Knight of Pentacles in Tarot. With the suit of swords. Knight of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in relationships

One of the most stable and practical cards in the deck is the Knight of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of which we will consider today. This court Arcanum belongs to the element of earth, which means that it will fully manifest itself in earthly affairs and work. Do not be afraid to interpret figured cards - a systematic study of the Arcanum and all its manifestations, especially in certain areas of life, will smoothly lead you to an intuitive understanding of the interpretation. And now, like a true Knight of Pentacles, let's focus on work - and hit the road!

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

First let's look at other names for this earthly horseman. He is also called the Prince of Disks (in the Tarot of Thoth), Knight of Coins, Horseman of Denarii and Lord of the Wild Fertile Lands. However, all these names themselves come to mind when looking at the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck. This is a knight in a red robe, sitting on a black horse, the harness of which matches the rider’s clothing in color. The knight holds a pentacle in his hands, which he holds confidently and firmly. In the background there is a landscape quite typical for the elements of the Earth - picturesque nature, green grass, blue water, brown hills and, in the very distance, tree crowns. It is immediately clear that the rider is primarily overcome by earthly concerns - labor, work for results. We do not observe any romantic impulses in this knight, so we can say that he is a realist.

Keywords and ideas for the Knight of Disks card in a reading

Let's try to select key expressions that fully characterize the meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot:

  • Perseverance, patience, methodicalness
  • Hard work
  • Self-confidence
  • Responsibility, integrity, diligence
  • Clear, precise tasks that need to be solved without putting them off for later
  • Favorable prospects, subject to high-quality performance of your duties
  • Absorption in work
  • Improving your skills
  • Ability to control yourself
  • Reliability

Meaning of the Knight of Denarii in the upright position

So, if we put together all the key expressions that were used to describe the Arcana, we will see that the meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles is, first of all, work - clear, stable, high-quality, aimed at a specific result. This work can manifest itself in any area of ​​life. It is important to understand that the Knight shows all his best qualities because he sees a specific goal in front of him and strives towards it with all his might. We can’t say that the result will be quick, but it will definitely happen, the main thing is not to stop, not to be lazy, and not to give up your responsibilities. This is exactly what our Horseman Denariev does. At the same time, the very thing he is doing may not be to his liking, but he understands why he does what he does.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The Reverse Knight is tired and he just wants to take it and leave everything. This fatigue can manifest itself in abandonment, failure to complete the assigned task, unreliability, indifference to the work that has to be done, and negligence. The inverted Horseman no longer sees the goal to which he needs to go, so all activity seems meaningless to him. Under this card there may be loss of a job, an indication that the person is a simple man in the street, unable to set any goals for himself, idleness, apathy, laziness, moral fatigue, or simply a state of protracted routine, everyday life, from which, it seems, there is no way out.

Video about the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles card

The meaning of the card in readings for relationships and love

The meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot in relationships - what will it be? What will a hardworking, responsible and reliable rider tell us?

Straight position

If we are talking about describing a partner, then the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in love is a slightly boring, down-to-earth person who cares primarily about some everyday issues, and not about feelings. At the same time, he values ​​the intimate component of relationships and fidelity. Devotion is generally his strong point, so at the slightest hint of betrayal, he is able to arrange a wild scene of jealousy for his loved one. At the same time, “emotional betrayal” worries him little, and if his partner has not slept with another person, he will not be jealous. But sex on the side will never be forgiven for anything. In fact, the Knight of the Earth is very practical in everyday life, strictly fulfills all family responsibilities, so he makes a very reliable marriage partner, however, the desire for financial stability and clear, systematic management of “earthly” affairs may seem too boring to many. Another meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in relationships is a kind of routine, monotony, although quite stable. Sometimes the map shows contractual marriages or excessive interest of one party in the material component of the relationship.

Inverted position

An indecisive, inhibited, apathetic partner who does not want to try for the sake of his other half, or a person who is simply tired of the continuous “everyday life” in a relationship. Also, under the reverse Knight there can be quarrels between lovers over money, or one of the couple’s fixation on some physical aspect, for example, on a healthy lifestyle or sports training.

The meaning of the Horseman of Coins in health readings

Let's consider how the card manifests itself if we diagnose a person's health or simply ask about his well-being at a given moment in time.

Straight position

Endurance, good health, consistently good health, allowing a person to do any activity without problems, including physical labor. Good physical shape, good sleep, proper nutrition.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot in an inverted position is primarily an indicator of emotional burnout or health problems caused by overstrain, fatigue, and excessive stress. The map can also reflect conditions such as professional injuries (for example, in athletes), stomach upsets, headaches and other troubles that may appear due to nervousness or overwork.

The meaning of the card in personality analysis and psychological state readings

Although this court Arcanum itself has little to do with emotions and psychology, it is, of course, worth considering its significance in this area. Who knows exactly when it will appear in your reading?

Straight position

A hardworking, responsible, very practical person, for whom work and the financial component always come first. He is very patient, always weighs the pros and cons before making an important decision, is straightforward, and pedantic. Can be hard to climb. It is extremely difficult to get him out of his temper. On the psychological plane, the card means that a person is immersed in some important matter for him, when the entire world around him simply ceases to exist.

Inverted position

Unreliable, stingy with emotions, impatient, lazy person. About such a person we can say that either he is simply an inveterate lazy person, or a convinced dogmatist, for whom there are only two opinions - his own and the wrong one. State of mind - loss of direction, emotional fatigue or a strong reluctance to do anything at all to build one’s own life.

The meaning of the card when divining for professional activities

Let's move on to analyzing the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in work.

Straight position

An excellent card for the area of ​​​​professional activity, since the element of Earth awarded this Horseman with the best qualities for a successful career. Possible interpretations: a serious, professional approach to business, the ability to organize oneself and one’s work, a realistic view of methods of achieving a goal, slow but sure advancement up the career ladder, finances received in full, but not immediately, honest earnings. Arkan's professions are technical specialties, the activities of mechanics, engineers, people working with equipment, as well as work related to land, agriculture, and architecture.

Inverted position

Negligence, laziness, absolute inability to work according to a given schedule, irresponsibility, lack of professionalism, reluctance to achieve anything in the professional field and, as a result, financial losses, instability of financial situation.

The meaning of the Horseman of Coins in combination with the Major Arcana

Each court card can change its interpretation when other Arcana are nearby. Now we will consider possible interpretations of combinations of the Knight of Denarii with Tarot Trumps.

  • : Step into the unknown
  • : Show caution
  • : Gradual insight
  • : Progress coming slowly but surely
  • : Strengthening your position at home and at work
  • : Mental effort
  • : Choices made with care
  • : Trying to move a “mountain”
  • : Show stubbornness, perseverance
  • : Rely only on your own strengths
  • : Smooth changes
  • : Seek justice
  • : Stubbornness leading to a dead end
  • : Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot with Death - Pointless attempts to resist what is happening
  • : The result will be worth the wait
  • : Laziness, idleness
  • : Get overextended
  • Star: Choosing your path
  • Moon: Fall into illusions
  • Sun: Advancement towards understanding
  • Court: Experience relief
  • World: Getting to the goal

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

So, we talked about the mutual influence of the card in its proximity to the Major Arcana. Now let's look at the numerical and figurative Arcana.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Slowly moving forward
  • : Forced stopover
  • : To get results you need to make an effort
  • : Heroism
  • : Getting distracted by trifles
  • : Persevere towards your goal
  • : Attempts to mislead
  • : “Like a stone off my shoulders”
  • : The final challenge to overcome
  • : Health problems
  • : Desire to start something new
  • : Exciting adventures
  • : Take control of your life
  • King: Meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot with the King of Staves - Entrepreneurship

With the suit of Cups

  • : Confidence in feelings
  • : Stable relationship
  • : Preparation for the holiday
  • : Tired of effort
  • : Regret over wasted effort
  • : Tarot combination Knight of Pentacles-6 of Cups - Perseverance shown in the past
  • : The right motivation
  • : Search for a new approach
  • : Achieve everything with your own work
  • : Stable life, taking care of the needs of the family
  • : Dream big
  • : Feel like you belong
  • : Practical advice from a woman close to you
  • : Practical advice from a close man

With the suit of Swords

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:

  1. the middle of a difficult path, of any undertaking;
  2. reliability;
  3. luck, luck (sometimes);
  4. endurance;
  5. subsequence;
  6. slow progress;
  7. lack of passion;
  8. patience;
  9. “policy of small steps”;
  10. tender sensuality in relationships;
  11. logical continuation of the situation;
  12. new people and experiences;
  13. restlessness, energy;
  14. young man;
  15. tendency to become dependent;
  16. unexpected source of income;
  17. attentiveness to other people;
  18. love of nature;
  19. business trips;
  20. a person who doesn't care about other people's feelings;
  21. true friend;
  22. lack of imagination;
  23. favorable news;
  24. player;
  25. discord, scandal;

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:

  1. bad luck;
  2. inertia, idleness;
  3. carelessness, impatience;
  4. stagnation in business and finance;
  5. greed;
  6. stalemate;
  7. lack of inspiration;
  8. apathy;
  9. complacency;
  10. peace, tranquility;
  11. thoughtless spending of money;
  12. lack of attention;

He's the same Rider, Cavalier Dinariev or Warrior of Pentacles.

This card represents a person who is in the middle of a difficult path, in the midst of a big undertaking. This could be, for example, a major financial transaction, a scientific work, or a work of art. Both rider and horse are tired, but there is still a long way ahead. The knight is not aggressive and generously helps the people around him; but while giving them what they need, he does not remove the iron glove from his hand.

In the upright position - reliability, commitment to fulfilling promises, and sometimes just luck, luck. Inverted - an unfavorable combination of circumstances, bad luck.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: Shown here is an armored knight with a sprig of greenery on his helmet, riding slowly on a strong horse. Grasping the pentacle, he looks at it thoughtfully. In the distance you can see gently rolling hills. Elements: Fire-Earth.

EXPLANATION: This card does not show passion, but endurance and consistency. The knight depicted is certainly reliable and trustworthy, but he lacks imagination and can barely move. If you drew this card, you likely embody many of these qualities and move through life at a steady pace rather than at a rapid pace.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: Inertia, idleness, carelessness and impatience. Stagnation in business and finance.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: You are capable of achieving goals, but sometimes you forget to enjoy the everyday pleasures of life. This card encourages you to reawaken your dormant, passionate self.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)

The Knight of Denarii personifies a state of mind characterized by diligence, patience and perseverance, in which necessary and useful things are created. It symbolizes something solid, durable, permanent, the soil or foundation on which we can build our future. This is a true expression of the earth element, that substance and materiality that gives us self-confidence, helps us look at things from a practical point of view and allows us to achieve real results. It also means, however, a very definite limit to the ability of our sensory perception. Where we go beyond this border, the positive qualities of the Knight of Denarii are distorted or even sometimes turn into their opposite, turning into stubbornness, inertia, thick-skinned laziness and sensual excesses.

JOB: Here, the Knight of Denarii means a healthy working atmosphere, a spirit of hard work and reliability, thanks to which business goes well and plans are successfully implemented. This includes an instinct for profitable deals, good partners, and the desire (and ability!) to work clearly and productively. The card can also mean that we have a favorable period ahead, during which we will be able to realize our abilities and earn the respect of others thanks to the ability to distinguish the possible from the impossible, the valuable from the empty. If you are asked about an upcoming exam, negotiations or some kind of project, then the Knight of Denarii foretells a solid, lasting and long-term result.

CONSCIOUSNESS: At the level of consciousness, this card shows that we master the ability to distinguish the real from the unreal, and also finally find ways and means to realize our plans and ideas. This may mean a “politics of small steps”, in which the immediate, albeit small, result is valued more highly than distant, although great, goals. In addition, the map shows that we will have to deal with purely material issues and analyze our plan from the point of view of costs and cost accounting. There are, although rare, cases when this card warns against excessive stubbornness, callousness or greed.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Constancy, reliability, duration, fidelity - and, not least, tender sensuality. A strong alliance or the prospect of such an alliance, if we do not yet have a partner. In the union characterized by the Knight of Denarii, trust and loyalty play a more important role than the search for novelty, and the concept of “the two of us” plays a more important role than the search for communication with friends or concern for personal freedom and independence.

A logical continuation of the situation awaits you. New people and new experiences will appear in your life. Some events are approaching. Restlessness. Energy. Force. Constructive strength. Courage. Tendency to change. Movement. Rapid movement. Action. Rush. Ready for battle. Energetic young people. Sedate teenagers. Young people from 18 to 25 years old. Active men. Champions. Seekers. Knight in shining armor. Thirsty for knowledge. The situation at school, college or university.

Figure (character) cards can mean the following.

  • A specific person in your life.
  • Traits of your character or features of your personality.
  • Your sense of self-determination or depth of self-knowledge.
  • The roles you play on the stage of life.
  • Events or situations in the future.
  • Seasons.
  • The qualities you need to develop to successfully deal with different situations.
  • In an inverted position, figure (character) cards can mean the dark sides of your personality or people who act against you.

Figure cards have a double interpretation. On the one hand, they represent those aspects of your personality that are worth paying attention to in a given situation. On the other hand, face cards represent other people. They talk about your relationship with them. When many figure cards appear in a layout, this indicates that many people are involved as participants in a particular situation.

Key words and phrases: An important event related to the material side of life. New people. New impressions. Common sense. Improving your financial situation. Business trip. Reasonable actions. Effort. Tendency to become dependent. Patience. Persistence. Conservative measures. An unexpected source of income. Hard work. Practicality. Conventions. Reasonable discrimination. Thoroughness. Reliability. Safety. Practical developments. Methodical work. Attention to detail. Caution. Calm. Kindness. Devotion. Seriousness. Loyalty. Thoughtfulness. Consideration for other people. Confidence. Services. Craving for work. Simplicity of character. Love for animals, for nature. Hard worker. Good planning pays off. Simple joys of life. Spreading. The word is gold. Slowly but surely. Time cures. Caution never hurts. A good fence means good neighbors.

Situation and advice: Most likely, you turned to the cards to clarify the situation about matters related to work, property or finances. Perhaps you will soon open a new source of income. Moreover, money can come from many sources at the same time. A long-term project will produce positive results. Slow but steady progress will lead you to success. Your diligent and hard work will be well paid. A true friend may come to your aid, or maybe you yourself will do someone a favor. Perhaps business trips await you. Now is the opportune time to resolve issues with real estate or property. If you asked a question regarding creating a family, then the Knight of Pentacles speaks of your desire to continue your family line. If the Knight of Pentacles represents one aspect of your personality, then it seems that you are most interested in visible success, rather than the feelings of other people. If you asked about love relationships, then you can expect a serious and stable romance with a faithful lover.

People: Reasonable, thinking, dependent people. Accountants. Financial managers. Sales representatives. Craftsmen. Mechanics. People employed in industry. Machinists. Engineers. Mathematicians. Business trips. Land owners, managers or developers. Easy to communicate, hardworking people. Those who are called “golden hands”. Reliable, patient, responsible, diligent people. Serious, methodical people. People for whom work is the main thing and who do not care about the feelings of other people. Faithful friends. Those who persistently go towards their goal. People who love animals and nature. Veterinarians. People who love children. Those who lack imagination. Farmers. Lovers of spending time outdoors. Good and faithful lovers. Tortoise (from the tale of the hare and the tortoise). Intermediaries.

Key words and phrases: Greed. Problems with money. Business delays. Unfair financial transactions. Inadequate payment for your work. Stalemate. Boredom. Slow development of events. Lack of inspiration. Laziness. Heavyness. Yearning. Carelessness. Meanness. Irresponsibility. Futility. Stinginess. Lack of planning. Callousness. No progress. Rush. Stagnation. Obstacles. Impatience. Wasting energy. Depression. Dissatisfaction. Apathy. Weakness. Complacency. Inertia. Refusal of reasonable risk. Unethical financial transactions. Get a deadline.

Situation and advice: You feel that you lack inspiration, your attitude towards everything remains even and dispassionate. Perhaps you are too conservative and prefer to use outdated methods that are no longer effective. If you asked about finances, then get ready for possible difficulties. Obviously, you were not paid an additional amount or you asked for too little compensation for the work done. As for personal relationships, it seems to you that the current romance is boring and sluggish. Apathy and depression prevent you from enjoying life.

People: Embezzlers. Those who carry out dishonest financial transactions. Spendthrifts. Slackers. Those who leave all the hard work to others or refuse to work at all. Irresponsible people who can put you in debt. People who rush too much and make mistakes because of it. Greedy, evil and predatory people. Unconfident, uninspired, complacent people. They are cunning and prudent in financial matters.

Direct interpretation:

  • Useful, Profitable, Gain, Profit, Interest.
  • Beneficial, Interesting, Profitable, Important, Necessary, Helpful, Accommodating.

Other meanings of the Knight of Pentacles tarot in the upright position:

  • a person worthy of trust, you can rely on him
  • integrity, reliability, good news
  • faithful service, stability, responsibility, inviolability of moral principles

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot in the correct orientation is characterized by such qualities as reliability, perseverance, patience, traditionally inherent in a responsible and even cautious young man. He probably works for the Client or has been entrusted with some specific work that will be done perfectly. The Knight of Pentacles Tarot card predicts that a young man will receive good news related to the Client’s money, travel or commercial activities.

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot in the upright position is a young man prone to adventurism. Has enormous potential, but is not using it, at least not yet. Materialist, unlikely to take his eyes off the ground, gambler. Having received a task, he can strive and fulfill it, but is not yet able to set his own goals and achieve them. If this card does not represent a specific person, it indicates a departure or arrival; possible discord or scandal, usually associated with unfulfilled expectations.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Peace, Calm, Rest, Sleep, Apathy, Inertia, Stagnation, Inactivity, Idleness.
  • Free time, Pastime.
  • Recreation, Carelessness, Carelessness, Laziness, Love of Truth, Numbness, Decline of Spirit (Despondency), Destruction.

Other meanings of the reversed Knight of Cups tarot:

  • quitter and slacker, lazy person
  • timid nature, stagnation, new approach
  • idleness, inertia, carelessness, rest, thoughtless spending of money

The caution of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot, predicted by a worthy card, here turns into inertia, timidity, futility of effort and lack of incentives. The card also speaks of a slowdown in the Client’s financial and commercial activities and possible stagnation if a new approach to business is not found.

The reversed tarot Knight of Pentacles is an idle or careless and irresponsible young man. Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If this card does not represent a specific person, it indicates a possible loss of work or loss of spirit.

The reversed Tarot card Knight of Pentacles also indicates a lack of attention on the part of the Questioner, an inability to choose a goal and strive for it.

Inner meaning

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot exhibits the same qualities as his parents, but there are also elements of movement: departure, arrival, journey. This is a less mature person than the King or Queen; he has their potential, but not their experience. He may have a sweet personality, but he is not that reliable and sometimes disappoints himself and his loved ones. At times the Knight of Pentacles is impatient and unwilling to fulfill his duties. Whether this is his permanent trait or whether he will grow out of it will be shown by the remaining cards in the spread.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then the news is this: you can achieve more if you calm down and get to work.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"


Description of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles tarot card in many decks depicts a horseman looking at a coin hanging in the air in front of him. The knight's horse can either move at a pace or stand still, but in any case, the man does not rush into battle - he, rather, is in thought. Apparently, he doesn’t know what to do and where to move next.

General meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Knight of Denarius symbolizes something solid, strong, permanent, the soil or foundation on which you can build your future. A map of progress towards a set, most often material, goal. A person works, makes efforts, and they bring tangible results. Your strength in this movement can overcome significant obstacles. When fortune telling a situation, the Knight of Disks predicts a successful solution to the problem and says that your actions will find support from a person who can provide invaluable help. However, when fortune telling about a situation related to receiving money, the Horseman of Pentacles warns that one cannot count on a solution to the issue in the near future. It will take a long time before you achieve your plan.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Knight of Pentacles symbolizes slow action, lack of profit, result, expected effect, which is caused by greed, stubbornness or lack of necessary planning. The expected help may not come, and a waste of time, effort and resources is likely.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Knight of Pentacles means a healthy working atmosphere, a spirit of hard work and reliability, thanks to which business goes well and plans are successfully implemented. This includes an instinct for profitable deals, for good partners, and a desire and ability to work clearly and productively. The lasso can also mean that there is a favorable period ahead, during which you will be able to realize your abilities and earn the respect of others, thanks to the ability to distinguish the possible from the impossible, valuable from empty. If you are asked about an upcoming exam, negotiations or some kind of project, then the card portends a solid, lasting and long-term result.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reversed reading, the Knight of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes dishonest deals and reticence in negotiations, as well as desperate situations and financial difficulties. Arkan also reports a low salary, despite the fact that he has to work a lot.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

The card symbolizes physical strength and endurance. Kidney diseases, colds, skin diseases (various irritations and eczema), severe headaches, insomnia are possible.

Reversed card position

In terms of health, the card may indicate excess weight, lack of exercise, or, conversely, excessive passion for it.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Constancy, reliability, duration, fidelity - these are the main qualities of relationships that the Knight of Disks in the upright position speaks about. It is also a strong alliance or the prospect of such an alliance if we do not yet have a partner. In the union characterized by the Arcana, trust and fidelity play a more important role than the search for novelty. Also, it should be said that in the relationships displayed by this card, a rather important point is the mutual physical attraction of the partners.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Knight of Denarius means boredom and dissatisfaction, sluggish flow of events, routine in relationships, indifference and indifference to the partner. The card can also indicate that a person, due to his own laziness, has turned his relationship with his partner into an endless stream of gray, unremarkable everyday life.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

As a court card (court card), the Knight of Coins symbolizes a middle-aged man, probably engaged in productive activities. We can also talk about a young man, but one who has already decided on his goals in life and has a value system that is based on materialistic principles. This is a person born under the sign of Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. He is serious, achieves results through his work, while remaining reasonable and patient until this is possible. This person is mainly interested in financial matters and everything connected with them. If he promised something, he will come and stay until the job is done in the best possible way.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Knight of Denarii is an idle or careless and irresponsible young man, a mercantile rationalist, inclined to ride at someone else's expense and not shy away from dishonest ways to achieve his goal. His information may be biased and biased, and therefore it is better to double-check it. The inverted position of the card tells us about a person who is quite cunning and insidious; it is difficult to come to an agreement with him in business - he will always “pull the blanket over himself.” Its main features are callousness, unwillingness to take responsibility, carelessness, complacency, and stinginess.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Today no one will be able to fool you around their finger. You are ready to talk only about serious topics, use only proven methods, and will not indulge in any speculation. If you have to take some important, long-term steps, or solve a difficult problem, then this is the best day. If you are not faced with large-scale tasks, think, maybe today you can relax and allow yourself something that you can later remember with pleasure?

Knight of Pentacles card advice in fortune telling and layouts

You are quite capable of achieving what you want, so there is no need to worry about anything, just calmly and systematically do what you consider right and useful for yourself.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Pentacles

Online Tarot readings

As usual, Waite is extremely stingy in his descriptions of the Court Cards, and the Knight of Pentacles is no exception. All that Waite felt it necessary to say about the drawing of this card fits into two sentences: “He rides a slow, hardy draft horse, corresponding to his own build. He displays his symbol, but does not look at it himself.” Not a word about the arable land in the background. Winter or spring crops, barley or wheat - forever remained a mystery to Tarot researchers.

The details of the armor are poorly visible, but the helmet is clearly visible. And now you can “catch on” to the helmet and draw some conclusions. On the rider’s head is a “salad” type helmet. They were fashionable from the late 14th to early 16th centuries. This type of helmet, by the way, was very popular in Germany, despite the fact that it originated in Italy. And it was the German models of salads that became the prototypes of the famous German helmet.

Key Ideas

  • Present tense (now)
  • Zeal
  • Selfishness
  • Business trip (trip)

Basic meaning

The meanings of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles (Coins), also called the Knight of Denarii, Waite today seem superficial and shallow. This is how Waite understands this card: “Utility, convenience, interest, responsibility and directness.” And he adds a very strange note: “The same at the everyday and social level.” Somehow I can hardly imagine the combination of responsibility and convenience.

For an inverted card, the set of meanings is just as boring and inexpressive. “Inertia, idleness, idleness; also tranquility, despondency, carelessness.” It seems that the author did not think deeply about the meaning of the “horseman” in the picture, a complex and interesting map.

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Today's understanding of the card is associated with various ways of making a profit. To a lesser extent it is production. And much more - trade. Moreover, trade, which initially involves not the most honest methods: speculation, fraud, deception, fierce competition. The hero of the picture is an individualist and easily turns into an egoist. Lives by the principle “Everything is bought and everything is sold.” Everything has its price. Not only things and objects, but also feelings and relationships.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Knight of Pentacles

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

Tarot meaning The Knight of Pentacles (Denariev) in relationships, like all knights, is an open card. His behavior model is that of a seller, and a seller cannot exist without a buyer.

While remaining cold-blooded and calculating, the Knight of Pentacles seeks to increase the intensity of relationships with his partners in order to make them easier to manipulate.

Let's consider the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in love and other relationships. Any action must bring profit. Any relationship should be beneficial. Necessarily useful for the Knight of Pentacles and not necessarily for the second partner. Moral prohibitions for the Knight of Pentacles are something ephemeral. Therefore, he fully tolerates fraud, deception and other socially disapproved behavior patterns.

The Knight of Pentacles is a provider. And only the upbringing he received in childhood determines whether he will mine for his group or exclusively for himself. He lives in the belief that the cost and value of the spoils are the same. And that relationships have a material equivalent. The amount of money he allocates to his beloved exactly corresponds to the degree of his sympathy. For the Knight of Pentacles, it is obvious that if he gives money to someone, then he loves this person. How much money I gave you, that’s how much I love you. Moreover, both in absolute numbers (10,000 rubles) and in relative numbers (30% of income).

He has perfectly grasped the idea of ​​competition and does not understand the concept of cooperation at all.

Psychological condition

The Knight of Pentacles is very gambling, it is very important for him to be a winner, to receive an advantage, especially expressed in material forms (bonuses, discounts, two for the price of one). He is ready to take risks, but at the same time he does not shy away from monotonous daily work aimed at future results.

The Knight of Pentacles is a very active card. He is not afraid of failures, he is not afraid to show aggression. And even more so, he is not afraid to enjoy the results of his victories.

In combination with the suit of Wands

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the Ace of Wands: The beginning of the development of new territories.
  • in combination with the 7 of Wands: Fierce competition.
  • in combination with the 9 of Wands: Be vigilant, they are trying to deceive you.

Importance in health matters

The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles speaks of overwork and accumulated fatigue. But they don’t recognize the problem and don’t like to be treated. At the moment, the Knight is in excellent shape, he has excellent health, but, often, the Knights of Pentacles invent fashionable diseases for themselves.

In combination with the suit of Cups

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • Knight of Pentacles in combination with the Tarot card 4 of Cups: A complete egoist.
  • Knight of Pentacles combined with the 6 of Cups Tarot card: Profit on friends
  • Knight of Pentacles combined with the Knight of Cups Tarot card: Big profits.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in matters of work is impulse. Reaction. Kings and queens create situations, and knights react to them. Often instantaneous, but precise. Knights are able to manage the situation, but they are not able to control it. Everything is very unstable. Rare case.

A knight is one stream, a queen is a river, a king is a river system with a delta and all its tributaries. The most active, restless ones are stream-knights; working with them, you work to increase your income. Strike while the iron is hot, be quick. Quick deals - quick money. Knights are individualists, much more prone to competition than cooperation, unlike ladies.

Everyone is good in their role. Knight of Pentacles - money-commodity-money. For him, resale is normal, not production. Nothing personal just business.

The Knight of Pentacles is directly related to profit. He is focused on it both now and in the future. Overall the situation is good.

The main problems of the knight are also his advantages, but taken to the point of absurdity. Impulsivity prevents you from focusing on the problem as a whole, from seeing and evaluating all aspects as a whole. Individualism leads to overestimation of one's own strengths, and reaction speed leads to rapid burnout and loss of interest. A sprinter, not a stayer.

There is a great opportunity to outwit yourself.

Consider the Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot as a Card of the Day and a Warning.

A good day for profitable deals.

Money is not the main goal in life.

One of the most stable and practical cards in the deck is the Knight of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of which we will consider today. This court Arcanum belongs to the element of earth, which means that it will fully manifest itself in earthly affairs and work. Do not be afraid to interpret figured cards - a systematic study of the Arcanum and all its manifestations, especially in certain areas of life, will smoothly lead you to an intuitive understanding of the interpretation. And now, like a true Knight of Pentacles, let's focus on work - and hit the road!

First let's look at other names for this earthly horseman. He is also called the Prince of Disks (in the Tarot of Thoth), Knight of Coins, Horseman of Denarii and Lord of the Wild Fertile Lands. However, all these names themselves come to mind when looking at the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck. This is a knight in a red robe, sitting on a black horse, the harness of which matches the rider’s clothing in color. The knight holds a pentacle in his hands, which he holds confidently and firmly. In the background there is a landscape quite typical for the elements of the Earth - picturesque nature, green grass, blue water, brown hills and, in the very distance, tree crowns. It is immediately clear that the rider is primarily overcome by earthly concerns - labor, work for results. We do not observe any romantic impulses in this knight, so we can say that he is a realist.

Let's try to select key expressions that fully characterize the meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot:

  • Perseverance, patience, methodicalness
  • Hard work
  • Self-confidence
  • Responsibility, integrity, diligence
  • Clear, precise tasks that need to be solved without putting them off for later
  • Favorable prospects, subject to high-quality performance of your duties
  • Absorption in work
  • Improving your skills
  • Ability to control yourself
  • Reliability

So, if we put together all the key expressions that were used to describe the Arcana, we will see that the meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles is, first of all, work - clear, stable, high-quality, aimed at a specific result. This work can manifest itself in any area of ​​life. It is important to understand that the Knight shows all his best qualities because he sees a specific goal in front of him and strives towards it with all his might. We can’t say that the result will be quick, but it will definitely happen, the main thing is not to stop, not to be lazy, and not to give up your responsibilities. This is exactly what our Horseman Denariev does. At the same time, the very thing he is doing may not be to his liking, but he understands why he does what he does.

The Reverse Knight is tired and he just wants to take it and leave everything. This fatigue can manifest itself in abandonment, failure to complete the assigned task, unreliability, indifference to the work that has to be done, and negligence. The inverted Horseman no longer sees the goal to which he needs to go, so all activity seems meaningless to him. Under this card there may be loss of a job, an indication that the person is a simple man in the street, unable to set any goals for himself, idleness, apathy, laziness, moral fatigue, or simply a state of protracted routine, everyday life, from which, it seems, there is no way out.

The meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot in relationships - what will it be? What will a hardworking, responsible and reliable rider tell us?

If we are talking about describing a partner, then the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in love is a slightly boring, down-to-earth person who cares primarily about some everyday issues, and not about feelings. At the same time, he values ​​the intimate component of relationships and fidelity. Devotion is generally his strong point, so at the slightest hint of betrayal, he is able to arrange a wild scene of jealousy for his loved one. At the same time, “emotional betrayal” worries him little, and if his partner has not slept with another person, he will not be jealous. But sex on the side will never be forgiven for anything. In fact, the Knight of the Earth is very practical in everyday life, strictly fulfills all family responsibilities, so he makes a very reliable marriage partner, however, the desire for financial stability and clear, systematic management of “earthly” affairs may seem too boring to many. Another meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in relationships is a kind of routine, monotony, although quite stable. Sometimes the map shows contractual marriages or excessive interest of one party in the material component of the relationship.

An indecisive, inhibited, apathetic partner who does not want to try for the sake of his other half, or a person who is simply tired of the continuous “everyday life” in a relationship. Also, under the reverse Knight there can be quarrels between lovers over money, or one of the couple’s fixation on some physical aspect, for example, on a healthy lifestyle or sports training.

Let's consider how the card manifests itself if we diagnose a person's health or simply ask about his well-being at a given moment in time.

Endurance, good health, consistently good health, allowing a person to do any activity without problems, including physical labor. Good physical shape, good sleep, proper nutrition.

The meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot in an inverted position is primarily an indicator of emotional burnout or health problems caused by overstrain, fatigue, and excessive stress. The map can also reflect conditions such as professional injuries (for example, in athletes), stomach upsets, headaches and other troubles that may appear due to nervousness or overwork.

Although this court Arcanum itself has little to do with emotions and psychology, it is, of course, worth considering its significance in this area. Who knows exactly when it will appear in your reading?

A hardworking, responsible, very practical person, for whom work and the financial component always come first. He is very patient, always weighs the pros and cons before making an important decision, is straightforward, and pedantic. Can be hard to climb. It is extremely difficult to get him out of his temper. On the psychological plane, the card means that a person is immersed in some important matter for him, when the entire world around him simply ceases to exist.

Unreliable, stingy with emotions, impatient, lazy person. About such a person we can say that either he is simply an inveterate lazy person, or a convinced dogmatist, for whom there are only two opinions - his own and the wrong one. State of mind - loss of direction, emotional fatigue or a strong reluctance to do anything at all to build one’s own life.

Let's move on to analyzing the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in work.

An excellent card for the area of ​​​​professional activity, since the element of Earth awarded this Horseman with the best qualities for a successful career. Possible interpretations: a serious, professional approach to business, the ability to organize oneself and one’s work, a realistic view of methods of achieving a goal, slow but sure advancement up the career ladder, finances received in full, but not immediately, honest earnings. Arkan's professions are technical specialties, the activities of mechanics, engineers, people working with equipment, as well as work related to land, agriculture, and architecture.

Negligence, laziness, absolute inability to work according to a given schedule, irresponsibility, lack of professionalism, reluctance to achieve anything in the professional field and, as a result, financial losses, instability of financial situation.

Each court card can change its interpretation when other Arcana are nearby. Now we will consider possible interpretations of combinations of the Knight of Denarii with Tarot Trumps.

  • Jester: Step into the unknown
  • Mage: Show caution
  • High Priestess: Gradual Epiphany
  • Empress: Progress coming slowly but surely
  • Emperor: Strengthening your position at home and at work
  • Hierophant: Soulful Efforts
  • Lovers: Choices Made with Care
  • Chariot: Attempt to move a “mountain”
  • Strength: Show stubbornness, perseverance
  • Hermit: Relying only on one's own strengths
  • Wheel of Fortune: Smooth Changes
  • Justice: Seek justice
  • The Hanged Man: Stubbornness leading to a dead end
  • Death: Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot with Death - Pointless attempts to resist what is happening
  • Moderation: The results will be worth the wait
  • Devil: Laziness, idleness
  • Tower: Get overexcited
  • Star: Choosing your path
  • Moon: Fall into illusions
  • Sun: Advancement towards understanding
  • Court: Experience relief
  • World: Getting to the goal

So, we talked about the mutual influence of the card in its proximity to the Major Arcana. Now let's look at the numerical and figurative Arcana.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Slowly moving forward
  • Deuce: Forced stopover
  • Three: To get results you need to make an effort
  • Four: Heroism
  • Five: Distracted by mere trifles
  • Six: Persevere towards your goal
  • Seven: Attempts to mislead
  • Eight: “Like a stone off your shoulders”
  • Nine: The final difficulty to overcome
  • Ten: Health problems
  • Page: The desire to start something new
  • Knight: Thrilling Adventures
  • Queen: Taking control of your life
  • King: Meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot with the King of Staves - Entrepreneurship
  • Ace: Confidence in feelings
  • Two: Stable relationship
  • Troika: Preparing for the holiday
  • Four: Tired of effort
  • Five: Regret over wasted effort
  • Six: Tarot Combination Knight of Pentacles-6 of Cups - Past Perseverance
  • Seven: Proper motivation
  • Eight: Search for a new approach
  • Nine: Achieve everything with your own work
  • Ten: Stable life, taking care of the needs of the family
  • Page: Dream big
  • Knight: Feel in your place
  • Queen: Practical advice from a close woman
  • King: Practical advice from a close man
  • Ace: Achieve what you want with effort.
  • Two: Not an easy path to the goal
  • Three: Worry about wasted energy
  • Four: Take a break, take a breather
  • Five: Be defeated in a difficult battle
  • Six: Moving away from stability
  • Seven: Cunning will “tarnish” your reputation
  • Eight: Vicious Circle
  • Nine: Suffering from Bad Luck
  • Ten: The collapse of what was built with great effort
  • Page: Dangerous activity
  • Knight: You can achieve your goal through finding a faithful partner
  • Queen: Act as patron
  • King: To achieve a high position through your work
  • Ace: Well-deserved success
  • Two: A lot of effort, but the result is unpredictable
  • Troika: Skill and practical approach to business
  • Four: Reluctance to share what you earn
  • Five: Loss of stability
  • Six: Do charity work
  • Seven: Waiting for a well-deserved result
  • Eight: Hard physical labor
  • Nine: Ability to provide for yourself
  • Ten: Meaning of the Knight of Denarius Tarot with Ten of a similar suit - Ability to provide for a family
  • Page: Learn new practical skills
  • Queen: Achieving recognition through perseverance
  • King: Achieve a stable financial position through your labor

Solve pressing issues consistently, methodically. Be responsible for everything you do - and remember that there will definitely be results.

You shouldn’t just do things for others out of politeness, otherwise very soon these people will sit on your neck. It’s better to help with useful advice, but don’t take on someone else’s work.

To better understand the symbolic field of the Arcana, consider the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot as the Card of the Day. See what energy this day will be filled with, what activities you will have to do, what new things it will bring into your life.

The Knight of Pentacles or the Knight of Coins symbolizes the dynamic movement of events on the way to the intended goal. This is the personification of a favorable result, the realization of goals, a positive atmosphere in business communication. There are also negative meanings of the card. Let's consider the interpretation of the map in more detail.

The Knight of Coins Tarot in a reversed position can also indicate a person who is careless in the responsibilities assigned to him. He is unfamiliar with such qualities as perseverance and patience. On the contrary, he is prone to idleness and laziness, which prevents him from achieving his goals.

Knight of Pentacles - Tarot meaning in relationships

In relationship readings, the Knight of Coins Tarot has the following meaning:

  • Your union with your partner is reliable and stable. Your relationship is almost impossible to break because the bond between the partners is very strong. You are faithful to each other and will never look for a replacement
  • Despite the stability, your relationship cannot be called monotonous. The couple has feelings and passion. Moreover, the emotions will not subside over the years, and the union will be long, happy and extremely harmonious
  • The Knight indicates that for partners, relationships are a priority, and work, friends and hobbies fade into the background. In order not to disturb the harmony, it is important to learn not to focus only on each other, but also to have your own interests
  • For a lonely person, the appearance of the Horseman in the reading promises an acquaintance with a future life partner. Therefore, if you are determined to create a strong and serious relationship, this chance should not be missed - your soulmate is somewhere close

If the Knight falls in a reversed position in a relationship reading:

  • The current relationship has become boring and monotonous, so one of the partners is thinking about breaking up
  • It is also possible that your relationship is preventing you from achieving your life goals. Your partner does not allow you to develop and pulls you down, because of this, conflicts constantly arise

Sometimes the Horseman card foreshadows a crisis in family relationships that needs to be overcome. Apathy and depression are your constant companions now, but try to break out of this state and maintain relationships at all costs

Combination with other Tarot cards

The meaning of all Tarot cards changes or is supplemented if they appear in the layout along with other cards in the deck. The Knight of Coins is no exception to this rule. For example, it can mean the following in combinations:

  • The Seven of Wands promises progress in a matter that is of great importance to you. Fate will provide chances to change the course of events for the better. This combination may indicate the recovery of a seriously ill person, an improvement in relationships with a loved one, the end of an unpleasant situation, or the long-awaited realization of a goal.
  • In combination with the jester lasso, the Horseman indicates that you do not understand what goal you are moving towards. Your life is empty because you haven’t found your purpose, you don’t know what you want. This is a one-day existence, without plans for the future.
  • In combination with the Arcana of Peace, the Knight indicates that a cherished wish will come true or that the plans will be successfully realized
  • In combination with the Two of Wands, the alignment becomes unfavorable. It says that at this moment in your life you are disoriented and confused, you do not understand which direction to move next and are unable to understand the problem situation. The culprit is the lack of information needed to draw the right conclusions
  • The Four of Wands paired with the Knight of Pentacles indicates heroism - a person is ready to sacrifice himself for a good purpose.

Watch a video about the meaning of the Knight of Coins Tarot card:

The meaning of the card in layouts for work and money

The Horseman card in layouts for work, business, and professional activities has the following meanings:

  • There is a healthy atmosphere at work: you managed to build ideal relationships with colleagues and superiors. The entire team is committed to working as a team to achieve great results.
  • You have well-developed business intuition, so doing business will definitely bring success. You know how to build relationships with partners, predict which deal will be especially profitable, and select the right personnel. Therefore, the business grows, develops and brings good dividends
  • If the purpose of the layout is to find out how successfully this or that situation will end, we can talk about a favorable outcome of events. Fate will provide opportunities through which you can achieve success. Negotiations will end favorably for you, and your subordinates will never let you down, doing their jobs responsibly

But the Knight of Coins in an inverted position in a work scenario takes on a negative meaning. The card suggests that you should not expect stable and successful results from current affairs. The work process is badly neglected, everyone responsible for the outcome of the case is negligent in their work.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

A person should show assertiveness in order to achieve his goal.


The relationship will be reliable and traditional.


Increased endurance and physical strength.


Immediate business trip.

link >>>

✚ For the future

You, like any person, have certain goals that you really want to achieve. To do this, you are moving in the right direction; if you continue to act in the same direction, you will soon realize your dream, which can change your life for the better. Achieving success will not happen quickly, but patience plays an important role in any endeavor. Patience is the main component of success, which is achieved with sweat and blood over many years. Try not to lose passion for the actions you are taking, your reliable partner and good health will become a reliable support.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Knight of Pentacles is a sign that the relationship existing between two people is so strong that there is no need to talk about any separation or quarrel. At the same time, relationships are not just strong and permanent, but also varied; partners never have fun with each other, they are ready to surprise each other literally every day. For those who are looking for their destiny, this card is a chance to finally meet a companion. Don't miss your chance; this meeting has every chance of becoming the basis for a long-term relationship that will develop into marriage.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Assertiveness, self-confidence, skill improvement and seriousness. You are successfully moving up the career ladder and getting what you want; honest earnings. You feel great and are in excellent physical shape. Your relationship with your partner is routine and monotonous; earthiness of relationships. You are a responsible and very patient person, straightforward. Don’t focus too much on your goals and take a break sometimes!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of pressure, unwavering pursuit of a goal, refusal to react to obstacles and obstacles. It can also mean a very ambitious young man.

Tomorrow the questioner may encounter a young man of this type, or he should expect special determination from himself. The fortuneteller tomorrow will see the goal and go towards it, without being distracted by the little things in life. However, the result will be achieved gradually, everything will not fall into the hands of the fortuneteller at once, the fruits of the labors will need to ripen.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

Your loved one cares deeply about the future of your relationship. He is determined to start a family and have children. However, indecision prevents him from taking this important step. But rest assured that in the near future he will decide to take this step, which will not be easy for him. Try to support him so that it is easier for him to tell you his cherished words, but do not put pressure on him. Pressure can be intimidating and become an obstacle between you. It is better to act with attention and attentiveness.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

You lack concentration. Make it a rule to focus on the task entirely. Don't think or worry about everything at once. If something doesn’t work out right away, don’t give up, don’t give up and don’t give up. Assertiveness and realistic thoughts should become your main qualities even after the fulfillment of your desire.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Methodicality and patience, focusing on work in the past yielded results in the present. Now there is a rapid development of events, the opening of new horizons. The period of formulating clear objectives has arrived. Reliable support and readiness for development will help.

What you have planned can only be realized quickly, but hard work can lead to a loss of strength. Don't focus on your goals and try to relax. Continue to improve calmly!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Relationship stability, trust and reliability will accompany the entire period while the couple is together. A riot of feelings is not expected, but it is not always necessary, especially when it comes to life spent together. Such relationships will very quickly turn into marriage, in which, in fact, little will change. Your love will remain, and a reliable connection will never break.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Help from the outside, support from a devoted friend, relief from the situation. When part of the burden weighs down on a friend's shoulder, there is an opportunity to rest.

You are tired and depressed by the current situation. But do not lose optimism - help is close. It is incredibly difficult to cope with all your worries alone, but you don’t have to. He who is ready to help himself always has true friends.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

A good time for family planning and pregnancy. It is important, in addition to your desires, to take into account the feelings and needs of your relatives, in particular your significant other. Lonely girls are waiting for an affair with a faithful lover. The feelings will be serious, with the prospect of marriage in the future, but you will have to show all your good qualities, show care and attention.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

Relationships between partners in this situation are stable and develop quite harmoniously. Lovers cherish and protect each other. They can have a strong and happy marriage, in which there will be passion and reliability that will last for many years. Family relationships for such people always come first, pushing aside work, friends and other hobbies.

The Knight of Pentacles card absolutely excludes the possibility of betrayal and any connections on the side.

A full description of the map is available at

The Denariev Rider is controlled by the element of Earth. Like all representatives of the suit, he is responsible for prosperity, material well-being, and successful work. What to expect from the alignment if the Knight of Pentacles appears in it: will life be stable, successful, rich, or does the Knight of Coins prophesy insurmountable obstacles?

In this article

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

In the classic Waite deck, the Knight is depicted as a young man in a red robe. A gentleman prances on a luxurious thoroughbred horse; in his hands is a denarius, symbolizing earthly blessings.

In the background, a picture characteristic of the elements is drawn: green hills, meadows, fields. The rider rides around rich lands to appreciate their scale, beauty and find out how fertile the land is. He knows how and loves to work, to turn his labor into hard cash. The Knight of Pentacles is devoid of romanticism, he is a pragmatist, confidently stays in the saddle and is concerned only with the problems of his daily bread.

Characteristics of the Cavalier of Coins:

  • persistence in achieving goals, patience;
  • hard work;
  • diligence, responsibility;
  • reliability - you can rely on it in a critical situation;
  • diligence, practical approach to completing the task;
  • desire to learn and improve previously acquired skills.

The meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the Knight of Pentacles means hard work, result-oriented, and making a profit, motivation for success.

Classic image of the Knight from the Rider-Waite deck

The horseman represents a favorite activity that a person likes. Perhaps he has long been looking for ways to turn his hobby into work and get rewarded for it.

The Cavalier of Coins approaches any task thoroughly: he learns new things and tries to apply knowledge in practice. Even if the Cavalier doesn’t like the work, he will do it efficiently and without complaints from his superiors.

The Knight of Pentacles card does not guarantee quick enrichment and does not protect against difficulties. Her appearance suggests that good luck is just around the corner, but the questioner has a lot of work to do.

Reversed card meaning

In the reverse position, the card changes positive qualities to negative ones. Instead of an active, energetic, enterprising person, we see a tired and devastated person.

The reverse card Knight of Pentacles says that the questioner does not find meaning in work, is exhausted, cannot concentrate, and is tired of the problems that have piled up.

Tarot-93 by Nikolai Kolesov. Knight of Pentacles

In some cases (in the presence of negative neighboring Arcana), the card means dismissal, quarrels with colleagues and superiors, and a reduction in wages.

Reverse Card Keywords:

  1. Laziness.
  2. Apathy.
  3. Emotional devastation.
  4. Depression and dissatisfaction with work results.
  5. Lack of money.
  6. The collapse of hopes associated with self-realization.
  7. A hopeless routine at work.
  8. Everyday problems.

Favorable neighboring cards can soften the blow of a reverse position. But the questioner should think about whether he is living correctly, whether it is time to change jobs, so as not to completely plunge into the abyss of disappointment.

The meaning of the card when divining for business and work

In the upright position, the Knight of Pentacles symbolizes:

  • success;
  • creative approach to business;
  • organizational skills;
  • the ability to clearly set tasks, complete work efficiently and in a short time.

The Knight of Coins is an honest and hardworking performer and a wise leader. He will never make a deal with his conscience in order to gain immediate benefit.

In work matters, it means a friendly colleague and an honest boss.

In the reverse position, the Knight loses most of its positive qualities. Turned upside down, it symbolizes a lazy, uninitiative person.

In some cases, the card means financial difficulties: delayed salaries, lack of financial incentives.

Reverse Messenger Denariev says that a person does not want to get a new profession or improve himself. Alternatively, if there are corresponding symbols nearby, it gives a direct indication of the need for urgent retraining.

If the questioner is young, then the card indicates that he has not yet decided on his choice of life path.

The meaning of the card in relationships

Earth is stability, reliability, practicality. But people ruled by this element are devoid of romanticism. Don’t expect beautiful declarations of love, amazing and unusual gifts from the Knight of Pentacles.

Don’t be surprised if such a person gives his beloved a grocery package instead of a bouquet. But this is not greed. He is a pragmatist, he believes that it is not worth spending money on stupid things.

But remember, the Knight of Pentacles is very jealous. The slightest hint of infidelity can anger him.

Messenger Denariev is pathologically honest, incapable of treason and betrayal. He demands the same from his other half. A marriage with the Cavalier of Coins promises to be lasting, but boring.

In an inverted position, the Knight dramatically changes his qualities. We see an apathetic and weak-willed partner who is incapable of decisive action. It is of little use in everyday life and sexually. He is suspicious and greedy to the point of indecency.

Sometimes it means a partner who is endlessly tired of his significant other, but does not dare to divorce.

An inverted Herald of Denarii can mean quarrels and conflicts in the family over money, unplanned expenses, and inopportune purchases.

The video contains information about the court tarot cards that will be of interest to novice tarot readers:

People and places

If the card acts as a significator and falls in an upright position, we are talking about the positive qualities of the Knight. This is perseverance, overflowing energy, love of work.

Knight of Pentacles, a modern version of Tarot cards

In an inverted position, the Messenger becomes an apathetic person prone to depression. He is tired of life, does not want to work or study.

If we talk about professions that pass under the symbol of the Knight of Pentacles, then these are technical and applied specialties.

When determining the location, the map indicates organizations engaged in mining and farms. In a word, everything that passes under the sign of the Earth.

Psychological state and the Knight of Pentacles

The psychology of the card in the upright position is simple and understandable. The man loves his job and is immersed in his work. He has no time for sentimentality; he earns money for his family. This is a person with a healthy mind who does not experience emotional problems. But not everything is so rosy: in the pursuit of material wealth, a person can miss important moments in life, become completely absorbed in work, and move away from his family. There is a high probability that all communication with loved ones will only come down to issuing another amount for expenses.

In the reverse position, the card indicates spiritual coldness, emphasized detachment from the problems of family and friends. Such people do not know how to sympathize, but this is their problem, not their fault. Lack of empathy is not the only problem. The reversed Knight of Pentacles indicates low motivation for work and study.

Character of the Knight of Pentacles

This court card is rarely taken into account to describe the character and compile a psychological portrait of a person. But some aspects of the Arcana will be interesting for interpretation.

In the direct position, the card says that the questioner is proactive and loves the work he does.

This is a very patient and balanced person, always looking for the optimal way to resolve an issue or conflict. He has such qualities as:

  • straightforwardness;
  • pedantry;
  • slowness.

Such characteristics reveal a thorough nature, trying not to take hasty steps.

In an inverted position, the card means a gloomy, withdrawn, slightly greedy man, incapable of broad gestures.

Such people are stubborn, do not take other people’s opinions into account, and believe that only they can be right.

Pentacles symbolize the material element – ​​Earth. All Arcana of this suit in an inverted position indicate stinginess. The reverse card of Pentacles speaks of greed, sometimes even pathological. It all depends on the surrounding symbols.

Combination with the Major Arcana

The meaning of court cards is most clearly manifested when interacting with the Major Arcana.

Major Arcana and Knight of Pentacles

  • The Jester in combination with the Knight of Pentacles symbolizes a step into the unknown. A path that will have to be walked by touch, without support or help.
  • The magician advises to show insight and foresight.
  • The High Priestess indicates that the truth will soon be revealed to the questioner. Whether it will be pleasant or destructive, the neighboring cards will tell you.
  • The Empress promises forward movement. Progress, a breakthrough, but not instantaneous.
  • The Emperor portends an improvement in the situation in the family and at work.
  • The Hierophant warns of mental torment.
  • Lovers symbolize careful, conscious choices.
  • The Chariot predicts futile attempts to get things moving.
  • Strength advises perseverance in achieving your goal.
  • The hermit says that he will have to rely on his own strength.
  • The Wheel of Fortune promises smooth but good changes in life.
  • Justice justifies the name of the Arcana. You will have to fight for the truth.
  • The Hanged Man warns that stubbornness leads to a dead end.
  • Death says that it is pointless to resist the course of events.
  • Moderation promises that the result will meet expectations.
  • The devil is cunning - he calls for laziness and idleness. Don't give in.
  • The tower says that the questioner takes too much responsibility, there is a risk of wasting energy.
  • The star encourages you to think about choosing a path. If it is done, then you are going in the right direction.
  • The moon is a symbol of illusions, do not fall into their web.
  • The sun is a sign of understanding, reconciliation, agreement.
  • Court. The fortuneteller will experience relief, things will go smoothly.
  • Peace is a well-deserved reward and a conquered peak. You are there.

The 22 combinations above are not the only meanings. Use your intuition, find your own interpretations, test them in practice.

Combination with cards of the same suit

Let's look at examples that are found in almost all layouts without exception.

Knight of Pentacles with cards of his own suit

  • An ace guarantees well-deserved success.
  • A two is an unpredictable result. Wasted effort.
  • Three – creativity, practical approach to solving a problem, mastery.
  • Four – greed, unwillingness to share with loved ones.
  • Five – loss of stability. Option: bankruptcy, inability to pay bills.
  • Six advises to pay attention to people's problems, do not be indifferent.
  • Seven - waiting for the result is delayed.
  • Eight – physical labor, hard and thankless.
  • Nine - learn to live independently. There is nowhere to wait for help.
  • Ten - provide your family with everything they need.
  • Page - it's time to study, gain practical skills. In the current interpretation – retraining.
  • Queen - achieving your goal thanks to personal qualities and skills.
  • King - financial position obtained as a result of hard work.

Combinations with the suit of Staves

Let's see how the Staves influence the energy of the Pentacles.

Knight of Pentacles with cards of the Staves suit

  • The ace symbolizes slow but sure movement towards the goal.
  • A deuce is a tedious wait, forced downtime.
  • Troika says that you will have to put in a lot of effort to get results.
  • The number four symbolizes heroism, hard work, self-sacrifice.
  • Five recommends not to be distracted by trifles.
  • Six - only perseverance will lead to the goal.
  • Seven - they want to deceive you.
  • Eight - relief, respite.
  • Nine - there is very little left, the road will be mastered by those who walk.
  • Ten indicates health problems. Neighboring maps will tell you more about diseases.
  • The page advises starting a new business.
  • The Knight of Staves promises interesting, dizzying adventures.
  • The Queen of Wands advises taking the initiative into your own hands.
  • The king recommends starting a business.

There are different combinations in the layouts. Read the meanings of the Major Arcana first, and then move on to interpreting the relationships between the Minor cards.

Combination with the suit of Cups

The element of Water has a beneficial effect on the Earth, fortune tellers note.

Knight of Pentacles with cards from the suit of Cups

  • Ace says that there is no doubt about his partner’s feelings.
  • A deuce guarantees stable friendships or love relationships.
  • Troika - get ready for a big, noisy holiday.
  • Four symbolizes fatigue, slight disappointment.
  • Five - efforts are in vain, you will have to regret what you have done.
  • Six - persistence led the questioner to the current situation.
  • Seven is the correct orientation towards success in business. Motivated actions and deeds.
  • The Eight suggests looking for new methods of work.
  • Nine - money and position will have to be achieved with great difficulty, without support.
  • Ten – stability, absence of everyday and financial problems.
  • Page - you deserve a better life.
  • The knight indicates a person who is satisfied with life. He is satisfied with his family and work.
  • The Queen recommends consulting a specialist.
  • King - use the wisdom of your elders.

Combination with the suit of Swords

Let's see how harsh Swords affect the map, what negative or positive aspects they reveal.

Knight of Pentacles with cards of the suit of Swords

  • The Ace symbolizes difficulties in achieving a goal. But don't give up.
  • Two - you will have to work hard to get what you want.
  • Three – experiences.
  • The number four advises taking a break, taking a vacation, a day off.
  • Five is defeat.
  • Six - loss of ground under your feet, non-standard situation.
  • Seven - be afraid of ill-wishers. Your reputation is at risk.
  • Eight - the circle is closed.
  • Nine – suffering due to problems with work and money.
  • Ten warns of the collapse of plans and hopes.
  • The page recommends not engaging in dangerous activities.
  • Knight - the goal is achievable, but the support of an influential person is needed.
  • The Queen is patronage.
  • King - occupying a high position is possible only as a result of hard work.

The meaning of the card in health matters

In the upright position, the card indicates the absence of serious health problems. A person sleeps well, eats right, plays sports, and is capable of hard physical labor.

In an inverted position, the Knight of Denariev indicates problems of the emotional and physical plane: fatigue, emptiness. The questioner is worried about pain in the heart, problems with blood vessels arise. Migraine, neurological pathologies - that’s what the inverted Knight of Coins is.

When this card appears in a reading, the questioner should think about life. Does he spend too much time working and communicating with unnecessary people? A knight is a reason to take a time out and reconsider relationships with colleagues and management. Spend time with your family and loved ones, fill every day with new meetings, interesting interlocutors, and come up with an entertaining hobby.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.


Jupiter in Taurus as a symbol of constancy, growth and increase in wealth.

Straight position:

The Knight of Pentacles means that the process develops according to its own laws. This is an organized person who brings any task to the end, gifted, and demanding of himself. Sometimes he may be financially dependent on others.

Reverse position:

A reversed card means: stagnation, carelessness, indecision, laziness. This may be a person of little ability or a fool.

Knight of Pentacles

Characteristics: Air of the earth. Virgo

Workaholic, the most reliable hero of all, practical, punctual, a little slow, careful, knows what he's doing, unerring sense of reality

Events: work-related success, leaving for work

Meeting the Knight of Pentacles

Business: growing slowly but surely, there is a solid base, solid deals, warehouses, storage facilities, a good rear

Occupation: managers, executives, financiers, surveyors, geologists, archaeologists

Health: physical strength, endurance, long-distance runner

Relationships: reliable, traditional, strong, mature

Advice: take only serious and proven cases

Warning: do not become a pedant who rejects any fantasies

Result: "Yes". slow approach to the desired result

Flipped over

Characteristics: Calculating cunning, greedy and lazy, lack of realism, or slow-witted

Events: lack of progress, unexpected expenses, pointless efforts, lack of work

Meeting the Reversed Knight of Pentacles

Business: always late in everything, poorly planned deals, little or no money

Occupation: -

Health: not bad, but something always hurts somewhere

Relationships: feelings have long been forgotten, there is a lot of dissatisfaction, nagging.

Advice: Prepare for unexpected financial expenses by saving

Warning: there is a danger of losing the real view and falling for speculation

Result: "No". you'll miss out on the benefits

General value:

The Horseman, the Knight of Denarii, personifies a state of mind characterized by diligence, patience and perseverance, in which necessary and useful things are created. It symbolizes something solid, durable, permanent, the soil or foundation on which we can build our future. This is a true expression of the earth element, that substance and materiality that gives us self-confidence, helps us look at things from a practical point of view and allows us to achieve real results. It also means, however, a very definite limit to the ability of our sensory perception. Where we go beyond this border, the positive qualities of the Knight of Denarii are distorted or even sometimes turn into their opposite, turning into stubbornness, inertia, thick-skinned laziness and sensual excesses.


Here the Horseman, the Knight of Denarii means a healthy working atmosphere, a spirit of hard work and reliability, thanks to which business goes well and plans are successfully implemented. This includes an instinct for profitable deals, good partners, and the desire (and ability!) to work clearly and productively. The card can also mean that we have a favorable period ahead, during which we will be able to realize our abilities and earn the respect of others thanks to the ability to distinguish the possible from the impossible, the valuable from the empty. If you are asked about an upcoming exam, negotiations or some kind of project, then the Horseman, Knight of Denarii foretells a solid, lasting and long-term result.


At the level of consciousness, this card shows that we master the ability to distinguish the real from the unreal, and also finally find ways and means to realize our plans and ideas. This may mean a "policy of small steps", in which the immediate, albeit small, result is valued more highly than distant, although great, goals. In addition, the map shows that we will have to deal with purely material issues and analyze our plan from the point of view of costs and cost accounting. There are, although rare, cases when this card warns against excessive stubbornness, callousness or greed.

Personal relationships:

Constancy, reliability, duration, fidelity - and, not least, tender sensuality. A strong alliance or the prospect of such an alliance, if we do not yet have a partner. In the union characterized by the Knight of Denarii, trust and loyalty play a more important role than the search for novelty, and the concept of “the two of us” plays a more important role than the search for communication with friends or concern for personal freedom and independence.

Knight of Pentacles in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - moving into the unknown.

With the "Mage" card - a careful start.

With the “High Priestess” card - gradual insight.

With the Empress card - slow progress.

With the “Emperor” card - strengthening discipline and power.

With the “Hierophant” card - spiritual efforts.

With the “Lovers” card - a leisurely, careful choice.

With the “Chariot” card - efforts to “move the train”.

With the “Strength” card - perseverance; stubbornness.

With the Hermit card - rely on yourself.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - gradual changes.

With the “Justice” card - a persistent search for justice.

With the Hanged Man card - stubbornness leading to a dead end.

With the “Death” card - meaningless stubbornness.

With the Temperance card, it's worth the wait.

With the “Devil” card - idleness; laziness.

With the “Tower” card, you’ll have a hard time.

With the “Star” card - choose your path.

With the Moon card - go astray; to be deceived; lose support.

With the Sun card - movement towards clarity and understanding.

With the "Court" card - relief.

With the “World” card - achieve the goal.

Knight of Pentacles - Logical-intuitive extrovert (Jack London)

Other names for the card: logical-intuitive extrovert (LIE), Jack London, Entrepreneur.


Direct card:

Men are often of short stature, “square format”, a small round head on a short powerful neck, they prefer a short haircut with a clipper (like, bro). Powerful square chin. Women are quite thickly built, with the same chins, with an undefined waist. Often powerful shoulders, high, full chest and narrow hips with thin legs. It takes a lot of tricks to look attractive, but these tricks are beneficial and they look well-groomed.

Reversed card:

Men are tall, thin, often with large ears set almost perpendicular to the skull. The face is also thin, elongated, with a fairly pronounced “American” chin. The women are very thin, with narrow hips and almost undeveloped breasts. Often ugly, but with a peculiar charm that makes them very attractive.

High entrepreneurial abilities help the Knight of Pentacles to always be on top in terms of manipulating the material world. One gets the impression that he really knows “...100 ways to make money without running afoul of the criminal code,” and can apply at least one of them under any circumstances. But his resourcefulness concerns not only money itself, but also other aspects of life. I remember a classmate of mine, whom the dean took into his office during an exam, ordered him to strip down to his underpants, and, taking away all his clothes, which were literally stuffed with his own and other people’s “spurs,” left him to prepare for the answer. Half an hour later, the student presented three sheets of paper covered with solved problems. In response to the teacher’s astonished tirade, he silently handed over his record book and only after receiving the coveted C did he remind him that there was a telephone in the office.

The Knight of Pentacles is prone to risk, material risk, and therefore his ups are often interspersed with downs, after which many would not rise, but not him. He just shrugs his shoulders and starts over somewhere else in another, often unexpected, area. One gets the impression that he is “running ahead of the locomotive”, working ahead of the curve, clearly understanding what tomorrow is, and whatever! By evening it may already be late. And trying to slip into the narrow gap of opportunity, the Knight of Pentacles often takes risks. And it is this excitement, the possibility of a big win and the danger of losing much, if not everything, that allows him to feel more alive.

An optimist by nature, he loves to laugh and make people laugh. Although his jokes are often ambiguous, and even downright difficult.

By the way, jokes with the word “ass” are especially popular among them.

The Knight of Pentacles, probably like no other card, has a great difference between a straight and an inverted card, especially in the male version. The upright card is stubborn, slow in thinking and more stable. An inverted card is easy-going, highly adventurous, and the flight of thought is swift and whimsical. It’s the same in communication: a direct map of relationships is difficult to build and therefore likes everything to be according to “concepts.” Actually, these “concepts” are the rules and laws governing relationships. The inverted card communicates easily, striking with its concentration, or, on the contrary, with bursts of violent fun, when “... the eyes are burning, the teeth are bared, and the mouth is from ear to ear” (description of the devil in one of the children's fairy tales).

Healthy from birth, the Knight of Pentacles does not know how to get sick and is very frightened by any bad health. He begins to moan, complain that he is dying and makes those around him rush around in search of doctors, medicines and other means of caring for the patient. He is treated thoroughly, but forgets about prevention as soon as he feels better.

He himself is quick-tempered and irritable, and requires tact, patience and a reliably warm and friendly relationship from his communication partners. He expresses his affection, love, and simply good relationships with gifts and all kinds of services. By the way, you can let him down only once, then he crosses you off the list of people reliable and close, and more often - forever.

The Knight of Pentacles likes struggle, competition, competition. He is passionate and can do a lot of things on a bet, which he later recalls with bewilderment - and how did he decide to do this? He always knows how to stand up for himself. And although he often prefers to come to an agreement in an informal setting than to confront openly, he does not tolerate pressure, especially emotional pressure, and becomes cruel.

In everyday life he goes to extremes: either there is complete chaos around him, in which he can find anything he wants, or everything is refined and ordered down to the millimeter. More often, these styles are combined, separated in space. For example, the room is in complete chaos everywhere except for the shelf with floppy disks, which are always in proper order, numbered and labeled.

Very efficient, especially if he believes that this idea has a future. He is capable of completely dedicating himself to what he loves, but after things settle into a regular course, he becomes bored. And then a new business is found, or boldly experiments with an existing one. The Knight of Pentacles is one of the most courageous pioneers and inventors of situations. In addition, he is vain, which only spurs ingenuity and activity in general.

The Knights of Pentacles also dress in two ways. They are chic dudes (remember, Ostap Bender wanted to go where everyone wears white pants?), what are the crimson jackets of the notorious new Russians worth. They don't really care what they look like. That’s why many people, by the way, wear the same clothes without taking them off - there’s no need to think about how to dress. And that’s why they wear the uniforms of various groups – leather and sweatpants. Women, on the contrary, think about clothing, but for them it is quite universal, so to speak, for a feast, and for the world, and for good people. Younger ladies try to wear things that will make them more feminine, although they still prefer trousers.

Men of the reversed card are partial to long coats and raincoats, complementing the set with a cane or an umbrella under the cane. The straight card gravitates more toward jackets and wide trousers, and can be complemented by rosary beads and a purse in the hands or a decent-sized gold chain around the neck.

Dad reads a bedtime story to his son.

- And he had a saber in his hand.

Son - what the fuck?

Father - go to sleep, damn it!

- And I also eat in it. (It's about the head)


1. “Commando” – the main character

2. “Cruel Intentions” – Cecil

3. “The Marriage Habit” – Charlie

4. “Overboard” – Dean

5. “The Barber of Siberia” – Jenny McCaffrey

6. “Young Catherine” – Catherine

7. "Cutthroat Island" - Morgan

8. “Mr. Brown’s Adventure” – female detective.

9. “Miss Congeniality” – the main character

10. “Rat Race” – girl – pilot

11. “Poezdochka” – the one who stole the bus

12. “The third wheel” - the main character (he invited me on a date)

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