Part C1 tasks (2 points). What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of wolf numbers? What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

The answers to tasks 1–21 are a sequence of numbers, a number or a word (phrase).


Consider the proposed scheme. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, except two, are used to describe environmental patterns. Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. parthenogenesis

2. symbiosis

3. succession

4. aromorphosis

5. consumer


The set of chromosomes in the pea egg is 7. What set of chromosomes do the somatic cells of this organism have? Write down only the number of chromosomes in your answer.

Answer: ______


The following characteristics, except two, are used to describe the characteristics of the cells shown in the figure. Identify two characteristics that “fall out” from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. have a formed core

2. are heterotrophic

3. capable of photosynthesis

5. accumulate glycogen


Establish a correspondence between the processes and the method of cell division: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. somatic cell division occurs

B. chromosome set is halved

B. a new combination of genes is formed

D. conjugation and crossing over occur

D. bivalents are located along the equator of the cell



Determine the ratio of phenotypes in the offspring when crossing two heterozygous plants with incomplete dominance. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers showing the ratio of phenotypes.


The characteristics below, except two, are used to describe the diheterozygous genotype. Identify these two characteristics that “drop out” from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. contains different alleles of the same gene

2. has dominant and recessive alleles of the gene

3. includes two pairs of genes for alternative traits

4. during gametogenesis, one type of gamete is formed

5. represented by two pairs of non-allelic recessive genes


Establish a correspondence between the developmental feature of the plant and the department for which it is characteristic: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. the gametophyte predominates in the development cycle

B. adult plant is represented by the haploid generation

V. the gametophyte is the prothallus

G. sporophyte is the zygote

D. cells of a multicellular plant are diploid

1. Green algae

2. Ferns


Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What allowed angiosperms, in comparison with gymnosperms, to occupy a dominant position on Earth?

1. location of seeds inside the fruit

2. presence of chloroplasts in cells

3. symbiosis with bacteria and fungi

4. presence of a flower

5. double fertilization

6. propagation by seeds


Establish a correspondence between a plant trait and the department for which this trait is characteristic: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. forms the tree layer of the forest

B. presence of a taproot system

B. predominance in the sporophyte development cycle

G. grows in the lower tier of the forest

D. the presence of a preadolescent (protonema) in the development cycle

E. is attached to the soil by rhizoids

2. Bryophytes


Establish a sequence reflecting the stages of the life cycle of a bovine tapeworm, starting with the formation of eggs in mature segments. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1. human consumption of uncooked meat containing Finns

2. separation of mature segments with eggs from the body of an adult worm

3. formation of an adult worm

4. transfer of larvae by blood to muscles and formation of fins

5. emergence of larvae with hooks from eggs

6. cows eating penises with eggs


Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What examples illustrate arousal of the sympathetic nervous system?

1. increased heart rate

2. increased intestinal motility

3. lower blood pressure

4. dilation of the pupils of the eyes

5. Increased blood sugar

6. narrowing of the bronchi and bronchioles


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the glands and their type: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. form digestive enzymes

B. secrete secretions into a body cavity or organ

V. secrete chemically active substances - hormones

G. participate in the regulation of vital processes of the body

D. have excretory ducts


1. external secretion

2. internal secretion


Determine the sequence of movement of food entering the human digestive system. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1. duodenum

3. esophagus

5. stomach

6. colon


Select three sentences from the text that characterize the geographical method of speciation in the evolution of the organic world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The exchange of genes between populations during the reproduction of individuals preserves the integrity of the species. 2. If reproductive isolation occurs, crossing becomes impossible and the population takes the path of microevolution. 3. Reproductive isolation of populations occurs when physical barriers arise. 4. Isolated populations expand their range by maintaining adaptations to new living conditions. 5. An example of such speciation is the formation of three subspecies of the great tit, which colonized the territories of eastern, southern and western Asia. 6. The species serves as the smallest genetically stable supraorganismal system in living nature.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of natural selection and its form: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. preserves the average value of the characteristic

B. promotes adaptation to changed environmental conditions

V. preserves individuals with a trait that deviates from its average value

G. promotes an increase in the diversity of organisms


1. driving

2. stabilizing


Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The destruction of forests over vast areas leads to

1. increase in harmful nitrogen impurities in the atmosphere

2. damage to the ozone layer

3. violation of the water regime

4. change of biogeocenoses

5. disruption of the direction of air flows in the atmosphere

6. reduction in species diversity


Establish a correspondence between the example and the environmental factor that this example illustrates: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. increasing air pressure

B. competition for territory between plants

B. change in population size as a result of an epidemic

D. change in ecosystem topography

D. interaction between individuals of the same species


1. abiotic

2. biotic


Establish the sequence of processes occurring during interphase and mitosis. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1. spiralization of chromosomes, disappearance of the nuclear envelope

2. divergence of sister chromosomes to the cell poles

3. formation of two daughter cells

4. doubling of DNA molecules

5. placement of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the cell


Look at the drawing depicting a human organ and determine the names of its outer and inner anatomical layers, the processes that ensure the purification of the blood from metabolic end products and the structural formation of the organ in which solutions of substances accumulate to remove them from the human body.

Fill in the blank cells of the table using the terms in the list. For each lettered cell, select the appropriate term from the list provided.

List of terms:

1. cortical, cerebral

2. urinary

3. renal pelvis

4. loop of Henle

5. transport of nutrients

6. epithelial, muscular

7.filtration, reverse suction


Analyze the table “The number of centenarians of men and women in the period from 1940 to 1952.” Select statements that can be formulated based on the analysis of the table data.

Number of long-lived men and women from 1940 to 1952

What is the ratio of male to female centenarians between 1940 and 1945?

1. approximately the same and is 1: 1

2. There are twice as many women as men

3. The average age of women is 100 years

4. the highest number of women per man occurred in 1942

5. for every man there are approximately 4-5 women

Part 2.

First write down the task number (22, 23, etc.), then the detailed solution. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

What types of environmental factors contribute to the regulation of wolf numbers in an ecosystem? Explain your answer.

Show answer

Response elements:

1) anthropogenic: reduction of forest area, excessive hunting;

2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases

What division and what phase are shown in the figure? Indicate the set of chromosomes (n), the number of DNA molecules (s) during this period. Justify your answer.

Show answer

Response elements:

1) metaphase of mitosis, since homologous chromosomes are located in the same plane of the equator; the fission spindle is formed;

2) the cell has a diploid (2n) set of chromosomes, since there are homologous chromosomes;

3) the number of DNA molecules is 4c, since each chromosome is bichromatic and consists of two DNA molecules

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.

Tasks of parts C1-C4


Determine the type and phase of division of the cell shown in the figure. What processes occur in this phase?

1) the figure shows metaphase of mitosis;
2) spindle threads are attached to the centromeres of chromosomes;
3) in this phase, bichromatid chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane.

Why does plowing the soil improve the living conditions of cultivated plants?

1) promotes the destruction of weeds and reduces competition with cultivated plants;
2) promotes the supply of plants with water and minerals;
3) increases the supply of oxygen to the roots.

How does a natural ecosystem differ from an agroecosystem?

1) great biodiversity and diversity of food connections and food chains;
2) balanced circulation of substances;
3) long periods of existence.

Reveal the mechanisms that ensure the constancy of the number and shape of chromosomes in all cells of organisms from generation to generation?

1) thanks to meiosis, gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed;
2) during fertilization, the diploid set of chromosomes is restored in the zygote, which ensures the constancy of the chromosome set;
3) the growth of the organism occurs due to mitosis, which ensures the constancy of the number of chromosomes in somatic cells.

What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

1) heterotrophic bacteria - decomposers decompose organic substances into minerals, which are absorbed by plants;
2) autotrophic bacteria (photo, chemotrophs) - producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, ensuring the circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.

What characteristics are characteristic of bryophytes?

1) most mosses are leafy plants, some of them have rhizoids;
2) mosses reproduce both sexually and asexually with alternating generations: sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte);
3) an adult moss plant is the sexual generation (gametophyte) and the capsule with spores is asexual (sporophyte);
4) fertilization occurs in the presence of water.

Squirrels, as a rule, live in coniferous forests and feed mainly on spruce seeds. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in the squirrel population?

It is known that the Golgi apparatus is especially well developed in the glandular cells of the pancreas. Explain why.

1) pancreatic cells synthesize enzymes that accumulate in the cavities of the Golgi apparatus;
2) in the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are packaged in the form of vesicles;
3) from the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are carried into the pancreatic duct.

Ribosomes from different cells, the entire set of amino acids and identical molecules of mRNA and tRNA were placed in a test tube, and all conditions were created for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein be synthesized on different ribosomes in a test tube?

1) the primary structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids;
2) the templates for protein synthesis are identical mRNA molecules, in which the same primary protein structure is encoded.

What structural features are characteristic of representatives of the Chordata type?

1) internal axial skeleton;
2) the nervous system in the form of a tube on the dorsal side of the body;
3) cracks in the digestive tube.

Clover grows in meadows and is pollinated by bumblebees. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in clover populations?

1) decrease in the number of bumblebees;
2)increase in the number of herbivorous animals;
3) propagation of competitor plants (cereals, etc.).

13. The total mass of mitochondria in relation to the mass of cells of various rat organs is: in the pancreas - 7.9%, in the liver - 18.4%, in the heart - 35.8%. Why do the cells of these organs have different mitochondrial content?

1) mitochondria are the energy stations of the cell; ATP molecules are synthesized and accumulated in them;
2) intense work of the heart muscle requires a lot of energy, therefore the content of mitochondria in its cells is the highest;
3) in the liver the number of mitochondria is higher compared to the pancreas, since it has a more intense metabolism.

Explain why beef that has not passed sanitary control is dangerous to eat undercooked or lightly cooked.

1) beef meat may contain bovine tapeworms;
2) an adult worm develops from the finna in the digestive canal, and the person becomes the final host.

Name the plant cell organelle shown in the figure, its structures indicated by numbers 1-3, and their functions.

1) the organelle depicted is a chloroplast;
2)1 – granal thylakoids, involved in photosynthesis;
3) 2 – DNA, 3 – ribosomes, participate in the synthesis of the chloroplast’s own proteins.

Why can't bacteria be classified as eukaryotes?

1) in their cells, the nuclear substance is represented by one circular DNA molecule and is not separated from the cytoplasm;
2) do not have mitochondria, the Golgi complex, or the ER;
3) do not have specialized germ cells, there is no meiosis and fertilization.

What changes in biotic factors can lead to an increase in the population of a naked slug that lives in a forest and feeds mainly on plants?

The process of photosynthesis occurs intensively in the leaves of plants. Does it occur in ripe and unripe fruits? Explain your answer.

1) photosynthesis occurs in unripe fruits (while they are green), since they contain chloroplasts;
2) as they mature, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, in which photosynthesis does not occur.

What stages of gametogenesis are indicated in the figure by letters A, B and C? What set of chromosomes do cells have at each of these stages? What specialized cells does this process lead to the development of?

1)A – stage (zone) of reproduction (division), diploid cells;
2)B – stage (zone) of growth, diploid cell;
3) B - stage (zone) of maturation, the cells are haploid, sperm develop.

How do bacterial cells differ in structure from the cells of organisms in other kingdoms of living nature? List at least three differences.

1) there is no formed nucleus, nuclear envelope;
2) a number of organelles are missing: mitochondria, EPS, Golgi complex, etc.;
3) have one ring chromosome.

Why are plants (producers) considered the initial link in the cycle of substances and energy conversion in the ecosystem?

1) create organic substances from inorganic ones;
2) accumulate solar energy;
3) provide organic substances and energy to organisms in other parts of the ecosystem.

What processes ensure the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant?

1) from the root to the leaves, water and minerals move through the vessels due to transpiration, as a result of which suction force arises;
2) the upward flow in the plant is facilitated by root pressure, which arises as a result of the constant flow of water into the root due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the cells and the environment.

Look at the cells shown in the picture. Determine which letters represent prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide evidence for your point of view.

1) A – prokaryotic cell, B – eukaryotic cell;
2) the cell in Figure A does not have a formed nucleus, its hereditary material is represented by a ring chromosome;
3) the cell in Figure B has a formed nucleus and organelles.

Red algae (purple algae) live at great depths. Despite this, photosynthesis occurs in their cells. Explain why photosynthesis occurs if the water column absorbs rays from the red-orange part of the spectrum.

1) photosynthesis requires rays not only from the red, but also from the blue part of the spectrum;
2) the cells of scarlet mushrooms contain a red pigment that absorbs rays from the blue part of the spectrum, their energy is used in the process of photosynthesis.

28. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.
1. Coelenterates are three-layer multicellular animals. 2.They have a gastric or intestinal cavity. 3. The intestinal cavity includes stinging cells. 4. Coelenterates have a reticular (diffuse) nervous system. 5. All coelenterates are free-swimming organisms.

Errors were made in the sentences:
1)1 – coelenterates – two-layered animals;
2)3 – stinging cells are contained in the ectoderm, and not in the intestinal cavity;
3)5 – among the coelenterates there are attached forms.

The section of the DNA molecule encoding the sequence of amino acids in a protein has the following composition: G-A-T-G-A-A-T-A-G-TT-C-T-T-C. Explain the consequences of accidentally adding a guanine nucleotide (G) between the seventh and eighth nucleotides.

1) a gene mutation will occur - the codes of the third and subsequent amino acids may change;
2) the primary structure of the protein may change;
3) a mutation can lead to the appearance of a new trait in an organism.

To combat insect pests, people use chemicals. Indicate at least three changes in the life of the oak forest if all herbivorous insects are destroyed by chemical means. Explain why they will happen.

1) the number of insect-pollinated plants will sharply decrease, since herbivorous insects are plant pollinators;
2) the number of insectivorous organisms (consumers of the 2nd order) will sharply decrease or they will disappear due to disruption of food chains;
3) some of the chemicals used to kill insects will get into the soil, which will lead to disruption of plant life, death of soil flora and fauna, all violations can lead to the death of the oak forest.

To determine the cause of the hereditary disease, the patient's cells were examined and a change in the length of one of the chromosomes was discovered. What research method allowed us to establish the cause of this disease? What type of mutation is it associated with?

1) the cause of the disease was established using the cytogenetic method;
2) the disease is caused by a chromosomal mutation - the loss or addition of a chromosome fragment.

Tasks of parts C1-C4

What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of the number of wolves in the ecosystem?

1) anthropogenic: reduction of forest area, excessive hunting;
2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases.

Part C tasks

1.What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of the number of wolves in the ecosystem?

Response elements:

1) anthropogenic: reduction of forest area, excessive hunting;

2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases

2.What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

Response elements:

1) heterotrophic bacteria - decomposers decompose organic substances into minerals, which are absorbed by plants;

2) autotrophic bacteria (photo, chemotrophs) - producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, ensuring the circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.

3. Ribosomes from different cells, the entire set of amino acids and identical molecules of mRNA and tRNA were placed in a test tube, and all conditions were created for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein be synthesized on different ribosomes in a test tube?

Response elements:

1) the primary structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids;

2) the templates for protein synthesis are identical mRNA molecules in which the same primary protein structure is encoded.

4.Explain why beef that has not passed sanitary control is dangerous to eat, undercooked or lightly fried.

Response elements:

1) beef meat may contain bovine tapeworms;

2) an adult worm develops in the digestive canal from the finna, And the person becomes the final owner.

5.The process of photosynthesis occurs intensively in the leaves of plants. Does it occur in ripe and unripe fruits? Explain your answer.

Response elements:

1) photosynthesis occurs in unripe fruits (while they are green), since they have chloroplasts;

2) as they mature, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, in which photosynthesis does not occur.

6.What processes ensure the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant? Explain your answer.

Response elements:

1) from the root to the leaves, water and minerals move through the vessels due to transpiration, which results in suction force;

2) the upward flow in the plant is facilitated by root pressure, which arises as a result of the constant flow of water into the root due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the cells and the environment.

7. Red algae (purple algae) live at great depths. Despite this, photosynthesis occurs in their cells. Explain how photosynthesis occurs if the water column absorbs rays from the red-orange part of the spectrum

Response elements:

1) Photosynthesis requires rays not only from the red, but also from the blue part of the spectrum;

2) the cells of scarlet mushrooms contain a red pigment that absorbs rays from the blue part of the spectrum, their energy is used in the process of photosynthesis.

8. What plant organs are damaged by cockchafers at different stages of individual development?

Response elements:

1) plant roots are damaged by larvae;

2) tree leaves are damaged by adult beetles.

9. Which milk, sterilized or freshly milked, will sour faster under the same conditions? Explain your answer.

Response elements:

1) Freshly milked milk will sour faster, since it contains bacteria that cause fermentation of the product;

2) when milk is sterilized, the cells and spores of lactic acid bacteria die, and the milk lasts longer.

10.Why can treatment with antibiotics lead to intestinal dysfunction? Give at least two reasons.

Response elements:

1) antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria that live in the human intestines;

2) the breakdown of fiber, water absorption and other processes are disrupted.

11.Why is a note placed under a tourniquet, which is applied to stop bleeding from large blood vessels, indicating the time it was applied?

Response elements:

1) by reading the note, you can determine how much time has passed since the tourniquet was applied;

2) if after 1-2 hours it was not possible to deliver the patient to the doctor, then the tourniquet should be loosened for a while. This will prevent tissue death

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"Animal Wolf" - Who isn't afraid of the evil wolf? Wild animals are animals that live in natural conditions. Let's take care of wild animals! One of the representatives is. Wolf. Wolves do not always hunt, growl and be ferocious. In a surge of tenderness, the wolves lick each other and rub their muzzles. Wolves have lived on Earth for more than a million years.

“Emerald City” - Bastinda is the evil sorceress of the Violet Country. Where did Ellie first meet the Tin Woodman? What was the “courage” that Goodwin gave Lev to drink? Book 4 “The Fire God of the Marrans.” Emerald Marathon. “Susaka, masaka, lema, rema, gema! “Pikapoo, tripapoo, botalo, dangled.” Chatterers Munchkins Winkers Jumpers.

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“Humoral regulation” - 1. What is humoral regulation? 3. Endocrine glands. 4.What ensures the coordinated work of all parts of our body? 2. What is the human endocrine apparatus represented by? "A growth hormone". Goals: “The hormone of active action.” 6. Why is the concept of neurohumoral regulation often used?

“Ecological development” - Americans consume 573 liters per day, Italians - 385 liters. In Russia, from 20 to 400 1.1 billion people on Earth are deprived of access to clean water. Is growth due to increased hydrocarbon production sustainable? Water. Efficient use of energy. Conservation of wildlife. The cost of travel. How to distinguish sustainable development from simple growth?

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