Priestess - what is this? The High Priestess in the tarot (popess): the meaning of the upright and inverted card

The High Priestess is such a mysterious Tarot arcan for understanding it in any reading that its meaning will always be not fully clarified. Is it worth it? After all, everything that is under the veil awakens interest and stimulates search. We strive to unravel it, understand it, penetrate it. And yet we remain with the feeling that some relationships are completely incomprehensible - and this is their depth, greatness and extraordinary charm.

Remember the phrase that every woman should have a mystery? But why should it when it exists? Now, if possible, think about yourself, especially about that part of your life that you consciously or unconsciously want to protect, hide, keep private. Because in it, you seem to be saving something for yourself, there you can find yourself again, renew yourself, there you feel calm. This is something so personal that any intrusion into this “territory” may be too sensitive for you.

The High Priestess is a map of inner treasures, which are valuable because only certain people who are very close to you and with whom you develop trust get access to them.

Otherwise, the card seems to be turned upside down - and then all the secrets come out, you are defenseless, you are too open and subject to other people’s opinions and influence, which contributes to the emergence of intrigue, dirt and the loss of virginity of your “personal” territory.

What does the High Priestess mean in the forecast for love and relationships?

  • What they seem to write about in books, but escapes attention when interpreting the card)) This is the most mysterious thing: the card means Woman! And if it falls on the attitude of a man and his feelings: then it will always indicate “cherche la femme” that he has ended up either with you online or with another woman (and that other woman will not necessarily be your rival, it could be a strong mother). A card in layouts for a man always speaks of the presence of a woman whom he, if he does not love, then greatly values ​​and respects. Based on this, so to speak, axiom of the map, I write all subsequent text.

  • In classical interpretations, the card symbolizes platonic love. In the usual understanding, this is a relationship in which there is no physical or sexual contact with a person and at the same time you or he experiences sublime feelings, poetic, pure, deep; spiritual unity. Whereas in an inverted form the card hardens and becomes very physical, material, physical: sexual desire, sex, material interest (self-interest), dependence on everyday life. People are connected by material relations

  • If we talk about the nature of the partner’s actions, then one may get the impression that nothing is happening in the relationship, the person has absolutely no initiative, is passive, secretive, introverted, sensitive or somewhat aloof. It needs to be stimulated, encouraged or led. This is also a relationship that is like the flow of a river: it develops imperceptibly and, looking back, one can state that you have been together for a long time without much stress or intensity, everything happens by itself and in its own time, or somehow sluggishly and too much cold and independent.

  • This may also be a period of calm, calm: when you or a person directs your energy not outside, but inside yourself or relationships; You can even be at a distance from each other; and a reminder that you will have dreams together, intuitive actions (for example, you thought about him, and he immediately calls), premonitions, signs. These relationships will be more incomprehensible and subtler for you than any others.

  • It is worth mentioning the secret that the Priestess symbolizes, so in a relationship you can hide something from each other, for example, your true feelings (even deep and pure ones) or hide and not advertise your relationship to others. Not to the same extent as, for example, the Luna lasso; here there is rather more purity and transparency in the relationship (if the Priestess is straight, of course).

  • As I wrote above, the card means female experience, female wisdom; A close woman will play an important role in the relationship. It could be someone's mother with whom she has a very close connection; sister, wife, daughter, grandmother, friend. The Priestess is a card of an adviser who has strong, often hidden power over your or a person’s feelings.

  • The card also symbolizes virginity and chastity. Both literally and figuratively. Let me explain figuratively: this is such inflexibility and independence from the partner, perhaps even external coldness and politeness, which, by the way, stimulates one to unravel it. After all, it will always seem that the Priestess person is hiding something and this hidden thing is very important and valuable to you.

Features of relationships according to the High Priestess lasso:

  • It is difficult to explain how such relationships begin; there will always be a feeling that you have met something of your own, close, dear. Communication is established instantly; Moreover, the attraction is not of a physical nature, but as if the attraction of souls or hearts. By the way, these relationships can be predicted for you (Priestess is a woman in charge; intuition).
  • The setting of the meeting is appropriate: filled with twilight; unobtrusive, located or a place where various services are provided. Everything seems to be participating, guiding, helping you meet each other. These may also be conditions related to the acquisition or transfer of knowledge; maybe a very beautiful place, untouched by civilization; or a place of power and heightened spirituality. On the reversed Priestess - a place to satisfy physical needs (for example, a cafe, nightclub, etc.). By the way, a woman can facilitate the meeting; or it may happen near water or a spring.

  • Relationships develop as if on their own. Any desire to rush yourself or a person will encounter obstacles. Remember, there is an expression that the boat of love crashed in everyday life? The Priestess symbolizes the boat of Love, the river along which it floats, and the very way of life in relationships. The same comfort of coexistence: if straight, then spiritual comfort, if inverted, the desire for material and physical comfort to the detriment of feelings.

  • A card in combinations (for example, with the Empress, the Sun, the Emperor, some fours and tens of the Tarot) can also symbolize marriage, and, rather, subsequent family life, in which a woman is involved in everyday life, housekeeping and arranging the lives of her loved ones, often becoming a housewife.

  • Another alternative to family life is a platonic romance between people, which they do not advertise. Their acquaintance could have taken place a very long time ago, and they themselves could have families, and keep feelings for another person all their lives; at the same time, you can periodically communicate with the one you love without possessing them physically or physically. This is a very deep contact, even if you do not live together and have different realities.

  • In this relationship (on the High Priestess), female initiations go well. From your first period to the relationship in which you lose your virginity and become a Woman. To those relationships when you get married and take care of the house, household, becoming a devoted wife, mother and colleague; and until the moment when you become a grandmother (great-grandmother) - knowledgeable, in charge, wise. The Priestess, along with the Emperor lasso, symbolizes the need for self-actualization, power and authority. Only female power: invisible, hidden, informal.

  • On this map, as for me, relationships do not end at all, they only break off, fade away or subside for a while. The connection between people is too strong. Perhaps, only if there are arcana of completion, an end nearby, can we talk about it.

Woman in these relationships it is divided into 2 types, which can flow into one another. There is also a third type (more about it below). The first type is the Virgo Woman (no matter how old she is). Here, virginity is only a symbol of independence from male influence and inner purity. When you live a more spiritual and more lonely life, engaged in Service to other people (but not just one man).

The second type of Guardian Woman is when you become such an invisible and unnoticeable support and serve for a man. Your efforts are enormous and may be slightly underestimated. You have informal power in relationships.

The third type - on the inverted Priestess - is a prostitute or an evil witch. Since the card in this position becomes too material, and the person is driven by personal selfish or selfish motives in relationships; or filled with negative feelings, mainly strong resentment or hidden aggression.

Let's summarize:

  • A woman acts unobtrusively, as if from the shadows, and at the same time has enormous influence on a man;
  • She can show her inner independence from a man;
  • Full of mysteries;
  • Has a rich inner world;
  • Engaged in Service: to the world (God), or to man;
  • She has strong intuition, the gift of clairvoyance and healing.
  • Becomes a Sage, a Knower.

man-The Priestess can be compared to the Magician in terms of subtle knowledge of the psychology of a woman, the difference is that outwardly he is passive and can be helpful. You are more likely to approach him than he is to approach you. Although, if you think about it, it’s quite possible that he wanted this just as much as you did, and made sure that you read his thoughts.

These are psychic men, they are capable of deep and strong attachments; the issue of sex is not a priority for them (except when the card is turned upside down or the corresponding arcana are nearby). He senses you perfectly at any distance. There is a mystery in him, a lot of hidden things, a certain alienation + the guidance of a close woman (mother, wife, sister, etc.) that dominates him.

  • The man is poetic, spiritual, helpful and receptive;
  • Dependent on a close woman;
  • Has something to hide;
  • Psychic and psychologist;
  • He manages the house well, loves to eat well;
  • Passive, goes with the flow, feminine;
  • Looks inaccessible.

The High Priestess card as advice in love and relationships

There is such a state of Flow: the Flow of Love, the feeling of the flow of Life - when you, without participating and without straining, are even more strongly involved. Since the card is connected with water and the Moon with its biorhythms, my advice to you is to be in the flow, go with the flow; live in accordance with the rhythms of this Universe.

How to do this, especially in a relationship that you want to adjust to yourself? Relax and let go of the reins. Allow life to finish something for you. Let everything happen by itself. And you guide, subtly, lightly, with a subtle movement of thought or expression of feelings.

Trust, be pure and frank with yourself first. And also set healthy boundaries with people: protect your intimate space from the invasion of strangers and everything alien to your nature. Let your intuition guide you.

Try to serve a person, not as a servant, but as a Mother does for her child or Nature or the Universe itself - of course, easily, calmly, with Love. Don’t interfere or interfere with other people’s lives with your charter.

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Interpretation of the tarot priestess (pope) in the upright position

Availability of knowledge and skills to resolve issues. The answer is not on the surface; you need to be smart and persistent. Don't talk too much, stay calm. Getting what you want through wisdom, the ability to reveal secrets, patience.

  • foresight, reason, spiritual wisdom, clarity, understanding
  • science, education, knowledge
  • secrets, unknown future, silence
  • prudence, ability to know, ability to learn and teach, mystery, art
  • there may be secrets that will be revealed in due time
  • woman interested in the Questioner
  • supernatural, mystical abilities

The appearance of the Nun (Priestess, Pope) tarot card in a reading speaks of common sense and self-confidence. For the Questioner - more for his heart and intuition than for his head and mind - the Priestess (Popes) card should be a leader in making an important decision. Depending on the alignment, this guidance may come from another person intending to help the person. The map also indicates some hidden facts that affect a person’s condition at the moment. The position in the chart indicates possible areas of such influence.

Tarot card Nun (Priestess, Pope) is a symbol of intuition, creation, understanding, deep knowledge. The card can talk about the influence on a woman’s situation, indicating that newfound knowledge will help solve existing problems.

Interpretation of the tarot priestess (pope) in an inverted position

Error, ignorance, delusion. Emotional imbalance, poor judgment. Fear of making a choice. Beware of vanity, self-confidence, and excessive display of emotions.

  • rejected opportunities, lack of foresight
  • ignorance, superficial knowledge, passivity, conceit
  • inability to clearly judge objects and events
  • clouded thinking, judgment, one-sidedness
  • reluctance or fear to make decisions
  • physical desire for intimacy

The reversed Nun (Priestess, Pope) tarot card signifies a lack of spiritual wisdom and problems arising from failure to follow the right course. Under some circumstances, this leads to failure to realize one's potential and suppression of emotions.

The inverted Nun card (Priestess, Pope) warns against excessive manifestations of emotions, irrational, thoughtless actions. A reversed card signifies superficial knowledge, arrogance, ignorance and arrogance. Another meaning of the card is physiological passion. For a man, the card hints at a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Description of the map

Nun (Priestess, Pope) - a female figure, sitting or standing. If standing, holds a staff and points somewhere into the distance; if sitting, he often holds an open book, symbolizing the divine law that governs the order of the universe. The costume can change, but if she is dressed, she wears a crown with a crescent moon (or some variation of it) on her head.

In most tarot decks, the Nun (Priestess, Pope) stands or sits between two pillars or columns; one column is usually black, the other white. This theme is repeated in other Major Arcana cards.

You may decide that the columns symbolize good and evil, light and darkness, truth and lies. But it is better to consider them as a portal, and the figure as a Guardian of the Gate. To pass through the gate, you do not need to destroy or appease the Guardian. You need to become what she is.

Tarot card Nun (Priestess, Pope) means divine wisdom. She is simultaneously a goddess, a mother, a protector, and a mentor. Unlike the Magician (Wizard), who uses his art to manipulate the world, the Nun (Priestess, Pope) exists to protect and teach, not to rule. She understands how the world works, and it is this understanding, and not power over dark forces, that is the goal and essence of her existence.

The essence of this card is wisdom, understanding of the laws underlying the universe.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

Tarot card The Nun (Priestess, Pope) knows the way and is ready to guide you if you decide to go. You yourself are also capable of leading others along the right path. But the Nun (Priestess, Pope) must be careful. You should not worry too much about the happiness of others and neglect your own capabilities.

If you choose the true path of spiritual growth, then the Tarot Nun (High Priestess, Pope) is your second step. She understands how the world works and what moves things. And she uses her understanding to nourish, teach and protect.

This tarot card represents the ability to understand and interpret the word of God - an understanding of the highest law and the best use of our intellectual abilities.

Being the personification of the divine law, the Nun of the Tarot (High Priestess, Pope) is the embodiment of it or that measure of it that is understandable to mortals. She is the feminine creative force, the mother of wisdom, the feminine aspect of God. It teaches that the knowledge you seek is within you, in your subconscious. To achieve it, you need to bypass your consciousness, not heed the temptation of your sensual and vain nature.

Note, however, that while the goals of the Nun (High Priestess, Pope) may be considered more valuable (and less selfish) than those of the Magician, the seeker of knowledge should not stop here. Nun Tarot (High Priestess, Pope) is a creature who spends her energy to educate and teach others. This is what limits her ability to grow spiritually.

The second major arcana is called “The High Priestess”. Sometimes this card is called by other names, such as: "Nun", "Isis" or "Popesses". In the image itself we see a mysterious girl who sits between 2 columns of black and white, with a ripe pomegranate growing behind her back. Its entire nature and essence already brings us a certain mystery and riddle, as if challenging whether we can solve it and whether we are ready for this solution.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    The second lasso has its own internal meaning. He is equated with the ancient Greek goddess Hecate, who was the patron of Vision, night, magic, divination and secrets. Hecate is a female goddess, and it was women who prayed to her when they needed her protection and help.

    In particular, if you received a card in a personal scenario, this means a secret, mysticism, a riddle in your life. Perhaps there is something ahead of you, but for now it is hidden behind a veil of secrecy, and your time has not yet come to open this curtain. This map is as deep as Isis herself is mystically depicted on the map. The 6th sense is what can be said about her, and that she has this sense that is most developed. She has clairvoyance, prediction, instinct, a sense of connection with other worlds, and this is not a fairy tale at all, but real life, in which she really lives.

    Sometimes, the card may represent a certain woman in your life. For example, a sister, mother, rival, wife or just an acquaintance.

    Meaning of the card in the upright position

    This card itself is a mystery and mysticism. If you are destined to find out your upcoming secrets, then they will definitely be revealed to you, but if not, then you should wait and look at the neighboring arcana. Or maybe it’s not your secret at all?

    The main meanings of the card are wisdom, understanding, hints, strength, comprehension of the mysteries and learning. When a card falls out, you need to listen not only to your inner feelings, but also look at the world around you more carefully. Perhaps there have been clues and hints there for a long time that you simply do not notice. Perhaps there is already an answer to a question or situation from which you have been looking for a way out for a long time.

    Pay attention to your surroundings. If the Priestess card has already fallen to you, it means that there is some kind of secret next to you, even mystical influence. Knowing this will help and guide you to the right decision and choice.

    In a reading, this card shows that soon some new information or force will come to light, which we cannot hide, hold back or do anything with. This will help us look at everything from a new angle and understand what exactly was wrong or wrong.

    The High Priestess is exactly the card that shows us that the time for learning has come and soon you will say - “I knew it all!” This is true. It’s just that everything that was hidden from you earlier, from your understanding and perception, is now available to you, and you can safely use new knowledge.

    State of consciousness and lesson for self-development

    The High Priestess points out the talents of the questioner, his capabilities and potential. You have a gift, you can feel the onset of certain situations and moments, sometimes you get trembling and goosebumps. Sound familiar? Then this is about you. You have an unusual talent that needs to be developed and maintained.
    The High Priestess, in a personal situation, indicates your talents and abilities for divination, visions, magic and various spiritual practices. You need to go inside yourself for a while and start exploring your hidden potentials and capabilities.

    You have to stop chasing things. Now sit quietly and wait for the answer, because it will come to you, and for this you don’t need to do anything. The Priestess card shows your solitude with yourself, with the inner worlds and the outer one as well. It shows that you need to combine everything: soul, mind and body into a single whole and listen to new sensations. Perhaps the answer that will come to you will not only help solve the situation, but will also give impetus to new growth and a new stage in your life.

    Perhaps the time has come for you to plunge into the world of the occult and esoteric in order to realize yourself and your purpose. Your time has come to learn, but calmly and smoothly, without jerks or sudden actions. All new knowledge should calmly settle into your consciousness, revealing each new secret gradually and smoothly.

    The second meaning of the card is the presence of some secret in your life now, a secret. Something is hidden from you in a mystical way, preventing you from seeing the full picture and realizing everything that is happening. Don't worry, in due time this secret will be revealed and the pieces of the picture will come together.

    If the card falls upside down, then several meanings are possible. In a personal scenario, this suggests that you are incapable of experiences, sincerity, and sensuality. You are often ignorant and impatient. In addition, you often deny the obvious, close your eyes to something, and deny what you know and see. You are afraid to take a step forward, and because of this you yourself suffer, because in this case your situation simply will not be resolved.

    The card may also mean that you often rely on the mercy of fate, in the expectation that everything will resolve itself, without your participation. And the current situation requires an active solution.
    The reversed High Priestess denotes a lack of knowledge, your obvious arrogance, and arrogance. In addition, you try to avoid situations where you need to show feelings. You are quite harsh and dry towards other people's feelings.

    In career, work and finances

    Arkan shows us a promising and strong person who is used to achieving his goals and developing his potential. At the same time, he does everything calmly, slowly and with comprehension of his actions, which accordingly brings him results 2-3 times greater than expected.

    When a card comes up for work, we can say that the person was in the right place at the right time, and everything really turned out well.

    If you look, careerists with the High Priestess card are people who are most often associated with science and education. They are able to teach and transfer their deep knowledge to other people. These are also people who are attracted to the spiritual world and their self-development.

    Financially, people are quite reasonable and tend to make excellent decisions thanks to their strong intuition.

    Additionally, the person who receives the High Priestess shows how they personally love to learn and grow. Not only in everyday life, but also spiritually. For him, this is already a kind of career, only internal.

    The inverted Priestess only shows that there are too many secrets, hidden motives and mysteries in life now. You need to wait patiently for time in order to understand the meaning of all the secrets. You need to look inside, understand yourself, understand what is happening to you. Otherwise, you will drown in your own feelings and emotions, which will prevent you from working productively.

    The card also shows capriciousness and dryness of character, restlessness and uncertainty in one’s desires, which can affect the course of one’s work and career.

    In love and relationships

    In relationships, the Priestess shows and reveals herself with full power. She shows all her deep affection and love for her partner. She can sense and feel him very well. This is really strong and strong love, which is not only connected by bonds, but also by spiritual forces. Your love is under the protection of the Supreme. True, sometimes this love can only be directed one-sidedly.

    If at the moment you are alone and you have no one, then this is necessary. You need to realize and love yourself. Discover your full potential and inner strengths that have been dormant for so many years. The card means that it is in this state that we now feel good and comfortable.

    The card of the High Priestess itself is considered not a love card at the everyday level. She is too open to knowledge and inner discoveries to waste her time with relationships with other people.
    If she chose someone, then this choice was based on many factors, strong analysis. After all, with such a strong and deeply developed person, there should be someone equal to him next to him. At the same time, she herself is very restrained, balanced and knows what she wants. This is a calm and reasonable partner.

    In the inverted version, the card indicates imbalance and lack of harmony in the partner, which can lead to problems, quarrels and breakups. Also, perhaps you don't know what you really want from your partner, and these thoughts are gnawing at you. After all, usually everything is deep and meaningful for you, but now there is emptiness and ignorance. This can be very frustrating for you, and in this case you are ready to do nothing and just wait for the outcome.

    Characteristics of the lasso in the upright position

    1. Spiritual strength.
    2. Mystery, secret, plan.
    3. Harmony, calm, equilibrium and balance.
    4. Feminine.
    5. Spiritual strength.
    6. Openness.
    7. Learning and the ability to learn.
    8. Exploring yourself and your potential.
    9. Mystical abilities and power.
    10. Reason and spiritual wisdom.
    11. Virginity and purity.

    Interpretation in an inverted position

    The Priestess card, reversed, denotes the revelation of secrets, the lifting of the veil, the making public, the awareness of the previously unknown. That is, the map finally shows that the time has come to reveal all the secrets and mysteries.

    Another extreme is also possible, when you are too rational and prefer to solve your problems, completely ignoring your inner state, your feelings and desires.

    The card clearly shows: what you are doing now is not to your liking. You are minding your own business, and that is why you are unhappy. You want one thing, but do something completely different. The inverted Priestess speaks of an internal crisis.

    The lasso may also indicate a magical effect on you, if such a question was asked, other cards may indicate the nature of such an effect.

    In a personal scenario, it means a lack of intuition and a desire to go with the flow. It can also mean sexual lack of demand for a woman, which can be harmful to health. These may be diseases that can harm health during childbirth. For men, these are problematic relationships with women.

    In addition, the inverted card shows the character of a person, namely the desire to get comfortable for himself at the expense of other people.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Fear of something new.
    2. Fear of the unknown.
    3. Reluctance and fear to make decisions.
    4. The habit of going with the flow.
    5. Ignorance, superficial knowledge, arrogance.
    6. Passivity, foggy thinking.
    7. Vanity, loss of virginity.
    8. Not enough attention, sensitivity, empathy.
    9. Secret enemies and ill-wishers.

    No matter where the card falls, it signifies mystery and a hidden agenda. Whether it’s a long journey or today, a veil of secrecy follows you everywhere. And to open it you need to wait a little, or just take a step towards your destiny.

    Professions and areas of activity

    Artist. Esoteric. Artist. Poet. Scientific figure. Priest. Monk. Healer. Astrologer. Tarot reader. Psychotherapist. Psychologist. A person who has a strong and powerful influence on others.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 2, then the Quintessence will be the High Priestess. TAROT advice is: patiently watch the situation develop and be ready to act when your inner voice tells you so.

    In contact with

    Main meaning of the card

    Straight position

    The priestess symbolizes developed intuition, a sense of the urges of the inner voice. The Priestess in the reading reminds you of the need to act slowly, take a wait-and-see attitude and let events take their course.

    This Arcanum in certain situations quite definitely indicates developed extrasensory abilities (with the Hierophant or the Hermit) and the ability to see pictures of the future (especially if the Star Arcanum falls nearby). However, this does not always mean that they are conscious and clearly felt.

    The priestess is also a deep understanding of the fact that not everything can be understood and accepted from the standpoint of logic and the notorious common sense. Such a card speaks of a correct understanding of the relativity and absoluteness of truths and what ordinary people consider unshakable.

    And, in addition, this Arcanum can be proof that there is some secret or classified information that cannot be revealed at the moment, which is not possible to obtain. With the Sun, this means that subsequently everything will open up and become clear.

    Inverted position

    In an inverted position, the Priestess can mean unfounded fantasies, unwillingness to make decisions and a tendency towards fatalism. If a person gets this Arcana upside down, it means that he is inclined to rely too much on the mercy of fate, to hope for a miracle.

    A priestess in an inverted position can also indicate the danger of temptation. For example, together with the Seven of Cups, this card symbolizes an interest in perverted forms of pleasure; with the Jester - talkativeness and inability to keep secrets.

    Love and relationships

    Straight position

    When divining relationships, the priestess says that between the people on whom the alignment is being made there is a very deep emotional connection (for example, with the Ace of Cups), a strong attachment (especially with the Nine of Cups). However, depending on the specifics of the alignment, this Arcanum may imply one-sided direction, that is, only one person is attached to another.

    When divining love, the priestess indicates mutual trust between partners. In addition: A Priestess with the Three of Cups means a long-awaited explanation or proposal of marriage, with a Six of Cups - an irresistible physical attraction to a partner.

    Inverted position

    The inverted Priestess indicates too much emotionality or, on the contrary, emotions suppressed for various reasons, as well as unfounded fears and uncertainty about the promising future of existing or about to arise relationships. Very typically, this situation manifests itself in combination with the Page of Cups. The priestess inverted can also mean the fact that a person is not going to take a single step towards his partner, preferring to simply wait. The Four of Swords especially accurately indicates a wait-and-see attitude.


    Straight position

    In occupational charts, the Priestess symbolizes a talented person with a subtle artistic taste (which can be indicated, say, by the presence of the Knight of Cups nearby). Such people usually solve any problems patiently, putting their soul into them and listening to advice from others and their own intuition.

    And also, if the Priestess appears in the reading, this most likely means that the one for whom the fortune is being told will manage to be in the right place at the right moment.

    Inverted position

    The priestess in an inverted position in such scenarios is evidence that the situation is full of hidden motives and circumstances that are not possible to judge objectively, at least at the time of fortune telling. At the same time, the nearby Two of Wands will indicate the machinations of competitors, the Five of Wands will indicate that they are trying to “hook” you.

    A person who has an inverted Priestess is probably experiencing (has experienced or will experience) problems due to whims, uncertainty, doubts of his own or those of others.

    Observe yourself, those around you, and the situation. You know exactly what and when to do. But perhaps you don’t realize this yet. Until you understand your own feelings, do not allow yourself to act rashly, fuss or rush things. Even if it begins to seem to you that everything has finally fallen into place and fell into place, act without haste and judiciously. In short, hurry slowly.

    Fortune telling in the modern world is becoming a popular phenomenon. Everyone treats this action differently: some consider it a joke, others are afraid. And still others take it seriously and try to follow the advice received from cards or coffee grounds in everything.

    The High Priestess is a card that you need to learn to interpret

    But regardless of your attitude towards fortune telling, in order to get the desired answers, you must be able to interpret the cards. At least such as the Emperor, Empress, Popess and other major arcana.

    Tarot deck

    There are a total of 78 cards in the deck. Most of them are the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana govern the entire fortune-telling process, although there are fewer of them.

    Each card shows and describes a person's life. His principles, experience, secret and obvious desires, fears. All possible situations in the near future, his actions and actions. At the same time, the Arcana give advice. Whether to listen to them or not depends only on the person.

    The 22 paintings depict all possible types of people and their vices, religions and cultures. Some of them may have more than one name, but several. Let's get acquainted with the 2nd Arcana - the Priestess, who has two more names.

    Description of the Priestess card

    The picture shows a nun or priestess. There are columns on both sides of it. The woman holds a mysterious scroll in her hands.

    Tarot 2 has several names: Priestess, Popess, Gate of the Sanctuary. He is patronized by the Moon, so the card itself is mysterious, alluring, but also dangerous.

    Tarot Popessa in the fortune-telling process denotes a woman. Although it acts as a symbol of secrets. What it is in the layout can only be suggested by nearby cards and suits.

    She plays with a person, makes him look at everything through the mirror. See everything in a different light. Women are better at solving the Priestess's riddles than men. Whatever one may say, premonitions or a sixth sense are more developed among the weaker sex.

    The second Arcana requires attention to all the little things. Therefore, in order to interpret it correctly, you need to connect your abilities to see, hear and build a logical series. You should be confident in your abilities and abilities to predict the future. The scroll held by the Priestess holds the secrets of the universe.

    The High Priestess holds a scroll that keeps the secrets of the universe

    The main meaning of the Tarot card The High Priestess is secret knowledge, wisdom, the ability to discover the sacraments, teach how to act, and understand. When reading the Gates of the Sanctuary, the card speaks of information that has been hidden from everyone, but will soon be released to everyone. Only then will it be possible to look at what is happening with the fortuneteller from a completely different perspective.

    Draw a conclusion after revealing the secrets. You should accept what will happen calmly. Another meaning in the scenario can be the concept of withdrawing into yourself, starting to think before you do anything, finding peace in your thoughts. The priestess suggests that only reasoning can lead a person to the right actions and decisions. There's no hurry.

    Card meaning

    The uniqueness of the card is not only that it points to a specific woman or secret. Its appearance speaks of the fortuneteller’s initiation into secrets that will become fateful. It is not enough to recognize, realize and accept. The next stage is to learn how to apply it in practice.

    It may be that a certain woman will appear in your environment who has divination abilities. She will teach you how to process the information received and reveal secrets and secret knowledge. Any lie will be revealed thanks to her ability to use intuition.

    And also the second Arcana of the Tarot gives a hint that they are treating you dishonestly and insincerely. But all this will be revealed very soon.

    Sanctuary Gate and Reversed Meaning

    Oddly enough, this Arcanum does not carry any negativity in an inverted position.

    If the Priestess fell out exactly like this, then this is evidence that the fortuneteller has finally ended the period of waiting and thinking about what is happening. Now he is able to actively act, live and take measures to correct situations. Perhaps mysteries and secrets will be revealed that everyone will know about.

    For women, the inverted position of the Pope indicates disinterest in her as a sexual object among the opposite sex. This means that it is urgent to take measures to restore your beauty, figure and health.

    The High Priestess in an inverted position also tells the pregnant woman about a difficult birth

    For a pregnant woman - a difficult birth. The meaning of two also fits here, as the impossibility and lack of desire to be close to the opposite sex. The meaning of the Tarot card for men in this position can be a signal of disharmony and reluctance to communicate with the weaker sex.

    If the question was about the possible use of women for their own purposes, then this is unlikely to happen. If we take the general meaning, then the man himself is very stingy with feelings and either does not want to accept tenderness, care and love from others, or has other inclinations (severity, cruelty, no emotions).

    Financial breakdown

    Since the Priestess is connected with the world of science and creativity, she brings good luck to those who are connected with this. True, the Pope in an upright position also favors and brings good luck to other professions.

    If the fortuneteller is related to extrasensory perception, healing, creativity, or is a simple teacher, rest assured, the card indicates that you are obliged to help people open their eyes, expand their knowledge and improve their potential. Such people are entrusted with a mission - to reveal secrets, and in return you will receive new knowledge, a position, and a salary increase. True, there is one caveat: no matter how much is received, the money will scatter to nowhere.


    Taking a look at relationships, we can say that peace and order will reign everywhere and with everyone. In a relationship with a loved one: consent and pleasure from communication. It may be that your couple is trying to copy the heroes of books and films, but this cannot be called a negative phenomenon. Unless your partner is playing too much.

    The situation is different if the layout was made for a man. There are several meanings here:

    • feminine character;
    • if there are cards with a negative connotation, there is a mistress.

    If fortune telling was carried out for a couple, then this is evidence that there is love and understanding in the relationship, they have found each other. These are halves of one whole.

    Health plan

    For such layouts, the Pope saved several meanings in the Tarot:

    • imminent pregnancy;
    • a person can practice healing;
    • possible diseases associated with hormones;
    • problems with nerves.

    The High Priestess in a health situation - perhaps there will be problems with nerves

    The inverted position has only two designations. Most often, this indicates that some kind of magical ritual was performed on the fortuneteller. Less often - exacerbation of chronic diseases that cannot be identified.

    Combination with other cards

    In order for the alignment to be considered valid, you cannot focus on each Arcana. You should also look at their combination. This way you can not only see the situation, but also get advice.

    If two Major Arcana fall out and the alignment is not personal, then there may be the following interpretation options:

    1. The Priestess and the Priest (Magician) indicate that the relationship between spouses or partners is built on deception. Such dishonesty can lead to serious consequences if not stopped in time.
    2. The High Priestess of the Tarot in combination with the Devil has the saddest meaning in each of the layouts. Rituals and other magical actions are constantly performed on the fortuneteller. Because of this, conflicts arise at work, at home, with friends. Financial collapse and emptiness. Illness, loss, and maybe death.
    3. If the Pope lay down next to the World or the Empress, then this is evidence of an addition to the family. But together with the Tower - abortion or premature birth.
    4. The Priestess, in combination with other Tarot cards, carries negative information, but if the Sun is nearby, then we can say with confidence that everything that was predicted bad will lose its meaning. In extreme cases, the cards will not affect or change a person’s life radically.

    If the Priestess has concentrated the Minor Arcana around herself.

    Suit of Wands

    1. With a deuce, the Popess hints about the fulfillment of desires.
    2. With an A - predicts quarrels and unpleasant conversations. Although you should always take away new knowledge and skills from everything. Learn to see, feel and think.
    3. With a seven - a person will soon enter your life who knows some of your secrets; there may be blackmail on his part.
    4. With a ten - the card symbolizes a retreat from your goal, which will be associated with the disapproval of loved ones.
    5. Together with the Knight of Wands, the Gates of the Sanctuary calm and make it clear that there is nothing and no one to fear. There are no enemies.
    6. In combination with the Queen of Wands, the alignment indicates that soon all the secrets associated with the chosen profession will be revealed to the fortuneteller.

    Chalice Suit

    1. Three plus Priestess suggests that it’s time to seek help to recover from addiction.
    2. With an A, you will soon learn some unpleasant news.
    3. If the client has been hiding something for a long time and was embarrassed by it, but 6 cups fell out in the scenario, then the phrase “everything secret becomes clear” is appropriate here.
    4. Nine serves as a warning to be careful and not share the secrets of your family’s well-being with strangers.
    5. In combination with the Ten of Cups, the Priestess indicates the acquisition of true mutual understanding in personal life, partners will begin to listen to each other. Happiness will come to the house.
    6. With the queen - a person who is guessed at, does not want to reveal his inner world, he is quite comfortable in solitude. Excessive pressure from others can lead to a quarrel with this person.

    Suit of Cup with Queen - a person is comfortable being alone

    Swords and Priestess

    1. With the King - the person you like very much has the character of a despot.
    2. With the queen - either meeting a woman who destroyed your marriage, or a female person will appear in your environment who will try with all her might to destroy everything you have created (reputation, career, business).
    3. With a knight, the fortuneteller will be made clear that the information he wants to achieve is secret and if the person continues to look for the essence, then he will have big problems.
    4. With nine, information will appear in a person’s life that he will be forced to hide from everyone. But this burden will be so heavy that it will deprive a person of sleep and peace.


    1. In combination with four or ten - an increase in material wealth, a possible inheritance, and profit in everything and always.
    2. With an eight, you can expect a promotion or a new position. As a last resort, raising qualifications.
    3. If the King lies nearby, success in relationships, love, business, and work definitely awaits you.
    4. In combination with the Page, the card indicates that the moment will soon come when it will be necessary to prove yourself, to show all your talents. If you do this, then only success will await you in the future on your life’s path.

    The Priestess alone is not able to fully answer the question asked or describe the situation; you always need to look at its combination with other cards.

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