Lavash cake. Diet Napoleon with apple filling. Lavash Napoleon cake: step-by-step recipe

This dessert is prepared very quickly and turns out incredibly tasty. In fact, the Napoleon cake made from lavash is in no way inferior to its classic counterpart with condensed milk, banana or custard. To prepare the dessert, you will need a set of the simplest ingredients, and even a novice cook can assemble such a whole cake.

What is the secret of the popularity of the Napoleon lavash cake? It's all about the subtlety of the cakes used. During the soaking process, the fresh, neutral-tasting dough becomes unusually juicy and sweet. There are many different recipes for Napoleon cakes made from lavash. We present to your attention some of them.

Cake "Napoleon" from lavash with condensed milk

To prepare a delicious dessert according to one of the simplest recipes, you should stock up on nine to twelve round pita breads in advance so that the cake is of sufficient height. In this case, you need to choose round tortillas or classic thin rectangular pita breads. The latter, due to their large size, are cut into two or three parts. The thinner they are, the more layers there should be in the cake.


You will need 10 thin pita breads. 9 of them are used as cake layers, the 10th will be used for sprinkling. In addition, to prepare the cake they use:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 200 g butter.

Lavash Napoleon cake: step-by-step recipe

The dessert is prepared like this:

  1. Large pita breads are cut (there should be exactly nine cake layers, from the tenth one it will be possible to make a topping). Round pita breads are used untouched, but rectangular ones should be adjusted to size.
  2. To make the cake as similar as possible to the classic Napoleon, make sure to dry the improvised cakes in a dry frying pan (without using oil) on the stove or in the oven. If this is not done, they will become “rubbery” during impregnation. In an oven preheated to 200 °C, or on the stove, keep the cakes for 2-3 minutes and remove. Stack on top of each other. The last 10th cake can be dried longer so that it breaks more easily.
  3. While the lavash cakes are cooling, begin preparing the cream. Using a mixer at low speed, mix the butter (softened) with condensed milk. The number of revolutions can be gradually increased slightly, but the oil should not break into fractions.

How to assemble a cake with condensed milk

Assembly is carried out in several stages:

  1. Coat each layer and carefully place the cakes one on top of the other. Before starting to lubricate each of them with condensed milk, dry pita bread is pressed against the stack so that it is slightly compacted.
  2. Next, the cake is left to “rest”, and in the meantime they begin to make the topping. The last dry pita bread is rolled out with a rolling pin or chopped with a knife, trying to keep the crumbs very small, so the dessert will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Sprinkle them first on the top of the cake, and then, using a wide knife, on the side surfaces.
  4. After this, the “Napoleon” lavash cake with condensed milk cream is left to soak for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature. After this time, the dessert is put in the refrigerator, where it should soak for about 3-5 hours (preferably all night). After soaking, the treat will be tasty and juicy.

To reduce cream consumption, some housewives recommend preparing an impregnation. To do this, mix half a glass of milk (warm) with sugar (1 tbsp.) The resulting sweet milk syrup is poured over each cake before spreading it with cream. In this case, the amount of cream used to coat the cakes is significantly reduced.

"Napoleon" with cream

You can make a no-bake Napoleon cake from pita bread with custard. The taste of a dessert made from lavash cakes with this product cannot be distinguished from the taste of its classic counterpart, because it was with this cream that our grandmothers and mothers baked the delicacy.

How to cook

Prepare pita bread as described in the recipe presented above. If desired, use 10 or 12 cakes. While the dried pita breads are cooling, they prepare the cream. It is made both with and without oil. In the first case, the cream will be more tender, in the second, its calorie content will decrease:

  • Break four eggs and add 200 g of sugar. Whip everything until a fluffy foam is obtained. Add 40 g (two heaped tablespoons) of flour and vanilla on the tip of a knife. Pour in milk (450 ml) in a thin stream and mix with a mixer until smooth.
  • The resulting mixture is placed on low heat and cooked until thickened with continuous stirring. The consistency of the cream can easily be varied according to the housewife's preferences: you just need to keep the cream on the stove for a little more or less time.
  • Next, remove the product from the heat and cool (to speed up this process, the saucepan can be placed in water).
  • The finished cream is used to lubricate the cakes. But some housewives advise improving it by adding oil to the product. Chop 200 g of butter into pieces and gently beat with the prepared custard. It is very important that the cream is used completely cool, otherwise the butter will melt and the product will be spoiled. The cream is also made from chocolate, dark or milk, and from bananas with the addition of walnuts - all these products radically change the taste of the cake, so you should choose your own option and experiment at your own discretion.
  • Next, coat the cake layers and decorate the cake with crumbs, chocolate (grated) or fruit (fresh).

A quick dessert without baking is ready. Bon appetit!

Let's replenish our culinary piggy bank with a new quick (or, as many say, lazy) recipe for a delicious dessert - a recipe for Napoleon from pita bread with a photo. This cake is yet another proof that a culinary masterpiece can be created in a hurry, without having to stand at the stove all day.


Thin pita bread – 1 piece;
Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.
Milk – 250 ml;
Eggs – 1 piece;
Wheat flour – 1 tbsp. spoon;
Butter – 2 tbsp. spoons;
Potato starch - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

Making Napoleon from pita bread:

First you need a pan with thick walls. You need to beat an egg into it, add granulated sugar, sift the flour and add starch, then pour in the milk. The resulting mixture must be whisked directly in the pan until smooth.

Place the pan with the contents on the fire (small). While constantly stirring the mixture, bring it to a boil and cook until it thickens. Then add the oil and beat well with a whisk. Now the contents of the pan need to be left to cool. Lavash cream for Napoleon is ready.

In the meantime, you need to cut out neat circles from the pita bread (diameter is your choice). There should be quite a lot of circles.

Place the prepared circles in a heated and dry frying pan (in one layer) and brown on both sides until crispy. These crispy circles will serve as cake layers. Dry the remaining trimmings in a frying pan and crumble them into a separate container.

Now you can form the Napoleon cake from pita bread. To do this, take a flat dish and place the first layer of toasted pita bread on it. Spread a little cooled cream on it. Lay out all the cakes in this way, covering them with the prepared cream.

Cover the top and sides of the cake with cream, and then sprinkle with lavash crumbs.
Next, place the dish with the cake in the refrigerator overnight to soak. And in the morning you can serve it to the table.

Lavash Napoleon cake is ready.
Enjoy your meal!

". A good recipe, proven - and, most importantly, really lazy. Therefore, the question arose: “Can I do lazy Napoleon cake made from lavash? And, accordingly, the answer arose: “Why not?” No sooner said than done.

Lazy pita Napoleon cake is indeed possible. And, not only that, it turns out very, very tasty. And, most importantly, fast. , which saves more than 50% of the time for preparing the cake.

You may say: “But, excuse me, pita bread is not equal to the dough for Napoleon cake!” Let's get a look.

So, for Napoleon cake there is one very important requirement: the dough must be rolled out as thin as possible. However, at home it is not always possible to roll out the dough as thinly as necessary. Therefore (in particular) puff pastry is used, which “automatically” creates layers of the desired thickness.

So, usually the dough for a Napoleon cake consists of: 200 g of butter or margarine, 1/2 cups of water (sour cream), 2 cups of flour, a pinch of salt.

The preparation procedure is simple: Pour the required amount of flour onto a cutting board, cut the butter or margarine from the refrigerator into pieces and chop until crumbs form. Then collect the crumbs in a mound, make a funnel and gradually pour in liquid from the glass, continuing to chop until a dough forms.

Accordingly, the dough is rolled out AS THINNY as possible; the thinner the dough, the more correct the Napoleon cake.

Next, let’s compare: thin sheet pita bread has a thickness of 2-3 mm. It is made from flour, water and yeast (sometimes eggs are added). The composition is not the same as that of puff pastry... And lavash, in fact, is not puff pastry... But if you put many thin layers one on top of the other, you will get the same puff pastry!

But here you have to choose: either laziness or classicism.

So, first, make a liquid for dipping the pita bread: sour cream, water, egg, a little sugar. Next, take one whole pita bread along the diameter of the cake + fold the edges and place it as a base in the mold. One sheet of pita bread is laid aside whole; it will become a “lid”. The rest of the pita is torn into small pieces and soaked in the dipping liquid.

By this time the cream for the Napoleon cake should be ready. Cream recipe:

Take 2 packs of cream (10%) into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Separately, in a mug, mix a little more than 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of starch, gradually pour in one packet of cold cream (i.e., a total of three bags of 200 ml each) so that the mixture is free of lumps, mix well. Pour this starch-flour mixture into boiling milk with sugar, or not into boiling milk, but remove it from the stove while pouring, so that it doesn’t run away. Pour in according to the principle of cooking semolina porridge - in a thin stream, stirring continuously (Very important!); otherwise lumps will form and then the cream will fail! The appearance and thickness are similar to that of semolina. Cool the cream.

Stir a pack (250) of butter (previously softened at room temperature) into the cooled cream. First mix in a quarter of the butter, beat with a mixer at low speeds, then add more and more and beat well (but do not over-beat) the cream will be quite airy.

Now we grease the base lavash in a baking dish with cream, put a layer of torn and soaked lavash on top, then again a lot of cream, again lavash, and so on. We don't care about evenness or uniformity. Smack, smack, blunder, blunder. The edges of the base layer are folded up. A “lid” pita bread and a layer of cream are placed on top. And everything is put in the oven for 10-15 minutes so that all the ingredients “grow together.”

In fact, of course, the lazy Napoleon pita cake and the classic Napoleon cake differ in taste. However, if laziness wins... :)

Bon appetit!

From sheets of thin Armenian lavash, cut out round or square cakes of the desired size. I had a stack of pre-made oval pita sheets, so I used those.

Preparing custard

Like the traditional Napoleon, the lazy version of the cake also uses custard. To prepare it, add sugar, cornstarch and vanillin to two eggs. Instead of sugar, you can use a sweetener, you will need about 6 grams.

Mix the ingredients well so that there are no lumps left. Beat the mixture a little until the sugar dissolves.

Meanwhile, pour milk into a small saucepan and heat over low heat.

Pour the egg mixture into the heated milk in a thin stream. At the same time, stir vigorously, otherwise the cream will curdle, which can cause unpleasant lumps to form.

Cook the cream until it thickens, stirring constantly. As soon as bubbles start to appear, it's time to turn off the custard.

Assembling the cake

Let the finished cream cool slightly, and then start assembling the cake. Place the first sheet of lavash on a flat dish and generously grease it with cream.

We continue these steps until all the sheets are finished. We also grease the topmost sheet with cream.

To decorate the cake, dry a couple of sheets of pita bread or the remaining trimmings on both sides in a frying pan.

Now the pita bread crumbles perfectly, break it into medium pieces and sprinkle them on our lazy “Napoleon”.

The cake turned out tender, beautiful, and to make it even tastier, put it in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet, overnight. During this time, the lazy “Napoleon” will be soaked in cream, it will be a pleasure to eat!

Do you want a holiday? And there seems to be no reason?! So it's not a problem! Everything can be easily fixed. Every cook, even a completely inexperienced one, can please himself and his loved ones with a delicious cake in 5 minutes. An amazing, delicate “Napoleon” lavash cake will help you prepare a step-by-step recipe with photos. Such yummy food will be eaten in a few minutes, and no one will leave even a crumb behind! A stunning cake will be a real boon for those who are expecting guests. No hassle or worries, everything is done quickly and simply. The tea party will be a blast!

Required products:

- lavash – 2 packs,
- condensed milk - a jar,
- butter – 150 g.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. You need to prepare the pita bread. Open the package. Store-bought pita bread is very soft, so it will need to be dried. Therefore, the product must be cut into pieces. You need to choose the size of the lavash pieces yourself, it all depends on the desire for the volume of the cake.

2. Place the cut lavash sheets in the oven for 3-5 minutes. The sheets need to dry.

There should be a sheet on top that will later be used for crumbs, because it will become drier than the rest.

3. Pour condensed milk into a bowl.

4. Grate the butter. Place it in a cup with condensed milk.

Mix the cream well.

5. Grease the lavash sheets with the prepared cream.

6. In a separate bowl, crush the driest leaf of pita bread into crumbs. Sprinkle crumbs over the resulting cake. Leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.

7. You can eat the quick Napoleon cake made from lavash.

Bon appetit!
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