863, what a century. Chronology of events. Which prince are we talking about and when did this event happen?

The Russian Federation is a state that ranks first in terms of territory and ninth in terms of population. This is a country that has gone from scattered principalities to a candidate for superpower. How did the formation of this political, economic and military colossus take place?

In our article we will look at the main dates in the history of Russia. We will see the development of the country from the first mentions of it until the end of the twentieth century.

9th - 10th century

The word “Rus” was first mentioned in 860 in connection with the siege of Constantinople (Constantinople) and the plunder of its surroundings. Researchers estimate that more than eight thousand people took part in the raid. The Byzantines did not expect an attack from the Black Sea at all, so they were unable to give a worthy rebuff. “The Rus left with impunity,” the chronicler reports.

The next important date was 862. This is one of the most significant events. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, it was at that time that representatives of the Slavic tribes invited Rurik to reign.

The chronicle says that they were tired of constant quarrels and civil strife, which only a visiting ruler could put an end to.

Like 862, the next year, 863, became important in the history of Russia. This year, according to chroniclers, the Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic - is being created. It was from this time that the official written history of Rus' begins.

In 882, Prince Oleg, Rurik’s successor, conquered Kyiv and made it the “capital city”. This ruler did a lot for the state. He began to unite the tribes, went against the Khazars, recapturing many lands. Now the northerners, Drevlyans, Radimichi pay tribute not to the Kaganate, but to the Kyiv prince.

We are considering only the main dates in the history of Russia. Therefore, we dwell only on some key events.

So, the 10th century was marked by a powerful expansion of the Rus into neighboring countries and tribes. So, Igor went against the Pechenegs (920) and Constantinople (944). Prince Svyatoslav defeated in 965, which significantly strengthened the position of Kievan Rus in the south and southeast.

In 970, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich became the prince of Kyiv. He, together with his uncle Dobrynya, whose image was later reflected in the epic hero, is preparing a campaign against the Bulgarians. He managed to defeat the Serbian and Bulgarian tribes on the Danube, as a result of which an alliance was concluded.

However, during the mentioned campaigns, the prince becomes imbued with Christianity. Previously, his grandmother, Princess Olga, was the first to accept this faith and found herself misunderstood by those around her. Now Vladimir the Great decides to baptize the entire state.

Thus, in 988, a series of ceremonies were carried out designed to baptize the majority of the tribes. Those who refused to change their faith voluntarily were forced to do so.

The last important date in the 10th century is considered to be the construction of the Tithe Church. It was with the help of this building that Christianity was finally established at the state level in Kyiv.

11th century

The eleventh century was marked by a large number of military conflicts between princes. Immediately after the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, civil strife began.

This devastation continued until 1019, when Prince Yaroslav, who was later nicknamed the Wise, sat on the throne in Kyiv. He reigned for thirty-five years. It is noteworthy that during the years of his reign, Kievan Rus practically reached the level of European states.

Since we are talking briefly about the history of Russia, the most important dates of the eleventh century are associated with the reign of Yaroslav (in the first half of the century) and the period of unrest (in the second half of the century).

So, from 1019 until his death in 1054, Prince Yaroslav the Wise compiled one of the most famous codes - “The Truth of Yaroslav”. This is the oldest part of “Russian Truth”.

Over five years, starting in 1030, he built the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov.

In the capital, in 1037, construction of the famous temple - Sophia of Kyiv - began. It was completed in 1041.

After the campaign against Byzantium, in 1043, Yaroslav built a similar cathedral in Novgorod.

The death of the Kyiv prince marked the beginning of the struggle for the capital between his sons. From 1054 to 1068 Izyaslav ruled. Then, with the help of an uprising, he is replaced by the Polotsk prince Vseslav. In epics he is mentioned as Volga.

Due to the fact that this ruler still adhered to pagan views in matters of faith, in folk tales the properties of a werewolf are attributed to him. In epics he becomes either a wolf or a falcon. In official history, he was given the nickname Sorcerer.

When listing the main dates in the history of Russia in the eleventh century, it is worth mentioning the creation of the “Pravda of the Yaroslavichs” in 1072 and the “Izbornik of Svyatoslav” in 1073. The latter contains descriptions of the lives of the saints, as well as their important teachings.

A more interesting document is “Russian Truth”. It consists of two parts. The first was written during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, and the second in 1072. This collection contains norms of criminal, procedural, commercial and inheritance legislation.

The last event worth mentioning within the eleventh century was the princes. He marked the beginning of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state. There it was decided that everyone should manage only their own estate.

12th century

Oddly enough, the Polovtsians played an important role in the reunification of the ancient Russian princes. Speaking about the main dates in the history of Russia in the twelfth century, one cannot fail to mention the campaigns against these nomads in 1103, 1107 and 1111. It was these three military campaigns that united the Eastern Slavs and created the preconditions for the reign of Vladimir Monomakh in 1113. His successor was his son Mstislav Vladimirovich.

During the reign of these princes, the Tale of Bygone Years was finally edited, and there was also an increase in discontent among the people, which was expressed in the uprisings of 1113 and 1127.

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, the political history of Europe and the history of Russia gradually became distant. The dates and events of the twelfth century fully confirm this.

While there was a struggle for power here caused by the collapse of the Kyiv state, the unification of Spain and several crusades were being carried out in Western Europe.

The following happened in Rus'. In 1136, as a result of the uprising and expulsion of Vsevolod Mstislavovich, a republic was established in Novgorod.

In 1147, chronicles first mention the name Moscow. It was from this time that the gradual rise of the city began, which was subsequently destined to become the capital of the united state.

The end of the twelfth century was marked by even greater fragmentation of the state and the weakening of the principalities. All this led to the fact that Rus' is deprived of freedom, falling into the yoke of the Mongol-Tatars.

Since these events took place in the thirteenth century, we will talk about them further.

XIII century

In this century, the independent history of Russia is temporarily interrupted. The dates, the table of Batu’s campaigns, which is given below, as well as maps of battles with the Mongols, indicate the incompetence of many princes in matters of military operations.

Campaigns of Khan Batu
The Council of Mongol Khans decides to launch a campaign against Rus', the army was led by Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan1235
The defeat of the Volga Bulgaria by the Mongols1236
Subjugation of the Polovtsians and the beginning of the campaign against Rus'1237
Siege and capture of RyazanDecember 1237
Fall of Kolomna and MoscowJanuary 1238
Capture of Vladimir by the MongolsFebruary 3-7, 1238
The defeat of the Russian army on the City River and the death of the Vladimir princeMarch 4, 1238
The fall of the city of Torzhok, the return of the Mongols to the steppesMarch 1238
Beginning of the siege of KozelskMarch 25, 1238
Rest of the Mongol army in the Don steppessummer 1238
Fall of Murom, Nizhny Novgorod and Gorokhovetsautumn 1238
Batu's invasion of the southern Russian principalities, the fall of Putivl, Pereyaslavl and Chernigovsummer 1239
Siege and capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars5-6 September 1240

There are several stories where city residents were able to heroically repel invaders (for example, Kozelsk). But not a single event is mentioned when the princes defeated the Mongol army.

Regarding Kozelsk, this is simply a unique story. The campaign of the invincible army of Khan Batu, who ravaged North-Eastern Rus' from 1237 to 1240, was stopped near the walls of a small fortress.

This town was the capital of the principality on the land of the former Vyatichi tribe. According to scientists, the number of his defenders did not exceed four hundred people. However, the Mongols were able to take the fortress only after seven weeks of siege and the loss of more than four thousand soldiers.

It is noteworthy that the defense was held by ordinary residents, without a prince or governor. At this time, Mstislav’s grandson, twelve-year-old Vasily, “ruled” in Kozelsk. Nevertheless, the townspeople decided to protect him and defend the city.

After the fortress was captured by the Mongols, it was razed to the ground and all the inhabitants were killed. Neither infants nor frail old people were spared.

After this battle, the remaining important dates in the history of Russia associated with the Mongol invasion concern exclusively the southern principalities.

So, in 1238, a little earlier, a battle takes place near the Kolomna River. In 1239, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl were plundered. And in 1240 Kyiv also fell.

In 1243, the Mongol state - the Golden Horde - was formed. Now Russian princes are obliged to take the “label to reign” from the khans.

In the northern lands at this time a completely different picture occurs. Swedish and German troops are approaching Rus'. They are opposed by the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky.

In 1240, he defeated the Swedes on the Neva River, and in 1242 he completely defeated the German knights (the so-called Battle of the Ice).

In the second half of the thirteenth century, several punitive campaigns of the Mongols against Rus' took place. They were directed against unwanted princes who did not receive a label to rule. So, in 1252 and 1293, Khan Duden destroyed fourteen large settlements of North-Eastern Rus'.

Due to difficult events and the gradual transfer of control to the northern lands, in 1299 the patriarch moved from Kyiv to Vladimir.

XIV century

More significant dates in the history of Russia date back to the fourteenth century. In 1325, Ivan Kalita came to power. He begins to gather all the principalities into a single state. So, by 1340, some lands were annexed to Moscow, and in 1328 Kalita became the Grand Duke.

In 1326, Metropolitan Peter of Vladimir moved his residence to Moscow as a more promising city.

The plague (“Black Death”) that began in 1347 in Western Europe reached Rus' in 1352. She destroyed many people.

When mentioning important dates in the history of Russia, it is especially worth focusing on events related to Moscow. In 1359, Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy ascended the throne. Over the course of two years, starting in 1367, the construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow took place. It was because of this that it was later called “white stone”.

By the end of the fourteenth century, Rus' finally emerged from the rule of the Golden Horde khans. So, in this vein, important events are the battle near the Vozha River (1378) and the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). These victories showed the Mongol-Tatars that a powerful state was beginning to take shape in the north, which would not be under anyone’s authority.

However, the Golden Horde did not want to lose its tributaries so easily. In 1382 he gathered a large army and ravaged Moscow.

This was the last disaster associated with the Mongol-Tatars. Although Rus' finally freed itself from their yoke only a century later. But during this time no one else disturbed its borders.

Moreover, in 1395 Tamerlane finally destroyed the Golden Horde. But the yoke over Russia continued to exist.

15th century

The main dates in the history of Russia in the fifteenth century relate mainly to the unification of lands into a single Moscow state.

The first half of the century passed in civil strife. During these years, Vasily I and Vasily II the Dark, Yuri Zvenigorodsky and Dmitry Shemyaka were in power.

The events of the first half of the fifteenth century are a little reminiscent of 1917 in the history of Russia. The civil war that followed the revolution also revealed many appanage princelings, gang leaders, who were subsequently destroyed by Moscow.

The reason for the civil strife lay in the choice of ways to strengthen the state. Externally, the political activities of the provisional rulers were connected with the Tatars and Lithuanians, who sometimes carried out raids. Some princes were guided by the support of the East, others trusted the West more.

The moral of decades of civil strife turned out to be that those who did not rely on external support, but strengthened the country from within, won. Thus, the result was the unification of many small appanage lands under the rule of the Grand Duke of Moscow.

An important step was the establishment of autocephaly in the Russian Orthodox Church. Now the metropolitans of Kyiv and all Rus' were proclaimed here. That is, dependence on Byzantium and the Patriarch of Constantinople was destroyed.

In the course of feudal wars and religious misunderstandings, the separation of the Moscow Metropolis from the Kyiv Metropolis took place in 1458.

The discord between the princes ended with the accession of John III. In 1471 he defeated the Novgorodians in the Battle of Shelon, and in 1478 he finally annexed Veliky Novgorod to the Moscow Principality.

In 1480 one of the most significant events of the fifteenth century took place. It is known in the chronicles under the name This is a very interesting story, which contemporaries considered “the mystical intercession of the Virgin Mary.” gathered a large army and opposed Ivan III, who was in alliance with the Crimean Khan.

But there was no battle. After the troops stood against each other for a long time, both armies turned back. Researchers in our time have found that this was caused by the weakness of the Great Horde and the actions of sabotage detachments in the rear of Akhmat.

Thus, in 1480, the Moscow Principality became a completely sovereign state.

The year 1552 was similar in importance in the history of Russia. We'll talk about it a little later.

In 1497, the Code of Laws, a set of laws for all residents of the state, was officially adopted and approved.

16th century

The sixteenth century is characterized by powerful processes of centralization of the country. During the reign of Vasily III, Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514) and Ryazan (1521) were annexed to Moscow. Also for the first time in 1517 it was mentioned as a state governing body.

With the death of Vasily III, a slight decline of Muscovy begins. The rules at this time were Elena Glinskaya, who was replaced by Boyar power. But the grown-up son of the deceased prince, Ivan Vasilyevich, put an end to arbitrariness.

He ascended the throne in 1547. Ivan the Terrible began with foreign policy. In the state itself, in fact, until 1565, the prince relied on zemsky councils and boyars. During these eighteen years, he was able to annex many territories.

The year 1552 is noteworthy in the history of Russia. Then Ivan the Terrible captures Kazan and annexes the Khanate to the Moscow state. In addition to it, such territories as the Astrakhan Khanate (1556) and the city of Polotsk (1562) were conquered.

The Siberian Khan in 1555 recognized himself as a vassal of Ivan Vasilyevich. However, in 1563, Khan Kuchum, who replaced him on the throne, breaks off all relations with Muscovy.

After a decade and a half of conquests, the Grand Duke turns his attention to the internal situation in the country. In 1565, the oprichnina was established and persecution and terror began. All boyar families that began to attach themselves to power are destroyed, and their property is confiscated. Executions continued until 1572.

In 1582, Ermak began his famous campaign in Siberia, which lasted a year.

In 1583, peace was signed with Sweden, returning to the latter all the lands conquered during the war.

In 1584, Ivan Vasilyevich dies and Boris Godunov actually comes to power. He became a real tsar only in 1598, after the death of Fedor, the son of Ivan the Terrible.

In 1598, the Rurikovich line was interrupted, and after the death of Boris (in 1605), the Time of Troubles and the Seven Boyars began.

17th century

The most important event was 1613 in the history of Russia. He influenced not only this century, but the next three hundred years. This year the turmoil ended and Mikhail, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, came to power.

The seventeenth century is characterized by the processes of formation and development of the Muscovite kingdom. In foreign policy, conflicts occur with Poland (1654) and Sweden (1656). From 1648 to 1654 there was an uprising in Ukraine led by Khmelnytsky.

There were riots in the Moscow kingdom itself in 1648 (Solyanoy), 1662 (Medny), 1698 (Streletsky). In 1668-1676 there was an uprising on the Solovetsky Islands. And from 1670 to 1671, the Cossacks rebelled under the leadership of Stenka Razin.

In addition to political and economic turmoil, religious turmoil and schism were brewing in the mid-seventeenth century. tried to reform the spiritual life of society, but was not accepted by the Old Believers. In 1667 he was convicted and sent into exile.

Thus, over the course of seven decades, the process of forming a single state took place, in which different institutions “grinded in” to each other. It ends with the accession of Peter I.

It turns out that 1613 in the history of Russia marked the beginning of a departure from feudalism. And Pyotr Alekseevich turned the kingdom into an empire and brought Russia to the international level.

XVIII century

The century of the most powerful rise that the history of Russia has ever known - the 18th century. The dates of the founding of new cities, universities, academies and other places speak for themselves.

So, in 1703 St. Petersburg was built. In 1711 the Senate was established, and in 1721 the Synod. In 1724 the Academy of Sciences was founded. In 1734 - the main military educational institution of the country, the Land Noble Corps. In 1755, Moscow University was created. These are just some of the events that show powerful cultural growth in the state.

In 1712, the capital was moved from “old” Moscow to “young” St. Petersburg. In addition, in 1721, Russia was proclaimed an empire, and Peter Alekseevich was the first to receive the corresponding title.

The eighteenth century will be of particular interest to those interested in the military history of Russia. The dates and events of this century show the unprecedented power of the Russian army and navy, as well as the wonders of engineering.

The country entered the nineteenth century as a powerful empire that defeated Turkey, Sweden, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

19th century

If a feature of the previous century was the cultural and military growth of the state, then in the next period there is a slight reorientation of interests. Rapid economic development and the separation of the government from the people - all this is the history of Russia, the 19th century.

The dates of significant events of that time tell us about the growth of bribery among officials, as well as about the authorities’ attempts to create thoughtless performers from the lower strata of society.

The main military conflicts of this century were the Patriotic War (1812) and the confrontation between Russia and Turkey (1806, 1828, 1853, 1877).

In domestic politics, many reforms are taking place aimed at further enslaving ordinary people. These are Speransky's reforms (1809), great reforms (1862), judicial reform (1864), censorship reform (1865), and universal military service (1874).

Even if we take into account the abolition of serfdom in 1861, it is still clear that the bureaucracy strives for maximum exploitation of the common people.
The response to this policy was a series of uprisings. 1825 - Decembrists. 1830 and 1863 - uprising in Poland. In 1881, the Narodnaya Volya killed Alexander II.

In the wake of general dissatisfaction with the government, the position of the Social Democrats is strengthening. The first congress took place in 1898.

XX century

Despite the wars, disasters and other horrors discussed above, some dates of the 20th century are especially terrible. Until that time, the history of Russia had not known such a nightmare as the Bolsheviks created in the first quarter of the century.

The 1905 revolution and participation in the First World War (1914-1917) were the last straw for ordinary workers and peasants.

The year 1917 will be remembered for a long time in the history of Russia. After the October Revolution and the abdication of Nicholas II, his family was captured and executed in July 1918. A civil war begins, which lasted until 1922, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed. A similar revolution and devastation marked 1991 in the history of Russia.

The first years of the existence of the new state were marked by social disasters of enormous proportions. These are famine in 1932-1933 and repression in 1936-1939.

In 1941, the USSR entered World War II. In our historical tradition, this conflict is called the Great Patriotic War. After the victory in 1945, the restoration and short-term rise of the country began.

1991 became a turning point in the history of Russia. The Soviet Union collapsed, leaving all dreams of a “bright future” under the rubble. In fact, people had to learn how to live from scratch in a market economy in a new state.

Thus, you and I, dear friends, briefly went through the most significant events in the history of Russia.

Good luck, and remember that the answers to the future are stored in the lessons of the past.

IV century AD - Formation of the first tribal union of the Eastern Slavs (Volynians and Buzhans).
V century - Formation of the second tribal union of the Eastern Slavs (Polyans) in the middle Dnieper basin.
VI century - The first written news about “Rus” and “Rus”. Conquest of the Slavic tribe Duleb by the Avars (558).
VII century - Settlement of Slavic tribes in the basins of the upper Dnieper, Western Dvina, Volkhov, Upper Volga, etc.
VIII century - The beginning of the expansion of the Khazar Kaganate to the north, the imposition of tribute on the Slavic tribes of the Polyans, Northerners, Vyatichi, Radimichi.

Kievan Rus

838 - The first known embassy of the “Russian Kagan” to Constantinople..
860 - Campaign of the Rus (Askold?) against Byzantium..
862 - Formation of the Russian state with its capital in Novgorod. The first mention of Murom in chronicles.
862-879 - The reign of Prince Rurik (879+) in Novgorod.
865 - Capture of Kyiv by the Varangians Askold and Dir.
OK. 863 - Creation of the Slavic alphabet by Cyril and Methodius in Moravia.
866 - Slavic campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople).
879-912 - The reign of Prince Oleg (912+).
882 - Unification of Novgorod and Kyiv under the rule of Prince Oleg. Transfer of the capital from Novgorod to Kyiv.
883-885 - Subjugation of the Krivichi, Drevlyans, Northerners and Radimichi by Prince Oleg. Formation of the territory of Kievan Rus.
907 - Prince Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople. The first agreement between Rus' and Byzantium.
911 - Conclusion of the second treaty between Rus' and Byzantium.
912-946 - Reign of Prince Igor (946x).
913 - Uprising in the land of the Drevlyans.
913-914 - Campaigns of the Rus against the Khazars along the Caspian coast of Transcaucasia.
915 - Treaty of Prince Igor with the Pechenegs.
941 - 1st campaign of Prince Igor to Constantinople.
943-944 - 2nd campaign of Prince Igor to Constantinople. Treaty of Prince Igor with Byzantium.
944-945 - Campaign of the Rus on the Caspian coast of Transcaucasia.
946-957 - Simultaneous reign of Princess Olga and Prince Svyatoslav.
OK. 957 - Olga's trip to Constantinople and her baptism.
957-972 - Reign of Prince Svyatoslav (972x).
964-966 - Campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav against Volga Bulgaria, Khazars, tribes of the North Caucasus and Vyatichi. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate in the lower reaches of the Volga. Establishing control over the Volga - Caspian Sea trade route.
968-971 - Campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav to Danube Bulgaria. Defeat of the Bulgarians in the Battle of Dorostol (970). Wars with the Pechenegs.
969 - Death of Princess Olga.
971 - Treaty of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium.
972-980 - Reign of Grand Duke Yaropolk (980s).
977-980 - Internecine wars for the possession of Kiev between Yaropolk and Vladimir.
980-1015 - Reign of Grand Duke Vladimir the Saint (1015+).
980 - Pagan reform of Grand Duke Vladimir. An attempt to create a single cult uniting the gods of different tribes.
985 - Campaign of Grand Duke Vladimir with the allied Torci against the Volga Bulgars.
988 - Baptism of Rus'. The first evidence of the establishment of the power of the Kyiv princes on the banks of the Oka.
994-997 - Campaigns of Grand Duke Vladimir against the Volga Bulgars.
1010 - Founding of the city of Yaroslavl.
1015-1019 - Reign of Grand Duke Svyatopolk the Accursed. Wars for the princely throne.
beginning of the 11th century - settlement of the Polovtsians between the Volga and Dnieper.
1015 - Murder of princes Boris and Gleb by order of Grand Duke Svyatopolk.
1016 - Defeat of the Khazars by Byzantium with the help of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich. Suppression of the uprising in Crimea.
1019 - Defeat of the Grand Duke Svyatopolk the Accursed in the fight against Prince Yaroslav.
1019-1054 - Reign of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise (1054+).
1022 - Victory of Mstislav the Brave over the Kasogs (Circassians).
1023-1025 - War of Mstislav the Brave and Grand Duke Yaroslav for the great reign. Victory of Mstislav the Brave in the battle of Listven (1024).
1025 - Division of Kievan Rus between princes Yaroslav and Mstislav (border along the Dnieper).
1026 - Conquest of the Baltic tribes of Livs and Chuds by Yaroslav the Wise.
1030 - Founding of the city of Yuryev (modern Tartu) in the Chud land.
1030-1035 - Construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov.
1036 - Death of Prince Mstislav the Brave. Unification of Kievan Rus under the rule of Grand Duke Yaroslav.
1037 - The defeat of the Pechenegs by Prince Yaroslav and the foundation of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv in honor of this event (finished in 1041).
1038 - Victory of Yaroslav the Wise over the Yatvingians (Lithuanian tribe).
1040 - War of the Rus with the Lithuanians.
1041 - Campaign of the Rus against the Finnish tribe Yam.
1043 - Campaign of the Novgorod prince Vladimir Yaroslavich to Constantinople (last campaign against Byzantium).
1045-1050 - Construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.
1051 - Founding of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery. The appointment of the first metropolitan (Hilarion) from the Russians, appointed to the position without the consent of Constantinople.
1054-1078 - The reign of Grand Duke Izyaslav Yaroslavich (The actual triumvirate of princes Izyaslav, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich and Vsevolod Yaroslavich. “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs.” Weakening of the supreme power of the Kyiv prince.
1055 - The first news of the chronicle about the appearance of the Polovtsians at the borders of the Pereyaslavl principality.
1056-1057 - Creation of the "Ostromir Gospel" - the oldest dated handwritten Russian book.
1061 - Polovtsian raid on Rus'.
1066 - Raid on Novgorod by Prince Vseslav of Polotsk. The defeat and capture of Vseslav by the Grand Duke Izslav.
1068 - New Polovtsian raid on Rus' led by Khan Sharukan. The Yaroslavichs' campaign against the Polovtsians and their defeat on the Alta River. The uprising of the townspeople in Kyiv, the flight of Izyaslav to Poland.
1068-1069 - Great reign of Prince Vseslav (about 7 months).
1069 - Return of Izyaslav to Kyiv together with the Polish king Boleslav II.
1078 - Death of Grand Duke Izyaslav in the battle of Nezhatina Niva with the outcasts Boris Vyacheslavich and Oleg Svyatoslavich.
1078-1093 - Reign of Grand Duke Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Land redistribution (1078).
1093-1113 - Reign of Grand Duke Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich.
1093-1095 - War of the Rus with the Polovtsians. Defeat of princes Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh in the battle with the Polovtsians on the Stugna River (1093).
1095-1096 - The internecine struggle of Prince Vladimir Monomakh and his sons with Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich and his brothers for the Rostov-Suzdal, Chernigov and Smolensk principalities.
1097 - Lyubech Congress of Princes. Assignment of principalities to princes on the basis of patrimonial law. Fragmentation of the state into specific principalities. Separation of the Murom principality from the Chernigov principality.
1100 - Vitichevsky Congress of Princes.
1103 - Dolob congress of princes before the campaign against the Polovtsians. Successful campaign of princes Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh against the Polovtsians.
1107 - Capture of Suzdal by the Volga Bulgars.
1108 - Foundation of the city of Vladimir on the Klyazma as a fortress to protect the Suzdal principality from the Chernigov princes.
1111 - Campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians. The defeat of the Polovtsians at Salnitsa.
1113 - First edition of The Tale of Bygone Years (Nestor). An uprising of dependent (enslaved) people in Kyiv against the princely power and merchants-usurers. Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich.
1113-1125 - Reign of Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh. Temporary strengthening of the power of the Grand Duke. Drawing up the “Charters of Vladimir Monomakh” (legal registration of judicial law, regulation of rights in other areas of life).
1116 - Second edition of The Tale of Bygone Years (Sylvester). Victory of Vladimir Monomakh over the Polovtsians.
1118 - Conquest of Minsk by Vladimir Monomakh.
1125-1132 - Reign of Grand Duke Mstislav I the Great.
1125-1157 - Reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in the Rostov-Suzdal Principality.
1126 - First election of mayor in Novgorod.
1127 - Final division of the Principality of Polotsk into fiefs.
1127 -1159 - Reign of Rostislav Mstislavich in Smolensk. The heyday of the Smolensk Principality.
1128 - Famine in the Novgorod, Pskov, Suzdal, Smolensk and Polotsk lands.
1129 - Separation of the Ryazan Principality from the Murom-Ryazan Principality.
1130 -1131 - Russian campaigns against Chud, the beginning of successful campaigns against Lithuania. Clashes between the Murom-Ryazan princes and the Polovtsians.
1132-1139 - Reign of Grand Duke Yaropolk II Vladimirovich. The final decline of the power of the Kyiv Grand Duke.
1135-1136 - Unrest in Novgorod, Charter of the Novgorod prince Vsevolod Mstislavovich on the management of merchants, expulsion of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. Invitation to Novgorod for Svyatoslav Olgovich. Strengthening the principle of inviting the prince to the veche.
1137 - Separation of Pskov from Novgorod, formation of the Pskov Principality.
1139 - 1st great reign of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (8 days). Unrest in Kyiv and its capture by Vsevolod Olegovich.
1139-1146 - Reign of Grand Duke Vsevolod II Olgovich.
1144 - Formation of the Principality of Galicia through the unification of several appanage principalities.
1146 - Reign of Grand Duke Igor Olgovich (six months). The beginning of a fierce struggle between the princely clans for the Kiev throne (Monomakhovichi, Olgovichi, Davydovichi) - lasted until 1161.
1146-1154 - The reign of Grand Duke Izyaslav III Mstislavich with interruptions: in 1149, 1150 - the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky; In 1150 - the 2nd great reign of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (all - less than six months). Intensification of internecine struggle between the Suzdal and Kyiv princes.
1147 - The first chronicle mention of Moscow.
1149 - The struggle of the Novgorodians with the Finns for Vod. Attempts by the Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgorukov to recapture the Ugra tribute from the Novgorodians.
Bookmark "Yuryev in the field" (Yuryev-Polsky).
1152 - Founding of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and Kostroma.
1154 - Founding of the city of Dmitrov and the village of Bogolyubov.
1154-1155 - Reign of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavich.
1155 - 1st reign of Grand Duke Izyaslav Davydovich (about six months).
1155-1157 - Reign of Grand Duke Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky.
1157-1159 - Parallel reign of Grand Duke Izyaslav Davydovich in Kyiv and Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky in Vladimir-Suzdal.
1159-1167 - Parallel reign of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavich in Kyiv and Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky in Vladimir-Suzdal.
1160 - Uprising of the Novgorodians against Svyatoslav Rostislavovich.
1164 - Andrei Bogolyubsky's campaign against the Volga Bulgarians. Victory of the Novgorodians over the Swedes.
1167-1169 - Parallel reign of Grand Duke Mstislav II Izyaslavich in Kyiv and Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky in Vladimir.
1169 - Capture of Kyiv by the troops of Grand Duke Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. Transfer of the capital of Rus' from Kyiv to Vladimir. The rise of Vladimir Rus'.

Rus' Vladimir

1169-1174 - Reign of Grand Duke Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky. Transfer of the capital of Rus' from Kyiv to Vladimir.
1174 - Murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky. The first mention of the name "nobles" in the chronicles.
1174-1176 - Reign of Grand Duke Mikhail Yuryevich. Civil strife and uprisings of townspeople in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.
1176-1212 - Reign of Grand Duke Vsevolod Big Nest. The heyday of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'.
1176 - War of the Rus with the Volga-Kama Bulgaria. The clash between the Rus and the Estonians.
1180 - Beginning of civil strife and collapse of the Smolensk Principality. Civil strife between the Chernigov and Ryazan princes.
1183-1184 - Great campaign of the Vladimir-Suzdal princes under the leadership of Vsevolod Great nest on the Volga Bulgars. Successful campaign of the princes of Southern Rus' against the Polovtsians.
1185 - Unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians.
1186-1187 - Internecine struggle between the Ryazan princes.
1188 - Attack of the Novgorodians on German merchants in Novotorzhka.
1189-1192 - 3rd Crusade
1191 - Campaigns of the Novgorodians with Koreloya to the pit.
1193 - Unsuccessful campaign of the Novgorodians against Ugra.
1195 - The first known trade agreement between Novgorod and German cities.
1196 - Recognition of Novgorod liberties by the princes. Vsevolod's Big Nest march to Chernigov.
1198 - Conquest of the Udmurts by the Novgorodians. Relocation of the Teutonic Order of Crusaders from Palestine to the Baltic states. Pope Celestine III proclaims the Northern Crusade.
1199 - Formation of the Galician-Volyn principality through the unification of the Galician and Volyn principalities. The rise of Roman Mstislavich the Great Foundation of the Riga fortress by Bishop Albrecht. Establishment of the Order of the Swordsmen for the Christianization of Livonia (modern Latvia and Estonia)
1202-1224 - Capture of Russian possessions in the Baltic states by the Order of the Swordsmen. The Order's struggle with Novgorod, Pskov and Polotsk for Livonia.
1207 - Separation of the Rostov Principality from the Vladimir Principality. Unsuccessful defense of the Kukonas fortress in the middle reaches of the Western Dvina by Prince Vyacheslav Borisovich (“Vyachko”), grandson of the Smolensk prince Davyd Rostislavich.
1209 - The first mention in the chronicle of Tver (according to V.N. Tatishchev, Tver was founded in 1181).
1212-1216 - 1st reign of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich. Internecine struggle with brother Konstantin Rostovsky. Defeat of Yuri Vsevolodovich in the battle on the Lipitsa River near the city of Yuryev-Polsky.
1216-1218 - Reign of Grand Duke Konstantin Vsevolodovich of Rostov.
1218-1238 - 2nd reign of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich (1238x) 1219 - foundation of the city of Revel (Kolyvan, Tallinn)
1220-1221 - Campaign of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich to Volga Bulgaria, seizure of lands in the lower reaches of the Oka. Founding of Nizhny Novgorod (1221) in the land of the Mordovians as an outpost against Volga Bulgaria. 1219-1221 - Genghis Khan's capture of the states of Central Asia
1221 - Yuri Vsevolodovich's campaign against the crusaders, unsuccessful siege of the Riga fortress.
1223 - Defeat of the coalition of Polovtsians and Russian princes in the battle with the Mongols on the Kalka River. Yuri Vsevolodovich's campaign against the crusaders.
1224 - Capture of Yuryev (Dorpt, modern Tartu) by the knights-swords, the main Russian fortress in the Baltic states.
1227 - The campaign was carried out. Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich and other princes to the Mordovians. Death of Genghis Khan, proclamation of Batu as the Great Khan of the Mongol-Tatars.
1232 - Campaign of the Suzdal, Ryazan and Murom princes against Mordovians.
1233 - Attempt of the Knights of the Sword to take the Izborsk fortress.
1234 - Victory of the Novgorod prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich over the Germans near Yuryev and the conclusion of peace with them. Suspension of the advance of the swordsmen to the east.
1236-1249 - Reign of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Novgorod.
1236 - defeat of the Volga Bulgaria and the Volga tribes by the great Khan Batu.
1236 - defeat of the troops of the Order of the Sword by the Lithuanian prince Mindaugas. Death of the Grand Master of the Order.
1237-1238 - Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in North-Eastern Rus'. The destruction of the cities of Ryazan and Vladimir-Suzdal principalities.
1237 - defeat of the troops of the Teutonic Order by Daniil Romanovich of Galicia. Merger of the remnants of the Order of the Sword and the Teutonic Order. Formation of the Livonian Order.
1238 - Defeat of the troops of the princes of North-Eastern Rus' in the battle on the Sit River (March 4, 1238). Death of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich. Separation of the Belozersky and Suzdal principalities from the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.
1238-1246 - Reign of Grand Duke Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich..
1239 - Devastation of the Mordovian lands, Chernigov and Pereyaslav principalities by Tatar-Mongol troops.
1240 - Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Southern Rus'. The devastation of Kiev (1240) and the Galician-Volyn principality. Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich over the Swedish army in the battle on the Neva River (“Battle of the Neva”)..
1240-1241 - Invasion of the Teutonic knights into the lands of Pskov and Novgorod, their capture of Pskov, Izborsk, Luga;
Construction of the Koporye fortress (now a village in the Lomonosovsky district of the Leningrad region).
1241-1242 - Expulsion of the Teutonic knights by Alexander Nevsky, liberation of Pskov and other cities. Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Eastern Europe. The defeat of the Hungarian troops on the river. Solenaya (04/11/1241), devastation of Poland, fall of Krakow.
1242 - Victory of Alexander Nevsky over the knights of the Teutonic Order in the battle of Lake Peipsi (“Battle of the Ice”). The conclusion of peace with Livonia on the terms of its renunciation of claims to Russian lands. The defeat of the Mongol-Tatars from the Czechs in the Battle of Olomouc. Completion of the "Great Western Campaign".
1243 - Arrival of Russian princes at Batu's headquarters. Announcement of Prince Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich as “the oldest” Formation of the “Golden Horde”
1245 - Battle of Yaroslavl (Galitsky) - the last battle of Daniil Romanovich Galitsky in the struggle for possession of the Galician principality.
1246-1249 - Reign of Grand Duke Svyatoslav III Vsevolodovich 1246 - Death of the Great Khan Batu
1249-1252 - Reign of Grand Duke Andrei Yaroslavich.
1252 - The devastating "Nevryuev's army" to the Vladimir-Suzdal land.
1252-1263 - Reign of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. The campaign of Prince Alexander Nevsky at the head of the Novgorodians to Finland (1256).
1252-1263 - reign of the first Lithuanian prince Mindovg Ringoldovich.
1254 - foundation of the city of Saray - the capital of the Golden Horde. The struggle of Novgorod and Sweden for Southern Finland.
1257-1259 - The first Mongol census of the population of Rus', the creation of a Baska system for collecting tribute. The uprising of the townspeople in Novgorod (1259) against the Tatar "numerals".
1261 - Establishment of the Orthodox diocese in the city of Saray.
1262 - Uprisings of the townspeople of Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir and Yaroslavl against Muslim tax farmers and tribute collectors. The assignment of collecting tribute to the Russian princes.
1263-1272 - Reign of Grand Duke Yaroslav III Yaroslavich.
1267 - Genoa receives the khan's label for ownership of Kafa (Feodosia) in Crimea. The beginning of the Genoese colonization of the coast of the Azov and Black Seas. Formation of colonies in Kafa, Matrega (Tmutarakan), Mapa (Anapa), Tanya (Azov).
1268 - Joint campaign of the Vladimir-Suzdal princes, Novgorodians and Pskovites to Livonia, their victory at Rakovor.
1269 - Siege of Pskov by the Livonians, conclusion of peace with Livonia and stabilization of the western border of Pskov and Novgorod.
1272-1276 - Reign of Grand Duke Vasily Yaroslavich 1275 - campaign of the Tatar-Mongol army against Lithuania
1272-1303 - Reign of Daniil Alexandrovich in Moscow. Foundation of the Moscow dynasty of princes.
1276 Second Mongolian census of Rus'.
1276-1294 - Reign of Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich of Pereyaslavl.
1288-1291 - struggle for the throne in the Golden Horde
1292 - Invasion of the Tatars led by Tudan (Deden).
1293-1323 - War of Novgorod with Sweden for the Karelian Isthmus.
1294-1304 - Reign of Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky.
1299 - Transfer of the metropolitan see from Kyiv to Vladimir by Metropolitan Maxim.
1300-1301 - Construction of the Landskrona fortress on the Neva by the Swedes and its destruction by the Novgorodians led by Grand Duke Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky.
1300 - Victory of Moscow Prince Daniil Alexandrovich over Ryazan. Annexation of Kolomna to Moscow.
1302 - Annexation of the Pereyaslav Principality to Moscow.
1303-1325 - Reign of Prince Yuri Daniilovich in Moscow. Conquest of the Mozhaisk appanage principality by Prince Yuri of Moscow (1303). The beginning of the struggle between Moscow and Tver.
1304-1319 - Reign of Grand Duke Mikhail II Yaroslavich of Tver (1319x). Construction (1310) by the Novgorodians of the Korela fortress (Kexgolm, modern Priozersk). Reign of Grand Duke Gediminas in Lithuania. Annexation of the Polotsk and Turov-Pinsk principalities to Lithuania
1308-1326 - Peter - Metropolitan of All Rus'.
1312-1340 - reign of Uzbek Khan in the Golden Horde. The rise of the Golden Horde.
1319-1322 - Reign of Grand Duke Yuri Daniilovich of Moscow (1325x).
1322-1326 - Reign of Grand Duke Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Eyes (1326x).
1323 - Construction of the Russian fortress Oreshek at the source of the Neva River.
1324 - Campaign of the Moscow prince Yuri Daniilovich with the Novgorodians to the Northern Dvina and Ustyug.
1325 - Tragic death in the Golden Horde of Yuri Daniilovich of Moscow. Victory of Lithuanian troops over the people of Kiev and Smolensk.
1326 - Transfer of the metropolitan see from Vladimir to Moscow by Metropolitan Theognostus.
1326-1328 - Reign of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskoy (1339x).
1327 - Uprising in Tver against the Mongol-Tatars. The flight of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich from the punitive army of the Mongol-Tatars.

Rus' Moscow

1328-1340 - Reign of Grand Duke Ivan I Danilovich Kalita. Transfer of the capital of Rus' from Vladimir to Moscow.
The division of the Vladimir principality by Khan Uzbek between Grand Duke Ivan Kalita and Prince Alexander Vasilyevich of Suzdal.
1331 - Unification of the Vladimir principality by Grand Duke Ivan Kalita under his rule..
1339 - The tragic death of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskoy in the Golden Horde. Construction of a wooden Kremlin in Moscow.
1340 - Founding of the Trinity Monastery by Sergius of Radonezh (Trinity-Sergius Lavra) Death of Uzbek, Great Khan of the Golden Horde
1340-1353 - Reign of Grand Duke Simeon Ivanovich Proud 1345-1377 - Reign of Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd Gediminovich. Annexation of Kyiv, Chernigov, Volyn and Podolsk lands to Lithuania.
1342 - Nizhny Novgorod, Unzha and Gorodets joined the Suzdal principality. Formation of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality.
1348-1349 - Crusades of the Swedish king Magnus I in the Novgorod lands and his defeat. Novgorod recognizes the independence of Pskov. Bolotovsky Treaty (1348).
1353-1359 - Reign of Grand Duke Ivan II Ivanovich the Meek.
1354-1378 - Alexey - Metropolitan of All Rus'.
1355 - Division of the Suzdal principality between Andrei (Nizhny Novgorod) and Dmitry (Suzdal) Konstantinovich.
1356 - subjugation of the Bryansk principality by Olgerd
1358-1386 - Reign of Svyatoslav Ioannovich in Smolensk and his struggle with Lithuania.
1359-1363 - Reign of Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich of Suzdal. The struggle for the great reign between Moscow and Suzdal.
1361 - seizure of power in the Golden Horde by Temnik Mamai
1363-1389 - Reign of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy.
1363 - Olgerd's campaign to the Black Sea, his victory over the Tatars on the Blue Waters (a tributary of the Southern Bug), the subordination of the Kyiv land and Podolia to Lithuania
1367 - Mikhail Alexandrovich Mikulinsky came to power in Tver with the help of the Lithuanian army. Worsening relations between Moscow and Tver and Lithuania. Construction of the white stone walls of the Kremlin.
1368 - Olgerd’s 1st campaign against Moscow (“Lithuanianism”).
1370 - Olgerd’s 2nd campaign against Moscow.
1375 - Dmitry Donskoy's campaign against Tver.
1377 - Defeat of the troops of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod from the Tatar prince Arab Shah (Arapsha) on the Pyana River Unification by Mamai of the uluses west of the Volga
1378 - Victory of the Moscow-Ryazan army over the Tatar army of Begich on the Vozha River.
1380 - Mamai’s campaign against Rus' and his defeat in the Battle of Kulikovo. The defeat of Mamai by Khan Tokhtamysh on the Kalka River.
1382 - Tokhtamysh’s campaign against Moscow and the destruction of Moscow. The destruction of the Ryazan principality by the Moscow army.
OK. 1382 - Coin minting begins in Moscow.
1383 - Annexation of the Vyatka land to the Nizhny Novgorod principality. Death of the former Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich of Suzdal.
1385 - Judicial reform in Novgorod. Declaration of independence from the metropolitan court. Dmitry Donskoy's unsuccessful campaign against Murom and Ryazan. Krevo Union of Lithuania and Poland.
1386-1387 - Campaign of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy at the head of a coalition of Vladimir princes to Novgorod. Payments of indemnity by Novgorod. Defeat of the Smolensk prince Svyatoslav Ivanovich in the battle with the Lithuanians (1386).
1389 - The appearance of firearms in Rus'.
1389-1425 - Reign of Grand Duke Vasily I Dmitrievich, for the first time without the sanction of the Horde.
1392 - Annexation of the Nizhny Novgorod and Murom principalities to Moscow.
1393 - Campaign of the Moscow army led by Yuri Zvenigorodsky to the Novgorod lands.
1395 - Defeat of the Golden Horde by the troops of Tamerlane. Establishment of vassal dependence of the Smolensk principality on Lithuania.
1397-1398 - Campaign of the Moscow army to the Novgorod lands. Annexation of Novgorod possessions (Bezhetsky Verkh, Vologda, Ustyug and Komi lands) to Moscow, return of the Dvina land to Novgorod. Conquest of the Dvina land by the Novgorod army.
1399-1400 - Campaign of the Moscow army led by Yuri Zvenigorodsky to the Kama against the Nizhny Novgorod princes who took refuge in Kazan 1399 - victory of Khan Timur-Kutlug over the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vitovt Keistutovich.
1400-1426 - Reign of Prince Ivan Mikhailovich in Tver, strengthening of Tver 1404 - capture of Smolensk and the Smolensk principality by the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vitovt Keistutovich
1402 - Annexation of the Vyatka land to Moscow.
1406-1408 - War of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I with Vitovt Keistutovich.
1408 - March on Moscow by Emir Edigei.
1410 - Death of Prince Vladimir Andreevich the Brave Battle of Grunwald. The Polish-Lithuanian-Russian army of Jogaila and Vytautas defeated the knights of the Teutonic Order
OK. 1418 - Popular uprising against the boyars in Novgorod.
OK. 1420 - Beginning of coinage in Novgorod.
1422 - Peace of Melno, agreement between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland with the Teutonic Order (concluded on September 27, 1422 on the shore of Lake Mielno). The Order finally abandoned Samogitia and Lithuanian Zanemanje, retaining the Klaipeda region and Polish Pomerania.
1425-1462 - Reign of Grand Duke Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark.
1425-1461 - Reign of Prince Boris Alexandrovich in Tver. An attempt to enhance the significance of Tver.
1426-1428 - Campaigns of Vytautas of Lithuania against Novgorod and Pskov.
1427 - Recognition of vassal dependence on Lithuania by the Tver and Ryazan principalities. 1430 - death of Vytautas of Lithuania. The beginning of the decline of the Lithuanian great power
1425-1453 - Internecine war in Rus' between Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark with Yuri Zvenigorodsky, cousins ​​Vasily Kosy and Dmitry Shemyaka.
1430 - 1432 - struggle in Lithuania between Svidrigail Olgerdovich, representing the “Russian” party, and Sigismund, representing the “Lithuanian” party.
1428 - Raid of the Horde army on the Kostroma lands - Galich Mersky, destruction and robbery of Kostroma, Ples and Lukh.
1432 - Trial in the Horde between Vasily II and Yuri Zvenigorodsky (on the initiative of Yuri Dmitrievich). Confirmation of Grand Duke Vasily II.
1433-1434 - Capture of Moscow and the great reign of Yuri of Zvenigorod.
1437 - Ulu-Muhammad's campaign to the Zaoksky lands. Battle of Belevskaya December 5, 1437 (defeat of the Moscow army).
1439 - Basil II refuses to accept the Florentine Union with the Roman Catholic Church. The campaign of the Kazan Khan Makhmet (Ulu-Muhammad) to Moscow.
1438 - separation of the Kazan Khanate from the Golden Horde. The beginning of the collapse of the Golden Horde.
1440 - Recognition of the independence of Pskov by Casimir of Lithuania.
1444-1445 - Raid of the Kazan Khan Makhmet (Ulu-Muhammad) on Ryazan, Murom and Suzdal.
1443 - separation of the Crimean Khanate from the Golden Horde
1444-1448 - War of Livonia with Novgorod and Pskov. The campaign of Tver residents to the Novgorod lands.
1446 - Transfer to Moscow service of Kasim Khan, brother of the Kazan Khan. The blinding of Vasily II by Dmitry Shemyaka.
1448 - Election of Jonah as Metropolitan at the Council of the Russian Clergy. Signing of a 25-year peace between Pskov and Novgorod and Livonia.
1449 - Agreement between Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark and Casimir of Lithuania. Recognition of the independence of Novgorod and Pskov.
OK. 1450 - First mention of St. George's Day.
1451 - Annexation of the Suzdal Principality to Moscow. The campaign of Mahmut, the son of Kichi-Muhammad, to Moscow. He burned the settlements, but the Kremlin did not take them.
1456 - The campaign of Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark against Novgorod, the defeat of the Novgorod army near Staraya Russa. Yazhelbitsky Treaty of Novgorod with Moscow. The first restriction of Novgorod liberties. 1454-1466 - The Thirteen Years' War between Poland and the Teutonic Order, which ended with the recognition of the Teutonic Order as a vassal of the Polish king.
1458 The final division of the Kyiv Metropolis into Moscow and Kyiv. The refusal of the church council in Moscow to recognize Metropolitan Gregory sent from Rome and the decision to henceforth appoint a metropolitan by the will of the Grand Duke and the council without approval in Constantinople.
1459 - Subordination of Vyatka to Moscow.
1459 - Separation of the Astrakhan Khanate from the Golden Horde
1460 - Truce between Pskov and Livonia for 5 years. Recognition of Moscow's sovereignty by Pskov.
1462 - Death of Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark.

Russian state (Russian centralized state)

1462-1505 - Reign of Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich.
1462 - Ivan III stopped issuing Russian coins with the name of the Khan of the Horde. Statement by Ivan III on the renunciation of the khan's label for the great reign..
1465 - Scriba's detachment reaches the Ob River.
1466-1469 - Travel of the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin to India.
1467-1469 - campaigns of the Moscow army against the Kazan Khanate..
1468 - Campaign of Khan of the Great Horde Akhmat to Ryazan.
1471 - 1st campaign of Grand Duke Ivan III against Novgorod, defeat of the Novgorod army on the Sheloni River. Horde campaign to the Moscow borders in the Trans-Oka region.
1472 - Annexation of the Perm land (Great Perm) to Moscow.
1474 - Annexation of the Rostov Principality to Moscow. Conclusion of a 30-year truce between Moscow and Livonia. The conclusion of the alliance of the Crimean Khanate and Moscow against the Great Horde and Lithuania.
1475 - capture of Crimea by Turkish troops. The transition of the Crimean Khanate to vassal dependence on Turkey.
1478 - 2nd campaign of Grand Duke Ivan III to Novgorod.
Elimination of independence of Novgorod.
1480 - “Great Stand” on the Ugra River of Russian and Tatar troops. Ivan III's refusal to pay tribute to the Horde. The end of the Horde yoke.
1483 - The campaign of the Moscow governor F. Kurbsky in the Trans-Urals on the Irtysh to the city of Isker, then down the Irtysh to the Ob in the Ugra land. Conquest of the Pelym Principality.
1485 - Annexation of the Tver Principality to Moscow.
1487-1489 - Conquest of the Kazan Khanate. Capture of Kazan (1487), adoption by Ivan III of the title "Grand Duke of the Bulgars". Moscow's protégé, Khan Mohammed-Emin, was elevated to the Kazan throne. Introduction of a local land tenure system.
1489 - March on Vyatka and the final annexation of the Vyatka land to Moscow. Annexation of Arsk land (Udmurtia).
1491 - “Campaign into the Wild Field” of a 60,000-strong Russian army to help the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey against the khans of the Great Horde. The Kazan Khan Muhammad-Emin joins the campaign to attack the flank.
1492 - Superstitious expectations of the “end of the world” in connection with the end (March 1) of the 7th millennium “from the creation of the world.” September - decision of the Moscow Church Council to postpone the start of the year to September 1. The first use of the title "autocrat" was in a message to Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyevich. Foundation of the Ivangorod fortress on the Narva River.
1492-1494 - 1st war of Ivan III with Lithuania. Annexation of Vyazma and the Verkhovsky principalities to Moscow.
1493 - Treaty of Ivan III on an alliance with Denmark against the Hansa and Sweden. Denmark cedes its possessions in Finland in exchange for the cessation of Hanseatic trade in Novgorod.
1495 - separation of the Siberian Khanate from the Golden Horde. Collapse of the Golden Horde
1496-1497 - War of Moscow with Sweden.
1496-1502 - reign in Kazan of Abdyl-Letif (Abdul-Latif) under the protectorate of Grand Duke Ivan III
1497 - Code of Law of Ivan III. The first Russian embassy in Istanbul
1499 -1501 - Campaign of the Moscow governors F. Kurbsky and P. Ushaty to the Northern Trans-Urals and the lower reaches of the Ob.
1500-1503 - 2nd war of Ivan III with Lithuania for the Verkhovsky principalities. Annexation of the Seversk land to Moscow.
1501 - Formation of a coalition of Lithuania, Livonia and the Great Horde, directed against Moscow, Crimea and Kazan. On August 30, the 20,000-strong army of the Great Horde began the devastation of the Kursk land, approaching Rylsk, and by November it reached the Bryansk and Novgorod-Seversky lands. The Tatars captured the city of Novgorod-Seversky, but did not go further to the Moscow lands.
1501-1503 - War between Russia and the Livonian Order.
1502 - The final defeat of the Great Horde by the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, the transfer of its territory to the Crimean Khanate
1503 - Annexation of half of the Ryazan principality (including Tula) to Moscow. Truce with Lithuania and annexation of Chernigov, Bryansk and Gomel (almost a third of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) to Russia. Truce between Russia and Livonia.
1505 - Anti-Russian uprising in Kazan. The beginning of the Kazan-Russian War (1505-1507).
1505-1533 - Reign of Grand Duke Vasily III Ivanovich.
1506 - Unsuccessful siege of Kazan.
1507 - First raid of the Crimean Tatars on the southern borders of Russia.
1507-1508 - War between Russia and Lithuania.
1508 - Conclusion of a peace treaty with Sweden for 60 years.
1510 - Elimination of independence of Pskov.
1512-1522 - War between Russia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
1517-1519 - Publishing activity of Francis Skaryna in Prague. Skaryna publishes a translation from Church Slavonic into Russian - “The Russian Bible”.
1512 - "Eternal Peace" with Kazan. Unsuccessful siege of Smolensk.
1513 - Accession of the Volotsk inheritance to the Moscow Principality.
1514 - Capture of Smolensk by the troops of Grand Duke Vasily III Ivanovich and annexation of the Smolensk lands.
1515, April - Death of the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, a longtime ally of Ivan III;
1519 - Campaign of the Russian army to Vilno (Vilnius).
1518 - Moscow’s protégé, Khan (Tsar) Shah-Ali, came to power in Kazan
1520 - Conclusion of a truce with Lithuania for 5 years.
1521 - Campaign of the Crimean and Kazan Tatars led by Muhammad-Girey (Magmet-Girey), Khan of Crimea and Kazan Khan Saip-Girey (Sahib-Girey) to Moscow. Siege of Moscow by the Crimeans. Complete annexation of the Ryazan principality to Moscow. Seizure of the throne of the Kazan Khanate by the dynasty of the Crimean khans Giray (Khan Sahib-Girey).
1522 - Arrest of Novgorod-Seversk Prince Vasily Shemyachich. Annexation of the Novgorod-Seversky Principality to Moscow.
1523-1524 - 2nd Kazan-Russian War.
1523 - Anti-Russian protests in Kazan. The march of Russian troops into the lands of the Kazan Khanate. Construction of the Vasilsursk fortress on the Sura River. Capture of Astrakhan by Crimean troops..
1524 - New Russian campaign against Kazan. Peace negotiations between Moscow and Kazan. Proclamation of Safa-Girey as king of Kazan.
1529 - Russian-Kazan Peace Treaty Siege of Vienna by the Turks
1530 - Campaign of the Russian army to Kazan.
1533-1584 - Reign of the Grand Duke and Tsar (from 1547) Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible.
1533-1538 - Regency of the mother of Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyevich Elena Glinskaya (1538+).
1538-1547 - Boyar rule under the infant Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyevich (until 1544 - Shuiskys, from 1544 - Glinskys)
1544-1546 - Annexation of the lands of the Mari and Chuvash to Russia, campaign in the lands of the Kazan Khanate.
1547 - Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyevich accepted the royal title (coronation). Fires and civil unrest in Moscow.
1547-1549 - Political program of Ivan Peresvetov: the creation of a permanent Streltsy army, the support of royal power on the nobles, the seizure of the Kazan Khanate and the distribution of its lands to the nobles.
1547-1550 - Unsuccessful campaigns (1547-1548, 1549-1550) of Russian troops against Kazan. Campaign of the Crimean Khan against Astrakhan. Construction of a protege of Crimea in Astrakhan
1549 - First news of Cossack towns on the Don. Formation of the embassy order. Convening of the first Zemsky Sobor.
1550 - Sudebnik (code of laws) of Ivan the Terrible.
1551 - "Stoglavy" Cathedral. Approval of the reform program (with the exception of the secularization of church lands and the introduction of a secular court for clergy). 3rd Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible.
1552 - 4th (Great) campaign of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich to Kazan. Unsuccessful campaign of the Crimean troops to Tula. Siege and capture of Kazan. Liquidation of the Kazan Khanate.
1552-1558 - Subjugation of the territory of the Kazan Khanate.
1553 - Unsuccessful campaign of the 120,000-strong army of Prince Yusuf of the Nogai Horde against Moscow..
1554 - 1st campaign of Russian governors to Astrakhan.
1555 - Abolition of feedings (completion of the provincial and zemstvo reforms) Recognition of vassal dependence on Russia by the Khan of the Siberian Khanate Ediger
1555-1557 - War between Russia and Sweden.
1555-1560 - Campaigns of Russian governors to Crimea.
1556 - Capture of Astrakhan and annexation of the Astrakhan Khanate to Russia. The transition of the entire Volga region to Russian rule. Adoption of the “Code of Service” - regulation of the service of nobles and local salary standards. Disintegration of the Nogai Horde into the Greater, Lesser and Altyul Hordes..
1557 - The oath of allegiance of the ambassadors of the ruler of Kabarda to the Russian Tsar. Recognition of vassal dependence on Russia by Prince Ismail of the Great Nogai Horde. The transition of the western and central Bashkir tribes (subjects of the Nogai Horde) to the Russian Tsar.
1558-1583 - Russian Livonian War for access to the Baltic Sea and for the lands of Livonia.
1558 - Capture of Narva and Dorpat by Russian troops.
1559 - Truce with Livonia. D. Ardashev's campaign to Crimea. Transition of Livonia under the protectorate of Poland.
1560 - Victory of the Russian army at Ermes, capture of Fellin castle. The victory of A. Kurbsky was won by the Livonians near Wenden. The fall of the government of the Chosen Rada, A. Adashev fell from grace. Transition of Northern Livonia to Swedish citizenship.
1563 - Capture of Polotsk by Tsar Ivan IV Seizure of power in the Siberian Khanate by Kuchum. Severance of vassal relations with Russia
1564 - Publication of "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov.
1565 - Introduction of oprichnina by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. The beginning of oprichnina persecution 1563-1570 - Northern Seven Years' War of the Danish-Swedish War for dominance in the Baltic Sea. The Peace of Stettin 1570 largely restored the status quo.
1566 - Completion of the construction of the Great Zasechnaya Line (Ryazan-Tula-Kozelsk and Alatyr-Temnikov-Shatsk-Ryazhsk). The city of Orel was founded.
1567 - Union of Russia and Sweden. Construction of the Terki fortress (Tersky town) at the confluence of the Terek and Sunzha rivers. The beginning of Russia's advance into the Caucasus.
1568-1569 - Mass executions in Moscow. Destruction by order of Ivan the Terrible of the last appanage prince Andrei Vladimirovich Staritsky. Conclusion of peace agreements between Turkey and Crimea with Poland and Lithuania. The beginning of the openly hostile policy of the Ottoman Empire towards Russia
1569 - Campaign of the Crimean Tatars and Turks to Astrakhan, unsuccessful siege of Astrakhan Union of Lublin - Formation of a single Polish-Lithuanian state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
1570 - Punitive campaigns of Ivan the Terrible against Tver, Novgorod and Pskov. The devastation of the Ryazan land by the Crimean Khan Davlet-Girey. The beginning of the Russian-Swedish war. Unsuccessful siege of Revel Formation of the vassal kingdom of Magnus (brother of the King of Denmark) in Livonia.
1571 - Campaign of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey to Moscow. Capture and burning of Moscow. Flight of Ivan the Terrible to Serpukhov, Alexandrov Sloboda, then to Rostov..
1572 - Negotiations between Ivan the Terrible and Devlet-Girey. A new campaign of the Crimean Tatars against Moscow. Victory of governor M.I. Vorotynsky on the Lopasna River. Retreat of Khan Devlet-Girey. Abolition of the oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible. Execution of oprichnina leaders.
1574 - Founding of the city of Ufa;.
1575-1577 - Campaigns of Russian troops in Northern Livonia and Livonia.
1575-1576 - Nominal reign of Simeon Bekbulatovich (1616+), Kasimov Khan, proclaimed by Ivan the Terrible "Grand Duke of All Rus'".
1576 - Founding of Samara. Capture of a number of strongholds in Livonia (Pernov (Pärnu), Venden, Paidu, etc.) Election of the Turkish protege Stefan Batory to the Polish throne (1586+).
1577 - Unsuccessful siege of Revel.
1579 - Capture of Polotsk and Velikiye Luki by Stefan Batory.
1580s - First news of Cossack towns on Yaik.
1580 - 2nd campaign of Stefan Batory to Russian lands and his capture of Velikiye Luki. Capture of Korela by the Swedish commander Delagardi. The decision of the church council to prohibit the acquisition of land by churches and monasteries.
1581 - Capture of the Russian fortresses of Narva and Ivangorod by Swedish troops. Cancellation of St. George's Day. The first mention of “reserved” years. The murder of his eldest son Ivan by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible.
1581-1582 - Stefan Batory’s siege of Pskov and its defense by I. Shuisky.
1581-1585 - The campaign of the Cossack ataman Ermak to Siberia and the defeat of the Siberian Khanate of Kuchum.
1582 - Yam-Zapolsky truce between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for 10 years. Transfer of Livonia and Polotsk into Polish possession. Relocation of part of the Don Cossacks to the Grebni tract in the North. Caucasus Bull of Pope Gregory XIII on calendar reform and the introduction of the Gregorian calendar.
1582-1584 - Mass uprisings of the peoples of the Middle Volga region (Tatars, Mari, Chuvash, Udmurts) against Moscow Introduction of a new calendar style in Catholic countries (Italy, Spain, Poland, France, etc.). "Calendar riots" in Riga (1584).
1583 - Plyus truce between Russia and Sweden for 10 years with the cession of Narva, Yama, Koporye, Ivangorod. The end of the Livonian War, which lasted (with interruptions) 25 years.
1584-1598 - Reign of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich 1586 - election of Swedish prince Sigismund III Vasa as king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1632+)
1586-1618 - Annexation of Western Siberia to Russia. Founding of Tyumen (1586), Tobolsk (1587), Berezov (1593), Obdorsk (1595), Tomsk (1604).
OK. 1598 - death of Khan Kuchum. The power of his son Ali remains in the upper reaches of the Ishim, Irtysh, and Tobol rivers.
1587 - Renewal of relations between Georgia and Russia.
1589 - Founding of the Tsaritsyn fortress at the portage between the Don and Volga. Establishment of the patriarchate in Russia.
1590 - Founding of Saratov.
1590-1593 - Successful war between Russia and Sweden 1592 - King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Sigismund III Vasa came to power in Sweden. The beginning of Sigismund's struggle with another contender for the throne and relative Charles Vasa (future King Charles IX of Sweden)
1591 - Death of Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich in Uglich, uprising of the townspeople.
1592-1593 - Decree on the exemption from duties and taxes of the lands of landowners performing military service and living on their estates (the appearance of “white lands”). Decree banning peasant exit. The final attachment of peasants to the land.
1595 - Treaty of Tyavzin with Sweden. Return to Russia the cities of Yam, Koporye, Ivangorod, Oreshek, Nyenshan. Recognition of Swedish control over Russia's Baltic trade.
1597 - Decree on indentured servants (lifetime of their condition without the possibility of paying off the debt, termination of service with the death of the master). Decree on a five-year period for searching for fugitive peasants (lesson years).
1598 - Death of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. The end of the Rurik dynasty. Adoption of the Babinovskaya road as the official government route to Siberia (instead of the old Cherdynskaya road).

Time of Troubles

1598-1605 - Reign of Tsar Boris Godunov.
1598 - Active construction of cities in Siberia begins.
1601-1603 - Famine in Russia. Partial restoration of St. George's Day and limited output of peasants.
1604 - Construction of the Tomsk fortress by a detachment from Surgut at the request of the prince of the Tomsk Tatars. The appearance of the impostor False Dmitry in Poland, his campaign at the head of the Cossacks and mercenaries against Moscow.
1605 - Reign of Tsar Fyodor Borisovich Godunov (1605x).
1605-1606 - Reign of the impostor False Dmitry I
Preparation of a new Code allowing peasant exit.
1606 - Conspiracy of the boyars led by Prince V.I. Shuisky. Overthrow and murder of False Dmitry I. Proclamation of V.I. Shuisky as king.
1606-1610 - Reign of Tsar Vasily IV Ivanovich Shuisky.
1606-1607 - Rebellion of I.I. Bolotnikov and Lyapunov under the motto “Tsar Dmitry!”
1606 - Appearance of the impostor False Dmitry II.
1607 - Decrees on “voluntary slaves”, on a 15-year period for searching for runaway peasants and on sanctions for the reception and retention of runaway peasants. Cancellation of the reforms of Godunov and False Dmitry I.
1608 - Victory of False Dmitry II over government troops led by D.I. Shuisky near Bolkhov.
Creation of the Tushino camp near Moscow..
1608-1610 - Unsuccessful siege of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by Polish and Lithuanian troops.
1609 - Appeal for help (February) against False Dmitry II to the Swedish king Charles IX at the cost of territorial concessions. Advance of Swedish troops to Novgorod. Entry of the Polish king Sigismund III into the Russian state (September). The beginning of the Polish intervention in Russia. Naming Metropolitan Philaret (Fedor Nikitich Romanov) patriarch in the Tushino camp. Confusion in the Tushino camp. Flight of False Dmitry II.
1609-1611 - Siege of Smolensk by Polish troops.
1610 - Battle of Klushin (June 24) between Russian and Polish troops. Liquidation of the Tushino camp. A new attempt by False Dmitry II to organize a campaign against Moscow. Death of False Dmitry II. Removal of Vasily Shuisky from the throne. The entry of the Poles into Moscow.
1610-1613 - Interregnum (“Seven Boyars”).
1611 - Defeat of Lyapunov's militia. The fall of Smolensk after a two-year siege. Captivity of Patriarch Filaret, V.I. Shuisky and others.
1611-1617 - Swedish intervention in Russia;.
1612 - Gathering of a new militia of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. Liberation of Moscow, defeat of Polish troops. Death of the former Tsar Vasily Shuisky in captivity in Poland.
1613 - Convening of the Zemsky Sobor in Moscow. Election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne.
1613-1645 - Reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
1615-1616 - Liquidation of the Cossack movement of Ataman Balovnya.
1617 - Peace of Stolbovo with Sweden. The return of Novgorod lands to Russia, the loss of access to the Baltic - the cities of Korela (Kexholm), Koporye, Oreshek, Yam, Ivangorod went to Sweden.
1618 - Deulin truce with Poland. Transfer of Smolensk lands (including Smolensk), except for Vyazma, Chernigov and Novgorod-Seversk lands with 29 cities to Poland. Refusal of the prince of Poland Vladislav from claims to the Russian throne. Election of Filaret (Fedor Nikitich Romanov) as Patriarch.
1619-1633 - Patriarchate and reign of Filaret (Fedor Nikitich Romanov).
1620-1624 - Beginning of Russian penetration into Eastern Siberia. Hiking to the Lena River and up the Lena to the land of the Buryats.
1621 - Establishment of the Siberian diocese.
1632 - Organization of troops of a “foreign system” in the Russian army. Founding of the first ironworks in Tula by A. Vinius. The war between Russia and Poland for the return of Smolensk. Foundation of the Yakut fort (in its present location since 1643) 1630-1634 - Swedish period of the Thirty Years' War, when the Swedish army, having invaded Germany (under the command of Gustav II Adolf), won victories at Breitenfeld (1631), Lützen (1632), but was defeated at Nördlingen (1634).
1633-1638 - Campaign of the Cossacks I. Perfilyev and I. Rebrov from the lower reaches of the Lena to the Yana and Indigirka rivers 1635-1648 - Franco-Swedish period of the Thirty Years' War, when with the entry of France into the war the clear superiority of the anti-Habsburg coalition was determined. As a result, the Habsburg plans collapsed, and political hegemony passed to France. Ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.
1636 - Foundation of the Tambov fortress.
1637 - Capture of the Turkish fortress of Azov at the mouth of the Don by the Don Cossacks.
1638 - Hetman Ya. Ostranin, who rebelled against the Poles, moved with his army to Russian territory. The formation of suburban Ukraine began (regions of Kharkov, Kursk, etc. between the Don and Dnieper)
1638-1639 - Campaign of the Cossacks P. Ivanov from Yakutsk to the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka.
1639-1640 - Campaign of the Cossacks I. Moskvitin from Yakutsk to the Lamsky (Sea of ​​Okhotsk, access to the Pacific Ocean. Completion of the latitudinal crossing of Siberia, begun by Ermak.
1639 - Founding of the first glass factory in Russia.
1641 - Successful defense of the Azov fortress by the Don Cossacks at the mouth of the Don (“Azov Seat”).
1642 - Termination of the defense of the Azov fortress. The decision of the Zemsky Sobor to return Azov to Turkey. Registration of the noble military class.
1643 - Liquidation of the Koda Khanty principality on the right bank of the Ob. The sea voyage of the Cossacks, led by M. Starodukhin and D. Zdyryan, from Indigirka to Kolyma. The exit of Russian servicemen and industrial people to Baikal (K. Ivanov’s campaign) The discovery of Sakhalin by the Dutch navigator M. de Vries, who mistook Sakhalin Island for part of Hokkaido Island..
1643-1646 - V. Poyarkov’s campaign from Yakutsk to Aldan, Zeya, Amur to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
1645-1676 - Reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov.
1646 - Replacement of direct taxes with a tax on salt. Cancellation of the salt tax and return to direct taxes due to mass unrest. Census of the draft and partly non-tax population.
1648-1654 - Construction of the Simbirsk abatis line (Simbirsk-Karsun-Saransk-Tambov). Construction of the Simbirsk fortress (1648).
1648 - S. Dezhnev’s voyage from the mouth of the Kolyma River to the mouth of the Anadyr River through the strait separating Eurasia from America. "Salt riot" in Moscow. Uprisings of citizens in Kursk, Yelets, Tomsk, Ustyug, etc. Concessions to the nobles: convening of the Zemsky Sobor to adopt a new Code, abolition of collection of arrears. The beginning of the uprising of B. Khmelnitsky against the Poles in Ukraine..
1649 - Cathedral Code of Alexei Mikhailovich. The final formalization of serfdom (the introduction of an indefinite search for fugitives), the liquidation of “white settlements” (feudal estates in cities exempt from taxes and duties). Legalization of the search for denunciation of intent against the Tsar or his insult (“The Sovereign’s Word and Deed”) Deprivation of the British trade privileges at the request of the Russian merchants..
1649-1652 - E. Khabarov’s campaigns on the Amur and Daurian land. The first clashes between the Russians and the Manchus. Creation of territorial regiments in Slobodskaya Ukraine (Ostrogozhsky, Akhtyrsky, Sumsky, Kharkovsky).
1651 - Beginning of church reform by Patriarch Nikon. Foundation of the German Settlement in Moscow.
1651-1660 - M. Stadukhin’s hike along the Anadyr-Okhotsk-Yakutsk route. Establishing a connection between the northern and southern routes to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
1652-1656 - Construction of the Zakamskaya abatis line (Bely Yar - Menzelinsk).
1652-1667 - Clashes between secular and ecclesiastical authorities.
1653 - The decision of the Zemsky Sobor to accept the citizenship of Ukraine and the start of the war with Poland. Adoption of a trade charter regulating trade (a single trade duty, a ban on collecting travel duties in the possessions of secular and spiritual feudal lords, limiting peasant trade to trade from carts, increasing duties for foreign merchants).
1654-1667 - Russian-Polish war for Ukraine.
1654 - Approval of Nikon's reforms by the church council. The emergence of the Old Believers led by Archpriest Avvakum, the beginning of a schism in the church. Approval by the Pereyaslav Rada of the Zaporozhye Treaty of the Zaporozhye Treaty (01/8/1654) on the transition of Ukraine (Poltava, Kiev, Chernihiv, Podolia, Volyn) to Russia with the preservation of broad autonomy (inviolability of the rights of the Cossacks, election of a hetman, independent foreign policy, non-jurisdiction of Moscow, payment of tribute without interference Moscow collectors). Capture of Polotsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Smolensk by Russian troops
1655 - Capture of Minsk, Vilna, Grodno by Russian troops, access to Brest. Swedish invasion of Poland. Beginning of the first Northern War
1656 - Capture of Nyenskans and Dorpat. Siege of Riga. Armistice with Poland and declaration of war on Sweden.
1656-1658 - Russian-Swedish war for access to the Baltic Sea.
1657 - Death of B. Khmelnitsky. Election of I. Vyhovsky as hetman of Ukraine.
1658 - Nikon open conflict with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Beginning of the issuance of copper money (payment of salaries in copper money and collection of taxes in silver). Termination of negotiations with Poland, resumption of the Russian-Polish war. Invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine Gadyach Treaty between Hetman of Ukraine Vyhovsky and Poland on the annexation of Ukraine as an autonomous “Russian principality” to Poland.
1659 - Defeat of Russian troops at Konotop from Hetman of Ukraine I. Vygovsky and the Crimean Tatars. Refusal of the Pereyaslav Rada to approve the Gadyach Treaty. Removal of Hetman I. Vygovsky and election of Hetman of Ukraine Yu. Khmelnytsky. Approval by the Rada of a new agreement with Russia. The defeat of Russian troops in Belarus, the betrayal of Hetman Yu. Khmelnitsky. The split of the Ukrainian Cossacks into supporters of Moscow and supporters of Poland.
1661 - Treaty of Kardis between Russia and Sweden. Russia's renunciation of the conquests of 1656, return to the conditions of the Stolbovo Peace of 1617 1660-1664 - Austro-Turkish War, division of the lands of the Kingdom of Hungary.
1662 - "Copper riot" in Moscow.
1663 - Founding of Penza. The split of Ukraine into the hetmanates of Right-Bank and Left-Bank Ukraine
1665 - Reforms of A. Ordin-Nashchekin in Pskov: establishment of merchant companies, introduction of elements of self-government. Strengthening Moscow's position in Ukraine.
1665-1677 - hetmanship of P. Doroshenko in Right Bank Ukraine.
1666 - Nikon was deprived of the rank of patriarch and the condemnation of the Old Believers by a church council. Construction of a new Albazinsky fort on the Amur by the rebel Ilim Cossacks (accepted as Russian citizenship in 1672)..
1667 - Construction of ships for the Caspian flotilla. New trading charter. Archpriest Avvakum's exile to the Pustozersky prison for "heresies" (criticism) of the country's rulers. A. Ordin-Nashchekin at the head of the Ambassadorial Prikaz (1667-1671). Conclusion of the Andrusovo truce with Poland by A. Ordin-Nashchekin. Implementation of the division of Ukraine between Poland and Russia (transition of Left Bank Ukraine under Russian rule).
1667-1676 - Solovetsky uprising of schismatic monks (“Solovetsky sitting”).
1669 - Hetman of Right Bank Ukraine P. Doroshenko comes under Turkish rule.
1670-1671 - Uprising of peasants and Cossacks led by Don Ataman S. Razin.
1672 - First self-immolation of schismatics (in Nizhny Novgorod). The first professional theater in Russia. Decree on the distribution of “wild fields” to servicemen and clergy in the “Ukrainian” regions. Russian-Polish agreement on assistance to Poland in the war with Turkey 1672-1676 - the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire for Right Bank Ukraine..
1673 - Campaign of Russian troops and Don Cossacks to Azov.
1673-1675 - Campaigns of Russian troops against Hetman P. Doroshenko (campaigns against Chigirin), defeat by Turkish and Crimean Tatar troops.
1675-1678 - Russian embassy mission to Beijing. The Qin government's refusal to consider Russia as an equal partner.
1676-1682 - Reign of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov.
1676-1681 - Russian-Turkish war for Right Bank Ukraine.
1676 - Russian troops occupy the capital of Right Bank Ukraine, Chigirin. Zhuravsky peace of Poland and Turkey: Türkiye receives Podolia, P. Doroshenko is recognized as a vassal of Turkey
1677 - Victory of Russian troops over the Turks near Chigirin.
1678 - Russian-Polish treaty extending the truce with Poland for 13 years. Agreement of the parties on the preparation of "eternal peace". Capture of Chigirin by the Turks
1679-1681 - Tax reform. Transition to household taxation instead of taxation.
1681-1683 - Seit uprising in Bashkiria due to forced Christianization. Suppression of the uprising with the help of Kalmyks.
1681 - Abolition of the Kasimov kingdom. Bakhchisarai peace treaty between Russia and Turkey and the Crimean Khanate. Establishment of the Russian-Turkish border along the Dnieper. Recognition of Left Bank Ukraine and Kyiv by Russia.
1682-1689 - Simultaneous reign of the princess-ruler Sofia Alekseevna and the kings Ivan V Alekseevich and Peter I Alekseevich.
1682-1689 - Armed conflict between Russia and China on the Amur.
1682 - Abolition of localism. The beginning of the Streltsy riot in Moscow. Establishment of the government of Princess Sophia. Suppression of the Streltsy revolt. Execution of Avvakum and his supporters in Pustozersk.
1683-1684 - Construction of the Syzran abatis line (Syzran-Penza).
1686 - “Eternal Peace” between Russia and Poland. Russia's accession to the anti-Turkish coalition of Poland, the Holy Empire and Venice (Holy League) with Russia's obligation to make a campaign against the Crimean Khanate.
1686-1700 - War between Russia and Turkey. Crimean campaigns of V. Golitsin.
1687 - Founding of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow.
1689 - Construction of the Verkhneudinsk fortress (modern Ulan-Ude) at the confluence of the Uda and Selenga rivers. Nerchinsk Treaty between Russia and China. Establishment of the border along the Argun - Stanovoy Range - Uda River to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Overthrow of the government of Princess Sofia Alekseevna.
1689-1696 - Simultaneous reign of Tsars Ivan V Alekseevich and Peter I Alekseevich.
1695 - Establishment of the Preobrazhensky Prikaz. The first Azov campaign of Peter I. Organization of "companies" to finance the construction of the fleet, the creation of a shipyard on the Voronezh River.
1695-1696 - Uprisings of the local and Cossack population in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Transbaikalia.
1696 - Death of Tsar Ivan V Alekseevich.

Russian empire

1689 - 1725 - Reign of Peter I.
1695 - 1696 - Azov campaigns.
1699 - Reform of city government.
1700 - Russian-Turkish truce agreement.
1700 - 1721 - Great Northern War.
1700, November 19 - Battle of Narva.
1703 - Founding of St. Petersburg.
1705 - 1706 - Uprising in Astrakhan.
1705 - 1711 - Uprising in Bashkiria.
1708 - Provincial reform of Peter I.
1709, June 27 - Battle of Poltava.
1711 - Establishment of the Senate. Prut campaign of Peter I.
1711 - 1765 - Years of life of M.V. Lomonosov.
1716 - Military regulations of Peter I.
1718 - Establishment of the college. Beginning of the capitation census.
1721 - Establishment of the Chief Magistrate of the Synod. Decree on possessional peasants.
1721 - Peter I accepted the title of ALL-RUSSIAN EMPEROR. RUSSIA BECAME AN EMPIRE.
1722 - "Table of Ranks".
1722 -1723 - Russian - Iranian war.
1727 - 1730 - Reign of Peter II.
1730 - 1740 - Reign of Anna Ioannovna.
1730 - Repeal of the 1714 law on unified inheritance. Acceptance of Russian citizenship by the Younger Horde in Kazakhstan.
1735 - 1739 - Russian - Turkish War.
1735 - 1740 - Uprising in Bashkiria.
1741 - 1761 - Reign of Elizabeth Petrovna.
1742 - Discovery of the northern tip of Asia by Chelyuskin.
1750 - Opening of the first Russian theater in Yaroslavl (F.G. Volkov).
1754 - Abolition of internal customs.
1755 - Foundation of Moscow University.
1757 - 1761 - Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War.
1757 - Establishment of the Academy of Arts.
1760 - 1764 - Mass unrest among assigned peasants in the Urals.
1761 - 1762 - Reign of Peter III.
1762 - Manifesto "on the freedom of the nobility."
1762 - 1796 - Reign of Catherine II.
1763 - 1765 - Invention of I.I. Polzunov's steam engine.
1764 - Secularization of church lands.
1765 - Decree allowing landowners to exile peasants to hard labor. Establishment of the Free Economic Society.
1767 - Decree prohibiting peasants from complaining about landowners.
1767 - 1768 - "Commission on the Code".
1768 - 1769 - "Koliivschina".
1768 - 1774 - Russian - Turkish War.
1771 - "Plague riot" in Moscow.
1772 - First partition of Poland.
1773 - 1775 - Peasant War led by E.I. Pugacheva.
1775 - Provincial reform. Manifesto on freedom of organization of industrial enterprises.
1783 - Annexation of Crimea. Treaty of Georgievsk on the Russian protectorate over Eastern Georgia.
1783 - 1797 - Uprising of Sym Datov in Kazakhstan.
1785 - Charter granted to the nobility and cities.
1787 - 1791 - Russian - Turkish war.
1788 -1790 - Russian-Swedish war.
1790 - Publication of “Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A.N. Radishchev.
1793 - Second partition of Poland.
1794 - Uprising in Poland led by T. Kosciuszko.
1795 - Third partition of Poland.
1796 - 1801 - Reign of Paul I.
1798 - 1800 - Mediterranean campaign of the Russian fleet under the command of F.F. Ushakova.
1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns of Suvorov.
1801 - 1825 - Reign of Alexander I.
1803 - Decree "on free cultivators."
1804 - 1813 - War with Iran.
1805 - Creation of an alliance between Russia and England and Austria against France.
1806 - 1812 - War with Turkey.
1806 - 1807 - Creation of an alliance with England and Prussia against France.
1807 - Peace of Tilsit.
1808 - War with Sweden. Accession of Finland.
1810 - Creation of the State Council.
1812 - Annexation of Bessarabia to Russia.
1812, June - Invasion of Napoleonic army into Russia. The beginning of the Patriotic War. August 26 - Battle of Borodino. September 2 - leaving Moscow. December - Expulsion of Napoleonic army from Russia.
1813 - Annexation of Dagestan and part of Northern Azerbaijan to Russia.
1813 - 1814 - Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.
1815 - Congress in Vienna. The Duchy of Warsaw is part of Russia.
1816 - Creation of the first secret organization of the Decembrists, the Union of Salvation.
1819 - Uprising of military settlers in the city of Chuguev.
1819 - 1821 - Around the world expedition to Antarctica F.F. Bellingshausen.
1820 - Unrest of soldiers in the tsarist army. Creation of a "prosperity union".
1821 - 1822 - Creation of the "Southern Secret Society" and the "Northern Secret Society".
1825 - 1855 - Reign of Nicholas I.
1825, December 14 - Decembrist uprising on Senate Square.
1828 - Annexation of Eastern Armenia and all of Northern Azerbaijan to Russia.
1830 - Military uprising in Sevastopol.
1831 - Uprising in Staraya Russa.
1843 - 1851 - Construction of the railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
1849 - Help the Russian army in suppressing the Hungarian uprising in Austria.
1853 - Herzen created the “Free Russian Printing House” in London.
1853 - 1856 - Crimean War.
1854, September - 1855, August - Defense of Sevastopol.
1855 - 1881 - Reign of Alexander II.
1856 - Treaty of Paris.
1858 - The Aigun Treaty on the border with China was concluded.
1859 - 1861 - Revolutionary situation in Russia.
1860 - Beijing Treaty on the border with China. Foundation of Vladivostok.
1861, February 19 - Manifesto on the liberation of peasants from serfdom.
1863 - 1864 - Uprising in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus.
1864 - The entire Caucasus became part of Russia. Zemstvo and judicial reforms.
1868 - The Khanate of Kokand and the Emirate of Bukhara recognize political dependence on Russia.
1870 - Reform of city government.
1873 - The Khan of Khiva recognized political dependence on Russia.
1874 - Introduction of universal conscription.
1876 ​​- Liquidation of the Kokand Khanate. Creation of a secret revolutionary organization "Land and Freedom".
1877 - 1878 - Russian - Turkish War.
1878 - Treaty of San Stefano.
1879 - Split of "Land and Freedom". Creation of the "Black Redistribution".
1881, March 1 - Assassination of Alexander II.
1881 - 1894 - Reign of Alexander III.
1891 - 1893 - Conclusion of the Franco-Russian alliance.
1885 - Morozov strike.
1894 - 1917 - Reign of Nicholas II.
1900 - 1903 - Economic crisis.
1904 - Murder of Plehve.
1904 - 1905 - Russian - Japanese War.
1905, January 9 - "Bloody Sunday".
1905 - 1907 - The first Russian revolution.
1906, April 27 - July 8 - First State Duma.
1906 - 1911 - Stolypin's agrarian reform.
1907, February 20 - June 2 - Second State Duma.
1907, November 1 - 1912, June 9 - Third State Duma.
1907 - Creation of the Entente.
1911, September 1 - Murder of Stolypin.
1913 - Celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.
1914 - 1918 - First World War.
1917, February 18 - Strike at the Putilov plant. March 1 - creation of the Provisional Government. March 2 - Nicholas II abdicates the throne. June - July - crisis of power. August - Kornilov rebellion. September 1 - Russia is declared a republic. October - Bolshevik seizure of power.
1917, March 2 - Formation of the Provisional Government.
1917, March 3 - Abdication of Mikhail Alexandrovich.
1917, March 2 - Establishment of the Provisional Government.

Russian Republic and RSFSR

1918, July 17 - murder of the deposed Emperor and the royal family.
1917, July 3 - July Bolshevik uprisings.
1917, July 24 - Announcement of the composition of the second coalition of the Provisional Government.
1917, August 12 - Convening of the State Conference.
1917, September 1 - Russia is declared a republic.
1917, September 20 - Formation of the Pre-Parliament.
1917, September 25 - Announcement of the composition of the third coalition of the Provisional Government.
1917, October 25 - Appeal by V.I. Lenin on the transfer of power to the Military Revolutionary Committee.
1917, October 26 - Arrest of members of the Provisional Government.
1917, October 26 - Decrees on peace and land.
1917, December 7 - Establishment of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission.
1918, January 5 - Opening of the Constituent Assembly.
1918 - 1922 - Civil War.
1918, March 3 - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
1918, May - Uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps.
1919, November - Defeat of A.V. Kolchak.
1920, April - Transfer of power in the Volunteer Army from A.I. Denikin to P.N. Wrangel.
1920, November - Defeat of the army of P.N. Wrangel.

1921, March 18 - Signing of the Peace of Riga with Poland.
1921 - X Party Congress, resolution “On Party Unity.”
1921 - Beginning of the NEP.
1922, December 29 - Union Treaty.
1922 - “Philosophical Steamboat”
1924, January 21 - Death of V.I. Lenin
1924, January 31 - Constitution of the USSR.
1925 - XVI Party Congress
1925 - Adoption of the resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) regarding the party’s policy in the field of culture
1929 - The year of the “great turning point”, the beginning of collectivization and industrialization
1932-1933 - Famine
1933 - Recognition of the USSR by the USA
1934 - First Congress of Writers
1934 - XVII Party Congress (“Congress of Winners”)
1934 - Inclusion of the USSR in the League of Nations
1936 - Constitution of the USSR
1938 - Clash with Japan at Lake Khasan
1939, May - Clash with Japan at the Khalkhin Gol River
1939, August 23 - Signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
1939, September 1 - Beginning of World War II
1939, September 17 - Soviet invasion of Poland
1939, September 28 - Signing of the Treaty with Germany “On Friendship and Borders”
1939, November 30 - Beginning of the war with Finland
December 14, 1939 - Expulsion of the USSR from the League of Nations
March 12, 1940 - Conclusion of a peace treaty with Finland
1941, April 13 - Signing of a non-aggression pact with Japan
1941, June 22 - Invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany and its allies
1941, June 23 - The Headquarters of the High Command was formed
1941, June 28 - Capture of Minsk by German troops
1941, June 30 - Establishment of the State Defense Committee (GKO)
1941, August 5-October 16 - Defense of Odessa
1941, September 8 - Beginning of the siege of Leningrad
1941, September 29-October 1 - Moscow Conference
1941, September 30 - Start of implementation of the Typhoon plan
1941, December 5 - Beginning of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops in the Battle of Moscow

1941, December 5-6 - Defense of Sevastopol
1942, January 1 - Accession of the USSR to the Declaration of the United Nations
1942, May - Defeat of the Soviet army during the Kharkov operation
1942, July 17 - Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad
1942, November 19-20 - Operation Uranus begins
1943, January 10 - Operation Ring begins
1943, January 18 - End of the siege of Leningrad
1943, July 5 - Beginning of the counteroffensive of Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk
1943, July 12 - Beginning of the Battle of Kursk
1943, November 6 - Liberation of Kyiv
1943, November 28-December 1 - Tehran Conference
1944, June 23-24 - Beginning of the Iasi-Kishinev operation
1944, August 20 - Operation Bagration begins
1945, January 12-14 - Beginning of the Vistula-Oder operation
1945, February 4-11 - Yalta Conference
1945, April 16-18 - Beginning of the Berlin operation
1945, April 18 - Surrender of the Berlin garrison
1945, May 8 - Signing of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany
1945, July 17 - August 2 - Potsdam Conference
1945, August 8 - Announcement of soldiers of the USSR to Japan
1945, September 2 - Japanese surrender.
1946 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad””
1949 - Testing of USSR atomic weapons. Leningrad affair". Testing of Soviet nuclear weapons. Education of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. 1949 Formation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
1950-1953 - Korean War
1952 - XIX Party Congress
1952-1953 - “the doctors’ case”
1953 - Test of hydrogen weapons of the USSR
1953, March 5 - Death of I.V. Stalin
1955 - Formation of the Warsaw Pact organization
1956 - XX Party Congress, debunking the personality cult of J.V. Stalin
1957 - Completion of construction of the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin"
1957 - The USSR launches the first satellite into space
1957 - Establishment of Economic Councils
1961, April 12 - Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space
1961 - XXII Party Congress
1961 - Kosygin reforms
1962 - Unrest in Novocherkassk
1964 - Removal of N. S. Khrushchev from the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
1965 - Construction of the Berlin Wall
1968 - Introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia
1969 - Military clash between the USSR and China
1974 - Construction of BAM begins
1972 - A.I. Brodsky expelled from the USSR
1974 - A.I. Solzhenitsyn expelled from the USSR
1975 - Helsinki Agreement
1977 - New Constitution
1979 - Entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan
1980-1981 - Political crisis in Poland.
1982-1984 - Leadership of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Yu.V. Andropova
1984-1985 - Leadership of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee K.U. Chernenko
1985-1991 - Leadership of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev
1988 - XIX Party Conference
1988 - Beginning of the armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
1989 - Election of the Congress of People's Deputies
1989 - Withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
1990 - Election of M. S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR
1991, August 19-22 - Creation of the State Emergency Committee. Coup attempt
1991, August 24 - Mikhail Gorbachev resigns from the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (August 29, the Russian parliament prohibits the activities of the Communist Party and seizes party property).
1991, December 8 - Belovezhskaya Agreement, abolition of the USSR, creation of the CIS.
1991, December 25 - M.S. Gorbachev resigns as president of the USSR.

Russian Federation

1992 - Beginning of market reforms in the Russian Federation.
1993, September 21 - “Decree on phased constitutional reform in the Russian Federation.” The beginning of the political crisis.
1993, October 2-3 - clashes in Moscow between supporters of the parliamentary opposition and the police.
1993, October 4 - military units seized the White House, arrested A.V. Rutsky and R.I. Khasbulatova.
1993, December 12 - Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Elections to the first State Duma of the Russian Federation for a transition period (2 years).
1994, December 11 - Entry of Russian troops into the Chechen Republic to establish “constitutional order.”
1995 - Elections to the State Duma for 4 years.
1996 - Elections to the position of President of the Russian Federation. B.N. Yeltsin gains 54% of the vote and becomes President of the Russian Federation.
1996 - Signing of a temporary agreement on the suspension of hostilities.
1997 - completion of the withdrawal of federal troops from Chechnya.
1998, August 17 - economic crisis in Russia, default.
1999, August - Chechen militants invaded the mountainous regions of Dagestan. Beginning of the Second Chechen Campaign.
1999, December 31 - B.N. Yeltsin announced his early resignation as President of the Russian Federation and the appointment of V.V. Putin as acting president of Russia.
2000, March - election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
2000, August - the death of the nuclear submarine Kursk. 117 crew members of the Kursk nuclear submarine were posthumously awarded the Order of Courage, the captain was posthumously awarded the Hero's Star.
2000, April 14 - The State Duma decided to ratify the Russian-American START-2 treaty. This agreement involves further reductions in the strategic offensive weapons of both countries.
2000, May 7 - Official entry of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
2000, May 17 - Approval of M.M. Kasyanov Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
2000, August 8 - Terrorist attack in Moscow - an explosion in the underground passage of the Pushkinskaya metro station. 13 people were killed, a hundred were injured.
2004, August 21-22 - There was an invasion of Grozny by a detachment of militants numbering more than 200 people. For three hours they held the city center and killed more than 100 people.
2004, August 24 - Two passenger planes taking off from Moscow Domodedovo Airport to Sochi and Volgograd were simultaneously blown up in the skies over the Tula and Rostov regions. 90 people died.
2005, May 9 - Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2005 in honor of the 60th anniversary of Victory Day.
2005, August - Scandal with the beating of the children of Russian diplomats in Poland and the “retaliatory” beating of Poles in Moscow.
2005, November 1 - A successful test launch of the Topol-M missile with a new warhead was carried out from the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region.
2006, January 1 - Municipal reform in Russia.
2006, March 12 - First Unified Voting Day (changes in the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation).
2006, July 10 - Chechen terrorist “number 1” Shamil Basayev was killed.
2006, October 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel unveiled a monument to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in Dresden by People's Artist of Russia Alexander Rukavishnikov.
2006, October 13 - Russian Vladimir Kramnik was declared the absolute world chess champion after winning a match over Bulgarian Veselin Topalov.
2007, January 1 - Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki Autonomous Okrugs merged into a single subject of the Russian Federation - Krasnoyarsk Territory.
2007, February 10 - President of Russia V.V. Putin said the so-called "Munich speech".
2007, May 17 - In the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York Laurus, signed the “Act of Canonical Communion,” a document that put an end to the division between the Russian Church Abroad and the Moscow Patriarchate.
2007, July 1 - The Kamchatka region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug merged into the Kamchatka Territory.
2007, August 13 - Nevsky Express train accident.
2007, September 12 - The government of Mikhail Fradkov resigned.
2007, September 14 - Viktor Zubkov was appointed as the new Prime Minister of Russia.
2007, October 17 - The Russian national football team led by Guus Hiddink defeated the English national team with a score of 2:1.
2007, December 2 - Elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation.
2007, December 10 - Dmitry Medvedev was nominated as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation from United Russia.
2008, March 2 - The elections of the third president of the Russian Federation were held. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev won.
2008, May 7 - Inauguration of the third President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.
2008, August 8 - Active hostilities began in the zone of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict: Georgia stormed Tskhinvali, Russia officially joined the armed conflict on the side of South Ossetia.
2008, August 11 - Active hostilities began in the zone of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict: Georgia stormed Tskhinvali, Russia officially joined the armed conflict on the side of South Ossetia.
2008, August 26 - Russian President D. A. Medvedev signed a decree recognizing the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
2008, September 14 - A Boeing 737 passenger plane crashed in Perm.
2008, December 5 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II died. Temporarily, the place of the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church is occupied by the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad.
2009, January 1 - The Unified State Exam became mandatory throughout Russia.
2009, January 25-27 - Extraordinary Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected a new Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. It was Kirill.
2009, February 1 - Enthronement of the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill.
2009, July 6-7 - Visit of US President Barack Obama to Russia.

Rurik's reign

  862 Chronicle report about the refusal of the Ilmen Slovenes, Chud, Meri, Vesi and Krivichi to pay tribute to the Varangians and the expulsion of the Scandinavians" overseas"The beginning of inter-tribal strife. The calling of the Varangian dynasty by the union of Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. The beginning of the reign of Rurik in Ladoga, Sineus in Beloozero, and Truvor in Izborsk.

  862-882 Legendary dates of the reign of Askold and Dir in Kyiv.

  863 Creation of the Slavic alphabet by the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

  864 Death of Sineus and Truvor. The chronicle indicates that " Rurik alone took over all power and began to distribute cities to his husbands". Rurik settled in a settlement at the source of the Volkhov (the so-called Rurik's Settlement).

  Later 864 Marriage of Rurik to the Urman princess Efand. Return of Rurik to Europe. Uprising in Novgorod under the leadership of Vadim the Brave against the autocracy of Rurik. Return of Rurik to Novgorod. The murder of Vadim the Brave by Rurik and the suppression of the uprising. Flight of many" Novgorod men"to Kyiv to avoid reprisals. Departure of Askold and Dir from Novgorod. The beginning of their reign in Kyiv. The birth of Rurik's son Igor.

  865 Military campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Polotsk.

  Later 865 Wars of the Kyiv prince Askold with the Drevlyans and the streets.

  866 The legendary campaign of the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir to Constantinople (Constantinople).

  867 Expulsion of Rurik from Friesland. Rurik's preparation for war with King Lothar II. Arrival of the Byzantine bishop in Kyiv and mass baptism of the Rus. "District Epistle" of Patriarch Photius to the Byzantine bishops, where he reports on the baptism of the Rus.

  869 The campaign of princes Askold and Dir against the Krivichi.

  Late 860s Oleg's appointment as Igor's tutor.

  870 Conclusion of an alliance treaty with Karl the Bald by Rurik in Nimwegen.

  872 Meetings of Charles the Bald with Rurik in Liege and Maastricht.

  873 Meeting of Rurik in Aachen with King Louis the German. Return of lands in Friesland to Rurik.

  874 The campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Byzantium. Conclusion of a peace treaty between him and Emperor Basil I the Macedonian. Baptism of part of the Rus squad in Constantinople.

  Late 870s

  879 Death of Rurik, Prince of Novgorod.

Board of Oleg the Prophet

  879 Oleg's acceptance of guardianship over Rurik's young son Igor.

  879 The beginning of the Novgorod reign of Oleg as “the eldest in the family of Rurik.”

  Late 870s The Rus' campaign to the Caspian Sea and the attack on the city of Abaskun (Abesgun).

  882 The beginning of the advance to the south of the army of Prince Oleg, consisting of Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, Meri and Vesi.

  882 The seizure by Prince Oleg of the lands of the Dnieper Krivichi and the city of Smolensk.

  882 Prince Oleg's seizure of the lands of the northerners and the city of Lyubech.

  882 Prince Oleg's campaign against Kyiv. The murder of the Kyiv rulers Askold and Dir by Prince Oleg. The beginning of Oleg's reign in Kyiv. The unification of Northern and Southern Rus' under the rule of Oleg. Creation of the Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv.

  Later 882 The construction by Prince Oleg of fortified cities and "forts" to assert his power and to protect himself from the nomads of the Great Steppe.

  Later 882 Oleg obliges Novgorod residents to pay 300 hryvnia annually for feeding and maintaining a squad of Varangians called upon to defend the northern borders of the state.

  883 The conquest of the Drevlyans by the Kyiv prince Oleg and the imposition of tribute on them.

  884 Victory over the northern tribe and imposition of tribute on it.

  885 Subjugation of the Radimichi and imposition of tribute on them.

  885 The war of Prince Oleg with the streets and Tivertsy.

  Later 885 Successful wars of the Kyiv prince Oleg with the Khazars, Bulgarians and other peoples of the Danube region.

  898 Conclusion of a union treaty between the Ugrians and Russia. Imposition of tribute on Rus' for peace and military assistance.

  Con. 9th century Invasion of the Pechenegs in the Northern Black Sea region.

  X-XII centuries The formation of the Old Russian people.

  903 First mention in the chronicles of Pskov.

  907 Prince Oleg's campaigns in the lands of the Vyatichi, Croats and Dulebs.

  907 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. Resignation of Prince Igor Rurikovich as governor in Kyiv.

  907 Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Establishment of duty-free trade with Byzantium.

  Later 907 Prince Oleg received the nickname Prophetic.

  909-912 Military campaigns of the Rus on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

  911 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople.

  912 September 2- Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Oleg was first called the “Russian Grand Duke”. In the treaty, Rus' was mentioned for the first time as a state.

  912 Death of the Grand Duke of Kyiv and Prince of Novgorod Oleg.

The reign of Igor Stary

  912 Igor's accession to the Kyiv throne.

  913 Unsuccessful campaign of the Rus on 500 ships to the Caspian Sea.

  914 Igor’s suppression of the rebellion of the Drevlyans and the imposition of a new tribute on them.

  Later 914 Igor transfers the right to collect tribute from the Drevlyans to the governor Sveneld, which causes discontent among the Kyiv squad.

  915 The first chronicle mention of the Pechenegs’ campaign against Rus'. The conclusion of peace for a period of five years between the Pechenegs and Prince Igor.

  920 Prince Igor's campaign against the Pechenegs.

  922 Igor's campaign against the streets and the imposition of tribute on them. Movement of the border of Rus' beyond the Dnieper.

  934 spring- The Pechenegs, in alliance with other Turkic tribes, having made peace with the Hungarians, declared war on Byzantium, devastated Thrace and approached Constantinople. Conclusion of peace between Byzantium and the Hungarians and Pechenegs.

  935 The expedition of Russian ships together with the Greek fleet to the Apennine Peninsula.

  Around 940 Birth of Prince Igor and Olga's son Svyatoslav.

  Early 940s The beginning of the reign of the young Prince Svyatoslav in Novgorod.

  941 Prince Igor's campaign against Constantinople, which ended in the complete defeat of the Russian fleet and heavy losses among the Russians during their return to their homeland.

  942 Prince Igor's campaign against the Drevlyans and their pacification. An increase in tribute to the Drevlyans in favor of Kyiv, which caused their disobedience.

  943 Prince Igor's campaign against Byzantium with a huge army. The Byzantines send an embassy to Prince Igor with a peace offer. The Kiev prince receives a payoff from the Greeks, ruins Bulgaria and returns to Kyiv.

  943 The embassy of the Byzantine emperor in Kyiv and the presentation of the peace charter to Igor. The Kiev prince accepts the obligation to maintain friendship with the Greeks.

  944 Russian embassy to Constantinople and the conclusion of the Russian-Byzantine peace treaty. Mention in the text of the document of Princess Olga and her son Svyatoslav Igorevich.

  944 Indications from Arab, Persian and Armenian sources that the Rus took the Arran capital of Berdaa, located between the Kura and Araks rivers, and returned to their land along the Kura River and across the Caspian Sea.

  944 Prince Igor's campaign to the Drevlyansky land on Polyudye.

  945 The Drevlyans kill Prince Igor.

Olga's reign

  945 The beginning of Olga's reign in Kievan Rus.

  946 spring- Arrival of the Drevlyan ambassadors to Kyiv with the intention of marrying Olga to Prince Mal. Olga's reprisal against the Drevlyan embassy.

  946 summer- Arrival in Kyiv to Olga of the “best men” of the Drevlyansky land. Burning of the Drevlyan matchmakers on the orders of Olga.

  946 end of summer- Olga's third revenge on the Drevlyans. The murder of representatives of the Drevlyan clans during the funeral feast for Igor.

  946 The march of the Kyiv army, led by governor Sveneld, together with Princess Olga and Prince Svyatoslav, to the Drevlyansky land. Siege, capture and burning of Iskorosten. Murder of city elders. End of the war with the Drevlyans. Imposing a “heavy tribute” on them.

  947 Princess Olga's tour of the volosts of Kievan Rus. Establishment of graveyards and camps for collecting tribute in the Meta and Luga basins and along the Dnieper and Desna. Determination of the fixed amount of tribute from subject tribes.

  Mid-10th century Relocation of the Polovtsians to the steppes of the Black Sea region and the Caucasus.

  Mid-10th century Annexation of the land of the Tivertsi to the Principality of Kyiv.

  Mid-10th century Separation of the Principality of Polotsk.

  Mid-10th century the first mention in the chronicles of Vyshgorod - a city north of Kyiv.

  2nd half X century Formation of the Vladimir-Volyn principality.

  954 Participation of the Byzantines (together with the Russians) in the battle of Al-Hadas.

  955 Chronicle record of Olga's journey to Constantinople.

  957 September 9- Reception of Princess Olga in Constantinople by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus.

  959 autumn- Report from a German chronicle about the embassy of Princess Olga to the German king Otto I with a request to send a Catholic bishop to Russian soil.

  Before 960 Birth of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich's son Yaropolk.

  Before 960 Birth of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich's son Oleg.

  Around 960 The birth of a son, Vladimir, to Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich and his concubine Malusha Lyubechanka.

  Previously 962 Arrival of the German Bishop Adalbert in Kyiv with the aim of converting the Russians to Catholicism. Expulsion of the bishop and his retinue from Kyiv. Dissatisfaction of pagan adherents with Olga's policies in Kyiv. Removal of Olga from direct government of the country.

Board of Svyatoslav Igorevich

  Later 962 Dissatisfaction of the adherents of paganism, led by Prince Svyatoslav, with Olga's policies in Kyiv. Removal of Olga from direct government of the country.

  964 The beginning of the state activity of Prince Svyatoslav.

  964 Military campaign of Prince Svyatoslav against the Vyatichi.

  965 Svyatoslav's defeat of the Khazar Kaganate, Burtases and Volga Bulgaria.

  966 Submission of the Vyatichi to the power of Kyiv and the imposition of tribute on them.

  967 Arrival in Kyiv of the ambassador of the Byzantine emperor Kalokir.

  967 Svyatoslav's war with Bulgaria for the Danube region. He captured 80 cities, including Dorostol and Pereyaslavets. The reign of Svyatoslav in Pereyaslavets. Imposing tribute on the Greeks.

  969 spring- Attack of the Pechenegs on Russian land. Their siege of Kyiv. Return of Svyatoslav to Kyiv.

  969- The beginning of the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in Novgorod.

  969 December 11- Assassination of the Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros Phocas. Accession to the imperial throne of John Tzimiskes.

  970 Grand Duke Svyatoslav divided the Russian lands between his sons, transferring Kyiv to Yaropolk, the Drevlyansky land to Oleg, and Novgorod the Great to Vladimir.

  970 January 30- Death of the Bulgarian Tsar Peter and accession to the throne of Boris II.

  970 Svyatoslav's war in Bulgaria in alliance with the Hungarians against the Byzantine Empire.

  970 Recapture of Pereyaslavets by Svyatoslav.

  971 April 23 - July 22 The siege of Svyatoslav's army by the Byzantine army in the Dorostol fortress. Defeat of Svyatoslav.

  971 Svyatoslav's conclusion of a humiliating peace with the Byzantine Empire.

  971 Departure of Prince Svyatoslav to Pereyaslavets-on-Danube.

  972 spring- Death of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav on the Dnieper rapids.

Historical tasks.

Task No. 1

To the date of Russia's adoption of Christianity, add the date of the death of the prince, who always observed the rules of knightly honor - he never attacked by surprise. It was he who wrote the words: “I’m coming to you.” Calculate the arithmetic mean and name the event that is associated with the number obtained as a result.

(988 + 972): 2 = 980, where 988 is the adoption of Christianity by Russia; 972 - death of Prince Svyatoslav; 980 - beginning of the reign of Prince Vladimir.

Problem No. 2

The difference between the last year of the reign of Prince Svyatoslav and the last year of the reign of Prince Oleg is divided by three. Add to the quotient the date of the beginning of Rurik’s reign. What event is the result associated with?

(972 - 912): 3 + 862 = 882, where 972 is the last year of the reign of Prince Svyatoslav; 912 - the last year of the reign of Prince Oleg; 862 - Rurik's reign began; 882 - formation of the Old Russian state.

Problem No. 3

Under this prince, Rus' adopted Christianity. The sum of the digits of the number (date) of the last year of his reign added to the sum of the digits of the number (date) of the last year of the reign of Prince Igor will be equal to 25. What event gives the sum of the numbers of the number (date) equal to 25?

(1 + 0 + 1 + 5) + (9 + 4 + 5) = 9 + 8 + 8, where 1015 is the last year of the reign of Prince Vladimir; 945 - the last year of the reign of Prince Igor; 988 - Russia's adoption of Christianity.

Problem No. 4

From the date of adoption of the first code of law, subtract the duration of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. What event is the result associated with?

1497 - (1054 - 1019) = 1462, where 1497 is the adoption of the first code of law; 1054 - the last year of the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise; 1019 - the first year of the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise; 1462 - beginning of the reign of Ivan III.

Problem No. 5

This outstanding Russian prince, canonized by the Orthodox Church, died at the age of 43. There were still 217 years left before Rus' was completely liberated from Horde rule. What prince are we talking about, and when was he born?

1480 - (217 + 43) = 1220, where 1480 is the liberation of Rus' from Horde rule; 1220 - Alexander Nevsky was born.

Problem No. 6

Derive the arithmetic mean of two events: the formation of Moscow and the anti-Horde uprising in Tver. What event is the result associated with?

(1147 + 1327): 2 = 1237, where 1147 is the formation of Moscow; 1327 - anti-Horde uprising in Tver; 1237 - Batu Khan's invasion of Rus'.

Problem No. 7

There are 100 years between these two events. Both of them are associated with the liberation of Rus' from the same conqueror. The first event served as the beginning of the liberation of Rus', and the second its complete liberation. What events are we talking about?

1480 - 1380 = 100, where 1480 is “Standing on the Ugra River.” Complete liberation of Rus' from Horde rule; 1380 - The Battle of Kulikovo begins the liberation of Rus' from Horde rule.

Problem No. 8

A year after Russia adopted Christianity, the so-called Tithe Church, dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, was founded in Kyiv. When was it founded, during the reign of which prince? Where did the name Tithe Church come from?

988 + 1 = 989, where 988 is the adoption of Christianity by Russia; 989 - construction of the Tithe Church begins. The church was built during the reign of Prince Vladimir (980 - 1015). The name came from the fact that Prince Vladimir gave a tenth of the prince’s income for the construction of the temple.

Problem No. 9

What event is this date associated with, if we add the difference between the battles on Lake Peipsi and the Battle of the Neva to the date of the beginning of the reign of Prince Ivan Kalita?

1325 + (1242 - 1240) = 1327, where 1325 is the beginning of the reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow; 1242 - defeat of the knights on Lake Peipsi; 1240 - defeat of the Swedes on the Neva River by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich; 1327 - anti-Horde uprising in Tver.

Problem No. 10

The Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod took 20 years to build. Construction of the temple ended 120 years before the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. When was the Church of St. Sophia founded?

1157 - (20 + 120) = 1017, where 1157 is the beginning of the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky; 1017 - beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sofia in Novgorod.

Problem No. 11

From the date of completion of the unification of North-Eastern Rus', subtract the duration of the reign of Ivan Kalita. What event is the result associated with?

1521 - (1341 - 1325) = 1505, where 1521 is the completion of the unification of North-Eastern Rus'; 1325 - 1341 - reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow; 1505 - beginning of the reign of Prince Vasily III.

Problem No. 12

The last ruler of the united Old Russian state. He became the Prince of Kyiv at the age of 60, in the year Nestor created The Tale of Bygone Years. Which prince are we talking about? What is the year of his birth?

1113 - 60 = 1053, where 1113 is Nestor’s creation of the “Tale of Bygone Years”; 1053 - Vladimir Monomakh was born; (1113 - 1125) - years of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh.

Problem No. 13

Ivan III died in October 1505, having lived 66 years and 9 months. In what year and at what age did Ivan III begin to reign, if he reigned for 43 years and 7 months?

1505 - 66 = 1439 - year of birth of Ivan III; October - 10th month: 10 - 9 = 1 - month of birth of Ivan III; 66 years 9 months - 43 years 7 months = 23 years 2 months - the age of Ivan III when he began to reign; 1439 + 23 = 1462 - the year of the beginning of the reign of Ivan III; 1 + 2 = 3 - month of the beginning of the reign of Ivan III.

Problem No. 14

The first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was in 1772, the third in 1795. When was the second partition, if it is known that the time between the first and second is equal to the duration of the Northern War.

1700 - 1721 - The Northern War lasted 21 years. 1772 + 21 = 1793, where 1772 is the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; 1793 - second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Problem No. 15

What events is this date associated with? If we add the duration of the Livonian War to the start date of the Northern War.

1700 + (1583 - 1558) = 1725, where 1700 is the beginning of the Northern War; (1558 - 1583) - Livonian War; 1725 - formation of the Academy of Sciences.

Problem No. 16

In the second half of the 18th century, Russia had to fight twice with Turkey. The beginning of the first war in 1768 and the end of the second war in 1791 are known. Moreover, the duration of each of these wars is a multiple of two, but not more than 10. The first war lasted 1/2 longer than the second. Define peacetime between wars.

X - duration of the second war X/2 + X = 3/2X - duration of the first war X - even (2; 4; 6; 8) 1 war 3 6 9 12 2 war 2 4 6 8 3 and 9 are odd, and 12 > 10, therefore X = 4 3/2 4 = 6 1768 + 6 = 1774 - end of the first war 1791 - 4 = 1787 - beginning of the second war 1787 - 1774 = 13 years - peacetime

Problem No. 17

At this place at the mouth of the Neva, the outstanding Novgorod prince defeated the Swedes. And 463 years later, axes began to knock here, and by order of the king, construction of a new capital began.

Which prince are we talking about, and when did this event take place?

By order of which king did the construction of the new capital begin?

When was the new capital founded, and what was it called?

What connects these two events?

5. Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky); 1240 - Battle of the Neva. 6. Peter I. 7. 1240 + 463 = 1703, where 1240 is the Battle of the Neva; 1703 - foundation of St. Petersburg. 8. 1240 - battle with the Swedes; In 1703, the Northern War (1700 - 1721) took place, in which Russia also fought with the Swedes.

Problem No. 18

How many years is Moscow older than St. Petersburg, if it is known that Moscow is 265 years younger than the Old Russian state, and the construction of St. Petersburg began in the third year of the Northern War.

1. 882 + 265 = 1147, where 882 is the formation of the Old Russian state; 1147 - foundation of Moscow. 2. 1700 + 3 = 1703, where 1700 is the beginning of the Northern War; 1703 - foundation of St. Petersburg. 3. 1703 - 1147 = 556, where 1703 is the founding of St. Petersburg; 1147 - foundation of Moscow. Moscow is 556 years older than St. Petersburg.

Problem No. 19

I. P. Kulibin, I. I. Polzunov and M. V. Lomonosov - these people made a huge contribution to science and technology. They lived at the same time. I. I. Polzunov was born on the seventh anniversary of the Russian Empire, he is 17 years younger than M. V. Lomonosov and 7 years older than I. P. Kulibin. Lomonosov lived 16 years longer than I. I. Polzunov and 29 years less than I. P. Kulibin. M.V. Lomonosov died on the tenth anniversary of Moscow University. At what age did they pass away? What were they doing?

1721 - proclamation of the Russian Empire 1721 + 7 = 1728 - born I. I. Polzunov 1728 - 17 = 1711 - born M. V. Lomonosov 1728 + 7 = 1735 - born I. P. Kulibin 1755 - opening of Moscow University 1755 + 10 = 1765 - M.V. Lomonosov died 1765 - 1711 = 54 - lived for years M.V. Lomonosov 54 - 16 = 38 - lived for years I.I. Polzunov 54 + 29 = 83 - lived for years I.P. Kulibin

Problem No. 20

What event is the date associated with? If we add the date of the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible to the difference between the beginning of the peasant uprising under the leadership of E. I. Pugachev and the end of the peasant uprising under the leadership of S. T. Razin.

(1773 - 1671) + 1552 = 1654, where 1773 is the beginning of the uprising of E. I. Pugachev; 1671 - end of the uprising led by S. T. Razin; 1552 - capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible; 1654 - Ukraine joins the Russian state.

Problem No. 21

What event is the next date associated with? If we derive the arithmetic average of the dates of the beginning of the reign and the end of the reign of Anna Ioanovna.

(1730 + 1740): 2 = 1735, where 1730 is the beginning of the reign of Anna Ioannovna; 1740 - end of the reign of Anna Ioannovna; 1735 - the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war.

Problem No. 22

The Hermitage was opened in the 18th century and belonged to the royal family. Only 88 years later the doors of the Hermitage were opened to the general public. The opening of the Hermitage coincided with the formation of the Institute of Noble Maidens. In what year was the Hermitage open to everyone? In what city is the Hermitage located?

1764 + 88 = 1852, where 1764 is the opening of the Institute of Noble Maidens; 1852 - opening of the Hermitage to the general public.

Problem No. 23

The turning point in the Northern War occurred after the Battle of Poltava. It is known that both armies totaled 72,000 people. It is also known that the size of the Russian army exceeded the Swedish one by 12,000 people. Russian losses amounted to 1,300 people, and Swedes 9,000 killed and 3,000 captured. What was the size of the Russian and Swedish armies before and after the battle?

(X + 12,000) + X = 72,000 2X = 72,000 - 12,000 2X = 60,000 X = 60,000: 2 X = 30,000 (30,000 + 12,000) + 30,000 = 72,000 42,000 + 30,000 = 72,000 42,000 - the number of the Russian army before the battle 30,000 - the number of the Swedish army before the battle 42,000 - 1,300 = 40,700 - the number of the Russian army after the battle 30,000 - (9,000 + 3,000) = 18,000 - the number of the Swedish army after the battle

Problem No. 24

During the Russian-Turkish War, at the Battle of Turtukai, the outstanding Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov defeated superior enemy forces. It is known that the strength of the Turkish army was 4,000 people, and the detachment of A.V. Suvorov was 1/8 of the number of Turks. Russian losses amounted to 200 people, and Turks 7.5 times more. What is the size of A.V. Suvorov’s detachment before the battle? What losses did the Turks suffer?

4,000: 8 = 500 - the size of the Russian army before the battle 200 7.5 = 1500 - losses of the Turkish army

Problem No. 25

Russia's trade turnover in 1726 amounted to 6.4 million rubles. The share of imports accounted for 32.8%. Calculate the value of exports and imports in monetary terms.

6,400,000 - 100% X - 32.8% X = (6,400,000 32.8): 100 X = 2,100,000 - share of imports in rubles 6,400,000 - 2,100,000 = 4,300,000 - share of exports in rubles

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