Rune Laguz: meaning in magic and fortune telling. The meaning of the direct rune. Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Laguz rune?

This rune demonstrates the difference between the exoteric and esoteric approaches. The Laguz rune symbolizes water and flow. And this is her main secret. Many people who are not familiar with the tradition attribute to it the properties of Neptune, the elements of water, and sometimes Cancer and Pisces. In fact, this rune corresponds to Mercury, the great deceiver. It is a mistake to consider this principle superficially - as reason, mind, intellect. This principle hides many pitfalls. It is in the temptation of Mercury that many of the troubles of modern civilization lie. In an overly serious, naive and overly reverent attitude to the word. Mercury is truly a flow, it is truly water. It’s not without reason that they say: when a person talks a lot, he “pours water.”


Flow of life (3rd and 6th astrological houses: minor growth and renewal).

Love, intuition, emotions as resistance to the temptations of Mercury. Only with the help of love, only with the help of refined intuition and only by trusting one’s emotions and one’s experiences can a person avoid the temptations of reason. Only by relying on the life of feeling is it possible to overcome the limitations of mental models. Only in his heart can a person feel the fallacy and falsity of certain rational institutions, and comprehend what is hidden behind Mercury. Mercury hides more than it explains. It declares more than it actually contains. Reason imagines itself to be the main principle of life and claims primacy in relation to other mental processes and phenomena.

Well-being is the result of contact with the Life Force. Increased prosperity through ingenuity, i.e. through the ability to follow the flow of life. This element is under the protection of Hermes. He supports scammers, thieves and manages the processes of skillful redistribution of wealth.

“It’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m happy to be deceived myself.” The great temptation of Mercury lies in the ability to lead people where they subconsciously already want to go. This is the phenomenon of fraud, theft, deception as such. There are no such scammers who would deceive a completely honest person. A fraudster deceives a fraudster like himself.

More often than others, those who consider themselves very smart are deceived. Anyone who trusts his thinking and does not rely on intuition sooner or later finds himself a victim of deception. Those who consider themselves not to be deceived are deceived - this is the great truth about lies.

A person must be prepared for the fact that everything he knows will not be what he would like to see, and, accordingly, for a revision of the picture of the world. At any moment, life can cancel old descriptions, ideas and give a clearer and clearer picture of the world.

Manipulators and scammers operate within the reality of the person they are deceiving. They subtly capture internal preferences and cleverly manipulate them (usually what we can be “buyed” with can be seen in our faces). Psychotherapy is built on this phenomenon. An experienced psychotherapist determines what the client wants not by words, but by reactions (behavior, mood, intonation). In fact, this is the art of healing the soul, the art of leading people, the so-called spiritual teaching: people get what they strive for. And nothing more than that. If a person is given something that he does not like, based on his current ideas, the person begins to resist, get nervous, he begins to reject knowledge that threatens what he already has. And that is why many spiritual teachers give what their students want to hear. Many mentors turn out to be quasi-mentors, because... they give what the mentee wants to see, know, hear, feel. Such are the temptations of reason, the temptations of prejudice.

In fact, we are dealing with superstition. With faith acquired in vain, shallow, superficial, not rooted in true values, in the depths of the soul; with unreal faith, faith, faith. It is this belief that determines many relationships between people. Genuine intimate relationships, truly high and productive, are rather the exception. Basically, the Laguz rune, the rune of water, flow, mentality and deception, operates in society. However, this does not mean at all that having pulled out the Laguz rune, all events associated with it should be considered deception or an illusion.

Laguz symbolizes an incorrect understanding of what is happening, associated with erroneous rational models. The great means of communication between people, human language (which is also the prerogative of Hermes), is designed as if specifically for deception. He is able to connect together what is not necessarily cause and effect, but subjectively people perceive such constructions as evidential. We want to believe that these things are connected to each other. We are too accustomed to the connection in our minds of everything with everything to resist such constructions. And the manipulator takes advantage of this. You just need to catch, smell, hear what the soul of your interlocutor unconsciously strives for - and direct it there.

An experienced person does not trust words. He trusts his feelings, that inner feeling of truth, which is never final, which always suffers from a modicum of doubt. But besides this, a person has no criteria at all. And the more mature and significant he becomes, the less he trusts words, phrases, statements, arguments. Human maturity is associated with disbelief in words and trust in vibration, emotion, intonation. Slogans can be beautiful and at the same time hide banal self-interest.

In life, we often encounter a situation where, as psychologists say, the speaker is congruent. He imperatively talks some nonsense, and we believe his words. Why? Because the practice of social life proves to us: a person who is convinced of his words is already right. Although in fact this quality is the result of ordinary psychotechnical training.

The path of reason is tortuous. And if you are led in a straight line, then the devil is leading you. The line of reasoning itself is subject to constant interruptions of gradualism. It is human nature to doubt, to search, to contradict, because this is the structure of language. The structure of human speech contains oppositions, contrasts, inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and ambiguities. And if someone wants to achieve ideal harmony from the language, build a consistent model of the world, describe the world consistently, unified, holistically, consistently, then he will definitely fall into the pit of stupidity. Having missed the opportunity to intuitively assess the truth, he will certainly fall into the sin of philosophizing. It seems to people that the more reasoned the premises, the more harmoniously connected the words, the truer they are. In fact, the orderliness of such verbal series only indicates an attempt to persuade, that is, to force one to accept what the persuader needs.

In this sense, the very image of the Laguz rune - a half-arrow - is indicative. She points in the direction, but as if not completely, as if not quite right. Everything seems to be going according to plan. And suddenly an opportunity arises to make a turn on the path. This possibility of evasion on the path is present in the rune itself and in the intellect itself. It contains hidden contradictions (which require an eye and an eye), it contains the possibility of error, even if we try to be impeccably strict in our judgments and logical constructions.

The image of the rune looks like a gaff or hook. Moreover, this hook can be used both for fishing and for artistic knitting and knitting. And what is the speech of an orator if not a skillful script with which the weak human soul is entangled?

The main imperative of the Laguz rune is very simple: without experiencing the truth cannot be found.

The art of living, understanding, and acting lies not in the ability to speak, but in the ability to feel. Laguz requires the education of sensations, feelings, conscience, and intuition. If we rely on books, teachers, etc., then we are already subject to temptation, because we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to verify what is said, we are deprived of a touchstone.

People rely on anyone but themselves. They do not learn to stand on both legs, because they do not like to learn, but like to accept everything ready-made. They do not like to earn experience at the cost of their mistakes, they do not like suffering, because they are confident that suffering is unnecessary. They do not want to understand that every difficulty is an opportunity to gain experience. And then they get offended when others deceive them. Why be surprised? After all, they themselves created the supply by demand for truth brought by someone from the outside, and not smelted in the heart during their own reasoning.

Only holy behavior is a defense against unscrupulous people. Only sincere light, life in inner truth is a guarantee that no one will deceive a person. However, people are accustomed to relying on the word. And the result is evasion upon evasion, half-truth upon half-truth, and deception upon deception. And therefore the statement of the esotericists naturally becomes understandable: “There is no support in the external world.” This statement is rarely taken seriously. People think that a solid foundation is the true long-term support. They do not understand that the only human support is in the heart. The only affirming stone is the depths of intuition. The only place where we can be safe is our own soul. The world is an illusion. The products of reason, civilization, and mentality are thoroughly laguz. This is how human life works. And if you do not develop in yourself the criterion of truth, if you do not learn to develop intuition, then it is quite natural to find yourself captive to all kinds of concepts and doctrines.

Omissions, half-truths, and bias are effective forms of lying. Bias often appears under the guise of emphasizing certain points. Manipulators use drawing attention to individual parts, to individual moments, thereby distorting the holistic and systemic vision, destabilizing it and then leading it in the right direction.

People expect only what they have already accepted within themselves. However, they are often afraid of getting what they expect. And this human fear of the possibility of certain events occurring allows us to manipulate them, because It is very easy and convenient to appeal to fear. “You don’t need a knife to kill a fool...” Human prejudice is rooted in elementary atheism. People constantly simulate all kinds of situations and choose from such models those that suit them. They fall into the trap of expectations, anticipations, prejudices and close themselves off from reality. They brush aside intuition and look with all their eyes and ears for confirmation of what they expected - and find it. Esoterically, this phenomenon is expressed by the saying: “Whoever is afraid of something will happen to him.”

A person who is very afraid of something begins to behave in such a way that he himself falls into a trap, and then says: “I knew it.” Thus, he receives the main reward - confirmation of his own “insight.”

The temptation of Laguz also lies in excessive trust in objectivity. People who do not develop intuition strive to find support. And this is understandable: thinking itself is fluid and iridescent, chaotic and amorphous, so it is in a hurry to gain a foothold on something. And people get used to trusting what is objective, what can be touched. However, excessive trust in “objectivity” sooner or later paralyzes our choice: we are unable to distinguish between truth and lies, we are suppressed by this objectivity. It is convincing for us, since we are not used to relying on intuition. We are suppressed by objectivity because we prefer external evidence to intuition.

This excessive reliance on objectivity carries over into words. The words are familiar, familiar. And it seems to us that the word is something real and worthwhile. However, poets, writers, philosophers know how easily a word is controlled, how easily it flows, deforms, distorts, bends. But we trust words everywhere, the words of others and our own. There is an internal conversation going on inside of us all the time. We support our own being with words, not realizing that we can be wrong in them. For example, a woman constantly convinces herself: “I’m ugly, I’m ugly...” and gets used to the sound of these words. Although she's actually quite good. But the word enslaved her and destroyed her. It became some strange part of herself.

When imposed, the word changes physical features. The body really becomes different. And the person suffers, yearns under his own oppression. The culprit is the habit of repeating the same words. It is difficult for a person to change them due to some strange stereotype: since I said it, I will continue to adhere to what I said. People don’t want to change opinions, positions, they don’t want to flow and change. They love granite, rockiness, concreteness - all the same excessive trust in objectivity. And only when a person understands that he is ephemeral, and life is continuous, then he calmly treats both himself and words. He knows that in the morning he will wake up as a completely new person, and in a few weeks he will become a completely different person. What will happen in a year? Who knows... When such experiences settle in a person, it means that words no longer have power over him. He does not trust the “objective” assessments of other people, because they can also be wrong. Such a person is no longer satisfied with average standards and criteria. He does not trust quantitative, mass authority.

Authority is mass, quantity, supposedly representing quality. In fact, quality can only be present in our own soul. Constantly acquiring new ideas, sensations, understandings, a person must learn to abandon them in favor of a more developed, subtle, perfect one, for the sake of gaining a better understanding.

It is difficult to put such a person on a chain of definitions. It is fluid, elusive, blurred in space, like a wave. And therefore free. The only criterion of truth for him is himself. There is no ego pride in this, but attention to experiences. This is how deeply the element of water is hidden in the mercurial Laguz. But do not forget that the same Mercury is on the surface.

An unstable ship will lead to death. Therefore, a person must be able to swim himself, no matter how good the ship he has. People who cannot swim are not taken into the sea. At any moment the ship could be holed. And then... Words are such a ship. Unfortunately, in many cases people depend on this "floating suitcase". They do not pay attention to the development of nonverbal experiences and nonverbal presentations of truth. And yet you will have to work on creating an experience of truth in yourself. Flow, water flows, changes, develops non-stop. And no mercurial dam can stop him. A person is free to become such a flow. And then he will learn to cope with any difficulties and deceptions, because it is impossible to deceive someone who does not trust anyone (in a good way).

Subconscious preferences are always exploited. Therefore, we must be very careful about what we really want. Understanding your own desires requires inner honesty. It is precisely this that protects against manipulators. The most deceived are suspicious people who do not know themselves. It is very difficult to manipulate a person who knows his weaknesses, who has studied himself deeply.

Self-knowledge turns out to be an excellent means of protection from unscrupulous people. Manipulators focus on what we seem to have no idea about, but what we secretly strive for. The more a person gets to know himself, the more difficult it is to hook him with Laguz. Inner honesty and openness are a wonderful shield against any attempts to allow yourself to be used.

True security depends on the quality of inner honesty.

People tend to use certain forms of manipulation, subconsciously enlightening each other. A person who wants to manipulate may not realize how subtle and complex the whole process is. In his mind, only the task of coercing, coercing, evading is alive. And then a mysterious process of interaction between two subconscious minds occurs. And if we are not cleaned inside, if we do not know ourselves, then we will almost certainly find ourselves a victim of such a hunter.

A person who passionately wants to steer us in the direction he wants will achieve his goal. There can be only one resistance to it: to study ourselves, what we really want, how seriously or frivolously we take ourselves, how great our sense of self-worth is. Without such work we are defenseless. Apart from internal honesty, there is simply no other defense against manipulators. People are prone to subconscious manipulation, because society, whether we want to admit it or not, is based on lies and mutual deception. This is due to many factors: the structure of language, the nature of life, the need for a superficial balance of interests, etc. A person who does not study himself automatically falls into the chains of the social subconscious.

The ship of the mind must be stable and controllable. A person must be able to think in different directions. Thought is a tool, a means, an instrument in our hands. However, we view our own mental constructs as a reality that we have to deal with. This is a mistake associated with a misunderstanding of Laguz. The ship of the mind must be easy to control and direct. But God forbid you turn into a slave chained to this ship. We must be captains. It's easy to say and not easy to do. But it is useful for us to at least know about the very possibility of changing the direction of the mind. The simplest exercise is to try to prove something to someone. And after a while, with the same diligence, prove the opposite and analyze what is happening to you at this moment.

Esotericists believe that a certain real figure lives in a person, which is conventionally called the “Builder of Arguments.” When we try to prove something, it’s like we let the dog go ahead: “Bite him!”

Man must become the master of reason. He must learn to prove to anyone and anything, but only in order to understand the mechanism of mental manipulation and thus feel where the truth is and where the lie is. Sometimes it feels like the human psyche functions with the help of words, apart from which there is nothing else in it. But when you start practicing, some kind of intuitive Priest behind the Argument Builder suddenly appears inside. He can see what the trickster Hermes is doing. We must tune in to the second figure, feel it, understand it. This is difficult because the picture of the world collapses and guidelines are lost. The search for the intuitive Priest within oneself does not happen immediately; the result manifests itself slowly, year after year.

If a person wants to live happily, he is forced to go in search of an intuitive Priest. In ordinary life it is very difficult to follow this path, because it is a path deep into oneself. Because one feels one’s own plurality: there is a Builder of Arguments, and there is a Sage who knows everything. And at what moment we suddenly discover that a wise Priest also tends to make mistakes. But we can still wake him up, keep a ray of attention on him and see what really is. The argument builder is in the business of justifying our sins. It closes our eyes to many truths, makes us passive and aggressive. The path is difficult, but without an unbiased consideration of one’s own depths, it is useless to count on finding the truth.

Laguz may be the most terrible rune. It questions our entire lives. Upon closer examination, our existence turns out to be ordinary black magic. (Let us recall its definition: black magic is hidden influence for the purpose of obtaining personal gain.) And because we, in ignorance, rely on our own reliability, this does not change the state of affairs. When esotericists talk about the need to overcome lies, they are primarily talking about self-deception, about getting rid of the illusion of impeccability and constant truthfulness. A person must understand when he is truthful and when he is not. Only with this can the path to truth begin, the path inward, the path upward. For those who wear blinders will never see the light.

When Laguz comes, the first thing we need to do is relax and reassess the situation, remembering that we only find what we are looking for. There is a very good criterion that is used by many seekers of truth. Hidden behind the Priest is another figure, symbolizing the will in man, the highest spiritual principle. This is the so-called Doer. And if we live correctly and move towards the light, then this Doer is truly joyful. If we can calmly look into this feeling and separate it from external unpleasant experiences, if the Doer wants to move further along this painful and difficult path, then we are really moving towards ourselves.


The situation is misunderstood. It is necessary to radically change the criteria for assessing the situation.

The danger of over-reliance on one's own opinion.

The temptation of the easy way and theft. You can stray from the truth and take the path of least resistance. Thus, the life of the Spirit is extinguished in you. You may become unhappy.

Distress and loss in case of reverse Laguz are associated with the poor quality of the acquisition. This means we went in the wrong direction or picked up extra things we didn’t need. In the words of A. Tarkovsky, “they committed a sin, which is excess.”


Cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" - finding a life path, strategy, mission.

Sailing ship. The metaphor symbolizes forward movement on water, at the same time easy and irresistible, purposeful and leisurely.

A technique used in A. Tarkovsky’s films: slow camera zoom. A unique esoteric find by an artist who managed to convey the movable real estate of the world.


Professional psychotherapist.

Ostap Bender. His highest seriousness was that he did not take anything seriously.

Count Cagliostro, who used the first rule of the wizard.


Situation: call of life.
Challenge: connecting to the natural course of things.
Caution: superficial rationalizations.
Directions: Feel what is happening with all possible senses.
Advice: you can allow yourself everything that is not prohibited.
Consolation: Trust your irrational intuition.


Situation: rapids on the river.
Challenge: Maintain integrity.
Caution: rigid fixation of attention on one thing.
Instruction: do not force events with specific actions.
Advice: it is necessary to maintain internal balance.
Consolation: most of the coming trials are empty phantoms.

A person is truly protected when he is not personally interested in what is happening. The highest quality of impersonality is the key to all achievements. Personal interest, partiality, prejudice, construction of expectations and arguments are the prerogative of the mental part of the Ego. To master the key to freedom from being controlled, to overcoming susceptibility to external influences, it is necessary to analyze your own interest. As long as it remains without our attention, we are almost certainly being played to the extent that we are personally interested.

Even in those days when runes were simple symbols of the alphabet, they were held in special reverence. Only learned people, sages and rulers knew how to use writing. Scandinavian priests used runic signs to draw amulets: protection from fire, water, from weapons, for successful sailing on longships and for waging war.

The sacred meaning of runes has survived to this day. Scandinavian symbols are widely used during fortune telling, to create magical phrases and other mystical practices.

Laguz or Lagus is the twenty-first rune in the alphabet of the ancient Germans. The word used to designate the symbol is translated as “lake” or “water.” This symbol was chosen by sailors as their patrons. Like water, constantly flowing and restless, Laguz denotes movement, premonitions and the world of fantasy.

The direct meaning of the Laguz rune

The Laguz rune has a complex interpretation, but this is precisely what makes it interesting, bright and wonderful. The sign symbolizes living, running water. Waves of vital energy, like a river, form a flow, capture a person and carry him along.

The key concept of Laguz in the upright position is the need to follow the voice of intuition. Regardless of the situation, now is the right time to trust the forces that guide a person. There is a secret, incomprehensible part within us that is not recognized by the mind. Some call it intuition, the sixth sense.

At first glance, the decision to give in to your own inspiration may seem unwise. A person begins to fear losing control over himself and his destiny. However, with the advent of Laguz, fate makes it clear: now is the time to plunge into stormy waters and surrender to the will of the current.

At the moment, you are not required to make sound judgments, assessments or complex thoughts. Feel the deep rhythms, relax, surrender to nature. Remember how, when swimming in a river or in the sea, you moved your hands in the water and felt the harmony between your body and the elements? This memory is applicable to the present situation and will allow you to regain a sense of inner comfort.

Love and relationships

Catch the wave, have fun - now is your time. It is worth leaving behind painful thoughts about what is “right” and “wrong.” Even though Laguz encourages you to go with the flow, you are the one who makes the decision to do so. Now everything is going according to plan, just relax and enjoy every day.

Work and career

Look around carefully and notice the signs. Fate gives you a break, act intuitively and don’t think about anything. Sometimes creative, spontaneous solutions can be much more effective than years of meticulous calculations and development. Don't take on too much, trust the world. You are safe, everything is going as it should.

The meaning of the inverted Laguz rune

The key description of the inverted sign is a warning. Possible collapse of plans, delay. Most likely, the troubles are caused by nervous overstrain. You tried to reach heights for which you are not yet ready. Laguz warns: what you have planned now cannot come true, and if you try to achieve what you want with all your might, you risk having a nervous breakdown. Now you are like a donkey running after a carrot - you can just try your best, but you won’t get a prize.

Take a close look at the situation. An uncontrollable desire for something, a “fixed idea” is the root of your problem. Avoid excessive emotionality, take care of yourself so as not to lead your health to neurosis.

Think about it, a person is not given the ability to act above these capabilities. An aggressive assault on barriers will result in a retaliatory blow that you may not withstand as easily as expected. Your resources and opportunities are not limitless. You should not sacrifice other parts of your life to your desires. Don't borrow energy from yourself.

How to get out from under the influence of an inverted Laguz? First of all, decide what you really want. Has it happened that the desired has been elevated to an absolute and there are more rational plans and decisions? However, it is important not to forbid yourself, but to independently understand that what you want may not be as necessary as it first seemed.

Love and relationships

The time has come to come out into the light, to leave the land of dreams and dreams. Do you really need the person whose attention you so passionately want to achieve? Do you already have a good relationship, and are you looking for the mythical Golden Fleece in distant lands?

What will an unattainable, distant person give you? What efforts did he make to make you happy? Don't you feel constant pain and anxiety, day after day realizing that you cannot achieve what you want? Free yourself!

Work and career

It's time to stop, catch your breath and look around. How much effort, torment and hardship are put on the altar of your career at the moment? What do you desire most? Promotion, new position, work in a large company? Thoroughly assess all the risks. Are you ready for a new place of work, new people, and more responsibility?

It's time to stop swimming against the current, exhausted. Turn around, relax and look into the distance with hope. Perhaps the river will bring you to warm and friendly waters?

Runa Laguz advises - listen to your intuition. But what if you can't seem to make anything out? Distrust of intuition is inherent in people who tend to think and analyze everything in any situation. Try listening to yourself in those moments when your mind is asleep. Literally. Try to “talk” to the characters in your dreams, ask questions, find out what they want. In many cases, you will hear surprising answers.

Remember your dreams, especially those that you remember as vivid and very exciting. Strong feelings and states that arise after sleep can help you understand real life. Remember the dream, “carry” it with you and don’t try to analyze anything. Try to preserve the “taste” of the dream for as long as possible, take care of its mood. Look at the world through the prism of the feelings that capture you and go with the flow. This way, your intuition will show you the right path or solution to the problem.

The appearance of Laguz seems to say: imagine yourself as a weightless stream, trust the water, feel weightlessness, relaxation and complete safety. Now is not the time to feel stressed and worried, there is no need to think and rationalize everything. Fate gives you a break. Everything will work out.

If an inverted sign appears in fortune telling, then the advice will be slightly different: first of all, try to calm down, don’t be nervous, reduce your anxiety. Now you are almost on the verge of a breakdown, and this will not lead to any good. Try to trust yourself, reveal to yourself those thoughts that you did not want to admit. To improve things, it is important to find calm and a favorable attitude towards yourself.

Magical use of Laguz

The water rune is traditionally used in fortune telling. She takes part in readings about fate, the future, the situation, and helps interpret love relationships and the business sphere. This symbol is used to create talismans and amulets. The best materials for drawing runes are traditionally considered natural:

Stone (marble, semi-precious and precious minerals):

  1. paper;
  2. clay;
  3. tree;
  4. fabric (cotton, linen, wool);
  5. metals.

It is allowed to use Laguz in an upright position independently and in combination, as part of a runic formula. Bracelets, pendants, and household items are decorated with the sign.

It is best if the talisman is created by an experienced person. Sometimes it happens that the formula requires a certain energy mood and tone. A beginner may not be able to cope or make a mistake, which will have to be corrected by a specialist.

The meaning of the rune as a tattoo

As a tattoo, Laguz can mean the following:

  • water;
  • flow;
  • movement;
  • creation;
  • intuition;
  • path;
  • Liberty;
  • feminine;
  • safety.

Laguz in the form of a tattoo denotes driving force and connection with higher spheres. It is worth considering that thoughtlessly applying runes to the skin for beauty can be dangerous. Before getting a tattoo, study all the intricacies of the sign to understand whether it suits you, because Laguz is a constant movement following a force that cannot be understood by the rational mind.

Formulas with the Laguz rune

Magic phrases with Laguz allow you to create strong energy flows, mobile and fluid. The most effective formulas:

  1. Teyvaz - Fehu - Laguz - perseverance and courage to enter a new stage of life;
  2. Ansuz - Laguz - Uruz - help of the gods;
  3. Ansuz – Laguz – Algiz – protection of the gods;
  4. Ansuz – Laguz – Gebo – heavenly love, feelings bestowed from above;
  5. Raido - Eyvaz - Laguz - protection of the traveler, good luck on the road, safety;
  6. Laguz - Gebo - Berkano - Solulu - a love talisman for women, helps to reach the heights of feminine charm;
  7. Teyvaz - Eyvaz - Laguz - the combination of the strength of the masculine principle and the flexibility of the feminine provides invulnerability in battle;
  8. Laguz - Gebo - Soulu - the phrase helps to develop special, telepathic abilities, to perceive thoughts more sensitively;
  9. Kenaz – Algiz – Laguz – protection of the two elements of fire and water;
  10. Soulu - Laguz - Mannaz - Laguz - Soulu - gaining self-confidence, overcoming weaknesses, uncertainty in thoughts, behavior, deeds, resistance to slander.

Laguz is a light, “living” rune, similar to water. Her energy is full of strength, it is fluid, and easily carries you along. With the help of this runic sign, strong amulets and talismans are created, and its appearance in fortune telling in an upright position promises a favorable development of the situation.

Keys of meaning: water flow, water; that which can lead, the moon, mobility, fantasy, renewal, intuition, creative inspiration, spiritual abilities, fruitful contracts, vital energy.

Sometimes a subconscious intention appears to plunge into the river of life, without seeing the goal. I am in harmony with the Universe. Stabilization of the situation.

Element – ​​water.

Writing: The base of the Laguz Rune is a vertical line that is drawn from bottom to top. A second line is drawn from the top point down. The angle between the lines is 45 degrees.

Motto: You must follow your intuition. Without experiences the truth cannot be found. Mastery of life lies not in the ability to speak, but in the ability to feel.

Symbol: this is an arrow, it shows and sets the route, but not with all the nuances and precision and does not lay it to the final goal. Therefore, along the way there are always opportunities to make a turn or turn in the other direction. This possibility of retreat and leaving the route is present both in the rune and in human intelligence. It is these moments that need to be monitored.

The meaning of the Laguz rune symbolizes a vessel that is filled to the brim. The main female rune, which is associated with primordial female power. It helps to reveal the true essence of a woman. The path to the intuitive and unusual.

Opens the mind to draw vital energy and deep knowledge.

Rune Laguz is the embodiment of the water element. It brings wealth and prosperity in a “wave”. A person becomes a conqueror of the elements, rushing across the surface of the water towards the goal. The man himself is filled with experience. Now it works effectively. His maturity allows him to bypass problems. Knowing the situation is a trump card. Intuition helps you “swim” calmly, without a storm.

The meaning of the direct rune Laguz

In the Laguz Rune there are invisible higher forces that provide support, give shape and connect. Runa Laguz encourages you to succumb to the exciting flow of life without assessing or understanding the situation. This is where needs are met on an emotional level. There is also an awakening of intuition. Perhaps a period of purification and transformation is coming.

The moment has come when it is worth using all natural resources. The meaning of the rune indicates to a person that he is able to receive more than he hopes. There is no need for an adequate assessment here. Not only reason, but also imagination, as well as intuition, will help you find your “island” of happiness.

Don't underestimate yourself. Man has been given experience that should be used. There are many changes for the better along the way. The plans will come true. You need to listen to your inner voice. All premonitions are not unfounded. It is thanks to them that the individual will take the right step.

Runa Laguz encourages you to find harmony with your own rhythms. Use imagination and imagination to achieve your goals. Be sure to listen to your intuitive voice. Pay attention to the sensations and premonitions that arise. You will achieve more if, in addition to logic and analytics, you use intuition and rely on your inner voice.

The meaning of the reversed rune

Keys of meaning: loss of vitality, river rapids, difficult periods of life, illnesses and fears. some events cannot be controlled.

The symbol indicates incorrect intuition, errors in decisions, and warns of certain issues.

Says instability in emotions, possible psychological difficulties, stress, depressive moments and loss of strength.

A warning about a possible breakdown of something. The channel of contact and intuition is blocked. Unfulfilled desires. The temptation of an easy path that will lead to danger. Misunderstanding of what is happening. Omissions or understatements, biased attitudes are common forms of lies. Creative crisis.

The Laguz rune warns a person against taking a wrong step into the abyss. It is necessary to break the illusions in order to really assess the situation. Self-deception will only bring suffering. It is not recommended to try to go beyond the limits of your strength and reserve of strength, which have been accumulated by diligent work since the beginning of your life. Now is not the time to indulge in dreams. Life is not a theater. It's time to stop lying to yourself before it's too late.

A person causes the greatest harm to himself through illusions. The reason for their occurrence lies in fear and dissatisfaction with oneself. You can’t constantly judge people without reason, it won’t add wisdom. Self-admiration will not bring success. The only way to end your troubles is to give up fiction entirely. A return to reality, a clear mind and calmness is the only salvation from the “quickening” swamp.

Misunderstanding of the situation. A radical change in evaluation criteria is necessary.

Often the inverted position of Laguz shows the inability and irrationality of using the source of intuitive wisdom. This inability can lead to disruption or loss of internal balance.

Reversed Laguz requires a person to pay attention inward. Perhaps you are deceiving yourself about something. Your inventions do not correspond to reality and are difficult to implement. Your fictional reality is just an illusion in which you enjoy being.

Rune advice: try to recognize your inner voice and trust it. In layouts, the Laguz rune can indicate the source of the problem. Maintain your inner balance. Severe fixation and attention on one specific object or situation.

Rune Laguz in magic

Use in Laguz runic magic is extremely beneficial for women. It is also used for the following purposes:

  • To protect sea travelers.
  • Good luck in your travels.
  • Help you stay afloat, literally and figuratively.
  • Helps in storing energy.
  • Strengthening healing properties in amulet practice.
  • Getting help with marriages.
  • To unlock your inner potential. Helps you benefit from experience.
  • used in love and sex magic.
  • Awakens hidden abilities. Helps strengthen intuition and the gift of clairvoyance.

To protect and reveal abilities, an amulet is made from a blue mineral. Lapis lazuli is perfect. A runic sign is applied to it in silver. Also, this amulet helps women gain strength and endurance, fill themselves with energy and wisdom.

Rune Laguz in fortune telling

In love

The appearance of Laguz in a positive scenario speaks of emotional relationships. Partners show affection and tenderness to each other, and most importantly, there is mutual understanding and respect in the relationship. But you shouldn't be inactive. Relationships require dedication. Intuition will tell you how to act correctly. Relationships have a “denouement”. This promises marriage and the appearance of offspring.

In a negative scenario, the Laguz rune warns of deception. Intuition does not deceive a person. The partner is cheating or is planning to do so. Quarrels are out of control. A break in relationship that will lead to depression. An unwanted alliance; the emerging relationship has no prospects for development.

In health

The appearance of Laguz indicates a speedy recovery if a person is sick. A surge of strength will fill his body. Energy will overflow. Overcoming any illness will be successful. Now is the best time to start boosting your immunity. All efforts will be fruitful, which will lead to longevity without illness.

In a negative scenario, there is a loss of vital energy. Health is declining. Wrong decisions and crises put a person at a dead end, eating away at his nerves. This is a sure way to a hospital bed.

In progress

Filling with energy and strength. Good news awaits the person who received the rune in a positive scenario. Successful completion of work started. The time has come to take stock of our victories. Successful completion of affairs. Your career is going uphill, deals are being concluded, and your income is increasing. New business is very promising. Prosperity and success lie ahead. It is possible to get a job with a stable income.

In a negative scenario, a person receives losses. Not noticing the pitfalls, I got into trouble. Difficult period, no career growth. Possible demotion or loss of job. Dependence on more powerful people.


The meaning is: A man, like the captain of a ship, holds a magic card. He knows where he is sailing and will reach his goal. A clear idea and understanding of the situation will prevent you from making mistakes. Experience and confidence work to your advantage. The main thing is not to go off course.

The appearance of the Laguz rune advises you to relax and reassess and rethink the situation, look at it from the other side. A person always finds only what he is looking for.

A negative alignment indicates that a dark streak is coming in the situation. Bereavement, loss of opportunities, lead to the fact that a person drowns. The life preserver will be the “piece” of the boat. Once hooked, you need to swim to the shore and survive. Only after the path has been traveled will the day of happiness come.


Laguz says that he is a changeable person who loves to travel, and often has to pay for his love of travel and remote places with loneliness. But on the other hand, he is a devoted and sympathetic person. Such a person is endowed with a lot of extraordinary talents. Perhaps most talents are not revealed immediately, but gradually. He is not afraid of adversity.

This only strengthens his spirit, which prevails over material pleasures. Like the sea, such a personality has its own “breaks”. The mood is changeable, but experience allows you to take control of it. Depending on the situation, a person can be open to others or hidden and impenetrable. But at any moment he still has deep thinking and is very charming. He is able to translate his wonderful, inspired ideas into real actions, and has taste.

It is worth thinking about developing the gift of the medium.

Laguz shows information from the subconscious and everything that is hidden there. This can be both positive and negative information - fears, phobias, failures, misunderstandings and aggression. When considering the information that comes from the subconscious, perceive it correctly: call a spade a spade, stop being afraid, change the negative to positive, look at old things from a new angle or from a different point of view. Understand each negative, find its cause and origins, and then fear or aggression will leave your consciousness.

Trust the flow of Laguz, relax and enjoy life, try to feel your own security. This is not the time to think and doubt yourself, just be patient, submit to the flow and everything will be resolved.

The meaning of the Laguz rune should be considered in a deeper and broader sense. Not all answers to questions and secrets lie on the surface. To understand the situation, it’s worth diving to the bottom.

Be prepared for the fact that everything you knew may not turn out to be what you would like it to be. At any period or moment, life can remove the usual descriptions and give in return a clearer picture of what is happening.

The human mind must be stable and manageable. The main feature is the ability to think in different directions. You should not take mental constructs as reality - this can lead to mistakes and being deceived. The mind must be easily controlled and directed in the right direction. In order not to fall under the influence of other people and not to be deceived, it is necessary to constantly study ourselves, understand our desires, identify what we really want, evaluate the seriousness of our attitude towards ourselves, and capture a sense of our own importance. As a result of this, protection is built. Be honest with yourself first and foremost, and then you won’t be afraid of manipulation from other people. Self-knowledge is a good defense against ill-wishers. Internal honesty and openness are a good, and most importantly, stable shield from other people’s attempts to use you for their own purposes.

The path of the mind is always tortuous. The presence of contradictions and doubts, the search for inconsistencies and ambiguities is the main feature of human thinking. Therefore, intuitive assessment is important.

Nurture your sensations, feelings and intuition. If we believe books, then we are not able to check all this in life and on ourselves.

A wise man does not follow the simple path; he does not trust words. He believes in his hidden powers and trusts his own feelings.

Rune name: Laguz, Lagus

Name in Latin: Laguz

Rune type: Scandinavian

Main meaning: Following your intuition

Laguz (Lagus): General meaning

Straight position

Usually the meaning of the Laguz rune is associated with the feminine principle. In a woman’s reading, she can say that the questioner herself is a strong woman who controls her destiny and is able to overcome any of its vicissitudes. For a man, a rune can be a sign that there is a woman in his life - a true friend, a faithful assistant.

Laguz is also associated with intuitive, “given from above” knowledge (this is usually characteristic of women!). In practice, the rune can indicate that a dream should be perceived as prophetic, or a random event is a sign, and you need to listen to their advice in order to avoid major troubles.

Sometimes Laguz can say that a lucky streak awaits the fortuneteller, but it should be used not for “worldly” affairs, but for self-improvement and development. It can also be understood as an indication of the fortuneteller’s ability to successfully withstand stress (the ability, not the use of it!). The rune can also indicate that the fortuneteller can be helped by his own gift of persuasion, the ability to find supporters and friends.
Inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Laguz can be well expressed by the proverb “simplicity is worse than theft.” The rune indicates that a person has and will have troubles because of his habit of acting without thinking, on the first impulse, trusting too much to instinct and intuition.

At the same time, the rune cannot be understood as a call to stop acting altogether. It requires rethinking your approach to actions, “turning on” reason and logic, and showing consistency and caution. But simply inaction and waiting will not solve the issue.

Depending on the situation, the rune can indicate both the severity of the problems that arise and their source. The most favorable environment indicates that the existing problem will soon be resolved, but you will inevitably have to pay for it (maybe with money, or maybe in other ways).

Laguz can say that a person is solely to blame for his rashness and is in vain looking for others to blame for the emergence of problems. But such an alignment is also possible, which shows that he is forced to act short-sightedly by the intervention of a certain woman (and the meaning of the alignment does not depend in any way on the gender of the fortuneteller).

Laguz (Lagus): Meaning in love and relationships

Straight position

Laguz here can be seen as a good sign. In love and relationships, the rune symbolizes the successful development of a romance, its progress and even the upcoming wedding. It indicates the unity of the couple, the harmony of the connection.

If there is no connection yet, Laguz shows that a fateful acquaintance is about to happen, or that it will become possible when a person moves (a trip or a change of place of residence).

The rune can also indicate that the partner is worth trusting, that the feelings in this relationship are true, and they should be developed and protected. In this case, Laguz should also be understood as a recommendation to trust feelings more than momentary impressions, attach less importance to the partner’s minor shortcomings or his not the best actions, and show tolerance and understanding. Runa advises avoiding touchiness and not inflating minor problems in relationships into a real conflict.

For a family person, Laguz can be a recommendation to show frugality and practicality for the sake of family well-being.

Inverted position

Reversed Laguz means an unwanted or unpromising relationship. The remaining runes of the alignment can clarify this meaning.

Thus, an inverted Laguz can be a symbol of obviously unhappy love, in which there is no hope for reciprocity. It can also indicate a relationship where a woman by any means achieves superiority over a man and suppresses him. Nothing good comes from such novels, as practice shows.

Also, the rune can show that animal instincts and primitive emotions dominate in a relationship - this also does not indicate good prospects for the romance. Another option is excessive activity, importunity in courtship. Such a strategy evokes only one desire - to end up with the annoying person in different hemispheres of the Earth.

An inverted Laguz may have a specific meaning if the fortuneteller is a man. She then indicates betrayal or the partner’s desire to quickly get rid of her gentleman.

Laguz (Lagus): Meaning in situation and question

Straight position

Depending on the question asked, Laguz may indicate different things, but the overall meaning is positive. In a career, a rune can mean the ability to find supporters, attract other people, and convince them that you are right.

In some situations, Laguz gives his blessing to use any information received to his advantage. In some other positions, the rune shows that even a negative resolution of a specific situation in the future will provide an opportunity to receive something important for oneself.

In the case of specific plans, Laguz may indicate upcoming success or that the implementation of plans will strengthen the authority of the fortuneteller and his position in society.

If the rune falls on a woman, it means that the fortuneteller can solve the problem on her own, and she does not need help (especially male help).

Inverted position

Reversed Laguz shows that a person is or will be in a dependent position. This may mean, for example, that the situation cannot be resolved without the help of an influential acquaintance, who will then demand a return favor.

If the fortune-telling question was about finances, the inverted Laguz indicates that the issue has been resolved or can be resolved through a loan. But a loan means the rights of the lender and the need to repay what was taken.

In some combinations, the inverted Laguz warns the fortuneteller against “easy” paths associated with violations of the law. From such rash actions you can expect radical life changes. It is not difficult to guess what life changes happen to those who break the laws, and it is worth thinking ten times whether the goal is worth such a risk.

Often, an inverted Laguz indicates the unrealizability and utopianism of the fortuneteller’s plan. A baseless fantasy cannot be realized successfully in the real world. The details of the alignment may also indicate that the person is not a dreamer himself, but allowed the inventor to fool him and take advantage of himself.

Laguz (Lagus): Use of runes in magic

In the magical sphere, the rune is usually used in two directions. If we are talking about practical matters, its activation can help strengthen a romance or family, marriage, the establishment of new relationships, and the emergence of friendships.

With the help of the influence of the rune, you can end the quarrel between lovers and avoid a quarrel. Since the rune is considered one of the symbols of the feminine principle, a talisman with it is especially indicated for women, and Laguz is used in spells intended for women.

If we are talking about high matters, Activating Laguz means turning on your own paranormal, extrasensory, magical and intuitive abilities.

Somewhat. Laguz is the rune of scientists, since it facilitates the process of cognition and helps bring it to its logical conclusion. Of course, this applies more to the occult sciences than to mathematics or biology.

There is no need to “throw yourself into the breach” all the time, trying to immediately solve all your own and other people’s problems. Sometimes a person needs rest, and he has the right to it. This does not mean that you need to give up fighting for your interests - the rune simply tells you that you cannot devote all your time to such a fight.

In the German school, the Laguz rune is associated with water, stream. She is considered the personification of female activity, witchcraft. There is a certain secret, even if not clearly perceived. The Laguz rune has a rather complex, but positive meaning. Having seen it in fortune-telling, you need to perk up and put aside your worries. But first things first.

Description and characteristics

The ancient goddess Nerthus, according to legend, built her home on an island standing in the middle of a lake. Every traveler received shelter and blessing from her. The Laguz rune symbolizes this deity of feminine kindness and wisdom. The Celts believe that it was she who taught Odin magic. When a person concentrates his thoughts, he gains strength. If it is applied in the chosen direction, magic is created that is unknown to the average person. With its help, good or evil is created, at the choice of the magician. For this, the Laguz rune is used. Its meaning is that it helps to receive strength from the surrounding space, to fill the vessel of “thought” with magic. The meaning of the rune is constant changeability, the circulation of energies. Nothing is stationary, everything moves. Just as plants and animals are born and die, turning into food for the next cycle, so human thought cannot freeze. She constantly strives into the unknown. And the Laguz rune can become her guide. She is, in a general sense, neither good nor bad. This is a symbol of rebirth: death leading to a new being, other forms, other worldviews. Nevertheless, the symbol is considered feminine, therefore it favors positive activity.

Rune Laguz: interpretation (direct position)

This sign indicates intuition. Every person has it, but we don’t want to listen to it due to the mistrust we received from our parents or society. Another meaning is a stream of water, river, stream, lake, sea. Runes are multifaceted, and therefore they need to be analyzed sequentially, moving from external to internal. If the Laguz rune appears in a reading, then listen to your thoughts, remember your dreams or childhood dreams. Something huge and good, laid down by fate, remains aside. A person passes by, carried away by emptiness, unimportant matters or projects. This rune invites you to stop and rethink life. Are you moving in the right direction? Are you arguing with your essence, your inner “I”? Surely intuition has long and persistently invited you to look at events from a different angle, make an unexpected turn, and deviate slightly from the usual way of life. How much weight do you give to her prompts? This rune symbolizes personal harmony. You should listen to all your desires, analyze every thought, even if it looks strange or illogical. leads, grab her hand and rush to happiness!

Rune Laguz inverted: meaning

Sometimes we lose touch with our inner self so much that our psyche becomes overstrained. It is precisely this state of affairs that the Laguz rune (inverted) indicates. Its meaning is that intuition cannot break through to consciousness. It's bad. Man has no channel of communication with the Universe. He lost his guide. Logic probably takes responsibility, but it is not logic that will have to pay the bills, but the individual himself. Consciousness is skewed to one side. That is, a person descended into the physical world, losing contact with the Highest. This state cannot last long. An explosion will follow on the subtle plane. But in reality it will result in a nervous breakdown. The situation is critical. We need rest and calm analysis of mistakes. It is necessary to find the lost connection with intuition. This can be done through meditation or magical rituals. Of the simplest, we recommend fire. Look at him without thinking about anything. The head must be completely freed so that the barriers between aspects of the personality disappear. Seek the source of your higher self within yourself.

Impact on relationships (direct position)

When fortune telling, this symbol is perceived positively. The Laguz rune has a positive meaning in love. Relationships are protected by higher powers. Everything that happens is true. You are in tune with your intuition. You must continue to trust her. Insight can come in dreams. Listen to their advice. The rune indicates that the relationship is developing. Whether they will be durable depends on the surrounding signs. But even if they end, you will not suffer. So it was a very useful and positive experience. Enjoy every minute spent with your partner. Try to give him happiness too. The rune shows the truth of intentions and sincerity of the people who entered into the union. Don't expect meanness or betrayal. The Gebo and Laguz runes, located nearby, speak of a strong connection for life. This combination symbolizes the patronage of the Higher Powers, fate, true union. When it comes to relationships, this is a great sign! Runa Laguz in love speaks of development, following your destiny. She doesn't sum it up. They should be judged by the surrounding symbols.

(inverted position)

The main thesis is deception, infidelity. If this symbol appears, then you should forget about hopes for the successful development of relationships. You went against fate. The current partner (well, if only the intended one) is given as punishment. He will not be faithful, take care, or bestow happiness. This is a situation where the fortuneteller has become dependent on a fraudster and a liar. The inverted Laguz rune in a relationship is a sign of renunciation of the inner “I”. And this is a great sin in a broad sense. You should return to your path. Don’t think that you can find joy or gain energy at the expense of another person. Often it falls out when one of the couple is a vampire in relation to the other. People don't need each other. Each of them tries to solve their problems at the expense of their partner. There is no development. The inverted Laguz and Kano runes nearby predict a complete break. It is advisable to take it wisely. Your partner is draining your life force and you should leave him voluntarily (and the sooner the better).

Fortune telling for well-being (upright position)

Whatever the issue, you will be satisfied. The rune indicates that a person is in the right place. His creative abilities are not blocked and are developing. It is necessary to listen to your intuition, not to be distracted by “advisers” and “well-wishers,” and to trust yourself more. This is a sign of a strong, developed personality. If it's about work, don't worry. You are developing normally. You don’t have or cope well with enemies. Obstacles themselves recede before the fortuneteller. Probably receiving a good, promising offer related to relocation. Our rune points towards the water. That is, you need to go to the sea, lake, big river. In addition, men should consider a job offer from a businesswoman. Its implementation will create the basis for future well-being. The combination of the Laguz rune with Gebo (both direct) is especially favorable for creative people. They will get a chance not only to fully realize themselves, but also to secure fame and a decent income for themselves.

Fortune telling (inverted position)

Donkey stubbornness is accompanied by serious losses - this is the inner meaning of the rune. You shouldn’t try to jump in over your head just because you really want to. Rune Lugz (reversed) for or any business is considered an unfavorable sign. She shows a lack of energy. What a person strives for, he does not need. You are simply confused and have no chance of success. You shouldn't be stubborn. Stop! Your benefits are located elsewhere; this should be seen with your inner eye. Probably missed a turn. Go back and analyze your actions. What seems desirable today is just a mirage. It will bring neither money nor joy. Another meaning of the rune is that there is a cunning swindler nearby, whom there is no way to resist. First, get rid of this vile person (partner), then think about developing the business.

You need to trust the flow of life. You have chosen the right direction. Don't give up on him. Listen to your inner self. Nowadays you act in unison. Just don't doubt it under any circumstances. Distrust means stopping. Then favorable circumstances will rush into the distance, leaving you on the shores of bitter disappointments and regrets. Surrender to the flow of life. He will pick you up and quickly take you to the very pinnacle of success!

Have you ever found yourself in a muddy bog? It's not easy to get out of it. But nothing is impossible for a strong personality. This is exactly the situation you find yourself in today. There is enmity all around, drawing deeper and deeper. If this continues, you will drown. You need to stop and look for the life-giving source of intuition. It's inside. Reject external pressure. Focus on dialogue with the subconscious. Then the situation will begin to improve.

Use in magic

This sign is necessary in difficult life circumstances. In an upright position, it gives strength and helps to collect them from the surrounding space. If a person has lost your trust, try to catch him sleeping. Mentally draw a rune on his forehead. Upon awakening, he will not be able to lie and will lay out everything as if in spirit. Eyvaz, Laguz help you get an answer to an important question in a dream. Only by becoming should it be activated by blood. Laguz is also often used in love magic. With its help, women increase their attractiveness, and men get rid of fears. It promotes reconciliation and harmonizes relationships. This is the rune of discovering secrets, searching for internal sources of truth. But, in addition, it affects sexuality. Black magicians use Laguz for spells when casting love spells. Inverted, it stupefies, deprives the enemy of strength and cunning. If you want to know your path, then meditate on this sign. He cleanses space from dirt and subtle fields from defilement. After some time, everything extraneous and interfering will evaporate on its own. You will see where you are with clear eyes. And the direction of the path will be simple and clear.


All runes have many meanings and characteristics. They are studied not just for years and decades. Some people spend their entire lives doing this. Beginners should approach this magical tool with caution. Even fortune telling affects events. And there’s no point in talking about rituals with runes. Improperly activated or produced, becoming can cripple fate. To cancel its influence is a task for the master. Therefore, you need to study the runes before using them thoughtlessly. Good luck!

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