What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of wolf numbers. Part C1 tasks (2 points) What types of environmental factors contribute to the regulation of wolves

Tasks of parts C1-C4


Determine the type and phase of division of the cell shown in the figure. What processes occur in this phase?

1) the figure shows metaphase of mitosis;
2) spindle threads are attached to the centromeres of chromosomes;
3) in this phase, bichromatid chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane.

Why does plowing the soil improve the living conditions of cultivated plants?

1) promotes the destruction of weeds and reduces competition with cultivated plants;
2) promotes the supply of plants with water and minerals;
3) increases the supply of oxygen to the roots.

How does a natural ecosystem differ from an agroecosystem?

1) great biodiversity and diversity of food connections and food chains;
2) balanced circulation of substances;
3) long periods of existence.

Reveal the mechanisms that ensure the constancy of the number and shape of chromosomes in all cells of organisms from generation to generation?

1) thanks to meiosis, gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed;
2) during fertilization, the diploid set of chromosomes is restored in the zygote, which ensures the constancy of the chromosome set;
3) the growth of the organism occurs due to mitosis, which ensures the constancy of the number of chromosomes in somatic cells.

What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

1) heterotrophic bacteria - decomposers decompose organic substances into minerals, which are absorbed by plants;
2) autotrophic bacteria (photo, chemotrophs) - producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, ensuring the circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.

What characteristics are characteristic of bryophytes?

1) most mosses are leafy plants, some of them have rhizoids;
2) mosses reproduce both sexually and asexually with alternating generations: sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte);
3) an adult moss plant is the sexual generation (gametophyte) and the capsule with spores is asexual (sporophyte);
4) fertilization occurs in the presence of water.

Squirrels, as a rule, live in coniferous forests and feed mainly on spruce seeds. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in the squirrel population?

It is known that the Golgi apparatus is especially well developed in the glandular cells of the pancreas. Explain why.

1) pancreatic cells synthesize enzymes that accumulate in the cavities of the Golgi apparatus;
2) in the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are packaged in the form of vesicles;
3) from the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are carried into the pancreatic duct.

Ribosomes from different cells, the entire set of amino acids and identical molecules of mRNA and tRNA were placed in a test tube, and all conditions were created for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein be synthesized on different ribosomes in a test tube?

1) the primary structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids;
2) the templates for protein synthesis are identical mRNA molecules, in which the same primary protein structure is encoded.

What structural features are characteristic of representatives of the Chordata type?

1) internal axial skeleton;
2) the nervous system in the form of a tube on the dorsal side of the body;
3) cracks in the digestive tube.

Clover grows in meadows and is pollinated by bumblebees. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in clover populations?

1) decrease in the number of bumblebees;
2)increase in the number of herbivorous animals;
3) propagation of competitor plants (cereals, etc.).

13. The total mass of mitochondria in relation to the mass of cells of various rat organs is: in the pancreas - 7.9%, in the liver - 18.4%, in the heart - 35.8%. Why do the cells of these organs have different mitochondrial content?

1) mitochondria are the energy stations of the cell; ATP molecules are synthesized and accumulated in them;
2) intense work of the heart muscle requires a lot of energy, therefore the content of mitochondria in its cells is the highest;
3) in the liver the number of mitochondria is higher compared to the pancreas, since it has a more intense metabolism.

Explain why beef that has not passed sanitary control is dangerous to eat undercooked or lightly cooked.

1) beef meat may contain bovine tapeworms;
2) an adult worm develops from the finna in the digestive canal, and the person becomes the final host.

Name the plant cell organelle shown in the figure, its structures indicated by numbers 1-3, and their functions.

1) the organelle depicted is a chloroplast;
2)1 – granal thylakoids, involved in photosynthesis;
3) 2 – DNA, 3 – ribosomes, participate in the synthesis of the chloroplast’s own proteins.

Why can't bacteria be classified as eukaryotes?

1) in their cells, the nuclear substance is represented by one circular DNA molecule and is not separated from the cytoplasm;
2) do not have mitochondria, the Golgi complex, or the ER;
3) do not have specialized germ cells, there is no meiosis and fertilization.

What changes in biotic factors can lead to an increase in the population of a naked slug that lives in a forest and feeds mainly on plants?

The process of photosynthesis occurs intensively in the leaves of plants. Does it occur in ripe and unripe fruits? Explain your answer.

1) photosynthesis occurs in unripe fruits (while they are green), since they contain chloroplasts;
2) as they mature, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, in which photosynthesis does not occur.

What stages of gametogenesis are indicated in the figure by letters A, B and C? What set of chromosomes do cells have at each of these stages? What specialized cells does this process lead to the development of?

1)A – stage (zone) of reproduction (division), diploid cells;
2)B – stage (zone) of growth, diploid cell;
3) B - stage (zone) of maturation, the cells are haploid, sperm develop.

How do bacterial cells differ in structure from the cells of organisms in other kingdoms of living nature? List at least three differences.

1) there is no formed nucleus, nuclear envelope;
2) a number of organelles are missing: mitochondria, EPS, Golgi complex, etc.;
3) have one ring chromosome.

Why are plants (producers) considered the initial link in the cycle of substances and energy conversion in the ecosystem?

1) create organic substances from inorganic ones;
2) accumulate solar energy;
3) provide organic substances and energy to organisms in other parts of the ecosystem.

What processes ensure the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant?

1) from the root to the leaves, water and minerals move through the vessels due to transpiration, as a result of which suction force arises;
2) the upward flow in the plant is facilitated by root pressure, which arises as a result of the constant flow of water into the root due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the cells and the environment.

Look at the cells shown in the figure. Determine which letters represent prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide evidence for your point of view.

1) A – prokaryotic cell, B – eukaryotic cell;
2) the cell in Figure A does not have a formed nucleus, its hereditary material is represented by a ring chromosome;
3) the cell in Figure B has a formed nucleus and organelles.

Red algae (purple algae) live at great depths. Despite this, photosynthesis occurs in their cells. Explain why photosynthesis occurs if the water column absorbs rays from the red-orange part of the spectrum.

1) photosynthesis requires rays not only from the red, but also from the blue part of the spectrum;
2) the cells of scarlet mushrooms contain a red pigment that absorbs rays from the blue part of the spectrum, their energy is used in the process of photosynthesis.

28. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.
1. Coelenterates are three-layer multicellular animals. 2.They have a gastric or intestinal cavity. 3. The intestinal cavity includes stinging cells. 4. Coelenterates have a reticular (diffuse) nervous system. 5. All coelenterates are free-swimming organisms.

Errors were made in the sentences:
1)1 – coelenterates – two-layered animals;
2)3 – stinging cells are contained in the ectoderm, and not in the intestinal cavity;
3)5 – among the coelenterates there are attached forms.

The section of the DNA molecule encoding the sequence of amino acids in a protein has the following composition: G-A-T-G-A-A-T-A-G-TT-C-T-T-C. Explain the consequences of accidentally adding a guanine nucleotide (G) between the seventh and eighth nucleotides.

1) a gene mutation will occur - the codes of the third and subsequent amino acids may change;
2) the primary structure of the protein may change;
3) a mutation can lead to the appearance of a new trait in an organism.

To combat insect pests, people use chemicals. Indicate at least three changes in the life of the oak forest if all herbivorous insects are destroyed by chemical means. Explain why they will happen.

1) the number of insect-pollinated plants will sharply decrease, since herbivorous insects are plant pollinators;
2) the number of insectivorous organisms (consumers of the 2nd order) will sharply decrease or they will disappear due to disruption of food chains;
3) some of the chemicals used to kill insects will get into the soil, which will lead to disruption of plant life, death of soil flora and fauna, all violations can lead to the death of the oak forest.

To determine the cause of the hereditary disease, the patient's cells were examined and a change in the length of one of the chromosomes was discovered. What research method allowed us to establish the cause of this disease? What type of mutation is it associated with?

1) the cause of the disease was established using the cytogenetic method;
2) the disease is caused by a chromosomal mutation - the loss or addition of a chromosome fragment.

Tasks of parts C1-C4

What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of the number of wolves in the ecosystem?

1) anthropogenic: reduction of forest area, excessive hunting;
2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases.

42. What is the role of pubescence on stems, leaves, fruits and seeds of plants?

ANSWER: Hairs on leaves and stems protect against drying out by reflecting light, reduce radiation, reduce evaporation, creating a semi-enclosed layer of air. Coarse hairs and stinging hairs can protect against being eaten (nettle). Hairy fruits and seeds are easily attached to animal fur or carried away by the wind (dandelion, poplar, etc.)

43. For what purpose, when progressively planting trees on poor soils, is the soil infected with special types of fungi?

ANSWER: These mushrooms entwine the roots of trees with their mycelium - mycorrhiza occurs, thanks to which the tree receives water and salts from the vast surface of the soil. A tree does not need to spend a lot of time, matter and energy to create a powerful root system. When this tree is transplanted to a new place, it takes root more easily.

44. List the resources for which closely related species, such as marten and sable, living in the same territory, can compete.

ANSWER: Food (rodents, small birds, etc.), place for a nest (hollow trees, old nests of squirrels, crows), hunting territory, shelters, water during drought.

45. Closely related species often live together, although it is generally accepted that the most intense competition exists between them. Explain why in these cases one species does not completely replace the other. Does this conflict with the competitive exclusion rule?

ANSWER: Displacement does not occur for the following reasons: - closely related species occupy different ecological niches in the same community (different food, method of obtaining food, activity at different times of the day, - excess resource; - the number of a stronger competitor by a third species is limited; - environmental conditions create equilibrium due to the fact that they become favorable now for one, now for the other.Therefore, the absence of complete crowding out does not contradict the rule of competitive exclusion.

46. It is well known that when making bouquets, you cannot place roses and carnations, daffodils and forget-me-nots, roses and mignonette in one vase (the flowers wither and lose their aroma). Lilies of the valley in bouquets destroy many plants. Explain why? What is the significance of this phenomenon in plant life?

ANSWER: Plants secrete phytoncides - volatile substances that inhibit or have a detrimental effect on other organisms. This allows them to win the competition.

47. Among forest birds and mammals, the number of seed-eating animals—crossbills, squirrels, nutcrackers, and mice—is subject to the most dramatic fluctuations. Explain why?

ANSWER: This depends on changes in food abundance from year to year. Trees do not produce abundant harvests every year, but at intervals of 4-12 years. In lean years, mass mortality and migration of animals are observed, and their fertility decreases.

48. What organisms in an ecosystem close the cycle of substances in the ecosystem by decomposing organic matter?

ANSWER: Decomposers.

49. Why is the relationship between moose and bison in a mixed forest ecosystem considered competition?

ANSWER: They eat the same food.

50. What factors contribute to the regulation of the number of wolves in the ecosystem?

ANSWER: Anthropogenic, lack of herbivores (food), pathogens, intraspecific and interspecific competition.

51. What are the causes of humid smog in large cities?

ANSWER: High levels of air pollutants, dust, smoke and humid, windless weather.

52. Hives with bees are often placed in buckwheat fields. What is the significance of this event in the life of plants?

ANSWER: Bees feed on buckwheat pollen and nectar and carry out cross-pollination, which increases the yield of buckwheat. A person receives double benefits: a large harvest of buckwheat and buckwheat honey.

53. Why can the number of commercial herbivorous fish sharply decrease when predatory fish are destroyed in a reservoir?

ANSWER: The destruction of predatory fish leads to a sharp increase in the number of herbivorous fish and increased competition between them. This leads to a decrease in food supply, the spread of various diseases, which will lead to mass death of fish.

54. To combat insect pests, people use chemicals. Explain how the life of an oak forest may change if all herbivorous insects are destroyed by chemical methods.

ANSWER: Since herbivorous insects are mostly pollinators, their destruction will lead to a sharp reduction in the number of insect-pollinated plants. This can lead to a reduction in the number or disappearance of 2nd order consumers (insectivores). Chemicals that get into the soil can lead to disruption of plant life and death of soil microflora and fauna. All this can lead to serious disturbances in the ecological balance and even to the death of the oak forest.

55. Why are owls in a forest ecosystem classified as 2nd order consumers, and mice as 1st order consumers?

ANSWER: Mice eat plants, and owls eat mice. 1st order consumers are herbivores, and 2nd order consumers feed on herbivores.

56. As a result of a forest fire, part of the spruce forest burned out. Explain how its self-healing will occur.

ANSWER: Herbaceous, light-loving plants develop first. Then birch, aspen, and pine shoots appear, the seeds of which fell with the help of the wind, and a small-leaved forest is formed. Under the canopy of light-loving trees, shade-tolerant spruce trees develop, which subsequently completely displace other tree species.

57. What serves as the basis for the formation of diverse food networks in ecosystems?

ANSWER: The food network is formed from a variety of interconnected food chains, which means that its diversity is based on the diversity of species, the presence among them of producers, consumers, decomposers and the variety of their food (broad food specialization).

58. What are the properties of biogeocenosis?

ANSWER: Biogeocenosis is an open, self-regulating system that is stable and capable of metabolism and energy. Biogeocenosis is part of the biosphere. It consists of an abiotic and biotic component, characterized by productivity, biomass, population density, its components, and diversity of species. The living components of a biogeocenosis are producers, consumers and decomposers, thanks to which a continuous circulation of substances and energy conversion occurs in it.

59. What are the features of the biosphere as the shell of the Earth?

ANSWER: Biogeochemical processes take place in the biosphere, the geological activity of organisms is manifested; there is a continuous process of circulation of substances, regulated by the activities of organisms; The biosphere converts the energy of the Sun into the energy of organic substances.

60. How does the land-air environment differ from the water environment?

ANSWER: In the ground-air environment there is more oxygen, temperature fluctuations can occur within wide limits, there is less density and more illumination

61. Why does biomass typically decrease from link to link in a terrestrial food chain?

ANSWER: The food chain includes producers, consumers and decomposers. In each link, most of the organic matter (approximately 90%) is broken down into inorganic substances, and they are released into the environment. The energy released in this case is spent on vital activity, converted into thermal energy and dissipated into the environment. Thus, the biomass decreases from link to link. This pattern is called the 10% rule or the ecological pyramid rule.

62. Why is it necessary to maintain biodiversity to preserve the biosphere?

ANSWER: Biodiversity is the basis of diverse food chains and networks in the ecosystems of the biosphere. And the diversity of food chains and networks is the basis for a balanced cycle of substances and the preservation of the integrity of the biosphere. A balanced circulation of substances is the basis for sustainability, self-regulation and conservation of the biosphere.

63. wrote: “On the earth’s surface there is no chemical force more constantly acting, and therefore more powerful in its final consequences, than living organisms taken as a whole.” Explain what changes have occurred in the lithosphere due to the activity of living organisms?

ANSWER: Soil formation, destruction of rocks (for example, by lichens that secrete organic acids), the formation of a number of minerals (for example, coal and brown coal, iron ores, peat, limestone, etc.).

64. Make a food chain and identify the 2nd order consumer using all the named representatives: hawk, apple flowers, great tit, apple flower beetle.

ANSWER: Apple flowers ---- apple beetle --- great tit --- hawk. 2nd order consumer - great tit.

65. What is the relationship between producers and decomposers that make up any ecosystem?

ANSWER: Producers create organic substances from inorganic ones, and decomposers use organic residues and mineralize them, providing producers with minerals.

66. Why is oxygen concentration currently decreasing in the lower atmosphere?

ANSWER: This happens because the area of ​​vegetation cover on the Earth is decreasing due to deforestation, the death of phytoplankton in the World Ocean occurs due to its pollution, and oxygen consumption increases during the combustion of fuels (vehicles, industry, etc.)

67. Why do body cells dehydrate during suspended animation at low temperatures?

ANSWER: At subzero temperatures, the water inside the cell turns into ice. Ice crystals damage cellular structures, which causes the death of the body.

68. Explain why the pond frog is active during the day, and the grass frog is active at dusk and in the morning?

ANSWER: Drying of the skin is dangerous for the frog. The pond frog is constantly located near the reservoir, therefore it is active during the day, and the grass frog is away from it, and therefore is active during wet periods of the day - in the morning and evening.

69. Why are dark-colored reptiles more common in cold regions, while light-colored ones are more common in southern regions?

ANSWER: Reptiles are cold-blooded and their activity depends on the ambient temperature. Dark coloring absorbs heat better, so in cold zones reptiles are dark-colored, in the south they are light-colored.

70. What factors influence the self-purification of a reservoir?

ANSWER: Oxygen content (the more oxygen there is, the faster dead organic matter decomposes), flow speed (the faster the flow, the more oxygen in the water), the presence of animals that feed by filtering water (bivalves).

71. Meadows growing in the forest zone and left to their own devices quickly become overgrown with forest. However, this does not happen in places of permanent agriculture. Why?

ANSWER: In agricultural areas, the soil is trampled, compacted, and tree growth is destroyed.

ANSWER: To protect cultivated plants from insect pests as a method of biological control.

73. Why are pine pests more common on diseased trees and avoid young and healthy pines?

ANSWER: Young pines produce a lot of resin, and the turpentine contained in the resin repels and kills pests.

74. In some ponds, ducks are bred to increase the growth of carp. Why?

ANSWER: Duck droppings promote the growth of algae and invertebrates that carp feed on.

75. Why in August in a coniferous forest under the trees can you see a lot of fallen pine needles, but in a deciduous forest there are almost no fallen leaves from last year? How does this affect soil fertility?

ANSWER: The needles contain many resinous substances that make it difficult for microorganisms to decompose them. In addition, in a coniferous forest in shade, the temperature is lower and the rate of decomposition is low. Due to the slow decomposition and leaching of organic matter, the soil in a coniferous forest contains little humus.

76. The food chains of natural biogeocenoses include producers, consumers and decomposers. What role do organisms of these groups play in the cycle of substances and energy conversion?

ANSWER: Producers - produce organic substances from inorganic ones during photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They contain the energy necessary for the life of other organisms. These include plants, blue-green bacteria and chemosynthetic bacteria. Consumers - consume ready-made organic substances, but do not bring them to mineralization. Reducers - during their life activity, they convert organic residues into mineral ones and close the cycle of substances. They use the energy released in this process for life.

77. What determines the sustainability of natural ecosystems?

ANSWER: The number of species, the number of links in food chains and their complex interweaving, self-regulation and self-renewal.

78. In some forest biocenoses, to protect chicken birds, mass shooting of daytime birds of prey was carried out. Explain how this event affected the number of chickens.

ANSWER: Due to the lack of natural population regulators, the number of chickens initially increases. Then it sharply decreases due to a lack of food resources and the rapid spread of diseases due to the high density of individuals.

79. To preserve and increase fish stocks, certain fishing rules have been established. Explain why fine-mesh nets and fishing techniques such as pickling or killing fish with explosives should not be used when fishing. (2 points)

ANSWER: when using fine-mesh nets, a lot of ungrown fish are caught, which could give rise to large offspring; pickling or jamming with explosives are predatory fishing methods in which many fish die needlessly

80. To combat insect pests, people use chemicals. Indicate at least 3 changes in the life of the oak forest if all herbivorous insects are destroyed by chemical means. Explain why they will happen.

ANSWER: 1) The number of insect-pollinated plants will sharply decrease, since herbivorous insects are plant pollinators. 2) The number of insectivorous organisms (consumers of the second order) will sharply decrease or disappear due to disruption of food chains. 3) Some of the chemicals used to kill insects will enter the soil and lead to disruption of plant life, death of soil flora and fauna; all disturbances can lead to the death of the oak forest.

4.6. Human Origins

1. Why are people of different races classified as the same species?

ANSWER: People of all races belong to the species Homo sapiens because they have the same number and shape of chromosomes in somatic cells, fertile offspring are born from interracial marriages, they are similar in structure, vital activity, and mental development.

2. What is the biosocial nature of man?

ANSWER: Man is a biological being because, like all living organisms, he is capable of metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, etc. But at the same time, he is a social being, since he lives and develops in society . His development as a person is possible only in the process of education and training in society.

3. What are the biological and social factors of anthropogenesis?

ANSWER: Biological: natural selection, struggle for existence, hereditary variability, isolation and genetic drift. Social: social lifestyle and work activity.

4. What proves that a person belongs to the class Mammals?

ANSWER: Feeds offspring with milk, multi-layered skin with various glands, has horny formations - hair, the embryo develops in the uterus, the cerebral hemispheres are covered with the cerebral cortex, complex behavior, caring for the offspring, etc.

5. Why do atavisms appear in some people in rare cases?

ANSWER: characteristics of ancient ancestors (atavisms) are embedded in the human genome; in the process of evolution, some ancient characteristics lose their meaning and the genes that control them do not appear in the phenotype; in rare cases, these genes begin to function and the individual development of the organism is disrupted, and signs of ancient ancestors appear.

4.7. Evolution of the organic world

1. What phenomenon is called microevolution?

ANSWER: The process of formation of new subspecies and species.

2. What phenomenon is called macroevolution?

ANSWER: The process of formation of supraspecific systematic groups.

3. The wasp fly is similar in color and body shape to the wasp. Name the type of protective device she has, explain its significance and the relative nature of the device.

ANSWER: The type of adaptation when an unprotected organism acquires the characteristics of a protected organism is called mimicry. The resemblance to a wasp warns a possible predator of the danger of being stung. But this protection does not provide a complete guarantee of survival, since young birds that have not developed a reflex to the wasp can eat it.

4. What is the role of crossing over in the evolutionary process?

ANSWER: Crossing over is the crossing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis, leading to diversity of gametes and, as a consequence, genetic diversity of offspring. This, in turn, ensures the effectiveness of natural selection and the emergence of a greater variety of adaptations to environmental conditions.

5. What is the role of the driving forces of evolution in shaping the fitness of organisms?

ANSWER: Due to hereditary variability and sexual reproduction, the population becomes heterogeneous. There is a struggle for existence in it, which leads to natural selection. Natural selection over the course of many generations preserves traits that are useful in given conditions, and this is how adaptations to the environment are formed.

6. Name the type of protective device against enemies, explain its purpose and relative nature in the small fish of the seahorse - the ragpicker, which lives at shallow depths among aquatic plants.

ANSWER: The seahorse hangs among the seaweed and becomes invisible to predators. The similarity of the body shape and color of an animal with stationary natural objects is called camouflage. But such similarity does not give them a complete guarantee of survival, since when the fish moves, or in open space, the fish become noticeable to predators. This is the relative nature of fitness.

7. Name the type of protective device, explain its meaning and relative nature in the caterpillar of the moth, which lives on tree branches and, at the moment of danger, becomes like a twig.

ANSWER: Imitation of motionless bodies of nature (imitative resemblance), protective coloring and shape are camouflage. The caterpillar freezes motionless on the branch and becomes like a twig and invisible to insectivorous birds. But this does not provide a complete guarantee of survival, because when moving and against a different background, the caterpillar becomes noticeable to birds.

8. What are the aromorphoses that allowed ancient amphibians to colonize land?

ANSWER: The appearance of pulmonary respiration (allows the absorption of atmospheric oxygen), limbs (for movement on land), a three-chambered heart and two circulation circles (increases metabolism).

9. What are the aromorphoses that accompanied the evolution of reptiles during their exploration of land?

ANSWER: Transition to pulmonary breathing only (appearance of cellular lungs); the appearance of dry, keratinized skin without glands (protection from drying out); internal fertilization, the appearance of embryonic and egg membranes.

10. What are the aromorphoses that accompanied the evolution of birds?

ANSWER: Warm-bloodedness, 4-chambered heart, appearance of alveolar lungs, double breathing, development of the cerebral hemispheres, etc.

11. What are the aromorphoses that accompanied the evolution of mammals?

ANSWER: Warm-bloodedness, 4-chambered heart, the appearance of alveolar lungs, the appearance of the cerebral cortex, feeding the young with milk, viviparity, the appearance of multi-layered skin rich in glands

12. What is the significance of the appearance of different beak shapes in the evolution of Galapagos finches?

ANSWER: It made it possible to use different foods for food, and this helped to weaken competition. As a result of divergence of characters and isolation of populations, new species were formed.

13. Why is high abundance of a species an indicator of biological progress?

ANSWER: Large numbers contribute to the expansion of the range, increase the likelihood of meeting individuals and their free crossing, the diversity of individuals increases due to large recombination of genes, and the gene pool of the species is enriched.

14. What paleontological finds provide evidence of evolution?

ANSWER: Fossils and imprints of ancient organisms, transitional forms (for example, Archeopteryx), phylogenetic series (for example, horses).

15. Explain the reason for industrial melanism in birch moth butterflies from the perspective of evolutionary teaching and determine the form of selection.

ANSWER: Industrial melanism is a phenomenon where, due to industrial development and air pollution in England in the 19th and 20th centuries, there was an increase in the number of dark-colored butterflies compared to light-colored ones. The reason for the change in the direction of natural selection in favor of dark-colored butterflies is the contamination of birch tree trunks with soot in industrial areas, which gives dark-colored butterflies an advantage in camouflage. This is the emergence of a driving form of natural selection.

16. Why did most organisms switch to sexual reproduction during evolution?

ANSWER: Sexual reproduction increases the diversity of offspring, which accelerates natural selection, the main guiding force of evolution.

17. Why does the resistance of insect pests to pesticides increase over time?

ANSWER: In the population of pest insects, due to the appearance of mutations, individuals resistant to pesticides appear over time. These individuals are preserved by natural selection and their number increases in subsequent generations. Therefore, the previous doses or types of pesticides no longer have an effect on pests.

18. Bee flies, which do not have a stinging apparatus, are similar in appearance to bees. Explain, based on evolutionary theory, the emergence of this type of adaptation.

ANSWER: The type of adaptation where unprotected species become similar to protected species is called mimicry. Reason: Different species may have similar mutations in external characteristics. Individuals of an unprotected species that are similar to individuals of a protected species receive a survival advantage (they are less likely to be pecked by birds) and spread throughout the population.

19. Name the type of adaptation, the meaning of protective coloring, as well as the relative nature of the adaptability of flounder, which lives in sea reservoirs near the bottom.

ANSWER: Color type – protective – merging with the background of the seabed; the ability to change the color of the upper side of the body makes the fish invisible against the background of the ground, allowing it to hide from enemies and from possible prey. Adaptability does not help when the fish moves, and it becomes noticeable to enemies.

20. The population is considered the unit of evolution. Justify this statement.

ANSWER: In a population: mutations accumulate, leading to changes in the gene pool; migration of individuals and exchange of genes occurs; there is a struggle for existence and natural selection

21. What organic substances ensured the reproduction of organisms during the emergence of life?

ANSWER: Nucleic acids.

22. What are laboratory-derived coacervates?

ANSWER: A clot of organic matter.

23. What theory is based on the idea of ​​the origin of life on Earth by chemical means?

ANSWER: Theories of abiogenic synthesis.

24. Why were the first living organisms heterotrophs?

ANSWER: The primordial ocean had a lot of organic matter and no autotrophs.

1. Biology tutor Cyril and Methodius.2007.

2. Educational electronic publication "Ecology" MIEM, 2004

3. Biology lessons from Cyril and Methodius. General biology, 2006.

4. Biology lessons from Cyril and Methodius. Animals, 2006.

5. Biology lessons from Cyril and Methodius. Plants, fungi, bacteria 2006.

Excessive shooting;
2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases.

Determine the type and phase of division of the cell shown in the figure. What processes occur in this phase?

1) the figure shows metaphase of mitosis;
2) spindle threads are attached to the centromeres of chromosomes;
3) in this phase, bichromatid chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane.

Why does plowing the soil improve the living conditions of cultivated plants?

1) promotes the destruction of weeds and reduces competition with cultivated plants;
2) promotes the supply of plants with water and minerals;
3) increases the supply of oxygen to the roots.

How does a natural ecosystem differ from an agroecosystem?

1) great biodiversity and diversity of food connections and food chains;
2) balanced circulation of substances;
3) long periods of existence.

Reveal the mechanisms that ensure the constancy of the number and shape of chromosomes in all cells of organisms from generation to generation?

1) thanks to meiosis, gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed;
2) during fertilization, the diploid set of chromosomes is restored in the zygote, which ensures the constancy of the chromosome set;
3) the growth of the organism occurs due to mitosis, which ensures the constancy of the number of chromosomes in somatic cells.

What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

1) heterotrophic bacteria - decomposers decompose organic substances into minerals, which are absorbed by plants;
2) autotrophic bacteria (photo, chemotrophs) - producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, ensuring the circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.

What characteristics are characteristic of bryophytes?

1) most mosses are leafy plants, some of them have rhizoids;
2) mosses reproduce both sexually and asexually with alternating generations: sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte);
3) an adult moss plant is the sexual generation (gametophyte) and the capsule with spores is asexual (sporophyte);
4) fertilization occurs in the presence of water.

Squirrels, as a rule, live in coniferous forests and feed mainly on spruce seeds. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in the squirrel population?

It is known that the Golgi apparatus is especially well developed in the glandular cells of the pancreas. Explain why.

1) pancreatic cells synthesize enzymes that accumulate in the cavities of the Golgi apparatus;
2) in the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are packaged in the form of vesicles;
3) from the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are carried into the pancreatic duct.

Ribosomes from different cells, the entire set of amino acids and identical molecules of mRNA and tRNA were placed in a test tube, and all conditions were created for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein be synthesized on different ribosomes in a test tube?

1) the primary structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids;
2) the templates for protein synthesis are identical mRNA molecules, in which the same primary protein structure is encoded.

What structural features are characteristic of representatives of the Chordata type?

1) internal axial skeleton;
2) the nervous system in the form of a tube on the dorsal side of the body;
3) cracks in the digestive tube.

Clover grows in meadows and is pollinated by bumblebees. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in clover populations?

1) decrease in the number of bumblebees;
2)increase in the number of herbivorous animals;
3) propagation of competitor plants (cereals, etc.).

The total mass of mitochondria in relation to the mass of cells of various rat organs is: in the pancreas - 7.9%, in the liver - 18.4%, in the heart - 35.8%. Why do the cells of these organs have different mitochondrial content?

1) mitochondria are the energy stations of the cell; ATP molecules are synthesized and accumulated in them;
2) intense work of the heart muscle requires a lot of energy, therefore the content of mitochondria in its cells is the highest;
3) in the liver the number of mitochondria is higher compared to the pancreas, since it has a more intense metabolism.

Explain why beef that has not passed sanitary control is dangerous to eat undercooked or lightly cooked.

1) beef meat may contain bovine tapeworms;
2) an adult worm develops from the finna in the digestive canal, and the person becomes the final host.

Name the plant cell organelle shown in the figure, its structures indicated by numbers 1-3, and their functions.

1) the organelle depicted is a chloroplast;
2)1 – granal thylakoids, involved in photosynthesis;
3) 2 – DNA, 3 – ribosomes, participate in the synthesis of the chloroplast’s own proteins.

Why can't bacteria be classified as eukaryotes?

1) in their cells, the nuclear substance is represented by one circular DNA molecule and is not separated from the cytoplasm;
2) do not have mitochondria, the Golgi complex, or the ER;
3) do not have specialized germ cells, there is no meiosis and fertilization.

What changes in biotic factors can lead to an increase in the population of a naked slug that lives in a forest and feeds mainly on plants?

The process of photosynthesis occurs intensively in the leaves of plants. Does it occur in ripe and unripe fruits? Explain your answer.

1) photosynthesis occurs in unripe fruits (while they are green), since they contain chloroplasts;
2) as they mature, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, in which photosynthesis does not occur.

What stages of gametogenesis are indicated in the figure by letters A, B and C? What set of chromosomes do cells have at each of these stages? What specialized cells does this process lead to the development of?

1)A – stage (zone) of reproduction (division), diploid cells;
2)B – stage (zone) of growth, diploid cell;
3) B - stage (zone) of maturation, the cells are haploid, sperm develop.

How do bacterial cells differ in structure from the cells of organisms in other kingdoms of living nature? List at least three differences.

1) there is no formed nucleus, nuclear envelope;
2) a number of organelles are missing: mitochondria, EPS, Golgi complex, etc.;
3) have one ring chromosome.

Why are plants (producers) considered the initial link in the cycle of substances and energy conversion in the ecosystem?

1) create organic substances from inorganic ones;
2) accumulate solar energy;
3) provide organic substances and energy to organisms in other parts of the ecosystem.

What processes ensure the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant?

1) from the root to the leaves, water and minerals move through the vessels due to transpiration, as a result of which suction force arises;
2) the upward flow in the plant is facilitated by root pressure, which arises as a result of the constant flow of water into the root due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the cells and the environment.

Look at the cells shown in the figure. Determine which letters represent prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide evidence for your point of view.



1) A – prokaryotic cell, B – eukaryotic cell;
2) the cell in Figure A does not have a formed nucleus, its hereditary material is represented by a ring chromosome;
3) the cell in Figure B has a formed nucleus and organelles.

What is the complexity of the circulatory system of amphibians compared to fish?

1) the heart becomes three-chambered;
2) a second circle of blood circulation appears;
3) the heart contains venous and mixed blood.

Why is a mixed forest ecosystem considered more sustainable than a spruce forest ecosystem?

1) there are more species in the mixed forest than in the spruce forest;
2) in a mixed forest the food chains are longer and more branched than in a spruce forest;
3) there are more tiers in a mixed forest than in a spruce forest.

A section of a DNA molecule has the following composition: GATGAATAGTGCTTC. List at least three consequences that can result from an accidental replacement of the seventh nucleotide of thymine with cytosine (C).

1) a gene mutation will occur - the codon of the third amino acid will change;
2) in a protein, one amino acid may be replaced by another, as a result of which the primary structure of the protein will change;
3) all other protein structures may change, which will lead to the appearance of a new trait in the body.

Red algae (purple algae) live at great depths. Despite this, photosynthesis occurs in their cells. Explain why photosynthesis occurs if the water column absorbs rays from the red-orange part of the spectrum.

1) photosynthesis requires rays not only from the red, but also from the blue part of the spectrum;
2) the cells of scarlet mushrooms contain a red pigment that absorbs rays from the blue part of the spectrum, their energy is used in the process of photosynthesis.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.
1. Coelenterates are three-layer multicellular animals. 2.They have a gastric or intestinal cavity. 3. The intestinal cavity includes stinging cells. 4. Coelenterates have a reticular (diffuse) nervous system. 5. All coelenterates are free-swimming organisms.

1)1 – coelenterates – two-layered animals;
2)3 – stinging cells are contained in the ectoderm, and not in the intestinal cavity;
3)5 – among the coelenterates there are attached forms.

How does gas exchange occur in the lungs and tissues of mammals? What causes this process?

1) gas exchange is based on diffusion, which is caused by the difference in gas concentration (partial pressure) in the air of the alveoli and in the blood;
2) oxygen from the area of ​​high pressure in the alveolar air enters the blood, and carbon dioxide from the area of ​​​​high pressure in the blood enters the alveoli;
3) in tissues, oxygen from the area of ​​high pressure in the capillaries enters the intercellular substance and then into the cells of the organs. Carbon dioxide from the high pressure area in the intercellular substance enters the blood.

What is the participation of functional groups of organisms in the cycle of substances in the biosphere? Consider the role of each of them in the cycle of substances in the biosphere.

1) producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, phosphorus and other minerals), release oxygen (except for chemotrophs);
2) consumers (and other functional groups) of organisms use and transform organic substances, oxidize them during respiration, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide and water;
3) decomposers decompose organic substances into inorganic compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., returning them to the environment.

The section of the DNA molecule encoding the sequence of amino acids in a protein has the following composition: G-A-T-G-A-A-T-A-G-T-G-C-T-T-C. Explain the consequences of accidentally adding a guanine nucleotide (G) between the seventh and eighth nucleotides.

1) a gene mutation will occur - the codes of the third and subsequent amino acids may change;
2) the primary structure of the protein may change;
3) a mutation can lead to the appearance of a new trait in an organism.

What plant organs are damaged by cockchafers at different stages of individual development?

1) plant roots are damaged by larvae;
2) tree leaves are damaged by adult beetles.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.
1. Flatworms are three-layered animals. 2. The phylum Flatworms include white planaria, human roundworm and liver fluke. 3. Flatworms have an elongated, flattened body. 4. The tapeworms have a well-developed digestive system. 5. Flatworms are dioecious animals that lay eggs.

1)2 - the human roundworm is not classified as a Flatworm; it is a Roundworm;
2)4 - in flatworms the digestive system is poorly developed;
3)5 - Flatworms are hermaphrodites.

What is the fruit? What is its significance in the life of plants and animals?

1) fruit - the generative organ of angiosperms;
2) contains seeds with the help of which plants reproduce and disperse;
3) plant fruits are food for animals.

Most bird species fly away from the northern regions for the winter, despite their warm-blooded nature. Indicate at least three factors that cause these animals to fly.

1) food items of insectivorous birds become unavailable for obtaining;
2) ice cover on reservoirs and snow cover on the ground deprive herbivorous birds of food;
3) change in daylight hours.

Which milk, sterilized or freshly milked, will sour faster under the same conditions? Explain your answer.

1) freshly milked milk will sour faster, since it contains bacteria that cause fermentation of the product;
2) when milk is sterilized, the cells and spores of lactic acid bacteria die, and the milk lasts longer.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made and explain them.
1. The main classes of the phylum of arthropods are Crustaceans, Arachnids and Insects. 2. The body of crustaceans and arachnids is divided into the head, thorax and abdomen. 3. The body of insects consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen. 4. Arachnids do not have antennae. 5. Insects have two pairs of antennae, and crustaceans have one pair.

2 – the body of crustaceans and arachnids consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen;

3 – the body of insects consists of a head, chest and abdomen;
5 – insects have one pair of antennae, and crustaceans have two pairs.

Prove that the rhizome of the plant is a modified shoot.

1) the rhizome has nodes in which rudimentary leaves and buds are located;
2) at the top of the rhizome there is an apical bud that determines the growth of the shoot;
3) adventitious roots extend from the rhizome;
4) the internal anatomical structure of the rhizome is similar to the stem.

To combat insect pests, people use chemicals. Indicate at least three changes in the life of the oak forest if all herbivorous insects are destroyed by chemical means. Explain why they will happen.

1) the number of insect-pollinated plants will sharply decrease, since herbivorous insects are plant pollinators;
2) the number of insectivorous organisms (consumers of the 2nd order) will sharply decrease or they will disappear due to disruption of food chains;
3) some of the chemicals used to kill insects will get into the soil, which will lead to disruption of plant life, death of soil flora and fauna, all violations can lead to the death of the oak forest.

Why can antibiotic treatment lead to intestinal dysfunction? Give at least two reasons.

1) antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria living in the human intestines;
2) the breakdown of fiber, water absorption and other processes are disrupted.

Which part of the leaf is indicated in the figure by the letter A and what structures does it consist of? What functions do these structures perform?

1) the letter A denotes a vascular-fibrous bundle (vein), the bundle includes vessels, sieve tubes, and mechanical tissue;
2) vessels provide transport of water to the leaves;
3) sieve tubes provide transport of organic substances from leaves to other organs;
4) mechanical tissue cells provide strength and serve as the framework of the leaf.

Part C tasks

1.What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of the number of wolves in the ecosystem?

Response elements:

1) anthropogenic: reduction of forest area, excessive hunting;

2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases

2.What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

Response elements:

1) heterotrophic bacteria - decomposers decompose organic substances into minerals, which are absorbed by plants;

2) autotrophic bacteria (photo, chemotrophs) - producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, ensuring the circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.

3. Ribosomes from different cells, the entire set of amino acids and identical molecules of mRNA and tRNA were placed in a test tube, and all conditions were created for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein be synthesized on different ribosomes in a test tube?

Response elements:

1) the primary structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids;

2) the templates for protein synthesis are identical mRNA molecules in which the same primary protein structure is encoded.

4. Explain why beef that has not passed sanitary control is dangerous to eat, undercooked or lightly fried.

Response elements:

1) beef meat may contain bovine tapeworms;

2) an adult worm develops in the digestive canal from the finna, And the person becomes the final owner.

5.The process of photosynthesis occurs intensively in the leaves of plants. Does it occur in ripe and unripe fruits? Explain your answer.

Response elements:

1) photosynthesis occurs in unripe fruits (while they are green), since they have chloroplasts;

2) as they mature, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, in which photosynthesis does not occur.

6.What processes ensure the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant? Explain your answer.

Response elements:

1) from the root to the leaves, water and minerals move through the vessels due to transpiration, as a result of which suction force arises;

2) the upward flow in the plant is facilitated by root pressure, which arises as a result of the constant flow of water into the root due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the cells and the environment.

7. Red algae (purple algae) live at great depths. Despite this, photosynthesis occurs in their cells. Explain how photosynthesis occurs if the water column absorbs rays from the red-orange part of the spectrum

Response elements:

1) Photosynthesis requires rays not only from the red, but also from the blue part of the spectrum;

2) the cells of scarlet mushrooms contain a red pigment that absorbs rays from the blue part of the spectrum, their energy is used in the process of photosynthesis.

8. What plant organs are damaged by cockchafers at different stages of individual development?

Response elements:

1) plant roots are damaged by larvae;

2) tree leaves are damaged by adult beetles.

9. Which milk, sterilized or freshly milked, will sour faster under the same conditions? Explain your answer.

Response elements:

1) Freshly milked milk will sour faster, since it contains bacteria that cause fermentation of the product;

2) when milk is sterilized, the cells and spores of lactic acid bacteria die, and the milk lasts longer.

10.Why can treatment with antibiotics lead to intestinal dysfunction? Give at least two reasons.

Response elements:

1) antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria that live in the human intestines;

2) the breakdown of fiber, water absorption and other processes are disrupted.

11.Why is a note placed under a tourniquet, which is applied to stop bleeding from large blood vessels, indicating the time it was applied?

Response elements:

1) by reading the note, you can determine how much time has passed since the tourniquet was applied;

2) if after 1-2 hours it was not possible to deliver the patient to the doctor, then the tourniquet should be loosened for a while. This will prevent tissue death

Tasks of parts C1-C4

1.What environmental factors contribute to the regulation of the number of wolves in the ecosystem?

1) anthropogenic: reduction of forest area, excessive hunting;

2) biotic: lack of food, competition, spread of diseases.

2. Determine the type and phase of division of the cell shown in the figure. What processes occur in this phase?

1) the figure shows metaphase of mitosis;

2) spindle threads are attached to the centromeres of chromosomes;

3) in this phase, bichromatid chromosomes line up in the equatorial plane.

3.Why does plowing the soil improve the living conditions of cultivated plants?

1) promotes the destruction of weeds and reduces competition with cultivated plants;

2) promotes the supply of plants with water and minerals;

3) increases the supply of oxygen to the roots.

4.How does a natural ecosystem differ from an agroecosystem?

1) great biodiversity and diversity of food connections and food chains;

2) balanced circulation of substances;

3) long periods of existence.

5. Reveal the mechanisms that ensure the constancy of the number and shape of chromosomes in all cells of organisms from generation to generation?

1) thanks to meiosis, gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed;

2) during fertilization, the diploid set of chromosomes is restored in the zygote, which ensures the constancy of the chromosome set;

3) the growth of the organism occurs due to mitosis, which ensures the constancy of the number of chromosomes in somatic cells.

6.What is the role of bacteria in the cycle of substances?

1) heterotrophic bacteria - decomposers decompose organic substances into minerals, which are absorbed by plants;

2) autotrophic bacteria (photo, chemotrophs) - producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones, ensuring the circulation of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.

7.What features are characteristic of mossy plants?

1) most mosses are leafy plants, some of them have rhizoids;

2) mosses reproduce both sexually and asexually with alternating generations: sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte);

3) an adult moss plant is the sexual generation (gametophyte) and the capsule with spores is asexual (sporophyte);

4) fertilization occurs in the presence of water.

8. Squirrels, as a rule, live in coniferous forests and feed mainly on spruce seeds. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in the squirrel population?

1) spruce seed crop failure;

2) an increase in the number of predators - foxes, martens;

9. It is known that the Golgi apparatus is especially well developed in the glandular cells of the pancreas. Explain why.

1) pancreatic cells synthesize enzymes that accumulate in the cavities of the Golgi apparatus;

2) in the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are packaged in the form of vesicles;

3) from the Golgi apparatus, enzymes are carried into the pancreatic duct.

10. Ribosomes from different cells, the entire set of amino acids and identical molecules of mRNA and tRNA were placed in a test tube, and all conditions were created for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein be synthesized on different ribosomes in a test tube?

1) the primary structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids;

2) the templates for protein synthesis are identical mRNA molecules, in which the same primary protein structure is encoded.

11.What structural features are characteristic of representatives of the Chordata type?

1) internal axial skeleton;

2) the nervous system in the form of a tube on the dorsal side of the body;

3) cracks in the digestive tube.

12.Clover grows in a meadow and is pollinated by bumblebees. What biotic factors can lead to a decline in clover populations?

1) decrease in the number of bumblebees;

2)increase in the number of herbivorous animals;

3) propagation of competitor plants (cereals, etc.).

13. The total mass of mitochondria in relation to the mass of cells of various rat organs is: in the pancreas - 7.9%, in the liver - 18.4%, in the heart - 35.8%. Why do the cells of these organs have different mitochondrial content?

1) mitochondria are the energy stations of the cell; ATP molecules are synthesized and accumulated in them;

2) intense work of the heart muscle requires a lot of energy, therefore the content of mitochondria in its cells is the highest;

3) in the liver the number of mitochondria is higher compared to the pancreas, since it has a more intense metabolism.

14.Explain why beef that has not passed sanitary control is dangerous to eat undercooked or lightly cooked.

1) beef meat may contain bovine tapeworms;

2) an adult worm develops from the finna in the digestive canal, and the person becomes the final host.

15.Name the plant cell organelle shown in the figure, its structures indicated by numbers 1-3, and their functions.

1) the organelle depicted is a chloroplast;

2)1 – granal thylakoids, involved in photosynthesis;

3) 2 – DNA, 3 – ribosomes, participate in the synthesis of the chloroplast’s own proteins.

16.Why can’t bacteria be classified as eukaryotes?

1) in their cells, the nuclear substance is represented by one circular DNA molecule and is not separated from the cytoplasm;

2) do not have mitochondria, the Golgi complex, or the ER;

3) do not have specialized germ cells, there is no meiosis and fertilization.

17.What changes in biotic factors can lead to an increase in the population of naked slugs that live in the forest and feed mainly on plants?

1)increase in the number of plants;

2) reduction in the number of predators - toads, hedgehogs;

18.The process of photosynthesis occurs intensively in the leaves of plants. Does it occur in ripe and unripe fruits? Explain your answer.

1) photosynthesis occurs in unripe fruits (while they are green), since they contain chloroplasts;

2) as they mature, chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts, in which photosynthesis does not occur.

19.What stages of gametogenesis are indicated in the figure by the letters A, B and C? What set of chromosomes do cells have at each of these stages? What specialized cells does this process lead to the development of?

1)A – stage (zone) of reproduction (division), diploid cells;

2)B – stage (zone) of growth, diploid cell;

3) B - stage (zone) of maturation, the cells are haploid, sperm develop.

20. How do bacterial cells differ in structure from the cells of organisms in other kingdoms of living nature? List at least three differences.

1) there is no formed nucleus, nuclear envelope;

2) a number of organelles are missing: mitochondria, EPS, Golgi complex, etc.;

3) have one ring chromosome.

21.Why are plants (producers) considered the initial link in the cycle of substances and energy conversion in the ecosystem?

1) create organic substances from inorganic ones;

2) accumulate solar energy;

3) provide organic substances and energy to organisms in other parts of the ecosystem.

22.What processes ensure the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant?

1) from the root to the leaves, water and minerals move through the vessels due to transpiration, as a result of which suction force arises;

2) the upward flow in the plant is facilitated by root pressure, which arises as a result of the constant flow of water into the root due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the cells and the environment.

23.Look at the cells shown in the figure. Determine which letters represent prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide evidence for your point of view.

1) A – prokaryotic cell, B – eukaryotic cell;

2) the cell in Figure A does not have a formed nucleus, its hereditary material is represented by a ring chromosome;

3) the cell in Figure B has a formed nucleus and organelles.

24.What is the complexity of the circulatory system of amphibians compared to fish?

1) the heart becomes three-chambered;

2) a second circle of blood circulation appears;

3) the heart contains venous and mixed blood.

25. Why is a mixed forest ecosystem considered more stable than a spruce forest ecosystem?

1) there are more species in the mixed forest than in the spruce forest;

2) in a mixed forest the food chains are longer and more branched than in a spruce forest;

3) there are more tiers in a mixed forest than in a spruce forest.

26. A section of a DNA molecule has the following composition: GATGAATAGTGCTTC. List at least three consequences that can result from an accidental replacement of the seventh nucleotide of thymine with cytosine (C).

1) a gene mutation will occur - the codon of the third amino acid will change;

2) in a protein, one amino acid may be replaced by another, as a result of which the primary structure of the protein will change;

3) all other protein structures may change, which will lead to the appearance of a new trait in the body.

27.Red algae (purple algae) live at great depths. Despite this, photosynthesis occurs in their cells. Explain why photosynthesis occurs if the water column absorbs rays from the red-orange part of the spectrum.

1) photosynthesis requires rays not only from the red, but also from the blue part of the spectrum;

2) the cells of scarlet mushrooms contain a red pigment that absorbs rays from the blue part of the spectrum, their energy is used in the process of photosynthesis.

28.Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.

1. Coelenterates are three-layer multicellular animals. 2.They have a gastric or intestinal cavity. 3. The intestinal cavity includes stinging cells. 4. Coelenterates have a reticular (diffuse) nervous system. 5. All coelenterates are free-swimming organisms.

1)1 – coelenterates – two-layered animals;

2)3 – stinging cells are contained in the ectoderm, and not in the intestinal cavity;

3)5 – among the coelenterates there are attached forms.

29. How does gas exchange occur in the lungs and tissues of mammals? What causes this process?

1) gas exchange is based on diffusion, which is caused by the difference in gas concentration (partial pressure) in the air of the alveoli and in the blood;

2) oxygen from the area of ​​high pressure in the alveolar air enters the blood, and carbon dioxide from the area of ​​​​high pressure in the blood enters the alveoli;

3) in tissues, oxygen from the area of ​​high pressure in the capillaries enters the intercellular substance and then into the cells of the organs. Carbon dioxide from the high pressure area in the intercellular substance enters the blood.

30.What is the participation of functional groups of organisms in the cycle of substances in the biosphere? Consider the role of each of them in the cycle of substances in the biosphere.

1) producers synthesize organic substances from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, phosphorus and other minerals), release oxygen (except for chemotrophs);

2) consumers (and other functional groups) of organisms use and transform organic substances, oxidize them during respiration, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide and water;

3) decomposers decompose organic substances into inorganic compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., returning them to the environment.

31. The section of the DNA molecule encoding the sequence of amino acids in a protein has the following composition: G-A-T-G-A-A-T-A-G-TT-C-T-T-C. Explain the consequences of accidentally adding a guanine nucleotide (G) between the seventh and eighth nucleotides.

1) a gene mutation will occur - the codes of the third and subsequent amino acids may change;

2) the primary structure of the protein may change;

3) a mutation can lead to the appearance of a new trait in an organism.

32.What plant organs are damaged by cockchafers at different stages of individual development?

1) plant roots are damaged by larvae;

2) tree leaves are damaged by adult beetles.

33. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.

1. Flatworms are three-layered animals. 2. The phylum Flatworms include white planaria, human roundworm and liver fluke. 3. Flatworms have an elongated, flattened body. 4. They have a well-developed nervous system. 5. Flatworms are dioecious animals that lay eggs.

Errors were made in the sentences:

1)2 - the human roundworm is not classified as a Flatworm; it is a Roundworm;

2)4 - in flatworms the nervous system is poorly developed;

3)5 - Flatworms are hermaphrodites.

34.What is a fruit? What is its significance in the life of plants and animals?

1) fruit - the generative organ of angiosperms;

2) contains seeds with the help of which plants reproduce and disperse;

3) plant fruits are food for animals.

35. Most bird species fly away from the northern regions for the winter, despite their warm-blooded nature. Indicate at least three factors that cause these animals to fly.

1) food items of insectivorous birds become unavailable for obtaining;

2) ice cover on reservoirs and snow cover on the ground deprive herbivorous birds of food;

3) change in daylight hours.

36.Which milk, sterilized or freshly milked, will sour faster under the same conditions? Explain your answer.

1) freshly milked milk will sour faster, since it contains bacteria that cause fermentation of the product;

2) when milk is sterilized, the cells and spores of lactic acid bacteria die, and the milk lasts longer.

37. Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made and explain them.

1. The main classes of the phylum of arthropods are Crustaceans, Arachnids and Insects. 2. The body of crustaceans and arachnids is divided into the head, thorax and abdomen. 3. The body of insects consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen. 4. Arachnids do not have antennae. 5. Insects have two pairs of antennae, and crustaceans have one pair.

Errors were made in the sentences:

1)2 – the body of crustaceans and arachnids consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen;

2)3 – the body of insects consists of a head, chest and abdomen;

3)5 – insects have one pair of antennae, and crustaceans have two pairs.

38.Prove that the rhizome of the plant is a modified shoot.

1) the rhizome has nodes in which rudimentary leaves and buds are located;

2) at the top of the rhizome there is an apical bud that determines the growth of the shoot;

3) adventitious roots extend from the rhizome;

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