General concept of the universe. The wheel of samsara is the mechanism of human evolution. The esoteric immaterial layer of the universe.

Modern humanity at this point in time has quite a lot of different types of evidence of the existence of worlds different from the visible world of forms - the material plane of planet Earth. The existence of other worlds gradually becomes a stable picture of the world. Interest in “other” worlds, as well as in issues of interaction with such worlds, usually comes down to thinking about what qualities or paranormal abilities a person must have in order to “see”, feel, interact with such a different world, as well as with its representatives, there are also plenty of opinions and points of view on this matter on how to develop the ability to “see, hear, feel.” There has been a strong public opinion among “knowledgeable” people that in order to have paranormal, extrasensory abilities at the first stage it is necessary to develop, accumulate, etc. Sensitivity to the perception of the subtle world.

For many practitioners, energetic, spiritual, yogic, etc. With practice this works, but many don’t. But even those who manage to develop some extraordinary abilities, that is, those that not everyone living today have, sooner or later hit the ceiling, they suddenly understand that there is a limit to the development of these abilities, and beyond a certain level of development human beings, practices that focus on ability are doomed to failure. A reasonable question arises: what to do next and what to do for those who really want to “open their third eye,” but never want to open it?
Let's start with the fact that many people still have a persistent misconception about the purpose of a person, his essential definition, his abilities and capabilities, and, accordingly, about the need for their development, disclosure, etc.
One of the basic statements of the Esoteric teaching says:
“Man is, first of all, a Soul that exists “eternally,” and also follows the path of evolution and can periodically be reincarnated in new physical bodies, which it organizes for itself according to a certain order and template, from the cells of genetic parents, taking into account all previous accumulated experience and previous existence."
The esoteric model determines the interaction of planet Earth and man:
1. Planet Earth has its own consciousness and is a single living organism.
2. Everything that exists inside the consciousness of the Earth exists on the planet.
3. Any object on Earth has its own consciousness and, including humans, is a multidimensional energy-informational object.
Let us consider such a multidimensional interaction using the example of a Simplified model of interaction between human Mental Bodies and Consciousnesses.

Simplified Model of Consciousness and Mental Bodies:

The External Signal arrives at the “Antenna” and then to the Mental Body of Sahasrara. Provided that a person has an Active Consciousness “Super-I” (Higher Self), this Signal is processed by this Consciousness.
The unprocessed part of the “Signal” that passed through the Mental Body of Sahasrara enters the Worldview “filter” - the Subconscious, located on the Mental Body of Ajna.
If a person has an active “not-I” Consciousness, then this “Signal” is processed by him and launches the 3rd Eye - the second System of Perception of the World. The unprocessed, not accepted part of the “Signal” from the Mental Body of Ajna enters the Mental Body of Vishuddha, which includes Consciousness - the translator of the Signal, which turns the received Signal into our 3-dimensional world and the Mind - which analyzes the received images.
If a person has an Active “I” Consciousness, then it processes the part of the “Signal” received by it using the 1st Perception System and builds Conscious Behavior.
If the “I” Consciousness is not active, then part of the Signal enters the Mental Body of Anahata - “Animal Consciousness” and builds Emotional Behavior.
From this diagram it is clear that each Active “upper” - higher frequency Consciousness “intercepts” the Signal and takes control over itself.
Therefore, by developing our higher frequency states of Consciousness, we fundamentally change ourselves, our perception of ourselves and the world, our behavior, our capabilities, etc.
The esoteric model of the Universe tells us about the principle of consciousnesses embedded in each other - the Matryoshka principle. Such a doll shows that human consciousness is invested (absorbed) into another similar consciousness, which subsequently enters the next more expanded similar consciousness and so on ad infinitum.
Man is, first of all, consciousness, and he is inside the consciousness of planet Earth. The planet is also, first of all, consciousness, and it is inside the consciousness of the Solar System, which is inside the consciousness of the Galaxy, and so on.
Man is a multidimensional energy-informational structure of living consciousness; God “embedded” 7 basic abilities in every person:
1. clairsentience (tactile sensations)
2. spiritual clairvoyance
3. claircognizance
4. clairaudience
5. clear sense of smell
6. clear physical vision
7. Clear recognition of taste sensations
In modern man, 5 basic abilities are mainly clearly manifested through the senses, and therefore another misconception lies in the definition of his abilities. Many people confuse the concepts of “Sensuality” and “Sensitivity”.

Spiritual Vision and Sensitivity

Sensuality is an ability human psyche respond to external influences and experience the influence of external objects, which are realized with the help of the senses, the ability to experience emotional states, penchant for carnal pleasures.
The ability of the human spirit (sensuality) to perceive the surrounding reality with the help of the senses is a condition for obtaining cognitive experience and a person’s practical attitude towards the world.
The presence of sensory abilities in a person determines for him, like any other living organism, a guideline and successful actions in the world around him.
Sensitivity- this is a property of humans and animals sense irritating signals from the external environment and from one’s own tissues and organs: tactile (touch), pain, temperature, muscle-bone, etc.
We hope the difference is obvious! This is precisely where all the answers to questions related to paranormal, extrasensory and other “other” abilities in humans lie.

A person is a “system” and his self-development, transformation of consciousness, transmutation of the physical body must occur comprehensively, in a system of multidimensional spiritual development and the harmonious entry of the Spirit, Soul and transformation of the Personality into individuality. We invite you to begin not only to receive, study, and memorize knowledge, but also to apply it, practically developing your abilities of Feeling Knowledge in the World of New Energies ***

Conscious control of attention gives a person the opportunity to more effectively identify, compare and, if necessary, eliminate external and internal factors that lead to a state of balance, which is important for qualitatively increasing the level of development of a person’s personality. You can learn about the mechanisms of attention and the ability to consciously control it in the practice “Development of the Soul: Human Attention. The role of attention in life."

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Scientific and esoteric information about the Absolute
and levels of reality of the Universe

Russian science came to the conclusion about the multi-layered nature of the Subtle World long ago. Thus, back in 1981, Academician Markov reported at the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences: “The information field of the Universe is layered and structurally resembles a “matryoshka doll”, and each layer is connected hierarchically with higher layers, up to the Absolute, and is, in addition to a bank of information, also a regulator of the beginning in destinies people and humanity."

Please note, we are talking about 1981. How many of us then thought about God, or about the Subtle worlds? Back then it was dangerous to approach the church; you could be kicked out of work. And scientists have already talked about the Information Field as a regulator of human destinies.

They knew that the Information Field was layered, but how many layers or levels there were, and what they were, was unknown. After all, from school we were told that the structure of the world consists of four levels of reality: solids, liquids, gases, fields and elementary particles (plasma).

True, back in the first half of the twentieth century, theoretical physics established the existence of a fifth level of reality - a physical vacuum, the development of which by science is very successful. Unfortunately, school and even university textbooks do not yet say anything about it.

Over the past twenty years, facts have been appearing at an increasing pace that indicate the existence of two more levels of the Universe. These levels are recognized by many researchers as the levels of reality on which technologies long lost by humanity are based. The main method of learning in such technologies is meditation.

And suddenly: a bolt from the blue! Accurate mathematical descriptions of all seven levels of reality have been obtained, and this reality fits perfectly into the Unified Scientific-Esoteric Picture of the World, which is based on the following provisions.

    The objectively existing World is not limited to the material world perceived by our senses.

    There is another reality with a different form of existence, lying outside the realm of existence of the material World - the World of higher reality.

    The physical world in which we live is secondary, derivative, a “shadow” of the World of higher reality.

    The world of ultimate reality is infinite, eternal and unchanging. It lacks categories such as space, time, movement, birth, death.

    The Universe, that is, the World, which includes the World of higher reality and the material world, is an open system.

    At the base of the Universe lies a certain all-encompassing First Principle, external to it - a transcendental, transrational, incomprehensible, superpersonal God (Absolute), accessible through revelation only to mystical knowledge.

It turned out that the latest scientific development of the Russian scientist, director of the Center for Vacuum Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician G.I. fits perfectly into these provisions. Shipova.

Back in 1967, the young scientist became interested in one of the most serious problems of theoretical physics - the program of the Unified Field Theory (UTT), put forward at the beginning of the century by A. Einstein. For the last 35 years of his life, Einstein tried to formulate a general field theory, in other words, he tried to discover a “formula” that describes the entire World, and all other scientific truths follow from it. He failed to do this. The most important problem was dealt with by outstanding minds: Dirac, Cartan, Clifford, Newman, Penrose and many others. And as a result of twenty years of hard work, the Russian scientist G.I. managed to solve this problem. Shipov.

“The problem of creating a Unified Field Theory was solved in the theory of physical vacuum, the development of which was completed in 1988. The theory of physical vacuum explains the entire World (both material and Subtle) and all its manifestations in the language of formulas and strict scientific logic.”

Shipov's theory connected together the world of dense forms and the subtle world. Considering the physical vacuum as a medium consisting of matter that does not have rest mass, he was able to create a system of equations that describe this medium analytically as accurately as Newton's laws describe the motion of a physical body. With this approach, the idea of ​​the World as a system consisting of seven levels of reality is mathematically modeled.

    Absolute Nothing (Absolute);

    primary torsion fields;

    physical vacuum (ether);

  1. liquid;


The four lower levels form our well-known gross physical world, and the three upper levels are the levels of the Subtle World.

For the first time in mathematics, an unusual level appeared, called by Shipov “ Absolute Nothing", about which, as it turned out, there is nothing to say. But not because Absolute Nothing means there is absolutely nothing, but just the opposite, because Absolute Nothing means absolutely Everything!

It turned out that for each level of reality, except for the level of Absolute Nothing, it is possible to write meaningful equations, the solution of which gives a description of the properties of matter and substance at each of these levels. But the highest level, level Absolute Nothing, describe equations that have the form of a pair of identities, and this uncertainty does not allow us to draw conclusions regarding any properties of the seventh level of reality.

Academician Shipov writes: “Absolute Nothing, about which nothing concrete can be said, cannot be described by formulas, but, nevertheless, it stands above everyone and creates everything. Absolute Nothing – I want to emphasize this – is precisely what claims to be the image of God.”

The question of the Absolute is extremely complex, and nothing definite can be said about it because there is no structure in it that human thought could “catch onto.” Even such characteristics of it as infinity and eternity are perceived by the mind not essentially, but only as abstract symbols. is something completely transcendental. Transcendent – ​​transcendental in relation to any particular sphere, to the world as a whole. It defies rational description, and the human mind is not capable of more.

However, our soul, which has the ability to perceive non-local energy vibrations, has the opportunity to get acquainted, if not with the Absolute itself, then with some of Its manifestations.

What does "non-local" mean? The answer to this question is well illustrated by this example.

Let's imagine a big bell. If you hit the bell, it will sound for a certain time, producing a sound characteristic of it. It can be struck in different places and with different objects - only in the first moments the sound of the bell will change, and then it will sound “with its own voice” again. It almost does not depend on the individuality of the one who strikes the bell, and the energy of the strike immediately spreads throughout the entire body of the bell. The energy of sound, which entered the bell in the form of a blow at one point (locally), is spread throughout the entire bell, becoming general (non-local), not belonging to any specific part of the body of the bell.

If you touch the bell with your hand, the sound will quickly weaken and go into your hand. It doesn’t matter where the hand is applied - where it is applied, that’s where the sound goes away. Moreover, the sound leaves evenly from the entire bell and also regardless of the individuality of the one who put his hand. The non-local and impersonal energy of sound turns into local energy where the hand is applied and at the same time it already belongs to a specific person.

Of course, any comparison is lame, but, trying to understand how our soul perceives non-local energies and translates them into local ones, let's keep in mind the considered example with a bell and an individual's hand.

Thanks to this example, we can understand where they came from. unique knowledge about the Absolute, for all the information about Him and the Subtle World that humanity possessed until the end of the twentieth century was received from a single source of knowledge - from the information field through messiahs, prophets and saints. In this case, a single information field can be compared to a bell, and prophets or saints capable of receiving information can be compared to an individual’s hand. It was in this way that in the past all information about the Absolute and the Subtle World was received.

From the point of view of E.I. Roerich, the Absolute is a great cosmic principle, a single and endless beginning, an uncaused reason for being. “This indestructible eternal breath, not even knowing itself, this single and infinite principle always exists, being either passive or active. At the beginning of the period of activity, the activation of this divine principle takes place and the visible World is the end result of a long chain of cosmic forces, successively set in motion.”

It must be said that Academician Shipov mathematically managed to find out that Absolute Nothing actually has two different states, one of which corresponds to the ordered state of absolute vacuum, and the other to the disordered state. In fact, academician Shipov confirmed the words of E. Roerich about the Absolute as a single and endless beginning, which is either passive or active, and which must be activated to create the visible world.

He writes: “Empty but numbered space suggests the existence of a “primary Consciousness or Superconsciousness” capable of realizing the Absolute “Nothing” and making it orderly. At this level of reality, the decisive role is played by “primary Consciousness”, which acts as an active principle - God and cannot be described analytically. .. And without any exaggeration, Absolute “Nothing” can be given the status of a Creator or Creator, for everything begins with Him... And this Nothing creates not matter, but plans and plans.”

According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A.E. Akimov, the Absolute must have not only Consciousness, but also Will. “Will and Consciousness are the two properties that a given level must inevitably possess. Their role is the conscious realization (in esotericism they would say - incarnation) of those plans and possibilities that potentially exist in Absolute Nothing.”

Esotericism claims that the highest energies of the Absolute are Love, Consciousness and Will. Love prevails. But science, unfortunately, never considered Love as energy, and therefore left it “overboard”.

However, any coincidence of scientific assumptions and esoteric or religious knowledge about the Absolute cannot but rejoice. For it is possible to consider the levels of the Universe from the standpoint of modern scientific knowledge only from the second level, the level of torsion fields of torsion. And, speaking about the level of Absolute Nothing or the Absolute, we have to use esoteric knowledge obtained in other ways, although today it is already confirmed in some ways by science.

Source - Official website of Tatiana and Vitaly Tikhoplav - Website Scientific Esoterics

1. Shipov G.I. Theory of physical vacuum. M.: “NT-Center”, 1993.

2. Tikhoplav V.Yu., Tikhoplav T.S. Physics of faith. St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2005.

3. Shipov G.I. The phenomenon of psychophysics and the theory of physical vacuum // Consciousness and the physical world. Vol. 1. M.: Yachtsman Agency, 1995.

4. Akimov A.E. The appearance of physics and technology at the beginning of the 21st century // Speech at the scientific and practical conference “Ideas of Living Ethics and Secret Doctrine in modern science and practice in pedagogy on August 8, 1997 in Yekaterinburg. M.: Shark, 1999.

05.05.2011, 12:19

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The reality in which we live also occupies a certain level in the system of the universe. Schematically, the levels of reality can be depicted as a triangle divided into 7 parts by horizontal lines.

First level of reality

The base of the pyramid is the world of waves, the first step in the evolution of the soul. It is here that the primary vortices, already known to science as . In the process of torsion of vortices, connections are formed between them, and these structures gradually become more complex, acquiring a physical form. At this level of reality, the formation of the simplest and most common chemical element in the Universe - hydrogen - occurs.

Milky Way Galaxy

Second level of reality

Chemical or the world of Crystals. Here, becoming more and more complex and acquiring new connections, the primary structures form a variety of substances. The peak of evolution at this level of reality is the origin of life, the appearance of the Monad or hologram of the Creator.

Carbon crystal lattices

Third level of reality

Biological. Here the monad passes its path from a virus to a person, dying and being reborn multiple times. This process in Eastern teachings is called Reincarnation.

Biological cells

Fourth level of reality

Distribution level. Hell or Purgatory in religious language. In essence, the experience acquired during earthly existence is streamlined here. In case of violation of laws or failure to complete any tasks in past earthly incarnations, the human soul may linger at this level to resolve these issues. This is also where planning for the next incarnation takes place.

Dante Alighieri against the backdrop of Purgatory. Fresco.

Fifth level of reality

Angel level. Enlightened souls live here, having collected all the experience of earthly existence. They are masters of form, creators, hands of the Creator. With their hands the Worlds are built and the tasks assigned from above are fulfilled.

Sixth level of reality

Archangel level. Representatives of this level of reality appear to our eyes in the form of Stars. Everyone can have their own, global-scale tasks, in different parts of the Universe. One of these representatives is our Sun, in various religions of the world, known as Ra, Apollo, Rama, Mithra...

Seventh level of reality

World of Archons. From cooled to super-heavy Stars. At the very top of the pyramid, as the highest limit of evolution of this level, is the Absolute or Creator. The Absolute is the highest degree of development of the soul in our Universe. He is the primary source, from which everything came. We see the birth of a new Universe, like the explosion of a Supernova.

Ideas about parallel realities and worlds are characteristic of different civilizations and eras. The post-industrial era is characterized by many different mystical, artistic and esoteric theories on this matter. The most common of them invite people into the subtle world, that is, into a reality that is largely connected with ordinary reality through information channels. At the same time, there are different versions of what kind of reality this is, how interaction with the subtle world is carried out, who can stay in it and how it affects our ordinary life.

The world of subtle matter or the immaterial world?

For modern esotericists, the structure of the subtle world is associated with psychic and conscious energy. This is exactly how the subtle (the concept of astral) world is interpreted in teachings that are more or less based on Eastern Hindu philosophy and mysticism. Although in some cases you can hear the definition of the subtle world as a layer of reality consisting of subtle matter. Ideologically, this position is an echo of the Gnostic teachings of the beginning of our era, which are a mixture of ancient philosophical speculations, Eastern magical rites, echoes of ancient Egyptian mysticism and the like. The Gnostics saw in matter the cause of evil, all imperfection and all troubles. Because of this, the material world was full of injustice and cruelty. The counterbalance to it was the immaterial, spiritual world, the reality of pure reason. The spiritual could not be imperfect, because everything in it could be corrected.

Consequently, there are more opportunities for the manifestation of higher meaning, although the possibility for some flaws still remains. By and large, these ideas of Gnostic origin are quite consonant with the esoteric concepts of the subtle world based on Hindu mysticism. In this case, the subtle world is a reality that is not so much material as energetic. It is created by the energy of universal consciousness, the spiritual activity of all beings with consciousness.

Following this logic, the essences of the subtle world include not only people and living beings of our world, but also the souls of dead people, demons, inhabitants of parallel worlds , deities and so on. The subtle world in this worldview is a kind of world of dreams and our fantasies, which is not directly identified with reality, but is based on ideas and images drawn by people from ordinary life. In the subtle world, human consciousness encounters energies and spiritual entities, which, for ease of perception, it seeks to give familiar forms. To some extent, this can be compared with Plato’s idea of ​​a special world of ideas, in which a person has access to a vision of higher meanings in an incomplete form: as shadows from a fire on the wall or clouds, constantly changing their shape and looking like one object or another. another.

Communication with the subtle world as a way of knowledge and self-knowledge

Helena Roerich

Of all the variety of current occult ideas about the subtle world and communication with it, the most harmonious and developed mystical system is Agni Yoga. This mystical-religious-philosophical school, founded by the spouses Nicholas and Helena Roerich and developed by their followers, pays great attention to the subtle world. Elena Ivanovna Roerich talks about it most vividly, since, according to her statements, she herself came into contact with the subtle world and with its inhabitants who possessed higher knowledge. It was these sessions of communication with Teachers (as it is customary in Agni Yoga to call these mysterious entities from the astral reality) that became the source for the creation of this philosophical and mystical teaching. It is quite correct to define that the Roerich couple recognized themselves not so much as the authors of Agni Yoga, but as relays, translators and scribes of the extraterrestrial wisdom transmitted to them.

The main source of knowledge about the subtle world and in general about the structure, functions and meaning of the existence of the universe in this system is called Mahatma Moriah, that is, Teacher Moriah, who transmitted information through Helena Roerich . Mahatma Morya is a defining figure for many modern occult teachings. He first appears in Theosophy as the “interlocutor” of Helena Blavatsky and the source of ideas about the highest wisdom. Then, as a “communication channel”, he chose Helena Roerich, through whom he transmitted the teachings of Living Yoga, Agni Yoga. Elena Ivanovna made contact with the subtle world through spiritualistic seances, which at first looked like automatic writing procedures - a person falls into a trance state, another spiritual entity supposedly enters his body and begins to write down this or that information with the person’s hand. Then Roerich switched to clairaudience mode, that is, she heard a voice that gave her the necessary information.

Based on the results of conversations with Teacher Moriah, Helena Roerich presented the following picture of the subtle world. This world is all around us, it seems to envelop material reality and at the same time is much wider than it, goes much further beyond its limits. The phenomenon of death is just a stage in the transition of a person’s spiritual core to another energy plane, that is, to one of the subtle worlds. Related to this is the concept of reincarnation. : The human soul can travel to different worlds depending on the degree of its development. If a person has sufficiently purified himself from attachment to the material world and its joys, values ​​and passions, then his spirit can reside in the higher subtle worlds. If he is still too earthly, then he experiences a series of rebirths in the physical body in our world.

The subtle worlds are inaccessible to the vision of an ordinary person, since his vision, physical and spiritual, is too spoiled to see these layers of the universe.

At the same time, there is no need to imagine the subtle world as an idealized reality: the closer the subtle world is to the human, the more imprints of earthly flaws, vices and evil it contains. Therefore, in the subtle world it is necessary to be careful; dangers can also lurk here, including in the form of malicious spiritual entities. But each higher located subtle world carries within itself more spiritual perfections and joys and fewer sorrows and flaws.

Alexander Babitsky

- mysticism and occultism - plans of the universe and their brief characteristics

Researchers of worlds that lie beyond physical reality, depending on their approach, are conventionally divided into mystics and occultists. Mystics study the subtle planes of existence emotionally, using the method of the heart. Occultists explore the universe through a cold mind, using scientific methods.

Of course, both mystical and occult methods of studying the subtle worlds have their advantages and disadvantages. The mystic, as a rule, does not think about the mechanisms and structure of existence, so he often falls into the trap of following a source of false light, which is nothing more than a bait. This is how various sects are formed or the road to a psychiatric hospital opens.

For the occultist there are other dangers. Having learned a little about the mechanisms of the universe and having tested them in practice, young magicians often bury themselves and die from the consequences of their own experiments or end up in slavery to much more experienced magicians. Such troubles are a consequence of non-compliance with ethical standards that operate at all levels of existence.

In one case, excess cordiality and thoughtless adherence to certain universal ethical rules are ruinous: for example, helping a hungry person does not always consist in feeding him, but in making a lazy person work. And in other cases, unprincipledness, generated by a cold mind, not warmed by the warmth of the heart, fails, when the magician forgets that we are all children of God and begins to play the role of the Creator himself. Sometimes some of them manage to hold out for a very long time, but a pitiful end is inevitable: without a heart, the process of decay of the soul and all bodies of manifestation is inevitable.

Therefore, for lovers of paranormal research, it is best to initially combine two main directions: the path of the mystic and the occultist. In other words: the path of the feeling and the path of the knower. You will become familiar with the techniques of mystics in practical classes, and here in lectures we will try to provide you with a wealth of occult knowledge so that you can consciously navigate the subtle worlds.

Nowadays there are many spiritual schools. Almost each of them uses its own methods of systematization. As a rule, these systems correspond to each other and differ only in terminology.

In order to communicate with you, we will have to start with the basics in order to talk about the basic concepts used in the occult. Perhaps some of you already have some knowledge in this area. In this case, the first lectures will serve to compare reference systems in order to avoid later discrepancies, when the same concept is called by a dozen different terms, or vice versa, when different phenomena are meant by the same word.

Let's begin to study the structure of the universe. This is something like the periodic table: it is not necessary to memorize it, but it is necessary to understand the principle of construction, since this principle is repeated everywhere.

For most mystics, the universe is divided into the physical plane and the otherworldly existence. Almost all religions are guilty of this simplified view of things. However, it is not. There is an infinite number of planes or levels of existence, but we will not study all these worlds for now. Here, as in the scale of electromagnetic waves, a person is concerned with a rather narrow range of visible worlds. The planetary levels of existence have seven main planes.

Let's consider the structure of the world in which we live, that is, that part of the universe that concerns humanity itself. Other planes have been mastered by other life forms, although it would be better not to meet some of them.

What is a plan? This is matter located at a certain energy level and its properties are qualitatively different from matter at other levels. Each plane consists of seven subplanes. A subplane is also an energy level of matter, but the differences between subplanes within a plane are predominantly quantitative.

I plane - Logoic. The consciousnesses of the Planetary Logos (gods, demiurges) are located here. Or rather, here consciousnesses of this type are just beginning and stretch “high” up to much more subtle or high-energy planes. It is here, on the first plane, that ideas are born that, having “descended,” guide the life of our entire planet. It is almost impossible to say anything about this plane, since there are no suitable concepts in human language. The only thing that can be more or less understood is that on the logoic plane there is no time in our understanding of the word. From our point of view on the logoic plane, the eternal Now. That is why God is spoken of as omniscient and omniscient. He generates an idea and sees the result immediately. It is there that the Great Plan of evolution of all things on Earth is located.

Let's make a reservation right away: there is a Single Creator for the entire universe. Occultists call Him the Absolute or the Unmanifested because He did not manifest in any specific form like the human. We can say that the entire universe is His body.

However, to control galaxies, constellations, and planets, there are lesser gods who are, as it were, conductors and implementers of the Will and Plan of the Absolute.

Accordingly, there are human gods, as well as those who control other forms of life. Human gods are in turn divided into racial gods, demiurges of development directions, etc.

The polytheism of the Hindus and Chinese - the heirs of ancient civilizations - has a fairly deep basis. True, behind the great multitude of gods we must not forget about the Absolute. And at the same time, one cannot concentrate on one Absolute, since without racial demiurges it will be extremely difficult for people to coordinate their efforts. Which is exactly where mystics get caught. Some mystics, in their advancement towards the Creator, sometimes end up with non-human gods, ignoring Christ or other demiurges of his level.

After all, the mystic in this case is looking for something incomprehensible... and finds it. The occultist makes the same mistakes, but more consciously and in search of power. It is much safer to follow the destined path through your racial or evolutionary god. Plan II - Monadic. It is named so because the monads of all things on Earth are located here. A monad is a particle and a product of the Creator. However, the Monads are at the disposal of the planetary logoi.

The Monad is the giver of life to both the human form and non-human forms. That is, plants, animals, people and several other forms of life (located on the same line) can “feed” from the same monad. This is where various totem animals come from for the Indians and other peoples. By the way, separation from nature leads to a weakening of the connection with the monad. The benefits of civilization also have a downside, and therefore many people now strive to travel outside the city at least occasionally.

The monad should not be confused with the soul in the human understanding of this meaning, since it serves many entities at once. The human soul, immortal and reincarnating, is located several planes below. Although, instead of immortal, it would be more correct to say long-lived.

It is also difficult to say anything concrete about the monadic plane, as about the previous one. Time already exists here, but not in one stream, as we have “below,” but in several hundred. In some streams time moves faster, while in others it moves slower. Due to this, those who are engaged in the sedimentation of divine ideas can make adjustments to the process of implementing the Plan. On this plane are the Akashic Chronicles - a record of everything that happened on our planet. It is here that the consciousnesses of the teachers of humanity, as well as the archangels and some other entities, are focused. Returning to the Father is a return to the monadic plane in order to again realize oneself as a particle of God.

III plane - Atmic. Atma (here) is the will of God. At this level, the ideas of the demiurges are formed as streams of energy. Space is five-dimensional, time flows are already in the dozens. This plane is spoken of in the same way as the plane of omniscience, perfection and realization. At the atmic level the divine Plan is still visible in its entirety; below it is broken down into fragments for different kingdoms and evolutions.

IV plane - Buddhi. Another name is the intuitive plan. On it, the ideas of logos are even more concretized. Not only the direction is determined, but also what is required for execution, as well as the timing of the introduction of this or that part of the Plan. There are also five dimensions, but there are fewer time streams. Starting from this plane of evolution, the Earths diverge in different directions, that is, into different subplanes. Thus, human evolution below almost never meets with deva evolution (elves, gnomes, sylphs, undines, etc.). It is important to remember one thing - you cannot interact with the spirits of nature without reaching the intuitive plane with your consciousness. Those who violate this Law bring harm not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

Anyone who has reached the buddhic plane with his consciousness (and also realized the achievement on earth) can become a prophet, a great healer, a source of love and wisdom for humanity. Drawing strength from this level, Christ showed the world many interesting phenomena: manipulation of time, levitation (walking on water), healing of masses of people, power over matter (he fed thousands with seven loaves) and much more.

V plan - Manasic. Usually the first three subplanes of this plane are called manasic, and the remaining four are called mental. The first three subplanes also have five dimensions and several streams of time. This is where the soul of man itself is located.

The last four subplanes are already four-dimensional and the number of time streams decreases to one by the 7th subplane. Starting from the 4th subplane, form appears as we understand it. At the higher levels, there is no form in the usual sense of the word yet, there are only conglomerates of matter, information and energy (from our point of view), although for the inhabitants of these planes they have a form, we are simply not able to perceive it with the physical brain.

The consciousnesses of all outstanding people are focused on the mental plane: scientists, philosophers, statesmen, artists, musicians. This is the first creative plan (as seen from below). It is from here that scientists bring their discoveries, artists their creations. All this is a further concretization of the ideas of the demiurges.

Until the middle of the 20th century, the human race was disunited, each nation had its own Synclite, there was no one to unite the leading minds of the planet into a single whole. Today, work in this direction is carried out under the leadership of a group of Earth gods who have managed to incarnate on the physical plane.

VI plane - astral. The plane of illusions and desires. There are four dimensions here. Most mystics study the astral plane. Occultists mainly work on the mental.

The astral plane should serve as an amplifier, a lens for those projects that originate on the mental plane. But people turned the astral plane into a huge cesspool inhabited by all kinds of undead.

Most egregors are concentrated on the lower subplanes of the astral plane. The skeleton of an egregor can be created by every mentally gifted person, and the astral matter will be “worked” for it by other people.

What are good and bad about egregors? Egregor is a cloud of the astral plane created by people, which feeds at the expense of people and influences them. Moreover, this cloud has elements of intelligence, instincts of self-preservation and reproduction (i.e., increase). Every world religion has its own egregor, every family too, but family egregors merge into the national one. The psychologists' term: “collective unconscious” is precisely about egregors.

Egregors “record” norms of behavior for people, and also predetermine the reaction to a particular event. If you look closely at yourself: how many unnecessary things are done just because “it’s customary.” This is how the nation’s egregor is subordinated and strengthened.

Egregors greatly facilitate the upbringing of children in terms of customs and behavior. But most egregors stifle any free thinking. Light from higher planes changes and thins the astral cloud, and it perceives processes such as death or serious illness. Therefore, such formations are very often protected in various ways from high-energy mental vibrations. The most striking example is the Inquisition.

In addition to huge monsters, there are also small undead on the astral plane. Many obsessive desires, alcoholism, drug addiction, unmotivated aggression - it’s all from there. But such “dirt” sticks only to those people who allow it to do so.

There are also a huge number of sound ideas on the astral plane. True, many of them are outdated or corrupted. For example: false shame of being rich, and hence the desire for poverty. Yes, wealth is not the goal of life, but it is by no means a vice, the main thing is how to apply and perceive it. It is honorable to die for an ideal. But this does not mean that you need to search for how to do it (even to the point of committing suicide), because whoever searches will always find, and this is no longer reasonable.

There are ideas on the astral that have a “vertical” and are embodied by the demiurges. But in order to “grasp” these ideas, you need to strive for this and be able to distinguish.

VII plane - etheric or physical. Humanity has studied it best, but far from completely. The fact is that in addition to being divided into subplanes, the levels are also divided into 7 subplanes.

The 5th, 6th, and 7th subplanes of the ether correspond to gaseous, liquid and solid states. But we see and perceive all this on just one of the subplanes. Next to us there are other evolutions of the Earth related to the elements and elements: water (undines, mermaids), air (sylphs), fire (salamanders, agnichaitans), earth (gnomes). But we don't see them. Although some people can sometimes see into the ranges in which these devas exist.

Previously, in the Lemurian and later in the Atlantean eras, it was possible to summon these elemental spirits and force them to work for themselves. There was ceremonial magic for this. In this way, it was possible to erect structures similar to the Egyptian pyramids in a matter of days, produce food, cause drought or floods. Teleportation, telekinesis, levitation, pyrokinesis - the devas could also provide this, even if a person had not yet reached the proper level of development. After the destruction of Atlantis, these ceremonies were removed from people's memory.

The 4th etheric subplane is familiar to people. This subplane conducts light and other electromagnetic waves. All phenomena of electricity and magnetism are provided by this subplane. Depending on the subplane, the conductivity properties change. Some waves pass through objects, while others are reflected or bend around. If people learn to better manage this subplane, then humanity will receive a new inexhaustible and environmentally friendly source of energy.

The 3rd ethereal subplane is the conductor of solar prana. Prana is what allows form to exist. If you remove prana or the conductor of the 3rd ether from any object, then the latter will cease to manifest. And this broadcast is a little familiar to people. Magnetizers and pranic healers widely use it for treatment. Power over this ether would allow humanity to overcome almost all physical diseases and increase life expectancy several times. But again: this knowledge would be too easy to use for evil.

The 2nd etheric subplane is a conductor of some cosmic radiations, which humanity is familiar with only from the predictions of astrologers. These rays are not directly related to the 7 evolutionary rays, although they have a very significant influence on events, but more specifically. In addition, this ether is closely connected with the Kundalini fire at the base of the spine and can serve as its conductor.

1 etheric subplane (atomic). It has some properties of the astral plane - it is four-dimensional. It can be used to speed up and slow down the flow of time. Due to this ether, levitation, teleportation and other miracles are possible. But for this you need to accumulate ether in large quantities and learn to use it, and this is impossible without high spiritual development. This subplane contains records of everything that has happened on the physical plane. Someday people will learn to use these records, then there will be no more mysteries of history. (Each 1 subplan stores records of the entire plan).

This is how the structure of the world in which we live looks in simplified form.

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