing champignons before purchasing

  1. Examine the mushrooms carefully - fresh champignon has a white or faint brownish color; if there are inclusions, then the mushrooms have been lying around for quite a long time;
  2. Look under the cap - the connecting film there should be intact, if this is not the case, the mushroom is old;
  3. Feel the champignons. Fresh ones are elastic and have a velvety cap;
  4. Don’t be shy to smell the mushrooms - spoiled champignons have a rotten smell, the mushroom aroma is inherent only in fresh goods.

How to clean mushrooms

The champignons have been purchased, and you have already decided how to prepare them. But before you start cooking, you need to clean them. First of all, each mushroom must be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge - this is done in order to remove all debris that could cling to the mushrooms.

Next, you need to use a sharp knife to clean the cut area on the mushroom stem. If the champignons have wilted places, cut them off. After this, the champignons are washed with a cool stream of water for a few seconds.

Do not overcook the mushrooms so that they do not absorb water, this will have a detrimental effect on their taste.

How long and how to properly fry fresh champignons in a frying pan

The aroma emanating from fried mushrooms is wonderful and has the ability to excite the desire for food. What is needed to prepare this delicious dish?

Yes, the list of ingredients is small, but the result should be great. But don't forget one nuance.

If you use store-bought champignons or frozen ones, you can safely put them in the frying pan, but if you come across wild mushrooms, then before frying they need to be boiled for about ten to fifteen minutes. This is done to get rid of germs and bacteria that are inevitably present on such mushrooms.

A store-bought product can simply be washed and dried with a napkin - the preparation is complete. Separate the mushroom stems and caps. Cut all parts into plates. Add oil to a heated frying pan and start adding mushrooms.

There is one nuance in this process: it is known that during the frying process liquid is released from them, so that there is not too much of it and the mushrooms are fried and not stewed - lay them out in small portions. The most important question in this matter is how long to fry the champignons? The whole process takes from seven to ten minutes.

But do not forget to constantly stir the mushrooms in the frying pan. Salt is added about two or three minutes before the end of frying. After which you can serve the aromatic dish on the table.

Champignons fried with onions

Mushrooms cooked by frying are very tasty, but onions in addition give their taste an additional shade. What do we need:

  • Medium or large champignons;
  • From three heads (per serving) of onion;
  • Salt and sugar (you will need a quarter teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil and butter.

Cut the pre-processed mushrooms into strips.

The onion is cut into large pieces.

Prepare a couple of frying pans, add oil to one and fry the onion until it turns golden brown.

Place the mushrooms in another frying pan without adding oil, fry with constant stirring until all the moisture has evaporated.

Then add the onion, salt and sugar, mix everything. Add a little butter or sour cream to the mixture and cook until the mushrooms turn golden brown. Wait a little more, stir, close the lid and turn off the heat.

The dish is ready. Great with potatoes and meat.

How to fry potatoes with champignons

This hearty dish with a wonderful smell will delight your family and guests. Although this food is not healthy for your figure, it is worth pampering yourself occasionally, because one-time consumption without excesses will not harm your slimness. All you need is:

  • Champignons - from half a kilogram to eight hundred grams;
  • Onion - a pair of large onions;
  • Potatoes - about a dozen pieces;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Salt;
  • Parsley and dill.

In one frying pan, without adding vegetable oil, fry the mushrooms until the juice evaporates and brown; in another frying pan, fry the onion with oil until it turns golden.

Then mix the champignons and onions in a separate container. Add oil to the pan in which the mushrooms were cooked and add the potatoes. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the onion-mushroom mixture and salt.

Cover the pan with a lid and fry the potatoes until cooked. In this case, the dish must be stirred periodically. At the end of cooking, add fresh herbs to the dish.

Champignons fried in a frying pan with sour cream

The flavor combination of aromatic fried mushrooms and delicate sour cream is a culinary classic. And the aroma that will spread throughout the kitchen will be simply incomparable. For this great dish you need:

  • Champignons – 500-600 grams;
  • 20% sour cream;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Sunflower oil.

Chop the champignons, pour a little oil into the frying pan, pour the mushrooms into it, salt them and fry until the mushrooms are golden brown, stirring them regularly. After the champignons are fried, put sour cream in the pan with them, add a little salt, mix well and cover with a lid.

Leave the dish to cook for approximately seven minutes. After which the dish is ready to serve. Mashed potatoes go very well with it.

  1. To prepare mushrooms, especially in sour cream, it is best to take small champignons, which do not have to be chopped before cooking. Large ones are good to simply cut in half and fry;
  2. Frying them, on average, takes up to seven minutes, sometimes five is enough. Don't overcook them for longer. If, of course, the champignons being prepared are fresh. If you took them frozen, then you need to fry them for a little more than twenty minutes;
  3. Usually fried mushrooms do not need seasoning, but if you still want to add them, you should do this at the very end of cooking.

Now you know how to properly fry champignons and not only them alone, but also with the addition of onions, sour cream or potatoes. You now know the time during which mushrooms are fried - it is short, which makes this product convenient for quick cooking.

You also now have an idea of ​​how to choose the right product. Try cooking it according to one of the given recipes and enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma.

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