Sample first letter to client. How to write a letter to a client. Letters to clients: examples and ready-made samples

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I would have answered your letter faster, but you didn’t send it to me. I wonder why?

A sales letter is an integral part of a strategy aimed at getting a potential client interested in a service or product.

Figuratively speaking, this is the first mine in undermining the fortress of a company or individual consumer.

How to write a sales letter?

First, let's set the record straight: We're not trying to sell ice to Eskimos. If you yourself do not believe in the necessity and usefulness of the product or service being offered, the chances of getting another person interested in it are rapidly decreasing.

Therefore, first thoroughly understand the possibilities of what you will offer people, if possible, check the quality of the product or service, and then send a sales letter with a clear conscience and deep sincere conviction.


Often the customer does not have time to read all the incoming mail, and your headline should attract his attention. For example, if you sell office equipment, computers, or some technical innovations, use the words “effective” or “modern”, as well as “savings”:

  • "It will save you energy"
  • "A modern office means ergonomic equipment"
  • “The most effective way to quickly increase labor productivity,” etc.

Also attractive are the words “health” and “healthy” (“Your child’s health”, “Healthy eating”, etc.), “easy and fast”, “available to everyone”, “you can learn” (“Eat and lose weight? Is it possible learn", "Compact simulator at a price affordable for everyone", "How to learn to bake pies easily and quickly").

Any sample sales letter will have this heading.

Establishing a Personal Contact

Much greater than the standard “our company offers you”, the effect is produced by an imitation of a one-on-one conversation, and today even the standard sales letter template includes establishing a personal contact.

Introduce yourself, write “I can help you”, “I offer you...”. When a person is addressed personally, he perceives the information presented with great attention.

Every person is pleased to see his name in a letter

Therefore, try to avoid clerical “Dear Sirs!” or "Mr. General Manager!" Through the secretary, it is easy to find out the name of the person to whom the letter will be addressed and address him by his first name and patronymic.

Moreover, it is advisable to mention the recipient’s first and last name several times in one letter. This again creates a feeling of personal contact and increases the degree of assimilation of the information you present.

Don't get carried away by technical specifications!

The best sales letters never contain a lot of details about the product. The number of joules, watts, meters that characterize the product will not tell most recipients. The main thing is to explain how convenient it is, how it saves time and effort, and what benefits it brings.

What's the use of explaining to a housewife how much more powerful a new type of food processor is than the previous one? It’s better to explain that with its help she will receive excellent orange juice within two to three minutes, which will retain all the vitamins.

A person should know how useful this product is to him, how beneficial this service is to him.

Try your hand at copywriting

How to write sales letters? Today you can learn this on your own. There are now quite a few exchanges on the Internet that sell journalistic services. If your texts receive recognition there, you can sit down to write a sales letter.

By the way, customers sometimes give valuable hints: “Mention the name of the company 5 times in different cases,” “Include a numbered list in the article,” “The article should not be laudatory,” etc. A well-written letter will open the way to the heart (and pocket) of the consumer, but one written incorrectly will ruin all your efforts.

The sales letter should be easy to read

Therefore, the paragraphs in it should be short, the font should be clear, not pretentious, and easy to read. The text should include photographs that flow around the font so that they appear as an organic part of the text. Highlight the most important information - in bold, in color, underlining, so that the eye stops at three to five key phrases.

A letter is not a dissertation!

The consumer quickly gets tired of reading a sales letter that is poorly organized or oversaturated with terminology, an example of which we see in our email inbox every day.

Write according to the principle of the poet Evg. Yevtushenko: “Both a docker and a fisherman will understand, a worker and a farm laborer will understand,” that is, without constructing complex syntactic structures and without oversaturating the text with diagrams and calculations. The language should be as accessible as possible, the sentences should not be long, so that they are easier to remember.

Lots and to the point

It’s a paradox, but a consumer with great interest will take longer to read a long sales letter than a short flyer. Therefore, from short, short sentences we compose a long, long text, convincing that your products are more convenient, your representative office is located nearby, your company works with each specific customer...

But you shouldn’t get carried away with reviews like “I bought a printer from NN. It works great! Cosmonaut Dzhanibekov”; such praise looks too declarative and alarming.

The principle of "blurry eyes"

While we are writing, looking for ideal wording, formatting the text of the letter, our eyes get used to it, and we may not notice both a factual error (God forbid, an extra zero in the price!) and stylistic errors.

Let the document sit, switch to another job, and after a few hours read it with fresh eyes or give it to a colleague, dad, or wife to read. There's bound to be something that needs a final polish.

Give a person a boost

That is, at the end of the letter, encourage him to take some action: call back, find your website on the Internet, invite a sales agent, come to your agency, making it clear that the call or visit itself does not oblige him to anything.

It happens that nothing works for a stubborn client. There is no need to put pressure on him again and again. He may simply not have the money at the moment to purchase what we are going to enrich his life with.

Or a bad mood. Or a person is going on vacation, he doesn’t have time to buy a plasma TV right now.

Keep a record of the addresses to which the letters were sent, and send a second letter about three months later (naturally, the second text should be somewhat different from the first, at the same time making it clear that this is the same company).

A drop wears away a stone...

Business writing is one of the main communication tools in any business. A well-written business letter will help create a positive impression of the company. And one illiterately written letter can destroy your entire reputation. We have already written about the rules of business correspondence, now let's look at specific examples of business letters.

Samples of business letters

There are many types of business letters - business proposals, letters of claim, letters of gratitude, letters of refusal, cover letters, letters of guarantee, information and so on. The principles of their compilation are practically no different from each other. Take a look again to avoid mistakes.

Examples of thank you letters

Example of a letter of guarantee

Sample response letter

This is a clear example of what a polite letter containing a refusal can be:

Example of a newsletter

Example of a letter of complaint

Examples of letters in English in business correspondence

Unfortunately, not everyone has a high level of English proficiency. And often managers are somewhat lost when they need to write a business letter in English. If even in Russian people cannot always understand each other in correspondence, then what can we say about a foreign language? The best way out in this situation is to search for similar letters and use suitable phrases from them in your letter. Here are three examples of business letters in English: a letter of gratitude to the client, a letter clarifying the terms of the transaction, and a letter of response to the purchase offer. Each file contains a version of the letter in English and its translation into Russian.
Download a letter of gratitude to the client in English.
Download the letter with the terms of the deal in English.
Download the letter of response to the purchase offer in English.

Structure of a business letter

A clear structure is an essential characteristic of a business letter. It will help the recipient quickly understand the meaning of what is written and reduce the time it takes to read it. A business letter consists of the following main parts:

1. Heading (subject of the letter). The title of the letter should contain its brief purpose or essence. You cannot use any abstract phrases here. It should be clear to the recipient what the letter is about based on the title alone. For example, “About changes in prices for the supply of products” or “Business proposal for trade cooperation with company XXX.”

2. Greeting. The greeting “Dear + First Name and Patronymic!” is considered traditional in business letters. However, it is not necessary to use the name. You can also address the addressee through his position: “Dear Mr. Director!” However, keep in mind that calling by name somewhat reduces the psychological distance and emphasizes the well-established business relationship. If the letter is addressed to a group of people, then it is acceptable to write “Dear ladies and gentlemen!”, “Dear partners!” and so on. Using the abbreviations Mr., Ms., or initials is perceived as disrespectful, so try to avoid it.

3. Statement of the purpose of writing the letter, its essence, and main idea. This is the main part of the letter. Here you write directly about the very reason for writing the letter.

4. Your proposals for solving this problem, recommendations, requests, complaints. Business letters almost always require a certain reaction from the addressee (except for purely informational letters). Therefore, it is important to describe not only the problem itself, but also offer your own options for solving it. If you write a complaint, then ask to take appropriate measures; if you make an offer of cooperation, then describe its possible options. In short, the recipient of your letter must not only understand “what” you want from him, but also understand “how” you propose to implement it. Then it will be a real business letter.

5. Brief summary and conclusions. At the very end we can summarize all of the above. However, it is not always possible to do this very briefly. In this case, it’s not worth writing in several sentences what you already described in the first two paragraphs. Remember that a business letter's best friend is brevity. Therefore, in most cases it is enough to limit yourself to the phrases “I hope for successful cooperation”, “I am waiting for your answer on this issue” and so on.

6. Signature. A business letter is signed with the position, first and last name of the sender with the traditional phrase “With respect.” Other options are also possible: “Best wishes”, “Sincerely yours” and so on, depending on the closeness of your contact with the recipient. The phrase “With respect” is the most universal, so if you are in doubt about how it would be more appropriate to subscribe, then use this phrase and you definitely won’t miss.

It would also be a good idea to add options for contacting you in your signature: other email addresses, work phone numbers, Skype. The benefit of this is not only that the recipient, if desired, will be able to quickly contact you in a way convenient for him, but also that this way you will demonstrate your openness and readiness to communicate with the recipient.

And don’t forget that an official letter is first and foremost a document. Therefore, by neglecting the rules for drawing it up, you irrevocably ruin the reputation of your company and yourself as a specialist.

During all the time I have been consulting clients in the field of active sales, I have been faced with the same problem more than once. This task appears when a company begins to implement active sales as a technology for attracting customers and it is associated with the development of text presentation materials that will be used to send to potential clients.

I believe that the materials sent to potential clients who come into the company through active sales should be different from the materials that are used to work with “incoming” clients.

When we start working with each new customer (a company that needs outsourcing of active sales), we ask the customer’s representative to send us all the materials that are used to work with clients. We are interested in commercial offers, information letters, flyers, price lists and other visual and text materials that are sent by email to clients.

In the vast majority of cases, we receive good materials necessary to work with the client who:

  • Currently at the stage of evaluating proposalsvarious companies
  • Has developed criteria for evaluating proposals
  • Possesses specialized knowledge relevant to the subject of the transaction

Thus, as a rule, the materials of our customers are well suited to the so-called “warm” clients who contact the company with an incoming request. Of course this is good. However, when it comes to active sales, such materials are not always suitable. Let's think about what materials that will be used for active sales should contain.

First, let's define a little the characteristics of the potential client who is planned to be attracted through active sales.

Client characteristics

1. Your prospect is doing well now.

This means that the moment you call him with an offer, there is a 90% chance that he will not have any need for your product. Or rather, there may be a need for the product, but most likely it satisfies it with the help of another company or other products.

For example. If you sell office supplies, then your potential customers are already buying these products somewhere. They can purchase it from another company, take it directly from the warehouse, send a courier once a month to the nearest office supply store to purchase it for the month in advance, etc. In any case, the situation is quite stable. And more often than not, your potential clients haven't thought about changing it.

Also, your potential client may not use what you offer him. For example, not all companies have implemented electronic document management (EDF) systems. However, in all operating companies there are documents that somehow need to be stored, signed and archived. And if the EDI system is not implemented, then these tasks are solved in some other way. This situation, again, is stable and, in the vast majority of cases, you will encounter the fact that potential clients do not think about changing it.

2. Your potential client does not know you and is not waiting for your call or letter

This is an obvious thesis. However, I had to emphasize it. The client is busy with other things. And his goal is to solve the most important of them as quickly as possible. And if he has already resolved the issue for which you are calling or writing to him, then he will be reluctant to return to it.

Of course, there are also customer characteristics that are significant for active sales. However, for now these will be enough.

So what do we have? We have your potential client who is not going to buy anything, and who now seems to be doing well. Well, at least not so bad as to pay you money to get rid of some minor troubles that he, in general, is already accustomed to. Next, you call him and encourage him to at least talk to you, and even better, to begin to consider your proposal as worthy of attention. Let's say everything turned out that way. The potential client showed primary interest in your proposal and agreed to accept materials from you for more detailed review.

Now a good half of the audience will say something like: “To hell with stupid letters! No spam! Cold calling exists only to get to know the client and meet with him! This is the real skill of a salesperson - from the call to immediately making an appointment!”... I won’t argue. There are simply different active sales technologies. And, I assure you, you can sell in a hundred different ways. But at least three of them must be mastered perfectly so that you can quickly and consciously switch between them depending on the situation. I propose to explore one of the elements of active sales technology. And it’s called a letter after the first phone call.

And now you get to the point of sending the letter. What to send? We remember that the client (even the one who showed interest in talking with you) still does not want to buy anything. He has no need. He didn't decide to make a deal with you. He is indifferent to you (unless, of course, you described yourself in a conversation with him as a busty blonde with a narrow waist - then your chances increase, especially in the spring, especially if you are a woman and your counterparty is a man).

Letter to potential clients

"Body" of the letter

So, any letter consists of a “body” and “attachments”. The body of the letter serves to:

  1. Greet the recipient
  2. Present attachments
  3. Direct the recipient’s attention to some important points (this is important)
  4. Encourage him to take some action

For example, it might look like this:

"Good afternoon, Alexey Petrovich.

Thank you for today’s conversation and I am sending you 2 documents:

  1. Description of the training “Cold Calling Mastery”
  2. Work plan for organizing and conducting the “Cold Calling Mastery” training

This is the training we were talking about. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this training consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to developing customer needs, the second - cold calling technology. If your salespeople often encounter objections such as “we don’t need it” or “everything suits us,” then this training structure can be quite productive.

Alexey Petrovich, I would like to invite you to meet so that we have the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss the possible tasks that may face you as the head of the sales department. I understand that at the moment, the issue of employee training may not be so relevant as to talk about any time frame for conducting any sales training. However, our meeting may be devoted to an initial discussion of your tasks and the difficulties that your sellers currently have. As an expert in the field of active sales, I could tell you about my experience in building active customer acquisition systems in various companies.

You can read more about my experience here:

Thank you. [Signature]"

So: presentation of investments, attention management, motivation to action. It's simple.

At this point, with your permission, I will pause and interrupt this article. The second part of the article will be devoted to what should be contained in investments in order to work as productively as possible with their help to attract clients.

Hello, friends!

At one time, when I was running around the city a la “Hello! Canadian wholesale company…” and was engaged in attracting clients, I had to draw up a large number of different proposals.

Today I am already engaged in writing such presentation letters on a professional basis.

And I noticed that the vast majority of commercial offers have little response.

As a conclusion, their fate is the trash can.

Yes, yes, what did you think?

Therefore, writing such promotional texts is a very delicate art that requires certain experience and knowledge.

THOUGHT #1 - Respect your potential client

Where does the writing of almost every commercial proposal begin?

From filling out the upper right corner of the sheet, where they usually write data about who exactly this document is intended for.

Remember, every commercial proposal must be personalized.

A standard known to everyone:

To the director

LLC "Phantom"

Mr. Ivanov I.I.

Now let's go through each line.

First, before sending a commercial proposal, you should make sure that the addressee’s job title is correct.

Not everyone is a “director”. This could be “chairman of the board”, “head of the supervisory board”, “president”, etc. Yes, and the “director” can also be general, financial, technical or, for example, “marketing director” - you must clearly know the title of the position.

If this seems difficult for you (you do not know the exact name of the position of the first person), you can use a democratic approach - indicate the word to the “manager”.

The second is the form of ownership and name of the enterprise. You must be absolutely sure that this is an “LLC”, because it can also be an OJSC, CJSC, AOOT, AOZT, private enterprise, etc.

The name is the official name of the enterprise. If you make any mistake or blot, the letter may immediately go to the trash bin, remaining unread.

Third - last name, first name and patronymic of the leader. You can’t make mistakes here either - you should be sure that the data you provide matches reality.

Do not forget that there are very complex surnames, as well as those that are not initially declined.

If you have certain doubts, it is better to clarify all this data. This is very easy to do - just one call to the secretary, who will tell you everything.

And if you see that your request is being ignored (there are also specially trained secretaries who initially protect their boss from such letters), you can call and introduce yourself as an employee of some authoritative structure (yes, this is a creative deception, but you need this data) .

For example, secretaries willingly provide such data to representatives of reputable media. Can you guess why?

“What kind of company are these if they don’t even know my name?” - This is what many recipients of such letters will think. And... They will be right.

The next point is that you shouldn’t put “________” and then add it with a pen, otherwise you may get the impression that our recipient is “one of...”, that is, there is another mass mailing in front of him.

Practice shows that managers do not take such things very well.

I hope you now understand the importance of such seemingly banal things.

THOUGHT No. 2 - “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”

I’ll make a reservation right away that it’s difficult to call this a mistake, but still, I want to pay attention to this point in drawing up commercial proposals.

Agree that almost all proposals contain this element of presentation. Which, in principle, is correct; it is common for polite people to greet each other.

But... I personally am already tired of the word “Dear”. It is written in 90% of all presentation letters.

As a conclusion, it is not unique and will not attract the attention of our Ivan Ivanovich. He will let him pass by.

If you know, you and I have no more than 8 seconds to attract the attention of the addressee and “force” him to read the entire sentence.

This is the truth. If we are not interested, then they will not read it - accordingly, our efforts have gone down the drain.

I noticed this detail when I started using the gentle word “dear” instead of “dear” in commercial sentences. The response from them increased.

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”

First of all, very few people write this way. Further, such an approach will 100% attract attention and encourage the manager to read it. After all, the word “dear”, although less official, is pleasant and immediately switches the subconscious to a deeper interest.

If you received 2 commercial offers: one - “respected”, and the other - “dear” - which of these options would you personally be more pleased with?

Think again, maybe it makes sense to use other words besides “dear”?

Personally, I have 2 other words, but I won’t talk about them. Everyone has their own secrets.

THOUGHT No. 3 - initially put yourself and the client “on equal terms”

I have several disagreements with other copywriters on this point. But I want to express my opinion here, because I am confident in its relevance and maturity.

Because I have something to back it up in practice.

Often commercial proposals begin in the style: “Allow us to offer you...”

I believe that such a formulation initially puts you at a disadvantage.

You are already asking.

Agree that business is not an exchange of charity. The key to successful cooperation is partnership. That is, cooperation “as equals”.

The client has a need for a service (even if he doesn’t understand it yet), you can provide it. Why should you ask him for this?

Your task is to show the client how cooperation with you will be beneficial to him. If this succeeds, the client is yours. If not, your competitor (faster).

THOUGHT #4 - the need for a title

Let's return to the idea that we voiced a little earlier. We have no more than 8 seconds to attract the recipient's attention.

The main task is for him to distinguish our commercial offer from the endless stream that befalls him every day.

Don’t forget that besides you there are still thousands of people who want to cooperate with our Ivan Ivanovich. Moreover, not only in your area of ​​activity.

Therefore, we must stand out.

The most proven tool for attracting attention and creating intrigue is an alluring headline.

Imagine a director who has picked up your commercial proposal - in order for him to read it, he must immediately convince himself that it will be interesting to him...

How else? Busy people don't have time to read unnecessary information junk. Sorry for being so blunt.

Let's say we want to send a commercial proposal from an IT telephony company.

"Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

How is it that you are still overpaying hundreds of dollars for telephone service?”

Do you think he will want to know the answer to this question? Of course - no businessman likes wasted expenses. And he is always interested in optimizing his costs.

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Do you know that starting tomorrow you will be able to save at least $300 monthly?”

There is one detail here - the title must be really attractive and effective. Composing such verbal structures is a separate art.

But, I’ll give you one hint - the headline should contain the main benefit of your commercial offer.

Our manager should immediately understand what reading your presentation letter will give him.

THOUGHT No. 5 - write not about yourself, but about the client

I often see before my eyes commercial proposals in which one serious mistake is made: the presentation is in the “we” style.

In it, the company praises its services in every possible way, talks about its extensive experience, talks about its team of professional workers, lists its services (which are necessarily of high quality), and necessarily guarantees an individual approach to each client.

My friends, don't be so banal.

If you want your commercial offer to stand out, you need to go a completely different route.

Yes, I agree, having picked up such a letter, the client may not know anything about you. And you want to fill this gap.

Why are you submitting a proposal in the first place?

Not just to tell about yourself and your company. You want to attract this client, sell him your product, or convince him to use your services.

Therefore, forget about using the phrase “we”, and focus on using the phrase “you”:

  • You'll get…
  • You will save...
  • You can…
  • You protect yourself...
  • You will feel... etc.

You need to show how your offer will be BENEFITABLE for him!

THOUGHT #6 - Talk about benefits, not advantages.

First, second, third...

And what do we usually read?

  • Wide range of services.
  • Rich experience in the market.
  • Loyal pricing policy.
  • Flexible system of discounts.
  • Prompt resolution of issues, etc.

The most interesting thing is that similar advantages are found in practically every commercial proposal.

As a conclusion, you no longer stand out. And what did you do? They simply listed the benefits without showing the benefits.

What is the difference between advantages and benefits?

An advantage is what distinguishes your product from other analogues.

Benefit is what the customer will get from using your product.

If you are talking about rich experience in the market, think about what benefit this will bring to your client?

For example: “You can entrust us with even the most unusual situations and be sure of their positive resolution.”

Notice the difference? Move in this direction and you will definitely know what success is.

THOUGHT No. 7 - create new commercial proposals for different areas of business.

When forming any proposal, it is important to clearly understand the existing needs of each representative of the potential target audience.

For example, commercial banks.

Construction companies are interested in some services, transport enterprises - in others, and budgetary organizations - in others.

Large companies make decisions on cooperation, guided by one criteria, and small ones - by completely different ones.

Why would all these companies send the same standard quotation?

By doing this you are simply showing your lack of professionalism.

The ability to understand the needs of a specific group of customers is an important way to win their hearts.

Therefore, you should have several commercial proposals drawn up for each individual area of ​​business.

The most ideal option is to segment the client mass and highlight exactly those areas of business to which it is advisable to offer your products.

Yes, they can duplicate each other in many ways. It's clear. But it’s not 100% at all.

If you yourself cannot formulate a portrait of your potential client, you will never be able to attract him.

THOUGHT #8 – Don’t overload your offer with all your services.

Very often in commercial proposals there is a banal listing of all kinds of services (even those that the company intends to provide only in the future - if there is a client).

The correctness of this approach is highly questionable.

The most ideal option is to “sell” a specific service or several interrelated ones in a commercial offer.

Because it’s easier to “hook” a client this way. You will have more wiggle room to focus on convincing the full benefits of a particular service.

I once held in my hands a commercial proposal consisting of 7 pages. In it, the company offered my organization a really large range of services.

The whole “juice” is that we were really interested in only 2 of them. We don’t need everything else at all. Moreover, this could have been guessed from the beginning.

We immediately realized that we had fallen under the target mailing list and they were offering us everything they could...

Do you know what the fate of such a commercial proposal was? It was torn and thrown into the trash.

The sender immediately lost his potential client.

The optimal size option is 1 page of A4 sheet. Maximum - 2 pages. Nobody will read any more.

That is why you must fit all your arguments into this one page.

THOUGHT #9 - Use facts and specific calculations whenever possible.

They say that numbers convince better than words.

Which sounds more convincing:

"Many years of experience" or “We have been on the market for 12 years”?

"A large number of clients" or “There are 245 companies among our clients”.

By the way, there is another reinforcing tactical advertising move that began to be used several years ago. For example, the phrase “We started advertising the services of our clients back in the last century”.

Let's say your company has been operating on the market since 1998. And the year is 2002, that is, you are 4 years old. Turnover "last century" in this case, it was very successfully perceived by clients and beautifully smoothes out the relatively small work experience.

But this is more psychology, which comes with experience, as well as experience, and is not always appropriate.

Try to be specific. If you tell a client that your proposal can save him money, attach a specific calculation using an example.

If you offer him the opportunity for additional income, do the same - attach calculations.

In this case, these numbers will enhance the effect of the offer itself and “sell” your service better than any words.

THOUGHT #10 - pay due attention to design

What does your potential client do when holding a business proposal in his hands?

He READS it.

Therefore, if you simplify the reading process for him, he will absorb all the information with great attention and pass it through himself.

  • Forget about using long sentences.
  • You will begin to practice small paragraphs (for example, as in this article).
  • Start separating paragraphs from each other with spaces.
  • You will prefer bulleted lists (for example, this list).

Additionally, use highlighting important points in the text. This could be underlining, larger font, bold or color, etc.

And one more thing - a commercial offer, beautifully designed in color, will have more chances.

For example, pick up a beautiful color business card and an ordinary black and white one - which one do you like better?

Therefore, send your clients a commercial proposal in color.

Firstly, it is pleasant to hold in your hands.

Third, it’s a shame to throw it away.

Moreover, it is not so expensive that you would disdain this type of design.

It may be an existing standard, but it can still work wonders. And he does it.

So, the logical structure of the commercial proposal:

1. Intrigue.

2. Formulation of the existing problem.

3. Offering a specific solution to an existing problem.

4. Tangible benefits.

5. Argumentation of tangible benefits.

6. Price formulation.

7. Reasoning for price.

8. Contact information.

In one case or another, a number of items may be removed or swapped. It all depends on the purpose of the proposal, the essence of the proposal and many other factors.

There is another unspoken rule that the main benefit must be stated in the commercial proposal 3 times.

If we start from our structure, this should happen in “intrigue”, “tangible benefit” and “argumentation of tangible benefit”.

There is one more point that I want to note in conclusion.

Everything that was said above applies more to the so-called “cold” commercial offers. That is, those letters that are sent to the manager without a preliminary meeting.

There are also “last minute” commercial offers that are already drawn up upon a personal meeting with a particular client.

They are a VERY EFFECTIVE tool because during personal negotiations you were able to find out the needs of a potential client and clarify what services he is interested in. You could also find out about the criteria on the basis of which he makes a decision on cooperation.

In this case, a “last minute” commercial offer is drawn up personally for a specific client, based on the data received.


If you just want to DISARM your potential client, use your imagination.

Our main character is a seafood restaurant. He needed to attract a wealthy target audience. Let's say an offer to VIPs of the city to spend their birthday in their establishment.

A database of birthdays of such people is being compiled. If you connect ingenuity multiplied by desire, it will be simple.

On the eve of his birthday, a potential VIP client receives a beautiful bottle with a label on which the logo of our restaurant is luxuriously designed. The bottle is sealed with a wooden cap. Through the glass you can see that there is a letter inside.

Letter in a bottle...

The client opens the bottle and reads the beautifully designed commercial proposal.

How much do you think our restaurant's chances of attracting such a customer have increased?

Additionally, you can roughly imagine how many people he will tell about this. As a conclusion, you get excellent additional advertising among representatives of the VIP audience of your city.

P. S. “Never answer a letter until you have received a second one from the same addressee on the same topic” - MICHAEL O'HAGAN

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