Methods of magical protection during rituals. Ritual “Strong withdrawal (protection) from a witch” Does protection with Orthodox prayers help and how to do it

From the letter:

“I lived in a village, in a private house, and on our street there lived a woman healer, to whom many people came. There was a time when I myself resorted to her for help - once, when my daughter got sick, and she cured her, although the doctors said that it was impossible to do without surgery. Later, they, the doctors, were surprised how it all worked out without surgery, but I didn’t tell them about the healer,

since Katerina (that was her name) did not tell me to talk about it. The second time she helped my son in a criminal case, and he was not imprisoned. Then my husband began to walk, and she fought him off from his rival. And after all this, everything worked out for me, as she promised, and I haven’t gone to her for seven years - there was no reason. And this is where the devil apparently misled me. People say the truth - if God wants to punish someone, he will take away his reason.

By that time, I had been elected to the administration of our village. I really liked my position and the fact that people came to me with requests, and I could solve them at my own discretion. And to be honest - you will still see the lie - I then experienced a feeling of pride that it was in my power to do as I wanted. In addition, when people asked, they always brought something as a gift, apparently that’s how the world works - everyone thinks that if they do this, then I will definitely help them too. In general, people spoiled me, and I turned out to be weak for this matter, and the more valuable their gift was to me, the more I tried to solve their problem. One day a neighbor came from our street and began to persuade me to force his next-door neighbor to transfer part of her land to him, and he talked about the healer who once helped me.

Of course, every villager has violations in land registration, and many even

the plots were not formalized in any way, people live and that’s it, and before them their relatives lived on this land for fifty to seventy years. This issue could have been resolved in any way - even in her favor, even in his favor; since both of them had their land haphazardly registered. But I was promised a good reward, and I promised to settle this issue. Late in the evening, a healer suddenly showed up to me and began to tell me:

I know what you are up to, but I want to remind you of your duty to me. If you have a conscience, then you will not sign a paper against me. I wouldn’t want to threaten you, but I want to say that people like me cannot be offended.


Let's do things differently with you. It is necessary to force Katerina to give up her land. Organize a stream of complaints from all the neighbors, let them write to the village council that all the villagers are tired of the pilgrimage of strangers, that visitors litter and shit everywhere.

In general, with my advice, Ignat Petrovich turned around as he should, and complaints began to pour in against the healer. The village council was assembled, to which Katerina was summoned. On my instructions, a person from our committee began to read out various complaints demanding that Katerina be evicted from the village, since thanks to her presence a bad situation had developed on the state farm. Visitors crush chickens with their cars and throw garbage everywhere. While the committee members were talking, Katerina was silent and looked at me intently. Then she got up, went to the table and said:


Give me your paper for my land, I’ll sign it, but it won’t be useful to Ignat or you, Lyuska.

In general, later Katya signed a waiver of her share of the land in favor of her neighbor, and she also stopped accepting sick people. People came to her and left - she did not open the door to anyone.

A month or less later, Ignat crashed his car. His son was drafted into the army, and for some reason he hanged himself there. He was brought home in a zinc coffin. Ignat's wife after

At the funeral of her son, she was hospitalized with a stroke, and after a second stroke she died. Ignat’s house stands sealed, since no one claimed rights to it; apparently, they had no more heirs.

As for me, from the moment I took Ignatov’s money into my hands, everything in my life went topsy-turvy. I lost my job, and I was dragged through the courts for a long time. My husband ran away from me as soon as the trials began. My daughter was diagnosed with uterine cancer, and I was forced to sell everything to pay for her treatment. Then I buried her and moved to the city to live with my sister, but my sister, for no apparent reason, began to argue with me over every little thing. It got to the point where they showed me the door, and I went to work as a janitor behind a dorm room. My troubles and misfortunes continue to this day. I am very sick, it’s hard for me to shovel snow outside. The sorceress kept her word, as she said: I have lost everything and, apparently, I will soon lose the last thing - my life."

To get rid of the death that the witch has sentenced you to, take something valuable and go to the river. There should be no pins, jewelry or cross on your body at this time. Unbraid your hair and walk in silence, all this is done only after sunset. Go to the river and, with all your might, throw into the water away from you what you use to buy yourself out of trouble - a ring, a gold coin, or something you love. You need to understand that one cannot buy oneself out of death or mortal evil with cheapness - the expensive can only be redeemed with the expensive, and this concerns your life. When you see that the water has accepted your tribute, say:

Mother Water, take what you give,

I give my tribute to you with agreement,

If you want, quote. I think it will be worse, since you have already harmed someone else and received a full blow in the neck. Everyone makes mistakes.
God will judge everyone and put life in its place.

Backlash in Witchcraft

Why and when is protection installed? I'll explain now.

In folk magic it is known that witchcraft always achieves its goal and to abandon its goal, for the one who casts a spell, means exposing himself to mortal danger. Breaking or aversion of the astral current is possible only if a replacement is used. A sorcerer who frees someone from his spell must have another object to transfer these spells (most often they use an animal for this, or transfer witchcraft from one person to another), otherwise he himself may become a victim of his own witchcraft. Since the astral movement takes place in a circle, the magnetic action, which does not meet its “medium,” returns with force to its starting point.

That is, there can be a backlash in cases where the sorcerer himself removes his damage, this happens very rarely, usually they refuse so as not to harm themselves, and if they agree, then there is no guarantee that the object for transferring the induced damage will not be the one who I asked for her guidance because it was the most convenient.

And the second case is if the person on whom the spell was cast goes to a more powerful sorcerer to remove the damage. A professional sorcerer will remove damage only if it is caused by a weaker sorcerer and he has no protection against a backlash. Otherwise, he will most likely refuse under some pretext. Although there are many transfer options, this force does not disappear; it only changes direction and strikes a new object.

Using my own example, I will say that I can remove damage and the evil eye, but I almost never do this, only for close people and in exceptional cases, because due to my youth, inexperience and arrogance, I myself felt the power of reverse strikes.

Then there is no time to help your neighbor; you yourself take months to recover.

Magic Reverse Strike Protection

You can reverse the strike on an egg, tree, animal or another person. Now I will give the first two methods, and a little later the rest, since they are more serious and complex.

To deflect the backlash onto the egg, you will need 1 or 3 eggs and black cloth. The number of eggs depends on the strength of the inducing damage. During the ritual, the egg should stand next to you on a black cloth. After reading the plot, we put our hand down (the hand that gives off energy goes down differently for everyone. For example, I have the left one) and read the plot 3 times:

“I’m doing evil, I won’t get an answer. Whatever comes back let it go to this egg. Let it be so!"

After this, the eggs must be buried in a place where people do not go and it is a prerequisite to eat so that the eggs do not break.

The second way to deflect the backlash is that after the ritual, preferably at sunset, and if the ritual is done at night, then after about 30 minutes. Go to a tree (ideally it should be aspen, but it could be poplar, birch and oak), grab a powerful branch and say three times:

“What grows in the ground, let it take on all the evil. It’s not me and not my family, but this aspen (oak, birch). Amen"

After this, stand for at least 5 minutes near a tree and you can go home with confidence that the return blow will not affect you, but there are exceptions to every rule, and so it is here.

Defense "Witch bottle"

Take a glass bottle, fill it halfway with sharp objects: pins, needles, broken glass, fill it all with a mixture of water and salt and tightly seal the bottle with a cork. Read the plot three times:

“I’m walking across an open field, seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, evil, unsociable. Go, you demons with half-spirits, to dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I will be safe and sound from them along the way and the road, in the house and the forest, in strangers and relatives, in land and on water, in dinner and at a feast, in a wedding and in trouble, my conspiracy is long, and my words are strong.”

Find a secluded place and bury the bottle to a depth of more than 40 cm. Very effective protection, valid for 5-7 years.

Protection "Soul Protection"

Immediately at midnight, place two white magic candles, two enchanted knives, and incense near you to the left and right on the floor or table. When lighting any of the candles, read Psalm 90, “Alive in the Help of the Most High.” Next, light the incense and say: Protection spell to the Higher Spirits - 3 times:

“I call and conjure you Saints, Almighty Angels of God, Rulers of every day and hour, in the name of the Mighty and Great Agla He, come to my aid at this hour. In honor of the One who created the sky, Earth, sea, Universe, and everything that is in I command you to fulfill my will: body, heart, spirit, soul, blood, all bones, half-bones, all bodily composition, mind-mind (names) shut and lock from evil people, from an evil sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a snake, from snakes, from a bullet, from fire, from a terrible and judgment day, from a thieves' attack, from murder, from a fiery flood, from a toothed sickle, from a sharp knife, from a destroyer, a plunderer, from a flame, from a flood. I conjure you, Holy, All-Powerful Angels. God's Rulers of every day and hour, preserve life, health, brains (names) forever, always carry a spell of protection over us (names) As soon as the flames of these candles go out, fly away from me (your name) back to your Heavenly Abodes, my spell and that’s it. what you asked for, bring it into reality. Let it be so!

Having finished the ritual, extinguish the incense by dipping it a little in water, and extinguish the candles with your fingers in this order: first the right, then the left. Collect all the items and wrap them in cloth (preferably white) and hide them in a secret place so that no one finds them, no one burns them, or chops or cuts anything with them. Repeat the described magical actions for 7 nights, so that on every day of the week you will be protected from all evil.

If you want to achieve a long-term and lasting effect, you must systematically perform exercises to accumulate bioenergy. By constantly training, you will be able to raise your bioenergetic potential to such a level that sorcerers, psychics and elemental ill-wishers will simply not be able to inflict an energy blow on you that can break through the wall of your defense.

Protection "Threefold Retribution"
Take a candle, a thread 70 cm long, lamp oil, sand, a sharp knife. Mentally draw a magic circle around you, you can use chalk. Take a knife and write the name of your offender, aggressor, on the bottom of the candle, or come up with a figurative name for him. Holding the candle in your hands, breathe on it three times, exhaling all negative influences. Then tie a thread around the candle, and begin to wrap it counterclockwise, imagining that you are surrounded by a huge protective cocoon in the shape of an egg. While winding the thread, constantly repeat the spell:

Three times three, as you sowed,
The fruits are ripe, collect them,
For good and for evil, for praise and blasphemy,
Let God decide your fate!

The thread should be wound from bottom to top, in a spiral, trying not to leave any free space on the candle. Tie a knot at the top. Take lamp oil, saturate the candle with it, pour sand into a saucer, strengthen the candle and set it on fire. Mentally think that all the negativity directed at you burns out along with the candles.

Return protection

It is better to spend it in a bathhouse. do once a month on the waning moon.
The first is to take water from a living source (rain and well water are suitable). It’s easy to get water from a well in urban areas, and there won’t be any problems with rainwater either. Also stock up on white bread with a fairly soft crust.
At dawn, stand in the bathtub in the basin. Of course, be without clothes. Previously, such rituals were performed in baths. So, light 12 inverted church candles before entering the bathroom.
Standing in the bathroom, drink water and pour yourself over from head to toe. With the water that flows from your body into a basin, soak the bread and feed it to animals or birds. Then pour out the water itself at the intersection.
This is the conspiracy. Read 12 times.
Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth!
I conjure you for twelve months to save me (my name) from the blows of a rear knife, from a retaliatory blow, from flowing blood, from death by a fillet. It is mine to create, it is mine to sin, and whoever eats the bread will take upon himself. I wash myself with living water and pay off with dead water. Nima.

Transfer to wood.

Exchange day - the date of your birth, any month. Three days before the exchange, you need to tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of your working hand, of a length that is comfortable for you. Wear this thread for a full three days without taking it off for a second. You can't get it wet. On the day of the exchange, cut the thumb of your left hand with a ritual knife with a black handle, moisten the removed thread with blood and go with it to a pre-designated tree. Tie a thread into three knots on any of the branches, while saying to each knot:

“Here’s mine for you, but I need yours. I change with you, I close myself with you! Truly.”

Silently break off (only with your hands) any other branch, put a hole in it, and return home just as silently. No one should ever see this thread again. When tying the thread, keep in mind that if someone finds it and removes it, your relay will stop working, so tie it higher and away from your eyes. During rituals, a broken branch should be placed on the altar. They fake it once every six months. If the tree dries out or is cut down, it is rebuilt immediately.
It can be used both to protect against backflow and to pay off illness.

Give a drop of your blood to the earth and say:

“I cover myself with earth, I was created from it and I will go into it.
And may mother earth forgive my mistake,
and she will take my sin upon herself. Glory to her."

At sunset, and if the ceremony was carried out at night, then after 30 minutes, go up to the aspen tree, grab it by a powerful branch and say 3 times: WHAT GROWS IN THE GROUND, LET IT TAKE ALL EVIL ON ITSELF. IT'S NOT ME AND NOT MY FAMILY, BUT ASpen. AMEN. (stand by the tree for 5 minutes and you can leave).


This will keep the spell from turning against you and harming anyone, as well as yourself. You will need black thread or ribbon. Burn incense from sandalwood and lavender, and tie three knots, saying the spell:
I bind this spell
Threefold karmic power,
So that it doesn't cause harm
And it didn't turn against me
As I wish, so be it!
Keep the thread/ribbon with you when casting the spell.

This is protection against reverse flow and operational errors.

We take a new saucer and drip a pentagram with a candle, before dripping the star, we drip a drop of our blood in the center of the saucer and bury it with wax. Then we drop the pentagram and read the protection:
“I carry out protection from the circulation of the lightning of return. I will protect my affairs, my body and my blood. I cover myself with the star of the morning, I spray the lightning of return. I will pronounce five secret names and by this act I will preserve myself. Giboramn Karalab Biros Kada - stand at the corners of the star of the morning, my business , guard your body and soul, Amen."
Then we wrap the saucer in a new towel and hide it. Works for 6 months.

Another way to protect against backflow.

After the ritual of causing damage, place a mirror in a bowl of water. While washing your face with water from this basin and looking in this mirror, say:
“I remove the trace of work from myself, remove it with a mirror reflection, reflect the trace of work in the mirror, immerse yourself in the world of reflections. So be it!”
We pour the water away and bury the mirror away from the house.

On the rope.

“I roll, roll, roll, roll away from myself, rolls, rollbacks, transfers, throws, reverse strikes, their amulets, their transfers and resets, enemies cannot escape from death, damage, return to them, crush and muddy them, apply them to the cross, where the rollback came from, it would have gone there, to protect itself forever. Amen."
Read while tying 9 knots on a rope. And carry it with you.

Protect myself:

“Swamp evil spirits, underground evil spirits,
From the blue fog, from the black dope,
Where is the rotten ear, where is the gray hair,
Where is the red rag, the spoiled shaker,
I'll take the wrong path, I'll go to the church gates,
I will light not a wedding candle, but a memorial candle,
I will remember the evil spirits for your repose.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

And one more thing: if you are already sick, say to the water:

“Death is not for me, illness is not for me, but for the one who can get into the shit,” while pinching yourself and spitting. You need to drink this water and wash your face with it.

These are the simplest conspiracies, but they work.

If you also feel the effect of the reverse blow, do not hesitate so that misfortune does not happen. Be baptized in church with a different name, and when you return home, rinse yourself with water and say:

My Lord,

Give it to my guardian angel

Your blessing

And to me merciful forgiveness. Amen.

Submit notes about your health in three churches, order a prayer service in the monastery for a year.


To prevent it from getting covered after skillful damage, plant the plant on the street or in a pot on the window while saying:

I'm telling the truth, but I'm telling the truth.
How death inexorably pursues life,
Thus life continually replaces death.
Renewing my strength, I pay tribute,
By taking life, I give birth to it.
I plant the plant and take away the waste.
The word is strong and indestructible.
Let it be so!

And this option:

On Thursday, the day of the waning Moon, take an unpeeled onion, put it in a cauldron, pour ¾ of water into it and put it on fire. After the water boils, you need to take the padlock and close it two turns. The key to the lock should be on a red thread tied in three knots. Place the lock and key in the boiling cauldron and read the hex:

“My action is true, my word is strong, damage is in the lock, the lock is on the key. The moon will go away, the sun will rise. Keep the castle for the forces of good, do not miss the damage, retreat the forces of evil. There is no return for damage. Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!".

The lock and key should be boiled in the boiler for three hours, then removed from the heat. When the water in the boiler has cooled, take the lock out of there and take it to a cemetery that you do not go to and away from the house, preferably the third one from the house. Leave it on the cemetery grounds, but not on the grave. Keep the key with you. Return from the cemetery using a different route. On the way to the cemetery, pour the broth from the cauldron at the intersection with the hex:

“Just as this onion will not grow, so there is no way back for damage. So be it!”, away from the house on roads that do not lead directly to the house. The ritual cannot be performed on the 3rd, 12th, or 22nd. You can’t tell anyone that you did it. You can no longer appear in the cemetery where you left the castle, and you can appear in other cemeteries only after a week. Also follow all work rules.

When inflicting damage, it is recommended to prevent a “backlash” (returning to you the damage you caused) to buy two small identical mirrors in advance before inflicting damage and wear them on yourself for a day before inflicting damage, with the reflective side facing the body, so that they touch the body. And immediately before the ceremony, we hang one mirror on our neck, with the reflecting side facing away from us. And we throw the second mirror to the victim or another person you dislike. After the ceremony, we bury the mirror from our neck away from our home.

Protection from attack and “reverse strike”.

Say after casting a spell on your shadow on the fence and leave without looking back:

“Shadow on the fence, pull my work from me, I won’t take it upon myself, I give away the shadow, I won’t pull it onto myself. The shadows will disappear by night, but I won’t be able to take it from work, I won’t suffer. Iatoholk of the shadows is king, helper, deliverer from the werewolf, deliver, help, reflect the werewolf from me, bring me to the shadow. Let it be so!".


Read from the return line after working on the shadow from a tree or animal (or person):

“The shadow on the fence, the attraction of my work from me.
I won’t take it on myself and I don’t want to, I give away the shadows, I won’t take it on myself.
the shadows will disappear by night, and I won’t have to suffer when I get back from work.
and the atoholk of the shadows is the king, the helper, and the deliverer from the back.
deliver, help, reflect, nullify."

Universal protection through the grave.

Find a grave with a name; the age of the deceased should be approximately yours; this is a must. 2 days before the ceremony, fast for 3 days, only black bread and water. On the third day at dawn, come and bring something that is very dear to you, that is, a gift to the deceased, light a candle at the head of the head and say 9 times:

“Spirit! I came (came) to you to ask for protection, for you to lie here and for me to walk on earth. Help, protect, take away evil from me (name). Forever and ever, Amen.”

Bow down 3 times. Leave without looking back. Don't talk to anyone until home. Be silent. After the ceremony there is another day of fasting. A candle for the deceased in the church. Maybe forty-one.


Magic protections are placed on a person's field. It’s like, imagine, the armor of a knight, weighing 30 kilograms. If instead of a knight in armor there is a weakling, he will die from the strain, or they will fall off him, from the skinny one, there is no protection from them, on the contrary - a burden, a burden.

So here is the field - you need to have a gorgeous field for these defenses to work well and hold up. Usually, not everyone is so good with their personal energy.

Weakened field

If, for example, we did magical cleansing, poured wax, then we made holes in the field for ourselves, picked up the field. In young people the aura will heal quickly, but in younger people it takes a long time to patch up. It is difficult for defense to maintain a weakened human energy field. And if a person has set up 2 more protections for himself, or three protections, then this is both difficult and meaningless.

After all, there are still no magical protections from everything.

A good healthy field in itself is protection for a person. Like good health and a strong immune system - prevention of many diseases and protection from viruses.

Staged Magic Defenses

We do not know the duration of the staged magical protection. They say “it broke through the defense,” but it didn’t disappear from the field, it just stopped working as we wanted, but the structure itself remained in the field. And its fragments drift in the field until they disintegrate. And these fragments of a broken defense can fail in the field, protect us from the wrong thing, close our money or relationships, some channels, abilities.

Therefore, there is no need to put up a lot of magical protections at the same time.

Magical Protection on the carrier - amulets

The amulet is convenient

1. You see it, it is an object, material and understandable

2. You can play with it, putting it on and taking it off according to the situation.

3. Sometimes he himself gives signals: he gets lost, subsides, gets dark, on the contrary, gets into his eyes, etc.


And we always add shifts to magical protection; we use them to relieve unnecessary stress. All the beauty does not reach us, some of it hits a tree, or a bottle, or whatever we came up with for ourselves to take away/transfer. We deflect blows and save ourselves, our strength, and eliminate the need to wear heavy shields all the time.

Transfer/retraction target

Before work that is questionable in terms of ethics, or contacts with people whose kindness we are not sure of, we can make a special translation. And evil from the source will be intercepted at the approaches. If not everything, then the maximum.


Amulet is prevention. So that situations do not arise when we need to fight off and protect ourselves from attacks in general.


  • The amulet protects from bad things
  • Translation takes away from us the bad things that the amulet did not protect us from.
  • The defense repels what does reach us. It can be staged, like guards or knives. Or maybe an amulet type.

Magical protection either simply does not allow you to pass through. Or he hits aggressively

(This is not an acquired taste - aggressive defense. As if the other side wouldn’t repulse us too. But we don’t even know who it is, you know? Who did they start badmington with, maybe with a strong magician?).

  • Magical cleansing - if we still missed shots towards ourselves, towards the field, then we clean ourselves and re-take them again. The translations are negative. We throw it off ourselves onto us, alas, alas, we already have it, onto someone or someone who doesn’t have it yet... onto a thing to be picked up, onto a grave, onto dirty thresholds, etc.

What to add

I will add that a person has no defenses against himself. And your negativity - hysterics, fears, cockroaches in your head - is the hardest thing to get rid of. No one will ruin our business as effectively as we ourselves.

It’s better not to remove your rituals

It is very undesirable to remove your magical works, you will get a blow. And whoever has been spoiled should not be pitied and cleaned. You just need to think well before doing anything bad. People with imagination can usually do without frontal attacks. Rituals must be verified and dosed wisely, whether we are talking about destruction or magical protection.


A blowback is the return of damage or the like. as a result of its removal by a more powerful magician, or if the victim was wearing protection.

Cleaning thread During the week, always have with you a three-inch (vertex = 4.45 cm) green rope, which you moisten with your saliva or blood. When doing this, be sure to say: Everything that touches me is transferred to the thread. After seven days, make a candle, the wick of which should be this rope. Burn a candle on Wednesday morning. When lighting its wick, say: Burn, candle, with clear light, pure fire. As soon as you burn, all the black power will disappear. The method of daily cleansing from energies and influences alien to you is that during the day you will wear a charmed thread, and in the evening you will destroy it with a fiery flame. In the morning, at the beginning of the day, moisten the brown thread with your sweat or saliva and say the spell: Everything that is given to me, even the thread will not forget. Wear this thread throughout the day in your clothes, and when you come home, burn it over a candle flame, saying: I’m not burning a thread, I’m burning black power. Let all sickness and fears, all damage and the evil eye come out like fire!

Transfer to wood. Suitable for beginners, helps with simple hexes and other rituals. If you make a mistake in the ritual, the return flow will go to the tree. When causing serious, severe damage, this ritual may not help. Exchange day - the date of your birth, any month. Three days before the exchange, you need to tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of your working hand, of a length that is comfortable for you. Wear this thread for a full three days without taking it off for a second. You can't get it wet. On the day of the exchange, cut the thumb of your left hand with a ritual knife with a black handle, moisten the removed thread with blood and go with it to a pre-designated tree. Tie a thread into three knots on any of the branches, while saying to each knot: “Here is mine, but I need yours. I change with you, I close myself with you! Truly” Silently break off (only with your hands) any other branch, put it in your bosom, return home just as silently. No one should ever see this thread again. When tying the thread, keep in mind that if someone finds it and removes it, your relay will stop working, so tie it higher and away from your eyes. During rituals, a broken branch should be placed on the altar. They fake it once every six months. If the tree dries out or is cut down, it is rebuilt immediately. It can be used both to protect against backflow and to pay off illness.

The location and type of tree, in principle, do not matter. Transferring to wood or any other physical medium (volts), especially “immovable” ones, has its negative “buts...”.
Example. The witch made a transfer to a tree, which took upon itself all the ailments that could haunt her daughter as a result of her (the witch’s) activities. She worked normally with this “volt” (wood) for more than two years. After she found herself in a situation where a blow was struck to her strength (for reasons beyond her control), this “volt” took on a lot not from her daughter’s “negative reserve”, but also from her (the witch) personal. The result is that the tree breaks as a result of a car crashing into it, and within 24 hours the daughter “out of the blue” and in front of her mother falls and breaks her leg. So this is a “double-edged sword”...
Universal protection. Find a grave with a name; the age of the deceased should be approximately yours; this is a must. 2 days before the ceremony, fast for 3 days, only black bread and water. On the third day at dawn, come and bring something that is very dear to you, that is, a gift to the deceased spirit, light a candle at the head of the head and say 9 times: Spirit! I came (came) to you to ask for protection, for you to lie here and for me to walk on the ground. Help, protect, take away evil from me (name). Forever and ever, Amen." Bow 3 times. Leave without looking back. Do not talk to anyone until home. Be silent. After the ritual, there is another day of fasting. A candle for the deceased in the church for the repose. You can celebrate forty.

A drop of your blood

On the Sunset, and if the ritual was carried out at night, then after 30 minutes, go up to the aspen tree, grab it by a powerful branch and say 3 times: WHAT GROWS IN THE GROUND, LET IT TAKE ALL THE EVIL ON ITSELF. IT'S NOT ME AND NOT MY FAMILY, BUT ASpen. AMEN. (stand by the tree for 5 minutes and you can leave).

Black ribbon. This will keep the spell from turning against you and harming anyone, as well as yourself. You will need black thread or ribbon. Burn incense from sandalwood and lavender, and tie three knots, saying the spell: I bind this spell with threefold karmic power, So that it does not bring harm And does not turn against me, As I wish, so be it! Keep the thread/ribbon with you when casting the spell. After seven days, tie the ribbon around the tree.

Protection against return flow and operational errors. We take a new saucer and drip a pentagram with a candle, before dripping the star, we drip a drop of our blood in the center of the saucer and bury it with wax. Then we drip the pentagram and read the protection: “I carry out protection from the revolution of the lightning of return. I will protect my affairs, my body and my blood. I cover myself with the morning star, I spray the lightning of return. I will pronounce five secret names and by this act I will preserve myself. Giboramn Karalab Biros Kada - by stand at the corners of the morning star, guard my work, body and soul. Amen." Then we wrap the saucer in a new towel and hide it. Works for 6 months.

From the return. After the ritual of causing damage, place a mirror in a bowl of water. When you wash your face with water from this basin and look in this mirror, say: “I am removing the trace of work from myself, I am removing it with a mirror reflection, the trace of work is reflected in the mirror, immerse yourself in the world of reflections. So be it!” We pour the water away and bury the mirror away from the house.

Witch bottle Take a glass bottle, fill it halfway with sharp objects: pins, needles, broken glass, fill it all with a mixture of water and salt and tightly seal the bottle with a cork. Read the plot three times: “I’m walking across an open field, seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, evil, unsociable. Go, you demons with half-spirits, to dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I will be safe and sound from them.” "The path and the road, in the house and the forest, in strangers and relatives, in land and on water, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, and my words are strong." Find a secluded place and bury the bottle to a depth of more than 40 cm. Very effective protection, valid for 5-7 years.

Soul Protection Immediately at midnight, place two white magic candles, two enchanted knives, and incense near you to the left and right on the floor or on the table. When lighting any of the candles, read Psalm 90, “Alive in the Help of the Most High.” Next, light the incense and say: Protection spell to the Higher Spirits - 3 times: “I call and conjure you, Saints, All-Powerful Angels of God, Rulers of every day and hour, in the name of the Mighty and Great Agla He, come to my aid at this hour. In honor of the One who created the sky, Earth, sea, Universe, and everything that is in I command you to fulfill my will: body, heart, spirit, soul, blood, all bones, half-bones, all bodily composition, mind-mind (names) shut and lock from evil people, from an evil sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a snake, from snakes, from a bullet, from fire, from a terrible and judgment day, from a thieves' attack, from murder, from a fiery flood, from a toothed sickle, from a sharp knife, from a destroyer, a plunderer, from a flame, from a flood. I conjure you, Holy, All-Powerful Angels. God's Rulers of every day and hour, preserve life, health, brains (names) forever, always carry a spell of protection over us (names) As soon as the flames of these candles go out, fly away from me (your name) back to your Heavenly Abodes, my spell and that’s it. what you asked for, bring it into reality. So be it! Let it be so!" Having finished the ritual, extinguish the incense by dipping it a little in water, and extinguish the candles with your fingers in this order: first the right, then the left. Collect all the items and wrap them in cloth (preferably white) and hide them in a secret place so that no one finds them, no one burns them, or chops or cuts anything with them. Repeat the described magical actions for 7 nights, so that on every day of the week you will be protected from all evil. If you want to achieve a long-term and lasting effect, you must systematically perform exercises to accumulate bioenergy. By constantly training, you will be able to raise your bioenergetic potential to such a level that sorcerers, psychics and elemental ill-wishers will simply not be able to inflict an energy blow on you that can break through the wall of your defense.

Threefold reward Take a candle, a thread 70 cm long, lamp oil, sand, a sharp knife. Mentally draw a magic circle around you, you can use chalk. Take a knife and write the name of your offender, aggressor, on the bottom of the candle, or come up with a figurative name for him. Holding the candle in your hands, breathe on it three times, exhaling all negative influences. Then tie a thread around the candle, and begin to wrap it counterclockwise, imagining that you are surrounded by a huge protective cocoon in the shape of an egg. As you wind the thread, constantly repeat the spell: Three times three, as you sowed, The fruits are ripe, gather them, For good and for evil, for praise and blasphemy, Let God decide your fate! The thread should be wound from bottom to top, in a spiral, trying not to leave any free space on the candle. Tie a knot at the top. Take lamp oil, saturate the candle with it, pour sand into a saucer, strengthen the candle and set it on fire. Mentally think that all the negativity directed at you burns out along with the candles.

From the return It is better to spend it in a bathhouse. do once a month on the waning moon. The first is to take water from a living source (rain and well water are suitable). It’s easy to get water from a well in urban areas, and there won’t be any problems with rainwater either. Also stock up on white bread with a fairly soft crust. At dawn, stand in the bathtub in the basin. Of course, be without clothes. Previously, such rituals were performed in baths. So, light 12 inverted church candles before entering the bathroom. Standing in the bathroom, drink water and pour yourself over from head to toe. With the water that flows from your body into a basin, soak the bread and feed it to animals or birds. Then pour out the water itself at the intersection. Read the plot 12 times: "Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth! I conjure you for twelve months to save me (my name) from the blows of a rear knife, from a retaliatory blow, from flowing blood, from death with a fillet. Create for me, sin for me, and whoever eats the bread will take upon himself. Living water I wash myself and bathe myself with dead water. Nima".

To the aspen. After the ceremony, preferably at sunset, and if the ceremony is done at night, then after about 30 minutes. Go to a tree (ideally it should be aspen, but it could be poplar, birch and oak), grab a powerful branch and say three times: “What grows in the ground, let it take on all the evil. It’s not me and not my family, but this aspen (oak, birch). Amen" After this, stand for at least 5 minutes near a tree and you can go home with confidence that the return blow will not affect you, but there are exceptions to every rule, and so it is here.

Reduce the rollback to the plant. Often used against damage with a fatal outcome. Also used after inflicting severe damage. When planting a new plant they say: I tell the truth, but I’ll dissuade you from backtracking. Just as death inexorably pursues life, so life constantly replaces death. By renewing my strength, I pay tribute; by taking life, I give birth to it. I plant the plant and take away the waste. The word is strong and indestructible. Let it be so!

From a voodoo rollback. On Saturday, during the waxing moon, cover the table with a black cloth and place black and white candles on the table. Open intersections, then summon Eshu Agwe 13 times : "Ejira Toro ponto, Ejira Toro Agwe! Mai trabajo, Tres Dios, Tres Noches, Eshu Ray, Dar Mi blanco VooDou! Ashe!!! Ashe!!!

From the return. To avoid a rollback during damage associated with the burial of the enemy’s volt, they say: “AND IT’S NOT I BURYING HIM MYSELF, BUT ST. GABRIEL IS BURIING HIM.”

From the return. Eighty times out of a hundred, a curse directed at a victim returns to the one who created it. This can be due to various reasons, but most often, this happens in three cases: if the victim’s protection was not previously removed, or the victim’s protection is too strong; if the connection between the sorcerer and the victim has an emotional connotation that is unacceptable in a curse; and in case of incorrect execution of the action itself. Nevertheless, the curse, like a living organism that is easier to create than to destroy, exists until it completes the task set before it; Only those with inexhaustible witchcraft power can remove it. But almost any person, regardless of his success in witchcraft, can ward off the curse from himself and direct it to any other living creature. This explains the obligatory presence of domestic animals, such as a black cat, a lizard or a crow, mentioned in beliefs about witches and sorcerers. In fact, both an animal and a person can serve as a victim to ward off a curse. To achieve the best result, when choosing a victim to divert, the sorcerer is guided by its predisposition to the effect of the curse being transferred. For example, if a sorcerer knows about a sick animal or person, then he is more likely to shift the curse of the disease onto him than onto anyone else. Having identified a victim to ward off the curse, the sorcerer creates an energy corridor between himself and the victim, which carries out a one-sided transfer of negative influences. Having visualized his protection and the protection of the victim in certain images (possibly in the form of spheres surrounding the body), the sorcerer forms a “gate” in his own, and directs a certain channel (corridor) from them, breaking through the victim’s protection. Then he programs the resulting connection to transfer the curse from himself to the victim. The corridor remains open for an indefinite amount of time so that the curse can be reflected from the sorcerer at any time, and can be closed when the sorcerer sees no need for it. The action is best performed with direct visual contact, but it is also possible to use your own imagination, photographs of the victim, objects belonging to her, etc.

Protective amulets. In order to insure himself against the possible return of the curse, a protective amulet can also be useful for a sorcerer. It is a ring or medallion with one of the following stones:


Black agate


cat's eye

Moon rock


All these stones exhibit both direct protective properties and are energy storage devices. Like any witchcraft item, a protective amulet must be cleaned and charged before use. For example: on the night when the moon is waxing, the sorcerer lights a specially purchased red candle and, rotating the amulet counterclockwise over its flame, pronounces the phrase thirteen times: “In the name of the Forces of Darkness! Away from me everything hostile and enchanted!”

From the return. A blowback is the return of damage or the like. as a result of its removal by a more powerful magician, or if the victim was wearing protection. If you go back: Go around 9 churches in one day. Buy seven candles in each. The first one should be put for repose. The second is for the crucifixion. Third - Nikolai Ugodnik. Fourth - Mother of God. Fifth - to all Saints. The sixth - for the health of relatives (any icon) The seventh - we take home from each church. Then burn 1/2 candle in the morning and evening for 7 days. At the same time, read morning and evening prayers.

Mirror. During the ritual, I hang a mirror around my neck with the reflective side away from me and on both hands a bracelet with a moonstone, a cone of rock crystal on the altar on the left side and a piece of jet on the right side. When I do envolting, it’s me and the altar in a chalk circle. It is important to hide the mirror after the ceremony and never look at it.

Amulet from damage, evil eye, love spells, curses, Slavic pagan. Read at dawn, in a field, or by the river, at the crossroads of 4 roads, on all 4 sides, clockwise, while bowing to each side: I will rise, (name), at the early dawn, I will wash myself with honey dew, I’ll dry myself in the sun’s heat, I’ll bow to four sides, I’ll pray to the Beregins and Mothers. Oh, you goy, Beregini - Mother! Just as you welcome a child into this world and swaddle me in swaddling clothes, so cover and protect me, (name), with silk swaddling clothes, silk belts, with your blessing, from evil from a sorcerer, from a witch, and from all evil of a dashing person, from evil blood, from an evil thought, and from an evil thought, so that I, (name), will not be spoiled, not bewitched, neither by a sorcerer, nor by a witch, nor by an evil and dashing person, nor by evil blood, nor by an evil thought, nor by a thought, nor by someone else and comprehending, nor for drinking and for eating at a feast, in conversation and in all kinds of fun. Oh, you goy, Mother Beregini! You will place an iron fence around me, (name), from earth to heaven, from century to century, so that I, (name), will not be spoiled, not bewitched, not looked at, and seen, and not heard, at the feast, during conversation, in all fun, and forever and ever, from now on and forever, my word is strong! The Goddesses are required to leave - wheat grains, honey and wine in a glass. They leave without looking back, don’t talk to anyone until they get home, and don’t even greet anyone with a nod. They do it both for themselves and for loved ones. Men's and women's days are observed. They do it on different days for everyone. P.S. Doing it once a year is enough. - Only in the first sentence you need to indicate yourself as the executor, and in the future the name of the one on whom you put the protection (if yourself, then yourself) - And then you say: (if on someone) “my husband (name)”, “child my (name)". - Leave the car at a distance, so that the place of the ritual is not visible from it, and walk to the place. Come back without looking back. -Grape wine of good quality. P.S. - You buy glasses, or you can take them from home supplies, it doesn’t matter, but if you bring cast (half), the dishes in which you bring them, leave them there, I leave the opened bottle there (It’s indecent to cast something like that!) - You may have question..- the plot is read, for example, in a field, on all 4 sides, clockwise - does it matter which side to start from - north, south, etc.!? -Since the ritual is done at dawn, they start from the east and in the direction of the sun.

From the return."The shadow is on the fence, my work is a pull from me. I won’t take it upon myself and I don’t want to, I give the shadows, I won’t take it on myself. The shadows will disappear by night, and I won’t have to suffer from work. Iatoholk is the king of the shadows, the helper, the deliverer from the backyard . deliver, help, reflect, nullify."

A drop of your blood give it to the earth and say: “I cover myself with earth, I was created from it and I will go into it. And may mother earth forgive my mistake and take my sin upon herself. Glory to her.”

Egg. You need 1 or 3 - depends on the strength of the inducing damage. During the ritual, the egg should stand next to you on a black cloth. After the spell-damage, we put our hand (which gives off energy) and say 3 times: I AM DOING EVIL, I WILL NOT RECEIVE AN ANSWER. EVERYTHING THAT COMES BACK, LET THE EGG GO ON THIS. LET IT BE SO! (Afterwards, the eggs are buried where people do not walk. The main thing is that the eggs do not break)

Egg. During the ritual, place a lightly cracked raw egg next to you with the words: “Take into yourself the returning forces, beyond the mind and disgusting passions, inaccessible to the heart, like a temple receives sinners.” After the ritual, give the egg to the dog to eat or burn it.


1.For two mirrors.

When inflicting damage, it is recommended to prevent a “backlash” (returning to you the damage you caused) to buy two small identical mirrors in advance before inflicting damage and wear them on yourself for a day before inflicting damage, with the reflective side facing the body, so that they touch the body. And immediately before the ceremony, we hang one mirror on our neck, with the reflecting side facing away from us. And we throw the second mirror to the victim or another person you dislike. After the ceremony, we bury the mirror from our neck away from our home.

2.On the mirror.

After causing damage, place a mirror in a basin of water. While washing your face with water from this basin and looking in this mirror, say: “I am removing the marks of work from myself, I am removing them with a mirror reflection, the marks of work are reflected in the mirror, immerse yourself in the world of reflections. So be it!”, pour the water into a river or sewer, and bury the mirror away from the house.

3.On a rusty key.

For simple damage, you can use an old rusty key for this. It is hung on a string around the neck, but worn on the back, not on the chest. You need to wear it exactly 24 hours after the damage is done.

4.On a white candle.

On Thursday morning, place a white candle on a saucer and light it. Take a blank sheet of paper (not lined) and write the name of the enemy on it and spit on it three times with the first morning saliva. At the same time, say three times over the saliva: “May you slave (name) burn in my saliva, like in Hellfire. Let it be so!".

5.From the return of damage.

On Thursday, the day of the waning Moon, take an unpeeled onion, put it in a cauldron, pour ¾ of water into it and put it on fire. After the water boils, you need to take the padlock and close it two turns. The key to the lock should be on a red thread tied in three knots. Place the lock with the key in a boiling cauldron and read the curse: “My action is true, my word is strong, damage is in the lock, the lock is on the key. The moon will go away, the sun will rise. Keep the castle for the forces of good, do not miss the damage, retreat the forces of evil. There is no return for damage. Key, lock, tongue. Let it be so!". The lock and key should be boiled in the boiler for three hours, then removed from the heat. When the water in the boiler has cooled, take the lock out of there and take it to a cemetery that you do not go to and away from the house, preferably the third one from the house. Leave it on the cemetery grounds, but not on the grave. Keep the key with you. Return from the cemetery by a different route. On the way to the cemetery, pour the broth from the cauldron at the intersection with the incantation: “Just as this onion will not grow, so there is no way back for damage. So be it!”, away from the house on roads that do not lead directly to the house. The ritual cannot be performed on the 3rd, 12th, or 22nd. You can’t tell anyone that you did it. You can no longer appear in the cemetery where you left the castle, and you can appear in other cemeteries only after a week. Also follow all work rules.

6.Transfer to the area.

It is much safer to make transfers to the terrain or (for the pros) to flowing water. Any of the methods of voltation from a thread (described above) to direct identification will do. Often, a hand is applied while speaking or working with consciousness. When identifying with a locality or part of it (for example, a stone), you need to choose the most appropriate sample for yourself. Data can be taken according to the zodiac sign or the most “working” mineral for yourself. In the process of binding, one’s volt is left on a stone or terrain and a channel is drawn to it (also, by any means possible for the one doing it). The main thing is that it is not an energy channel that connects the person making the transfer too strongly with the volt. The spirits of the place or the object to which the transfer is being made can be used as intermediaries. For example. Stone - “I greet you, spirit of stone (to bestow). Just as a stone stands in the wind and in the rain and remains unchanged, so accept my grief (illness) without harm. Take it into yourself and give it to mother earth (forest-father ), as the earth receives the burly moisture. The Force will go in its circles, passing me." (Alternatively, there are many pronunciation options).

tagPlaceholder Tags: rollback, return, damage, protection

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, in this conversation will tell you what the magical protection of a person from the effects of witchcraft rituals is. It is necessary not only for professional magicians, but also for those people who independently engage in practical magic, develop abilities and take responsibility for their lives and their own actions. In addition, an ordinary person who turns to a master for help will certainly receive protection from the effects of dangerous rituals. An experienced sorcerer will install magical protections with skill.

How to fully protect the customer during rituals

Setting up magical protections for people from the influence of magic are special witchcraft rituals that are not included in the complex of the main work, but are advisory in nature. The customer of magical rituals decides for himself whether he needs this service or not. But, I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, as a practicing magician, I say: when influencing a situation with the help of magical rituals and spells, you always need to be prepared for the fact that your action - love spell, damage, removal of damage or the evil eye, rituals for good luck and attracting money will return you with a rollback or return.

No one is immune from this, not even real magicians with extensive experience, who seem to calculate everything down to the smallest detail. Therefore, witchcraft protection during rituals is necessary. Let's start with how you can magically protect yourself when working in a cemetery. And we will talk specifically about professional protective rituals of black magic.

Strong protection when working in a cemetery - necrobinding and generic protection

Practicing warlocks know how powerful magical shields can be if a deceased blood relative comes to the defense. That is why real magicians ask the dead to become their patrons. Relatives, when you really need to protect yourself when causing damage, or other witchcraft rituals of a destructive nature, performed on cemetery land. In this regard, the dead will be of greatest benefit.

Strong witchcraft protection of a person is called necrobinding, and it can interfere with the work of an unfriendly magician, any actions that are aimed at causing harm of any nature. Cemetery protections are removed from a person by runes, again, by cemetery witchcraft. After the cleansing, the keeper will move away for a while, but again stands up firmly and does not leave until the end. This is an example of professional, very powerful protection against the effects of magic and witchcraft, which is very difficult to remove.

And the magical rituals of removing the barrier are special here. Witchcraft protection per person they are removed precisely as shields, but not as a shelter. The deceased himself can, relatively speaking, on his own initiative, stand up as a barrier to the bloodline, if he considers it necessary.

Generic protection on humans is generally a special topic worthy of a separate article. To break through one, you need to be strong and have protection yourself. Moreover, shields for a magician need to be strong, so as not to experience the wrath of your victim’s family. With the help of diagnostics, the magician can find out who exactly is on defense - a deceased relative or someone else. A person may have more than one dead person behind him; the whole clan may stand guard.

Magic protection for a magician is required not only while working in the cemetery, it is needed when summoning devils. Dark Forces are not friendly to humans, and will never be benevolent. But this is a colossal power, and it is impossible not to use it.

Let's return to the topic of necrobinding and protecting a person from witchcraft.

In addition to the form that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, spoke about - necrobinding as protection from evil magic, there is an uncontrolled, spontaneous type of binding of the dead. And this is no longer protection, but one of the forms of vampirism, when a dead settler devours a living one. This bond must be broken, and annealing techniques are well suited for this. And now it's time to talk about how to create magical protection for yourself. There are many ways and witchcraft rituals. Some are very simple, some are quite complex. Different protections from magic have different strengths and duration of impact.

How to make magical protection for yourself and your family - free water spell

Real amulets for a person can be material, or they can also be verbal. Using a powerful spell, a practicing magician creates a shield, invisible but effective, saving in various difficult and dangerous situations. You can make such a charm shield for yourself, or you can also put real protection on your relatives from magic and witchcraft.

Here is an example of magical protection for enchanted water.

Speak and drink water in front of the mirror. You can do it every day, develop and strengthen your defense. This is a protective plot against dashing people - enemies, envious people, gossipers and slanderers. This simple protection is used by people and practicing sorcerers, placing it on their relatives, and on themselves as well.

“I’m walking across an open field, and seven spirits with half-spirits meet me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go, you spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people, keep them on a leash. So that I (name) will be safe and sound from them on the road and on the road, in the house and the forest, among strangers and relatives, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong. Whoever disproves my word, otherwise everything will be new, for bad, for evil, as it was said in advance. Amen".

How to protect yourself with white magic for free - a salt amulet from enemies

There are a number of very strong defenses against manifestations of witchcraft that can be used by both a warlock and a white magician, without harm, but only with benefit.

Here is an example of how to protect yourself when using white magic.

To work you need to have:

  • a pack of coarse salt
  • wax church candle

Buy a pack of coarse salt and open it immediately after sunset. Take a pinch from the pack with your left hand and pour it into your palm with your right. Repeat this 3 times. Then clasp your right hand into a fist, move it clockwise over the church wax candle and read the witchcraft words to protect against damage. This version of the salt amulet allows you to protect yourself when removing damage, love spells, and other negativity sent by ill-wishers.

“For food for the dog, for trouble for the enemy. Whoever crosses my (name) path will suffer punishment. Whatever he wishes for me, he returns to himself. Whatever he sends to me, he will return to himself. Truly spoken. Amen".

Then the white magician pours salt into running water, saying 3 times: "Let it be so". A warlock completes a real protective rite differently. Still clenching the salt in his fist, he walks to any nearest intersection, throws the salt in front of him, and says three times: “ Let it be so".

How to protect a person from negativity during magical rituals

In their practice, experienced magicians, before they became such, repeatedly encountered the phenomenon of rollback or reverse magical strike. And we learned.

This is what separates a beginner from a pro -

  • be able to foresee the development of events,
  • be able to protect yourself from possible magical negativity,
  • and protect the client from rollback,
  • kick back,
  • and also protect against unwanted side effects.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Here are a few simple protections against backflow that will protect the magician if he performs witchcraft rituals for himself and, while doing the ritual, made a mistake. And also these simple techniques will become the first step of protection when performing rituals for the customer.

  • Prick your finger and drop one drop of blood onto the ground. At the same time, read the words of the protective plot:

    “I cover myself with earth, I was created from it, and I will go into it. And may mother earth forgive my mistake and take my sin upon herself. Glory to her."

  • At sunset, or if the ritual was done at night, 30 minutes after work, go to the aspen tree, grab the thickest branch, and read the text of the plot three times to protect against the power of magic: “Let what grows in the ground take all the evil upon itself, mind you, not me and not my family, but this aspen. Amen". Stand next to the tree for a while and leave according to the rules.
  • Drive 3 nails into the tree in the shape of a triangle, tied with red thread soaked in your blood. If a rollback occurs, the rollback energy will go to the tree. This allows you to reliably, according to the principle of exchange, protect the customer from negativity during rituals. More often it is when casting damage, but in some cases similar rituals of shield protection are used in love spells. In case a mistake is made in the work, as a result of which the love spell will fall crookedly and will backfire, or if the effect of love magic is removed, then the return will go not to the customer, but to the tree.
  • This is an example of how to protect yourself from a rollback if white magic rituals are performed. Read the words of the protective plot on the egg: “Accept into yourself the returning forces, beyond the control of the mind, disgusting passions, inaccessible to the heart, like a temple receiving sinners.”. During the ritual, the enchanted egg should lie nearby. After completing the work, take the egg away from the house, throw it into a container or bury it. Wash your hands up to the elbows.

Transfers of negativity during witchcraft work are very good, useful rituals that really ward off magical blows. However, the bad thing is that practicing magicians, especially beginners, think that a tap will save and protect them from any troubles. But it is absolutely necessary that the translation is the very first human magical defense level, which is mainly suitable for beginners in carrying out simple witchcraft rituals.

When casting very strong love spells and heavy damage, a simple ritual of witchcraft transfer will not help. At higher levels of skill, other techniques and methods of protection against the power of magic are used. A practicing warlock or white magician never (!) works without powerful defenses against magical attacks. Moreover, witchcraft protections are established of different strengths and different types.

An experienced magician has no questions about how to protect himself when removing damage, love spells, witchcraft attacks, when working in the field of money magic (all kinds of stealers of luck and prosperity, blocking cash flows, etc.), when treating diseases using black magic methods, etc., i.e. To. his shield, energy and mental protections provide him with magical defense at all levels.

Ritual of self-protection when performing a love spell, damage, removal of damage, evil eye

To complete the topic of transferring the negative and removing the rollback, I will give a simple magical ritual of transferring it to a tree. As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already said, effective witchcraft rituals work on the principle of energy exchange.

So, a simple option on how to protect yourself when working in the tradition of practical black magic.

For an independent protective ritual you will need the following materials:

  • red wool thread
  • ritual knife
  • dark natural fabric

The day of exchange is your birthday, but you can do it not strictly on the day and month of birth, but in any month of the year. 3 days before the exchange, tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of your working hand. Wear the thread without removing it for a moment for three days. Do not get it wet. On the day of the exchange, cut the thumb of your left hand, remove the thread from the wrist, moisten it with blood, and go to the tree designated ahead of time. Tie the thread to any of the branches, tightening it by 3 knots, for each knot reading the words of a white conspiracy to protect against the effects of magic:

“Here’s mine for you, but I need yours. I change with you, I close myself with you.”

Silently break off (namely break off, not cut) any other branch, put it in your bosom, and silently leave. Wrap the branch in a dark cloth and store away from prying eyes. When tying a thread, keep in mind that it can be removed. Therefore, tie the thread not in the most visible place.

When you perform protective rituals on your own in the future, place the branch you brought with you next to it. The energy of the tree will help you protect yourself and will deflect a blow if it comes. Long-term transfer. They fake it once every six months. If your tree gets sick, dries out, is cut down, or, for example, is struck by lightning, the magical protection is immediately redone.

How to make magical protection for yourself for free

Each practicing magician has his own results of work. Everyone works as they are used to, in the format and style that gives the best results. Every real sorcerer chooses the nuances with which they complement. This applies to any ritual, from the simplest to complex methods of bewitching in a cemetery. At the same time, when practicing black magic, a strong magician first of all thinks about how to protect himself while working.

Features of cemetery work may relate to contact with the Master and Mistress, and the search for the desired grave, etc. In addition, one must take into account one’s strength. This remark applies to literally any action in witchcraft and other magical practices, including such a serious and important matter as witchcraft methods of defense against witchcraft negativity, to protect yourself from the return, you need to go to the cemetery, walk there among the graves, and to yourself Read a spell 7 times, which will later help protect against damage, as well as when removing damage, love spells and other negativity:

“I ask for the churchyard army, so I ask for the owner of the churchyard. The coffin will open with a creak, but the path will stretch out before me, then walked with steps, but not seen by anyone, only known by the dead. There's a black hut there, a military gas station, a dead blacksmith's accomplice. Their swords are forged there, and the blades are hardened there, the damask steel is damask steel, and the steel is tacked there, the arrows are sharpened, and the chain mail is knitted there, and the shield is made by that blacksmith, and that black shield is forged from the sins themselves, sealed with prayers, and it is a churchyard shield named Not with a bow, but with a word, and a firm saying, and this shield was asked for, and requested by me, then I will hide with it, I will hide from the dashing, from the strangler, and the night’s destruction, from the brewed poison, from the church process, from the witcher’s word, from everything whatever is bad or bad that happens to me, I can hide from everything, and hide with a shield, I can’t see the evil, I can’t foresee the bad, I can get along with each other, and measure my fate against each other. Amen".

Then, on any abandoned grave (you don’t have to look for a nameless one, just an old unkempt grave will do), place a candle, light it and at the same time read the words of the spell:

“Forged, crafted, and made into a shield for me. Amen".

Leave without looking back, and don’t go to that cemetery for one lunar month, so as not to disrupt your protective ritual.

This way you will provide yourself with strong protection when working in the cemetery.

The grave shield is long-lasting protection.

Typically, professional sorcerers try to create such magical protections for themselves. In general, cemetery protections are durable and more stable than demonic or neutral shields. Well, of course, the strength and duration of a particular method of defense usually depends on many factors, and everything is individual, but, nevertheless, it’s usually like that.

If, after placing cemetery protection on a person, a necro-binding occurs, it means that gross violations have been committed. Correctly installed protection against the effects of black magic during diagnosis will be viewed as a shield, and not as a dead thing absorbing the victim. I recommend doing diagnostics before any work in order to see what the ritual will ultimately bring to you.

Does protection with Orthodox prayers help and how to do it?

There are many magical schools and movements. Each practicing sorcerer has personal skills, achievements and unique experience. A warlock has his own rules for working with Forces, a white magician has his own. Yes, and the Forces with which both work are different. And the methods of protection against witchcraft and magic are different.

Does self-protection with prayers help? Undoubtedly. After all, what is prayer? This is a person’s appeal directly to the Power that he himself serves. The white magician turns to the Christian egregor in prayer. The Warlock casts black spells, praising the Dark Force, and receiving a response from it. How to make prayer protection from sorcerers and magicians yourself? Practice, invoke and glorify the Forces.

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