Horoscope for August Taurus

  • Favorable days for Taurus in August 2017: August 3, 7, 11, 15, 23, 31.
  • Difficult days for Taurus in August 2017: August 1, 14, 26.

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus woman

Love horoscope

August 1 - August 10. Now you will begin to doubt your loved one, yourself, and generally want to take a time out in the relationship. But at the end of the decade, another problem will appear - the partner will begin to show persistence, jealousy, even aggression. He will try to command you and to all your objections he will say that you yourself wanted active action from him.

August 11 - August 20. Tense aspects between planets indicate serious contradictions in relationships. Your loved one will begin to show real cruelty towards you - both moral and perhaps even physical. Therefore, during this period, it is better for you to distance yourself from him as much as possible and take more care of yourself. You will have unexpected opportunities in love - a new relationship is likely awaiting you.

July 21 - August 31. In the first half of the period, you will be in excellent relations with your partner; he is ready for dialogue. But then your personal life may disappoint you, because you expect initiative from your loved one, but he still hesitates.

Romantic date. In the first half of the month of Leo, your best options for romantic dates will be meetings in nature, communication with your loved one in the village or in a neighboring city. But at the end of August, it’s better for you to meet him on your territory.

Family horoscope

In August, Taurus will begin to devote a lot of time to children. You will have the opportunity to eradicate bad habits from your son or daughter, instill good manners, and engage in their education. Then you will be more interested in adult family members, in particular your spouse. Your husband may change quite dramatically towards you; he may begin to show rigidity and demand complete and unconditional submission.

The secret of happiness. If in the first half of the period you are allowed to show reasonable coquetry and flirt with strangers, then from August you will have to become a real shy and silent person. This is the main secret of your family happiness.

Holiday horoscope

You will enjoy staying in a family hotel with your children rather than partying in nightclubs. In August, your vacation will be even more subordinated to family interests.

Place of power. Good luck will be brought to you by places related to the recreation and education of children - educational camps for children, possibly located abroad. In August, you will receive a charge of energy in places associated with the history of your personal relationships - in the hotel where you met your husband, in the park where he confessed his love to you.

Horoscope of work and money

You will begin a fairly fruitful period at work. In August, you can make good money using your charm and communication skills. At the end of August, circumstances will change dramatically, and you will have to work less intensively - this may be due to household chores.

Purchase of the month. It’s worth buying books, tickets, paying for tuition, and trips to a sanatorium.

Horoscope health

For Taurus, the entire period will be divided into two halves. At first you will want to devote more time not so much to your health as to your appearance, and then you may encounter real health problems. But timely assistance from competent specialists will help you cope with this.

Horoscope for August 2017 for Taurus men

Love. Your loved one most likely doesn’t know what he wants. Under the influence of Venus, he doubts his every step. At the beginning of August, he may flirt with you and provoke you into activity. But at the end of August you will have to starve him out. His behavior will begin to irritate you. But overall, your love life will be quite bearable if you like to dominate.

Tone. The life of your Taurus in the first half of the period will be subordinated to things that men usually do not pay attention to. Either it will seem to him that he is getting old, and he will start using your creams, or he will suddenly decide to lose weight. In August, your loved one will be more concerned about domestic problems, and he will devote all his strength to solving them.

Finance. At first, your chosen one’s financial affairs will go quite successfully. But later the situation may change, and he will really need your support.

Hobbies. A Taurus man will face a period when he will be overly concerned about his own appearance. He will often update his wardrobe, buy cosmetics for men, go on a strict diet or play sports.

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus child

0-6 years. Little Taurus is determined to achieve success in his circle. He will be very sociable in the first half of the period, but then he will seem to be replaced. Find out for sure whether anyone scared him.

7-12 years old. In relationships with peers, your Taurus will be the life of the party. True, only at the end of July. In August, the child may have a real ill-wisher who will begin to suppress and terrorize him. Your “calf” may need help from his parents.

13-17 years old. During the first half of the period, your Taurus teenager may be in a romantic mood and even fall in love. But then his dreams will collide with harsh reality. The fact that you do not approve of his choice will add fuel to the fire. After all, only you understand that this person is not at all suitable for your child.

Read the horoscope for August 2017 for other zodiac signs:

August will bring some bustle into the life of Taurus. They will constantly feel that they are not keeping up with something, that they are falling behind in something. Perhaps this will happen if Taurus deviates from their pre-planned plans.

Excessive worry is just as harmful to the execution of these plans as carelessness. Therefore, the key to success for Taurus is to decide in advance on the priority direction of activity and try to deviate as little as possible from the intended course.

In August, you should not try to embrace the immensity and reach sky-high heights.

The best thing you can do is to take your time and get on with the things at hand.

Beware of various squabbles with neighbors or colleagues during this period. Although the stars claim that victory in resolving various controversial issues will certainly remain yours.

This does not mean that you need to see a catch and provocation in everything. Just be alert, know how to defend your own interests without infringing on the interests of others.

The moral support of people from your inner circle will indicate that you are doing the right thing in this or that matter.

Family relationships and personal life of Taurus in August 2017

August will require you to be able to defend your interests among your relatives. Perhaps some of them, especially representatives of the older generation, will try to involve you in solving their problems. If this interferes with your plans or causes problems for you, it is better to tell them about it right away.

A tactful and reasoned refusal will still be a better solution than the prospect of taking on the responsibility of solving other people’s problems, to the detriment of one’s own interests. Don't let anyone manipulate you, even those close to you.

Taurus are more likely than ever to devote this period to their family. For family representatives of this sign, relationships with their significant other will reach a new level.

Your life partner will appreciate the attention and care that you show. Don't be afraid to listen to the dictates of your heart. Please your loved one by communicating with you. Give vent to positive emotions.

Show initiative and imagination in organizing family leisure time. Options for spending a joint holiday can be very diverse:

  • a nice tea party in a cozy gazebo in the country;
  • leisure;
  • a joint kayaking trip on the river.

For lonely Taurus, August does not predict a change in social status. If a new acquaintance is made, most likely it will be virtual and superficial. There are very few chances to start a serious relationship with a worthy person during this period.

Oddly enough, you can benefit from such a lull in your personal life. This time is perfect for deciding what kind of person you want to see next to you.

The more accurately you imagine what spiritual qualities an applicant for your hand in marriage should have, the higher the chances of meeting the right person.

Don’t be lazy, mentally send pictures to the Universe depicting how you imagine the first meeting with your chosen one, the first date, the feelings you hope to experience, etc.

If in the first two summer months you did not bother to fully relax, take care of it in August.

If you still can't take time out from work, at least try not to start new projects. Official affairs started by Taurus in August will tend to progress slowly, or even prove their failure over time.

In addition, in the first ten days of August, the stars warn about the possibility of deterioration in relations with colleagues. The reason for this may be simple fatigue that has accumulated over the past months, which will make you or your colleagues irritable and incapable of constructively resolving disputes.

However, a joint vacation with employees during this period is unlikely to contribute to the resuscitation of team spirit and team unity. Quite the contrary. Take more time off from work and from communicating with colleagues.

Because too close communication for a long time sometimes provokes conflicts. You need to give both yourself and your colleagues the opportunity to take a break from each other.

If this is still not possible, try to remain calm in conflict situations at work.

Large financial income, as well as material costs, are not expected in August. In this regard, Taurus has stability: no ups, but also no downs.

Taurus health in August 2017

The stars warn Taurus about the increased risk of various types of injuries, especially those related to transport.

Therefore, it is better to avoid unplanned trips and travel only if absolutely necessary. The most dangerous days will be at the end of the first ten days of August.

The beginning of summer was not marked by anything particularly pleasant for Taurus. Life goes on as usual, and only the stars know whether we should expect surprises from it in the form of happy love. An accurate love horoscope will tell you what they have prepared for you on the love front in August 2019.

Love horoscope for Taurus for August 2019

Taurus is the most modest and at the same time stubborn sign of the Zodiac. Such qualities greatly interfere with people's personal lives. It can be difficult for you to establish smooth, harmonious relationships with your partners for a variety of reasons. The first months of summer were no exception. Only on the eve of autumn can we hope for positive changes.

At the end of summer, Venus enters its active stage. This planet is the patron of Taurus. She is also responsible for all love relationships. Astrologers are sure that bright changes await you in your personal life. Everything that will happen in August is definitely for the better.

Venus will not allow her charges to remain on the sidelines. Exciting journeys into the world of love and passion await Taurus. One meeting can change their life. The only thing that is required of Taurus is not to miss their chance, even if they have to take the initiative, which they do not like to do.

The sex life of Taurus will not remain unchanged. Their partners will delight them with their impartiality and openness. Children planned in August will be born lucky. Fortune will not bypass those who marry a Taurus. The stars promise a comfortable life for families of this zodiac sign, created at the end of summer.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for August 2019

August is a time of discovery for Taurus women. Girls suddenly realize the power of their natural charm and learn to put it into practice. Interactions with the opposite sex will improve instantly.

It is even possible to renew relationships with former lovers. The ability to forgive will play a major role in this. Girls born under the sign of Taurus will learn to appreciate the good attitude of representatives of the opposite sex towards them, which will not go unnoticed by their chosen ones.

Venus will not forgive you for being conceived by an unloved person. If this happens in the last month of summer, you will have to go through a lot of difficulties in the near future. The patron planet stands only for love.

The intimate life of Taurus girls will be amazing. Passion, desire, pleasure and pleasure - these wonderful feelings will merge in one person. Venus even forgives parting, but only in the name of love.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for August 2019

Things won't be as rosy for men as they are for women. The love horoscope promises them an endless whirlpool of events, in which it is so easy to get confused and make a fatal mistake. In August, representatives of the stronger half will experience the risk of being left alone.

Only relationships with legal spouses will work out well. The family will begin their honeymoon again in August. Men will look at their wives with different eyes and completely rethink their attitude towards them.

Venus will patronize the marriage that the Sagittarius man decides to enter into with a girl born under the sign of Libra. In August 2019, a similar alliance created earlier will become even stronger.

Taurus's sex life is becoming more and more enjoyable. The last month of the hot season will bring many new meetings to lonely young people. One of these has every chance of becoming the first in a long-term romantic relationship.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019

Taurus horoscope for August 2017.

In August 2017, Taurus will need someone to tickle you! You know that ordinary tickling was prohibited by law in some ancient countries of the East, as it was considered a sinful exciting activity. So, in August 2017, Taurus will need just such a “sinful and exciting activity”, because otherwise you yourself will find yourself a “sinful and exciting activity” and more than one!

The fact is that, judging by the horoscope, in many ways August 2017 will be “sinfully unrealistic” for many Taurus. Taurus will enjoy not only many of the August days, but also the nights next month. And since Taurus does best and best at what you can control, try to plan your steps based on this in August 2017. And try to at least a little control your desire to arrange for yourself in August 2017 one big holiday turning into “sinful and exciting activities.” This especially applies to Taurus women, otherwise you can easily put your wallet and mobile phone in bags... under your eyes.

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus indicates that next month you will have many meetings, acquaintances, travel and events. “Re-acquaintances” are quite likely - this is when you re-acquaint yourself with people whom you have lost from sight for a long time. Or you will return to some past - a place, an event, a relationship, or you will return to a person. In this regard, it is likely that some Taurus themselves will become a little “yesterday”, but this will not interfere with the present you...

Favorable days are 2, 5, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25 and 27.

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus unfavorable days - the keys to happiness are in your head... there are also locks to this happiness... By planning unfavorable days, you yourself are hanging a lock on your possible happiness.

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus career, work and business. August 2017, like the entire horoscope as a whole, is favorable for Taurus in the professional sphere. You can not only seriously advance your career, but also strengthen your position and finances. There will be only one problem - it’s August outside the window, and you are needed at work. Only you know how to solve this problem. You'll have to choose your priorities. It’s only good for watermelon in August - it will still be sold!

But Taurus’ professional issues will not be resolved on their own, so choose - either a watermelon or a job. In addition, the career horoscope for August 2017 for Taurus advises paying very close attention to confidential information. It (information) can both help you defeat your competitors and bring serious problems into your life. Remember about the boy who, when he returned from school early and found his dad with his neighbor, now celebrates the New Year as many times a year as he wants.

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus Finance. People don’t care what’s in your soul; it’s more important to know how much you weigh and who you sleep with, and how much money you have in your wallet. In August 2017, it is better for Taurus to hide this information. And there will be something to hide.

Love horoscope for August 2017 Taurus. Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus Love. A smile does not always mean that a person is happy, sometimes it means that a person is strong. But this is not about Taurus. More precisely about Taurus, but not in August 2017. In the last month of summer, you will be both strong and happy because you are strong. Or maybe they are strong because they are happy - it doesn’t matter.

In August 2017, family Taurus will most likely enjoy a joint vacation or trips to their homeland and “childhood” or just trips with children. The only danger for Taurus is, as in the professional sphere, “extra” information. If, nevertheless, a “debriefing” begins in your relationship, then your main task is to maintain a defensive position, without firing at your partner with “you’re a fool” type projectiles, or “look at yourself” medium-range missiles. It’s better to do it later with a smile and without emotions. With one phrase “well, it was worth it”?

The love horoscope for August 2017 reminds lonely Taurus that Love at first sight is the same as not having time to run to the toilet for the first time. So try not to do too much stupidity or be too little impatient. Well, if in August 2017 you still don’t meet your Love, don’t be upset - Taurus will be able to pick the “daisy” of love in the Autumn of 2017. But, more about this in our next horoscopes on the website

Well, in the end, one piece of advice. Once upon a time there was an old school photographer who was invited to all schools. Because there was not a single photograph of him in which the children did not laugh. The whole secret is that he couldn’t pronounce the letters “r” and “l.” And after the phrase “fuck off” it was really difficult to resist not “fuck off”... So Taurus “fuck off” and August 2017 will take a photo of you with a smile and happy!

Have you read our horoscope for August 2017 Taurus? Now, click “like” - “like” and say goodbye to SUMMER!!!

Horoscope for August 2017 Taurus

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