Lunar calendar for August of the year Taurus

August 2017 is not a good time for Taurus. This month there will be lunar and solar eclipses, and Mercury will also go into a retrograde phase. Astrological events force us to take a break for a while and retire from work. The Taurus horoscope for August 2017 recommends going on vacation. If you want to go to the resort, you should take care of purchasing a tour and tickets in advance, preferably in July.

The lunar eclipse will occur on August 7. The mental balance of Taurus will be affected already on the 2nd, that is, 5 days before the eclipse. The negative impact of the Moon will continue until August 12. Despite the overflowing emotions, by August 13 it is necessary to resolve all issues at work, sign important documents and prepare for vacation. The fact is that from August 13 to September 5, Mercury will go backwards, which means that the likelihood of delays, errors, and misunderstandings in the field of trade, communications, and travel increases.

The solar eclipse, which will occur on August 21, will not allow Taurus to relax. During this period, it is undesirable to make vital decisions that could affect the future. From August 16 to 26, your health may deteriorate and fatal mistakes may be made. Taurus may feel creatively empty and lack of support.

Taurus love horoscope for August 2017

August 2017 will be a busy month for both women and men. The lunar eclipse will take beautiful women out of their usual rut, and the solar eclipse will affect the stronger half of humanity. The Taurus horoscope for August 2017 recommends criticizing your family less and paying more attention to them.

Children need warmth and care. It is important to rethink your relationship with them and participate in their lives more often. Gifts and sweets are not as important for children as the attention of their parents, do not forget about this.

Favorable days for love in August 2017 for Taurus: August 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31.

Financial horoscope Taurus for August 2017

The whole of August is unfavorable for financial transactions, career growth, and starting new projects. Lunar and solar eclipses and retrograde Mercury create a negative background for solving important matters. In August, Taurus can start cleaning up their tails at work, pay off debts, or, conversely, remind debtors of their obligations. A suitable period for routine matters.

Favorable days for money in August 2017 for Taurus: August 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31.

Health horoscope for the sign Taurus for August 2017

During eclipses, alcohol consumption is prohibited. You should also avoid foods that can cause poisoning, allergies, or intoxication. In August, Taurus should be careful on the road and in the water.

The beginning of summer was not marked by anything particularly pleasant for Taurus. Life goes on as usual, and only the stars know whether we should expect surprises from it in the form of happy love. An accurate love horoscope will tell you what they have prepared for you on the love front in August 2019.

Love horoscope for Taurus for August 2019

Taurus is the most modest and at the same time stubborn sign of the Zodiac. Such qualities greatly interfere with people's personal lives. It can be difficult for you to establish smooth, harmonious relationships with your partners for a variety of reasons. The first months of summer were no exception. Only on the eve of autumn can we hope for positive changes.

At the end of summer, Venus enters its active stage. This planet is the patron of Taurus. She is also responsible for all love relationships. Astrologers are sure that bright changes await you in your personal life. Everything that will happen in August is definitely for the better.

Venus will not allow her charges to remain on the sidelines. Exciting journeys into the world of love and passion await Taurus. One meeting can change their life. The only thing that is required of Taurus is not to miss their chance, even if they have to take the initiative, which they do not like to do.

The sex life of Taurus will not remain unchanged. Their partners will delight them with their impartiality and openness. Children planned in August will be born lucky. Fortune will not bypass those who marry a Taurus. The stars promise a comfortable life for families of this zodiac sign, created at the end of summer.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for August 2019

August is a time of discovery for Taurus women. Girls suddenly realize the power of their natural charm and learn to put it into practice. Interactions with the opposite sex will improve instantly.

It is even possible to renew relationships with former lovers. The ability to forgive will play a major role in this. Girls born under the sign of Taurus will learn to appreciate the good attitude of representatives of the opposite sex towards them, which will not go unnoticed by their chosen ones.

Venus will not forgive you for being conceived by an unloved person. If this happens in the last month of summer, you will have to go through a lot of difficulties in the near future. The patron planet stands only for love.

The intimate life of Taurus girls will be amazing. Passion, desire, pleasure and pleasure - these wonderful feelings will merge in one person. Venus even forgives parting, but only in the name of love.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for August 2019

Things won't be as rosy for men as they are for women. The love horoscope promises them an endless whirlpool of events, in which it is so easy to get confused and make a fatal mistake. In August, representatives of the stronger half will experience the risk of being left alone.

Only relationships with legal spouses will work out well. The family will begin their honeymoon again in August. Men will look at their wives with different eyes and completely rethink their attitude towards them.

Venus will patronize the marriage that the Sagittarius man decides to enter into with a girl born under the sign of Libra. In August 2019, a similar alliance created earlier will become even stronger.

Taurus's sex life is becoming more and more enjoyable. The last month of the hot season will bring many new meetings to lonely young people. One of these has every chance of becoming the first in a long-term romantic relationship.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019

The horoscope for August 2017 foreshadows Taurus many new victories related to finances and career. As you see off this hot summer, you will decide to work tirelessly to improve the quality of your life significantly. The zeal with which you get down to business will bring brilliant results (by the end of this August you will gain both major financial success and recognition in society). True, it cannot be said that the pursuit of profit will deprive you of the peace and moral balance that you were able to find in the recent past. It turns out that you will join the ranks of those people who set a high goal for themselves, and then sacrifice everything for it, without which it is impossible to experience true happiness.

The worst thing is that on the altar of their professional victories, Taurus in August 2017 will have to put their personal front and everything connected with the sphere of love affections. If you are a family man, your significant other will not be able to calmly watch as you sacrifice family affairs for the sake of some illusory income. She will be offended to the point of tears when you coldly and cynically refuse to go on vacation together or fail to arrive at a family celebration that was of great importance to your couple. One way or another, a crisis will emerge in your relationship, which you will not consider necessary to overcome. Taurus who have not yet gotten married, on the contrary, will need moral support from close people, but, alas, there will not be many ready to support you. Both your parents and your friends will be busy only with themselves at the end of this summer, and therefore they will have no time to listen to your stories about their successes in the service. Right now an important thought will come to you, and you will understand that only the person with whom you create a strong love union will become a true friend, a parent, a spiritual mentor, and an eternal support for you.

Career and financial affairs in August 2017 will become almost an end in itself for Taurus. If you are an employee, you definitely don't want to settle for what you have here and now. In addition to your main job duty, you will voluntarily take on the responsibilities of one of your colleagues, find a second job, or begin to comprehensively develop your personal project designed to make you much richer. By sacrificing everything that has always been of great importance to you (family happiness, legitimate leisure and the opportunity to laze around from the heart), you will achieve your lofty goal (your income will increase significantly, and you will be able to afford those purchases that always seemed like a luxury to you) . Taurus engaged in entrepreneurship will decide to rapidly increase their usual income and for this purpose they will “get involved” in a risky adventure. Very soon it will become clear that this risk has fully justified itself, and that your capital has indeed increased significantly. True, by assessing the scale of your victories and comparing them with the experiences that this risk entailed, you will make a strict vow to yourself that you will never take part in such adventures again.

As for health, it will not cause Taurus the slightest problem in August. Moreover, it is at the end of this summer that you will get rid of long-standing problems (for example, a chronic disease that has prevented you from living normally for many years). And the most important thing is that you will finally find out what kind of daily routine you need to feel cheerful and absolutely healthy.

As the horoscope for August 2017 promises, Taurus will face a period full of various events. Representatives of the sign will feel a surge of strength to move forward. When resolving any issues, the horoscope recommends that Taurus be guided by logic. Try to make informed decisions with a sober head. Although in August Taurus does not look for easy ways, they like to overcome obstacles, the sweeter the taste of victory for them. The stars recommend Taurus to maintain balance in everything and not to complicate their lives.

On August 7, during the lunar eclipse, the horoscope recommends Taurus to keep their emotions under control. On August 21, during the solar eclipse, you should also be careful and avoid making important decisions and social activity. During this period, your health may worsen.
While striving for career heights and power, try not to forget about your loved ones, because this can weaken your connection, and you really need support. Recognition of your achievements and qualities by your relatives will push you to new achievements. Be more tactful and sympathetic in your relationships with your family. Now is a favorable period for resolving old problems in relationships.


The horoscope for Taurus for August 2017 foreshadows representatives of the sign with a fairly high energy potential. You are not in danger of serious illness, but your health may change depending on your mood.

The stars do not recommend Taurus to get involved in alcoholic beverages and drugs. Their use is especially dangerous during periods of lunar and solar eclipses. Also avoid expired or questionable food products, as there is a high risk of poisoning. On the indicated dates - August 7 and 21 - you must be careful when traveling and traveling, especially when driving, when swimming in bodies of water.


The first half of the month is suitable for putting things in order. Relations with out-of-town and foreign colleagues are developing favorably, and successful trips are likely. Taurus will be able to successfully resolve old problems.

For Taurus employees, it's time to take a vacation and mind their own business.

The second half of August opens up good career prospects. Hardworking Taurus can count on a salary increase. Try to demonstrate your professionalism to management, or better yet, surprise them with an interesting idea.

During periods of lunar and solar eclipses, do not advertise your plans, do not take risks in financial matters, avoid social activities, do not start new projects, do not sign contracts. Do routine things.


The horoscope for Taurus for August 2017 promises a generally stable financial situation. Additional income is likely, as well as help from close relatives. Operations related to real estate will be successful.

Those who want to increase their capital should remember that Taurus does not always need to plow to achieve wealth. Sometimes mental activity and the ability to generate brilliant ideas will become much more fruitful. Your intelligence can be paid much more than physical labor.

Spending for the month will be related to travel and entertainment.


As the love horoscope for August 2017 predicts, Taurus will experience new feelings and emotions, which will greatly diversify his personal life. The army of your fans is growing, new acquaintances and romances will return the taste for life to the representatives of the sign.

Family Taurus will receive pleasant surprises from their loved one. Try to find a common language with your significant other, do not put pressure on her, do not impose your point of view. Support each other and be more tolerant of shortcomings. The month is also suitable for improving your home.

Misunderstandings may arise in the relationship between Taurus lovers. It is likely that you will decide to separate or continue the relationship until a more suitable partner comes along.

The relationship between Taurus and their parents becomes significant and important. It's time to resume old family traditions, gather and communicate more often. August is the time when you can give each other a lot of warmth and love.

Don't forget about the children, they need your attention now. Try to instill the right values ​​in the growing generation, spend time together, play and develop your children.

Man – Taurus

As the horoscope for August 2017 advises, a Taurus man should spend more time with his family. Do not provoke your significant other, avoid quarrels, be softer and more compliant. Single Taurus should take a closer look at the ladies they like.

The stars will provide Taurus with the opportunity to change their field of activity in August. But some unpleasant accidents can interfere with your plans.

Family men - Taurus will have to devote a lot of time to solving domestic problems. Don't let your emotions and nerves get out of control. Don't waste your energy. If you feel tired, it's time to distract yourself and relax.

Taurus Woman

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, a Taurus woman should take a little risk in love affairs. You will be able to win the attention of a man who previously did not pay attention to you. In your relationship with your partner, try not to test him, learn to trust, be wise and sincere. Don't forget to add romance to your relationship.

The tenacity and perseverance of Taurus women will help them achieve career heights. Invest only in proven projects.

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